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smashy-headcanons · 2 months ago
Not sure if anyone’s asked this before, but who is the most likely to use a Cluster F-Bomb and who is the most likely to use a Precision F-Strike?
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nintendonut1 · 2 years ago
Three questions
magicalmonsterhero submitted: (Sending via submit because the ask function won’t let you have multiple lines) >:(
-Did you hear that Charles Martinet has officially stepped down as the voice of Mario?
-Have you considered moving any of your old fics from FF.net to AO3?
-What are your thoughts on Luigi’s Mansion?
1. I did hear that, yeah! I saw the man himself’s tweet about it. Honestly, he’s almost 70, and I’ve heard in interviews that it’s been getting harder and harder for him to keep doing the voices for very long. It looks to me like he’s very happy about retiring and being given the honor of Mario Ambassador, and I couldn’t be happier for him. Getting to retire under such circumstances is the best outcome we could all ask for, and I wish him the best!
2. Depends on the fics! I’ve moved a couple over already that I really adore, like my Banjo-Kazooie oneshots and the Wreck-it-Ralph one, but I’ll be real in saying a looooooot of my older fics are ones I’m not really satisfied with anymore. I’d had to set aside time to go through all of ‘em.
3. I LOVE Luigi’s Mansion! I’ve only played the first two, never have had the time or money to play the third, but I’ve heard that one’s good too! The series hits that sweet spot of mine that’s a perfect mix of cutesy halloween horror and atmospheric horror, love it love it!
Thanks for the Qs, dude!
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kawaiijohn · 1 year ago
Since you're a fan of both Danny Phantom and PMMM, what do you think would happen if the Box Ghost encountered the Box Witch (H.N. Elly)? :)
i think he'd try to control her but she'd ultra double kill him in ten seconds flat.
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3-xenomorph-gfs · 4 years ago
Got any ideas for what it was like right after the accident, when Danny discovered his changes?
In canon, I imagine it was a lot like Mystery Meat-- struggling to conceal his powers and decide if he should tell his parents-- but more frantic. Jack and Maddie probably had mixed feelings about the portal being a success vs. Danny having had the accident, not knowing how serious the latter is, since they don’t know what’s supposed to happen when a working portal activates. (Especially since, for all they know, pure ectoplasm can’t contaminate humans.) Jazz probably would’ve been up Danny’s ass out of concern for him for like a couple weeks.
For my own stuff, Danny’s powers work differently, in that the things he can’t control aren’t things that can be reasonably linked to him (i.e. accidentally turning invisible isn’t an issue as much as accidentally flickering lights or making things float.) Jack and Maddie likely just assumed their house was ultra-super-haunted around that time, which makes sense. They might have hypothesized that Danny was possessed and tried to exorcise him (considering making that the pilot), but obviously it didn’t work, so they cut their losses.
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bonkalore · 3 years ago
Buncha questions for you
(Submitting because the ask function won’t let you have multiple lines) >:(
-How many “Giant character X” AUs do you currently have?
-Have you ever considered a “Giant character X” based on Pokemon (esp. one involving Dynamax)?
-You really want Betty Ross back in the MCU (not a minor character/cameo), and there’s nothing wrong with that, but what’s your opinion on Leonard?
(This is his comics equivalent, BTW)
Usually don’t like to answer a bunch of stuff like this, but guess I will. 1) Tbh, I have no idea at this point. I think every fandom I’ve been in and drawn anything for has had a giant character/monster come up, even at least just as a single drawing for fun. And then certain fandoms had… multiple different ones. So, at least 14 main ones off the top of my head that I can remember. 14 and counting lol... 2) Pokemon was one of them, but it actually involved Sycamore, which was before the dynamax stuff. It really felt like something that would appeal to me directly, but I ended up not doing much with it still. Wanted to try, but I’ve been really drained of wanting to make stories for years now and only have had a couple stories of mine appeal to me lately. 3) Tbh, my want was mostly just wanting The Incredible Hulk to be relevant at all again to the MCU, but they just picked at whichever bits they liked to keep (like Ross, or brief video clip), and it was always really disheartening to me bc it’s one of my favorite movies and they’ll never give it any love and replaced that Hulk (and Edward Norton) entirely and keep giving Hulk the short end of the stick in everything in MCU. :( Also the attempted Bruce/Natasha romance was stupid as hell and what pissed me off most bc Betty still exists and was ignored entirely. THAT was mostly why I was upset they didn’t have her again. Human/monster if my favorite dynamic of course, and they managed to make it void of all life and it sucked. Impressive. As for the other dude, uhh, he’s cool I guess. I mostly just remember him coming up in the one animated Avengers show (which was also very good and cancelled too early). He’s not a favorite of mine or anything.
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geekymoviemom · 3 years ago
Hope you haven't forgotten whose birthday it is today! ;)
Absolutely not! I’m wearing my Captain America shield t-shirt today (one of them 😉) and preparing to celebrate Steve’s birthday all day long ♥️ 🤍 💙
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nastyburger · 4 years ago
I have no doubt you’ve noticed the similarities between Danny Phantom and Spider-Man. That being said: 1) do you think there is a canonical Venom equivalent, 2) as the Dannyverse has equivalents of Peter B., Gwen, and Peni (and I saw the ask where Noir and Ham are discussed), what about Miguel (he shows up in the ItSV mid-credits scene)?
i mean the fact that danny was pased on spiderman is no secret, i dont think theres really a canonical equivalent to venom though. and the dannyverse au isnt that expansive haha, i just need whatever i need to portray the events of the first movie and thats about it so no miguel.
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maidenofiron157 · 3 years ago
IDK if you remember your pic “Kidnapping” on DA, but I’ve decided it’s from one of the timelines created by Steve and Tony when they went back to 1970, and in those timelines, Howard never lost his heart, caring for Tony the way a father should.
OH. oh my god yeah. I didn't remember what you were talking about at first but that's certainly not the worst interpretation of it lmao
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pixlezq · 5 years ago
So if I understand correctly, you’re planning to resume the Little Hero AU once you’re done with the commissions, but will you bring back the Little League? I have questions for them too.
I might! It honestly depends on where inspiration hits. Little Hero just tends to get more questions. I hope to work on them both.
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smashy-headcanons · 28 days ago
Do any of the Smashers play/watch Let's Plays of mascot horror games?
I feel like they'd be popular with fighters like Bowser Jr. (which makes his dad nervous), Sonic, and (to many people's surprise) Little Mac. (Little Mac isn't particularly vocal about being a horror fan.) Sonic likes to rank them based on originality. Bowser doesn't try to restrict his interest too much, but he does try to make sure they aren't too intense for Junior before letting him play.
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geeky-writes · 4 years ago
Saw that post you reblogged discussing Ben Solo and the Jungian shadow concept, and I was wondering: have you ever heard of the Persona series?
I actually haven’t heard of that. 😊 Is it a book series?
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kawaiijohn · 1 year ago
IDK if you're aware of it, but the official PMMM guidebook's section on Walpurgisnacht has the line "Everything in this world is fake. My life is nothing more than a drama that you penned." Sounds to me like WPN could possess Fourth Wall Awareness...
ok thats REALLY cool?? i love the idea that WPN can see all the shit going on and its why she's always able to beat the shit out of homura in varying ways...
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3-xenomorph-gfs · 4 years ago
How would you do a Danny Phantom version of Agent Venom?
i-- whut.
i mean, there’s no narrative room for one, since the existence of ectoplasm in danny’s system doesn’t seem to be doing him any physical harm. i guess, for argument’s sake, an agent phantom (for lack of a better term) would be like.......double stuf human??? his white blood cells working overdrive so hard that they gain sentience after exposure to compromised ectoplasm, or something???? idk man
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geekymoviemom · 3 years ago
I know you're a Reylo shipper, but what about Finn? Who would you pair him with?
Hey! Thanks so much for the ask! 💙
I’ve written Finn/Rose as a background ship in my Reylo fics, but I would also eagerly pair him with Poe, as I love the two of them together 😊
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nastyburger · 4 years ago
Are you at all familiar with the Archetype AU?
not at all
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bonkalore · 5 years ago
Have you ever heard of the Persona series?
I have, and a friend trying explaining how some of it worked and I literally could NOT wrap my mind around it ffff
Don’t think it’ll be something I’d ever really get into.
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