#or its just the switch port being a switch port lmao
vaugarde · 4 months
oh i got the “stupid rotten adults” event without having to do bonnie’s quest first???
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
So like I just went through almost all your language posts and I was wondering what if like the creator sometimes just switches languages out of no where and everyone is just like:😃. Cuz like they don’t understand what they mean and it happens randomly too or when they’re irritated and they just start cussing in like 3 different languages at once
but i think ive written some stuff abt this before?
u know what tho.
ive got an even better idea. my “go-to” if you will.
Torture Alhaitham.
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Sun: Gender neutral Reader (you/they/them)
Orbit: SHORT headcanons-ish?, Language shenanigans!
Stars: Alhaitham (suffer lol)
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: None Known & Trigger Warnings: None Known.
he’s watching you. constantly.
he’s always writing about you.
he’s following you around Sumeru City.
he’s following you around Port Ormos.
he’s at your house-
Alhaitham learns you speak multiple languages before any other akademiya schloar, and he’s submitting a thesis about “the Greatest Lords languages from their home world”
before you can even say “I’ll think about it” in any language u know lol
people have definitely mistaken him as your favored acolyte (not that he does much to deny it)
and talk to him like he’s your secretary?? …oh, welp.
Alhaitham knows your schedule for the next month within a week of following you
mans is willing to do the MOST to get you to sit down and just start talking in a language at him
want food? his specialty dish ingredients are always at the ready at his house
want literature? he’s offering to literally break into the akademiya (or giving you a copy of his house key to have access to his personal library all the time)
(tho kaveh is practically hugging you to his chest as you walk around perusing as he talks ur ear off lmao)
Haitham (he sometimes insists you call him when it’s just you two) wants to singlehandedly be the first person who understands every word you say when u coo at dogs in another language
or cuss out a fictional character for being stupid
every time u get pissed he’s interrupting every other word you say to ask for definitions/clarifications of slang 😭
send help he’s made a red string theory board of all the languages you’ve used to try and just- make sense of all their rules and when you use them and how to tell the difference and oh no-
Alhaitham’s hanging pictures of you mid-sentence with ur mouth open or even worse when ur yelling.
…u know maybe its not for an akademiya project, maybe he’s just trying to humble you. 💀
thanks again for sending this ask in!! :D
language sagaus my beloved <3
tbh i have likeeeee 54 things in my drafts rn? so needless to say im slow, BUT IM SO HAPPY U GUYS GAVE ME THIS MUCH TO FAWN OVER, REQUESTS OR NO <333333333333
an iced coffee? for me?? :O
Safe Travels Ariasdream,
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist / @thedevioussmirk / @the-dumber-scaramouche / @chocogi / @fallen-starr / @areaderofbooks
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rubra-wav · 7 months
Vox HCs #4: Theories about how he works like biologically
Cw: Sfw - but discussion about non-sexual anatomy type stuff
A/N because I've thought way too much about the logistics of him and robotic/tech demons and how they work/could work way too much. 💀 These are just some of the things I've thought about
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- The main thing I see people wondering about is his face and how he drinks stuff, kisses people, etc.
- I think that the screen of his face is a full screen in its resting state, but he can influence the way it kind of functions/presents. ie. Manipulating the area around his mouth so he actually does have a mouth and its not just a projection on his screen.
- I don't think his mouth is a constant actual 3 dimensional thing though and is rather something he can change at will whenever he sees fit.
- If you were to touch it just in casual day to do life, his mouth would just be the screen / 2d.
- Also, I don't think his mouth feels like a normal mouth. If you were to kiss him I feel like his lips would not feel exactly like normal lips, and that his lips and tongue would kind of have that kind of static electricity sensation to them.
- Like if he were to lick you, I feel like you'd get that kind of static electricity sensation that makes your hair stand on its end.
- I'm not too sure about the rest of his face though. Maybe he can manipulate the rest of his face to become more 3 dimensional, but I don't think he would do it often as it's not necessary.
- Due to him being seen drinking during season 1, I think it's safe to assume that the way his internal functions are designed are relatively similar to normal humans.
- I believe he'd also have a somewhat similar body system as well. However, it just would be like metal parts, wires and artificial stuff underneath his skin rather than actual muscle, veins, ligaments, organs, bodily fluids, etc. Etc. That mirror those bodily systems.
- Having said that though, I do think parts of him are sensitive to being damaged by water. He may be just fine drinking water and liquids, but if they got in his ports (like on the back of his head), that would be bad.
- Because he prides himself on being up to date tech wise, he'd likely be waterproofed to a degree, but it still wouldn't be good. I can imagine him being damaged by it and bluescreening and forcefully shutting down to prevent any further damage to his less human reminiscent systems. (Do you think he lays down in rice when that happens? 💀)
- Also, I do not think he technically needs to eat or drink stuff. Judging by the fact he can plug into things (like how in the Stayed Gone video he plugs into all the computers and stuff), I think his main energy source would actually be charging using electrical wires and stuff.
- I think that him eating and drinking is just a preference of his, and that other demons who are similar to him wouldn't need to eat or drink. He can still get energy that way, but it's less efficient and more of just a preference/reminiscent of his past life as a human that he's held onto all this time.
- I also don't think he really 'sleeps' in the traditional sense or needs to sleep? He can likely regain power that way, but he wouldn't really need to sleep and could just stay awake all day and night if he's connected to a suitable charging source every couple of hours.
- I do think he would like powering down/switching off for a bit to rest though - just to not go crazy. Even if you wont die from lack of sleep, it's still nice to not have to think about things for a couple of hours.
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Now I'm thinking about him laying down in rice after trying to go swimming without water proofing himself properly while bitching lmao.
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smorbee · 1 year
iBook Pyramid Behind the scenes!
This is a long one. Also keep in mind we made this a year ago so were going completely off of memory at this point BUT we do have the files. Unfortunately we didn't save specific versions of it really early into its creation so all the blender files close to being finished.
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We have an intense appreciation for funky old computers. People correctly identified inspiration from the Thinkpad 701C. Less obvious in the final design but something that almost certainly influenced us as well was the 12-inch powerbook g4.
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There is something very satisfying about nearly-square shaped laptops.
Others mentioned the JVC 3100R pyramid TV which, you'll be surprised to learn, we had never actually seen until after working on this project. The resemblance is uncanny and yet, entirely coincidental. Honestly if we had seen this thing, it probably would have had an effect on our design because the way that hinge is set up is beautiful. Our thought process was simply just comically emulating the form factor of a modern laptop but with a giant CRT.
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We're pretty sure the idea started out as simply wanting to design a full profile keyboard into a macbook-like laptop because funny, and at some point the butterfly keyboard came to mind and we said Screw it and implemented that into it as well. Heres the keyboard separated into the different sections.
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Sorry to say that the keyboard does not actually contain any switches. (You'll see that this computer was modeled to be viewed a limited angle)
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Heres the keyboard from the top.
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Once we got going with it, the whole thing was turned into a big joke of course, clashing many different eras of technology into one. Such as this massive beige tank of a "laptop" having a single USB C port as its main I/O.
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And same with the software. This is the texture for the display, Which was taken from our real (unfortunately not crt based) macbook setup at the time. Except not quite, as the original screenshot was 16:10. We simply edited the image to make it 4:3. This is running mac os 12 with a majority of the icons changed to early osx equivalents.
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We'll be real and admit the animation is not very intricate, theres no real "rig" for the model, parts are just parented together because we did all this in about 2 days. That said, we had loads of fun animating it still, trying to imitate the motion of someone struggling to lift the heavy top up before it swings open with an inaudible, but easily imaginable "Thud". Making the whole body shake and the trackball jump slightly was the finishing touch to make it complete.
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The wire for the trackball was made using a circle with the screw modifier and then applied to a curve. Here's what it looks like with each modifier applied sequentially.
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And then making the trackball itself a handle for the curve, we can have the cable be dynamic. (Yes, we notice that the trackball in fact has no mouse buttons. No good explanation for that, I think we just forgot lmao.)
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For the screen, we make use of a location transform on the UV mapping for the satisfying detail of the screen distorting from the impact, which we swear we've seen before but no matter how hard we (safely) bumped our CRT monitor we weren't able to recreate it. Nonetheless even if its not entirely realistic we wouldn't remove it for anything.
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speaking of which, an utterly useless detail considering the resolution and distortion of the final renders and yet we added anyways just for our own amusement is that the display has a shadowmask, simply done by just multiplying it over the base screen texture.
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Combined with a glass material over the inner part of the screen, it utterly destroys low sample count renders of the screen and makes the project at least 3x as prone to crashing so thats cool! (it crashed on us while we were writing this section)
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We've learned since in future projects that trying to optimize polygon count and materials is still very important even for offline rendered content. We can never be truly free from the constraints of memory limitations 😔
the final step was getting a more authentic less "polished" look in the compositing. This step can get very complicated based on the specific look were going for, but for this render its really just basic color correction and some blurring and sharpening steps. We used the default fake jitter node in blender at the time, though in more recent stuff we use the non-denoised image with filters applied to it instead, so its less uniform between images and more uniquely degraded looking.
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Though we'd do a number of things differently now were still pleased with the final result. especially in animated form.
Heres an overview of the scene:
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This is the bezeled apple logo in polygon form. Its simply an alpha texture with a normal map:
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Thats all for now! Thank you for reading!
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valverii · 1 year
1, what exactly was the event that happened that lead to chuuya getting kicked out of the pm? i heard it was something to do with dazai framing him, but how did that go and how was the fight between chuuya and dazai
2, chuuya has a hat from ranpo, so im wondering if it was modified to be like fedora that chuuya got from verlaine, so he would have better control over his ability, or if he doesnt need that anymore due to fukuzawas power
3, speaking of verlaine, what was HIS reaction when he found out chuuya joined the ada?
4, if i get the motivation, could i try write fics based on this au?? i love it so much and really wanna explore the pm!dazai and ada!chuuya dynamic!!
HIIII hello, tysm for enjoying the au :))) and no worries you asked a couple of repeat questions that have been sitting in my inbox for a while so i can hash them out now.
1. this one’s been a q that many ppl were asking about :,)) not to worry i’m working on actually drawing both the events and the fight afterwards once i finally flesh out the details
2. YES THE HAT!! also another one that has ppl curious. i’ve been wracking my brains on how the hat situation plays out (not a sentence i ever thought i’d say) since i’ve only recently started diving into stormbringer events. i do really like the idea you brought up of fukuzawa’s ability actually being able to offer that control he needs while the hat just remains a normal hat.
3. veraline, my love,,,,, he probably went bonkers for a bit. (“you left the port mafia for THESE guys??”) i will definitely try to draw him more in the au bc i’m realizing the comedy potential he has lol
4. absolutely! anyone is free to write fics for the au (i would shed tears /pos) i was also thinking of whipping up a fic for the switch au if only to help me keep track of events—though it may just be smth i keep for my eyes only lmao. TLDR, go for it and plz do send me the finished products! i would love to read what you guys write!
i hope i was able to answer your questions sufficiently!! thanks for asking!!
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n7punk · 3 months
nintendo direct thoughts:
mario & luigi brothershipe is going to end some friendships
memories to orbit looked sooo cool. like i dont actually enjoy doing that kind of gameplay but im def gonna watch lets plays
hello kitty island adventure looks adorable. like im not gonna play it but it's so cute!!
when they announced farmagia i legit thought they were announcing palword on switch for a second lmao i'm not super familiar with those designs
the artstyle of the dragonquest remake is honestly SO cool more remakes should go this route. hd-2d is such a cool idea. the closest i've seen to this was the link's awakening remake which worked well for what it was but the chibi look definitely wouldn't fly here lol. that said i am kind of exhausted with all the remakes these days. THAT said if they remade twilight princess id get it in a heartbeat like a sucker
i can't believe they made a fucking funko pops game. it's so ugly. i hate it so much. they want what lego dimensions has and they're not getting it because lego dimensions, despite being a toys to life game, has soul. that dev team LOVED their project.
my only thought on luigi's mansion is i wonder if they're going to fix all the insane skips from the speedrun. almost certainly because nintendo hates fun, but they'd be cool to see. also controversial opinion maybe but that game doesn't need a remake it looked fine lmao this is basically a fancy port
LOVE they gave four sword online capabilities, i hope you can get randomly matched with strangers
TUROK? a name i haven't heard in 84 years...
they started the mario party announcement and i was like "i wonder if it will be good" and then i saw the jamboree and no it will not lmao. ALSO THE EGGPLANT MINIGAME. COME ON.
oh hey what did i say about the link's awakening chibi art style lmao. also zelda lead loz game HELLO??? HELLO?????????????????? I AM A SUCKER AND YOU HAVE SUCKERED ME. i wish it had a cooler style for a zelda-led game but baby steps i guess. i like the potential problem solving gameplay even if i'll probably be terrible at it. the stack of beds is sooooooo real you know i'll be doing that lmao. sorry i just can't believe we're finally getting a full-fledged zelda-led game.
the just dance trailer hurt my fucking eyes. thanks i hate it.
LEGO HORIZON??? HELLO??? if you haven't played a lego game they are Shockingly high quality and fun, like the original lego star wars game is the best piece of star wars media, change my mind. anyway i fucking love horizon
honestly surprised stray wasn't on switch already i know its like an apocalyptic future but it's also such a cozy game it's perfect for the switch
the hobbit game looks like lotr animal crossing and that is absolutely someone's dream game
and then metroid of course is the big headline. not my kinda game but congratulations to the fandom who waited so long
switch 2 clowns who were sure it would show up after they explicitly stated it wouldn't how you feeling
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I am fucking ecstatic over the ace attorney announcement. its a re-release of 2 spin off games, with one of them being PORTED TO ENGLISH FOR THE FIRST TIME!!! once its released, every ace attorney game (excluding the crossovers) will have modern re-releases and be in english, so HOPEFULLY it means they're working on ace attorney 7!!!! (it's been like 9 years since a new mainline ace attorney game, and 7 years since any new game includ. spinoffs)
I am really sad about tomodachi life though, I love it and I still play it on my 3ds!! (I've had the same one since like 2015 it still works lol) I wish they'd make a new one, hopefully with gay people, more gender options and customisations, but keep the glitter room I love it
SKSKSKSK HEY YOU!! I knew you'd be ecstatic for the Ace Attorney games :3
It's SO cool that you finally get ALL the games though!! That's really exciting & I hope you eat them up!! I'm honestly kinda intrigued about Ace Attorney as a whole (I've played the first case/like half-way through the second one from the first game of the Phoniex Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy,,, so really not that much LMAO) and I kinda want to keep going but I keep forgetting :3 BUT the news about these re-releases has gotten me interested again and I may continue. Honestly I DO hope they make another new game for you guys - being a lawyer is a fun concept for a game and maaaaaybe it'll keep pushing me to get through them
...I'm so devastated about the no Tomodachi Life 😔 (/jk im totally fine about it I swear) - I lost my original game bc my old 2DS (yes I was one of those) broke FOREVER ago and I brought a Switch rather than another DS so I had to give my games away </3 BUT I semi-recently brought a 3DS and modded it & got Tomodachi Life back so I guess I'll keep playing that one - I'm just a LITTLE salty becuase they ported Miitopia?? (which do NOT get me wrong I LOVE that game I completed the 3DS one in like a day or 2 after I got it) and gave us SO much new customizable abilities that would be Perfect for Tomodachi Life and then they just continue to deny us :( *SIGH* Oh Well 😔
(I will say it IS kinda funny that they were like "yeah we'll let you be gay in the next Tomodachi Life" and then just,,, never made one LMAO)
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bazooka-overkill · 7 months
hiiiii! I hope I’m not botherin’ ya, but I see you’d like some hcs (I’m a bit late lol) so I thought I’d share one of my good ol’ spooky tiger hcs if ya don’t mind some horror on your blog-
tiger’s clones aren’t clones, they’re actually ghosts or bhuts (vengeful ghosts from hindu folklore!) they’re all deceased family members that ended up possessing his body when he was younger cause he went upon their resting place unknowingly. and they’ve just followed him ever since. he’s managed to work out a kind of agreement that if they promised to behave, they could stay within his lil gem headspace.
the water gem is called Lahar, the snow gem is Sardi and the grass gem is Gaiya. they still care about tiger despite their circumstances, but death hasn’t been kind to their minds. sometimes they get out of hand, and that’s when problems arise for not only tiger but other boxers involved.
I’m so sorry for rambling op, I just like details snnsns but I hope the take is cool 💪
literally starts break dancing SCREAMS ITS OK ANON ANY HCS ARE NEVER LATE ON THIS BLOG TRUST. and trust me there is no such thing as rambling in my mind lmao. also also literally anything is allowed here as long as its not nsfw/flatout gore
this is the coolest take evr on great tiger's clones tbh; ive always just taken away that they're their own separate people, but still apart of tiger's "soul," in a way
stopp the thought that they're family makes me want to sob now. i can see them just kind of. bothering tiger like protective parents or something. tiger hasn't eaten in a hot minute? lahar's nagging him to go get or make a meal. hasn't been outside and touched grass? guess what gaiya's saying to him (99.999% get it wrong)
and the mere mention of them getting out of hand??? plus in the RING W OTHER BOXERS????? oh lord have mercy i can only imagine what could happen. i don't exactly have a good understanding/wording of what i can imagine lmao, but one things for certain: the wvba/ref has definitely had to stop rounds early because of the bhuts (am i using that word right).
damn now i want to see-- if nintendo makes a PO sequel/port on the switch or something-- the possibility of a TD 2 where great tiger and his ghosts (idk if i can use bhuts and ghosts interchangeably) lose control and mac has to counter and dodge like crazyyy.
if the above was added, i'd love to see what exactly happens when they go out of control. personally, i'd imagine great tiger gets all light headed and can barely move while his ghosts go absolutely haywire in the ring.
and that'd also explain why he's so nonchalant with them; they're his family members. when death decides to not torment them, i can see them being almost like,,, yknow family. you know that intermission cutscene right before the next round where they're all talking and great tiger tells them they gotta get back to work?
also,, idk if i want to be sad and think abt the possibility how great tiger had a strong bond with his family members before they died, but if that's the case i would imagine that's how great tiger copes; he pretends they're still alive, in that case.
GRAAGHHDHH now im gonna be thinking about this during my classes
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heat--end · 1 year
Pokemon hot take?🔥
BDSP was like, fine. it's not a good game, but it's not dogshit awful either. it's fine
this is probably not even a hot take and just depends on who you ask, but i think as a game, as a remake, it's like, whatever
BDSP itself is built off a game that is already like, Fine (vanilla D/P), and is essentially just a switch port with new moves, QoL shit, and i guess now the pokemon amie system from gens 6/7 built in automatically, which honestly, some people see as ruining the game's difficulty, but i gotta be honest vanilla gen 4 was not that hard. (i think the only hard part is cynthia and its solely because she's like, leveled up past the rest of the game, which makes SENSE but it does make the fight difficult)
is it a lame remake? abso fucking lutely yeah. it does barely anything with being a remake, didn't add all that much, and is based off diamond/pearl as opposed to the Actually Really Good Gen 4 Game (i love vanilla d/p but platinum blows it out of the water). BDSP as a remake fails to really do anything interesting
but i think as a GAME, people are incredibly harsh on BDSP for various reasons, all of them being very fair. and i don't even mean that to be like it's undeserved, BDSP is an absolute mess. but i feel like people absolutely trashing on it as if it's the worst thing to ever happen is a bit extensive, but its in the same vein as something like sonic forces, which i feel similarly about (that it's fine, but gets trashed on as if it's the worst thing to grace the series).
i think it just kinda boils down to various things, such as one's response to the lack of real remake-level updates we've seen from FRLG, HGSS, or even ORAS, that cause it to get slammed as the worst pokemon game. and in a sense, i suppose it is, but at the same time i don't think it's this utterly unredeemable game that it's made out to be sometimes. it is still BAD, mind you, but it is kind of just inoffensively bad. like it just exists, and i don't know why some people still dog on it as hard as they do cause like. its just *whatever*
(and if i'm being 100% completely honest id rather play vanilla d/p over kanto any day lmao)
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kraefishh · 1 year
nintento direct thoughts
yeah so hi i deliberately stayed up until 7am on a work night in order to watch this and do not regret a thing.
-> splat3 dlc looks cool!! will i play it? no. does it look cool as hell? yeah!!! I personally don't like splat3's actual single player campaign so unless im able to access the dlc without finishing the main campaign then... im not playing it lmao. it looks cool as fuck though!! i like whatever the hell they had going on with the glitchy taz hunger looking goop that produced skeleton fish. pearl + marina lore is also a win in my book -> i dont actually have all that many thoughts about the smrpg showcase but MAN it looks cool as hell. at first i didnt like the revamped graphics but now theyre growing on me.... plus the trio attacks??? HELL YEA! i hope the remake will make me actually finish the game this time around instead of start it twice in the past three years and then quit within the first few areas (<- i say as if this isnt a normal problem i have regardless. thanks, its the adhd)
-> SaGa Emerald Beyond actually looks interesting?? like I know nothing about that game series but the character designs look very cool and i like the concept of a multiple outcome story based entirely on which character you play. do i think i'd actually play this game? no, probably not. looks cool tho
-> despite me being The pokemon nerd i have nothing to say about the new detective pikachu game. i dont like the voice they gave pikachu imo. i think thats just cause im spoiled on movie detective pikachu being ryan reynolds... i joke i kid. kinda. also i never like. actually played any detective pikachu games so i got nothing
-> cool that were getting a new wario-ware!! not sure how i feel about like the.... forms? is that what theyre called?? w/e regardless im not sure how i feel about em. but its a wario-ware game so its bound to be weird but like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
-> FUNKY KONG DIDDY KONG PAULINE RELEASE FOR MARIO KART WAS NOT ON MY LIST. SO SO HAPPY THOUGH. peachette is whatever. no idea where she came from
-> gotta say i completely forgot among us was on switch so seeing the crewmates i was like "are they making a fucking spin-off game for switch?" no. i just forgot. the fungle is a funny name though i appreciate it
I was laying there in bed at 7:40am and was like. oh cool one last thing before its over. its probably gonna be just another title release of something or a sneak peek on some dlc.
and then i hear the music.
-> yeah anyway so i screamed "WHAT!?" at the (metaphorical) top of my lungs (because it was 7:40am and people were sleeping). ttyd getting a remaster is so so cool. and now that i know its possibly getting a re translation that makes me even more happy. give us trans vivian....... i also just think its very funny that ive been playing ttyd on twitch for the past. year now? (ive taken a shit ton of breaks) and theyre making a remaster?? now? not complaining im having a blast playing it with my cohost but HHADGHGAKDFJ
-> i'm mostly just excited for the remaster cause it'll hopefully bring traction back to the paper mario series. idk about like the general consensus of the fandom but like. the paper mario series has been needing a pick me up for a HOT MINUTE.
-> no i am not going to play the remaster of ttyd for stream. maybe on my own time. we'll see. i dont see the point of finishing the og only to then, like a year later, play the remaster. especially when i have a TON of games backlogged on my list since i only stream once a week. more often than not, not even that. i am planning on doing rpg tho
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petorahs · 1 year
☀️ the only thing that makes me a bit sad is that the remake will push Minako more into the background. The women are already being treated so poorly and Maya and Minako get it the worst I feel like.
Like i am hyped but also pretty sad bc the port to the switch wasnt the best and thats rn the most accessible way to play the other side of the story.
Idk maybe i am just bitter and sad for all the Minako stans.
yooo i was wondering if youve seen it and wanted to hear your thoughts!!
honestly? despite being euphoric for the entire day after hearing the news , im tempering my expectations to basically nothing 😭 the graphics/ui isnt what i expected from a post-p5 game...
but also i know better than to jump to too many conclusions from a 240p leaked instagram trailer that got deleted (lmao RIP to that atlus intern) like. no sign of minako sucks so bad i agree but theres also no sign of ryoji and mitsuru. all three are p3 staples yet they didnt show up so like? its still possible! so is the answer being included and elizabeth outings 🤔
(at the very least kotone would be included in like. a DLC pack which would suck but better than nothing! or even a whole other "definitive" game down the line)
pq2!minako's whole character arc was about being sidelined so idk what theyre doing when theyre aware of it 😔 she seems to suffer more than the other boy protags yeah idk about maya but i love her so much so that counts as something, right?
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jaredthebc · 1 year
I’m still thinking about when Gen 5 gets that nostalgia boom in the marketing in a few years or so and I’ll only accept it if its any of the following
They just straight up port the DS roms of BW BW2 onto the Switch somehow
They do what they did with Gen 3 and update a lot of it with a post story, making it feel different from the OG games with redesigns, and not trying to make it the “ideal” version of the games
Straight up a Black and White 3 rather than a remake. Mixing up the game formula while keeping the heart of everything has always been a thing to make Gen 5 stick out in my mind, so straight up a new entry in a generation rather than a remake would hit so hard. Bonus being if its bad I can ignore it in peace lmao /lh
What I *don’t* want to happen
Pull a BDSP and have the remakes be bland while also pushing the nostalgia out quickly to get extra bucks so they can go right on to a new generation or some shit (I will be SO MAD)
Doesn’t really count as something in this format but please, PLEASE don’t fuck up the Plasma themes in a Legends game don’t make them inherently sympathetic I want them to remain a fucked up cult which takes advantage of people even within their forces. They never had good intentions they just want power with any slimy methods nessisary and I’d hate that to be taken away (would especially be mad if the Ghetsis ancestor were good and the N ancestor were evil just for the subversion I would bite someone)
I’m just gonna be so picky when remakes do happen cause I have been uh, less than pleased with Pokemon on the Switch lmao. I definitely want the mainline games to take a long break before Gen 5 remakes cause I will be so sad if such good games just got shoved out remakes with poor quality and the lack of charm the OGs had. Gen 5 deserves so much better than a BDSP situation
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shinxeysartgallery · 2 years
Okay, so as promised, a full in-depth review on my thoughts about Sonic Frontiers! This review WILL have spoilers in it, so if you don't want to get spoiled, I recommend not clicking the "read more" tag. With that being said, the review is under the cut!
Where should I even begin with this masterpiece of a game? I guess I shall start with the gameplay.
The gameplay itself is really nice and I love how fluid it is. I played it on Switch and didn't really experience any sort of lag (unless the pop-ins count, but even then that wasn't really all that bad or noticeable when you're actually playing vs just watching) or hang ups, which is really good, considering the Switch version seems to be the weakest port (from what I've been told; I don't know a lot about the technical stuff). Sonic's new moveset is really fun to play with and none of the commands to use them are uncomfortable; they flow pretty naturally. It's not like some movesets in other games where you'd have to dislocate your thumb to do a button combination or remember a 30-button long string of commands. I'd love to see his moveset in a future Smash installment (or if Sega makes its own "Smash" series) get retooled to use some of these new moves. The challenges scattered about the islands to unlock the maps were cool. Most were rather easy, but there were several that were pretty challenging, too. It was cool that it wasn't too difficult, but they weren't all super easy either. That made a nice balance. As for the challenges related to the story parts? They were an awesome addition. Instead of the usual "blow out the flame" or "run over to this button in 30 seconds" type of challenges we got to unlock the map, you get to do things like play pinball or a bullet hell minigame. It was really cool that they were included in the game and made it more fun! The only gameplay element that I didn't like was the cyberspace stages. I mainly wish they were longer than what they are, but some of them also control really badly. One in particular that comes to mind is stage 3-5. Most of the stage is fine, but if you touch one of the drift panels, it becomes near impossible to control where you're going. (I did appreciate that Sonic got a skateboard in one of the stages, though!) Despite the poor controls of the cyberspace stages, the game is still really good about giving you enough vault keys for you to progress in the story. It makes it hard to get some of those S Ranks, but you can usually get the other three missions done fairly easily on most of the stages. Whatever you can't get from the stages, you can find pretty easily. There are some free vault keys hidden in those blue treasure signs (sometimes they give memory tokens, portal gears, or turn into springs/dash panels, though, so it's not always keys) and rarely an enemy might drop one (I have only had that happen twice in my playthrough, though). If you still can't get enough, you can always go and trade in some tokens in the fishing minigame (I don't know if there's a limit) and get whatever you're missing from Big. So even if you're not a skilled or seasoned Sonic player, the game still gives you a way to progress forward.
Most of the other issues I had with gameplay can be attributed to either Joycon drift (usually it screwing with my camera angle while I'm in the middle of parkour and causing me to screw up because I can't see what I'm doing or homing attack stuff) or the magic words SKILL ISSUE (aka I'm just really bad at this part lmao). Can't really say either of those are the fault of the game.
Then we have the Guardians and Titans. Most of the Guardian fights were really fun and had dope soundtracks to go with them. Soundtrack-wise, I think the Fortress was my favorite, and fighting-wise, the Shark. There were a few that were a bit on the annoying side (looking at you, Squid and Caterpillar!), but they were all pretty easy to beat once you knew what you were doing with them. The Titans though? Ohhh man were they awesome. Design-wise, the Wyvern was 100% my favorite, but it's also the one I liked fighting the least of the four. My favorite one to fight was the Knight. It is a bit disappointing that you can't go back and re-fight any of the Titans, though. Game length-wise was pretty decent. Four large islands with much to do on them (Rhea Island is a bit of a different story because all you do there is disable towers), and the story part was also a pretty decent length. There's a lot to do if you're going for the magic 100%.
Next I think I'll do the characters.
I honestly gotta say that this is some of the absolute best characterization for everyone in recent years. This singlehandedly fixed all the problems that previous titles had with Tails and Knuckles in particular. I think it's going to be a rather interesting change that the two of them and Amy are seemingly going their separate ways for a while to build up more character in the future and I'm excited to see where it goes from here! Sage was also a really great addition to the cast and I love the dad-daughter dynamic she has with Eggman. Really made that final scene hit a lot harder when it seemed like she died (although that post-credits scene seems to imply she survived, which is epic 'cause that means she might come back in a future game!). The voice acting for everyone was phenomenal, unironically some of the best the series as a whole has had. Everyone completely nailed their parts. I was especially impressed with the new voice direction that Sonic in particular went towards. Definitely gotta be some of Roger's best work with the character.
And now we have le story.
The entire story was really interesting! I like how we're back on getting actual lore instead of just "haha Eggman did the big bad again" for a story. It's very reminiscent of the older games from the early and mid-2000s and their more dark themes for story. I like how this explored more of where exactly the Chaos Emeralds came from, since the only piece of media off the top of my head that delved into it at all was the Archie comics (ironically, they came from space in that, too). It was quite tragic what happened to the ancient folks, but it gave some new context and insight on some of the questions people have had about the series for a long time. Although speaking of their tragic past, I did find the final boss to be quite underwhelming. The fight against the Supreme Titan was pretty cool, but you go from that to outer space where you press three buttons to blow up a moon. I was not impressed with that at all and was hoping there would be more to it than that. Dude literally wiped out the Koco and destroyed the islands, and that's really all it took to kill it? Not gonna lie, that was pretty lame. Every other final boss in the series had a lot more going for it than that. In addition to the main story, there are some optional dialogue lines that give more interesting context on the game, too. There are the required points to talk to Amy/Knuckles/Tails/Sage, but there are also several optional areas that the story won't guide you to do if you're only doing that much. There are also the Eggman voice memos that you can only get from playing Big's fishing minigame that give more interesting context as well. These optional dialogue pieces really fleshed out the world and gave more characterization to everyone moreso than with exclusively the required portions. Although while I'm on the subject of optional things, that leads me to the final issue I have with the game. So, as you know, the only "required" parts of the game are to collect the Chaos Emeralds, fight the Titans, and talk to Amy/Knuckles/Tails/Sage at the required points in the story to continue it. You don't have to unlock all the cyberspace portals, kill all the Guardians, or even fully fill out the maps of each island in order to progress in the story. When I had first begun playing, I was under the impression that if I did not complete all the optional stuff, I could travel freely between the islands (provided I beat each respective Titan) or go back after finishing the game and collect what I missed. Well, that's not the case. I really wanted to know what was going to happen next while I was still on Kronos Island, and didn't finish unlocking the map past 78% because of this idea I had and not knowing that after beating the Titan, it would automatically take me right to Ares Island without an option to go later (not even an "are you ready to go?"). So I never finished the Kronos Island map because of that, and there's really no indication that this is the case (although the same can be said about there being none for my idea either). I had thought this because that's how it had been in previous titles - you could travel to previously beaten stages freely or revisit after beating the final boss; I thought it would be the same here. It is not. It makes it more of a pain in the ass if you want to go for 100%, but it's still doable. I would've loved to have gone back and refought the Titans, but can't do that, either, unfortunately.
I think the only thing I haven't mentioned is the OST, and that's the usual brand of epicness that we all expect from this series. I think I've mentioned everything else (I'll edit later if I remember something I forgot lol), so yeah. The game still has its flaws, but it's still the best one from recent years, imo. As an overall rating, I bestow upon it the big 8/10. I definitely recommend playing!
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smtfaggot · 4 years
Low key I will kinda be upset if p5 doesn't get a handheld port at some point like.. all the rest of them did...
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n1kolaiz · 3 years
The Six Realms
Okay, so I was pretty close to giving up on writing analyses but I'm back LMFAO plus I see we're close to 100 followers and I just want to thank you guys for being so very supportive <3
Alright, I'm not sure if anyone's ever written about this, but if an analysis like this exists, please do let me know because I'm kind of curious as to what other people think about this, too!
Remember that time Fukuchi spoke about bringing "about the five signs of an angel's death"?
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I read a little bit more about it, and as a minor content warning: this analysis will focus on a few religious aspects (Buddhism + Hinduism). So if I get any of the facts wrong, firstly: I do not mean any disrespect to either religion, and secondly: please do correct me if I interpret anything in the wrong way.
Spoilers for BSD chapter 90 onwards + BEAST!AU under the cut!
So I'll start by talking about the Decay of Angels. As we all know, the members include Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Nikolai Gogol, Sigma, and Bram Stoker, and their leader, Fukuchi Ochi. After Fyodor's arrest, the Decay of Angels came into light with Nikolai murdering four government officials in a week. These murders symbolise the Buddhist cycle of existence, or otherwise known as samsara: the cycle of life, death, and rebirth.
"We are the Decay of Angels—hiding here as terrorists, a 'murder association', five people who will announce the demise of the celestial world."
Nikolai Gogol, chapter 57
Samsara is described to be a concept beyond human understanding. According to Hinduism, samsara is the physical world where every being has its soul trapped into a physical vessel. The Hindus believe that everything has a soul, and due to a soul's attachment to desire, it is forced into a deathless cycle of being born, dying, and reincarnating into a different body. In Buddhism, the ultimate way to break free from this cycle is by obtaining nirvana.
Nirvana is a Sanskrit word for the goal of the Buddhist path: enlightenment or awakening. In Pali, the language of some of the earliest Buddhist texts, the word is nibbana; in both languages it means "extinction" (like a lamp or flame) or "cessation." It refers to the extinction of greed, ill will, and delusion in the mind, the three poisons that perpetuate suffering. Nirvana is what the Buddha achieved on the night of his enlightenment: he became completely free from the three poisons. Everything he taught for the rest of his life was aimed at helping others to arrive at that same freedom.
- TRICYCLE'S definition of nirvana
As Fukuchi mentions in the panel above, there are six different realms of existence. These realms represent every possible state of existence, but one cannot live in a specific realm forever. Depending on whether or not one's past actions were morally good or bad, an individual is born into one of these realms. Basically, the controlling factor of which realm a person is born into is dependent on their respective karma. The realms are separated into two categories: the hellish ones and the heavenly ones.
The Deva Realm: where beings are rewarded for the good deeds they have done. This realm is void of anything unpleasant. It is basically paradise— empty of unfulfilled desires, any form of suffering, and fears of every kind. Religious individuals, however, do not seek to be born into this realm since its attitude is more or less carefree.
The Asura Realm: where demigods are admitted. Asuras are driven by greed and envy, and may come in conflict with human beings since they are quite similar. They are powerful beings, but quarrel with each other quite a bit, making this realm quite undesirable to be reborn into.
The Animal Realm: where beings are given the form of an animal (you probably guessed that lol). Individuals here don't actually have good karma to take pride in, but rather, they are born into this realm to work off their bad karma (by being slaughtered, hunted, or forced to work, etc). Being born into this realm forces one to atone for their past sins by living out their life as an animal.
The Hell Realm: where one is punished for their evil actions. The most merciless of realms, where one pays for their transgressions through pure suffering, methods of which include: dismemberment, starvation, and psychological/physical torture. However, once a person's term is fulfilled in this realm, they are presumably promised to be reborn into a higher state.
The Preta Realm: similar to the hell realm, in which beings pay for their past sins (specifically: greed and stinginess) by having to survive through hunger and thirst. This realm is also known as the 'ghost realm,' because some pretas are psychologically tortured by being forced to live in places their past selves have lived in. They are invisible to human beings living at that time, which pushes them to face the depths of despair and loneliness. Your typical horror movie, really.
The Human Realm: the only realm where one's actions determine their future. The status (social ranking, physical wellbeing, and so on) of a human being in this realm is determined by their past actions, but due to the fact that a person has their own conscience to differentiate good morals from bad, the actions they commit in this realm have the power to determine which realm they are sent to next.
Okay, so now that I've got that out of the way, let's shift our focus to the Book. Very little is known about the Book, but the basic fundamentals of how it works is that whatever is written in the book will come into existence only if its contents follow the rules of karma. In addition to that, only a few sentences can be written into a single page of the Book, and it must follow the current narrative of the story.
If I'm not wrong, the first time the Book was mentioned was by Fitzgerald, who wanted it to resurrect his deceased daughter in hopes of restoring his wife's mental health. The next time the Book is brought up is when Fyodor's intentions to possess it are divulged; his goal was to decimate the global population of ability-users. And now, the current arc has the Book as its central focus, with a single page in Fukuchi's possession.
[ BEAST!AU spoilers ]
The Book acts as the central point of multiverses, with each character's lives differing from universe to universe.
Dazai committing suicide in this alternate universe stands in sharp contrast with how he decided to start up a new life in the main universe.
Oda staying alive to act as a mentor to Akutagawa in the ADA differs from how Oda uses his death to prompt Dazai to "be on the side that saves people."
And of course, the way Atsushi and Akutagawa have their positions switched in the two universes depicts how different their lives would be if they were given the chance to be mentored by different people— these are just a few examples of how the Book houses an endless amount of possibilities.
[ end of BEAST!AU spoilers ]
Hypothetically speaking, this kind of reminds me of the differing realms I mentioned before, where suffering is promised in some realms, and better things are granted in the rest, depending on one's karma, or the deeds they've done in their past lives. In this scenario, perhaps one's past life can be understood as one's current life in a different universe. That's just a personal opinion though. Take it as you will.
side note: Keep in mind that the person who is more or less impervious to the Book's effect is Dazai, with his nullification ability. I wouldn't want to propose any theories in this aspect (I don't believe I'm fully fact-checked ;_;), but I could use Dazai as a raw example of how your choices affect your future. If Dazai had decided to stay in the Port Mafia after Oda's death, or if he even decided to go through with his suicidal fixations, life would've been different for him in the root universe (obviously, ryley) I mean, you could basically understand that from how he ended up in the BEAST au, but imagine if he really did slip up in his decision-making in any of the universes.
Many analysts have proposed that he went MIA (early in his life) from the main universe for a while to figure out how the BEAST universe worked, whilst having the Book to his advantage. Perhaps his actions were guided? I'm not saying he's all-knowing, but he's sure as hell smart. I'm not sure if Kafka was trying to highlight the concept of karma when it comes to Dazai, but if he is, then I suppose you could say that Dazai is pretty much unaffected by the rules of karma, existing as the centerpiece of all the multiverses. No Longer Human is the namesake of his ability, but the book talks about disqualification from societal norms and generally, the world. I was talking about it with a friend, and they reminded me that Yozo (the main protagonist) was pretty strong in his views against society. Like he didn't speak out of total defeat, he spoke out of defense. If there was anything Dazai actually lost to, it was his guilt— "Living itself is a source of sin."
Then again, that's my personal interpretation since everyone has their unique perspective of his writings. In terms of the actual adaptation, you could translate the word 'disqualification' to 'insusceptibilty' when if it came to the Book's effects on Dazai? This side note is becoming really long lmao anyways I'll link a few theories which afflicted me with brainrot down below.
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Another thing before I wrap up, the name 'Decay of Angels' stemmed from Yukio Mishima's book entitled 'The Decay of An Angel.' This is the final novel to the author's tetralogy: 'The Sea of Fertility.' The main protagonist, Honda, meets a person he believes to be a reincarnation of his friend, Kiyoaki, who takes the form of a young teenage boy named Tōru. The last novel of this series enhances Mishima's dominant themes of the series as a whole:
the decay of courtly tradition in Japan
the essence and value of Buddhist philosophy and aesthetics
Mishima’s apocalyptic vision of the modern era
Again, this could be referred to what Fukuchi goes on to say:
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Some people view the concept of samsara optimistically, justifying it by saying that perhaps each individual is given a second (third, fourth, fifth, who knows) chance to refine their actions in order to be birthed into a better realm, with their karma being the independent variable.
On the other hand, other people, specifically the Hindus, view the cycle of existence as some sort of plague. To them, the flow of life and being forced to endure the suffering of mere existence in any form was somewhat frowned down upon. Some Hindus viewed samsara as a trap. Besides, having one's soul being limited to a physical body for the rest of eternity was not very appealing, especially since where they ended up at depended on the karmic value their past actions surmounted.
Even so, particular types of Buddhists don't seek nirvana, but instead, like the Hindus, they make an effort to be good people of society, building up their good deeds to increase the likelihood of being reborn into one of the better realms.
As mentioned before, the Deva Realm was the home of angels, the most carefree, gratified beings to exist. Fukuchi describes these angels as the people who don't get their hands dirty, the people who act as the puppeteers of society: politicians.
In terms of parallels, angels were the most fortunate and powerful, but they didn't have anyone ruling over them. A lack of supervision would lead to the abuse of power, which is what I believe Fukuchi was referring to. Deeming himself the Decay of Angels, he sought to prove himself as the 'sign of death that falls on the nation's greed.'
A few fun facts (okay, not really) about Yukio Mishima: he committed seppuku (ritual suicide by disembowelment) on the day he held a speech to voice out his unpopular political beliefs to the public. Mishima deeply treasured traditions and opposed the modern mindset the nation was advancing forward to adapt eventually. In his last book, The Decay of an Angel, he spoke about the five signs which complete the death of an angel:
Here are the five greater signs: the once-immaculate robes are soiled, the flowers in the flowery crown fade and fall, sweat pours from the armpits, a fetid stench envelops the body, the angel is no longer happy in its proper place.
The Decay of an Angel, p.53
The reviews about this series I've read so far describe Mishima's works to be quite complex; his writings demanded a lot of time to deconstruct and understand. They were highly symbolic, and he was pretty obsessed with death and the 'spiritual barrenness of the modern world.' I think you could attach a few strings from here to the mindsets of the DOA members. Of course, this parallel is completely abstract, but I'll go on rambling anyway:
He should have armed them with the foreknowledge that would keep them from flinging themselves after their destinies, take away their wings, keep them from soaring, make them march in step with the crowd. The world does not approve of flying. Wings are dangerous weapons. They invite self-destruction before they can be used. If he had brought Isao to terms with the fools, then he could have pretended that he knew nothing of wings.
The Decay of an Angel, p.113
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I suppose you could resonate Nikolai with that excerpt. As much as Fukuchi takes the lead in this whole murder association, I'd like to believe that each member of the DOA plays an equally interesting part in whatever movement they're trying to execute. Fyodor feels it is his god-sent purpose to cleanse the world of its sins, his motto being, "Let the hand of God guide you." Sigma doesn't know where he belongs, since his origination comes from a page in the Book, and is fueled by the desperation to find a reason to live. Bram holds one of the most powerful abilities which is counted to be one of the "Top Ten Calamities to Destroy the World."
What I mean to say is that the DOA members are incredibly powerful, and they're not your ordinary antagonists (or I'm just biased). It's not just overthrowing authorities, mass genocide, and world domination— you could say that each individual is trying to utilize their purposes to their fullest expenditures, and the way they're trying to assert their plan into action is a little more passive-aggressive (framing the Agency, having a convo with a suicidal dude in jail, etc). They're the gray area between evil and good. As they framed the good guys for their own crimes, they're trying to conquer the bad guys for exploiting the innocent as they please.
This post would definitely age well if all hell breaks loose in the current arc (as if it didn't) and Kafka doesn't give us a happy ending.
That's all I have to say for now I guess! Thank you for reading, and once again, if anyone else something they wanna share, feel free to do so <3
sources (tryna follow Q's example ^_^) :
the six realms
the decay of angels
the book
the sea of fertility
yukio mishima
theory: dazai’s emotional/mental state in beast!au
q’s theory: dazai being the protector of the book
theory: beast!dazai and the book
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luuxxart · 3 years
AH WELL,, YOU SEE,,,, i hadn't really intended on doing anything w it for a while but then i made some good doodles and i was like. ah i guess i'll just go ahead and do somethin with this lmaoooo
so info and doodles are under the cut and here's the mentioned post in case this gets buried in the eventual tag haha
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i kind of just started doodling the idea in december. i dont remember why lmao but,. it was a thing (Ren was originally going to be based on Sumire as well and utilize Prince Charming). and then i did these two drafts of a comic for the new year lmao (i might finish them later but for now here they are)
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so heres the basic gist of the au without going into spoilers (jic i want to actually write this in the future, and,,,, i do have a small piece of a beginning bit of prose)
five years after the events of Royal, shadows are on the rise again, and specifically, they are present outside of palaces, much like in Port Island. Okumura Foods is rebranded into Okumura Tech, and with help from the Kirijo Group, a new line of Anti-Shadow Suppression Weapons which are not as advanced as ASWs like Aigis or Labrys so as to avoid any unecessary thinking on their part and so they can be mass produced.
(also yeah i know im missing an "S" there. im not taking chances. but in the fic futaba and akira will be calling them a**-bots. its too funny to pass up)
however, it becomes increasingly clear that they need a free thinking weapon to take care of some of the bigger shadows, so Okumura Tech goes through a few constructions, trying to recreate Aigis. nothing is really working. the personas they're trying to produce are overwhelming the Plumes of Dusk. in fact, a few end up being total disasters that have to be destroyed at all costs.
finally, they manage to recruit Mishima, who is just coming out of college with a doctorate degree in AI design (having switched from a degree in general coding, inspired by the advent of ASWs). instead of just using the Plumes of Dusk, Mishima introduces the idea of AI to aid the Plumes in persona construction. think the Cores from Portal, except they can't be separated from the ASW or the Plume of Dusk.
so Mishima, still worshipping the ground Joker walks on, constructs an ASW in Akira's image, codenamed Joker, who ends up rebelling against Okumura Tech (feeling that something nefarious is afoot). Joker renames himself Renegade (Ren for short) and just kind of adopts Amamiya for a reason i'll have to figure out as i write.
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Mishima's persona is half-AI based and half-awakening. Talos is an AI that he designed, but when he gets so stressed out that he awakens his persona, the AI sort of merges into his psyche. He's a Nav (just your regular old Otacon guy in the chair archetype) but he can do damage if need be. (also im bringing this meme back bc i love it)
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also, Ren's persona is. a secret. mostly because its a reference to a real AI/antivirus and that reference sort of would reveal the antagonist. i dont want to reveal that before i even write the story haha
the story itself is told between Akira and Ren's perspectives at vastly different times. Akira's starts when Mishima shows up at his door after a major disaster at Okumura Tech. hijinx and romance ensue. Ren's starts when he tracks down Akechi, hoping the former Detective Prince will help him figure out why the shadows resurfaced in the first place and if there's anything going on under the surface of Okumura Tech.
oh and this is very much detached from anything regarding the Uncle Adachi AU haha im still using Mishima's persona user design and persona from the Bunny AU tho. itd be a short fic. hopefully six chapters at most. probably more mature than Everyone's a Ki/ller??? remains to be seen.
and yes. haru and mitsuru would of course also be major characters.
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