#or if theres hologram stuff of some kind going on or what
arobinwithoutbatman · 8 months
((Okay but the fact that each knight hears something different when you go and do the training tutorial.
Dick: "Let go of your self doubt and focus on my voice" and "I'm proud of you, Dick"
Barbara: "Let go of your pain and pay attention to my voice" and "Jim would be proud of you"
Jason: "Let go of your anger and listen to the sound of my voice" and "You've come so far, Jason"
Tim: "Let go of your grief and concentrate on my voice" and "Some day you'll surpass even me"))
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oswednesday · 1 month
now the following post is going to sound fake, but my hand is on a stack of tbobs and my other one is over my heart? my eye? raised to the Heavens? however that works
so in my dream bill cipher and i needed money for some reason like money for parts for the portal but the portal had to be different because the theraprism doesnt exist in the same unway and has a bunch more like protections to stop people from just dipping or entering so he was selling tickets to my dream (he was telling me this who knows if that was like True i engage with the notion that some by product of the dream was being harvested for energy like a battery or it may have been a kink thing), so for the entire dream there would be like background noise from a live audience
and the dream Was i was in an xman but for the government program like for people with powers and i was set to graduate it was like the last day celebration and we were gathering our stuff to leave the building and there was a whole like social dynamics like i had a bully who was like seto kiaba-kylo ren-y like guy who took my lunch from the fridge <-important for later to know, a friend group whose powers were so different from mine they were like physical and flashy and would sometimes like forget my powers werent like theres in like a bottom of the social pecking order sort of way like i cant do some things, they wont help me i must be being like this on purpose, at the celebration it was like may outside it was like an outdoor park with cherry blossoms and the whole program was out and i was meeting people who i really hadnt before hitting it off with some of them, there was one girl who was a large like animal creature dressed in sweet aristocratic (in gravity falls fashion this was clearly suppose to be funny and i didnt think it was) and i was in a much more frumpy looking elg thing mostly cause i was like disheveled-interpersonal stress style like my "friend group" sat somewhere i couldnt reach them without stepping through other peoples groups and i had already accidentally stepped on someones coloring book trying to get over there and its not like i have anything to eat, the girl brought me to her own friend group who were all people with like Visible outlier stuff like animal heads, odd bodies, some of this group were like Long Term Students and had been here before so they were telling me about the beach and the walking paths and that despite all this we were actually still indoors with a mixture of holograms and indoor planting and that just over There a bit was a bunch of shops that only the Local kids really go to, theyre sharing their food with me but we agree to go check out like this dessert shack
they keep warning me not to be too chummy with the workers there cause they give the group the heebee jeebees and i like am like yeah yeah okay they offer to pay but i feel bad enough about the attention as is so i fish what money i have out for the drink im getting one of those stacked thing where little donuts go on the straws, and like im being kind of rational about it like if i get drugged or whatever ill be right with my friend group when a whole bunch of powder gets blown in my face
i wake up in like a storybook thing? where something really Graphic is happening like one of the puppets in the building are being forced down by one of the men and pulled apart after the puppet had attacked an animal rending it to pulp and both these things im being stood to watch and it feels like im being prompted an opinion on the matter but i cant i dont know whats going on so i get sent 'back' in the story where these fully human looking but short in a way humans arnt proportioned like that like waist high blythe dolls made of flesh parts and im in this massive like pastel golden sea side castle and these puppet dolls do everything for me like self care stuff, entertainment, taking care of the manor around me, i can make them dance for me or attend to me from a different task with a snap of a finger, i rarely see my 'fathers' the two men from the store in this storybook until like time to watch explosive gore and then id be 'reset', ive more or less forgotten about the Real World at this point of the dream
on a walk on a sea side cliff when someone from the visible mutation friend group appeared like a shark headed young man who was trying to get me to wake up and i was like oh! and then like deeply touched that this near absolute stranger would risk danger to come help me, he lacked the ability to do more than that at the time but i have the ability to move in a way he couldnt through this space so i could follow him back like using his tether but i woke up before anything else happened!
and the whole time theres like studio audience laughter, gasping, general mummer of chatter and shuffling noises going on in the background
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trashworldblog · 2 years
i think the "nice doing business with you" line from the s5 finale is definitely going to have significance to season 6. there are too many examples of innocuous lines that end up being foreshadowing to overlook it. it's also a general rule of genies that they can't bring things back from the dead, so i think that's going to end up playing into whatever the "deal" with ryan was. the genie could've said it was against the rules to bring prof back, so ryan made another deal to get him back (1/2)
[i think there's also going to be a conflict with time travel in season 6. it's such an integral part of the show, and ryan definitely screwed the timeline by bringing prof and his family back. if we hadn't seen the article with the photo of the prof and his parents' fossils, then i would be a little less convinced of this, but because its explicitly shown onscreen, its very likely that something will go wrong with the timeline (2/2)
oh i also think that the substitute survived defenestration, but i think he's going to be a minor antagonist next season. just a nuisance, if you will. like yeah he's still a problem, but there are much bigger fish to fry than a 1'2" puppet hologram with an obsession with murder (3/3)]
sorry for taking so long!! this has been sitting in my drafts and ive been slowly pulling my thoughts together on this so its taken me some time!! (plus ive been chillin with the holidays and such) i appreciate this ask so much!
!disclaimer! i may accidentally pull from shane's commentary on the season finale on pateron. im doing my best not to because i know some people dont have access to patreon content. (plus its fun to make it more challenging) all puppet history lore is like marbles in my brain and its hard to separate what ideas came from where. im doin my best tho!
ok lets jump into it!
i am So. Curious. on how ryan and the genies whole deal is gonna shake out. was that it? will there be consequences? i have a feeling we'll be seeing some kind of fallout from this wish. it feels like they cut their conversation very short for a very specific reason. theres gotta be something going on there.
I think that ryan didnt *technically* wish the professor back to life, he just wished the professor back to the present. i also like the idea used in @ask-the-substitute that ryan used his 3 wishes to bring the professor back and thats how the profs mom and dad got to the present. its so perfect, i love it. just the idea of ryan thinking the first wish didnt work so then he tried again, and again. incredible.
i am curious if there is gonna be any time travel conflict! im not sure what that would look like (my brain kinda melts when it comes to timey wimey bullshit). honestly this is the part im the most unsure of. like theyre probably is consequences, but i dont even know where to start for what that would look like. i still like to think that the article showing the professor's family's bones just faded away like how people in photos did in back to the future.
the substitute ABSOLUTELY survived the defenestration!! watcher hq is one story and im slightly convinced the substitute cant die (unless we go by hot daga hologram logic, in that case you would need a witch and a volcano to kill most holograms [and i dont have a volcano handy])
i hope the substitute turns into either
1) a minor villan thats more annoying/funny then anything.
2) character redemption arc. we really like this funky guy and it would be cool to see him chill out with the stabby stabby. (just a little, he can stabby stabby as a treat)
now it would be REALLY FUNNY if the substitute did ad reads for future seasons Especially for nord vpn and other online security stuff.
i think the bigger fish to fry is gonna be those puppets trapped in the wonderium arena!! we gotta get them outta there and back into their earthly bodies!! how is that gonna happen??? god is asleep, the devil isnt gonna help, and neither is the genie. how the hell do you even get to a purgatory like that? dorthy ruth has moved on even though her husband isnt really dead!!!
what im really curious about for next season is
1) who is gonna be the musical guest. if the professor cant time travel, where is he gonna get his musical talents? will he reuse the substitutes tech to make guests?
2) any new stuff to go with our new professor??
3) are dino mom and dad gonna be involved? casually mentioned? i really hope a guest asks if the professor has a family just so that he can excitedly say "yes!! i do :D"
those are most of my thoughts going into s6! pretty excited to see what next season is going to look like! not sure if its gonna be lore heavy. ill be keeping an eye peeled for any hints 👀 either way, im excited to learn :)
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hermitcraft-8 · 11 months
ace attorney investigations is both way better and way worse than the original games to me in particular because in the original games you go around looking fir clues and stuff but most of the games are the courtroom parts which is complicated and confusing and awful < unless youre good at it
id like to mention ive done mock trials before and theyre actually so much fun but the games are so confusing and convoluted and strange that i dont like being behind the bench for some levels. i just dont know whats happening or what on earth phoenix is thinking
but anyway. in investigations youre almost never behind the bench and its great. phoenix isnt there at all, youre miles EDGEWORTH instead. you just look around to see clues and stuff, build the situation your head - its cool :]
but the downside is logic chess. in which you learn that miles has no clue how to play chess because its a time based game where you either stay quiet or start pushing for information and then a chess piece shows up????? and breaks the other person’s chess piece ????? its not chess. but i only really dislike it because of the time aspect, yiure on a timer and its scary
ANYWAY who even cares about game mechanics i need 2 introduce you to kay faraday
shes a little [i say little but shes like. idont know. 16-18] pink thief girl who shows up. i think after miles gets kidnapped ?????? in a haunted house ???????? and she has her speech where she talks aboyt how shes the yatagaratsu who steals the truth ect ect. i love her because when she’s not being extremely helpful she exclusively makes fun of miles. as a teenager is meant to do 👍
she talks aboyt stealing & breaking & entering in front of this whole entire lawyer so often and its hilarious. because he cant do shit about it because shes never actually stolen anything or broken and entered anything
anyway she has this little machine she got from her father called little thief that makes holograms of whatever information is inputted into it. helps with detective work 👍 and also with stealing
her dad was a defence attorney BUT. YOU SEE. HE WAS ALSO A GREAT THIEF which is where she got this whole thing from. and he was a thief WITH two other people. her uncle whos a detective that looks like hes smoking cigarettes but its just a lollipop < hes silly] and the woman who killed her dad 👍 her sprites r cool as hell
the whole first game, kay & miles are revealing a smuggling ring. can you believe it. this random rich guy and the girl he met 3 days ago who is 16. find an international smuggling ring and get them arrested. the hell
in the second game they have ❤️❤️❤️❤️ justine courtney & sebastian debeste. justine is a judge & also religious but her god is uh. the goddess of the law 👍 shes kind of a hardass but shes nice to sebastian which i appreciate because no one is nice to sebastian. which sucks
sebastian is another rich guy who only got the job cuz his dad let him. its complicated and a whole thing and seb’s dad is a. horrible person + the big bad of the second game because he killed someone, attempted to take justine’s son hostage + took sebastian hostage instead.
Theres a second big bad, his name is simon keyes, hes a clown. but an evil clown but like. he looks nice. until he starts being an ass right when you try to get him arrested. he gave kay amnesia and ill never forgive him ect ect ect
anyway thats ace attorney investigations. evil rich people & people who manipulate people who dont know better into giving them what they want r the general big bads in this one
that's awesome, love that
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sylph-feather · 3 years
hold on im shifting into oc mode.. i want to tell you about my ridiculous sci fi universe.......
i just came up with the name for the species rn— theyre the kaleidos. liable to change but for ease of reference. This is what the main character of all this looks like.
Their world is essentially SUPER acidic. They had mammalian and avian / soft skin type creatures, but there was some extinction event and now what’s left is armored, similar to bugs, because the acid that became present in said environment makes soft organic material disintegrate.
“Well they must be soft on the inside so how do they eat/drink when everything is inundated with acid?” Well, the fruiting plants essentially act as massive filtered, pure water storage & nutrients! Yay!
Currently, the surface is basically in megafauna eta. I have to specify the surface because underneath the surface theres a race of sentient predator carnivore mole people (because soft stuff can exist in that environment, because the trees are like Nausicaa), but i digress, because this ain’t about them
are super duper like, scavenger type, and vaguely prey. They’re very quick. In terms of society, this makes them prone to being kind of flighty/nervous, and generally non-confrontational.
They have wing-like structures but CANNOT fly— instead these “wings” are for VISUAL communication. See the Kaleidos are an extremely visual race— initially, their skill for color shifting (like a chameleon), shifting their hair and panels (wings), was born of a need to hide, or to mimic bigger things (like eye spots). They would link their panels together in a flock and create even bigger images.
They also are extremely good vocal mimics, between the fact that they can control hairs to brush/vibrate against each other, as well as having powerful spoken mimicry— this adds to their illusions.
NOW, their language revolves around color and music. For example, names are often the color(s) an individual chooses to present as frequently (aka like base colors) and a little musical jingle. Their written language is basically colored music and yes that means they all carry one of those pens you can click to be different ink colors
CURRENTLY, their society kind of... achieved utopia.
The Kaleidos are, to put it basically, kind of hippies; very in touch with the balance of their planet’s wellbeing. Everyone else in the galaxy was focussed on eating up resources for the nonrenewable fuel their systems relied on for so long, and that their societies were built off of, but the Kaleidos were ALWAYS searching for the most renewable way.
They started off with wind/solar, classic renewables. As everyone else fought each other in wars (that were probably also motivated for, yanno, war’s sake, like many wars), the Kaleidos kept to themselves (it helped their planet is inhospitable to others and thus undesirable) and studied renewable energy. What they found was that whole “particles that are entangled act dependent on each other no matter the distance.”
Which they then utilized by essentially turning entangled particles into batteries, and launching 1/2 of each battery into stars and black holes and whatnot, the fucking mad lads. This created essentially free energy, and a lot of tech that was purely theoretical but too costly in energy— like FTL travel and warp gates— became available to them.
HOWEVER, due to the fact a lot of the other alien societies are built upon nonrenewable energy’s demand / etc, everyone else essentially rejects the Kaleidos and they are painted as hippy-dippy weirdos who are full of flowers and nonsense.
The Kaleidos, meanwhile, kind of just... dispassionately commit themselves to exploring. They’re not EXACTLY curious— I mean they ARE, but they DID literally just make themselves the perfect society— nor are they interested in any sort of conquering (remember, very non-confrontational). No, it’s more a combo of “well, uh, what now?” as well as “well we might as well spread our tech to help people as far as we can, and we get to place more warpgates to travel new places as we go further anyways, so win-win”
OVERALL i kind of find this all hilarious
My rough sketch for the primary story of this setting is Chroma (the alien in the pic linked first) is a kind of scout for the Kaleidos, and is basically meant to be there to study Earth to understand how the Kaleidos could interact with people peacefully. Shit probably goes wrong, as per usual in a story, and Chroma ends up having to tag team on various shenanigans with 2 college students that have found out they were an alien— a biologist and a techy. Overall, it’s more about silly/fun adventures and gags (ie, “im about to use my hologram tech to look average human” *humans think about chroma’s human sona which is like a gijinka* *chroma becomes a 40yo literally perfectly average chinese man)
Im not entirely sure what the plot is overall— maybe just a fetch quest for lost alien shit, maybe just a “human study session”— but i think its fun and hopefully maybe you did too
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Could you please do more headcanons for the Beetle and Tomcat au or it's variant Red Velvet and Tuxedo? Gabe with the earrings sounds like a trip. Also this could be an au with Régalien in it (what I've taken to calling Peacock!Adrien)
Okay! So! I can't find the original post, but I remember it was Tom vs. Gabriel with the Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculous. 
I think I prefer Red Velvet vs. Tuxedo just for Kwami shenanigans alone. Because Tikki living in a bakery is great. And Plagg would spend his free time fucking with Gabriel. 
So, plotwise here's how it starts: 
The Black Cat Miraculous is lost when the Peacock and Butterfly are. So Gabriel has all three. The Peacock is still broken, Emilie goes into her Magic Coma, and Gabriel becomes Tuxedo to lure out the Guardian and get the Ladybug Miraculous. 
Fu still tries to give the Ladybug to Marinette. However, Tom comes up to Mari's room and finds the box on her desk. Curious, he opens it and finds Tikki. After finding out that Mari is supposed to be a Hero, Tom's like "no she is a child i am not putting her in danger like that!!!" And decides to be a Hero himself, becoming Red Velvet. 
Despite the usual 'secret identities' rule, Tom does tell Sabine. Because you don't hide things from Sabine. Marinette does find out too. She does get a bit of a confidence boost from hearing that some mystical guardian guy had believed she was the right person for the job, even if her dad said no. 
Meanwhile, school drama is pretty similar. Though without the Lovesquare. Which means Mari and Adrien have mutual crushes and it doesn't take long for them to get together. 
As for the Peacock: while Peacock!Adrien could be fun…. I have a different idea for both the Peacock and the Butterfly. 
As I said, Plagg does whatever he can to fuck with Gabriel. This includes hiding the other Miraculous. Now, Plagg can't stray too far from Gabriel. But he can go anywhere in the mansion as long as Adrien and any staff don't see him. 
So if the other Miraculous happen to end up in Adrien's room, well, it's the last place Gabriel would look when he goes to look for them. 
Adrien finds the brooches and is a little confused. They don't look familiar, and this happens after his birthday so they're not gifts. Shrugging it off, he thinks the brooches arent really his style and decides to gift them. 
Which two girls are close enough to him for him to give gifts? Marinette, his crush, and Chloé, his childhood friend. 
Marinette gets the Peacock, Chloé gets the Butterfly. I'll focus on Chloé a little later. For now, Mari and the Peacock!
Marinette brings the brooch home, and Tikki immediately recognizes it. She also realizes it's damaged. As the Ladybug Miraculous is supposed to fix the others, they quickly fix it and talk to Duusu to ask her where she's been and if she knows who Tuxedo is or where the Butterfly is. 
Unfortunately, Duusu has no idea. Her Miraculous being broken affected her memory of that time. She remembers someone using her Miraculous, and that that person was hurt by it, but she can't remember who or even when that happened. 
They decide to try and work backwards. Marinette knows that Adrien gave her the brooch. Well, Adrien's obviously not Tuxedo. Even if the Miraculous could change his height and build like that, Tuxedo uses Cataclysm multiple times in battle and is therefore an adult. Next best suspect is Gabriel. 
Marinette gets up the courage to partner with Adrien on a school assignment so that she can snoop. She feels bad using him like that but this is important!!
Unfortunately, Gabriel is already working on faking his alibis, and Marinette is the perfect kind of person to be a witness. While Tuxedo shows up and is destroying stuff, Nathalie uses hologram!Gabriel to check on Adrien and Marinette, insisting that Marinette stay until the danger has past and ordering dinner for them. To Marinette, it looks like Gabriel is here while Tuxedo is in a fight, proving they're not the same person. 
Believing this to be a dead end, they assume that the missing Miraculous probably got separated over the years.
Marinette makes another decision. The Peacock is the second Miraculous to be gifted to her. Clearly the Universe wants her to be in this fight. Tom and Sabine say no, but she has an idea. 
Marinette uses the Peacock Miraculous and creates a Sentimonster of herself. As she's holding both the Peacock and the Amokized item, she can essentially astral-project and puppet the Sentimonster. Therefore, she can fight while also remaining safe. 
The catch is powers. On one hand, Marinette can make the Sentimonster have any power. But if she wants to have a different power she needs to remake the Sentimonster. She ends up basing the various powers on other Miraculous, changing the Sentimonster's costume to reflect that. So theres a Senti!Multimouse, a Senti!Fennette, a Senti!Bee, etc. 
Gabriel assumes that Red Velvet's "sidekick" is just using the other Miraculous, not that she's a Sentimonster. 
I want to give her a single name because the public would realize that it's the same girl and not "Red Velvet's 15 identical daughters". I'm thinking Mockingbird. A bird reference for the Peacock, and a reference to her imitating other Miraculous powers. 
Now for Chloé and the Butterfly Miraculous!
Chloé puts on the brooch at home and meets Nooroo. On one hand she would like to be a Hero, but she hesitates. This is early on when they don't know how dangerous Tuxedo is, and Cataclysm is kind of terrifying. 
Unlike Duusu, Nooroo does remember what happened before. Unfortunately, he's been forbidden from talking about it without being asked directly, and Chloé doesn't know enough background to ask. 
So Chloé plays it safe. Mostly just keeping Nooroo as a friend no one knows about. Sometimes though, Monarch wanders the rooftops at night. Occasionally stopping petty crime if she runs across it. She becomes a little bit of an urban legend. Paris's little Cryptid. 
As a civilian though…. Chloé's having an interesting time. 
Obviously she doesn't have the same relationship toward Red Velvet as she has toward Ladybug. Though she does gain a little bit of a hero crush on Mockingbird when she shows up. 
However, Chloé's feeling toward Red Velvet is more "oh? Is this what genuine parental affection is like?". Because yeah even though Tom and Mari know what Chloé is like, she's different with Red Velvet and Mockingbird. Also Tom just radiates dad energy. 
The biggest thing with Chloé though is that, because she's wearing the Butterfly Miraculous, she can feel everyone's emotions. 
This means that when she's mean to someone, she can feel what they're feeling. And honestly she doesn't like that. So she kinda… stops going out of her way to hurt them. 
Then it becomes 'okay, someone is upset and if you're upset I have to feel it so fuck you we're going to fix your problems!!' Which confuses the hell out of everyone else. 
This leads to her realizing that okay yeah making others feel happy is kinda nice? Even if it's from a selfish 'I don't want to feel your bad vibes' way. 
No one's really sure why she's doing this. The class comes to the agreement that Chloé probably reevaluated her priorities after a near-death experience with Tuxedo. 
The biggest nail in the coffin though is when Audrey comes back, and Chloé can physically feel the lack of love from her. Like, some small part of Chloé always knew Audrey might not truly love her. But just. There's no real way around it with Magic Empathy Powers. 
This is probably when Monarch becomes known to the people as more than 'local Cryptid'. Because she goes for a rooftop run during the day to avoid Audrey. And of course both sides are interested in a new Hero. 
Monarch bumps into Tuxedo first, but she runs because YIKES. Red Velvet and Mockingbird show up next. Red Velvet fights Tuxedo while Mockingbird chases down Monarch. 
Red Velvet and Mockingbird get to talk to Monarch after Tuxedo disappears. They ask her about her powers, and she admits that it's the Butterfly Miraculous, and she got it because a friend gave her a brooch that happened to be Magic. 
Monarch also kinda rambles about how she usually goes out at night because that's when she feels restless and sad, but she's out now because the Butterfly's Empathy powers let her know that her mother doesn't love her so you know how it be. 
Red Velvet and Mockingbird are like "okay you're family now we're adopting you!". They don’t want to let her in on the fight, and Monarch points out that technically she doesn’t have to be, she can just power them up when necessary. 
Meanwhile, Gabriel believes that Monarch has joined the Heroes, and decides "hey, let's give Nathalie the Butterfly because this is starting to get difficult". Except he can't find the Butterfly. Or the Peacock. He finds out that Plagg hid them months ago and 'doesn't remember where'. Gabriel goes through the mansion looking for them but can't find them. 
He doesn't immediately connect Mockingbird and Monarch to the Peacock and Butterfly. Partly because he doesn't think the Miraculous could leave the house. Partly because Monarch has yet to display her powers and Mockingbird has always been a different miraculous-themed sentimonster. 
Lets take a break to check in on other characters like the classmates and especially Adrien!
Alya still runs a blog dedicated to the Heroes, but after the earlier dangerous activity, Red Velvet sat her down and explained why her actions were dangerous. So she's less invasive. 
The class is doing fairly well since Chloé has decided to be nicer. I already said that they assume she decided to turn her life around after a near-death experience. 
A lot of their plots and drama are still the same, but altered since there are no Akumas to shake things up. They are better at talking things out though. Ironically, they're also better at voicing when they're upset because Chloé can always tell who's feeling bad, no matter how much they try and hide it. And after a few rounds of her deciding to fix things they know to speak up first. 
Adrien is blissfully unaware that everyone around him is a Hero or Villain. He has a mini hero crush on Mockingbird, but doesn't know it's technically Marinette. Doesn't know he gave away Magic jewelry. Doesn't know Gabriel is Tuxedo. Etc. 
Adrien does, however, think his house is haunted. Because even though Plagg has been banned from letting Adrien see him, he wasn’t banned from talking! So Adrien thinks that Plagg is a friendly-ish ghost hanging around. 
That’s what I have for now.
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irkenheretic · 4 years
9. Most disliked character(s)? Why?
ok so im actually going to give a few answers because i have 3 characters i reallysuper dont like
so lets go:
my most disliked character from a purely canon stance is.... sizz-lorr. i feel like this is a pretty safe choice for Least Liked. like man he was an asshole to zim et cetera, sure zim escaped but idk i just dont like him at All. hes the kind of character i love to hate yaknow, frycook is one of my favorite episodes and i live to just yell at the tv whenever hes on 
but ngl the whole “sizz-lorr did nothing wrong” side of the fandom rubs me the wrong way. like you look me in the eyes and tell me that authoritarian-ass irken empire would be just.... fine with sizz-lorr enacting vigilante justice like that wrt finding zim and borderline torturing him? “its just like any retail job” man i remember when my mcdonalds manager made me climb into the ronald mcdonald costume that was filled with grease. standard part of the job!
(and yea they might be fine w the vigilante justice thing bc zim but i feel like theyd still give sizz-lorr SOME sort of punishment because that sort of thing is... generally frowned upon)
so yeah that side of the fandom really pisses me off bc theyre the type that tends to force their headcanons onto others and be The Correct Ones. like let people do whatever goddamn. im not reading ur dissertation on why sizz-lorr is a good guy..... im happy for you. or sorry that happened.
anyway im putting the other 2 under the cut bc then i can nuke the post if controversy happens
other most disliked: ZIB. in the comics he’s.... okay. he’s a cool villain! i liked the reveal! BUT THE FANDOM....... guys, y’know he was planning to commit multidimensional genocide, right? he’s not an uwu softboi? right? you know this right??? i REALLY like him as the worst traits of zim and dib combined and showing that dib can (literally and figuratively) BECOME zim in the worst possible timeline and im sure a sort of rehabilitation of him could be treated well but idk nobody rly does much w him other than making him a slightly more prickly dib to project on
i feel like its part of the fact that a lot of the fandom is newer fans from florpus where dib is more the good guy and WAY more mellowed out, so they tend to project on him, so when a Meaner Dib shows up they can project on him too while kinda sanding off the edges to make sure theyre not being TOO problematic 
(this phenomenon is why theres not much serious tallest stuff i dont think. many tallest fans r antis so they gotta be Nice N Pure so they cant actually do any deep dives bc theyre assholes and Bad Space Dictators so no nuance here! only funny jokes)
anyway my number one disliked character.... that i cant even watch the episode she appears in...
is TAK.
i just.... i just find her so overrated!! i thought id like her better nowadays since i disliked her AND gaz when i was younger but.... i dont??? I REALLY DONT GUYS..... I DONT GET IT!! (fwiw i fucking love gaz now)
her WHOLE schtick is just, Zim, But Better. it gets old REALLY quickly and i always thought her disguise kinda sucked? like, think about it. sure zim’s disguise looks shitty but its at least TANGIBLE. you can just... UR HAND IS GONNA GO THRU A HOLO THINGY!!! WHAT HAPPENS IF SHE HAS TO GO ANYWHERE AT NIGHT? OR IN THE DARK??? WONT IT GLOW?? SINCE ITS A HOLOGRAM???? every time i see her im like MA’AM WHAT IF DIB TOUCHES YOUR HAIR?? HIS HAND IS GONNA GO RIGHT THROUGH!!
also if she was such a brilliant invader she shoulda figured out how to get out of a room.... bet zim wouldve figured it out. sure he wouldve figured it out by blowing the whole building to smithereens but hey.... he figured it out!
and idk i just find her SO OVERRATED by the fandom like shes EEVERYWHERE and it just makes me hate her even more like idk i just donnnnnnnt get it shes NOT THAT COOL she just brooded for 20 years or however long it was until she could get to zim and kick his ass and take his already fake mission?? if she didnt have that hypno thingy she wouldve been toast.
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goddamnmuses-a · 5 years
Dan Watches: Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back
I’ve done this for these Episodes so far:  Episode I Episode II Episode III Episode IV So here’s the one for Episode V:
Gotta love Remote probes. 
Star Wars has the best ships. 
Tauntuns make weird ass noises. 
How do those binocs work, they have one eye hole on the one side but when he looks through them it’s two.. magic.
Damn Luke you just got jumped. The force is with you, how’d you let that happen?
Engineer Chewie.. I approve. 
Was that a white C3PO
Okay so Han is leaving to pay off his bounty which is fair and Leia is like PFFT FUCK YOU! STAY! Alright lady, chill, maybe just let him go pay off his bounty and then ask him to come back when he has? 
Also lbh he’s only leaving because he’s a big sap and in love with Leia but she’s not giving any love his way. 
Han just covering C3PO′s mouth is glorious.
Also sometimes i question if its PO or P0 but im pretty sure it’s PO.
Tauntans are kinda cute. 
Why does it hang Luke? Like... what? 
Truly a scary yeti thing, i cant remember the name... Wampa?
Force pulling the lightsaber, iconic. 
First time a lightsabers been shown to cauterize the wound? I think? Maybe?
Chewie being upset about Han not coming back truly is the greatest sad moment. 
More focus should be on bro friendships than love interests. 
Ben doesnt even doubt for a second that Lukes gonna die. He’s just like “Luke, I know you’re cold but you’re gonna go to Degobah and you’re gonna meet Yoda and he’s gonna be a crazy little guy but its gonna be sweet.”
Also “The Jedi master who instructed me” makes it sound like Obiwan is Yoda’s padawan but i guess he’s just referring to how Yoda just instructs all the younglings and jedi and stuff. 
Why the fuck did that Tauntaun just die? 
Ew guts. 
Man these speeders bring me back to the games and taking down the walkers and nostalgia goodness. 
Good Job Rogue 2. The true hero of Star Wars. 
Cool Bacta tank.
Chewbacca looks good. Like the effects on how he looks for the time, impressive. 
Uh oh. I know this scene. 
Incest, it’s in all your favourite media, Game of thrones? Check. Star Wars? Check. Back to the Future? Pretty much check. 
Luke looks so happy he made out with his sister. 
Das one big boi ship. 
Darth vader doesnt even need to look at the camera to be intimidating. 
The fact they explain why they don’t just bombard Hoth is brilliant.
Luke still has that boner from kissing Leia. 
Man the cable scenes good stuff. 
Why dont the walkers just shoot at the generator instead of walking all the way over to it? 
It’s crazy how much of this film is Hoth. 
There goes the power generator.
Did C3PO just do a turn to camera?
Hoth has like 3 moons just casually no biggy. 
I like that R2 basically texts Luke. 
Asteroids never seem as deadly as people make them out to be. 
I kind of want Degobah to be one of the planets you go to in Fallen Order 2. More so for what cool lifeforms could be there and the cool enviroment than to actually see Yoda. 
Good thing R2 can swim. 
Leia asking to be let go of.. this whole things a bit.. yikes. 
Cool a Snake. 
That Ration box looks interesting, you can actually buy it at Galaxies Edge which is insane.
Yoda is such a little shit. 
I keep doing this thing where i watch and then go “Oh shit I haven’t made a comment in a while” guess that just shows that its good. 
Holy shit that hologram dude just died. 
WHAT IS THY BIDDING MY MASTER. It’s a disaster skywalker we’re after! .. Anyone? Just me? okay. 
You know what if you didn’t get wtf that last this was.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ij4w7ChpuaM
“Was I any different when you taught me?” Well.. yeah yeah you were Obiwan. .. Unless we need a prequel to the prequels. 
He’s been training Jedi for 800 years? Does that check out? 
That bat thing is cursed. 
Mynocks can gtfo with their gaping anus mouth.
I think Yoda helps cause the vision in the cave. 
Casual Komodo Dragon. 
Bossk you sexy son of a gun. 
I played Star Wars Galaxies ages ago as a Trandoshan Jedi. 
Yo Mark Hamill is sexy. No homo. 
Do or Do not there is no try. Cool line.. not a very good lesson to teach kids. 
Yoda is the best. 
Being an Imperial is dangerous you never get fired, just killed. 
How did nobody notice the Falcon get there? 
I love that they just turned C3PO off. 
Also how come Han and Leia haven’t questioned whether Luke is okay or not at all. 
Lando could be a system if he wanted to be, don’t hold him back. 
Casual look into the future, shame no Jedi saw Order 66 coming. Well i’m sure some did but like.. not enough to do shit about it. 
Cloud City is pretty looking. 
Landos the best. 
Donald Glover was such good casting for young Lando. 
Not even other C3 units like C3PO
These Ugnauts are little shits. 
Okay I can accept a lot but how the fuck did Vader just block blaster fire with his hand, c’mon. 
Lando’s rude but tbf i get why he did it.
How come he’s just in Chewie’s cell?  I know theres a comic where Vader recognises C3PO but.. why put his parts with Chewie? 
Torture in Star Wars is always electricity. 
Awwwh Han and Leia moment. I know. 
C3PO is actually the worst. 
Freezing in Carbonite is such a cool idea. 
I forgot they only freeze Han because they want to freeze Luke. 
How did Luke get onto Cloud City with no issue?
Lobots cool. 
Leia just stole Ackbar’s line!
I love that Jedi just seem to be able to feel the force and how strong people are with it I want a scene where a jedi is like “OH SHIT YOU GOTTA FUCK TON OF FORCE!”
Chewie. Let him go you eejit.
R2 just casually rolling around and bumps into them. 
Holy shit that Vader glide, majestic. 
WTF was that jump
Luke just knocked Vader down and i cant believe that. 
Why does this place look like the Death Star. 
Man Leia is hot. 
That surprise Darth Vader attack
We’re at the location of the reveal. 
Man Vaders not as good at fighting as any other Star Wars media makes him seem. 
The reveal! 
Fun fact: He doesn’t say “Luke, I am your father” 
Vader is just like “Oh ffs” when Luke falls. 
Anddd here we see that Leia also has the force. 
Man Luke looks like shit. 
I like that Vader actually cares about Luke and it’s shown. 
So that was a pretty good film, it’s not a complete story which is always bold for a sequel to do because you never 
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lexidanger · 7 years
My TLJ (way longer than expected) analysis/rant/review
DISCLAIMER: I work for Hasbro but knew NOTHING behind the scenes for this movie like I did for TFA, so I didn’t have any outside influence...also
I honestly have a lot of mixed feelings about this movie, because while there were things I absolutely adored in it, but there were also choices made that I really still can’t wrap my head around and ultimately have left me pretty disappointed, I’m not going to go over every little thing but if you have a question about how I felt about a certain character/scene etc just shoot me an ask and i’ll rant at you there. Anyways I’m gonna start with the good shit since I might get a tad ranty with the bad
The opening sequence- The opening scenes were phenomenal imo, that was absolutely the way to start off the movie, It honestly held a lot of that SW nostalgia and felt really great action/tone wise, it pulled you in like a good hook should.
Leia- So i’m legit a huge emotional baby when it comes to stuff I love, I was already crying as soon as the opening crawl hit, but it wasn’t until they showed Leia the first time that both me and the girl next to me started sobbing (she turned to me and offered some tissues saying she made sure to bring a bunch so it was nice to have some emotional solidarity) But anyways Leia was great and i’m beyond happy with how they handled her which leads me to my next point…
LEIA USING THE FORCE- Everyone in the theater was crushed when she was thrown out into space, and as soon as the shot closed in on her body and she began to use the Force to bring herself back, you could hear the sigh of relief and amazement come from the crowd (as well as the sniffles because everyone was crying at this point) and it was such a magical moment to see her finally use the Force in a tangible way and shut up the fanboys who thought she wasn’t Force Sensitive. And speaking of one half of the twins...
Luke- As always Mark is an absolute delight and gift to this role, and it was so nice to see him back on screen again. A lot of people are crying out about how this movie “””””ruined him”””” by showing his more grey morality (THAT HES ALWAYS HAD B T W) but even as a dark sider I’ve always adored Luke and his views and he made me super proud in this movie. I’m honestly not ready for people to start demonizing him for "almost killing their precious Ben bby uwu” because again that was a moment with a lot of complexity on both sides that I think could bring up a lot of great conversations about Luke’s trauma in the war and wanting to prevent the loss of billions of lives.
Also as a side note I just want to say how heartwarming it was to see Luke reunited with R2, the moment he recognizes him the bitter old facade melts away and we see that sweet excited boy from Tatooine when he gets to talk to his best friend again after so long.
I’m so so sad to see him go, but honestly I couldn’t think of a better way for him to go out, I’m glad it was done in such a peaceful way (except maybe him actually going to Crait and pulling an Obi proper but thats a whole other issue)
Snoke- I adored Snoke, plain and simple. The few scenes he was in he commanded attention and I was honestly captivated by Serkis’ skills as a character actor once again. The CG work done on him was remarkable, his personality was actually very enjoyable and I really wish we got to see more of his Force mastery, it’s so rare we get to see it controlled on that grand of a scale and so effortlessly too (For those of you who read Darth Plagueis you know the difficulty that comes with using the Force on someone over hologram/long distance, so it was definitely a treat to see that). The potential of this character is remarkable and if anyone involved with SW media is smart they will tap into it and release more content with him ASAP
Rey’s Parentage- As someone who was an avid Rey Palpatine theory supporter, I just want to say how glad I am that Rey’s parentage proved to be of no significance, because in a way it still holds kind of what I wanted to see from her being related to Palpatine. I wanted them to show that really in the end, your bloodline doesn’t make you who you are, you decide who you want to be, not your past, and in a way they did that. They showed that someone from humble beginnings, like Rey and even Finn, can rise up to do amazing things, you don’t have to be part of a dynasty like the Skywalkers to be great.
Imagery/Portrayal of the Force- If theres one thing I can really commend this movie for, it’s the visuals. From the color contrasts of Crait to the trippy Force shenanigans everything was visually stunning. Leia using the Force to glide through the void of space to safety was such a magical moment I will never forget (and anyone calling it Mary Poppins or Superman flying is honestly just afraid to have whimsical moments in their SW and therefore a coward) the blend of CG and puppets was super great and using a puppet for Yoda’s return was such a great callback to the original trilogy. After watching so many Transformers movies its nice to watch an action flick that doesn’t rely on shaky cam to sell the intensity of a scene, but instead uses the art direction and imagery as it should.
Also as far as the Force goes, i’ve been so happy that we’re moving away from the two extremes. The Dark Side in not completely evil and the Light Side is not completely good, i’m just glad we’re finally showing that in the movies, and if it makes people mad then good, the truth hurts but they need to understand not everything is black and white.
Humor- Some might argue that a lot of the humor was oriented more towards the younger audience, but tbh most of the bits really hit with me (probably because I am a child) and provided some nice warm moments in what might be considered a tense and dark movie. We’ve been debating for years now how Luke’s first interaction with Rey would go, what would he say to her? What would he do? and it’s my belief that they could not have gone with a more appropriate choice than for him to toss the saber over his shoulder as he did (Luke’s “reach out” moment with her was also so nice and I’m 1000% convinced it was improv by Mark) The bits with the guardians of the island were great, the porgs were surprisingly enjoyable (if not still a bit bizarre) and my favorite running joke of all, turning Hux into what i’ve always seen him as, a huge joke, a slapstick prop to be tossed around and ridiculed, it was quite satisfying.
Additional things- Despite the fact that there wasn’t a saber on saber fight the entire movie, the Snoke’s Praetorian guard fight scene with Rey and Kylo will go down in history as one of the great fight scenes in SW history. Rose was such an amazing addition to the cast and Kelly is so talented, I’m happy she’s a part of the SW family now. And BOY you want to talk about memorable moments, Holdo’s lightspeed crash into Snoke’s Supremecy was absolutely breathtaking. The way it was shot, the sound design, everything was perfect and people are going to be talking about it for a very long time.
Snoke’s Death- The moment Snoke was killed off is the moment I feel like everything shifted in the movie, I was enjoying it quite a bit up until that point, and then as soon as the saber bisected him this huge wave of disappointment and disbelief washed over me, which is why this is probably one of the biggest mis-steps in the movie besides Phasma’s treatment. For years now we’ve been theorizing and trying to piece together who Snoke could possibly be, whether it be the return of an older character or him being his own thing and with every tiny piece of info that came out we were further pulled in to the mysteries that surrounded him. Who is he? What is he? Why does he look that way? How did he come to power? I never expected all of these questions to be answered in TLJ, but a piece of info or two thrown our way to reward our patience and interest in him would have been appreciated.
Instead what we got was nothing and a swift ridiculous death half way through the movie. To say that i’m crestfallen is a bit of an understatement. Those that know me are aware that I’m a huge dark side fan and an even bigger fan of Sheev Palpatine, he’s a compelling character in a lot of the ways Snoke has the potential to be, so to see another great antagonist along the lines of Palpatine just thrown away without any second thought or explanation is an awful thing to see.
And I’m aware that they are probably going to throw his backstory into a book or comic, which part of me is grateful for (especially since James Luceno, author of Darth Plagueis might possibly be writing it right now) but tbh you shouldn’t throw the responsibility of portraying a character off on someone else when you have more than enough time and opportunities to show it in the film. As someone who is heavily invested in the alternative media surrounding SW I still don’t think that you should put your viewers through that, making them ask questions about a character, pay for a ticket to possibly have some of those questions answered and then pull the rug out from under them like “Nope sorry you’ll have to buy the book when it comes out next year” it’s very in-accessible and just downright disrespectful to the writers that set him up for a decent arc.
Plenty of uninteresting things were prioritized over the interesting so don’t tell me they couldn’t have taken 10 minutes out of something inconsequential to slip in some context for this character. It’s such a shame to see an opportunity to flesh out a compelling character passed over for the purpose of subverting everyone’s expectations, cheap and unsatisfying. #AndySerkisDeservedBetter
Phasma- I want to say for the record that I am absolutely outraged, not only did we get even less Phasma than we did in TFA, but they “killed her off” in a way they can either bring her back and do what they said they were going to do after TFA which was give her a decent amount of screen time, or leave her dead. It’s honestly a travesty that they continuously recruit these talented actors to portray these characters and they get shafted as far as content and inclusion goes. I can’t even put my excitement into words when Phasma was first announced, I just wanted female Stormtroopers period but having a woman play a fierce Stormtrooper commander meant everything to me. But alas, just as Snoke it seems these directors can’t seem to find a place to put them amongst the other pointless plots that are stuffed into the film which brings me to…
Canto Bight- A beautiful planet/setting but very unnecessary as a whole. I mean the whole idea of them needing to go to a planet to get a random codebreaker to get on the ship in the first place is absolutely absurd when they’ve had countless ways upon these ships in the past. And the fact that they had to call up Maz so they could poorly stuff her into the movie for 2 minutes as she quickly rattled off their mission in a very Battlefront 2 manner was absolutely ridiculous. The casino itself was neat and I’m glad they touched upon the fact that these people got rich by selling weapons to both sides, but the whole animal chase sequence and everything with DJ felt so out of place and long and distracting from things that would have far better served the characters and plot.
Length- As someone who sat through Age of Extinction after drinking a large soda at the beginning of the film, trust me when I say I know when a movie feels long and this one felt unbearably so. Every time I thought to myself “oh this is it this is going to be the climax and resolution” they would set off on another escape plan. It’s like they came up with 5 different endings and couldn’t decide which one to use so they just kinda tacked them on to the end of each other. After learning that this movie was 3 hours at it’s original cut, I cannot imagine sitting through another hour of squished together side-plots and escape plans, if those cut scenes had more Snoke and Phasma it might’ve been worth it but something tells me it didn’t. We wont know until the bluray with all the deleted scenes comes out next year.
Rey as the future of the Jedi- There was fanboy outcry at the end of TFA saying that Rey was a “”””mary sue””” for being able to defeat someone like Kylo Ren with no lightsaber training/understanding of the Force, but all their arguments are bullshit and there was nothing unbelievable about Rey’s skill with a staff translating to a saber and embracing the Force to gain an edge over Kylo and defeat him.
Now in TLJ Luke’s training of Rey was set up (like many things) to be a main focal point in the story when in reality, it lasts maybe two days and in that time not much training happens at all, in fact Luke tries to show Rey why the Jedi should NOT continue. But in the end it’s very much eluded to that it’s now up to Rey to continue on the Jedi ways and teach a whole new batch of bright eyed young light siders. Rey was skilled enough in TFA to handle herself, but she was still very much a student in need of a teacher herself, something she got only briefly. I honestly have little faith that they can convincingly portray this if they choose to go this route.
Confusing moments with Holdo/Mutiny- I don’t know if was just me but with the movie as a whole being an overwhelming stream of events and developments, the whole Poe mutiny against Holdo was an absolute clusterfuck to me. It was obvious that Holdo was planning something and wouldn’t share it with Poe to the point where it was almost as if she was a traitor/spy and was running everyone into the ground on purpose, and I thought my suspicions were confirmed when she broke back out of custody, but then suddenly Leia shows up and stuns Poe?? Was she a Changeling??? What the fuck was going on??
And then it turns out that she just had a plan to stay with the ship and to get everyone to the Rebel base on the planet below THAT SHE WOULDN’T TELL ANYONE. Like if she would have been a little more up front with this plan I think things would have gone smoother and the whole Poe mutiny thing could have been avoided. It was all very necessary and created conflict and complexity where there didn’t need to be.
Confrontation- While the final confrontation between Kylo and Luke is impactful in it’s end, I think it would have been even more so had it not been needlessly complicated by having him project from Ahch-to. I mean he probably wouldn’t have survived the Walker blasts, but if he could project across the galaxy like that then he could’ve figured something out. When he showed up at the base out of nowhere my suspension of disbelief was already running thin with the loss of Snoke and Phasma, but seeing him look so different from what he looked like minutes ago just ruined the surprise of him not actually being there. I would have liked to see him reunite with Leia in person before becoming one with the Force, and I just think him being there and pulling an Obi Wan by disappearing and leaving the cloak behind just as he did with Vader would have been a nice call back.
Rose/Finn- This moment I did not see coming because tbh, there was no build up to it, and just like the infamous Steve Rogers/Sharon Carter kiss from Civil War, it was awkward and unnecessary and I’m fairly convinced this was added last minute to subvert fans from the whole Stormpilot ship, because you know, how dare us gays want to be included in SW right? Rose is a BRILLIANT character, and even tho Finn suffered the short end of the stick as far as development in this movie went, neither of them needed this rushed moment to make her action or their friendship any more meaningful.
Payoff- Although I was happy with Rey’s parentage I don’t like that it was made to be such an issue that ultimately ended up not being a big deal. Now a lot of this comes from the fact that Rian took it upon himself to “fix” some of JJ’s weaker elements from TFA, but instead of fixing them he eliminated what would have been really nice payoffs for the fans who’ve invested so much time and love into discussing this series. This also goes for Snoke, why create this mystery around this character and have people talking about him if you aren’t going to give them some kind of payoff in the end. That bit of satisfaction that we hoped to get just slipped away and  we’ll have to wait another 2 years to have another chance at it, or maybe not at all and thats incredibly frustrating.
In the end I had fun, but that fun just can’t make me forget about the glaring issues this movie had. And they’re not just issues, they’re needless issues, things that could have been easily avoided or fixed. At this point i’m not even really invested enough in the characters that are left to be excited for the next film.
So yes this film had problems, but is it the worst SW film ever? Is SW really dead? Absolutely not, everyone is being far too dramatic, which honestly isn’t surprising seeing as most of them still pretend the prequels had nothing of value and don’t exist.
It had problems.
Fix them.
Do better next time.
It’s as simple as that and if the filmmakers can’t recognize this film’s shortcoming to avoid making the same mistakes again, then it’s their own fault for the criticism they get. The film isn’t a total loss in the slightest and hopefully some of the deleted content will shed some light on a few things we so very much wanted to see.
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I Wonder....
Hologram- The Technicolors plays in the background.
What race did i think i was in all this time? It was like this perpetual reminder constantly nagging me in my head...
what your 18 better not be singe for long-
 better go to college and forget about boys
- better get a degree and make lots of money
...married at 22 no degree - 
better excel in your career and climb the corporate ladder. 
hours of work and devotion 
BUT wait, dont work too hard you gotta have kids before your 30
what about an apartment- 
how about a trailer- 
how about a HOUSE. 
.. First son at 27- 
turning 30 at the end of this year. where did the time go?
...together for 11 years, married for 7 years, a 2 year old , a house, a dog, two cars.
i did exactly what i wanted to do in life.   i suppose.
don’t get me wrong i probably would seem obnoxiously ungrateful if i didn’t just stop there and say THANKS.
beautiful son. gorgeous husband.
the list goes on-  everything ive set my mind to in the past decade i have made come true.
i had this alarm in my head that i had to do “all this before 30″ why?? health reasons? statistic reasons? rumors? stories, why?
i feel like im rounding the last bend to a marathon i didnt even ask to be in? (or did i??!)
i think throughout my hussle and bussle (although i DID have SOME fun) i got lost in it all. I quickly entered the world of being 18 shattered battered and...engaged? positive that the love i was about to receive would catapult me into everything id ever needed.  (i guess it sorta did.)   career driven. beautiful. man on my side. ring on my hand “livin life” literally just climbing any career ladder i could- i had my “husband” as my cheerleader at my side. HUSBAND guys would say- “you’re to young”. yeah i got that ALOT. going to 21st birthday parties as the only married girl there. WHO WAS I.  we took married and young by the horns. i was so driven. you get over whelmed by the freedom. naturally you fall into some sort of rhythm because nice things cost money, and time just passes as you work and watch your work pay off. you feel accomplished. i was sure i saw my career in site and one would assume this WAS IT. this was the magic they talked about- enjoying your 20s- having a career u love- being MARRIED and secure. perfect...................
we were... the first couple to have an apartment. (so; big parties- no rules *rolls eyes)  we had a”wedding” so we had all these lovely gifts and things to lavish ourselves with in our first apartment. THE DREAM right?  just working and living and having fun. we traveled alot,, camped- we had big dreams to always be “like this” forever. in a moment (5 years into the beautiful maddness actually) we were sure we needed to materialize this power we had. this “love” we had needed to be a thing, a thing we wanted to nurture and bless and carry with us on our adventures. we had so much love we were ready to see what we could grow. (and grow it did- we had JP) 
the first year was hard- a new dynamic...we werent 2 anymore we were 3. and all of our decisions had a larger precaution. we wanted different things. rooted things. more stability. more direction. the air was different.
i was different.
i had put my career aside in my mind to concentrate on.on being something that something ELSE would flourish and grow beautifully in (um literally?) KIDS. i will be the first to tell you, kids were not on my radar (i just never saw myself as a kid person, i never understood the look parents give their little humans time after time- it confused me- it scared me i guess. it was just foreign.) till... i put allllll other thoughts aside. most definetly my first act of unconditional unselfish love. “hey self, we are about to give up our entire self to producing another human being” everything you smell eat touch. EVERYTHING. its like...well its like nothing youve ever gone through before until youve gone through it. we are fuckin amazing..the body can do some fuckin shit. COMPLETELY change in order to make this THING ... HUMANS and yeah. real hearts and lungs and little legs (oh and the hiccups, the awesome hiccups)
PHysically and mentally you go through some shit and although that may have been obvious to some- most??? it was not for me.
Mount Everest- Labrinth.
its just alot. im already not the best mentally- so to add this new function. emotional bandwith overload papi.
first its like 2,000 percent mom over load. YOU ARE A MOM and this teeny tiny creature needs you. NEEDS you. a need you thought you knew BUT YOU DO NOT. its this overwhelming warming beautiful amazing thing, the need a kid has for their parents. (i was IN IT- DEEP in IT)   IN love wasnt even the world. i do not loveeeee my son. my son IS LOVE. i can not explain it. but you get mentally rewired. i am not the girl i was before, im just not. 
i no longer wanted the career i had before. i no longer even wanted the LIFE i had before. i wanted more of this drug my son was giving me. this surreal daydream of laughs and kisses and just moments. time literally passes differently now. i see things differently now,  i feel things differently now. things have so much different meaning. i swear its as if im stuck in some molly, acid, shroom trip.
i feel like someone lit a fire to my soul and everything i touch now is illuminated differently.  when a person is growing inside you you can feel their heartbeat. you can feel the brush of their leg as they roll over to get comfortable. life has different meaning. LOVE has different meaning. love darling is caring you for 9 months and waiting with baited breathe for a stranger youve created. its a smell youve never smelled before and instantly is your favorite. its like you were never comfortable before they fell asleep in your arms, youve never known true peace until their skin was comfortable by yours. ITS PURE MAGIC .  i was different.  
some of the things i loved before, i- was confused about now. 
Love was different for me now,
how i wanted to give love.
how i wanted to receive love.
like a perpetual darkness was lifted from my eyes.
Wash.-Bon Iver
Im sorry i didnt know it would change ME. (im sorry about how cliche that sounds..)
from the moment i was little. it was go to school. get good grades. to go college. find a nice boy. get married. move in together, start a family- live happily ever after
but they leave out the nitty griddies. (even my own parents were divorced. who was anyone kidding) the years following our marriage all we heard about was how divorce was at its all time high. we vowed (among other things) that , that wouldnt be us. we both came from homes and divorce and we didnt want that for us. 
i think it was then that divorce became this ugly word. scary word. bad word.  i mean it is though..right?...
1.legally dissolve one's marriage with (someone)
2.separate or dissociate (something) from something else.
we got married because. well im sure for different reasons?
i got married because,( it was what i was suppose to do?). you find someone you love and are attracted to and if your lucky enough to have them feel the same way- you... marry them. and thats that.you cant have kids or live with someone who you arent married too (said the stigma of my parents and those around me)  i mean i know theres more to it then that but a brief outline? leaving out all the mooshy stuff. you make this feeling legal, you change some names and now your not only emotionally reliant on this person but basically reliant on them for every fuckin single thing else too (basically).
marriage is beautiful.  if your lucky enough to find your soul mate in this world. someone who just gets you and enjoys your company and wierdness then your blessed and you would probably want to spend the rest of your existence with this person.  i mean it makes sense. 
its just as i’ve developed into this next stage of myself, ive made each of my actions have more purpose (i do this because everthing i do my son now sees and its just different now) howww i do something- what i say. i just think about it all and that includes the things i was naturally doing before that i never thought of.
marriage.  do i love my sons father yes. hes attractive and im attratced to him. hes funny and knows just how to make me laugh. its the little things. how he makes JP laugh or when their doing snuggles in his bed. how my son says Dada when hes upset or how he looks just like him. before my love for my husband was an array of things from love to lust- obsession. all the best and worse of love. we were inseparable. engulfed in each other in EVERY way, i knew we were in love and so did everyone around us. 
and then my son was born.
JP....i dont think you have to marry someone to show them how much you love them. i think true devotion starts with intention and your soul mate will know by your actions where your true feelings are.always be true. always be kind. i think if you want to love someone- love them fully, respectfully and unconditionally. learn and grow with them and from them and continue to make each other better people. and in that time you find your spark ignites another i employ you to indulge in meeting new people and new interactions. Make your heart full if you feel it hurting.  not bonded by anything physical but truly understanding that you were meant to love. REALLY LOVE. and maybe thats with one person forever, or a series of different people through out your life time in so many different and amazing ways. boys, girls.. just loving people and sparking the light in them only YOU can ignite. and becoming your best self.  only to continue to become your best self with that same intention for others. 
and thats my truth.   i look into your eyes and just want the best for you.knowing that’s different for you as it is me. but realizing i want to live by the example i want you to live by.
.... im not her anymore.
the day you were born i became someone new. 
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expfcultragreen · 5 years
I think what star wars, TNG and voyager, blade runner, the matrix, i robot, etc had to say about AI as alien intelligence worthy of rights but often subjected to being habitually objectified by people who see them as yknow, mobile objects existing as servant to their whims...was pretty interesting stuff. obviously star wars sort of just leaves it there? Its sort of in the i robot zone. (Blade runner and the matrix actually have a lot in common tho their robots are either at different points on the same trajectory or exist like, as inversions of one anothers odds and outcomes. TNG but kind of moreso Voyager [the doctor looks more human than data but is less unique and like, manifests more relateable "personhood" but is sort of also granted less as a hologram by the federation at large, like his series has to work in mines, no?...then theres the borg and 7 and yaddayadda, which is kind of a lot like the way robits are in matrix if in the matrix the pods the people were in were little robot suits that kept them zombiefied and linked to a central AI puppeting a sexy lady with silver eyes? Which implies she induces the other borg to be frumpy? on purpose? But anyway] are just like, going out of their way to demonstrate people having an ideology thats the opposite of whats going on in the others with the marginal caveat of the end of blade runner if you assume rachel and maybe deckard are robots...i mean like fuck i guess the matrix trilogy also ends with a treaty?)
For some reason I'm just now thinking about how Jenny Nicholson apparently doesn't know that in Star Wars, droids can be force-sensitive and the R2 unit with the bad motivator was a force-user that shorted itself out to further the plot and this is canon afaik
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astralworld-blog1 · 7 years
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Donald Marshall (Sun. September 9, 2012) - i dont believe in astral projection,... neither do the nwo, theyve done millions of dollars worth of experiments, they said its all bs.
Donald Marshall (Mon. August 5, 2013) - they tell people the cloning center is the astral plane, 5th dimension, a time stutter, a singularity, a negative dimension, 7th dimension which is all love lol and whatever that person will be more prone to believing... just the cloning center in a clone of yourself though.... or in a drugged clone to make you feel different, weightless, fuzzy, pleasant/pleasurable feeling... clone pre-injected with drugs before activation.
Donald Marshall (Thur. May 23, 2013) - They trick the smartest people with the mind tech shit so no embarrassment for not knowing how its done. You wouldn't think people could do this stuff in this day and age. Normally they couldn't but they stumbled upon Atlantans abandoned tech that they back engineered and them tech levels made leaps and bounds.
Donald Marshall (Wed. May 1, 2013) - you're not flying, it's not astral plane,... it's mk ultra visualizations,... you even feel the air breezing past you but its not there and your not flying,... you just think you are... another woman on my friends list here (not mentioning names) thought she was in the astral plane flying around too... met her as clones we talked, she knows now,... talk to her from time to time as clones. There is no astral plane lol thats just what they tell people,... lucid dreaming same difference. Clone on fuzzy drugs... I watch it happen from the stands,... people think theyre super heroes running around in the arena thinking theyre doing all kinds of stuff,... and the scumbags sit there and make fun of them, but the person cant even see them,... theyre in a mk ultra scenario
they tried the flying thing with me,... it's all like inception the movie... looks realer than real. it is all illusion only you can see,... even if you crash into something your own brain tricks yourself that there is a solid object there and you'll feel pain but its not real pain its imagined pain,... hard to explain but thats it in a nutshell... they don't do that stuff to me, I know the difference now... I know all about mk visuals and audio.
Donald Marshall (August 2013) - They tell most dizzy girl clones out there [at the cloning centers] each night, that they want to have sex with that they're in the Astral plane or 5th dimension and inject them with multiple drugs from an internal drug dispenser surgically installed in each clone, multiple effects, then theres the audio video mk effects on top of that, they make you think that youre flying through clouds,... and it's convincing. They got it allll figured out.
Donald Marshall (August 2013) - I've watched so many dizzy good looking female clones in the arena, start to cry and say "where am I?" Your in the astral again they say... then they remotely drug them with an internal drug dispenser in each clone, different drugs,... sometimes they talk, sometimes they get an ugly old man out there and make the girl see an mk ultra visual effect of Brad Pitt over this old man... everyone else can see this is a scummy naked old man, but the girl see's Brad Pitt... like computer graphics layed over the reality but better. Then drugs little of this little of that, no needles, its an internal drug dispenser surgically implanted in the clone... most clones have them.
The illuminati tell so many people they are in the astral plane, then they mess with them for sport... no one ever know's they are a drugged clone... you feel all fuzzy and pleasant on the drugs, you think your in some pleasure dimension when it's going on.
Donald Marshall (Sun. March 17 or Mon. March 18, 2013) - they mess with people in multiple ways.... hurts the same though huh? they do mk ultra visual effects easily on clones... you can be in the center arena dirt surrounded by crazies in the stands, and they can make you see a secluded beach... they can make you thing you'r on the moon but can breath,... they just do a menagerie of different things to people for sport. They don't care if there are side effects on your real self.
Donald Marshall (Sun. December 23, 2012) - They make people see hologram like images as clones... Using mk ultra visual effects, same as inception movie basically... Most of the time the people think theyre just dreaming or think they were original body when they saw it, didnt even know they were clones,... they play a lot of tricks on peoples minds... They tell some people that the cloning center is the astral plane, 5th dimension Nirvana plane Shang ri la, lotsa different stuff, a lot dont even know theyre IN a clone, they think theyre in another dimension and in real body... Or time stutter or singularity lol, they tell different people different stuff.
Donald Marshall (Wed. June 19, 2013) - theres no astral plane... that's what they tell drugged clones of people at the cloning center.
Josie Marceleno - They tell them that but there really is right?
Donald Marshall - no it's your clone on drugs,... with mk ultra visual audio effects surrounding you like a star trek holodeck. inception land on fuzzy drug.
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viralhottopics · 8 years
The Walking Dead guide to surviving as a new business
Image: Gene Page/AMC
[Editor’s note: Spoilers for The Walking dead throughout.]
Its bleak and we both know it the kind of soul-crushing downer that goes way beyond horror and into something more existential and emotionally haunting.
The twists are exciting, sure, but its not so much the unexpected that scares us; its the stuff we saw coming or (in retrospect) the stuff we should have seen coming. Theres happiness from time to time bright triumphs of human spirit and social ingenuity but if were honest, those moments, just like everything else, are short lived.
According to the Startup Genome Report, the survival rate for startups is a mere 10%. Put more starkly: 90% of all startups die within their first three years. (Oh, did you think we were talking about something else?)
As Robin Chase, co-founder of Zipcar and Veniam told Foundr Magazine: Startups are really hard. Every successful one had terrible hurdles and setbacks that they had to overcome. These challenges are the norm and not unique to you and your startup.
Its bloody, sweaty, tear-filled work but once youre hooked, good luck turning away.
The question is: What do startups have to do with a pop-culture phenomenon like The Walking Dead?
Turns out, everything.
In fact, there are at least four lessons everybodys favorite post-apocalyptic horror-scape can teach you about surviving as a startup. Here they are in all their unsettling glory.
Never fall into a coma (or get caught sleepin)
Image: AMC
Rick Grimes nightmare like most zombieland protagonists begins with a wake up. Hes alone, disoriented, and (as usual) oily. The world has changed, and not for the good.
The lesson here is obvious, but many startup founders still ignore it. Whether your niche is B2C, B2B, SaaS, or old-fashioned ecommerce doesnt really matter the world changes fast. Everyday a new technological evolution emerges: Drones, self-driving cars, holograms, dynamic online personalization, VR, AR, AI, and a host of other acronyms. And that doesnt even factor in trends in the wider culture.
Daniel Marlin from Entrepreneur and the Huffington Post puts it like this: The same rings true for the changing landscape of start-ups. Consumers evolve, corporate hierarchies adjust and sometimes cease to exist altogether in favour of a more dynamic structure.
The best way to stay awake is to combine two approaches. First, take advantage of social-listening and online alert tools to systematize paying attention, both to your industry and pop-culture trends. Barring this automated approach, new developments will inevitably fall through the cracks.
Second, regardless of your niche, service, or product, do whatever you can to move towards an agile workflow. First used in car manufacturing and then applied to technological development, agile prioritizes iterative testing, runs on tight feedback loops that include real users, and puts decision making in the hands of the people who are closest to the problem being solved.
In truth, these two steps are the only way to ensure you dont wake up to a future thats passed you by or one thats stalking your death.
Never hesitate to murder your darlings (even if its your mom)
Image: AMC
In a show full of heart-wrenching scenes, few stand out like the death of Lori Grimes. Matricide is a bold move for any plot, but immediately after giving birth well, brutal doesnt really do it justice.
And yet, however brutal it may have been, one of the keys to surviving The Walking Dead is to do whatevers necessary, when its necessary, sometimes to even those we hold most dear.
The same is true for startups.
Part of what fuels startups is the belief in an idea. Such belief is crucial when it comes to enduring the inevitable ups and downs that confront all founders. The trouble is that belief especially dogmatic, hard-headed, despite what everyone says I know its brilliant has a darkside you might not expect: Love.
When we come to love our ideas themselves, not the solutions they aim to offer, we become blind. We lost sight of what really matters: not products, not promotions, not methods outcomes. In his 1913-1914 Cambridge lectures, On the Art of Writing, Arthur Quiller-Couch was the first to coin the phrase murder your darlings, and Stephen King took it one step further, Kill your darlings, kill your darlings, even when it breaks your egocentric little scribbler’s heart, kill your darlings.
As hard as it is to watch on the small screen, following that advice is even more difficult in the real world. Brittany Berger head of content and PR at Mention offers this advice as an antidote: You need to remember that you do not matter. Separating myself from my work has been key in helping me make decisions based on business instead of emotion.
Case in point, one of Brittanys darlings was Mentions weekly Twitter chat. As a social media startup, that makes perfect sense. The only problem was, it didnt deliver any bottomline results. Popularity can fuel our egos and certainly has a role to play in marketing and PR but if it doesnt deliver, its time to break out the machete.
37Signals founder Jason Fried nails this fundamental principle: Start getting into the habit of saying noeven to many of your best ideas. Use the power of no to get your priorities straight. You rarely regret saying no. But you often wind up regretting saying yes.
In other words, be ruthless with the ideas you love. The more you love them, the more dangerous they can become.
Never make a bad situation worse (and it can always get worse)
Image: AMC
As disturbing as Carl Grimes’s matricide was, Season 7s premiere The Day Will Come When You Won’t Be took it to a whole new level. After the long-awaited arrival of Negan, Abrahams folksie, profanity-laced wisdom was the first to fall victim to Lucielle.
Bad situation? Yes. But does it gets worse? Indeed.
In a fit of justified outrage, everybodys favorite unfortunate son, Daryl Dixon, rises up. He cant help himself, and we get it. Unfortunately all the righteous indignation in the world wont help when youre outnumbered and outgunned. Driven back to the gravel, we wait for the hammer or, more accurately, the bat to drop.
However, in lieu of Daryl, Glenn is the second to go (complete with some serious eye-bulging and character-breaking guilt for Daryl).
The lesson? No matter how bad a situation is, our tempers, resentments, fears, and especially our mouths can always make it far worse. Whats more, the stress levels inherent to startups makes this an even more pressing concern.
Lively discussion is one thing. And fostering a culture of disagreement is essential. But those two ingredients only take shape in the shadow of another: Safety. Combining two unlikely sources the first cast of Saturday Night Live and Google Charles Duhigg calls attention to the crying need of safety in successful organizations: [M]ost important, teams need psychological safety. To create psychological safety team leaders needed to model the right behaviors.
These behaviors include deceptively subtle habits like not interrupting team members, ensuring everyone has equal time to participate, and especially calling out intergroup conflicts and resolving them through open discussion. Notice that each is about what leaders dont say, biting their tongues and pushing back against their own knee-jerk reactions.
Its obvious you dont want to be a Negan-style leader, but the Daryls inside all of us are far more likely to make things go from bad to worse within a startup.
Never go in alone (ever)
Image: AMC
While the previous lessons all come from some specific high points in The Walking Dead, we could easily locate this one in every episode ever. Dodging zombies might get you out a sticky situation now and then, but finding food, fire, shelter, weapons, medicine, and transportation is not a single player sport. And that doesnt even include the threat that comes from other people.
Simply put: If you go in alone youre not coming out.
As with zombies, so with startups. Launching a successful product or service is just the first fight. You also have to develop sales, marketing, and public relations as well as run bookkeeping, accounting and finance. Theres funding, operations, hiring and firing, building and then maintaining QA on a website, customer service, and most daunting scaling. The list goes on and on and on.
In the words of Leonard Kim, one of Inc. Magazines top digital and youth marketers: If you’re thinking of doing a startup yourself, then you have absolutely no clue what you’re in store for. I’ve spent most my adult life doing startups and and if I can admit I don’t know how to do so many of these things, then it’s okay for you to do the same.
Admitting our ignorance doesnt just apply to teams, it also applies to partners. After getting burnt early on in his career by a bad choice, Mashable contributor Josh Steimle took a hardline and decided to go it alone in his own agency. As he explains: I struggled for the next 10 years, never really getting anywhere. Finally, in 2013 I relented and brought in a partner. A year later revenue was three times larger than it had ever been before because I invested in the right person that excelled where I couldnt.
More than just surviving
Of course, at the end of the day, you want your startup to do more than just outlast the 90% who dont make it. You also want to thrive.
How? By paying close attention to what might at first appear to be an unlikely source: The Walking Dead. First, stay awake to trends and innovations. Second, say no even to your most-loved ideas. Third, cultivate safety instead of making bad situations worse. And fourth, surround yourself with people who can address your own weakness.
Theres no denying its bloody, sweaty, tear-filled work. Robin Chase was right: Challenges are the norm. But if Maggie Rhee can bring new life into an all but dead world so can you.
Aaron Orendorff is the founder of iconiContent and a regular contributor at Entrepreneur, Lifehacker, Fast Company, Business Insider and more. Connect with him about content marketing (and bunnies) on Facebook or Twitter.
BONUS: This plant-based gel stops bleeding in seconds.
Read more: http://on.mash.to/2ilCUUT
from The Walking Dead guide to surviving as a new business
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