#or if there is a description usually it will be more than just 'viktor arcane'
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sillyboycam · 3 months ago
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“I would bring you rings of gold, I’d even sing you poetry!”
“Oh would ya’?~”
I told you they’ve been on my mind.
Oh yeah, I also watched one of my favourite movies httyd2 and y’know… got a little into it as usual..
I’ve had this idea in my mind for a while, definitely before I watched httyd2 but AFTER watching season 2 of Arcane I decided “Man, this would make a GREAT drawing” .
And here we are!
Anyways this is a sort of “Au��� I’ve made, Viktor as Valka, leaving and everyone thinking he’s “dead”.
While I put Jayce as Stoic, because, in retrospect they’re both people of power. Leaders that have a pretty tough life, along with losing their loved one(s). Also, Jayce finally got a beard and you know what Stoic looks like.
Since Valka and Stoic obviously had Hiccup, in my mind I think Jayce and Viktor both adopted a kid to be theirs. (Also to be the next chieftain, since they’re both men of course.) His name is Jekkel, and he’s similar to each of them in terms of appearance. His personality leaning a little towards Viktor’s rather than Jayce’s.
They’d also adopt a little girl named Viyati. (They were especially happy with the name since they picked it themselves) Viyati is the youngest dragon rider of her tribe so far. Her personality is definitely more like Jayce’s as she’s always putting herself and her brother out there. With, of course, boundaries kept in place as Jekkel isn’t usually one to actually want to be out there.
So Viyati always respects him and his needs.
Viktor’s dragon would be a LightFury,
Jayce’s would be a TimberJack,
Jekkel’s would be a DeathSong,
And (ironically) I think I’d give Viyati a Screaming Death. (ie, smallest little dragon rider gets a big ass scary looking dragon, and it loves her)
In this Au neither Jayce nor Viktor would die, but, would come super duper close to it many, many times.
Viktor’s clothes consist of a big white hood rimmed with white tipped red fur, and lots of designs traced onto the hood itself in an off-white.
A black Viking tunic with purple embroidery along the edges and the neckline adorns him, with armour on his chest. Black and scaled.
His arms would be wrapped in white leather from the forearm down, tied in neat bows.
Giant white fur boots with black pants is what he wears on the daily. A spiky belt adorns his sleek waist.
Last thing, he has black scaled arm warmers! In which the white leather wraps around. In a cute bow of course.
Jayce’s outfit would be a bit more complex, as well as the kids, so if you’d like me to go more in depth I’d be happy too! (Just not in this post, I’m not one to make long descriptions lol)
Viktor is actually married to Jayce in this one! Their wedding was beautifully done (weeps…) and their rings were gorgeous. This means, the whole family is a Talis!
So that’s; Jayce Talis, Viktor Talis, Jekkel Talis, and Viyati Talis. Also Jayce’s mother, Ximena Talis. She’s a very important figure in the village, a wizard with talents for medicine.
I have tons of more ideas and I’d love to tell you them all. If you’re interested, let me know!
Anyways this might’ve already been done… but I’m not sure. If it has do let me know! I’d love to chat with that person ;]
I hope you enjoy this one!
Love you all
as always art is by me —————> @sillyboycam
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rarepairdumpster · 8 days ago
Serial Killer AU #2 Part 1
Pairing: Viktor/Silco (Arcane) Rating: M C/W: Discussing Crimes, Murder, Prison Break, Minor Viktor/Jayce, Viktor forgot how to be ethical
Prison AU where Silco an inmate infamous for many, many reasons. 
Viktor is a shrink that's doing a study on criminal behaviour, with a focus on Silco.
But Viktor ends up falling for Silco during their sessions.
Jayce is the warden who thinks he'll get in Viktor's pants by letting him do his study there.
Viktor being instrumental in Silco's escape though.
He's the one that planned it. He admitted his feelings to Silco during their session (private unrecorded ofc) and then explained he had a plan.
Silco getting Viktor off with just his voice and the slide of his stare during one of their sessions, when Silco is going into why he commited a certain crime.
"I wasn't aware you were so sensitive, Doctor"
Viktor ends the session early because he hasn't admitted to himself that he's in love with Silco yet.
Silco watches him go with a smirk.
Viktor trying to think of the handsome warden as he touches himself in his own bed, but Silco keeps creeping into his thoughts.
Viktor's hand wrapping around his own neck and squeezing as Silco's voice plays in his head, purring the man's enjoyment of strangulation.
He'd said it was a rush. That there was nothing like the power that came with having a life in his hands, squeezing it out as hot flesh bucked and spasmed beneath him. And he'd said as he let his long, pale fingers caress the table separating them.
Viktor couldn't help imagining his own body being the one bucking and shuddering beneath Silco.
Couldn't stop his cock from hardening or his cheeks from flushing. He also couldn't tear his attention from Silco, whose gaze seemed to brand him.
"Are my descriptions bothering you?"
"Hmm. Maybe I should go into more detail then"
Silco recalls one where he could feel the victim getting hard as he strangled them. Viktor is trying his hardest to not show how much it's affecting him but Silco has to know if he's bringing this up. Silco goes on to say that was the only one where he had considered sexual deviance.
"Why didn't you?"
"He wasn't my type."
"He was your type to kill though?"
"I have different standards for who I kill and who I shove my cock into."
Viktior moistening his lips and looking down at his notes without answering.
At the end of the session, just before Silco is taken away, he says "By the way, Doctor, you are that type." Then smirks and is taken out of sight.
Viktor is both elated and annoyed working with Silco. He goes on a few dates with Jayce to try and get over Silco but it does not work.
The first time they go to bed, he is too afraid to ask Jayce to choke him but thinking about it, he would only enjoy it from Silco.
Silco being perceptive enough to know Viktor went to bed with the warden and quietly mocking his taste in bedfellows.
As pretty as Jayce is, Silco knows he's not capable of what the Doctor needs.
"Did you think about me with him? While he was pounding you from behind did you wish it was my cock?"
"Those large hands and deep pockets can do a lot, I'm sure, but you don't need clumsy paws groping you."
"No, my darling. The thought of my fingers around your neck are more titillating and beautiful than any pearls or diamonds he could cover my bruises with."
(Silco says during a session)
Its a quiet purr, but there's an edge to it as he leans closer to Viktor, his stare more intense than usual.
Viktor has to stop himself from squirming when Silco calls him darling
For a while after Silco escapes, they can't see each other to avoid suspicion. He starts killing again and Viktor is called in to help find him. Silco leaves messages/signs that tell Viktor where he is but he tells the police something else. He also sometimes leaves love notes or small gifts for Viktor too
Their first kiss is almost violent.
Silco fucking Viktor at the earliest (safest) opportunity after his escape, and he is not gentle
Viktor pants and moans as Silco actually rips his goddamn clothes open
Viktor can taste blood in his mouth as Silco's hands roam over him and finally take hold of his cock in one hand and his neck in the other.
Viktor sighs when Silco's fingers finally wrap around his throat like they were made to fit together, Silco's thumb toying with his Adams apple as he gasps
The sick relief Viktor feels when those hands wrap around his neck and squeeze.
Silco purring "Does it feel as good as you imagined, Doctor"
Doctor has become an endearment instead of a title
Silco asks to tease him. He knows very well how good it feels to his Doctor.
Part 2
Arch + Woods
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hyperesthesias · 1 year ago
I should also add to keep track of where his cane is. I see countless fics where his mobility devices aren't even mentioned. They should be at least mentioned, if not an active part of storytelling. Mobility devices are an extension of the person's body -- like an additional limb, or a prosthetic. It's inappropriate to erase them, especially if it's 'out of convenience' to the author. I've seen many writers (not only in fandom) who either don't mention them because they're afraid of being offensive, or who don't mention them because they 'don't know how' to write about a cane or a crutch.
I promise it's not difficult, even if you have no experience being around canes, or if you have never written characters with them. Just think of it as an additional limb.
Some things to keep in mind when writing canes specifically are:
Other peoples' thoughtlessness. Most people don't watch where they step, and having a cane kicked out from under a disabled person is a frequent occurrence.
They're awkward to handle, and there aren't usually many places to place them. Especially at a restaurant, in a bar, or other date-prone settings. Dating isn't disability friendly. People with mobility aids have to get creative in how they handle them. In Act I Viktor is seen holding his cane in the crook of his arm, and in Acts II and III he usually rests it against a table or he holds it.
A cane or crutch should be used on the opposite side of the injury or weakened limb. It is very common for people to depict a character using them on the same side of the injury, out of ignorance. This is one of my favorite things about Arcane, because someone on the design team had to know this. In Viktor's concept art, he uses his cane with his right hand -- which is incorrect. Then as his design progressed into the render, he is using his cane with his left hand. Someone took the initiative to correct it, and that pleases me to no end lol. In Act I Viktor uses his cane with his right hand, to display the mildness of his disability (the progression of which we are meant to follow along with, as the story unfolds). A beautiful piece of visual storytelling, for which not one word is ever spoken! It's genius.
People use their canes for things other than balance. Like I mentioned, it's like an additional limb. It wouldn't be completely out of place to have Viktor use his cane to reach for something, or to point with. There are 101 uses for it -- don't be afraid to get creative lol.
Overall, it's like I said at the end of the original post: acknowledging the disability and the mobility devices are important -- and you don't have to write aeons of description in order to be respectful. Often all it takes is a simple nod.
Using the same example I did in the original post, you can say something like: 'Viktor sat on a chair at the far end of the lab, away from the door's line of sight. Setting aside his cane, he leaned his back against the seat, allowing his spine to settle, before he coaxed his lover onto his lap. His lover straddled his legs, reaching to kiss his neck, while his hand trailed up their thighs...' All I did was add four words, and you've successfully acknowledged both its presence and necessity. Pepper these throughout your fic, depending on its length, and you have quiet descriptors that add to the overall tone of your story.
Never hesitate to reach out if you ever want more clarification, or if you'd like writing advice in general! I love talking about writing. If you couldn't tell lol.
Can you actually write something smutty for Viktor? Or just a guide on how to? I really want to write some Viktor smut, but I'm worried I won't do his disability justice as I'm able bodied and a dumbass
Of my twelve years on this webbed site, this has got to be the best ask I have ever received lmao
I would be happy to help, friend. I'll answer this in two parts.
Yes, I am planning on writing Viktor smut for Viktor x Anya. I had a lot happen in the year since I made the post you're referencing, but I've finally been able to get back into fandom stuff. I wanted to lay some backstory with them first though, as I am apparently a PWP kind of person lmao. It's coming soon! (No pun intended).
You've taken the first great step in recognizing that your experience and knowledge may not be congruent with potential portrayal, and therefore asking for advice. I don't mean to sound patronizing at all. I am an author and I have seen many professional authors that don't do this, so you're already ahead of the game! I wouldn't consider that dumbassery in any way, shape, or form.
I'll put the rest under a cut due to the nature of this post.
*Disclaimer to this is, of course, I don't speak for every disabled person, this list isn't extensive, and these are my opinions.
I, personally, operate under the assumption that Viktor has Post Polio Syndrome. Looking at photographs (x, x, x) it's pretty clear the animators used PPS as a framework for Viktor's movements and posture, as well as his mobility and assistive devices. People with PPS often develop need for braces, canes or crutches, and treatment for scoliosis -- all of which Viktor has. You are more than welcome to headcanon something different, as I don't believe the writers or animators have ever confirmed or denied PPS, but based on my own experience and research, I would bet money on it.
That being said -- regardless of PPS, or otherwise -- the first thing to consider when writing smut for any disabled character is fatigue. It may not be the obvious thing, as mobility devices often are the first thing to catch an observer's eye. But there is so much that goes on beneath mobility devices. Fatigue is a big one.
Consider the worst flu you've ever had -- all the time, every day, even in your sleep. It can be maddening, like you can't get any relief -- even if you take pain reliever or use other analgesics. Most people with a severe flu aren't exactly in the mood to be frisky, especially spontaneously. Many physically disabled people rely on preplanning. Having a date night where they can plan for extra pain reliever, or where they can schedule the rest of their day or week to conserve energy for a special night. The psychological energy that people need to conserve alone can take a lot of effort. Being disabled is also mentally exhausting, especially when you have a partner and their needs to consider. Giving a disabled person time to prepare for sex (or other tasks) is essential.
Related to that, is the fact the energy levels aren't always consistent. A disabled person and their lover could be going at it like rabbits for a while and then suddenly the disabled partner may need to stop because their "battery" (their physical energy levels) has run out. They may need a break for a few minutes, or they may just need to end the sexual encounter altogether.
The worst thing you (or your character) could do is take this personally. It has nothing to do with their partner, it's their body that is (frustratingly [on many levels]) not cooperating.
Something to toy with (no pun intended) when writing characters with energy level deficits is vibrators. Twice the work with half the effort. Don't be afraid to write smut with toys and vibrators -- it doesn't even have to be kinky. Toys and vibrators are normal and vanilla, all things considered. The only reason they haven't been normalized is because of patriarchal standards as to what sex is and is supposed to be.
The second thing to consider is physical limitations of positions and potential discomfort. I've seen several fanfic writers describe situations and positions that Viktor simply would never be able to do (e.g. lifting his partner onto a table or desk).
Viktor doesn't have a lot of strength. That's not to say he can't be rough or that all smut has to be vanilla. But realistically, it's absurd to think that he can lift someone else or manhandle them with any force, or thrust at the speed of light (💀). He also doesn't have any balance whatsoever post Act I. During Act I, he's able to hobble somewhat without his cane, as long as he has something to hold onto, as seen in episode three. But in Acts II and III, his balance issues combined with scoliosis would make any positions where he has to stand much more difficult.
Therefore, if you're wanting to write a scene somewhere outside of a bedroom (e.g. the lab, his office, etc.), he'd need something to balance himself. Seated sex is a great concept to play with -- very disability friendly and offers many options for all sorts of scenes. Desk/table sex is also realistic, as long as your character lifts themself onto the desk or table, and he's able to lean on it.
Scenes that take place in the bedroom also have their own limitations. He has zero use of his right leg, which means he'd need more time to get in and out of different positions. Missionary would take a toll on his back, I'd imagine, from being hunched over -- not that he couldn't do it at all, but that was more of a sidenote. Having your character straddle him, while his back was supported, is probably the most comfortable position I can imagine. Or spooning. Or maybe doggy, though I think his back and hips might get tired. But I'm just spit balling at this point. Utilizing objects from the setting is important -- pillows, having your character bent over the back of a couch, etc. This is where creativity comes in -- it's just important to keep in mind where his limitations are located on his body: his back and his leg/hip.
There are also adaptive devices for sex and disabilities.
One final thing I want to say is: don't overcorrect. This is common. It's one thing to keep a character's disability in mind, but it's another to make a disability the entire character. Just because Viktor is disabled doesn't mean he can't have the filthiest, most disgusting, raw, life changing, I-should-visit-a-confessional type of sex. However you headcanon him to be in bed is exactly how he can be. If you see him as a cruel Dom, he absolutely can slap the shit out of whoever has the pleasure of being beneath him, while he makes them beg for his mercy -- with his back and leg supported. If you see him as a bratty sub, he can be that, too -- while he lies there with a back pillow to relieve pressure off his spine. If he's the plainest, blander-than-vanilla type of lover, that's exactly what he is -- while he takes a few extra minutes to move from one position to the next. If he's any combination of those things, more power to you.
The point of writing a scene, is the point you're trying to make. Meaning: a lot of writers worry about conveying ideas and settings perfectly and with detail, while losing sight of the main point of their story. Rarely will you ever have to add paragraphs to a piece of writing in order to convey something, especially if it's not the main point. Often, it only takes one or two sentences. Keep the main point of the scene in mind. If you're writing a fic where Viktor and your character are secretly getting it on in the lab, then the point and the idea of that scene is the forbidden sex they are having. Not necessarily his limitations. You can easily acknowledge Viktor's disability by saying something like: 'Viktor sat on a chair at the far end of the lab, away from the door's line of sight. He leaned his back against the seat, allowing his spine to settle, before he coaxed his lover onto his lap. His lover straddled his legs, reaching to kiss his neck, while his hand trailed up their thighs...' You've successfully conveyed the limitations he has in two sentences, while maintaining the focus of your scene, and without reducing Viktor to a caricature of his disability. Less is more throughout your fic.
As a side note, which is completely my headcanon -- and something I've vaguely alluded to in my Viktor x Anya fics -- is that Viktor also has erectile dysfunction as a result of the PPS. Polio is a neurological virus, meaning is attacks the nerve cells, the main cause of the atrophy in PPS. It isn't common, but it's not uncommon for males with PPS to struggle with ED. As such, in my own personal stories, I have mentioned that Viktor takes medication to help with it. Sildenafil (the generic for Viagra) is a medication that specifically targets nerves.
That's my own person interpretation, though, and has no bearing on what we seen in Arcane lol.
To close this off for now, I want to reassure you that your efforts count and they matter. No one will write any depiction of disability 'perfectly'. Disability is unique to every person, and one person's spinal disability will look different to another's. Even people with the exact same diagnosis and prognosis will differ in how they experience it. You're not a dumbass. You're very intelligent to recognize the need for external resources. Enjoy yourself, enjoy the work you write, and keep asking questions.
If and when you decide to write your Viktor smut piece, I would love to read it. And likewise, if you'd like to read what I write I'd be happy to send it to you! If you're comfortable coming off anon, you can message me privately and we can talk more!
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followmybones · 3 years ago
Falling in love again: a 200 Follower Event — ENDED
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Falling in love is perhaps one of the oddest occurrences in life. The insatiable adoration, the butterflies in your stomach that never rest, the smiles that start to ache, and simply: them. Beautiful, near perfect, them. Falling in love is positively enchanting. It can leave you on cloud nine, feeling euphoric and unstoppable. Of course, there are also side effects, daydreaming just a bit too much and forgetting other people exist. But who could blame you for that? And did you really have the spare time to think about that? Especially when you could be reminiscing about your first date with them?
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This event is going to be open for a little more than two (2) weeks starting on 2 September (the day I post this) and ending on 17 September. The close date is subject to change, but we'll see. All posts for this event will be tagged with #200 bones for convenience.
For this event, I will provide you with some headcanons, and an attempt at a drabble that describes how your first date would go with the character you provide me with. I will only be accepting prompts with the characters I usually write for (a list of those characters can be found at the end of this post). 
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For anyone who wishes to take part in this event, I will need a list of things from you: 
 The character of your choice.
 How you met, or the nature of your relationship (colleagues, schoolmates, friends, CHILDHOOD friends, strangers going on a date, it’s actually a blind date, first date after meeting on a dating app, nothing too weird but feel free to come up with your own).
 When do you want the scenario to take place? (during the time of high school, college, or as adults in the workplace, freshly out of college)
 OPTIONAL: if you’d like, you can give a brief description of the type of reader you would like (shy, cold and collected, sarcastic, ditzy, etc.). And please do not describe your whole personality.
 Also, please include if you’d like the reader to be gender neutral or male because otherwise, I’m going to make it a male reader. 
A few examples of what a request for this event might look like: 
 Kuroo with a schoolmate, set in college, with a loudmouth reader
 Jayce going on a blind date as an adult with a shy, nervous reader
 going out with childhood friend, Hajime Iwazumi, set during high school
 How you word your request doesn’t matter, so long as I can understand it 
**Depending on the character and the prompts, I might write your request in a Modern AU. 
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Characters I write for (organized by fandom):  
Obey me!: Shall We Date: Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor, Diavolo, Barbatos, Solomon, Simeon
Haikyuu: Shoyo Hinata, Tobio Kageyama, Kei Tsukishima, Tadashi Yamaguchi, Koshi Sugawara, Daichi Sawamura, Asahi Azumane, Kenma Kozume, Tetsurō Kuroo, Tōru Oikawa, Hajime Iwazumi, Kōtarō Bokuto, Keiji Akaashi, Kiyoomi Sakusa, Atsumu Miya, Osamu Miya
My Hero Academia: Katsuki Bakugo, Hanta Sero, Hitoshi Shinso, Tomura Shigaraki, Dabi, Himiko Toga
Arcane: Jayce, Viktor, Silco, Vander, Ekko
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I'd also like to say thank you to everyone who follows me. I've got enough followers to make a whole skeleton now! Sorry this event isn't as personalized as something like matchups, but I wanted to do something everyone could enjoy this time, and I also have school and work to balance during the duration of this event so… but I hope you all enjoy this event, and I hope to create something cute for everyone who sends a request in. Thanks again for all the support :)
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dervampireprince · 3 years ago
Hey, I’m not saying this to be rude cause your content is great! But when people are scrolling the Viktor x reader tag, your nsfw 18+ post of your Viktor cosplay wearing lacy underwear is not hidden behind a keep reading tab so anyone who is scrolling, including minors, are seeing that without having time to either not look at it at all, or scroll away. Not saying this to be a hater, just thought you should know.
okay i guess i need people's feedback on that then because that wasn't something i was aware i had to / was supposed to do. i've never seen anyone else do it. i understand because it is suggestive content and it's out there in hashtags and search results, though there is also drawings of uncensored nsft art in the same tag and i've not seen anyone send asks to fanartists doing that. if you go in the viktor or jayvik tag on twitter its so much uncensored graphic n-sfw art. my stuff doesn't have any genitalia in it, but yes i only want people 18+ to interact with it. i tag things for people who follow me and are 18+ and want to see the viktor content, makes it easier for them to search through my blog. i do tag with nsft tags so if people have them blacklisted it wouldn't show up for them. i completely understand your point and it's honestly not something i even thought about because half the time my posts don't show up in tags anyway because tumblr just blocks them. i understand there's a difference between a nsft fic being in the tag and images/gifs. i certainly don't want the arcane fandom or arcane hashtags to become uncomfortable for anyone because my content is in there and they don't want to see it. i don't really understand the example of a keep reading tag because you can't use that with image posts? but i take your point. i suppose i also didn't think because all my arcane n-sfw writing and audio posts are under the same hashtag and i kept using them without thinking, thinking that well there's full on naked sex art in the tag so my fully clothed but just a little suggestive might not be a problem. if i had been in anyway nude or engaging in sexual acts i would not have tagged them with fandom tags for sure. i guess i didn't about it because they're much more like boudoir photos and aren't actual p*rn . i think they'll always be a problem of more adult themed content being in general tags. maybe if we all agreed to use #arane-nsft or something idk. other fandoms like undertale have had their own unique nsft tags because there were a lot of children in that fandom and people didn't want 18+ drawings and fanfic to show in it so they tagged it #undertail instead.
i've deleted the hashtags from the post. it may still show up under some searches because sometimes tumblr detects the words in the text body of the post and not just the words used in the hashtags. in future then would everyone prefer when it's cosplay photos for me to post them as text posts with a description of what photos are underneath the cut and then it's up to you to open the post? you can't have more than one image/gif in a row in text posts so might break the usual formatting a little, but then it would be sort of censored in a way?
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