Hello! My name is Iesou Kristoff but you can call me Sou. I like a lot of things, mostly sleeping, reading, singing, acting, playing and food. I watch anything that interests me. [email protected]
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BLOG 5: Planning a Critical Review
SO the show that I decided to review is Vikings. So "The Vikings" is a historical drama television series that premiered on the History Channel in 2013. The show is loosely based on the legendary Norse hero and Viking king, Ragnar Lothbrok, and his adventures as a warrior and explorer during the Viking Age. The series explores themes of power, family, loyalty, betrayal, and the clash of cultures as the Vikings raid and trade with other societies. "The Vikings" has been praised for its strong performances, character development, and attention to historical detail.
Questions I. In the show, the Viking's religion or belief circulated around Odin, Norse Myths while the People of England and Frankia, believed in God, Christianity. In the show, it is shown quite frequently how these two beliefs are spat on by the enemy. - Does this reflect the real world and how some people don't respect each other's beliefs and opinions?
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Coining a Terminology
1. Which factors led you to coming up with this term? The factors we considered is that we must choose two words and combine them so that it matches with teh issue we chose.
2. Why did you choose the words you chose for the term? Machia, short for machiavellian, means cunning, scheming, and unscrupulous, especially in politics. Putocrat means a person whose power derives from their wealth. We all know that for you to maintain your position of power you need to have both wealth and a scheming mind. You cannot maintain your position of power by simply just scheming or simply having wealth. WIth schemes you can think of a plan that can maintain your position of power for a long time while wealth will buy you people to do your bidding and make you friends with other powerfule figures
3. How do you formally define your coined terminology? - A political figure that stays in his/her's position of power through the means of his/her's wealth and schemes
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Overall Self Assessment - 2ND Q
Name of the Assessor: Iesou Feranil
Name of the Assessed: Iesou Feranil
Self Assessment
SYNCH 1: Attendance - meets
SYNCH 2: Class Participation - exceeds
ASYNCH 1: Advanced / Self Study of Lessons - meets
ASYNCH 2 :Collaboration with Partner - exceeds
ASYNCH 3: Blogging - meets
SHORT REMARKS - I need to adjust my schedule because I don't have enough time to advance study in English class. I also need to refresh my mind on certain English lessons because I may have forgotten some of them.
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Self Assessment - Book Cover / Trailer
Name of the Assessor: Iesou Feranil
Name of the Assessed: Iesou Feranil
Self Assessment
Content - exceeds
Form - exceeds
Contribution - exceeds
SHORT REMARKS - It was really fun doing the book cover, not the actual cover though but the summary of the story that is written in the back of the book cover. So the story that I chose was The Masque of the Red Death written by Edgar Allan Poe. It was really fun creating the summary because I get to read the story. It was also fun because I get to do it with my classmates.
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Name of the Assessor: Iesou Feranil
Name of the Assessed: Athiena Santos
Peer Assessment
Sweep - exceeds
Depth - exceeds
Order - exceeds
SHORT REMARKS - It was fun talking about how AI can have its advantages and disadvantages with my partner. We most certainly agree that we can use AI but only if we can discipline ourselves and not too rely on it too much.
Name of the Assessor: Iesou Feranil
Name of the Assessed: Iesou Feranil
Self Assessment
Sweep - exceeds
Depth - exceeds
Order - exceeds
SHORT REMARKS - It was a very fun experience and I certainly enjoyed Chat GPT. I was really amazed because I cannot fathom how hard it was to create an AI that is somewhat intelligent. Hopefully, as I grow up, I can learn how to create one.
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BLOG #3: Exploring ChatGPT
I think it is amazing that people have progressed so far in the fields of science, coding, etc. that we can create somewhat intelligent beings in the form of AI. It just goes to show how brilliant human kind is. It is amazing how much hard work and coding people put into creating the AI. I think that it is both advantageous and disadvantageous. One of the advantages is being able to strike up a conversation with the AI. The AI is intelligent enough to create a response the message. Another advantage is the AI's ability to solve complex mathematical problems and create essays. We can also use the AI to help us create an idea while we are writing an essay. However a few disadvantages also rise up. There may ber a possibility that the AI may be used too much or relied too much by us that we cease to be creative or we cease to learn anything from our homework. There is also plagiarism to worry about. Of course, there are also a few problems the AI has. While it may have the ability to respond quickly to messages, there will be times when the response doesn't make any sense
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Overall Self Assessment (1st quarter)
Reflection: This quarter was really fun and I learned a lot. I was amazed at how this class teaches. Both the teacher and students taught me. All of us, the students, taught one other by sharing their insights and opinions. If possible, I want to do better in the next quarter.
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Peer and Self Assessment (Blog 2)
Name of the Assessor: Iesou Feranil Name of the Assessed: Athiena Santos Peer Assessment Sweep - exceeds Depth - exceeds Order - exceeds Collab Work - exceeds Contribution - exceeds SHORT REMARKS - Since I was inactive at the time, she thought off the possible topics to put in the presentation and made sure that the content was short but understandable. She also designed the presentation Name of the Assessor: Iesou Feranil Name of the Assessed: Iesou Feranil Self Assessment Sweep - meets Depth - meets Order - meets Collab Work - meets Contribution - meets SHORT REMARKS - I feel like I didn't do that much but my partner convinced me that by sharing my opinions and insights the presentation was much more relatable to people. Since the day of the presentation was moved, I had ample time to research the topics given to us.
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Peer and Self assessment (Blog 1)
Name of the Assessor: Iesou Feranil Name of the Assessed: Athiena Santos Peer Assessment Sweep - exceeds Depth - exceeds Order - exceeds Collab Work - exceeds Contribution - exceeds SHORT REMARKS - my partner is very active. She does all her best and gives it her all when she creates a presentation. She also makes sure that her tasks are nicely done and has no mistakes Name of the Assessor: Iesou Feranil Name of the Assessed: Iesou Feranil Self Assessment Sweep - meets Depth - meets Order - exceeds Collab Work - exceeds Contribution - exceeds SHORT REMARKS - I try to help as much as I can to make sure my partner doesn't feel unfair that she's the one doing all the work. There are times where we have different opinions however we settle it profesionally. We eventually agree on a certain topic. I feel like I have much to learn and hopefully I do in the future
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The Climate Crisis Network
Emerging infectious illness is caused by four factors. Deforestation, air pollution, air travel, and urbanization are all problems. Air pollution and deforestation, which may impact our ability to breathe and result in insufficient clean air to breathe, forced migration, and reduced ecosystems existing along with climate change caused by greenhouse gases, can be divided into two main forms of pollution.
Additionally, air travel and urbanization are 2 additional sources of transmission. If those in contact with them have the condition, it prevents any potential threat to them.
Mental health may suffer as a result of climate change. What effects does it have on your mental health. When a person is affected by a natural disaster due to climate change, this might result in them experiencing severe depression, anxiety, concern, PSTD, and other conditions.
Climate anxiety is one of the ways that a person's mental health may suffer as a result of climate change. People can experience climate anxiety, which manifests as worry or fear about the consequences of climate change and what the future may hold for the globe.
Grief over the environment or the climate can be another factor. Grief over a sense of loss brought on by environmental degradation or climate change is known as climate grief. Environmental mourning is described as "the emotional response resulting from the ecological loss of ecosystems due to natural and anthropogenic disasters." Similar to an existentialism crisis Can you also believe that inequality is a factor in this? When a natural disaster occurs or will occur, one person or one group of people will always be given priority over the others. It may cause individuals to become angry, anxious, or concerned.
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Blog#1: Einstein-Inspired School

So a few weeks earlier, our group were tasked to create a school to our own liking that has a connection to our topic which is about Einstein's essay "On Education". We were given questions to guide us create the school. We decided to give our school a logo and a name. We named it Hope's Peak Academy or HPA. Below is the logo. This is how our school will work: The students will have full freedom to choose their own classes/subjects. They can choose classes/subjects that they like or they can choose classes/subjects that they don't understand or have no knowledge about. Of course, they will be divided according to their age. The activities would be tailored to the classes they are enrolled in. Teachers would still be responsible for assigning grades, but students could contest them if they felt they were unjustified. Subjects that deal with opinions, like art and others, are graded using the fundamentals while also taking other aspects into account, like originality, etc. The schoolwork given will test their strengths and weaknesses, focusing more on their weaknesses than their strengths. Our curriculum ,in comparison to other schools' curricula, would be lighter. By reducing the amount of work, lessons, and projects that these students must worry about in general, we hope to lessen their worries. We want the students at our school to be able to balance their personal and academic lives while still having fun at school. Each student's lessons and coursework will be condensed and distilled to those that only pertain to their chosen courses or career paths. We will make the classroom safe for use. We will make sure they are clean, spacious and hygienic. We will also make sure that the school has everything in it. A gym, a laboratory, etc.. This way, the students can continue to learn more about their chosen career path/s.
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Hello and nice to meet ya!
I am Iesou Kristoff N. Feranil from Gr. 10-Roentgen. I will put all my activities I did in my English class
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