#or i could just steal a characters name....
moonriseoverkyoto · 2 days
Ghosts in the family
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Synopsis - aka all the times The Riley siblings have talked about eachother, and all the times Soap should’ve connected the dots but didn’t see the constellation.
cw/tags - MDNI 18+ making out, grinding, no piv or smut guys sorry, swearing, mentions of female anatomy, military inaccuracies, fanon versions of cod characters, threats, mild violence, mentions of guns, innuendos, etc. you’re dealing with grown men in the military that is your warning
Pairing - Johnny “Soap” MacTavish x Afab!Riley!Reader, John Price x Riley!Reader (Platonic)
Author's note - Soap is about 26, Reader is 24, Tommy is the name of Simon’s canon younger brother who later scares him with masks and anyways, just beware of that background. Pt.2 of this au, just this just shits and giggles background for later bc I dont know how to flesh out that cliffhanger I left in my Drabble, see you at the bottom! - Moon
Requests are open!
© moonriseoverkyoto 2023. please do not steal, copy, plagiarize, translate, or repost any of my works without my permission. do not steal any elements of my theme without permission.
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1. Simon knew that Johnny’s intention wasn’t to piss him off, but yet he still managed to feel a migraine pool behind his eyes. All day, every mission just asking question after question. Simon wondered if this is what it was like to have a stable home. All he had was you from day one his baby sister. His lips jerk upward before he cuts off the muscle reflex of what we know as a smile. He’d rather keel over and die than let Johnny see his eyes krinkle.
“I have a sister.” He grumbles. Everyone in the truck goes silent. Johnny’s jokes stop, Gaz smirks to himself, even Price manages to watch through the rearview mirror.
“Really? And you waited so long to tell me. Oh my god what’s the like. Oh is she pretty- wait don’t answer that, that’s weird if you agree…” Simon sighs to himself as he tunes out Johnny again. Oh he wishes holiday would come faster.
2. Holiday was tough. Even worse was being stuck alone over holiday break because your only family was stuck in an operation. Especially since you just got the news after putting up Christmas decoration.
“Really Simon? I got football on the telly, your presents are all wrapped” you whined. Simon grinned under his balaclava, oh how he wished he could be there to receive your annual gag gift.
“I know I know I know, assignment came late and everyone else has families to go home to so I just suggested myself-“ he tried to calm you down knowing this would only add gasoline.
“Dammit Si, I’m your family too! Im gonna give you a new buzz cut when you get home at the rate you’re going with all these sudden plans.” Your voice cracked at his name, you know he didn’t mean to break your heart. But Simon couldn’t bare to see Johnny, Price, or Gaz not go home to their big happy families.
“Yeah I know. Im yer brother. No getting out of that one.” He said. “Why don’t you stay with Price again this year. You know he loves you around”
“Because he is the only friend of yours that I’ve met-“
“Yeah you’ll meet the guys someday. promise.”
“Maybe for this holiday present?”
“yeah yeah yeah. I love you Si”
“Love you too, and I hope that second date of yours goes well this Friday” oh if only he knew how well that date went with your mysterious Scottish man.
3. “I thought you said you don’t kiss on the second date” Johnny grinned into your lips. Your hands all in his hair.
“Only if they don’t show promise” you remarked back. You could feel his bulge grinding through your pants in the back of this telephone booth. A soft groan leaving his lips as Johnny responded
“Oh so I show promise.” You could practically hear the grin as his lips trailed down your jaw and neck, the slight friction of his scruff following as he moved aside your dogtags.
“Yeah promise that if you don’t hush up, you won’t be getting anything” you quipped back as equally as smug
“Thought you were gonna call that brother of yers” he slurred back as he smelled your perfume. The man practically drooling as your nails trailed down his neck scratching. If he had a tail it’d be whipping the air. A whimper passing through the air as his bulge caught the right part of your fabric rubbing your clit in a delightful direction
“he can wait, I have something else to call for now” you said as you opened the door of the telephone booth and whistled (or yelled if you can’t) as loud as you could do to call a taxi. Johnny had a light in his eye that he never thought would spark until he met you.
Soon you would find out later that Simon actually COULD wait and he did, 12 whole hours he stayed up staring at your apartment door to be let in - fresh on holiday too. Maybe being motormouth’d by Johnny into the window of a hummer didn’t sound so bad now
4. Simon kept a photo of you and him in his pocket everywhere that you went. I mean everywhere. No matter the place. And a lighter too incase he was captured by enemies so as to not compromise his location. But it was a photo from a holiday in France. You were both pillow fighting in the bed. Messy hair, toothless grins, back when Mummy was alive and Daddy hadn’t shown his true colors. Tommy took that picture,. Simon holds it to remind him what he’s fighting for.
“Oh is that yer little sister, she’s missin a few teeth there” Johnny grins looking over the sniper’s shoulder.
“You’re about to miss some bones if you ask about my sister again” Simon growls. fuck. Johnny is the last person he needs around his sister. It’s not like Johnny was a womanizer - he was the opposite. Johnny was perfection. He was from a happy home, a stable home, a place where you wouldn’t have to remember what happened at that old house. It scared Simon to death imagining you forgetting about him. Then he’d really be alone.
“She must’ve gotten the good genes.” Gaz pipes into the coms, what an instigator.
“Wonder what she looks like in jeans” Soap hummed as he cleaned out his gun.
Ghost hummed to himself as he secretly folded up the photo and put it right back in the pocket over his heart. Maybe you could wait another year before meeting them.
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Authors note - I made a part 2, this is unedited. Im so tired. I will flesh more of this out before I take another break I promise!! Xoxo - Moon
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murfpersonalblog · 14 hours
IWTV S2 Ep8 Musings - Loustat (SPOILERS) Pt2: Reunion
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You don't know the HALF of what Lestat feels for Louis, to let YOUR grimy arse steal his man, just for LOUIS's happiness. ANYTHING for Louis.
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Am I the only one who felt left hanging? We BEEN knew it didn't make sense, but what's your POINT, exactly? If Louis misremembered Lestat whispering, it's just par for the course about the odyssey of recollection. But if Lestat DID do telepathy, is that evidence of...what? That the vampire bond works differently than what's been explained? That he COULD read Lou's mind? AMC, this is AGGRAVATING.
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Your goose is COOKED, my guy.
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The copium & denial pack Louis was smoking as he laughed was 🤌
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That's right, start sweating!
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Master manipulation; cuz he certainly would NOT have, as we soon find out. ANYTHING for Louis. (Dang, Imma have to take back some of what I said about Lestat's character development not having started yet.)
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I was shocked. I was NOT expecting this plot twist. I was ready to throw Lestat out with the rest of the TRASH, in the DUMP. Well dang. Guess I'll only leave him rotting in a TINY landfill.
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I nearly SCREAMED--@nashvillethotchicken and I were talking about Loustat as Bobby and Whitney ages ago! I cannot BELIEVE AMC threw in a New Edition reference in the year of our lord 2024; y'all are diabolical AF, Rolin, STOP IT.
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I wonder if AMC used Hurricane Odette cuz the OG script was set in pandemic!2020, so it would make sense that a year later Louis would head back to NOLA during 2021 when Hurricane Odette last hit.
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That looks like NOLA's Pontchartrain Hotel--lemme find out he bumped into the Mayfairs when Rowan & them were in town, LOL.
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Lestat got more aliases than the KGB; meanwhile Louis just sprinkles his long AF unique AF name all over the place. 🤦 But I guess it's ok, since the tour guide never mentioned him & Claudia by name. (Not Tom Anderson in another finale, LOL.) Louis so offended the tour guide said he ran a voodoo cult. XD
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Fall of the House of Lioncourt-Melmouth.
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You're gosh darned right! THEE Louis of Troy is in the building!
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You love to see it. "A wearisome fledgling; all the millennials are--" not Lestat making PALE PROXIES of rat-catcher extraordinare LDPDL out of millennials. 😭
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Lestat, if you don't get your crazy arse outta here with that bloodstained wooden keyboard Imma ROTFLMFAO.
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NO JOKE, I effed up my friend's whole set when I started screaming "Siri, Pause," cuz my friend's Siri started freaking out and effed up the volume! XD
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(Best scene all season, fight me on this)
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You know this was TEARING Lestat up, cuz of what happened in 1973--I gave Louis to you so you could do BETTER by him than EYE did, and instead it's NICKI ALL OVER AGAIN.
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Imma smack him--this is NOT the time to be self-loathing, Lestat!
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NOLA is my home--and the SAINT is not a city--I'm gonna cry.
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He did. He just forgot, when reality settled in and the allure/nostalgia/glamour wore off. "I tried to make nights awful for you." Not the whole time, Louis. Y'all actually were happy b4--even Claudia said "the easy times" stopped after Florence died; and esp. after Charlie died. Lou can't be blamed for grieving his mom's death, and he definitely can't be blamed for Lestat & Claudia falling out after Charlie. Everything that happened after that--the 7 years of depression--was ALSO Lestat's fault. "I wanted you to suffer, cuz I was suffering;" I'm glad Les just waved that aside and said they BOTH wronged e/o.
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He's not suicidal anymore then! He has nights in front of him to look forward to! So Lou can finally "learn to live honestly" with HIMSELF.
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And Lestat dove RIGHT ON IN with that! He's been carrying that with him for DECADES, worried about Louis & what happened.
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I LOVE that Les' language changes (the way his voice CRACKS and goes so TINY, oml)--he asked Lou in 1973 if he was "ill," and if something had happened TO him; so as to not spook/trigger or blame him--but he can ask more candidly now in a (relatively) "healthier" 2024 if Lou tried to hurt/kill himself; and get a more candid/honest answer. CLOSURE, y'all, I'm gonna cry.
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GOOOOOOD. Don't EVER forget your daughter. Y'all need to have a Claudia Memorial; to KEEP remembering her, as she was in all her vampiric splendour, the good times AND the bad times.
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I KNOW this hurt Louis to his effing core. The way Jacob cried FIRE!
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I'm so glad Lou hugged him--YES YOU WERE, Uncle Les. And you KNOW it; you FELT that bond b/t y'all, even if she never looked at you. The distance b/t y'all was in name only, cuz a little Black girl couldn't have TWO daddies in 1917 and have one of them be white on top of it. I AM YOUR MAKER, sure, but you were her BLOOD FATHER, and she loved you, which is why she hoped you'd help her.
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What are these magical off-mic speeches/pep-talks Louis keeps giving people in Season 2?!? THE PEOPLE WANNA KNOW, gosh darnit!
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I get why Jam said they thought the Loustat ending was "satisfying." It was nice, even though I'd've preferred to see Lestat in the Dubai penthouse at the end. :\
I LOVE THIS, AMC, thank you! ❤️
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zuffer-weird-girl · 14 hours
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To say he was a dangerous, hatred and feasome man was a understandment... but no one asides from him and one person knew his dark secret.
Which was quite embarrassing to be honest, bit alas it was the true.
The thing is, he was scared of you sometimes.
Yes, you. The one who managed to cage his heart and make his mysophobic ass feel something asides from disgust for once in his damm life.
Now, to give contest to it, let's roll back a bit in time.
In the start of the relationship, you didn't know why on God's name you decided to steal a bite out of Kai's food.
But you did. And the look he gave you was not at all pleasant. In contrary, he threatened you. Yes, threatened to kill you. And you laughed.
He knew you were crazy but not THAT crazy.
Either way, you still managed to steal some bites out of his food every now or then and he kinda got used to it... well, sorta.
But the funny thing is that he is a VERY picky eater, so not only he didn't do the same thing to you because he was disgusted by it or because of his hygiene habits, is also because he genuily didn't liked some things you eat it.
Rarely he was interested on seeing what you were eating... rarely, but not impossible. After all you knew how to cook and he genuily liked some of your meals.
Although, one time, at dinner, you were craving some spicy noodles, so you got on the job of making it.
In your mind, your boyfriend was working, so you only made a portion for one.
While making it, even with the amount of spice on it, while taste testing, you frowned, not quite achieving the spicy sensation you wanted, so to make it better you decided to add a bit of spicy paprika and pepper sauce.
You finally achieved your goal and was pouring on a bowl to eat while watching something on TV until you jumped at the sound of the sliding door opening.
"Hi honey!" You gleamed in happiness at seeing his face while he only nodded "I thought you were going to work late today? Did something happen?"
"Not quite. Just miracously the old man decided that he could do some of that paperwork and talk with the other yakusa boss" he mumbled nonchalantly while taking off his mask with a sigh.
"I think it was because he didn't wanted you to death threaten his work friend."you snickered while he dead panned at you. "Did you eat anything asides from lunch earlier?"
"No. It was that or risking my health on accepting a tuna sandwich from rappa." He shivered with a face that screamed disgust and repulse "Please let's not talk about that."
You laughed a bit while getting some pans out
"Alright, want me to make something for you?"
"I honestly just want something light and just go to bed. This will do." He pick it up the same bowl you were about to eat.
It sounded out of character of him to simply pick anything to eat? Yes, but here is the thing. Kai loved you, so, he trusted you. He knew you were careful around the kicthen and whatever you cooked it was safe to eat.
He thought.
You let out a confused sound at his words until you looked a bit late to see your boyfriend picking some hashis and picking on it.
"Kai wait-!"
Too late. He eat it.
You saw everything. To the confused hum he let out, to his pale face getting red as a pepper, his golden eyes starting to tear up and even a bit of snot to drop from his nose... he almost sounded like a cartoon character that was about to let steam out of his ears.
He immediately dropped the bowl on the table to get water.
You didn't had time to tell him it would only make it worse.
He was panting and sweating like he had ran a marathon curses leaving his lips as you quickly got him a glass of milk and handed it to him which he gulped down like he was a starving man with a glass of water on the desert.
"What. The. Hell. Was that?" He breathed each word out angrily after he got himself together.
"Spicy noodles." You mumbled while waving a paper at his face "That bowl was for me, you fowl."
Usually he would glare at you for this, but this time you saw a look of pure horror on his face.
"You're actually telling me you were about to eat that cursed thing that looked like it came from the deepest parts of hell?"
You blinked before grabbing the bowl and simply eating with ease a mouthful of the noodles before a sad hum left you.
"What?" He muttered, about to get you a glass like you did to him.
"Is not spicy enough..." you muttered sadly.
Kai dropped the glass on the ground out of shock.
In resume. For the next couple of days you had to hear a mouthful of your boyfriends complains about how your spice tolerance shouldn't be normal, that you needed to check on that. His disbelief was clear.
But also his fear about learning the fact that his sweet angel could eat that cursed thing.
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guarded-axiom · 4 months
heeelloo there! i decided to make a homestuck sideblog, idk why, im still gonna be posting on my main about homestuck, (i think i just wanted a blog with my chum handle) but here i am!
picrew for my icon (which is (at least supposed to be) a mage of mind :3)
favorite characters as of right now: aradia, vriska, terezi, dave, june/john, roxy, and sollux (honorary mention to the troll ancestors (different from the dancestors). all of them. especially the inner circle and mindfang but just. all of them <3)
i have not finished homestuck yet but i dont really mind spoilers all that much (dont go out of your way to spoil me though aha)
i might start posting in a typing quirk, depends on if anyone actually finds/follows this blog, but if i do, i replace s with 5 and i with ; (5o ;d talk l;ke th;5 (so id talk like this))
you are vv welcome and encouraged to send asks i love talking 2 people so much <333
my pronouns are he/it (but honestly im fine with anything other than she/they) and y'all can call me dave
have a karkalicious day/night <3
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i-love-it-loud · 10 months
I love that everyone on here has decided that Sihtric is Cregan Stark OR the guy from Vikings Valhalla is.
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I will say I am bias towards Sihtric, I loved The Last Kingdom. I mean they already casted two people from that show *cough* Aemond *cough* Helaena soooo a third wouldn't hurt....
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void-watcher-eldri · 6 months
Finding out how Harlan has so many middle names is really funny as a trans person. I was going to change my middle name to Kain. Then listening to Malevolent I just went "oh shit" and changed the spelling. Then it became my first name. I've been Kayne (I literally just decided it was my name WHEN ASKED FOR MY PREFERRED NAME MY FIRST DAY OF WORK) for 7 months now.
It gives me an opportunity to be REALLY funny with my choice of middle name. (/lighthearted joke. i'm not a stalker lmao)
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rottiens · 2 months
I don't know how to feel with all these people shamelessly reposting art lol 🧍‍♀️ some give credit but, I see a lot more reposts than usual and wonder how the original artists feel about it
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coockie8 · 8 months
I huge part of the disappointment surrounding Omegle shutting down for me, personally, is like now where am I supposed have the most unhinged roleplays ever with people who just barely understand the source material that I will literally never hear from again?
Didn't know I needed to say this but I am very much not actually looking for alternatives here, and no alternative you can give is going to match the unhinged energy omegle brought to the table
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spacebugarts · 5 months
I would like to formally thank whatever artist just possessed my hand and gave it the ability to DRAW CLOTHING ON A DYNAMIC POSE JFC
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quietwingsinthesky · 6 months
this is compounded by me being the kind of person who names everything after fictional characters irl. which is not an option when ur oc is going to be Talking To Them
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hiighborg · 2 years
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Sometimes I feel like OCs have alphas and betas like game versions and tech models. anyways here’s an alpha version while i brainstormed with half a brain tonight.
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kehannii · 8 months
I’ve been watching dynasty recently and I’m on season 2 as of now and Anders the butler suddenly has a daughter?? So, naturally, that lead to me thinking what if Nathalie had some child that lived with her father in some far away country? And then she came back? And her and Adrien are liek buddies but they haven’t seen eachother in a minute?
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supakitty3 · 1 year
OMG I JUST GOT A RANDOM ART ODEA (which prob has been done before but its going the defeat my artblock i just know it) ITS TOKI WARTOOTH AS HEL (norse godess of the dead and ruler of the underworld) i will do more reasearxh and if i find it to not be fitting ill just do azrael (the angel of death for Judaism, Christianity, and islam) as i am mor familiar with his concept
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arolesbianism · 4 days
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The Joshua section of my oni playlist is looking great so far
#rat rambles#oni posting#Im sure this will feel perfectly fine to listen to and wont result in me having to skip at least one of the songs involved everytime#I never look for joshua songs I just listen to music and receive visions#well tbf that's how I find all my jackie songs too but yknow#everyday is just me looking for songs for any characters other than jackie and guess whos gangly ass shows up every time#I rly need to find a proper ellie song I only rly have sort of ellie songs#and one of them is mesmerizer which basically doesnt count#and the other one I have is a stretch since its mostly because I have an amv in my head for it#idk maybe she should just try to be as interesting as the joshua lore I made up in my head :/#but in actual seriousness the main problem with finding good ellie songs is that most songs that I find that could fit her fits someone#else better and this isn't even just an oni thing like Ive found songs that have come so close to making it on the playlist but got snagged#by an oc first and in ellie's case marci keeps stealing all her shots at getting more songs#like I Could just slap them on the oni playlist anyways but them I'd listen to it and just start thinking abt marci instead#also they just like. fit her better than ellie.#so ellie is stuck in playlist limbo next to nikola who got his one semi song and nothing more#hey theyre doing better than nails the closest they have is the rabbit au nails clones getting a song#I love my rabbit au clone ocs they are so silly I love making au specific ocs that I put through the horrors#I still think abt my random card au ocs pretty regularly even tho they dont even have names and mostly just exist for worldbuilding#especially the dog lady who I mostly made to get murdered by glitter green shes my beloved#I should try to draw her at some point (won't do that since she has thin long hair and Id rather die than draw that)#rly tho I should design my clone guys theyre mostly easy since theyre y'know. clones.#theres some of them with notable design differences tho#theres the nails who cant sleep whos very disheveled and looks like they're on deaths door at any given time because they are#and theres the joshua who found out abt the horrors and had an existential crisis over it and became emo#and the nikola who found out abt the horros and had an existential crisis over it and put his hair in a ponytail abt it#the latter two are also besties and maybe kiss sometimes idk#and then theres my bestie the jean that's olivia's lackey and is absolutely obsessed with her and is fucked up in the head a lil bit#most of the clones across the story are less notably different from their blueprints tho and even less so visually#and when I say most of them I mean like almost all of the nails clones since the other three only actually had the one or maybe two
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trans-leek-cookie · 30 days
reading oyasumi punpun becuase I'm curious and by God it's hitting the worst spot a manga can hit for me where I don't really care but I wanna try to finish it because it's not That Bad and also I can't stop thinking that it's like inverse hatoful boyfriend. It really isn't but I can't stop myself
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benetnvsch · 9 months
megalomaniac is an bsd Ango Sakaguchi song send tweet-
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