#or however kurt and ram's dads are called
Now, you're seeing the word "Dead" for the third time in my adapted songs. Am I obsessed with death? No, JD is, that's why it's there. I should also say I don't really like how this one came out, but I had to give you something in theme with pride month, even though this song isn't exactly the best (and I'm sorry for that but I would've had to adapt this song eventually and idk how but many people seem to find this song funny on YouTube so here you are). I should specify I could do way better with other songs and that I dislike how this one came out but it's very close to the original meaning (IMO) so here you have it, "Dead Gay Son". I'm also sorry for keeping the slur, but it was in the original song and adapting songs is (at least for me) keeping them as close as possible to the original meaning while keeping them singable. Also I fucked up the syllables and rhymes so bad
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(the apostrophes [or however ’ is called] are used to shorten the number of syllables often in poetry so I’m obviously abusing that power.)
[PAPÀ DI RAM, parlato] Aspetta solo un minuto, Paul! È parlare in modo ignorante e odioso come fai tu che rende questo un posto che i nostri ragazzi non sopportavano!
(cantato) Non erano sconci! Non era una svistina! Eran due versi solitari Nella grande canzone divina!
[PAPÀ DI KURT, parlato] I nostri figli erano finocchi, Bill!
[PAPÀ DI RAM] Sì! Mio figli'è un omosessuale E di questo non mi vergognerei— Voglio che il mondo sappia... Amo il mio morto figlio gay!
(parlato) Sono stato a pensare. Pregare. Leggere un po' di riviste. Ed è tempo di aprire le nostre menti!
(cantato) Beh, il buon Dio l'universo ha fatto Dio ha creato l'umanità E penso che sia parte del suo piano nella sua immensità So che Dio ha una ragione Per ogni oceano ed ogni goccia E perché ha deciso di lasciar i ragazzi farsi nella doccia! Non erano sconci— Non erano animali! Eran due lacci isolati nei divini stivali! Non m'è mai'mportato tanto di gay ma ora me ne interesserei
[PAPÀ DI RAM & CONGREGAZIONE] E ora ho imparato ad amare…
[PAPÀ DI RAM] Amo il mio morto figlio gay!
[CONGREGAZIONE] Ama suo figlio Ama suo figlio Il suo morto gay figlio!
[PAPÀ DI RAM] Ora, dico che mio figli'è in Paradiso! E che s'abbronza in piscina Il cherubino cammina con loro e, Gesù dice ch'è 'na cosa carina! Non hanno crimini o odio, non ci sono bigottismo o'nsulti - Solo persone amichevoli vestite come i loro compaesani preferiti! Non erano sconci—
[PAPÀ DI RAM] Si sentivano rimossi!
[PAPÀ DI RAM] Nei lunghi capelli di Dio eran due elastici rossi Prima quando vedevo un gay avrei detto "Gli sparerei"
[PAPÀ DI RAM & CONGREGAZIONE] Ma ora ho imparato ad amare…
[PAPÀ DI RAM] E per di più! Quei due, eran coraggiosissimi! Quei due, ne erano coscientissimi! Quelli li avrebbero giudicati, eran disperati d'esser liberi! Si son comportati da ribelli, nudi quasi ai gioielli! Paul, non posso credere Che continui a rifiutar di capire Quest'è quel che eravam destinat'a fare—
(parlato) Parlo di me e te! Nell'estate dell'83!
[PAPÀ DI KURT, parlato] Quello è stato un viaggio particolare
[CONGREGAZIONE] Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa Whoa, whoa, whoa! Non erano sconci— No! E non solo una percossa— No, no! Erano dello strass Sulla divina borsa!
[ENTRAMBI I PAPÀ] Il nostro lavoro è di fare quel che da tempo pensavo: "Lo farei"!
[CONGREGAZIONE] Perché ora amiamo, amiamo, amiamo Amiamo i vostri—
[PAPÀ DI RAM] Sono sù là al battito delle ali angeliche a ballar!
[PAPÀ DI KURT] Un compagno prendono…
[PAPÀ DI RAM] Verso l'un l'altro si tendono—
[ENTRAMBI I PAPÀ] Mentre Judy Garland sta a cantar!
[PAPÀ DI RAM] Vivono una seconda vita spensierata e spericolata!
[PAPÀ DI KURT] Si dondolan sul cancello incastonato—
[ENTRAMBI I PAPÀ & CONGREGAZIONE] E hanno una collana incastonata!
[ENTRAMBI I PAPÀ] Non erano sconci!
[ENTRAMBI I PAPÀ & CONGREGAZIONE] Eran bravi uomini! E ora son felici cuccioli nella tana dei divini!
[ENTRAMBI I PAPÀ] Andate avanti e amatevi ora Come avrebbe fatto mio figlio Insegneremo al mond'ad amar...
[CONGREGAZIONE] Al mond'ad amar...
[TUTTI] Al mond'ad amar...
[ENTRAMBI I PAPÀ sovrapponendosi con la congregazione] Amo il mio morto gay figlio! Mio figlio! Mio figlio!
[CONGREGAZIONE] Non tanto male, il tuo morto figlio gay! Vorrei aver il tuo morto figlio gay! Grazie, papà, per il tuo...
So, direct translation! (used in this to specify the meanings and explain certain word choices)
[RAM'S DAD, spoken] You wait just a minute, Paul! It is this ignorant, hateful way of talking like yours that makes this world a place our boys could not tolerate!
(sung) They were not dirty(but as in filthy/indecent)! It (I mean as in their "love" but can't find a way to specify it) wasn't a small oversight! They were two lonely verses In the great divine(/heavenly? I don't really know how to translate that but it's as in God's/Heaven's) song!
[KURT'S DAD, spoken] Our sons were pansies, Bill!
[RAM'S DAD] Yes! My son's a homosexual And of that I wouldn't be ashamed (for the rhyme)— I want the world to know... I love my dead gay(those two got inverted [gay and son])son!
(spoken) I've remained to think. To pray. To read some magazines. And it's time we opened our minds!
(sung) Well, the good Lord made the universe The Lord created humanity And I believe it's all a part of his plan in its immensity I know God has a reason For each ocean and drop And why he chose to let our boys do each other in the shower! They were not dirty(/filthy/indecent)— They were not animals (it fit for the rhyme)! They were just two stray laces in the divine(/Heaven's/the Lord's) big boots Well, I never cared for homos much but now I would be interested [RAM’S DAD & CONGREGATION] And now I've learned to love…
[RAM’S DAD] I love my dead gay(inverted in this part [son and gay])son!
[CONGREGATION] He loves his son He loves his son His dead gay son!
[RAM'S DAD] Now, I say my boy's in Heaven! And he's tanning by the pool The cherubim walks with them, and Jesus says it's cute! They don't have crime or hatred, there's no bigotry or insults - Just friendly fellows dressed up like their fav'rite fellow village Person! They were not dirty(filthy/indecent)—
[RAM’S DAD] They felt removed (for the rhyme)!
[RAM’S DAD] They were two bright red rubberbands in God's long hair Before(,) when I saw a homo(/gay) I would've said "I'd shoot him" [RAM’S DAD & CONGREGATION] But now I've learned to love…
[RAM’S DAD] And furthermore! These boys were very brave! These boys , they were very conscient of it! Those folks would judge 'em, they were desperate to be free! They behaved like rebels, stripped almost to their jewels(/balls/testicles)! Paul, I can't believe That you keep on refusing to understand This is what we were meant to be doing—
(spoken) I'm talkin’ you and me! In the summer of '83!
[KURT'S DAD, spoken] That was one particular trip
[CONGREGATION] Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa Whoa, whoa, whoa! They were not dirty(/filthy/indecent)— No! And not only a hit (because they were bullies and hit people and that's what they were recognised from? Would that make sense?)— No, no! (Damn ok thanks for the confirmation) They were rhinestones On the divine(/Heaven's/God's) purse!
[BOTH DADS] Our job is now doing what for long I thought: "I'd do this"! [CONGREGATION] 'Cause now we love, love, love! We love your dead—
[RAM’S DAD] They're up there disco dancing to the thump of angel wings!
[KURT’S DAD] They grab a mate…
[RAM’S DAD] And lean(more like tend/stretch) toward each other—
[BOTH DADS] While Judy Garland is singing!
[RAM’S DAD] They live a second life that's fancy-free and reckless!
[KURT'S DAD] They swing upon the gates with gemstones set inside them—
[BOTH DADS & CONGREGATION] And wear a necklace with gemstones set inside it!
[BOTH DADS] They were not dirty(/filthy/indecent)!
[BOTH DADS & CONGREGATION] They were good men! And now they're happy cubs in the Gods' (yup the apostrophe placing is intentional and not a mistake, that's what I mean, I'm hinting at the trinity) den!
[BOTH DADS] Go forth and love each other now Like my boy would have done We'll teach the world to love...
[CONGREGATION] The world to love...
[ALL] The world to love...
[BOTH DADS overlapping with congregation] I love my dead gay son! My son! My son!
[CONGREGATION] Not half bad, your dead gay son! Wish I had your dead gay son! Thank you, dad, for your...
[BOTH DADS & CONGREGATION] Dead! Gay! Son! OG LYRICS (if you’re seeing this I doubt you don’t know them, but here they are anyway):
[RAM'S DAD, spoken] You wait just a minute, Paul! It is ignorant, hateful talk like yours that makes this world a place our boys could not live in!
(sung) They were not dirty! They were not wrong! They were two lonely verses In the Lord's great song!
[KURT'S DAD, spoken] Our boys were pansies, Bill!
[RAM'S DAD] Yes! My boy's a homosexual And that don't scare me none— I want the world to know... I love my dead gay son!
(spoken) I've been thinking. Praying. Reading some magazines. And it's time we opened our eyes!
(sung) Well, the good Lord made the universe The Lord created man And I believe it's all a part of his gigantic plan I know God has a reason For each mountain and each flower And why he chose to let our boys get busy in the shower! They were not dirty— They were not fruits! They were just two stray laces in the Lord's big boots Well, I never cared for homos much until I reared me one
[RAM’S DAD & CONGREGATION] But now I've learned to love…
[RAM’S DAD] I love my dead gay son!
[CONGREGATION] He loves his son He loves his son His dead gay son!
[RAM'S DAD] Now, I say my boy's in heaven! And he's tanning by the pool The cherubim walk with him and him, and Jesus says it's cool! They don't have crime or hatred, there's no bigotry or cursin' - Just friendly fellows dressed up like their fav'rite Village Person! They were not dirty—
[RAM’S DAD] They just had flair!
[RAM’S DAD] They were two bright red ribbons in the Lord's long hair Well, I used to see a homo and go reachin' for my gun
[RAM’S DAD & CONGREGATION] But now I've learned to love…
[RAM’S DAD] And furthermore! These boys were brave as hell! These boys , they knew damn well! Those folks would judge 'em, they were desperate to be free! They took a rebel stance, stripped to their underpants! Paul, I can't believe that you Still refuse to get a clue After all that we been through—
(spoken) I'm talkin’ you and me! In the summer of '83!
[KURT'S DAD, spoken] That was one hell of a fishing trip
[CONGREGATION] Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa Whoa, whoa, whoa! They were not dirty— No! And not perverse— No, no! They were just two stray rhinestones On the Lord's big purse!
[BOTH DADS] Our job is now continuing the work that they begun!
[CONGREGATION] 'Cause now we love, love, love! We love your dead—
[RAM’S DAD] They're up there disco dancing to the thump of angel wings!
[KURT’S DAD] They grab a mate…
[RAM’S DAD] And roller skate—
[BOTH DADS] While Judy Garland sings!
[RAM’S DAD] They live a playful afterlife that's fancy-free and reckless!
[KURT'S DAD] They swing upon the pearly gates—
[BOTH DADS & CONGREGATION] And wear a pearly necklace!
[BOTH DADS] They were not dirty!
[BOTH DADS & CONGREGATION] They were good men! And now they're happy bear cubs in the Lord's big den!
[BOTH DADS] Go forth and love each other now Like our boys would have done We'll teach the world to love...
[CONGREGATION] The world to love...
[ALL] The world to love...
[BOTH DADS overlapping with congregation] I love my dead gay son! My son! My son!
[CONGREGATION] Not half bad, your dead gay son! Wish I had your dead gay son! Thank you, dad, for your...
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henry-or-something · 1 year
And now, the moment you've all been waiting for... HEATHERS!
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This is by far the longest I've spent on a digital art price and I am so happy with the results!
Under the cut is some bts and insights into this AU
JD - Ze
Veronica - Chilled
Heather C - Platy
Heather D - The Bonsai Bros
Heather M - Skadj
Martha - Cheesy
Ram - Tay
Kurt - Pasta
Mrs. Flemming (not pictured) - Courtilly
Ram and Kurt's dad's (not pictured) - Side and Speedy lol
Most of these roles came to me very quickly. I knew immediately that Platy would be Heather C and that I wanted Zeroyalchaos to be JD/Veronica. However, deciding who should be who was tricky.
Ultimately, I decided that I would rather see Ze sing Ment to be Yours instead of Dead Girl Walking. Chilled's vibe fit better with Dgw anyway.
Fun Facts!
Original, Kurt was going to be Kara, but I remembered Pasta's laugh and changed it
Instead of Cheesy having a crush on Tay, he instead wants to be friends again. The note Chilled forged was a reconciliation letter.
If you have ever seen the movie, Veronica has a dream where she and JD kill Heather D. In this AU, that actually happens. One Bonsaib gets killed and the other takes up the Heather C mantel.
Platy doesn't die in a kimono. He dies in a hideous Hawaiian shirt and a pair of heart boxers
The school is called PRI (private refinement institute)
Everyone's design has a nod to their among us character. Except for pasta. I based her design off her V-tuber
All of the heathers were a mask of some kind. This was unintentional, but I like it.
Platys "thing" isn't beer nuts. It's root beer gummies.
I made up Side and Speedy being the dad's as I was typing this because I got Dead Gay Son stuck in my head.
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mrsmaybank · 4 years
Tate Langdon x Reader 18+
“Daddy?” Tate playfully questioned, “Does that make you my little girl?”
A/N: In honor of me rewatching Murder House, here’s some absolutely disgusting dead people sex. I know Tate is a horrible person, but he’s incredibly sexy.  Sorry. He could kill me. LOL GIRL ANYWAYS SOOOOO... Also, does anybody know where I can find more stories like this? I could literally only find like two good ones. I barely write smut and I didn’t reread this so if it sucks, well my bad. Anyways, I hope you guys like! 
“Only reason I haven’t killed her yet is so I can jack off to her while she showers.” I smiled as Y/N walked through the front door and up to her room. I was kidding of course. There was many things I wanted to do to her and murder her was not one. 
“You’re a sick little fuck.” Hayden scoffed and walked away. 
“You’re a whore. With daddy issues. Fucked an old married guy.” I whispered to myself. The house was “empty” now. Just me and Y/N. She was the only living soul there. Her parents were out, doing what I could care less. 
I followed Y/N up to her room. She was sitting on the floor behind her bed, perched on the window sill, shoving pinches of grinded weed into a bowl. Her hair was a mess per usual. A wild but perfect mess of hair. I wondered if the ‘I-just-got-fucked’ look was on purpose, or she was naturally disheveled. She took off her sweater and grabbed a lighter from her purse, leaving her in a tiny black tank-top that left just the perfect amount to the imagination. Good god. Her tits looked sculpted by Satan himself, tasked to taint the minds of all thy tempted. I did my best to take a mental note of the sight. Her perfect lips attaching to the pipe, her chest rising and lowering with every inhale and exhale of smoke. “Fuck.” I sighed. 
She twitched. Fuck she heard. I wasn’t paying attention to whether or not I was allowing her to hear me. She laughed to herself. “Fuck, I’m tweaked.” She plopped herself on the bed, my bed. And played a song on her laptop. It wasn’t music I was familiar with. It was probably new, but it was good. Very good actually. I confirmed she had good music taste when she hung up a poster of Kurt Cobain in her closet. I’d also heard her tell her friends she couldn’t wait to go to hell to fuck him. Her family was devout catholic. It’s weird though--it seems she believes everything the church says. However, the amount of disgusting things I witness that girl do on a daily basis leads me to believe she gets a kick outta being a sinner. She’s a pothead, once coke-whore, communist, cocksucking, intrepid, audacious bitch and yet--she’s beautiful and clever and kind to those who deserve it. I like her very much. I watched with wide eyes as her hand moved to her perfect tit, grabbing it harshly and massaging it until a tiny moan made its way out of her mouth. I wanted nothing more than to stop her, punish her for being a little slut and take her in every way I wanted, but obviously I could not. She slid her hand into her pants, moaning at the sensation of her own fingers. Jesus fuck. 
I walked to her door. Opened it. Stood on the other side, closed it, appeared and knocked. “Dad?” she practically screamed. Not quite. 
“No,” I laughed, opening the door to let myself in, “Neighbor.” I pretended to look surprised at her messy hair and big eyes. 
“Did I interrupt something?” I questioned. 
“No.” she said firmly. “But you’re not my neighbor.” 
“Yes I am. I live in the house behind you. Makes you my neighbor.” 
“How’d you get in?” She was scared, but not surprised. 
“Someone left the back door open.” I bumped my head to the guitar of the song. 
“This is great. Whose the artist?” 
“Uh, Arctic Monkeys.” I laughed, “What a weird name. They’re good though.” 
“Yeah, I think so too.” 
“Yeah. What’s your name? I’m Tate.” 
I got closer to the bed where she sat. Looking down at her as she looked up to me with doe eyes. “Y/N,” I tucked a hair behind her ear, “Are you--” 
She grabbed my face and stuck her tongue down my throat. Horny little bitch. I pulled her hair back and detached her face, she needed to be put in her place. “God fuck Y/N.” She laughed and I laid her down on the bed, crawling on top of her. I smiled at her as she  tugged on my shirt. “You’re such a bad girl. You’re really, really bad.” I kissed her this time, it was passionate and she would not stop tugging on the hem of my long-sleeve. I stopped for a second, panting. I went to kiss her lips again, but I changed my mind. I kissed her jaw instead, leaving sloppy kisses down her neck as she whimpered and mumbled. I was so busy with marking her neck I didn’t notice her hand slide down to grip me, that is, until I did. I moaned into the kiss, until she pulled away to whisper in my ear. “Fuck me daddy.” She smiled devilishly back at me. 
“Daddy?” I playfully questioned, “Does that make you my little girl?” 
“Yeah,” she laughed. “Now fuck me.” This time it was my turn to laugh, “No.” I pushed her back down and continued to kiss her. Exploring her mouth as I pleased until I pleased. I got up, dramatically taking off her pants to reveal the cutest, daintiest, black little panties. 
“These are adorable.” I played with the hem, “Absolutely adorable.” She whimpered in desperation, “Please. Do something already.” 
I traced my fingers lightly on her clothed cunt, noting the wetness that had gathered. I removed her tank top to reveal her bare tits, and god, how great it was to finally touch them. I made my way up her body, kissing up her stomach until I got to the place I wanted to be. I took one in my mouth and the other in my hand as she writhed under me in pleasure. Moaning and panting all ‘cause of me. It was cute. While my mouth continued it’s assault on her literally godly boob, I used the other hand to dip into her--soaking--pussy. “Fuuuckkk.” she threw her head back in ecstasy. 
“You’re dripping like you’ve never been touched.” I told her. She only continued to whimper in response. I made her cum twice before I was so hard I thought I might finish before even getting inside. 
I kissed her lovingly, her lips were swollen and there were tears in her eyes. “Is it too much baby?” I teased her clit before she could respond, she twitched but then to my surprise gained her senses. “Fuck me. Now.” 
“Okay.” I aligned and entered. “Jesus christ.” I could barely speak. “You’re so,” I thrusted hard, “Fuck!”, I went deeper, “Tight.” I wanted, I swear to god I tried to be gentle at first, but between the absolute desire I had for this girls perfect body, the sound of her cute little whimpers and curses, the ripping my hair out, the fucking tightness of her pussy--I couldn’t. I rammed into that girl over and over, harder every time. She was purring like a little kitten, tightening around me every time I called her a little slut. She opened her mouth, practically an invitation for me to spit in it. 
I slowed to a stop, my dick still completely inside her. She was a mess of course, a needy little mess that needed me to keep going, “Hey,” I calmed her down, “Hey.” I used a hand to gently caress her forehead. “Open your mouth.” She opened wide and I spat. Right in her mouth. She swallowed it. 
I bottomed out and thrusted back into her and she screamed. “You needed to swallow something didn’t you?” She tightened and whimpered, “Hm?”, she clenched again moaning, but I wanted an answer. “Whore?” I shouted, fucking into her with literally every bone in my body. 
“Yes, yes, please. I’m gonna--” That’s when my evolutionary senses took over and I felt the overwhelming need to fucking nut as deep in her as possible. I pushed into her deeper, feeling her walls spasm around me, “You want me to cum don’t you? Your pussy wants it. It’s practically milking my--” She clenched a final time and I fell into the ecstasy of orgasm. I fucked it into her a while, she came again. And all I could do was giggle to myself as I laid on her bare chest. Her painted black nails scratched at my scalp. 
“Hey, Y/N? I’m dead.” 
“Hey Tate? Me too.” 
I got up to look her in the eyes, she was serious, and I was confused. As fuck.
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spaceorphan18 · 6 years
Finding Kurt Hummel: 2009
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6x12: 2009
And... here we are, back to the start of all the things.  I don’t necessarily count this as part of the finale - I feel like this and Dreams Come True were two separate entities that they decided to throw together to make it seem like a two hour finale.  But I’m glad that we got this kind of an episode - because I feel like it’s a way to show just how far this show came in it’s short six years.  I know there’s discussion as to whether or not this would have been a good ender instead of DCT, and while I do see the appeal of the circular narrative, I prefer how it was aired -- looking back before closing the book for good.  
Hello, My Name is Kurt Hummel
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The first half of the episode is dedicated to reframing the characters we’ve grown to love and we get to start with Kurt.  I kind of love that we spend time with the characters who weren’t developed in the pilot - not only because it gives us a different perspective of the pilot, but because these are the characters who the show gravitated to, and who really became solidified in our hearts.  And of course, Kurt gets to go first - because he wasn’t even in the pilot to begin with - and now this character is the male lead of the show.  It’s kind of poetic really.  
But before we get too deep, I need to point something out.  It’s funny to me that we can all look back at things and remember how they were - but there is a reality to the fact that we can never really go back.  The truth is - in the six years being on the show, Chris Colfer grew up - going from a slightly chubby-faced kid, into a full-fledged adult.  And no matter how hard they try, they can’t undo puberty.  
Chris is amazing in a lot of ways - he holds himself inward like he did in the first season, he tries to mirror the same mannerisms, he even tries to speak slightly higher again.  But you can’t mask the obvious - this kid is, well, not a kid anymore, and it shows.  Just needed to point that out ;) 
Anyway - when we open with Kurt, we see this very lonely and sad kid, slumping through the halls, still getting rammed into lockers by Karofsky (and Puck), and talking about how no one notices that he even exists. 
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I like that he mentions his mom here - that he says she said he was a happy child.  And I have to wonder in these lonely days, if he misses his mom more.  She was a kind soul - a contrast to his dad’s gruffness, that soothed his unique heart.  He could be different - but his mom always loved him.  Mom isn’t around anymore, and the world seems cold and lonely.  
He mentions in this voice over that he wonders if anyone would notice if he was gone.  Yes - Kurt was situational depressed before he joined glee.  And yes, he was toyed with suicide -- maybe not to the extent that he’d try anything (he had his dad to look out for - and I feel like that always kept him going) but it was definitely a thing the show wants to point out as real.  And in the middle seasons - when Burt says glee saved his kid’s life - this is what Burt was referring to. 
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Well - lucky for Kurt, as strange and awkward as Ms. Pillsbury is, she does do her job - and she does notice Kurt.  And really, let’s give Emma some credit here, because if Emma hadn’t talked to Burt, Kurt probably wouldn’t have joined glee - and who knows what would have happened.  
I like the little scene between Emma and Burt.  Burt knows something’s different about Kurt - and has suspected for a long time that he’s gay - but really doesn’t want to go there, and still thinks there might be some time for Kurt to grow out of being gay.  Luckily Emma kinda brushes pass that and explains to Burt that Kurt’s depressed and might possibly hurt himself.  And Burt, being the good dad that he is takes it seriously.  
Joining a Team
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Hey! It’s Kurt’s old room - complete with weird bird cage chair and a sewing machine.  And those very white walls.  I’m surprised Kurt hadn’t already redesigned it into something more spectacular - but if he was feeling depressed, well then he probably didn’t feel like doing much of anything.  Anyway... Burt comes down to talk to him, and we get little snippets of what their life is like with each other.  
Kurt comments about making dinner -- which is what he probably does a lot of the time.  He likes cooking, Burt probably doesn’t, so Burt’s probably okay with him doing a majority of the meals.  Burt isn’t that comfortable talking about things - but makes an effort (which is huge!).  But within the conversation, Burt comments that they’re usually doing their own things and not really being a big part of each other’s lives.  
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Burt, I don’t think, really knows how to handle the situation - and his solution is to get Kurt some friends, and find something that Kurt’s happy to do.  I don’t think yelling at his kid to join the football team is great advice, but I also don’t think Burt really knows what to do in this situation either, and reaches out in the only way he knows how.  
It’s interesting to me that Burt comments that Kurt’s basically alone all the time down there in his room.  And it made me think about how Burt was probably all alone too - not having met Carol yet, and probably feeling low-key depression (or just apathy) since his wife died.  Sure, Burt probably played poker with his buddies every once in a while, too -- but I get the impression that Burt is as lonely and isolated inwardly as Kurt is outwardly portraying.  It’s just an interesting dynamic here before they kind of turn a corner in Preggers. 
Rachel Berry
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Burt made a demand that Kurt has to join something by the end of the week...  So Kurt, to his credit at least tries.  But first - I’d like to point out Kurt awkwardly needs to find a place to sit for lunch - and through our trek through the lunch room, we’ve got all the cliques and groups hanging around.  And this isn’t 2009, this is almost 1989.  Everything’s so stereotypical - it might as well have been a Saved by the Bell episode.  Oh Ryan Murphy and your issues regarding being in high school that play out through your numerous shows....  
Anyway - back to Kurt.  He finds Rachel Berry and promptly sits down.  And then tells her how wonderful she is (cause he watches her MySpace videos)  **headdesk**  And this, folks, is what we call retconning because I don’t actually believe that season 1 Kurt would be watching Rachel’s anything.  But the show is trying to connect its characters - and set up the Hummelberry friendship, so fine, I’ll let you pass.  The revert to early Rachel Berry is pretty funny. 
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I’m not entirely sure what’s going on with Kurt’s hair during this episode.  They kind of go through all of Kurt’s iconic looks throughout season 1 and 2, which may have been the point.  Or maybe they forgot that Kurt wore his hair in one way during all of season 1.  Hard to say.  
Anyway...  oh Rachel.  Kurt says he needs to join a club and Rachel says speech club is closed (man - why didn’t we get to see Rachel in speech club, that would have been hilarious).  But then goes into a whole thing about how glee club is now open and looking for members.  And Kurt kind of hangs on for dear life as Rachel rambles on in her run-on sentences.  
I should mention, though, a contrast between Rachel and Kurt here, though.  Kurt claims he’s kinda toying with acting while Rachel says she’s going to be on Broadway and that’s it - she’s determined and unstoppable.  And I think it kind of speaks to their characters.  Sure, Kurt does have ambition, but he also is able to put his relationships before his career - while Rachel will do the opposite.  Idk - nice little bit of continuity here. 
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And... we get Kurt wearing the same, weird, glasses shirt he was wearing in the pilot when he goes to sign up!  Anyway, Rachel has agreed to help Kurt with his singing, and of course - they decide to do a Wicked song (nice throwback to the diva-off in Wheels) about making one over to be popular.  Could their be a more perfect song for them as their last duet? I think not.  
I do like Kurt’s looks as Rachel (through the song) comments on his livelyhood - and how he won’t be an easy case to make over.  We do get a bit of that old school Kurt shining through here in his facial expressions.  And I do kinda love that it puts Kurt’s making over her in season 1 have even more context, which is fun (whether they intended that or not).  
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I’m not sure if I have a whole lot to say about the song itself.  It’s pretty self explanatory - a conversation about being popular (which is a nice tie-in with the original theme of the show).  And it’s also a way for Kurt and Rachel to begin the bonding process (again, even if I don’t fully buy the retcon here).  
But more so - this is the last duet for Chris and Lea and they really just sell it.  It’s been a long time, actually, since we’ve had a Kurt and Rachel duet - and it’s nice to have again.  Their voices complement each other very well - and they have great give and take on stage.  This performance just works - is funny, well sung, and all around entertaining.  I have nothing but positive things to say about it. 
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As the show wraps up - Kurt is happy and excited, wanting to do the audition together with Rachel.  However, Rachel has this weird idea in her head that you can’t team up to do auditions (even though Tina and Artie totally audition together).  Rachel dramatically storms off - claiming that this is show choir and it’s every man for himself.  Which is weird... because the purpose of show choir is to function as a full unit, not fight for solos, but I don’t think Glee really ever understood that concept.  
Kurt stands there stunned - and again alone.  
Mercedes Jones
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Well - I’m glad it doesn’t take much to light a fire under Kurt’s butt.  Since Rachel isn’t willing - Kurt goes out and seeks someone else (the same day!) - and it happens to be Mercedes Jones - future BFF.  Kurt’s already enamored with her (which is adorable), and asks for her help preparing something for his audition.  
She thinks he’s adorable (she calls him a pale, sexy, keibler elf - let that sink in for a minute) but she also calls him out for slinking around the school and his loud sense of style.  He says that he feels more inside, but isn’t sure how to express it - and we get confirmation that Kurt lets his clothes express himself as a way that he can’t yet verbalize.  Well - luckily for Kurt (man does he get lucky having some great women in his life) Mercedes takes pity on him - and decides to help him out -- even picking out his audition song. 
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So - we get the reprisal of Mr. Cellophane - what Kurt sang for his audition way back in the pilot.  And I love that we get it from the back side.  It’s not only a way to hide Chris’s growth into adulthood, but a neat way to show a new perspective.  
In case you were wondering what Will’s notes are: 
Great Breath Support
Impressive Range
Earsplitting falsetto (Note - does Will or the writers know that that’s not Kurt’s falsetto but his actual range?) 
Gay.  (Oy, whatever Will, not sure why that’s relevant) 
Sweet Kid!!! (Will added the exclamation points)
Hummel Tires and Lube
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With all the throwbacks, I’m realizing this is the last time we get to see all these places.  Awww....  
So, Kurt comes bouncing into his dad’s shop all happy about joining the glee club, and Burt’s excited for him.  (I love that Burt thinks Beyonce is a kid in Kurt’s class.)  I kind of side eye that a) you can only bond with other people within competition - but from Burt’s perspective I get it and b) the fact that Kurt feels they need a strong male lead.  I get that Kurt might not feel confident yet to be a lead -- and that the show wants to bring back Finn (or at least his essence).  But I’ve had this issue with the show all along.  Kurt (and Artie) can be male leads - just because they aren’t ‘traditional’ doesn’t mean they can’t be.  Oy show. 
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But the real bittersweet (and brilliant) moment of this scene comes at the end - and is a stark reminder of where we once were.  His dad is proud of him, and clearly loves him.  But Kurt still holds on to a deep secret - that he’s gay.  And he just doesn’t know how to tell his dad that.  We know what happens - we know that Burt’s going to officiate at Kurt’s wedding to a man some day.  We know that everything’s gonna play out alright.  But at one point in time - Kurt didn’t know.  And this scene really puts us back in the mind set.  
Also - I’d like to take a moment to mention that they use all the season 1 scoring - which a nice throwback to season 1, but also in building the atmosphere of the time period.  It’s just a nice touch. 
Little Moments
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Kurt’s spotlight segment is over - but there’s still much more to this episode.  As Tina and Artie are figuring out their own auditions (which they’re dared to do) Kurt and Rachel are busy getting lunch thrown on them.  Ah kiddos... 
[Guys - when they do the throwback to class where the fury is complaining about Rachel - check the chalkboard - there’s a history of Lima there and it’s kinda funny]
Also - Kurt is back to doing stunning background moments, because he storms behind giving a death glare to the punk group Artie and Tina are in - it’s glorious. 
First Glee Club Meetings
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Hey! It’s our first glee club meeting...  Will’s not very good at this, but at least he’s enthusiastic.  I don’t fully understand the need for the gloves though. 
Of course - everyone’s already fighting over solos.  Will at least says they’re going to take turns, but we all know how that’ll turn out.  Meanwhile - Will wants to do a medley from Grease (ah, set up I see...) and Kurt raises his hand to do the Sandy part.  Remember that weird, awkward Kurt gender stuff - hey it’s back.  
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And then we get into some really uncomfortable stuff as Rachel says that the solos shouldn’t be about race, or disability, or ‘whatever’ as she points to Tina and Kurt (eesh).  And yeah - Rachel - sit down, you are being racist.  This is supposed to set up Mercedes breaking down though - and I am glad they finally, even if it’s at the end, address some of the racial stuff with Mercedes here.  
Kurt, though, looks annoyed (rightfully) at be labeled as a ‘whatever’ - and looks to Will for some kind of support - or at least wanting to shut Rachel down. But this is Will - and he’ll learn that he’ll never really be able to do that. 
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Kurt doesn’t say anything here - but let’s take a moment to appreciate Chris’s background acting again.   Ah, welcome back to season 1.   
Lima Bean
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So - Kurt and Mercedes are already hanging out together - lovely!  I totally get season 3 Kurt vibes from this scene, but ah well - who cares, it’s cute.  
Finn has joined the club by now - and Kurt’s complaining cause despite scenes ago saying they need a male lead - Kurt’s now irritated (as he should be) about being ignored for something more ‘traditional’.  
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The point of this conversation is kind of to prop up Finn as needing them as much as they, supposedly, need him.  Mercedes is kind about the whole thing - and tries to see the positives, while Kurt goes on about being pushed out, and that the popular people seem perfect and don’t have issues.  (I feel like there’s some commentary about celebrity culture in here, too)  
But what I like is that Mercedes is constantly positive. Kurt’s kind of a negative person by nature - and she does bring out this brighter side of him, which is great! I do think it’s fun that they throw a nod into Mercedes’s crush.  Kurt kind of shrugs it off as nothing, but it’s a cute moment.  
Also - we get a throwback to Finn saying Mercedes should do the costumes - and Kurt says he’ll be the one helping her do that.  Cracks me up that they use this episode to ‘fix’ some weird/minor issues in the pilot.  Retcons ;) 
I’d also like to point out -- do you know who is standing right behind Mercedes at the moment -- where Kurt can see that blazered back (that he’ll probably see a lot of over his life time - now that I think of it...).  BLAINE!!!!
I’m so glad they let Blaine have a little moment in this episode. 
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We get this super cute inner monologue of Kurt wrestling with himself over his crush on Finn as his future husband makes his way behind him.  I love that.  I love that they let that little crossing paths moment happen.  
Anyway - Kurt’s gotten to Mercedes enough that she’s going to call an emergency meeting about Finn joining the club. 
Emergency Meeting
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And... we get rather meta in this scene - I love that they mention DSB being a nod to The Sopranos Ending - which was a legit thing I heard way back when.  
But mostly, this is where everyone bands together and decides Finn isn’t so bad.  Yay Finn!  Sure.  
Everyone goes around saying how Finn has been kind to them.  Kurt references his first scene of the show - being able to take off his Marc Jacobs jacket before being thrown in the dumpster (and then twitches - cause comedy).  
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As Rachel throws out the message of the episode, and the show, about accepting of each other for being different (sure, fine) we get a camera lingering on Kurt.  And - omg.  This brings me season 2 feels.  And remember the time when Kurt often looked into the middle distance wistfully?  Oh kiddos - it does get better.  Or it has Bette Midler.  Which ever you prefer, really.  
But really - this scene, more than any other in this episode, really captures young Kurt.  I mean, Chris does angst so well, and it’s a nice little reminder of how this lonely and awkward kid grew into something incredibly special.  
Back to the Start
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And then we get Don’t Stop Believin’ - as it was way back in the pilot.  It’s edited differently, more so to feature Finn (personally I like the original edit better - but I can see why they did it this way).  
But it’s a sweet little moment.  Remember when this show was filled with hopes and dreams and went out of its way to make people feel special? Remember when this show was an anthem for people who were weird or different or awkward or just plain didn’t fit in?  Remember when this show was fresh and not bogged down by baggage and bts drama?  For a moment - we can listen to Don’t Stop Believin’ and remember way back when and think about all the possibilities that were open to us.  
As a final confession - I would like to say this - I actually like this episode much more than the pilot - and probably would have been more invested in the show had it started with this.  But as much as they tried to recreate the feeling of season 1 - they just didn’t capture the dark and grittiness that accompanied it.  And this is a pilot to something that would have been vastly different.  And that’s okay.   
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I am glad that we got this episode (I wish they had done more episodes like this, tbh), and I’m glad we got to dig in just a little deeper to Kurt’s story.  It’s been a fun journey, and I do think it was brilliant to have this episode right before the end.  But as I said at the start - I’m glad it wasn’t.  
There’s room for just a little more of the story, time to close everything up.... 
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heather---duke · 6 years
AU where Veronica is a medium/psychic and JD is a ghost
asked for by @imnotvibingveryguccimrstark
Veronica Sawyer had always had the gift as long as she could remember. There was something in her brain that caused her to see things others couldn't. This was one of those times.
She first spotted the boy sulking in the corner while she was in the lunchroom with The Heathers. She could tell that he was watching them when they performed their “prank” on Martha. As the Heathers walked table to table with the lunchtime poll, Veronica walked over to where she saw the spirit and leaned against the wall near him. She then turned her head and looked him straight in the eyes.
From past experiences she was aware of a few things. One, the ghosts never expected her, or anyone, to be able to see them. And second, she couldn't outright talk to him without looking crazy.
With this direct eye contact his eyes widened then squinted in a scrutinizing look. He was trying to figure out this girl who was participating in this bullying but seemed almost as out of place as he was.
“Greetings and salutations.” The boy stood next to where Veronica was, eyeing the Heathers.
“You a Heather?” he asked. Veronica shook her head no. “Who are you then?”
“Veronica!” Heather Chandler shouted her name from across the caf, waving her over. Veronica turned and winked at the boy as she made her way over to the three girls.
Heather Chandler’s car smells like vodka and perfume. They pull up outside of the 7/11 for snacks before the party and Heather snaps at Veronica to be quick before pulling out her tube of lipstick to reapply. In the empty store, Veronica sees him again.
“Veronica, how can you see me?” He moves to follow her around the store. She grabs a bag of corn nuts for Heather and looks at him, “It’s always been this way. I didn’t catch your name.”
“I didn’t throw it,” he smiled, “it’s Jason Dean and if I had any friends they’d call me JD.”
“Why did you start haunting Westerburg?” Veronica asks.
JD looked deep in thought and went over to the Slushie machine behind the counter and then put his hands through it causing it to malfunction. The sugary red slushie started coming out quickly and the worker behind the counter started looking for containers to stop it from covering the floor. He grabbed a cup and filled it all the way up, put it on the counter, then grabbed another cup to catch the sugary drink. JD smiled, “Free slushie,” he said, pointing at the cup on the counter. “And to answer your question, I’m actually haunting my dad. He moves around a lot for work and since I died as a highschooler I like to sometimes pretend I’m normal and go to school.”
“Looking for a sense of normality, I get that,” Veronica responded. A loud honking from outside let Veronica know that Heather Chandler was done waiting.
She saw what the popular life was supposed to be like, and she was angry. That party was terrible, torturous. Veronica goes to her diary, ready to tell it about the horrors of Heather when suddenly she saw the boy in her room. She looks at him and lets out a breath. “Hey,” is all she can get out as all of her thought leave her head at once.
“Dreadful etiquette, I apologize. But I am a ghost so scaring is kinda my thing.”
Veronica felt her chest explode with happiness when she sees him. She’s made so many mistakes, leaving her old friends and joining the Heathers. She just didn’t want to be invisible or treated like dirt. Veronica reaches out her hand and JD follows suit. Their fingers are so close. When they finally touch, JD’s hand disappears and Veronica’s hand goes numb. JD moves his fingers and the fingers on Veronica’s hands move. Both JD and Veronica’s eyes widen at this.
“I’ve tried to touch my father but I just go right through him. “
“Is this… possession?” Veronica asks.
They seperate hands and sit down together on Veronica’s bed. Veronica lays down, suddenly very tired. She tells JD all about Heather Chandler.and how cruel and demanding she is. She tells him of her mistakes, of the bullying, of Kurt and Ram and Martha. And how she was afraid, afraid of what Heather will say about her and how she’ll be treated.How she wishes she could do something about her.
When Veronica woke up the next morning and saw that JD was still laying next to her. When her heard her wake up he turned to her and smiled. They came up with a plan the night before on how to get revenge on Heather.
When Veronica entered Heather’s kitchen she planned to get her to throw up and embarrass herself by giving her something gross to drink. What could go wrong? While her and JD were looking for something to put in her “hangover cure” he found liquid drain cleaner and when he suggested it Veronica laughed. But JD didn’t think it was funny. She had told him of all the bad things Heather Chandler had done and he thought it was only fair she should die. His death wasn’t fair, maybe it was time to right some wrongs.
JD approaches Veronica from behind and jumps into her body. He moves her fingers and looks at the hands he now controls. He worked quickly, dumping what Veronica had filled the cup with and filling it with drain cleaner instead. He made sure neither Veronica or Heather would know what was in that cup. He smiled before moving Veronica’s body back to where she was standing and jumped out of her body. Veronica kept moving, not realizing what had happened, and picked up the cup to go give it to Heather.
Veronica was very shocked when Heather started coughing. She was frozen and very confused as to why milk and orange juice would cause this reaction. Was Heather just being dramatic? When she fell through the glass table Veronica knew she had gone too far. Heather wasn’t moving. Her ghost, however, was still kinda mean. Veronica and JD watched as Heather looked down at her own body.
“You should have given me warning that you were going to kill me! I would have at least put on some mascara.” Veronica just stood, mouth agape, still in shock over having a ghost that she just created talk to her.
“God Veronica, close your mouth you look like a fish. I’m done hanging with you losers.” Heather then disappeared, leaving Veronica and JD alone with her body in her bedroom.
JD had convinced her to trick Kurt and Ram into meeting her in the woods.
“On the count of three. One, two…” JD overtook Veronica’s body for a second time and aimed the gun at Ram and said, “three.”
He then chased down Kurt and shot him in the chest. He set up the scene to look like double suicide and ran off to the car when he heard the police coming. He got into the car and drove to the school. He then left Veronica’s body.
“What-where am I?” Veronica looked around in confusion. She remembered being in the woods then woke up back in her car.
“Their gone now, they can’t hurt you,” JD informed Veronica.
“What are you talking about?”
“I knew you wanted to, I just helped out a little.”
“You killed them.”
“We killed them.”
“Veronica! You can’t hide from me,” JD laughed, “and it’s not like you can kill me!” Veronica ran into her room, panicked and crying.
“I didn’t want anyone to die!”
“Don’t lie to yourself. Strength dammit! Come on Veronica, just-here listen to what I did!” JD showed her the the papers with all of the students signatures.
“How- why did you get this?”
“Actually, the very popular Veronica Sawyer got the signatures. Oh Veronica, don’t you understand? They're all gonna die!”
“What?” Veronica was at the end of her rope, sitting on her bed crying and hugging a pillow with her knees up at her chest.
“You want to know what they signed? A mass suicide pact. Isn’t it glorious Veronica?’ He started to read, “We the students of Westerburg High, will die….”
Veronica knew, she knew what needed to be done. She’s the only person that JD can posses and she needed to sever his ties to the physical world. She can’t let him blow up the school and he won’t be able to if he can’t even touch the bomb. JD was still reading what he wrote. She knew she needed to act now while he was distracted. She went over to her desk and grabbed her letter opener, took a deep breath, and stabbed herself in the chest.
“Veronica?” JD looked at her, confused. “What have you done?”
“You can’t kill them now.”
5 years later
Veronica and JD were attending the Westerburg High school reunion.
“See some of them turned out alright,” Veronica said to JD. “Glad you didn’t kill them all?” They went over to the shrine in the corner of the room for Kurt, Ram, and Heather.
“Everyone looks so old and gross now, glad I’m staying hot forever,” Heather Chandler said.
“Does everyone still think we’re gay?” Kurt asked Ram about the rainbow flags by their pictures.
Veronica noticed her old friend Martha and Heather Mcnamara laughing with each other.
“How young we were,” Veronica said to JD.
“Our love is God.”
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dodgefred · 6 years
peathers isn’t terrible. yeah the plot is bad and yeah some of the jokes are offensive but overall it’s not bad. i have seen the original movie and a few productions of the musical in addition to peathers and i have a few thoughts in response to the backlash i’ve seen. if you want to have a debate with me on this, please do so civilly. thank you.
“it’s a bad adaptation”
then watch the version you like. you don’t have to associate with this version if you don’t want to. the existence of this adaptation doesn’t mean that the original movie has suddenly poofed out of existence. it doesn’t mean that the musical is closing everywhere and the rights are never going to be sold ever again. support whatever incarnation of the story you like. adaptations aren’t meant to be carbon copies of the original. the heathers movie didn’t include pop-rock music, so why didn’t anyone complain about the musical not being exactly the same as the movie?
“it’s bad to demonize minorities”
i’d be lying if i said i haven’t met awful human beings who just happen to be lgbt or poc or fat people or of a certain religion. yeah of course awful stereotypes do exist and of course it hurts to have a stereotype pinned onto you when you’re not that. however, minorities can still be bad people. even if they weren’t, i doubt someone will use a tv show to judge all gay people. and if there’s some idiot who watches this series and thinks all trans people are power hungry assholes when they lay their eyes on heather duke, then i’ll eat my hat, but i genuinely doubt people are that ignorant- and if they are, then they probably don’t want to be watching a show that so prominently features minorities in the first place.
“veronica and jd are thin cisgender straight white kids who kill minorities...”
there’s some spoilers for the show in this one so if you actually want to watch this show, skip to the next point or something. in the context of the show, jd and veronica only physically kill about four people: kurt, ram, the pedophilic ex-teacher named mr waters, and when veronica was a child, she killed one of her best friends with a croquet mallet. oh, and the whole bombing prom in the finale thing. the other deaths may have been provoked but the intent was not to kill these characters (heather macnamara, slit her wrists in the bathroom at a roller skate rink; heather duke, was running away from jd and ran into a barbed wire, thus cutting their own throat) and jd did attempt to kill betty finn, but it failed because she was able to stand up for herself and beat his ass. everyone they succeeded in murdering (not counting prom) was white. kurt was the only minority out of them all, being gay. heather chandler did not die in the first episode, her throat was just blocked by a corn nut and she was unconscious. they intended to kill her, but they did not succeed.
“...and don’t face any serious repercussions”
more spoilers; skip ahead if you actually care. that’s the point. a big theme in this show is adults not paying attention, and it’s very relevant in today’s world. this theme is established very early on; in the first few episodes, veronica’s parents don’t look up from their tablets. veronica’s dad allows her to call him an idiot because he isn’t paying attention. and at first, it’s just that. it’s just the passing joke. but then, there’s a scene in the fifth episode where even though jd had instigated the fight between betty by forcibly kissing her and then trying to kill her, the police do not believe betty, despite her having exact times and jd not saying a word the entire inquiry. the theme of adults not listening once again comes up in the finale, when a boy overhears jd’s plan to bomb prom and goes to tell the teachers, who are preoccupied by telling heather chandler that her dress is too short. they accuse him of being high when he yells about the plan, and when he says fuck out of fear, they scold him for swearing. at the end of the episode, the teachers come to the revelation that maybe they should have listened to the kids. maybe no one would have died if they’d just opened their eyes. it’s played off as a joke within the circle of adults but from the point of view of a high schooler in america, that’s exactly how i would portray adults discussing that sort of thing: careless.
“it doesn’t show the original themes of heathers”
see the first point. but also, it doesn’t have to address the popularity themes that the original and its musical adaptation portrayed. it already addresses other issues, like how too much of a good thing can be bad, or the theme discussed above about how adults are doing nothing for youth in this country. it also shows a little bit of the dark side of popularity, and what people would do for just a moment of glory. and of course, the classic “i’m literally a child, so how am i meant to know who i am?” i honestly related to these themes more than i did the ones portrayed in the original movie and the musical.
“people don’t really talk like that or dress like that”
the impression i got from the original heathers was that no one looked or spoke like they did because they were on another level. it was deliberate. they wore what they wore and said what they said because they want everyone to know that they’re different. no one in the eighties said “fuck me gently with a chainsaw” before heathers came out. it’s the same with the modern version. the heathers want to be different. they want to stand out. their clothes are ugly and they talk weird. deal with it.
“the humor is problematic”
unfortunately, yes, some of it was problematic. the stuff that wasn’t, though, was actually lowkey funny. (spoiler) in the finale, there was a car chase between duke in an uber and jd and it was genuinely comedic gold. there are things that shouldn’t have been said, of course, but that’s with every piece of media. west side story makes a transphobic / sexist joke (something like, the teacher says “you kids get into two circles: boys on the outside, girls on the inside” and diesel says “where are you?”) but do you see people boycotting it because of that? i actually really had fun watching this series and while some of the jokes made me cringe, they didn’t take away from my enjoyment of the show. also remember that this is a satire and so some of the jokes they use contribute to that aspect of the narrative.
“the pilot is terrible”
yeah, i agree with you on that one. the pilot sucks. but once you get into it, the awkwardness becomes bearable.
listen it isn’t great. it’s not like some of the most venerated titles on modern tv like orange is the new black or stranger things. it’s got a weird plot and pacing and some things are kind of awkward. some of the humor is offensive and the characters aren’t exactly like their original incarnations. but it’s entertaining. it’s trashy and fun and it genuinely has some really important morals. despite it being pushed back for ages because of so many shootings, i wish it had been premiered earlier anyway. it opens up a discussion about what more we can do in the chaos of a new shooting every week in such a smart way. i’m surprised that there isn’t a single positive post about it in the tag. yeah it’s bad, but it isn’t the worst show i’ve ever seen.
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musicalshards · 6 years
some things from off-west end heathers (26/07/18)
- jd is SO good, oh man. i feel like in the original cast, jd’s character can be taken less seriously because he goes more for the manic grinning psycho character, whereas jamie muscato’s interpretation was scary. when he snaps towards the end of the show his voice changes into this raw, rough scream-like thing so he’s almost yelling some of his bigger notes. it feels so much more threatening, especially in the moments where he’s holding and fighting veronica, and much less like the UWU MY ANGSTY BEAN character that i ocassionally see in fandom shit, which i thought was great
- carrie hope frickin fletcher. oh man. she was so awesome. i LOVED her veronica, loved loved loved! there were so many little quirks in her performance that were so theatrical and nuanced, little stops and razor-sharp raising of eyebrows; she felt like a really strong, sparky character, even through the heathers slowly turning her into a bitch, her sass and original character quirks still stayed throughout. this is explained terribly, but essentially i loved it
- the heathers were grEAT. just GREAT. oh man, they were so good
- the ensemble were aboslutely tight as BALLS, man! they were incredible and i dont think we realise on cast recordings how much of the songs they sing through to make everything sound tight and punchy. ‘new wave girl’ and ‘stoner chick’ were my favourite
- fight for me had been modulated down a tone or so
- the second verse in big fun was changed, all centred around ‘veronica looks hot tonight!’ it worked really well and i loved it
- instead of the “so it’s salt, then lime, then shot, YOU’RE DONIG IT WRONG” moment, heather mac told her the order, veronica aced it, mac said “you’re a natural! just like my mom!”
- the “quit it jackass get off of me” and the freshman sneaking over the pool fence section was cut
- “sorry but i really had to wake you” was changed to “had to see you, hope i didn’t wake you”
- some of the biggest notes in  veronica’s part the show were cut, which of course is a tad disappointing to not hear live, but you’d have to be superhuman to sing those insane parts without vocal damage anyway, so i totally understood, the songs still went HARD
- after dead girl walking when veronica dreams of heather coming back and thrashing her for the whole martha-pig-vomit scenario, she’s wearing this massive ass red scrunchie that went round her entire head it was hilarious 
- whenever the ensemble come into somebody’s imagined scenario (we the students of westerberg high will die), dream (aforementioned giant scrunchie dream) or general creepy bit (shine a light reprise), they all wore those white frame red-and-blue 3d glasses
- they changed ‘heather touching me’ in me inside of me to kurt and ram instead of a girl :/
- heather chandler running round the stage when she’s going ‘I’M BIGGER THAN JOHN LENNON’ was the funniest thing, she like ran around the characters singing about her and did shitty leaps around the stage it was the BEST
- the new song ‘you’re welcome’ was really great and veronica was a badass. i kinda wanted to see blue live because it’s my #problematic fave, i know it makes light of issues around assault but also the song is so ridiculous and i love it, it was the first song i ever heard from heathers that @pjfangirllvnda shoved into my ear one day with absolutely zero context and i was like what the actual fuck. however, in terms of the show, you’re welcome worked really really well and i think it’s a better song for the show
- because of the aforementioned jd performance, our love is god was incredibly powerful, especially at the end when veronica was like wtf you killed them, you could tell she wanted out but jd was holding her and it seemed like he had her trapped and she looked terrified, his stage presence was so menacing it worked great, you could see him co-ering her into joining in with the final ‘our love is god’s. ALSO ram had a shitty tie and veronica was like “oh i like your tie ram’ (she did the best ever act of OMG YOU’RE SO HOT STRIPPING FOR ME it was brilliant) and he was like ‘thanks, my mom got it for me.’ he’d just taken it off, so he went in the pile of clothes and put it back on. ‘thanks, mom!’
- heather duke’s song was BOSS and included the ‘big swordfight in her mouth’ part, but as a reprise of ‘big fun’ than blue which worked really well. there’s a little reveal in the song, which i won’t spoil (i didn’t have it spoiled for me and i squealed) but it was so GOOD, shoutout to t'shan williams for being so damn great
- dead gay son was so great and the whole audience went MAD when kurt and rams dads started making out
- shine a light had been modulated down a semitone i think. the ‘steve, i’m ending our affair’ was hilarious, she was like “oh god is that your wife,,, and your children?? you bought your entire family to our school assembly?? wellllll this is awkward,, hi i’m pauline,,, hope you’re enjoying the show,,,” miss fleming’s voice was amazing AND they had those light-up books to dance with in the ensemble which was cool
- lifeboat had been modulated somewhere, i could have sworn it went up, i LOVED heather mac’s voice, particularly her vibrato was so well controlled and not just super-fast manic it fitted the mood of the song so well, shoutout to sophie isaacs you’re awesome
- in shine a light reprise, “you don’t deserve to live, go on and bitch and moan, you don’t deserve the dream, you’re gonna die alone” or whatever, instead of repeating the same melody twice, she just kept going up on every line DAMN did i mention she was awesome
- kindergarten boyfriend was never a favourite song of mine but DAMN did jenny o’leary do it justice. there was this big pause when she sang ‘certain girls are meant to be alone’ - she was sat at the top of the upper level of the stage stage with her legs danging over the edge, at that line she stood up and went to stand in the centre of that platform in this big silence it was like the whole theatre held its breath
- meant to be yours was terrifying due to aforementioned jd awesomeness, oh MAN
- my favourite line ‘cheek to cheek in hell with a dead girl walking’ YAS
- i am damaged i think had a lyric or two changed and it seemed like jd was less regretful, more like ‘you beat me there’s nothing i can do’ rather then the kind of ‘i’m playing fair so i’ll stand down because i have some human-like regrets’ that i got from the original cast recording, which again i liked because it feels truer to the movie and the fact that jd is always a seriously messed up guy, not just a #edgy teen
- standing ovation and seventeen reprise as we all cheered off the curtain call was awesome 
- everything was g r e a t and as my first ever live musical i am STOKED it was so awesome
- (bonus: we saw a matinee so there wasn’t anyone doing signings because of the second show later on, but my friend was the only person i’ve ever seen to cosplay martha and she got a photo with jenny just as she was leaving!! how cool is that!!)
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karmanticmoved · 6 years
heathers: the essay
okay so jason dean, better known as jd, in the heathers musical is one of the main "villains", the others being the heathers, kurt, and ram, right? but despite his actions, i think that jd was less of a villain and simply a kid in need of help that never got it, and was only pushed until he thought that even murder was okay, so long as he was protecting the love of his life, veronica. in this essay i will be supporting my claims with evidence, and i want to make it clear that i am not saying he is an innocent baby boy. that is not true.
so to start off, jd is introduced and immediately gets attacked, specifically for being "gay" and gets called the f-slur. and he doesn't appear surprised or at all offput by this, almost as though he is used to this treatment from others. this leads me to believe that jd was likely bullied all throughout his high school experience at different schools, thus leading him to gain fighting experience because kids were literally attacking him for doing nothing at all. now, this is already terrible. nobody deserves that shit. but to make it worse, its clear he also doesn't have any friends likely due to the bullying, as well as all the moving due to his dad. and he doesn't trust his dad in the slightest, leaving jd completely alone and unable to confide in anyone else about what the hell was going on. and at this point, this life is normal for him. he doesn't see any problem with it because he doesn't know how bad it is.
next, we can discuss his father. how jd seemed to start as nothing more than a normal sweet child, but his past changed him. specifically, his mother's death. the fact that she consciously chose to kill herself using one of the buildings his dad was destroying and left jd to be raised by a man with too much anger and what appears to be not much care for his son. in the act of killing herself, she destroyed what was, maybe, the single strongest bond that jd ever had. and, when jd and his dad began to move around, he likely soon learned that friendship was impossible for him by now, and instead decided to emotionally distance himself so as to keep himself from getting attached to anyone at all. this is why we see veronica making all the first moves on him. he may have seen her. he probably thought she was attractive. but he was so used to, and good at, keeping people distanced, he didn't care until she forced herself into his life. even in freeze your brain, it is solely a way for jd to express his coping techniques. "freezing his brain". now, that shit HURTs or maybe im just a wimp. but also, jd talks about how the pain of doing this helps to keep him from cutting himself and leaving visible scars. instead, the slushies are a way of self harm without permanent marks. quite like purposefully going without food for long periods of time or not sleeping at all. you're damaging yourself without scars.
so jd definitely has depression. he's traumatised to the point where being attacked in school is normal and he's good at fighting off the attackers, and he doesn't have anyone he cares about. then comes veronica. now, veronica comes into his room during dead girl walking, and you can hear that jd is confused about how the Hell she found him, so it wasn't his idea, but he goes through with it anyway, finally letting someone in after literally years upon years of being emotionally closed off. perhaps its because he saw the pain she was going through and wanted to help her somehow like nobody did for him all these years. but in forcing herself into jd's life like this, veronica unknowingly pulls a switch inside of him. he already thought the world was terrible. he thought nothing good was to come out of it, and then comes veronica. when he sees her, all he wants to do it protect her from the hurt that he's suffered. he just wants to keep her happy and alive, and when he jokes about killing heather, that's what it really is. at first.
we see this demonstrated by how he starts to stop veronica, knowing that she took the wrong cup. he wasn't expecting to actually kill heather. but then he gets an idea. if all the bad people in the world are dead, how the hell are they supposed to harm the love of his life? now, cue the rest of the musical with kurt and ram. their existence only further solidifies this idea of his that he needs to destroy everyone who tries to lay a finger on the girl he loves. the fact that veronica went along with it (unknowingly for the most part) also made it worse. now after their deaths, he says that he would truthfully kill more people if that's what it takes to protect veronica, and she breaks up with him. which, while it makes sense, you don't really want to be dating a murderer, also spirals things even further out of control. because he thought that he was doing what he needed to do to protect her, and in doing so, he lost the one person he ever had. thus, sparking his desire to destroy the whole school. not our of purely anger, but because he still wants to save veronica and get her back, and he thinks that going big is the only way possible.
at the end of meant to be yours, when veronica fakes her death, you can see jd falter. he doesn't know what to do without veronica, but then, thinking back to his mother likely, he decides that, in order to "avenge" her, he must still go through with his plan. and so, he closes himself off as best he can and sets off to destroy the school once and for all.
in dead girl walking reprise, veronica appears again, trying to get jd to stop, and he doesn't seem as surprised to see her alive as he is bitter. he knows she faked her death to escape him, just like his mother actually died to escape his father all those years ago.
and now, he's broken beyond repair. he's opened up and closed himself off far too many times as of this point, he's somewhere in between. somewhere where he still cares and is still "doing this for veronica", but he also won't listen to her. however. when she gets the upper hand and shoots him, it seems to snap him to his senses. to let him know that she means it. she'd rather let them both die than the school full of people. so, jd opens up one last time and apologizes in the only way he knows how. by telling her that it's his fault. he has been damaged from the start. but she can fix it and still be happy. she can fix what's bad in the world and all that he made a mess of. and then, knowing he himself is far too broken to be repaired, jd takes the bomb and kills himself.
now what im saying by all this, is that jd began as a regular kid, and was shaped and hurt so badly by the world around him, that it warped his view into thinking in black and white. good and bad. he was not innocent, but his goal was not to hurt people, it was simply to save veronica in the only way he knew how. and that is how you write one hell of a good character arc. or interpret it as such
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nimbus-meh-112 · 6 years
Conspiracy theory: Is Heather Chandler God?
Ok, so before we start, it’s 12:00 am where I live and I’ve been thinking about this for a few weeks. Also, this contains Christian view points, just as a warning! I’m brought up in a Roman Catholic house, so I do know quite a bit about Christianity. However, I don’t know everything, so correct me if I’m wrong. This isn’t me saying I believe in God though. There are also some key things that you MUST remember in order for this to make sense! Got that? Now, on with my theory!
Ok, so, if you’ve seen both Heathers the film and musical, you’re going to be on the same page as me and you’d know that Heather Chandler (the Heather that wears red) is basically the Queen of Westerberg High. Her crown-equivalent-thing is a red scrunchie. If you have this red scrunchie, you’re automatically crowned Queen. Red scrunchie. These two words are very important though out this theory, ok?
Now, in the musical, there’s a song called My Dead Gay Son. The song is about Kurt and Ram (the school jocks)’s funeral and their fathers are singing it. It’s basically about the dad’s acceptance of their sons’ gayness (if that makes sense) when in reality, they’re not gay they were just murdered by Veronica and JD. Within the song, one of the dads (I believe it’s Kurt’s but I’m not sure) sings, “they were just two bright red ribbons in the lord’s long hair!”.
Now, there’s three keywords in this line.
Let’s start with red and ribbon.
Ok, remember when I said that you needed to remember the part about the red scrunchie? This is the moment that it comes into play.
The word “red” is pretty self explanatory. Both the ribbon and scrunchie are red in the story. However, if we were to dissect the word ribbon - like we are now - we’d remember the context of the word “ribbon” is that it’s a hair accessory, LIKE A SCRUNCHIE IS. Put them and what have you got? A red scrunchie! The crown that makes you omnipotent (all powerful)!!!!!!! Especially if you’re Heather C, who is seen wearing it throughout the show (but is joined by Heather D after her death).
Now, let’s dive into the noun “lord” (or “lord’s” If we’re getting properly technical).
Now, Christian’s (and so on) believe that God/The Lord is all loving and all powerful. If we were matching this to Heather C, I could confidently say she wasn’t all loving but she was all powerful. This is evident when we remember that she was literally like the Queen of the school. Consequently, she had power.
Now let’s put my analysing together. The song says “two bright red ribbons in the lord’s great hair!” They’re saying that God has bright red ribbons in his hair. That’s a plural, yes I know, but I’m interpreting them as individuals, ok!! We said, or rather I said, that Heather Chandler also wears red hair accessories. Both God and Heather are omnipotent.
Put two and two together and there you have it!
Heather is basically God! Or similar to god.
I hope you enjoyed this!
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have you seen the first episode of p.eathers?? what was it like if so ?? :0
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Alrighty folks, today we’re going to be unboxing P.eathers. 
I want to start off by saying that there were a decent amount of things I liked about the show. The costumes CLEARLY are not the best, but they’re at least interesting to look at, and they didn’t bother me as much as they’re bothering other people. But c’mon, shoulder pads weren’t still cool in 88 when it was done there. Tell me that Chandler’s outfit in the caf was trendy. I liked the lighting, the backgrounds, and the acting wasn’t half bad. 
The thing I have the biggest problem with is the humor. This show made antisemetic, homophobic, biphobic, transphobic, racist, and fat jokes like they were paid for each line that DIDN’T NEED TO BE THERE. It genuinely feels like they made a cast so diverse with different types of representation just so they could make fun of them. You see the characters appear GENUINELY HURT by many sentiments.
The second biggest problem I have is the characterization. They took away the parts of the characterization I liked most. Mac is now the grovelling bitch who’s always told to shut up. Duke is surprisingly likeable except when being biphobic. I actually really liked a Duke/Ronnie friendship dynamic despite hating a lot of other things. But Duke not being the soft spoken one makes any rise to power Duke may have completely unsatisfying. I don’t like how they made Mac the weakest already, because seeing the other Heathers belittle her seems WRONG and that wasn’t her character. It makes me worried how they’re going to give her any development. 
Characterization pt 2, the Heathers and Kurt and Ram (except when being transphobic, racist, biphobic, etc) are made to be more likeable than Veronica, Betty, AND JD. JD felt WAY too creepy - he NEEDS to have a certain amount of charisma, and that’s taken away. Veronica feels way more pessimistic and self doubting and vulnerable instead of snarky and confident. She’s IMMEDIATELY unlikable. Her actions make it seem like she resents the Heathers for being popular when they aren’t normal and her being upset at a lack of identity and having relief on Chandler’s help to be popular. Betty was IMMEDIATELY demonized and made to be a secret bitch in disguise. Big Bud is suddenly an almost sympathetic figure (and attractive as hell). 
While I think it’s interesting what they did with the plot, it’s not what I was expecting. And it’s not what I’m wanting, and I’ll post that under a read more because spoilers. I understand the plot had to change to accomodate a series, but I don’t appreciate what they did with it. They get points, however, because there were a few twists I didn’t anticipate and those were pretty interesting. 
TL;DR:: P.EATHERS RELIES ON ANTISEMETIC, BIPHOBIC, TRANSPHOBIC, RACIST, HOMOPHOBIC AND FAT SHAMING to drive their humor. The characterization was done without giving any thought as to WHY the original characters were characterized the way they were. The dialogue is a sorry attempt to compete. (( See: “oh my clit” and “why are you always snooping everyone’s jizz” instead of such classics as “fuck me gently with a chainsaw” and “quit pulling my dick.” )) While I can appreciate the costumes, background, overall aesthetic, and music, what they’re doing is a shitshow meant to look like diversity while relying on tropes and jokes that negatively impact minorities and throwing them in in EXCESS. We can’t stand back and not be critical of this work, especially after Paramount saying something to the tune of “we know you don’t like it but we’re doing it anyway.”
Spoilers about the plot under the read more. Like this is a flat out point by point of the entire episode so y’all can see how ridiculous this is. 
Opening scene is shan.nen as JD’s mom offing herself. Great way to start out.
Veronica goes into school and meets with a guidance counselor about not knowing her identity. She claims being ‘a good person,’ ‘loyal,’ and ‘half jewish’ is enough to get her into Ivy Leagues. She goes out to talk to Betty in the hall, apologizing for missing a recital, and Betty waves it off only to bitchglare at her as she walks away. Great. 
Veronica meets up with the Heathers in the caf who decide to antagonize Ram for wearing a jersey with a native american on it. “Squaws.” Chandler snaps a pic and tells him to take it off. In the middle of a lunchroom, he takes off his shirt and Chandler proceeds to tell him to “ask for anal” with a very religious girl ( jesus jane, or some shit like that ) or else she’d post the pic for all of her followers to see and his life would be ruined. He goes along with it, gets slapped, and the Heathers look like the cats that ate the cream.
JD and Veronica meet, and it’s a sad rehash of Sl.ater/Ry.der dynamic. It looks forced. It looks uncomfortable. You don’t like either of the characters. I lost a year off of my life every time he calls Veronica ‘my dear’. It transitions into a kinda cute Duke/Veronica friendship scene where they find Mac, aka “the black lesbian friend” making out with a teacher. Duke snaps a pic but says “I’m not a monster.” and doesn’t send it to Chandler.
Remington party is replaced by a post-modern art exhibit at a college where Veronica is too cool for the art kids. She immediately clings to a JD lookalike and goes to his car ( where it’s implied he’s performing oral on her while she SCROLLS ON INSTAGRAM WHO DOES THAT ) and sees that Chandler posted Ram’s pic anyway. She storms in to confront Chandler. They argue. HULL CLEANER is accidentally spilled all over Chandler, and Veronica tells her to “lick it up, fatty, lick it up.” and Chandler tells her ‘you’re going to be deleted.’
JD CLIMBS INTO VERONICA’S WINDOW. Like not peeks his head in, but jumps in, which feels way creepier because Veronica LOOKS uncomfortable. Cue 7-11 scene that would be cute if I didn’t hate them. Kurt and Ram make a cameo and Kurt is apparently gay. Cool. 
They go to Chandler’s house to PUT A NAZI HAT ON HER HEAD and snap a pic and post to instagram. When they do it, they end up waking her up. Chandler goes off on Veronica for being so self-pitying, which JD records. He tells her to get her phone, she has to inhale a bag of corn chips in 5 seconds ( the bag containing a ‘nazi pill that induces vomiting’ ). After JD ridicules her, she goes along with it and KERPLAT, dies. It’s really unclear over whether or not JD meant to give a suicide pill instead of a vomiting pill. They post Chandler’s suicide ‘video’. 
Next day, the schoolboard insults her for being fat, acts surprised that someone fat was popular, etc. Duke and Mac fight over who gets to say the eulogy, because whoever says the eulogy takes her place. Mac says to Duke ‘chandler would want a REAL GIRL’ to say it, and Duke, furious, tells Mac that they’ll out her for fooling around with a teacher if she doesn’t give in.
When it’s time to give a eulogy, BETT steps up and does it to claim popularity status. She blows off Veronica and has a Duke-esque rise to bitchy power. It’s gross and I hate it. BETTY DIDN’T DESERVE THIS. 
Fast forward to Chandler’s house. Her parents rush in because they think it was a media stunt for attention and see her. Her dad gives her CPR ( well, like a weird lying down heimlich ) and she coughs up the pills and wakes up, realizing what happened. 
This is where the show ends, but previews for next episodes imply that Chandler is going to force JD and Veronica to frame suicides for her. Which is just… what the fuck.
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hollywalkerlma32 · 5 years
Major Performance Rehearsal  Big fun and Me inside of me
The scene before big fun Kurt and Ram are being told how to behave by there parents, traditionally these are played by men as Dads however we have changed it to moms. However it is really effective as to assert dominance they use a southern American accent which can be quite intimidating, we try teasing our parent by calling them dudes which results in Rams dad holding Kurt’s arms and telling him to call himself a sissy, now although this scene is funny I think it’s a huge insight into Kurt and Rams life, how they are shown no sympathy and that there parents could be considered as bully’s which shows a lot about how they behave in school when they bully other people, it could be because they have a lot of built up emotion and they have learnt from their parents the only way to let it out is violence. That’s the route i decided to go down I show no mercy to any character, I even bully Ram sometimes, i believe this adds depth to Kurt therefore making it more engaging to the audience, also helping people in my cast react with me.
Big fun is one of my favourite numbers, it’s Kurt’s best friends house party and the whole school is invited, by the end of the song it results in the Heather’s trying to humiliate Veronica’s best friend and Veronica has had enough and argues with Heather and is then sick on her. 
We spent a little bit more time on this number that what was scheduled as it is a big number, it opens with the lyrics “Dad said act your age” however we have changed Dad to Mom as we have females playing them so we turned them into mothers, so we adapted that straight away. It starts with a series of frozen positions this is to help the audience understand that we are at a party and getting drunk. I pose with two of the Heather’s and this sets a scene later when Kurt tries to touch a Heather in a cemetery. 
This number is like a big burst of energy, a lot of the other numbers our choreography has been much more subtle however I struggled with how fast this number is and it involved spins so i just started off learning the choreography with the counts and adding things as I go along. As you can see in this video (figure 7) this is the very basic structure of a section of the dance with the counts as you can see I am mainly focusing on counting but I do have the basic choreography nailed. I start of just learning with counts to develop my muscle memory, then I always find attaching lyrics to movement helps me to remember and if i rehearse with full effort and attack this helps with my stamina. I work really hard on my facial expressions and find these come easier when performing with energy and usually this helps me with the choreography then as it isn’t my strongest quality so strong facial expressions still make it enjoyable for the audience and they are less likely to know that it is my weakest quality. Choreography is a challenge I face which is why I watch my tutor carefully so I can get the most out of the dance class, I also ask lots of questions to try and solve this problem, and it’s an on going challenge but it’s something I am working hard on.
We also have partner work which i think is great as it gives you someone to react with, although my partner is dancing with me I still make sure to face the audience as it will make them feel more included, with everyone in pairs it covers the whole stage so no matter where you look you are submerged in the party. Whitemore.J (2020) says “Audience engagement is an essential part of meetings as a meeting room is like taking the stage, your audience maybe stressed or pre occupied so it’s important to make eye contact and speak clearly so you can connect with them”. Which is why in big fun I have used this opportunity to engage the audience and make them feel apart of the party.
Figure 7: Big Fun Choreogrpahy with counts
Me Inside Of Me 
Veronica and JD have just killed Heather Chandler and are trying to forge a suicide note, it then shows the teacher Miss Flemming demonstrating how it could be a good learning activity for all the students. 
Kurt and Ram when they are handed the suicide note, don’t take much notice of it, and that’s the same feeling all the students are having no one takes much notice, until we all gather in the corner and Miss Flemming leads us in a choir like fashion and we sing ‘no one thinks a pretty girl has feelings’ when conducting my character analysis I feel like this lyric related to my character in the sense that no one thinks a popular boy has feelings which is why in this section my posture has changed and i am more willing to take part but as soon as it’s over I go back to normal like it was some form of trance.
So far my feedback has been really positive, my tutor said that she knows when I am given direction I apply it straight away and that’s a good trait to have, also I work quickly and engage other people while working. If I was to give feedback to myself at this point it would be to not be too hard on myself with the vocals as I do take a little longer to process them but it does come with practice and application, I have recently found that when I implement all the elements so the acting, singing and dancing I retain the information quicker.
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mbtizone · 7 years
Jason Dean (Heathers): INTJ
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Dominant Introverted Intuition [Ni]: JD has a singular vision, which he spends the majority of his time trying to make a reality. He believes that the only place for people who come from different cliques can truly get along is in Heaven, and strongly feels that killing the entire school is the only way to achieve this. To him, this way of seeing society is an indisputable, universal truth, and it is his primary motivation. JD has a rich understanding of symbolism and metaphor. “Moby Dick is dunked. The white whale drank some bad plankton and splashed through a coffee table, and now it’s your turn to take the helm.” When writing Heather Chandler’s suicide note, Veronica argues that Heather would never use a word like “myriad,” especially because she missed that one on a vocabulary exam, but JD argues that gives them more of a reason to use the word, referring to it as a “badge for her failures at school.” He could have called them anything, but instead chooses to refer to the “tranquilizer” bullets as “ich luge” bullets, which translates to “I’m lying” in German. Everything he does has meaning and significance. He gives Heather Duke the red scrunchie because it’s symbolic. Heather Chandler wore it, so it is a symbol of strength and power. He might as well be handing her a crown. When JD explains his master plan to what he thinks is Veronica’s corpse, he tells her exactly how he believes the world will receive the mass suicide at Westerburg High. It will “infect a generation!” It’ll be a “Woodstock for the ’80s!” JD knows exactly what he needs to do to carry out his schemes. When it looks as though Heather Chandler won’t drink the “hangover cure,” JD remarks that he knew it would be “too intense for her,” which gets her to take the cup. He even finds “homosexual artifacts” to plant at the scene in order to support and strengthen the narrative he’s created. When Heather Duke gives him her copy of Moby Dick, he immediately begins underlining meaningful passages in order to stage her suicide. He blackmails her because he knows her weakness. She needs to be popular, and so, he digs up photos that could ruin her reputation and uses them as leverage to get her to take Heather Chandler’s place. JD has strong hunches about things and people. He fully believes something unless it’s proven to him that he is incorrect, in which case he will revise his approach. He is certain that Veronica will be back after she breaks up with him, but when she makes it clear that it’s over, he decides that he needs to kill her. Immediately after their encounter in the hallway, JD goes straight to Veronica’s parents to warn them that she might try to commit suicide, laying in the groundwork for his plan to murder her.
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Auxiliary Extroverted Thinking [Te]: When it comes to plans, JD has it covered. He’s methodical and focused on getting the job done and implementing his vision. JD is extremely intelligent and knows what he must do in order to accomplish his goals. He’s the one who comes up with the idea to make Heather’s death look like a suicide. He fully intends to kill Kurt and Ram, but he knows that Veronica would never agree to that, so he invents an entire fictional plan to get her to go through with it. When Veronica asks why she would need to write a suicide note for them if they’re not actually killing them, he explains an entire fake plan to her. We’ll shoot them with the “ich luge” bullets, they’ll look like they’e dead, when really they’re just unconscious. They’ll stage it to look as though they shot each other, and when they come to, the entire school will know what they did, and they’ll be a joke. The note, as JD points out, is the punchline. Although he cares for Veronica, he sees her as a part of his plans and uses her to his advantage, and he has no qualms about killing her once he realizes he can no longer control her. When he loses Veronica, he turns to Heather Duke, using her to do his bidding instead. Through her, he gets his fellow classmates to unwittingly agree to mass suicide by creating a petition, which Heather goes around the school getting everyone to sign.
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Tertiary Introverted Feeling [Fi]: It’s not right that the popular kids pick on everyone else, and they need to be taught a lesson and pay for their crimes. However, JD takes his punishments to the extreme. He wants justice for those who have been wronged, but he’s extremely unhealthy, and his sentences don’t necessarily fit the crimes. His values and sense of right and wrong are entirely internally based, and he genuinely believes what he is doing is justified. In his mind, Heather was a bitch and she deserved to die. Kurt and Ram had nothing going for them and the world wouldn’t suffer without them. Different social types will only be able to live in harmony in the afterlife! JD genuinely believes that offing her classmates is what Veronica wants deep down, and accuses her of not being able to face those ugly feelings she has. He insists that she wanted Kurt and Ram dead. It is likely that he has repressed his feelings from his mother’s suicide, as well as what he went through moving from state to state and school to school, and saw his actions as the only way to deal with the pain he felt. When he is struggling with Veronica in the boiler room as he attempts to blow up the school, he indicates that part of the reason he has done everything he’s done is because he doesn’t feel loved. While he loves Veronica in his own way, he believes that she must die once he accepts that she won’t come back to him (Ni-Fi). He had completely unreasonable expectations of Veronica, but when she could no longer be coerced and opposed his belief system, he couldn’t stand it. When he insists that their way is the way, she responds that it’s not her way. Because he was so certain of his convictions, he genuinely doesn’t understand why Veronica doesn’t acknowledge that and return to him. ” I don’t get it! I mean, you were wrong! I was right. Strength, damn it! Come on, come back!”
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Inferior Extroverted Sensing [Se]: Everything JD does is in service of his ultimate vision. He doesn’t spend any time living in the moment because he’s always thinking about what he’s going to do next. For JD, everything needs to have a deeper significance and he assigns meaning to everything. Many of his actions stem from a desire to create a sort of symbolic resonance and rarely takes things for what they appear to be on the surface. At times, JD can become impulsive, violent, and physical. He shoots Kurt and Ram with blanks in the school cafeteria because “The extremely always seems to make an impression.” JD uses what he notices in his external environment to help him form his plans. When he and Veronica are trying to decide what to do after killing Heather, he spots a magazine in her bedroom that says “The Fall of the American Teen” on it, with a copy of the Cliffs Notes for The Bell Jar on top of it. After noticing these things, he decides to stage the murder to look like a suicide. He decides to set a bomb off in the school after watching a video of a building his dad blew up. JD pays attention to his surroundings and uses his observations in his schemes – he reminds Veronica that Kurt is left-handed, so she knows where to place the gun. When JD knocks Veronica out in the boiler room as tries to thwart his plans, he doesn’t restrain her. He leaves her where she is and continues to go about his business, which ultimately leads to his downfall.
Enneagram: 5w4 4w5 8w9 Sx/Sp
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JD: The extreme always seems to make an impression.
JD: Well, everybody’s life has got static. Is your life perfect?
JD: Heather Chandler is one bitch that deserves to die. Veronica Sawyer: Killing her won’t solve anything. I say we just grow up, be adults, and die. But before that, I’d like to see Heather Chandler puke her guts out.
JD: What are we gonna tell the cops? Fuck it if she can’t take a joke, Sarge? Veronica Sawyer: Oh, the cops. I can’t believe this is my life. Oh my god. I’m gonna have to send my SAT scores to San Quentin instead of Stanford. JD: All right, just a little freaked here. At least you got what you wanted, you know? Veronica Sawyer: Got what I wanted? It is one thing to want somebody out of your life. It is another thing to serve them a wakeup cup full of liquid drainer. [JD sees a magazine with “The Fall of the American Teen” on the cover and a copy of the Cliff’s Notes for The Bell Jar.] JD: All right, we did a murder. Now that’s a crime. But if this were like a suicide thing, you know? Veronica Sawyer: Like a suicide thing? JD: Yeah. I mean, you can do Heather’s handwriting as well as your own, right? Right? Veronica Sawyer: You might think what I’ve done is shocking. JD: Um, to me, though, suicide is the natural answer to the myriad of problems life has given me. Veronica Sawyer: That’s good, but Heather would never use the word myriad. JD: This is the last thing she’ll ever write, she’s gonna wanna cash in on as many 50-cent words as possible. Veronica Sawyer: Yeah, but she missed myriad on the vocab test two weeks ago. JD: That only proves my point more. The word is a badge for her failures at school. Veronica Sawyer: Oh. Ok, you’re probably right. People think just because you’re beautiful ad popular life is easy and fun. No one understood, I had feelings too. JD: I die knowing no one knew the real me. Veronica Sawyer: That’s good. Have you done this before?
JD: What is this shit? Veronica Sawyer: Doing a favor for Heather. Double date. I tried to tell you at the funeral, but you rode off. JD: Another fucking Heather. I’m sorry, I’m just feeling a little superior tonight. Seven schools in seven states and the only thing different is my locker combination. Our love is God. Let’s go get a slushie.
Veronica Sawyer: I don’t get the point of me writing a suicide note when we’re just going to be shooting them with blanks. JD: Well we’re not going to be using blanks this time. Veronica Sawyer: You can’t be serious. JD: I am. Veronica Sawyer: Listen, my Bonnie and Clyde days are over. JD: Wait a second, wait a second. Do you take German? Veronica Sawyer: French. JD: All right. These are ich luge bullets. My grandfather snared a shitload of them back in WWII. They’re like tranquilizers. Only they break the surface of the skin enough to cause a little blood, but no real damage. Veronica Sawyer: So it looks like the person’s been shot and killed and really they’re just lying there unconscious and bleeding? JD: Right. See, we shoot Kurt and Ram, make it look like they shot each other, and by the time they regain consciousness they’ll be the laughingstock of the whole school. The note’s the punchline. How’d that turn out?
JD: Let’s take a look at some of the homosexual artifacts I dug up to plant at the scene. All right, I’ve got an issue of Stud Puppy. Veronica Sawyer: That’s great. JD: A candy dish. Joan Crawford postcard. Let’s see, some mascara. All right, now here’s the one perfecto thing I picked up – mineral water. Veronica Sawyer: Oh, come on. A lot of people drink mineral water. It’s come a long way. JD: Yeah, but this is Ohio. I mean, if you don’t have a brewski in your hand, you might as well be wearing a dress. Veronica Sawyer: Oh, you’re so smart.
Veronica Sawyer: Kurt doesn’t look too good. JD: Just remember he’s left-handed.
JD: Look, you believed it because you wanted to believe it. Your true feelings were too gross and icky for you to face.
JD: Football season is over, Veronica. Kurt and Ram had nothing to offer this school but date rapes and AIDS jokes.
Veronica Sawyer: That thing this afternoon. I’m so angry! It was chaos, fucking chaos. JD: What are you talking about, huh? I mean, today was great! Chaos is great! Chaos is what killed the dinosaurs, darling. Face it, our way is the way! We scare people into not being assholes! Veronica Sawyer: Our way is not our way! JD: Oh yeah, tell that to the judge, all right? Tell it to Kurt Kelly! ‘Oh, God, Veronica!’ Veronica Sawyer: I’m telling it to you! God, you can be so immature!
Heather Duke: Me and Martha Dumptruck? Where did you get this? JD: I just had the nicest little chat with Miss Dumptruck. Got along famously. It’s kinda scary how everyone’s got a little story to tell. Do you wanna see the canoeing shots? Heather Duke: What is this, blackmail?… I’ll give you a week’s lunch money. JD: I don’t want your money. I want your strength. I mean, Westerburg does not need mushy togetherness, it needs a strong leader. Heather Chandler was that leader, but- Heather Duke: But she couldn’t handle it. JD: I think you can. Moby Dick is dunked. The white whale drank some bad plankton and splashed through a coffee table, and now it’s your turn to take the helm. Heather Duke: What about the photographs? JD: Oh, don’t worry. I’ll ask you to do me a favor, and it’ll be one you’ll enjoy. Then you’ll get the negatives and everything back then. But in the meantime, strength. Here’s a little gift. [He hands her the red scrunchie]
Veronica Sawyer: I was thinking more along the lines of slitting Heather Duke’s wrists open, making it look like a suicide. JD: Heh, now you’re talking. I could be up for that. I’ve already started underlining meaningful passages in her copy of Moby Dick, if you know what I mean. Veronica Sawyer: I knew you’d be back, Veronica. I knew it. I was positive, I was sure. Veronica Sawyer: It’s over, JD. Over. Grow up! JD: I don’t get it! I mean, you were wrong! I was right. Strength, damn it! Come on, come back!
Mrs. Sawyer: Your friend Jason Dean stopped by. He seemed very concerned about you. He said that he thought you might try to kill yourself. Mr. Sawyer: You have been depressed lately. Oh, he left this for you. [He hands Veronica an envelope. She takes out a piece of paper that says ‘Recognize the handwriting?’ in her own handwriting.] Veronica Sawyer: Oh my God. Mrs. Sawyer: He said that we should keep you away from sharp objects, closed garage doors, chemical substances, prescription drugs.
JD: I can’t believe you did it! I was teasing. I loved you! Sure, I was coming up here to kill ya. First I was going to try and get you back with my amazing petition. It’s a shame you can’t see what our fellow students really signed. All right, listen. ‘We students of Westerburg High will die. Today. Our burning bodies will be the ultimate protest to a society that degrades is. Fuck you all.’ It’s not very subtle, but neither’s blowing up a whole school, now is it? Talk about your suicide pacts, eh? When our school blows up tomorrow, it’s going to be the kind of thing to infect a generation. A Woodstock for the 80s! Damn it, Veronica. We coulda toasted marshmallows together.
JD: You think just because you started this thing, you can end it? Veronica Sawyer: I’ll kill you. I’ll fucking kill you, I swear to God. How do I turn off the goddamn bomb, asshole? [JD flips Veronica the middle finger; she shoots it off] Veronica Sawyer: It’s all over, JD. Help me stop it. JD: You want to clean the slate as much as I do. All right, so maybe I am killing everyone in the school, because nobody loves me! Let’s face it, all right! The only place different social types can genuinely get along with each other is in heaven. Veronica Sawyer: Which button do I press to turn it off? JD: Try the red one, all right? [Veronica looks at the bomb; all of the buttons are red] Seriously, people are going to look at the ashes of Westerburg and say there is a school that self-destructed, not because society didn’t care, but because the school was society! That’s pretty deep, huh? Veronica Sawyer: Which red button? JD: Press the middle one to turn it off it that’s what you really want. Veronica Sawyer: You know what I want, babe? JD: What? [He lunges towards her and she shoots him.] Veronica Sawyer: Cool guys like you out of my life.
JD: Color me impressed. You, uh. You really fucked me up bad, Veronica. You, um, you got power. Power I didn’t think you had. The slate is clean. Pretend I did blow up the school. All the schools. Now that you’re dead, what are you gonna do with your life?
Jason Dean (Heathers): INTJ was originally published on MBTI Zone
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monstersmonthly · 5 years
Father and Son Replicate History in Final Day at Bloomsburg
All good things must come to an end.
That classic slogan was ringing true on Sunday afternoon, as just as the previous event in Lima, it was the final day of the Bloomsburg 4-Wheel Jamboree, and it meant that when the final event took place, it was time to tear down every bit of the Bloomsburg Fairgrounds, from food vendors to auto accessory sellers.  The large crowd began filing in for one last day of events, culminating with the final racing event and freestyle for the General Tire Monster Truck Thunder Drags.
The crowd was also focused on the Xtreme Diesel Ram that a night prior made one enormous hit in freestyle, then called it a night because of a broken driveline.
A shattered carrier bearing in the driveshaft put Dave Radzierez on the sidelines, however at the end of the night he was confident everything would be fixed in the morning since he had a spare in the hauler.
In the morning, that mood changed.
The bearing he had in the hauler was not the correct size, so he, crew chief Michelle Simpson and his entire team, including folks from Gearhart’s Garage that drove in to see him compete, were scrambling around the Bloomsburg area to find the correct size bearing to get him back running.  He waited, and waited…and waited even more.  By the time it was time to fire engines to move the remaining trucks to the infield, the waiting had concluded, because his luck ran out.
The Bloomsburg curse continued, and he felt so frustrated, since the Bloomsburg event is as close to home as it can get for Radzierez.  He still signed autographs, and posed for pictures, but the devastation in his face was clear.
With Radzierez down, the 3 p.m. event was reduced to five trucks, meaning one truck in the draw was going to luck out in the racing bracket with a bye run.  In this instance, that went to Kurt Kraehmer, who saw his General Tire truck get repaired the previous day due to a broken axle.  He felt more comfortable in the truck, and gave the crowd a Kyle Busch-style bow in introductions, but faced his toughest challenge in the semi-finals.
Teammate Mat Dishman was defeated in the first round by Christian Norman in the Lucas Oil “Wildfoot,” his first loss in the opening round all season.  But, he would return in the semi-finals as the fast loser, setting up a Hall Brothers Racing matchup to put one of the RAM Trucks in the title round.
When the lights went green, Kraehmer caught the holeshot over the first hill, and stayed in the throttle with Dishman in the Raminator just slightly behind.  Kraehmer held on, but the rear end slid out just a bit.  He kept after it, and hammered hard on the gas, but could not quite pull ahead enough to catch Dishman, losing by just about a half-truck.
On the opposite side of the bracket, Norman found himself in another battle with the guy he lost to in the semi-finals the day prior, Mikey Vaters Jr. in Overkill Evolution.  But this time, there was no questioning the call from either side of the track, as the Ford Super Duty of Vaters got the Bigfoot Raptor by just about a tire.
The stage was set for the same final as the day prior, with each taking the same lane as they had a day ago.  But, this time it was a different result, as for the fourth time Dishman was the man singing the victory song.  The Raminator has actually been to every final round all season, and with four wins in the bunch, that means a 66 percent win rate.  At this rate, the RAM Trucks operation is in the best groove it’s been in with the jamborees in a long time.
At this point, the track got cleared, safety crews moved into position, and it was time to close out the entire jamboree weekend with the final freestyle performance for all five trucks.
Round 1: Overkill Evolution def. Black Stallion; Lucas Oil Bigfoot def. Raminator; General Tire BYE RUN.
Semi-Finals: Overkill Evolution def. Lucas Oil Bigfoot; Raminator (FL) def. General Tire.
Finals: Raminator def. Overkill Evolution.
 Kraehmer put on a solid run, including kicking up a lot of dust and grass with a set of cyclones just outside the racing lanes.  Dishman then followed it up with a hard run of his own, but seemed to be hindered in his run.  It turns out the truck was running with a slightly hurt axle, which Dishman reported after his racing win.  Yet, he still went out, hammered hard, and gave the crowd what they wanted.
Norman strapped into his Ford Raptor, and decided to make it an assault on the eyes and the skies, as he put the Lucas Oil-sponsored machine through the ringer.  Although unable to pull the classic Foot wheelstand like he did in Lima, he was able to slide the truck into a pair of donuts, drift through the corners, and hit every hill available on the track to the delight of the crowd.
Mike Vaters then rolled out onto the track and hit the two rollers on the front stretch that were part of the tough truck course.  Then he slowed way down, and rolled to a stop facing the new hill the track crew from WHR Motorsports set up, but all seemed as if it was planned out.
The announcer then got on the microphone to reveal a perfectly planned stunt that only the Bloomsburg crowd would be able to witness.
It was 20 years ago, to the date…almost to the hour, that Vaters accomplished his own feat on the infield at Bloomsburg.  In 1999, he took his then-Black Stallion 2000, the chassis that team driver Matt Cody had driven the last few years and just recently got put into semi-retirement, and launched over Andy Hoffman’s parked Nightmare monster.
Realizing the jamboree was falling on the exact day that the stunt happened, along with some help from lead photographer for the jamboree, Jeff Luckey, a plan went into action.  A few phone calls to Bonnier Corporation, and a few track changes, and it was decided to replicate the stunt.
But, instead of Vaters doing it himself, his son, who at the time of that original launch was just age 11, was set to do the jump.  However, the task was even tougher when the team discovered after the finals, the front end of the truck was not pulling.  That meant in order to do the stunt, Vaters would need to somehow push Overkill Evolution and get enough speed using just the rear tires to get it there.
Still, the crowd was ready, he was ready, and with his dad looking on, Mikey pulled the belts tight, focused forward, and hammered the accelerator.
The Ford Super Duty blasted the hill and soared high, at least an entire truck height over his dad’s machine, coming down hard on the nose and into a wheelstand.  Mikey got the truck under control, and roared back in front of the crowd, hitting the big hill in the process and sliding to a stop, saluting the fans and getting a lot of congrats from the video crew, track personnel, and everyone in the infield that witnessed the successful leap up close.
Winning the actual freestyle portion of the show, at least unofficially, seemed to be Norman with his full run of high-flying antics.  But, to the crowd, especially those that saw the original jump happen 20 years prior, that moment made the weekend.
As the teams began to tire down, it was clear that the only way to top what happened this weekend would be to put on a spectacular show at the season finale.  The biggest jamboree happens at the biggest infield, in Bonnier Corporation’s back yard.
From September 20-22, the O’Reilly Auto Parts 4-Wheel Jamboree Fall Nationals will again descend on the Indiana State Fairgrounds in Indianapolis, Indiana, with four big shows, and also the reveal of the newest four inductees into the International Monster Truck Hall of Fame.
Get those tickets for what has always been a very eventful, and very astounding, weekend in Indianapolis.
 POINT STANDINGS* (6 of 9 Events)-Wins in Brackets *Points are unofficial
Raminator – 880 [4]
Overkill Evolution – 640 [1]
Lucas Oil Bigfoot – 600 [1]
General Tire – 360
Black Stallion – 280
Bad News Travels Fast – 240
Xtreme Diesel – 40
Overkill Evolution – 2
Bad News Travels Fast – 1
General Tire – 1
Overkill Evolution – 5
Lucas Oil Bigfoot – 4
 Special Thanks To:
Emily Boden, Leah Burdette-Bonnier Corporation
Lee Collins-WHR Motorsports
Mat Dishman, June Hall, Tim Hall, Kurt Kraehmer-Hall Brothers Racing
Christian Norman, Drue Epler, Evan Trent-Bigfoot 4×4
Mike Vaters, Mike Vaters Jr, V2 Vids-Vaters Motorsports
Michelle Simpson, Dave Radzierez-XDP
Nick Davis, Tim Howard-Back Channel Productions
About The Author
A fan since 1988, at the age of 3, Dustin became more involved in the monster truck industry in the last decade. Through his website, All About Horsepower, and images at Horsepower Photography, he provides great insight into the sport.
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placetobenation · 7 years
December 4, 2017
From the Staples Center in Los Angeles, CA
Your hosts are Michael Cole, Corey Graves, and Booker T
We get a video package from last week where Roman Reigns retained the Intercontinental Title against Elias, who was seconded by The Miztourage. After that, Samoa Joe came out on the ramp and choked out Reigns from behind.
GM Kurt Angle comes out to start off the live show. He tells us that The Bar will defend the Tag Team Titles against Seth Rollins & Dean Ambrose. Angle then is about to announce who Reigns will face tonight but is interrupted by Jason Jordan. The crowd boos Jordan, who wants Reigns. Angle tells Jordan he doesn’t want to go through this again but Jordan insists that his knee is fine. Jordan lists off all of the stars he has faced on RAW and gets the “what” treatment from the crowd before saying he just needs the chance because he can beat Reigns. Angle asks Jordan if he is sure then Reigns himself comes out to interrupt. Reigns looks Jordan up-and-down then tells Angle he is a fighting champion. However, he’s not going to be fighting Jordan but rather Samoa Joe. Reigns then tells Jordan that if he wants an opportunity to step up and take it instead of running to his dad. Jordan then asks Reigns if he is serious and calls Reigns the “posterboy for everything WWE management wants.” The crowd did not react to that line at all. Reigns says he is on a lot of posters before telling Jordan he has been grinding for the past several years and if he wants to take his title, then step up and do so but Joe now comes out. Joe says his patience has worn thin and accepts Reigns’ challenge but will give him a chance to take it back because they both now Reigns cannot beat him. Jordan says he does not have to come out and talk tough as Reigns shoots him a dirty look. Jordan says he is tough because he issues challenges to people’s faces instead of attacking from behind. Reigns tells Joe that his five seconds are up but turns around and walks into an overhead suplex. Angle tells Jordan to leave then Reigns grabs the mic and tells Joe to wait because he wants Jordan now. Jordan smiles as Reigns tells Angle to make the match. Angle waves Jordan back inside and calls for an official to come out as we head to break.
Well, they are strongly hinting at Jordan turning heel shortly with how he acted and by the tone of his voice. I also liked him showing frustration but since the fans hate this character they should just do the heel turn ASAP. Everyone knows its coming. Also, Joe vs. Reigns will continue on the premise that Reigns has yet to defeat Joe 1 vs. 1. That should be a strong TV feud as we head into the new year. 
  WWE Intercontinental Title Match: Jason Jordan vs. Roman Reigns (c)
Reigns hammers away to start as we see Joe on the stage sitting in a chair. He tosses Jordan outside and roughs him up as the announcers say that Reigns is teaching him a lesson. Back inside, Jordan fights back but Reigns cuts him off. Reigns sends Jordan outside with a clothesline then hits him with the Drive By. Jordan gets rolled inside and covered for two then Reigns uses a chinlock. Jordan escapes then picks up and drives Reigns into the corner a few times. Reigns avoids a charge in the corner but Jordan stops himself short and sends Reigns into the post as we head to break. The match returns with Jordan working an armbar as the camera once again shows Joe on the ramp. Reigns comes back with a headbutt then a pair of clotheslines. Reigns hits more clothesline in the corner then signals for the Superman Punch but Jordan cuts him off with a dropkick and gets a two count. Reigns comes back with a knee lift then knocks Jordan outside with an uppercut. Reigns runs and leaps off of the steps but Jordan catches him and rams Reigns into the post. Jordan rams him again then rolls Reigns inside for a two count. Reigns fights out of a back suplex but misses a clothesline and almost gets put away by Jordan as we head to another commercial. The action returns as Reigns spikes Jordan with a DDT for a nearfall. Cole tells us that during the break, Jordan might have injured his knee coming off of the top rope as Reigns now uses a single leg crab. Jordan almost reaches the ropes but Reigns pulls him into the middle of the ring. The crowd is fully behind Reigns here but Jordan turns it into a small package for two. Reigns comes back with a Superman Punch but Jordan is able to kick out. Reigns now signals for the spear but Jordan cuts him off with a kick to the face then hits rolling Northern Lights suplexes but that only gets two. Reigns counters a back suplex with a side headlock takeover then hits Jordan with the Superman Punch before putting him away with a spear (20:36) ***3/4.
Thoughts: Excellent match. I liked it better than the match they had earlier in the year. They played up Jordan’s injured knee in the second half and it made him look better in defeat. The crowd was behind Reigns but appreciated the efforts of Jordan in the ring by the end.
  After the match, Joe tells Reigns he is looking a little weary. He then tells Reigns he made a lot of bad decisions tonight and now he will put him to sleep. Joe runs into the ring and slugs it out and almost puts on the Coquina Clutch but Jordan hits him with a back suplex. Joe bails and Jordan tells him to come back but Reigns takes Jordan out from behind with the Superman Punch. Corey wants to know why Reigns did that to Jordan, who helped him by suplexing Joe, as Cole reminds Corey that Jordan attacked Reigns from behind to set up their match. Judging by the end they could be setting up where Jordan screws Reigns out of the title.
  Angle is backstage on the phone telling Stephanie McMahon that sometimes tempers get out of hand. Jordan is there and tells Angle he has to get a match with Joe because he was this close to beating Joe. Angle is pissed that Jordan keeps begging for favors and does not want to show favoritism. Angle says he would take it under “advisement” then yells at Jordan to leave and cool off but Joe runs in and lays out Jordan from behind. Joe trash talks Jordan and says he has a fight now then tells Angle “like father, like son” before leaving as Angle pulls up his son. Looks like they are going to have a Jordan vs. Joe match at some point. But, with Jordan strongly hinting towards a heel turn I do not see it leading to anything more than prolonging the Reigns vs. Joe feud.
  We get a video package on Absolution.
  Paige w/ Mandy Rose & Sonya Deville vs. Sasha Banks w/ Mickie James & Bayley
Alexa Bliss is on commentary. They are billing this as being Paige’s first match on RAW in a year. Paige and Sasha trade slaps to start. Sasha comes back with a Thesz Press then tosses Paige down by the hair a few times. She stares down the rest of Absolution as Alexa once again tells us that no one here deserves a title shot while Corey reminds us about Sasha never having a successful title defense. Paige fights back and works a chinlock then chokes out Sasha against the ropes. Paige uses a STF variation as Alexa calls Absolution “cowards” for playing the numbers game. Paige beats on Sasha in the corner but Sasha catches a kick then fights back. She takes Paige over with a headscissors then gets a nearfall with a crossbody. Sasha now works a strangle hold as Alexa now brings up how Sasha has never successfully defended the Women’s Title. Paige breaks by having her foot on the ropes then takes Sasha down and fires away. They go back-and-forth and end up spilling outside just before the break. We return with Paige working a front facelock. Sasha comes back with a rollup for two then catches Paige with a kick to the face. Sasha runs wild but misses a double knee smash in the corner. Paige takes Sasha down with a knee smash then heads up top but spends too much time taunting and gets cut off. They fight up top then Paige takes her down with a sunset bomb in a scary spot. They slug it out then Paige runs Sasha into the ropes and goes for the Ram-Paige but Sasha turns that into the Banks Statement. Paige is able to slide herself over and reach the ropes with her legs then the other women on the outside have a standoff and start brawling with Absolution standing tall. Sasha gets distracted then Paige kicks her in the face then hits the Ram-Paige for the win (16:07) **. After the match, Absolution beat down Sasha as Cole tells us that Alexa ran backstage.
Thoughts: This ended up being an “okay” TV match but started off very slowly and without much excitement. I felt Paige came off rusty and the two needed several minutes to get some chemistry as it felt disjointed. Paige needed the win since they are pushing her as part of Absolution and that is what happened here. On commentary, they kept mentioning how Sasha never had a title defense while Bayley & Mickie were easily destroyed by newcomers Rose & Deville. They all looked weak here.
  Angle is backstage texting on his phone when Elias wanders in strumming his guitar. Elias tells Angle to silence his phone and put it away then to hold his applause. Elias wants another opportunity for the IC Title but blames Angle for giving that to his son. He then says since there are no worthy opponents left all the crowd will get is a musical performance. Elias then gives Angle a warning about his “bastard son” as Angle tells Elias to have his concert while he finds him a worthy opponent.
  We see that Machine Gun Kelly is in attendance. He will also perform on the “Tribute to the Troops” show.
  A video package on the Braun Strowman/Kane feud is shown. This lasted for a very long time and despite their efforts through production all it did was reinforce how this has been lousy programming over the past month.
  Enzo Amore is backstage with the ‘Zo Train. He says that tonight, Tony Nese & Drew Gulak have an opportunity of a lifetime tonight then demands they get the job done as he is sick of the losing that has been going on lately. They leave then a smiling Nia Jax asks Enzo “How you doin'” and leaves as Enzo does not know what to make about that. They were strongly hinting that Nia had the hots for Enzo here so who knows what will happen over the next few weeks.
  Tony Nese vs. Drew Gulak vs. Mustafa Ali vs. Cedric Alexander
Winner faces Rich Swann next week to crown the #1 contender for the Cruiserweight Championship. The ‘Zo Train guys take control to start. Alexander & Ali fight back as Cole mentions how they’ve been feuding on Twitter this week after some miscommunication last week on 205 Live. Ali and Alexander mix it up and end in a stalemate as we see Swann watching backstage on a monitor. Ali appears to have hurt his knee and gets pulled out by Nese & Gulak then Alexander flies out with a tope con hilo. Back inside, Alexander beats on Gulak briefly but is backed into the corner as Nese comes in to make it 2 vs. 1. Alexander is in the tree-of-woe then Nese hits his ab crunch kicks. Nese heads up top but Gulak reminds him that its a no-fly zone and has an argument with Nese but has that happens Ali comes off of the top with a crossbody. Ali fights off both Nese & Gulak for a bit then Gulak knocks him down. Alexander fires up and beats on Gulak but Nese makes the save on a pin. The match breaks down with everyone trading moves and ending up on the mat as the crowd shows signs of life as we head to break. Back from commercial, Gulak is stretching out Alexander as we saw that a Tower of Doom spot took place during the break. Alexander fights back with a handspring kick but Ali makes the save on the pin attempt. Alexander gets pissed but Nese attacks Ali from behind then attacks Alexander. Nese eats a double super kick then Alexander and Ali slug it out. Alexander fires up but Ali cuts him off with a kick to the face. Alexander falls on top of Ali after a Spanish Fly but Nese makes the save. Ali heads up top but Nese cuts him off. Alexander goes up top while Ali is hanging on the rope and fights with Nese. Alexander knocks Nese off then Ali hits a springboard Spanish Fly. Ali finally gathers himself to make the cover but Gulak makes the save. Ali and Gulak fight over a suplex then Gulak hammers away. Ali manages to get two with a rollup then kicks Gulak down and heads up top but Nese pulls his friend to safety. Ali pulls Nese up on the apron but gets hit with a knee. Nese hits a running knee smash but Alexander hits the Lumbar Check. However, Nese bounces outside so Alexander hits Ali with the Lumbar Check. He goes to cover but Gulak runs in and knees Alexander from behind then covers Ali for the win (14:54) ***1/2. After the match, Charly Caruso asks Gulak about his win. Gulak says that question can be only answered in one way then introduces us to his Powerpoint Presentation but gets cut off by the RAW theme as we see Elias walk backstage on his way to the ring as we head to commercial.
Thoughts: Much better than the four-way from last week but that is also due to the fact this match had more talent. Alexander came off like the biggest star and his offense looks great. Ali did some incredible stuff while Nese & Gulak also shined when allowed. Gulak’s celebration was good and the running gag of his Powerpoint presentation always getting cut off continued here. They can really set up Gulak getting a good reaction when he turns babyface against Enzo if they choose to go that route. There are few in the company that commit more to their character than Gulak.
  Back from commercial and Elias is now in the ring. Elias calls out the city of Los Angeles for worshiping celebrities and says he is actual talent then gets the what treatment. He insults the crowd again and says he will sing until he gets worthy competition. His song is about everyone in Los Angeles wanting to be a celebrity and he gets booed then he is interrupted by Braun Strowman. Elias bails then returns to attack Strowman from behind but that fails and Strowman tosses him around. Elias fights back outside then smashes his guitar over Strowman’s back. However, Strowman does not go down as he chases and runs over Elias before tossing him inside for a powerslam. Strowman then tosses the stairs inside but Kane’s music hits. We see Kane on the screen and he tells Strowman that he has forgotten what its like to be a “monster among monsters.” Kane says he delights in pain and war and says next week they will step into the ring where just one monster will emerge. Kane then laughs as the segment ends. It was fun watching Strowman destroy Elias but this Strowman/Kane feud is dying among the live crowds and hopefully it ends for good next week because all its doing is making the fans care less about Strowman.
  Reigns tells Rollins & Ambrose its time for them to do their part in an encouraging manner. Rollins assures Reigns they have this match then Ambrose jokes that he forgot the rematch was tonight. The dialogue here was atrocious but they were all buddying up to one another.
  Asuka vs. Alicia Fox
Before the match, we get an insert promo from Fox saying that she is not Dana Brooke as she lead RAW to the win at Survivor Series and has her own t-shirt, making her qualified to beat Asuka. Fox fires away to start then sends Asuka across the ring. Fox grabs a side headlock but bounces off of Asuka, who hits a hip attack. Fox comes back with a boot to the face for a two count then works a surfboard. Asuka escapes then Fox messes around and ends up getting destroyed. Asuka hits a dropkick and a pair of roundhouse kicks and puts Fox away with a cross armbreaker (2:20). Absolution comes out after the match and surrounds the ring. Asuka looks around then leaves as Fox is in by herself. Paige grabs the mic and tells Fox to relax as she is not here to hurt her because they are friends. Paige said Fox was the only one who liked her last year. Paige said from the bottom of her heart she loves Fox but sadly Rose & Deville do not feel the same way. They come into the ring and beat on Fox as Paige stands in the corner.
Thoughts: Asuka gets another easy win even though Fox got in a fair amount of offense. They are building up to something between Asuka and Absolution it seems since they keep coming out after Asuka wins and surrounds her but ends up letting her leave without attacking. It also seems that we will get a Fox vs. Paige matched at some point.
  We get a sneak peak of Charlotte Flair’s appearance in the new “Psych” movie.
  Finn Balor vs. Bo Dallas w/ Curtis Axel
The Miztourage come out to Miz’s music as Cole said they are playing homage to their leader. These two mix it up to start as Cole lets us know the Miztourage got this match after issuing a challenge on social media. Balor rolls through a sunset flip and gets two with a basement dropkick. Balor heads up top but gets distracted as Axel kicks the steps in a terrible spot as Bo is now in control. Bo hits a gutbuster for a two count. Bo works the arm now and stays in control but Balor escapes and fights back. Bo gets two with a rollup but Balor comes back with a sling blade then a shotgun dropkick before he hits the Coup de Grace for the win (5:39) *1/2.
Thoughts: The company continues to promote Balor as nothing more than an afterthought. No matter his size, he was a guy who carried the NXT brand when it first started touring and got star reactions yet he is put in a position to have fans not care anymore. Bo dominated most of the match and I have no idea why.
  We are now shown tweets from Matt Hardy, highlighting his break down.
  Next,we see Bray Wyatt asking who is Matt Hardy. The camera then cuts to Matt, who is laughing. We keep cutting back from Bray to Matt. Bray tells us he will watch Matt burn while “woken” Matt will send Bray into “deletion” then we get maniacal laughing from both men. The dueling laughter was great and this was an entertaining segment for sure. Maybe Bray can actually entertain in the year 2017 after all.
  Next week, we will see Strowman vs. Kane. Also, Swann vs. Gulak to crown the #1 Contender for the Cruiserweight Championship.
  WWE RAW Tag Team Championship Match: Seth Rollins & Dean Ambrose vs. The Bar (c)
Reigns is shown watching backstage on a monitor. Ambrose and Cesaro start things off. Sheamus tags in then Cesaro yanks Rollins off of the apron as the champs beat on Ambrose in the corner. The Bar cut off the ring but Ambrose breaks free and makes the tag as Rollins runs wild. Rollins takes Sheamus outside with the apron leg drop then lands on his feet trying a pescado as Sheamus sends him into the post as we head to break. The action returns with Rollins escaping from a waistlock. The Bar cut him off as Reigns looks on with worry from backstage. Cesaro prevents a tag with a back suplex that gets two then Sheamus hits a flying clothesline for another nearfall. Sheamus works the arm as the crowd gets behind Rollins. Rollins flips out of an uranage then hits Sheamus with a DDT as both men are down. Cesaro tags in and sends Rollins back into the corner where he isolates him with an armbar. Rollins tries to make the tag an inches closer and closer so Cesaro boots Ambrose off of the apron. Rollins backdrops Cesaro but finds Ambrose unable to tag in as The Bar hit him with a press slam/uppercut combo for two. The Bar stay in control but Rollins fights back and takes Sheamus outside with a super kick. Cesaro rolls his partner inside and makes the tag but Rollins ducks a clothesline then leaps for the tag as Ambrose runs wild. Ambrose blocks a giant swing with a rollup and gets two then takes Sheamus outside with a clothesline. Sheamus hits Ambrose with a running knee smash from the apron as Cesaro covers for two. Ambrose fights of a double team and takes Cesaro into the corner with a hurricarana. Rollins makes the tag and hits Sheamus with the Superplex/Falcon Arrow combo but Cesaro makes the save. All four men are down as we get a “this is awesome chant.” Cesaro is up first and sets up for the Neutralizer but Rollins escapes. Cesaro hits an uppercut then tries for another Neutralizer but Rollins escapes and hits the ripcord knee smash for a two count as Sheamus made the save. Sheamus beats on Rollins and refuses to stop at the five count so the ref rings the bell for a DQ. However, Angle says since they are The Bar, this match will be restarted as a No DQ match. The Bar are in disbelief on the ramp as Rollins & Ambrose fly out with topes. Booker does not care for the match being restarted because these are not the rules. Rollins & Ambrose hit Cesaro with a clothesline/splash combo for a nearfall but we see Samoa Joe run in and hit Rollins & Ambrose with an uranage. Reigns then runs out to chase Joe off but as that happened, Sheamus hit Ambrose with the Brogue Kick for the win (18:41) ***1/2. We then see Joe & The Bar celebrate as they walk through the crowd
Thoughts: The action was quite good, especially down the stretch, but it was a bit overbooked. I’m sure this is leading to a six-man tag match but you could have gotten to that point without the match being restarted.
  Final Thoughts: This was easily the best RAW to take place over the past couple of months. We had three very good matches and the Reigns vs. Joe feud is coming off well. And, we saw “Woken” Matt Hardy. Next week, we will determine the #1 contender for the Cruiserweight Championship and see Kane vs. Strowman, which has not been a success. The storytelling on the show remains spotty but things are slowly becoming less stagnant as the company heads into the new year. A fun show that is worth watching.
0 notes
monstersmonthly · 5 years
Bigfoot and Raminator Double Up in Thrilling Second Day in Lima
Much is the case every year with every jamboree, Saturday’s festivities draw out the largest crowd, and often cause the largest anxiety among competitors. There’s more to do, not as much time to repair, and there’s never any time to relax.
The Allen County Fairgrounds began to really hustle as the gates opened at 9 a.m. for the second day of the O’Reilly Auto Parts 4-Wheel Jamboree June Nationals. The second day this year stunned all the patrons right away when they walked in, but it wasn’t because of what was there, but more what wasn’t. Luck has blessed Lima this year as the skies had some slight cirrus clouds, but the sun was shining bright and looking spectacular. Although the temperatures were a little high, the spirits matched it.
The track crew was hard at work trying to get things ready for the afternoon event of the General Tire Monster Truck Thunder Drags, while the crews were busy doing some adjustments, and repairs, from the day before. Team Evolution, specifically for the Overkill Evolution Ford of Michael Vaters Jr, had the front clip off the truck as they were making some changes in the suspension from the day prior. Teammate, and father, Vaters Sr. had his own power jack out, but instead decided to try and get some better grip on the loose dirt as he swapped the front tires side-to-side, pointing the tread in reverse.
Everyone else in the field seemed satisfied with what they had, and they rolled out to the infield for an early afternoon performance, with a packed crowd in the grandstands to match.
The blind draw setup a heavyweight face-off right away with Vaters Jr. taking on the previous day’s winner, Mat Dishman in Raminator. But, a quick reaction time put the Ford on the trailer. At the same time, Brandon Derrow moved forward in Bad News Travels Fast to the second round, while Christian Norman seemed to enjoy his newly-bodied Lucas Oil Bigfoot, as he moved ahead as well taking out Kurt Kraehmer in the General Tire machine.
Unfortunately, the first round wasn’t without casualties, as in his first-round loss to Derrow, Vaters Sr. pulled off the track to the gate ready to head to the pits. The problem was, his truck wasn’t under power at all. A quick word during a break in the tough truck competition revealed that the Black Stallion had lost a transmission, and they needed to push the truck down the hill, before pulling it back to the hauler.
Back on the track, Kraehmer got a reprieve as he came back as the fast loser, only to lose again to Norman. Dishman, meanwhile, advanced to the finals for a second day, and was ready to go full-tilt against a rival team.
The final round had the crowd split, and both drivers left the line hard, but the RAM was pulling just a bit harder, and nipped the Ford at the line, giving Dishman his second consecutive racing win, and giving him a healthy point gap heading into the next bracket.
Fans stuck around and were excited to see the newly added best-trick competition to the action, but what they didn’t expect was the eventual winner. However, it was bound to happen to the jamboree rookie. After having to watch Kraehmer do a strong set of donuts, and Vaters Jr. make a pair of attempts at a popper, it was Derrow’s opportunity to shine. His Bad News Chevrolet looked like it wanted to stand on the back bumper, and on his second attempt, everything bounced just right.
The black-and-yellow machine stood straight up on the wheelie bar, and slowly walked right down the front straightaway to almost the end of the concrete barriers.
Not even a solid attempt by Norman, and both a donut-wheelie combination by Dishman was enough.  For the first time in his career, and with his dad watching in the stands while also on the headset plus his girlfriend, Ashley, and his two kids looking on, Derrow had a jamboree victory to his credit.
All that was left for the afternoon was freestyle, and that was when things heated up with performances that were career-bests, and breakage that could have been chaotic.  Kraehmer started things off with a strong outing, including a pair of solid wheelstands that he was trying for the last couple years at this show to accomplish.  Derrow then followed his victory with another excellent freestyle that included a few walking wheelstands over the racing lanes, and a few big hits off the two quad stacks in the corners.
Then, Vaters Jr. hit the track, and he was putting on a run that was going to be hard to top.
Big hits on the stacks, pulverizing the turning tires for the tough trucks, and even knocking over the dividing concrete barrier for the tough trucks were part of his run.  He kept going full-tilt with each hit, until one suddenly let off a loud shot of air.  Everyone thought a tire had popped, but in fact the issue was the cap on one of the rear shock accumulators had shot off, knocking the safety guard for the accumulator cap right onto the track.  Immediately he pulled around and headed to the pits, but not after a solid outing.
Norman then came out wanting to go even bigger than what had just been thrown down, but on his second hit he launched the #18 chassis to the sky, but on the landing the truck had a pronounced lean, and when he went to spin around at the other end of the track, lead track official Lee Collins hit the remote shut-off, as a broken sway bar put a halt to his performance.
Dishman, try as he might, could not put up a run that could match, and yet with a broken truck, Vaters Jr. took his first freestyle victory of the 2019 season.
Round 1:  Raminator def. Overkill Evolution; Bad News Travels Fast def. Black Stallion; Lucas Oil Bigfoot def. General Tire
Semi-Finals:  Raminator def. Bad News Travels Fast; Lucas Oil Bigfoot def. General Tire-FL
Championship:  Raminator def. Lucas Oil Bigfoot
 The Saturday crowd made their way to the midway, and into the show-and-shine area to look at some of the stunning vehicles on display, while the entire pit area for the monsters had work to be done.  For the Ram teams, they were good to go, as they just topped off fuel and checked things over.  Derrow’s team looked at the rear end for a little while, however there was nothing to be of concern, aside from cleaning up the body.
Norman and his crewman, Bigfoot #12 handler Drue Epler, had a bit more work to do, but the sway bar replacement was a quicker fix for the team as it’s something this truck has experienced before, in testing no less.
But, an all-hands-on-deck approach came when it involved the Vaters’ trucks.  The son had the shock removed, and all the teams were going hard at it to get the suspension fixed.  But, with less than an hour until show time, the “Alien Nation” fan base was worried as the truck still had only the coil shock on the right rear, with the second shock on the bench vice.  The truck had a high stance while being worked on, but it was overheard that at least for the night, the team was going to run the truck with only the single shock on the rear.  How it would handle was uncertain, but they were going to try it if needed.
Black Stallion, however, needed more work than expected.  Not only did the transmission need replaced, but the team also had to work on the transfer case, so the entire driveline needed to be either swapped or repaired, and it was clear he, along with his son, were not going to make introductions for the Saturday night event, a freestyle-only showdown among the trucks.
Yet, with all the odds against them, both the Vaters machines were rolling out during a stoppage in the tough truck action and headed to the pits.  A six-pack of machines were going to go after the third freestyle title of the weekend.  Vaters, and his son, asked to go first, that way they each could head back to the pits and if needed have the most time to do more repairs to their designated machines.
Father put on his best run of the weekend, as the F150 soared on a few occasions off the racing lanes before the rear steer seemed to not return as fast as normal.  The son, however, decided that a single shock is all he needed.
After failing on his third popper attempt of the weekend, the former World Freestyle Champion began to drive angry, and if it was a hill, made of dirt, or was in his way, it was getting hit.  The momentum the 2019 Super Duty held for an entire run was non-stop, and at a few points seemed as though it was not going to end well.  At one point, the Overkill Evolution machine hit the side of a quad stack, but did so while cornering, getting on just one tire and still holding on to roar back in front of the crowd for a final salute.
Derrow repeated a strong performance in the afternoon, and even the best run by Kraehmer at a jamboree, could not top it.  Dishman tried as he might, even with a slight puckering of rain falling, yet could not top the performance of the defending champion.
If one guy had a chance to do just that, it was the Bigfoot crew, and apparently the idea of the paint scheme on the Bigfoot machine lit a fire under last year’s racing champion.  Everyone that has seen the Bigfoot team at the jamborees remembers the subtle hint at the paint scheme that was put on the truck this year, a flashback to 26 years ago when Andy Brass stepped into a then-new Bigfoot #11.  But, without the Bigfoot name as his previous truck still had it.
One infamous wheelie run later, “Wildfoot” was set in granite.  So, as fans began taking on calling it the Lucas Oil “Wildfoot”, Norman hit the track to close out the night with a freestyle that was nothing short of wild.
Norman skied out the Ford Raptor on both quad stacks, along with the tire bump down the front stretch.  He nailed a wheelie that saw the wheelstand bar dig into the dirt, and almost cause him to roll onto his side.  But, he brought it back and kept on hammering the beast across the infield.  The only time he decided to call it a night came on his final sky shot on the racing lane, as when he landed the tie rod broke on the rear end, causing the right rear tire to point inward while the left rear was still functioning.  That run, with a full clock and a crowd in a frenzy, made him two-for-three on the weekend, and showed that Bigfoot was meaning business in freestyle this season.
A final show remains this weekend for the monsters, as a 3 p.m. finale will have racing, best trick, and freestyle.  The last show of the weekend has always been nicknamed the “go home” performance, because there’s no reason to play conservative any longer.
Can Dishman make it a sweep?  Is Norman getting wild one more time?  Will there be carnage?  Could the weekend end without seeing the dreaded r-word?  Fans can still get tickets at the gate and see this field tear it up one more time before the tour heads east.
 POINT STANDINGS (2 of 9 Events)-Wins in Brackets
Raminator – 320 [2]
Lucas Oil Bigfoot – 200
Overkill Evolution – 160
Bad News Travels Fast – 160
General Tire – 120
Black Stallion – 80
Overkill Evolution – 1
Bad News Travels Fast – 1
Lucas Oil Bigfoot – 2
Overkill Evolution – 1
About The Author
A fan since 1988, at the age of 3, Dustin became more involved in the monster truck industry in the last decade. Through his website, All About Horsepower, and images at Horsepower Photography, he provides great insight into the sport.
0 notes
placetobenation · 7 years
November 13, 2017
From the Philips Arena in Atlanta, GA
Your hosts are Michael Cole, Corey Graves, and Booker T
  We get a video package of the past few weeks where Smackdown has continued to get one-up on RAW and GM Kurt Angle.
  Stephanie McMahon heads down to the ring. She talks about making decisions daily, such as ones that effect shareholders and employees across the company. Stephanie said she needs leaders to help make decisions, like the GM of RAW, then brings out Kurt Angle. He understands that Stephanie might be upset but says he was 100% prepared for Smackdown’s raid. Stephanie then asks how the New Day got into the building as Kurt replies “I don’t know” then makes fun of him for getting manipulated again by her brother. She then suggests putting together a compilation reel of this for the 25th Anniversary of RAW. Stephanie then becomes upset over Angle naming his son, Jason Jordan, as the 5th member of the RAW Survivor Series team despite having few accolades unlike Smackdown’s 5th memer John Cena. She then says the last time Cena was on TV happened on RAW, meaning Angle chose Jordan over Cena or that Cena was so embarrassed to be part of RAW that he went to Smackdown. Angle then told Stephanie to ask Cena why he chose to be on Smackdown. Stephanie now asks Angle what he will do at Survivor Series as Angle promises to break Shane’s ankle and challenges him to start off the match. However, Stephanie says “what’s this, the 90’s” and that Shane will have people do his dirty work then continues to run him out until demanding they decimate Smackdown. The Shield come out from the crowd to interrupt as Stephanie is pissed. Dean talks about seeing a lot of leaders come and go but that Angle is the best that proved at TLC he still has it, drawing a chant from the crowd. Stephanie then tells The Shield they looked like fools then asks Reigns where he has been. However, Reigns flips the question around and says the last time we saw her she went through a table courtesy of her husband before saying they do what they want and what they want is to fight the New Day. And, if the New Day has balls and accept, it will happened at the Survivor Series. Reigns promises victory for Team RAW and themselves before The Shield celebrate with Angle.
The stuff between Stephanie and Angle was terrible and went on forever but luckily The Shield got the crowd going and a match against the New Day should be a blast. 
  Mickie James vs. Dana Brooke vs. Bayley
The four members of Team RAW (Alicia Fox, Nia Jax, Asuka, Sasha Banks) are watching from ringside. Cole brings up how Mickie is undefeated at Survivor Series. She takes down both women then they all switch off until Bayley gets knocked off of the apron right before commercial. We return as Bayley hits both women with back suplexes but walks into a flapjack from Mickie. Bayley cuts Mickie off of the top rope but is knocked off as Mickie flies off with a Thesz Press as Dana makes the save. Mickie hammers away on Dana then catches Bayley with a neckbreaker. Mickie clears the ring then Asuka goes to help up Dana, who hits her then rolls inside. Asuka chases her back out and hits a roundhouse kick. Back inside, Bayley uses a few pin combinations then blocks a DDT and hits the Bayley-to-Belly (7:32) **.
Thoughts: It was fine for what it was. Mickie and Bayley had solid showings and they kept it easy for Dana. Bayley becomes the 5th member for the RAW Women’s Survivor Series team and I assume they start some sort of conflict between Sasha and herself.
  Enzo Amore & Drew Gulak head out to the ring. We learn that Enzo will defend the Cruiserweight Championship against Kalisto on the Survivor Series Kickoff Show. Enzo asks the crowd “how you doin'” then tells Gulak to be quiet when he says he’s doing great and tells the crowd to stop chanting. Enzo then says his pockets are deep, unlike Kalisto who is like a pair of “NBA Shorts” because he has no pockets. Gulak is then about to talk about how he has benefited from being on the ‘Zo Train but is interrupted by Kalisto & Akira Tozawa.
  Enzo Amore & Drew Gulak vs. Kalisto & Akira Tozawa
Gulak and Tozawa start off as the crowd chants with Tozawa. Enzo makes a blind tag then attacks Tozawa from behind but Kalisto makes a blind tag of his own and sends both men outside with a springboard dropkick. We head to break then return with Gulak working the neck of Tozawa. Gulak cheap shots Kalisto but Tozawa comes back with a suplex as both men are down. Kalisto tags in and runs wild on Enzo then flies out with his partner as everyone is out on the floor. Back inside, Tozawa drops Enzo with a kick and sets up for the senton but Gulak pulls his partner to safety. However, Kalisto takes him out then Enzo shoves Tozawa into Kalisto and hits the Jordanzo for the win (7:47) **.
  Replay from earlier when Stephanie ran down and issued an ultimatum to Angle about winning at Survivor Series. And when The Shield issued a challenge to the New Day.
  Angle is backstage with Team RAW. He tells Finn Balor and Samoa Joe they will team up against Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows to prove that they can work together. Angle tells Jordan his selection to the team has pissed people off so he will face Bray Wyatt as Braun Strowman demands Kane as Angle makes that the main event of RAW. These are not the most exciting matches.
  Miz TV with guest The Bar. He first addresses “internet tough guy” Baron Corbin and how he has the opportunity to face him at Survivor Series as long as he doesnt squander his chance against Sin Cara tomorrow night. Miz calls out Corbin for being unable to compete and pissing away opportunities, unlike himself who is able to create his own opportunities. He then brings out The Bar, his partners against The Shield tonight, as they talk about not being distracted and focusing on the Tag Team Championships. The Bar talk about The Usos being the champions on the “B” show then Sheamus becomes the target of a “you look stupid” chant. Sheamus then says they are the Champions of the flagship show as Cesaro promises they will break the Uso Penitentiary. Miz then switches focus to The Shield and how they had their moment and the happy reunion tour will end tonight as they are the champions.
The promo was fine as they all put over their Survivor Series matches and their match tonight against The Shield. 
  A replay of when Smackdown took RAW under siege.
  The New Day accept The Shield’s challenge.
  Bray Wyatt vs. Jason Jordan
Jordan catches Wyatt with a dropkick after the two felt each other out. Wyatt then cheap shots Jordan as we see Angle watching backstage. Jordan picks up and rams Wyatt into the corner twice then hits an overhead suplex but sadly the crowd does not care whatsoever. They head outside where Jordan crashes into the barricade then we head to break. The action returns as Wyatt works a chinlock. Wyatt then hits a senton for a two count and hammers away on the back of the neck. Jordan’s knee gives out on a floatover then he gets planted with an uranage. The crowd gets behind Wyatt and boos Jordan’s comeback attempt. Wyatt has Jordan in the position for the Sister Abigail but Jordan gets out and uses a rollup for the win (7:11) *1/2. After the match, Wyatt knocks Jordan outside and gets cheered. Wyatt then attacks the injured leg of Jordan as a worried Angle leaves the monitor where he was watching with Stephanie. A “thank you, Wyatt” chant breaks out then Jordan tries to make it to his feet but a referee helps him out as the crowd does the “good bye” chant.
Thoughts: The match was flat and the crowd was booing Jordan. Even if Jordan does turn on Team RAW, will it even get over? The guy is toast as is and they even cheered possibly the stalest character in the company over him. The Angle/Jordan storyline was awful from day one and has remained that way so the quicker it ends and those involved move on to something else, the better.
  Angle is Jordan in the trainer’s room. Jordan says he saw Angle work through injuries and wants his big break. He then says “I deserve this “dad” as the camera cuts away.
  Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman head out to the ring. Heyman then gives us some selling points of why we should see the Survivor Series and talks about AJ Styles has mastered the strategy of “speed kills.” The fans then start a “she said yes” chant as someone proposed to their girlfriend as Heyman jokes about her saying yes because she has not been up close to a beast like Lesnar. Heyman now talks about AJ being the ultimate opponent for Lesnar as he has more momentum than anyone else in WWE and is a respected and admired champion. However, this time AJ has to be the ultimate underdog because he’ll step in the ring with a “Georgia bulldog eating carnivore” that is the #1 Champion in the WWE. Heyman said that AJ is a “Rocky” movie come to life as the crowd chants for their hometown hero before Heyman puts over how Lesnar will win. Heyman sold this match as good as you can with one promo. It was probably the best thing on the show.
  Miz w/ Miztourage & The Bar vs. The Shield
Rollins and Cesaro start off the match. Rollins wins that battle as The Shield work over Cesaro for a while. Ambrose ends up trapped in the wrong corner then Miz mocks Reigns as The Bar cut off the ring. Ambrose fights back then The Shield clear the ring. Rollins & Ambrose hit topes on the bar as Miz bails to avoid Reigns. Miz tries to fight behind The Miztourage but they get destroyed so he takes off through the crowd then we head to break. The action returns as Miz almost puts Rollins away. Rollins comes back with a clothesline as both men are down. Sheamus tags in and kicks out of a small package before roughing up Rollins. He leaps off the top rope but Rollins kicks in and tags out as Reigns runs wild. Miz grabs Reigns leg from the outside then Ambrose takes him out with a tope. The Bar beat on Reigns and almost put him away but The Shield help out Reigns, who hits Cesaro with the Superman Punch but Cesaro cuts off a spear with an uppercut. Miz makes a blind tag then the match breaks down as The Shield clear the bar from the ring then Reigns hits Miz with a spear then The Shield hit a triple powerbomb for the win (15:07) ***.
Thoughts: An enjoyable match that picked up in the second half after a dull beginning. They really only used Reigns at the end as they appear to be easing him back into action. They could have saved this match until after Survivor Series as there was no good reason to have Miz and Cesaro lose heading into the PPV.
  We get a package on what happened between Strowman and Kane at TLC.
  Kane is backstage and gloats while recalling what he did to Strowman at TLC to hype up their match tonight. This was a bad promo presented in a goofy manner.
  Angle is in the ring. He talks about what Stephanie said earlier tonight about making choices as a leader and since Jordan is injured, he cannot allow him to compete. The crowd cheers then Angle is about to name his replacement but Jordan is on the ramp, pleading with his dad not to take the chance away from him as its the first time he can fight side-by-side with his dad. Jordan said he will be fine by Sunday but Angle said he’s not 100%. Jordan talks about Angle being his idol and how its a dream come true to be on RAW and that he was chosen on the team due to being the best option. Jordan continues to plead and beg but Stephanie comes out and tells Angle to make the announcement. However, Triple H comes out and says if Angle will not make the announcement, he will, then names himself as the 5th member of RAW. Jordan then says he can prove himself as Triple H looks at him while the crowd chants for the Pedigree, so he hits it and the crowd cheers.
The big news is that Triple H is back and on team RAW. Also, Jordan and Angle had a cringeworthy back-and-forth to cement this entire storyline as one of the worst in 2017 and not just in the WWE. Jordan’s toast and the WWE is to blame for the reactions he’s getting from the fans. If you put this story together and thought it would succeed, then you have no business in the entertainment industry. And once again, Angle comes off as an incompetent and soft. 
  Finn Balor & Samoa Joe vs. Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows
Joe shoves Balor before the bell, allowing Anderson to attack from behind. Balor fights back and tags out then quickly returns as Joe saves him from an attack just before the break. We return as Balor & Joe work together and beat on Anderson. Gallows distracts Balor as we has perched on the top rope then Anderson cuts him off. Gallows tags and beats on Balor for a bit. Anderson is back in and works a chinlock then switches to the arm. Anderson catches Balor with a spinebuster as we head to another break. The match returns as Balor hits Gallows with a pele kick. Balor then tags out as Joe runs wild on Anderson. Balor takes out Gallows on the outside with a running soccer kick and Joe dives out with a tope before Balor puts Anderson away with the Coup de Grace (12:55) **. After the match, Joe heads up the ramp by himself.
Thoughts: The final minute was fun but the rest was terribly dull. Despite shoving Balor down, Joe played nice for the match then left by himself.
  Charly Caruso is with Alexa Bliss. She asks her about facing the winner of Natalya vs. Charlotte at Survivor Series and does not care as Smackdown is the “B” show, something see usually DVR’s and forgets to watch later but might just show up live tomorrow night before promising to reign supreme at Survivor Series.
  Tomorrow night on 205 Live there will be a birthday celebration for Kalisto.
  Kane vs. Braun Strowman
Kane slaps Strowman then gets knocked down. Strowman stomps away as Kane rolls outside but Strowman follows and hammers away. Kane sends Strowman into the steps then pulls out a table and a chair from underneath the ring. Kane whacks Strowman in the back with the chair and attempts a chokeslam but that gets blocked. Strowman whacks Kane then beats him down and tries a superplex to the floor through a table but Kane fights him off. Strowman then hits Kane with a double axe handle before hitting a running powerslam through the ring and we see a replay then the show ends.
Thoughts: The bell never rang so it was not an official match. I expect them to face off again, perhaps in a stipulation match. The going through the ring spot did not get the reaction it was intended and that’s because Strowman has done far more impressive stuff with better opponents. The brawling itself was slow and plodding.
  Final Thoughts: On paper, the Survivor Series card is stacked. Since the original plans were uninspired, they decided to give us Styles/Lesnar and Sheild/New Day along with other stars in the RAW vs. Smackdown match. It should be an excellent PPV.
With that being said, the built for the show has been poor. Hotshotting everything for a PPV is fine but what are we left with on RAW next week and until the end of the year? Strowman vs. Kane, More of the Jordan/Angle saga, and more of the Authority neutering a babyface GM? Besides that there isn’t much else going on here and what I listed has not been good. And god forbid they go back to the Balor/Wyatt stuff.
If you continue to book PPV’s in this manner and craft storylines that struggle to connect, then you are not giving fans a reason to watch your TV show.
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