#Mike Vaters Jr
monstersmonthly · 5 years
Monster Power: Episode 34 | Vater's Motorsports from Fredericksburg, VA
Episode Information
The 5th Vaters Motorsports Monster Invasion comes to the front lawn of one of the most historic towns in the United States. Catch all of the action on this episode of Monster Power! Venue: Fredericksburg Agricultural Fair City/State: Fredericksburg, VA Date: July 28, 2019 Videographer: © Back Channel Productions | Visit on Facebook and YouTube Monster Truck Lineup: Black Stallion (with driver Mike Vaters), Iron Warrior (with driver Matt Cody), Overkill Evolution (with driver Mike Vaters Jr.) and Higher Education (with driver Preston Perez).
About Back Channel Productions
Monster and tough truck fans. Be sure to catch new episodes of Monster Power, produced by Back Channel Productions (BCP) on YouTube. Also, check out Monster Power Classics, and catch up on some great old school monster truck action!
Subscribe to Back Channel Productions for new episodes of Monster Power as they cover more monster and tough truck racing action for the 2019 season! Also, catch up on what’s coming up next on Facebook at Back Channel Productions and Monster Power.
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usualbeliever · 7 years
30.10.2017 // Post 07
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83 Huma 84 Ehemann im Gefängnis. 85 HRC, Muslimbruderschaft oder Kind? 86 Was würden Sie tun? Küssen Sie Ihr Kind auf Wiedersehen und gehen Sie ohne Mutter oder Vater nach Clinton? 87 Wo ist Huma heute? 88 War sie mit HRC auf ihrer Bücherreise? 89 RE: Militärische Intelligenz / Staatsgeheimnisse 90 Kein FBI 91 POTUS installierte seine Leute in jedem Top-Platz in jeder 3-Buchstaben-Agentur mit Ausnahme von 1 (guter Grund dort als Adm R Kick dies begann und schrubbte alle POTUS-Nominierungen, um Eid zu verifizieren). 92 Denken Sie, dass sie diese Agenturen nicht kontrollieren? 93 Was ist am wertvollsten? 94 Information 95 AG Sessions auf Lecks. 96 Feuer oder Strafverfolgung? 97 Reorg ist unterwegs und passiert. 98 Ist es Zufall, dass der Senat der Republikaner letzte Woche auf Fed-Judge-Bestätigungen drängen? 99 Warum fallen Senats-Republikaner aus? Nicht nach Wahl und wurde eine Wahl angeboten (seien Sie versichert, dass sie pro Trump abstimmen werden).
83 Huma Abedin, Ehefrau des berüchtigten Anthony Weiner, ehemaliger Assistent von Hillary Clinton

HUMA - Harvard University Alumni Association
Prinz Al-Waleed Bin Talal-Harvard Universität Islamische Studien
Fundierte Obama-Ausbildung $$$
Bild auf der Couch mit Obama in Harvard
(Folgen Sie HUMA)
84 (Anthony Weiner, Ehemann von Huma Abedin)
Anthony Wiener ist im Bundesgefängnis.

Für sexuell explizite Kommunikation mit einem Minderjährigen
"Weiner wird seine Strafe im Federal Medical Center, Devens, einem Bundesgefängnis in Massachusetts verbüßen."
Mindestsicherheit für männliche Sexualstraftäter
85 Sie entschied sich, ihrem Kind gegenüber loyal zu sein.
86 Huma hat sich entschieden, schöne Lieder über HRC zu singen, damit ihr Kind eine Mutter in seinem Leben hat.
87 13. November 2017, Teilnahme (Kampagne / PR) Glamour der Frau des Jahres Party mit CNN Christiane Amanpour (Mockingbird operative), Liya Kebede und Ibtihaj Muhammad:

17. September 2017, verbrachte Huma Abedin Wochenende in der 30 Millionen Dollar Southampton Heimat von Lauren und Andres Santo Domingo. Lauren ist die Gründerin von Moda Operandi und Andres ist ein Musikmanager, dessen Vater der kolumbianische Milliardär Julio Santo Domingo ist. Mit dabei: Tory Burch, Proenza Schouler, Lazaro Hernandez und 'W' Stylistin Sara Moonves, deren Vater CBS-Chef Les Moonves ist. Zu Beginn der Woche debütierte sie in "W" und besuchte eine Filmpremiere mit Kerry Washingtons Ehemann Nnamdi Asomugha (nigerianische Wohltätigkeitsorganisation der Familie, die Waisen und Witwen in Not (OWIN) Foundation).

OWIN ist Teil von CGI (Clinton Global Initiative):
88 Ja  http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4901088/Hillary-Huma-arrive-outside-Late-Show.html
89 Der militärische Nachrichtendienst hat Zugriff auf die Gesamtheit aller Informationen, die ein US-Geheimdienst besitzt. Einige der Informationen sind Staatsgeheimnisse und können nicht vor Gericht gebracht werden.
90 Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Stroz, Rosenstein und andere sind Accessoires, die kompromittiert sind, wenn diese Verbrechen unter ihrer Amtszeit mit ihrer Hilfe und Komplizenschaft begangen und vertuscht werden. Verschwörer.

Huma singt nicht für sie, sie sind den Clintons treu, weshalb ihr Fahrzeug dort gesichtet wurde.

Dies hängt damit zusammen, dass Weiner und das FBI in New York sein Notebook haben
91 Admiral Mike Rogers, Leiter der NSA.
92 Sie haben die Kontrolle über die TOP dieser Agenturen, aber es wird Zeit brauchen, um die tiefen staatlichen loyalen Angestellten auszusondern ... Die Abteilung des Staates ist ein Schlüsselbeispiel, Rex Tillerson (Außenminister) wird langsam, aber sicher die DoS aushöhlen (State Department), bis er loyale Mitarbeiter / Agenten hat.
93 Loyalität, ohne sie können Sie nicht an die Informationen glauben, die Ihre Leute Ihnen bringen und über die Sie Entscheidungen treffen.

Ausreichende und loyale Unterstützung. Andernfalls sind die Informationen ungültig: Entweder kann ihnen nicht vertraut werden oder sie kann nicht verwendet werden.
94 Fähigkeit, Ihrer Intelligenz / guten Informationen zu vertrauen. Vertrauen in Ihre Informationen.

- Vertrauen ist ein hohes Ideal, das von der Verehrung einer zentralen Macht herrührt. Sie können nicht vertrauen, wenn Sie nicht an Vertrauen glauben.
- Die Wahrheit ist am wertvollsten, weil sie das einzige dauerhafte Objekt des Vertrauens ist.
95 14.11. - Sitzungen bezeugten, dass mindestens 4 Fälle von Lecks angeklagt sind.

Es scheint, dass Leakers strategisch von Sessions verwendet wurden, sowie Animositäten zwischen ihm und POTUS, die als markierte Informationsquellen verwendet wurden, um die Identität von Leakern zu identifizieren und zu bestätigen.
96 Feuer und Strafverfolgung Muss einen Präzedenzfall schaffen, um eine zukünftige Entführung Amerikas zu verhindern.
97 Laufende Bemühungen, Obama-Überbleibsel auszusondern, diejenigen, die unserer Nation untreu sind, korrupt und reorganisiert, um Verschwendung und Betrug zu reduzieren.

DoS Reinigungshaus 7dimensionales Schach, das Brett aufstellend.
98 Keine Zufälle. Sie werden ihre Hände voll in den Gerichten mit der Verarbeitung von Fällen von Anklagen haben. Brauche schlechte Schauspieler aus der Mischung für die Gerechtigkeit nicht so etwas wie Zufall.
99 Sen R wie Chaffetz sind gegangen, um Strafverfolgung zu vermeiden, und nicht ihre Medikamente / Rentenpakete zu verlieren. Die verbleibenden Globalistischen Partei unloyal Republikaner-in-name-only sind in einem Oratorium Bürgerkrieg; unfähig, die Macht loszulassen.

US-Senat - Bob Corker, Jeff Flake.
Haus - Bob Goodlatte, R, VA D6 / Carol Shea-Porter, D, NH D1 / Charles W. Dent, R, PA, D15 / Dave Reichert, R, WA D8 / David Trott, R, MI D11 / Frank LoBiondo, R, NJ D2 / Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, R, FL D27 / Jeb Hensarling, R, TX D5 / John Delaney, D, ME, D6 / John J. Duncan, Jr., R, TN D2 / Lamar Smith, R, TX D21 / Lynn Jenkins, R, KS D2 / Niki Tsongas, D, MA D3 / Sam Johnson, R, TX, D3 / Ted Poe, R, TX D2
Huma Abedins Ehemann ist im Bundesgefängnis. Hillary: Muslimbruderschaft oder Kind? Was würden Sie tun? Küsse dein Kind zum Abschied und geh ohne Mutter oder Vater nach Clinton. Finde Huma Abedin heute. Sie war mit Hillary auf ihrer Bücherreise.

In Bezug auf militärische Intelligenz / Staatsgeheimnisse. Kein FBI.
POTUS installierte seine Leute in jedem Top-Platz in jeder 3-Buchstaben-Agentur mit Ausnahme von 1 (Adm Rogers (Dir., NSA)) - Kick begann dies und schrubbte alle POTUS-Nominierungen, um den Eid zu verifizieren. Sie denken, dass sie die entsprechenden Agenturen nicht kontrollieren? Sehen Sie sich die wertvollsten Informationen an, die AG Sessions zu Leakern hat. Feuer oder Strafverfolgung. Reorganisation ist im Gange und passiert. Senats-Republikaner drängten letzte Woche auf Bundesrichterbestätigungen. Senats-Republikaner fallen aus. Nicht nach Wahl, sondern eine Wahl angeboten (seien Sie versichert, dass sie pro Trump abstimmen werden).
0 notes
monstersmonthly · 5 years
Dishman Sweeps, Vaters Salutes to Close Lima Weekend
The final day of any 4-Wheel Jamboree is a mixture of emotions.  On the one hand, it signals the end of a weekend where 4×4’s, high horsepower, and uniqueness stand out to show off everyone’s individuality in their builds.  It means that when Monday comes, it’s back to work for most, and a return to normal.
For the monster truck teams, it’s even more of a mixture of emotions since they know a lot of work was to come once the show ended, but it also meant a chance to let loose during the “go home” performance for the crowd.
The biggest hope of everyone was that the stigma of the Lima O’Reilly Auto Parts 4-Wheel Jamboree would not rear it’s ugly head.
To an extent, it did.
Overnight, a very light but steady rain fell across the Allen County Fairgrounds, but not as though it was a downpour.  Sunday morning, there was still a pucker of rain that was pretty much glancing across the area, not bringing enough to make it miserable, but instead enough to make it a challenge.    As the hours progressed, everything seemed to look better.  The clouds stuck around, but instead of pouring water, they just blocked the sun.  After two years of intense storms, Lima was going to make it through without one mud show in the weekend.
All teams were thrashing to ensure everyone was able to make the final performance.  Both Hall Brothers entries of Mat Dishman and Kurt Kraehmer were running excellent, so they instead lent a hand to the team of Mike Vaters Sr. and Jr.  The elder of the group was still dealing with some transmission woes, but appeared to have it squared away.  But, the biggest tear down and fix came from the Overkill Evolution group.  The blown shock from the early Saturday performance caused Mike Jr. to run with only a single shock on one corner, and it was not as comfortable as he hoped.
The shock was fixed, and the team had it installed, but the accumulator needed redone due to a blown fitting.  Luckily, the teams found a repair shop in Lima that took off one fitting and installed a temporary hose hookup between the accumulator and the shock in order to run through the final day.
Brandon Derrow and the Bad News team was sitting happy with no issues, while Christian Norman and his Bigfoot crew spent a night checking over suspension and the rear sway bar after the Saturday breakage.
By the time Sunday’s afternoon performance came, every truck was tuned up to be at premium performance, and the best blessing, not one rain drop in the sky.  It was time to get things roaring for the final time in the Lima infield.
Dishman was already looking ahead to pull off something that’s not been seen since the 2016 season:  a racing sweep.
He started the afternoon taking out his teammate, then Derrow fell by the side, meaning the setup was there for Dishman to take home a strong start to his season.  Meanwhile, Vaters Jr. made it to the final after taking out Norman following a reprieve in the loser’s bracket.  But, in order to take down Dishman, he needed to be perfect.
In the finals, he caught the hole shot, and stayed with it over the plateau.  The final jump would be critical as both ramps were steeper than any other competition on the weekend, and each hit with authority.
At the finish, that launch…still wasn’t enough.  Dishman powered his Hemi-powered Raminator to his third win of the year, sweeping the Lima weekend, and it allowed him to have over a full event gap in points over both Norman and Vaters Jr.  It was a perfect finish for the Hall Brothers in the brackets.
Round 1:  Bad News Travels Fast def. Overkill Evolution; Raminator def. General Tire; Lucas Oil Bigfoot def. Safety Kleen Black Stallion
Semi-Finals:  Raminator def. Bad News Travels Fast; Overkill Evolution def. Lucas Oil Bigfoot
Championship:  Raminator def. Overkill Evolution
 After the conclusion of the modified tough trucks, it would be the monsters that were closing out the show with not one, but two, competitions.  The best trick battle was already shaping up to be who could perfect their skills, but immediately the carnage seemed to begin.
Heading out second, Kraehmer decided to try out the tire bump that gave him a few solid wheelstands the day prior.  The hit and rebound were excellent, as he pulled the front end up and hovered the rear of the truck above the dirt.  Suddenly a burp of the throttle saw the wheelie bar hit the dirt, and in an instant the truck rocked back and forth on the rear tires like a pendulum on a grandfather clock.  Kraehmer tried to bring it down safely, but he was heading right into the concrete barrier, and the Ram 1500 rocked all the way on the roof, and onto it’s side.
Kraehmer already signaled that he was fine, as his wife ran down to check on his well-being.  But, he decided to stay in the truck as the loader pulled his machine back onto the tires.  Despite the roof and windshield popping loose, the truck fired right up, and back to the pits he went to have the team assess the damage.
In a stunning display, even with a strong wheelie effort by Norman, and a couple poppers by Vaters Jr, it was the single attempt and roll that gave Kraehmer his first official win on the jamboree tour.  Although it came at the expense of his second-career roll, it was worth it.
Finally, with every bit of the infield open for use, it was time for freestyle, and it was one word that described the effort by everyone:  breakage.
Vaters Sr. started out with a solid run, one of his better performances, but suddenly the truck began sputtering and he hurried to the pits.  It seemed the starter suddenly was still engaged and began burning up, ending his run rather quick.  Kraehmer then came out, minus the body panels, and had a strong run going, until he hit the backside of the racing finish.  The truck stood right up on the tailgate, but in doing so suddenly the lower mounts on the shocks gave out on the rear right corner.  He backed up and immediately the truck squatted down, putting an end to what ultimately was a rough afternoon for the sophomore driver.
Derrow put on a strong run, but then Norman again decided to go big in the Lucas Oil “Wildfoot” hoping to finish with a third freestyle victory on the weekend.
But, after a hard hit following a big launch on the near quad, the truck landed and the one shock accumulator became disengaged, which then bent the sway bar end link.  With one shock completely blown, his run came to an end extremely quick.  At this point, Derrow was holding true for what was to be his first freestyle win with the jamboree.  Dishman tried as he might, but his run was not enough either.  Only one man was left, and despite being runner up in racing, he requested to go last in the lineup.
Belts pulled tight, engine tuned, and a defending champion at the wheel…the Alien Nation was ready, and Vaters Jr. wasted little time.
His second hit of the run was a bicycle through the second half of the infield, but one that stayed in control and never even touched the sidewalls of the tires.  He kept the throttle going with every hit, crossing across the track and hitting obstacles no one had touched yet.  Every hit, the suspension took the punishment, until he crawled up to the finish jump and parked the nose on the peak.  That is until he popped the truck up on the nose, and slowly left the truck balance out with the throttle and brakes.  When it did, with the nose of the Super Duty barely scraping the dirt, he walked the machine like a tight rope for about 150 feet, then brought it back onto all fours before a pair of hits on the quad, including one that was a side slap.
He finally roared in front of the crowd, slid a quick cyclone, then stood out the window as he wiped the sweat off his brow, taking in the cheers of the fans, and ensuring he was the freestyle champion on this wild afternoon.
With that, the Lima experience has come to a close, as the trucks began both the tire-down process, and also the repairs prior to loading up for the next event.  For the jamboree, they are taking a bit of a break, as their next show is not only a month away, but also is during the change of season.  Spring is over in just over a week, and summer time means a trip from Ohio out to Pennsylvania.
The second round of the 4-Wheel Jamboree season lands at the Bloomsburg Fairgrounds in Bloomsburg, PA, for the A&A Auto Stores Summer Nationals.
It is the second-largest crowd that is seen all year long, and it is already shaping up to be a must-see event with the field of trucks that will be attending.
Tickets are already available online, and at participating A&A Auto Stores.  Pick them up now, ensuring you don’t miss one moment of the four-show weekend.
 POINT STANDINGS (3 of 9 Events)-Wins in Brackets
Raminator – 480 [3]
Lucas Oil Bigfoot – 280
Overkill Evolution – 280
Bad News Travels Fast – 240
General Tire – 160
Black Stallion – 120
Overkill Evolution – 1
Bad News Travels Fast – 1
General Tire – 1
Lucas Oil Bigfoot – 2
Overkill Evolution – 2
Lee Collins-WHR Motorsports
Leah Burdette, Emily Boden-Bonnier Corporation
Brandon Derrow, Ashley Shifflett, Nick Wishard-Bad News Racing
Christian Norman, Drue Epler, Penny Chandler Lopez, Julie Siefker-Bigfoot 4×4, Inc
Tim Hall, Kurt Kraehmer, Mat Dishman, Daniel “Cheech” Agosh-Hall Brothers Racing
Michael Vaters, Mike Vaters Jr, Allison Turner-Vaters Motorsports
Joey Sylvester-High Octane Coffee/Fury Off-Road Tires
About The Author
A fan since 1988, at the age of 3, Dustin became more involved in the monster truck industry in the last decade. Through his website, All About Horsepower, and images at Horsepower Photography, he provides great insight into the sport.
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monstersmonthly · 5 years
Monster Power: Episode 36 | Indianapolis, IN - General Tire Monster Truck Thunder Drags
Episode Information
The points are tight at the top, but Matt Dishman in Raminator has a definite advantage having made 6 of 6 final round appearances. With just enough room to make up ground, can either of the top tier Fords make a final stand at Indy?
Event: General Tire Monster Truck Thunder Drags Promoter: Bonnier Events | Visit Website Venue: Indiana State Fairgrounds City/State: Indianapolis, IN Date: September 18, 2019 Videographer: © Back Channel Productions | Visit on Facebook and YouTube Monster Truck Lineup: Monster Truck Lineup: Black Stallion (with driver Mike Vaters), Overkill Evolution (with driver Mike Vaters Jr.), Bigfoot (with driver Christian Norman), Bad News Travels Fast (with driver Brandon Derrow), General Tire (with driver Kurt Kraehmer), and Raminator (with driver Mat Dishman).
About Back Channel Productions
Monster and tough truck fans. Be sure to catch new episodes of Monster Power, produced by Back Channel Productions (BCP) on YouTube. Also, check out Monster Power Classics, and catch up on some great old school monster truck action!
Subscribe to Back Channel Productions for new episodes of Monster Power as they cover more monster and tough truck racing action for the 2019 season! Also, catch up on what’s coming up next on Facebook at Back Channel Productions and Monster Power.
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monstersmonthly · 5 years
Monster Episode 32 | Bloomsburg, PA - General Tire Monster Truck Thunder Drags Freestyle | 2019
Episode Information
The final show from the General Tire Monster Truck Thunder Drags Freestyle competition at the Bloomsburg Fairgrounds. After a grueling four show weekend, will we go out with a bang? Find out on this episode of Monster Power!
Event: 4-Wheel Jamboree Nationals Venue: Bloomsburg Fairgrounds City/State: Bloomsburg, PA Date: July 14, 2019 Videographer: © Back Channel Productions | Visit on Facebook and YouTube Monster Truck Lineup: Black Stallion (with driver Mike Vaters), Overkill Evolution (with driver Mike Vaters Jr.), Bigfoot (with driver Christian Norman), XDP Xtreme Diesel (with driver Dave Radzierez), General Tire (with driver Kurt Kraehmer), and Raminator (with driver Mat Dishman).
About Back Channel Productions
Monster and tough truck fans. Be sure to catch new episodes of Monster Power, produced by Back Channel Productions (BCP) on YouTube. Also, check out Monster Power Classics, and catch up on some great old school monster truck action!
Subscribe to Back Channel Productions for new episodes of Monster Power as they cover more monster and tough truck racing action for the 2019 season! Also, catch up on what’s coming up next on Facebook at Back Channel Productions and Monster Power.
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monstersmonthly · 5 years
Monster Power: Episode 30 | Bloomsburg, PA - General Tire Monster Truck Thunder Drags | 2019
Episode Information
Round six of the General Tire Monster Truck Thunder Drags is on hand. Mat Dishman and Raminator is trying to make a comeback after two days of lost ground. Will the Fords; Bigfoot and Overkill Evolution continue to close the gap or will the Ram charge back? Find out on this episode of Monster Power!
Event: 4-Wheel Jamboree Nationals Venue: Bloomsburg Fairgrounds City/State: Bloomsburg, PA Date: July 14, 2019 Videographer: © Back Channel Productions | Visit on Facebook and YouTube. Monster Truck Lineup: Black Stallion (with driver Mike Vaters), Overkill Evolution (with driver Mike Vaters Jr.), Bigfoot (with driver Christian Norman), XDP Xtreme Diesel (with driver Dave Radzierez), General Tire (with driver Kurt Kraehmer), and Raminator (with driver Mat Dishman).
About Back Channel Productions
Monster and tough truck fans. Be sure to catch new episodes of Monster Power, produced by Back Channel Productions (BCP) on YouTube. Also, check out Monster Power Classics, and catch up on some great old school monster truck action!
Subscribe to Back Channel Productions for new episodes of Monster Power as they cover more monster and tough truck racing action for the 2019 season! Also, catch up on what’s coming up next on Facebook at Back Channel Productions and Monster Power.
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monstersmonthly · 5 years
Monster Power: Episode 24 | Bloomsburg, PA - General Tire Monster Truck Thunder Drags | 2019
Episode Information
It's a beautiful Saturday afternoon at the foot of the Pocono Mountains, and that means it's time for the fifth round of the General Tire Monster Truck Thunder Drags. Christian Norman in Bigfoot broke the Raminator streak that has Mat Dishman in the points lead. Will Mat get back to number one, or will the Ram be left searching for his winning formula? Find out on this episode of Monster Power!
Event: 4-Wheel Jamboree Nationals Venue: Bloomsburg Fairgrounds City/State: Bloomsburg, PA Date: July 13, 2019 Videographer: Back Channel Productions | Visit Back Channel Productions on Facebook Monster Truck Lineup: Black Stallion (with driver Mike Vaters), Overkill Evolution (with driver Mike Vaters Jr.), Bigfoot (with driver Christian Norman), XDP Xtreme Diesel (with driver Dave Radzierez), General Tire (with driver Kurt Kraehmer), and Raminator (with driver Mat Dishman).
© 2019 Monster Power | Back Channel Productions | Subscribe on YouTube >
About Back Channel Productions
Monster and tough truck fans. Be sure to catch new episodes of Monster Power, produced by Back Channel Productions (BCP) on YouTube. Also, check out Monster Power Classics, and catch up on some great old school monster truck action!
Subscribe to Back Channel Productions for new episodes of Monster Power as they cover more monster and tough truck racing action for the 2019 season! Also, catch up on what’s coming up next on Facebook at Back Channel Productions and Monster Power.
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monstersmonthly · 5 years
Monster Power: Episode 22 | Bloomsburg, PA - General Tire Monster Truck Thunder Drags | 2019
Episode Information
The 4-Wheel Jamboree Nationals Monster Truck Thunder Drags, presented by General Tire returned to the Bloomsburg Fairgrounds for the first of three rounds of monster truck racing. Mat Dishman and the Ram Trucks sponsored Raminator is three for three going into Bloomsburg, can he make it to win number four? Find out on this episode of Monster Power!
Event: 4-Wheel Jamboree Nationals Venue: Bloomsburg Fairgrounds City/State: Bloomsburg, PA Date: July 12, 2019 Videographer: Back Channel Productions | Visit Back Channel Productions on Facebook Monster Truck Lineup: Black Stallion (with driver Mike Vaters), Overkill Evolution (with driver Mike Vaters Jr.), Bigfoot (with driver Christian Norman), XDP Xtreme Diesel (with driver Dave Radzierez), General Tire (with driver Kurt Kraehmer), and Raminator (with driver Mat Dishman).
© 2019 Monster Power | Back Channel Productions | Subscribe on YouTube >
About Back Channel Productions
Monster and tough truck fans. Be sure to catch new episodes of Monster Power, produced by Back Channel Productions (BCP) on YouTube. Also, check out Monster Power Classics, and catch up on some great old school monster truck action!
Subscribe to Back Channel Productions for new episodes of Monster Power as they cover more monster and tough truck racing action for the 2019 season! Also, catch up on what’s coming up next on Facebook at Back Channel Productions and Monster Power.
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monstersmonthly · 5 years
Monster Power: Episode 18 | Lima, OH - Monster Truck Freestyle | 2019
Episode Information
The final freestyle competition at the O’Reilly Auto Parts 4-Wheel Jamboree Nationals in Lima, OH may prove to be the toughest for the monster truck teams. Where one truck finds an upturn; another may find sudden catastrophe. Catch all of the action in this episode of Monster Power!
Event: 4-Wheel Jamboree Nationals General Tire Monster Truck Thunder Drags Venue: Allen County Fairgrounds City/State: Lima, OH Date: June 9, 2019 Videographer: Back Channel Productions Monster Truck Lineup: Black Stallion (with driver Mike Vaters), Overkill Evolution (with driver Mike Vaters Jr.), Bigfoot (with driver Christian Norman), Bad News Travels Fast (with driver Brandon Derrow), General Tire (with driver Kurt Kraehmer), and Raminator (with driver Mat Dishman).
© 2019 Monster Power | Back Channel Productions | Subscribe on YouTube >
About Back Channel Productions
Monster and tough truck fans. Be sure to catch new episodes of Monster Power, produced by Back Channel Productions (BCP) on YouTube. Also, check out Monster Power Classics, and catch up on some great old school monster truck action!
Subscribe to Back Channel Productions for new episodes of Monster Power as they cover more monster and tough truck racing action for the 2019 season! Also, catch up on what’s coming up next on Facebook at Back Channel Productions and Monster Power.
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monstersmonthly · 5 years
Monster Power: Episode 16 | Lima, OH - General Tire Monster Truck Thunder Drags | 2019
Episode Information
The third and final round of the General Tire Monster Truck Thunder Drags at the Allen County Fairgrounds in Lima tends to be the hardest on equipment. Being the last chance of victory before getting back on the road, every competitor is poised for a winning run. Matt Dishman and Raminator has captured victory in the first two rounds here in Lima, and will settle for nothing less than first in round three! Catch all of the high-flying racing action in this episode of Monster Power!
Event: 4-Wheel Jamboree Nationals General Tire Monster Truck Thunder Drags Venue: Allen County Fairgrounds City/State: Lima, OH Date: June 9, 2019 Videographer: Back Channel Productions Monster Truck Lineup: Black Stallion (with driver Mike Vaters), Overkill Evolution (with driver Mike Vaters Jr.), Bigfoot (with driver Christian Norman), Bad News Travels Fast (with driver Brandon Derrow), General Tire (with driver Kurt Kraehmer), and Raminator (with driver Mat Dishman).
© 2019 Monster Power | Back Channel Productions | Subscribe on YouTube >
About Back Channel Productions
Monster and tough truck fans. Be sure to catch new episodes of Monster Power, produced by Back Channel Productions (BCP) on YouTube. Also, check out Monster Power Classics, and catch up on some great old school monster truck action!
Subscribe to Back Channel Productions for new episodes of Monster Power as they cover more monster and tough truck racing action for the 2019 season! Also, catch up on what’s coming up next on Facebook at Back Channel Productions and Monster Power.
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monstersmonthly · 5 years
Monster Power: Episode 14 | Lima, OH - Monster Truck Freestyle | 2019
Episode Information
The grueling pace of the O'Reilly Auto Parts Ohio 4-Wheel Jamboree Nationals Monster Truck Thunder Drags is beginning to set in for the competitors in Lima. With two freestyle competitions on Saturday, will attrition be the number one opponent of the top dogs?
Event: 4-Wheel Jamboree Nationals General Tire Monster Truck Thunder Drags Venue: Allen County Fairgrounds City/State: Lima, OH Date: June 8, 2019 Videographer: Back Channel Productions Monster Truck Lineup: Black Stallion (with driver Mike Vaters), Overkill Evolution (with driver Mike Vaters Jr.), Bigfoot (with driver Christian Norman), Bad News Travels Fast (with driver Brandon Derrow), General Tire (with driver Kurt Kraehmer), and Raminator (with driver Mat Dishman).
© 2019 Monster Power | Back Channel Productions | Subscribe on YouTube >
About Back Channel Productions
Monster and tough truck fans. Be sure to catch new episodes of Monster Power, produced by Back Channel Productions (BCP) on YouTube. Also, check out Monster Power Classics, and catch up on some great old school monster truck action!
Subscribe to Back Channel Productions for new episodes of Monster Power as they cover more monster and tough truck racing action for the 2019 season! Also, catch up on what’s coming up next on Facebook at Back Channel Productions and Monster Power.
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monstersmonthly · 5 years
Monster Power: Episode 12 | Lima, OH - Monster Truck Racing | 2019
Episode Information
After one round, Raminator is on top of the competition at the 34th Annual O'Reilly Auto Parts Ohio 4-Wheel Jamboree Nationals Monster Truck Thunder Drags held at the Allen County Fairgrounds in Lima, OH.  Can the rest of the competitors gain ground or will they just dodge out of the way of this hard charging Ram?
Event: 4-Wheel Jamboree Nationals General Tire Monster Truck Thunder Drags Venue: Allen County Fairgrounds City/State: Lima, OH Date: June 7-9, 2019 Videographer: Back Channel Productions Monster Truck Lineup: Black Stallion (with driver Mike Vaters), Overkill Evolution (with driver Mike Vaters Jr.), Bigfoot (with driver Christian Norman), Bad News Travels Fast (with driver Brandon Derrow), General Tire (with driver Kurt Kraehmer), and Raminator (with driver Mat Dishman).
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monstersmonthly · 5 years
Horsepower Photography: 4 Wheel Jamboree Nationals from the Bloomsburg Fairgrounds | 2019
Event: 4-Wheel Jamboree Nationals General Tire Monster Truck Thunder Drags Venue: Bloomsburg Fairgrounds City/State: Bloomsburg, PA Date: July 12-14, 2019 Photography By: Dustin Parks of Horsepower Photography | Visit Horsepower Photography on Facebook. Follow Link >
Monster Truck Lineup
Black Stallion (with driver Mike Vaters), Overkill Evolution (with driver Mike Vaters Jr.), Bigfoot (with driver Christian Norman), XDP XTreme Diesel (with driver Dave Radzierez), General Tire (with driver Kurt Kraehmer), and Raminator (with driver Mat Dishman).
About The Photographer
A fan since 1988, at the age of 3, Dustin became more involved in the monster truck industry in the last decade. Through his website, All About Horsepower, and images at Horsepower Photography, he provides great insight into the sport.
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monstersmonthly · 5 years
Father and Son Replicate History in Final Day at Bloomsburg
All good things must come to an end.
That classic slogan was ringing true on Sunday afternoon, as just as the previous event in Lima, it was the final day of the Bloomsburg 4-Wheel Jamboree, and it meant that when the final event took place, it was time to tear down every bit of the Bloomsburg Fairgrounds, from food vendors to auto accessory sellers.  The large crowd began filing in for one last day of events, culminating with the final racing event and freestyle for the General Tire Monster Truck Thunder Drags.
The crowd was also focused on the Xtreme Diesel Ram that a night prior made one enormous hit in freestyle, then called it a night because of a broken driveline.
A shattered carrier bearing in the driveshaft put Dave Radzierez on the sidelines, however at the end of the night he was confident everything would be fixed in the morning since he had a spare in the hauler.
In the morning, that mood changed.
The bearing he had in the hauler was not the correct size, so he, crew chief Michelle Simpson and his entire team, including folks from Gearhart’s Garage that drove in to see him compete, were scrambling around the Bloomsburg area to find the correct size bearing to get him back running.  He waited, and waited…and waited even more.  By the time it was time to fire engines to move the remaining trucks to the infield, the waiting had concluded, because his luck ran out.
The Bloomsburg curse continued, and he felt so frustrated, since the Bloomsburg event is as close to home as it can get for Radzierez.  He still signed autographs, and posed for pictures, but the devastation in his face was clear.
With Radzierez down, the 3 p.m. event was reduced to five trucks, meaning one truck in the draw was going to luck out in the racing bracket with a bye run.  In this instance, that went to Kurt Kraehmer, who saw his General Tire truck get repaired the previous day due to a broken axle.  He felt more comfortable in the truck, and gave the crowd a Kyle Busch-style bow in introductions, but faced his toughest challenge in the semi-finals.
Teammate Mat Dishman was defeated in the first round by Christian Norman in the Lucas Oil “Wildfoot,” his first loss in the opening round all season.  But, he would return in the semi-finals as the fast loser, setting up a Hall Brothers Racing matchup to put one of the RAM Trucks in the title round.
When the lights went green, Kraehmer caught the holeshot over the first hill, and stayed in the throttle with Dishman in the Raminator just slightly behind.  Kraehmer held on, but the rear end slid out just a bit.  He kept after it, and hammered hard on the gas, but could not quite pull ahead enough to catch Dishman, losing by just about a half-truck.
On the opposite side of the bracket, Norman found himself in another battle with the guy he lost to in the semi-finals the day prior, Mikey Vaters Jr. in Overkill Evolution.  But this time, there was no questioning the call from either side of the track, as the Ford Super Duty of Vaters got the Bigfoot Raptor by just about a tire.
The stage was set for the same final as the day prior, with each taking the same lane as they had a day ago.  But, this time it was a different result, as for the fourth time Dishman was the man singing the victory song.  The Raminator has actually been to every final round all season, and with four wins in the bunch, that means a 66 percent win rate.  At this rate, the RAM Trucks operation is in the best groove it’s been in with the jamborees in a long time.
At this point, the track got cleared, safety crews moved into position, and it was time to close out the entire jamboree weekend with the final freestyle performance for all five trucks.
Round 1: Overkill Evolution def. Black Stallion; Lucas Oil Bigfoot def. Raminator; General Tire BYE RUN.
Semi-Finals: Overkill Evolution def. Lucas Oil Bigfoot; Raminator (FL) def. General Tire.
Finals: Raminator def. Overkill Evolution.
 Kraehmer put on a solid run, including kicking up a lot of dust and grass with a set of cyclones just outside the racing lanes.  Dishman then followed it up with a hard run of his own, but seemed to be hindered in his run.  It turns out the truck was running with a slightly hurt axle, which Dishman reported after his racing win.  Yet, he still went out, hammered hard, and gave the crowd what they wanted.
Norman strapped into his Ford Raptor, and decided to make it an assault on the eyes and the skies, as he put the Lucas Oil-sponsored machine through the ringer.  Although unable to pull the classic Foot wheelstand like he did in Lima, he was able to slide the truck into a pair of donuts, drift through the corners, and hit every hill available on the track to the delight of the crowd.
Mike Vaters then rolled out onto the track and hit the two rollers on the front stretch that were part of the tough truck course.  Then he slowed way down, and rolled to a stop facing the new hill the track crew from WHR Motorsports set up, but all seemed as if it was planned out.
The announcer then got on the microphone to reveal a perfectly planned stunt that only the Bloomsburg crowd would be able to witness.
It was 20 years ago, to the date…almost to the hour, that Vaters accomplished his own feat on the infield at Bloomsburg.  In 1999, he took his then-Black Stallion 2000, the chassis that team driver Matt Cody had driven the last few years and just recently got put into semi-retirement, and launched over Andy Hoffman’s parked Nightmare monster.
Realizing the jamboree was falling on the exact day that the stunt happened, along with some help from lead photographer for the jamboree, Jeff Luckey, a plan went into action.  A few phone calls to Bonnier Corporation, and a few track changes, and it was decided to replicate the stunt.
But, instead of Vaters doing it himself, his son, who at the time of that original launch was just age 11, was set to do the jump.  However, the task was even tougher when the team discovered after the finals, the front end of the truck was not pulling.  That meant in order to do the stunt, Vaters would need to somehow push Overkill Evolution and get enough speed using just the rear tires to get it there.
Still, the crowd was ready, he was ready, and with his dad looking on, Mikey pulled the belts tight, focused forward, and hammered the accelerator.
The Ford Super Duty blasted the hill and soared high, at least an entire truck height over his dad’s machine, coming down hard on the nose and into a wheelstand.  Mikey got the truck under control, and roared back in front of the crowd, hitting the big hill in the process and sliding to a stop, saluting the fans and getting a lot of congrats from the video crew, track personnel, and everyone in the infield that witnessed the successful leap up close.
Winning the actual freestyle portion of the show, at least unofficially, seemed to be Norman with his full run of high-flying antics.  But, to the crowd, especially those that saw the original jump happen 20 years prior, that moment made the weekend.
As the teams began to tire down, it was clear that the only way to top what happened this weekend would be to put on a spectacular show at the season finale.  The biggest jamboree happens at the biggest infield, in Bonnier Corporation’s back yard.
From September 20-22, the O’Reilly Auto Parts 4-Wheel Jamboree Fall Nationals will again descend on the Indiana State Fairgrounds in Indianapolis, Indiana, with four big shows, and also the reveal of the newest four inductees into the International Monster Truck Hall of Fame.
Get those tickets for what has always been a very eventful, and very astounding, weekend in Indianapolis.
 POINT STANDINGS* (6 of 9 Events)-Wins in Brackets *Points are unofficial
Raminator – 880 [4]
Overkill Evolution – 640 [1]
Lucas Oil Bigfoot – 600 [1]
General Tire – 360
Black Stallion – 280
Bad News Travels Fast – 240
Xtreme Diesel – 40
Overkill Evolution – 2
Bad News Travels Fast – 1
General Tire – 1
Overkill Evolution – 5
Lucas Oil Bigfoot – 4
 Special Thanks To:
Emily Boden, Leah Burdette-Bonnier Corporation
Lee Collins-WHR Motorsports
Mat Dishman, June Hall, Tim Hall, Kurt Kraehmer-Hall Brothers Racing
Christian Norman, Drue Epler, Evan Trent-Bigfoot 4×4
Mike Vaters, Mike Vaters Jr, V2 Vids-Vaters Motorsports
Michelle Simpson, Dave Radzierez-XDP
Nick Davis, Tim Howard-Back Channel Productions
About The Author
A fan since 1988, at the age of 3, Dustin became more involved in the monster truck industry in the last decade. Through his website, All About Horsepower, and images at Horsepower Photography, he provides great insight into the sport.
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monstersmonthly · 5 years
Team Evo Rules the Infield on Day Two at Bloomsburg
The sunset skies gave way to a morning bliss for everyone that attended the first day of the A&A Auto Stores 4-Wheel Jamboree in Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania. The temperatures were comfortable, and the action was intense, meaning that everyone was yearning for more.
As is typical with the summer event at the Bloomsburg Fairgrounds, the second day has the most action, meaning a crowd was going to fill in big when the action started.
Before any action started, one team was still doing work on one of the monsters.
In his first race at Bloomsburg since 2016, Dave Radzierez brought out his new-look Xtreme Diesel and was the first to hit the track. In doing so, he hit so hard that parts decided to make an exit. At night’s end, Radzierez and his crew chief/main woman, Michelle Simpson, had to tear apart the front end of his Ram Heavy Duty. As he’s discovered with his new setup, the center section of his axle housing, right where the power from the driveshaft meets the locker, broke once again, and it meant tearing down the hubs, planetaries, and also taking the driveshaft out in order to take apart the gears.
Not only did they and their crew have to have that replaced, but also discovered the transmission was having issues, meaning another new part going in, and the common-rail Cummins engine also was sounding a bit off. All this had to be done before a 1 p.m. showtime, meaning it was going to be a tight window in order to make it.
Team Evo was hard at it into the night as Mikey Vaters Jr. broke part of the planetary in Overkill Evolution, but by Saturday morning the team had everything buttoned up and ready to roll. Everyone else was locked and loaded, including the Bigfoot team as Christian Norman was ready to go 2-for-2 in racing in his Lucas Oil “Wildfoot.”
By the time the afternoon show rolled out, and the massive crowd filed in, Radzierez and team were still in the pits, meaning they were not going to make the call for racing, but they were going to try and make it out in time for the best trick competition and freestyle.
Racing on the Penda-style track proved difficult on Friday, and it was no different on Saturday afternoon as the ramps were still as steep, but had less of a kicker at the peak.  By then, teams were adapting better, and with everyone in their seats ready to hear almost 10,000 horsepower come to life, racing was on in the hot, summer sun.
Norman had a quick pass into the second round after Kurt Kraehmer in the General Tire machine had a rough hit over the first hill. He would move on to face Vaters Jr. after he drew the number for the bye-run with Radzierez sidelined.  Meanwhile, Mat Dishman was trying to inch his way back into victory lane in Raminator, and started with a win over the Black Stallion and Mike Vaters Sr.
The semi-finals began with an all-Ford battle that lived up to all the hype.
The Ford Raptor of Norman squared off with the Super Duty of Vaters Jr, and both were in it right to the last jump, hitting even and at practically the same speed.  Neither driver knew who won it, whether it was Bigfoot or Evo, and officials waited a few minutes to hear the official call.  In the end, it was Vaters Jr. getting credited for the win.  It was so close, fans on the front stretch felt the nose of Overkill Evolution hit the finish first, but those on the backstretch felt it was the opposite way.  In any instance, the official win went to Vaters Jr, and another trip to the finals.
Dishman then made his way to the finals after defeating his teammate, meaning it was coming down to the same final that closed out Lima last month.
But in this instance, a bit of a slip by the Ram led the way for Vaters Jr. to cruise to the finish line and take home his first racing win on the season, and also meant he was heading to the final spot in freestyle.
Round 1: Lucas Oil Bigfoot def. General Tire; Overkill Evolution BYE RUN; Raminator def. Black Stallion.
Semi-Finals: Overkill Evolution def. Lucas Oil Bigfoot; Raminator def. General Tire (FL).
Finals: Overkill Evolution def. Raminator.
 As the tough trucks made their qualifying rounds, the black and yellow Ram of Radzierez rolled into the pit area, and seemed as though they would make freestyle, as officials decided due to time constraints that the best trick competition would be omitted for the afternoon.  For Radzierez, it didn’t make a difference, as he began rolling quietly from his pit, and about 12 feet later stopped, with no sign of the engine firing.  All that effort, for nothing.
Following the event, Radzierez was disgusted, but also knew what the issue was.
“We did all that work, worked that hard, and the starter went,” he said.  The focus now was trying to find a starter for his truck prior to show time later on, which was seeming easier said than done.
As the field made their runs for the Bloomsburg faithful, it was seeming as though it was coming down to a battle between Norman’s big-air assault and Dishman’s wheelie-dragging ride.  But, Vaters Jr. rolled from the pit and crawled up onto the big double hill that was diagonal across the frontstretch, but the nose facing the crowd.  With a burp of the throttle, he popped the rear of the truck in the air, and suddenly held the truck for a period of time on the nose, creeping across the gravel before finally electing to pull the truck back on all fours before heading out for a run that was kicking up dust like a tornado.
He would clear the racing tabletops with one hit, and crossed up over the big hill in turn 2, and then decided to go with some “Ryan Anderson craziness” as he termed it by slapping the truck in a drift onto the big obstacles.  His last one, ultimately, ended his afternoon as the truck caught the hill at just the right spot, and left the truck perfectly on it’s side of the cab and sidewalls of the right side tires.  Vaters waited till the track crew pulled his truck back down before firing back up, and rolling in front of the fans, saluting for a freestyle victory that was clearly deserving.
As the trucks cooled down, the work began, and just as quickly ended for some.
Kraehmer’s freestyle was strong in the afternoon, but part of it came with a broken rear axle.  Yet, while he was signing autographs, the crew literally had the truck in the air, with the tire off and were in the process of putting in a new piece.  In what seemed like only moments, which actually was about a half-hour repair session, his truck was ready to go for what was to be the big event of the day.
At the same time, Radzierez had the great fortune, something he had not experienced all weekend, of getting some help from a fellow team.
The Bigfoot camp used the same starter as Radzierez, with a slightly different setup because of the alcohol engine vs. the diesel.  So, they got the spare they had in the hauler, and the XDP team swapped out some components, and indeed the truck was fixed, and was in fact going to freestyle as part of the “Freestyle Fireworks Finale” on Saturday evening.
Little did the fans know that as the sun set on the horizon, and the lights came on around the speedway, that the track crew and officials had a special night in store for them.
It was 2013 when it was last done by the entire field, and the prior year it was one team that decided to put on a memorable performance, and now, it was returning.  Not only were the fans that baked in the sun since 9 a.m. experiencing everything the jamboree had to offer going to see all six trucks freestyle, but they were going to see all six trucks freestyle…two at a time.  On tap for the night…tandem performances.
Up first from the pits was Vaters in his Black Stallion, and Radzierez.  Vaters seemed to be getting his groove going early, but everyone was watching Radzierez to see if he was going to ride easy, or just put it on kill for the first time since he missed so much of the action.  Turns out, we all knew what was coming.
On his third hit, Radzierez skied the Ram and landed on the back side of the double, and heard a rattle.  Everyone heard the rattle, as he pulled off while Vaters began making a run that many had not seen from him in years.  A solid start to the night, but more repairs were coming.  Simpson did a once-over on the truck, and discovered the carrier bearing for the driveshaft had shattered, which meant the rattling was the driveshaft being contained in the safety loops.  But, unlike last night, she and the team were waiting until the morning to make the repairs, since it was not a fix that was going to take a lot of time.
Up next to double up was Hall Brothers Racing, as Kraehmer and Dishman hit the track to put on a 4000-horsepower clinic.
Dishman was dragging his wheelie bar, while Kraehmer was taking it easy on the equipment due to visibility problems, and also the new parts on his truck.  Both trucks finished with a crossover in front of the stands that finished with both Rams nose-to-nose to greet the fans, and acknowledge their solid performances.
Then, the Ford camp came to play, but in a different fashion.
It was Vaters Jr. coming out first, and again hitting the popper as earlier.  But, he couldn’t carry it as long as the truck traveled almost to the fence, and he had to drop the truck back to the tires before going out and blasting the racing lanes.  He would cross over both finish line jumps before Norman suddenly roared out of the pits, hammering the racing lanes and carrying a solid wheelie into the infield.
Both Fords would run hard, quick, and in the end, came to park nose to nose after Norman skied over the double, which was the signal to set off the fireworks to the sky for everyone to enjoy.
As to who won, it was safe to say that Norman and Vaters Jr. had the best tandem run of the night, but the real winners were the folks in the stands who waited out a long, hot, day and got an exciting finish to an incredible day.
One final performance remains on the weekend, a 3 p.m. finale of racing, tricks, and freestyle for all six trucks.  The final show usually means there’s nothing left to hold back for, and as we’ve seen over the last few years, the unexpected can and will happen, and happen in a big way.
Strap in, as this one is going to be one that not one person should miss for anything.
 POINT STANDINGS* (5 of 9 Events)-Wins in Brackets *Points are unofficial
Raminator – 720 [3]
Lucas Oil Bigfoot – 520 [1]
Overkill Evolution – 520 [1]
General Tire – 280
Bad News Travels Fast – 240
Black Stallion – 240
Xtreme Diesel – 40
Overkill Evolution – 2
Bad News Travels Fast – 1
General Tire – 1
Overkill Evolution – 5
Lucas Oil Bigfoot – 3
About The Author
A fan since 1988, at the age of 3, Dustin became more involved in the monster truck industry in the last decade. Through his website, All About Horsepower, and images at Horsepower Photography, he provides great insight into the sport.
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monstersmonthly · 5 years
Ford Fiesta Sees Norman and Vaters Jr. Open Bloomsburg Jamboree
Summer time for a car or truck guy is the time they really get to show off.  After keeping their vehicles in cold garages for what has seemed like forever, the sun comes out and the temperatures increase, meaning car shows and truck meets are in full swing.
Quite possibly the biggest gathering of 4×4 vehicles on the east coast comes in of all places, just south of the Pocono Mountains, just off Interstate 80.  A quiet college town for a majority of the year, also playing host to the biggest county fair in the state of Pennsylvania, gets turned into a truck gathering unlike anything else in the area.  The Bloomsburg Fairgrounds were ready to once again host the A&A Auto Stores 4-Wheel Jamboree Summer Nationals, and were welcomed with the usual sunshine and humidity that everyone expects at this event.
Friday started out sunny, with a bit of wind, and that seemed to be a welcome change after the previous week’s heavy storms.  What was storming into the infield for the Penda-style race course was a six-pack of monster trucks, ready to take charge on a wide open field.
The usual characters made their way once again, as Christian Norman had his gorgeous Bigfoot piece out for competition, hoping his Lucas Oil “Wildfoot” design gave him good vibes.  Across the lane, Mat Dishman and the Raminator were ready to keep momentum after their full sweep in Lima one month prior.
Vaters Motorsports brought out the duo of Mike Sr. and Mike Jr, with both the Black Stallion and Overkill Evolution ready to roar with the blue oval brand standing proud.  Kurt Kraehmer once again held the General Tire banner, and was hoping to keep the truck in one piece after the roll at the last event.
To finish out the six pack, a team that after three years of waiting, made it’s return.  It had a Ram body, and a familar wrap, but under the body was an entirely new concept.  In 2016, Dave Radzierez rolled in with his XDP machine, and rolled coal in his twin-turbo diesel.  After a few years of running a traditional alcohol engine, complete with a slightly new identity for his long-time sponsor.  Last summer, the XDP team went under the knife, and in return rolled out a completely new machine with a new body, but most importantly a new engine design.
The XDP Ram was now powered by a clean-running, twin-turbo, common rail Cummins engine, putting out 1800 horsepower.  What makes this truck so different now, compared to three years prior, is that this truck is putting out very little smoke.  So little, it actually ran indoors for the first few months of the year.  Now, he’s back at a place where he’s been wildly popular, and has been known to throw down some exciting runs in the process.
The crowd filed in for Friday night’s action, as the sun began to set on the infield of the Bloomsburg fair, but already drivers were a bit concerned heading into the first round.
Both racing lanes had an extremely steep incline on the first obstacle, almost four-feet high with an angle that was more of a sky jump rather than a roller.  Drivers had to adapt immediately upon seeing the first race of the weekend, one that sidelined one truck for the night.
Radzierez had the inside lane for the start, taking on Vaters Jr. in the Overkill Evolution Ford, and at the hit of the throttle when both trucks hit the hill, it was nothing but a rocket launch.  Each truck had to settle down in order to set up for the next hill, where Vaters Jr. pulled away with ease.  Radzierez finished his run, and when returning to the pits, he and Michelle Simpson discovered a broken center section in the front housing.  No front drive meant he would not get to perform any longer on the night, a huge disappointment for his return.
As the rounds continued, the typical machines worked their way through the bracket until it came down to once again, a Foot vs. a Ram, as Dishman and Norman met up in the finals.
With a streak on the line, Dishman chose his line wisely, but so did Norman.  Each settled down after the rocket ramps, but it was Norman hammering his Ford Raptor as hard as he could.  It was enough to push him across the final hill, and to his first win of the 2019 season, ending Dishman’s streak, while extending another streak for the Bigfoot organization at the historic venue.
Dating all the way back to 2016, with Larry Swim at the wheel, the last four times Team Bigfoot has faced Raminator in the finals at this venue, the Foot camp has gone 4-0.  This place has certainly been kind over the years to many of the Bigfoot greats, from Swim to Dan Runte, Norman and Andy Brass.  Add one more victory to that list after Friday’s action.
Round 1: Overkill Evolution def. Xtreme Diesel; Lucas Oil Bigfoot def. Black Stallion; Raminator def. General Tire.
Semi-Finals: Lucas Oil Bigfoot def. Overkill Evolution; Raminator def. Black Stallion (FL).
Title Round: Lucas Oil Bigfoot def. Raminator.
 As the tough truck teams made their way back to the main pit area, the big teams were preparing now for the second part of their show on the night, the best trick competition.  The hard part with Bloomsburg this year, all the obstacles for the most part were set on the front stretch, with a unique elevated double jump set up near the stage, and also a trench that was added last year to help drain the water during heavy downpours.
It didn’t seem to make a difference because Dishman managed to get his wheelstand down perfect, while Kraehmer cycloned the deep-cleat General Tires, and Norman soared the Raptor to the sky. But, when it came to the best trick, no one was touching Vaters Jr, who pulled a perfect pair of poppers on the front stretch so the crowd could actually read the roof of his 2019 Ford Super Duty.  It was picturesque for everyone involved, but the young man was still not done.
His freestyle, which came in the middle of the field due to how the lineup was set from the racing bracket, saw him keep full momentum across the entire infield, minus the hill setup in turn two, and many side slaps that were almost set to spin his truck like a top.  When the event ended, a few of the officials keyed the radio asking who won the events, and it was lead official Lee Collins from WHR Motorsports who tagged in, saying, “There was no competition.  Evo, Evo, Evo.”
As the weekend enters the second day, even more fans are already heading out to the big event, as Saturday’s schedule in Bloomsburg is an all-day fest of mud, dirt, and memories.  The monsters get two opportunities to thrill the audience, as they have a 1 p.m. performance that will have all three categories for the PA-faithful to enjoy.  Then, as the day turns to night, an 8:30 p.m. show will be simply freestyle, with a fireworks show to follow it up, a tradition for many years at the venue.
Get out to the Bloomsburg Fairgrounds, as this will not be a day to miss for anything.
 POINT STANDINGS* (4 of 9 Events)-Wins in Brackets *Points are unofficial
Raminator – 600 [3]
Lucas Oil Bigfoot – 440 [1]
Overkill Evolution – 360
Bad News Travels Fast – 240
General Tire – 200
Black Stallion – 200
Xtreme Diesel – 40
Overkill Evolution – 2
Bad News Travels Fast – 1
General Tire – 1
Overkill Evolution – 3
Lucas Oil Bigfoot – 2
About The Author
A fan since 1988, at the age of 3, Dustin became more involved in the monster truck industry in the last decade. Through his website, All About Horsepower, and images at Horsepower Photography, he provides great insight into the sport.
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