#or how ritsu helps shou in the world domination arc
gumy-shark · 3 months
as local ritsuposter, curious what your thoughts on ritshou, or at least their friendship, are. theyre my personal fav mp100 ship bc i think theyre hilarious, like what the hell is wrong with them.
i think i prefer them as friends or qpps to romantic (Cannot imagine them kissing. hashtag aromantic), but their dynamic is awesome either way. they’re ride-or-die in the way that only closeted queer teens with familial issues who only met each other 5 minutes ago can be. their first interaction was ritsu being beaten unconscious and their second was when shou faked ritsu’s death burned his house down and invited him on a fun patricide trip. they match each others freak to a level that would be dangerous to the public if they didn’t balance each other out enough to be almost normal if you ignore that they’re both kind of lunatics. they’re Polite Young Boys who would pause their shenanigans to help an old lady load her groceries into her car. they fucking go fishing together they’re fishing buddies. actually hold on i drew a post canon ritshou thing like 2 weeks ago (featuring my transfem ritsu headcanon)
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tldr i’m not one for romance typically and especially not in a show like mp100 that has such emphasis on platonic bonds but also ritshou is awesome they’re so.
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candyskiez · 2 months
i forgot how funny world domination arc era ritshou is. they’re fucking hilarious
ritsu: hey the hotel you sent my parents to doesn’t have any criminal connections right??? (NOT the right time to be asking these kinds of questions btw)
shou: I Gotchu Man. Don’t Even Fucking Worry About It 👍 the hotel accommodates allergies 👍👍
Shou literally burned his entire house down and also gave Ritsu a concussion and left him on the floor before and Ritsus just like. Already ride or die for him. Like within the span of barely a few days he goes from terrified of Shou to being down to help murder and fully down for this weird "we have the same trauma" friendship going on. Ritsu doesn't make friends often but when he does he doesn't half ass it. Ritshou is maybe the funniest dynamic in the show how are they gonna explain THAT one when people ask how they meet
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mobpsychomakes · 1 year
Hi! This is an incomplete masterlist trying to compile every single mob psycho omake because good lord some of these things are hard to find. Like, "end up skimming through several chapters because you vaguely remembered it being in World Domination Arc" hard to find. All of these will either be posted or reblogged here just in case the original poster happens to delete because that seems to happen a lot. They will be linked with their names and a brief description. All omakes will also be tagged with the characters present (Body Improvement Club omakes will be shortened to "body improvement club" instead of every individual character) for quicker searching.
Reigen Shits Himself: serizawa asks mob to tell him about a dangerous situation he and reigen were in and mob tells the story of the time reigen shit his pants and almost got arrested
Ritsu's Nepotism: mob tries to get extra money for the body improvement club's budget
Serizawa continues to be the backbone of Spirits & Such: a lawyer appears at spirits and such and threatens to sue
Reigen needs a dog: a dog spirit attaches itself to reigen and he keeps it as a pet named "uu-chan"
The power of spider webs: mob uses his powers to stop a soccer ball midair so it doesnt crush a tulip and ritsu blames it on "really strong spider webs"
Magic > Psychic powers: mob has a dream about getting put in a fantasy world
Perseverance > psychic powers: a flashback of mob and tsubomi as kids where tsubomi keeps asking him to do difficult tasks and he keeps trying to impress her
Teaching Mob basketball > anti-terrorism: teru puts a hold on stopping psychic terrorists to teach mob how to play basketball
Reigen goes to hell, maybe: reigen gives advice to a fortune teller
Bullied & Such Consultation Office: mob and serizawa reflect on their childhood experience with bullying
Bigfoot Hunting: reigen and mob try to find bigfoot but instead find every other possible cryptid
Reigen dies: reigen nearly chokes to death
Meat: reigen takes the kids out for barbeque
Summer Vacation: reigen takes the kids to the beach
At Long Last, Revealing Their Full Name: the full names of a bunch of minor characters who didn't have them before as well as a couple biographical details for some of them
All Nighter: a scary closeup of reigen's face
Haircut Swap Series (To Not Be Continued): mob and ritsu switch haircuts
Baked Sweet Potato: mob bakes a sweet potato on an open fire
Content: mob looks at the sky because ONE ran out of ideas
Deadlines and HP: ONE tries to refill his health bar
Prime: the yokai guy tells a story because ONE was 40 minutes from his deadline and had no omake
Character Profiles: infographics sharing some fun facts (birthday, blood type, hobbies, etc) about mob, reigen, ritsu, teru, and shou
Valentines Day: the boys receive chocolate for valentines day
Lifting: tome advises mob to use his powers to play soccer
Esper Hoshino the Show Off: hoshino uses his powers to "help" his classmates
Fire Master Asahi: asahi uses his powers to light a man's cigarette
Snot Bubble: mob falls asleep and a snot bubble from his nose enters orbit
His Favorite: mob shows off his frog umbrella
Chapter 74 (unnamed?): reigen gets stressed out about his endurance being worse than mob's and tries working out
Sense of Crisis: reigen gets stressed out about mob getting stronger than him and tries working out (again)
Salt Mid Marathon Rankings: what places a bunch of characters ranked in during the 5k
Chapter 76 (unnamed?): mezato discusses with the psycho helmet cult how to find their founder
Last Nightmare: mob has a nightmare about breaking into tsubomi's house dressed as santa claus and getting arrested
Exception: the claw espers sent after mob discuss how easy he looks to kill while he flies to their location to kick their ass
Numb: teru and mob go shirt shopping
Horror Story: reigen gathers the kids to tell horror stories
Breeze: mob's umbrella gets blown away in a storm
I Understand: serizawa meets a friend from his class
Coming Up: there's a three day weekend coming up
Bug: various characters react to a bug
Reveal: edano asks how teru's hair grew back so quickly
Honesty: ritsu talks about what he wants to be when he grow up
Monkey Dream: dimple dreams about fighting monkeys
What does a ghost piggyback ride look like to people who can't see ghosts?
Greeting: Hoshino re-introduces himself for the third time
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fishoutofcamelot · 3 years
It's Mob Psycho 100 brainrot time right now and holy crap I'm just now realizing something. Takenaka practically jumpstarted the entire plot
Think about it. Takenaka left the Telepathy Club. Which meant that without enough members, their club was going to be disbanded. So they tried to recruit Mob. Which led to the circumstances wherein Mob joined the body improvement club instead. Which is how he ended up as the bait in Onigawara's scheme to pit the Body Improvement Club against Black Pepper's gang. Which is how he ended up fighting Teru, leading to Teru's redemption arc. After becoming a better person and befriending Mobm Teru not only alerted Mob to Ritsu fighting all those gang leaders, but also was the one who taught Mob about Claw and helped him during the takedown. Also, without Teru and Mob being friends, the monkey shirt would have never happened.
If Mob and Teru hadn't fought, then the surrounding gang leaders wouldn't have tried to hunt down White T Poison, Kamuro wouldn't have gotten beaten up by them, which in part led to his redemption arc - which led to him stepping down as student council president, which caused the Mob's Girlfriend Arc to happen. That entire Arc straight-up wouldn't have happened.
On another note, the Separation Arc wouldn't have happened either because Mob likely wouldn't have had all the friends from both the Telepathy Club and the Body Improvement Club to encourage him into ditching Reigen. Which means all that wonderful character development Reigen got? Gone.
More than that, it's because of Onigawara's later attempts at apologizing to Mob that Ritsu misunderstood the situation and made the suggestion at the student council meeting to start a crackdown on delinquents, which jumpstarted the Cleanup Arc - the stress of which awakened his psychic powers, which more or less landed him on Claw's radar. His powers also became instrumental in his escape attempt along with various other plot points. If Ritsu hadn't been kidnapped, Mob wouldn't have ended up infiltrating Claw like that, Reigen wouldn't have gained the ability to see Dimple, the Seventh Division wouldn't have disbanded/turned to the good side, and Shou would have never burned down the Kageyama house in an attempt to convince Mob that his entire family had died. And without Ritsu awakening his psychic powers, Ritsu and Shou never would have teamed up during the World Domination Arc. And you can bet that without the lessons all his friends and experiences taught Mob along the way, stuff like the Mogami Arc and the ???% Arc would have gone way differently. And if Ritsu hadn't developed his psychic powers and challenged Mob to a fight, he probably wouldn't have become aware that Ritsu was afraid of him, and as a result 100% Shame wouldn't have happened.
you could even take a step further and argue that it's all because of Tome. If she hadn't been so damn determined to meet aliens, then she wouldn't have formed the Telepathy Club, and Takenaka wouldn't have joined and then left, and then all of the above wouldn't have happened. The sheer power she has. Amazing. Good for her.
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quasarden · 4 years
slams my fists on the ground. please post the paragraphs of character meta for your dnd au
Hi Anon! More than happy to oblige, rest of the characters are after the read more.
Reigen is a rogue with a 1 level dip into Bard. I picked Swashbuckler because, let’s be honest, Reigen is all about 1v1 confrontations when he actually fights. Plus, with abilities that use your charisma against enemies to give yourself the upper hand - it suits him perfectly. The Bard multiclass is mostly for the use of inspiration die. Even in a high magic setting, Reigen shouldn’t rely much on magical aptitude. Being Rogue and a Half-Elf allows for a lot of skill proficiencies. Reigen focuses on Cha and Dex based skills, and probably has proficiency in insight given how good he is at reading people.
Adapting Reigen as a character is fairly straightforward too. He’s a Half-Elf, and estranged from the Elven (Mother’s side) of his family. He actually has very little working knowledge of his Elven and Fey heritage, but is able to bluff and embellish this heritage as a selling point for his services as the founder of the Spirits and Such Adventuring Company. Seasoning City is a majority human settlement, so his grandiose nature and charisma makes drumming up business simple.
He’s still a con-man by nature, and embellishes the causes of people’s problems that he solves. A tavern’s stores and ales mysteriously disappearing? Oh, the work of hungry and drunken spirits - make sure to leave an offering weekly at this shrine I have set up for you. When in reality it’s some goblins or kobolds that have dug a tunnel into the storerooms. That sort of thing, he still will always prefer to talk/negotiate a solution before violence.
Mob and Ritsu (+Dimple):
As a side note, I originally wanted to make all Espers sorcerers In this AU because that thematically fits with how Espers work originally. But for the sake of storytelling/party diversity, gonna play around a bit.
Mob is a Wild Magic Sorcerer. Since he already is a wellspring of chaotic energy that is at the risk of surging into strange outbursts at the drop of a hat. Wild Magic is a fun subclass, but often the surges don’t proc frequently enough - so in the hypothetical DM seat I would probably make them happen more often, and maybe make a custom table of results related to emotions. So in this setting Mob’s Wild Magic Surges are tied to emotions as well as random chance. 
Both Mob and Ritsu are Tieflings, born of human parents. The Kageyamas don’t mind at all, they love their sons and are entirely nonplussed about the whole thing really. Mob, even as a Tiefling, is unremarkable in appearance. Small nubby horns, no tail, slate-blue skin. Ritsu has more impressive horns.
This is what brings Mob to Reigen, much like the source material. Reigen’s embellishment of his Fey ancestry and own limited skills in Magic, makes Mob reach out to him to learn how to control his own powers. 
Ritsu is a Warlock, making a pact with the “Evil Spirit” (Fiend) Ekubo. The motivation is primarily the same as the source material, driven by the feelings of fear, self-loathing and jealousy of his brother’s powers. In exchange for helping awaken Ritsu’ abilities and lend him some of his own Power, Dimple gets to chill and try to manipulate Ritsu/Mob like he usually does. I picked Pact of the Chain because having Dimple as both Ritsu’s familiar (probably using the Quasit stat block) and the patron of the pact is hilarious and in character. 
Serizawa (And Claw):
Claw in this setting is Tiamat/Dragon Cult run by Touichirou. Who is a polymorphed Red Dragon, masquerading as a human Wizard until the time to strike. Because....  with the name Claw and the obsession with world domination and ruling commoners, it’s too easy. It writes itself. Claw still functions as the initial primary antagonists, terrorizing Seasoning City and the surrounding kingdoms. 
The Ultimate 5 would be collection of Half-Dragon lieutenants working under Touichirou:
Shibata - White (physical fighter, likes to hunt, not the brightest)
Shimazaki - Black (Smart, sadistic, enjoys playing with his enemies)
Minegishi - Green (Cunning, happy to manipulate others (plants) to do their work for them)
Hatori - Blue  (.....electricity) 
Serizawa - Gold (Odd one out, gentle when removed from manipulation/delusion, very powerful)
This is where things get a little tricky, because in a campaign I would stat Serizawa as the NPC/Antagonist that he originally was. But the half-dragon stat block is not balanced or meant to be used for PCs.
So with the intention of using player character options as a base, that’s how we get Variant Human Draconic Sorcerer (Gold) for Serizawa. Just with some very very very obvious Draconic bloodline features. Sorcerer fits well, since Serizawa functions as a foil to Mob in many ways. Being a variant human means access to a free feat, and picking Elemental Adept (Fire) goes great with the fire aligned Gold Draconic Sorcerer. Serizawa is a blaster who hits hard and ignores resistances.
Backstory beats are the same: fear of himself, his powers, and hurting others again caused him to lock himself away until Touichirou comes knocking. He is manipulated by Claw and further sinks into delusions about his “rehabilitation/reintegration” to justify the acts of terrors he commits in Claw’s name. After the World Domination Arc he joins the Spirits and Such Adventuring Company as a repentant dragon cultist (with the Sorcerer stat block), and seeks to help others with his powers.
Tome is a friend of Mob’s and comes to idolize the adventuring work he does, and eventually Reigen. Artificers are basically the conspiracy theorists of the DnD world, and their abilities allow them to replicate thieves tools (Tome wishing to be like Reigen) and Alchemist allows for the throwing of potions (replicating the Salt Splash). Tome has an obsession with the extraplanar realms and spends her time trying to create something that will allow her to contact/visit them. 
So that’s a whole bunch of ideas I have bouncing around at the moment for this, I do have some concepts for Teru (either Tempest Cleric or Divine Soul Sorcerer), Shou (Draconic Sorcerer or Wildfire Druid UA) and some more characters as well. Thanks for asking about it anon!
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serenlyss · 5 years
Mob Psycho Fic Recs
I've been keeping track of some of my favorite finished and in-progress mp100 fics as I find them and figured I'd show them some love by linking them here! They come in no particular order or genre, just whichever I bookmarked last haha. If you"re looking for good mp100 fics be sure to check these out!
To Strike A Chord Author: Hino Rating: Teen Archive Warnings: None Completion Status: Complete Tags: platonic ritshou, mutual trauma, post world domination arc Summary: Ritsu visits Shou, feeling uneasy about his past. But he's not the only one. My Notes: Short and sweet, it touches on Shou and Ritsu’s mutual trauma from the World Domination arc and gives insight in the Suzuki family relationship before Touichirou decided to take over the world. Also Shou plays the guitar.
Of Cold Hands Reaching Author: UncannyCookie Rating: G Archive Warnings: None Completion Status: Complete Tags: terumob (can be read as platonic), angst, ptsd, trauma recovery, hurt/comfort, dissociation, miscommunication, post-mogami arc, slow burn Summary: After six months in Mogami's mind world that weren't even real anyway, Mob returns to his old life. Everything is fine. My Notes: A really interesting take on what Mob’s mind looks like after spending six months in Mogami’s fake world. It gets pretty real when discussing Mob’s dissociation and apathy about the whole thing but gets sweet at the end and has a happy ending. It’s introspective, which I really like, but has enough lighter moments in between that it doesn’t feel heavy constantly.
Delirium Author: Janekfan Rating: G Archive Warnings: None Completion Status: Complete Tags: serirei, pneumonia, hospitalization, guilt, smoking, depression, sel-harm, panic attacks, fever, sickfic, love, kissing, caretaking, misunderstandings, mental instability, flashbacks, unconsciousness Summary: Reigen questions himself. My Notes: Reigen decides to pick up smoking again as a coping mechanism and hides it from Serizawa. It goes into Reigen’s feelings of self-loathing and depressive tendencies that the manga only really touches on. It’s dreary pretty much throughout but does have a happy ending to end on a high note!
April Fools Author: SparkyFrootloops Rating: G Archive Warnings: None Completion Status: Complete Tags: dad reigen, good parent reigen, teru is reigen’s son, hijinks & shenanigans, pranks Summary:  Teruki gets to celebrate April Fools Day at his new home with Reigen. My Notes: This fic is short but so so funny and full of heart. Teru trying to prank Reigen, who he lives with in the context of the story, is hilarious and all the dialogue is just gold. I also really love Mob’s cameo in the second half. Just a solid found family comedy one-shot to lighten your mood and make you smile.
Broken, Repaired, New Author: GalacticConfectionist Rating: T Archive Warnings: None Completion Status: In Progress Tags: serirei, abuse, child abuse, domestic violence (all abuse is only implied/referenced, never shown), light angst, hurt/comfort, pining, good parent reigen, good brother reigen, original character but she’s really good Summary: “You’re a good kid” He said, ruffling his student’s hair. There’s a moment of quiet and Reigen sighs, “Mob, remember this. Guys who hit women are the biggest losers in the world.” Reigen’s sister comes to visit, shenanigans ensue. My Notes: I don’t usually go for fics with ocs in them since I don’t typically end up connecting with them but this is one of the rare exceptions! Reigen’s sister escapes her abusive husband with her daughter and goes to Reigen for help. She ends up staying with Serizawa and trying to set him up with her brother. Despite the references to abuse it’s actually a very lighthearted fic about wanting to make your friends happy and taking care of those you consider to be family. Misaki and Reigen’s sibling relationship is well-written and she has enough personality and motivation to make me invested in her situation. Just an all-around good read if you want to smile and feel happy.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! lol Author: marnies Rating: Not Rated Archive Warnings: None Completion Status: In Progress Tags: serirei, good parent reigen, good parent serizawa, sickfic, fluff, epic family moments Summary:  reigen and serizawa adopt teru and shou and move in together asmr My Notes: This fic is just a good time. It’s not too far in but still has enough content to be worth a read. It doesn’t take itself too seriously, but that’s the charm of it, and it comes across as humorous and lighthearted with its found family dynamics. Reigen and Serizawa are both clueless parents of their adopted sick kids and are just trying to help each other out.
The Space Between Author: sofia-estrella Rating: M (nsfw content in later chapters) Archive Warnings: None Completion Status: In Progress Tags: serirei, reigen pov, slow burn, coworkers to friends to lovers Summary: Reigen never expected Serizawa to stay. My Notes: A really nice fic about how Reigen and Serizawa’s relationship grows and evolves slowly as they spend more than a year together over the course of the narrative. Both Reigen and Serizawa are very in character and their relationship is approached with care and concern from both sides, which I think is very fitting for them! It does a good job of balancing soft character interaction with personal squabbles and drama, which makes for an interesting and entertaining read.
The Joy of Cooking (for a Family You Didn’t Know You Had) Author: pepperfield Rating: G Archive Warnings: None Completion Status: In Progress Tags: good parent reigen, background serirei, found family, unintentional parenthood, cooking, meddling kids, family fluff, food as a metaphor for love, getting together, light pining, 5+1 Summary: At first, it's easy. Mob likes takoyaki. This, Reigen can remember. When Teru moves in, things get a little more complex, but it's fine. He only has to feed one kid on a regular basis; he can handle this. But before he knows it, he's memorized all of Tome's favorite restaurants and he's keeping a stash of snacks in the office just in case Shou visits. This whole "family" business has gotten out of hand. My Notes: Good old dad Reigen taking care of his five unruly children. In this fic Teru lives with Reigen and everyone else is just along for the collective ride. It’s a 5+1 fic about Reigen cooking/buying food for the kids as a way to show he cares about them. It’s really cute and shows how much Reigen cares about the esper boys and Tome after all is said and done in the manga.
On Revelations and Renovations Author: mustdang100 Rating: G Archive Warnings: None Completion Status: In Progress Tags: good parent reigen, reigen adopts teru, background serirei, hurt/comfort, adoption, fluff and humor, 5+1 Summary: “I’m really sorry to bother you, but, ah, I don’t suppose that offer to stay at your place for the night was still an option?” Five times Reigen got called a 'dad,' and one time he called himself one - a vignette-style fic on how Teruki grows up and Reigen acquires a family in the days, months, and years following the World Domination arc. My Notes: Teru decides to stay with Reigen after all following the world domination arc, and then never leaves. It’s a super cute and fun fic about found family dynamics between all the main cast, but specifically Reigen and Teru. Teru and Reigen’s banter is well-written and funny, and the whole concept and execution is really charming and fun to ready.
A Real (Psychic) Conman Author: Trinz Rating: T Archive Warnings: None Completion Status: In Progress Tags: esper!reigen, empath!reigen, swearing, reigen centric Summary:  An AU where Reigen actually is the 21st century's greatest psychic- or at least the second, or third, or maybe fourth- the point is that he’s an esper and his "I'm so powerful I can hide my aura" thing is... actually true. My Notes: This is one of my current favorite fics. I read it all over the course of like two days up to its current chapter and I’m in love with the author’s psychic Reigen concept. It follows the canon storyline with some divergence to account for Reigen actually having powers, and really paints him in a different light. It also has an air of mystery with its over-arching plot that, seventeen chapters in, still has only been hinted at, but the real star of the fic is the way a psychically powered Reigen interacts with Mob, Ritsu, and Dimple and the creative ways the author incorporates his powers of telepathy and empathy. Really creative and a super fun long read if you want a longer story!
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shoezuki · 5 years
So this is the second time im writin this shit out but. I been thinkin a shou n ritsu bein nonbinary A Lot so im gonna write it again but uh
Heres some nonbinary shou n ritsu hcs cuz why not
Shou his Whole Damn Life was Very defiant of any like. Gender based expectations and the 'girls do this guys do that' bullshit
Didnt have any support from his parents. Didnt know the Vocabulary for how he was feelin, his identity
You Know touichirou wouldnt know Any trans terms and identities fuck that cishet
Shou always Knew he wasnt a boy. More in a sense of 'im just shou' and leavin it at that most his childhood. He had other things to worry about
Wasny until after the world domination arc that shou Really had the mental space and time to consider himself more
Hes never been Uncomfortable being seen as a boy, per se. More because He knows who he is, hes sure of himself, thats what matters
He doesnt fuck w labels. Doesnt give a shit what pronouns r used for him. Just refers to himself as Nonbinary cuz he doesnt Feel like hed need to fit himself into a more specific label, that his gender or how he Feels bout it changes
At some point just got used to doing 'boy' things cuz thats what touichirou expected of him and like. Was Very Adamant on shou 'acting like a boy'
One day shou is just hanging out post wd arc, and he is just like 'wait a fucking second'
Queue shou having a pink phase. Hair pink. Nails always painted. All kinds of sparkly hair clips. Makeup and skirts. He starts messin round w what he wants to wear and how he wants to present himself and expression
Doesnt consider himself to be Masculine or Feminine. He doesnt fuck w that. What he wears and does is just Things he Likes. Him wearin skirts isnt Girly. Or him wearin scuffed up sneakers isnt Boyish. Its Him
As i said before. Pronouns are Whatever. But serizawa has had to calm shou doen Many times if someone specifically refers to him as a 'boy' or a 'girl'. He is willing to get into scraps for that without a doubt
Serizawa and later Ritsu are the Only ones to really Know hes nonbinary
Moreso he just doesnt care or ser a point in like. Explicitly Coming Out to ppl. He things its unnecessary. So if its not brought up casually, he says nothing bout it
OH and shou didnt come out to ritsu until like. Two months into them dating
And it was like. A Realization one day. That ritsu Probably thinks he's dating a boy. Esp since ritsu is gay. And that Bothers Him
Ofc hes not gonna like. Let it Show that it bothers him
So the whole Coming Out thing was nasically like. They were having one of their Videogame Nights. Its late as all hell. Ritsu is gettin his ass kicked half asleep beside a rabid shou.
Hou just blurts out like 'oh by the way im not a boy im nonbinary so like. Yeah'
Shou voice: oh cool thats out and done cool
Ritsu voice: wait a second hold on hold on HIM TOO????
And like. Ritsu fuckin Freezes. Absolutely shocked. Pauses the game and looks at shou like "oh my god im not a boy either"
Queue a lot of screaming, loud yellin, things flying round the room, ritsu's parents losin their shit, the works
For ritsu being nb and Realizin hes nb was really different
He knew from the get go he wasnt a girl. As soon as he could he rejected 'girly' things and bein labeled as a girl
His family, as Soon As he said 'im not a girl', they were like 'oh okay son :)' and supported him
But like. Even tho ritsu was definitely more comfortable w masculinity n being seen as and called a Boy it still didnt 100% feel right
But again. Motherfuckers dont talk bout nonbinary genders (assholes....) so he didnt have the Words to say how he was feelin. Plus trying to argue that No he Wasnt a boy completely would get his parents confused
It seemed to him it was Either youre a Boy or a Girl so he chose boy.
Even when he looked into it himself, never really Vocalized his identity. Wouldnt even refer to himself as nonbinary in privacy. Didnt come out to his parents or brother
Ritsu is a demiboy, altho im not 100% sure on what identity and amd considerin maybe he'd be bigender? Hmmmm
He Did put a lot of thought into it. More so like 'im going to do this and wear that and express myself like this when i move out' kind of thinking
Like. He put A Lot of thought into his gender
Doesnt mind being seen as a boy. Its more comfy. He goes by he/him and they/them.
When shou came out to him it was the Wildest thing for them. Ritsu never knew anyone else to be nonbinary. Shou technically knew minegishi but he couldnt hold a convo w them without staring at their lack of eyebrows and gettin weirded out by it
'So if youre gay And nonbinary does that mean you only like other nonbinary people? Or like. Is that how you found me ritsu? You were drawn in by my wicked good looks and nonbinary vibes?' Ritsu, who has spent nights awake wondering just this 'i like boys and nonbinary ppl dipshit'
They really help each other open up about their genders. Like shou becomes more vocal about Not Being A Boy, even if its just w jokes. And ritsu feels so much more at ease. Somethin about havin the fact that Hes Nonbinary exist somewhere else outside of Just his mind is warm feeling
Gender Talks between them contain a lot of 'oh my god ME TOO' and 'oh wow same???'
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tomezatos · 5 years
assorted thoughts after bingewatching anime world domination arc again
I think Shigeo’s perceptiveness and maturity is something that is often glossed over in his portrayal in fanworks? which is a oddly worded way of saying he is very good at connecting with and sympathizing with other people, and he has gained an understanding of feelings and relationships and personal development in a way most other characters in the show have never expressed
idk I just love him :)
also on the topic of shige I think it is very Neat how intense he gets sometimes. not as in “I think it’s chill that he is pushed this far” but as in “sometimes his lines are extremely metal and it rocks”
shigeo: *glares* / shimazaki: *immediately runs away*
moving on, I found two more fun parallels between teru and ritsu! they are not important parallels I just think they are cool. riteru canon. maybe someday I will learn to do gifs so I can compare
I never actually noticed hatori’s aura before but oh my GOD it is aesthetic. hatori says gay terrorist rights!
why are the girls never relevant smh. one give mezato and tsubomi more screentime I miss them. all this stuff is going on and they didn’t even get to DO anything that is SO dumb
speaking of girls, I’m am still yelling over REI!!! rei is here and she is still great!!!!! I think that bit where asahi and hoshino were worried about teru and rei goes “oh actually he texted me a while ago I’ve had his email this whole time haha” is pretty funny. she just forgot to mention it WHOOPS
also! I’m glad she was able to help with her powers!! I think her clairvoyance is very cool and the fact that she was able to sense shimazaki before he appeared might actually indicate that she’s been training her power too? it seems like she’s improved! please god I just want to know more about rei... my girl... Please
the flying car is still so funny. mob said YEET
actually I may love rei in particular but I think all the awakening lab kids are good! their interactions with teru make me happy! he is their friend and they are each other’s friends and I am going to cry
shou is very good. no I will not elaborate. he is just good
I hate his dad though
loser. dipstick. stop attacking middle schoolers you absolute shard of an ugly, shattered vase
toichirou is... he’s like the leftovers of the universe. awful.
nobody likes you go home!!
OH!!!!! also I LOVE president musashi he may not have known what was going down but he was STILL willing to put himself at risk to protect his friend, kageyama!!!!!!! the whole body improvement club is just full of genuinely good people, really!!!!!!!!! I love them!!!!!!!! FIGHT ON YOU FUNKY JOCKS!!!!!!!!!
still sad they cut so much of this arc... teru’s fight scene in the manga showed off some of his tactical skill and cleverness. before that scene, most of his previous fights only served to hammer in his pure strength and his capability for learning new powers after barely having seen them. both of which are admirable qualities, but very different things from actual intelligence DURING battle.
the fight between him and the ex-seventh division versus shimazaki did serve to illustrate the same strengths, which is fine, but I still really liked the other fight! it was really cool! I get why they cut it but it would’ve been nice to see animated, you know
“say old man, you ever been tortured before?”
speaking of some other things they cut that I can cope with but still would’ve really liked to see: mob squirting the guy in the face with a can (very funny), the dimple mob fight (cool), the “battery” line (somewhat unnerving)
overall I love this arc and I am now so hyper I am not going to think about anything else for a week but. needs more girls. where are the girls one? bones? work something out I will kill for the girls to have relevance
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cutelootsuit · 5 years
Please, tell us more about Serizawa in your au
OK!! HES MY FAV TO TALK ABOUT i put in so much effort into him in this au!!!
Serizawa in this au locked himself in his room because he was being continuously being used by peers for his angel abilities like causing good luck and small miracles to happen to others around him (ace a test, find money, ect)   
He trusts toichiro because he’s the first (fallen) angel he sees, and he doesn’t believe that an angel of any kind could use him like that
Because he locked himself in his room, he hasn’t flyed in years!!! He hasn’t stretched out his wings and is SUPER out of practice so he flies like a chicken
INSTEAD of teaching him how to fly again, toichiro tells him that his wings are damaged permanently; he bandages up his wings and tells him if he ever wants to fly he would need to use a umbrella to keep him afloat
Mob, teru and shou help teach serizawa to fly after the world domination arc (ritsu doesn’t join because he’s still new on the wings thing)
Later he can fly anywhere he wants!! He can even carry reigen places!! 
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marinsawakening · 5 years
hey anyone wants to hear about the MP100 Lieat AU that I’ve spent way too much time developing? No? Well too fucking bad here it is:
Reigen is the Theo equivalent, obviously. He’s a licensed private investigator who also happens to be a conman pretending to be a dragon with the ability to read minds travelling from town to town looking for money. One day, he wakes up and finds a dragon egg under his bed, and soon has to deal with actual dragon Mob looking up to him for guidance.
The power Reigen pretends to have is less telepathy and more empathy. He generally keeps his explanations vague enough that it’s hard for people to get a good grasp on the limitations of his ‘power’, making conning them easier, but in essence, he says he has the ability to read people’s emotions and intentions to a very high degree of accuracy. Which is true, it’s just not magic. 
The wish Mob was born from was made when Reigen had been run out of town after being exposed as a con for like, the seventh time in a row, and he was pretty done with it, and it made him wish his lies could just disappear. Que Mob.
idk this is subject to change bc it should maybe be a Bit More Serious, but I’m not giving Reigen Theo’s tragic backstory so I’m not sure how to go about this yet.
Reigen generally doesn’t feel guilty when lying to people, which is why his lies don’t manifest for Mob. However, over the course of his time with Mob, he slowly started to feel more and more guilty for lying to him, but he suppresses it, letting everything build up inside him. This is obviously going to backfire sooner or later.
Mob is Efi, a young dragon (about a year and a half old) with the ability to eat lies. Although he is quite powerful, he has little control over his powers and dislikes fighting, so he attempts to use them at little as possible. Unfortunately, since he does need to eat, and since his abilities are very useful to Reigen, he still ends up using them quite a bit, but nevertheless, he’s still pretty small and functionally the equivalent of a human 14-year-old.
For a reason he doesn’t know, he can’t make Reigen’s lies manifest. This confuses him quite a bit, especially after figuring out that Reigen isn’t a dragon and therefore doesn’t have any magic to counteract him. It sort of worries him, but since this is his norm, he figures it might just be a limit of his power.
He knows Reigen isn’t a dragon and figured it out about three to six months into his existence. However, he hasn’t told Reigen that he knows.
In this AU, Mob’s tendency to suppress his emotions/emotionless exterior is because a) he’s autistic and has flat effect, b) he’s autistic and has alexithymia, and c) when he gets emotional his powers go haywire, which he’s scared of. 
I’m not sure yet if ???% is a thing that exists in this AU, but if he does, he’s probably going to some kind of lie ooze monster.
I’m also thinking of maybe giving him an extra power, namely the power to control the lie monsters, since I feel like that would make him suitably overpowered. 
Ritsu is a human(?) kid that Mob picked up after his first job. Ritsu’s parents were murdered, and Mob decided that he deserved good parents, and since Reigen is a good parent, Mob dragged Ritsu with him and Reigen really had no way of protesting.
The three of them travel through towns looking for work and solving mysteries, and I currently have about three to four arcs planned out, More details about those and Ritsu + some other characters in this AU under the cut. 
About Ritsu:
The murder of Ritsu’s parents was the first real job of Mob and Reigen. Ritsu hired Reigen after learning he was supposedly a dragon, because the police weren’t making any progress in solving the murders. It worked out fine since Mob was able to make the killer’s lies manifest and get them caught. During the investigation him and Ritsu bonded and Mob forced Reigen to adopt Ritsu.
Ritsu hates Reigen’s guts, because he recognizes that the man is a con and is pretty livid at him for a) lying to Mob and b) taking up the investigation into Ritsu’s parents’ murders by getting Ritsu to hire him under false pretenses, which yes, that worked out fine, but only thanks to Mob; he could’ve easily gotten the wrong guy arrested just bc he didn’t want to fess up to his lies. In Ritsu’s eyes, Reigen is a selfish asshole with no regard for others using Mob for his own means. He stays with Reigen because he feels responsible for Mob, and also because he has literally nowhere else to go, though he won’t admit that last part.
Ritsu has something of an inferiority complex, believing he brings little to the family because of his lack of powers or even any special skills (like Reigen has), and overcompensates by being unnaturally polite and helpful.
This eventually leads to him subtly lying to Mob and Reigen about his feelings, but since it’s not something Ritsu admits to himself is a lie and it’s more a lie of omission than a real blatant lie anyway, this doesn’t really manifest as a monster and instead just becomes ooze. Ritsu can usually clean it up before anyone sees it, but even if they do, Mob can’t properly figure out what it is or where it came from, so nobody traces it to Ritsu, and so he continues to hide it. 
This will eventually reach a breaking point where Ritsu is consumed by the ooze and Mob can’t really save him anymore because he has trouble eating the slippery oozy lies. Saving Ritsu required the combined efforts of Mob eating whatever lies he could and giving pep talks, and Reigen talking to Ritsu, for the first time admitting to him that yes, he lies to them as well, and that he has similar feelings of self hatred and understands what he’s going through, and that he’s sorry for not noticing what Ritsu was going through, and just generally being completely honest with Ritsu (and Mob) for the first time since meeting him. 
This eventually leads Ritsu to the realization that he’s essentially doing the same as Reigen; hiding his true self because he’s afraid of what people will think of him, and instead using lies to entice people to stay, and this realization is what makes him understand that he can’t keep lying. He knows that Reigen’s way of living is unsustainable, so his must be as well. This realization is what’s needed to finally make him able to break away from the ooze, and have it properly manifest as lies, which Mob then eats. 
This incident improves Ritsu’s relationship with Reigen. While he still doesn’t like him and has justifiable issues with the guy, he does understand him a little better now and sees him as a person rather than a 2D asshole, and makes him believe Reigen has the capacity for change. 
Yes, this is probably going to be something of a combination of the ???% arc and the Big Clean Up arc.
Ritsu may or may not be a dragon. Everyone (including himself) is under the impression that he’s human, but I’m debating whether it’d be interesting if he later turned out to be a dragon, as a parallel to canon.
I also have the basic idea for the world domination arc, so have some characters:
Touichiriou. He is the captain of the police, a human presiding over the dragon department and many crime investigations. He was appointed because the higher ups wanted a human influence on the dragons. Unbeknownst to everyone, he’s still a dickhead bitch who is planning world domination, and he’s grooming the dragons in the department’s care to be his personal army. This eventually leads to this AU’s version of the World Domination Arc.
He and the family have quite a bit of run-ins, because Reigen & Co keep getting tangled up in crimes he’s investigating. He and Reigen do NOT get along, but since Reigen’s technically not committing any crimes, Touichirou doesn’t have an excuse to arrest him. That didn’t stop him from trying once, but Serizawa interfered and Reigen was free to go. Touichirou hasn’t tried it again, since that could attract serious attention, but boy oh howdy is he bad at disguising his hatred.
Touichirou realized pretty quickly after meeting Reigen that he wasn’t actually a dragon, because that’s not an act you can keep up for very long when people actually know a thing or two about dragons. Touichirou knows that Mob is a dragon and he wants him so bad. Mob is very powerful and his abilities could be extremely useful for someone who is planning to be a dictator. Unfortunately for him, everything points towards Reigen being a good caretaker of Mob, and since it’s department policy to not separate dragons from their humans if they don’t want to be separated and aren’t in danger, his hands are tied. It’s one of the primary reasons he hates Reigen so much, and why he tried to have him arrested.
Mob doesn’t really care much for Touichirou, but doesn’t necessarily think he’s a bad guy either, just thinks he’s kind of rude and very no nonsense. Ritsu is somewhat suspicious of him, first because Ritsu is suspicious of everyone, and later because he has more interaction with Shou, and although he doesn’t necessarily see any immediate reason to think Touichirou might be up to no good, having your best friend tell you to keep your brother away from his ‘father’ is not something you forget. Ritsu does not tell Reigen or Mob about this, because he doesn’t want Mob to worry, and because he trusts Reigen about as far as he can throw him. 
Serizawa is a dragon who is nominally Touichirou’s second in command/co-captain, like Brett is to Neil, but in practice, he defers to Touichirou entirely. He is a lot like his Claw self, and is being manipulated by Touichirou.
Serizawa was taken out of the care of his human pretty much as soon as he was born, as his human was scared of his power and kept him locked up in a small room, and called the police to pick him up as soon as she realized she didn’t know what to do with him. He was one of the first dragons placed under Touichirou’s care, and has latched onto him because he had no one else. 
He’s being manipulated, obviously, but doesn’t really realize that the way Touichirou treats him isn’t normal, since he spent so much of his life around him and no one else. He’s slowly starting to suspect something might be wrong after seeing how Reigen treats Mob (i.e. just like a human being), but he’s deep in denial. 
Serizawa’s power is energy manipulation; he can manipulate energies electricity and warmth to form ‘barriers’ that basically roast whatever comes through and attack people with explosions of power or targeted electrocution/overheating. He was most likely born out of a wish to get electricity to become warm, after the electricity in his human’s house stopped working during a snowstorm. 
He’s about five years old in literal years, but about the equivalent of a 30-year-old human, since he’s used his powers quite a lot.
Serizawa and Reigen befriend each other, though Serizawa tries to pretend this isn’t true because Touichirou would murder him. However, they get along very well, and Reigen tries to tell Serizawa to get some self esteem and not let Touichirou treat him like shit, but Reigen doesn’t really realize what’s actually going on and it really doesn’t work for that reason. 
Eventually, during the final battle, he’ll turn on Touichirou to save a bunch of the kid dragons (the Awakening Lab kids) in the department’s care, who would’ve otherwise died from overexerting their powers. He takes over Touichirou’s place at the force, afterwards, and slowly grows into his own.
Shou is a dragon born out of Touichirou’s wish to have someone who would be capable of doing all the sneaky things Touichirou himself can’t do. He has the power of invisibility as a result, and Touichirou frequently sends him on ‘errands’ that are mainly just missions to steal stuff or infiltrate something or another to get information. He’s working to take Touichirou down.
Shou is still very young, only about six months old, but has grown almost as much as Mob has due to his very frequent use of his power. In fact, he uses it so frequently, he’s permanently of the verge of overusing it, and he’s always in danger of dying of it. He’s not planning on stopping anytime soon though, not until he’s taken Touichirou down.
It took Shou about three months to realize what a douchebag Touichirou was, mainly because Shou read some of the comics lying around for the young dragons, and realized that the people who try to take over the world are usually not the good guys. 
Because Shou’s moral system mainly comes from comic books, it’s very black and white, and very oversimplified. He realizes murder is bad, but doesn’t quite understand why, so he even though he doesn’t kill, he still frequently goes too far à la the Kageyama House Fire. He thinks his father is the ultimate evil, and because Shou opposes him, he must be a hero. This mindset doesn’t lend itself to more complex understandings of morality, but that’s to be expected, growing up with a dad like that. It’s kind of a miracle his moral compass is this good.
Shou met the family not long after realizing his dad was a bitch, and immediately related to Ritsu, because Ritsu was complaining about having to deal with a parental figure who lies and manipulates him and his brother and uses him and his brother for his own gain, and Shou immediately went “!!!! same hat!” This led him to project his own negative emotions towards his father onto Reigen, which hasn’t been conductive towards their relationship. He gets along okay with Mob, but frequently gets annoyed with him because, in his eyes, he’s incapable of seeing how Reigen uses him and it reminds him of Serizawa.
Doesn’t like Serizawa, because he’s annoyed by his yes man attitude, and doesn’t really understand that some people react to abuse and manipulation differently than he does.
Shou spends a lot of time sowing the seeds of unrest and rebellion within the dragon police. That’s how he met Fukuda, Higashi, and Ootsuki in this AU; they’re dragon officers who agreed to work with Shou.
One of the main reasons Reigen hates and distrusts Touichirou (aside from clashing personalities and the whole getting arrested thing) is that Reigen is aggressively not on board with the way he treats Shou. While Touichirou obviously doesn’t let people know that Shou does spy stuff, he does frequently bring Shou along with investigations and has him work for the police, and it’s clear that he doesn’t see him as a kid, but rather as an employee at best and a tool at worst. Mob and Ritsu don’t really pick up on how wrong it is, because they’re kids and they have some difficulty grasping the nuances in this situation, but Reigen, as an adult, can see how Touichirou treats Shou completely inappropriately for a child, and he’s Not Having It. 
He suspects that Touichirou may actually be abusive and not just a dickhead, but he doesn’t have any evidence, and since the way he treats Shou isn’t illegal or anything (and even if it was, what’s he gonna do? call the police?), his hands are tied. He does try to get Shou to talk to him, subtly trying to figure out exactly how far Touichirou’s dickishness goes, but Shou trusts him about as far as he can throw him and is unresponsive.
A large part of his arc is going to be learning to be a kid and recovering from everything. It’s mostly going to take place after Touichirou’s defeat, though it starts during it, when Reigen jumps into the fight to try and kick Touichirou’s ass in his place because he doesn’t these fucking kids fighting, damnit. That was a moment of revelation for him, pretty much, and his opinion of Reigen approves afterwards, and so he agrees to travel with him, Mob, and Ritsu.
(Obviously the kicking-ass-thing doesn’t go all that well, and Serizawa and maybe Mob have to jump in to help him, but hey, it’s the thought that counts.)
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gumy-shark · 1 month
Looks at you with my big ol eyes. Do you have any thoughts on Ritsu in world domination arc.
skye you Know i have thoughts on ritsu in the world domination arc.
like the ritsu vs shimazaki fight. where he acknowledges that he Could join claw but it wouldn’t be as fun. bc ritsu doesn’t want to win, he wants to fight for something. to want something and struggle and fight for it. to put everything he has into something and have his efforts pay off. how both and shimazaki’s goals are to have fun, but ritsu’s idea of fun is doing something that will better himself and shimazaki’s fun is just hurting people and making things worse for others around him.
(was gonna say more but then got distracted by thinking about the shou-toichirou-mob confrontation and how ritsu said to shou “i’ve been afraid for a long time that my brother will start hurting people, and that’s what your dad is doing right now- i’m doing everything i can to help you stop him to prove to myself that i can stop my brother when the time comes” and then ritsu couldn’t even stop shimazaki and shou couldn’t stop toichirou. but mob understood shou’s fear more than toichirou did and acknowledged ritsu’s fear of him too. and the way shou looked at him when he said that. and then it was shigeo who stopped toichirou and shigeo who stopped himself.)
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breezy-cheezy · 6 years
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~~Mob Psycho 100 Daemon AU Moodboards~~
This took...forever to finish out. And it’s already long enough, I’m not gonna do full on analysis here ^^;;; But I will put down the characters with their Daemon names! 
Mob’s daemon, Yuhinagiku (Yuhi for short) settles as a tanuki either at the end of the Mogami arc or the end of the series as a whole. Mob tends to be quiet, easy-going and emotionally guarded (to keep his powers in check), while Yuhi is his more emotional, caring and dedicated side.
Ritsu’s soul, Sahimawari (Sahi), settles as a Siberian Mountain cat sometime after his rescue from claw, when his relationship with Mob heals and he learns so much more about himself in the process. Ritsu tends to be more quiet and driven, while Sahi shows his more expressive, caring, and somewhat dramatic side.
Reigen has a Common Raven soul named Suligwenyth (Gwen). Their relationship seems a little strained at the beginning of the series, but as he becomes more truthful, both with who he is and with others, their bond grows much stronger. Also having a raven as a daemon hanging around Spirits and Such adds so much to the atmosphere, yes? Reigen kinda represents his whole showman persona, being charismatic, opportunistic, and a little manipulative and prone to bluffing. Gwen represents his more caring, innovative and introspective side. There’s alot of snarky banter between the two :)
Teru and Etialya like to put on quite the show together. Before meeting Mob she took very fearsome forms (alligators, larger birds of prey, badgers, wolves, etc.) to continuously establish themselves as the strongest of all. Until they fought Mob. They worked harder to really find themselves after that, Eti taking smaller more humble forms...I think it’s around the world domination arc, where he’s charged with leading and protecting all those espers that Teru settles more as a wild boar. She’s not humble. They’re PROUD of who they are! And they will do all they can to help those important to them...sometimes to the point they don’t know when to stop. Teru is more sympathetic, optimistic, and a little cautious, while Etialya is more assertive, competitive, and adventurous.
Shou and Loinnirá are very close. He settled more quickly than most kids...having a power hungry (sort of abusive) father causes one to grow up fast. With how driven and energetic he is, Nira took many smaller forms to keep up with her other half, ranging from otters (yes I originally typed him as an otter but THEN), squirrels, dragonflies, etc. One day, around when Shou set his goal to take down his father to save the world, Nira settled as an Italian Honey Bee. He worries about how fragile she is, but she doesn’t let that slow her down in any way. Shou is the more openly engaging, active, and goal driven half, while Loinnirá displays his more calculating, judgmental, dutiful side. She’s found tucked in the folds of his jackets more often than not, but he does sometimes keep her in a protective case on a necklace or a case strapped to his belt. She also loves to nestle in bigger daemons’ fur and feathers, especially Kosa and Sahi.
Serizawa has a Burmese Mountain Dog soul named Fuukosame. In his days hiding and restraining his power under the umbrella, Kosa would curl up as small as possible to be as unintimidating as she could. People scare them so much, and they lean on each other quite a bit. After the world domination incident, though, and setting his umbrella aside, it takes Kosa awhile to stop slouching when she walks, unconsciously still trying to appear smaller than she is. After awhile of working for Reigen at Spirits and Such, they’re more confident in themselves and those around them, and Kosa can run and play freely. They still remain very jumpy individuals. Serizawa is more cautiously trusting, sensitive, and willing to try new things in the right conditions, while Fuukosame is very much his paranoid, protective, anxious side. Those who manage to gain their trust, however, earn their loyalty for life. 
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gittetj · 6 years
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I was looking for something else in the comic and came across this page and it just struck me how clearly it communicates something I've thought about a lot of times - that Shou doesn't just see an ally in Ritsu, he is very heavily projecting all his own problems onto him.
Shou saw this boy during the 7th Branch arc, quickly picked up on him radiating ABUSIVE FAMILY ISSUES (amplified by the fact that Ritsu was extra nervous around Mob after he found out about Ritsu's new hobby of beating people up in dark alleyways), and just decided that this was someone like himself, maybe the only person he's ever met who might be able to understand him, so of course he's not going to let that go. That in itself is fine, and it's mutual too - Ritsu later flat out tells Shou that he finds him relatable. Ritsu also needed to know that he was not alone in order to progress, but the difference between him and Shou is that Ritsu isn't assuming anything about Shou, he knows they're not really the same even though they have things in common. Ritsu isn't convinced that he has any right to say how Shou should handle his family situation, he's just supporting him in what Shou has already decided: That he needs to stop his dad.
Meanwhile this page is nothing but Shou telling Ritsu how he should think and feel about his own "abuser", because clearly Shou has figured out the only right way to handle a situation like this. He's assuming that Ritsu has also lived with some kind of family tyrant, that Mob must have purposely hurt Ritsu like Shou's dad has hurt him, and that the same problem solving can be applied to stopping it. He's assuming all kinds of things based on basically nothing but Ritsu's anxious behavior and the fact that Mob is very powerful. His insistence that Ritsu should know he's better than his brother? That's likely something Shou has told himself many, many times. That's likely what has kept him going while setting up his plan to ruin Touichirou's world domination schemes, and what cemented his honestly pretty naive belief that he could beat his dad in a fight. The thing about feeling inferior? Probably also something Shou has had to struggle with as growing up changed his view on his dad from being someone worth looking up to, to being both an embarrassment and someone to be feared, thereby dragging Shou down because he sees it as his responsibility to keep his dad in check.
There are just so many assumptions. In Shou's mind of course Ritsu will understand and help even though Shou just kidnapped him, because they're practically the same! (That that particular plan actually worked is wild, but that's a different story.) And of course Ritsu will be able to hold his own against a bunch of adult espers, because he's tough and clever just like Shou! And it breaks my heart when Mob saves Shou from being blasted to pieces by his dad and Shou assumes it's Ritsu, because I think he wanted so badly to believe that if he couldn't take Touichirou down himself, then at least someone like Ritsu could do it instead. I don't think it ever really occured to him before that anyone not exactly like himself would be willing to stand up for him in that way.
Projecting this hard onto someone is not... good. This makes it hard for me to imagine any friendship happening between Shou and Ritsu after the World Domination arc as a seamless and natural thing. Shou's overwhelming fascination with Ritsu is just kind of worrying and never shown to be returned.
Shou has shouldered far more responsibility than a kid his age should ever have to, but his perception of the world is often childish and self-centered and involves a lot of black and white thinking. At one point Touichirou calls him a spoiled brat, and in a way I think that's true. Shou has been used to ordering people around and thinking of himself as a leader, but giving people orders about what they should think and feel doesn't exactly make for a good basis for establishing positive relationships with other people.
There's no silver lining to this, it's just me thinking, as I've done many times, that Shou's gonna have a hard time adjusting to being a regular kid.
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otterplusharchive · 6 years
Hey there! I've been wondering smth for a while, and since I follow you and I know you've read the MP100 manga, I think you're as good a person to ask as any. I've only seen the anime, and I'm excited for MP100 s2, but I wonder how far into the plotline do you think it will get? Based on how many chapters went into the first season, do you think the anime could wrap up the plot in another season? two seasons? more? I appreciate your perspective! Thx!
hey!!! im publishing this publicly bc i know that some of my cherished mp100 mutuals might want to weigh in on this/might have actual sources to add but if you want me to take it down just let me know!! from what weve seen from those flashes at the very end of the reigen ova along with screenshots of two rough storyboards from the studio it seems like season two of mp100 is going to end towards the very beginning of the world domination arc with the kageyamas house burning down and ritsu being whisked away to help shou. i remember in one of the storyboards i mentioned that it was of mob being in plants, so that suggests that at least one of the episodes is going to center around the chapter where mob and reigen go to a farm and fight a spirit thats controlling plants. that chapter is... right around the mogami arc... and the mogami arc is before the world domination arc so it seems like were going to maybe have an episode or two of different chapters of mob and reigen solving cases before getting into the heavier stuff with mogami and then wrapping up and heading into the world domination arc.personally i dont think that mp100 could be wrapped up in just two seasons and i think that it could maybe tell its whole story with all of its arcs in four seasons?? again thats just my personal guess work and if anyone wants to add their own thoughts or sources feel free to!!!
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mustdang-100 · 7 years
Shifting Perspectives - Ch. 7
Shou and Teru have a sleepover. Reigen gets some excercise.
How many espers does it take to rescue one abducted conman?
Months after the events of the World Domination arc, Reigen disappears sometime between leaving the office and after-work plans. Serizawa finds himself the unwilling leader of a bunch of former Claw members and a couple of stubborn teenagers, determined to get Reigen back.
On AO3: <http://archiveofourown.org/works/11091201/chapters/31009659>
Tumblr: Ch.1|Ch.2|Ch.3|Ch.4|Ch.5|Ch.6|Ch.7 - below
Teru double-checked that Shou was indeed pointing at the nondescript office building directly in front of them before turning back to him in astonishment.
“That’s the government facility?”
“Yep. Tricky bastards, aren’t they?”
The building was one among dozens smack in the middle of Spice City’s main financial district, where the government had clearly chosen to hide their operation in plain sight. A bold move, but with all the upheaval Spice City had experienced in recent months, Teru supposed it made sense for the government to have a base somewhere local.
Teru crossed his arms, looking up at the shadowy form of the building. Despite a night sky clear of clouds, the sliver of crescent moon above provided very little light. There wasn’t a single sign, whether truthful or disguise, to indicate the purpose of the building to a random passersby. No window lights broke the uniform darkness stretching up above them, either, barring the chance for any useful movement indicators behind curtains or blinds. The building practically exuded unfriendliness and unwelcomeness.
This wasn’t really a surprise – Teru didn’t expect them to usher in trespassers for a cup of tea – but it didn’t make their objective any easier. He considered for a moment, ears pricking for any sounds beyond the rumbling and honking of cars, faded and distant at this late – or, perhaps, early – hour.
“Okay, we need a plan of action. How much do you know about this place? Have you been inside?” Teru tapped his chin. “Do you know how many espers they have? I’d imagine it’s more than just the one we saw in the video, especially if this is where they’re keeping your father. That means we’re going to have to-”
Teru turned to look at Shou. Or rather, the space formerly occupied by Shou, as Shou was no longer there.
“Yo, blondie. Follow me, we’re gonna attract attention if we stand around talking out here. Not exactly a normal place for two teenagers at four a.m.”
Teru followed the sound of Shou’s voice just in time to see his short figure disappear behind the corner. He followed Shou around the building, catching up just in time to see him stop before the front door of the building directly across the street from the rear side of the government facility. Shou dug a key card from his pocket and swiped it through a scanner; the door unlocked with a click that seemed too loud, echoing out on the dark street. Teru glanced nervously behind them, feeling suddenly as though they were being watched. He didn’t like having the shuttered government building at his back.
Shou, unhurried and unconcerned, trotted through the small, empty lobby and led him up to a vacant office space on the eighth floor. He ignored the ‘For Rent’ sign pasted at a slight angle to the door, and opened it easily with a second key from his pocket.
Teru cautiously inspected the wide, mostly-empty space inside, trying to shake off the uncomfortable feeling that their mission had suddenly slipped out of his control. However, he noted with interest the large windows conveniently overlooking the government facility below, which would make spying from this perch a simple matter.
“Hmm. How lucky for you, that this space just happened to be empty.”
Shou grinned. “Yes. Very lucky. Very lucky that the consultation business that was based here had a fit of ghostly interference right around the time I figured out where they were holding my pops.”
Teru couldn’t help but grin back. “Oh my. Must have been quite the serious haunting case to force them to move out. You know, I happen to part-time as an exorcist for an up and coming psychic corporation. Perhaps I could diagnose; what kind of spectral activity were they experiencing?"
“Oh, you know – important documents going missing, printers producing vaguely threatening messages directed to various employees, and the occasional ghastly wail coming from the bathroom. The usual kind of thing.” Shou opened a closet door, still smirking. “And for some reason, it always starts back up again as soon as anyone else tries to move in.”
Teru laughed.
The opened closet revealed a shelf stocked with a jumbled stash of nonperishable food. Shou ripped open a granola bar with his teeth and ate half of it in one bite before tugging a tangle of bedding and spare clothes from the lower shelf of the closet, dumping it on the ground. He spread a sleeping bag on the floor, then tossed a package of something freeze-dried on top of it to complete something like a meal, moving all the while with the careless confidence of routine. Teru was beginning to suspect Shou slept here very, very often.
Teru pulled a health bar of his own from his bag and leaned against the wall, tearing it open. “So, this is where you’ve been living?”
Shou paused in sorting through the pile of fabric to look up at him with narrowed eyes. “Only sometimes. I told you, I needed, I mean wanted, to know where my pops was being kept. Keep an eye on things.” Shou shrugged in a tight flex of shoulders, and turned to pull out a wrinkled t-shirt, sniffing it gingerly.
Teru frowned, mulling this as he chewed. “I still don’t see why you don’t just leave him to rot, he doesn’t deserve your continued interest – he’s not exactly the pinnacle of parental behavior. I.e., he kinda tried to kill us all- ohhhh, is that why?”
If Shou was keeping an eye on a potential threat… yes, that explanation made perfect sense to Teru.
“What? No… I mean kinda, but… Ugh .” Shou flopped back onto the sleeping bag. “Look. He was stupid, and horrible, and pretty much insane with power. I haven’t figured out what exactly drove him to the point of ‘I-am-so-powerful-I-must-therefore-be-the-best-in-the-world-and-thus-I-must-rule-it,’ because that’s so idiotic I couldn’t even begin to explain where that kind of thinking comes from – woah there, eat much? There’s some water in the closet, that’ll help with the coughing, breathe dude – but…”
He sighed, running a hand through his hair. Teru, still wheezing a little despite the water, occupied himself with very carefully examining the back of his own hand. His glittery purple nail polish had chipped on one finger. He mourned that he hadn’t packed that bottle so he could repair the damage, return the nail to its formerly pristine smoothness.
“I don’t know. It’s just, there was that fight with Ritsu’s brother, and some of the things he said after, and then he… he gave up , he, he let them lead him away. And he’s stayed . He doesn’t have to, I’m pretty sure he could break out if he wanted, he definitely could have at the beginning. But he’s staying locked up, like he deserves, like he owes to, to everyone, to society. He’s like… paying his dues, I guess. And it just… it makes me wonder, ya know? If he’s changing. If he’s reconsidering…”
Shou made an angry, frustrated noise, almost a growl. “But I don’t want to fall in the same trap I did before, when I confronted him! I was naïve enough to think he was still capable of change, before, when I didn’t know just how fucking insane, and how powerful, he was. But Mom says he didn’t used to be that way… And if he could change once, then maybe...”
Teru’s mind was roiling, burning with a need to explain… what exactly, he still couldn't formulate. So he chomped on his tongue and said nothing. The silence stretched.
Shou sat up straight in a sudden, swift movement. “Let’s just say, I’m curious, and leave it at that. Now would you leave it alone? I thought you wanted to get Reigen out, not pry into every little bit of my life. Next thing you’re gonna be asking me what my favorite color is.” He grinned, too brightly. “It’s red, by the way.”
Teru rolled his eyes, all too happy to end this conversation that had wandered into places he didn’t want to think about too closely. “Yeah, okay. So, what do you know about this place?”
“I’ve snuck inside once or twice. I made a drawing of the basic layout; or at least, the important parts. It’s around here somewhere, in the closet probably.” Shou stretched, then curled up in the sleeping bag. “I have some ideas, but let’s deal with it tomorrow. First, we sleep. I’m fucking exhausted.”
“Wait, what? But we’re so close!”
Shou snorted. “We are not , they've got all kinds of security in that place. We gotta think this through first.” He cracked an eye open, a pale blue slice staring Teru down. “We’re gonna do this smart, yeah? We know who has him, and where he probably is. No reason to rush it and fuck everything up now.”
Well. Teru could hardly argue with that without making himself seem irresponsible. And no one out-responsibled Teruki Hanazawa.
Shou grumbled when he realized that since Teru hadn’t intended to sleep until they found Reigen, he hadn’t packed anything to sleep on (“ That’s like, the most obvious thing. You’re slacking, oh Prepared One.” ). However, he did toss Teru what seemed to be the only pillow, and a giant blanket he must keep around for the winter months. Teru settled down to try and sleep for what remained of the night.
It wasn’t two minutes before Shou was snoring softly, a tuft of bright red hair the only thing visible from the nest he’d made of the sleeping bag. Teru gave up after half an hour of lying awake, staring at the ceiling. He pulled out his binoculars and examined the building below, but the dim light from the street lamps failed to reveal anything new from this angle. No sudden signs pointing conveniently to Reigen’s precise location, so that Teru could dash in, get Reigen safely back to Spirits & Such, and return everything to normal.
Shou turned over in his sleep and sighed. Teru glanced at him, a bit wistful. He uncrossed and re-crossed his legs, fighting the impulse to get up and pace. Instead, he forced his limbs to relax, hoping the twitchiness would fade on its own. He examined the empty office space again, first merely what he could see from that spot, and then jumping on the excuse of poking into the bathrooms and shadowy corners to get up and walk around. After a thorough examination, he sat back down on his blanket. He was immediately hit with the urge to check it all again.  
He slumped, pressing a hand to his face. By focusing on the mission and with Shou there to talk to, he’d been able to ignore or excuse his growing unease all day. But now he’d lost those foci, and could no longer ignore the issue without lying to himself.
Damn it. Fucking Claw.
Teru sighed, and finally acknowledged the irrational fears reawakened by Reigen’s abduction, which were never as buried as he liked to pretend. These were the fears of a hunted child, that had spawned habits of constant vigilance, and instant violence, and a push to grow skilled enough so that he would never have to worry about being a victim again. He’d be a hero like in the movies, made powerful -but unscathed- by his past. Or, so he’d thought.
Regardless, Claw was gone now, doomed by its own avarice. The monster that had conquered or devoured every esper it encountered, gorging itself on power and yet never reaching satiation, had finally run up against one who refused to be consumed. Shigeo had ripped the head from the beast, and Claw had crumbled to ash, its members defeated or reforged. Claw’s demise had brought Teru a peace he hadn’t realized he’d craved, and if he hadn’t owed Shigeo the world before…
‘…that’s so idiotic I couldn’t even begin to explain where that kind of thinking came from…’
Teru flinched. Shou had, without realizing it, just told him that his childhood boogieman was born from precisely the same ideas that he had once espoused to anyone who would stand still long enough. And given that he would make them stand still and listen, if necessary, that was quite a lot of people.
I’m not like that anymore, he told himself crossly. That’s the old me. I’m a different person now.
He wished he was as good at convincing himself as he was with everyone else.
Watching the building now, Teru couldn’t help but long for the reassurance of Shigeo’s immeasurable pool of power at his side. But then again, returning Shigeo’s master before he’d even noticed he was gone was a gift too good to pass up. Teru reassured himself once again that they’d certainly, definitely done the right thing by not telling him Reigen was gone. There was no reason he should feel guilty about not telling him. And there was certainly no reason why he should feel guilty that he wasn’t rushing in right now, right this very second, to get Reigen out. No reason at all; it was completely illogical.
Teru pulled his blanket over to the wall so that he could lean back, but didn’t have to lay all the way down, trying to trick his brain into relaxing enough to sleep. He watched the sky lighten, streaked with orange and red and pink, not a cloud in sight. The sun rose in jumps each time he opened his eyes from the light doze that was all he could manage, and Teru fought the inclination to wake up Shou just for the riot of complaints he knew would keep his own thoughts at bay.
“Ah, you’re awake. Good.”
Reigen turned to the door, interrupted mid-pace by the return of Nagata and the silent shadows of the guards.
As if you haven’t been watching me this whole time, you prick, he thought with irritation and a twinge of claustrophobia. He hadn’t quite been able to ignore the steadily blinking light of the camera ever since he’d woken up, groggy from either not enough sleep or too much. Without a phone, he had no idea how long he’d slept. Or even how long he’d been there.
I should probably wear a watch, he mused. All fancy businessmen wear watches, why haven’t I thought of this before. And then the next time I get abducted, I’ll be prepared -”
Reigen blinked. Nagata was staring at him, looking slightly miffed that Reigen wasn’t hanging on his every word.
“I said, I’m curious why you didn’t bother changing?”
They both looked at the set of fatigues, still folded neatly on the desk where Reigen had found them upon waking up.
“Forgive me, but I would have assumed you’d want to change out of the clothes you’d been wearing for almost two days. I'm sorry if they’re not quite to your… exacting tastes,” a sideways glance at Reigen’s cheaply-made and slightly-too-large suit, “but I’m afraid the only other spare clothing we have are prisoners’ jumpsuits. I thought you might prefer this…?”
He sounded almost wounded that his ‘gift’ had been rejected. Reigen fought not to roll his eyes. Yet he was startled to hear he’d only been here for a couple of days – it felt much longer than that. He also wasn’t about to admit that not only had he been feeling too vulnerable to give up his last remaining possessions, but also that a change of clothes into something so distinct would interfere with his plans. Instead, he simply shrugged and mumbled something indistinct, not meeting Nagata’s eyes.
Nagata contemplated him a moment more, face blanker than Reigen would have liked.
“Are you ready to return to our earlier conversation?”
“Oh… um. Y-yes, yes.” Reigen swallowed loudly. He wiped sweaty palms on his pants. “Yes, I think I’m ready.”
Nagata smiled in condescending approval. He waved the esper guards out the door, as he had last time, then pulled the single chair out and gestured for Reigen to take a seat. Instead, Reigen hesitated, and began tentatively.
“Listen, I was wondering… it, um, it would be nice to be able to walk around for a bit… stretch my legs, as it were, it’s a bit cramped in here… perhaps, we could take a walk while we chat?”
A line dented between Nagata’s eyebrows in an immediate frown of displeasure. “How about we have our discussion here, first, and then you can take a walk for as long as you want, all on your own?”
Reigen turned his gaze slowly to the door, behind which he knew the guards were standing. He waited.
“Ah, well, yes, but the guards will maintain a distance, of course. They’d be just close enough to keep you in eyesight.”
“That’s… you and I both know that distance doesn’t make a difference with… them. Sir,” he hastily remembered to add.
“Then we’ll come up with another arrangement.” Nagata’s words were too clipped, the information he wanted tantalizingly just beyond his reach. He sat in the chair instead of waiting for Reigen to take it, to reinforce that he wasn’t leaving.
Reigen bit his lip, and looked at the ground. He rubbed the knuckles of one hand with the other, then tapped his fingers against his thighs. He shuffled his feet, glancing at the door again and edging away from it, just a little, as though nervous of the people behind it even with solid steel between them. He looked everywhere but at the agent, who sat intently before him, his building annoyance crackling through the air. Reigen held the silence for five seconds… ten…
“I… I’m sorry, I… I’m not sure… I think I need some more time to think it over, after all…”
Nagata’s eyes narrowed. Reigen fought to not hold his breath.
Nagata studied Reigen, and tapped his fingers on the desk. Abruptly he stood up from the chair, straightening his clothing of nonexistent wrinkles. “On second thought, walking and talking is good for the mind. Promotes clarity, and reflection. Let’s take a walk, just the two of us, hmm, Mr. Reigen? The guards can wait here until we come back.”
Reigen hesitated again before speaking. “Ah… yes. Okay. Um. Thank you.”
Nagata opened the door, firmly instructing the esper guards to remain there while he took the nervous, powerless, defenseless captive out for a walk around the facility. He didn’t even turn to look behind him as he began walking down the hall. Reigen followed docilely behind.
To Reigen’s surprise, Nagata didn’t immediately continue pressing him. He simply walked, with an occasional glance Reigen’s way, but slowly enough that Reigen could study their surroundings.
There wasn’t much to see, as he recalled from the hazy journey to his cell. Blank hallways, devoid of windows and décor; no billboards for memos or morale-boosting friendly office betting pools. For that matter, he only saw a couple of employees. Another black-clad woman whispered something to her older companion as Nagata and Reigen passed, who shook their graying head. A young bureaucrat or secretary with arms full of a stack of papers turned a corner, took one look at the two of them, and turned to scurry in the opposite direction. Reigen had to bite the inside of his cheek to hold back a casual “Huh, you always keep so few employees around in the middle of the day?”
For the middle of the day it was – as they turned another corner, he got his first glimpse of gleaming sunlight in what felt like weeks. Reigen stared around in surprise; they were on the second floor of the building, with a railing separating them from the open air above a large, eerily welcoming atrium. Brightly lit with natural light, a wall of windows formed the front of the building, through which a normal city road and accompanying sidewalks could be seen. The atrium looked more like the entrance floor of a large bank than a highly-secure government facility, although it was as empty as the rest of the building’s halls.
Reigen couldn’t help a raised brow at Nagata. “Didn’t realize the government was so welcoming to prying eyes and public opinions on your operations. Say, what’s the general consensus on abduction? ‘Cause I’d like to add my two cents.”
Nagata ignored him, watching someone in a finely-tailored suit walk swiftly past on the sidewalk outside. “The glass is bulletproof, and one-sided – we’re not as visible to them as it appears. Nor as vulnerable.” He looked up, directly across the space. “For example, there are shutters, should we need them.”
Reigen followed his gaze, eye-level on the opposite side of the wall from where they stood. Sure enough, there were rolls of thick metal waiting to close over the windows at a moment’s notice. The sight was a shock in contrast to the atrium’s first impression, and he gave the large space a second look with a more critical eye.
There were cameras everywhere, on the ceilings, on the walls; some with obvious red blinking lights, and probably some he couldn’t even see. There were also several odd blank metal panels set into the walls – weapons lockers, perhaps, though his imagination could spin something worse. The panels blended in just fine with the tastefully bland decor unless you knew to look for things that seemed just a bit… off.
This wasn’t merely a front; this whole place could be easily turned into a conveniently-located trap. Reigen felt cold just thinking about the possibilities.
Nagata was watching him again, leaning on one elbow resting on the bannister. He had apparently decided this was a good place to continue their ‘chat’. Reigen, his rapidly-adapting plan whirring in the back of his mind, certainly had no objections.
“So tell me, Mr. Reigen – given that you’re in the industry of being a psychic without actually being psychic, I’m curious. Was it worth it to hire an esper employee, or do you find all the additional violence in your life hasn’t made up for the validation it provides for your business?”
For one horror-stricken second Reigen thought that he, that Mob , had been found out, until he realized Nagata was referring to Serizawa. Still, he didn’t like what those words implied; he paused before saying, slowly, “I’m not sure what you mean by that.”
“Well, may I be frank?” Nagata continued without waiting for an assent. “You seem more… cautious around espers than I would have expected, for someone on record for spending so much time with one in your daily life. But their world is a dangerous and vicious one, and I can only assume that having to deal with the messes a psychically-gifted thug instigates has led to experiences that taught you that kind of caution.”
Reigen turned away before Nagata could see his expression. He himself didn’t want to know what his face looked like.
“It’s the kind of behavior I’d expect, from someone with his past.” Nagata must have taken his silence for agreement. “He and his friends are a bunch of former terrorists. Honestly I’m not sure how they got away scot-free the first time; Joseph was never very clear about it. Something about a pass from the Prime Minister. Though of course, he’s one of them as well, so who knows what really went down…”
He moved just a little closer, and lowered his voice. Out of Nagata’s line of sight, Reigen finally allowed his hands to curl into fists.
“Mr. Reigen, I know you must be concerned with the repercussions. But we can help you. We can make sure that, whoever it is, never knows it was you who told us. So tell me. Is it Serizawa Katsuya, or one of his friends? Multiple of them working together, perhaps? The way they tend to band together, it wouldn’t surprise me.”
And with that, Reigen officially couldn’t take it anymore.
“Mr. Nagata. I’m so sorry for the abject failure in your upbringing that caused you to become such a miserable person. Or maybe it’s just that your character is so flawed, there was never any hope for you.”
Nagata stared at him, blinking rapidly, trying to process the sudden shift in conversation and demeanor.
“But in case there’s hope for you yet, allow me to fill you in on some missed lessons.” Reigen stepped forward, closer to Nagata, who had the look of a deer in headlights as he hastily tried to figure out what had gone awry.
“Some people choose to be good, and some people choose to be bad. This is true of everyone, whether they have psychic powers or not. Therefore, there are psychic people who choose to be good, like my associates have done. Just some coincidentally-psychic people who, despite errors in their pasts, now want to live normal lives and contribute to society the best that they can.”
Reigen leaned a little closer.
“And following the same line of logic, there are, of course, non-psychic people who choose to be bad.”
Reigen smiled, a bright baring of teeth. Then he sunk his fist into Nagata’s face with the full force of his weight behind it.*
Nagata fell back against the balcony’s railing, hands going instinctively out to catch himself. Reigen kept moving, using the momentum from the punch to twist, sweeping a leg up for a follow-up kick. With all his focus on the movement, he barely gave notice to his weakly-protesting conscience before switching his aim to as high on Nagata’s chest as he could, high enough for just the right amount of leverage...
He drove his heel into the top of Nagata’s sternum. Nagata tipped over the balcony, and plunged out of sight.
Reigen didn’t wait to see the results; he’d just have to hope Nagata didn’t land badly enough for the fall to be fatal. He skidded to the staircase, leaping down stairs two or three at a time, and bolted for the front door. He flung himself at it, hoping desperately that it would open…
It did. But not quietly.
Reigen ran out the door, almost blinded by the brilliant sunlight, hysteria bubbling into a shriek of startled laughter to match the cacophony of dozens of screeching alarms. Alarms that did not quite mask the pounding echo of military boots, setting panic to nip at his heels. (*Punching Sleazy Bureaucrats Right in the Fucking Face, Reigen’s Secret Technique)
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serenlyss · 5 years
Mob Psycho Fic Recs Part 2!
So I keep a running tag on my bookmarks in AO3 with my favorite mp100 fics on it, and now that I have a bunch more it’s time for part 2! Like last time I’ll be including my personal thoughts on them and why I think they’re so good. If you notice your fic on this list and want me to tag your tumblr, let me know!
Effusive Author: Yuu-chi Rating: T Archive Warnings: None Completion Status: Complete Tags: serirei, slice of life, character study, relationship study Summary: In the quiet corners of his mind, Reigen cannot help but be unbearably smug. He thinks of Sakurai’s disapproving expression, and the too-careful way he’d said goodbye to Serizawa at the door. He can just imagine how the other former Claw members are going to react when they find out. Serves you all right, Reigen thinks, fingers tangled in the knot of Serizawa’s tie. None of you seem to really understand him at all. My Notes:  Sakurai warns Reigen not to push Serizawa too hard or manipulate them, but Reigen knows that Serizawa isn’t as childish or dumb as they think he is. It’s very sweet and both Reigen and Serizawa are well-written and in character.
Through Hardships to the Stars Author: BeyondTheClouds777 Rating: T Archive Warnings: None Completion Status: In Progress Tags: no romance, brotherly affection, protective kageyama brothers, canon divergence, hurt/comfort, dad reigen, injury, healing, protective reigen Summary: Shigeo and Ritsu have been on the run for most of their lives, and Claw has never failed to be right behind them. For as long as they can remember, running is all they've ever known. It's all they've ever done. But then, they stumble into the life of Reigen Arataka, and maybe, just maybe, the time has finally come for them to stop running. My Notes: This fic is just... so good. Ritsu and Shigeo protecting each other from harm is simultaneously heartwarming and heartbreaking, and the writer is so good at creating both tension and moments of levity that let you rest for a bit. Reigen is fantastic in this fic so far despite only being in a few chapters so far, but he’s already proving to be one of the best parts of the fic.
Ostensible Author: CScarlet Rating: T Archive Warnings: Major Character Death Completion Status: Complete Tags: ritshou, character death (or is it?), blood, swearing, panic attacks, angst, psychic violence, corpses Summary: Shou is already searching for Ritsu’s hand with his own. He moves slowly, arm raising in a sluggish arc, like a newborn kitten, blind and unable to control its gait. His complete trust is written all over that poor motion, and Suzuki’s overly sure that Ritsu is going to take his hand. But the thing is, Ritsu can’t. My Notes: This fic threw me for such an emotional loop. It’s extremely well-written and ominous, with a very distinctive and mysterious feel to it. The whole thing is super atmospheric and has maybe one of the most jarring and impactful twists/realizations I’ve ever seen in fanfiction, and once I realized it it made me grin like a madwoman despite the dark atmosphere and content. One of my all-time favorite mp100 fics.
Milk Doesn’t Taste the Same Anymore, Does it? Author: Nyomio Rating: T Archive Warnings: None Completion Status: Complete Tags: fluff and angst, happy ending, post-mogami arc, fallout & recovery, transitioning back to normal, swearing Summary: Ritsu knows something is wrong. He feels it before he can even see it. Reigen knows something is wrong without even needing psychic powers. It's all in the body language. Teru doesn't know what's wrong, but he can feel it in the air and in the motions his friend makes. Dimple knew something would be wrong as soon as they left Mogami's hellish world - the question was just how bad it would be. None of them know how to solve it, but they sure as hell were going to find out. After all, if something was bothering Mob - their student, brother, best friend, partner - well, it was bothering them, too. They were going to help. After all, Mob had helped all of them just so much - and Mob was going to learn to accept help back. After all, what goes around comes around, and Mob was overdue for some help of his own. My Notes: This is a really sweet recovery fic focusing on Mob’s trauma post-mogami arc and how it affects him in the days and weeks afterward. It’s overall fairly light-hearted despite the subject matter and has a heavy focus on how much Mob’s friends/family care about him, which is always nice to read.
Permanency Author: Aerugonian Rating: T Archive Warnings: None Completion Status: In Progress Tags: serirei, canon divergence, dad reigen, reigen as teru’s dad, canon divergence, referenced child abuse/neglect, found family, swearing, slow burn Summary: Reigen never planned on having kids. His relationships have always been short and shallow, he doesn't really care for the idea of marriage (except for the tax breaks), and that's without even considering his lack of interest in women. Reigen can barely take care of himself half the time. The point is, he’d make a terrible parent. Letting Teruki stay on his spare futon after the kid’s apartment was destroyed during the Claw attack was an impulse decision. Reigen never had any illusions that he was a good guy, but he wasn’t such an asshole that he’d let a fourteen-year-old stay on the streets alone. They'd find Teru's parents any day now, and everything would go back to normal. Teru's lack of concern over their whereabouts was weird, but surely no parent in their right mind would ever leave their kid on his own without even a phone call to let him know they were alive. Right? My Notes: If you’re a fan of dad Reigen or Teru as Reigen’s adopted son/ward, this is the fic for you. It’s cute, tender, sweet and just a little heartbreaking, focusing on Teru’s estrangement from his parents and the way Reigen becomes privy to that information after the world domination arc. I really love the way Reigen is written in this fic as a guy who really isn’t cut out to be a father but finds himself unable to say no when Teru needs his help, I think it’s very in character and makes for a really fun and interesting dynamic between them.
Five Second Rule Author: SpiritusRex Rating: G Archive Warnings: Unspecified (no alarming content) Completion Status: Complete Tags: angst, family, time travel, bad decisions, hurt/comfort, brotherly bonds Summary: Ritsu discovers something new about his powers. And then he takes it too far. My Notes: Another fic that quickly shot to the top of my favorites list as early at the first chapter. Despite having short chapters and a relatively simple premise, every chapter has a lot of emotional weight and relevance, packing its own punch despite the low word count. Ritsu having time manipulation abilities wasn’t something I knew I needed until I came across this fic, but it’s such a cool and fun idea that I instantly fell in love with. The author’s writing has a very distinctive and engaging tone and makes great use of the short chapters to pack as much as they can into each installment and it lands pretty much every time. I was so impressed every chapter how they managed to work the time travel concept into so many parts of the story in so many unique ways, definitely a must-read for any fandom member!
tea leaf bandages Author: shcherbatskayas Rating: T Archive Warnings: None Completion Status: Complete Tags: no romances, ageswap au, post-mogami arc, mental health issues, panic attacks, PTSD, hurt/comfort Summary: Kageyama Shigeo knows that he isn't the most observant person in the world, but he knows when something is wrong with his students. And so he knows that ever since the Mogami job, Reigen just hasn't been right. (If only he knew exactly what was wrong.) My Notes: An ageswap AU ficlet where Reigen gets possessed and manipulated by Mogami instead of Mob. It focuses on the fallout and Shigeo attempting to comfort Reigen as a student without prying too deeply. It’s very sweet and sad but does have a happy ending.
Actions Speak Louder Than Words Author: Hino Rating: T Archive Warnings: None Completion Status: Complete Tags: post-mogami arc, mute mob, PTSD, dad reigen, sign language  Summary: Six Months trapped in that world didn't just go away the moment Mob opened his eyes. He tried to speak and found himself unable. But Reigen, he always knows how to talk to someone. My Notes: This fic is so nice. In the wake of the Mogami arc Mob becomes mute due to his PTSD from the events, so Reigen teaches him sign language to help him communicate better. It’s really sweet to see Reigen patiently teaching Mob (and Dimple trying his hardest to learn too, bless him), and Mob being just really excited to learn and have another way of communicated that doesn’t require him to speak. It’s well-written and heartwarming.
Leftovers Author: SpiritusRex Rating: G Archive Warnings: None Completion Status: In Progress Tags: time travel, 5+1, brotherly bonding Summary: Ritsu knows now how his power works.But he thinks that, with his brother's help, he can push it further than before, and maybe even do something meaningful with it. (Five times Ritsu and Shigeo use Ritsu's time travel to comfort someone, and one time it's used to comfort Ritsu himself) My Notes: The sequel to Five Second Rule, which is also on this list. It’s only a few chapters in atm but I’m super excited to see where it goes! There’s sure to be plenty of time travel hijinks in this one as well, plus Ritsu and Mob’s sibling relationship is very good.
When there’s nothing but the long way ‘round Author: taizi Rating: T Archive Warnings: None Completion Status: Complete Tags: terumob, slow burn, found family, dad reigen, lots of fluff, getting together Summary: If it were anyone else, his tone would have been teasing, and the thoughtful lift of his brow would have been playful, and the tilt to his mouth would have leaned closer to a warm smile. As it is, only bits and pieces make it through Kageyama’s careful repression, shining like irrepressible dawn through tiny cracks in a window shade, and Teruki blinks rapidly, something like sunspots dancing across his eyes. My Notes: An oldie but a goodie! It’s a series of loosely connected terumob shorts for the mp100 valentine’s day event back in 2017, and maybe the cutest terumob fic I’ve read so far. It’s ridiculously sweet and fluffy, told from Teru’s perspective, and it made me cry with how just soft and nice it was to read it. It’s a quick but really worthwhile read if you just want to feel good.
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