#or home and stood up for kids who got beat up non violently. rumors were spread about him being violent. most were untrue.
reddeliciousauce · 3 months
19, 31, 36
19. If your character is lgbt, was there any “signs” of it in their childhood?
i dunno probably my constant dick and cock rapping tipped a couple people off i wasnt entirely straight irony can only take you so far you know
i was basically the first amab with a cooch though id say thats a diversity win
31. If your character is neurodivergent, is there any ways it interfered with their life that was noticeable to them? Were they aware of it?
god yeah
i got all my hw done the morning before and during lunch not the best shit to pull when that work becomes wholeass essays but hey we do what we gotta do
guess that makes me neurodivergent somehow hell if i know what way the pendulum doth swang but if i had to guess its adhd
36. Was their sense of morality high? Did they see themselves as the “good” one of their peers? Or did they dislike goody two shoes?
i was kind of a lil asshole i sure thought i was the shit whenever i told other kids to spell icup or set up captcha card pranks for myself like some fuckhead
but i wasnt like beating people up so you know not a cookie cutter bully type i got depth here i got layers
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