#or having them posted in my fucking zoom window
non-un-topo · 28 days
I think I made my MIL uncomfortable yesterday when I admitted I enjoy it when cishets get nervous about offending me lol
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heartthrobin · 1 year
paint my sunset peach (1)
mechanic!eddie munson x farmgirl!reader
wc: 6.71k
warnings: reader is a little bit of a meanie, dirty sweaty eddie, hella pining, sunshine!eddie + grumpy!reader, swearing but otherwise pretty wholesome, limited use of y/n
an: i started writing this literally months ago and only finished it recently, super duper proud of it :))) this will be part one of a (probably) three part series. let me know if you want a tag in part 2 !!! i tried to tag all those who liked this post so thanks for the support - love you all <33
summary: the conveyer belt of mech-heads you dealt with on a weekly basis were nothing more than a side-show annoyance. but god, the auto-shop had never sent one with such round, wet brown eyes before.
part two
Before the auto-shop, on the corner at the intersection of Lovett and Harwood, was a Chinese restaurant.
The Red Lotus.
On Friday nights as a kid, daddy would drive into town and return with a steaming white bag of fried rice and dumplings. Sometimes, when they had in stock, he'd bring a single mooncake to share between him and you.
It was family run, the Zhou's. Three sons and a daughter.
They closed down right after you graduated, tired of the middle of nowhere-ness. The tractors rumbling loudly through town at six o' clock every morning, the shaky cell reception and the incessant knock of evening frogs on the porch.
Tired of butt-fuck nowhere Tennessee.
It stood empty for two years. Sometimes you'd pass it in your truck and remember them, other times you wouldn't even look.
But now, now it stood as a brand new garage. Or at least the tiny town's excuse for "brand new".
Daddy's friend, Mister Carl Abernathy, owned it.
He was a short stocky man, bald all over and you'd never seen him without a cold bottle of cider and the remnants of it’s sweat staining down his creased button-up.
You knew that only because he was always around: lots of things on the farm needed fixing up.
Weeds crept up into the tires of the tractors, age beat at the truck you used to move in and out of town - crates of peaches bouncing jovially over each bump.
Every time they needed a looking at, Carl would send over the bonehead of the week.
The same white pull-up would brake loudly outside the farmhouse door, always somewhere around nine: just in time to disturb your breakfast, and one of his latest recruits would hop out.
They’d lean haughtily against the large wheel of the dying blue tractor.
"Well, looks like we've got a problem on our hands here, hey little missy?"
They weren’t even worth the effort it took to roll your eyes. No shit.
The farm didn't make nearly enough from the weekend markets in bigger nearby towns, or the pennies of the townsfolk to afford new vehicles. So, you stuck it out with each caveman Carl sent your way.
And you were fine with it.
Mostly fine with it.
Sure, some of them were vulgar: they'd whistle at you or comment on your ass when you passed them working. Others could only succeed at making the vehicle worse than when they'd started, but it was your job to sort them out.
Could you have gone off with your high school friends to college? Sure.
But that’d leave Daddy all alone in that big house. You pushed away the thought when it surfaced to bug you.
Your mother had disappeared long before you knew her, exhausted - like the Zhou's - of being nowhere.
Maybe of being no one. Perhaps of being a no one peach farmer with the grump that was your daddy and a toddler zooming at her feet.
Either way, it didn't matter.
She had left and you remained to do the job, and that job included dealing with Carl’s mechanics.
At least it hadn't mattered, not until some morning in late summer.
The sun watched from high over the green farmhouse. It glared down, peeking over the edge of the porch.
You were fixed on the bird pecking at the already deteriorating grey window pane above the sink, overlooking the rows of colourful fields.
"You're messing, Cherry."
Cherry. Daddy had been calling you that since as far back as you could remember him talking.
You glanced at him across the table, where the spread of bread, eggs and jam had been lain, before you noticed where a long stripe of strawberry jam had run down the front of your black tank top.
"Listen now, you're gonna be fine with the tractor today?"
His voice was stern - probably too stern for such an hour of the morning, but you hardly noticed - swiping at the jam with your finger and nodding.
"No problems, alright?"
Daddy usually worked the tractor, but he was going to some meeting two towns over. He hadn't mentioned what about, but you were sure it had to do with the crippling financial state of the farm.
You nodded.
It's how you found yourself alone out in the heat of the midday sun.
The tractor rumbled beneath you, joggling over every rock and mole hill.
Every couple meters, you'd stop: climb off and pick at the peaches before tossing them into the crate. When enough crates were full, you'd load them onto the truck and move again.
You'd been at it, burning over your arms and shoulders, for what couldn’t have been more than a few hours when the tractor gave a sickening jolt.
Gripping the wheel and watching in horror over the edge of your sunglasses, your eyes followed the thick cloud of grey smoke where it began seeping out at the edges of the hood and disappearing up into the sky.
"No, no, no ..." you drew up the handbrake and leapt out the side onto the soil. The blue metal scalded the tips of your fingers where you threw the bonnet open before swallowing down mouthfuls of hot smoke.
It took five minutes of coughing against the side of the vehicle, another five kicking at the left wheel and at least another ten swearing at the sky before you dug your phone out from between the seats and dialled the number to Carl's auto shop.
It rung three times before his gruff voice carried across the line, "Abernathy Auto Repairs speakin', hello?"
"Good morning Mr Abernathy," your fingers pressed into the sides of your temple, working fruitlessly against the headache forming there. "I'm calling from the farm down Jasmine road—"
"Oh hey there, darlin'. What can I do you for?"
A squirrel rustled somewhere down the row of bushes. "Well, I'm out in the field now and the tractor has ... uh, given up on me. The ‘63. Need one of your men to come give it a start, or a look-over or—"
"Not a problem, not a problem at all. Are you far out? Whereabouts are you?"
You cupped a hand to shield up over your eyes, glancing back from whence you'd came. The house was but a speck of green in the distance.
"About two or three miles north west of the house?"
You could practically hear him nodding, a steady gulp audible against the line.
"Don't you worry about a thing, little darlin', I'll have one of my boys out there within the hour. Just hang tight."
"Alright, thank you kindly sir—"
But the line was already dead.
You glared at the phone.
Huffing loudly, you pulled yourself back up onto the truck - allowing the soft shade to gently graze over your face as you sunk back into the seat.
The warm wind rippled over the tops of the rows of greenery and you watched quietly, the irritation simmering to a low boil in your chest.
There was a quiet tranquility in being so far out from the house, shielded from the scorch.
Your boot tapped rhythmically against the console. Warm breeze brushed over your face again and you sighed, tilting your hat lower over your forehead. The lull of the quiet field allowed your lashes to fan closed over your cheeks. Before you’d taken note of the bird coming to perch on the roof, you were already asleep.
It was the loud rumble of an engine and the throbbing pain in your neck that brought you back to the world of the conscious.
You woke with a jump. Heart thumping against your ribcage in instant confusion. Your hat flew off your head and over the edge of your seat from where it had been blocking the light over your eyes.
Bringing a hand to your neck you whined loudly, the angle you’d been perched at doing nothing for the long term preservation of your muscles there.
You turned anyways, noticing the white pick-up quickly nearing from the direction of the house.
Frowning, you glanced down at time against the console. Three fifty-eight.
You stuck your head out from under the shade of the tractor top to notice how low the sun has sunk in the sky. It was almost reaching the head of the hill in the distance.
The mechanic shouldn't have taken longer than an hour to find you, and subsequently, wake you. You quickly diffused yourself of blame.
Daddy was going to kill you.
Clambering off the side of the tractor, your hands found your hips before the car pulled to a wailing halt barely a few centimetres off from your knees.
Dust swept up around the truck, obscuring the view of the man that stepped out of it.
"Woah. Almost hit you there, doll."
Warm wind cleared the air and the figure of a young man stood in your field.
The words sitting on your tongue begging to be spat out were sucked straight back down your throat.
For a moment you forgot what you had planned to say at all.
The man's eyebrow cocked at you under strands of dark, curly hair falling carelessly from the skew bun atop his head.
Behind you, a crow cried in the distance. Your senses quickly returned to you.
Your fists tightened at your sides. "Where on god's green earth have you been?"
He looked taken aback.
"Well, I had some trouble finding the house," he smiled sheepishly, motioning to the farmhouse over his shoulder, "and then I had to phone Carl cause he didn't really tell me where—"
"So you're new then? Carl sent a greenie to come fix my tractor?"
Anyone who'd spent more than three days in town knew the farm down Jasmine road. Knew your farm.
A heavily ringed hand came up to his jaw, rubbing there and eyeing you in a way that made the hair on your arms stands straight up.
It was painfully unfair how handsome he was.
"New to town. Not new to fixing tractors." His voice was smooth, the curl of a grin peaking at you from the edge of his mouth.
Sucking in a deep breath - a feeble attempt at composure - you nodded once.
"Well, I've got a tractor and it's broken. And you're two hours late, so if you don't mind, I've got a job to do."
You turned violently on your heel, sure if you stood under his gaze any longer that you'd melt right against the soil.
The sound of the peaches tumbling out the crate onto the tractor split the air between you and him, and soon you were marching away from his figure - crate in hand - in pursuit of fruit further down the lane.
"I'm Eddie!"
You waved vaguely over your shoulder, electing not to bless him with an answer.
Carl was going to hear an earful from your father, you were sure of it. You plucked angrily at the fruits off the bush, tossing them a little too violently in with the rest.
It was quiet from the distance behind you, but you refused to turn to look.
Sure, you shouldn't be so surprised that one of Carl's idiots was nearly two hours late and got lost in a town that really only has two roads, but god, he'd never sent one with such round, wet brown eyes before.
The walk was long, each stop causing the crate to become heavier, and you worked hard to put the image of the mechanic’s black shirt - that he'd obviously cut the sleeves off himself - and how it clung to his chest with sweat out of your mind.
You didn't stop until a voice called from behind. At first it was soft, but it grew louder within a minute: as was the sound of footfalls.
"Hey, miss!"
He was jogging towards you, pieces of hair falling recklessly out from the grips of his hair tie to frame his red face.
Eddie only stopped when barely a few feet separated you.
"All done." He grinned, huffing around his smile. "She just overheated a bit, needed some water and a a couple valves disconnected."
You couldn't tell whether it was harder to hold his gaze or work to keep yours off of his chest.
"Right. Good." You nodded, leaning to lift the crate at your feet. "Then I'll be getting back to it."
It was heavy, almost too heavy if you hadn't lifted boxes like those from sunrise to sunset for the last eighteen or so years.
But the mechanic was clearly unconvinced, he swooped in closer to you. "Let me get that—"
"I'm fine—"
"No really." By now he was way too close, close enough that you could smell the undertones of a shower gel or maybe a cologne.
His voice softened, "Please. To make up for my tardiness."
It was hard to tell whether it was the sun making you so dizzy or his proximity, but either way, it forced you to nod slowly. "Fine."
Eddie took the crate from your hands, you ignored the rush of heat to your stomach as he grunted against the weight.
"Strong thing aren't you, doll?"
You didn't respond, eyes fixed on the giant blue tractor a couple meters from where you stood.
Silence rung, only the footfalls filling the space. You'd almost made it all the way back to the tractor without conversation before the mechanic decided to open his mouth again.
"I don't think I caught your name earlier."
You met his eyes, regretting it almost immediately when your knees threatened to buckle, "That's because I never gave it."
Stepping just close enough to take the crate from his grip, but avoid the drift of his cologne again, your hands brushed closely against his.
They were cool against your sweaty ones.
He was grinning again.
You stepped back, balancing the peaches against your hip before tilting it over the box attached to the end of the tractor allowing the round pink pieces to clatter down into its depths.
"Right. Well, what's your name then doll?"
But you were already clambering back up the side of the tractor into the worn leather seat.
"Wouldn't you like to know, pretty boy."
He was leaning against the side of the truck now, you avoided looking down at him, something told you that you'd find those eyes blinking right up into your soul again if you did.
"So you think I'm pretty?"
Hot red blush chased up the sides of your neck over your ears, you prayed it wasn't discernible under the pink sunburn.
The keys jingled loudly as you slid them into the ignition and turned them violently. The vehicle jerked to life.
"I think your job is done. Good afternoon sir."
Before he could say another word, your foot had sunk down on the accelerator and the tractor was rumbling back down between the bushes again.
In your peripheral vision you watched how the mechanic stumbled back against his pick-up, narrowly avoiding catching his foot under one of the hundred pound tires, and the sound of an echoing chuckle fading as you plodded away.
The drive back to the auto-garage was quick. At least quicker than the drive Eddie had taken to find the farm.
His hands tightened around the wheel, twisting over the leather as he pulled to a park in the open spot across the street.
A ring of brown soil stared up at him from where he'd pulled at the handbrake with dusty paws.
"Shit ..." he wiped his hands down the jean over his thighs.
Eddie was used to the oil and the reek of grease, as if that wasn't already enough, but not the itch of farm soil up his nostrils and behind his ears.
He twisted the metal ring around his finger, a small grin playing at his lips.
But the soil wasn't so bad, he reckons he'd swim through a pool of it it to get another chance to watch the hot-tempered farm girl's hips sway when she marched away from him, just as you'd done earlier that afternoon.
The smile didn't leave his face as he climbed out the car, locked it and crossed the street whistling.
Eddie was almost completely used to the whir of the drills echoing off the walls and barely registered the creak of the lever that was raising a car near the back of the shop.
Carl was leaning over the reception desk clinking the bottom of his cider bottle against the wood and puffing on the end of a cigarette.
He waved vaguely down at the open ledger when he noticed Eddie nearing, "See here, extra two hundred dollars on a cheap fucking knock off for that AMC Eagle. You believe that, Munson?"
"Hardly, boss."
Eddie was halfway back to where he'd abandoned the engine on a red convertible before weaving across town to find a farm when the boss' voice stopped him in his tracks.
"Hold it, hold it. Where’ve you been? Didn't I send you outta here three hours ago?" He swivelled on the bar stool against the counter to face him.
The greasy palm that had been picking it's way under car hoods all afternoon reached up to rub against the side of his neck. "I couldn't find that fucking farm, did three circles ‘round the post office before I saw the sign for Jasmine road."
Carl surveyed him with a crooked brow. "They didn't teach you to read maps down in Indiana, boy?"
"Yeah, yeah, whatever." He was about to turn back on his way, when the picture of your face glimmered at him behind his eyes, "Listen boss, the girl there. The daughter you said, what's her name?"
By then, Carl had already turned back down to the accounts. "What's it to ya?"
Silence rung long enough that Carl peeked back up at Eddie over the rim of his glasses.
Eddie shrugged bashfully. "Pretty thing."
Carl threw his head back, laughing loudly - Eddie always thought his laugh sounded like a dog barking.
"I've seen that look." He shook his head, lifting to perch his glasses on his shining bald head. "Too many of you boys come back from that farm starry-eyed. No hope with that princess, she don't like you mech-heads. Nope, not one bit."
"Ah, come on, don't you believe in love at first sight?"
Carl let off another crumbly chuckle, "Bit your head off, didn't she?"
"Sure did." He beamed like the cat that caught the canary, "Love it when a lady talks to me sweet."
A sweaty hand shrugged him off.
"Get back to work, Munson."
But Eddie wavered. "Just a name, boss."
Carl stared at him for a couple moments, clearly bored. It took a long slug of the yellow cider and a hard sigh before he spoke again: "Y/n."
The grin crept back up his cheeks. He tested the name on his tongue, finding it to taste as sweet as he knew it would.
"Appreciate it."
"Get back to that convertible before I fire you."
Eddie the mechanic had been firmly put out of your mind following the ruckus out in the field.
Sure, his puppy dog face had returned to you later that night as you lay in bed, but that hardly counted.
You'd forgone mentioning his tardiness to Daddy, electing to take the mild scolding instead.
By the time the end of the week had arrived, you'd just about completely forgotten the floppy haired man that had once graced the farm.
That was until Daddy rose the topic of the auto-body shop again.
He handed you the wet plate, you took it carefully - starting to wipe it down. The water sloshed beneath his hands, scrubbing hard at the soapy pan.
Bullseye watched up at you from where she was curled up on the kitchen chair, purring loudly. Outside the sky was turning deep lilac and the crickets were clicking loudly.
"Tomorrow on your way back from Madeline's, I want you to stop by Carl's."
Madeline's was the local - and only - grocer. You dropped five cases there every Tuesday.
Your hand stilled against the plate, "For?"
"I want you to ask him to spare a man, a good one. Just a couple afternoons a week to do some work."
Your father handed the next plate over carefully.
Confusion tugged at your brow, "Work? What work?"
"You're too curious for your own good, y'know that?"
Bumping your shoulder against his, the pot lid almost slipping from his wet fingers, you laughed. "Don't be difficult, what for?"
The old man sighed.
Some nights, with the evening hue seeping in through the window against his face like it was just then, you were reminded of how old he really was.
"I want to fix up the Cobra."
In the barn around the back of the house, sitting untouched and unmoved for almost twenty years, lived a 1965 AC Cobra.
The steel lid slipped from your hands, clattering against the floor. Your father jumped.
"You're fixing the Cobra!" You grabbed him by the arm, eyes wide in delight. "Is it for me?"
He offered a half-hearted stern look at you, leaning to pick up the lid before straightening out.
"Don't get too excited, she's a real piece of work and we don't know if she can even still be revived."
You tugged at the edge of his shirt, "But ... it's for me, right?"
"Well, your twenty-first is coming up and I thought you're old enough now—"
Just about strangling him, your arms flew up over his neck.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you—!"
He sighed over your shoulder, patting your back with a wet hand. “Alright, alright. Just speak to Carl.”
Your drop-off at Madeline's had never gone faster.
Town was busy, as busy as it got on a Tuesday morning, and Abernathy's was no different.
You pulled into a spot down the line of other nearly identical pick-ups to your own in front of the shop.
At the front desk, where you were sure he'd grown roots into the stool behind it, sat Carl Abernathy.
When he looked up from a piece he'd been tinkering with, surprise twisted at his features.
"G'morning darlin'," he set the piece down, puffing around a lit cigarette, "What can I do you for on this fine morning?"
"Good morning sir," you set your hat on the counter, leaning beside it. "My daddy sent me, he's asking if you could spare a man for some work 'round by ours. Couple nights a week."
The little man's eyes screwed at you.
"What, may I ask, will he be expected to do?"
By then you couldn't stifle the grin any longer.
"He's gonna be fixing the Cobra."
The response seemed to delight the man as much as it did yourself, because he laughed loudly and slammed a hand down against the wooden desk.
"Your old man finally found some sense, hey?" He jeered, "I'm mighty pleased to here that, little miss, I really am."
You smiled, "It's my birthday gift. Twenty-first coming up."
"Twenty-one, hey? Well, I've got just the boy. Don't you worry your pretty little head about it."
Carl leaned dangerously back on the stool, you fleetingly wondered how he didn't topple over, before yelling over his shoulder into the depths of the shop.
"Munson! Get your up-to-no-good-ass over here!"
Not to say that you'd completely forgotten him, but you were still more than a little taken aback when the tall framed mechanic from a few days before emerged from under the hood of a pick-up.
"Boss—?" His eyes found you. They lit up like main street over Christmas. "Oh, what a pleasant surprise. Morning, doll."
Grease covered every inch of his arms up to his elbows which held the scrunched up ends to the black long sleeve he was wearing. He was dirtier than last you saw him and it made your stomach swoop dangerously.
"Him?" It slipped out before you had time to catch it.
But Carl didn't comment on your rudeness, instead he slapped a heavy hand over Eddie's shoulder and shook it.
"For sixty's models, this is your boy for the Cobra." The older man beamed at him, like he was telling you his son was a heart surgeon. "Hands like a magician I tell you."
The comment sent a icy chill down the back of your spine, it wasn't helped when the mechanic snapped a wink at you from under his boss' hand.
"R-Right, well, you can come by as soon as you want to start working. A couple hours a day, my daddy will pay you."
With his hair clipped back, you could make a clearer assessment of his face as he nodded to you. He had thick lips and a strong-set nose.
"I'll see you tomorrow then, doll."
The cheekiness in his grin was plucking at a nerve behind your eyebrow. "Think you'll be able to find your way this time?"
"I think I'll be fine." His hands sunk into the depths of his jean pockets, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. "Left at the butchery and right down the road to my heart."
You scoffed, turning back to Carl. "Thanks Mr Abernathy. I'll let my old man know."
Not even sparing Eddie another glance, you grabbed your hat off the counter and turned on your heel back to the car.
He watched your hair sway under the press of the brown hat and where your wide shoulders glistened in the light beneath the straps of your overalls.
Only when the sound of your engine had disappeared down the street, did he turn back to Carl who was digging the end of a screwdriver into a metal plate.
"You're really an old romantic aren't you, boss."
Carl grumbled, waving a dismissive hand at him.
Eddie shook his head, chuckling delightedly, "Psh, "sixty's models"! As if Jacob couldn't get that Cobra running in a couple days."
Pulling another cider noisily out from the cooler he kept at his feet, Carl guffawed. "I sure hope it's gonna take you more than a few days, lover boy, cause that little miss doesn't seem too fond 'a you I can tell you now."
But Eddie wasn't fazed, "Don't worry, she will be."
Sure as the sun rose in the sky, two o' clock rolled around the next afternoon and a noisy white pick-up pulled into park in front of the green farmhouse.
"Cherry! The mech's here!"
You'd grumbled, reluctantly pulling yourself out from where you'd been perched under the cool shade of the back porch repainting worn pots.
Eddie was standing lost in the driveway when you found him.
He was dirty, obviously just from the shop, and you offered something short of a warm welcome, but he seemed unfazed.
"Car's in the barn 'round the back of the house."
"Well good afternoon to you too, miss." You wondered if his smirk had been permanently stitched there.
The toolbox rattled with each step he took after your pacing figure.
As promised, the barn stood nearly as tall as the house in a faded orange hue.
It was dark inside and the door creaked loudly where you'd swung it open.
There she sat in all her glory. The 1965 AC Cobra, in a fitting cherry red.
Eddie whistled lowly over your shoulder behind you.
"A damn shame hiding this beaut up in this dusty barn." He passed you, running his hand over the bonnet that glimmered even in the low light.
We can agree on one thing at least, you thought.
"I've got to go finish up," you motioned over your shoulder, "but, uh, if you need anything I'll be around. Just shout."
You'd already caught the edge of the door, halfway out, when his voice stopped you in your tracks.
"And what is it exactly that I should I shout, doll? Seeing as you still haven't told me your name."
You surmised him, considering only momentarily letting your name spill off your lips.
Hm. Not today.
"Doll works just fine, greenie."
Finishing off the pots was easy, quick. They stood lined up against the bannister drying while you busied yourself in the vegetable patch behind the house: twisting carrots and beetroots out from the dark soil as the sun sunk slowly lower in the sky.
The time had hardly occurred to you when the back door swung open, your father sticking his one foot down the step.
Keys to the pick-up dangled in his hand.
"Cherry, I'm running to Madeline's for some wood glue and another bag of nails. Need anything?"
Swiping an itch on your forehead with the back of your hand, wiping a long black stripe there, you shook your head. "Nothing."
"Right," he nodded and the door was already halfway shut when he tossed it open again. "Oh, and go make that boy a bite to eat. Damn skinny thing's been in that hot barn for hours now."
You sagged your shoulders childishly, voice coming out as a whine. "Must I really?"
"Yes, you must really."
And he was gone.
The fridge was a ghost town, spare for the never-ending supply of fruit and vegetable that lived in the bottom drawer.
Following five minutes of pursing your lips and staring into its depths, you conjured up a lettuce, cucumber tomato and sweet-chilli sandwich. It didn't take long to convince yourself into making another to satiate your own complaining stomach.
You hummed as you worked, pouring cool lemonade into two glasses, packing the food back into the fridge and rinsing off the butter knife.
The tall clock chimed jovially from the hallway when you shuffled out the back, two plates and two glasses in hand.
Your hip nudged open at the barn door and a wave of sweltering heat rushed over your face and between every tendril of hair on your head.
Blinking foggily into the dim sauna that was the barn, you were met with the only slightly browned back of one Eddie Munson.
The man was hunched over, head lost in the depths of the car's stomach and when he straightened out you just about swallowed your tongue.
His long black mane was in a messy ponytail at the base of his neck and his shirt had been abandoned somewhere by the right tire. Sweat was sliding down the side of his face like an open faucet.
"Hey," he smiled when he met your eyes, voice groggy and tired. The sound made the plates wobble under your grip.
"Hi—" you cringed internally, it was the most pleasant greeting you'd offered him so far. Why had it come out so ... awkward?
You motioned down to the plates, as if his eyes hadn't already found them. "I made you a sandwich ... didn't know if you were hungry or—"
The wrench flew from his grip down into the box where he tossed it and Eddie sighed. "Starving."
You handed him the plate, watching how his blackened fingers stained the edge of the plate and the rim of the glass.
He sat carefully down against an empty crate that had been abandoned by the wall, resting the glass by his feet and wiping his hands down the length of his thighs.
"Hot as hell in here." The mechanic mumbled before diving into the sandwich.
Letting his head fall back against his shoulders, he moaned loudly.
"This is fucking delicious." He commented around the mouthful.
You worked hard to swat away the blush reaching at your cheeks by nodding quickly. That sound would probably ring in your head all night.
"I should go—"
"You're not gonna eat here? I don't mind ..." Eddie eyed the sandwich you'd made for yourself in your hand, gaze flickering between the plate and your face.
Your mouth curled around a response, but you were beat to the chase.
"I know you probably mind," he interjected quickly, "but if you w-want company, I mean, you could eat here ..."
Pursing your lips, you surveyed him: long gangly legs spilling in every direction and rings clinking against the glass.
Would it really kill you to sit five minutes with him?
"No need to turn red, greenie." You resigned, kicking over another crate near the grate of the car before leaning down to perch against it. "I don't mind."
It was quiet for the first couple minutes. You focused on your sandwich, feeling his gaze flicker up to you every few minutes.
He'd practically inhaled the first half of the sandwich, but you noticed he was eating the second half slowly.
"So," he swallowed down a gulp of lemonade. "What were you busy with now before I forced you into sitting here with me?"
You picked at a cucumber that had fallen loose from your sandwich, teasing at the outer skin with your teeth.
"Very important work." Your lip curled at the corners, it seemed he noticed. "Fate of the farm depended on it. Guess now it'll have to crash and burn ..."
"Oh yeah? Enlighten me."
His amused look matched yours.
"Pulling carrots out the patch."
He leaned back, eyes widening theatrically. "Sounds exhilarating."
"You have no idea."
You bit into your sandwich again, finding the space suddenly more comfortable.
"Tell me," he pulled off a piece of tomato hanging dangerously off the edge of the sandwich, "How does a car this beautiful find it's way onto a farm in the middle of nowhere?"
Your chest pinched at the question.
"Y'know, just ..." you motioned vaguely towards the roof, "Aliens."
He caught how your gaze flickered from his to a loose bolt near your foot.
Okay, sensitive spot.
The bread was soft between Eddie's fingers, he set it down.
"I thought I saw some funny lights in the sky last night."
It was becoming almost impossible to keep his eyes off you, even for a couple seconds at a time.
You only nodded at his response, refusing to lift your gaze from the floor.
It was making his stomach churn, desperate for a couple more minutes to enjoy the view of your face.
There was a smudge of brown soil against your forehead where your hair fell over it, making his hands twitch in his lap, itching to reach out and swipe at your sun-kissed face.
"Just you and the old man then?" He pressed, reaching for his glass again.
You shrugged, "Couple creatures of the earth too. And the peaches, of course. Always the peaches."
"Peaches are good."
"Peaches are good."
"No boyfriend then?"
It slipped out of him before he had chance to catch it. He'd been dying to know since the second your figure had appeared to him beyond the cloud of dust out in the field.
You took your sweet time, examining him over the rim of your glass. He couldn't tell whether you intended to respond to him at all.
The weight of your gaze was making his head spin.
"'A course I have a boyfriend. Nights on a big farm like this get lonely without someone to warm the other side of the bed. Y'know?"
Eddie's heart sunk into his stomach.
The sandwich had suddenly lost it's appeal. He set the last couple bites by his feet. He nodded slowly.
"... Can imagine."
Blood was rushing past his ears loudly, he could feel it pooling around his cheeks: warming his face with embarrassment.
"He's actually around if you want to meet him?"
"Uh—" Eddie couldn't even formulate a half of a response before your head was thrown back over your right shoulder:
"Cowboy! Baby!"
There was a thick confused silence where he wasn't entirely sure who or even if anyone would march through the door - he mostly hoped that you'd been lying and nobody was coming at all.
"Baby!" You called again.
Then he heard it.
The fall of footsteps. Someone was running towards the barn and getting quickly closer.
From out of the sunshine, bounding through the door, Eddie made out the shape of the largest dog he'd ever seen.
Four long gangly legs carried him across the small space, tongue swinging over the side of his jaw: he'd appeared so quickly that Eddie didn't have a moment to prepare before the hound leapt excitedly into his lap.
"Hey, boy—!"
He toppled back over the crate and the dog licked hungrily at the sauce around the edges of his mouth, he nudged Eddie's face with his giant snout before spotting the last few bites of the sandwich left abandoned and scooped it up in one long lick.
The distraction of the food offered Eddie the opportunity to sit straight up again, he could feel the hay tangling into the depths of his hair - but the thought dissolved when he picked up the sound you were making.
You were laughing.
The sound was making him drunk, he was sure of it.
It was made worse when he looked at you: head tilted to the side, leaning at the wall and calling the dog breathlessly between giggles.
Eddie could feel the tiny birds flying in circles over his head and his pupils turning to hearts.
"Cowboy, leave the man's food!"
But the sandwich was long gone and the dog had apparently lost interest in sniffing at the empty plate, returning to licking wet stripes up the side of Eddie's face.
"Sorry, he's just a pup." Your face had softened, giggles bubbling down to a sigh. "Hasn't grown into all his manners yet."
"A pup?" Eddie mumbled in disbelief, catching Cowboy behind his ears with a tickle.
Like a magic button, the dog collapsed into a puddle by his feet: panting loudly.
"Kinda looks like your boyfriend likes me more than you."
You leaned against your knees, head shaking. "I'm feeling a little betrayed that he hasn't even looked in my direction yet."
"It's my natural charm, what can I say. Attracts animals of all species."
Scoffing loudly, you shook your head. "Keep the traitor then. We'll see how long he lasts without me feeding him spoonfuls of peanut butter under the table."
Eddie briefly wondered how big of table existed in the kitchen beyond the window of the farmhouse to fit the monstrous animal at his feet.
"Aw, then who would keep you warm on cold farm nights ..." he flashed a toothy smile, "Winter is just around the corner after all."
"Well, in that case," you tilted your head back in false concentration, lifting your hand to count on your fingers: "There's Bullseye, the cat ... Rodeo, the other cat. A couple stray dogs sometimes walk in off the fields, maybe we could adopt a goat?"
Cowboy was watching you with his head in Eddie's lap, Eddie tilted his head innocently to the side. "No one else?"
"Nope ... none that come to mind."
You were smiling at him now, mischief curled into the edges of your mouth.
It was turning his insides to a molten pool of goo.
"Is that a smile I see?" He tried his luck. "Did I make you smile? Is a comet about to hit the state of Tennessee?"
You turned your head quickly, working to wipe the expression off your face, but not entirely succeeding.
Instead you stood up.
"Whatever, greenie." Leaning down to pick up your plate, Eddie was briefly exposed to the view down the front of your dungarees. He blushed again. "Don't you have work to do?"
Crossing the space quickly, you grabbed his plate from beneath one of Cowboy's pot-sized paws before clicking your tongue at the dog.
He clambered back onto his feet like a new-born deer, clearly still not entirely sure what to do with so much leg.
"I'll see you later then, doll?"
But you didn't turn back, disappearing into the light of the sun with Cowboy trotting at your heels.
"Maybe in your dreams tonight, pretty boy."
@jokersgrf @anicosa-ironlung @sleepy-bunnie @pricelessemotion @sweetgladiatorfesival @eggo-segual​ @m1rkw00dpr1ncess @introvertedmouse @ctrlaltdel3te @multifandom-l0ver @inarinine @sillysteveharharhar @buckystwilight @hey-lucille 
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haevnlii · 1 year
how i make aesthetic scripts on (web/pc) google docs.
part 2 <33
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~ darlinqsdomain
ignore typos i give up.
Last time, i did a lil tut on bundling/mixing images for an aesthetic doc — this post, i wanted to do tables (as i promised) but i'm also going to try fit in a second part to mixing images.
tables are super easy to deal with, on pc at least - but again mobile gd doesn't allow you to organise tables like web version does.
O1 / hiding one coloumn or row of a table / invisible tables.
this is super simple to do. just start with adding your table, obviously.
if you don't know how to do it, go to insert > table > select desired amount of rows/coloumns:
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tables, when you add them, don't allow you to write in an empty space beside the table — you'd have to add another coloum to the side of the table you're writing on, and for the sake of the aesthetic ;; you'd probably want it to look invisible.
to do this, just select the line/border of the table you'd like invisible, then go to border width > 0px. (this is better than changing the colour to match the background, personally)
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if you have for whatever reason have a lot to make invisible (or only want one border visible), you can just right click the table/table border > table properties > colour > change the px to 0. then from there, just changethe borders you want to your ideal size/colour. :)
and this can work however you like:
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Layering images on tables is super tricky. Sometimes using "in front of" or "behind text" options in a way "glues" them to the table ;; it's super hard to remove. It's easier to do on top corners. Bottom corners just extend the table's length unnecessarily depending on the case — but if your text fills in the extra space, you can still try. That said, it cannot go on the exact corners, GD fixes it to be inside the table.
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You can have different sizes and shapes for each border. I like doing this for a paper/receipt type aesthetic sometimes 😭✨ The setting is beside the border size option (border dash)
You can change the background of the table by going to the table properties > colour. It changes the colour for one cell at a time so, if you have multiple cells (sections of the border) ... uh, have fun with that..?
You can now (carefully) decorate your tables however you want. You can add images beside them but be careful to not have GD fucking CLIP THEM TO THE TABLE MY FUCKING GOD-
but yea there's not much to say on it? it's a simple process ...
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example from my hr script <3
O2 / bundling images 2.0
OKOKOKOK so now that that's out of the way, i want to do a continuation on the bundling images. you can do this to make any aesthetic you want. personally, i like to make gifs, personal "cutout" png images, etc. and layer them to have that collage bullet journal type aesthetic? 😭✨ it's time consuming to make it super pretty in the end, so if you like putting unnecessary effort into your scripts like i do, go all out.
examples ///
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all of these are completely separate pngs and backgrounds bundled and layered with other pictures. you have to be careful with which setting (behind text/front of text/wrap text/break text) you use as putting "behind text" makes the image harder to select. i suggest putting "in front of text" for pictures you'd likely move more / pictures that should be on top of all the other ones.
if you're on windows... i use snip & sketch. i find the picture i want, then change the setting to "freeform snip" - this allows you to have the kind of cut-out paper look? as seen in the corners of my pictures above.
just zoom in (for better quality) on the pic then snip it to your desired shape.
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and when you do, it'll come out as that - if you want, you can crop out the unnecessary bits if you accidentally got some in the snip. then you can add them to google docs as desired.
personally, these pictures go on the bottom of all the others as backgrounds / addons. so i usually use "wrap text" or "behind text". that said, i also advise you crop it (on google docs) to that there's space to select and move it, if you have too many images overlapping it. this makes it easier than moving every single image out of place to get to it.
to do this - again - just double click the image then crop it way out of its actual size until there's a piece outside all the other images you can just click to move it. not advised for the images using "wrap text" setting unless you intend to have it affect the text. 😭✨
help for this is in my last post (link is in the top of the post) but you can just go crazy with it now. 😭✨
i use background removers (remove.bg especially)
pinterest is your best friend for these - keywords are tricky to use. personally, i use "minimalist tattoos", "chinese post bullet journal stickers", and just keep clikcing on images and going to similar ones until i get to the ones i want. why chinese? idk either but it just gets me where i want 😭😭
if you want to use circular, square, etc. - wrapped text (like this:)
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i use mockofun !
for like- some of the text, though, i just make a random page in the doc, write it how i want, ss it then go the my bg remover - and then go back to my doc with it. yea...
and uh yea. im bad at explaining // 😭 please ask for clarification if you need it because i feel like i wasn't being very clear here.
to finish off-
additional keywords i use:
mail bullet journal stickers
(insert bug/thing you want) aesthetic
[optional description] washi tape [bullet journal/aesthetic]
[optional description] border [aesthetic]
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If there’s one thing Casey McQuiston can do is write extra, post-canon, chapters
“God, she's happy. The weather is glorious, people are good, her motorcycle is sexy. It's one of those days when she is just explosively thankful to be alive and in love and gay in New York City.”
“Jane likes Wes a lot. He reminds her of the moody Bushwick boys she used to see at the quieter bars, the ones who only smoked cloves and complained they' d been born a few years too late to be a beatnik. It's the scowl, she thinks, and the air of perpetual malaise. And the mysterious gift for landing the hottest drag queens in the scene.”
“Jane has known she liked girls for a long, long time. Even when she forgot everything else about herself, she remembered English, Cantonese, and being a lesbian. It's never been worth fighting, not for anyone else's sake, but she did sometimes wish things were different. When she watched her dad trudge up the stairs at the end of a long day and into her mom's arms, she'd wished it was posible for her to know that feeling one day, to have a good woman waiting at home.
August is a good woman.”
“She'd always felt happiest and most loved when she was part of something bigger,”
“That night was the first time she ever slept with a woman. She remembers how revelatory it felt, like searching for a word in one language and realizing it only exists in another. Like her whole life she’d had this perfect thing inside her, this thing that had an exact purpose, that would make sense of everything, and she'd been looking for it wrong until that moment.
She wrote: I was on top of her, figuring out how many ways I could make her feel good, and I thought, "I like girls," which is pretty fucking far from groundbreaking for me, but my next thought was, "I love liking girls," and that was a thought i've never had before. I might have fallen a little bit in love with Ann then, the way I think you should fall in love with your first for at least one night. But I completely and permanently fell in love with the way it feels to make love to a woman.”
“The broader she tries to go, the less it's going to feel true. All these small, specific moments, this patchwork of a million faces and voices and hands and street corners and plates of food and songs and fleeting connections—she keeps trying to zoom out of them, but that's where she loses the details. Love is the meal, and love is the ingredients, and love is the whisk and the fire and the order in the window and the reason it came. She can't separate any part from the whole.”
“Life in the future isn't perfect by a longshot, especially not for people like her. There's so much that's still wrong with the world and so many reasons to look over her shoulder every time she walks down the street. But tonight, she's thankful for this. The scrabble forward, the good changes, and always, even now, a basement full of people who'll take her as she came.”
“But the longer she knew August, the longer she loved her, the more she understoad why those girls could never have been for her. Every one of them had only a piece of what she was looking for. A surly disposition here, a pair of glasses there—every girl she’d ever loved for a night or a week or a month had a shadow of August in her.”
“I was standing on a street that felt like home, she wrote, but I didn't have to hide my haircut or change my clothes to save my family from the gossip. It didn’t even matter if any of those aunties had something to say about me. Mom would never know. I loved it.”
“She wants to have the right words, the right attitude, the right gravity to be worthy of what people see in her, but some days she just wants to pick a stupid fight in the grocery store, and some days she wants to do nothing but learn to make a chocolate tart. She's only ever been one person doing what she had to do to survive. Just Biyu, just Jane.”
“Before the Q, Jane never thought she'd be part of any institution recognized by the state, least of all a wedding. Sure, she attended commitment ceremonies in basements and backyards, manned the patio grill while two boys from down the street slow danced under a magnolia tree and the washed-up hippie officiant burned incense to bless their union. Every time, the experience sang hot and sweet in her veins for days after, the way defiant acts of love between her friends always did. But every time, something told her this would never be hers. Probably, she figured, because she never allowed herself to stay with the same girl for more than a month.”
"You started saving for a ring—?"
"Right after I moved in, yeah.”
"If you ask Myla to explain electrical energy." Jane says, winking at the gleam that appears in Myla's eye, "the first thing she'll tell you is that it can't be created or destroyed. Love is like that too. It can be reshaped a million different ways. It can be as big and as impossible to understand as the universe, and it can be as simple as sitting on the other end of the same telephone line, not even saying anything. But in my experience, it'll never be small, and it'll never be short, and it sure as hell won't ever leave you. All it does is find a new place inside you to live, or a new channel to broadcast out of you. It carries you out when the house is falling down. It's the reason why anything good happens, and it's all those good things put together, the picture they make when you step back and really look. Love makes sense of everything. Love makes you real.”
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waxingrunes · 8 months
The only reason I created an account was to follow you and about eight others as I want to carefully select and whittle what my experience here is down to only what I explicitly enjoy. That being said I’m not confident enough to pull back the anonymous curtain just yet so this is what you get. Your Remus is popular and for good reasons but I wanted to stop by to tell you that as a cisgender male and a self titled Remus kin, I have a thing for your Sirius. He’s getting prettier and prettier., and I actually lost my bearings when you released the detention Sirius. Now I’ve complimented you and fluffed you up (: can I please kindlyyyy request you post that window of Sirius looking down at Remus on the couch? It’s from Moody moony, because I have the one where Remus is dipping forward to kiss Sirius as my screensaver and my boyfriend [as a Sirius kinnie] wants that one. Much respect and appreciation in advance please do not stop spreading Big Remus and Small Sirius propaganda.
God, thanks for this. This was exceptional to receive what the fuck. Thank you for supporting and loving what I put out. Successfully fluffed, well played anon.
Come with terrible news though, I fucked up when saving these pieces and cleared them all separately so now only the shrunken down versions exist. Below, is the only thing I can offer you and your boyfriend, which might be of no different quality than you zooming in, so I apologise. Lesson sorely learnt on my half. Hopefully I’ll put something else out soon that you enjoy just as much.
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cloneloverrrrr · 7 months
I saw your post with the smut dialogue prompts. I’d like to request “Don’t be gentle with me-I like it when you’re rough” along with “That noise…keep making it.” With Darman with fem reader. If your not comfortable writing him I also love Howzer, Mayday, Thorn, Rex and recently Hound.
If you have time great. If not that’s fine too. 😊
Thank you 💕
@trixie2023 this took my soul, I forgot how much I enjoy writing for beautiful Hound🫠🫠😈😈
I hope you enjoy this little bit of filth with our fave Arf Trooper 🫶🏻🫶🏻
He needs more loving💁🏻‍♀️
Dividers by my boo @idontgetanysleep ✨🥰
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𝗗𝗼𝗻𝘁 𝗕𝗲 𝗚𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗹𝗲 𝗪𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗠𝗲 - 𝗢𝗻𝗲 𝗦𝗵𝗼𝘁
𝗥𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀:🔞 𝗠𝗶𝗻𝗼𝗿𝘀 𝗗𝗢 𝗡𝗢𝗧 𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁 𝗠𝗮𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁
𝗣𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴: 𝗦𝗲𝗿𝗴𝗲𝗮𝗻𝘁 𝗛𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱 𝘅 𝗳!𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿 , 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝗶𝗻𝘀𝗲𝗿𝘁
𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁: 1110
𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: 𝗦𝗠𝗨𝗧, 𝘀𝗺𝘂𝘁 𝘀𝗺𝘂𝘁 𝘀𝗺𝘂𝘁 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗮 𝘁𝗶𝗻𝘆 𝗽𝗹𝗼𝘁, 𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆, 𝗼𝗿𝗮𝗹 𝗙 𝗿𝗲𝗰𝗲𝗶𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗴, 𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵 𝘀𝗲𝘅, 𝗣 𝗶𝗻 𝗩 𝘀𝗲𝘅, 𝘂𝗻𝗽𝗿𝗼𝘁𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝘀𝗲𝘅, 𝗰𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗶𝗲, 𝗛𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱 𝗯𝗲𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮𝗻 𝗮𝗱𝗼𝗿𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗵𝗼𝗽𝗲𝗹𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝗿𝗼𝗺𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗰 𝗮𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗲𝗻𝗱
A dark twilight had fallen across the skies on your home planet of Coruscant. Less then an hour or so the sky was gloaming a red, orange,yellow and pink hue. Now it’s wake was vast inky black tranquility married to a poetry of glistening stars. It was the softness that called body and brain to rest, the night came as a reward of some sorts, a restfulness to calm one’s soul.
That was until the sound of your apartment doors whooshed open, a clank of a helmet as it clattered to the floor. A tall dominating presence lingered behind you, the air was still with mirrored breathing.
Hound stood behind you, gloved hands caressing your arms as his fingers trail up to your shoulders rubbing gently releasing any tension that had built up. You breathe a small gasp , this has your Sergeant smiling into the nape of your neck.
You watched the speeders zoom below your apartment the neon glow from the bustling streets below illuminated your face. Your hands guiding Hounds down to your waist.
“It’s good to be home mesh’la” he murmured into the crook of your neck, a damp trail of his salvia leads from the shell of your ear to your pulse point.
No words spoken only mutual desires burn between you both.
Clothes fell, lips and fingers traced the contours of each body, tongues flit against necks, nipples, stomachs. Heat pooled in the base of your stomach , Hounds sizeable length oh so desperate to stretch you to feel you come undone for him.
Hound backed you up to the large windows of your apartment , the sheer viole hardly covering the copulation between two lovers.
“Hound- stop… what if someone uh.. sees” you whimper out
Hounds dark gaze met yours , a smirk tugged at this lips, his long dark curls fell against his face. Your hand leaned over to push them out from his honey eyes.
He held your face and kissed you, lazy deep kisses , his tongue pleading for an entrance you happily accepted.
“Shhhh mesh”la… relax for me” he whispered groaning into your mouth. His errection grinding against your stomach.
So enthralled in this warm haze you fail to notice Hounds large fingers slide down your sides until a firm touch sent a shiver down your spine. His thumb pressed against your clit , two of his fingers tease your moist slit. Up and down dipping in slightly.
“Fuck- your so wet” he hisses through gritted teeth.
Your hips jerked against his touch , the cool glass brushed against your supple skin adding the shivers vibrating under your skin.
Hound gets down on his knees, his gaze never once leaving yours, he drags his nose up your thigh slowly, one hand continuing to rub deft fingers around your slit dragging your arousal across your labia and sensitive clit. On instinct your legs part allowing him better access.
“Oh Hound, stars- oh-“ you moaned.
A fog of pleasure clouded your vision. Skin ablaze.
A flat wet tongue pressed against your clit, one finger pumping away. Your hands grabbed onto his soft curls gently tugging pulling his head taught. Another finger added the pace becoming brisk.
“Don’t be gentle with me - I like it when your rough” he teased.
Your fingers became intertwined in his locks, you pulled his head taught grabbing at his hair harder , grinding yourself on his face as his tongue fucked you.
Your body spasmed your cunt fluttered, your stomach clenched the heat building threatening to take over. Your rolled your hips faster, pushing his face against your tingling clit. Hounds grip on your thighs was harsh, surely to leave bruises, a lewd reminder of this evening.
Heat coiled, your core exploded.
“Good girl , cum for me. That’s it” Hound growled , his filthy praises muffled by your convulsing cunt and the sounds of your panting.
Your breathing was shakey, legs trembling you fall back against the glass. Calloused hands rubbed up your thighs as he stands up. Chin lips and nose shining with your release. Eyes hooded dripping in desire.
Hound backs you into the windows once more flipping you around, your perfect naked body glimmering against the luminous lights of the city below.
“I’ll give you everything you’ll ever need pretty girl” dark hunger laced in his raspy voice.
The velvety tip of his cock stretches your dripping cunt , the tendons in his neck straining as he moaned, the way your cunt fluttered around him had him falling into an animalistic state of rapture.
Slowly hips slap against your ass, heavy fingers roll and pull at your nipple , the other clasped around your throat a thumb on your pulse point the index finger curled into your mouth. His chest heaved against your back, the harsh drag of his cock fucking into you brutally. You jerk and writhe at his touch the painful pleasure almost too much.
Broken screams, pitiful whimpers and the stutter of his name fall from your mouth. These sounds snapped something devilish inside of him.
“That noise …. keep making it” he moaned so fucking desperately.
He sucked on your neck pushing into you harder much rougher than before, moving his hand from your swollen nipple down to your clit. Rubbing firm small circles as he slammed into you. Harder and harder.
Your eyes rolled back, you let your head fall into the crook of his neck, wet squelching noises paired with his violent thrusts pants and moans engulfed your senses over took your mind. The pressure inside you pulled taught you came intensely coating his cock in your sweet cum. Your back arched into Hound his stomach muscles flexing as his pace faltered , more erratic.
A pained groan fell from his chest as Hound spilled into you, filling you with warm thick ropes of his cum. His fingers gently stroking your spine as he softened inside of you placing a tender kiss upon your each shoulder.
“I can’t get enough of you mesh’la” he whispers into the back of your neck, hands travelling across each dip and curve of your body. You hum quietly in response reaching a hand back you stroke his cheek and he melts into your touch. Your souls connect as one.
“My love for you knows no limits”
His words have you gasping as he picks you up carrying you to the fresher. A sweet wave of calm washes over you rippling like the mighty waves on Kamino.
A beautiful feeling nothing or no one could ever replicate.
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TAGLIST- @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @hellhound5925 @kimiheartblade @cw80831 @hello-there-cyarika @dukeoftheblackstar @jules-1999 @justanothersadperson93 @secretthegriffin @idontgetanysleep @clonemedickix @eternal-transience-spice @n0vqni @dangraccoon @starrylothcat
Please do lmk if you want to be added or removed ☺️
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bubblewonderabyss · 5 months
Mod talk Category: Quality of life
I know my way around the starbound workshop better than most so I figured I'd share the love and talk about the mods I have installed, the category for this particular post being quality of life, as that's probably the most universally liked one. Quality of life means anything that adds ease of access to certain features, new mechanics, or simply more variety
Are these mod recs? Not necessarily. Read carefully, make an informed decisions, and back up your save file beforehand if you do want to try some of them out. Happy modding!
Disclaimer: The lore compliance subcategory contains only my best guess, there's always a chance I missed something
"Extended block crafting" by HaxoFelyne Summary: Adds crafting recipes for 32 uncraftable blocks because fuck uncraftable blocks Usefulness: 10/10 Cheating?: Brains are the only really broken block in the game and this mod doesn not add them, so balanced Lore compliance: N/A
"Why is this not printable?!" by Cthonyxa Summary: Makes more items printable Usefulness: 8/10 Cheating?: Things like art and major artifact clues remain unprintable which makes sense Lore compliance: yes
"Hop On Shops" by Argle Bargle Summary: Adds platform collision to various outpost objects Usefulness: 2/10, good for immersion Cheating?: No Lore compliance: More-so than vanilla
"More idle poses" by Argle Bargle Summary: Unlocks more combinations of arm, leg, and head positions at the character creation screen. Also applies to npc's. Usefulness: 8/10, starbound HEAVILY relies on its roleplay elements so this is super useful, I honestly have no idea why it's not in the base game Cheating?: No Lore compliance: More-so than vanilla
"Show item names!" by Silver Sokolova Summary: Shows the in-file name in the lower left corner of the description window Usefulness: 4/10, it can sometimes provide insight the game itself does not like the species tag, usually helps you deduce what mod the item is from, and can make building in admin mode easier. I just think it's neat Cheating?: It could be under some circumstances, like if an item is meant to be mysterious and the name gives it away for example. Lore compliance: N/A
"Shadow/Fenerox Crewmember Dialogue" by Achromatic Summary: Replaces the above species default dialogue with something more suited to their vanilla speech patterns Usefulness: 10/10 Cheating?: No Lore compliance: More-so than vanilla
"Learn Blueprints on Scan" by (cat emoji) Summary: The outpost now sells a matter manipulator addon that allows you to learn the recipe of every craftable item you scan Usefulness: 9/10 Cheating?: It absolutely is, but it's arguably justified since blueprints are rare and some can't even be found through legit means like certain items in the lunar set for example Lore compliance: Seems like something S.A.I.L might be able to
"Wooden furniture reskin" by Bubblywandering (me) Summary: Makes the wooden furniture set slightly more visually interesting in my humble opinion. Twas originally made for personal use but some people wanted it for their game so I uploaded it Usefulness: Non-applicable, it's just a matter of taste Lore compliance: No?
"Tweaked Asra Nox Vanilla Sprite" by The Blasphemer Summary: Replaces Asra's portrait and character sprite with a slightly altered version Usefulness: I love most of the portraits in the game but Asra's portrait always gave me a weird vibe so this is a welcome alternative. Her character sprite is given visible sclera which is not in line with starbound's art style though so mixed feelings are mixed Lore compliance: Sure why not
"More Metal Wood" by LazerRay Summary: Makes those metal trees in snow biomes drop metal coated wood Usefulness: 7/10 Cheating?: Makes metal coated wood both farmable and available early on, this has no practical application thought, so no Lore compliance: More-so than vanilla
"Extra Zoom Levels" by Patchumz Summary: Allows you to zoom out a couple extra times Usefulness: 10/10 if and only if you regularly screenshot your builds Cheating?: Yes, it allows unnatural levels of insight into what lies ahead of you. If you have self control you'll be fine Lore compliance: No?
"Varied Bounties" by Kais Summary: Allows max level bounties to spawn at stars other than fiery Usefulness: 10/10 Cheating?: Criminal stats scale with bounty level so not really Lore compliance: More-so than vanilla
"Weapon stats" by Tripod Summary: Displays the stats of weapons (vanilla or modded,) including DPS Usefulness: 10/10 Cheating?: Nope Lore compliance: N/A
"Hat Mask Fixes" Summary: Fixes some hats so they don't block facial features such as beaks and beards Usefulness: 10/10 Cheating?: No lol Lore compliance: More-so than vanilla
"Race Traits" by Oмεяυıп Summary: Gives the different species custom stats, for example florans have increased hunger and hylotl take longer to drown, can be turned on or off, most modded species are supported and you can toggle it on and off whenever Usefulness: 6/10, adds variety Cheating?: A few thorns and poison resistances here and there but otherwise pretty balanced Lore compliance: I'd say so
"Non-playable NPC Race Quests and Crew" Summary: Makes the nonplayable races give quests and become crew members naturally, with custom dialogue to match Usefulness: 10/10 why is this not in the base game?? Cheating?: No Lore compliance: Yes
"More Tenant Species" by NimbleJim Summary: Allows additional species options for tenants and corresponding dialogue Usefulness: 8/10, additional customization options are always useful Cheating?: No Lore compliance: More-so than vanilla, species =/= interests lol
"Unisex [Novakid/Human] Hair" by (cat emoji) Summary: Just what it sounds like, all hairstyles are available for either body type. Note: There is an apex version as well but it's broken Usefulness: 10/10, it makes no sense for futuristic humans or living stars to give a shit about gendered hairstyles Cheating?: No Lore compliance: Arguably more-so than vanilla
"Diverse Weather" by gay moth aunt Summary: Adds new weather patterns and allows more types of weather per planet Usefulness: 5/10 adds some nice variety Cheating?: This increases the game's difficulty overall so no Lore compliance: The gravity fluctuation weather is a little out there but other than that, yes
"Novakid Codices" by jss2a98aj Summary: Are you salty that the only codex that references the novakid is just some hylotl missionary being racist (read: a missionary?) Then this is the mod for you! Adds a variety of novakid codices that can be found in novakid villages Usefulness: 10/10 Cheating?: No Lore compliance: More-so than vanilla
"I'd Like To Sit Here" by vampycat237 Summary: Adds an invisible 1x1 chair type object that you can place anywhere with platform collision Usefulness: 4/10, niche immersion usage Cheating?: No Lore compliance: More-so than vanilla, I guess
"Rogues Out Camping (and also the Miniknog)" by Refolde Summary: Adds bandit-style encounters of all vanilla species Usefulness: 2/10, variety Cheating: Makes the game slightly harder so no Lore compliance: Arguably more-so than vanilla
"Crew Size Unbound" by SerpentsBlight Summary: Allows vanilla ships to skirt regulations and have more than 12 crewmembers max Usefulness: 6/10 Cheating?: Absolutely Lore compliance: Yes (you monster)
"Corbent's Interactive Crew" by, you guessed it, Corbent Summary: Allows you to direct your crew (to a degree,) ups a few of their stats, allows them to swim, adds some dialogue, and some npc's will randomly ask to date you rather than you hiring them Usefulness: 10/10 Cheating?: Makes crew members somewhat better, but not too much better imo Lore compliance: Makes crewmembers say random dialogue lines instead of one, making them feel less individual :/
"NPCSpawner+" by Depression Hurts, Eat More KFC Summary: Allows you to create an npc of any species, color scheme, type, personality, and clothing Usefulness: 9/10, good for porting crewmates over to new player characters, skirting gendered hair style restrictions, giving certain npc's impossible color schemes, and putting an oc in the game without having to play as them Cheating?: Let's you get free crew members so yes, something something self control Lore compliance: Definitely not
"Job Offers" by this is a profile name Summary: Adds craftable tools that allow you to recruit any friendly or neutral npc for the indicated job, including merchants and other ordinarily non-recruitable npc's Usefulness: 9/10, we've all had that one merchant we really wanted to recruit but couldn't amirite Cheating?: Totally bypasses the need to do quests to recruit crewmembers for all the benefits thereof. You'll need good self control to avoid abusing this mod's power Lore compliance: Eh
"Ever[Frogg/Lana/Penguin]" by Star-X Summary: Makes the indicated outpost shops sell all their stock at all times no matter what Usefulness: 4/10, you could just be patient/find the relevant blueprints but eh Cheating?: Oh yes Lore compliance: No
"CityScaper - Building Made Easy!" Summary: Let's you build a colony prefab style, for a price Usefulness: Depends on who you are Cheating?: It's expensive as shit to use so I'd say no Lore compliance: N/A
"Item Frame" by Peassly Wellbott Summary: Adds an item frame bench where you can craft two types of item frames, one which shows the icon and one which shows items at full size. Works on both vanilla and modded items. Note: Some items will not display correctly Usefulness: 10/10, WHY is this not in the base game?? Cheating?: No Lore compliance: N/A
"Aging Alien Alcohols" by Lilegite Summary: Allows you to craft a fermentable version of drinks and a few other items which will eventually turn into alcoholic beverages Usefulness: 5/10, some utility but it's mostly just for fun/roleplay purposes Cheating?: Adds some non-perishable hunger-restoring items via set-it-and-forget-it means so it does have an effect on game balance, but only slightly Lore compliance: More-so than vanilla
"Sapling merger!" by Silver Sokolova Summary: Lets you create unnatural trunktype and leaftype combinations, what has science done! Usefulness: 4/10, it's just for aesthetics Cheating?: Barely even counts lol Lore compliance: It's just grafting right?…Right?
"Craftable Seeds NEW" by RevvEmUp Summary: Allows you to craft seeds out of crops, also adds some saplings (including a red apple one) and makes the three dye-making flowers, mushrooms, and thorn bushes farmable Usefulness: 9/10 Cheating?: God yes Lore compliance: It seems reasonable
"The Game Hunter" by Wellbott Summary: Allows you to turn entities into decorative objects, this includes npc's (you monster) Usefulness: 5/10, purely cosmetic but really cool Cheating?: No lol Lore compliance: You can do so many messed up things in starbound, what's one more?
"Weapon assembly" by alberto-rota Summary: Adds the weapon assembly station which lets you break down (most) randomly generated weapons into parts and mix and match them into new ones, also adds the weapon painting station which allows you to dye the parts individually Cheating?: In the sense that it makes your randomly generated weapons less random, but otherwise no Lore compliance: Yeah
"More Planet Info" by Erisss Summary: Shows the dungeons and biomes present on the surface of the planet, the underground remains a mystery Usefulness: 8/10, a time saver Cheating?: In the sense that it somewhat reduces the randomness factor Lore compliance: Seems like something S.A.I.L would be able to do
"Detailed Ship Encounters" Summary: Functions like More Planet Info but for ships Usefulness: 8/10 Cheating?: Reduces randomness Lore compliance: More or less
"Betabound!" by Silver Sokolova Summary: Adds outpost npc quests, re-implements scrapped bosses and their corresponding codices (but no other codices thank god,) adds a new tech slot and many new techs, lets you switch out your matter manipulator for any other digging tool, makes food stack, reskins a couple food items, adds many weapons, adds new tools and makes digging tools repairable, adds furniture crafted from high tier ores, adds new ores, adds more fuel options, adds more cooking recipes and alters the buffs of many food items, adds upgrade kits for weapons, makes it possible to copy books and even write your own, makes some weapons dyeable, lets you copy and craft blueprints, and adds some monsters. Be aware that it does alter random weapon generation and changes a few vanilla sprites though Usefulness: 8/10, makes your character more customizable Cheating?: Drastically alters the balance of the game in the player's favor Lore compliance: The boss codices reference explicitly non-canon characters and events, other than that it's perfectly fine
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mediumtires · 11 months
It's two days into the summer break and I'm already going through vroom vroom withdrawals, so I re-read Seven Years then decided to nitpick season 5 of DTS. Seven Years is so stuck in my head (especially with last weekend's ass grab) that I started to wonder how Christian and Toto's relationship would affect DTS. Would there be a full episode about their relationship? Would they be more included in each other's episodes? Would Netflix try to get footage of the two acting like a couple? The only guarantee is that Tumblr would be analysis every interaction between the two because we already do that.
Also, I use Microsoft Edge over google so I thought you might find this funny.
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The first thing they list is that he is a racing driver, not a successful team principal, a racing driver. :p
ohhh this is such an interesting take!
personally i didn’t make dts a thing in seven years because i just didn’t want to deal with the mess of it. it adds a whole other layer of emotional clusterfucks of being exposed to the wider public (outside of the f1 bubble even), even more cameras following them around the paddock, mic-ed up 24/7. there is a snippet i started writing after the whole “change your fucking car” business that i couldn’t even finish because the whole thing was so messy and i could not come up with a proper way to solve this because i was so embarrassed for them lmao.
but let’s walk for a second. let’s say their involuntary outing happens and dts are around for it all, i do think netflix would be a perfect vessel to promote lgbtq+ visibility and rights in motorsports and both pr teams would jump at the chance. obviously an outing like this is a huge fuck up marketing wise, nothing was planned, no one was prepared for it so they’d need to act quick and with netflix around, they’d have the perfect opportunity to angle the narrative any way they want. plus for netflix it would obviously mean Millions. everyone and their mother would watch the new season.
not sure they’d have a full episode. don’t think christian or toto would agree to this during some of the worst moments of their lives lol and in seven years i tried my best to not glorify or romanticise a shitty situation like being outed by someone else against your will. but i do think they’d both still want to be on dts, they enjoy the spotlight and the attention too much. in my mind they’d both show up to their netflix interviews smirking, a little ala “look at you and your lil cameras, i had a secret you couldn’t even imagine being true, you only know the things i choose to tell you, i’m in charge here”. to me that’s kind of a power move. i also think certain questions would simply be blacklisted so all we’d get would be ambiguous layered eye-twinkling comments about the rival team principal while touching their wedding rings. “oh toto slammed that desk *eye roll* yeah he’s so emotional *smirk*” or “christian has a big mouth, don’t believe everything he says, i don’t” or “singapore last year? yeah i think…. i think we won. did we? can’t remember, i was a little busy” but they don’t ever talk about singapore directly.
post outing i don’t think we’d get much husband material on dts. i tried very hard to write them as being private about their relationship and i still think that rings true, even post outing. there were instances where i thought it’d be significant and meaningful to them as a couple to show their support for each other a little more publicly (or maybe just a little less secretively) but those moments were about them more so than an act for the public or the cameras. in my mind they wouldn’t walk hand in hand through the paddock just because they can, not mid season on a thursday morning anyway. they’re professionals and they’re at work. but it’s a different thing when a netflix camera zooms in on them through a window and they’re having a quiet lunch tucked away in some corner of rb hospitality, or a brush of hands or a discreet smile when they pass each other somewhere and a camera is around to pick up on it.
so that’s my take! the most interesting angle to me though is how the public perception suddenly changes from seeing them as individuals to seeing them as a unit. it rewires your brain from “oh these two are fun, they hate each other” to “oh these two….. don’t hate each other. in actuality they…. they seem to love each other enough to be…. husbands. huh”
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iampikachuhearmeroar · 9 months
yknow, I really HATE the snide comments on posts about older learner or P plate drivers, here in aus, when they get into accident by simple error. like the other day, I saw a news story about a P plater who accidentally flipped their car onto its roof, while trying to practice parking at a busy beach (bc it was during a hot day).
however, no one had any like empathy or sympathy for the person, who was 30, apparently. "oh. they're a 30 YEAR OLD P PLATER????? that says it ALL doesn't it??? maybe don't be a deadbeat and get your licence earlier???" and "who can't park at a busy beach during a hot day???? did they NOT learn how to park at all during driving lessons??? take their licence away, they don't deserve to drive ever again!!!!" or "who the hell is a P plater AT 30??? get with the times and get your licence as a teen like a normal person!!!! so you're NOT a burden to everyone else!!!"
like im still to read the article. but I feel so much for this person. I only got my Ps in 2019.... at 23/24. I only got off my Ps last november (2022), at 27. I've talked on many posts about my struggles around getting my licence (ie too much anxiety and depression in 2011 and late high school- the perceived "only right time"- to go for my Ls and Ps) and troubles with driving teachers and uni and me having to pay for ALL of my lessons out of own pocket.... and also my parent never wanting to teach me.... bc I was too anxious for them as well, so you might as well just push all off on a driving school anyway.
so yeah me getting my licence was a fucking mess. I HATED myself for getting it so late etc etc. but even on my full licence, earlier this year, i made a stupid asf error right before I left my old job.
basically, a week before I left that job, I had a MASSIVE crash in my works private parking lot. I went up the ramp to the upper level for shade, bc it was a hot day and my car would be cooler at the end of the day (not by much, obvs, but a bit) than me parking on the bottom floor, away from everyone in the sun).... I accidentally scraped on side of my car on one of the concrete pillars. I panicked, stupidly really. what's a little dent on my car??? lmao. anyway. I reversed out of those pillars, trying to fix the position of my car. however, in doing that, I accidentally pressed the accelerator and went zooming (low speed but downhill, terrible combination) down the ramp, and smashed my entire back window, boot (trunk, for americans) and a bit of the right side panel of my car (which the repairs were kind enough to replace the entirety of actually).... also they had to bc thag entire back tyre was ripped off. my exhaust was leaking too.
obvs my old work sent me home that day (thank FUCK) , and I had a hire car through my insurance for nearly 3 months. I got landed with an extra $400 excess for being an "inexperienced driver" bc I'd only had my full licence for 5 months at that point, instead of 2 years. but it's just that easy to make a dumb fuckup mistake.
and no, when it came to learning how to park with both my parent and the driving school.... I didn't get much time learn. I did like 10 mins in one lesson with the driving school on actual parking in a parking lot.... bc that shit didn't matter in the P plate test... only the stupid asf kerb side reverse park (or whatever the fuck it's called) got assessed in the test.... and I fucking resented that SO MUCH.... bc it's the part I ALWAYS forgot the steps to and always did in like 20 steps, instead of the required 3 to 5. the end of test parking in the spot at service nsw (ie the dmv in my state of aus) doesn't get marked.
my parent just straight up refused to teach me parking (and pretty esp the curb side tbh). instead, they tried to tell me that middle-aged american and canadian men (most usually... and none of them were driving instructors- just randos) with go pros were a better resource to learn parking from.... when like THEY DRIVE ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE FUCKING ROAD TO AUSTRALIA????? "all you have to do is watch that video before we go put to practice and swap it around in your head??? it's that easy!" no it's not???? how the fuck am I meant to reverse the direction in my head???? it literally makes fuck all sense.
moreover, I feel like it's just australia's laziness on having resources for learner drivers. like not one aussie driving school, while I was trying to get my licence, had instructional videos on how to do a reverse park, how to park normally, and how to do parallels parking. there was ONE British guy. ONE. and not even from australia. everything else was flooded by americans and canadians. like guys, I like you. but trying to learn how to park from Brad in a Walmart parking lot in Texas or mark in Omaha in a walgreens parking lot.... or Tommy from Saskatchewan or Ben from Ontario, both videos from a Tim Horton's parking lot (sorry, it's the only canadian brand that I know lol).... who are all driving and parking from the right side of the road.... DOES NOT help a very confused and anxious learner driver in AUSTRALIA who DRIVES ON THE LEFT, with learning how to park safely or well. under stress, or just even normally for me, it was IMPOSSIBLE to swap the direction around mentally, as I was actively trying to learn to park.
but my point is, the age of the P plate driver has NOTHING to do with the fact that they accidentally flipped their car while trying to park in a stressful situation. they weren't lazy or a burden for getting their licence late. the situation i crashed my car in wasn't even stressful... I was just an anxious, almost sleepless mess at that old job. I accidentally freaked myself out by slightly scratching my car bc I have shit parking and direction skills in that particular parking lot.
my age, 27, and the person in the news story's age, 30 HAS NOTHING TO DO with driving ability and apparently "needing their licence taken off them." I was practically forced to get my licence and buy my car (eventually) to be better considered for jobs.... since NO ONE wants to hire someone without a car and licence these days. like I was so lucky my old job was right across from a bus stop and that they hired me using the bus.
every other place I tried basically automatically tossed me out in the application stage, when I dared to answer "I use public transport" or "I don't have access to my own vehicle." even though HR at my old work kept telling me that employers can't assess or discriminate against that. but they do, ashley, they do. and I KNOW... esp since I've always been interested in doing events. and doing events work is IMPOSSIBLE without a car due to wack ass hours. also, I actively got denied a marketing internship in business college in 2014. all bc the bus took an hour and a half, instead of 25 to 30 mins by car. so don't you dare tell me that workplaces don't discriminate towards lack of transportation (even if they can't say it directly to the applicant) bc some places definitely do.
so I imagine that the above, and the other obstacles I've mentioned in this post, are what probably led to this 30 year P plater getting their licence so late (unless of course they got downgraded bc they had road offences.... but idk bc I still haven't actually read the article lol). but assuming the best of the person in the story, it was an honest, anxious mistake to flip their car while trying to park that day at that beach... like, okay. it's obvs not a small mistake; bc they did flip their goddamned car upside down....
but in stress, you can make stupid ass mistakes, just like I did in march..... and imo that doesn't call for someone to LOSE THEIR LICENCE and be thoroughly condescended to.... all bc some fucking asshole on the internet is all fucking rude about "OH A 30 YO P PLATER???? THAT SAYS IT ALL!!!! they were too lazy to do this important thing YEARS AGO as a teenager, and now they're making our roads unsafe with this!!!! rescind their licence now!!! they're entirely unfit to drive! or at least go back to driving school, darling. so maybe you'll remember your mistakes of safety!!!"
like, brenda or quincey. I highly doubt you've NEVER made a mistake while driving??? or accidentally hit someone???? or maybe you'd be like the middle aged lady I accidentally hit back in july, who tried to force me to stand in a busy local highway intersection FOR AN HOUR ON THE PHONE witb my insurance to report.... so she had PHYSICAL PROOF that I'd done it... bc she was thoroughly convinced that I was lying that I had insurance bc (A.) I dont have an insurance card like she dod.... bc im sure that's a legacy thing, and I've only had my car for a year, so that meant to her that I was a LIAR.... and (B.) I'm young, so then that automatically means that I'm a liar and will never report to insurance that I'd fucked up.... then this woman had the gall to report the incident 3 DAYS LATER (I'm assuming).... after INSISTING I had to do it instantly in front of HER EYES only for truthful reporting all while saying "you BETTER get this FIXED for ME bc my husband has just died".
like thanks, geraldine. but at this point, I don't fucking care about your dead husband. just let me report this accident in peace AT HOME AWAY from you, breathing down my neck saying every 2 seconds that "young people ALWAYS lie to me... so YOU'RE A LIAR and will dupe me out of my deserved repairs. repair it FOR ME NOW! YOU BETTER DO IT WHILE I WATCH, OR YOU WILL RUN OFF ON ME!! I KNOW THIS!!!!" but anyway. I digress. my point is that the people commenting on age sound exactly this rude ass woman, insisting that the older age of the P plater in this story has everything to do with the accident, and NOTHING to do with stress and anxiety around driving.
like ok. I'll admit picking a busy time to practice parking, probs isn't the best decision. but also. if you don't practice parking at busy times EVER, you're just never going to go anywhere during peak busy periods of the day.... much like I do. I never go to the beach in summer bc I hate jockeying for spots. I wait til like 4 to 6 pm to go do some shopping bc then I have less chance of accidentally hitting someone (a car obvs) while backing out.... and am more likely to have an empty spot to drive straight into.
I purposely pick the emptier outside parking lot at one particular local shopping centre, all bc I know if I park like shit (ie accidentally park over half into another spot) I can just leave it like that, bc I have fuck all idea of how to correct it tbh. as long as no one parks RIGHT NEXT TO ME, I'm fine lmao. and that's a problem in summer, when it's like 45⁰C (like 100+⁰F).... so I should really try to park in the overly busy undercover parking, for respite, when i get back to my car. I actively avoid ever driving to sydney bc of this as well. I'll never be able to handle sydney suburbia driving.... let alone the whole ass different beast that is CBD sydney driving is (lol im driving straight into the harbour to avoid any type of city parking and parking fees etc).
anyway yeah. I just wish people had more empathy and sympathy these days when people have a kinda dumb accident like this..... instead of instantly calling for the person to lose their licence.... and also insisting that its all to do with someone getting their licence much later than the perceived "correct and proper" time of 16 to 19.
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legalgal421 · 2 years
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I posted 993 times in 2022
That's 576 more posts than 2021!
131 posts created (13%)
862 posts reblogged (87%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 320 of my posts in 2022
#david x patrick - 96 posts
#schitt's creek fic - 92 posts
#schitt's creek fanfiction - 65 posts
#thanks for the ask! - 26 posts
#schitt's creek - 20 posts
#schittscreekdrabbleblog - 19 posts
#ask game - 19 posts
#fanfic - 13 posts
#sc fanfic - 12 posts
#ask a farm witch - 11 posts
Longest Tag: 75 characters
#literally these characters officially meeting in the fifth and final season
My Top Posts in 2022:
Rescuing Roses
For @schittscreekdrabbleblog
Word bargain and bonus word blanket
Mr. Rose retreated into his room after the awkward yet sincere conversation, leaving Patrick to watch the game alone.
David’s soft blanket and high thread count sheets were inviting. After his team won, Patrick settled in for a nap before his fiancé returned.
“Patrick. Herb called me. We have to go get David and his mom,” Mr. Rose announced, bursting into the room.
“What? Why?” Patrick inquired.
“I’m not sure, but I think you’re about to find what you bargained for when you asked David to marry you.”
Patrick slipped on his shoes and grabbed his keys. He already knew.
28 notes - Posted October 11, 2022
@schittscreekdrabbleblog word echo and bonus word cozy.
Do you want to know what happens when I am in a zoom waiting room all by myself? This...
“Do you guys use nicknames?” Stevie asked from her cozy, movie-watching perch on the couch in the cottage.
“What?” David asked.
“Nicknames. Do you and Patrick have them? You know. Like shmoopy or bunny or something cutesy,” Stevie inquired.
Fuck, baby. Your mouth! Patrick’s words from this morning echoed in David’s head. Followed by, Sweetheart, I love you.
“Um, no. We aren’t that couple,” David lied. “Besides, that would be private.”
“Because I haven’t walked in on your private moments before?”
David glared at her and returned to the movie.
“Hi honey! I’m home,” Patrick bellowed, walking in the door.
Now on AO3!
28 notes - Posted December 6, 2022
Like Reflections of Your Mind
For @schittscreekdrabbleblog word: wedding
After the customers left, David walked to the front of the store. He heard Patrick’s voice in the backroom talking to a prospective vendor. David held his left hand to the window and admired the reflection of the amber hues of the midday sun off the golden shine of his wedding ring. The beauty was in its simplicity. A thin band that held memories and promises. In David’s mind, it played a film of their wedding day.
A strong arm snaked around him. Without a word, another ringed hand joined him. 
“Do you see our future?” Patrick asked.
David nodded.
30 notes - Posted November 21, 2022
Marcy's Boys
For the @schittscreekdrabbleblog word: Snuggle
It's like this word was for me! I will have more this week.
Marcy put the final touches on dinner before going to gather everyone. Her boys were visiting! No holiday, no birthday, no reason. Just because. 
She marveled at the sight in her living room. Patrick lay with his head on one of the arms of the large fluffy couch with David on him, snuggling together, asleep. Clint was on his recliner adjacent to them, his book precariously resting on his chest, also asleep. The glow from the fireplace lit their relaxed faces. 
Before arousing them, she snapped a picture of the scene with her phone. And made it her Lock Screen. 
On AO3
32 notes - Posted November 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
For @schittscreekdrabbleblog word: Convenience
Bonus word: eerie
“There has to be another solution, Ray!”
“Your NHL contract has a morality clause. They will say you violated it.”
“Can’t we cry discrimination? I was in a gay club.”
“No. You were photographed with your pants around your ankles!”
The room fell into an eerie silence.
“Is a marriage of convenience the only option?” Patrick whispered. Ray nodded.
“Fine. Who?”
“David Rose,” Ray answered.
“The fashion blogger?”
“As your agent, I advise this is your best option.”
Patrick paused. Finally, he said, “Make the deal.”
When the door to apartment B13 opened, Patrick was certain he fell in love.
54 notes - Posted October 17, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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lsdunesarchive · 1 year
L.S. Dunes: Travis Stever’s yang to Frank Iero’s yin
Words by Ellie Robinson Photo by Mark Beemer November 17, 2022
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Travis Stever talks a lot.
That’s not an insult – the 43-year-old New Jerseyan just has a lot to say, and virtually all of it is fantastic. He’s impressively storied: most would know him as the lead guitarist in Coheed And Cambria, but he’s popped his head through many a musical window over some three decades: side-projects include Fire Deuce, The English Panther, Davenport Cabinet and Zero Trust (per Wikipedia, but I’m certain there’s more out there), and he also played lap-steel on My Brother’s Blood Machine, the 2006 debut from The Prize Fighter Inferno, the solo folktronica project of Coheed frontman Claudio Sanchez.
Stever’s latest project is L.S. Dunes, a post-hardcore supergroup* I can only accurately describe as “every mid-to-late 2000s emo fan’s wildest pipe-dream come true”. Stever plays guitar alongside Frank Iero (of My Chemical Romance, and his own mountain of side-projects), while Anthony Green (Circa Survive, Saosin) sings, Tim Payne (Thursday) plays bass, and Tucker Rule (also Thursday, but for a short time, Yellowcard too) plays drums. I write “supergroup” with an asterisk because although L.S. Dunes are a supergroup, etymologically, when I interviewed Stever for Australian Guitar #151, he fucking hated that I called them one. 
Nevertheless, we got along like a house on fire, and I had a blast chatting with him about his new band and their debut album, Past Lives (out now on Fantasy Records). It was hard not to be engaged with everything he said: watching him wax lyrical about his impenetrable love for music, even over Zoom with our video link presenting him at approximately three pixels per inch, the glimmer in his eyes and wideness of his smile made it clear, Stever is living his dream. He’s just a kid that fell in love with rock ‘n’ roll, started jamming out for the hell of it – not to make bank, but simply because it was fun – and somewhere along the way, wound up turning it into his full-time gig (no pun intended). 
It doesn’t seem to have gotten any less fun for him since then, either. Usually artists with careers as weighty as his appear at least a little burnt out on the music industry. You can tell when someone’s passion is genuine, and Stever’s certainly is.
The proof in the pudding, for me, was just how goddamn much Stever had to say about any and every topic. Our interview in Australian Guitar #151, spanning five questions across a hair over 1,000 words, was cut down from a transcript about four times as long. His unedited answers to those questions ran a solid 600-850 words apiece – well over 1,000 for the first – and there were still a few topics that we had to shave off for page space. One of those was actually my favourite from the entire chat: the creative chemistry that L.S. Dunes unlocked between Stever and Iero.
I opted not to run with that in the printed story because what did make it to the page is a lot more relevant to the origin story of L.S. Dunes and how that led to Past Lives shaping up in the way it did – which is ultimately the story I wanted to centre. But I think what Stever said about his creative dynamic with Iero – and how they each pushed the other to venture outside their comfort zones – adds a lot to the narrative surrounding L.S. Dunes. It also adds a twinge of contextual colour to songs like ‘Blender’ and ‘Sleep Cult’, which makes for a more gratifying listen when you really stop to soak in and digest Past Lives.
Ultimately, I think one of the coolest things about the “supergroup” concept is how idiosyncrasy can germinate when two artists of similar mind collaborate. Both Stever and Iero come from backgrounds of punk, rock and post-hardcore – even if their writing and playing styles are quite dissimilar – but when they joined forces to form L.S. Dunes, they started writing music that neither ever thought they would. And that’s so fucking cool.
So below is Stever’s commentary on his chemistry with Iero, as well as a couple of other offcuts from my interview with him. I’ve included those as well because at a base level, as a fan of music at the end of the day, I love reading about my favourite artists’ plans for the future – even if they never come to fruition – and about how they feel in the lead-up to a major release. I know that latter topic is now entirely irrelevant, because Past Lives came out a week ago, but, like, fuck it, it’s my blog, I make the rules.
You should read the Australian Guitar piece before you hit the jump, because it offers some solid context on exactly what L.S. Dunes is, how their collective ethos plays into everything, and why Stever and I were even talking to each other in the first place – and because the latter two of the three questions here were asked after the ones printed in AG, and some lines might be a bit confusing without that context.
So we’re about a month away from getting our hands on Past Lives. How does it feel to be here in the home stretch? You know, you’re always going to feel a little on edge when you’re about to release something that you poured your heart and soul into, no matter how much you believe in it. It’s exciting, but at the same time, you can feel the the vibes of danger – the danger of exposing the art that you created with your brothers, you know? And knowing that people are going to judge it. But that’s the gig, right. That’s the game. You know people are going to receive it however they choose to – but I’ve gotten nothing but positive feedback from everybody I’ve showed it to, so that’s a good sign!
Being the two guitarists in L.S. Dunes, how did you and Frank coalesce in the creative process? It goes back to what I was saying before, how there was no expectation. It’s really intriguing, because we communicate with each other through the guitars. And we were doing it over streams, online, through email [and] text – and we just knew, as soon as we started sending each other ideas, that it was going to work. And then, you know, it was just as relieving to get into an actual room together and be able to know that the spark was there [in real life], too.
I’ve got to be honest, after working with Frank [on this record], I had to go back and revisit a lot of the things he did in My Chem, and even a lot of his solo stuff – not that I didn’t fully respect everything he does before, but you know, after you see a person in a new light, you understand their musical language more. And I am so honoured to be in this band with him. He comes up with these riffs that are completely different from anything I’ve ever heard before. They’re all over the map – because you can say, “Oh, he comes up with these, really awesome, like, edgy punk riffs,” but that’s not true. 
There’s a song at the end of the album that he wrote, ‘Sleep Cult’, where Anthony’s vocals almost have a doo-wop kind of feel. Frank had written that chord progression – that fingerpicking kind of thing – and I heard it while I was working on other guitars; we were in pre-production, getting ready to go over to Will Yip’s, and it was at the end of the session, we’d been working all day, and all of a sudden, he started playing this really beautiful chord progression. And so we recorded that, just as a rough little idea, but we wound up rolling with it. I just added some lap steel and some really delicate chords to it, just to give it a little nuance. 
There are numerous parts on the album like that, which I think are probably the best parts of it. Another one that started out with Frank – which is probably my favourite [track] on the album right now – is ‘Blender’. I don’t want to get too dorky about it, but you know, that song is a really good example of what it was like to work with him. I sent him the guitar parts, and he really liked them – I think he was already fine and excited with everything I’d laid down… Because you know, that can always be a touchy thing. I mean, he pretty much had a hole-in-one with the ideas I would send him, and I always loved what he was playing – but I was open to him switching whatever he wanted.
In this case, I had written all the guitars that I was going to play, which was based on what he was playing and what Tim was playing. There were no vocals yet. And I’m so glad that we took our time with that song, because at the very last minute, I just switched it up completely, and I wound up harmonising a lot of the guitars [Frank] was playing instead. It was a completely different approach. That’s one of the things I loved about working on this record – the amount of time we were able to take to really think about it.
I’m not going to speak for Frank, but I think he was probably able to step out of his comfort zone [on this record]. Because there’s things he played on it where someone would probably be like, “Wow, I’ve never heard him play like that!” And for me, that feels really special because I got to [work with him] on those songs. And the same goes for me – there are a lot of [parts] on the record that are very different to [the parts] I would usually write.
We’ve already gone way over time, but I want to wrap up by looking to the future: what are your plans for Australia, and what’s the vibe on a second L.S. Dunes album? Believe me, we want to tour everywhere we can. I can only hope that we’re able to bring [L.S. Dunes] over to Australia – that would be amazing. As for other material… I mean, like I said, there’s just been an endless flow of material. There’s no shortage of stuff that we’ve been sending back and forth, and we already have a lot of surprises up our sleeves. But I just want to pay my respects to the album we’ve already created before we move on to the next thing, you know? I think it’s important that we get out there and show people what we can do on the live end… When everybody’s able to! And if we were able to bring that over there to Australia… I mean, yeah, of course we will!
Past Lives by L.S. Dunes is out now via Fantasy Records – click here to check it out. The print edition of Australian Guitar #151 is out on November 28th – keep an eye out for that here.
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magdasabs · 1 year
My pleasure and kinda "duty" to tell about fun stuff as a long time Sweden fan ;)
Ok so this was before Julia had met Emma and before she'd signed for then Kopparbergs/Göteborg (the team later became part of Häcken when the club took them in). I think she was the only one left who played for a Stockholm based team. Nattis, Ippe, Anna Oscarsson and Tove Almqvist played for other clubs than AIK, Djurgården and Hammarby. Tove definitely did, she played in Linköping with Magda, Pernille, Frido and Stina among her team mates and then she went to Vittsjö. Ippe left Hammarby for Linköping after season 2017 and Julia left for Gothenburg in the summer transfer window 2018 (yes I googled it lol). So it was probably within this time frame their little travel mishap transpired. It also fits with when Instagram started with stories in 2016. This group was in the 2015 U19 Euro squad that won the gold and they were good friends already then. But it can't have been before 2016 because their little incident was shared in insta stories.
The four of them visited Julia in Stockholm (Johanna wasn't there, probably had a league game or something and Tove's best friend Stina wasn't even in Sweden). They'd went with Ippe to buy a new iPhone. Someone shared a story when they were on the subway train and Ippe unpacked her new phone. She made a huge deal of it of course lmao and was over excited. I kid you not, it was like "Omg omg omg!" and shrieks of excitement and joy from her. Tove sat next to Ippe and almost cried from laughter.
A while later Anna shared a story when they were at a platform and waited for the subway train. It was outdoors and I recognised it as the station Globen near the Globe arena (now named Avicii arena). They were laughing so much they bent forward and held their stomaches. All but Nattis who wasn't the least amused. She could be seen in the background standing with her arms crossed and a annoyed look on her face like "I'm so fucking tired of this bullshit".
Anna could barely speak when she asked Tove to come help her tell what had happened. And what had happened was they'd somehow managed to get on the right subway train - heading in the wrong direction. They didn't notice they were heading in the wrong direction for fifteen (15) minutes. They'd passed several stations before anyone reacted. The most hilarious is that everyone but Tove had lived and played in Stockholm for several years and had just very recently left for other clubs. Julia even still lived and played in Stockholm! As someone who doesn't live in Stockholm but has been there much, I can tell you it's fairly easy to find your way around the subway map in comparison to London where I've also visited.
When their subway train, this time in the right direction lmao, arrived Anna said "Idiots on world tour" about them. It became very fitting as this group went on vacations together regularly for a couple of years. Some were in the U23 national team and naturally got to travel to other countries together that way. Once Anna posted a story when she and Tove were at a player hotel. They were in a public area like the hotel lobby or near the dining room. Anna filmed Tove when she made a kick forward. Her flip flop flew through the air and almost hit one of the Dutch U23 players. Whoops. In a added story Anna had frozen the footage and zoomed in on Tove's face when she followed the flight of her flip flop towards the Dutchies. She did a funny caption to it but I don't remember what. Tove's face was priceless anyway as she watched her flip flop in horror. Of course the two of them broke down in fits of laughter afterwards.
Others have been called up to the senior national team for looks in training games or for competitive games and championships. At one camp Ippe was Anna's roomie. They were chilling in their hotel room laying on their beds. Anna checked her phone. An apparently very bored Ippe posted a story when she first had her back towards Anna. The collar of her Sweden training jacket covered half her face so you could only see her eyes. Then she quickly turned around and hit Anna hard on the arm or leg. Anna exclaimed "Ouch! Cut it out Filippa!" and hit Ippe back on her leg but stopped herself halfway so she wouldn't hit her full force. Then she returned to checking her phone and Ippe rolled back so she was turned away from Anna again. Still with the collar covering half her face. Through all of this Ippe didn't utter a sound. Didn't laugh, didn't giggle and didn't say anything. She just got an idea to film when she was being a little shit to Anna and wanted to do something eh creative.
The members of the Idiots on world tour have changed slightly it seems but the core group is the same. I think last time they as a big group of friends went on a December vacation after season was in 2019. Julia had met Emma, Anna hadn't met Matilda, Elena hadn't met Benni, Ippe had met Megan, Nattis was either single or with that male Djurgården ice hockey player, Stina was probably single as she had still to meet her bf whom she met after she'd moved to Gothenburg and she didn't move there until 2020.
And now with this recent boat ride the Idiots are on world tour again. Some of them will get to travel half way around the the world in less than one months time when Sweden fly out to the base camp in Wellington, NZ.
Thank you for taking the time to share all of that! It's really cool that you remember it
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daughter-of-sapph0 · 2 years
I haven't been super active with the r/place thing. I'm not a huge reddit user. but here are just a few things I saw at about 10 est on Sunday
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first off, we have a section of the massive trans flag in the top left. quadrant, complete with queer pixel art. we have Kirby on a lesbian star, a trans minecraft bee, sylveon, a bi potion, a pan rainbow, and more. directly above that, we have weed, a pogging slug, and spamton deltarune.
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we also have some great pixel art of Kirby, which looks to be inspired by Kirby super star, alongside Samus, a metroid, and super sonic, next to that we have the flag of Chile with a moai statue and the noid(?) with sunglasses. above that is a d20 (possibly a logo for a dnd podcast I don't know), the super mega logo, and fanter cat.
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next we have the moon lord from terraria, spike from Mario, Freddy fazbear, a penguin from club penguin, the main characters from deltarune, and Vibri from Vib-Ribbon.
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more video game characters, including the knight from hollow knight, ori, a metroid, Phoenix Wright and Miles Edgeworth being bi and ace, a digimon, characters from Yume Nikki, and Rei Evangelion giving you an amoungus grape juice box.
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one of my favorites, not just for what's being shown, but what was covered up. this used to have a massive american flag, but it's been completely covered with the flag of Chile and a landscape of mountains. also here is tons of queer flags, Canada x2, one piece, elden ring, silksong, and a massive Turkish flag.
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what would r/place be without a big osu logo. next door is a very detailed poster of Star Wars A New Hope, and above is a call to free Hong Kong, next to that shy looking cat girl I keep seeing online, and a big triforce above several touhou characters.
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you thought the episode four poster was impressive? check out this massive detailed pixel art of the duel between Anakin and Obi-Wan from Revenge of the Sith, along with the mug logo in the bottom left. also, incase you haven't noticed, in most pixel art there are tons of tiny amounguses (amoungi?) hidden ever so sneakily.
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the bottom half, which I think was expanded later than the top half, is very cluttered. but there's still lots of cool stuff, including the newgrounds logo, Friday night. funkin', gay rainbow dash, and an amoungus covered mango
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the bottom left corner is dominated by a giant French flag and Eiffel Tower. this is actually massive. I'm more zoomed out in this screenshot than any others. but alongside the French taking over the world, there's the widows xp start menu, the spirit phone album cover, another Chilean flag, some character from arcane, a bi bike on a pan flag, a splatoon logo, the ifunny logo, a massive highly detailed picture of a duck sitting in a chair in space (I think), several sports logos, and TBH the autism creature.
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and lastly (because this is all I can fit in a single tumblr post), we have the american flag being rebuilt in the bottom right, alongside the Argentina flag, paimon from genshin impact and other mihoyo/gatcha game logos, the no man's sky logo next to "fuck nfts", a monkey from bloons tower defense 6, Susie, Kris, and Sans from undertale/deltarune, a banner for omori, and several more touhou characters.
these are just a few screenshots of a few of my favorite places during a very short time window. many of these creations might be gone in just a few hours. I heard there was a giant amoungus with a massive dick, but I never saw it in person. like I said earlier, the american flag has been completely covered over by the Chilean flag, and nearby the UK flag was covered by the Argentinian flag (yet the trans flag adjacent to both of them still remains!).
eventually, like within a few days, the r/place thing will end and there will be countless gifs showing the entire process in every single location. but until then, this is just a small snapshot of probably the world's biggest art project. this is probably the coolest thing reddit has ever done (which isn't saying a lot because reddit sucks ass). I thought the original r/place from 2017 was super cool, but I didn't find out about it until after it ended. it's cool to be a part of the new r/place five years later, even if all I did was place about 10 pixels so far.
but yeah, this is just really cool seeing how creative and cooperative people can be, and what can be created by millions of people placing only a single dot every five minutes.
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shigarakis-cumdump · 3 years
An Unhealthy Obsession- Shigaraki x reader
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(If you like what you read, consider supporting me on Ao3!)
Summary: Short yandere fic based off the song “An Unhealthy Obsession,” by The Blake Robinson Synth. Orchestra. 
Cw: yandere and stalker tendencies
Word count: 1.9k 
Many people would call Shigarki the creepy type if they saw him on the street. Slouched over, face always buried in his phone with his hoodie covering the rest. He looked like your local creep who hung around popular stores and malls by himself. He would go to one mall in particular, even more so after he realized they had a Game Stop there. He would frequently go in to browse, and while he was checking out one day, he met you behind the counter.
“Will this be all?” you ask in your sweet customer service voice, with your head slightly tilted. Shigaraki froze in place. No one this pretty has ever talked to him before.
“Um, yeah, that’s all.” he says quickly, looking down to the ground while you're bagging his games.
“This one’s my favorite; I’ve been playing non-stop since it came out, have fun with it!” you say as you hand the bag back. And you play games? Could it get any more perfect?!
“Thanks,” he managed before walking out of the store and finding the closest bathroom. He locked the stall door and sat down. With his heartbeat in his cock, he couldn’t stop thinking of how innocent your voice sounded, and how pretty you looked. He decided from then on you were his next obsession.
Shigaraki visited the store so often he learned your schedule. He would watch others make small talk with you, and it made him want to steal you for himself. His blood boiled when someone else would make you laugh. Soon enough, seeing you at your work wasn’t enough. He wanted to know more about you. So he followed you home one day. He kept his distance, being too scared of appearing creepy to people around him. You lived a few blocks away from him, who knew!This made it very easy for Shigaraki to stake out across the street and just watch you for hours. You always kept your windows open, maybe for the natural light? He appreciated it though; in his eyes, you left your blinds open for him. So he could watch as you dance around your room with your dog, and then relax and watch tv, hugging a pillow as you accidentally fall asleep. You were precious, and he realized all you wanted, all you needed, was someone like him to cuddle up into, to make sure you were safe. After all, there were too many creeps who could hurt you- he was just making sure they didn't get to you.
Shigaraki made it back to his place, but you never left his head. He went from sitting in the bushes, to sitting hunched over his desk, looking up your name on every search engine imaginable. “Bingo!” he says once he finds your socials. He scrolls down your page, seeing your stories about going to conventions earlier in the summer, spending time with your friends and- oh? What’s this? You were hugging a boy in this picture. Shigaraki zoomed in to get a good look at his face. “Why would you want a bastard like him?” he grunted angrily. He clicked on his profile and saw a post of you two eating at “your favorite restaurant” together for his birthday. The post was from the beginning of this year, so maybe you weren’t still with the guy. I mean Shigaraki didn’t see anyone while he was stalking you, which was a good sign.
Over time, his camera roll would fill up with screenshots of you off of your profile, shaky pictures he snapped of you while you were working, etc. He was in the store just when you worked now, because any other time he was following paces behind you to wherever your pretty feet were taking you. Stepping up to the counter with a few games, you began checking him out. His voice low and quiet as he asked, “Do you play games often?”
“Oh sure! Whenever I have free time, really. But lately I’ve been too busy. We should totally play together sometime!” you beam. Play together? He wanted to do a lot more than that .
“C-Cool, then I’ll see you through a screen next time,” Shigaraki scratches his neck awkwardly. You give him that practiced smile you show to all the customers. “Oh, what time do you get out?” he asks, and you give him a confused look. “S-so I know when to hop on! Just in case..” he drifts off, trying to keep cool. You tell him around 8, and he leaves. That’s perfect. Gives him just enough time to run some errands.
Shigaraki went to the hardware store and got the smallest cameras he would find. He hurried over to your place, and prayed the key was still under the rug where you left it. And it was! He unlocked your door, and your small dog ran up to him, jumping on his leg. “You’re a friendly little guy, aren’t you?” he says, leaning down to pet the dog. Don’t get distracted ! He reminded himself. He began by setting a few cameras up in your room, one facing each corner. This gave him a perfect view of your bed, desk, and closet. While he was in there, he picked up a piece of thin red fabric off the ground. He inhaled deeply, to smell a sweet and salty scent. He shoved them into his pockets for later, and finished placing the cameras.
Back out in the living room, your dog was following him around. Shigaraki knelt down and gave him a pat. He read the dog's collar; apparently his name was Shiro. Cute. “You want something, Shiro? You need some food?” he asked, looking around for his dog dish. He found it and filled it up and then sat on the couch. He took your panties out of his pocket, giving them another whiff. The smell shot straight down to his groin, heating him up. He pulled his phone out and went to his album just for you and scrolled through the pictures. He loved you so dearly, and one day you would know just how much he cherished you. He played back the small interactions the two of you had, and all the memories you’d have together in the future. He palmed his hardening cock, head leaning back on the couch.
It was 6:30, he still had a few more hours before you were back. He revealed his dick from his sweatpants, his tip leaking pre. He put your red panties in his hand, and started to jerk himself off- the soft lace brushing against the underside of his dick. His breathing became hitched and sporadic at the thought of you underneath him making the same noises. No, he wasn’t experienced, but you would teach him everything he needed to know!
“Y/N… god you’re so tight..” he groaned. His hips thrusting up into you as you let out lewd noises for him. He grabbed your face and whispered sweet nothings into your ear.
“God please- fuck, I’m close, Shiggy!” you whined under him, twitching with your back arched and a tit in his mouth. The thoughts that filled his mind went directly to his cock. Shigaraki humped his hand, wishing it could be you, waiting for when it was you. Maybe you’d even fuck on this couch, who knows. He quickly finished and made sure to leave nothing behind before heading out and staking out behind the bushes again.
You throw yourself on the couch as always, sitting where he sat just an hour ago. You made yourself some tea as you turned the tv on. It wasn’t too late, meaning Shigaraki could watch you for a bit.
A little later, you make yourself dinner. You take the trash out and leave it by the road. Shigaraki, being the weirdo he is, makes his way across the street, dangerously close to your front window, to snoop through your trash. There had to be something good in there. . He rummaged through your trash to find empty take out containers, some paper, and- chapstick? He wasn’t big on using it himself, but if it was yours, it was automatically going on his lips. He thought of it like an indirect kiss from his one and only. It had a taste of sweet strawberries, probably what you would taste like if he ever had the chance to kiss you. One day, he keeps telling himself. He pulls out his phone to check your room cameras and he sees you starting up your pc. Right! You asked to game with him earlier!  Shigaraki raced back home to load his game, praying he would find you in one of the local servers. There was FlameThrower2050 , TheRadicalDude , SuckItRight , and Shiro’sCloud online. You had to be the last one. He shot you a direct message, asking if you were up for a game, and you said yes. You actually said yes! Of course, you didn’t know it was him. You went into a private lobby and you turned on your headset. “Hey, can you hear me?” you asked innocently. Your pure voice went right through his heart. “Uh yeah, you sound great,” he blurts out. “Oh, Shigaraki?” you remembered his name?! This left him ecstatic. The game starts and you play a few rounds, Shigaraki being in heaven. You ended up beating him. In every. Single. Round. A bit embarrassing for him, but you laughed it off and didn’t make fun of him for it. Oddly, that stuck with him. You were so nice the whole time- he couldn’t wait to talk to you at work tomorrow!
It was getting late, which is why you had to go, which also meant Shigaraki got to watch you on the cameras. He pulled out his phone, switching to the view of your bed. You crawled in with just panties and an oversized shirt on, how cute. You scrolled on your phone for a little, until it dropped on your chest and you fell asleep. Your phone battery is gunna die, silly… Shigaraki thinks to himself. He could always go over and plug it in for you. No! That was too dangerous!! What if you wake up when he’s standing over you? Certainly that’s not a good impression to leave. He argues with himself for a bit before he’s out of the house, running down the street. His feet carry him all the way back to your place. He grabs the key and goes for the door. It was unlocked. You left it unlocked for him? How nice of you! He sneaks in and Shiro is quick to jump on him. Shiro took quite a liking to him. He tiptoed over to your room, looking at your sleeping body through the door crack. He opened the door slightly, going in and looming over you. He pried the phone from out of your hands and plugged it in for you. You would thank him later; tomorrow! When you’d see him next. Shigaraki zoned out, watching you sleep soundly for a good hour, stealing pictures of you while you were snoring, and getting a quick sniff of your hair. He had stayed there a lot longer than intended, the sun starting to rise. He snuck out of your room and locked the door on his way out.
“Oh, hey!” Shigaraki hears your pleasant voice call out to him from the counter. “Last night was a lot of fun; how about we play again tonight?” you ask him. He immediately says yes, his heart doing flips in his chest. This was the start of something good.
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sungbeam · 2 years
nct dream ot7 x reader (platonic)
0.9k words, literal crack, cursing, kahoot.
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The telltale bloop of the Discord notification sound brought you out of your post homework grind daze, eyes groggy and hand drifting over to your mouse to click around on your desktop. The sound of high-pitched giggling was the first thing that met your ears, and you were suddenly aroused from whatever half-sleep stupor you were in. 
"Jesus, you're loud, Chenle," you groaned, spamming the decrease volume button until it wasn't going to burst your eardrums. You heard the muted laughter of your friends on the voice call, along with a mixture of greetings. 
The sky outside of your bedroom window was finally darkening as yet another day of quarantine passed by. You had been locked away in your room, as per usual, taking your virtual classes over zoom and burning your eyeballs out. You didn't know if the blue light glasses you bought off the internet a few weeks ago were legit, but you figured you would keep wearing them anyways. You looked decent in them. 
"And you're just BORING!" Chenle blasted through his mic and everyone audibly grimaced. Chenle's chuckle filled the voice channel. "You guys are so lame. Who wants to get schooled in Kahoot?"
You rolled your eyes, but you were already queuing up the Kahoot.it website as Chenle shared his computer screen. "And you say we're the lame ones?"
"Oh my god, wait!" Donghyuck yelled. "Can we not do the photosynthesis unit again? I fucking suck at this."
Renjun snorted, the green light flickering around his circle profile picture. "Sucks to suck."
"Oh fuck off—"
"That's enough cursing," Jaemin interrupted before you yourself intervened. "There's a child in the room."
Jisung stammered in opposition. "Hey, I'm not a child—"
"What's the code, Chenle?" Asked Jeno. "Wait, YN, HOW ARE YOU IN ALREADY?"
"Ooh, cheater," Mark teased, chuckling. Just as he said this, his own nickname for this round "Watermelon Lee" appeared beside your own name and Chenle's. 
Jeno grumbled, and you could hear the muffled sound of his keyboard as he typed in the game code. "Boo you, guys. Chenle, why didn't you say what the code was?"
"Wanted to see how long it would take you guys to stop being blind."
When everyone had finally joined the game, Chenle fired up the game. He even turned up the volume so that the sweat-breaking, nerve-wracking Kahoot theme song played in the background of yours and your friends' frantic competition and agony. 
"FUCK FUCK SHIT—I PRESSED RED INSTEAD OF YELLOW," Haechan fake sobbed into his mic. You had to cover your ears from the absolute ear rape his volume gave you, but you didn't bother hiding your laughter and joy. That mistake would definitely cost him. 
Renjun tsked. "Always bet on yellow."
"Actually," Jisung piped up, "I think most right answers tend to be blue."
You raised your brow at this, shoving a slab of spearmint gum into your mouth. "Really? So blue is like the C of Kahoot?"
Jisung hummed. "Yup."
As the current scoreboard was revealed, a mixture of reactions filled the voice channel. You were satisfied with your third place—you would happily lose to Renjun and Jaemin any day. Just below you was Jisung, and below him was Chenle. 
Mark's giggles suddenly filled the air, accompanied by Jeno's exasperated groans. "Why have I literally been five points behind you every round?"
"I dunno," Mark laughed. "Maybe you just need to get good, Jeno."
The voice channel erupted into howls of laughter and you could practically picture the deadpanned look on Jeno's face. You were this close to coaxing him into turning his camera on just so you could coo at his puppy dog pout. 
"Aw, don't be like that Markus," you said, directing your words to your screen. "Jeno's trying his best."
"I don't need this," Jeno fake sniffled from his end.
The game continued. At some point, Jeno had finally overtaken Mark, Haechan stopped pressing the wrong colors by accident (just on purpose now), and Chenle and Jisung had somehow tied for fourth. Somehow. 
All eight of you stared at the ending rankings, the voice channel at a rare quiet. Only for a moment, however. A moment you cherished. 
"Sexy." Jaemin was the one to break the silence, taking his second place ranking in stride. Out of 45 questions, he had scored 40 out of the 45 correctly. You finished behind him with 38 correct, and Renjun came in first with a whopping 44 correct. 
4th places Chenle and Jisung both scored 35 out of 45 correctly, and again, somehow ended with the exact same score. Either they were cheating or this was telepathy. 
Haechan said, "How about the loser gets to pick the next topic? All agree? Yes? Okay, I choose—"
Renjun cut him off. "Nuh-uh. I don't think so. We are not stepping one foot near genetics."
"It's not a foot; it's a mouse," he sassed back. 
"What about evolution?" Jeno suggested.
"Ah," Jaemin sighed into the mic, "beloved evolution."
You tilted your head to the side, watching Chenle click out of the current game and go hunt for a decent evolution Kahoot quiz. "Evolution is like a disease. You can't get rid of it."
"Diseases evolve," Mark chimed in. "But yeah, it's everywhere in AP Bio, man. It's like—it's like the Bogeyman, y'know?"
You frowned, but before you could say anything, Haechan beat you to it. "Uh Mark? The fuck?"
Mark was quick to try and explain himself to the background noise of his fingers clicking against keys. "Evolution, like, haunts you, y'know? You think it doesn't exist, but it totally does, and whenever you least expect it—bam! 'Explain how the conservation of metabolic pathways across all currently recognized domains is evidence for evolution?'"
Then, "Man, you're really salty for missing that question on the FRQ, huh."
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a/n: sighs... it never *is* on the study guide 😔
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kingkatsuki · 3 years
Deception | Kirishima Eijirou x Reader
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This is a reupload from my other Tumblr account!
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This is my contribution for The Sewers Cheese-on’s greetings collab. Thank you so much to @rat-suki for allowing me to be apart of it! Please check out all the other talented authors here.
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The kink that I rolled in the wheel was Blackmail so of course I had to write some pervy Kirishima! I hope you guys enjoy it!
A special thank you to @phasmwrites, @burnedbyshoto, @katsukikitten and @queensynderella for hyping me up about this fic.
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Please read the warnings and if it’s not for you, don’t read!💕
Summary: Kirishima knows you don’t want him, you want Bakugou. But he’s determined to take you anyway.
Warnings: 18+, blackmail, extortion, catfishing, dub-con/non-con.
Word Count: 9.3k.
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Christmas was always your least favourite time of year, a constant reminder of just how alone you really were. Adverts on the television showing those cookie cutter families enjoying a Christmas around the dinner table, signs in shop windows advertising the perfect gifts to give to loved ones. Those embarrassingly cliche couples outfits and gifts that you looked at in disgust but secretly you wished you had someone to wear those with. Coming home to an empty apartment every night was lonely, but it felt even worse when the festive season rolled around.
You thought this would be the first time in years that you’d have someone to spend Christmas with, finally a decent boyfriend who seemed to dote on you. Someone who would wear those cheesy Christmas sweaters with you, take cute festive selfies and sit down to eat a huge dinner with, but even that wasn’t meant to be.
What kind of fucking asshole breaks up with someone at Christmas time?
You slammed a bottle of wine down on your kitchen counter, grabbing a glass from the cabinet as you filled it to the brim. There was probably no point decanting it as you could’ve just drank from the bottle with the amount swirling in the glass, but it made you feel better. Taking a large swig as you busied yourself by putting your shopping away, debating on wherher to open the tub of ice cream you’d purchased or not as you prepared for another lonely Yuletide.
Climbing under your large duvet you snuggled against your pillows, scrolling absentmindedly through your phone as you looked at the random photographs people had uploaded to Instagram. It was full of friends and family celebrating the holidays, photos of food and even pets dressed up in festive gear. You sighed as you liked some of your friends posts, more out of obligation than actual interest in them. You wanted what they had, and instead you were at home alone and bitter. Reaching up to grab your wine glass you noticed it was empty and rather than fill it back up you decided to swig from the bottle, staying in your reclined position as you held it to your lips. Your fingers stilling on your phone screen as you came across one new post from your favourite Pro-Hero Dynamight.
“@OfficialDynamight Happy Holidays!🎄”
The caption was basic but what surprised you the most wasn’t the fact that it seemed so nice compared to his other posts, it was the fact that he didn’t sign himself off with his usual explosion emoji. Your observation is soon forgotten as you took in the picture that he’d uploaded. A photograph of Dynamight in front of a huge, glistening Christmas tree. A black turtleneck sweater tucked into a grey pair of slacks, one of his hands inside his pocket as he gave a sultry smile towards the camera.
He looked so good. Your fingers already shakily double tapping the screen as you pinched the glass to try and zoom in, assessing his face first. The signature smirk visible as his vermilion eyes felt like they were staring directly at you. Your heart fluttering as you followed the curve of his neck, mapping out his muscular body, even through the tight sweater. Your heartbeat increased as your eyes met his crotch, trying to imagine exactly what it was he was hiding underneath his jeans. Liquid courage fuelling your bravery as you typed a comment underneath the image, telling him exactly what you thought of the picture as you added some suggestive emojis and a heart, pressing send. Immediately going back up to look at the picture again.
He really was perfect.
Unsure whether it was the fact that it was late at night, you felt lonely at Christmas or the half a bottle of wine you’d drank you found yourself clicking onto his profile, moving to send him a private message as you allowed your fingers to type quickly across the glass. Thankful for your phone picking up your spelling mistakes as you let Dynamight know just how attractive you found him in his most recent post.
Biting your lower lip as you tried to decide whether to send a selfie alongside the message or not. He must receive hundreds, if not thousands of messages a day from desperate fans trying to talk to him. Wondering if he’d ever actually replied to any of them before, the thought making you jealous even though there wasn’t really anything to be jealous over. Deciding that you’d send him a selfie in the hopes it might make your message stand out as you angled the phone above yourself, almost dropping it at first as you tried to get as much of you in as possible. Giving the camera a sultry smirk as you made sure the Dynamight shirt you were wearing was visible. His hero name proudly etched across your breasts as the hem stopped at your thighs, barely visible but just about in shot as you snapped the picture. Squinting to assess it before deciding to take a couple more, trying to look the best you could as you picked your favourite. Sending it in the private message to him as you immediately locked your phone. It was probably wishful thinking on your part that you believed he might actually reply, your courage slowly dissipated as the realisation dawned on you that you’d just sent your favourite Pro-Hero a drunken admission of your love. Covering your face in embarrassment as you wished you could delete it, even unlocking your phone to see if Instagram had that option.
What surprised you the most when you opened the direct message up was the three dots at the bottom of the screen showing him typing. The Dynamight was replying to your message. Your heart pounding in your chest as you grasped your phone tightly in your hands as you waited with baited breath for his response.
“Hey, beautiful. I didn’t expect to get a message like this tonight.”
You paused as you reread the reply. What did he mean by that? Was he judging you for sliding into his direct messages at such a late hour, trying your luck as you attached the selfie. Your fingers positioned against the screen to type out a response.
“I’m just a huge fan, Dynamight.”
You hit send, feeling giddy at the fact you’d gotten a response. The amount of direct messages he must receive daily and he replied to yours.
“I can tell. You look so good in my shirt, babe.”
You felt butterflies erupt in your chest at the words, fuelling your ego tenfold as you watched him continue to type, already eager to receive the next message from him.
“But I bet you’d look even better without it. Got any more pictures? You can’t be too careful these days”
You knew he probably had plenty of women soliciting him via direct messages who weren’t who they claimed to be, you couldn’t fault him for being cautious. His compliments fuelling you to send him another selfie. This time you tugged your shirt up to the swell of your breasts, stopping just below your nipples, your darkened aerolas barely visible in the photograph as you snapped another.
“Something like this, Dynamight? ;)” You watched as the message was read almost instantly, wondering whether he was sitting waiting for your replies as he began typing back to you once more.
“Fuck, you’re so pretty.” The compliment had you beaming, your heart thumping in your chest as you re-read his reply, squeezing your phone tightly as you noticed he kept typing.
“Are you trying to turn me on? Because it’s working.”
Did The Dynamight just compliment you like that? Pride swelling in your chest as you felt beautiful and powerful. His compliments boosted your confidence even more as you found yourself typing back to him.
“Do you have any pictures for me, Dynamight? ;)”
Hoping that he’d understand the implication as you waited with bated breath for his reply.
“Not enough pictures of me on my Instagram for you, Princess?”
“Please, just one?” You tried, hoping that he’d be willing to repay the favour. Suddenly your phone illuminated with a selfie that you hadn’t seen him post on his page before. His phone held up to a large gym mirror, equipment in the background as the flash partially concealed his face. You noticed the familiar hair of Red Riot in the background, held back with a black bandana as he grinned at his reflection, shirtless as his chest glistened in the light. Your eyes immediately moving to stare at your favourite Pro-Hero as you soon forget Red Riot was even in the photograph. Just about able to make out a smirk on his features as he posed for the camera. Grey sweatpants slung pow on his hips, the hem of his Calvin Klein boxer shorts visible as he showcased his impressive Adonis belt. A thin blond happy trail leading along his lower abdomen and dipping into the hem of his pants.
Your fingers instantly pressing down on the photograph to save it, feeling your clit throb at the sight of the man in front of you, he was just so perfect. But there was no way he’d taken that photograph right now for you, it was probably an old one he’d already saved in his phone. You appreciated it, a lot, but you wanted a special photograph. One that he’d taken just for you.
“Can’t you take a picture for me right now, Dynamight? Show me how you look now ;)”
You teased, eagerly awaiting his response. The message was once again read instantly but his response took longer this time. The three dots appeared that he was replying before they disappeared again. You wondered whether he would even send you one right now, not that you’d stop talking to him if he didn’t. You weren’t about to waste this opportunity.
It took him so long to reply that you’d started to doubt that he would, almost giving up hope that he would. Worried that you’d scared him off by asking too much of him and snuggling into your duvet to fall asleep and try and get over the embarrassment of your favourite Pro-Hero ghosting you. But when the picture finally came through, it was more than worth the wait.
“Is this what you wanted, naughty girl?”
The first thing you noticed from the picture that he sent you was it was dark. He was obviously laying in bed but all you could make out was the bulge in his sweats. The same grey colour that he’d been wearing in the gym shot he’d sent. Your eyes immediately gravitated to his crotch as you tried to work out just how big he was, already wishing you could see what was underneath.
“Is that all I get?”
You didn’t want to seem ungrateful, and you definitely didn’t want him to stop talking to you but you were desperate for more. How often would an opportunity like this come along? Your message went unanswered for a while again as you bit your lip nervously. Debating whether you should send another message telling him not to bother, you didn’t want him to stop talking to you.
“You gotta show me more first, Princess”
You could almost hear the teasing tone in his husky voice, your eyes fluttering shut as you imagined him above you uttering those same words down to you. Your thighs rubbing together to try and create some much needed friction as you thought about what to send him next. Taking a deep breath as you pulled your top up over the curve of your breasts, pushing your arms together to try and make them look more appealing as you angled your phone above you to try and get your face, chest and panties in shot. Giving a sultry smile into the camera as you snapped a few pictures. Instantly finding fault with every single one you took, you wanted to look perfect for him.
“You haven’t gone all shy on me now have you, babe?”
His message flashed as a banner on the top of your screen as you decided to just pick the best picture out of the ones you’d taken and sent it across to him.
“God, look at you. So fucking pretty aren’t you?”
His response made you keen as you felt your cheeks heat up, drinking in his praises as you tried to ignore the fact that you were now sending lewd photographs to a stranger. But he wasn’t a stranger was he? Not really. You knew so much about him, always following the news about your favourite Pro-Hero. Your room is adorned with many pieces of his merchandise. Hell, you were wearing one of his shirts right now. You couldn’t have imagined something like this happening in real life, it was something that you’d only fantasised about.
“Do I get another pic of you now, Dynamight?”
You hoped the picture you’d sent was enough to get another picture from him, he seemed to like it enough from the praise he’d given before.
“So greedy.”
Your jaw dropped open at the picture he sent, a large palm wrapped around a thick, veiny cock. Your eyes immediately moving towards the engorged reddened head as you noticed a bead of pre-cum oozing from the tip. Licking your lower lip at the sight as you saw how thick he was from how his hand looked wrapped around it. You were surprised to see a dark scar on his hand near his thumb, trying to think back to the various Dynamight promos you’d watched recently. You’d never noticed a scar on his hand there before, maybe it was new? It looked like he’d had it for quite some time though so it was unusual for you to see. Making a mental note of it so you knew for the future that he had a scar there. His legs were spread against the bed, almost invitingly as you imagined yourself between them, lapping at his cock as he held the back of your head, already feeling yourself flushed at the sight. Rubbing your thighs together to try and create some much needed friction as you saved the image.
“Was that good enough for you?”
You whimpered at his words, pressing your fingers down against your clit through your sheer panties, feeling just how wet you’d become from that image alone. Your slick dampening the material as you ground your hips against your touch.
“Forgetting about me already?”
He text again as you realised you’d forgotten to respond to him, your eyes still focused on the picture he’d sent you, imagining how he’d feel buried deep inside you.
“Bet you’re touching yourself aren’t you? Naughty girl.”
You bit back a moan as your fingers slipped underneath your panties, stroking your slick folds as you remained focused on his words, teasingly circling your tight entrance as you dipped the tip of your middle finger inside yourself.
You typed out with your hand holding your phone, not bothering to elaborate as you pressed the palm of your hand against your clit, grinding yourself against it as you slide your finger deeper inside yourself with a gasp.
“Fuck baby, you have to let me see.”
You held your phone in shaking fingers as you angled it towards your cunt, your fingertips curling underneath the crotch to tug the fabric to the side, snapping a photograph of your glistening folds as you sent it to him.
“Bet you wish I was there so I could play with that pussy instead, yeah?”
You let out a shameless moan at the thought, finding it difficult to reply back to him as your hand clutched your phone. Circling your clit once more as you languidly worked yourself towards your climax.
“Such a pretty pussy.”
His praise made you keen as you felt your cunt clench, desperately wishing he was here right now.
“You better not cum, Baby.”
You mewled when you read his words, your body ached and you were so close to your release. Your toes curling in the telltale signs that you were about to come undone.
“Don’t you dare.”
He obviously noticed your lack of reply and correctly assumed the reason why.
You trembled, reluctantly pulling your fingers away from your sex, but the dominant tone to his messages made you even more eager.
“Gotta save that for when we meet, Princess.”
Wait. What?
“You mean you don’t want to meet me? :(“
Your eyes immediately went to the sad face emoji. Dynamight never used emoticons, apart from his signature explosion emoji. You must be seeing a different, more personal side to him.
“I want to meet you more than anything, Dynamight.”
“So let’s do it?”
This was so unlike you, but you couldn’t believe your favourite Pro-Hero wanted to meet you. Excitement bubbling inside you as you couldn’t believe he was trying to arrange a meeting with you as another text from him came through.
“Tomorrow is probably no good because it’s Christmas-”
You didn’t want to make yourself seem so pathetic for having no plans at Christmas, but you couldn’t deny the fact that your schedule was empty. Fully intent on spending the day alone.
“I’m spending Christmas alone.”
You typed out.
“You’re spending Christmas alone?”
This was it; he’d probably judge you for having no friends or family available to spend the days with. Before you could reply he’d already typed another response.
“I can’t have such a pretty girl spending Christmas all alone. Spend it with me?”
“Christmas with you?”
Wait? He wants to meet up?
“That’s what I said, come to my place. We can spend it together.”
Your heartbeat increased, he wanted to spend Christmas with you? You’d barely started speaking to him, even if you had exchanged hundreds of messages since you began. It seemed like such a far fetched offer, he surely had much better things to do than spend his Christmas with you. But this was Dynamight, your favourite Pro-Hero. There was no way you could say no to him, and what did you have to lose? Another Christmas all alone?
“I’ll text you the address.”
Your screen flashed with his address, putting it into google maps it looked like an average sized apartment. Not the life of luxury you assumed he was living. It just looked comfortable.
“Can I ask you a question, Dynamight?”
“Anything, Baby.”
“How many people have you done this with?”
You’d tried desperately to ignore the doubt in the back of your mind, the voice telling you that you weren’t special. You weren’t the only one. That he was saying the same things to other women, using them for the same thing he was doing to you currently. Trying not to think about the amount of pictures he may have stored in his phone at this moment from other naive people.
“What do you mean?”
“How many people have you spoken to like this in DMs? Are you talking to any now?”
“Why would I need to talk to anyone else when I have you, beautiful? You’re all I need”
Biting your lip you looked down at his contact inside your phone, working up the courage to press the green call button. Listening to it ring as your throat felt dry, waiting in anticipation but it rang out, your call rejected as his voicemail sounded in the background.
“I’ll talk to you soon, Princess”
He text instead, so it was clear he had just ignored your call.
“Can’t wait to see you tomorrow.”
You couldn’t believe you were doing this. You were actually going to meet Dynamight.
Your smile faltered as you noticed it wasn’t Dynamight that answered the door, you’d been hoping that he would invite you in and scoop you into his arms but instead it was another famous hero you recognised.
“Red Riot?” You felt your cheeks heat up from how he looked at you, his crimson eyes assessing your body as he stepped to the side, his arm motioning to invite you inside as he closed the door behind you, “I was expecting-,”
“Bakugou. I mean, Dynamight.” He smiled at you warmly, watching as you shuffled nervously in the hall, “I know, he’s working late so he asked me to meet you here. He’s real sorry-”
You felt your heart drop at the realisation. Maybe he’d had second thoughts and had sent his friend to the door in his place to get rid of you. Ensuring he wouldn’t have to see you or deal with you, the thought making your stomach churn uncomfortably as you shuffled by the door.
“Are you okay?” Caring, red eyes glanced down at you as he placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder.
“Y-yeah, ‘m okay.”
“Let’s get you a drink while we wait for Bakugou to get back, yeah?” You nodded in agreement gently as you followed him towards the kitchen, your eyes taking in the small, clean apartment. It was an open plan design, the kitchen and the living room all one big room as you took a seat on one of the island chairs on the side of the living area.
Kirishima opened the fridge, pulling out two bottles of water as he handed one to you. Grateful for the cool liquid to try and hydrate your dry throat as you held the bottle to your lips. Kirishima lounging against the table as his red eyes watched you intensely.
“So Red Riot-”
“Eijirou.” He stopped you, “Call me Eijirou.”
“Eijirou.” You corrected yourself, watching the way his nostrils flared at the sound of his name leaving your lips, “I saw your fight on TV yesterday. Saving all those people, you were amazing.”
Although you’d been expecting to see Bakugou when you knocked on the door, you couldn’t deny you were excited to see Red Riot.
“Aww, you saw that?” He gave you a sharp-toothed grin, his large palm coming to rest over yours against the table, “It was nothing.”
Kirishima subtly flexed his muscles in pride, hearing your praises had his cock throbbing underneath his grey sweatpants. You were even more radiant in the flesh than in the pictures you’d sent him.
“The way you used your quirk to stop that villain was incredible.”
“You liked that, yeah?” You had no idea how much you were fuelling his ego at this moment, his eyes focused on you as he leaned closer.
“Yeah, you were amazing.”
“I was amazing, huh?” He smiled with glee as he listened to you praise him, “I got offered the front page of Hero Weekly for that, you know.”
“Wow, that’s so cool Red- Eijirou. You’re gonna look so good!”
“I’m gonna look amazing?” He teased, wanting to hear you repeat yourself. The praise running through his veins and straight to his cock as he felt himself harden from your acclaim.
“Yeah for sure. I remember the last cover you did for them with Dynamight. You both looked so hot.” You swooned.
“I looked hot, did I?” Kirishima found himself leaning closer to you, his hand still on top of your own as he leaned in to kiss you. His lips pressing against yours as your eyes widened in surprise, immediately pulling away from him.
“R-Red- Eijirou- what are you doing?” You were confused, you were here for Bakugou, why was he coming onto you?
“Don’t be like that, Babe. S’okay.” He tightened his grip on your hands to prevent you from pulling back as he kissed your pursed lips.
“Stop. Is Dynamight going to be home soon?” You wriggled yourself away from his grip, standing up from the island, “Maybe I should call him.”
“I told you, he’ll be back soon, babe. Just sit down-,” Kirishima stepped around the table as you took your cell phone out, going to Bakugou’s contact as you pressed the dial. Holding the phone to your ear as you heard a ring in the room, your eyes widening as you saw Kirishima hold his cell phone up with your contact flashing against the screen.
“I guess you caught me, huh?”
“W-what?” You still didn’t want to believe what he was implying, you’d been talking to Dynamight. It was his Instagram profile, you’d checked multiple times. It was verified, it was him.
“You don’t think Dynamight uploads all his posts himself, do you?”
You’d stopped listening, your eyes catching sight of the scar on his hand, the exact same scar you’d recognised from the photograph you were sent the night before. It was true. You felt your entire body to numb, as though someone had thrown ice cold water over you.
“But now we’ve got that out of the way, we can finally have some fun, yeah?” Kirishima stepped towards you, his calloused fingers stroking against your cheek as you took a step back, trying to put some distance between you both.
“Aw, don’t be like that.” He gave you a toothy smile, closing the gap between you once more, “You weren’t so shy when you were sending me those dirty pictures, babe.”
You felt sick that you’d sent selfies of yourself in such a way to a random stranger on the internet, believing you’d been talking to Dynamight all this time. You couldn’t deny you found Red Riot attractive, he was gorgeous. But you didn’t want this, you weren’t here for him. Did Dynamight even know you existed? Did he see any of your messages at all? Did he know you were here?
“I’ve gotta go.” You felt suffocated, your chest tightening as you moved to pick up your overnight bag. You just needed to get out.
“Maybe you don’t mind other people seeing them?” Kirishima ignored your statement completely, unlocking his phone to bring up the selfies you’d send him the night before, “I’m sure my followers would love to see these-”
“No, please.” You whimpered. The thought of anyone seeing you in such a compromising position had bile rising in your throat. Your fingers tighten around your bag as you watch him come closer to you once more, gently pulling your bag out of your grip again as he dumped it back onto the floor. Your lower lip trembled as tears began to prick at your eyes, tumbling freely as you felt him come closer to you, “You wouldn’t-”
This was the Sturdy Hero Red Riot. He wouldn’t just share your leads to his followers, he was known as being such a nice guy.
“You really want to take that risk?” He angled his phone towards you so you could see him adding them to a new Twitter post, “What should I caption it?”
“Please don’t.” Looking at the pictures of yourself made your stomach lurch.
“You look so pretty though, babe. I’m sure the world would love to see-”
“You wouldn’t upload those pictures to your profile, you wouldn’t.” You repeated as though you were trying to convince yourself as much as him. Trying to call his bluff as you watched for his reaction.
“You’re right, I wouldn’t.” Relief surged through you as you thought you were safe. Making your way towards the couch to pick up your overnight bag and to go home.
“But- my phone could get hacked and those photographs could appear on there.” You froze as you heard his cool, calm words, “There’s just so many bad people out there, Princess.”
You were in complete disbelief, he really would do it. And people would just blindly believe that he was hacked because who would believe Red Riot, the friendliest Pro-Hero, would do something so cold and vindictive.
“You can never be too careful these days, you know.” Kirishima sighed, shaking his head and you finally felt defeat. You had no other choice.
“I’ll do whatever you want, just please. Please, don’t post them.” You didn’t want anyone to see you at your most vulnerable. The thought of his million followers seeing made you feel sick.
“I knew you’d see it my way.” Kirishima said cheerily, locking his phone and slipping it into his sweatpants pocket. “I know we can come to a solution that’ll suit us both.”
You couldn’t believe you’d managed to get yourself into this situation and with the Pro-Hero Red Riot no less. You wanted to try and find help, to get as far away from this ordeal as possible, but how? And who would even believe you if you said anything? Dynamight maybe, but the Sturdy Hero, Red Riot? He would never do anything like this, he’s just too nice.
“Take your top off.” You were broken out of your thoughts by the direct command, your eyes widened in disbelief.
“What?” He wanted you to strip, just like that?
“You heard.” Kirishima made the motion to grab his cell phone back out of his pocket which made you tremble, your fingers instantly moving to the hem of your shirt to pull it up and over your head. Standing awkwardly in the living room as his eyes roamed over your exposed skin, taking you all in.
“You look even better than the pictures,” He murmured, stepping closer to you. Your eyes not daring to look at him as you stared at the ground, “Please tell me your panties match.”
You weren’t sure how to answer as you stood motionless in front of him, watching as he walked out of the kitchen to join you.
“It’s okay, Princess.” He cooed, his large palms cupping your cheeks as he tilted your head towards him, his thumbs brushing away the tears that streaked along your skin.
His cologne invaded your senses as it mingled with his own natural scent, the smell almost comforting as you leaned into his touch. His smile widening as he felt you move closer, his hand catching your chin to angle your face up towards his.
“I know, everyone always wants Dynamight.” His crimson eyes focused on your pouty lips as he leaned forward to brush his lips against them, “But you did say you were a fan.” There was an underlying pride in his tone at this.
“You know I could treat you just as good as him.” He connected your lips in a kiss, making you gasp in surprise as he used this moment to invade your wet heat. His tongue brushing against your teeth as he moved his hands to cup your ass, pulling you against his firm body as you felt the bulge in his sweatpants press against your abdomen. His large palms crept underneath the skirt you were wearing, stroking along your inner thighs until the back of his knuckles brushed against your panties, feeling the lacy material as he ground his hips against you.
“Fuck.” He groaned, pressing his knuckle against your crotch as he felt you involuntarily grind yourself against his touch, “Are these for me?”
You’d worn them especially for Dynamight but here you were in front of Red Riot. You tried to ignore the throb between your thighs as he pressed against your clit. This was wrong. He’d lied to you, he’d tried to blackmail you. You hoped this would be over quick so you could just get home, hoping he’d delete the pictures when you did as he asked.
“I do this and you’ll delete those pictures?” Your eyes fluttered shut as he focused his touch against your clit.
“I don’t think you’re in a position to be making requests, baby.” He cooed, his lips pressing down against the pulse point in your neck as his teeth nipped against your skin, a dull ebb of pain flowing through your veins as your mouth slipped open in a sultry moan.
“Shit,” He growled against your neck, feeling a wetness between your thighs as it seeped against your panties, dampening the fabric as he moved his fingers towards your entrance. His hand pressing down on it as the thin lace prevented him from dipping inside you. Instead circling the hole as he watched you grind yourself against his touch, “I thought you didn’t want it.”
You couldn’t explain how you felt in this moment, your head swimming with so many thoughts and your body betrayed your repulsion. Your puffy clit throbbing as it ached to be touched, your slick coating his fingers even through your lace panties as he continued to tease you.
You couldn’t deny that Red Riot was an attractive man, any woman would be honoured to have him as their partner, but you’d come here for Dynamight. “I knew you wanted it really.”You whimpered when he pulled his hand back from under your skirt, tugging at the hem of your shirt as he slipped it up over your head, “After you sent me those lewd photos last night I knew you’d see it my way.”
His hand reached back to undo your bra, groaning at the sight of your naked breasts. His palms came up to hold your ribs, thumbing the underside of them as he teased your buds; watched your nipples harden against his touch.
“So sensitive.” He ground his desire against you, feeling it hard against you as he leaned down to tongue one of your nipples softly. Your hands flying to his shoulders for support as your head rolled back, your lips parted in a sultry moan as he palmed the other mound. A thick thigh slipping between your legs to press against your cunt as he watched you grind yourself against him.
“You give off those innocent, good girl vibes.” He whispered against your breast, his lips curving into a smirk, “But you’re such a fuckin’ slut, aren’tcha?”
“No.” You tried to bite back a moan as he continued to tease your chest, tugging at your perky nipple and watching the way your breast bounced when he let go. Copying the motion on the other one as he ground himself against you.
“God, your tits are perfect.” Both palms cupped your breasts, his hands so large they covered each mound perfectly, massaging them gently as he watched your blissful reaction, “You like that, yeah?”
You bit your lip, hard. You did, it felt so good. But you didn’t want to say it, you didn’t want him to know. He’d tricked you into this, he’d lied to you.
“Of course you do, slutty girls like having their tits played with.” You trembled at his crude words, your body betraying you as you let out a whine which seemed to please Kirishima a lot. A look of glee on his features as he pressed down on your shoulders, moving you to your knees. “You gonna show me how grateful you are that I didn’t share your slutty photos?”
Your knees pressing against the hardwood floor uncomfortably as you stared up at him with wide eyes.
“I wanna see those pretty lips wrapped around my cock.” He tugged his shirt up over his head and you were almost distracted from the situation you were in. You’d seen his chest before because of his Hero outfit but nothing prepared you for seeing it in the flesh. There wasn’t a hint of fat on him, his body made from bulging muscle. Your eyes scanning down to his prominent Adonis belt, a black trail of hair scattered down his abdomen and disappearing into his grey sweats. Dark scars littered his body, only adding to how strong and powerful he looked. You couldn’t help but lick your lips at the sight, an action that caused Kirishima to grin.
He dipped his thumbs into his sweats, tugging the fabric down below the curve of his ass as his cock sprang to attention, the swollen head leaking with pre-cum as he wrapped his hand around himself, giving himself a teasing pump as he brushed the tip against your lips. You felt his pre smear against your lips as he gave your cheek a light tap, pressing himself to your pursed lips as he held your head still. Watching as you slowly took him in, his length disappearing inside of you as he pushed his hips forward, feeling his head hit the back of your throat.
You began to gag around him as he pulled back, coughing at the intrusion as he gave you a second of respite before pushing forward again, your tongue tracing along the prominent veins as you began to bob your head along him.
“That’s it, Baby. Such a good girl,” A mixture of spit and cum began to dribble down your chin as you continued to gag around him, trying to breathe through your nose as he carded his fingers through your hair, holding your head still as he began to rut his hips into you. Your nose buried in his black pubes as he hit the back of your throat, fucking your face as you tried to focus on something, anything else, “Shit.”
Your throat burned from his ministrations, his pace unrelenting as he selfishly searched for his own pleasure, fresh tears pooling in your eyes as you tried to keep up with his pace. Relief flooded through you when he pulled back, his fist pumping his wet cock as he held his length against your face, using his grip on the back of your head to pull you towards his balls, your tongue innocently slipping out to lap at them, glancing up to see the blissful expression on his face as your knees ached against the wooden floor.
“Fuck, that’s it. Just like that.” You sucked one of them into your mouth, your tongue lashing against it as you watched his eyes flutter shut, obviously pleased with your actions.
“Gonna make me cum early if you’re not careful, Princess.” You hoped that when he finally came your ordeal would be over. The admission making you want to work harder to achieve the goal as your palm came up to stroke against his taint, making him moan in pleasure as he jerked his hips against you.
“Don’t you want to cum, Red Riot?” His hips stuttered at the use of his Hero name as he pulled back from you, grabbing your upper arms to help you off the ground.
“Oh, I do. But I wanna cum inside that pretty little pussy of yours.”
“No, please. Anything but that.” A look of fear covering your features.
“I bet you’d let Dynamight cum inside that pretty pussy.” His fingers already working on tugging your skirt down, grunting when he saw the sight of your skimpy, lace thong.
“You were looking to get fucked today, huh?” Kirishima twirled you, taking in the sight of your naked ass complimented by the lacy fabric, unable to resist lifting a palm up to spank one of your round cheeks, “Look at you.”
The motion made you squeal in surprise as he pressed you over the arm of his couch, your ass poised in the air as your legs hung over the edge. His rough palms already massaging the tender skin before landing another harsh smack on your ass. Leaving darkened marks in his wake as he alternated cheeks.
“You were acting like you didn’t want this, but look how fucking wet you are.” He dragged a thick finger along your crotch, watching the way you bucked your hips back against him, the tip of his finger pushing down on the fabric as it slipped between your slick folds, tugging at the material as it brushed against your clit causing a pleasurable sensation to flow through you. Whining as he gave your ass another smack.
“I don’t-” You tried to deny how good Kirishima was making you feel, desperate for his touch as you wiggled your hips, your body betraying your mind, “We shouldn’t.”
“You’re forgetting who’s in charge here, babe.” He gave your ass another smack, his palm rubbing soothing circles against the throbbing, darkened skin, “I’ll give you a clue. It isn’t you.”
Both hands massaged your ass now as he rut his hips against you, feeling his crotch grind against your clit as he watched you try and push back against him, your needy cunt desperate for any kind of relief.
“You have no idea how annoying it is when people always want Dynamight.” Kirishima curled his fingers into your panties, pulling them down your thighs as he watched strings of your slick connecting to the fabric break off. Gently lifting your legs as he made you step out of them, “No one ever picks Red Riot over him.”
He held your panties up for a moment, admiring just how wet the crotch was. The area was darker than the rest of the fabric as he slipped them into the pocket of his sweats. Finally taking in the sight of your naked sex. Your folds glistening with your slick as he leaned down to give you an experimental lick. The rough pad of his tongue dragging along your clit as he made his way towards your tight entrance, “God, you taste so good.”
“Ever had anything in here, Princess?” You squirmed as the pad of his tongue lapped at the rim of your ass, eyes widening in fear as you tried to push him back, his hand gripping your ass as he shushed you, rubbing soothing circles around your abused skin.
Kirishima pursed his lips as he spat down on your puckered hole, thumbing your entrance as he felt you flutter against him. The tip barely inside as you shifted beneath him, trying to get him to stop.
“Not there, please.” You begged, terrified that he would breach your entrance.
“Don’t worry, I’m going to make you feel so good.” You felt relief wash over you as he moved his hand back from your back hole. His lips groaning against your sex as his palms spread you apart. Slowly flicking the tip of his tongue against your clit as he watched your body react to his ministrations, sweet moans spilling from your lips as he worked your body with precision. You mewled as his tongue dipped inside your cunt, feeling him slurp at your essence as he palmed your ass cheek, pulling them apart to give himself more access.
“Fuck, I’m gonna have you cum on my face later.” He growled against your sex, sending pleasurable vibrations straight to your core. His fingers joined his tongue as he slipped two inside your heat, feeling the stretch of your cunt around him as he sucked your clit between his lips.
W-what? Later? Kirishima said you just had to do this and then you could go home, he didn’t mention anything about later. You began to panic as you placed your palms flat on the couch, trying to push yourself up but he was quick to push you back down.
“Stay there, beautiful. I think Dynamight would like seeing you like this.” You turned your head to the side to see Kirishima slipping his hand inside his sweats to grab his cell phone, holding it up to your wet cunt, his fingers still buried deep inside you.
“No, please don’t. Red Riot-” You broke off into a moan as he curled his digits to brush against the spongy spot inside you, “Please-”
“Aw, you want me to keep them for myself, is that it?” He locked his phone after taking some photos, dumping it onto the coffee table, “I knew you’d come around eventually, babe.”
He kept his pace consistent against your inner walls, dragging his calloused pads against the same spot over and over. Pleasure slowly building up inside you as you ground yourself back against his digits, whimpering against the plush cushions of the couch. Your body betraying your mind as your entire body felt warm, the coil inside you tightening as you felt yourself teetering over the edge.
“Fuck, I can feel you squeezing my fingers.” Kirishima began scissoring them inside you, a dull squelching sound filling the air as he watched you grind yourself back against his digits, “You wanna cum?”
“Yes,” You whispered, your voice muffled against the cushions as he moved his fingers back to press on the same spot inside you.
“What was that, Princess? I didn’t quite hear you.” You quivered as you felt him move his thumb to rub circles against your puffy clit.
“Please. I wanna cum.” You lay your cheek against the soft fabric as you felt close. So close. Your toes curl as you rocked your hips back into his touch.
“Who do you want to make you cum?” You could hear the teasing tone in his voice, his desperation to hear the answer and you knew exactly what he wanted to hear.
“You, Red Riot, you.” You couldn’t hold back any longer, the added stimulation to your clit making it hard for you to keep your restraint as you felt yourself coming undone.
“Yeah?” He began pumping his fingers into you even faster, gripping your hip tightly to stop you from writhing away from him, “Then do it.”
His words came out as more of a command as you felt the coil inside you snap, crying out in pleasure as you came hard. Your body convulsing as he held you tight. Not stopping his movements as he continued to finger your pulsing hole.
“God, you’re so fuckin’ pretty.” He slowly eased his soaked fingers from your tightness, watching the way your hole clenched around nothing, desperate to be filled, your body slack against the couch as your cheek pressed against the cushion. Your fingertips digging into the fabric. “You look so fucked and you haven’t even had my cock yet.”
A debauched grin on his face as he wrapped the hand that was covered in your essence around his cock, lubricating his length as he gave himself a tug, moving forward to stroke his cock along your wet folds, gathering your slick against his tip. When he nudged the swollen head against your clit you keened, the sensitive nub still overstimulated from your climax as he laughed from behind you. Repeating the motion to watch you tremble beneath him as you tried to move away from his touch. His arms coming underneath you to turn your body, your ass pressed against the arm or the couch as he watched your body go slack, dropping back onto the cushions as he stood above you.
“I wanna see that pretty face when I’m fucking you.” He fisted his cock and you shivered at the thought of him burying himself deep inside you. He was so thick, the swollen head already leaking with more pre as he moved closer.
“You’re so fucking sensitive, huh?” He began to press the thick tip of his cock into your heat, feeling the stretch of your inner walls around him as he slowly sank himself into your cunt, “You’re gonna feel so good wrapped around my cock.”
Your back arched painfully from the position when you felt him sheath himself inside you to the hilt, already tightened up from your release as you bit your bottom lip. Your inner walls clenching around him uncomfortably as he paused, giving you a second to adjust.
“Shit,” His eyes were looking between where your bodies were connected, looking at how his entire length disappeared inside your tight hole. Feeling your inner walls still quivering around him in the aftershocks of your orgasm.
“How many times have you done this?” You murmured, instantly feeling stupid for asking the question when he was buried balls deep inside you, but you needed to know.
“Didn’t you ask me that last night, Princess?” Kirishima smiled down at you, his large palms rubbing soothing circles around your thighs as he gave an experimental thrust, watching your lips part in a low groan, “You’re the only one.”
“But why me?” You felt your throat tighten as you began to feel yourself becoming emotional. He could probably get any girl he wanted in his position, sitting comfortably in the Top Ten. Why you?
“I knew as soon as I saw you that you were the one, babe.” His crimson eyes glancing down at you, “You’re perfect.”
“I’m just as good as Dynamight. Let me show you.” He cooed, “Gonna treat you so right.”
You whimpered as he held onto your hips, his fingertips digging into your plush skin as he started a languid pace, each roll of his hips made you feel completely full. Kirishima’s crimson eyes watching the way your breasts bounced with each pronounced thrust.
“You’re even prettier than I thought you’d be, you know.” He smiled down at you sincerely, blunt nails digging into your skin as he kept his pace, “I mean. I knew you’d be pretty but damn-”
He grunted as he felt your walls clamp down around him from his words, you couldn’t prevent your body from accepting his praise, even if you had wanted to. Your body ached from how thick he was, your inner walls stretching to accommodate him as he pulled his hips back, his cock dragging against every ridge of your tight heat before just the tip was inside. Watching the way you keened for him, wanting to feel full again as he snapped his hips forward to burying himself deep inside you once more. Repeating the momentum as he watched your expression with pride, his ability to make you look so wanton with such little effort had him throbbing inside you.
“You like my cock inside you, don’t you Princess?” His hands sliding up your ribs to palm your breasts, feeling your back arch into his touch, “You feel so good.”
Kirishima began to pick up the pace, rutting his hips against yours with more velocity as he greedily used your body as his own personal cocksleeve. Your wetness helping him to ease himself in and out of you with minimal resistance. Velvety walls squeezing him deliciously with each pronounced thrust, sweat glistening on both your bodies as he searched for his own release.
“You’re so fucking tight.” He grunted, his palm stroking your sternum as he continued to feel you quiver around him, your inner walls still fluttering in the tremors of your last orgasm, “Gonna fill this pretty little pussy with my cum.”
“No, Red Riot. Please, not inside-” The suggestion making your eyes snap open in fear, he wouldn’t-
“Remember, you’re not the one in control here, baby girl.” He teased, leaning down to press his palm against your abdomen, groaning when he felt the bulge of his cock inside you, fucking into your tight cunt, “Would it be so bad if I fucked a baby into you?”
Your lower lip trembled at the realisation of what he was intending to do, your thighs involuntarily squeezing together to try and prevent the inevitable from happening but Kirishima’s thick hips prevented it. His large palms curling underneath your thighs to press your legs towards your chest with a smirk, “You’d look so pretty all pregnant with my kid,”
“Please.” You whispered meekly, his large body dwarfing your own as he towered over you, pressing your legs even further up as he changed the angle of his thrusts. Each hard rut of his hips had his cock dragging against your inner walls perfectly, his thick veins catching against the spongy spot inside you with each motion. His thick black pubes creating delicious friction against your clit as he fucked you senseless. No longer could you form any coherent words as he used your body for his own desire, drool spilling down your cheeks as sweet moans were pulled from your throat.
“God, you’re so fucking perfect.” He grinned, red eyes staring down at your own glistening ones, his hand grabbing one of your bouncing breasts as he moved your leg onto his shoulder, basically folding you over yourself as you felt him even deeper than you thought possible. The tip of his cock bruising your cervix as he worked you towards another release.
“‘M close.” You murmured, your body already quivering in the telltale signs of your release, your legs becoming numb from the uncomfortable position, all you could feel was his cock slamming into your tight walls perfectly.
“Yeah? Gonna cum for me, Princess?” He smiled in glee when you nodded your head, your eyes rolling back.
“Who fucks you this good?” He tugged your nipple between his thumb and forefinger as he felt you begin to clench around him.
“You do, Red Riot.” You cried, feeling yourself beginning to come undone, “You do.”
“Who do you belong to?”
“Fuck.” You squealed, the combination of stimulation helping you over the edge, your inner walls clamping down around him as you came. Your body convulsing beneath him as you cried out a garbled mixture of his name and his hero name in response.
“Fuck yeah, Princess. All. Fucking. Mine.” He punctuated each word with a sharp thrust, a possessive snarl in his tone as he used you for his own release. His pace became erratic as he felt his climax begin to flow through him, giving a few sloppy thrusts as he came undone, his cock buried inside you to the hilt as he emptied himself inside you. Thick, white ropes of cum coating your inner walls as he rode out his orgasm, treasuring the way your cunt continued to flutter around him. His warm breath fanning your already hot skin as he stilled inside you, savouring the moment for as long as he could.
Kirishima pulled out of your cunt slowly with a groan, keeping your legs held up as he glanced down at your stretched hole fluttering around nothing in the after effects of your orgasm. Feeling his softening cock twitch at the sight of his cum beginning to seep from your cunt as your body slowly pushed it out. His thick fingers moving down to press the mixture back inside your trembling pussy, cherishing the squeal you made when he toyed with your overstimulated sex. Unable to resist reaching up to nudge your puffy clit, just to see your reaction.
“That wasn’t so bad, was it Princess?” He murmured, placing a sloppy kiss against your ankle as he continued to hold your aching legs up, “You were such a good girl.”
“I really should go.” Your voice felt hoarse from overuse as he slowly lowered your legs back down. Alleviating the tension in them as they began to shake slightly, you felt so tired.
“Go? You can’t go yet, babe.” He rubbed soothing circles into your thighs before moving to tuck his softening cock back into his sweatpants, “It’s Christmas.”
“I don’t want you to worry about a thing, okay?” He pressed a kiss to your sweaty temple, leaning back to grab his cell phone off the table, “I’m gonna make sure this is the best Christmas you’ve ever had. If it isn’t already.”
“The pictures?” You asked hopefully, watching his eyes float up from his cell phone to you with a grin.
“Oh, don’t worry about those Princess.” He gave you a wink as he began typing across the screen, a teasing tone in his voice, “Although I’m sure Dynamight would love to see pictures of me fucking his biggest fan.”
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