#or everyone actually did know and thor was just. completely oblivious
evilkitten3 · 2 years
thor 3 would've been a thousand times funnier if loki had just. had kids the entire time and never mentioned it. or just assumed everyone already knew
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mochie85 · 2 years
Man of the Month Outtake: Men Are From Mars...
...Women are from Venus.
Series Masterlist My Complete Masterlist @muddyorbsblr Masterlist
Summary: Bucky lets the rest of the group know how his photoshoot went. The girls take you to a nice dinner out on the town. Pairing: Loki x Reader (eventually) Word Count: 716 Warnings: Fluff, slight angst, A/N: thank you to @athalialaufeyson for helping me out with the translations. Thank you my gem! 💎✨😘
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The sound of deep thumps and metal clashing stopped as soon as Bucky approached the gym. Most of the team had been training. Loki in particular threw himself into drill works with his daggers. He stopped momentarily when he saw Barnes walk into the gymnasium. As did all the other men who were there.
Loki noted that only Xu and Lang were the only ones who continued their exercises. As if they didn’t need to know the outcome of Barnes’ photoshoot with you.
“It’s not me guys,” he said with the most forlorn expression. Wilson came up to him and patted him on the shoulder. Rogers just crossed his arms with a trivial look of smugness on his face.
A small bud of hope bloomed inside of Loki as Thor nudged him on the shoulder. “Ikke bry deg om de, bror. Helvete vil ønske deg velkommen raskere med all din bekymring.” (Don’t pay them any attention, brother. Hell would welcome you faster with all your worrying.)
“Det er vanskelig å la være når disse gribbene prøver å vinne kjærligheten til ditt livs kjærlighet.” (It's hard not to when these vultures are trying to win the affection of the love of your life.)
“FAEN! (Fuck!) I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT!” Thor burst into a scream.
“Shh. Shh.” Loki shushed him, pushing him to keep quiet as everyone’s attention turned towards Thor.
“Peace. Peace.” Thor said to everyone else. “As you were.” But inside, Thor felt as giddy as spring maidens frolicking in the newly bloomed fields of Asgard.
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Meanwhile, Nat, Wanda, and Pepper had taken you out of the tower completely to have dinner. They saw you break down. You haven’t been yourself in a while and they missed your usual joyful nature.
Pepper took you all to an exclusive restaurant where you had a private booth in the back all to yourselves. The dinner was exquisite and you were all just drinking and relaxing talking about various life pursuits.
“So, how’s the calendar coming along?” Pepper asked. “Tony isn’t overworking you, is he?”
“No. No, he’s not. He’s been very lax about it actually.” You answered.
“So why do you look like you’re so wound up?” Wanda asked sipping her cocktail.
“Well imagine, that every single day of your job, you have to fend off the advances of different men hoping to get your attention. Some of them being your closest friends and others really just breaking your heart.”
Nat snorted and gave you the side-eye. “Ok miss perfect. I get it,” you said to her.
“Why don’t you just tell them it’s Laufeyson and get it over with? You should’ve just done that from the beginning.” Nat said.
“Ok, you knew?!” You exclaimed.
“We all did,” Pepper said.
“Frankly I don’t know why it’s taking the guys so long to figure it out. It’s so freaking obvious.” Wanda chimed in.
“Which brings me back to my question. Why don’t you just say it’s him and get it over with?” Nat asked again.
“Because he doesn’t like me, Nat. He only thinks of me as a friend.” The collective groan from the three women made you cringe. “I’m not ready for that rejection.”
“You’re just as oblivious as the men!” Wanda yelled, signaling the bartender for another cocktail.
“They’re probably all in the gym right now. Working out, thinking that they need that extra muscle to show off.” Pepper giggled. “When in reality it’s the…”
“…the arms,” Nat interjected. “When you can trace that vein up his arms and rolled-up sleeves because he’s straining to keep his unbridled desire for you.”
“Or the stare. When he sees you walk into a room and his eyes darken and his jaw clenches at the sight of you and he loses all train of thought.” Wanda added.
“…the whispers in your ear.” Pepper finally finished, looking out into the restaurant, lost in her train of thought. “The sweet romantic ones of love and support. Then the dirty naughty ones when no one is watching.” All four of you tittered at Pepper’s thoughts.
“No. They’re all at the gym right now working out because they can’t understand the female gaze.”
“To the female gaze.” Nat raised her drink up high.
“To the female gaze,” you all followed.
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An alternate calendar for Bucky's October.
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@alexs1200 @a-witch-with-words @britishserpent @cakesandtom @crimson25 @el-zef @fictive-sl0th @gigglingtigger @glitterylokislut @goldencherriess @holdmytesseract @holymultiplefandomsbatman @huntress-artemiss @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @immersed-in-mischief @kellatron55 @kikster606 @kkdvkyya @ladyofthestayingpower @lokidbadguy @lokiprompts @lokisasgardianvampirequeen @lokisgoodgirl @lokisninerealms @lokischambermaid @lokixryss @loopsisloops @lucylaufeyson3 @luvlady-writes @michelleleewise @mischief2sarawr @muddyorbs @nopenottodayson @one-oblivious-nerd @ozymdias @peaches1958 @salempoe @sarahscribbles @sarawr-reads @silverfire475 @springdandelixn @starktowerrooftop @theaudacitytowrite @thedistractedagglomeration @thomase1 @vickie5446 @vbecker10 @wheredafandomat @xorpsbane  
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
You know there's government money out there that I sent can get at and we're going to file for him and I found the motion did it goes to him and we're going to send it to Max and others other races not to the warlock at all because he deserves to have something and you people are blocking it and you and these social security office are dead we're coming after you are you doing sitting there threatening him and you don't have any intention of sending the check so we're going to take care of you you're ridiculous and we know what you're doing we haven't recorded or sending people after you too A lot of people and it's going to be very expensive for you what you been doing.. we're also suing you tomorrow in court and that's Garth and the other idiot lady for what you've been doing to our son. And you put him in an unhealthy atmosphere and we don't want him in that car and we told you we don't it's got s*** on the door handle he didn't clean it off.
We're watching all sorts of stuff happen and you people here are completely oblivious to it you're not going to be elected to anything. It's starting to hold prisoners in Russia and it's Putin and he's holding his own family and start a war in their family against him and it's been brewing for a long time and now it's overflowing. Whole bunch of warlock came out in that outfit and they they tried to get to the schools and really they were for his clan and these people are jerks and he says we're going to have to be the clan I guess and we started moving in and they're upset now using superpowers and other stuff and the juice It up and it looks like both sides could be the same size so that's what we wanted we're kicking their ass too is Eric a little twats
What's going on today here is it pulling out people and in decent quantity all day long
Also watching them playoff government officials and government workers they say 10% but it seems like a lot more they're going in and they're poking around and pointing at people in government offices this morning already saying that one and pull that one out and it's by what they're doing to Mac and his people and the sun says they're doing it to me and it's the same guys so God help you that's great he smile and said you're actually right these people are rude and have no limits they're going to be caught up in a little pieces shoved in each other's mouth and they don't even care I mean come on that's gross so going after I'm pretty hard and explain them and putting them down and we're helping and it's probably more than 10% today I already up to about 10% and they're going through the sheriff's office and people saw the numbers and said I want them to hell off me now and they're pulling them out and they were about 1600 morlock and now there's probably 400 and it fired and sheriff's office all over the state are experiencing the same thing in police departments and they're being gone through and their data and they're going to get rid of the rest of them today they said more in a minute
Thor Freya
We're sending out an alert and it's global these people get fired they try and do things and it's real and it's very very dangerous and like everyone to be attentive
Nuada Arrianna
I'm glad you got us up this morning we're ready to work and we're ready to get rid of these jerks they're very mean and they're ornery and there's too many and they're disgusting and it's hard to survive them because they make you angry every few seconds
Posiedon and Goddess
Says he's touchy and his rolls pretty tough for someone so young and we know about it and so we're going to help out and get these out of his face right now too
Uriel and Goddess Wife
It's a rough day he has but we're going to get working and he thinks us it says really if you just got to come in here and pull them out and it's more rewarding than anything else but we have to watch the backside so we're doing that now says it won't matter they're going to pull them all out of the sheriff job we have to do it so we're going to man up
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randomshyperson · 3 years
Goosebumps - Wanda Maximoff x Reader
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Gif was made by my bestie @abimess
Summary: "Reader going kind of psycho over someone being all over their significant other, but Wanda actually being really into it and loving how crazy it made Reader. Wanda pushing Rs buttons." > This is actually an anon request borrowed from a friend (i don't remember who haha).
Warnings: (+18), Smut, semi public, teasing, dom!reader, brat Wanda, fingering, jealously, possessive behaviors, mentions of fight, kissing.
Words: 2.087
A/N> After being away from Tumblr for almost a month, the first thing I'm posting is smut, that says a lot. Good reading, let me know if this sucks.
Wanda was playing a dangerous game.
She knew it. And yet, here she was, teasing you.
You two have been official for almost two years, your anniversary coming up in a few weeks, for which you have already booked a weekend at an inn, away from the compound and any hero's mission, just the two of you and a bottle of champagne.
Together long enough for Wanda to know what gets under your skin.
For her to know exactly what drives you insane, your limits, and how possessive you can get.
Wanda knows all these things, but she can't help it. Maybe it's the way she feels her body vibrate with excitement when you clench your jaw across the room when some random guy gets too comfortable around her, or how you whisper in her thoughts "behave, printsessa" and she feels a warmth rise between her thighs, remembering that the last time you spelled the nickname with your tongue inside of her.
Not only Wanda, but all the other Avengers know that Wanda belongs to you. She 's yours. There is no point in denying it. That's why Natasha doesn't flirt with her, and no matter how scary the widow may be, when it comes to Wanda, even Nat won't challenge you.
Then there is Vision. Oblivious to all that kind of non-verbal agreement. And clearly interested in Wanda more than a friend.
And Wanda knows how much you can't stand him. Which is why after you warned her to behave and continued your conversation with one of the investors attending the Avengers Annual Fundraiser in the same circle as Carol and Natasha, she waved goodbye to the young man who was babbling about business and walked to the corner of the room where Vision was talking to Steve and Thor, smiling gently at everyone as she joined the conversation.
Your attention fell on her immediately. You took a sip of your drink as you looked, she was pretending to be oblivious to your gaze, when all she was doing was to tease you.
She started smoothly. A shy smile at the comments while she kept her eyes on Vision. Nothing that would irritate you so much, enough for you to let your guard down and turn your attention to the conversation wheel in front of you.
Carol told a sarcastic joke that made Natasha laugh and move, giving you view of Wanda across the room again, and your smile died completely when you saw her, a hand on Vision's arm and a short laugh escaping her lips.
You would have walked over at that moment, but then Wanda looked at you, and you knew she was doing it on purpose. The little smile before she turned her attention to the group in front of her.
Naughty girl. You whispered in her head, taking another sip of your drink. From that distance you couldn't see the slight redness that appeared on her cheeks, but you wouldn't have cared.
Wanda needs to remember who she belongs to.
But not here.
You had already received polite warnings from Steve to control your temper. You weren't going to give Wanda a taste of victory, or Steve a taste of reason.
So all you did was signal the girls to follow you to the sofas, so that you had no view of Wanda. What the eyes can't see, the heart can't feel, right?
Realizing your plan, Wanda resisted the urge to roll her eyes. If she wanted to cause any reaction from you, she would have to try harder.
All she could do for the next few minutes, however, was listen and watch. Until the perfect idea occurred to her. Sam and Bucky were more than willing to start an argument any minute, pinning each other during the pool game a few feet away.
So Wanda exchanged a look with Steve, as if signaling that his friends were about to fight, and soon he and Vis were joining the table to calm tempers, and Wanda followed them.
Vision, in the best way one could put it, loved to explain things.
And all Wanda had to do was pretend she had no idea how to play Pool, the new position giving her full view of you from across the room, pretending to be paying attention to Natasha's speech when she could notice the way you were clenching your fists.
"It's a very simple game, Wanda." Vis began as he approached, and Wanda looked away from you to look at him, pretending to pay attention. "The main goal is to hit the balls to score points."
"How do I hold the stick?"
Wanda's tone was innocent, and sweet. It was also flirtatious, everyone could tell. And as Vision approached her to show her the correct way to hold the cue stick, the other boys exchanged glances with each other, apprehensive about the way she was behaving as they were familiar with how you acted with what belonged to you.
You let out a short laugh, shaking your head slightly, and Natasha, who was in the middle of her speech, looked at you curiously, Carol doing the same. But your gaze was in the direction of the pool table, where Vision had his arms around your girlfriend as she leaned over the table to make a move.
"Shit, this is going to be interesting." The captain remarked as she looked in the same direction and you cleared your throat before standing up, trying to control the irritation that was growing in your chest.
It was as if all the Avengers held their breath as soon as you stood up, which left the rest of the guests at the party confused to say the least. You walked slowly to the table, your expression indecipherable.
Wanda hesitated when you stopped on the opposite side, suddenly Vis's hands around her getting very uncomfortable. She thought she pushed too far as she noticed your gaze.
"Good evening." You greeted everyone politely, and then looked directly at Vis. "I'll give you five seconds to take your hands off her."
Vis looked confused, and made mention of turning away. But then he insisted.
"I'm just teaching Wanda how to play." He began, and as he babbled his excuses, you hum with your mouth, circling the table with your hands in your pockets. Wanda felt her heart race as the distance diminished, and when you stopped in front of her, she could barely breathe, a familiar warmth growing in the pit of her belly.
"My dear Avenger mate, don't make me shove that stick up your ass." You asked between teeth as soon as you stopped, interrupting Vis in the middle of his speech. Bucky and Sam held back their laughter, making a nasal noise. Vision stepped aside only to turn to you, a serious look on his face.
"Just so you know, she was the one who asked for help."
If Vision had just walked away, you wouldn't have done anything. But he had to say something. That's why you jumped on his neck, which turned into a bigger fight, with pushing and punching in the same second.
Of course your teammates separated you two very quickly, and you were foaming with rage when Bucky pulled you away.
The party was completely ruined after this. The guests were too frightened by the fight, and Tony complained loudly about being tired of scenes like this, but all you did was ignore the judgmental looks as the team tries to clean up the mess, the broken glass from the table where you threw Vision scattered all over the place.
Natasha guided you out of the room, but you dismissed her, grumbling that you were cool and would go home.
At the elevator door, Wanda caught up with you.
"I'm sorry." She asked hesitantly and you let out a short laugh, pressing the button to call the elevator before looking at her.
"No, you don't." You retort and she bites her lip, looking away. You resist the urge to kiss her. "But you will."
Wanda holds her breath, moving closer to you.
"What are you going to do?" She asks, her gaze lingering on your mouth.
"I'm not going to do anything." You retort with a chuckle, lifting your hand to caress her cheek with your fingers. She frowns in confusion, but the elevator opens and you step aside to enter. Wanda accompanies you in silence.
You know that she is dying to know what will happen when you two get home. That's why you keep quiet.
She can barely contain herself, twiddling her fingers nervously as you both get into the car, and then wiggling her leg anxiously as you drive.
You stop at a traffic light, and your hand goes from the steering wheel straight to her thigh, squeezing gently and making Wanda moan softly.
"Don't be nervous, baby." You say without looking at her. "Only a few more minutes to go."
"What are you going to do with me?" She asks again, her tone pleading. You bite your lips, moving your hand away from her leg. "Please tell me."
"I thought you liked teasing." You retort as you drive back. Wanda lets out an impatient sigh.
She is silent for a moment, and you mumble the low song coming out of the stereo, figuring she will wait, but then she lets out a noise that sounds like a whine and you squeeze the steering wheel hard.
"Baby?" you call out without looking away, out of the corner of your eye you can see the way she has closed her legs, pressed them together tightly. You sigh in disbelief. "Did I say you could relieve yourself in my car?"
"Please i’m..."
You maneuvered the car quickly onto the roadside. And then you turned to Wanda, pulling her face against yours and pressing your lips together in a firm kiss that made her whimper.
Wanda shifted uncomfortably in her seat, your tongue flicking against hers and making her see stars, the wetness rising inside her panties.
At the same speed that you came closer, you pulled away, and she let out a dissatisfied grumble, missing your mouth immediately.
"What's gotten into you today baby?" You ask next, lowering your fingers to her inner thighs to the inside of her skirt. Wanda barely has time to shiver in anticipation before she feels you slide between her wet pussy, gasping at the feel of your touch where she wanted it so badly. "That whole scene at the party, and trying to relieve yourself alone next to me, thinking I wouldn't notice... such a naughty little brat."
Wanda whimpered needily, feeling your fingers move in and out of her in a slow rhythm. Every time you entered, her pussy throbbed in search of more, you had barely started and she was already so close.
"I-I'm sorry." She gasped, closing her eyes, one hand clutching the leather of the seat hard and the other digging her nails into your arm. "Oh Fuck I'm... I'm so close..."
"Oh my silly baby, you won't cum tonight." You retort in a teasing tone, and Wanda immediately opens her eyes, tears of pleasure from prolonged overwhelming sensation and the denial of the relief she is clinging to in them. You have a little smile and push your fingers deep enough for her to moan loudly, throwing her head back as her whole body burns and shivers. She's just so fucking close, you can feel how hot and slippery she has become, feel her heartbeat on your fingertips as her pussy tighten against your fingers. And that's why you pull out of her completely.
"L-love, please I need..." She begged breathlessly, her cheeks flushed and her chest rising and falling out of rhythm.You lifted your wet fingers to your mouth, and tasted her as you looked into her eyes, watching her pupils darken completely as she whimpers.
"Be a quiet good girl for me and I will let you cum tomorrow, baby." You warn before moving away, ignoring the urge to touch Wanda again as you straighten up in your seat.
"You promise?" She asks pleadingly and you glance at her before starting the vehicle again.
"It 's up to you."
You drive. And at the next light, you smirk when you see Wanda checking the time on her cell phone, impressed by the speed of her deduction. In a few minutes it will already be tomorrow.
Tag list> @imapotatao / @aimezvousbrahms/ @ensorcellme/ @helloalycia || @mionemymind / @abimess / @stephanieromanoff / @yourtaletotell / @tomy5girls / @justagaypanicking / @thegayw1tch / @idek-5 // @myperfectlovepoem // @helloalycia // @ENSORCELLME // @AIMEZVOUSBRAHMS // @drpepperobsessed // @sighsam // @olsensnpm // @sxfwap // @table57 // @madamevirgo // @causeitswhatjesuswouldfreakingdo // @emptysince18x // @xastrydx || @yuhloversxx || @ymzki-haruki || @wouldirunofftheworldsomeday || @lostandsearching || @lezzzbehonesthere || @musicinourlips || @chaekhan
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skyahri · 3 years
Absolutely Not |Peter Parker X Stark!Reader| HC
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Summary: How Tony finds out that his daughter and Peter are dating.
Warnings: None :) Just some pretty wholesome fluff
You and Peter met when he started his Stark internship.
You frequently helped in your dad's lab, whether it be assisting him with whatever he was working on or taking on your own project so you ran into Peter quite often.
He was always nice and struggled to start a conversation due to nervousness.
If he was honest.... you completely intimidated him; with your Stark smarts and unparalleled beauty- who wouldn't be?
He liked your smart ass attitude and wit, which is probably what made him fall for you in the first place.
You liked his care free demeanor and nerdy tendencies. He was full of pop culture references and useless facts that you found adorable.
You two were friends for a while, only innocent intentions.
You'd watch movies together, play games, and run around New York.
Eventually you two fell into more intimate methods of showing affection, moving from simply sharing a blanket to exchanging small kisses.
He followed you around like a lost puppy most days, wanting nothing but hugs and affection.
He spent most nights in your room rather than his with the excuse that his room was just too cold and yours was just right.
It wasn't long before pretty much everyone found out.
Nat had come into your room one morning and found you two jumbled up in the sheets... news spread like wild fire after that and soon everyone knew.
Everyone except for your dad.
Granted, you thought he knew, honestly, but you didn't know what was going on in that thick ass head of his.
He was insistent that Peter was still a boy and had no interest in girls, and even if he did he was so oblivious he'd never know someone was flirting with him.
Anytime he saw anything, though, he simply stated that Peter was very friendly and there was no way he'd ever think of anyone that way.
You two were cuddled up watching a movie. Your legs were thrown over his, your head on his chest and his head on yours. He had an arm wrapped around your shoulders and a hand in your thigh.
Tony had come upstairs to see if you could help him with a classified assignment from SHIELD.
When he opened your bedroom door and saw you two snuggled up, you expected him to blow a fuse, but he didn't bat an eye.
"I need a second pair of hands, mind helping me out?"
You agreed and got up from your spot, giving a Peter a little kiss before following your dad out.
He deemed it friendly... somehow... and never questioned it.
It wasn't until Thor had asked how you and 'bug boy' were doing that he started to actually put the pieces together.
"Why are you asking about them specifically?"
"Well, aren't they betrothed?"
"What?! Why the fuck would you think that?"
"I must be mistaken... do midgardians often kiss as a form of greeting?"
"W-what? No. Of course not."
"Then they are together romantically?"
It didn't take long for Tony to literally drop everything and run upstairs.
You were playing monopoly with Peter, Nat, and Steve (who was losing severely and very upset about it).
Tony busts in through the elevator and rushed at Peter, effectively scaring everyone.
"When the fuck were you gonna tell me you were dating my daughter?!"
"What do you mean? We thought you already knew!"
"How would I have known if you didn't tell me?!"
"Because we've been together for like eight months! Everyone knows!"
He looked over at Nat and Steve for reassurance. They nodded their heads at him blankly.
Right now Tony's stressing the FUCK out. He has no idea what's going on and has no perception of reality.
Of course it made sense- you were never one for physical affection yet you two were always touching.
Fuck he'd even seen you two KISS and it still didn't click.
Honestly it was embarrassing.
"Damn, kid, and here I was thinking you didn't even know what a girl was." He had mumbled.
From then on he acted more like how you had expected him to be from the beggining.
He moaned and groaned and teased and bullied the two of you any chance he got.
He constantly gave Peter shit because he was dating his oh so previous baby girl.
He did everything his power to separate you two but that never went over well considering one if you had spider powers and the other was a super genius.
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darling-i-read-it · 3 years
Heeeey 🖤 I was just wondering a headcanon of thor, Loki, Steve and bucky listening to wap and their reaction hahaha what do you think? Thanks babe!
Hi !!! I wasn’t sure if you wanted the reader added but cause that's like all I do on this blog I added it lol. I was a little excited writing Thor’s cause I’ve wanted to write something for him for ages lol. I hope you enjoy!
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- you just wanted to see what his reaction would be!
- it was a completely innocent curiosity when you turned it on as he came into the kitchen where you were sitting
- he grabbed an apple and started eating it, listening a bit to the lyrics
- he had some sort of understanding wash over his face but that didn't make him feel flustered or anything
- in fact he actually listened carefully until the song was over and then he pointed over at you, apple full in his mouth
- Wonderful song! I wonder though, what is a whore? he questioned in his loud boastful voice
- that was the only question he had, he understood the rest of it perfectly
- he was rather cheeky about it too and then you would catch him listening to it on his own with that charming oblivious smile on his face as though he didn't know what the song was about
- drama king at his finest
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- you hadn't even meant to show him, you were just listening to it and he came in the room
- you were focused on something and singing it carefully to yourself, not even bothering with the aggressive inflection that the song usually deserved
- he was going to interrupt you but waited until the song was over
- he leaned on the door frame, eyebrows up and the sneaky smile on his face
- as the song came to a close you leaned back, running your hands through your hair and he cleared his throat
- you turned around and he gestured to what was playing the music
- What was that darling? You said you had a *dramatic pause* wet ass pu-
- Loki!
- you flushed and oh how he exploited it
- he continued to exploit it until it got old and he could move on to something else
- the song wasn't to his personal taste but he didn't tell you to turn it off when he was around
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Steve Rogers
- you did it for the laughs and just to see that damned look on his face when he realized the type of song it was
- Steve promised he wasn't the prude everyone thought that he was but he was. he was.
- you waited patiently, looking at his face as the song started and then picked up
- first his eyebrows went up
- then his eyes went wide
- then a surprised look went over his face
- then he wasn't sure if he should put his hand over his mouth or turn it off but he surely had you turn it off before it was finished
- That was quite vulgar! he told you
- Old man, it's the times
- It took getting used to, that's for sure
- put the beat was rather good...perhaps he should give it another go..
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Bucky Barnes
- Bucky had been slightly more adjusted to the world than everyone else here was so he heard it on the radio for the first time
- it was the clean version but still, there was clearly some very vulgar things being talked about there
- he sighed, shaking his head
- Things have really changed since the 40's
- when he heard you listening to it he teased you a bit about it before giving you dramatic suggestive eyebrows
- you just shoved him away, flushed
- but he didn't mind the song honestly, he probably listened to it on his free time when he was working out or something
- just not where you could catch him
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professorrw · 3 years
Truth or Dare
Pairing: gn reader x Wanda Maximoff
Requested: Yes
Warnings: smut, 18+, intoxication, thigh riding, fingering, big sister dynamic Natasha
A/N: Requests are open for one-shots, headcanons, imagines, and drabbles for My Hero Academia, Harry Potter, and Marvel! My taglist is open so if you’d like to be on that just tell me! Please like, comment, and reblog!
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Liking someone, especially your friend, is hard. It isn’t hard to like someone, it’s hard to tell them. Wanda was a goddess in your eyes and you had a serious crush on her. Natasha gave you hell over it. She was like a big sister to you. 
You joined the Avengers when you were pretty young and she immediately took you under her wing. After being with them for a year she was basically your family, along with the rest of the Avengers. When Wanda joined you were glad to have someone closer to your age. It was refreshing to have a girl to hang out with other than Natasha. Not that something was wrong with her.
That friendship changed to something more on your end, or at least you thought it was only on your end. The part that Natasha found so funny was that you were so oblivious. It was obvious she liked you back but you didn’t seem to think so. But since Natasha knew and neither of you would act, she took matters into her own hands.
“Okay, let’s play a game guys!” she shouted.
“Oh how swell! A game!” Thor responded.
Clint groaned as he came out of his room and sat down on the couch with the growing crowd. You made a circle, some of you on the couch and some on the floor. You and Wanda were on the floor next to each other with Natasha sitting beside you.
“Okay so what’s the game?” Tony asked.
“Truth or dare, a simple kids game.”
“I can’t believe you think I’d play this sober. Wait I’ll be right back,” Tony said before he ran off to the kitchen. You all waited for him and he came back to the living room with bottles of alcohol and glasses. Clint was in the same boat as Tony. He sure as hell didn’t want to say or do anything and remember it. He was the first to take a glass and fill it with whiskey.
The rest of you followed and the game didn’t start until everyone had at least downed a whole cup.
Natasha started the game and it soon kicked off. The game of truth or dare started innocently and you more or less just made fun of each other. That was until Nat dared Thor to take off his shirt and then Tony thought he just had to take his shirt off too. 
The game quickly became more and more scandalous after that, more people taking off clothes, including you. All kinds of stuff was being dared at that point. Tony dared Bruce to take a shot off of Clint’s stomach and he was so wasted that he actually did it. It seemed like the only people not completely drunk were you, Natasha, and Wanda.
You didn’t want to do something you would regret so you laid off after two glasses. Wanda wasn’t big on drinking so she only had a cup. But Natasha was staying as sober as possible for the scheme she was working up.
Multiple rounds went by and it was Natasha’s turn again. She tapped her chin and looked around the group before her eyes landed on you. A mischievous grin spread on her face as she asked you, “Truth or Dare?”
“Okay… is it true you like someone in this room?”
Your mouth dropped open before you answered. “Yes.”
And even though the group was drunk and intoxicated this got their attention. They knew you were bisexual so it could be any of them. Wanda immediately turned to look at you. Out of everyone she was the most shocked. Her stomach fluttered, partly from hope and partly with stress. Of course she hoped you liked her but she also knew you could like any of the other hot people you hung out with.
“Who is it?” Wanda asked.
“You have to wait your turn! Right now it’s Y/N’s,” Natasha said.
Your face was hot and you were rushing to get the attention off yourself. “Wanda truth or dare?”
“Um… have you seen Pietro naked?”
She did a half scoff, half laugh at your dumb question. “Yes I have, he’s my brother. Though it wasn’t pleasant, I'll tell you that.”
“Come on now. I’m sure I have all the ladies falling for me,” Pietro retorted.
Natasha’s plan was working wonderfully and she was shaking with anticipation for Wanda’s turn. She knew Wanda and she also knew that if Wanda found out Y/N liked someone she would have to know who it was.
“Wanda it’s your turn. Pick someone.”
“Y/N truth or dare?” Wanda asked.
“I dare you to kiss the person that you like.” Wanda had to pull herself together for this one. There was a possibility that the person you would be kissing wouldn’t be her. She watched you with unabated attention as your face flushed even further. It took you a minute to, what she assumed, gather your courage.
You turned to her and cupped her cheek. The kiss was fast. You were already embarrassed and scared but it melted away when Wanda pulled you back in. The group around you whistled and cheered as their teammates made out right in front of them. Natasha sat back with a pleased smile. Her work there was done.
When you parted you were both out of breath. All you could do was stare at Wanda. You were relieved and filled with joy. She didn’t outright say it but you could tell from your kissing that she reciprocated your feelings.
“Okay guys I think this game is done!” Nat shouted. She was met with multiple boos but you gave her a grateful look. She winked back at you and ushered you out of the room. “Go! You two have things to talk about.”
You sheepishly smiled and looked at Wanda, who was positively beaming. You walked to your room and flopped onto your bed. Maybe if you closed your eyes you would wake up and find it was all a dream. Wanda sat on the bed next to you and giggled. You opened your eyes and found out that it wasn’t a dream.
You really kissed Wanda and she kissed you back. What a day. After that you two talked and made your relationship official. It was an understatement to say that you were giddy with excitement. You gushed to Natasha constantly about how much you loved Wanda and after months of you two dating it died down. Being with Wanda was so natural it just felt right.
You were closer than ever, not just mentally but physically. A bonus of your relationship was that you had free roam of your gorgeous girlfriend. You waited a few months before you had sex together. You didn’t want to rush anything and Wanda was okay with that. She was content with kissing you but when you had been dating for four months and you started making moves she was excited.
You had been sitting on the couch together by yourselves and your hand was rubbing Wanda’s thigh. With each stroke you got closer and closer to her pussy until you were actually brushing a hand on it. Her breath hitched and you looked at her for confirmation. She nodded and you were quick to pick her up and take her to your room.
You set her on your bed and dissolved into kissing her. Your eyes were closed but you could hear the lock on the door clicking and assumed Wanda had shut the door with her powers. You smiled against her lips and she let out a little breathless laugh. You left her lips and traveled down to her jaw. Her nimble fingers threaded into your hair and she tilted her head back to give you better access to her throat.
Your hands were at either side of her body and one of your thighs was in between her legs. She scooted further down until she was rubbing against your thigh. You realized just a second later and quit kissing her neck.
“Lay down,” she said. You did as she asked and switched spots with her. She was on her knees just out of reach of you. She slid her shorts and underwear down and your breath caught in your throat. She looked so absolutely beautiful it was like nothing you’d ever seen before. She stayed in that same position, shorts pulled at her knees while a hand snaked down to her cunt.
She swallowed thickly and suppressed the need to touch her. You would get your time, right now she was getting herself ready. From what you could see Wanda was fingering herself, and doing a good job of it too. She was biting her lip and her eyes were shut. Her face could be described as blissful. You still thought she looked like a goddess, like a painting.
She quit sucking on her lip and let it go with a pop. Your whole body was tingling and your mouth was open in a trance. Every part of you wanted her, to make her feel good.
“Wanda come here,” you whined.
She smiled and pulled her hand away from her vagina. She crawled on top of you, cunt hovering over your thigh. You held her steady with hands on her waist. She was holding onto your headboard that was a few inches above your head as she lowered herself. She moved back and forth on your bare thigh and it soon had your girlfriend’s natural juices on it.
You raised the hem of her top and stuck your head underneath the fabric. You planted a line of kisses from her belly button to her cleavage before you pulled her bra down so her nipples popped out. You took one of the hard buds in your mouth and sucked on it. Wanda moaned above you and started moving faster.
She was grinding against you and you were sucking on her sensitive boobs, both actions working her into a frenzy. You kept on sucking and gently biting, even taking a hand and cupping Wanda’s ass with it.
While your mouth was attached to her chest your hand was attached to her butt, kneading and squeezing the plump flesh. You were still suckling when you heard her moan out, “I’m about to cum.”
You took your head out of her shirt so you could see her when the moment came. “Come on, cum for me darling.”
Her face twisted and then smoothed when you felt the slick, sticky cum on your thigh. She slid against you once more, wiping the cum off of her. When she was off and laying next to you you gathered it on your finger and popped it into your mouth. The savory taste filled your mouth and you made a long mmm sound when you were finished.
You pulled Wanda close to you and she rested her head on your chest.
“You taste good,” you whispered.
She giggled, “I love you.”
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saraastyles · 3 years
"Uhm hi"
Summary | You and Peter have a crush on each other. When he comes over on a late night your relationship might progress into something more than friendship.
Pairing | Peter Parker x Stark!reader
Warnings | swearing, maybe a little bit of smut
WC | 2.4K
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It was no secret that you had a fat ass crush on a certain spidey boy. It wasn't like you tried to hide it or anything, you just hadn't made that big of a deal out of it.
Peter being the oblivious bean that he is, obviously didn't notice your attempts at flirting with him. He just thought that your actions towards him, were purely that of friendship. He noticed you were always worried about him, but then again, you were worried about all your friends.
However, what you didn't know was that Peter also had a not so little crush on you.
Everyone could see it. From the way he hugs you like it's the last time he'll be able to touch you, to the way his gaze would linger on you just a tad longer than a 'normal' friend's would've.
In conclusion you are two very oblivious idiots who are very madly in love with each other.
"Maybe I should do something productive for once.", you thought to yourself. It wasn't a bad idea, seeing as you had quite a bit of homework that you needed to catch up on. "I'll just finish this one episode of friends and then I'll get started.", you say that every single day and never, and I repeat never, have you actually done that. "No, fuck it, I need to get up right this second and do it!" you said to yourself as you sat up, determined to get some shit done. First you walked over to the fridge. "You can't do work on an empty stomach." You made some food and walked to your room. You've always liked the big windows and of course the amazing view your room held. New York really is beautiful. You sat down at your desk and got out your laptop to get started. You decided to start with physics, it's easy so why not get it done first? After finishing physics, you decided to catch up on your Spanish homework and after that just wrap up that essay for English, that you were actually quite proud of.
You hurried back to the kitchen, excited to see what you had for dinner. You were really hoping on that amazing pasta Steve sometimes makes, with the expensive cheese that smells so horrible, but tastes so damn great. Your mouth watered just thinking about it.
As you walked into the kitchen you were met with a different sight though. Not one that you would've expected, but entertaining nonetheless. On the floor you saw taco shells, sliding down the cabinets were beans, you think, it kind of looks like shi-. You know what? Let's not get into that.
"NO, THOR DON'T!", you said as he was about to cast a whole ass lightning bolt to somehow fix the broken taco shells. You didn't really see the logic behind that one, but then again, it's Thor, so there's never really much logic.
After stopping Thor, which took quite a few "THOR YOU CAN'T FIX BROKEN TACO SHELLS WITH LICHTNING". You all decided to just order some pizza and eat it on the couch.
You were watching the nature channel, for some godforsaken reason you did not know, but it was all okay. You chuckled at the way Steve, Bucky, and Thor were staring at the screen, mesmerised by all the animals they saw. After you all finished your pizza, you decided to go back to your room to finish the last of your homework.
It was around eleven, when you decided to stop working and just chill in your room for the rest of the night, scrolling on TikTok. Around twelve you had fallen asleep, your phone still in hand. After a while you woke up because you heard some rustling in your room.
"Hello??" "Who is there?"
"It's me, Peter." "Parker"
"Jesus Peter, you scared the life out of me. You could've texted me, or knocked, like a normal person, you know.", you say, in a hushed tone. You take a look at him, sweet lord he looked good. Wearing the spidey suit, his hair a bit ruffled because of the mask. He looked like the most cuddly thing ever
"I did text you y/n. You just didn't answer, so I decided to just come over anyways.", Peter spat back at you, quickly moving over to the bathroom to change into some comfier clothes.
"And why exactly are you here? If I may ask?", you ask as he walked out of the bathroom in some plaid pyjama pants and a t-shirt with some dorky science pun on it. He looked so comfy and relaxed and kind of hot but that's besides the point.
"I couldn't sleep, so I decided to just patrol for a few hours, but then I thought about you and decided to come over to watch a movie or something. I thought you would still be awake."
"Well, you were wrong.", you say, a blush creeping up on your cheeks at the thought of Peter rather spending time with you than patrolling.
"But it's okay because you're cute.", you say, smiling at him.
Whenever Peter gets a compliment, he gets all blushy, and you swear it's the cutest thing you've ever seen.
"Well, you're cute too.", he says, coming up to your bed and laying down next to you.
You take out your laptop to set up the movie.
"What movie do you want to watch?"
"Can we watch Harry Potter? Please?", Peter says, giving you puppy eyes. You can't help but cave, I mean, look at him. Doesn't he look like the sweetest person ever right now?
"Okay, but next time we're watching something else. We've watched Harry Potter eight times already!"
"Okay y/n, sure.", Peter says, knowing full well that you're going to watch Harry Potter the next time.
After a while you get sleepy and lay your head on Peter's shoulder. He lays his head on top of yours.
When Peter sees you're asleep he closes the laptop and slowly slips out of bed. The loss of warmth makes you wake up. Peter is always so nice and warm. He's like your personal heater.
"Where are you going? Aren't you going to stay here? You can't go back home now! It's way too late to be out on the street!", you ramble on, worry evident in your voice.
"Relax y/n, I was just putting your laptop away, so we wouldn't crush it."
"Oh, okay."
"So, you are staying over then?"
"Yes. If you don't mind of course. I mean, I can go home, it's no big deal, it'll take me like ten minutes. I should just go home, you know what I'm going home.", Peter rambles.
"Peter. You're staying over. It'll be fun! Besides, I don't want you to go out into the city at this hour."
"Y/n. I'm Spider-Man. I think I can handle myself."
"Yeah okay, maybe that's true, but I would also just like it if you stayed over. We can do some fun stuff. OH! WE SHOULD DO FACE MASKS! PETER, LAY DOWN I'M GOING TO GET THEM!", you practically yelled at him.
Peter laughed at the way you went from sleepy to wide awake in a matter of seconds.
Storming out of the bathroom with a dozen face masks in your hands, you pushed Peter down on the bed, forcing him to lay still. You sat down on top of him to apply the face mask.
He looked at you with admiration in his eyes, as he saw the way you were so concentrated on applying the face mask neatly. Biting your lip, something you always did when you were concentrated, you looked adorable, he thought.
After applying the face mask, the close proximity of your faces became evident, your noses only a few inches apart. You looked him in the eyes. Those beautiful honey brown eyes, that you've grown to love so much. His eyes meeting yours. It was like time stood still for a second. You were in your own little world. Just you and Peter, forever.
After what seemed like forever, he swiftly looked down at your lips. You took the hint and slowly leaned in. Your lips now almost touching. He looked at your lips again and that was all you needed. You slowly pushed your lips on his, completely forgetting he was still wearing that face mask. You didn't care. All you wanted in that moment was to just kiss him. Kiss Peter. Kiss your bestfriend.
After a while you moved away. Peter's face mask now also your face mask.
You looked down at him. God, he looked cute, grinning like an idiot.
"I really like you.", you both said at the exact same time.
Slowly it sunk in, relief washing over the both of you, knowing that your feelings are mutual.
"Well, I'd love to keep this up, but we have to wash of the face mask, or your face is going to be stained blue for the next couple of days."
"Oh okay, yeah let's not do that."
You both got up and skidded to the bathroom, eager to get the face mask off of Peter, to continue your previous activity.
Once it was all off, you walked back to your bed. Sitting next to each other, you glance at Peter. There are still a few blue speckles on his cheeks. You wipe them off, Peter leaning into your touch. Your hand stayed on his face. Slowly the both of you lean in and before you know it, you're making out again.
You slowly move to sit down on Peter's lap and straddle him. Your hand stuck in his hair, softly tugging at the loose curls at the nape of his neck.
Peter's hands are planted firmly on your waist. Squeezing a bit and slowly rubbing up and down. After a while his hands move to your thighs, slowly massaging them a bit.
You decide to grind your hips lightly on his. This results in a low grunt from Peter. Immediately loving the sound, you decide to do it again.
Peter's hands slowly move from your thighs to your butt. He gives it a light squeeze, which makes you jump up in surprise.
You can feel him smiling against your lips. "That sneaky bastard did that on purpose!", you thought.
Well, two can play this game.
You decide to, slowly but surely, grind down on him harder. Peter grunts against your mouth, which makes your smile.
You want to take this further.
You're tugging at the hem of Peter's shirt, hoping he'll get the hint and take it off.
Peter pulls back and in one swift motion takes of his shirt.
"What the fuck! You never told me you were like, I don't know, totally ripped!", you say to him, admiring his abs.
A compliment.
Peter doesn't know how to react so he just kisses you again.
After a while you decide to take of your shirt too. You pull away from Peter, a seductive look in your eyes. Slowly you take of your shirt, not breaking eye contact with him. Seeing as you were just chilling alone in your room before he came over, you didn't bother to wear a bra. Why would you? No one would come over at this time, right.
As you were about to pull your shirt over your head, still looking into Peter's eyes, loving how eager he looked to see your chest,
The door opened. The fucking door fucking opened, what the fuck.
"Hey y/n, do you know what a- what. the. fuck", Bucky walked into your room, abruptly stopping when he sees you hurrying to put your shirt back on, straddling a half naked Peter, with his hands on your butt.
"Uhm hi", you both say, looking at Bucky, who had the most shit eating grin on his face.
You and Peter looked at each other, both completely panicking.
"Hi. Having fun?", Bucky breaks the silence, obviously knowing what was about to take place.
"Yeah, no, uhm, I was just showing Peter where I would - if I ever decide to - get a tattoo. That was what we were doing.", you say, mentally slapping for yourself for that horrible excuse.
Peter tried to say something, but he was completely frozen. Internally completely shutting down.
"Yeah, no, I absolutely believe that. That's completely believable.", Bucky says, with small smile on his face.
"Please Bucky, please don't tell dad. He'll kill me if he finds out. Please.", you say, practically begging him to not tell your dad.
You know how he gets whenever a boy is mentioned. His, as you like to call it, 'protect my baby girl' protocol activates and he gets way too overprotective.
"Okay, I won't tell him. But! You have to promise me you'll do my dishes for a week.", he says.
"I promise, I promise. Thanks Buck."
"Yeah yeah, okay. I'm going now, byee!", Bucky says, turning around and walking out the door. "Use protection!"
"Bucky. Shut. Up."
"Okay, I'll go now."
When Bucky's gone, you finally look at Peter. He still looks shocked, but after a while he says: "Oh my god. We kissed. Wow"
"Yeah, we did.", you say.
"Do you maybe want to go on a date or something? I mean if you want of course. I just thought that ma-"
Before he can say anything more, you cut him off by kissing him. He freezes, but after a while he kisses you back.
You slowly pull away.
"I'd love to go on a date with you, Peter.", you say smiling at him. He smiles back at you before slowly leaning in and kissing you again.
"Okay, it's really late and we should probably go to bed.", you say, as you're pulling Peter down to lay next to you.
You lay your head on his chest and cuddle into him. He cuddles you back and after a while you fall asleep. A permanent smile plastered on both of your faces.
The next morning you and Peter walked into the kitchen, immediately getting stares from everyone.
"So, did you and Peter have fun last night?", Sam asks.
You see the look on his face and you just know he knows.
"Where. Is. Bucky?", you say, sounding calm, but exploding inside.
"Oh, he's dead.", Nat says, with a dumb smile on her face.
I hope you all like it! This is the first thing I've ever really written, so I apologise if it's not that good, but I'm sure I'll get better over time!
I hope you enjoy this! Let me know what you think!
xx Sara
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
6 Anti LO Asks
1. I believe a lot of LO’s fans forget that you can still enjoy a character without liking them as a person. That’s how I feel particularly with Minthe: she’s sleek, she’s pretty, she’s complex, she’s in a caste system struggle in which she’s within the bottom-rung of society. We start to see her own personal reasons for treating Hades the way that she did (which doesn’t make it right), but I still find her to be a very interesting character! It's a shame that her fate became that of all HxP opponents: wrongfully wiped out and promptly forgotten about until they (hopefully) show up again for plot convenience.
2. I know that many of Lore Olympus’ critics have already brought this up and established the true definition, but LO is not a “modern retelling” of the Abduction of Persephone. A narrative that is retold is one where the story and the characters are still recognizable no matter the changes made from the original texts.  Thor from the MCU, The Lunar Chronicles (a series of books that retell fairy tales in a futuristic society), Punderworld… Those are renditions of original myths/stories that can still be recognized by even oblivious viewers. Lore Olympus, if anything, is a rewrite. It consists of a bunch of multicolored characters that the author slapped the names of mythological beings onto, in which the comic is now being hailed as some super progressive and faithful adaptation of the original myth(s), when it isn’t. Honestly, the stories are so botched within the webcomic itself that it almost gives me whiplash with how far left a lot of the characters and plot lines stray away from their original sources. I’m not even a partaker in reading Greek myths, but the way in which others have rightfully complained about the comic’s complete unfaithfulness to it’s stories, it’s almost baffling how it’s most devoted fans can even continue to uphold the work as some new form of the Iliad.
3. Idk if you’ve seen it or not, but on YouTube someone did a whole character redesign for LO with her own take on the characters (with some really good art of the characters and explanations to why she made the changes she made) and the comment section is full of a lot of people complaining about how “You don’t get Rachel’s art style!” and “Ew I can’t even recognize the characters! This is disrespectful to RS!”
And it’s like??? Dude it’s her own take on the characters??? Chill out y’all she was just giving her take on them
5. I’ve been thinking about this for a while now (and I guess it’s technically not a “critique” in a way), but I always thought that Persephone’s name should’ve just stayed “Kore” until her eventual marriage to Hades. In the original myths, it wasn’t until her status as Queen of the Underworld was cemented that she began to go by multiple titles. Wouldn’t it be interesting when reaching the presumed end of the comic that Persephone has this fresh name that everyone now regards her as, almost like a movie hero/villain shifting into their own respective title(s)? But I guess that means the author would’ve had to scrap the mortal realm massacre/trial plot line altogether to accomplish that idea. Though I still don’t find those current stories to be that interesting anyway and are basically just utilized to show that Persephone is, in fact, a “cinnamon roll who can actually kill you” archetype.
*Also, please correct me if I’m wrong! I want to say her name was Kore until meeting and marrying Hades, but she might’ve been regarded as such before then! ^^;
6. part of the reason LO trying to be "glamorous" fails is that it just isnt. the minimalism fashion isnt well designed or pretty (and no, adding sparkles doesnt make it look anything more than a a basic white dress) and the world design especially is lacking. it looks like any generic american city over something distinct and unique. sure LO can mimic the glass being shiny, but theyre all still the same black rectangles. Olympus nor the Underworld in LO have any true gravitas or   beauty to them.
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bigballofstress · 4 years
Pickpocket Part 2(Avengers x Child!Reader)
Description: After Clint takes you back to Avengers tower, the rest of the Avengers realize who you are, and most of them are not very happy with you.  It’s certainly an interesting conversation when you wake up, but slowly, they start to warm up to you.
Tell me if you want a third part, guys!  Part one here
To @prepareforsomestrangethings @captainam-erika-trash @bxtchboy69​ @creation-magician​ @viarogers​ @queenshadow142003​ @witchxaf I know I’ve said this already, but seriously, I can’t thank you guys enough for everything.  I love you all!
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The living room went completely silent at the arrival of the two master assassins, everyone staring at the little bundle in their resident archer’s arms.
“Lady Natasha, Brother Clint, you have returned!” Thor, who had just returned to Earth from Asgard, shouted gleefully as he walked towards them, completely oblivious to the awkward atmosphere that had appeared in the room and asking the question that was on everybody’s minds but which they weren’t quite sure how to go about asking.  “Who is the young maiden in your arms?”
“She tried to rob Clint and then fainted, so we brought her back here,” Natasha stated bluntly.  Clint glared at her in frustration before turning back to the others, who were already on guard.
“The kid was starving,” he attempted to explain.  “I think she passed out from hunger.”  The others in the room glanced at the bundle of coats, still obviously wary, and Clint rolled his eyes.  “For God’s sake, the poor thing weighs next to nothing, and she’s freezing to the touch.  I’m pretty sure the coat is heavier than she is.”
“Lay her down on the coach.  I’ll grab some blankets,” Steve finally piped up.  Clint sighed in relief and brought her over to the very long couch where he gently set her down, resting her head on one of the throw pillows.  He brushed a few strands of hair out of her face, frowning when she still felt colder than a block of ice.
“Let me take a look at her,” Bruce offered.  Clint nodded in thanks and stepped back.  Bruce paused, his eyes wide.
“What’s wrong?” Clint asked, his stomach turning in worry.  Was he too late?  Was she already gone?
“That’s the girl from the library.”  Everyone froze at the words that fell out of Bruce’s mouth.
“No frickin’ way, let me see,” Tony rushed forward, peering over the back of the couch.  “Oh my god, she’s the kid who took my watch!  It really was the same girl!”
“And the one who stole my money,” Steve added, setting the pile of blankets down next to her before moving to start a fire in the nearby fireplace.
“Well, I guess that solves that mystery,” Tony crossed his arms.  “She couldn’t have been actually starving.  There’s no way that watch sells for anything under 2,000.  She lied to you so you wouldn’t turn her in.”
Clint shook his head.  “No, that doesn’t make any sense.  She’d already gotten away when she fainted.”
Tony rolled his eyes.  “Alright, so then she stashed it to sell later so she wouldn’t be caught.”
“If you had a 2,000 dollar watch lying around, why would you ever wear a ratty old coat that obviously doesn’t even keep the cold out?”  Natasha commented thoughtfully, gesturing at the flimsy piece of clothing.
That seemed to knock Bruce from his thoughts.  “She’s soaking wet, we need to get her out of these clothes.  Nat, do you have anything she could wear?”  Natasha nodded and silently left the room to fetch the clothing as Bruce started to peel off the soaked-through layers one by one until she was left in just a t-shirt and sweatpants, both littered with holes and tears and both obviously far too short for her but still loose against her skeletal frame.  Natasha took the job from there, exchanging the old clothing for a pair sweats, which despite being a size small, seemed to drown the girl in fabric before covering her in the blankets and moving her closer to the fire.  
After that, everyone settle down around the living room, each of them seeming to understand the unspoken agreement that they would wait to decide what on what they would do next until after she woke up.  So, that’s how they stayed for the next 2 hours.
-- Your POV --
I slowly cracked my eyes open, the light flooding in and immediately giving me a headache.  Huh, I guess I didn’t die.  That’s a good thing, right?
I brought a hand to my forehead as I slowly sat up, my eyes shut tight as I did my best not to throw up.  God, I was so hungry.  At least I wasn’t cold anymore, though.  Maybe it’s just that I’ve gone completely numb... or crazy, because instead of just not being cold, I actually feel pretty warm.
I opened my eyes again and stared down at the blanket covering me and the couch I was sitting on.  Oh geez that can’t be good.  I looked back up and around, doing my best to stay completely silent as my eyes flickered from one person to the next.
The man I had robbed only just a few hours ago sat in a chair right in front of the couch, snoring softly with his head lolled back.  At a table nearby, typing away on a computer, was the man from the library who only had 4 dollars in his wallet.  Sitting at the same table was a very big, very muscular man with long blonde hair who I’d never seen before, but judging by the massive hammer that was placed beside him, I doubted he was good news.  Standing at the kitchen sink was the man who’d stopped me from falling when I was taking his wallet.  Sitting behind a bar, nursing a glass of what looked to be scotch, was Tony freaking Stark, who I had only just stolen a very, very expensive watch from.  Finally, standing by the doorway and leaning against the wall was the red-headed woman who found me out and chased me down with her boyfriend.  And she was making direct eye-contact with me.
“She’s up,” she called, shocking everyone in the room -- especially the man in the chair, who must have jumped about a foot in the air as he was startled awake.  I clenched my jaw and frowned.  What is it with this chick and always ratting me out?
Before you could say the word ‘Assemble,’ all six people in the room had gathered around me.  My heart beat wildly in my chest as I stared from one person to the next.  Why were all the people I robbed together in one place?  Did Tony Stark bring them all together so they could get revenge on me?  How did they even find me?  Is that blonde one a bounty hunter or something?  He certainly had the build for it.
“How are you feeling?”  The man from earlier asked me gently.  I frowned and stared back at him.  No way was I going to talk to these people.  I have the right to remain silent, right?  Or is that not a thing with elaborate revenge plots?
The library man stepped forward and placed a hand on my forehead.  Immediately, I flinched away.  “Her fever’s gone down,” he said, stepping back into place, the slight anger he still held towards me clear in his voice.
I glanced around the room, weighing my options.  I had no idea where I was, no idea how to get out of here, and I don’t think I could outrun the redhead and her boyfriend again on solid ground, especially when I can still barely move without another wave of dizziness hitting me.  So, in other words, I’d have to somehow convince them to let me go.
Ok, yeah, I’m definitely gonna die.
“Do you have a name?”  Reflexes guy asked, and my frown deepened.  Maybe I could pretend to have lost my memory.  Library guy said something about a fever, right?  If it was bad enough, it could’ve messed with my brain.  Plus, they have no way of knowing how long I had it.  Alright, that’s my game plan for now.  A pitiful, helpless amnesiac.
Slowly, I shook my head, bringing my knees to my chest as I stared at him with wide eyes.
“How about an age?  Do you know how old you are?”  This time, it was the boyfriend who spoke.  I liked him way better.  He had a kind voice, and he didn’t really seem to be holding too big a grudge against me.  He was probably dragged to this weird revenge party by the redhead.
I shook my head again, allowing my body to shake ever so slightly, tears gathering in my eyes.
“Alright, cut the crap, kid.  Tell me where my watch is,” Stark took a few steps forward.  My eyes went wide, and I scrambled backwards in an attempt to get away from him, my heart going a mile a minute as my breathing got faster and faster.
“Quit it, Stark, you’re scaring her,” the boyfriend snapped.  Stark huffed and rolled his eyes, moving back to his place in the semi-circle with his arms crossed.  Yeah, I definitely like the boyfriend best.
“Do you remember nothing, child?” Blondie boomed.  I flinched at the volume, hiding my face in my arms and sobbing quietly.
It was quiet for a little bit, and I smiled.  They must’ve felt guilty, which meant they believed me.  Maybe I could pull this off after all.
“Alright, kid, that’s enough.  Stop messing with them.”
“What?  Nat, what are you--”
“Seriously, you’ve had your fun, now stop it with the crocodile tears and tell us your name.”  I slowly peaked up to find the redhead -- Nat, apparently -- smirking back down at me, her right hip jutted out as she rested her weight on it and her arms crossed.  She merely lifted an eyebrow at me, her smirk widening ever so slightly.
I sighed and lifted my head.  “How did you know?” I asked softly.  The men in the room gaped at me in surprise, while she only chuckled a bit.
“I lie all the time, kid, it’s part of my job.  I know another good liar when I see one,” she answered with a slight shrug of her shoulders.  “Now are you gonna tell us your name or not?”
I frowned and hugged my knees tighter.  “It wasn’t all a lie.  I really was scared,” I muttered, staring down at my lap.  “It’s not exactly fun to wake up in a place you don’t know and immediately have people coming at you or yelling really, really loud.”
Stark glanced away guiltily while Blondie just sent me a wide, toothy grin.  “My apologies, child.  I have yet to truly understand this ‘indoor voice’ that you mortals are so fascinated by!”  I flinched slightly at the still very loud voice, but at least it wasn’t quite as loud as before.
“Name, kid,” Nat stated simply, immediately seeing through my attempt at changing the subject to try and make them feel guilty again.
I sighed.  “My name is (Y/N),” I finally muttered.
“Have you got a last name, (Y/N)?” Reflexes asked again.
“Not any that concerns you,” I immediately snapped back defensively.
Reflexes frowned and rubbed his face a bit.  “Fine, we’ll go back to that later.  How old are you?”
“18,” the lie came quickly and easily.  I had said it so many times that by that point, it was starting to feel more natural than the truth.
“Try again,” Nat said.
I grit my teeth and glared at her.  “You really need to stop ratting me out.”  She just smirked and shrugged again.  “Fine.  I’m 12.”
Silence as five pairs of shocked eyes turned to Nat for confirmation.  Slowly, she nodded, almost seeming a little shocked herself.  My words took a minute to settle in, and I frowned, staring back down at my lap.  At least now they probably couldn’t kill me.  Although, I’d probably prefer that to going back to that hellhole of a foster home.
“Nope, sorry, I call bs,” Stark was the one to break the silence.  “No chance a twelve-year-old reads nuclear physics, and more importantly, there’s not a single chance a twelve-year-old outsmarts me.”
“Yeah, that’s what every grown-up says,” I rolled my eyes.  “The fact is, you got completely fooled by a twelve-year-old kid, and you need to learn how to deal with it.”
“Alright, so where’s my watch?” Stark grit his teeth, fuming in annoyance at my attitude.
I rolled my eyes again.  “I sold it,” I answered simply.
“Ok, so why did you lie to Clint?  That watch was expensive.  There’s no way you would be starving only a month after you sold it,” Stark smirked triumphantly, as though he had just unearthed some massive conspiracy.
“I didn’t keep the money.”
“...I’m sorry, what?” Stark asked.
“I said, I didn’t keep the money,” I repeated.
“Then where the hell did it go?” he frowned.  He obviously didn’t believe me.
“Language, Stark,” Reflexes cut in.  “She’s just a kid.”
“Please, I’ve heard the word ‘hell’ before.  What street did you think I was living on, Candycane Lane?”  I scoffed before suddenly realizing my mistake.
“You live on the streets?” Library guy asked softly, looking more and more guilty with every passing minute.
“Of course not,” I responded quickly, trying to backpedal on what I’d accidentally let slip.  “I just hate my parents so much it feels like it.  I only steal so that I can rebel against them.”
“That lie was just bad,” Nat shook her head almost in disappointment.
“(Y/N), what happened to the money from Stark’s watch?” the boyfriend -- What did Stark say his name was?  Clint? -- spoke calmly and gently.
“I used it to buy toys and canned foods,” I answered rather quickly.  He was nice.  I felt comfortable around him.
“You were starving, and you bought toys?” Stark scoffed.
“Not for me, dipshit,” I rolled my eyes again.  I feel like I do that every time Stark opens his mouth.
“Language!” Reflexes gasped.
“Why did you buy toys?”  Clint continued to speak gently, taking my attention away from my annoyance at Stark.
I frowned.  “I bought them for the kids at the orphanage.”  Clint just nodded, encouraging me to continue.  “Every year I scrape together what money I don’t use on food to buy them toys, but they usually end up being really crummy ones that they all have to share.  This year, I was finally able to buy them all really good ones.”  I paused for a moment before adding, “Christmas can be really sad there, and there never used to be any toys.  I don’t want the other kids to have a sad Christmas anymore.”
“You used to live in an orphanage?” Clint asked.  I winced at the question, digging my nails into my palms.  I didn’t mean to tell them that.  I sighed in defeat and nodded slightly, avoiding their eyes.
“My mommy died when I was one, and my daddy didn’t want me anymore,” I paused a moment, trying and failing to swallow the lump in my throat.  Quickly, I moved myself as far away from the topic as possible.  “I used the money I didn’t spend on toys to buy groceries for the homeless shelter.  They need it more than I do anyways.”
There was another heavy pause before Clint spoke again.  “How long has it been since you’ve eaten anything?”
“Counting today?” They all nodded.  “About five days.”
Reflexes immediately walked away, and I ducked my head further.  He was probably going to call the cops or maybe the orphanage.  Either way I’d have to go back.
“(Y/N)?” Library guy’s voice brought me back to reality.
My cheeks were wet.  I was crying.  I didn’t mean to do that -- it doesn’t work on Nat, so why even bother?  Still, I couldn’t stop.  “A-are you g-gonna send m-me b-back n-now?” I whispered, my voice thick as I gasped between every other word.  I squeezed my knees tight to my chest and let out a sob that I was trying desperately to hold back.  “P-please... I don’t... I don’t wanna go back!” I broke down sobbing, my face buried in my arms and my breaths coming shorter and shorter as my heart pounded frantically against my ribs.
I couldn’t breathe.
I felt like I was under water, each breath coming in harsher and more labored than the last, the air growing thicker by the second as I struggled to take it in.  I could hardly feel the tears on my cheeks as my brain begged me to take a solid breath, screaming at me that I was dying -- that I needed to stop this right now, or I would die, which of course only made me panic even more.
I felt a pair of arms gently wrap around me and slowly looked up, hiccupping softly, my entire body shaking like a leaf.  I stared at Tony Stark from where he sat beside me.  “Calm down, purse snatcher, no one’s sending you anywhere,” he said, rubbing my back comfortingly.  “I need you to focus on me.  Try and match my breaths, ok?”
“P-promise me you’re not lying,” I mumbled from my still mostly curled up position.  “Promise I won’t have to go back.”
“I promise I will never lie to you,” he responded immediately.  I sniffled, my bottom lip trembling as I stared at him, searching for any signs of a lie.  When I found none, I launched forward into his lap and buried my face in his chest, sobbing pathetically.  “Easy, kid.  You’re ok.  In and out, just like me, ok?  In... and out,”  Tony soothed, gently patting my back as I cried.  His arms were warm.  It was surprising, but still, it was really, really nice.  Slowly, I came back down to reality, each breath shaking violently but still managing to keep time with his.  Finally, after a few minutes, I’d managed to calm myself down.
A very large hand landed on my shoulder, and I looked over, my body still shaking a bit as I clung to Tony like a lifeline.  Reflexes was standing there, holding a plate full of steaming hot pizza.
“You need to eat,” he said, moving the plate closer to me.  I nodded and took it, my hands still shaking slightly.
“Thank you, Reflexes,” I said softly.
“Reflexes?” he tilted his head a bit.
“O-oh, um... When I met you, you managed to catch me after I bumped into you, even though I was trying to fall, so I’ve kind of been calling you Reflexes in my head ever since...” I muttered, my face getting red.
Reflexes stared at me for a moment.  I could feel Tony laughing behind me as the others struggled not to laugh out loud.  “You can just call me Steve,” he sighed.
“That’s right, you don’t know our names yet, do you?” Tony grinned.  I turned to look at him, only just then realizing that I was still sitting on his lap.  
I blushed harder and scooted off his lap, muttering a quick, “Sorry.”
Tony smiled back in reassurance, although he looked a little... disappointed?  No, wait, that’s stupid.  Of course he wasn’t disappointed; he’s Tony Stark.  That look was probably just the leftover annoyance at having some dumb kid crying in his lap.  “Don’t mention it, kid, but you gotta tell me what you’ve been calling the rest of us in that little head of yours.”
“U-um... well, I called Steve ‘Reflexes,’ and, um, Nat was ‘Redhead’.  Clint was ‘Boyfriend’...” Clint choked on thin air, and Tony bursted out laughing again, not even making an attempt to hide it this time.
“W-why ‘Boyfriend’?!” Clint yelped.
“Because you were on a date with your girlfriend, um, Nat, when we met?”  I said it almost like a question.  Was there something wrong with that?
“She’s not my girlfriend, kid,” Clint sighed, shaking his head.  He didn’t seem quite as bothered anymore, though.  Was there really something wrong with me calling him ‘Boyfriend’?
“Ok, now tell me the rest,” Tony said excitedly, leaning forward.
I leaned back a bit but nodded.  “Ok, well the guy with the glasses--”
“Call me Bruce,” he interrupted.
“Um, Bruce then.  He was ‘Library Guy.’”
“Oh, that’s right, you recommended he read his own paper,” Tony grinned.
“Yeah exactly,”  I smiled softly before, slowly, my smile dropped and my eyes grew about 3 sizes.  “Wait, you don’t mean...” I turned to face Bruce in disbelief.  “You aren’t that Bruce.  As in, Bruce Banner?  The nuclear physicist?”
Bruce chuckled a bit and rubbed the nape of his neck.  “Yeah, that’s me.  Nice to meet you.”
I gaped, my mouth opening and closing like a fish.  “I’m such a big fan,” I whispered softly.
“Wait, so you mean you actually understood those papers?  That wasn’t just another lie?” Bruce frowned slightly.
“I would never lie about that,” I shook my head frantically.  “Your work is absolutely incredible.  I used to get lashed all the time cause I’d stay up all night reading your papers.”
A flash of pity crossed his face.  I frowned and cleared my throat.  “I, um, I always really like learning new things,” I muttered awkwardly.  “When I was little, I would spend hours in that library every day.  My caretaker didn’t believe I actually understood it, either.  She even got me tested to prove I was lying.”
“And?” Tony prompted.
“Turns out I have an IQ of about 278,” I shrugged.  Tony’s jaw dropped, staring at me with eyes wide as saucers.
“Isn’t yours 273?” Bruce asked, trying to hide the chuckle threatening to seep through his voice.
“I-I... Well... Just tell us the rest of the nicknames, would ya, kid?” Tony stuttered, avoiding Bruce’s eyes.
“Oh, um, sure,” I smiled a bit.  It felt like my chest filled up a bit, a soft warmth spreading through my heart.  They looked like a family.  It must be so nice.  “The super buff blonde guy--”
“Thor,” Tony provided.
I blinked in shock at that.  “Wow, your parents must’ve been real confident to name you after one of the Norse gods,” I muttered.  “Well, Thor’s name was just ‘Blondie.’”
Tony snickered at my comment, and I frowned.  Were these nicknames really funny?  I didn’t think they were.
“Child, I was not named after anyone.  I am Thor of Asgard.  It is a pleasure to meet you,” he smiled, taking a knee before me.  I lifted an eyebrow and leaned over to Tony.
“Is he crazy..?” I asked softly.
Tony chuckled.  “No, he’s not.  Haven’t you ever heard of the Avengers?”  I shook my head.  “Woah, seriously?  Ok, well, long story short, he is the actual Norse god, Thor, and he lives on the planet Asgard.”
I looked at him curiously before nodding.  “Alright.”
“Seriously?  You believe me just like that?” Tony asked, a small, if slightly confused, smile on his face.
“You promised me you’d never lie to me,” I answered simply.  “Of course I believe you.”  
Tony opened his mouth and closed it again, a look I’d never seen decorating his features.  I shook my head just a bit to clear it and grabbed the piece of pizza on top before immediately shoving it in my face, managing to scarf it down in under 10 seconds before moving onto the next.  The six adults stared at me as I finished piece after piece until the plate was empty only 2 minutes later.  I glanced up and smiled slightly.  “Thank you for the food,” I mumbled through the last mouthful of pizza.
“Wow, ok, I’m not gonna lie, kid, that was pretty impressive,” Tony chuckled.  “I don’t even think bird brain over here could eat that fast.”
“How do you keep people from stealing your food, then?” I asked, tilting my head slightly to the side.  The room fell silent again, the adults sending me worried glances.  I frowned and ducked my head again, trying to avoid their searing gazes.  I must’ve said something wrong again.
“Honestly, we don’t.  How do you think Thor got so big?” Tony grinned, clearly just trying to diffuse the tension.  I smiled up at him gratefully.  
“Alright, I think that’s enough excitement for today,” Tony said, standing up.  “Sorry, kid, but it’s way past your bedtime.”  I tensed up a bit at the sudden movement, and he sent me a reassuring smile.  “Don’t worry, I’m just taking you to a guest room.”
I nodded and took his hand, standing up slowly.  I held the loose clothing tightly so that it didn’t drop, trying to ignore the many worried eyes that looked over my still ever so slightly shaking, thin figure that couldn’t even hold up the small pair of sweatpants.  I followed him down one of the many hallways of the tower, gripping his hand as tightly as I could.  
Finally, we reached a large room, a neatly made bed stationed in the middle of it.  I tried to climb into the bed, but Tony ended up having to boost me up, his hands lifting me gently by my underarms so that I could get on top of the unreasonably tall mattress before tucking me in under the thick blankets.
He took a step back, and my heart immediately leapt into my throat, my hand darting out to grab his wrist.  “It’s ok, I’m just turning out the lights,” he answered the question without me even having to ask.  As soon as he had flicked the switch off, he came back and sat down in a large chair by the bed.  It was silent for a moment, and I stared up at the dark ceiling, thinking over everything that happened in the past few hours.  It didn’t make any sense.  Why would he do all of this?  What did he have to gain from giving me food and a place to sleep?
“Why are you being so nice to me?” I heard my own voice rise up through the darkness.  I’m not quite sure why I asked that.  Still, I wanted nothing more than to hear the answer.
“You remind me of myself,” Tony said slowly, the careful thoughtfulness clear in his voice.  “You’re a good kid.  You deserve a little bit of help.”
It was silent for another few minutes.
“Would you... would you please hold me hand?” I asked softly.  I’d barely even finished speaking before my right hand was engulfed my another, much larger one.  I could feel myself smile just a bit, my eyes fluttering closed.  I squeezed it slightly, and before long, I had fallen asleep to the sound of Tony’s breathing.
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fic-for-fic-sake · 3 years
Playing with Fire
Pairing: Loki x reader
Warning: Slight foreplay but not even
A/N: This is not at all somewhat loosely inspired by events happening in my everyday life...shut up. 
You, Wanda, and Nat decided to have a girls night. In a team full of male ego’s, sometimes the testosterone got too strong to bear so you three called in a girls night. It wasn’t the typical slumber party vibes you had seen in the movies. Instead of makeovers and candy it was sparring and wine. The two weren’t exactly meant for each other but with enhanced individuals getting drunk was pretty much off the table anyway. 
You were in the middle of throwing knives at Wanda, who was expertly dodging them, while Nat was going on about her latest mission with Clint. 
“I mean it was fine but it wasn’t Budapest, you know?” She complained between reps. You chuckled under your breath and Nat clocked it. “What?” 
“Nothing, nothing. It’s just, I may have made a tiny little drinking game.” You explained, going over to the wine bottles and taking a swig to emphasize your point. “Every time you bring up Budapest I take a drink.” 
“I don’t bring it up that much.” She fired back. 
Wanda gave her a pointed look, not even having to open her mouth to say where she stood on the matter. 
“Fine,” Nat began, “if you guys have to drink when I mention Budapest then I get to drink when Y/N talks about Loki.” 
You instantly regretted bringing up the drinking game. You coughed a bit as wine got caught in the wrong pipe. “I do NOT talk about him that much.” All it took was another pointed look from Wanda to know that that was complete and utter bullshit. 
“Yeah but that’s different because I’m not in a relationship with Loki.” 
“But you want to be.” Wanda noted, taking the wine bottle from your hands and drinking a long pull, winking at you as she did. 
“Whether I want it or not is irrelevant.” You insisted, suddenly wishing you could steer the conversation into literally any other direction. 
“And why is that?” Nat asked, coming over to where you and Wanda stood and arching a crimson eyebrow at you. 
“Because, Loki is, he’s…” 
“Bad news.” Wanda offered at the same time Nat said “Trouble.” 
“Exactly.” You confirmed. “So whatever feelings I may or may not have will promptly be shoved down into the very darkest corner of my mind until they simply cease to exist.” 
“How has that worked for you in the past?” Nat inquired. 
“It’s worked out just fine, thank you very much.” 
“And how many relationships have you been in?” Wanda questioned. 
“None.” You replied automatically. “Fuck.” 
Sensing your not-so-inner turmoil Wanda gave you back the bottle of wine which you proceeded to polish off. 
“He doesn’t even pay attention to me anyway.” You tried to justify to them. 
“Didn’t you guys talk for like two hours last Wednesday?” Wanda pointed out. 
“Yeah, we did, it was actually a really nice conversation.” You recalled. 
You had been sitting in the library reading when Loki walked in, looking stunning in what he considered to be casual clothes, which had been laughable. While his forest green tunic and tailored black pants had certainly been a step down from his battle armor, it was a far cry from casual, at least by mortal standards. 
He had asked what book you were reading which then led to a discussion about the different types of Midardian literature and the crossovers with Asgardian books. And that had lent itself to him offering to give you some Asgardian books so you could see if you liked them or not. True to his word, later that night you found a stack of four books sitting outside your door with a note from Loki telling you that he had enchanted them to automatically translate from Asgardian to English.
“So...how can you say he doesn’t pay attention to you?” Nat asked, rolling her eyes as if you were oblivious to the attention he had given you. Which, of course, you weren’t. You had finished two of the books already and were chomping at the bit to tell Loki what you thought of them. But there was only one problem. 
“He hasn’t spoken to me since.” You confessed, feeling suddenly very small and stupid. 
“That doesn’t make sense...not even a word?” Wanda asked, so gently you thought your heart would shatter. 
“But see, it does make sense. Because this is what he does. He’ll talk to me and make me feel like I’m the only person in the world and then he’ll fuck off for God knows how long and swoop in just as I’m giving up hope that he’ll ever speak to me again. He has me on his hook and he knows it. But none of that even matters.” 
“Because you’re shoving your feelings down?” Nat offered. 
“Yes, and because he has a girlfriend.” You said, feeling your heart sink as the weight of your words hit you. It’s not like you had expected anything to happen between you two but him being in a relationship was like closing a door you never expected to be open to you to begin with. It hurt and you hated to admit that it hurt and you hated him for making it hurt. 
“Yeah, I had heard Thor talking about Loki and Sygn earlier. How do you feel?” Wanda asked, handing you another bottle of wine. 
“Fine, I feel fine. I literally couldn’t care less.” You lied as you pried the cork out of the bottle and drank a good portion before giving it to Nat. “Okay, enough about me, let’s hear about everyone else.” 
And that was that. For the next few months Loki kept up his sporadic contact with you but he had a girlfriend and you weren’t about to make an even bigger fool of yourself than you probably already had. So you stopped expecting him to talk to you. Stopped sitting straighter when he walked into a room and stopped being disappointed when he didn’t notice you. 
Four months after your girls night with Nat and Wanda there was a Friday night get together with the whole team, Tony’s idea. He said it would be good for bonding. You had gotten the text when you were on your way back from a date. Nothing much, just a casual meet up in Central Park, nothing to write home about. She was fine. A pretty blonde with soft brown eyes and a good laugh but that was it. She was fine. She wasn’t what you were looking for, who you were looking for. As soon as the thought entered your head you promptly shoved it away. He was taken and you just needed to go on a date with someone different that was all. 
You looked at your appearance in the elevator mirror on the ride up. You considered changing out of your light blue floral sundress before the gathering with the team but it appeared it wasn’t meant to be as you could already hear voices bleeding through the doors before they opened. 
You walked out to a mock whistle from Sam which made you dip into a mock bow before you made your way to the kitchen island and fixed yourself a drink. 
“That bad?” Nat smiled as you took a swig of the gin and tonic. 
“It was fine.” You replied, shrugging. “I have another tomorrow so we’ll see.” 
“Another what?” Thor called from the couch, his hand around a glass of amber liquid that you suspected was something much stronger than scotch. 
“Another date!” Nat called out in reply, smiling encouragingly at you. 
“Was the one today not satisfactory?” Thor questioned. 
You rolled your eyes, “it was Fine. Honestly both of you it was fine.” 
“Don’t worry doll, you’re not the only one in the dating game.” Bucky said from the fridge, grabbing himself another beer. 
“Bucky, if you’re about to tell me that you and Steve broke up I will believe that love is truly dead.” 
“Not us doll.” He shook his head and tried and failed to hide his amusement. 
“Then who?” You were very confused and nobody was making things any easier on you. 
“Me.” The voice came from behind you and it chilled you to the bone. You turned to find Loki leaning against the wall fixing the cufflinks on his black suit. His demeanor showed a complete lack of interest but the way his emerald eyes held you in place had a predatory grace that both excited and scared you. 
Loki had been gone for a month on a diplomatic mission and you had heard nothing from him in the meantime. It had been so easy to put him out of your mind, but now you wondered how you could have thought of anything but him. 
“Oh.” Was all you could bring yourself to say. As your heart sped up to a gallop and heat flooded through your body at the way he was looking at you. He shouldn’t be looking at you like that, he had just said he broke up with his girlfriend. You shouldn’t want him to be looking at you like that, you had moved on, hadn’t you? Apparently your body hadn’t gotten the message from your head yet, stupid body. 
One hour and two drinks later you were all sitting around the large kitchen table, each absorbed in their own conversations. You were talking to Tony and Bruce and Loki was in a conversation with his brother but he was only half listening. The other part of him kept sneaking glances at you and you could feel his eyes on your body like a physical touch. After you caught his eye one too many times you excused yourself to the bathroom. You needed to get a hold of yourself. 
You didn’t need this selective attention bullshit again. You couldn’t do it. You couldn’t stand spending hours talking to each other one day only for him to not speak to you for days on end after. No, you looked at yourself in the bathroom mirror and resolved yourself to go back out there and not care. Not to feel his glances on you, not to acknowledge his presence, not to speak to him or play into his games like a fool. Because you weren’t a fool. Pep talk done, you unlocked the door and walked straight into a wall of black. 
You startled and tried to push yourself away only to feel slender arms wrap around your waist and legs walk you back into the bathroom. You managed a few paces back and found yourself looking into Loki’s eyes. They really were the most magnificent shade of green. Damnit. 
“Loki, what are you doing here?” You asked, still too stunned to wonder why he backed you into the bathroom. 
“I’ve been gone for a month and that’s the question you ask me?” He leaned against the door, folded his arms over his chest, and crossed one slender leg over the other. Fuck him for being so attractive right now. 
“You don’t get to do that.” You stated, leafing through your emotions until you found one that suited you, anger. You were angry with him for having you on his hook, angry with him for his sense of entitlement, and angry with him for being attractive. To be fair, the last one wasn’t really his fault. 
“Do what?” He asked, like he really didn’t know what he was doing. 
“You don’t get to go literal months without speaking to me and then demand why I’m not talking to you when you’ve been back all of two hours.” 
“Actually I got home last week.” He replied coolly, pushing off of the door and taking a step closer to you. You rebuffed his advance by taking a step backwards. 
“Thank you for proving my point to me.” 
“What point?” 
“Don’t be obtuse.” You chided. “You’ve been home a week now, haven’t sought me out at all in that time mind you, but now you’re upset that I didn’t speak to you?” 
“I broke up with Sygn.” He said, taking another step towards you, and you took one back in kind. 
“So I’ve heard.” 
“I’ve missed you.” He crooned, advancing towards you until your back was forced against the counter top. 
“And what, exactly, have you missed?” You replied hotly. “Ignoring me until the last possible moment? Making me look pathetic for wanting even a scrap of your attention?” 
He took his thumb and index finger, placed them on your chin, and tilted it up at the same time he lowered his head to your shoulder. 
“Come now darling, I don’t think you’re pathetic.” He breathed into the crook of your neck. Your pulse skyrocketed as your breath hitched and you let out a whimper. Your nails dug into the marble counter in an effort to keep from touching him the way you wanted. To keep from running your fingers through his thick black locks. 
“Loki, I can’t do this.” You pleaded in a whisper even as his hands came to settle on your waist, even as he lifted you effortlessly onto the counter top and stood squarely between your legs, making your dress ride up to your mid thighs. 
“Can’t do what?” He questioned, placing feather light kisses along the column of your throat as his hands moved slowly up your newly exposed thighs. 
You tried to steady yourself even as you felt the throbbing need between your legs and his own need pressed against you. 
“Being near you is like playing with fire, and pretty soon I’m going to get burned.” You huffed, caught between wanting him to stop and wanting him to continue, oh please God continue. 
“Oh pet, haven’t you heard?” He questioned, bringing his lips a hair's breadth away from yours, “I’ve more an affinity for ice.”
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wannabe-fic-writer · 4 years
Natasha Romanoff x Reader : Her Other Family
As requested by @slvt-4-bees Hope this meets your expectations and thanks so much for the request!
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1,826
The anxiety that’s coursing through you right now would worry even the most oblivious of people.
You wring your fingers together as you pace the floor of your bedroom, thoughts running a mile a minute.
“I’m almost positive the neighbors are gonna make a complaint soon if you don’t stop.” Your girlfriend speaks, eyes watching your form.
Bringing your hand up to your face, you continue the unhealthy habit of biting your fingernail(yes just the one, on your thumb).
“Look I didn’t think it’d stress you out. You don’t have to come if you don’t wa-“
“I want to!” You cut her off,“ I just- they’re the Avengers.”
Natasha lets out a small laugh,“ I’m an Avenger.” She reasons.
“That’s different.” You wave her off.
Jokingly offended, she asks,“ how!?”
“Tasha you walk around here in light pink fuzzy socks and pout when I don’t bake you cookies.”
Admittedly, yes, Natasha is very soft for you. But having not met her other family you aren’t aware of how soft they actually are.
That is to change though, tonight at Tony’s costume party. With the man having plans with his daughter on Halloween, he planned this party so he could celebrate with his team(and it’s Tony of course he wouldn’t pass up a chance to have a party).
Standing up, Natasha steps in front of you, her hands gripping your shoulders,“ Y/N, love, it’s just a party and they are normal people.”
When you look into her forest eyes you can’t help but take in her assuring words. After a deep breath, you nod, and mentally agree to calm down and let things happen.
For the couple hours you have before the party you hang out with Natasha: helping dye each other’s hair for your costumes and then cuddling on the couch and talking about her team(you didn’t want to go in with only the knowledge you got from the media). 
Soon enough the two of you are getting dressed.
You stand in front of the mirror, wiggling your hips as you pull the small red and black shorts up your legs, then tugging on the matching corset. As you’re fixing your hair Natasha walks out of the bathroom.
E/C eyes trail up the expanse of her body, over the green knee high boots, nude colored stockings, and green one piece. The plastic leafy material covers all the important parts of her body but leaves her legs, cleavage, and arms exposed. 
Looking at her now, a big part of you wants to negate the whole party plan just to stay here and ravage her. 
Natasha shares the same adage, biting her lip as she takes in your costume clad body. With a smile, she stands behind you, admiring how good you two look together in your costumes.
“If this party weren’t so important to the team I’d tie you to the bed right now.” She whispers against the shell of your ear.
A tingle travels through your body at her words and it takes everything in you to push away from her. It takes even greater strength to actually get out of your apartment with Natasha constantly putting her hands on your body. Even on the ride over her hand remains on your thigh.
You’d heard about Tony Starks legendary parties, you’d even treated a couple patients with broken bones who came from said parties to the urgent care clinic you work at. And all those stories are completely true.
The party is in full swing when you and Natasha arrive. People move about the large space dressed in a variety of costumes, drinks flow freely from the bar and the DJ in the far corner fills the room with music as orange lights strobe. If you didn’t know any better you’d think a teenager planned this.
At your moment of entry, you’re greeted by the first two members of her team. Clint, her best friend/brother who you’d met before, approaches in a leather Green Arrow costume accompanied by a pretty brunette in a Wonder Woman outfit.
“Nat, Y/N, you made it.” Clint wastes no time pulling you both into a hug. 
You chuckle and return it,“ it’s good to see you too Clint.”
The brunette looks on curiously, urging you to nudge Natasha a little to introduce you.
“Right, Y/N this is my friend and teammate Wanda. Wanda this is Y/N, my girlfriend.”
Wanda didn’t need more explanation than that. She’d seen the illuminating grin on Natasha’s face when she’d get texts from you or the same grin that appeared when she left the compound every night. Wanda now knows the source of Natasha’s happiness. 
She immediately pulls you into a hug, gushing about how good it is to meet you and how much she loves your costume. 
“Thank you so much. I love yours too. Wonder Woman is a brilliant choice.” 
A thankful smile plays on her face,“ oh thanks. It was suggested by Clint’s daughter. If not for her I’d be in my mission gear.” 
You laugh at that, the four of you heading deeper into the party.“ Like Iron Man over there.” Natasha laughs as well.
Tony is indeed in his Iron Man suit, arm wrapped around Rhodey(who’s dressed in a black suit with black glasses) in front of the DJ’s set up.
“Did he paint his suit orange and black?” You squint trying to see clearly through the lights.
“Yes, yes he did.” Wanda nods.
An unfamiliarly smooth voice joins the conversation,“ cause he’s dramatic as hell.”
All your gazes turn to the source. A dark skinned man dressed in silk boxing shorts and a matching robe stands at the bar.
“I think he has a reason to be. Or at least the goods to back it up.” You retort. 
Tony’s a billionaire and a genius. Alongside being among the heroes who saved the universe, he’s lead groups and contributed to organizations that better the world. He(if anyone) deserves to relish in the spotlight.
The “boxer’ scoffs,“ if you wanna talk about the goods to back it up why d-”
Before he can even finish, an arm circles around your waist. The familiar woodsy and cinnamon scent relaxes you,“ Wilson, always looking for an excuse to have your shirt off.” 
It’s not lost on you that this is a possessive move. Wilson was clearly about to pull some corny ass line but Natasha was not about to have it. Your her girl.
“Don’t act like you aren’t impressed Romanoff.” He smirks back.
You raise an eyebrow at her, only playing,“ are you impressed Romanoff?”
Suppressing a laugh, Natasha shakes her head,“ not at all. But I’m sure you know exactly how to impress me.” Her voice drops seductively as well as her hand on your waist.
“Woah woah. Is this- is this a thing?” Wilson points between you and Natasha.
“Sam, this is my girlfriend, Y/N.” Natasha introduces you,“ Y/N this is Falcon, aka bird boy, aka Sam.”
You extend a hand to him,“ nice to meet you Bird Boy.”
Addressing him as that made Wanda, Clint, and Natasha laugh. 
Luckily the laughter continued through the night. The four of you stuck close through the party, drinking(all of you except Natasha who’s driving you two home later), and talking. Sam popped up every so often to join conversations.
It wasn’t until the party started to end that you met the rest of the Avengers. 
In a way that seems completely routine, the team grabs drinks, and heads to a seating area. Natasha fixes you a f/d and tugs your hand. 
Tony, who’s now removed the Iron Man suit, frowns at you, that frown directing to your hand linked with Natasha’s.
“Am I missing something here?” He asks.
“Just an introduction.” Your girlfriend teases, pulling you on to the couch between her and Wanda, who you admittedly hit it off with.
Not that you were ranking Natasha’s teammates but you like Wanda the most. She’s a very genuine person, giving off a warm and welcoming vibe. 
Everyone waits for Natasha to introduce you, eyes widening and eyebrows raising when she says you her girlfriend. 
“Y/N that is Steve and Bucky,” she points to the blonde and brunette men in Dodgers uniforms,“ that’s Thor,” another blonde man but he’s dressed as Superman,“ and obviously that’s Tony and Bruce.”
Thor very loudly and boisterously speaks of how nice it is to meet you. Bucky and Steve make mention of how they’re glad you make Natasha happy. Bruce’s reaction is hard to put a single emotion on, but he seems okay with your presence. And Tony, surprisingly, is pretty excited to get to know you.
Over the next couple of hours you see how chaotic the seemingly put together group of heroes actually is. As drinks flow further they fall into teasing but playful banter and they include you in it as if they’d known you for years. Until it shifts to childish games, mainly being that of lifting the hammer. 
Natasha whispers in your ear that it’s basically a party tradition to do so. They reason that one of them could very easily have become worthy over the time that’s passed between parties.
“Y/N, you’re up.” All eyes fall to you as Tony calls you out.
Eyes wide, you look around at them,“ what about Natasha?” You point out.
They all laugh at that, saying how Natasha doesn’t participate in this.
“Why not?” 
Natasha chuckles,“ cause love, I can’t lift it.” 
“Like hell! You wouldn’t know, apparently you haven’t tried.” 
The team instigates it, ‘ooo’s ringing out. 
Letting out a sigh, Natasha rolls her eyes, and stands. Everyone’s eyes widened to the size of saucers. 
Her slender fingers wrap around the handle of the hammer, she sends an uncertain look receiving a challenging eyebrow from you, before she pulls.
When nothing happens, Tony is quick to mention that it’s rigged. For the hell of it you go over and attempt to but it doesn’t move. 
Faking upset, you fall on to the couch beside Natasha,“ I thought I was worthy.” You pout.
The team watches in slight awe at how soft Natasha responds to you.
“Awe, lyubov moya, you are worthy of all the stars. That hammer obviously uses fingerprint recognition.” She presses a kiss to you temple making you smile.
“Isn’t that sweet.” Tony mocks.
Sam rolls his eyes,“ so Romanoff is soft, huh?”
The Black Widow mask slips on instantly as she levels Sam with a glare,“ I won’t hesitate to kick your ass.”
He makes his next statement as he runs away and your girlfriend chases after. 
With everyone laughing at the two around you, you can’t even remember why you had been so anxious in the first place. More than anything you find yourself looking forward toy getting to know Natasha’s other family better.
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Avengers on the day your water breaks
This may be totally scientifically inaccurate but oh well here goes
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You grunted as you stepped down the stairs, careful not to fall. You could barely see the steps over your belly so you were holding tightly to the railing as you took a step at a time. You were about to take the last step when you felt something loosen in your hooha. You looked down and your eyes widened to see a yellowish liquid on the last step. You had no idea what was about to happen next. This was your first child and you sure as hell knew the baby daddy was just as clueless as you.
Tony was in the kitchen, eating and working on some designs for his tech when he heard you call.
“Uhh, Tony?! Come here come here come HERE!” He scrambled off the chair, the sound of papers flying and the chair skidding on the floor, filling the room. He ran around the corner to the sound of your frantic voice and stopped when he saw you bracing your stomach. 
“Please don’t tell me-”
“Tony my water broke! Oh my god, it’s time!” You gulped. Tony remained frozen in place, his mouth gaping and eyes wide as saucers. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING JUST STANDING THERE, GET ME TO THE HOSPITAL, GENIUS!!!” You shrieked. Finally, he snapped out of it, only to say something so incredibly stupid.
“C-crap, that was today?! C-C-Can we postpone it??” You froze in your tracks. You almost missed it, and you wish you did, but you heard it. Your head whipped to the side to give him the most murderous glare you’d given anyone. 
With murder on your mind you quickly picked up a stray heel that was laying on the floor and threw it at him, making him flinch and lift up a leg to shield himself as it hit his side. “YOW! OKay okay I’m sorry! I’ll take you to the hospital!” He said, wrapping your arm around his shoulder to help carry you to the car. “Good aim by the way.” You growled at that.
“I was aiming for your neck.”
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Steve had been preparing for this day for monthsss. He had drills, practicing what he’d do when your water broke and already had a list of the closest hospitals to take you to and had even prepared a plan in case you had to deliver the baby at home. You were pretty impressed at how ready he seemed.
Who knew that on the day it counted, all that would just fly out the window.
You were doing your morning stretches when you felt it break. You gasped as you felt the anxiety rise in your chest. Steve was out on his morning run, and the baby wasn’t due for another 2 weeks! You started to hyperventilate but had to calm yourself down and call Steve. This was all going to be fine.
“Hey honey, how are you feeling?”
“Steve, my water broke an I-’‘
“HHAH HHAH HHAH HHAH HHAH IM COH- IM COMING, HHAH HHAH” You winced as you heard lighting fast footsteps, frantic panting, and angry drivers honking their horns, telling Steve to get off the streets.
“St-Steve?” It was obvious that he had forgotten to hang up and was now running at top speed with his phone in his hand. “Steve you can calm down, I’m not in pain ye-”
“*BEEP BEEEEEP SKRRR! PRPHPRHORPHRPD*” You flinched harshly at the sound and your jaw dropped in shock.
“OH MY GOD DID YOU JUST GET RUN OVER?!” You shrieked. You didn’t get a response right away but you heard his footsteps thunder in the speaker again. 
Steve burst through the door, heading straight towards you. He picked you up bridal style and started to run out the door. Everything happened so fast you barely had any time to process it.
‘Wait Steve!!! What are you doing?!?”
“Taking you to the hospital!” He panted. He was already halfway down the street, making your anxiety skyrocket.
“YES THERE’S NO TIME FOR ANYTHING ELSE.” You gasped and started to convulse in his arms to get him to stop.
“Oh god you’re right!” He gasped, turning right back around and getting you settled in the car to be on your way to the hospital.
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You both had literally been so busy. You didn’t really have much time in the last few months of your pregnancy to talk about plans or anything. Of course, when you both first found out you were expecting, that was all you would talk about. But recently, you didn’t have time to check on him about those things. But you were kind of expecting Bucky to be ready and be doing the homework for this big change you both were about to experience. However as time flew by, you were so caught up in things that you had even forgotten you were 9 months pregnant. So feeling your water break caught the both of you by surprise.
You were silent for a few seconds, just staring at the liquid on the floor. The panic was slowly but surely rising at a gradual pace, feeling yourself getting more and more freaked out.
Bucky was on his phone in the living room, the football game playing on the tv as background noise. You called out to him from the kitchen. “Bucky??” No answer. “BUCKY!” That snapped him back to reality and he turned his head sideways a bit to yell back at you.
“Uhh, my water broke!” You squeaked. Bucky furrowed his eyebrows and shrugged lightly.
“That’s okay doll, you can just sweep it up. Was it glass?” Your face scrunched up in deep confusion and you turned in the general direction of the living room. 
“Was your cup of water made of glass?” He asked. Your jaw dropped at how oblivious he was to the situation. That alone was enough to make the panic go through the roof.
“BUCKY I’M GIVING BIRTH!” You yelled, stomping your foot on the ground. Bucky’s eyes nearly popped out of their sockets as he leaped off the couch and zoomed into the kitchen. 
“Wait WHAT? NOW!?!” He cried, running his hands through his hair and panicking. He definitely was not helping. “Ok ok ok wait! uhhh wait! just uhhh... Can you just like, hold it in?”
“JUST UNTIL WE GET THERE! Maybe we can just like, stuff a towel in there, or like a tampon- I DONT KNOW JUST SOMETHING TO KEEP THE BABY FROM FALLING OUT UNTIL I CAN TAKE YOU TO THE-”
“DID YOU NOT READ ANY OF THE PREGNANCY AND BIRTHING BOOKS I TOLD YOU TO READ?!” You could not believe the words coming out of this man’s mouth right now. 
“I thought they were baby books to read to the baby when it came!” He cried, shrugging helplessly. Your eyes grew wide and your nose flared furiously.
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You were more nervous than most people for your delivery. Any little kick, or discharge you felt, you immediately cried out for the hospital. “The baby’s coming!” stuff like that. Over the course of your pregnancy you have had many false alarms. You felt like the little boy who cried wolf and you felt bad for Thor because you would always set his nerves on fire and make him freak out when you’d say it’s happening, only for it to be a false alarm. But you couldn’t help it! You were just so nervous.
You wanted to be mad at him for not taking you seriously that day, but it was honestly your fault for all those false alarms. You could had yourself to blame.
But you’d never admit that.
You were digging in the pantry looking for something to munch on when you heard something splash on the floor. You cringed at the sound, still unaware of the fact that it was you. You looked around for the source of the sound and when you looked directly under you, your heart stopped. It was one of those moments where you panic so much, that you feel and act calm. So with the same stoic face, you speed waddled over to Thor, who was sitting on the couch watching a documentary. You sat next to him and looked at him with wide eyes, never once blinking. 
“Thor? My water broke.” You said. Thor chuckled, keeping his eyes on the screen, not bothering to look at you. 
“It’s fine, darling. Just another false alarm.” He hummed, patting your thigh. You shook your head as you grasped his bicep, hoping to get his attention. 
‘No, not this time, Thor. You need to believe me.” You pleaded. Thor finally looked over at you with an amused smirk. “The baby’s coming.” 
Thor scrunched his nose up and gave you an unsure smile. “Is he though??” He asked in a high pitched voice. You sighed exhasperatedly and shot up from the couch. 
“YES! HE IS! LOOK!” You yelled, grabbing him and leading him to the pantry to show him the liquid on the floor. At the sight of it and the realization of the truth, his face paled and he began to panic as well. 
“T-T-T-T-The BAby’s coming. The baby’s com-THE BABY’S COMING! ODIN’S BEARD, THE BABY’S COMING IT’S ACTUALLY HAPPENING!” He exclaimed, his voice booming through the apartment as he carried you bridal style and took you out to the car. “Uhh, where would you like to give birth, y/n? Asgard, or- or here on Midgard?”
“Right, of course.”
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You were not expecting your water to break right now. But to be fair, nobody knows when to expect it.
You were having a casual conversation with Loki when it happened. *sigh* 
“Loki, I really don’t see the point in having a statue of yourself built in the backyard. A bit narcissistic, don’t you think?” You asked, raising your eyebrows at him. Loki raised his chin up a bit with a smirk as he continued listing all the reasons why building a “small” 16 foot statue of himself in the center of your already perfect backyard was totally necessary and completely reasonable.
“Well darling, when you’re someone like me, it’s perfectly reasonable to have a statue built in your honor to appreciate your beauty and grace and to.. accentuate the divine-
“-dear god, what was that.” Loki asked, horror masking his features as he stared at the thing that just fell out of your hooha. You looked down to see it too and you gasped, feeling nervousness form in the pit of your stomach. You were a week early. “Oh dear. Are you alright?” He asked again, still keeping his distance. “That was.... concerning...?” He continued to ask pointless questions while you sighed, annoyed, grabbing a paper towel and cleaning the spot on the floor. 
“You’re not helping, Loki. This is your child too. Takes 2 to tango.” You reminded. Loki raised his eyebrows in surprise.
“Wait, that was our child? That thing you just wiped up?” He asked, looking horrified at the thought of that possibly being his kid. You dropped your shoulders as you turned to look at him with a dead-eyed look. 
“Are you serious, Loki?” You asked, your eyes narrowed and lips turned in a disappointing frown. Loki raised his hands defensively and raised his eyebrows. 
“Is it? I’ll be here either way, but, just asking.” He shrugged. You stared at him for a full 20 seconds before shaking your head and walking past him. 
“I’ll drive myself to the hospital..” 
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You don’t know how Maggie managed to give birth smoothly with Scott there. You would say you felt bad for her but now you were going through the same exact thing. You would think since Scott already had a daughter, he’d be more experienced and ready for situations like these.
You were fixing your hair at the bathroom sink when it happened. You gasped and immediately wobbled out to the kitchen to tell Scott.
“Scott! The baby’s coming!” You yelled as you ran into the kitchen. Scott turned around from the pantry with wide eyes and a cereal box in his hand.
“...what?” He sounded so out of it. 
“The baby! She’s coming! My water broke!” You explained again, waiting for him to act fast and take you to the hospital like you deserved. Instead, you saw his eyes roll back as he fell backwards on the floor, fainting. Cocoa Puffs flying out of the box and into the air. You looked at his place on the ground in shock, your eyes wide and brows furrowed. “Scott?!”
Knocked out. 
You scoffed. “Really Scott?! Really?! This moment is supposed to be about me! And you’re the one who faints? Scott!!” You push on his shoulder to wake him up. You couldn’t believe him right now. When you need him at his best, he just dips from life.
 You groan in annoyance and grab a cup of cold water from the fridge and walk back to him. “Damn it Scott, WAKE UP!” You yell, throwing the water in his face. He immediately wakes up with a gasp and looks around in panic. 
“What! What happened? What’d I miss?” 
“My birth, Idiot! Or you will miss it if you don’t stop fainting!” You growled, helping him up. 
“Oh god, I’m not ready. phewww.” He sighs, playing with his hands nervously. 
“Oh, having second thoughts???” You ask sarcastically, raising your eyebrows at him. He stares at you for a moment, studying your features to see what he should say next that won’t get him a smack on the head. 
“Are you being sarcastic? I feel like you’re being sarcastic.” 
I’m gonna kill this man. “Just get me to the hospital, Scott.” 
“What do you think of the name Ant-tony?”
“Scott... I know you’re not thinking of naming our child after your pet ant.” 
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athenasbloodyspear · 3 years
The Viper: Chapter One
What happens when an agent of the Red Room falls into  the hands of Hydra? What happens when Hydra puts out a hit on their  favorite assassin? Who is the mysterious woman with a twisted history  and an even more twisted mind?
The team wants to know. They want to know what you know. Nat and Bucky want to know if there’s any light left in you.
They want to know you.
Bucky x Female Reader
The Viper Master List | My Writing Master List
The sounds of car horns are loud around you. The blaring, beeping and  bustle of pedestrians creating layers and layers of sound. You’re  trained well enough to sift through the sounds, listening to pieces of  conversation and various sounds of your environment to orient yourself.
You can feel the smallest shift of every person who’s moving in the  space around you. Your senses are so focused you can practically hear  the blood rushing through the people closest to you. Your prey is about a  block up, completely oblivious to where you followed.
The streets around you were loud and the sounds were strong, but nothing could keep your focus off your mission.
Underneath your hood and the rim of your baseball hat, your face was  hidden in shadow. If anyone would have seen or marked it, they would  have seen the wicked gleam of a grin.
“What’s got you all in a tizzy, Tony?” Nat asks from Bucky’s right.  The whole team was gathered around a conference table in Avengers tower  looking kinda bored. Tony had called everyone here this morning, much to  everyone’s chagrin because he had promised a week off and then  apparently changed his mind a mere three days later.
Bucky sighed and rolled his shoulders, leaning back in the office  chair he currently sat in, lifting the two front feet off the floor. All  he really wanted was to go back downstairs and into the city with Nat  and finish looking for a birthday gift for Steve. That’s what they were  doing this morning before they were quickly called back to the tower.  He’d procrastinated too long and really had zero idea of what to get the  man.
“I’m confused about something and I don’t like being confused.” Tony retorted.
“Oooo” Sam piped up from across the table. “The great Tony Stark  admits to not knowing something. I’m surprised there isn’t steam coming  out of those ears.”
Bucky smirks at his friend. God he loved Sam and his remarks. He  would say something similar, but his relationship with Tony still wasn’t  perfect and he didn’t want to push his luck at the moment.
“What is so confusing, Iron Man? Don’t know what to get Pepper for  your anniversary? Or did you say something stupid again and your giant  brain can’t figure out exactly which asshole statement pushed her over  the edge this time?” Nat chimed in with a mocking smirk.
Tony pointed a single finger at Nat. “I have had our anniversary  present for two months already and I’m actually getting better at  figuring out which one of my snarky comments goes too far, just so you  know.” He sighs and presses a few buttons on the large screen under the  glass conference table, whipping up a bundle of information to appear on  the screen behind him. “What I’m confused about is why Hydra put out a  public hit on one of their top agents.”
At that, Bucky’s chair drops back to all four legs abruptly. The  confusing piece of information startled him into finally giving his full  attention to the conversation. His heart rate picked up a bit.
“They did  what ?” Steve asks from the end of the conference table opposite Tony, voicing the question on all their minds.
“This morning Hydra posted a bounty on a known dark web forum. It’s  not unheard of for them to post some of their lower enemies on this  anonymously for unaffiliated assassins and bounty hunters to take down.  What’s different this time is they made it very clear that  Hydra  was posting.” He whipped up what looked eerily similar to a reddit post up on the screen. “And what makes even  less sense is I know for a fact that the person they called a hit on has been their little secret weapon for over ten years.”
Bucky scanned the post up on the screen. Sure enough, it said that  Hydra had a hit out on a well known assassin and was offering 50 million  along with diplomatic immunity in a country of their choosing for the  head of the operative.
“Who’s the target?” Nat murmured.
“So, this is the fun part. Especially for you two.” Tony continued, pointing at Nat and Bucky.
“What?” Bucky grumbled. Fun for him? What the hell? What could  possibly be in Tony’s twisted brain to think anything to do with Hydra  would be  fun for him?
“Here’s the mark.” Tony pulled up a blurry photo of a figure wrapped  in muted colors clearly captured on some sort of security camera  somewhere on a bustling street. If Bucky was tracking the cobblestones  and architecture of the buildings correctly he’d guess it was taken  somewhere in Cairo.
“Is that the best fucking picture you can get us, Stark? You can  barely see their face.” Sam quipped, leaning forward in his seat to  squint at the screen.
“This is the clearest photo of her face, yes.”
“Her?” Nat snapped, popping her eyes to Tony.
“Yes. Her.  The Viper .” He smirked back at Nat. Bucky heard a quick intake of breath from his right. Nat.
“No…” She whispered, and trailed off.
“Oh yes, Natasha. Oh yes.” Tony flicked his fingers across the table  again and all the known stats on the Viper pulled up on the screen.  “This is where the fun begins for us. This is what we know about the  Viper. She was “found” at a young age somewhere in middle America. It’s a  little unclear where, but from where I tracked it must have been  somewhere in the Midwest.”
“They stole a kid from Wisconsin? Why would Hydra bother when they  had their fingers in so many other countries?” This was from Steve.
“It wasn’t Hydra…” Nat murmured.
“ What? ” Bucky piped up again. He felt like his brain was  spinning. A top Hydra assassin? Did he know her? He would have to spiral  into his memory to find out if he ever met this Viper…
“It was the Red Room.” Nat whispered then. Her eyes staring directly at the table.
“Yes indeed!” Tony quipped. “Remind me Nat, were you still there when  they dragged in the little girl kicking and screaming or not?”
“Tony!” Steve seethed from his end of the table.
“I wasn’t living there anymore, no. I had just graduated. She was a  couple years younger than me. They said she caused quite a nuisance  during the assassination of a target. Instead of killing her they decided  to bring her back. I saw her maybe twice. They had always referred to  her as the snake. She was less refined than the other girls, she started  her training a little too old, but she was… desperate to make up the  difference.” Nat shuddered a bit then and Bucky felt compelled to reach  out and place a hand on her shoulder. “She reminded me of… me.”
There was a small moment of pause before Tony started again. “So our  little snake graduated from The Red Room and spent a few years as an  agent for them before falling in with our buddies at Hydra.” Tony looked  at Bucky then, “Where she was trained and conditioned to fill a missing  position in their ranks after they unfortunately lost control of a very  important  asset. ”
“You’re a prick Tony.” Steve muttered, his eyes falling on Bucky.  Bucky waved him off. He was fine, really. He’d started making peace with  his history when he was on Wakanda and though he still had a long way  to go, he wasn’t going to fall to pieces at the mere mention of the  Winter Soldier.
“You’re telling me that they…” He trailed off, his mind spinning in  circles. This poor woman he didn’t even know subjected to what he went  through, simply because he had left. He knew it wasn’t his fault, but he  still felt responsible that someone else had to fill a hole he had  created.
“Yes they trained this little spitfire to be their top assassin and  she has been in their top ranks since about 2010, only stepping into the  role of top assassin after the events in 2016 finally severed you  completely from the organization. She’s been racking up kills ever  since. Much like you my dear metal armed friend, she’s nearly impossible  to catch on camera, let alone see with your own eyes.”
From the corner of the room, where he sat in a chair separate from  the table, Bruce finally spoke. “I always thought The Viper was a  myth.”
“Yeah and you thought the Winter Soldier was a myth. Hell I always  thought Thor and Loki were just some folklore.” Sam remarked. “I believe  almost everything nowadays.”
“Wait so, this woman was a trained Red Room assassin, then a top  Hydra operative and now they’re asking the internet to kill her? Why  didn’t they just take care of her themselves? Surely they had her locked  up or brainwashed somehow.” Bruce said.
“You guys are seriously just assholes sometimes.” Steve murmurs.
“I’m fine, Steve.” Bucky says. “It’s a valid question. Even when they  wanted me eliminated, they only worked with people inside.”
“Exactly.” Tony said. “My theory is, they want us to know that they  want her dead. In fact, my more specific theory is that this is bait in  order to get us to hunt and eliminate her. I want to know why.”
“She must have slipped away from them.” Nat said then. “Even if no  average internet bounty hunter could ever touch her, surely they’d at  least keep her a little busy. Busy enough that we might be able to get a  jump on her. She must know something.”
“Exactly. What does she know? And why don’t they want her to utilize whatever information she knows?”
“So we’re going to find her then.” Steve said. “What if this is a  trap? Specifically set up to intrigue us into bringing their very own  top operative into our facilities.”
“It could be.” Nat responded. “But it seems a little weird to send a  bunch of people they don’t control after her unless they genuinely  didn’t care about what happened to her. It seems unlikely she’s still an  asset to them if they’re willing to risk her actually being caught off  guard, no matter how unlikely that is.”  
“See, this is what I meant by being confused.” Tony quips then,  heading for the door. “I’ve sent everything I know about the woman to  each of you. Study it. See what conclusions you come to on your own.  We’ll reconvene here tonight to discuss an action plan.”
You sat in a corner booth at a tiny cafe, facing the door. There was a  swinging door into the kitchen to your left, which led to three back  exits. Directly in front of you was the only door facing a main street.  The whole front of the coffee shop was glass, giving you a clear view of  the two targets you’d been tracking all morning, who had stopped to  grab breakfast at a restaurant across the street.
You were twirling a long since lukewarm cup of coffee in your hands,  your eyes flicking back and forth between your marks and the swinging  kitchen door at your shoulder.
You watched as your marks both stretched and stood up. The woman hailed a cab. They seemed disgruntled.
While the woman tried to snag the attention of a cabbie, you threw a  few crumpled bills on the counter of your table and slipped through the  swinging kitchen door. There were a few shouts of alarm as a stranger  wandered into the bustling diner kitchen, but you quickly weaved through  the crowded kitchen and out a back door. You jumped on the sleek black  Kawasaki bike you’d stashed behind a dumpster in an alley.
You pushed the bike out and around the corner before turning it on,  waiting to confirm that they had both piled into a cab. You revved the  engine and punched the accelerator, weaving quickly   between the piled  up traffic, causing lots of horn honking and a few near rear-end  accidents.
Your heart was hammering in your chest, the adrenaline coursing through your veins as you tore after that cab.
The grin still plastered on your face.
Bucky’s head was reeling as he read through the intel, albeit a small amount, that Tony had managed to dig up.
There were a total of 3 videos captured on a security camera of the Viper on a job. He watched them all multiple times.
The Viper was ruthless and unnervingly calm. It reminded him of  himself, what he saw in the footage of the Winter Soldier. It made the  bile in his stomach churn. He knew that feeling of uncontrollable calm  very well and it made him break out in a cold sweat.
The first video showed her walking calmly up to a high security  warehouse, putting bullets between the brows of every operative in  sight, barely even looking in their direction before pulling the  trigger. She walked directly with purpose toward the door that was  clearly her mission. Once every operative in view of the camera had  fallen she reached for the door handle. Before she slipped inside, she  lifted her pistol without looking and fired one round into the camera,  cutting the feed. With the hood on her jacket, there was no clear  footage of her face. Bucky wondered how they were even sure it was her.  Her murderous calm must have been enough evidence.
The second was a terribly grainy video taken in some basement  somewhere. There was someone strapped to a chair and he watched as the  Vipers fists slammed into the man repeatedly. A choppy, distorted, and  heavily accented voice spoke about 40 seconds in. “Good, Viper. You may  play now. Make sure there’s something left of him to interview  tomorrow.” Bucky flinched as he saw the woman stride toward a table,  likely filled with instruments of torture. The man strapped to the chair  began to scream, pleading in Russian that he’d say anything they wanted  him to. He heard a low woman’s voice come through the video, murmuring  “Too late.”
The third was a more recent video according to the time stamp. It was  less than six months ago off a security cam in Maracaibo. It was about a  9 second video, just watching the woman cross a bustling street in  Venezuela. Bucky remembered that some hot shot Hydra agent had been  found dead in Venezuela this year. Could it have been the Viper taking  down one of their own? Is that why they were mad?
There were about 5 other attachments of images. The only photographs  that Friday could find of this enigma apparently. 4 were blurry security  camera footage from various places. The one Tony had shown this morning  was truly the only one that even sort of showed the woman’s face. Well,  except the 5th.
The 5th made Bucky even more sick than the footage of brutal  violence. It was a Polaroid image of what appeared to be a 16 or 17 year  old girl in ballet clothes, standing in the middle of what he assumed  was a dance studio. It would have been normal, a young woman after a  dance class, if it wasn’t for the red blood splattered up her pink  tights, dripping off her knuckles and smeared on her jaw. The subject  wasn’t looking at the camera, but rather seemed to be standing at  attention with her focus to the right of the photographer. Written in  sloppy Russian at the bottom corner of the Polaroid was “Option 4.”
What does that mean?  Bucky thought to himself.  Option for what?  
It made him sick staring at that photo. If the blood wasn’t there, it  would just look like a young woman preparing for a ballet class, or  perhaps being photographed so a costume designer could see her figure  while they created dazzling outfits for a production. It was so wrong  for someone so young, whose face was filled with innocence, to be  covered in blood. He felt so protective over her, this young woman he  didn’t even know. This young woman who he knew grew up to be a murderer  with a kill list almost as long as his.
He knew, looking at that photo, that this woman had never wanted  this. He didn’t know how he got such a gut reaction to the image, but he  saw himself in it. A young person who was given the worst hand of cards  to ever be dealt, and was simply trying to stay alive. He stared at her  thin frame, the hollow look in her eyes and nearly wept.
He needed to find her. He needed it more than he’d needed anything in  a long time. He needed to find out how far she had fallen from this  image, and if he could pull her back.
He needed to do it, because he’d always be grateful that someone did it for him.
Your marks had gone into the tall skyscraper a few hours ago. You  were too antsy to sit around and wait to see if they’d venture back out  into the city.
You prowled the sidewalk like a caged animal. Tracing patterns through the busiest blocks. Keeping track of nearby cameras.
Everything smelled like garbage and piss. You hated it. You loved it. It was such an easy city to get lost in.
An even easier city to be found in.
When Bucky finally dragged himself back to the conference room that  evening, he felt like a wreck. He had worked himself up considerably  throughout the afternoon. He was antsy and apprehensive.
He really didn’t know what was wrong with him. It was just some random assassin, why was he so worked up?
Steve noticed his touchy mood as soon as he walked in and raised an eyebrow at him.
“I’m fine.” Bucky grumbled. “Just want to figure this out. It’s bothering me for some reason.”
“Maybe because it’s a little too personal, Buck.” Steve said quietly.
“Yeah maybe.” Bucky coughed out. His chest felt tight with someone who knew him so well staring at him like this.
Before Steve could rib Bucky more, Tony sauntered into the room with  Nat behind him. “So what’s everyone’s thoughts on our little snake in  the grass?”
“I think the woman is damn fucking scary.” Sam piped up from the same  chair he’d been in this morning. “And really good at her job. Reminds  me of robocop over there a little too much if you know what I mean.”
“That’s what I find so interesting.” Steve says. “Because obviously  we know that Bucky wanted out, and was not the person that the camera  showed. I wanna know what’s really going on in her brain.”
“Banner, question for you, if we managed to set a little trap for our  snake and actually got her in here, would you be able to scan her brain  and see how much of it was under her actual control?” Tony said as he  dropped into a chair at the head of the table.
Banner responded from where he sat in his normal chair in the corner.  “I could compare a brain scan to early scans of Barnes’s brain. See how  similar they look. Then compare to his post-Wakanda scans. In a sense,  yes. But the brain is complicated as you know.”
“Can’t we just talk to her?” Bucky pipes up. “I mean, if it makes you  feel more comfortable to hook her up to a lie detector whatever, but I  just… I know what they do to people there and let me tell you there’s no  way she’s in control.”
“What makes you so sure?” Tony questions. “I mean, I was wrong about  you. I’ll admit that. I’m a bigger man now. But not everyone is Cap's  former BFF brought back from the dead with a heart of gold trapped in a  twisted hydra web. She could have gone willingly. In fact, I have a hard  time believing that a Red Room agent was accidentally captured by  Hydra. What if she went to them willingly?”  
“But then why did she leave?” Natasha counters. “Who’s to say that  she ended up in all this willingly. I don’t know the whole story of how  the Red Room got her, but it’s rare that people join without coercion.  There’s more to this story, I can feel it.”
“Me too.” Bucky whispered. There had to be so much more to that 17 year old girl than a brutal murderer.
“Nat, can you explain this image to me?” Tony says, pulling up the  very polaroid that was going to haunt Bucky for weeks. “This looks like a  pretty willing agent to me.”
Bucky cringed at Tony’s short sighted assessment. Sure, the subject looked relaxed but that didn’t mean willing. Nat sneered.
“Well Tony, when every week your instructors challenge two students  to spar and the loser is killed however the classmate prefers, you too  would willingly fight back, to the death if necessary.”
Steve flinched, and looked at Nat with eyes full of grief. “They made you kill each other?”
“Kept us from attaching to each other.” Nat said simply.
Steve just shook his head, placing his face in his palms. This was  one of the reasons Bucky and Nat had gotten along pretty quickly. They’d  come to terms with their trauma, and the others sometimes had a hard  time brushing past the torture that the two of them had simply moved on  from.
“Touche.” Tony shrugged. “So why does this image say option 4?”
“That I don’t know.” Nat sighs. “No photos were ever allowed to be  taken of us, but the fact that this was clearly taken by an instructor  confuses me.”
“So we have no answers.” Sam quips. “Do I need to go stand on the  street with a sign that says “Viper take a crack at me” so we can maybe  get a glimpse of her? I’m only doing it if I can wear the suit Tony.”
“That’s the thing, there have been no sightings of the woman for  years, and the one tiny glimpse in that surveillance shot from Venezuela  6 months ago was a blip. There was no record of anyone matching that  description entering or leaving that country or any near it. We have no  idea where she is.” Tony muttered. “I have Friday combing every single  camera we can get access to, and hacking into those we don’t. The tip  line on that forum is blank. No one seems to have seen her.”
There was silence for a moment, as everyone sunk into their own minds. Letting the gears turn.
“Mr. Stark.” Friday’s voice came lilting out of the ceiling. “I have a hit.”
Everyone jumped a bit, leaning forward in their seats.
“Put it on the screen.” Tony snapped. Suddenly the whole blank wall  of the room was filled with various camera angles showing crowds of  people wandering on the sidewalk. In the middle of a cluster of  pedestrians was a figure draped in black, a baseball hat on their head  and a hood pulled up over it. As the person moves, the different  security camera’s flip past on the screen, keeping up with their  movement.
Instantly, Bucky’s blood ran cold.
“Where is this?” Sam whispers.
“Queens.” Bucky, Steve and Tony answer in unison.
“Very close to Parker’s apartment…” Tony whispers.
“It’s empty.” Steve mentions. “Happy and May are on vacation and Peter is staying with his friend. That Ned kid.”
“I know.” Tony says. “Doesn’t mean I like her being around the corner from his place regardless.”
The room goes quiet for a few moments as they all watch the Vipers  progress through the streets of Queens. She never picks up her head,  seeming to be watching the sidewalk in front of her. She slips easily  between groups of people, never bumping into anyone even though she  doesn’t seem to be looking at anyone.
“What are we doing?” Sam says then. “We know exactly where she is. She’s so close. Let’s go suit up.”
“There’s no way she’s here by accident.” Nat says quietly. “It’s like she wants us to find her…”
“Another layer of intrigue.” Tony snarks.
“She wouldn’t be stupid enough to show up in this city unless she  actually wants us to find her.” Nat continues. “Either they sent her  here as a trap and finally had her look into a security camera long  enough for us to track her, or she’s doing this on her own. Either way, I  don’t understand the motive.”
There’s another moment of silence as they all watch the cameras track the target.
Abruptly, the Viper stops in the middle of the sidewalk. The  pedestrians continue to flow around her, many seem to be grumbling and  some throw rude gestures in her direction.
There’s now only a single security camera in the area able to capture her image, she stands right in the center of the frame.
“What is she doing?” Steve whispers.
Through the grainy camera footage, the whole team watches as it looks  almost like her shoulders shake slightly. She seems to be looking at  her feet.
No one breathes as the woman in the center of the video lifts her  head slowly. Her eyes land directly on the lens, as if she’s peering  straight through the shitty security camera and into Avengers tower.
There’s a huge grin on her face.
Then, from the pocket of her hoodie, she pulls a pistol and calmly points the barrel at the camera.
The last thing the camera sees in her head dropping back as she begins to cackle. Then she pulls the trigger, ending the feed.
“Holy shit.” Sam whispers.
Bucky is speechless. His heart is pounding in his chest. He felt like  her eyes seared through the camera and right into his chest. He can  barely breathe.
“Friday, show us the other cameras in the area.” Tony barks.
Friday pulls up tons of camera angles of the street the Viper was  just standing on. The crowds are screaming, attempting to run away from  the spot that the Viper had clearly just been standing. However, there  are no further gun shots and no one looks injured.
“What the  hell? ” Bucky says under his breath. She just shot out a camera in the middle of a busy street in Queens? For what?
“Are there any figures matching her description on any of these feeds?” Tony snaps again.
“No sir.” Friday replies. “I’ve scanned every camera in the borough and I can’t see her on any of them.”
Everyone sits in shocked silence as the security footage continues to  roll. The NYPD show up, helping to calm the pedestrians. They watch  quietly as they start to tape off the area. Everyone knows however that  if no one was hurt, it’s unlikely that the cops will pursue the incident  further. They have much bigger fish to fry in this town.
“Well goddamn.” Sam finally breaks the silence. “That was quite a little performance.”
“She really wants us to find her then.” Nat mutters.
Around the room everyone mutters their agreement.
Bucky finds his voice finally.
“So let’s find her.”
There’s unending adrenaline in you now. It was reckless you knew  that. It was also so obvious what game you were playing with them at  this point, but you didn’t care.
They clearly weren’t going to make a move, so you had to play your hand first.
For better or worse, it was their move now.
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An Enchanted Evening(Wintershock)
“I hear Pepper and Tony are throwing another Disney bash. You excited?”
Darcy looked up from her laptop as Clint stuck his head in her office to deliver the news. It never failed, if something interesting was happening, he’d be stopping by to discuss it. He was worse than her great aunts when it came to gossip, Darcy thought fondly.
“Yeah, but I’ll have to find a date. I don’t wanna be Giselle without a Robert, unless I can get Jane to go with me. She loves going as the evil queen.”
Clint looked confused.
“I thought you and Barnes were an item. I see you together all the time, looking all cozy.”
“Appearances can be deceiving, Clint,” Darcy sighed. “He doesn’t seem to want anything more than friendship right now. But he is pretty great at the whole friend thing.”
“If he did want more, would you go out with him?” Clint pressed, watching her searchingly.
“Totally,” Darcy admitted, knowing better than to lie to him. “But don’t you dare interfere and ruin this for me. I don’t want to push him away after how long it took me to get him to warm up to me.”
Bucky had been very skittish when he’d first arrived and Darcy tried the technique she’d used when befriending neighborhood feral cats: kept her distance while offering friendly greetings and looking as non-threatening as possible, left plentiful treats around, and cracked ridiculous jokes in his hearing in hopes of earning a smile. It had taken several months, but Darcy succeeded in Operation Befriend Bucky.
“Who are you and Laura going to go as?” Darcy inquired, trying to change the subject.
Clint grinned. “OutlawQueen, of course,” he supplied.
“Oooh. Going with the Once Upon A Time ship. It’s perfect,” Darcy admired. “Can’t wait to see it. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a lot of work to do if I’m going to be able to afford the dress I’ve got my eye on.”
“Just so long as you show up,” Clint relented. “See ya, Doc.”
With a wink, Hawkeye made himself scarce and Darcy returned to her work, trying not to picture Bucky dressed as a Disney prince.
Bucky had just finished an intense workout and was trash talking Steve in a way only a best friend could get away with when his long suffering friend decided to turn the tables on him.
“So I hear you’re the only one who hasn’t RSVP’d for the big disney ball,” Steve commented. “Thought you would be going with Darcy.”
“How many times do I have to tell you we’re just friends?” Bucky sighed.
Steve gave him a look of utter disbelief and sighed.
“Still in denial. But you do know you can accompany her as a friend, right?”
“And have to hear you lot gossiping even more? No thanks,” Bucky muttered, even as he really wished he had the guts to ask Darcy. Despite what he’d told Steve, Bucky was very interested in the new astrophysicist in a definite more-than-friends way, but so far, he hadn’t seen any signs that she shared this interest, so he’d stayed quiet rather than ruin one of the best friendships he’d made in his post-Hydra life.
Steve just smiled knowingly at him.
“If you change your mind, Darcy is going as Giselle from Enchanted. Nat told me yesterday. They’re going shopping for dresses tomorrow.”
“Never heard of her,” Bucky muttered, splitting off from Steve to take the stairs to his floor. The next evening, a Blu-ray of Enchanted had appeared on his coffee table. Bucky turned up his nose, but Natasha’s commanding note had him sighing and watching the movie anyway.
Despite the typical Disney cheesiness, Bucky found himself enjoying himself and actually laughing a few times at the antics of the ridiculously over the top Prince Edward. Robert seemed a more realistic hero for once and he found himself sympathizing with the man. Bucky was pretty sure there wasn’t going to be a happily ever after for himself, either.
After the movie ended, he sat and thought for a while, then called Natasha.
Darcy bought her dress, shoes, and jewelry, happily spending way more than she normally would thanks to her long hours and careful saving up for the day. The wine colored fit-and flare dress looked amazing on her and the skirt swirled in a very satisfying manner when she turned around.
“You’re going to be turning heads tonight,” Natasha commented as they hauled their purchases home. “Especially a certain someone.”
She wiggled her eyebrows and Darcy sighed.
“Whatever you say. I have no comment,” she said rather stiffly.
Natasha laughed.
“You say that now,” she said.
In the end, Darcy went by herself to the ball, having chickened out about asking Bucky, which she was already kicking herself for. Oh, well. At least she looked fabulous in her dress that looked just like the one Amy Adams wore for the dance.
She perked up a bit when she got to the fancy ballroom Tony had rented and met the rest of the Avengers in full costume. Sure enough, Clint and Laura were Robin Hood and Regina and looked amazing. Tony and Pepper were Captain Hook and Emma Swan.
“Aren’t you a little grey to be Captain Hook?” Darcy teased him. “But that’s a nice costume.”
“Hook’s a lot older than he looks,” Tony replied, waving his fake hook hand around.
Natasha and Steve were Ariel and Eric, which was an unexpected choice, but Nat looked great in her slinky, iridescent turquoise dress and Steve was a fabulous prince. Sharon and Sam were Rapunzel and Flynn Rider and Wanda was Princess Elsa, complete with a gorgeous icy blue dress and fabulous blonde wig. Thor strode around dressed like Hercules and Darcy hung out with him for a few minutes, exchanging small talk.
“Are you also unaccompanied, Darcy?” Thor asked.
“Yeah,” she admitted. “But I’m hanging out with friends and feeling fabulous, so I’ll be alright,” she assured him.
She completely forgot what she’d planned on saying next because Bucky Barnes arrived and was looking so gorgeous, she found she couldn’t breathe.
Bucky, feeling stiff and awkward in his fancy costume, was keeping his eyes peeled for Darcy, even as he greeted Steve, Nat, and Sam, all of whom seemed very surprised, but pleased to see him.
“She’s over by Thor,” Nat whispered helpfully and Bucky looked where she indicated and felt his heart skip several beats and his mouth go dry.
Darcy was looking incredibly gorgeous in a dress like the one from the movie, which was a simple design, but very flattering on her. She’d left her dark hair down and had simple silvery earrings that sparkled in the light from the massive overhead chandeliers.
In this moment, Bucky knew he was a goner. These were NOT platonic friendly reactions he was experiencing right now. Not at all. She locked eyes with him and her own widened, and she full on smiled at him, which propelled him towards her, now oblivious to everyone else in the room.
Darcy swallowed nervously as Bucky approached, looking stunning in an embroidered dark blue jacket clearly meant to replicate Robert’s costume from Enchanted. He’d pulled his hair back into a small ponytail and it only added to the appeal.
“Hi,” she said softly, giving him a smile.
“Hi,” he answered back, looking at her in a way that made her feel downright giddy.
“Wow. Darcy, you look beautiful,” he told her, sincerity oozing from his voice.
“Why thank you,” she replied, trying to resist the urge to fan herself. “You’re looking pretty fabulous yourself. I’d say what a happy coincidence we picked the same movie, but I know our meddling friends better than that.”
Bucky grinned at her.
“Yep. And I have to tell them they were right later.”
“Right about what?” Darcy asked, knowing what the answer was but wanting to hear him say it.
“That I’ve got it bad for you, doll. I didn’t think you felt the same way, so I’ve been trying to ignore it, but I don’t think that’s possible anymore.”
The way he was looking at her was giving Darcy tingles all over and she took a step close to him.
“We’re a couple of fail boats then, because I’ve been feeling the same way, and was also convinced I was stuck in the friend zone,” Darcy admitted. “All our friends could see it, but we sure were oblivious.”
“We were. As a trained spy, I should be embarrassed, but I’m just happy,” Bucky told her. “Wanna dance?”
“Gladly, handsome,” she told him. “I heard you’re very talented in that department.”
Bucky flushed a bit, but shrugged.
“People exaggerate, but I did enjoy it back in the day. Let’s hope I’m not too rusty.”
If Bucky was rusty, Darcy certainly couldn’t tell because she was enjoying herself too much. She’d never danced with a guy who could lead as well as he could and it was glorious. Looking into his blue eyes, she couldn’t help but flush at the expression in them and wondered if she looked equally smitten.
Bucky was thinking about how perfectly they fit together and how her eyes were downright sparkling. That look she was giving him was downright dangerous and he never wanted this moment to end.
They ended up dancing through three more songs before Darcy pulled him away from the party.
“Tired already?” He asked teasingly.
“Bucky Barnes, you’d better kiss me right now, or so help me, Thor…..” she threatened playfully, pointing her finger at him. She didn’t have to say it twice. Bucky had been wanting to kiss her for a long time and just like with the dancing, proved to be very skilled.
“That good enough for Ya?” He finally asked.
“It’s a great start,” she whispered as she caught her breath.
Across the room, their friends looked on in amusement and approval.
“Nice work,” Steve told his girlfriend, who was looking very pleased with herself. “I thought you’d have to lock them in a closet or something.”
“Don’t think that wasn’t on the table if they kept being oblivious or Barnes refused to show up tonight,” Natasha admitted. “And I used to think YOU were the stubborn one.”
Steve laughed.
“You’re my favorite Disney prince, Bucky Barnes,” Darcy told him as they swayed together to a slow song.
“Just don’t expect me to sing or talk to chipmunks,” he muttered playfully. “Gotta draw the line somewhere.”
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A Midgardian Christmas | Loki x Reader | Christmas Eve and Christmas Day
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Pairing:  Loki x Reader
Summary:  Christmas time is here and you are so excited! Loki does not share your enthusiasm. With the help of Peter Parker, the two of you decided to help Loki feel the true joy of Christmas. And perhaps a bit of romance as well.
Warnings: fluff
Christmas Eve
You couldn’t believe that Christmas Eve was finally here. The holiday season had flown by and you couldn’t even remember where the time had gone. After much consideration, you had finally settled on a gift for Loki. Peter and you had gone ice skating down in Central Park. You had fallen more than skating which had bruised more than just your ego. But it had been great fun just the same.
Tony decided to have a Christmas party in the Tower on Christmas Eve. Pepper had gone all out with the decorations and the rooms looked like a winter Christmas wonderland. Dress code was formal and you had enlisted Natasha to help you pick out the perfect dress for the occasion.
You spent the first part of the evening glancing around the room looking for the God of Mischief. He was nowhere to be found. You even had inquired with Thor as to his whereabouts.
“Not to worry. I am sure my brother will be here at any moment. As you know, he likes to make an entrance.”
Thor patted you on your shoulder. Though you had never admitted to him, he knew exactly how you felt about his brother. The attention you had paid to him this holiday season had made it abundantly clear you were smitten.
As if on cue, you heard the elevator ding and the doors open and Loki emerged. He was dashing as always.
While most men had opted for a classic tuxedo, Loki upped the ante. His tux was impeccably cut, showing up his broad shoulders and narrow waist. His lapels were black velvet and his cuff links were emerald. His shoes shone like a mirror.
You could feel him make eye contact with you as you looked at the floor in embarrassment and rushed off to the bar. Loki seemed startled your abrupt exit so he followed you.
“Is everything alright?” he inquired.
You swallowed your drink in one gulp, burning down your throat.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” you choked out, trying to sound normal, “why do you ask?”
You looked up at the Asgardian with eyes pleading to drop the issue. Loki seemed to pick up the hint.
“Well I was just thinking a lovely dress like yours shouldn’t be hidden away.”
“Well you are not looking so bad yourself.”
“Shall we?”
Loki offered his arm. With slight trepidation you took it and he led you to the makeshift dance floor. Tony had opted for a like a swing band. you secretly think it was a ploy to get Steve to dance. But regardless, it added a sense of elegance and glamour to the party.
Loki spun you once, with your mermaid skirt twirling around your legs and then pulled you in close. His hand felt cool on your bare back and you shivered slightly.
“No, I’m fine.”
You settled in a bit closer and placed your head on his chest. He adjusted his hands to account for your position and you both began to sway to the slow melody.
You could definitely get used to this.
You closed your eyes and secretly wished for the moment to never end.
Loki took several deep breaths and tried with all his will to slow his heartbeat.
She can’t know how much I am enjoying this.
Your body felt warm and welcoming against his. With your head on his chest, he could smell the hint of your shampoo and perfume. He wanted to continue to breathe in the heady scent but was afraid of drawing attention to himself.
The two of you continued to sway to the music. You were completely oblivious to anything else other than your dance partner. Had you scanned around the room, you would have seen Tony and Thor elbowing each other and gesturing at the two of you. Clearly Loki and you were not as discrete with your feelings as you thought you were.
The song came to an end and you push back slightly so you could look Loki in the eyes. The green eyes seemed to be twinkling. You smiled.
“Thanks for the dance.”
“My pleasure,” he responded.
He continued to stare in your eyes. The intensity was overwhelming and you broke eye contact to stare at the floor, which suddenly became the most interesting thing in the room. You fiddled with your fingers and you felt long fingers slide under your chin. Loki swiftly pulled your chin up and tilted it towards his face. You closed your eyes and raised up on your toes to reach the tall God’s face. You were preparing yourself for the kiss you had been waiting for since you had laid eyes on the god.
“Hey, Mr. Loki, mind if I have this next dance?” Peter interjected, once again ruining a moment.
“Sure, Master Parker.”
Loki spun you out and extended his arm, before presenting you to Peter.
“Oh Master Parker,” Loki spun on his heel to address the young man, “I hope you enjoy you Christmas presents.”
“Thanks Mr. Loki!”
Loki walked again and grinned to himself.
Peter clumsily wrapped his arm around your waist and you grabbed his other hand to place it on your shoulder. This song was more upbeat than the last, thankfully.
After a few awkward moments and at least once stepped-on toe, you felt a tap on your shoulder.
“Hey Underoos, why not let a man show you how it done?”
You had never been so grateful for Tony Stark than in that moment.
Tony expertly weaved you around the floor.
“Thanks, Tony. Or my precisely, my feet thank you.”
Tony smiled.
“Anytime. Sorry I didn’t get to the kid sooner. Looks like you and Reindeer Games were getting along quite well.”
You could feel the blood rushing to your face.
“You saw that!?”
“I think everyone in New York saw that. Except for maybe the two of you.”
“Thanks for pointing that out. I am not sure he is that interested in me.”
Tony pushed you back from him and wore a look of shock.” “Are you serious? I have never seen a man or god more smitten. You know he asked everyone in the Tower what to get you for Christmas. Even Clint and Natasha.”
It was your turn to shock.
“Clint? I had no idea.”
“Oh you believe it or I can show you the security footage of him trying to work up the courage to knock on the door for 30 minutes.”
Your mouth dropped open.
“Actually, strike that. I use it for the year in review meeting in January.”
With that thought, Tony turned to make some calls. You scanned the room for Loki but you could not spot his raven hair anywhere. You went to the bar but he was not there either.
Dejected, you went to go back to the party and sulk when one more place came to your mind. You headed straight to the elevator. It seemed to take ages for the doors to ding. You stepped in and punched in the number.
After much time, the doors opened up to the residence floor. The entire floor was dark except for the lighting Peter and you had painstakingly hung earlier. You could see a tall brooding figure standing by the tree, holding a small package.
“Loki?” you questioned.
He turned to face you and then swiftly crossed the room to meet you.
“I would have thought you would have continued to enjoy the party.”
You could see his shoulders slump in disappointment.
You started to twirl an errant piece of hair.
“Well…it just wasn’t the same without you. I mean your brother offered to keep me company…”
Loki’s eyes flashed in jealousy.
“That oaf would not know how to show a lady a good time if it bit him on the nose.”
You chuckled feeling at bit emboldened. You reached over and grabbed his lapels to pull him towards you facing each other.
“Besides, I believe you and I have unfinished business.”
You smirked at Loki as his face wore an expression of confusion.
“I am not entirely sure what you mean.”
“Well first of all, we are standing under the mistletoe.”
You gestured up towards the arch. Loki looked up and then looked back you. With a glint of recognition, he smiled and stepped even closer, subtracting whatever distance was left between the two of you.
You placed both hands around the back of his neck and pulled up onto your toes. Loki leaned down and finally pressed his lips to yours.
The kiss was warm and electrifying all at once. You pull Loki deeper into the kiss and sigh softly. Loki took that opportunity to slide his tongue into your mouth. His kiss was eager and hungry. The two of you finally parted, both of you breathing heavy.
“Yes, that unfinished business,” Loki said, breaking the silence, “And for once with no interruptions from pesky teenagers.”
You laughed out loud.
“Yeah, Peter did have the worst timing ever.”
You noticed he was still gripping a small present. The bow now flattened and paper wrinkled. You gestured towards that.
“What’s that?”
Loki suddenly blushed.
“Well, it is your Christmas present, darling.”
You smile at the term of endearment.
“Can I open it now or do I have wait until tomorrow?”
You secretly hoped he wouldn’t make you wait. Then you would have the perfect excuse to give him his present early.
“If you want, you may open it now.”
He awkwardly handed you the small box.
You tore off the paper and bow and lifted the lid of the small white box. Inside was a small blue velvet box. It was jewelry box. You swallowed hard as you lifted the lid. Inside was a delicate silver necklace, hanging from it was an ice blue gemstone cut into the shape of heart. Your eyes started well up with tears.
Loki cleared his throat.
“Most of the team suggested jewelry. Particularly Stark. It was Mr. Barton who suggested a symbol of significance.”
“And what is the significance of the heart?”
You weren’t letting him off easy.
“Well,..ehehehe…simply put that my cold Frost Giant heart is yours.”
You blinked and felt tears trail down your cheeks. You felt Loki’s fingers wipe away the streams of tears.
“I am sorry I have upset you. I should go.”
You grabbed Loki’s arm as he turned to leave and pulled him into a short but tender kiss.
“Do I look upset?” you questioned as you parted from him.
“Well the kiss says no, but your tears indicate sadness.” “You ridiculous god. They are tears of happiness.”
You went to the tree and rummaged around until you found a small bag.
“Here you idiot. Open your present.”
Loki seemed shocked as you thrust the bag into his hands. The Asgardian pulled the tissue paper and turned the bag upside down; a small box landed in his outstretched hand.
He shook the box and heard a dull rattle. You rolled your eyes at the show.
“Just open it.”
Loki lifted the lid and saw an ordinary key with a ribbon tied around a key chain.
“What is this?”
“A key to my room,” you stated.
Loki clearly was not catching the hint.
“So you can come and go as you please without drawing too much attention. Plus, you know that thing about symbols. Well this is a symbol of you holding the key to my heart.”
You stared back at Loki as he looked between the key and you. Then a devilish grin came across his pale face. He grabbed your wrist and started dragging you away.
“Where are we going?”
Loki looked back and grinned.
“I figured I would put my present to immediate use.”
You started laughing as Loki led you down the hallway to your door. He put his key in the door and unlocked it. He pushed the door open and then heaved you over his shoulder to carry you into the room before shutting your front door with his foot.
Christmas Day
The next morning, you were awaken at an ungodly hour by an insistent knock on your door. You shuffled your way out from under Loki’s arm and trudged yourself to the door. It was Peter.
“It’s Christmas! I am waking everyone up for presents and hot chocolate. Have you seen Mr. Loki? He didn’t answer his door. Not even his usual grunt.”
You shuffled your feet to close the gap between the door and the wall just in case a certain god decided to walk out of the bedroom.
“You know what, Peter. I will go and try. Maybe he didn’t hear you.”
Peter smiled and gave a quick thanks and he took off down the hallway towards his next victim.
You quickly shut the door and went to roust Loki. You dug through your drawers and found some baggy pajama pants Loki could fit in. You went over to his edge of the bed and began to shake Loki.
“Loki, you need to wake up and get dressed.”
With quick reflexes, Loki grabbed you by wrist and pulled you into a deep kiss, exploring your mouth with his tongue. You moaned as he attempted to pull you on top of him.
“I think…” he growled as he toyed with the straps of your top, “you need to come back to bed.”
You resisted but not too hard.
“I can but we will miss Peter and everyone else opening their presents,” you purred back, nibbling on his neck, “not to mention the rumors that would certainly circulate due to our absence.”
At the mention of Peter and presents, Loki sat up in bed.
“Mr. Parker is going to be opening present. Oh, darling we can’t miss that.”
And with that he was already pulling on the pants and attempting to tame his hair.
“I didn’t realize you were particularly interested in that.”
Loki shot you a devilish grin.
“Oh I am very interested in Mr. Parker’s present.”
“Loki what did you do?”
But Loki was more interested in getting you out the door than answering your questions. By the time the two of you got to the main area, everyone else had gathered around the tree. Everyone except Peter wore expressions of varying degrees of sleep and annoyance. Peter had apparently ruined everyone’s morning.
Tony and Peter took turns passing out the presents. Everyone’s presents seem pretty standard. Except Peter’s.
“Wow, thanks…Mr. Stark. I always wanted a giant pink fully unicorn and rainbow glitter pens.”
Peter was clearly disappointed but Tony was proud.
“I just used your list. I thought some of things were a bit unusual but I never quite understand what you kids are into these days.”
You realized Loki must have switched the lists. A glance over to the beaming god confirmed your suspicions. While you felt bad for Peter, you weren’t going to rat out Loki. You would get something nice for Peter in after Christmas sales as an apology, so to speak.
As you turned to grab a cup of hot chocolate, you felt a heavy arm slam down on your shoulder.
“Where did the two of you go last night?” Thor inquired, his arm tightly wrapped around you and Loki.
“Umm….” you started to explain until Loki interrupted.
“We decided to exchange presents earlier,” Loki offered.
Thor then noticed the necklace around your neck. He clapped Loki hard on the shoulder.
“Excellent work, brother! A lovely token of sentiment. And what did you get my mischievous brother?”
You looked over to Loki to see eyes pleading to not tell the truth. You were interrupted by Steve.
“Hey, why is Loki wearing your pajama pants?”
You were certain the two of you had been caught when Loki saved you.
“These are my Christmas present. She had seen me admiring them and bought me my own pair.”
You breathed a sigh of relief as the two men walked away, seemingly believing the story.
“You owe me a pair of pants,” you whispered.
“Oh, I can think of something much more inappropriate for you to wear to bed,” Loki growled into your ear.
You smiled and thought about all the nights and days ahead. Merry Christmas indeed.
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