#or even supervisor
realasslesbian · 2 years
But in conclusion to my last post, I might have to get a retail job again, or at least some type of job where I gotta work with people face-to-face (that cost of living y’all) and I just, after nearly three years of not daily being treated like trash and having a pay-check held over my head so that I’d just quietly accept being abused everyday and after not living like that and consequently being able to grow into a happy self-confident human being, like it’s gonna be my first day at this useless job, some lil bitch corner store manager is gonna call me an idiot, all his lil simp employees are gonna be giggling in the corner, and I’m going to straight-up punch him in the face, and tell him I still expect him to pay my cheque for all the rest of the shifts I got lined up this week, unless he wants me to drag his ass through a courtroom with my entire law degree. Because literally, I would rather hunt, fish and forage for my food (which I know how tf to do btw) than have to put up with any stank retail hoes who gotta inflict their misery at their five kids and a mortgage bear trap of a life on me.
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tea-tuesday · 10 months
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this morning i had a 9:30 meeting but i overslept after turning off my alarm and woke up at 9:29 😵‍💫!! i logged into the meeting 4 minutes late, but luckily my supervisor was also late because she was in the wrong virtual room so we both ended up profusely apologizing for being late lolol. lesson learned: don't schedule 9:30 meetings !! i got to log off early today and explored downtown, getting coffee and chasing the sunset 🌇 also came home and studied jazz history, which i've been doing for fun :))
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girlneuter · 3 months
holy shit corporate work is so hilariously disorganized. my supervisor told me to check my work email for updates on when my device will be here. i ask him if it's the messages in the online program i was trained on. he said it is a separate work email on outlook. i have not received any information about this work email on outlook as part of the online training. like it didn't mention it at all. so on tuesday i emailed hr to ask how i'm supposed to get in. it's saturday and i still haven't heard back. i told my supervisor the same thing and he hasn't responded in a few days. today i reached out to the person organizing the training and she gave me the default password for the email. i go to log in and it hasn't been set up. she asks if i've done the two step verification. this was also never mentioned before. she said i'll need my device nearby for it. i do not have a device. and i cannot check the shipping status of it because i don't have access to this email. that i need the device to access.
so i'm downloading an app on my phone and calling it to set it up so that i can get my work email set up. so that i can check the shipping status for my new device. that i will be using to access my email. that post that was like just log on to weewoop and log your hours in to TimeyLog and then report your mileage to Udrive.... it's so true
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stuckinapril · 4 months
I’ve always loved medicine bc it’s the perfect intersection of science and humanity—the two things I value above all else in this world. Truly adored it since I was in the cradle. But now I’m thinking about how so much of my journey to neurosurgery will have to involve KILLING my feelings essentially bc how do you survive otherwise
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kittkattys · 6 months
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They forgot something at the Pizzaplex.....oops
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literally no one has used my listed pronouns (literally next to my name on teams). So much for pride month :/
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criminalskies · 13 days
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chemblrish · 7 months
Great news!! I didn't want to say anything beforehand in case it didn't work out, but I went to my favorite professor today to ask him to be my thesis supervisor and he agreed!! I was so terrified all morning lol but I really needn't have stressed so much and I'm so happy I did it, it was all much easier than I expected :')
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stackslip · 7 months
people seeing the fallout of the hbomb/somerton situation and acting like academia is free of all of these issues and doesnt have its own content mill source of horror. lol. lmao
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heckitall · 10 months
okay im also going to ruin a lot of people's aesthetics rn but
no one in the military wears their dogtags around their necks anymore
very RARELY will you find someone who does. they make too much noise, even with rubber edges
when in locations where dogtags are necessary, they get put into the laces of our boots :|
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dreamlogic · 8 days
i have no clue what's going on w/ the hiring process for the job offer i got yesterday, but at least it seems like nobody at the post office does either. 🙃
#ctxt#charlie vs mail#got a call from some guy at the regional sorting facility like 'uuh yeah just drop in to your PO whenever for fingerprinting'#so i show up in shorts & a t-shirt as a stop along a multi-errand trip bc my impression was that this is just a part of the background check#woman doing my prints was like 'idk if anyone's here to speak with you today but we can check'#me still thinkin it's just a casual meet/greet 'oh no worries haha! btw i got the job offer before having even 1 interview is that normal?'#she doesn't know but leads me around until we find someone buried under a stack of paperwork at her desk#'hi [redacted!] charlie is here for their interview!'#redacted peers over his monitor like a deer in headlights 'who is here for their what now??? oh uuuhh gimme a minute uuuhhhhh'#i'm sweatinnnmng like i'm wearing my birks i am massively underprepared but ok i guess we're doing this & they already offered me the job so#redacted also seemed to be panicking a lil bc the person who usually does these interviews isn't even in today#we had a moment of 'so we're both utterly blindsided here right?' 'yeah can we reschedule?' 'yes god please let's reschedule'#so i'm going back thursday for an actual interview. after already completing background check & filling out tax paperwork#get home to an email from the dude who called me this morning like 'btw dress business casual for your fingerprinting & bring XYZ'#but still stating nowhere that the implication was that fingerprinting & interview would happen concurrently????#this is a federal institution & the second largest employer in the US. get ur shit together !!!#hoping it's not gonna be a black mark that i showed up in my casual summer clothes without the necessary docs#but tbf to me the expectations were hella unclear like i wasn't even given a point of contact for an onboarding supervisor until today#since they were also drastically underprepared i hope it'll just be water under the bridge & we can properly meet thursday#hands down weirdest hiring/onboarding process i've ever gone through but fuck it we ball
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tandytoaster · 1 year
The lil 14 year old trans boy at my work said I was his favourite
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I had the opportunity to make a bunch of penguins watch doctor who yesterday and didn’t, truly one of life’s tragedies
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ladychlo · 2 months
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ragweed-babey · 2 years
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AU where they are also Learning 👀
I kind of referenced this idea in my first drawing of Claire further down my page but I love it so MUCH -
I imagine they have a more friendly relationship with each other than the main 3 ? But they aren’t usually as chipper as they are in the actual episode - they’ve just spoken with the Carehound too much to feel anything but the joy of employment :)
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chemblrish · 2 months
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22 April 2024
Good news from thesis lab! I've had an influx of new crystals since I last was here, including those that my thesis supervisor said are often difficult to obtain (make no mistake, it's not my dazzling chemistry skills, it's most likely sheer luck lol). I put one of those precious babies in the spectrometer and my TS was really, really happy with the spectra that came out.
See that pink candy up there? That's my priceless crystal. Photos don't show it that well, but it's pretty big. All the others are tiny, rice-sized. This one is almost the size of a chickpea! (Great comparisons, I know.)
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