#or don't i'm not a cop
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paraphilia-flags-and-more · 11 months ago
Stop making urolagnia flags
We have enough.
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eikotheblue · 8 months ago
Stream time
doing some ori rando, come say hi!
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solder-sibling · 5 months ago
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hellenhighwater · 2 months ago
I was walking out of court yesterday and the deputy working the security desk goes 'stay safe out there!" And I go, yeah the sidewalks are pretty slippery. He responds, "hey, do you carry?' and I said no, because we're very much not allowed to bring guns to court. And he goes, "You want some mace? or a knife? we got extras"
so now I have some random mace and a knife.
Just in case.
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enteisabo · 2 years ago
somebody gimmeeeeee a prompt to doodle for the dayyyy
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egophiliac · 1 year ago
Please elaborate on your twst Pokémon headcannons I’m very interested
I had planned on drawing everyone for this (I made a LIST!) but it. hasn't been going well. 💀 soooo here's what I have so far!
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Riddle - Roserade (I was going with 'no legendaries', otherwise I would've given him a Shaymin) (and I don't think Togedemaru is actually a hedgehog or I would've given him one of those too) (...they kind of do fit though. hmm.)
Trey - Alcremie (clover/mint cream + strawberry/ruby cream)
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Ace - Impidimp (I feel like there's probably a better one for him, but I can't think of it)
Deuce - Scraggy (meanwhile I KNOW deep in my heart that this is true)
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Leona - Pyroar (but like. a nasty Pyroar. just a grizzly old Pyroar with the shittiest attitude imaginable. they pretend to hate each other but secretly they are a bonded pair, do not separate)
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chemilico · 6 months ago
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It'll go into the skeleton collection in the closet
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year ago
It is my sincerest and unironic belief that we must invest in preserving "old technology." The more we move to a hegemonic, easily-surveilled way of living, the worse we will find this world to be.
Letters, public phones and transport, cash, and so much more are key to ensuring both freedom of movement and information, but also to combat the surveillance state. We need to preserve the ability to both access the world but also to be untraceable. I truly hope more people start to recognize this. It isn't about nostalgia for the past. It is about ensuring that we are actually afforded freedom, from the richest person to the person who lives on the sidewalk.
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carmelasoprano · 26 days ago
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SHERYL: You can tell me. It takes two to know one.
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iamonlyhereforthefreefood · 2 months ago
"You're sick for supporting a murderer!"
Well actually a good chunk of me doesn't even think he did it but you're not ready for that conversation.
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bayetea · 2 months ago
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reynabeth.......... in 2024?!?
♡ my daily pjo art tag ♡
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kay-enemy · 2 months ago
As much as I love him as Red Hood, what if Jason made his big comeback as just... a better Batman? It could be like Battle for the Cowl except good.
He could make his name killing the worst of the named villains (Joker, maybe Professor Pyg if we ignore continuity) then become the Batman with less collateral damage (look he isn't shown being any less violent than Bruce, because DC writers believe might makes right when it comes to beating petty criminals to death, but I refuse to believe Jason "stealing tires from Batman to survive" Todd would not have more sympathy for thieves). Imagine a Batman who takes down violent criminals like rapists and killers but just stops the thieves and muggers like "bruh, don't rob these guys, I know someone with so much hereditary privilege and antique silver."
And then now that they have an option besides corrupt cops and corrupt bats, the people of Gotham might think "hmm, maybe minor crimes aren't an excuse for authority figures to break our bones and throw knives willy nilly."
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respectthepetty · 3 months ago
Now that South Korea and Japan have each remade a Thai series, I know that if either of them got a Director New series (We Are, Fourever You, Perfect 10 Liners), they would easily have these stories delivered in ten episodes or less and WARM AND COP WOULD ALREADY BE TOGETHER!
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And this isn't me being delusional! The lighting changed to purple when Warm said he hadn't found anyone yet!
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Red Rascal Arc with red text on his shirt is telling Orange Oddity Pond that nothing happened between him and Arm while Blue Boy Warm is getting hit with purple lighting as he looks at Purple Person Cop!
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What would be the reason for this specific color lighting in a show fully color-coded if not to tell me these two color-coded boys are in love.
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Arc is a Red Rascal.
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Arm is a Yellow Yal with the yellow over his heart.
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And they are color-coded boys IN LOVE.
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Who are balancing each other out.
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And Yellow Yal Arm told his color-coded friends, Blue Boy Sand and Green Guy Po, that Arc kissed him (without their shirts on) while a totally random red figurine sat between his legs.
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So if the freshmen are color coded.
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And the juniors are color coded.
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And they are all in love with each other.
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Then it can only mean one thing!
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Now give them to me!
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*GMMTV hands me cameos instead*
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You know what? I'm fine with that too. I like Sea's side profile.
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iwasbored777 · 6 months ago
I wanna know what's going on in the heads of everyone who watched Deadpool & Wolverine and think that the movie wasn't gay. Did you even watch the right movie?
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leafie-draws · 6 months ago
with September and the anniversary of my friend's passing I want to talk about her story. on September 3, 2020 my best friend Brooklyn was shot and killed by her stalker. Brooklyn and I were best friends and were working together at a restaurant at the time. one of our coworkers, Andre, began stalking and harassing us and used the contact form at work to call and text us. he was an incel and part of the MGTOW community, would brag about his guns at work and believed he could "fix" Brooklyn's asexuality if she dated him. he became obsessed with Brooklyn and would track her car/phone in order to find us and follow us around, even showing up at the same shops we were at. it escalated to the point where he got banned from our workplace and he started hacking Brooklyn's social media accounts pretending to be her, at one point texting me (pretending to be her) and asking me to meet up at a vacant lot at 3 in the morning with the intent to harm or kill me. at one point I even saw him pacing the road near my apartment with binoculars trying to find which complex I lived in. after months of quittiing jobs, changing numbers, filing police reports and being harrassed, stalked and threatened, I moved back home and lost contact with Brooklyn until sometime later when I heard that she had been murdered. Andre had been arrested but was later released and immedately killed Brooklyn at her home a week later. the police speak about what a sad tragedy it is but did the bare minimum to protect us, saying that it was just a little harmless cyber bullying, or that they couldn't do anything because there was no physical harm. most people we talked to would even go as far as asking Brooklyn "what did she do to the poor guy" or scold her for "hurting his feelings, leading him on" ect. the stalking, harrassment and threats weren't taken seriously at all and despite all the evidence and proof, despite doing everything right and asking for help, the police did not help her; they knew he was dangerous and they let him go and she paid for their mistake with her life and I will never forgive or forget.
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makorragal-312 · 3 months ago
You know what?
I'm not gonna look at this episode as a midseason finale.
Can't remember if this was confirmed or not, but I'm pretty sure Tim didn't intend for 8x08 to be the actual finale for this half of the season. Given the episode count, it would've made more sense for it to be either 8x09 or 8x10.
So with that said, I'm gonna go in with no expectations.
I'm just gonna treat 8x08 as just another regular episode that's more than likely gonna contain some filler and unwanted plot lines, but whatever. And any Buddie interactions or mentions of Chris are gonna be scarce at best and non-existent at worst. But that's probably because the real Buddie/Buckley-Diaz content is gonna be in the episodes after this one.
So yeah, that's how I'm gonna approach things.
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