#or does he …. 🤨🤨
ornateorchid · 4 months
wake up babe new elliot knight pics just dropped
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(these aren't new ive just never seen them before)
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doctorsiren · 8 months
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Today’s doodles while at work :)
Don’t ask why Clara is taller than William in the second picture (I drew him first and I liked how he looked and I didn’t wanna change how he was looking)
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gojo is the type of bf to kiss you alllllll the time when you least expect it . i know he is. super casually and whenever he feels like it, no matter what you’re doing….. every time you so much as pucker your lips in thought he’s There and ready to smooch you :((((((( you’re sitting on the couch and reading? smooch. you’re cooking? smooch. you’re in the shower? smooch. how did he get in there? smooch. he’s insane and addicted and he loves you sosomuch……..
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greenfiend · 1 month
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Keeping El safe is the most important thing, right Mike?
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feyburner · 3 months
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I fucking hate DC lol. His race is Villain
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luvscharlos · 4 months
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mctwinkdom · 6 months
Hmmm hello?? Oscar doing silly TikTok dances on a private account?? I want to see that??
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pensymbols · 3 months
ah yes the brook/franky/robin/jimbei polycule also known as the babysitters also known as monkey d luffys biggest enablers
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nateezfics · 3 months
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hongjoong’s vlog is so boyfriend coded, and he did that intentionally. this man knows our delulu asses love this type of content from him, cuz he’s aware of how down bad we are :))
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zeb-z · 8 months
on a less serious side, bad and foolish having witnesses who are somewhat normal and regular to their usual strange and deranged antics is so hysterical. bad playing the role of kidnapped and felon this time around, letting himself get captured, pretending to be soooo guilty and talking like he’s actually gonna snitch. foolish doing it half for fun, half for show, because he knows cellbit is the killer already - he just needs nails for bad’s coffin because he’s gonna be the scapegoat, and he’s bored. if they were alone maybe they’d trade more intel - they’re on the same page but can’t exactly confirm nor allude to that with an audience, so it just devolves into their usual antics. meanwhile bagi is sweating and convinced bad is definitely about to spill everything she’s told him, falling for bad’s little ‘oh I’m so easily caught and convinced’ act harder than anyone else, trying to avoid bad’s arrest or worse, cellbit’s - while really what’s going on is bad and foolish’s homoerotic batshit insane cop and robber routine, where you’re not sure if someone’s getting arrested or if they’re about to make out. and aypierre is just there
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bitchthefuck1 · 3 months
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Most underrated Succession dynamic
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hoohoobeanie · 5 months
spencer agnew, fourth gayest person at smosh
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nutmeg-cider · 7 months
severely underrated moment that always gets me
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specialbluehens · 1 year
i think it would be very silly, a little hee hee funny, if shane ended up put in an older sibling role (without trying) to the younger bachelors/bachelorettes
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candy8448 · 9 months
This man
He's always standing in the same pose, hand on hip, other out to the side XD
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This pannel kinda looks like jojo's old artstyle, you know? The ones in the first few parts?
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I only went back a like 10 parts but if you go back even further its probably way more
This and he always crosses his arms, i would go back to collect more pannels of this but im too lazy you can check that for yourselves
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Angy boy
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rotisseries · 8 months
a critical part of dog coded characters that often goes unrecognized on this website is the praise kink i truly believe
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