#or couples who both have active careers they're really dedicated to that live separate from each other
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vitaecryptid · 6 months ago
Potential controversial opinion, but I wish more media and fanworks explored relationships where the couple find other forms of commitment than marriage and 2.5 kids in a nice house. Let them wander the world together. Let them be life partners that need their own space. Note that I'm not saying domestic stuff is bad! I just wish other forms of commitment also got love.
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theangrypokemaniac · 5 years ago
Your whole Contest rant read almost like a parody. The Contests were the most popular goal for female companions in the anime, and the vast majority of fans of Contests were female fans. Likewise Misty had already gotten stale and dull in Johto, and Contests brought in better battles, storylines and character development. Saying they're all about being girly makes me think you have no idea what they're about, since most are abut battles and combinations. I doubt most will agree with you.
Oh, but Nonny, you don't believe in what you're saying since you won't put your name to it, so why should I listen?
It's a 'rant' because you disagree, not for actual content.
The nature of a rant is crazed disorder, but this comes in numbered sections clearly laid out.
More aptly, the first three words of that post were 'I hate Contests'.
If this view is such an anathema, why did you keep on reading?
Who's the fool here?
Whether anyone agrees with me or not is immaterial. Truth isn't a popularity contest.
It's still my opinion whatever anyone else thinks, no lesser or greater.
If you want to be liked, then lie.
I tried this method, keeping my feelings to myself, never daring to speak my mind, and where did it get me?
• Unfollowed
• Ghosted
• Insulted
• Blocked
• Shunned
Where is the incentive to hold back if that's the reward?
Might as well say what I want. I think I've a right to on my blog.
It is you who misunderstand. I complain Contests are vacuous and girly, and your defence is that they are for girls and most fans were girls.
Well, yeah. That's what I said. A show once having universal appeal downgraded itself to be toddler fantasy pap:
The anime began aimed at everyone, especially children and teenagers, but now, when its concern with fluff and sparkles takes precedent, it's a fantasy for toddler girls.
You tell me I'm wrong by concurring it's for girls, then you insist considering it to be girly means I know nothing about it.
Girls got along fine watching Pokémon for years without being pandered to and infantilised by shallow spectacles like this.
Pokémon used to be for everyone, although because game-players were, and still are, mostly boys, what one saw of the fandom was largely their input.
• Letters to magazines were mainly from boys.
• If you knew of any fans at school, they were boys.
• Attendants to downloading Mew were nearly all boys.
The exception were fan sites, shipping and art, which were dominated by girls.
Then along came Contests, and that balance tipped, until we get to the point now that I doubt many viewers of the anime are male, because it no longer holds any appeal.
Why should they put up with a monotonous fashion parade when they watched it entirely for fierce showdowns?
We started with tough girls like Jessie and Misty, then along came the Contest blender, and we ended up with feeble vessels like Mallow and Lillie.
Ultra girliness is all very well on the periphery, or as part of an ensemble, but when it's the only stock feminine character available, it's boring to the point of paralysis.
Why should I be pleased a series with edge devolved into a mess of pink and cuddly cushions?
With whom were Contests the favourite female occupation? Fans?
What were the options?
• Tagged along because she was going that way (Misty/Iris).
• Contests/Showcases (May/Dawn/Serena).
• Lives nearby (Lillie/Mallow/Lana/Chloë).
I'm not really surprised at the result. I still don't see why this invalidates my take.
Amid your ravings, I am told that 'most are about battles and combinations'.
Most? Some aren't then?
What are these few about then? Vietnam?
By your own admission, a few are nothing but vacuous posturing.
Again, you agree with me. What's the complaint if I'm right?
What storylines? New Ribbon or no Ribbon?
And what character development? May and Dawn began wanting to be champion, and finished wanting to be champion.
Since that was the close of their story, any 'lessons' they learn are redundant as we'll never see them put into application.
Better battles? Better than what?
Have have you the nerve to lie that Contests are about combat?
The entire premise is showing off how pretty attacks are, not the strength.
Were it a display of power, as a normal fight is, people would be entering with teams of enormous hulking beasts, leaving the likes of Piplup bloody lost.
Some ugly Pokémon, like Gabite and Ambipom, are included, but because they've got some shiny move up their metaphorical sleeve.
Come on, man! The first round is decided on who's bustin' out the sparkles!
Every subsequent round may pose as battling, but you don't succeed by beating the opponent unconscious as usual.
You win if your 'energy bar' is highly than theirs, bought about by pulling off attention-seeking stunts.
Knocking 'em out is a blessing as it assures a win, but it's not the goal.
How is that battle in any legitimate sense when the very markers of victory and loss are removed?
Since beauty is subjective, the winner doesn't succeed because they are measurably superior to their opponent, or at least capable of thinking on their feet.
They win just on the whim of this set of judges liking their performance more. Another day, another panel, and it'd be different.
A real fight in a proper competition doesn't depend on arbitrary standards like that. You take 'em down here, you'd take 'em down in any stadium, any country. It is thus a quantifiable achievement.
In real life, we don't class a sash from a beauty pageant as of equal value to a black belt.
It's okay, but we know it was a matter of luck, whereas any sporting trophy comes from clearly out matching the rest, with hours of strain, sacrifice and suffering paving the path to that moment.
Contests involve no such effort. You pick what glitters and the rest is rehearsal. No need to enter a single fight to hone your skills.
Why isn't Ash eager to get in on the action then, if it's 'truly' such a test of combatants?
The answer is because it's nothing to do with his career as a Trainer. If it were, we wouldn't need the separate term of 'Co-Ordinator' to describe entrants.
Trainers train Pokémon, Gym Leaders lead Gyms, Co-Ordinators co-ordinate routines to be spectacular.
Why have different descriptions if it's exactly the same?
Martial arts, both in fantasy and reality, have a spiritual element. Those who dedicate their lives to it are regarded as having reached a higher level of being.
Battles share that quality. It's not about brute force, focus is place more on inner strength, in heart, courage, determination and loyalty.
A Pokémon which, on paper, is weaker than its foe, can still come out on top if it's prepared to go the distance and want it at all costs, compared to an apathetic opponent.
Simultaneously, the Trainers have their own battle of minds, picking up on style and mistakes, always ready to pounce.
Contests have no such deeper consequence. They are wholly fixated on what's flashy and external. Ice shards are no more glassy just because you really mean 'em.
Combinations are a couple of attacks put together to look nice. How is this refuting my assertion they are but ephemeral bits off fluff?
Why should I be interested in a career so hollow, and ultimately futile, since neither girl won, and now never existed?
Your also claim the ejection of Misty is warranted since she became 'stale and dull', as  if refuting my words.
If you'd bothered to read it properly rather than twisting yer knickers, you might notice I wrote exactly the same thing.
Perhaps it makes no difference. By Hoenn they'd rendered her a leaden blandness sucked dry of all that made her special.
I am not saying a Hoenn Misty would've been a more interesting companion. Her personality had to be erased before being allowed back at all.
I was mocking the excuse given for her exit, that she had no longterm goal, when there was no reason she couldn't participate in Contests.
A. If featuring them is intended as promotion, the audience is more likely to invest in the activity of a familiar face.
B. Just ruin her character if it's an obstacle, as they did everyone else.
C. Contests are a rip off of a competition Misty entered!
The truth still stands that had Misty stayed, we'd have no May, and in turn, no Max, and that's a bad thing?
In conclusion, you disagree with me by agreeing with me, so what exactly is the issue?
Since you fail to object elsewhere, I take it that the remainder is to your taste, and you also think Jessie was shafted, resembles a backwards country cliché and that May and Dawn should have won.
Not a bad dissection then.
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