#or be allowed to drown him in his ice bath
molliemoo3 · 2 days
Danny should be allowed to beat Crofty with a stick, because I'm on the fucking verge with how many times they've said maybe final race, so how the fuck does he feel
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sserpente · 8 months
My little assassin
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You share the bed with Gortash after you rejected Bhaal, and the Chosen of Bane makes the mistake of making it known to you that he is rather disappointed in your decision. Perhaps he needs to be reminded of his place...
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A/N: I’ve done it. It’s too late now. Gortash wrapped me around his finger. Oh well. Enjoy this little piece. It’s literally based on a dream I had and when I woke up, I was like… 😲 I have to write this!
Words: 710 Warnings: implied smut, mentions of death, blood, murder, decapitation and necrophilia, evil Durge!Tav/Reader (duh)
It was strange, the concept of freedom. Considering all your sins, it was a feeling soaked in both relief and uncertainty to know that the next time your weapon struck, it would be because you willed it so—not because the God of Murder urged you to carry out his bloodthirsty message to the world. But for the first time in too long… you felt at peace, bathing in the silence this new-found freedom brought.
With an audible sigh, you stretched your naked body in the soft satin sheets. Dusk was near, you could see the last sunrays retreating and slowly drowning Gortash’s chambers in comfortable and soothing darkness.
For just a moment, everything felt right. Like you’d never been gone, never been backstabbed by Orin, never been abducted… never ended up with a damn tadpole in your head… never suffered from amnesia.
Your memories were taking their sweet time to come back to you still. But you were getting there. Bits and pieces, crumbs of information your own brain was withholding from you began to form a bigger picture.
If there was one puzzle piece, however, that had already fallen back in place, it was that Enver Gortash and you shared a history that went well beyond an amenable alliance. You were rather unfamiliar with the concept of love and so was he. What you had was a filthy connection made of lust, greed, and lechery. But you liked him—more than you wished to admit. There was no doubt you would viciously slaughter anyone who dared to touch him. Only one person was allowed to kill or fuck him—and that person was you.
“Tell me, what are you thinking about, my little assassin?” His raspy voice was accompanied by the faint rustling of the bed sheets as he turned to face you.
“You. Me. My past. The life that lies ahead of me now that I’m free to do what I wish.”
“Is that so…” he responded with slight dismay, “In all honesty, my dear, it’s a shame you rejected the God of Murder. To be Bhaal’s Chosen… an honour and a responsibility that would have kept you invincible… and more powerful than ever, fit to rule by my side.”
The sudden anger surging within you felt like daggers made of ice boring into your chest. Enver was many things but he was no fighter. He was a cunning politician with a hand for charming people into what he wanted. Before he even had a chance to react, you had already pinned him down on the mattress, straddling him. Your hand closed around his throat, squeezing just hard enough to cut off his air supply but not hard enough to keep him from speaking.
“Do you think I turned good? That I want to become a hero now? That I rejected Bhaal because I could no longer bear the thought of my sins? Oh no,” you spat, “From now on forth, my sins are my own, not Bhaal’s. You’d do well to remember that and respect my decision, Chosen of Bane because as much as I enjoy the idea of your warm corpse drenching the sheets in blood, I’m not much for necrophilia.”
Enver swallowed, and you could feel his Adam’s apple dance beneath your palm. There was a sliver of panic in his dark eyes—it was one thing you liked about him. He’d never underestimate you or what you were capable of. “Of course. You can… let go now, my little assassin.”
You obeyed—for it would indeed be a pity if your renewed companion withered away so quickly. You had no intention whatsoever to kill him just yet, if ever. Still, when you voiced your threat to give your hazardous anger a vent, you knew deep down that you were not lying. “Do not question me again or I will start questioning whether your head should remain attached to your body.”
Gortash laughed, a sound you enjoyed for it usually expressed his admiration for your ruthlessness; and just like that, another snippet of information dripped into your mind. You remembered. You used to enjoy him praising your cruel savagery. You made a good team, you and him. You wouldn’t have it any other way.
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artdivadej · 1 year
Survivor's Remorse (II)
Part Two
18+ | NSFW | PTSD
Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9
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How could I?
Peeta didn’t look scared but that didn’t make this ok. He’s a guy, of course his body would react on instinct. I had no right. I immediately bolt from the bed before he can grab me with those powerful hands of his. Always trying to hold me together and I’d violated him.
“I’m so sorry”, I gasped fighting my tears of disgust.
“Sweetness, you did nothing wrong”, he called in that honey sweet baritone.
I must have looked as feral as I did when I was coming off of the trackerjacker venom during my post-torture rescue. He only ever used that tone with me when I was about to lose my shit.
“I just assaulted you Peeta!”
“No. You were sleeping you-”
“Exactly! Just like what Marvel did to me! You were unconscious!”
“It’s not the same”, he tried softly. “You know how I feel about you. Marvel had no right to touch you!”
I forgot how wild the mention of Marvel made Peeta. I’d never watched our games, no intentions on seeing myself suffer in HD when it never left my nightmares. Marvel was the only tribute that Peeta had killed but I’d been unconscious when it happened. I’d woken up 3 days later latched onto Peeta like a tick, refusing to let go. No panties or shirt under my jacket and jeans but very sore. Marvel was nowhere in sight but, there was blood on the left wall of the cave. Peeta told me he’d gotten to me in time but with the soreness I had? It was clearly to keep what little sanity I’d had left intact. I allowed them to think I’d believed the lie.
It took what little good I had left in me. Forever taking what little hope I had to be with Peeta away.
“I was unconscious. So were you. Unconscious people can’t say no”, I snarled taking another step backwards.
“It’s not the same. I invited you into my bed. I lov-”
“Stop it!” I screeched bolting from the room.
I can hear Peeta scrambling to get together to come behind me but I’ve always been faster. And I cared little for pants anyway. I darted out the window and took off to the forest. It’d grown much lusher since the districts can come and go between each other. It was warm out even with night still reigning. I needed to hurt something so I didn’t hurt myself. Going to my hollowed-out trunk I bypassed the bow today, needing more personal methods of killing tonight.
I stayed out until the sky began to turn Peeta’s favorite colors. Taking that as my sign to head back with my haul. I left half of my kill in the ice cooler in the now updated shed out here that the hunters have asked my permission to utilize. They can carry the heavy buck back to town themselves. I’d skinned it. They can do the rest.
After taking a bath in the pond I finally trekked back to the Victors Village, peeking around the homes to make sure Peeta wasn’t in sight. When the coast was clear I slid into the side window of Haymitch’s living room and started a fire, depositing my kill in the sink. He was fast asleep in one of the armchairs in front of the fire with a cup beside him. I fumbled through the middle cabinet in the back compartment for my secret stash. Found em! I grabbed three of the bottles of the clear liquid and plopped down on the loveseat in front of the fire.
“Want some pants there sweetheart?”, he chuckles with a stretch that makes his bones pop loudly.
“No. But I’ll take a blanket”
He removed the black fuzzy blanket from the chair that Peeta usually sits in and draped it over my legs since I was sitting Indian-style on the couch staring into the flames. The smell of his cinnamon wafted into my nostrils hitting me with another wave of guilt.
“You know he was here looking for you last night, right?”
“I’m sure”, I grimace swallowing 1/3 of the first bottle in one swig.
I understood why Haymitch used to drown himself daily to numb the memories. I quite liked the burn of alcohol myself and the dreamy state that I felt when it hit.
“A bit early for you, isn’t it?”
“You’re one to talk”, I snort
“Exactly. I said early for you”
He took the second bottle from my lap and poured half into his teacup. I shoot him a halfhearted smirk. Haymitch was my mentor but he became more of a father to me than I’d ever known. I liked that he was flawed. It made me feel like I wasn’t alone in this. He didn’t judge me. Haymitch just was blunt. Not everyone liked that. I did. We’d grown close in our last 5 years together knowing he wasn’t one to lie to me....normally. We sat in comfortable silence for a little while before it came tumbling out.
“I molested Peeta”, I breath shakily as I take another gulp.
Haymitch choked on his hot toddy and slammed the cup down. He was on the couch beside me forcing me to look at him faster than I could register with his powerful grip. Sometimes I forget just how agile he can be.
“That is not what you did! Don’t fucking say that again!”
“It’s what it feels like! I was never supposed to taint him!”
“Grow up! You’re both adults now. You know good and God damn well if Peeta invited you to sleep in that bed with him, he’s more than willing to take whatever you give him. He wouldn’t have allowed you to sleep beside him anymore once you turned 18 if you both hadn’t known what could come from your little arrangement!”
“Not like that Pops”, I cried wiping my eyes in frustration. “I almost did to him what Marvel did to me. It’s why I can’t with Peeta. He deserves so much better”
“Is that what you really think happened?”
I’d never seen Haymitch’s crystal blue eyes so downhearted. To finally understand that I never once believed any of them when they told me that lie to keep me sane.
That I know they’d all lied to me.
“If you refuse to watch the game, I think you owe it to Peeta to ask him about what happened that night”
“I did”
He knew this entire topic left me feeling as raw as if the gamemakers rubbed me through a grater.
“No, you didn’t. In the games all you did was ask what happened to Marvel. You never talked about it when he told you he got to you in time. You just assumed he meant saving your life”
“Drop it”
“No. Talk to him about it. It didn’t happen”
“Your pussy didn’t hurt for a week!”, I shout into his stupefied face pushing him away from me and stomping to the kitchen to grab another bottle now that mine were empty.
Haymitch is on me in seconds.
“Look, we can drink ourselves blue, but go sit. Get warm. I’ve got this. We’re going to talk about this. Now”
I resign myself to listen, my body already wracked with physical exhaustion. I didn’t want to deal with the emotional draining this topic required. I curl back up under the soft covers, staring into the flames, wishing they’d swallow me whole. The one person I swore to protect, I’d violated. Yet he’d come here looking for me worried about my mental health. Haymitch has made me a hot toddy and it warms my whole body with each sip.
“You were right you know”
“I always am” he huffed indignantly
“I could live a thousand lifetimes and never deserve him”
“I was being bitter when I said that”
“Still true”
“Never was. You underestimate him as a man and that’s your problem. I know you’re healing; you’re growing. We all are. But you need to accept that he is a man now. Peeta is fully aware of the consequences to all of the choices you two make. Respect him by accepting that”
“I know full well what an amazing person Peeta is”
“Clearly. I said as a man. If you’re dry humping him in your dreams, might as well accept that you love him too. No point in fighting it sweetheart. Truth be told, I thought this happened years ago”
Either the liquor was kicking in or he just was feeling unusually open today. We never really discussed my private life with Peeta sleeping at my place or me at his. I did feel quite loose but I didn’t feel safe. I eyed the chair warily but decided I would need his scent to sleep comfortably. I dragged the comforter up with me and curled into the plush armchair Peeta always sat in, burying my nose in the arm cushion. It smelled just like him. Bread, butter, whiskey and honeysuckle.
“You love him and it’s time to accept it. Even if you were just friends, you don’t think you owe him a conversation about what happened? No matter how in denial you are about what happened in your games”
“I’m scared”, I admit with a tremble as my body sags further into the chair.
I’d only slept for 2 hours at Peeta’s and I was exhausted, the liquor snatching the rest of my energy that his comforting scent hadn’t. I’d been comfortable pretending to believe the lie without ever having to discuss it.
“You’ll get over it” Haymitch snorts tucking the blanket in tighter around me
I feel a kiss to my forehead before I’m out.
Haymitch slipped some morphling in your drink. It was easy to get you to listen when he slipped you some after coming down from a manic episode as your sanity lapsed sometimes. It still happened to him sometimes too. It bothered him that you’d felt this way for 5 years but, hopefully you and Peeta would work that out.
Speaking of which.
Haymitch made his way 5 houses down, not bothering to knock as he strolled into Peeta’s kitchen. He’d been up all night worried about you. It was clear because there was fresh baked bread, rolls and bagels all over the counters. Haymitch pocketed 2 rolls clearly made from District 4’s tropical ingredients. Finnick must have sent some over. He grabbed a loaf of raisin bread that had to have come out recently because it was steaming. Peeta looked up from the sink hearing Haymitch crunch on a bear-claw behind him noisily. He quickly dropped the pan he’d been holding and darted over, his wide brown eyes full of worry.
“Is she ok?”
“You are free to come and pick up your delightful cinnamon roll at your leisure. She’s passed out in your chair. Again”
“Did...did you slip her morphling?”
“Didn’t have much choice after the nonsense she was talking”
“What do you mean?”
Peeta removed his apron and slipped on a hoodie, following Haymitch down the front stairs. Haymitch stopped and let out a sigh that seemed like it weighed his entire spirit down.
“She thinks she molested you. And that Marvel raped her”
Now it was Peeta’s turn to recoil.
It would take at least 6 hours for the morphling to wear off but Peeta was nothing if he wasn’t patient. He waited 11 years just to be noticed by you. He could wait a few more hours to clear this up and truly make you his. He made his way into Haymitch’s living room to see you passed out on his lounge. Nuzzling your nose deep into the cushions to feel as if you were surrounded by his natural smell. This brought Peeta some comfort. You still only wore one of his t-shirts and a pair of boxershorts, but it was clear you’d been out hunting. There were still some leaves in your long, dark curls. There were still some leaves in your long, dark curls. He plucked them out and ran his fingers through them tenderly.
“Sorry about this”
“Don’t be. Just...work this out. Today”
“I will”
Peeta scooped you into his arms with ease, blanket and all, carrying you to his home and lying you down back in the bed. He had at least an hour before you began to fight at the morphling, realizing you were alone.
He had to find that tape.
Then he'd have to wake up an old ally. Hopefully he'd have time for him right now.
It took about 20 minutes of fumbling through the large box from when Effie had sent the previous victor tapes over for the Quarter Quell but he finally found it. It took another 20 minutes to split the particularly unpleasant angles out, Peeta grit his teeth angrily trying to keep his head together as his rage threatened to consume him. Beetee helped him through it, talking deeply and gently through their breathing and processing techniques. Once he had the tape together he took it into the bedroom and lay it on the nightstand. Watching you sleep for a little bit, wanting to climb in beside you so bad.
A few hours of indulgence couldn't hurt.
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dearsnow · 9 months
- you’re the closest to heaven that johnny cade will ever get, and the night sky begins to urge his feelings past the brink of overthinking. (johnny cade x gn!reader, fluff but a little achy, ooc dialogue because it’s meant to be poetic)
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word count: 694
a/n- another fic based on a song, how classic asther of me 😭 this one is iris by the goo goo dolls. i hope y’all enjoy because i remembered that this song existed and thought, “oh my god i can make a hyperfixation fic out of this”! and i did. this is also barely proofread so 💀 love you guys <3
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It is a particularly dark night, one where the stars shine like bright pinpricks in the sky and the moon is as plump and full as a perfectly ripe fruit. It’s cold, as well, with a delightful shiver that makes you shrink into the jean jacket wrapped around your shoulders.
You’re staring up into the inky blackness, and Johnny Cade is staring at you. The soft moonlight bathes you in a glow that he believes is unmatched by any earthly thing. His heart beats in his chest, fast and loud. His fingers brush by yours, a cold contrast to the warmth of your palms.
When you wrap your hands around his, remarking that he must be freezing, he thinks that he could die of a heart attack at any moment. If he could stare into your eyes just like this, though, he would die a happy man. Words unsaid bubble in the pits of your souls, so much so that Johnny can feel them tumbling off his tongue before he can even think about the topic of two seconds ago. He opens his mouth, inhibitions damned.
“I don’t want to go home. Not now, not ever. I want to stay here with you until Hell freezes over.” He murmurs. He loves you, and he knows it. The blanket underneath his jeans is just soft enough to be comfortable, and the picnic basket by his feet is long-forgotten, and you look up at him with eyes full of wonder.
In all honesty, you don’t want to go home either. Being with Johnny is like having someone know the most intimate parts of you just by glancing at a fraction of your face. He is, unlike all others, most completely in tune with everything you are thinking. And through time and effort and patience, you know him like the back of your hand as well. He is the kindest boy you have ever met, and if you had to ice the underworld to stay in his presence, you would do it in a heartbeat.
The air around his face is clouded with his soft breaths, and you move closer, placing his hands in your lap. “I feel the same way.”
“You’re just… the closest to Heaven that I’ll ever be. I want you all the time, every day.” His voice is rough, just like his palms. You cannot think of a sweeter sound, and it forces you to bare your mind to him.
“And you can have me.” You smile, and yet your next words come out with a little hesitation. “I love you. I ache for you, really. I want you to be like this all the time, open and confident in the things that you’re sure of, because you can always be sure that I’m here. I want you to be gold. Good and soft and true.” Your voice wobbles at the end of the last sentence, and it sends a pang through Johnny’s stomach. He leans his head on your shoulder. If he could be anything, do anything, he would want to be with you.
Your heart swells when he touches you, gently, like he always does. He brushes a stray blade of grass away from the spot next to your ear. “If I’m gold, you’re an angel sent straight from the place up high.”
A laugh rings from your stomach, bounding into the night. He smiles.
“If I’m an angel,” you ask, “can you be my gold necklace? Right over my heart? Or are they not allowed the frivolities of mortal life?”
He hums, looking up at the sky and then back down to you. “I think you’d be allowed anything, so long as you keep being the greatest angel I’ve ever known.”
You run a small lock of his hair through your fingers as the stars directly above you shine through the clouds trying to drown out their light. “I’m flattered.” You say. “If I am an angel, and you are my necklace, I believe that any place could be heaven.”
His lips pull at the corners to form a sort of sad-happy smile. “I hope so. I really, really hope so.”
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devildomwriter · 2 years
Diavolo Birthday Fun Fact Special 100 Facts
1. Diavolo loves hellfire mushroom rolled cigar cookies. Lucifer tried to make them but messed up, Diavolo insisted on trying anyway but thought he was going to die and begged MC to not let Lucifer make them again
2. When Barbatos and Lucifer discuss hiding pickles in Diavolo’s food to get him used to them, Diavolo says feels like they’re plotting to poison him
3. Satan placed a curse of Lucifer that made him unable to stop sneezing but Diavolo thought it was cute
4. Diavolo likes bathing in the light of the moon
5. Lucifer’s brothers, and the Devildom media in general all ship Lucifer and Lord Diavolo. On Lucifer’s birthday nightmare in the corner it’s written that Diavolo, Lucifer, a succubus and Asmodeus went to dinner on a supposed double date
6. To greet the new exchange students, Diavolo’s tailors wanted him to wear a fancy royal suit but he opted for his normal school uniform
7. Diavolo loves cute things but when MC tells the brothers they don’t believe them
8. Diavolo allows Mammon to get away with most things because Lucifer asked him
9. When a human shot at Belphegor, Diavolo revealed his true form and tried to sick the royal army on him before Belphegor asked him not to
10. Diavolo considers Belphegor’s hatred of humans to be treasonous and somehow found out Belphegor planned to destroy the human world. This lead to Lucifer hiding him in the attic to save him from Diavolo who had him thrown in the dungeons—further punishment was possible
11. Diavolo wears a lot of red, even his hair is red, this is likely a reference to the stereotype of the Devil being red
12. Diavolo is stated by the others to be born with a silver spoon in his mouth
13. Diavolo enjoys pranks and a majority of the original events were all his doing
14. Diavolo once accidentally brought the Easter eggs to life and they hatched into cockatrices and imprinted on him, following him around like he was their mother
15. Diavolo is the first character to interact with MC
16. Diavolo heard about an ice cream place doing a couple’s deal, he asked Barbatos and Lucifer before asking MC
17. Diavolo enjoys teasing Lucifer. One way he does this is by frequently sending the Princess Diavolo and Prince Lucifer stickers that Lucifer hates
18. Diavolo thinks that static-spiders are cute
19. Diavolo can give sentience to inanimate objects like toys
20. Diavolo has been shown many times to be able to create life from nothing as he has many private islands with eco-systems and fake suns and moons
21. Diavolo is the strongest being in the realm
22. Diavolo has the ability to tell when someone is lying. This means he knew Lucifer was hiding Belphegor and allowed him to until Belphegor escaped.
23. Diavolo’s favorite flower is the abyss flower
24. Diavolo says MC is the only one who has been bold enough to ask him for a pact
25. Diavolo once saved a kitten from drowning in the swamp. Lucifer asked him not to tell Satan.
26. Diavolo and Mephistopheles used to be friends. It is assumed their different political opinions involving peace between the realms, led to a rift
27. Diavolo is often associated with dragons
28. Diavolo loves plushies
29. Barbatos is concerned about Asmo’s parties but Diavolo wishes to join them
30. Diavolo gets lonely easily and many of his Devilgram comments involve wishing he’d been invited
31. Diavolo is stated by Leviathan to have otaku potential
32. Diavolo goes to great lengths to avoid the great witch Maddi who refused to leave the Devildom unless Diavolo married her. Whenever she returns, Diavolo pins the job on someone else
33. When a cat got into the castle it scratched up the curtains, Diavolo thought it was whimsical and adorable and wouldn’t mind if it came back
34. In a chat Diavolo mentions that he loves cycling. Other chats suggest he likes to exercise early in the morning, as he also likes early morning jogging
35. Diavolo does not mind rats as much as Barbatos as he noticed one and stared at it while being scolded by Barbatos without complaining or shooing it away
36. Diavolo became very attached to a flame salamander and was depressed when it ran off
37. Other than pickles, Diavolo is stated to also hates garlic anchovy dip and bell peppers
38. The first suggestive moment released between MC and Diavolo, he was wearing a dragon pajama onesie
39. Diavolo gets a perfect score in karaoke
40. Diavolo worries about Lucifer a lot, even keeping secrets hoping it’ll protect his metal health but usually the opposite happens
41. Diavolo stated something happened that made him desire peace between the worlds but he’s never said what
42. Barbatos says Lucifer is like family to lord Diavolo
43. Diavolo thinks the brothers’ antics are hilarious, even laughing at bizarre events like Beelzebub eating one of the pillars in his castle
44. Diavolo lures Barbatos into the castle with rare tea and wouldn’t let him leave until he agreed to become his butler
45. Diavolo is still surprised by some “commoner” things since he grew up so wealthy and isolated
46. Diavolo’s mother died giving birth to him and Diavolo believes his father blames him and this is why he avoids him and was so strict with him
47. Diavolo has stated he wishes to live in a small cottage in the country side
48. Diavolo sometimes uses a spell on himself that lets him blend into the crowd and have fun
49. Diavolo is very passionate about school spirit events
50. Diavolo was neglected and isolated during his childhood, until he met Barbatos he’d never spoken to anyone outside of the castle
51. Because Diavolo was so isolated, Barbatos would tell him stories of the outside world and this made Diavolo beg him to work for him and threw tantrums. Eventually Barbatos agreed when Diavolo threatened he would not become king otherwise.
52. When Thirteen made a color spraying gun for the annual Devildom color race, it was like swimming in paint but Diavolo apparently enjoyed it very much
53. Diavolo is a prominent CEO in the human world of a hotel chain
54. Diavolo admired Angel Lucifer very much and was very courteous with him even though the then-Angel was very rude and judgmental
55. Diavolo often goes to the extreme in gift giving and vacationing— buying a plot of land for Lucifer (when Lucifer said he wished he had somewhere to relax), renting out entire cruise ships and more
56. Evidenced by saving Lilith, Diavolo has healing abilities and some genetic manipulation powers as well as he was able to make an Angel a human
57. Though he isn’t king yet, Diavolo is the acting king and has full control over Devildom politics and affairs
58. Diavolo does not like doing paperwork and is scolded by Barbatos often
59. MC might be the only one (aside from Barbatos) who knows Diavolo’s past and his feelings about it as he trusts them very much and no one has ever alluded to Diavolo’s harsh childhood
60. Before texting MC, Diavolo tells them Lucifer was the only one who’d message him until then
61. For unknown reasons Diavolo once went for Solomon’s throat but solomon shrunk him before he could
62. For Christmas, Diavolo changed the weather and made it snow and had everything decorated like the human world with red, white, and green
63. Diavolo really likes bath bombs
64. When interacting with Diavolo, negative interactions lead to a few threatening dialogues like suggesting MC doesn’t value their life, they don’t want to see him angry, and he wishes to not be disappointed
65. Diavolo believes humans are interesting creatures.
66. Diavolo forgets how to act in front of humans as he mentioned dragon meat when at a human world market and Lucifer had to quiet him
67. Diavolo is indirectly responsible for Levi’s inferiority complex and otaku obsessions since it started when Angel Levi, in charge of the celestial realm navy, was rendered useless because Diavolo negotiated peace
68. In a psychology test, Diavolo is revealed to want to constantly observe the object of his affections
69. Diavolo fears Simeon’s wrath
70. Diavolo wanted to put a 300 ft Christmas tree in the castle but Barbatos stopped him
71. Diavolo loves planning new events and sharing his ideas
72. Diavolo enjoys scavenger hunts
73. Diavolo secretly asks Lucifer’s brothers about what he was like as Angel because Lucifer won’t tell him
74. When given a revelation tomato, Diavolo states he doesn’t want MC to leave the castle and tells them to decide how to interpret it
75. Diavolo once gave ghost balloons to Luke, a balloon that pops on its own. It scared Luke and he was scolded by Solomon and Simeon
76. Diavolo loves seeing MC’s excited expression
77. Diavolo’s favorite tv show is the Tarot Games. He bought most of the merchandise no matter it’s price
78. Diavolo wants to open an animal cafe
79. A giant gingerbread man tried to attack Diavolo once but Lucifer sent Cerberus after it
80. Diavolo likes playing with animals and often watches after them on top of his royal duties
81. When Diavolo joined the Fad of putting a sticker on your DDD portraying your emotion his said “Look at me”
82. Diavolo loves Zombie Iguanas and finds them very cute but MC is the only one who’s given him one
83. Diavolo bought a lunch that could include a lucky stick that earns you another free lunch but he chose to keep the stick as a happy momento over getting the free lunch
84. Diavolo is unnerved looking at portraits of himself as he feels they present him as being far more noble and regal than he is
85. Regardless of how Diavolo feels, as a royal he must but his duties above all else even if it pains him to do so
86. Diavolo once snuck out the castle window to get out of doing paperwork
87. Diavolo enjoys his annual kingdom-wide birthday parties as he can feel his citizens love and adoration for him
88. As of Diavolo’s 2022 birthday he has a stuffed animal Sheep that looks like MC
89. In the game whenever Diavolo shares a kiss 99% of the time he says he cannot have just one
90. Diavolo is often oblivious how his extravagant events and pranks affect those around him
91. Diavolo has always wanted to go treasure hunting
92. When MC offered to be Diavolo’s pet in place of the Flame Salamander that ran away, Diavolo winked and said he may take them up on that offer
93. In the fourth season, Diavolo debated the brothers and tried to have MC stay at the castle with him
94. After the purgatory hall gang left the castle to return home after a few nights away, Diavolo stated it felt quiet and lonely
95. Even though Diavolo sees Lucifer as a brother, he still treats him as a boss. On several occasions he severely scolds Lucifer or tells him he’s disappointed in him for simple things like almost nodding off or failing to keep control over his brothers
96. Diavolo is good friends with the Queen of Roses and before the event involving her began, he was the only man she trusted
97. Diavolo was once so tired he fell asleep on Barbato’s shoulder at a party he decided to throw fit Lucifer and his brothers.
98. During the part-time job event Diavolo pulls strings to have Barbatos, Lucifer, and Mammon be the firemen sent out the deal with the fire despite them only just starting. When Lucifer asks about it and the irresponsibility, Diavolo says he was able to do this because he is old friends with the Fire Chief
99. When Solomon notices and tells Diavolo he’s looking tired, Diavolo responds that it is unacceptable for someone in his position to draw worry from others and he’ll be more careful in the future
100. Diavolo wanted a pneumatic tube (mail suctioning tube) put in the student council room but was shut down by Barbatos and Lucifer
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joanaa--filipaaa · 18 days
A new beginning - Baji Keisuke & Chifuyu Matsuno
Characters: Baji & Chifuyu of Tokyo Revengers Theme: Sadness, love, affection, anxiety, depression, suicide attempt, sensitive content, new beginning, overcoming.
Word count: 907
Here I am, sitting on the balcony of our building, drowning in my little box of memories, remembering all our moments.
I catch our first photo, when we were 8 years old, making faces at the new camera that his mother had just bought. I remember that that day we had gone to the ice cream store, I bought you, with your allowance, a good strawberry ice cream. You tasted mine and I tasted yours, I can't look at the chocolate ice cream with vanilla without remembering you. I move on to another photo, in this little polaroid we were 9 years old, we were about to enter our new school when my parents had the magnificent idea of taking a picture of us, me crying because I didn't want to go to the shit of that hell, and you were consoling me, saying that regardless of anything you were going to stay with me for all the time, making me feel good.
Another one appears, it was at my 10th birthday party. That photo marked the moment before you sent me with my cake in my own face, me smiling and you already holding the cake, about to get me all dirty, I remember that at that moment I was upset with you, but at this moment I just wanted you to throw my birthday cake in my face again. Another photo is revealed, this one already 13, you in the uniform of the Toman, proud to wear that costume that only brought you problems, and death.
I take the most recent, the one from our last meeting, the one from our first time, the night I gave you a piece of me and you gave me a piece of you, when you made me yours, and I made you mine. Little did I know that this would be the first and last time I would feel you, touch you and kiss you. Already drooling, snot and tears, I tighten our commitment necklace, the one you gave me before you left me.
With your last words in my head, "I'll be fine, just take care of yourself! He thinks that soon we will be together again. I promise you that at night I will make you scream louder, I want all my neighbors to know that you are mine! I love you more than anything Yn, don't forget me… Never." I scream, "I just want you back! I just want you back! I JUST WANT YOU BACK FUCKING BACK! COME BACK TO ME KEISUKE! " " YN! " I hear a familiar voice, but I don't care, I just want to go to my baji's side, I just want to go to his arms.
I run to the edge of the building" Throw yourself down! Go to your boyfriend go! Kill you Yn! Will! Will! Will! " The voices get louder with each passing second, I just want this to end, until a comfort hits me. "Shh, it's okay…"He says grabbing me, pulling me to the ground, far away from the edge, hugging me tightly.
Chi-Chifuyu. I want him.. Back! " "I know, I want him too Yn. But think he's in a better place, I'm sure that right now he's here hugging you, along with me." The boy starts to caress me on my back, making me calmer, only keisuke could calm me down, but now, chifuyu could too, and I'm very grateful for that. "I… I hope he's here now! I wish I could tell you how much I love you! Even after 6 years since that horrible day… I still can't stand the pain! I.. I just wanted to see him one more time… Kiss him just one more time… Play it just one more time.. I'm tired.. "
"He knows that you love him a lot, he also loves you a lot, because he also did that to save you Yn. Now I think it's better to enter.. It's getting cold and a certain girl can get sick! " He says already standing up, taking me along. "Ye-yes"
After calming down, I went to take a relaxing bath, while I dried off, Chiuyu started to make our dinner, until I decided to talk to him about something that was already in my head "Chifuyu?" "Hm?" "Why have you taken care of me since that day?" "Well… Baji, he made me promise one thing. If it ended as it did, I had to take care of you for the rest of my life…" "Ah.. I… I didn't know that…" "Yes.. It was a secret of our own… "I… I would like to live the rest of my life with you chifuyu.. " "Ahh.. Why?! "
"You make me feel safe… As Baji also made me… I feel that being with you is the same as being with baji… " "Oh… Yes Yn, I understand." Chifuyu and I stared at each other and started eating our meal. After we finished, we went to wash the dishes, while he washed, I dried. Our hands would sometimes growl like this, making us blush. Until the specific time our hands touched again, chifuyu grabbed her and looked at me, we stared deeply and then kissed.
Meanwhile, Baji Keisuke sees the loves of their lives start over. Happy and at peace, Baji left for good, thus going to another world, being able to rest, ceasing to wander in the lives of Yn and Chifuyu. Perhaps this is a new beginning, after a long good and depressing chapter has closed.
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anxiouslyfred · 2 months
Illogical Logic
Summary: Logan's schedule is too much for most of the sides and Remus takes a stand against it.
Author's note: I tried. This was the only way I could think to fit the idea I'd written down that seemed to fit the series as well.
My idea for this fic: Remus needs to insult/ call out Logan or maybe Patton for acting/assuming illogically to his views by saying he could take an ice bath in magma near them.
The rota started it.
Remus was absolutely against Logan’s form of scheduling Thomas’s day and unlike Roman refused to listen to how warped Thomas’s logic had grown over getting his life on track. Aside from the fact that it’s trains not people that run on tracks and Remus had already been banned from trying to change that in the imagination, it simply wasn’t feasible or taking into consideration any other part of Thomas.
There were ‘allowances’ small periods of time given to claim that everyone was being considered but were never more than that; an allowance as small as possible.
Janus wasn’t upset by the rota, had long since perfected arguing in ways the logical side could understand but if lawyers are made of deceptions and convincing people to their views, then of course Deceit would be able to.
For the last week however, Roman had been over-running his allotted time, Virgil had been overworked and Patton, well he’d been trying to drag out the times scheduled for friends, and cooking as long as he could without Logan getting annoyed. They were all pushing the schedule but trying to appease the logic behind it and Remus was doing the rest.
He was stopping Thomas at any other point of the day, unsettling him and slowing any possible progress. Any time Logan turned around, there was Remus causing chaos and delays again, setting the entire schedule off.
“Enough! Everyone here.” Logan called, arms pulling up, trying to summon all the other sides at once.
“Uh No.” Remus replied, lowering them again. “I don’t think they need yelling at Loginator.”
The hands were yanked from his grasp, Logan’s eyes narrowing at him. “Fine then! You’ve been the biggest issue regardless. Your behaviour this week has been atrocious and left Thomas far behind many tasks we needed to get done.”
Remus imitated an incorrect buzzer, “The schedule is a suitcase bursting open in the airport to reveal a hundred dildos in that state that made it illegal to own more than one. Then the owner gets arrested, strip searched, sent to prison without delay for perversion and their whole life imploded. Especially their hole.”
“It’s intricately calculated and balanced by logic to-”
“If that’s logic then I could take an ice bath in lava. Let’s try!” He cheered, easily shifting the mindspace to start lava seeping into the room.
Logan blinked, straightening his glasses. “Why would you declare it illogical?” There was a tick in his head as if he was trying to withhold from screaming.
“Uh I’m here. I know illogic better than anyone. It’s my thing and you are thief!” Remus beamed at him, “So I’m thinking jail time, torture, drowning, sacrifice and test subject. Do you have any thoughts?”
“I think I’d like to hear from the others now. Perhaps ask someone else what’s wrong with the schedule.” Logan offered.
Remus tilted his head for a moment, bringing the schedule up, and the pie chart Logan had once made to explain it. “I don’t know. Their slices are pretty small. You really can’t get a decent mouthful of any of them. Your own ass would be a better bite.”
Pinching his nose, Logan nodded, snatching the pages back. “I’ll revise it, but never call me illogical again.”
“Maybe think about that debate you had with Virgil way back.” Remus agreed, “I’m thinking next week I’ll tie you in as many knots physically as you seem to have gone through to think that’s still logical.”
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camusscigarette · 4 months
Gimmie the Bedelia and Hannibal Headcannons 😈
Hannibal and Bedelia and their life as Parents:
Inspiration :Vous, you, toi, @starlight-nerd
Now, imagine Bedelia didn't have an abortion (reference to God knows what part of the Florence HCs), she would still hide the pregnancy from Hannibal. She's pregnant, she's anxious, he killed two people before her eyes she couldn't help but worry she might be next. So what if he ate her and her unborn child? No Bedelia would go insane.
She hid the pregnancy for two months. Fainted on the 4th,actually, late 4th almost at the beginning of her 5th month of pregnancy. They had an opera. No dress would zip fully. She wore a shape wear and a corset. Silly of her to think she's survive in the corset when her dress already had an imbedded corset as well. She fainted. I mean, to be fair, they had a wedding in plain daylight, everything smelled too floral,the sun was Killing her, and she the glass of champagne she had in hand to make it seem like she's drinking was drowning her poor nostrils. Oh, and she was on an empty stomach.
When he found out he gave her the silent treatment. Even when she cried and explained why she did what she did, he still gave her silence. He needed time to.process things. But don't confuse silence with neglect. Oh no. He was overprotective. He watched over her. Made her more Gelato because she has been eating those. the most during her first four months That disgusting craving of Vanilla ice cream with olive oil and sea salt. (His heart broke every time he combined those three ingredients in a bowl. Also, I think I started the Bedelia and Gelato cult on accident? Slay). Oh and baths. He wouldn't dare touch her stomach though.
She nagged his ear off when he was giving her silence. It lasted five days. She confronted him on the fifth with pure rage (also because he had messed up her favorite soup and she was utterly heartbroken by the change of flavors). He apologized and took her to bed that night. Spending a few hours in-between her legs and tending to her plum breasts. Because..well ..she grew more sensitive. Think smart not hard guys. (He thought both ways. He was hard all the time hearing her moan like that)
When it came to gender reveal, I know we all collectively agree she'd be a girl. She'd name her after a Targaryen. (Wasn't her idea it was Hannibal as her hair was such a bright colour of golden it looked white in the sun. Daenerys. Her name's Daenerys.)
The first thing they agreed to have in the nursery was a Library
The decoration in there is very.. Angelical.
Her labor was.. difficult. Very difficult. She was in Labor for three days. She refused to tell him she was in Labor. She was terrified. The last month she's been having nightmares about him hurting her and she refused to tell him, she refused to let him in, refused to let him take her to a hospital. She gave birth all on her own. At first, her baby didn't cry, but then, after a few gentle spanks she woke up. Her cries filling the room and that's when she allowed the midwife Hannibal had brought in to come and help.
First few nights were absolutely exhausting, he'd wake up with her and soothe Bedelia back to sleep once their daughter would fall back into slumber herself.
Hannibal took responsibility for her meals when she reached the age recommended for her to start with solids.
Bedelia produced a lot of breast milk, and pumping was exhausting and always left her sore. So...he may or may not have volunteered to soothe her on certain nights (certain? mhmm.....)
She discovered once a photo book of her journey, her pregnancy . Filled with pictures from every months. She keeps it in their private Library.
Hannibal does all the hair braiding. A Targaryen deserves Targaryen braids. He'd tell Bedelia.
Hannibal has a dramatic Victorian portrait of them when Daenerys was a baby. He plans on having a few more done when she's 5, when she's 12 and when she's 17-18. His princess deserves princess treatment.
He got her baptized in an Orthodox Church. To him it was symbolic. Bedelia couldn't care less.
Bedelia is a great mother to her child. She understood her so well. Yet she was slightly overprotective over. A tad bit too much. Afraid that her daughter might get taken advantage of, which is why she tossed away every other hobby and told Hannibal she wants her to take self defense. So they started with Boxing, then Muay Thai and Jiu Jiutsu.
Every once in a while (At the end of every month quite literally), Hannibal would get both Bedelia and Daenerys flowers. Peonies for Bedelia and Hibiscus for Daenerys.
Bedelia taught her how to garden. And how to shoot a gun.
Hannibal taught her how to cook. Unfortunately for him, she loves seafood more just like her mother.
They brought her teachers to teach her more languages. Hannibal spoke to her in Lithuanian sometimes and Bedelia in French. (Though he's learning High Valyrian for the sake of her name)
And that's possibly it? Idk, I'm not used to fluff 😭. Hope you liked it!!!!
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hamatosami · 4 months
1| discovery
Notes: I'm so happy and proud to present my first finalized and edited chapter of this book! It feels good to finally put out something I'm proud of. Anastasia is a character I've worked years to develop. I'm so excited to share the rest of the story with you guys. The chapters may be longer due to the rewriting. I'm sure you guys won't mind.
👈🏼 previous chapter 
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     Never in my life did I believe that I would be fighting side by side against the one and only Eric Sacks. Although, I found myself helplessly agreeing to it and everything in my soul told me not to. I sloppily swirled my rocks glass around, suddenly not entertained by the idea of intoxication anymore. I let the ice water down my liquor until it was no longer desirable. No matter how many sips I took, it couldn't drown the bitter taste in my mouth. My heart rested in my throat, waiting to explode. Head leaning heavy against my other hand. I bit the inside of my cheek due to feeling on edge.
Eric is most definitely hiding something.
It couldn't be true. The idea of mutant ninja turtles. Although, I couldn't deny the pictures he showed me. I found my glass to be empty again.
"I'll have another." My voice sounded more rugged than usual. Eric's hand pushed mine back down unto the bar top.
"Actually, we'll just get the tab. All on one." I ruggedly gave him the death stare for shutting me off. "You've had enough." He concluded.
I dramatically flinched my hand away from his
"You're right. I have had enough." I began to walk away, heading towards the door and my bike after a pretty defeating night. Eric ran in front of me.
"You shouldn't drive Anna. At least let me take you home."
I laughed at his audacity. Surly he couldn't be joking.
"There's a mugging on 5th. I have to check it out." My ear bud rang in all sorts of information at just the right time, giving me the perfect excuse to leave the vicinity.
"I can't let anything happen to you." Eric took ahold of my arm one more time. At this point I was way past annoyed. Only because I could hear in his voice that he wasn't genuine at all. He took a frustrated sigh. "They call you the Hachiman." He said low into my ear.
"Who does?"
"The Foot. They're not very happy with what you've been doing."
"They need a better name." I pushed. Not taking this seriously.
"I'm just trying to help you." He positioned. Although, I could hear it in his voice that he wasn't being very truthful.
"You don't have to be nice to me Eric. No amount of kindness will ever atone for the years of abandonment and hate you projected onto Zayne, your very own brother. It was your job to look after him, but I ended up picking up every piece and holding him together while you bathed in your undeserving wealth." I walked closer to him now feeling suddenly sober. "I won't allow you to fix your guilt through me. That pain. That ache that just won't go away. You deserve to live with that." I huffed finding my fists tight. "Now get out of my way." I warned once.
Without saying a single word he stepped aside as I walked away to my bike. Leaving into my beloved city.
Ultimately, I woke up relatively early despite
going to bed so late. Mascara smudged from the night before and a pounding headache that greeted me the moment I opened my eyes. My heart sank deeper into my chest, heaving heavy with slow and steady beats.
God what the hell did I agree to?
The idea that I was about to singly handedly take down a robbery by The Foot tonight was strikingly scary. I couldn't understand why, it's not the first time I've tried to stop them. Shockingly, I've never been afraid of The Foot until now.
I guess the difference was that I was entrusting a person I've never trusted in my entire life. And the possibility of live, mutant ninja turtles... yeah that one I'm going to have to see to believe.
I was agnostic on most believes in anything mystical. I didn't believe in most things I couldn't see or touch. Religion? A made up fairytale. Even when I was a child I never once believed in Santa Clause or the Tooth Fairy. If it didn't make sense, I didn't believe in it. If there wasn't any concrete proof, I would deem it a made up story.
So why would I believe in mutant ninja turtles?
I got up and ready for my day, oddly feeling that I wouldn't return. Everything in my gut is telling me to stay home tonight, but I had to remember my purpose.
My fingers brushed against the framed picture on my nightstand of Zayne. I held it close to my chest letting a single tear fall to my ear.
I have to do this for him. His death has to mean something.
Taking a deep sigh as I threw my leather jacket over my shoulders, paying close attention to the silver buttons of the collar; I couldn't shake my nerves.
This was very unusual for me to feel. I very rarely felt fear and at times that I did feel fear, I would enjoy the adrenaline. But this time is different.
"Why do I feel like I won't come home today?" I whispered to myself in the mirror. As I loaded my pistol, I took special notice to the magazine. "Only 15 rounds."
Would that be enough?
I was going into this so blindly, I desperately needed something with larger capacity. And I knew exactly who could help me.
Knock knock knock
The door opened slowly and cautiously.
"Casey." I said plainly. He scowled me up and down barley able to recognize me. A lot has changed since he last saw me. "I need to talk to you."
"Come in." Still looking astound he guided me into his apartment. "Anna you look so... well I haven't seen you since,"
"The funeral." I finished for him. I'm not shocked that he's surprised to see me. I went MIA after Zayne died. "I know I haven't returned any of your calls."
"I know." He was searching for his words. "I've been worried about you, I've seen you along the police scanners at work. I had to cover for you a few times."
"Thank you." I bit my lip. "I've umm, had a few life changes after he passed. I'm sure you can relate."
"Yeah by joining the police force, not dressing up and playing visualante every night." I laughed at his comment.
"Lighten up Casey." I patted him on the arm. "It's not like I haven't seen you with your hockey mask busting skulls."
"This is different Anna, you're going to get killed. The Foot isn't something you should be playing around with."
A smile grew to my face.
"You know about The Foot." I concluded looking deep into his eyes.
"More than I'd like to." He shook his head. "I started looking into them after Zayne passed away and I... it's a bottomless pit." He turned away from me.
"I believe they killed him." I took a deep sigh. "Which is why I'm here to talk to you." I pulled out the picture of the mutants Eric gave me. "Now tell me, what do you know about mutants." He hesitated to answer me at first, but I was delighted to hear his response.
"I thought it was all a myth."
"Eric Sacks believes these are the things that killed him. I'm... going out tonight to hunt them down." Caseys eyes reverted to mine wider than I've ever seen them.
"No you're not"
"I am... along with Eric."
"What and you trust the guy?! He has been nothing but untrustworthy his whole life. Remember all the times he would get aggressive with you?!"
"I'm well aware." I put my hands up defending myself. "I don't trust him which is why I need him right where I can see him. Look I'm going into this empty handed completely alone."
"Well don't. Because the last thing I need is another funeral to attend!"
"Then help me not die. And if not for me, do it for Zayne. He was your best friend, and this could give us real answers here." His hands ran through his hair daring to say anything.
"What would you need from me?"
"An assault rifle would be a start. And maybe someone to stall the cops around 8pm tonight so I have time to get close enough to the Foot."
"If I do this for you, just promise me you'll make it out alive."
"I'll try." I said with tears forming in my eyes.
He pulled me into a hug as I cried into his chest. Casey was my only friend left. I peaked over his shoulder of the three of us in a picture. I was more than ready to find some real answers. No matter what it took.
I arrived to Sacks Industries with a sudden chill down my back. It had been months since I've been here. And this would be the first time I've ever been here without Zayne.
Eric greeted me at the door.
"Anastasia. Welcome."
"No need to be formal." I raised an eyebrow looking around at his overpriced architecture. People in New York are starving and he's here swimming around in an unhealthy amount of wealth. The money he spends on something as little as his watch, could change a lot of lives. "I'm here strictly for business."
"Right." He cleared his throat. "Right this way. There's someone I want you to meet." We went up his elevator to a room I surprisingly didn't recognize, but apparently you needed some sort of facial recognition to unlock the doors.
"Anastasia Hall." I was greeted by a US soldier. Dressed precisely in uniform. I was immediately thrown off. He greeted me with a warm smile and a firm handshake. "My God! 16 robberies, 35 assaults, and 7 murderers all single handedly stopped because of you. I must say Miss. Hall, it is an honor to meet you." His voice was warm and welcoming.
"Wait, what?" He laughed.
"Allow me to introduce myself. I am Lieutenant Steele, and I will be assisting you on our operations to fight against The Foot Clan."
I turned around to Eric quickly.
"Wait... this was your team you were talking about? The United States Army?!"
"Hey I figured if in told you, you wouldn't agree."
"You're damn right I wouldn't! Visualante work is illegal. I could go to prison for the rest of my life for this."
"Anna." He swirled his glass of scotch around with a sarcastic edge to his voice. "You might want to listen to what he has to say."
I whipped my head back around to the Lieutenant. Awaiting to hear his foreclosure.
Mr. Steele grew a smile only I could sniff out as fake. I knew in my heart I couldn't trust him.
"Please, Miss Hall. Sit." He motioned his hand towards a mahogany chair. I followed keeping my eyes stiff, careful of every movement and every word.
"Tell me precisely why the military is involved with this. And why you need my help."
He chuckled.
"A bit eager aren't we?" He began to pour a glass of wine. "Me and my men behind me are working in secret from the military my dear, so your fear of getting caught won't come true." He cleared his throat. "The Foot had managed to infiltrate into our military, our government and just about everything in between. They disguise themselves as normal civilians, making it harder to identify them. So me and a few of my trusted troops reached out to people who would be willing to help fund us, help us expose the foot for who they really are before things get out of hand."
"Things are already out of hand. Besides you're the military, why would you need someone like me to help you?" I questioned now at the edge of my seat.
"Because surprisingly Anastasia, you've been the one who's ever gotten the closest to exposing the Foot."
I snickered at his comment. My hands slapped against the table now leaning into him.
"I don't believe you for one second. You guys get all the funding in the world, you wouldn't need Sacks money. So what are you really up to?" My voice seethed lower.
His eyebrows raised. "Maybe, you'd believe me had Zayne ever introduced me to you." He reached into his pocket and pulled a picture out of him and Zayne together. "I'm his Uncle."
A lump formed in my throat as I leaned back into my chair. I took a large sigh.
"Okay..." I looked around suddenly feeling dizzy from this information. "If I do this I have some conditions" I said now shaking my leg.
"Anything." He sat back in his chair.
"25 thousand up front." I said to at too casually.
"No way!" Eric interrupted. "Now you're getting greedy."
"From the sounds of it, you guys are the ones that need me. I can continue my own investigation on my own." My eyebrows raised at him.
Eric rolled his eyes. "Any other conditions?"
"I want every tool, any weapon and piece of information you have. I also want the upper hand in every decision. I run the show here. Everything has to go by me."
Eric and the Lieutenant both shared a cohesive nod. And a smile grew to my face.
"Perfect." I pursed my lips now crossing my legs. "Now tell me everything you know about the Mutants."
Mr. Steele pulled out a file of pictures.
"Michelangelo." He stated plainly as he pulled out a picture. "The youngest of the four." I observed closely at the picture trying to remain calm. I still couldn't fathom the reality of what I was seeing. A real live mutant. "Not the strongest one, but the least predictable. Donatello is the one with the brains, his strategy will be his strong suit. Raphael is the largest and strongest, but sometimes this can slow him down."
I couldn't fathom that they all had names. Unique ones too. When I saw their pictures it was difficult to see them as scary, or enemies in any sort of ways. Their faces seemed so personable. My whole body froze when I saw the last picture.
"Who's that?"
"This one is Leonardo, he's the leader of the four Mutants and the most deadly. He has the other threes unique qualities. I would try to stay clear away from him as much as possible."
"What about weaknesses?" I asked as I studied the picture.
"There aren't many." He concluded very quickly. "I should also included that they're relatively bullet proof as well."
"Great. A suicide mission." I scoffed.
"That's why we're going to help you Anastasia. We've developed shock guns that should trap them enough to where we can catch them. Use them as proof that the foot exists and is evil, and then we'll be another step further for find justice for Zayne."
"Okay." I stood up. "When do we start?"
"Tonight at 8."
I met up in the abandoned warehouse where I was assigned to go. Geared up and ready as hell to go. In my pocket I slipped a picture of Zayne, just for good conscience.
"Anastasia." Eric greeted me along with the lieutenant. I kept my face straight as I strutted in. I was focused like a laser.
"Eric... Mr.Steele." I said not so pleasantly.
"Here's the map you requested." I opened the iPad they provided me which scooped all the rubbles of the cargo ships we were certain were getting robbed tonight by the Foot.
"They're either going to come from the sky or the water. They can't be seen at night." I analyzed. "We should steak them out from the roof to get a good view and then I'll follow them in."
"Perfect!" Eric exclaimed. "When you get to a good spot I'll have his troops follow after you." I laughed at his audacity. He slowly caught on. "What?"
"This is my operation Eric, you're coming with me."
"Are you serious?" He stuttered. "I'm not going with you."
"Well since I've been suspicious you of, I figured you wouldn't mind coming with me. I can keep a close eye on you. Besides you have to do what I say or else I'm out." I said with almost a complete smile in my face.
Mr. Steele nudged Eric.
"We promised to do what she said."
"Correct." I appointed. "I'll have the police force stalled at exactly 8:12pm tonight. We'll have about a 20 minute window. We'll also have to shoot the shockers from a distance. They'll kill us if they get too close."
"What's your plan once we get in there?" Eric asked.
"I don't have one." I said simply yet with such utter confidence.
"What do you mean you don't have a plan?" Eric now said with annoyance. Seeing him oh so flustered made me happy on the inside.
"I never have a plan Eric." I giggled. "Look, there's way too many unpredictable properties that could happen tonight. We'll start off with just you and me, we'll try to locate them and follow them and if we need help we'll call for help or retreat, but that's the best we can do given the circumstances. Also the map of the shipping container unit will help me a lot."
"Don't be afraid to send my men in." Mr. Steele affirmed.
"These are the nations most dangerous criminals. I won't use your men unless it's absolutely necessary."
I took another pathetic look at Eric.
"Gear up." I commanded.
"Heres your check for 25k. But no amount of money can subside for the amount of lives you saved and can save tonight." Mr. Steele gave me a firm handshake to which I noticed a pin on his right cuff.
"What a lovely pin. It doesn't look military." I observed. It was red, with a Japanese symbol I couldn't recognize.
"It was my father's." He said way too quickly for my liking. I made a mental note of that tiny detail.
"Hmm. Okay."
We geared up with a bunch of military grade equipment, along with the shockers that would supposedly trap the mutants. It was 7:50pm. Sacks and I climbed to the nearest rooftop so we could stake out the mutants.
We got to the top and I reached for my binoculars as I checked my watch.
"We have a clear view. We just have to wait."
Eric was out of breath already trying to keep up.
"You really don't trust me that much that you had to drag me along with you." He grunted as he sat down next to me.
"Correct. There's always that 1% chance." I said as I observed closely and quietly. "Just stay close and you'll be fine."
And right at that moment I saw a slew of Foot soldiers march their way into the shipping containers on the docks.
"Is that?" He gasped.
"Yup." I finished for him. "It's The Foot clan, but where are the mutants?"
"Shouldn't we be down there?"
"Shhh-" I cut him off as I checked my watch.
"Anna we need to get down there."
"Shut up." I whispered. My breaths were slow trying not to make a sound.
"What?" He whispered.
"Oh my god." When I finally saw it for my own eyes. I swallowed an uncomfortable lump in my throat. "There they are."
"Let me see... I wanna see for myself." He motioned for my binoculars. As he observed the same reality in which I just observed, a sadistic smile creeped along his face. "They're exquisite."
"They're murderers Eric. The murderers of Zayne." I looked at him in disbelief. Something was seriously off about him. I also couldn't shake my suspicion based on the fact that the mutants rolled in way after the Foot Clan did.
"Okay. We need to get past those two yellow parcels without being seen, we could climb to the top of one and get a clear shot there. We should probably aim for the leader first. Hell be the hardest to take down. Maybe use some tranquilizers as well."
"We should probably split up. In case the mutants do too."
"Good idea." I said as I stood up. "Lieutenant can you hear me?.... We have an eye on the mutants. Wait for my signal to send your troops." Eric and I slid down the fire escape and went our separate ways. I knew I had to save my guns for last because they could give away my position. I had to get passed as many Foot soldiers as possible without being seen or heard.
Lucky for me, I'm pretty small and quiet. I snuck to the top of a single shipping container and balanced myself on the end and peaked around to scope the area. I had completely lost sight of the turtles.
I have to get closer.
Feeling my heart beat into my ears I jumped as quietly as possible to another container, daring to put myself in more visibility. My equipment on my back weighting me down.
And then.
I saw one close with my own fucking eyes.
The tall one I caught scoping out the area as I was. I knew he was the brains out of all of them,  so the other three must have been on the ground.
I duck my head the moment I saw his head turn in my direction. If I give away my position, I'm toast. My left foot was barley balancing onto the shipping container. I could very easily fall.
As I ducked my head and body into one direction, I immediately heard clan members coming up right behind me, and I was in perfect eyes view.
I heard only two, and I had to decide in that moment who I was going to face. Either a giant mutant turtle or two clan members.
"The two people win." I said to myself as I hopped down to the other side of the container, completely exposing myself. The two clan members immediately attacked me. The one ran directly to me with a knife to which I grabbed his wrist and kicked him right in the stomach to knock him down and used one of my tranquilizers to immediately knock him out.
I had to be quiet.
The other one put me in a chokehold from behind to which I quickly snapped my head back to break his nose. I turn around quickly to inject him with tranquilizers in the neck knocking the second one out.
However as I pulled the body away I noticed a small red pin on the collar of the foot soldiers uniform. One that looked identical to the pin Mr. Steele had on the cuff of his sleeve.
"Oh my god."
Could it be? Could it really fucking be right now?!
I ran to the other foot soldier and had the same pin on his collar as well.
"That son of a bitch."
Anger rose to my ears, making me sweat from how livid I was.
I pressed into my ear piece.
"Eric we need to retreat." And I awaited a response and... nothing.
I tried again. "Eric do you hear me, we need to retreat."
My breaths became heavy as I realized my reality. Now I was trapped in the center of a foot clan operation. Outnumbered by ninjas and mutant turtles.
But worst of all, the biggest thing I realized was that it was all a trap. I had been fooled into walking into my own death.
But why would they do this?
That was an answer I didn't have time to think about.
No help is coming. I'm completely and utterly alone in this.
I took a long, shaken breath. Blinking hard as my fists squeezed so hard that I could probably make myself bleed. As I exhaled, I did everything I could to not shed a tear.
I rarely felt fear, but knowing I was set into a suicide trap terrified me even more.
I can't think about it, I just have to get out of here.
As much as I tried to shake everything that I just realized, I couldn't.
"Because surprisingly Anastasia, you've been the one who's ever gotten the closest to exposing the Foot." I replayed in my head.
Eric was apart of the Foot. And I got too close.
"This is my execution." I whispered to myself. Very well played of Eric's part. I knew I couldn't trust that bastard.
I don't understand. Why would he work for the same organization that killed his younger brother?
Or better yet, maybe I've been looking in all the wrong places.
Could it be that Zaynes death was actually a suicide?
I don't want to believe that.
Breathing heavy and feeling my heart beat so hard that I felt it pulsate through my feet into the ground. I quickly shoved every emotion inside of me.
I have to get out of this mess and survive.
I peer my surroundings hearing every commotion of the robbery and remaining glued to my hiding spot. With utter frustration I bang the back of my head against the shipping container. My hand grips onto my dagger a little tighter.
As footsteps tread behind me, I inch holding my breath, daring to look. I saw the same woman that I saw at the bank robbery the other night. One of their "leaders" I suppose. I couldn't make out any feature of who she was because her face was hidden by a hanya mask. Hanyas were female Japanese demons from what I remembered. Very fitting for the job.
As I observed... for a slight moment, my fear subsided.
I knew in both my heart and my gut, that the Foot had something to do with Zaynes death.
I could either run away, or I could get answers.
On the count of three.
I pivoted my feet and bent my legs ready to brace my run.
I pulled out my gun, already loaded and secured it in between both of my hands. I carefully and strategically picked my first victim.
I can do this.
Breath in, breath out.
As I made my first step forward someone beat me to it.
One of the mutants, banded in red, began to soar towards The Foot Clan.
"What the hell?" I whispered to myself, softening my grip around my gun.
Why in the living fuck was one of the mutants fighting by against their own people?
I observed the brute in pure awe. His technique was flawless and when I say he was way larger in person, I meant it.
Raphael. The brute.
I recognized him from the pictures I was shown.
The second turtle summersaulted in the air towards the clan. He was so fast that my eyes couldn't keep up. I gave my eyes a quick rub to freshen my vision up.
Bullets flew at the speed of light toward him. And he fought each one off perfectly with his nunchucks without an ounce of fear in his eyes.
"Is that all you got bruh?" He even cracked a joke like it was nothing to him.
And he spoke... English?!
I pinched myself to make sure I wasn't trapped in a dream or a nightmare.
I can assure myself that I'm not dreaming...
The third turtle came to the left, the same turtle I spotted earlier with some sort of staff. He was loaded up with equipment and like the others, his technique in fighting was phenomenal.
In this very exact moment as I sit back and observe these fascinating mutants annihilating the foot ninjas, I also realize a few things.
One, that I was utterly and completely set up. For some reason Sacks wanted me to die tonight and also lied to me about the turtles.
Two, these mutant turtles were not my enemy. At least, they weren't apart of the Foot Clan and that was good enough for me at the moment.
Maybe the hope was that if I fight against the turtles, that they would kill me.
No, that plan is too complexed for even Sacks to come up with. However, my gut was telling me that it was true.
So what do I do now?
If I wanted to, I could retreat. Go back home and get my revenge on Eric Sacks. Or I could risk my life and join the fight.
I was located in the center of the docks. And there was no guarantee that if the turtles saw me that they would spare my life. For all I know they could just be bat shit crazy.
But I must have sat and thought too long... hand wrapped around my neck making me drop my gun. I was drug back and swung head first into a container. The corner of my head bashed into the wall and the thud was so loud that you could hear it a mile away.
My adrenaline kicked in fast.
Forget the pain... focus and get up!
A foot soldier charged at me as my legs wobbled up. I grabbed a led pipe beside me and knocked him in the head with it. Two more surrounded me. I put myself on defense with the pipe, not being strategic in any manner attempting to throw them off. I hit the one on my right in the stomach temporarily knocking him down. I pivoted my feet and wrapped the pipe around the second one's neck. I kicked him in the back and dislocated his spine.
I ran and hid to the nearest hiding spot. My hand flew to my head which was dripping in blood as my adrenaline wore off. I definitely had a concussion. I was seeing double. As I cornered into my hiding spot I peaked and saw all three of the turtles fighting.
"Where's the fourth turtle?" I said to myself.
The tall purple one was landed a perpetuates blow to the knee, which knocked him down. I admired how fast he recovered, but at this point he was surrounded by ninjas. He attempted to fight them, but they pinned the purple banded turtle down.
My heart sank immediately when I saw the fear in his eyes. His other two brothers being too busy to save him.
My dumb gut told me to help him even though I was injured. I could easily save him.
"Don't do it Anna..." I said to myself. I had to stay alive.
But just when I convinced myself not to, as the purple banded turtle was pinned down, another foot ninja came up with an ax, so I grabbed my pipe again.
"I'm so going to regret this." I rolled my eyes and ran to expose myself.
Yeah... instant regret. Now I was in the view of the turtles and the Foot clan. All for what?
I ran as fast as I could and with all the strength that I had I bashed the ninja holding the axe right in the back of the head. I knocked him out in one swipe.
I'm starting to like this stupid pipe.
In one swift motion I swung my pipe around knocking both of the ninjas out that were holding the turtle down and I set him free. I dropped the pipe and immediately reached for my hand sized pistol, shooting the ninja behind the turtle and knocking him down. As the turtle stood up well above me, I shook in my boots a little bit.
We both paused as we stared at each other, both seeing if the other one will make a move.
His free hand raised up in the classic "I'm not going to hurt you" stance.
"Thank you." He said. I choke on my breath again hearing him talk in perfect English. His eyes reverted above my head as he readied his bo staff. "Behind you."
I immediately ducked. As he beat up the ninja behind me. Another ninja came up behind me. I bashed him in the nose with my pipe and kicked his kneecap in dislocating his knee. He fell to the ground and I elbowed him in the temple knocking him out. A second ninja grabbed my arms making me drop my pipe trying to drag me. I managed to stamp my feet in the ground, whipped my head back as hard as I could right on his nose. Making his arms loose. I turned around and punched him in the throat making him fall to the ground.
I was completely worn out.
The orange clad turtle jumped in front of me and finished off the remaining ninjas.
Just when I thought it was over, I heard a familiar voice.
"Finish her!" I heard Eric say, but when I looked around there was no sign of him. I loaded my pistol and was greeted my three more ninjas.
"More of you?!" I annoyingly said.
I went to shoot, but my gun was knocked out of my hand. I went straight to street combat. I blocked every painful punch this guy threw at me. I pushed him back enough to blow him in the jaw, but that's all I was able to get. I was kicked beautifully in my stomach which made me fly back into something hard. I felt my back shatter in pain as I fell forward onto the ground. I landed on my shoulder harshly. The soldier then grabbed me by the neck and pinned me against the container pressing directly into my trachea. I couldn't resist his pure strength as I fought for my breath, right when I thought I was going to pass out, the purple clad turtle knocked him with his bo staff and finished off the rest of the rest of the ninjas.
I fell to the ground gasping for air. I felt my entire body fuzz in pins and needles.
I cant believe the turtle saved me.
He lifted me to my feet. I could tell he was immediately checking me for injuries.
"You're okay. I got you." He sounded so utterly normal.
I caught my breath extremely fast noticing it was finally over. I somehow managed to survive.
"Donatello!" I heard a voice I did not yet recognize. And he walked over towards me. Even though I was just strangled a minute ago, nothing took my breath away as much as seeing the blue clad turtle for the first time. He walked slowly towards me, probably unsure if I was an enemy or not. I heard him slowly take out a sword.
I recognized him. This was the leader, the deadliest of the four.
"She's not an enemy Leo! She saved me." Donnie said. There wasn't much I was afraid of. I knew their intentions were good. I put my hands up to show I meant no harm. Leo came out of the shadows and the moonlight hit his body. I finally was close enough to be face to face with him. Oddly the closer he got to me the safer I felt. My heart slowed down. I looked into his eyes and instantly fell into a trace.
My heart stopped when I saw his eyes. So striking that it made me shake to my core. So blue that I'm pretty sure they glowed. They were like sapphires of light which peered through his opaque facial expressions. Through his eyes alone, I could see every bit of his souls. And this terrified me.
He observed me looking up and down.
His face was perfectly proportionate. His eyes were a striking blue that beautifully clashed with his dark blue bandana. He had a scar leading down his right eye. His skin reflected off the light and it was nothing like I've ever seen. My eyes trailed to his shoulder.
He had a tribal tattoo along his right shoulder and another tattoo that wrapped around his left bicep.
However, as massive and as intimidating as he looked, I wasn't scared.
"We need to get her out of here." My body felt a chill when he spoke. I've never heard a voice so smooth and rich before. I panted hard now realizing the extent of my injuries. I couldn't move. "Miss?"
Is he talking to me?
"Y-you... t-turtle." I stuttered.
"It's okay." He hushed. "I'm not going to hurt you. We're the good guys." I wasn't sure how much longer I could stand. My skin felt flushed and clammy. My breaths were shallow. I felt like I was going into both physical and physiological shock. "Are you hurt?"
"I-I'm sorry. I saw you guys were in trouble." I muttered as my legs shook beneath me.
I didn't answer the right question. My brain was just so fuzzy and confused.
"She's going into shock." Donnie spoke up behind him. Apparently that wasn't important to the leader in blue. He seemed just as confused by me as I was by the turtles.
He's smart I'll give him that. He's probably wondering why I'm here and what my intentions are.
Much like me, he was searching for answers. And in that way I could relate to him.
"What are you doing here at this hour?" He questioned me like a parent questioning their child. As my breaths became more shallow. I was certain I would pass out soon, but in the case that these turtles would choose to go against me, I kept my guard up.
"I was searching for the foot clan." I was completely honest with him. I probably should have lied, but the more I looked in his eyes, the more I felt I could trust him. My voice was shaken and raspy from being choked.
"Why?" He said simply, somehow expecting me to comply.
"Because they poison everything. They infiltrated my city and I'm pretty sure they took someone I love. I've been tracking them down for months and my apologies, but at first I spotted you guys with the Foot Clan and I assumed you were associated, but after seeing you fight against them, I realized I was wrong." I had nothing to gain by being honest with them. I knew all the leader was looking for was honesty to see if he could trust me. Him and I were off the bat very similar beings.
"You risked your life for my brother. Thank you." His eyes scanned my injuries, observing the bruises along my neck.
"She looks familiar." The red banded turtle said. "I think she's that other vigilante I saw running around the city." Leo lifted his hand to silence him as he kept scanning my body.
"We need to get her out of range before the cops show up." He said to his brothers. Then he directed his eyes to me. "You're hurt. Do you know where the nearest hospital is? We can escort you."
"I-" And before I could finish I felt a searing pain in my stomach followed by something warm and wet dripping town my body. I looked down. I was shot by an arrow by a left over foot clan member. I numbly pulled it out slowly. My body instantly became cold and weak. My vision blurred. I fell so helplessly, but Leo caught me before I hit my head.
"Raph get him!" he ordered. His voiced changed. His yell made me shake.
"There's more of them!" Mikey exclaimed. Leo immediately picked up my dead weight and carrying me to a safer spot.
"Finish them off!" Leo yelled as he applied a fuck ton of pressure to my stomach. I yelled from the pain. "I'm sorry." He said to me.
"She's bleeding out! We need to get her out of here!" Said Donnie
"But where? We can't go to a hospital." Leo said as he let Donnie take over in applying pressure. I started to feel tingles and coughed as blood went to my throat. All I could feel were the leaders warm arms cradling me.
"Oh no." The purple banded turtle observed the arrow I was shot with. "It's a poison arrow Leo. The ones with the toxic purple ooze."
"What are her chances Donnie?" Leo's voice rumbled underneath me, but I didn't hear Donatello give him an answer.
"She's going to die Leo. We did everything we could." I heard the red one say.
"Its fine. Just leave me." I muffled. My life wasn't important anyways. I always wanted to die anyways. I was just always too weak to do it myself.
If anything I'd get to be with Zayne. And that's all I would need to be content. After all, I had nobody.
"Are you crazy?" Leo said to me. It wasn't long until the pain settled in. It was excruciating. The pain was so bad that I couldn't even scream. My insides felt like they were being lit on fire and blood filled my throat and mouth. Leo tilted my head so I didn't choke. His attention to detail was incredible.
"I'm not going to make it anyways. Save yourselves before more of them come." I tried to convince them before I wasn't coherent anymore. I probably would make it if I was sent to a hospital, but I really just wanted to die. More than anything in this world. My vision blurred. I could tell they were trying to talk to me, but everything was muffled. Like what you hear when you're underwater.
I could hear they were arguing. I took a few shallow breaths and my vision went black.
"Now I will tell you what I've done for you
50 thousand tears I've cried
Screaming, deceiving, and bleeding for you
And you still won't hear me
Don't want your hand this time, I'll save myself
Maybe I'll wake up for once
Not tormented, daily defeated by you
Just when I thought I'd reached the bottom
I'm dying again
I'm going under
Drowning in you
I'm falling forever
I've got to break through
I'm going under" ~ Evanescence
Thank you so much for reading!
As always if you enjoy my work, like, follow and comment your thoughts! It lets me know to write more!
Much love~ HamatoSami💙
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scavengerssuccotash · 5 months
Chapter 23: Dear Future Me has been released!
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Read on Ao3 for registered users!
The safe house SHIELD provides is laughably pedestrian, and domestic despite its overall sparse decor. Pictures of some photo stock family litter the walls, all smiling faces and appropriately cultural for the location. There is even an Afghan quilt thrown haphazardly onto the couch. It boasts a modest footprint, single story, one bedroom with an attached full bath, a kitchen large enough for a small table and two chairs, a living room with a pull-out couch and small entertainment center. Two exits, the front door and one in the rear that leads to a small backyard off the kitchen.
It’s a far cry from the hotel rooms that Strike Team Delta has been living out of for what feels like months. Natasha wants nothing more than to curl up on the couch and drown her frustrations with a pint of ice cream and a bottle—or two—of vodka. At that thought Ivan’s taunt flits across her mind—
Comfort makes you weak, Natalia.
Reminding her that even now his presence is still very much felt, clinging to the dark recesses of her mind like mold behind the toilet. She supposes this too is just another layer of her Red Room self that she has been unable to shed. Residual trauma she suspects, but wholly unwilling to consult a professional on the matter. She’s had enough one on one time with a psychologist for one lifetime as it stands, given the recently unearthed revelations. Natasha isn’t handling the news of her failure as well as she had hoped she would. Despite the truth of her words to Phil—it was foolish of her to think a cockroach like the Red Room would end with Dreykov’s death—she finds herself unreasonably angry. Furious that she’s allowed herself to believe in the delusion and livid that she had relished within it. That she was so blinded by her need to forget and move on that she neglected to investigate further. She didn’t even bother to listen in to the rumors that had no doubt percolated through SHIELD’s rumor mill regarding recent Widow sightings. Worst of all, she had made it a point not too, choosing instead to nurture her friendship with Clint and Carson. Put simply.
She failed her mission in the most spectacular fashion.
Of course, Clint would argue that her failure was in part assisted by Phil and SHIELD’s duplicity, their combined lies of omission, and while Natasha herself is still rather hurt by Phil’s assumption she can’t really blame him. The two shots of vodka in her coffee that morning, snuck in behind Clint’s back, don’t scream stable.
Whether she falters or not now depends on the success of this mission.
Natasha Romanoff has never failed a mission twice.
Strike Team Delta never fails a mission twice.
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amatchinwater · 1 year
Melting a Heart of Ice
Pairing: Steo
Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Theo Raeken, Isaac Lahey, Derek Hale, Liam Dunbar, Josh Diaz
Warnings: none? I don't think
Words: 3035
Prompt: @steodiscord First Responders with enemies to Lovers and an ice bath challenge peppered in
Ao3 link Masterlist
When he graduated from highschool, everyone- Stiles’ father included- assumed he'd join the police academy. Become a deputy and eventual sheriff just like his dad. Naturally when he came home with coursework to be a firefighter, Stiles shocked quite a few people. Except for his best friend Isaac, he knew from the start. Isaac even joined with him. 
Which would have been perfect. Fantastic even. There was just one minor hiccup Stiles didn’t account for. An old childhood crush turned enemy. Theo fucking Raeken. Once upon a time, Stiles and Theo used to be the best of friends. Shared trauma in the loss of close family members at a young age. A playground crush Stiles simply couldn’t avoid.
But then puberty hit and Theo somehow got even fucking hotter. Not to mention a bit of a prick and nearly a Jackson level bully. Gone were the days of sleepovers, hanging out, and even friendly conversation. Common courtesy too, considering the asshole couldn’t be bothered to return a simple smile or head nod in the hallways. And decided to fuck everything with two legs.
So what did the asshole do?
Became a firefighter. 
Irony really chose to make Stiles her bitch too. Because he’s always paired up with Theo. Not his best friend that he likes to be around. No. Why would that happen? Who did he piss off in a past life to earn this atonement?
At the very least, when they’re out on an actual call, Theo has enough common sense to be professional. For the most part. If the call is nothing too major, just checking vitals while they wait for the ambulance to show up on a fainting case, Theo will find a way to tease him.
There was this elderly lady once that had slipped and fell in her home. They arrived at the scene before the ambulance did, she wasn’t showing any signs of having broken anything, but still good to get checked out just in case. When Theo crouched down to check her vitals, she commented how attractive he was. So Theo, with his whole chest, said that she should check Stiles out. That Stiles was much hotter. 
He knows that’s far from the truth.
Stiles could do without the school yard teasing. 
It hasn’t exactly gotten better over the last six years either. Stiles wouldn’t quite call it worse. It’s just- Theo is about this close to making Stiles pull his own hair out. Or drown his fellow firefighter in the dunk tank.
Yes, the dunk tank.
This weekend, the firehouse is helping with a fundraiser carnival. All proceeds go to helping schools in the district with things like music, sports, and supplies. They usually do it twice a year. It’s fun for the kids and a great way for the community to give back while having a good time. Typically, it’s one of Stiles’ favorite things. Because he gets to be paired up with Isaac running the dart toss.
Irony made Stiles her bitch, remember?
So he’s paired with Theo at the dunk tank, the ice bath challenge, and then the ring toss.
All fucking day.
Okay, he’s being a bit dramatic. It’s not all day. After their first rotation they get a half an hour break for lunch and to enjoy the festivities. After that, it’s right back to their stations. At least they only have about ten minutes left at the dunk tank before their break. Stiles is in desperate need of a turkey leg, a funnel cake, and Isaac. Some human interaction that doesn’t make the firefighter want to bash his own head in. 
“Aww, that’s okay, buddy,” Theo snaps his attention back while talking to a kid. The little boy paid for three balls and missed every one of them. “Practice makes perfect, right? You’ll get better, I know it.”
Stiles hates how good the other firefighter is with kids. It’s wildly infuriating. Theo shouldn’t be allowed to be as hot as he is and good with kids. Even on the job, he always gets the kids calm and to safety. They love him. It’s just unfair. Someone should really knock him down a peg. Or four.
“Hey, bud,” Stiles calls after the kid. He stops and turns around with pinched brows, his mother's matching. Stiles tosses another ball that the boy catches. “One more shot, on me. Because I think you can take him.”
His mother smiles, “what do you say, honey?” She asks.
The boy beams, front tooth half grown in, “thanks, Mister!”
“All right, aim right here,” Stiles taps the target in encouragement. “You got this.”
The ball soars, missing its mark again. But the firefighter is fast and smacks the target button. Theo yelps before falling in the dunk tank.
Stiles cackles, high fiving the kid, “you did it! What prize do you want?” The little boy sheepishly points at a stuffed dragon. “That’s my favorite too," he grabs it and hands it over.
“Stiles,” Theo splashes to the surface, climbing out of the tank and throwing a towel around his shoulders. Wet hair matted in so many directions. 
“Thank you,” the mom smiles.
Stiles shrugs, “it’s for the kids and I got a good laugh out of it. Enjoy the rest of your guy’s day. Hey,” he squats to be eye level with the boy snuggling his new toy, “listen to your mom, okay? Have fun,” Stiles ruffles the kid’s hair until he giggles.
“Good job, kid,” Theo bumps his fist with the boy. When they’re far enough away, he glares at Stiles, “seriously? Not even the adults dunked me.”
“Someone had to,” Stiles says before walking away. Kira and Josh are on their way over for their shift anyway. He’s starving and wants to be away from Theo for a bit. He makes a direct beeline for the food truck promising turkey legs. Stiles hasn’t had one in a long time.
At least, not like this.
Fair turkey legs are just different.
After paying the girl for both the leg and funnel cake, Stiles waits by pick up. Thankful that he happened to pick the truck that sells both. As much as he doesn’t want to be around Theo, he can’t help but smile at all of the people having fun. Especially the kids. Stiles remembers coming with his mom when he was younger. It’s why Stiles did what he did for the little boy. He saw a kid with just his mother and Stiles’ heart bled a bit. 
“Order for Stiles,” another girl calls, “and Theo!”
Son of a bitch.
How the hell did he get here so fast? 
As he grabs his own food, Theo comes up behind him, “can’t get rid of me that easy,” his words ghost along Stiles’ neck and he has to fight the shiver.
“Guess I’ll just have to try harder,” Stiles snarks, walking away to an empty picnic table to eat. He’d rather be a dick than have to think about why the other guy’s voice almost made him shudder. Theo sits across from him with cheesy fries and a funnel cake of his own. “Can you not let me eat in peace?”
“When I enjoy your company so much? Never,” Theo teases, taking a bite of his fries. “Cheese fry?” The other firefighter offers the fork.
They do look good. But that fork was just in Theo’s mouth! “No, I’m okay.” Stiles is just going to shovel this in his mouth and run somewhere else. He tries to sit and eat as though the other guy isn’t even there. Just to preserve his own sanity because he can feel the way Theo keeps looking at him. Stiles just didn’t account for Theo eating as quickly as him.
So when he gets up to throw his trash away, the other firefighter is right fucking there. “What are you thinking about doing? Bumper cars? Water guns? Fun house?” Theo asks, falling in stride with him as if they’re here together. “I figured we don’t have a lot of time left, we should stick together so we can get back to our booth.”
Ugh, it’s practical and responsible. Stiles hates it. “I’ll know when I see it.” Honestly, he’s just aimlessly walking around until their time is done. As fun as bumper cars sound. They pass Isaac and Derek- their captain- working the ice bath challenge.
“Hey, you're early. What do you guys think?” Hale asks, gesturing towards the bin, “You wanna give it a shot?”
“I don’t know, Cap,” Stiles says, eyeing the ice skeptically. He got lucky that Theo lost the rock, paper, scissors for sitting in the dunk tank. The firefighter doesn't really want wet clothes.
“Come on, Stiles,” Isaac pushes.
Before he can argue again, Theo lightly elbows him, “it can’t be that bad. I mean, we deal with intense heat on a daily basis. What’s a little cold water?”
“Uh, ice cold water!” Stiles shrieks, he’d like to keep his toes.
“Aww,” Theo coos with a fake pout, “are you scared?”
This fucking asshole! It’s one thing to tease him about something or even dare Stiles. But never accuse him of being scared. Stiles runs into burning buildings for a living for fuck’s sake. Derek, Isaac, and a few bystanders ‘ooh’ at them. Thus sealing his fate.
“Not even close, Raeken,” Stiles moves the other firefighter away who chuckles under his breath. He yanks his shoes and socks off, not wanting to walk around with wet, squishy shoes. Because, ew. He takes his phone and wallet out of his shorts, handing them to his captain.
"I bet I can last longer," his partner smirks.
Stiles looks over his shoulder, "excuse me?"
“Ten bucks says I can last longer than you,” Theo dares, having followed his lead with his shoes and belongings.
“I’ll take that bet,” Isaac grins, “Stiles is too stubborn not to win.”
A hand claps his shoulder, Josh’s to be exact, “I’m with Isaac. Put me down for ten too, Cap.”
“I don’t know,” Liam joins in. Where the fuck did they all come from? “Theo is just as stubborn, I’ll put ten on Theo,” the probie pulls the bill out of his pocket.
Stiles gasps in exaggeration, “traitor.” Theo cackles, holding his stomach. “You’re on toilet duty for a week.” Liam pales at his words, looking to their captain for confirmation. Derek only nods. “What’s the time to beat?” Stiles asks, needing to know exactly what he’s getting himself into. Exactly how long until this is over.
“Three minutes,” Isaac informs him. “Any more bets? Ten bucks on Stiles or Theo for three minutes!” Money practically goes flying. Both from their team and just people standing around. He glares at his best friend. “What?” Isaac snickers, “it’s for a good cause!”
“I hate you,” he grumbles, joining Theo by the tub. Three minutes. Just one hundred and eighty seconds and it’ll be over. Provided his fellow firefighter doesn’t bitch out first. He just has to out last Theo.
“Last the full three minutes and you two can go home for the day." That's certainly a nice incentive. On your mark,” Derek sets the stop watch. “Get set!” Theo smirks and winks at him as they each grab the tub. “Go!”
The jump into the ice water and Stiles’ yelp is so loud it might as well have been a scream. Theo is behind him gasping his breaths. His bones feel cold and the shivers are instant. It’s too cold to think, let alone speak. And Stiles can’t remember the last time he and Theo were this closer. He’s practically in the guy’s fucking lap, skin being stabbed by numerous icicle knives.
It actually hurts. 
“Two minutes to go,” Derek announces.
Stiles yells, gripping the edge of the metal tub so hard his fingers hurt. His teeth are chattering and his toes have gone numb. Theo’s arms wrap around him, pulling Stiles close. As cold as they are, what little body heat they have left to share helps. Why is Theo helping him?
“Come on, baby,” Theo shakes behind him, “you can do this.”
Come on, who now? 
Great, Stiles is so cold he's hearing things. He pinches his eyes closed, fighting to not dive out of this torture chamber.
“One minute left,” Derek sounds more excited than he should. Maybe it’s pride for his subordinates. Who knows. 
Stiles is grunting through his determination. Trying to convince himself that he’s not cold. Think warm thoughts. This is a hot tub, not a form of frozen torture. Yeah.
Theo chuckles, warm breath tickling his ear, “just one more minute, babe. You’ve got this, I know you do,” his thumb brushes soothingly along his stomach. 
He’s too cold to comment- to comprehend Theo holding onto him for dear life. For calling Stiles baby and being nice. For the way that Theo’s breath affects him like that, for the second time today. It’s too much to deal with on top of this fucking ice. 
Places that shouldn't be cold are freezing. Everything hurts. His brain feels like it might explode or have a system meltdown. 
God, why did he agree to this? 
“Ten, nine, eight…” Derek chants, the audience joining in all the way to, “three, two, one! New record!”
He never put money down. He lasted the three minutes he was challenged. He needs out. Stiles needs to run away as best as his frozen limbs will allow. He clambers out of the tub as quickly as possible, pausing only for the second it takes him to grab his belongings from the table.
Stiles runs.
Not caring in the slightest about the sticks and small stones poking the soles of his bare feet. Dodging people as best as can, finding the firehouse’s tent blissfully empty. Stiles’ entire body is trembling. Running like that did nothing in terms of helping Stiles warm up. Thousands of needles stab at his fingers and toes, teeth chattering away.
“Come on,” Stiles groans, looking about the tent. There isn’t a single towel or blanket here? “Am I fucking blind?” He hugs his arms tightly to his chest, trying to keep his core warm. He knows he brought a bag with a change of clothes, so, “where the fuck is it?” Stiles looks under the small cot, ready to give up and just go home in wet clothes. Derek said they could leave after, he plans to go home and not have to deal with any of this.
At all.
“There you are,” Theo says. When he looks up to face his partner, Stiles is met with warm fabric being thrown around him. Theo grabbed him a towel. Not something he expected from the other firefighter, that’s for sure. Nor is the way Theo pulls him close and says, “I can warm you up if you let me, baby,” while rubbing his arms.
It does help. Stiles can’t deny that. But his brain is back online now and Theo calling him baby is so fucking far from normal. Or something the firefighter can begin to comprehend. “What the hell?” He pulls back, wiping the dripping water from his hair. “Why do you keep calling me baby and babe? You hate me,” Stiles states. 
“No, I don’t,” Theo scoffs. Like the very suggestion is ludicrous. As if they’ve had a single truly friendly conversation in over ten years. That Stiles is simply speaking nonsense.
Not to Stiles he isn’t.
“Yes, you do.”
“Right,” Theo chuckles, “I hate you so much that I show up to the station ninety minutes early just so that we can work out together.” Stiles tries to rebuke the statement, but the other presses on. “I leave only once you do because your deathtrap of a jeep rarely starts and I want to make sure you’re safe all because I hate you.” Theo gets in his space again, pounding Stiles’ heart. “I hate you so much that I would ask Derek to partner us together so that we have time to be around each other. I would risk freezing to death just for the chance to hold you because I hate you, right?”
Stiles’ mind is reeling with all of the information it was just given, “but-”
“I’ll prove it to you right now that neither of us has a shred of hatred for the other,” Theo challenges, eyes zeroed in on Stiles’ mouth. 
Defiant to his last breath yet swallowing with a click, Stiles says, “okay,” ready for the other firefighter to do nothing but prove himself wrong. 
Theo puts a hand at the small of his back, pulling Stiles close and crushing their mouths together. The soft noise in the back of his throat is unmistakable and Theo knows it because his groan was just the same. His fingers dig into Stiles’ waist, keeping him close to deepen their kiss. His tongue does a wonderful job of making Stiles dizzy. The last ten plus years, he could’ve been kissing Theo instead of biting him with his words. The childhood crush that never left his heart could have had a proper home there.
What an idiot.
Pulling back for air, Stiles looks up at blown blue eyes. Theo’s having just as hard of a time breathing, but keeps his satisfied smirk in place. “I never hated you, babe,” Theo whispers, kissing him softly, thumb gently brushing his cheek. 
“I-” Stiles clears his throat, curling his fingers in the hem of Theo’s soaked shirt. To physically hold something to remind him that this is real. To keep him from falling off the earth. “I don’t think I did either.” 
“I know,” Theo smirks, “so how about I take you home with our brutally earned free time?”
Stiles starts to nod yes.
“Cap,” Isaac yells out of nowhere, “you owe me twenty bucks!”
The rest of the team shows up, cheering them on. Each with their own versions that they knew all along. Theo flips them off, smiling as he kisses him again. Stiles just chuckles into his mouth, happy to be in Theo’s arms again with the unspoken promise of so much more once they get out of here.
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hidefdoritos · 8 months
February is always my worst month.
It's not the anniversary of Stuff happening, but it's the anniversary of me realizing that Stuff happened. And a subsequent time of serious injury, crisis of faith, and isolation. It's not actually re-happening again; but, O God, the body keeps the score.
February is always my worst month.
I always end up standing by a frozen lake in February. I throw rocks at the ice and I yell at God. I pour out my struggle to a God who forbears in judging evil (praise be, for if He smote down all wrongdoers, I would be consumed!) but whose forbearance allowed evil to touch me.
February is always my worst month.
I thrifted a beautiful fleece quarter-zip in my favorite color. I can't wear full-zip hoodies anymore because of him, but I was praying this would be fine. It's so pretty. I've been complimented. Today, my hands turned into his hands on the zipper, and I stood still and cried on the sidewalk.
February is always my worst month.
Two steps forward and one step back, I keep telling myself during my various recoveries. One X-acto knife that's never known skin, one bath where I don't think of drowning; one pint of ice cream devoured. One day I sit with my back to the door, one night I sleep without terrors; one friend I hit when they touch me. One car ride feeling safe with a man, one week that I'm glad to be sober; one flashback that floors me.
February is always my worst month.
Physics doesn't apply to trauma. Every action's reaction is opposite, but not equal. The short moments of trauma have broken me for years. The small moments of recovery have mended me for months. I still get so many more good things, but the bad things sometimes join forces to kick me while I'm down in February.
February is always my worst month.
How blessed I am, then, that it is also the shortest.
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rainreignrayn · 2 years
Obliviate (Chapter 18: Different Kinds of Ice)
Draco was motionless as she pressed her mouth against his. "Come now,” she whispered to him. "It feels like I'm kissing a ghost." He looked down at her and her skin prickled like he was scraping ice against the flush of her cheeks. And then he pushed her further into the tree and somehow into him, and the bubble around the world popped and shrunk until it wrapped around them and them only. 
He kissed her back in a heated fervor and cursed that unending moment of weakness that only Hermione Granger had control over. Blaise and Pansy could have walked into them at any moment, but he threw that nerve into the grey skies and hoped the rolling clouds took it away. All he could focus on was the feel of her cold, slender fingers tracing the soft spot behind his ear, the strands of his hair intertwining with her nails, the crinkle of her jacket as he gripped onto her for life.
The curve of her waist joined with the inside of his arm as he pulled her in. He drank in her gasp with the kind of thirst that only desert sands held, and they both held each other in that delirious insanity for the precious seconds Merlin decided to grant them.
She pulled at his hair and smiled into the kiss at the low groan he let out. “I knew it,” she insisted, leaning forward and biting his bottom lip. He pushed her back into the tree. 
“Knew what?” he asked mindlessly, moving his mouth along her jaw and up to her ear. He relished the shiver that moved with her shaky breaths.
“You…” she sighed into the cold air as he nipped at her collarbone. “You saw me. That night. With the kraken.”
For a second, he almost froze, forgetting that she knew the creature’s true breed. In the next moment, his dormant irritation at her recklessness returned with a simmering burn. “Those nights,” he corrected, lifting her legs and wrapping them around his torso. She fastened her arms to his neck as he touched his forehead to hers. “Night after night, you kept fucking going,” he breathed.
“I’d heard about the glass wall in Slytherin,” she mumbled against his lips. “I’m assuming that’s how you saw.” In confirmation, he wordlessly stole another kiss from her as she spoke. “Despite Godric’s rage… I’ve always wanted to see it.”
She slipped her tongue to his, and his mind spiraled. The brass button on the wrist of her jacket pressed like a shard of ice against the nape of his neck, and her nails stroked wandering lines along his scalp.
“Despite Salazar’s rage,” he sighed, “I might show it to you one day.”
And that was when Draco knew he was truly, utterly, madly ruined. He had let himself hope, as if they would make it out alive. He was a Death Eater. They were not allowed to harbor hope.
It would drown them. 
Then their bubble frosted over and shattered with the shouts of Blaise Zabini. “Malfoy!” his voice called out. “Malfoy, we got them!”
Hermione dropped her legs from his waist. Stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Here they were, acting as if they had all the time in the world, stealing seconds for another taste of each other when their respective sides were on the loose around them. Ice spread through his chest once more, and he watched as the panic set into her eyes. 
Hermione straightened her spine and swallowed as she stepped away from him, taking the warmth with her. “I don't want to have to fight you,” she warned, steel in her voice. Draco filled in the blanks. But I will if I have to. 
“Malfoy?” Zabini called again through the forest. 
Without another word, the witch took off from their little clearing, racing towards the noise. He muttered a curse to Salazar under his breath and chased after her, sending a small wave of gratitude that this time she sent no leaves flying up in his face. The shy rays of the morning sun peeked through the edge of the trees and bathed them in a soft glow—a sharp contrast to the life-and-death stakes awaiting them at the end of their run. 
He could hear their voices now, and both of them exploded into the field Draco and his friends agreed to meet back at. There stood Pansy and Blaise, wands tipped to the heads of Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. Both the runaway Gryffindors were forced onto their knees, wandless with their hands clasped behind their head—posed the very way the Dark Lord commanded of his prisoners upon capture. 
Hermione’s feet didn’t miss a beat, her wand arm outstretched as she ran toward them. 
Draco’s own arm betrayed him to favor instinct when Hermione flung a hex at his friends and he sent a stunning spell her way. She dodged it with a quick swivel and threw up a shield when Pansy shouted an Expelliarmus.
I’ll fight you if I have to. It went both ways. 
His family came first. And for Hermione, so did hers. 
An unblocked disarming spell found its way to Blaise’s wrist, and his wand flew into Hermione’s waiting hand. The second his wand left him, Harry stumbled up from his knees and grabbed Ron’s elbow. They both made a beeline for Hermione, who stood unwavering in her position a quarter of the way down the field. Her chest heaved but her chin stayed up, wand pointed straight at Draco’s friends.
The only reason Pansy didn’t shoot the two idiots down was due to Draco’s gloved hand in the air, ordering her to wait. He kept his eyes on the newly reunited Golden Trio. 
The three were quite haggard in their appearance. He might have loathed their presence in Hogwarts, but at least it required them the smallest modicum of decorum to uphold its standards, even if they had still run around with untucked shirts and loose laces. But now… Draco nearly winced looking in their general direction. It was all too obvious, particularly regarding the weasel, that a shower was sorely lacking. Their clothes were torn near the hems, much of which were likely from the recent chase. Granger in her muggle-styled jacket, Weasel in a dark red long sleeve, and Potter in a fraying green sweater. In the back of Draco’s mind, something tickled with that last observation. It looked like the sweater Regulus Black had worn in one of Narcissa Malfoy’s old Christmas photos—back when they were his age, back when Bellatrix was sane and Andromeda was still respected. Back when it was just Black, and not Malfoy and Lestrange and Tonks and dead. 
Hermione’s voice broke his train of thought. “Hand us the wands, and we’ll leave you alone.”
Blaise scoffed, but Pansy did nothing. 
Without looking back, Draco knew exactly what ran through their minds. Blaise had remarked, on more than one occasion, how surely Hermione Granger was playing with the rare, stringent affections of Draco Malfoy. After all, how could the Gryffindor Princess have eyes for anyone other than her two counterparts? Regardless, any act of possible reciprocation on her part was neatly and inevitably negated with the fact that she would not hesitate to kill Draco when given the choice, especially if she was put in a position to pick between him or her idiots. 
Pansy, on the other hand… 
I hope they do it. I hope they win the whole fucking thing. 
He knew she wanted out, but this—keeping her arm down—was enough cause for treason. 
“Come on, Pans,” Blaise spat out. 
Ron Weasley shifted from one foot to the other from his Granger-sized human shield. “Aren’t they supposed to be attacking?”
Yes, Weasel, Draco thought. They are indeed.
Blaise laughed in a careless manner with that statement. “Of course you’d be asking for a fight. Just like your parents, and look where it got them.” He shook his head. “Wanna follow Mummy and Daddy straight to Azkaban?”
Dead silence, and the air went still. Draco vigilantly watched Hermione—because she could escape at any moment, he told himself—and made note of the way her breathing seemed to stop. So did Potter’s.
“What?” Ron demanded in immediate denial. “You don’t know shit about my parents. They’re safe.”
“Ron,” Hermione started, grabbing his arm. “Don’t engage—”
Blaise’s eyes lit up in this new change. “Oh yes, Weasel. Azkaban is quite safe, I assure you.” He took a step forward. “Or did you not know? It was all over The Prophet for weeks. Did you think the Dark Lord would let them run free?”
Ron started shaking, and Harry reached out a hand to hold fast to his shoulder. “Mate—”
“The first place we raided was your little hole in the ground. What did you lot call it? The Den? The Pit? The—”
“Fuck you! ” Ron shouted, spitting in his rage. He surged forward, wandless and equipped with only his reckless Gryffindor temper. Blaise stood in place, hands freely at his sides and begging for blood. 
Such a fucking instigator. 
“Ron, stop!” Hermione shrieked in a panic. She moved the aim of her wand from Pansy and Blaise to Ron and Harry, who jumped after him. Ron made it barely six feet across before Harry tackled him with his arms locked tight around his shoulders.
“My parents!” he screamed. “They took my parents! Fucking let me go, Harry!”
“Stop it, Ron!” Harry took a blind blow to the face, knocking his glasses askew. Hermione gasped but didn’t move. And that was when Ron caught sight of her wand pointed at him instead of the enemy, and he stilled with a lethal gaze. He looked from her back to Harry, then again to Hermione. 
Back to Harry.
Again to Hermione. 
Took in the muted sorrow in their faces, and the more dominant focus of restraining him. 
As much as Hermione and Harry liked to joke about Ron, he wasn’t a fool. He knew what Molly and Arthur meant to them. And if this truly was their first time hearing this, their first instinct would never have been to hold Ron back, whether or not his life was on the line. The three of them had far too often raced into the most mindless of dangers from the moment they met for this logical of a reaction. 
Back to Harry.
Again to Hermione. 
“She was a mother to you.”
The resounding guilt on their faces was enough of an answer for him. He ripped out of Harry’s hold and staggered backward—away from them, and towards the unmoving, watching enemy. Though, Hermione presumed the title had shifted to her. 
“I knew!” he cried in pure accusation, coated in despairing truth. “You were keeping something from me, I knew!”
“Ron,” Hermione pleaded, taking a step forward. But he threw out his arm to keep her away. 
He turned on Harry. “You,” he spewed venomously, “fucking liar. My father took you in! My mother fed you! They loved you! More than they ever loved me—”
“Ron, don’t,” Hermione interjected with a wavering voice. “I made him keep it from you, don’t shout at him.” She swallowed and kept her eyes on the unpredictable storm he was. “He wanted to tell you. I told him to keep quiet. Ron, don't take this out on him.”
His face conveyed only disgust. 
Disgust at her, at who she was. It was her fault that her best friend was looking at her like she was a mudblood. 
“Oh, don’t fucking worry. I won’t.” Before she could blink, he called out for his wand. Because Pansy Parkinson for some reason decided to not partake in her only job, it went flying into his hand. In the next second, he leveled out an “Expulso” and projected her several feet back. 
She landed on her arm and heard a sharp crack and then an explosion of pain in her radial bone. From her angle on the ground, she saw Draco’s face contort into a blind rage and surprise, but Blaise Zabini held a hand out and shook his head. 
He was right. It would give everything away… even if there was nothing to whatever they were. 
Hermione couldn’t sort out her thoughts. He attacked her. Ron attacked her. Where was her wand? How long until her bone sets? Why didn’t she tell him? He hurt her. Why didn’t she tell him? She deserved it, he deserved to be upset, where was her wand?
Another expulso.  
She went rolling into a tree at the edge of the clearing. 
Draco and Harry cried out at the same time.
In that second, Pansy muttered out an “Immobulus!” which Hermione would have picked up as any random mumble if Draco wasn’t suddenly frozen midrun. But Ron and Harry weren’t facing him to have seen it.
She grappled for her wand, a foot away. But she said nothing. Let him be angry.
Ron raised his wand again, and Hermione witnessed a type of ice on his face that she had never seen before. That she never thought she would see in kind Ron Weasley’s eyes. Especially not directed at her. 
And then he faltered for half a second. His eyes flicked to her wand, and she knew him well enough to know what he was thinking. He knew how she fought—she could have put up a defense with half a thought, that’s how skilled she was. She led in the training of Dumbledore’s Army and still no one could keep up.
But she didn't fight against him as he kept flinging spells, and that realization only seemed to make him angrier.
“My family!” he roared. “My parents! What, just ‘cos you’ve got none means no one else can have any either?” Another blast. Where was Harry? “You lying traitor, Hermione Granger! They could be dead! They could be DEAD! My parents might be gone, and you’ve been walking around with your trap shut, you—”
“Confringo!” Draco bellowed, sending Ron skidding to the side with a trail of flames. Pansy inhaled harshly.
No, Hermione thought. Stay away. She tried to form the words but it felt like her lungs were giving up on her. 
Blaise pulled on his arm sharply. “This is not our fight,” he scathed. “The more we interact, the harder it’ll be to hide the memories. Stand the fuck down.”
But it was clear Draco had the right mind to rip Ron’s head off. He locked eyes with Hermione, and she shook her head. A tear betrayed her and slipped out, making its way down her temple. His glare flitted down to follow it, and a muscle in his jaw ticked. 
“Why the fuck are you fighting for her, Malfoy?” Ron screamed, getting up. “What the fuck has she done for you? Fucking cunt—”
Harry summoned his wand and, like Ron’s, it was uninhibited in its journey back to its owner. “Ron,” he grounded out.
And Ron finally stopped. He stood, somehow slumped and still tall. His chest caved in and out.
The tilted world was blurring for Hermione, and it took her a moment to realize they were more tears. 
Leaves fluttered as Ron stalked towards Harry. In doing so, he crossed the line of Hermione’s inert body. He didn’t stop. Didn’t turn back. Like she was just a leaf he sent tumbling in the air, never to be thought of again. 
“Come on, Harry.” Without waiting for a response, the familiar crack of disapparition broke through the field. 
Hermione forgot every spell Ron threw at her. All that rang in her head, amidst Draco’s bellows and Pansy’s gasps and Ron’s screams—was Harry’s silence. 
She laid there on the ground. Not crying, not permitting a single sound to pass her lips, but the tears fell anyway. 
The three of them began to head towards her when she finally decided to use her fucking wand—
—and put up a shield between her and them.
Draco stopped at its boundary and looked down at her, and he knew it wasn’t because she was scared they would take her. 
Blaise stooped down to pick up his wand Hermione had dropped during the assault. Pansy looked as though she might have cried with the broken witch.
Hermione’s lip was busted, and her tears mixed with the blood seeping out from her hairline. Her arm was bent gruesomely at the forearm from her fall, and Draco had no right to kill the carrot on her behalf but he decided he would do so anyway. 
“Granger,” he said roughly, with a hand up against her shield. But she only shook her head. 
The three of them watched as she painstakingly rose to her feet, wincing with the pull of every muscle. 
Half of her hair had fallen loose from its knot, twisted with yellow and brown leaves. Hair he had tangled his own fingers into not half an hour ago. She was bright then. And now… the lone Gryffindor was lost and despairing.
“Granger,” he tried again.
Hermione took a step back and apparated away.
rainreignrayn on AO3
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69misato69 · 1 year
setâre ✦ kaeya x childe — sfw
archive of our own ✦ twitter ✦ masterlist
It's a night just like any other.
Kaeya is knelt by the campfire, fueling it further so the flames can combat the blistering cold that creeps up on them. 
Not that Childe minds.
He lays on the snow half-naked, showing no signs of discomfort as he dries his hair. 
Kaeya believes that a frozen lake is frozen for a reason, but Childe can’t resist cracking the ice and taking a dip before they set up camp every single time. 
He takes a deep breath. Exhaustion washes over them both, legs nearly giving out from hiking and hunting all day and bones aching from the cold. 
When Kaeya is finally content with the intensity of the flames, he scoots closer to Childe and lifts his head to lay it on his lap. 
Damp, ginger locks wet his pants as the moon rises. 
Kaeya cups his cheek.
Warmth eventually swallows them both.
Words are unneeded. Distant howls and the crackling of the fire fill the silence as Childe looks up at him with droopy eyes.  
At moments like these, Childe always wonders if Kaeya knows how much he adores him.
The captain has many virtues, but seeing the beauty in his own ways is sadly not one of them. 
It's understandable, given how much weight he carries on his shoulders. No matter how much Childe tries its best to ease it, he knows that not a second passes without Kaeya sinking under the burden.
It's easy to get carried away when everyone expects so much of you. When the world crushes you to its very core, when the waves engulf you as you drift into nothingness, a vast ocean cluttered with misery. 
Kaeya loses his way often.
Like a sailor pushing his way out of the waves enraged with roaring thunder. He holds a compass that never seems to pull him out of the depths.
He sinks as the thread that holds him together unravels and floats to the surface.
All Kaeya can do is watch it elude him and force his eyes open while he begins to lose feeling in his limbs. 
Darkness falls and Kaeya’s heart travels back into the rib cage of a kid abandoned in the middle of nowhere. 
He clutches the toy he simply can’t ever fall asleep without.
What good is it without his own bed? Without being cosseted in loving arms and rocked gently to sleep as a lullaby fills his ears, what is it but a piece of cloth stuffed with feathers?
Home feels far away. It has been discarded just like him. Even if he miraculously washes up on shore, there is nothing left there to fill his hollowed out soul. 
Though, even as he drowns in the depths of the unforgiving ocean, whenever Kaeya looks up, a star always shines down on him. 
Light seeps into his soul, the clouds vanish on sight as thunder quiets down. 
Nothing but an enticing calmness. 
Kaeya holds it inside his palm kindly like a wilting flower, cautious and tender, and allows it to warm him up. 
It sprouts and blossoms along his numb hands and corroding heart, holds him by the shoulders and pulls him close. 
Leaves a loving peck on his lips and Kaeya tastes the night sky with the tip of his tongue. 
Childe loves him like a shore enamored with the sea. Fascinated by the storms brewing inside him and pacified by the soothing waves that wash up on its skin.
Loving Kaeya is coming home. It's taking off your shoes and taking a bath. It's settling in your cozy bed comfortably and drifting to sleep, thinking of all that excites you. 
It’s making up stories until they tire you out and waking up with puffy, glossy eyes. 
Childe doesn’t need much.
A lazy afternoon nap in Kaeya’s arms or a picnic on a cliff. Playing with the dogs that climb their legs every time they walk through their turf.
Closing his eyes and leaning back at Kaeya’s chest blissfully as they soak in the water. 
It’s more than enough. 
Kaeya doesn't have to be anything. The strength that everyone expects of him, Childe doesn’t.
To him, Kaeya is the only thing that makes sense amidst the chaos of his mind. 
With one kiss, he dissolves the sorrow and drowns the worries.
He feels lost, but with Kaeya a bit more found. As if it’s the head pat of a stranger that feeds the stray cats every night or a ship’s anchor that performs its crucial task silently. 
Kaeya can't hear any of that without his heart racing in his chest when even a simple ‘I love you’ is enough to have him shy away from Childe’s gaze. 
Only when darkness veils his face can he lay on Childe's chest and listen to him whisper in his ear all that made him fall in love with Kaeya.
He watches with tearful eyes as gentle fingers card through his hair and affection drips from the lips he's addicted to kissing. 
It never gets easier to hear that he is worthy, but Kaeya is smitten with a man that will never stop reminding him. 
short and loosely inspired by the poem 'another birth' by forugh, i hope you enjoyed !
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gothicknightz · 2 years
The Muse of Mystery — Xavier Thorpe.
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:: will be a part two. the reader has an undeclared but really cool power xavier being xavier. 
You were an Addams, the name on its own big enough to speak for itself.
Wednesday’s twin, older only by three months, you were the first sent to Nevermore, having attended a full year before your sister.
Albeit not a psychic, you hid in the shadows, sometimes almost quite literally.
Having a penchant for darkness, you near bathed in the moonlight and allowed the glow to overcome you.
Every cycle, at the height of a full moon, though, you would feel the sensations and energy that came with the night. Drowning in the overflowing lumina.
Your senses would overwhelm you, and by permission of the principal, you were to be monitored in the infirmary; a special sort of machine aiding in the studies of an elusive presence.
But one night, the procedure completely slipped your mind, and your feet found their way to an abandoned shed.
Pulling the door towards you quietly, the light covering you like a blanket, admiring the sight of a tall boy, hair pulled back, painting a canvas of what seemed to be the landscape of Nevermore.
He hadn't acknowledged your presence just yet, not until after the door had closed behind you did he notice.
People seriously needed to lock their doors, especially if they wanted privacy.
“(y/n)?” He jumped, startled by the sound of the door shutting, not losing grip on the paintbrush in hand. “What are you doing here?”
“You can presume I'd ask you the same.”
It took the boy a moment to take in your current form; white hair, ice blue eyes, and a luminous white glow that seemed to be present similar to your hair.
It was a stark contrast from your sister, a temporary form only seen ever rarely by others.
“You, uh, look different- is this a new look or something?”
You shook your head, “Negatory.” You walked closer to the painting, silently observing and judging it at the same time.
“Then what's with the,” He scratched the back of his neck before gesturing to your appearance, “Full moon glow?”
“An Addams family secret.” You said directly, turning away to head back out, as you had wanted to get back to your dorm.
“Hey, wait,” The boy had followed you outside the shed, grabbing you by the wrist before taking a brief form of your luminous glow appearance.
As if he were struck by lightning, he instantly let go and stepped back, “Woah,” he paused, scrunching his eyebrows, “What the hell was that?”
“Like I said,” You stopped in your tracks, turning around to look him in the eye, “An Addams family secret.”
From that night on, your classes at Nevermore academy went on as per usual, but with the presence of the boy from the shed, known as Xavier, becoming more present as time passes on.
One day, after fencing class, Xavier caught up with you, having the same period of instructions as you.
“(y/n),” He called out, causing you to turn around, “Can I ask you something?”
“If it's about fencing, I've had enough of the class already, and would like to return to my dorm.”
A scrunched look on his face, and a dismissive ‘no’ told you it wasn't anything school related.
“There’s a full moon tonight, and I was, uh, wondering if you wanted to go stargazing with me tonight, you know if you'd like.”
Standing in a secluded section of the hall, you were only wary of those who were listening, making sure it wasn't some predisposed plan of trickery.
“My evening seems to be free.”
“Great,” Xavier whispered, “Meet me by the balcony across from the clock tower at eight.”
A full moon tonight was the word that had set you ablaze. You usually stayed monitored within the walls of the infirmary during the end of the cycle, but you figured you could bite it once in a while.
“Going somewhere?” Your roommate had asked, raising a brow, not taking their eyes off of their novel.
“I'm off to stargaze with Xavier tonight, there is a supposed full moon tonight.”
“Great,” They said, turning a page, “I want all the details when you get back.”
“We both know that's not information I'll be networking.”
As you found your way to the balcony, needless to say, an inquisitive Enid was wondering what you were doing outside her single dorm.
“(y/n)!” She had said, climbing out of the secret entrance or exit of the paned glass windows.
“What brings you out here?” Enid had a very specific look on her face, with a Cheshire-like grin, knowing she'd want to pry some gossip out of you.
“Are you meeting with someone?” She asked enthusiastically, “Is it a boy?”
“Enid, your juvenile torments are uneces-”
You were cut short of words as Xavier arrived on the balcony, matching his eyes to yours. “Hey.”
Enid supposedly got the hint, at least what she thought that the night was going to entail, and went back inside to her dorm.
“Hi.” You said quietly before you heard Xavier place a bag on the ground, taking a picnic blanket, alongside a basket out.
“I thought we were stargazing.” You had inquired, sitting down beside him.
“Yes, and no.” Xavier had said, pulling one knee up and resting his arm on it.
“I wanted to ask you a question,” He paused and turned to you, glancing at the palm of his hand quite frequently.
“If it was a question that you needed, you didn't have to go as far as ask me to stargaze with you for it.”
He shook his head, watching as your appearance slowly changed to the white and icy blue glow he had first seen when you stumbled upon his shed.
“This one's more of a personal question,” He had said, scratching the back of his neck as he shifted to face you at a better angle, taking one last final glance at his palm.
“Will you... Will you go to the Rave'N with me?”
You looked into his eyes, “You want me to go to a juvenile dance that happens every single fall semester at a school for supernatural outcasts?”
Xavier chuckled, “That's one way to put it, yeah.”
You had to think about this for a quick moment. The last time you had attended a school dance was when you and Wednesday were ten, and planted voodoo dolls beheaded in each of the student's gift bags.
You were at a completely different school, and a completely different age now, so maybe, things could be different.
“Yes.” You had said, barely batting an eye, “I will go to the Rave'N with you.”
From that moment forward, Enid and Bianca, throughout the irony that they were polar opposites on the social scale, would obsess over your planned look.
“We need to get you the most perfect outfit out there, (y/n)!” Enid exclaimed, “This is an exclusive event only available to Nevermore students, so you have to stand out amongst everyone!”
At first, you were quite wary; putting all your physical and emotional effort into a dance that happened annually sounded overbearing, but nevertheless, your friends still instilled the idea into you.
Day after day, night after night, that's all the student body was gossiping about throughout the halls.
The Rave'N. Non-stop about the Rave'N.
Then the time of the dance came.
As per usual, everyone was dressed in black tie apparel, but this year the theme was midnight pitch. Various shades of blue, purple, and magenta were accepted, alongside the dark shade of black.
As with everyone else, you were on the theme, although your outfit had hints of blue, magenta, and purple, the main focus of your attire was black.
Funny how things work out.
You opened the door to see Xavier in a plum velvet suit, his tie black, and the under button up a light shade of baby blue. His hair was pulled back into a small bun, with small strands falling in front of his face.
“Wow.” Were the words that fell out of his mouth when he saw you. To him, you looked incredulous, and he never thought he'd been catching feelings for you, but this time, he would shamelessly admit it.
To your bemusement, you actually enjoyed the dance, taking in the midnight glory in an environment that surrounded you with people. With Xavier on your right, and Enid to the left of you, you were having the most fun you could've expected out of the Rave'N.
The theming was spectacular; the ball floor now looked like the inside of a genie lamp mixed with the workings of a midnight sky. You couldn't believe it. Nevermore was actually holding out their grounds on being a self-proclaimed ‘revolutionary’ school.
That didn't stop your scope from always thinking the opposite of what you believed, although, you felt as if where you were was the perfect place to be.
You didn't care at all, you felt free, and you felt like at any moment you could ascend to a never-ending eternal bliss.
The pure irony in that? The moon had other plans.
As you danced and mindlessly enjoyed yourself much to the normal mordant, reclusive personality of you and your sister, that hallucinating white glow and blue eyes came back.
The white hair contrasted against the black dress, making you stand out more than you need to.
You didn't even realize the fact you were glowing until you unconsciously locked hands with Xavier and saw that he too, was glowing as bright as a full moon.
All eyes were drawn to you both.
Never in a thousand years, or at least within the history from the establishment point of Nevermore, had there been such a student as you were.
Enid made some sort of noise as she looked over you both, “G-guys…. You're glowing!”
At first, you were washed with a wave of confusion; you, glowing? That had only occurred when a full moon was present, and lately, you've been careless in your attempts to contain and hide whatever this beautiful curse was from the world, with Xavier and your own family knowing of what would happen.
It hit you sooner than anything else had, and as fast as a sports car going down the freeway.
The spotlight was put on you both, and instinctively, you pulled away from him, but a small, fruitless attempt did not work.
Both you and Xavier were still glowing, and your worst fear had come true.
You ran off and away from everyone, finding yourself at that same balcony Xavier had asked you to go to the Rave'N on. The same balcony where you two would go hide after everyone has gone asleep; which was a harder task as you normally went through Enid's room to get there.
You only wanted a small number of people to know your secret midnight glow, nonetheless little to no one to know.
But there it was, at the Rave'N, where everybody found out.
Sitting down on the balcony, you were close to crying, nearly, but you wanted to more than you should.
The glow lit up the area around you, causing you to pick up a rock and scream, being disappointed in yourself for not concealing whatever that state of the lumen was to the outside world.
You felt the presence of someone next to you, and you looked over your shoulder to see Xavier sitting beside you.
“I don't think I could ever show myself at Nevermore again.” You admitted, pulling your knees to your chest and sighing.
“Because of whatever that glow I've been seeing for weeks?”
You nodded solemnly as Xavier scoffed.
“Fuck what they think, it's not your family's opinion so it doesn't mean shit.”
You looked at him, stupor and confusion running through you.
“I know my dad just sent me here because he didn't want to deal with me. Can't be famous without a burnout son he says.” Xavier sighed, “Didn’t need a troubled son to hog out all of the spotlights.”
He then turned to you, “But enough about me,” He paused, “You looked amazing out on that dancefloor. That glow only enhances it.”
You couldn’t believe what he was saying, “Really?” You had asked, scooting closer to him, unraveling yourself out of your former folded position.
“Yes,” He chuckled, “You did. And when all that transfer stuff happened, I looked so cool, thanks to you.”
Xavier stood up, glancing at the sun before extending his hand out to you.
The luminescence of the snow-white glow extended from your body to his, eyes transforming into a pale blue, hair turning into a bright white. 
“I wish I was able to do what you do, (y/n). Whatever it is, it’s extremely cool.” Xavier had admitted, “But there’s one more thing I wanna test out.”
“What?” You asked, unaware of the upcoming situation.
“This.” Xavier smiled before leaning forward to kiss you.
A shock was felt through your body, an electrifying feeling, causing your entire existence to tingle, and for the first time, you finally felt like you transformed.
Xavier must have felt the same shock you had, as he pulled back, a big smile on his face, and a wow escaping his lips.
“You truly are a muse, (y/n.)” He said, cupping your cheek in his hand.
“A muse of mystery.”
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fillyoursoulxx · 1 year
silas bishop - trauma headcanons
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More often than not, Silas likes to keep things private. If you’re someone he’s ‘open’ with he has perfected the craft of presenting this really warm and personable guy. He still keeps a lot of himself, to himself due to trauma in his past though. Below is a list of trauma headcanons that have come up for Silas. The list’ll be updated as I think of them. 
physical trauma;
his father was abusive, physically, mentally and emotionally. He was and still is afraid of him to some extent, but as he got older and more capable of defending himself, the abuse lessened, aka he’d fight back. There were more than a few times he fantasized about watching him bleed out. the abuse only officially stopped when he took off at 17.
he has various cigarette burn scars on his left forearm and shoulder. They are feint now but he was self conscious about them once. 
he’s had his arm broken twice in two different places
his nose was broken once
There’s a scar on his left eyebrow where one of his brothers clocked him in the head with a bat ‘on accident’
if his father became particularly rough, he would make silas sit in an ice bath convinced it would take care of the bruising. most of the time he was allowed to get out before things got too serious, but he passed out once. he might’ve drowned/gotten hypothermia but his father wasn’t gonna ‘rot’ in some cell because he couldn’t keep his eyes open.
emotional & mental trauma;
His father enjoyed degrading Silas more than he did anything else. He endured a lot of name calling and disregard. 
His father often went out of his way to make Silas think he was in for a beating. He would surprise him coming in a door or wait until he was vulnerable somewhere.
In these instances, if Silas responded with fear, he usually received physical punishment, blow or some sort of chastising. 
trauma response; 
he doesn’t like anyone to sneak up on him. hates it. and when he’s out, he angles his back to corners/walls.
when he’s surprised, he rarely jumps/jerks but his jaw will flex/will grit his teeth or inhale sharply.
fight/flight/faun - Silas is all fight. It doesn’t matter if he’s out matched, he’d rather bleed out than run. That is unless it involves someone he actually likes, then he’s a runner, sometimes a pusher
he suffers from nightmares and is a very light sleeper. it’s rarer now, but still more often than he’d like.
has had more dark/suicidal thoughts than he’d care to admit. But he’s never attempted/gone through with anything out of sheer spite, knowing then his dad would be right about him
fidgets when anxious and has experienced panic attacks.
he enjoys affection and personal space isn’t a problem with it comes to women or close friends. he’s put on edge if other guys, especially larger guys encroach on his space.
for the more intimate moments, having his back touched/scratched is fine but likes to keep partners in front and tends to favor affection on his right side.
coping mechanisms;
he writes. it helps him get the ‘unhelpful’ thoughts out and make more sense of things. he keeps a journal/sketch book.
he runs a lot as well. whenever he has nightmares, cant sleep or is just having a rough time in general, he just takes off.
reading is an escape for him as well as star gazing. 
avoidance in general. he will spend days on the road or alone. if cornered with his emotions, he’ll fight it/get angry and if that doesn’t ‘fix’ the situation, he’ll run.
keeping busy. he likes to use as much of his time as possible & keeps his hands busy with work, hobbies or women. idle hands are the devil’s workshop.
Speaking of keeping his hands busy, he’ll often rub his neck or the scars on his wrist when he’s nervous/anxious. He’ll also tap his fingers against his thumb and other types of stems.
He squirrels away money like no ones business. He doesn’t socialize much and he doesn’t sleep a ton either, so he can work himself until he’s literally burnt out. But he always has to have some sort of money somewhere out of fear that if he ever truly runs out, he’d have to go back to alabama. 
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