#or at the very least like alex if u see this we were both agreeing that the beginning couldve been done in one or two episodes instead of
catt-crossing · 1 year
I enjoyed the ending of fionna and cake thoguh i wish we had more episodes
okay i was originally like wow i have no thoughts rn and I said that in the tags and immediately after i had a few thoughts so there they are lol
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13uswntimagines · 3 years
Our Song (Alyssa Naeher x Reader)
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Request: alyssa naehex reader thats set during quarantine w/ “Shy” by Alexander Stewart. I just kind of think it’s cute since she’s an introvert and that it would be fitting
Author’s Note: Speical Thanks To @literaryhedgehog​
Alyssa knew she should just say it, that admitting it out loud would finally put an end to this madness. She ran a soothing hand through your hair when you sniffled loudly into her chest. 
God, she should just tell you how she felt. But, she also didn’t want to overstep. That would make being roommates really awkward. Especially since neither of you were supposed to leave the apartment right now except for essential purchases. And she didn’t want to lose her best friend. That would really suck. 
But she wasn’t afraid to say what no one else would- you had a terrible taste when it came to partners. You chose people who didn’t value you, and you always ended up hurt. 
This time was no different, well, it was slightly different considering you couldn’t leave your shared apartment to cope like you normally would. Alyssa didn’t know if that was better or worse, considering that you had adapted your breakup routine to just be endless cuddles with her and your favorite stuffed animal.  
She had already spent the last hour making comforting noises. You had stopped shedding tears 15 minutes ago, so Alyssa decided it was time to go for some humor. “Hey, so now you and Taylor Swift have something in common!”
“Hmm” You hummed in acknowledgment, your eyes never leaving where Supergirl was playing on screen. 
“Well, she was broken up with over text. You were broken up with over text. I think this is the perfect opportunity to listen to her re-recording of Fearless, and really channel those emotions!”
“No, Joe broke up with her in a 27-second phone call,” You lifted your head up off of her very comfortable chest to raise your eyebrow at the woman. 
Alyssa was a great keeper, and amazing at crosswords, but she always needed your help when it came to Taylor trivia. 
“Then Joe showed more consideration as an 18-year-old child than your 32 year old wanna be soccer star. It doesn’t change the fact that I think listening to Mr Perfectly Fine would be cathartic.” 
“It’s kinda funny that she wrote Forever and Always, Mr. Perfectly fine, Better than Revenge and Holy Ground all about the same guy, they’re all so different from each other,” You mumbled, settling back down on her chest. At least she didn’t say that you had as many breakups as she did. That was a rude joke. (One Alyssa wouldn’t dare make. She was more cultured than the media asshats that chased your team around). 
“Woman’s efficient,” Alyssa shrugged. “No reason why you can't recycle the same emotion into a different song genre.” 
“At least she could make millions off her pain. All I seem to be able to do is kick the ball harder,” You grumbled. Your landlord complained about you practicing in the street because of how hard you sent the ball careening into his precious brick wall. It wasn’t your fault Alyssa was too slow to stop the PK. 
“Darling, considering you’re one of the strongest kickers on the east coast, I’d say that pain is going to a worthwhile cause. But you do kind of have the worst taste in relationships.” 
“Hey! Savannah wasn’t a bad choice, just bad timing,” You huffed indignantly. 
“So that would be one out of…. How many bad relationships?” 
“At least one for every Taylor Swift album,” 
“Okay, here’s a fun idea, choose an ex for each album,” Alyssa said brightly. Thinking about music would definitely cheer you up. “Wannabe soccer star is obviously your Joe, so represents the Fearless album. Which relationship is your… Drew?”
“You already know the answer to that question,” you said, already picking up your phone to add Teardrops on my Guitar to the music queue. You then quickly added Forever and Always and started scrolling through Speak Now for the next song inspiration. 
Alyssa nodded. It was a well-known fact that you had a massive crush on one Hope Solo growing up, and you had been absolutely enamored with her the second you set foot into camp. But Alyssa also knew that Hope was very faithful to a certain veteran. 
The veteran keeper had tried to let you down easy, and Kelley was still one of your best friends, but it had hurt in the moment.
“Kristie was my Haunted,” you said, smiling slightly. Dating her felt like a whirlwind, one that took your breath until you never thought it would end. She made butterflies flutter in your stomach, and you were so desperate to say the right thing, to be the perfect partner, that you always felt like you were walking a tightrope. Floating on air, but desperate to keep your balance. “At least she had the decency to wait until we were in the same city to end it.” 
“Aren’t the two of you friends now?” Alyssa looked down at you, watching as you scrolled through songs from your comfortable place on her chest. 
You nodded with a small smile. “Hmm, we are much better off that way anyway.” 
“I bet you I can guess who your We are Never Ever Getting Back Together person is,” Alyssa trilled, reaching down to take the phone. 
You playfully snatched it away from her. “Who’s to say I wasn’t going to choose I knew you were trouble?” You raised your eyebrow at the woman, who simply smirked in response. 
“I can tell you who that is too if you like,” Alyssa reached for her own phone and took over control of the speakers, adding both songs to the music queue. 
“Alright, I’ll bite. Who?” 
“You definitely knew Sam Kerr was trouble, and I think it took you 4 breakups with Leah to finally call it quits,” 
“I was going to say Leah for 1989, it took me forever to realize how fucked up our relationship was after we finally broke up,” 
“I’m sure the distance didn’t help.” With her in London and you in Chicago things just kind of fell apart. 
“Maybe,” you hummed, noncommittally. 
“Okay, so for Reputation. I’m thinking Don’t Blame Me,” 
“You did go a bit crazy for Jane…” Alyssa said with a roll of her eyes. You had almost moved to Houston for that girl, thank god you didn’t. You sunburned like nobody's business. 
“Oh come on. You just didn’t like the idea of me moving. And considering how long we had been dating at that point it did make sense!” You argued. 
“It was 3 months Y/n,” She deadpanned. 
“I was in a wlw relationship. That’s like practically three years, it’s not like I brought a u-haul to our first date.” 
Alyssa quirked an eyebrow up at you. “Didn’t you have one of those the first time we met?” 
“Yeah, because I wasn’t moving into my college apartment without any furniture!”
“Whatever you say, babe. Who's your Folklore?” She rolled her eyes goodnaturedly. 
“I think you skipped an album,” you said. This was weird because Lover was one of Alyssa’s favorite albums. “But, since you asked. I think Kelley is The 1.” 
“Ah, our favorite squirrel,” Alyssa’s lips ticked up. You and Kelley had dated in college (something that should have made her jealous), but Kelley was the one pushing her to admit her feelings now. 
“We were just too young and dumb,” you said, smiling. “We had a great time together, and it would have been fun if it worked out. But at some point we just realized, we were friends, but there wasn’t anything romantic there.”
“I’m sorry it didn’t work out,” Alyssa said, like a liar. 
“I’m not. Her and Emily are like made for each other,” You snorted with the shake of your head. “And at least she wasn’t afraid of the world knowing we were together,” 
“Well, yeah,” Alyssa smiled. She had loved seeing the way being publicly out with Kelley had brought out the best of you. “ Okay moving on! Next, we need to narrow down your No body, No Crime.” 
“I take offense. Alex is still alive, so that doesn’t count,” You huffed. 
“I’m kidding! I’m kidding. I know you didn’t kill any of your significant others,” Alyssa said, laughing. “Though if you listened to the song you would know that’s my job… ”
“Alex was my Champagne Problems,” You mumbled sadly. That relationship had been the hardest for you, as had the breakup. She was terrified of the world even suspecting she wasn’t straight. 
You had everything, except the freedom to be yourself, and In the end, you couldn’t take the hiding anymore. 
“You did your best, love. But people come out at their own pace. And it was before Obergfell v. Hodges was decided. Being queer was still more likely to be presented as a scandal in the media then.”
“She cheated on me with Serv. She doesn’t get a pass,” You grumbled, crossing your arms. 
“I’m pretty sure you were on a break dear,” Alyssa said, though she was inclined to agree with you. Being on a ‘break’ but not officially breaking up didn’t seem like a reason to start dating other people. Still getting over some of the semantics might theoretically help you move on. “BUT maybe we should move on. Who is your Lover?”
Your eyes squinted thoughtfully, a light pink shading your cheeks. “The only person who hasn’t ever left me is you. You let me leave the Christmas lights up until May and dance around the kitchen when you cook.” 
Alyssa looked away, not able to meet your eyes. ”I mean, the lights can change color, so they can be thematic all year. And you’re the one who chooses the music to listen to while I cook. I can’t help it if they’re all great for dancing.”
“You can dance to anything. I’m pretty sure you turned a Hosier song into a salsa dance last week.” You giggled. 
“The only person I dance with is you, Y/n,” Alyssa said, finally meeting your eyes. She could feel her body start shaking slightly, as the adrenaline kicked in. She was going to do it. She was going to tell you. “I don’t want to dance if I’m not dancing with you.” 
“I’d dance with you in a storm in my best dress,” 
“I have tried so hard to be supportive about your last several relationships. But seeing you dancing to your favorite song with anyone else… I’ve loved you for three years now and I couldn’t bear it.” 
The air was suddenly charged between you, and you realized your faces were just inches apart. It was hard to breathe. You never dreamed your best friend would return your feelings (maybe that’s why you had so many bad relationships). 
“Kiss me,” you breathed, slowly moving around so your heads were at the same level. 
“That’s not a Taylor swift Lyric,” Alyssa said. In her brain, there was a loading sign currently whirring in little circles, as she attempted to process what you just said. Did you mean what she thought you said?
“Baby just say yes,” You said, feeling so happy that tears were coming to your eyes. You leaned forward getting inches from her face, so close you could feel her breath hitch. “Please kiss me.”
“Yes,” was all Alyssa had time to say before she closed the distance and kissed you. 
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bigbrainblue · 3 years
19th birthday
It was late.
you don’t know how late, but late enough that you hadn’t heard a car pass in well over 20 minutes, the only light around was from the distance street lamps and the reflection of the moon on the ocean that stood before you. the only sound coming from the crickets in the hills, occasional wave crashing, and your own shallow breath. 
currently you were sat on a beach. alone.
it was your birthday, you had come to the beach from your birthday party. a party to celebrate the day you were born 19 years ago. 
the party was fine, but there sure as hell were a lot of people, way more than you would have liked
you knew people there, sure, but a good portion of the party was people you've never even heard of, just coming for a party and the booze. 
you had arrived with your friends, a lot of them actually, you had just managed to lose them all one by one slowly as the night grew longer and as your vison started to blur.
the people you came with were your friends, Niki, will, toby, tom, clay, George, nick, and Alex. 
you were having fun, drinking, walking around, socializing. but soon it became too much.
the drinking had made you obsess over every thought that came into your head.
you decided to take a break, have some fresh air, and now here you are. on a beach. alone. at night.
one of the thoughts your brain wouldn’t let go was about Alex, the boy you’ve known since junior year of Highschool. you two met when you decided to do a foreign exchange year in Mexico. it just so happened to be that the parents that decided to host you for a school year also were the parents of a teenage boy the same age as you, with straight black hair that stuck to the back of his neck and with freckles scattered around his face. over the next 9 months you guys became best friends, never leaving each others sides.
you didn't know it then, but you had fallen in love with this boy, this amazing beautiful smart caring boy. 
but eventually you had to go home, but you guys never stopped talking.
Alex eventually started posting videos on YouTube, and not long after, streaming on twitch as well.
you watched him gain fame as you supported him at the sidelines, cheering him along the way.
at some point he convinced you to do it too. you spent long nights on calls with him, helping you set up your streams and giving you ideas for new YouTube videos. 
with the help of Alex, you started to gain fame too, even passing him at one point.
through streaming and YouTube, you made so many friends, and yet none of them compared to Alex. 
speaking of Alex, you wondered what he was doing, probably having the time of his life, drinking an hooking up with girls a bajillion times hotter than you
you laughed quietly at yourself thinking about how stupid it was to think that you could pull a guy like Alex.
just then you heard it.
a familiar voice from behind you, “what’s so funny?”
you looked back startled and confused
‘Alex? what are you doing out here?”
“well y/n I could ask the same thing to you, its your party, i noticed you were gone, so I went looking for you. as simple as that”
“i got overwhelmed in there, I'm sorry. i just needed some fresh air”
“ its ok, don't apologize for something you cant control. can I sit?”
“nope” you said sarcastically, hoping he would get the joke
“too bad!” he said, plopping himself right next to you in the sand
you giggled at his humor
neither of you said anything, it wasn't awkward silence, you two had known each other long enough that sometimes, it was nice to just enjoy the company of the other person beside you in silence. 
and yet, suddenly Alex said something.
“have you been crying? there's dried tear streaks along the sides of your face”
you turned your head towards his and whipped the sides of you face, seeing that he was already looking at you, studying you and your facial expression. 
“i guess. if I did, I didn't notice.”
“how did you not notice yourself crying? that sounds like something very noticeable” he said, putting an emphasis on the very,
you laughed, probably harder than you should have.
he smiled, happy to see you happy
“do you wanna talk about it? why you were crying?”
“no, well, not here at least-” you said gesturing your hands at the ocean 
“plus, there's sand getting in my ass” you added on to your previous sentence
Alex laughed and agreed, standing up and brushing off hi pants, and then handing out a hand for you to grab as he pulled you up.
you also brushed yourself off, and you weren't lying, cause man was there a lot of sand in your ass.
he started walking away from you and as you caught up with him you asked,
“where are we going?”
“you’ll see, its a great place, I promise you will love it” 
you followed Alex to his car as he opened the passenger side door for you.
“how romantic” you commented as you climbed into his car. poking fun at him
as he got into the car he plugged his phone into the aux cord, playing a song you had heard a couple times, but would have never expected for Alex to listen to it, it just didn't seem like the type of music he would like.
he set his phone down face up as the screen flashed up at you as he put the car into gear and pulled out into the street
you saw the title of the song he was playing, “Falling For U” by Peachy ft Mxmtoon, and his wallpaper, a photo of you two from junior year. both standing next to each other awkwardly as his mom made you guys take a photo together on the first day you got there. you wondered how long it had been his wallpaper for. 
you laughed and asked him about his wallpaper
“i mean you gotta admit, we look extremely sexy in that photo. especially me”
this comment from Alex made you break out laughing, even harder than before, as he started to hum along with the lyrics of the song. joined with him actually saying a line out loud every once in a while
it was a peaceful drive, Alex played more lofi songs as you stared out the widow.
eventually he pulled the car into an empty parking lot of a small gas station 
“is this the place?” you questioned 
“nope, just a pit stop.” he said
you both went inside, grabbing snacks and drinks and piling them into the back of the car. Alex making you wait to open them until you two got to your final destination
 eventually, the car rolled into a another small empty parking lot, except this one was made of dirt and was a lot higher up.
Alex had pulled the car to the edge of the parking lot, as you finally got to see why he brought you here,
you looked through the windshield to find a view of the entire city. 
you gasped in awe as you looked towards Alex, who, again, was already looking at you.
this time he wasn't studying you, he was admiring you.
you blushed, but pushed it off.
you and him both got out of the car so you guys could grab the snacks and the blankets he had in the back of his car.
he hopped onto the hood of his car and you joined him.
you starred into the sky full of stars above you. 
you gasped as you pointed out a shooting star passing over head 
“what did you wish for, Alex?”
“i cant tell you or else it wont come true”
“well then couldn't you wish the opposite of what you want to come true and then tell someone so the opposite comes true?”
“you're so stupid-” he said jokingly as he laughed.
“so, do you want to talk about why you were crying earlier, or is this still not the right spot” Alex chuckled at his own joke
“yes but, I have a question first”
Alex hummed in response, curious of what the question could be
“do you believe in love at first sight?”
you could feel his gaze on you, but you didn't divert your eyes from the stars above.
“do you remember the first time that we met? at the airport when my mom forced us to hug and take that god awful photo together, and when we ended up playing tictactoe in the car for an hour while we drove to my house?”
“yes? of course i do, that was simultaneously the worst and best day of my life. but that doesn't answer my question dumbass” you said, still not giving into his gaze onto side of your head.
“I think I just did, did I not?” 
it finally clicked, him looking for you at the party, the song in the car, the story
you turned your head to meet his gaze, finally giving in
he sat up and dramatically grabbed his chest, pretending to have been stabbed in the heart, enacting a theatrical performance
“y/n m/n l/m, i am dying, and you must know, that I am in LOVE with you!” he dramatically gasped and fall back down., pretending to be dead. 
you played along as you gasped and put the pack of your hand on your forehead as you spoke
“oh my dear Alex, I love you too, and now you will never get to know how much i loved you” you faked sobbed onto his chest
“maybe a true loves kiss will help save him” he whispered, making the scene even funnier and causing both of you to bust out laughing
“ah yes, the only way to save my prince, a true loves KISS!” you said before coming down and kissing Alex on the lips. 
he sat up with a loud gasp
“I am alive! a kiss of true love saved me!” you giggled beside him as you watched him play out his Oscar-winning performance
“may I kiss you again m’lady? for saving my life of course.” he questioned
“of course, you can kiss me anytime m’lady” you said back, pulling him into a deeper kiss
he pulled way first before speaking
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bykio · 3 years
A/N: So.... I didn’t mean to not write for a while but school and other things have happened since then, so I hope that this is good. Also my friend @ih8people​ gave me an idea for one of the parts in this little part of the story, so, just wanted to give her some credit too... Anyways, Lets start the 3rd part of  this Karma x reader x Nagisa (also I know that it’s not the greatest thing, but I’m going to try TvT )
Hope you like it~ See ya when you finish reading~
Recap: Keiko then walked somewhere off the regular path to get her sister, as the two realizing what Keiko just said. Since she just left, they shuffled to get back to her. Once they got to her, they just started talking, until Keiko realized something. 
“Oh, and just so you know, my sister will probably freak out when you two get to my house. Just a warning.” Keiko said, calmly.
At that second, Nagisa and Karma stopped their walking and looked at each other in confusion.“Wait what?”
While the two had paused in their steps, Keiko had continued walking not bothering to stop for them, just continued to walk and ignore how the red and blue hared kids had stopped, what was now 10 feet away without realizing their guide had left them in the dust. 
After a second of realization, the two hurried back to Keiko. They wanted to know what the heck she had meant, but she didn’t answer any of their questions, instead she just walked up to where her sister would exit her class in a few seconds.
“Ok, listen up you idiots! I need you to stay at least 10 feet away from me and my sister at all times till you follow me to my house. Now, when you see me enter, you better wait a few minutes at least for me to tell her what is going on, ok.” she finished. Her eyes were shone with anger, force, and intimidation. For the first time in a while (lets just say) the two boys were very much scared at her words and how stern she was when it came to being serious. They both realized that this girl had many different blades when it comes to assassination or anything when she puts her mind to something she was serious about. 
And even before they could realize, Keiko was gone, and had gotten her sister to walk her home. 
“Hey Hero! How was your day?” Keiko asked her little sister, who had totally switched personalities from a few seconds ago. “Oh hey Key! It was fine, but, I may have uh... to talk to you about something... when we get home, is that ok?” Hero said to her older sister, with a faint blush on her cheeks, that didn’t go unnoticed by her sister. “Sure~ Now, lets get home, I have a few things to do after you tell me~” Keiko said with a sly smirk on her face, wondering what her sister was going to tell her. But on the inside, she really hoped that the two a few feet away didn’t hear the nickname her sister had just called her.
Karma- “Did I hear that right? Did her sis just call her Key?~
Nagisa- “I don’t think we should pester her too much about it right now...” he said sweat-dropping ‘But knowing you, you will tease her about it’
Karma- ‘Imma tease her about it’
~Time skip cause I’m lazy~
Once Keiko and her sister were in their house, Keiko started to ask her sister first about what had happened at school first before the two could come and ruin a moment she could have with her sister. 
“Soooo~ what is it you want to tell me?~” Keiko started, wiggling her eyebrows a little towards her sister, making her sister remember and start to blush a bit more then she had when she had brought it up before.
“W-well, so you know u-uh, LGBTQ+ right?” Hirako started, stuttering a little bit. “Sis, who do you take me for? Yea I know what it is. What about it?” Keiko said. “Well, I- uh, I- I THINK I’M LESBIAN!” Hirako blurted out. Keiko, stopped what she was doing at that second then yelled at the top of her lungs, “I KNEW IT! Now spill who do you have a crush on in you class~” (I really wanted some tie between this, please don’t hate me) Keiko said, sitting down on the couch that was close to the chair Hirako was sitting in.
“I- What!? What do you mean you know?” Hirako asked slightly bewildered and kinda confused that her sister took it so well, but thankful at the same time that her sister took it so well.
“Never mind that, who do you have a crush on? I want to know!!!” Keiko said excitedly, waiting anxiously for the answer from her sister. “I- I mean, i like this girl, she, she is in my class, her name is Alex...” Hirako started, “She- she is really nice and kind to me, unlike some of the other kids in my class, she also helped me a few times get out of some situations that could have ended up bad, so I, yea I kinda like her...” Hirako finished, her eyes covered by a shadow, and a heavy blush on her face. 
Hirako mumbled something incoherent to Keiko’s ears, so with a smirk (and ways to get the two together,) Keiko asked, “What was that~ I couldn’t hear you~” Keiko said with a teasing matter of tone in her voice.
Hirako rolled her eyes, and tilted her head towards her sister, “You are as sadistic and sinister as Karma, and sneaky and smart as Nagisa, making you three the perfect pair~” Keiko widened her eyes, remembering the little situation she was in...
~Outside the front door of Keiko and Hirako’s house~
Karma: “Did you hear that just now?” 
Nagisa: “I knew it was a bad idea to eavesdrop when we are saposed to wait for her to come get us...” Nagisa said, sweatdroping
~Back in the house~
“I- I” Keiko started blushing a bit knowing that the two were most likely hearing what they were talking about. “Whatever, you still didn’t answer my question, what was it you said under your breath?” Keiko shot back
“I- I said I think that I saw a lesbian pin on her backpack...” Hirako answered
There was silence.
for a few seconds...
“YES!!!!!! HA! HELL YES! MY SHIP WILL SAIL I KNOW IT! IT WILL IF I HAVE ANYTHING TO SAY ABOUT IT!-” Keiko rambled on and on while yelling. Keiko didn’t always curse, so it was mainly a special ocation when she did, or she stubbed her tow really hard, but other then those moments, she rarely did.
Hirako had barely heard what she said after her huge ‘YES!!!!!!’ While the two behind the front door literally jumped back when they herd the outburst. They first had jumped back a few feet, Nagisa on the floor scared out of his mind, and Karma ready with useless knife in hand. They got over their shock eventually, but then got tired of waiting for Keiko to eventually explain their situation. Well mainly Karma, but we don’t talk about how impatient this sadistic boy is. 
~After a few mintues of the rant final being over~
“Ok, so like I said before, I have a little, well situation going on...” Keiko started, with Hirako’s full attention on her, with wide and wondering eyes focused on Key.
“Ok, so um, in my class there are-” 
She wasn’t able to finish her sentience when the door was kicked down by Mr. Impatient himself, with a worried light blue haired boy trying to pull him back. Obviously, that didn’t work.
You and Hirako were just staring, you with a deadpan + angry look on your face, while Hirako, a face of utter anger, and surprise noting who the two boys look identical to.
“HA!” was all that the redhead said when you went over to the two. He said this while he looked like he just accomplished something great. (In his opinion of course) They weren't even able to comprehend that you had come up behind them, and hit both of the back of their heads with a bit of force, more then they were thinking would actually come from you. (Not to be rude to you reader-chan) 
“You idiots” you breathed out, making a shiver go down the two’s spine, not expecting your tone of voice either. “I didn’t finish explaining.” you finished, and dragged the two into the kitchen by their ears, and closed the door behind you. You scolded them a bit more, but not in the same tone, then you came out, and explained everything to your sister, and she took it surprisingly well. 
“So, let me get this strait, they came from Assassination Classroom, and are now stuck so far to what we know? Ok, just tell me one thing~” Hiro said with a glint of misgif in her eyes. “Ugh, what?” you said, smiling slightly sadly because she knew a little of what it was going to be. “Are you glad that they are finally real? I mean, you are a huge simp for he both of them nfuhtalbweercklgbs psegjsegkjrrhfansegbfj” Hiro was muffled at the end by Keiko’s hand, and said, “Ok, I will give you 10 dollars you won’t tell them that, no shortcuts, no loop holes, no NOTHING when it comes to that, got it?” you said, she agreed and you held up with your part of the deal.
When that whole situation was done with, you took the two into your room. (i just want to describe what it would like, you can add stuff to it if you want but this is just the layout for it in my head) Your room was a decent size, you had a good sized bed, when if you sat in the middle with your back to the wall, and your door to your left. it had your closet in a seprite room connected to it, with a nightstand a few feet away from you. there was lots of space for your figurines, posters, manga, *cough*cough* weapons *cough*, and much more collections you have from a number of anime’s you have watched. You also had a mini couch in your room with a desk in the corner, but you piled it up with random stuff so you used you couch more with your computer as your mini TV. Though the ones that were in a separate and more collected spot was the one with you Assassination Classroom poster above your bed, and entire manga series aide it. Your room did have a designated bookshelf for the different manga you read, but the whole series of A.C. was (again) designated, since it was you favorite.
When you entered, you looked bored, and were kinda tired. The while need to explain everything that had happened, was exhausting, so you plopped down on your bed, but started looking up Assassination Classroom for watching and information purposes, to help Nagisa and Karma remember what the last things that happened. The only thing, you didn’t want to happen was have them be transported back to their anime, like you have read in other fan fictions. sure it was silly, but you kinda liked having them around though you’d never admit it. (tsundere much reader-chan?~) 
“So, what’s the last thing you remember when you were home...” Keiko started, it was almost hard for her to say the word “home” since it hurt you a little bit. “Oh, we were just getting back from our vacation-” “Yea when Nagisa showed our last P.E. Teacher that he could take on any fight!” Karma interrupted Nagisa, while you thought to yourself, ‘we shouldn’t go past that part, I don’t want to ruin anything.’ as you finished pulling up the first episode. 
All three gathered on you bed, Nagisa on your left, Karma at your right. You blushed at first as they each laid their head on either of your shoulders, but continued.
It was about the 13th episode, till you were rudely interrupted by your brother surprising you in your hallway walking past, getting the wrong idea when he saw the two boys laying on either side of you.
From his point of view, he saw two boys laying on either side of you, literally hanging off you, and it seemed like they were pretty comfortable. He just smirked, and leaned his back against the door way and said, “Oh~ looks like my lil sis didn’t find one but two boys all of a sudden that can deal with her huh?~” he finished, startling you, witch caused the other two to realize that a new stranger was in the house they weren't told about.
Your cheeks started to burn from embarrassment, and right when you were excited for the upcoming episode. You got up, placing the computer down in the spot you used to be in, and took your brother by his elbow and went down stairs.
“Hey where are you going?” Nagisa said after you, he had liked being in your room in peace watching all their past experiences with him and Karma.
“I- Uh, I’m going to go talk to my brother for a moment and make him food, since he’s really bad at cooking.” Keiko said with a smirk at the end while walking down the stairs. “Don’t worry it shouldn’t take more then 5 minutes” she finished.
~In the Kitchen~
“So, who are they?~ Are you in a poly relationship or something?~” He said, wondering if he was correct. You, on the other hand, were zoned out seeing you put ketchup on your butcher knife to originally cut tomatoes, wondering if you could get away with fatality injuring your brother and not being noticed.
“I swear, if you say one more word about that, I will hurt you with this...” you said, holding up the knife. “Don’t worry, I won’t, unless I’m correct and you are trying to get out of the subject~” he said. That was the last straw.
~In your room still~
“Its almost been 10 minutes, I think we should go check on her.” karma started, getting up from his seat. He was finished going through your search history. “I don’t know Karma, maybe we should stay and wait for her...” Nagisa said, hoping to stay instead and not get lost in your house. 
“C’mon Nagisa, lets just go, it’ll be ok.” Karma said finally convincing his friend to come.
when they got down stairs, they were at the foot of the stairs when they saw what you were doing. 
You were holding the butcher knife in one hand, the other on your brother’s shoulder, about to, what it looked like, at least cut his arm almost clean off.
The two of you heard the stairs creak, topping what you were doing. In truth, you only going to cut a little of his arm, not all of it. But the scene was kinda weird you have to admit. They didn’t know the already redened knife was ketchup that you didn’t pay attention to, but hey, we all make mistakes.
After a few moments of sorting things out, you, Nagisa, and Karma went to your room again about to start the episode up again, but when you opened your laptop, holding your phone, the Computer screen lit up in a bright light, not regular to the glare it would give if it was lat at night when you look at your phone for the first time in a while.
“Ah! Is- Is this supposed to happen?” Karma yelled to you. “No! I’ve watched this series often, and this has never happened!” you yelled back, holding your hands in front of you, simaler to what the two boys were doing on either side of you.
Soon enough, the three of you were being dragged into the screen soon transported to a different, unknown location to you.
When your eyesite cleared, you were with Karma, at your side, and Nagisa walking up to their old psychotic P.E. Teacher that tried to take Kurasuma’s job.
“Wait is Nagisa going up there alone!? Why?! No! He wi- I mean could get hurt!!” you said balancing, standing up with your phone in hand. 
Then it hit you
‘No no no no no no no no. NO! Please no... I can’t be here, as amazing as it is, please no...’ you thought to yourself.
“Don’t worry young lady” a new voice came into your earshot. You knew that voice... Koro-Sensei!! 
“Nagisa can handle this, and thank you for taking care of my students while they disappeared for a short amount of time.” Koro-sensei said with his ever lasting smile still on his face.
“Thanks Koro-Sensei, but I still don’t like watching this over and over again” you said more to yourself then anything
Oh you shure hoped that everything would work out in the end, I mean you knew it would but that also included you getting back hope too...
The End
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calpalirwin · 4 years
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Summary: Anon request- I wish you would write a fic where: its Ash and Seb. and the teacher has to tape their lips from telling about Sebs friend in class and how they moved Seb so he could be nearer. And the friendship is very affectionate but platonic as maybe the other kid grew up in a very expressive household so holding hands, fixing hair etc. is normal. And the teacher is much more affectionate with Ash cause he taught Seb about all the different types of love. But they can't tell Ash cause Seb hasnt told Ash.
A/N: Revival of Ash and Seb! And okay, I know you said “platonic” but like… bear with me. 
Content: All the soft affection. Dad!Ashton.
Word count: 1.6k
And away, and away we go!
“Um… Miss?” Sebastian’s voice asked from the back seat.
“Yes?” she asked, peeking at the boy through the rearview mirror. His eyes wouldn’t meet hers as he fiddled nervously with the cuffs of his sweatshirt.
“You’re not gonna tell Dad that you moved my seat, are you?”
She chuckled, shaking her head. “Not if you don’t want me to.”
The hazel eyes snapped up to meet hers in the mirror. “Really?!”
She chuckled more. “Sebastian, I didn’t move your seat because you were in trouble. I moved everybody’s seats because I thought you guys would like it.”
“But you moved me next to Ben.”
“Don’t you like sitting next to Ben? I thought you guys were friends.”
“We are! He’s my best friend. Did you know he has two moms?!”
“He does?!” she asked, matching his excitement.
“Yeah!” And then, “Miss?”
“Is it weird that Ben holds my hand? Like the way Dad holds your hand? Cuz… he’s done it before. And I don’t care that he does. It’s nice. But Alex saw. And I still don’t like Alex. So I let go. But I think I hurt Ben’s feelings when I did. But I didn’t do it cuz I didn’t like it. I just didn’t want Alex to pick on us.”
She held off on answering for a split second, not aware of how much Ashton had taught the boy about displays of affection and the like. “Well…” she finally decided. “If you and Ben like holding each other’s hands, then I don’t think it matters if other people think it’s weird.”
Sebastian smiled, liking what he had heard as they pulled into the driveway, as Ashton pulled in right after them. “You think Dad will let Ben come over on Saturday so we can play?” he asked as he climbed out in a hurry to greet his dad.
“I think you dad will love that.”
“Think I’ll love what?” Ashton asked, as he crouched to meet Sebastian’s hug.
“Dad! Can Ben come over on Saturday?”
Ashton’s eyebrows pulled together as he did a mental run through of his schedule. “Yeah. Ben can come over.”
“Cool! I’m gonna go call him and ask!” Sebastian said before taking off for the house.
“Don’t think I’ve ever met Ben. Or heard of him…”
“Yeah, Ben only transferred like a month ago. But him and Seb are practically joined at the hip. You’re home early.” She reached up on tiptoes to kiss him.
“Yeah, we finished early. Sorry. If I’d known I would have just come and got Seb myself.”
She waved him off dismissively. “Nonsense. It’s not like it’s a hassle for me to pick him up. Plus it gives me an excuse to come over.”
“Like you need an excuse,” Ashton winked, pulling her into him with a laugh. “You know you’re welcome whenever.”
Whatever moment they were about to share was stopped by Sebastian running back out, causing the couple to jump apart. “Can Ben spend the night on Saturday too, Dad?! His moms said it’s okay if he does.”
“Sure,” Ashton agreed.
Sebastian couldn’t sit still the rest of the week, his excitement constantly making his legs bounce. More than once he had to be reminded to focus on his work, but it was hard when every time he looked over at Ben, the other boy smiled before giving his hand a small squeeze. If Y/N thought there was more to it than just Sebastian being excited about his first sleepover like Ashton assumed, then she made no mention of it. But she did make a point to be more affectionate towards Ashton in Sebastian’s presence, as a subtle act of showing the fourth grader that there was nothing weird with showing those you cared about that you cared about them through simple touches. A gesture Ashton was more than fond of and he subconsciously found himself doing it more in turn, whether it was running his thumb over the back of her hands, or rubbing small circles in the small of her back.
On Saturday, as soon as Sebastian scarfed down his breakfast, he sat in front of the large window overlooking the driveway. He would let out a gasp of excitement before holding his breath at every car that passed by, hoping that it would be Ben. And every time the car would keep driving, Sebastian would let out his breath with a small sigh, and Ashton would glance worriedly over at the clock, hating the disappointment etched on his son’s face.
Finally, a car slowed out front, it’s blinker flashing before it pulled up the driveway. “He’s here!” Sebastian exclaimed, jumping up to his feet and bounding for the door. “Ben!” he greeted, throwing his arms around the other boy in a hug.
Ben broke out in a grin that rivaled Sebastian’s, pressing a swift kiss on his friend’s cheek before breaking out of the hug. Ashton couldn’t hear the words being said, but he assumed it was Ben introducing Sebastian to his moms, as he followed his son out front. “Hi, I’m Ashton. You must be Ben’s moms.”
The ladies’ swiveled towards Ashton. “Yes, hi!” they greeted warmly, still eyeing the boys who were already running back up towards the house, hands intertwined. “Thanks again for having Ben over.”
“Oh, yeah. Don’t even worry about it. What time do you want him home tomorrow?”
“Oh, we’ll pick him up around 2 if that’s alright.”
“Yeah, that’s totally fine.”
The three parents stood in awkward silence for a few moments, wondering what to do next as neither set had much experience with their sons having friendships that resulted in sleepovers. Thankfully they were saved by the boys barreling out of the house, before skidding to a stop in front of them, wide grins on their faces and absolutely breathless. “Dad! Can Ben and I sleep outside in the tent?!”
“Sure, bud,” Ashton smiled. “See if you can grab it out of the garage, and I’ll be out in a sec to help you guys set it up.”
“Daaaad, I can set it up myself…” he muttered lowly, cheeks flushing in embarrassment.
Ashton held up his hands in surrender, “Alright. Ben, I think your moms are ready to leave.”
“Oh! Bye!” Ben said before hugging his moms goodbye.
“Dad, can we make smores over a fire? Pretend like we’re really camping?”
“I think that sounds like a great idea. I think we got hotdogs still too, so we can roast those later for dinner. Sound good?”
“Awesome! C’mon, Ben! Let’s go get the tent!” Sebastian grabbed Ben’s hand, and the duo was running off again.
“Are they this close at school, too?” Ashton asked Y/N in a hushed whisper, watching as Ben yanked back his marshmallow he had set on fire, and Sebastian quickly blew it out as both boys erupted into a fit of giggles.
She nodded as she leaned closer to him. “Oh yeah. When I redid my seating chart, I purposefully sat them together so they would stop talking to each other across the classroom, and distracting everyone else.”
“Why didn’t you tell me he was doing that? I would’ve said something to him.”
“Because it wasn’t a big deal. If I had to call every parent every time their kid talked to their friend across the room, I’d never get anything done.”
“But he’s happy? I know this year hasn’t exactly been an easy one for him.”
“Ash, you worry too much. Seb’s doing just fine.”
“Dad! Can Ben and I have another smore?”
“Just one more,” Ashton relented, nodding over at the small outdoor coffee table that held all the fixings.
“Thanks Dad!”
“Thanks Mr. Ashton!”
“Better make yourself one before those two eat me out of chocolate,” Ashton murmured in Y/N’s ear, lips brushing against her neck as he pulled back.
“Mmm, you won’t make one for me?” she fake pouted.
“Only if you share it with me.”
“Deal,” she agreed.
“Hey, Dad?” Sebastian asked as Ashton helped him take down the tent now that Ben had gone home.
“Yeah, bud?”
“Gay’s when you’re a boy and you like other boys, right?”
Ashton choked on air, sitting back on his heels. “It’s… uh, a little more complicated than that, bud. But yeah. Typical when a boy likes a boy, he’d be considered gay.”
“Well, I’m a boy. And Ben’s a boy. And I like him. So I think I’m gay. At least for now.”
“And what do you like about Ben?”
“Well… I like that he holds my hand. And I like that he thinks my backpack’s cool because he likes Spider-Man too. And we have fun.”
“That’s good, bud.”
“He also kisses me sometimes. And I thought it’d be gross like when Uncle Cal and Uncle Mikey’s dogs get too excited. But it’s not.”
Again, Ashton choked on air. “Whoa. You are way too young to be kissing anybody, pal.”
“It’s not a grown-up kiss!” Sebastian giggled, his cheeks turning pink. “It’s like the same kiss I give Aunties and Grandma. Right here.” He stabbed a finger into his cheek.
“C’mere, bud,” Ashton said, patting the grass next to him. “You can like whoever you want,” he told his son as they sat together. “And you can hold their hand, and have fun with them. But-”
“I have to ask, and if they say ‘no,’ then that’s it. I know, Dad.”
“Well yes. That too. But the kissing? I’m not saying that you shouldn’t. But there’s a time and place for that. And school’s not that time or place. Like you can kiss people’s cheeks all you want, just not at school, okay? At least not until you’re a little older. Any don’t worry about labeling yourself. Just like who you like. Deal?”
“Deal,” Sebastian grinned. Then, “Hey, Dad?”
“I still think I want that person to be Ben. You know, the person I like the way you like Miss Y/N. At least for now.”
“And if Ben wants that too, then go ahead and like him. Just do me one favor, alright?”
“Help me put this damned tent away!”
Tag List
@frontmanash​ @goeatsomelife​ @flameraine​ @creator-appreciator​ (please have been @here-for-the-uproars...) @cxddlyash​ @1-irwin-94​ @sparkling-calm​ @tea4sykes​ @youngblood199456​ @5-seconds-of-obsession​ @gosh-im-short​ @aquarius-hood1996​ @talkfastromance4​ @itjustkindahappenedreally​ @philthepegacorn​ @boomerash​
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HWU101: A Transfer
Masterlists: [Hollywood U] || [Red Carpet Diaries]  || [Baby Hunt]  || [Love & Scotch HWU/OH]  ||  [#HollywoodHacks HWU/LH]
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Characters: Alex, Thomas Hunt, Addison Sinclair, Holly Chang, Mike Tanner, Ben Park (#LoveHacks)
Series Background: This takes place in my current Hollywood U AU a couple of years before Love & Scotch. It also is set before the #LoveHacks Choices series. 
Hunt and Alex are dating openly. He had his tenure stripped and they are both on probation, but they are in the clear. With the success of Permanent Wound and the press from outing Richard Sheridan and The Silver Circle, Alex is in high demand. She wants to produce her first movie and Hunt has agreed to direct (coming out of retirement). Now if only they can agree on it!
(This starts off with the canon storyline of them moving forward with Centaurus Lost, but it falls apart at the start of this and moves on with an original story.)
Chapter Synopsis: Hunt agreed to come out of retirement to direct Alex’s first solo-produced film, Centaurus Lost, but the production is going anything but smoothly. Will things change with the arrival of new student, Ben Park?
☆  ☆   ☆   ☆   ☆
 “Cut!” Hunt shouted. His fingers dug through his hair as he turned away trying to gather his thoughts. “Get out! All of you! OUT!”
 “Professor?” Addison questioned, looking up from one of the actors, whose costume she was adjusting. “We still have two more scenes to shoot today.”
“Leave! That includes you, Miss Sinclair. I know how you feel about following directions, but just this once do as you’re told,” Hunt grumbled. “Everyone out! This isn’t working. I need to think.”
“Let’s wrap for today,” Alex stepped forward attempting to calm the cast and crew of Centaurus Lost. “Get some rest and be back tomorrow ready to pick up where we left off.” 
“It’s okay,” Alex continued, noting the looks of uncertainty on the faces of those around her. “Go! Enjoy the beautiful afternoon.”
Alex helped the crew clean up and put the equipment away for the day, her gaze shifting to Hunt. He continued pacing off to the side, deep in thought.
 “Hey.” Alex ran her fingers up Hunt’s back, once everyone else had left. “Tell me what’s going on.”
 Hunt shifted away, Alex’s hand falling beside her.
 “This film isn’t working.” Hunt’s scratched his jaw thoughtfully. “Miss Chang and Mr. Tanner did not stop bickering about the script all day. Every time we went to shoot a scene, one or both of them, decided there should be changes. They both have some ideas of merit, but right now, they’re hurting this film far more than helping it.”
 “Thomas,” Alex breathed. She attempted to move closer, but he avoided her once more.
“I walked away from directing once because studios fed me uninspired projects. I refuse to compromise my artistry or ethics,” Hunt ranted, his gaze stern and unrelenting. “As I said, the project has to be right for me and this one isn’t working.”
“Let’s just talk about this,” Alex suggested.
“I know how much you wanted this to work… You’re the producer, find some way to fix this!” Hunt paused for a moment before continuing. “Or... I’m leaving this production.”
Alex felt her eyes misting at his tone. “Fine!”
“Alex,” his voice was softer now at the hurt in her eyes. He moved closer.
She shook him away. “Compartmentalize. I know.”
He nodded. “Go fix this. Convince me why I should take a chance on this film when so many facets of it are falling apart already.”
Alex turned and walked away. She didn’t dare look back. The past few days had been a strain between them. Even if they had agreed not to bring work home, it was hard to turn her feelings on and off. It was one thing when she was just balancing Professor Hunt, with boyfriend Hunt, now she also had business partner and director Hunt to keep separate.
 She knew before she could fix the film, she had to save the screenplay. 
Alex texted Holly and Mike. “Campus Brew. 30 minutes. This is not an option. Be there or you’re out.”
“Nice try, sweetheart. You can’t make my movie without me,” Mike replied.
“Whose movie?” Holly answered. “I believe I’m the lead writer. My name is first on the script.”
“Relax, Pixie Dream Girl. No use getting mad and looking all hot when I’m not there to see,” Mike argued.
“ENOUGH! Act like professionals. Show up for this meeting. Or breach your contracts and be out. I’m serious.”
No wonder this film was sinking. These two were never going to play nice, which is why she had chosen a public venue for their meeting, at least that would force them to keep it together to some extent. (She hoped.)
Alex stormed into the coffee shop, barely looking up from her phone as she followed the heated text exchange from her screenwriters. At this point, nothing short of an epiphany would save the film and she knew it. Hunt was right. 
“Ahh!” A deep voice startled her as she bumped into someone, scattering their books and papers all over. 
“I’m so sorry! I wasn’t even looking.” Alex quickly apologized. “This is all my fault.”
“It’s okay, Jesse Quick,” He chuckled more to himself than anything else. He adjusted his glasses.
“I’m not sure who Jesse is?” She looked at him curiously. “I’m Alex!”
“She’s just..." He paused, noting how Alex’s red shirt hugged her petite figure and the way her brown hair appeared windblown from seemingly rushing off, perhaps to save Central City. His mind had already begun sketching her before he could stop it. Everywhere he looked he saw inspiration. He quickly shook the thoughts from his head as he noted the change in her expression. "You just kind of remind me of a character from one of my favorite shows.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment.” She smiled softly. 
“You should! She’s great.” He bent down to pick up his fallen papers. 
“These are amazing,” Alex marveled as she helped collect his scattered sketches. “You’re very talented… I don’t think I ever got your name.” 
“I’m Ben, Ben Park,” he repositioned his books and sketches in his arm so he could shake her hand. 
“Nice to meet you, Ben. I don’t think I’ve seen you around campus before,” she noted. She would definitely remember a face like that. 
“It’s actually my first day,” Ben admitted. “I just transferred from Grantmore University.” 
“In that case, can I buy you something to drink? It’s the least I can do for running into you,” Alex suggested. 
“You don’t have to do that,” he replied. 
“I want to,” Alex insisted. “I can offer you some tips about classes and any professors you may have–if you’re interested and have a few minutes.”
“I don’t want to intrude, you look like you have a lot going on,” he smiled shyly. 
“I’ve got a few minutes before my meeting. You’d actually be doing me a favor, keep me busy until then?” 
“Okay,” he agreed. 
“Great! So tell me more about yourself, Ben. What are you studying? Please tell me you’re here as a graphic artist, because if not you need to change majors ASAPs,” Alex laughed, she didn’t mean to come off so insistent, but she meant what she said. She ordered coffee for the two of them. 
“I am.” Ben blushed at the compliment. “I’m also looking into the writing program.”
“Oh, do you want to be a screenwriter?” Alex questioned. “I’m actually meeting with two screenwriters in a bit if you want to meet them.” 
Alex hesitated after she made the suggestion. Perhaps Holly and Mike were not the best exemplars of the program… at least, not at the moment. 
“I’m more interested in writing a graphic novel.” His fingers grazed a sketchbook, that he held tightly. “I’ve written drafts of a few ideas, but…”
“Do you mind if I take a look?” Alex asked cautiously. She knew how temperamental some writers could be about their unfinished work. 
“They’re probably not good,” he shook his head, considering her request. 
“You got to start somewhere, right?” Alex offered.
Ben reluctantly handed her his sketchbook containing his draft of an outer space superhero adventure. 
Alex leaned back in the armchair in the coffee shop and began flipping through his draft. Page after page, her expression changed as the story hit highs and lows. She followed the characters through joyful, devastating, and humorous moments. “This is really good, Ben.”
“You don’t have to say that,” he took his sketchbook back. 
“I mean it. It’s really good! You should definitely look into the writing program. Clearly you have a talent for it too!” She encouraged him. 
Alex and Ben continued drinking their coffees while Alex waited for Holly and Mike to arrive. Her mind had lightened with seeing the joy in his eyes as they talked about his creations, it was a lovely sight. One she had almost forgotten about while on the set of Centaurus Lost. No, it wasn’t just joy, it was passion. Passion for his creations, that’s what was missing on set. She just needed to figure out how to inspire Holly and Mike to that level of creative passion. If the screenplay had heart, the rest of everything would fall into place.
☆  ☆   ☆   ☆   ☆
Perma tags: @lilyofchoices ; @simplymissjulia ; @mfackenthal ; @the-soot-sprite ; @virtuallytakenby ; @zeniamiii ; @kaavyaethanramsey; @choicesobsessed; @xjustin-ethansgirliex
Thomas Tags: @alleksa16  ;    @flyawayboo    ;  @alj4890  ;  @twin-skltns   ;    @ab1901 ;   @riseandshinelittleblossom  ; @hopelessromantic1352  ;   @thearianam  ; @trappedinfandoms; @zodiacsign1 ; @curiouslittlefreak ; @sharrybh20​ ; @awkwardambition ; @jodibo ;
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insporaelynn · 4 years
📲 raelynn && roman
WHEN: january 24-26th 
DESCRIPTION: just best friends talking and being obsessed with each other. rae confides in him about her ex drama.
TRIGGER WARNINGS: drug mention, probably sex mention.
Hi love of my life. I miss your face. How’s it going??
my baby
god, i miss you too. i'm doing okay, how're you tonight?
it’s been an off day, not even gonna lie lol super sore and tired. I just wanna be back to normal already
oh no
how's your scar healing up? the boys are taking care of you right??
it’s okay I guess bleh lol and not tonight. I’m all alone
Where's Q? Is Aaron working?
Well I guess I should know that since I'm literally at work. Lmao.
Q is working on music. Aaron has des tonight
ugh. i wanna lay with you and kiss ur face.
are you busyyy? I can burn us some cookies
i'm working but I'd love to see you after if you're still up.
of yeah you just said you’re at work lmao fucking weed
yes please come by when you’re done
absolutely, i'm yours.
u know niamh was trying to figure out who rue's date was and she was like "is it you" bc i mentioned that I have a dick appt with him tomorrow night.
and i was like. dude, no, for like, a thousand reasons. like, why would that ever be me???
oh god, I’m so out of the loop with gossip lately, it’s sad. I didn’t even know he had a date lol
it's apparently some big secret but he's having people help him dress up and asking about flowers and candy and niamh is like "bitch is it you" and i'm like. LMAO.
like is there anything about me that says flowers and candy
Hahahahahhahahahahaha HAHAHA
that really made me laugh too hard.
like, i'm not the flowers girl, i'm the sneak out in the night girl, the middle of the afternoon girl, all those things, but flowers girl???? sdkfdskksd
I’m 100p a flowers girl
my parents are coming in to town this week. Gotta tell them I have two boyfriends haaaa. Pray for me
I feel like that should be the least shocking thing about you??? In a good way.
yeah, I definitely keep them on their toes
tell ur boyfriend that if he wants me to continue wearing body glitter he's going to have to pay me extra
omg but I love body glitter fyi
I did an onlyfans video with Lilah earlier and I'm like 80% sure that I left glitter on her sheets. Like I'm a fucking unicorn.
that makes me so happy I can’t even lie
I too wanna leave glitter everywhere
man I need to do only fans
i would a thousand percent subscribe
both bc i'm a perv and also bc i'm a very supportive best friend.
we could get naked and do a body glitter photoshoot
and I love this about you
that sounds like a dream?? Wow
would love nothing more than to apply body glitter to ur glorious tiddies.
my tillies would appreciate it
Hahahaa it hurts to laughhhh
clears throat Um. The National Debt.
it is my understanding that there is. National Debt.
hahahah I love you
Blah blah, topics. Blah blah, smart people jargon, blah blah
god it’s so boring isn’t it
would so much rather talk about titties
God same.
Like how yours are somehow bigger than mine.
I know, I need some sort of support at this point I think
we could get you fitted for bras somewhere maybe that'd be fun
it'd look actually so hot
well I already wear lingerie in the bedroom. Might as well.
you will be the absolute death of me, you're simply too gorgeous and too sweet to exist.
stahhpppp you’re making me blushhhh. Right back atcha my babe
is there anything you want me to bring you when i'm done here?
just yourself. I’ve got good ass weed
and for the millionth time, i realized, you are my soul mate.
you’re mine, lovie.
i wish i could've had appendix surgery instead of you
noooo don’t be silly lol I’m okay darling.
no i hate that you were in pain even for like a second i hate it so much!!
stop it, I love you. You cutie. Oh god okay I’m gonna make us cookies.
Dont burn the house down my beautiful twin flame
I always get cookie dough thinking I’ll do better next time. I still have that unearned confidence
Thats bc im always building you up and rightfully so
yes you do and I live for it. I also really love fresh cookies right out of the oven, I just want to make that happen
I believe in you my little tropical starfish
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literally you
hehehehe ⭐️
i don't think anybody's ever gonna love me more than you
and i think. i think maybe that's okay?
that’s not true. You’re gonna find someone who is gonna blow you away
yeah but even if i did, would I even be able to love them without being scared of them?
yeah, I think so. I’ve had to overcome a lot of walls and fears myself that I never thought I could. The right person makes it easier.
idk there are a lot of people i could've loved if i hadn't been so....this lmao
I think it’ll just take some time!
you have so much faith in me.
of course I do. I think you can do anything.
i'm not really sure.
you don’t have to be cause I ammmmm
and you're the smartest person in the world
in the whole world?? Damn. I’m not near as rich as I should be then.
how about I stay over with you tonight and we get some breakfast in the morning? I did really good on tips tonight.
okay!! I’d love that
good 'cause i don't get to spend nearly as much time with you as i wanna
I knowwww. We haven’t had a sleepover in so long
you can cuddle up to me and i'll feed you cookies and kiss your hair
revolutionary. better than therapy.
I finished the cookies baby and I didn’t burn them to a crisp
you fucking legend
I’m pretty damn proud of myself not gonna lieeeee
extremely sad that i couldn't stay at breakfast with you all day
now I’m bored
i swear after i left you my day went down the tubes.
oh no I’m sorry
who do I need to fight
well carson is back.
oh god, tell me more
idk why he's back but wes gave him my number bc i guess when i told him to lose it he took it to heart which like good i wanted him to
but anyway i screamed at him in the chat
everyone called me a hypocrite bc i told ivy to stop being a bitch in the chat awhile back. which tbh i didn't remember even doing, i just be saying shit.
like alex opened his fuckin mouth and i'm like what dog do you have in this fight
oh and DELILAH is moving in with carson bc he's "like her brother!!!" never mind the fact that he cheated on me bc i guess friendship doesn't mean much anymore
wow that’s...messy. Wtf lilah though seriously
So then Carson texts me bc wes gave him my number and that felt like being??? Pushed back in time against my will
that’s not cool
So yeah a lot of crying today
*chick with knife emoji*
me rn
Cute but lethal
*img attachment* 
and not at all high...
you're so hot jesus christ.
I love you.
love u more than life itself
*img attachment of a keychain that says PUSSY WAGON* 
this was recommended to me on Instagram and now I want it.
it would be perfect for my Volkswagen
omg and with me in it...it really WOULD be a pussy wagon......
big brain
we should road trip soon
I would love that so much honestly
where should we go?
Disney world!!
will u propose to me there
wouldn’t that be romantic as heck
THE most romantic and also we'd maybe get free dessert
I never turn down anything free.
me neither. not the taylor family way
hahaha I love you.
we'll start planning a summer trip, just us.
yay yay yay yay!
i'm gonna wear a tiara the whole time.
with Mickey ears?
of course, i'm not a monster.
I hate dudes.
they’re a mess aren’t they lol
Had a temporary lapse in sanity and agreed to meet Carson for coffee lol and he canceled like 15 mins before we were supposed to meet for a probably fake meeting lmao its so typical but I fell for it
babe I’m so sorry
Like im just so tired
how can I make it better
I don't know honestly and I wish I did.
I love you.
I love you.
you’re my baby
you're MY baby
1 note · View note
irwinkitten · 6 years
carry on | m.c
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requested: kinda? it’s part two of the bi!reader series. pairing: bi!reader x Michael notes: so this is part two to the bi!reader series. i’ve been working on this for the last two? three? weeks now. i had only intended to be like, 5k at most? maybe 6k at a push. but here we are, 30k words later. just a quick thank you to @burncrashbromance for setting this series in motion (you can find in love here.) i would also like to thank @glitterprincelu, @astroashtonio , and @hereforlukescruff for being personal cheerleaders when i needed them. (especially to allie as well who let me use her name, i love u soulmate #1) i want to also thank @hotmessmichael who kept reminding me that it wasn’t entirely shit. also shout out to @calumh-excess for being moral support through the last half of the fic and reminding me to take sanity breaks. love u rum auntie h. massive shout out to the rest of the girls in the nothin’ but love gc too ( @notoriouslyhood, @meetashthere, @valentinelrh, @softforcal) y’all have been my fucking rocks when i wanted to smack my head against heavy objects. 
warnings: angst, fluff, very slow burn.  word count: thirty fucking thousand words. with a couple of extra.  (30,125 words to be precise. 79 pages in google docs.)
“Y/N, you need to go, you’ve still got to get through security!” Her mum called out, wrapping her daughter in a tight hug.
It was going to be a long flight to LA, and she was nervous as anything.
“Promise us you’ll at least call whilst you’re out there? I’m going to miss hearing you strumming away.” At this, she laughed, a soft grin on her lips as she kissed her mother's cheek.
“I promise. Please don’t make me cry, I’ve still got to say goodbye to Allie.” At this, her mum chuckled before planting another kiss to her forehead before letting her go.
Y/N practically threw herself in her girlfriend’s arms, peppering her face in kisses, earning a laugh from Allie.
“Look at you, getting your shot in LA. I’m so damn proud of you.” And she knew that her girl was over the moon, but the tears shared between the two still spoke of the worries and sadness they felt at the distance that was about to come between them.
“I’ll text as often as possible babygirl, I promise.”
“Y/N!” She groaned at her name being called before leaning forward, pressing a soft kiss goodbye to her girlfriend.
“I love you Allie, don’t forget that.”
And then she was practically rushing away, carry on in one hand with her guitar slung over her shoulder, waving to her girl and her family.
The journey felt exhausting. When she’d left, it had been eight am. Yet as she landed, the time told her it was only ten am and she quickly realised today was going to be a very long one.
Managing to get an Uber to the hotel that was booked for her, she got her stuff checked in and sent the message to her mum and Allie that she had arrived safely in LA and that she was setting off to explore for the day.
‘Take care of yourself’ came from her mother. ‘Eat all the ice cream you can today and send me selfies.’ came from Allie.
Sending a quick message to one of the producers she was meeting with the next day to let them know she’d arrived safely, she didn’t expect an invite for lunch in LA.
‘That way you’ll know a friendly face when you come into the studio and maybe we can talk over some of the ideas you have. It’s handy to go in prepared when you’re recording.’
And that was what led her to a small cafe, sat in the sunshine with John Feldmann.
“How are you liking LA so far?” She shrugged.
“It’s more humid than back in Britain. I don’t know how my hair is going to survive a month whilst we get this done.” John laughed.
“You’ll adapt. You’ll miss this humidity back home, I can bet it.”
“Oh I know I will.”
“I’ve managed to get one of the more bigger studios, I remembered you putting that small spaces whilst recording weren’t ideal?” At this, she laughed.
“It’s because I like to move. I can’t stay still unless I’m sat at the piano, but even then I’m more than likely rocking out.” John joined in with the laughter.
“I think I’m going to like working with you. I had to rearrange a few schedules, but overall none were bothered by it. I think we gave a few people the lie-ins the desperately wanted.”
“As long as I haven’t inconvenienced anyone. I’m still amazed that it was my track that was picked. Like, there were so many that seemed to much better than mine.” She admitted softly and John smiled. He knew the team had picked right.
“You simply turned the camera on and went for it. No recording equipment, no overlays of other instruments. Just you and the guitar. And it was such a refreshing and catchy sound, how could we not pick you?” Her cheeks had gone as red as a tomato.
“Glad to understand how I got picked. Honestly, this is like, a dream. Like, I’m gonna wake up in five minutes and my girl is gonna give me a kiss good morning before she’s off to work and then I’m gonna roll out of bed to my own job.” At this, John laughed.
“It can kind of feel that way sometimes. Did you want to head to the studio today to check out what you’re working with? I know today was meant to be introductory and giving you a chance to settle, but I know that knowing where you’re going into will help.” She nodded in understanding.
“Actually, I like the idea of that.”
The studio had been beyond her wildest dreams. The mixing board alone was bigger than her usual recording space, so the actual studio was a dream to be in.
She had met a few other faces that were going to be helping her and she recognised what John was doing. He was helping her build connections away from making the actual music.
But she networked herself well, managed to get a few details and her new start felt promising. She’d heard bad things about LA, but she knew that she needed to experience every bit of it to get her feet stuck in.
The day had felt like a whirlwind but it meant that at nine pm, she passed out having barely crawled under the covers.
The next day, felt almost like another whirlwind. Because she was staying in LA for the month, there was more time in the studio and with other writers to perhaps add or help adjust the songs.
What had pained her was having to pick a list of songs, so she simply brought the entire book that held her life in its pages, her heart and soul falling into the lyrics. It would be easier for others to see her work, to see the highest and lowest moments of her life.
And that was terrifying as fuck.
She greeted John with ease and she had to stop herself from having a starstruck moment as she realised who she was writing with.
“This is Alex Gaskarth and Michael Clifford, guys, this is Y/N.” John introduced and she shook their hands, her brain kicking into high gear as they sat down in the various chairs, a small coffee table between them.
“Nice to meet you. Feldy hasn’t shut up about finding real raw talent for the last week and a half.” This made her laugh.
“I just play the guitar and sing. If people see it as talented then I’ll roll with it. But it was hard earned talent.” Michael chuckled as he shook her hand.
“Good, it gives me less of a job when it comes to producing. I’ll be one of the producers for your EP.” She felt her lips grow even wider.
“Nice to know I’m in safe hands then.”
“Shall we get started?” Alex indicated to the book sat on the coffee table, and it was only a moment of hesitation before she nodded her head and opened it, sharing her fears and joys with total strangers to find and create the right songs.
The writing session seemed to be successful.
Finding the right songs seemed to take a lot of time, going over the melodies she had in her head which might or might not work, the others pitching their own ideas into the creation.
They had at least agreed on six songs, especially with both Alex and Michael finding songs that they refused to budge on, saying that both had to make the final EP list.
John had watched in amusement as they argued their cases for their picks to go on the list until Y/N had rolled her eyes at both of them and added them to the list, making both men pause. John chuckled.
“Don’t worry about that last spot, the record company agreed to seven anyway, which means you can still record the cover.” He reassured her and she relaxed a little bit. That then sent the two men into a mode of writing a list of songs that would make a potential album if she were ever to do one.
“With so many songs, and so many ideas, you might as well use this opportunity to get a tracklist for a potential album and maybe some demo versions. If you get picked up by a record label, if you’re prepared, you’ll shoot straight to the top.” Alex explained and she nodded her head.
“We made that mistake when we signed with Capitol. We only had an EP that we’d produced ourselves, but there was no album music. It took us another six months before we got there and it was in between tours. We realised fast, that anything we wrote or created need to be noted down as possibilities.” Michael continued and she found herself amused but understood the help they were offering.
So they continued through the songs, creating the tracklist as if she were making an album as well.
Eventually, time ran out for that day and Y/N stretched the kinks from her back as they stood up and exchanged numbers.
“We should be able to get that first beat tracked, and if you’re cool with it, could I bring a couple of friends who could help us with the rhythm on the last few songs? I’ve got a good beat but Ash is the only person who will be able to translate what I’m trying to explain.”
“Wait, you’re asking me?” The question had fallen from her lips before her cheeks flushed in shock. “Wait, sorry, I didn’t mean for that to sound so rude---uh---the last person I tried to produce with, they just brought people in and honestly, it made me hate the song.”
Michael frowned at her words before shaking his head.
“No, no, don’t apologise. That’s why I wanted to ask your permission. You don’t just bring people in.” Her scoffed and she chuckled.
“I think I can trust you to make sure that the beats wont get lost in translation.” Almost immediately, the book was opened to a semi-fresh page, the words being written down in a margin.
The three males all laughed as she snapped the book shut.
“You’re a breath of fresh air. C’mon, I’m hungry and we need to get to know you as a person, not just this British artist who struck gold.” Alex slung an arm over her shoulder and the group left the studio.
She could feel her excitement build in her stomach in anticipation of the next four weeks.
As promised, Michael had roped in his bandmates, Calum and Ashton to help with the rhythm on a few of her songs and when Ashton managed to understand what Michael was trying to convey, she felt her heart soar as the song began to craft itself.
That was when she very quietly asked if they could re-record the song she’d lost love for.
John was immediately for it and the others couldn’t find a reason to say no, so they listened to the song.
“The tune is right, but there’s too much going on. It’s like they were trying to sabotage your work or attempt to make house music. Still figuring that out.” Ashton muttered, making her laugh .
“I think it was more sabotage than anything, but I felt that I could never release the song. They absolutely ruined the song which I loved so much and I just, didn’t know how to make it good again. But seeing you get what Michael was trying to say, I want to trust myself and my instincts and actually get across the sound I want.”
So it became another brainstorming session. Thankfully, this was a full studio day, so Ashton had her play the bare tune on the guitar, nothing else as he got a feel for the stripped back version.
Calum, as she played, plucked a few strings and suddenly this riff was born and they were all thankful that Michael had set his phone to record these sessions.
It was with relief when they’d tracked the music and Michael promised he’d work on it separately to the EP.
“Consider it a special release. It’s the one song you loved, so it gets to be a single.” He shrugged and suddenly it felt very real to her.
The time difference between her and Allie made it a pain occasionally, especially when she’d called Allie on the break they had and lost track of time to the point that one of the boys had to come out to get her, but they didn’t give her grief for it.
“It’s difficult when your loved ones are in a totally different timezone.” John had smiled after another apology fell from her lips. “We get it, so don’t fret.”
“It’s just, with this chance I’ve had, my girl went for the promotion offer they had and she managed to get it. So she wanted to call me before they headed out to celebrate.” This earned her soft smiles from the guys.
As they tracked the various parts, they began to ask Y/N questions about home which also led to questions about Allie.
“How long have you two been together?”
“We celebrate two years at the end of next month.” The grin had already worked its way onto her lips. “Doing this distance is difficult, it was bad enough when I was doing small tours as a support and she couldn’t come with me. But she’s been one of the biggest supports, even before we started dating.”
“What, so you were friends to lovers?” Alex teased and the answering grin made him laugh.
“We were. We were the real cliche couple and everyone both loved and hated us for it.” This drew laughter from the group.
“Well at least we know who to rely on for the cheesy one liners and love songs.” This earned a snort of amusement.
“Please, my love songs pale in comparison. I mean, Stella is the best love song out there.” This set the group off in laughter again as she got called up to track the guitar.
As the month carried on, Y/N was introduced to so many faces at various functions and small parties that the guys hosted.
They had taken her to one of the open mic nights, getting her up on the stage in front of a different crowd to see how people would react and they loved her.
Especially when Ashton streamed one of the songs on Instagram and soon her socials were gaining a lot of traction and that was when the pressure was beginning to get felt with producing the tracks.
There were both good and bad days, the good days outweighing the bad, but sometimes they used the bad days to fuel the more emotional songs and that was when things began to fall into place.
It was at the end of the month after their final day in the studio that Michael had called Y/N as she was packing.
“I know you’re probably packing up, but you’ve still got three days in LA before you fly home. The guys and I were wondering if we could have a small get together to celebrate this new born friendship in the hopes that you’ll remember us when you’re rich and famous.” This had her laughing.
“Give me a couple of hours. I’m waiting for a call from Allie. I’ll text you when I’m done, yeah?”
“Sure, I’ll pick you up from the hotel.” And before she could protest, the call was cut.
When Allie called, she found herself smiling at how soft her girl looked, settled in bed with the duvet pulled around her, tired eyes lighting up.
“Hi baby.”
They talked about the last few days of the studio, as well as how Allie was settling into her newest role. She told her about the party and that it felt strange that they’d included her in their friendship group but Allie giggled.
“You’ve got friends for life in them, I can see it. I can’t wait to have you back in my arms.”
“A few more days and I’ll be home. Listen, I know it’s getting late. Get some rest baby, and I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Good luck with work.”
“You’re too sweet. Love you.”
“Love you too, night.”
The call cut and she lay back on the bed for a moment, a wide smile on her lips before she finally sent a text to Michael.
‘Just got off the phone to Allie. Give me a bell when you get here.’
It was easy to find some of the nicer clothes she had for get togethers, but she knew it was going to be more relaxed. So she kept it easy with black skinny jeans and a floral print dress shirt.
Keeping it simple with her hair down and light make-up, when Michael sent her the text  to say he’d arrived, she was ready to go. Making sure she had her keycard and phone, she headed down and found Michael’s car easily.
The drive to his place had been filled with easy chatter. They talked about the chances of radio play and touring.
“To have my own tour would be the goal, but I know I need to start off as a support. Build up the fanbase and get people excited for my music before doing something like that.” Michael laughed.
“Nothing wrong with being a support. We never had the experience of being support for various acts. We got lucky with One Direction and then we were doing our own shows and having other bands support us. It was crazy.” This had made the both them them laugh as he pulled up to his place.
“I remember. I’ve been a fan of the band for a long time.” She teased him with a laugh. “Although I wouldn’t say no to being a support act for Harry Styles.”
“I don’t know whether to be amused or offended.” His lips turned into a pout as they entered his place and heads turned to greet the newcomer.
“Y/N! Nice to see you finally made it. Why is Mike pouting?”
“Because I said that I wouldn’t say no to being a support act for Harry Styles.” She deadpanned before grinning.
“Ouch. You wound us all.” Ashton clutched at his heart, making her laugh as she accepted a beer from Calum and sat down.
“Have you heard his heavenly voice? Please. I would die every night on the tour listening to him sing.”
“You’re digging the knife in here, you’ve literally got at least three other bands sat with you and you’re talking about Harry Styles.” She laughed loudly.
“C’mon, I know y’all play his album. You can’t deny the truth.”
They laughed as the conversation settled into talks of the future for the bands and the shows coming up, as well as the finished music.
“What about you, Y/N?” Her reverie broke as she looked up at Alex’s question.
“Sorry, I missed what you asked.”
“What are your plans for the future career wise?”
“Hopefully get this EP out, maybe get some bookings. I’m gonna have to do a lot of gigging to keep up my end of the rent till the EP gets released and just hope that I get picked up for a couple of tours.”
“Allie holds the nine to five job then?” Luke queried and she nodded.
“She got lucky with the company she’s with. She’s done nothing but thrive, whereas I was barely struggling through each day at my old job. This came at the right time for me, and I’m a big believer in fate.” They lifted their beers in response to that.
“Well, that’s what we also wanted you around for.” Luke began, sharing a glance with his bandmates.
“We want you to join us for the entirety of the world tour.” Michael finished and she felt her jaw drop as her mind worked out the dates and the countries.
“Holy shit, are you serious?” She sucked in a sharp breath, placing the bottle down as she ran her fingers through her hair. “Are you really fucking serious?” This earned her a few chuckles.
“Absolutely. We managed to convince our management that you’d be a good opener for the tour. And we even gave them a firm reason why you’d be a good fit for the tour.” Michael continued the explanation before tapping away at his phone.
Suddenly, familiar guitar notes began playing through the speakers and a wave of emotion flooded her, tears falling as the song she had long hated, began to play and she felt her heart swell.
“Well done, you made her cry.” John joked as she hastily wiped at the tears as the song finished and she laughed.
“You helped bring life back into a song I thought I was going to hate forever. You don’t know how much this means to me.” She finally got out and Michael beamed.
“We played it to our management and they absolutely loved it. There’s an official offer coming your way, but we wanted to be the first ones to actually ask and then congratulate you.”
“How can I say no? Oh my god you assholes!” This set off more laughter as they lifted their bottles.
“To the best fuckin’ tour and the next number one artist.” Michael chimed and she could feel her face flush at his words.
“To Y/N!” Everyone else responded and she laughed as she took a swig of beer with them, realising how fast everything was going to change now.
When the official offer came through the next morning, she called up Michael and just let out a shriek of excitement before he’d even greeted her.
This led him to laughing as she tried to get her words out, but only could make incoherent noises over the phone.
“That offer is a fucking dream! Michael what the hell did you four do to convince them?” Her brain and mouth had finally connected, the stunned shock wearing off as excitement began to build .
“We didn’t do anything! And good morning to you too, sunshine.” She could hear the yawn and glanced at the time.
“It’s ten am, Michael.”
“I know. In my time, that makes it like, seven am.” He muttered and she laughed.
“I have so many questions about touring though, and what I should pack. Fuck, this is going to be nine months and I’ve only toured for two weeks at most. I haven’t even told Allie yet, or my parents. What about-”
“Stop, please.” Michael whinged down the phone, making her pause her tirade. “Give me till lunch and we’ll bombard Ashton’s place for a group meeting so you know what to expect on tour.” She let out a shaky breath as she regained herself, stopping the flow of questions that were desperately trying to escape.
“Alright. I’ll hold off from telling them. Uh, would-”
“Don’t worry, I’ll pick you up. Just be ready by one.” She let out a noise of relief and Michael laughed.
“Thank you Mike, see you in a few hours.” The call was cut and her eyes returned to the contract, her eyes going over every last part of it as she tried to get it into her head that this was really going to happen.
“Holy fuck, they’re never gonna believe this.” She muttered to herself as she half flung herself on the bed before an excited squeal left her lips.
Michael was leaning against the car waiting for her and he grinned as she ran from the doors of the hotel, half flinging herself at him, arms winding around his neck. His arms wound around her waist as he pulled her tightly.
“Well that’s a greeting and a half.”
“You guys got me on a nine month fucking tour, majority of my merch profits staying with me and a fucking record deal. How?” She pulled back, her lips in the biggest grin he’d seen the entire trip.
“We just showed them you. It was all of your talent that did it. They were really impressed by your work ethic, you didn’t slack during the production of your EP and they think that you’ve got some serious potential. I swear to you, we didn’t even have any kind of say. We just told them that we wanted you on the tour with us. It was management who decided to put you with us for the entire tour. As your stuff gets out and people get to know who you are, they’re almost certain you’ll be performing at award shows.” He explained as the two of them got into his car.
“Please don’t tease.” She whispered in shock and he laughed.
“You’d deserve it. Those songs fucking rule. Have you talked a release date for the EP?”
“They wanted it released at the end of January but decided to release it in March, before we fly out. They want fans to have time to learn my stuff and really get excited. Fuck, if this goes in the direction that you’re telling me, I’m going to have some kind of heart attack.” Michael laughed.
“Simply speaking it into existence. Y/N is going to have a number one award winning single and album. She is also going to play at awards shows and get nominations for awards. Best newcomer definitely.” His voice grew louder and she laughed, tears in her eyes.
“That’s the dream right there.”
“It’s gonna happen.” He smirked at her before pulling into Ashton’s drive.
“Please, when you guys release your album, mine will pale in comparison.” This had the two of them grinning as they entered the house.
Despite the drive having quietened her initial excitement, she couldn’t stop herself when she spotted the guys and gave them the same reaction that Michael had received.
This earned laughter from all of them, including Alex and John who were stood away from the group. But that didn’t stop her from giving them the same treatment.
“You guys have literally made every dream come true in the last month. I don’t know how to thank you guys for it, like, this is such an opportunity and I have so many questions about touring for so long. The longest I’ve gone on a tour is two weeks, yet this is nine months, touring the world twice. Not to mention-” Michael’s hand shot out, covering her mouth and stopping her in her tracks.
Calum snapped a photo as they laughed.
“Will you relax. You’ve got the pros of touring for long periods to help you and the old timers who have their own tricks.” Luke commented, ducking away from the punch that John sent to his arm, only to find himself in a headlock with Alex.
“Watch who you call oldtimer, kid.” They seemed to collapse into the couch in a heap and whilst they playfully wrestled about, the others egging the pair on, Michael slowly moved his hand from Y/N’s lips.
“Breathe. We’re here to help you prepare for this because we recognise that it’s a big jump from doing small tours to the longest tour of your career which goes around the world twice.” She let out a breath of air before nodding and grinning at Michael as he slung his arm across her shoulders.
“Quit playing about, we have a nervous artist who is about to get chucked in with the sharks.” He called over the noise and both Luke and Alex seemed to finally still, Luke’s head now resting in Alex’s lap, making her giggle as Calum shoved Luke’s legs off the sofa and sat down.
Once they were all seated, she went over the list of questions she’d mentally prepared and found herself tapping her fingers together, the excitement and anxiety seeming to kick in.
Part of her was dreading the prep for tour.
“Equipment. They want me to have a touring band which I have no issues with. But with the kit and stuff, I don’t know what’s going to happen there.” John smiled at that.
“They’ve already got a touring band ready for you. Most artists have their own, but the label want people who are familiar with the longer tours. What will happen with your own kit, so guitar and piano as well as any extra strings and the like, they’ll get a date set up for pick up. You just need to be ready. Keep one guitar with you at least as a just in case.” He explained and Michael nudged her, nodding to his phone that was recording.
“Okay, so something more simpler. Packing. What the fuck do I pack?”
“Don’t bother with hair products. You’ll be sharing our stylist on that. For each country, pick out several stage outfits that can get packed separately. That way they’ll be taken to the venue with everything else.” Luke explained and she found herself nodding once more.
“Pack for every kind of weather. Doesn’t matter if we’re at the start of the Australian summer, the weather can be so unpredictable. Try to pack at least three cases. One for light weight summer type clothing, one for the heavier stuff, so jeans, jackets and the like. Then one for shoes, towels and necessities. It might seem a lot now, but as you’re on the road, you realise how quick you go through things.” Ashton added on and she let out a soft ‘oh’.
“This is going to seem like a lot to begin with,” Alex started, catching her attention, “but in comparison, this is a small start to the list. You’ll most likely come home with another two suitcases, which management will probably pay for so don’t fret about having to buy one on the road. You will literally be packing up the majority of your life and putting it in a suitcase to travel with you. And that’s going to be tough to do, especially with your girl waiting at home for you.”
She could feel her heart sink a little bit. Nine months away from Allie.
“I think that’s gonna be the hardest part. How do you deal with that?” Her eyes drifted to John and Alex, and the boys didn’t take offence to the slight snub.
“It takes time and patience. There are going to be days where all you’ll get are a quick five minute call because of time difference. And it’s shit. But she can always fly out for a few days on tour, or whilst we’re over in England she can come to the shows and travel with us. It’s about compromising your time. You both have super important jobs and it just means you’ve gotta work at it.” John explained and she ran her fingers through the ends of her hair, tugging slightly.
“I’m just worried. It’ll be the longest we’ve been apart.”
“It’s tough. But she’ll stand by you. But you’ve both got to talk it out, so any frustrations. Because when that builds up, that leads to arguments and then that’s when problems start happening.” Alex chimed in and she let off a soft sigh.
“Okay, so I’m guessing that’s basics of tour, what about time off?”
When Y/N landed back home, she’d never felt more relief flood her than the moment her arms were wrapped around Allie tightly, her lips against hers as she savoured the sweet moment of reunion.
“Hi baby.” Her voice was soft and sweet, and she felt her insides turn to mush.
“Hi. I’ve missed you.” Allie beamed, pressing another soft kiss to her girlfriend’s lips.
“Good. Your mum has already asked us to drop by for dinner tonight, so they can badger you about your time in LA. And I know you’ll be wide awake because of the time difference.” Allie teased her as they began the walk back to the car.
“Honestly, I could go on for days about how good LA was to me. Like, little old me, meeting all of the fuckin’ big wigs in the industry. I had Michael god-damn Clifford producing my EP and I formed a friendship with him? My teenage self combusted the second he shook my hand.” Allie laughed as they got her stuff into the boot of the car before they got into the car themselves.
The car journey back home from the airport was filled with Y/N prying information about their various friends whilst she’d been away as well as the promotion Allie had landed and the perks of the job.
Amidst getting the masses of washing done, and reconnecting after a month apart, it was as they lay in bed together, Allie’s finger tracing against the skin of her back that made her feel like it was a bittersweet moment.
But she couldn’t say anything just yet.
When the two had reached her mum’s place, questions came from every corner of the room it felt like, but it was when she laughed and held up her hands, she beamed at them.
“Let me tell you everything that happened. And then I have some news.”
She tried not to feel guilty at the stare that Allie gave her, recounting each moment of good, bad and downright embarrassing.
Y/N’s mum was particularly gleeful as she told them about the bigger names she’d met over there.
“My baby, all grown up with the best chance possible for her career!” This made her flush. Her mum had been one of her biggest supporters for her career choice and she could see the relief in her mum's face as she went on about the recording opportunity.
“The last day was kind of bittersweet in the studio, but the boys were so nice and even had a get together to celebrate the fact the songs were done. Michael had even fast tracked the productions of one of my very first songs.”
And she pulled her phone out, clicking play on the file that Michael had sent her a few days ago after playing it for her.
Watching the joy on her mum’s face warmed her heart, even if a few tears were shed in the process. Allie’s jaw was hanging slightly before a wide smile overtook her lips and she pressed a gentle kiss to her cheek.
“I’m so damn proud of you.”
“That brings me to the surprise.” She murmured softly, her eyes travelling to each family member before settling on Allie.
“They want me to join them on their tour.”
“For the UK portion? Oh my god that’s amazing!” Her mum was gushing but Y/N shook her head.
“They want me on their entire tour. Around the world twice.”
No one was prepared for the scream of excitement that escaped her mum before she found herself being wrapped around by her family members. Her eyes were watching as it hit Allie and she could see the excitement die down in her girlfriends face, and she felt her heart sink.
“That’s nine months.” Allie whispered and she nodded her head, pulling free from her mum’s embrace.
“It’s going to be tough, but the guys have offered ways for us to still keep in touch. You can always fly out for long weekends and of course, we have the UK tour later in the year as well.”
“That’s going to be three quarters of the year, Y/N. It’s a lot.”
“Please, can we talk about it at home? They’ve given us options, ways to keep up with each other.” Her pleas seem to break through and Allie’s lips pushed up into a smile as she draped an arm over her shoulders.
“I’m still proud of you baby.” She whispered, pressing a kiss to her temple and she relaxed.
“I love you.” Came the murmured response and they shared a soft, but sweet kiss before her mum started asking about the details of the tour.
When the New Year rolled in, the first single was released to the world and her voice was on chart shows across the world.
It took seven solid minutes for her to stop crying when the notifications came through along with the messages.
Michael had taken a short video of her song playing in the car and she felt like she couldn’t breathe for a moment because it was her song, a song she had hated so much but then fell in love with all over again. And it was being requested and played on American radios.
Allie was proud as punch.
They seemed to avoid the elephant in the room that was her leaving for tour in just over a month  and a half.
That was when she really began rehearsing, making sure the setlist was long enough for her time slot. It felt like the busiest days of her life, being shuttled to the big cities for radio interviews.
Her face seemed to be popping up everywhere and it felt like a dream when she received the news that she’d hit number one in thirteen countries.
That in itself had made her openly weep in the middle of her baking day with her mum as she got the news, her mum videoing and laughing at her reaction.
She posted it to her instagram with the caption ‘the moment you’re told that you’ve hit number one in thirteen countries and all you can do is cry in shock and joy.’ The reaction went viral.
Of course she then received the texts from the last producer, asking why he wasn’t getting a cut of the money from the track.
It was with great glee as she told him that it wasn’t his pile of shit on the radio. It was her song and no one else’s. She didn’t need to tell him that one of her favourite bands had helped record and produce the song.
When she received the pick up day for her equipment, that was when it was becoming very real. That was also when she convinced Allie to go clothes shopping with her for tour.
With the day creeping closer, she could feel the undercurrent that was restless between her and her girlfriend, but every time she tried to address it, Allie shut her down, seemingly ignoring the problem.
She spent as much of her free time with her friends, family and girlfriend until it was the night before and she was lay in bed, trembling from the fear of what the next nine months could bring.
A warm arm wrapped around her waist, a soft kiss being pressed against the back of her neck and she slowly relaxed herself. It would be fine.
“You’ve got this, baby. But you need some rest.” The soft whisper was enough of a plea for her to turn around and just allow herself to be held as she tried to relax enough so that she could get some sleep.
It didn’t work.
Saying goodbye this time was much more harder because Allie hadn’t been able to get the day off work to see her off. So it was a tearful goodbye between the two of them as they held each other in the doorway, Allie’s lips lingering a little bit longer before finally pulling away and smiling softly, despite her tears.
“You’ll be back over here soon enough. I love you my little rockstar. Go do what you’re best at.” By the time that Allie had left, she had to call her mum to pick her up.
Thankfully, her mum didn’t make any remarks on the tear tracks as they made their way to the airport. And once they’d checked in her bags, a weird sense of deja vu hit.
“Last time we stood here, I was going for a month. Now I’m going for nine.” She whispered and her mum held her tightly.
“You’re about to fly off and live your dream. I’m beyond proud of you for this, please don’t ever think otherwise. Now, you need to get going. You are not going to be leaving things last minute like last time.”
She laughed for the first time that day and it felt like a weight disappeared from her shoulders and she knew she’d be okay.
The flight wasn’t so bad.
She had a reasonable seat, and for the most of it, she slept. She knew she would probably regret it later, but at that point, she was beyond caring. She was so tired and the stress was sat on her shoulders.
She knew her equipment had arrived, she’d been sent the message from one of the tour crew who was already out there.
The next two weeks would be rehearsal with her touring band and then they were off on the first leg of the tour.
And that absolutely frightened her beyond belief.
She wasn’t expecting a welcome party at the airport, but she was amazed that fans were crowded around, calling her name out.
Security were quick to pull her back away from the chaos of arrivals and she could feel her adrenaline kicking in, her heart racing as she tried to comprehend that they were screaming her name. Hers.
“Ma’am we need to get you out of the airport as safely as possible. Do you have a ride waiting for you already?” She felt like a deer in headlights before the security officer lifted a hand, touching the earpiece sat in his ear.
“One of my colleagues has picked someone up who apparently says he’s partially to blame for the fans showing up. A Luke Hemmings?” Relief
“Yeah, I’m due to go on tour with his band in a couple of weeks, but I wasn’t expecting him to be here.” The guard laughed.
“It’s fine, but we need to get you both out safely. My colleague is bringing him through now.” And that was when she saw the blonde curls and laughed before throwing her arms around Luke’s tall frame.
He laughed as he pulled her into a tight hug.
“Figured you’d appreciate a familiar face. A lot of them were waiting for you, then I only added to the madness. You gonna be alright till we get out of here?”
“Gonna have to be. Can I use you a shield?” He laughed.
“Keep your hands on my shoulders and we’ll get you through. Is someone going to follow with her luggage?” The question was directed to the guard who nodded his head.
“C’mon then princess, time to face the fans and get you out of here. We’ve all been super excited to have you back.” He beamed as they began their journey.
The screams grew louder and she found herself shying away, using Luke as a shield and smiling nervously at the few fans she could see.
Once they were out of the airport and in the car, Luke took one of her trembling hands and squeezed.
“You did the worst of it. There’ll be more of us around in a couple of weeks to keep them from getting too overwhelming.” He explained and she simply nodded.
“It’s okay, it was just, wow. That’s a lot.”
“That’s America for you.” He shot back dryly, making her laugh.
“So what hotel have they stuck you in this time?”
“Uh, I don’t know. They never sent any details about that. I’m trying not to freak out about it, but like, I haven’t got that much to cover two and a bit weeks in a hotel.” Luke groaned.
“Did you call your manager?”
“Said it was being sorted. Heard nothing since.” Luke snorted before tapping away at his phone and the music died down as the ringing began to call through.
“Hemmings, you have two weeks before you need to start incessantly calling me.” A feminine voice broke through and he laughed.
“Hello to you too Luce. However I’m not calling for me. I’ve just picked up Y/N.”
“Hi Lucy.” She piped up.
“Y/N! Keely has been trying to call you, said something about Michael stepping in and saying that he could put you up for the two weeks.” She shot Luke a look and he shrugged.
“That’s cool. He say why or am I gonna have to try and find that out for myself?” She laughed.
“Said something about one of the songs for the album and it’s easier to work at his home studio and you won’t have to worry about driving around LA.”
“Cool. Thank you for letting me know. Tell Keely I say that I’m sorry I haven’t been able to answer my phone and I’ll see her next week.”
“Will do. See you next week Luke.” The call cut and he laughed as the music began to grown in volume once more.
“So, album huh?” At this he watched as her lips turned up into the widest grin.
“Alex, John and Michael helped me pick out a tracklist for a potential album. I’ve not had much time, but if we get some demos done, I can go to the record company and they’ll be able to work with the fact that I have got music coming, so they don’t need to breathe down my neck. Alex’s idea.” Luke laughed as he pulled into a drive thru.
“Why am I not surprised. What do you want? You’ve just landed, you’ve gotta be starving.”
After picking her favourites, Luke paid at her protest and smirked.
“It’s food. Shut up and deal with the fact that we do look after our friends. Also if it bugs you that much, you can just buy me dinner whilst we’re on the road.”
“A not date, considering we’re both taken then?” She teased in returned and he grinned.
“A not-date it is. Now we know where we’re going, let's get you to Michael’s to drop your gear off. I know the guys are wanting to head out but I also know that if you’re going to try and keep up,  you’re going to want to be in something that isn’t joggers and a baggy t shirt.” She pouted at the assessment.
“I won’t try to keep up, but no, I really do not need my first official night out to be photographed and I’m in my rattiest clothing pieces.” Luke snorted as they collected their food and headed back out once more.
As they pulled into Michael’s place, Luke helped her get her cases from the boot before he was leading her into the home.
“I’ve picked up a stray!” Luke yelled, making her laugh. “She’s cute and British.” He added after a second once they’d placed her bags at the bottom of the steps.
He placed his hands on her shoulder and practically frog marched her out to the back and she didn’t even get to say ‘hi’ when she was pulled into a tight hug.
“Hi Ash.” She laughed as she wrapped her arms around him in return.
“Hey yourself Y/N. Welcome back to LA, knew you wouldn’t be able to stay away.” He teased, pulling away and giving her a grin. She smirked in return.
“Just couldn’t stay away from this beautiful weather. Maybe one or two people. Go by the names of Gaskarth and Feldmann.” Calum snorted as he pulled her into another tight hug.
“I’m wounded, I didn’t even make it onto your list?” He pouted at her and she snorted.
“No, but Duke did.” This set the other boys off before Michael greeted her, his hug a lot more softer than the others, but still feeling as welcoming.
“I know I should’ve told you before you left England that you were staying with me, but I’d completely forgotten till Keely called me, yelling that she couldn’t get ahold of you. By that point, you were already well into the air.” She shook her head as she accepted a beer off Calum and sat down with them, enjoying the warmth of the LA afternoon.
“It’s fine. I’m just lucky that I’d texted Luke when I left. He decided to be my welcome committee.”
“Myself and like a hundred and more fans.” He shot back with a grin.
“That was strange. Especially when they were calling my name, like that felt so surreal. I didn’t really know what to do with myself.” They descended into laughter as she finished off the food that she and Luke had picked up on the way there.
The boys were discussing the various countries and Y/N could feel herself nodding off against Calum’s shoulder, the beer and warmth not helping her jet lag at all.
“C’mon Y/N. You need to get ready if we want to be out at a reasonable time.” Luke teased and she flipped him off before sighing.
“One of you boys want to help me get the cases upstairs?” Calum pushed himself off the seat and followed after her, picking up the heaviest of the three.
“You excited?”
“Scared.” She admitted quietly as they reached the guest room that Michael had directed her to.
“Why?” Once the cases were pushed against the wall Calum pulled her to the edge of the bed, taking a seat and pulling her next to him. She didn’t fight it, her entire body still feeling exhausted.
“This is the biggest tour of my life. Probably will be the biggest tour of my entire career. Allie wouldn’t even talk to me about the fact I was leaving, and I feel so overwhelmed.” After the quiet admittance came relief that she’d gotten it off her chest.
“It’s going to terrify the fuck out of you. Playing to so many people. When you’re ready to leave tonight, just give me a heads up and we’ll go. This is a lot to deal with on your first night out in LA with us.” She snorted out a giggle, resting her head on Calum’s shoulder.
“My life is an open book for people to read. I never knew it could be this terrifying to have so many people judge you.”
“It gets easier. I’ll let you get changed and then we’ll head out.”
It took a while before she felt like she’d picked an appropriate dress. And the whistles of appreciation she received made her bashful before laughing.
“It’s a good job I’m taken. Someone snap a photo for me please.” She held her phone out, Ashton taking it off her hands and capturing a few photos.
She sent them to Allie.
‘I know it’s late for you my love, but I hope I picked something you’d like for a nightclub in LA. Speak to you tomorrow.’
They split between two ubers, Ashton and Michael piling with Y/N in one, Calum and Luke taking the other as they made their way to the club.
Unsurprisingly, they could spot the paps easily.
“Can you drop us just around that corner mate?” Ashton called over and the driver nodded. Michael shot off a text to Luke and she could feel her hands begin to tremble.
“Holy shit this is a lot.” She murmured as they left the car, keeping out of sight from the paps.
“It’s going to be a lot. Keep your eyes forward and smile, try not to hide too much, they’ll try to make up some bullshit to start rumours.” Ashton explained quietly, rubbing the top of her shoulders carefully.
When Luke and Calum arrived they finally made a decision on how to go in.
“I’ll keep ahead, Y/N, don’t fall behind because they will swarm you. You’re the freshest face in the music charts and they’re going to eat this up that you’re out clubbing with us.” It was a relief that Ashton was taking charge, but her hands still trembled as she nodded in understanding.
“No falling behind. Cool. I’m going to hide behind Cal and Luke then.” Michael laughed
“C’mon, it won’t be too bad.”
As they made their way the short distance to the club, paps calling out their names and snapping photos, she could feel herself plaster a smile on for the photos, but there was another brief thought of how rude they were being.
“Who would you date from the boys of 5SOS?”
“Are you sleeping with any of them?”
“How did you get on this tour when practically no one’s heard of you?”
By the time she was in the club with them, she wanted to go back home. But she’d promised she’d stay out for a few hours and that was what she was going to do.
When the first round of drinks came in, she didn’t argue them buying her drinks. She knew this was their way of welcoming her back into their lives properly, especially since they were about to embark on a nine month tour that went across the world twice.
She danced and sang her heart out, laughing when Ashton stumbled over his own feet and Calum had caught it all on camera, laughing as he did so.
It was when the time crept towards midnight, despite the loud music, she had her head resting against Calum’s shoulder and her eyes were half shut.
“You ready to go, doll?” She nodded her head, the exhaustion hitting her like a freight train as Calum helped her stand up and she lost her balance almost immediately, her saving grace being that Michael was stood up and caught her before she hit the floor.
“How much have you had to drink?” He called over the music, she shrugged.
“Four, maybe five? Mostly tired.” She half shouted back and he grimaced before looking over to Calum.
“Got it mate. Uber is on its way. Do you want some help?” Michael shook his head as he pulled her arm over his shoulders, tugging her to the smokers area which was more secluded and less noise.
“We need to get back through the paps, but I need you to try and stay upright and walk by yourself. Can you do that?”
Calum looked at her, his eyes watching the way as she seemed to draw in some strength from somewhere as her back straightened up and she plastered on a big, but clearly tired smile.
“Lead the way. I’m ready to crash.”
Getting through the paps was easy, even if more questions were being yelled at them both.
But the second the uber was peeling away from the frenzy they left Calum to deal with, her head was resting on Michael’s shoulder before a soft snore escaped and he laughed quietly.
Unable to help himself, he snapped a selfie of the two of them.
When the Uber pulled up to his place, it took a few tries before he managed to pick her up carefully, her head nestled against his neck as he fumbled with the key and got them in.
It took him a further twenty minutes to get her up the stairs and set her down on her bed before finally trying to wake her up.
She wasn’t amused.
“Look, all I want is to make sure you get a reasonable amount of sleep tonight, and you sleeping in that dress wasn’t going to happen. You don’t need to do anything apart from get changed, that’s it.” He pleaded with her exhausted form.
“Fine.” Came the muttered response as she kicked her shoes off, standing up slowly and Michael disappeared to his own room to get changed himself.
When he returned to check up on her, he found his lips pulling back at the sight before him. She was passed out, half under the covers, hair splayed all over her pillow and a soft snore escaping once more .
He switched the light off before heading to his own bed, draining a glass of water before crashing out on his own bed, a sigh of relief escaping him as he melted into mattress.
When she woke up the next morning, a raging headache and exhaustion to boot, she tried not to think about how her stomach was rolling in ways that was sure to make her throw her guts up if she moved.
Michael had other plans apparently.
“C’mon sunshine. We’ve got breakfast and then we’re lounging in the sun whilst talking music. I’m not gonna make you work too hard after last night.” He’d stuck his head around the door and she groaned in return.
“I would call you the worst, but I feel like I drank too much last night.” She grumbled before pulling herself from her covers.
She made it two steps before she had to pause, the nausea hitting her hard and Michael snickered.
“I’ll be downstairs. The shower is easy to work, even in your state.” She flipped him off with her eyes shut, making him laugh as he disappeared downstairs.
It took her another five minutes to move again, and despite the way her stomach was rolling inside of her, the hot water did wonders for the headache that had formed.
Once she was changed into a clean shirt that didn’t reek of booze and some sleep shorts, the warm sunshine making it an easy choice for her, she headed downstairs.
“Looking worse for wear today then, Y/N.” A familiar voice greeted and she flipped Alex off before heading into the kitchen to find a plate of cooked food waiting or her. Grabbing a glass and filing it with water before picking up the plate, she followed the voices back into the living room.
“We not sitting outside?”
“I figured to give your eyes a bit of a break.” Michael smirked and she rolled them in response.
“Any glaring articles about the state I was in last night?” Alex grimaced.
“A couple. Of course there was the standard one about you possibly sleeping with Michael or Calum. They then corrected themselves when someone pointed out you were in a relationship with a woman.” This made her groan before she slumped over on the cushions.
“This is gonna be my life now, isn’t it?”
“Price you pay for dreams.” Alex teased and she groaned.
“Please, never quote your own song back at me. Ever.” Both he and Michael laughed before Michal pulled out his phone, clicking play on the audio file he pulled up.
The riff that came through his phone sounded good to her ears as she slowly ate her breakfast, mulling over the various songs that would possibly work with the tempo of the tune.
“I got this down the other day when we’d discussed the last few songs of the potential tracklist. I don’t think it’d work well on most of the songs, but the last two have potential for it, what do you think?”
She mulled it over as he played it again, her mind bringing up the familiar lyrics, humming them along softly.
“The last one would definitely work. Upbeat sound to maudlin lyrics.”
“Considering that’s your style. You do remember that you’ve got an EP being released in like, two days, right?” Alex prompted and it made her pause before she swore.
“I’d actually forgotten. Fuck.” This made all of them laugh as she slumped down onto the couch, throwing her arms over her face.
“I hate you all. At least they’re not making me do any promo before tour.” She muttered and Michael laughed.
“No, that’s gonna happen on the first round of the world tour. And then again on the second leg, but with us promoting as well.”
“Fuck.” She whined softly.
“C’mon, you’re finally getting music out and people will be able to sing along!” Alex encouraged her and she let out a deep breath of air before nodding her head.
“That is true. Plus it means the fans will be able to sing the lyrics if they actually like my music.”
“Number one, just watch.” Michael smirked and she rolled her eyes as they returned the the songs in front of them.
Meeting her touring band was nerve wrecking. It was the first official rehearsal with her apart of the group.
She greeted her guitarist, Ellie with a relieved smile when she practically pulled her into the room and introduced her to the other two.
Sat behind the drums, tightening the snare up, was Rich who gave her a soft smile as he shook her hand warmly.
Tuning the bass up was Cara, her own lips twisted into a brief smile before she returned her attention to the instrument in her hands.
“When they told us we’d be doing a nine month tour for a new artist, we were slightly skeptical. But knowing that it’s you, and the tour we’re going on, it’s actually really exciting.”
“Christ Ellie, let the girl actually set up. The record company sent through the transcripts of the songs, so we’ve been rehearsing them for the last two weeks. We’re hoping that now you’re here and settled, we can get the full sound of them.” Rich broke in and she nodded, a bright grin crossing her lips.
“There’s only one song on the setlist that I don’t need you guys for, so it’ll give you a chance to get a drink and stuff whilst we’re up on stage. Are we doing a few songs each day or trying to get as many as possible in the next two weeks?
Cara laughed.
“We’re looking to get the songs right so we’re going over two different songs every day this week, then next week it’ll be run throughs of the setlist. Don’t fret rockstar, we’re here to help you.” Cara’s words made her cheeks grow warm as she laughed.
“Thanks. It’s just-”
“Surreal? Yeah, we guessed it would be. That’s why we’re trying to make this as smooth as possible.” Ellie cut in and she could only feel a flood of relief as they began to go over the songs.
The next day, her own rehearsing went to a grinding halt as she remembered that the EP had been released and she’d forgotten about it in the rush of the rehearsals.
So instead of rehearsing, they played the EP through the speakers and she could feel her heart in her chest as each song came to life in the small rehearsal space.
What she didn’t expect was for the space to get gatecrashed by Michael and Alex.
“You’re climbing the charts!” He’d thrust his phone in her face and she watched, breathless as her EP climbed up the chart with each refresh and she could feel tears in her eyes.
“Holy shit, this is actually real. Fuck, these are my touring bandmates.” She felt the embarrassment rise as she introduced Ellie, Rich and Cara to Michael and Alex.
“I think we’re not going to get anything done. We might as well call it quits today and celebrate the release.” Rich laughed and Y/N groaned.
“C’mon, we’ve gotta celebrate this!” Alex whined and she shot him an unimpressed look in return.
“You just want an excuse to daytime drink.” She shot back and he grinned back unapologetically.
“Of course.”
It felt surreal as they packed up the equipment and hustled her out of the rehearsal space and into the passenger seat of Michael’s car. When she looked around to see where the others were, she spotted Alex talking to the other three as Michael got in on the drivers side.
Alex slid in the back moments later and then the car was off and away from the studio space.
“What are you two up to?”
“Nothing.” Came from both of them, sounding ar too innocent for the grins they were both wearing. But she didn’t argue with them as they seemed to go on a long detour. She was familiar with the route to all of their places, but as Michael turned down another street, it took her a solid moment to realise that they were rapidly approaching Ashton’s house.
As they got out of the car, she shrieked in surprise as a pair of hands covered her eyes.
“Sorry, but it’s a surprise.” Came Alex’s voice and she groaned as a pair of softer hands took hold of hers and began to guide her.
“You two are so dead.” She grumbled as she stumbled up one of the steps.
“There’s a step there Y/N.” The grin in Alex’s voice was clear.
“So so dead.”
She could hear the door open and it felt too quiet as they went a few steps further in and when Alex ripped his hands away from her eyes, she jumped.
“Surprise!” Collective yells made her heart freeze for a second before she took in the decoration.
‘Congrats on the EP release!’
And the various faces of her friends and the people she’d worked with. And the new faces of Ellie, Cara and Rich, all three wearing smug grins.
Ashton was stood off to the side slightly, his smile seemingly widest of them all.
“You assholes, oh my god.” She turned to hug Michael and Alex, making them both laugh. They returned the hugs and the sounds of her EP began filtering through the speakers, her entire body feeling like it was buzzing as she went around and began to greet the various people.
It felt semi-professional, but most of the people here were people who she’d befriended, apart from the few management executives who had congratulated her on the release.
It was later on in the afternoon, most people still hanging about, the party having spilled out to the garden to enjoy the sunshine when John came sauntering in with the laptop, a smug grin on his face.
She didn’t realise that Ashton was recording as John sat next to her.
“Take a look.” Was all he said turning the laptop to show her the screen.
Her heart and stomach dropped as she scanned the screen, feeling the overwhelming sensation bubble up as her hand went to her lips, covering her mouth.
“No fucking way!” Her voice went up an octave and John laughed.
“Number one in twenty six countries.” She was off her seat, practically bouncing.
“That’s double of what the single made!” This time she really was jumping around, her excited squeals drawing in the attention from the various people as she pulled both Michael and Alex up from their seats.
“Number fucking one in twenty six fucking countries!” This time laughter rippled at her reaction and she hugged them both tightly. “You’ve literally made my dreams come true, holy shit.”
“I told you Y/N. I spoke it into existence.” Michael shot back in a smug tone and she shoved his shoulder before she was dancing around once more, unable to help herself before throwing herself back into the seat next to John, her eyes taking in the figures once more.
“I got number one back home. Oh my god.” This time the tears were falling and John chuckled, pulling her into his side.
“You did that, kiddo. People are absolutely loving your music. If we’re not careful, you’ll be on your own world tour before long.” This made her laugh.
“Let me get through this one first!
The aftermath of the EP release was insane to her. She was getting more recognised on each trip out and her families reactions were beyond her wildest imaginations.
With the help of social media, she heard the clip of her mum being called by Radio 1, the host asking her about how she felt about it all.
“At first I was skeptical. My little girl off to LA by herself. But I’ve always supported her perusal of music and seeing how much it’s paid off, oh god I could cry again.” She’d felt her heart utterly melt at that.
“So you must be very proud of Y/N right now?” The host prompted and her mums laugh filtered through her ears.
“Proud as punch. My baby girl is dominating the charts and even the ladies at work are listening to her music, even when they all told me it’d be a waste of time. I felt rather smug telling them that the song they were listening to was hers.” This made the host laugh, herself included.
“Well, you keep having your proud mama moment. We’re playing your girls song right now. Here is Y/N’s latest single.”
It was a dream come true.
She’d facetimed her family back home and her heart burst when she saw Allie with them, dancing and singing along loudly as the album blasted in the background. She knew she was so so lucky to have their support and seeing that warmed her heart.
It kept her going through the rehearsals as they got through each song.
As the last day got closer and the last of their equipment was shipped out, she found herself very relieved that she had people who knew the tour life like the backs of their hands.
They’d toured together before, so they knew each other well enough, so getting to know them and their habits was going to take time for Y/N, but she settled in nicely into the group.
Her calls to Allie had been sparse and often it was Allie calling her when she woke up for work just as she was finishing up in the rehearsals.
“Do you even leave that space?” She’d teased during the first week of rehearsals.
“Till we get this right, no.” Came the sarcastic response followed by laughter.
She was understanding to the fact that she was so busy that her days meant there wasn’t much time to really call, but they continued to text daily, photos being sent to each other of what they were doing.
She was often seeing something that reminded her of Allie and sending it to her.
When it came to tour day she sent one text to Allie, despite the fact that she knew she was in a meeting.
‘Hope this doesn’t disturb your meeting, but then again you’re smart and remember to put your phone on silent. Anyway, we’ve got flights ahead of us today with some layovers so I won’t be able to text much or call you today, but I hope you have a good day and I love you.’
Michael had hustled her out of his house once they’d gotten all of their cases piled into the hired van. The other three were already in, those two being the last to get picked up. Ellie, Rich and Cara had promised to meet them at the airport.
It was early, so there weren’t many fans at the airport. There were paps, waiting for them to arrive, but that was the only commotion they had to deal with.
They met up with the other three and slowly got their stuff checked in. Whilst they were waiting, Calum had slung his arm across her shoulders as her phone went off, her lips pulling up into a big grin at the message.
‘Meeting was a bust. Could’ve had my phone and they wouldn’t have noticed. Idiots. Anyway, tell those boys to look after you, I know you’re not good on long haul flights. Have a safe journey and tell me all about it when you’ve landed and settled. Love you too, my little rockstar.’
“You can tell her we’ve got your back.” Cal murmured and she laughed, jabbing her elbow into his side playfully.
“I’ll tell her you were reading over my shoulder as well as that.” She shot back in return. He simply grinned as she tapped away at her phone before her name was called.
Once they were past security and on the plane, that was when the nerves began to set in and Calum chuckled from his spot next to her.
“I can see what Allie meant about you not doing well on long haul flights.” He teased her playfully and she scowled in return.
“Yeah yeah, laugh it up. You’re the one sat next to me for the entire trip.”
Luke snorted from behind them.
One layover and a nap on Calum’s shoulder later, they were in Stockholm and fans were waiting for them at the airport. It was easy to navigate and once they were all piled in vans to take them to the first venue, it began to feel very real, especially with the cold weather biting into her skin, making her shrug her jacket closer.
“Told you to wear warmer clothes, Y/N.” Ashton teased as the van peeled away from the airport.
“I’ve got two jackets on and I’m still cold. Shut up.” Came the snarky reply, making the others laugh.
The journey to the hotel was long, but the van warmed up eventually and before they knew it, they’d arrived. With the cold air, it became a competition between the eight of them to get in from the cold quick enough.
It was late in the day and despite having slept on the plane, they got into their various rooms and despite the plan to head out for food, Y/N crashed out after sending a quick text to Allie.
The next morning was busy.
There were interviews scheduled for various members of the band as well as Y/N.
By the time that it got to showtime, it was a bubble of excitement that seemed to explode in jittery nerves and Ashton laughed when he stopped by her dressing room.
“C’mon you lot, you’ve got stage in half an hour.” Ashton wrapped his arm around her shoulders and the others grabbed the last few bits they needed.
“First show of tour is always stressful, but you’ve got this. Now let's go bug the rest of them. I’m pretty sure your pre-show jitters will irritate Calum or Michael. I want to make a bet on who it irritates first.”
The rest of the band laughed as they followed after the two.
It was Calum who they managed to annoy first, his body laying across her legs to stop them from bouncing up and down.
“You’re making me feel nervous and I haven’t felt nervous in years.” He grumbled as the rest of them laughed.
It settled the nerves for her as they distracted her with talk of the various interviews that were going to be coming up.
Eventually they were called to stage and the boys followed behind, watching side stage as she stepped onto the stage and the crowd began to scream.
“Lets go Stockholm!”
The adrenaline rush felt incredible as she sang and danced her way through the set, her amazement at the crowd screaming the lyrics back to her.
“You all sound so god damn beautiful. My name is Y/N and I’ll see you all next time!”
As they finished the final song and left the stage, they were all greeted with yells of excitement and hugs from the boys as they congratulated them.
“You’ve really got them going! Tonight is going to be fucking fun.” Michael was beaming at her and she grinned in response.
“I can’t fucking wait for the rest of the tour. Listen, you go get ready, I need to help pack up and I’ll be watching side stage, I promise!” He pulled her in for one more hug before he followed after the boys to get ready and she headed back onto the stage, helping the team pack away her set.
Fans screamed her name and she waved to them as she did the last few jobs, making sure that her equipment was packed and secure before throwing the setlists into the crowd and disappearing with another wave.
She felt more alive than she’d done in months and as she watched 5 Seconds of Summer take the stage for the first night of the tour, she understood how they’d managed for so long.
Having Allie join them for the Paris and London dates of the first part of the tour felt wonderful.
She got to introduce her to every one and spending the night with her in Paris after the show was practically a dream.
They shared soft kisses in front of the Eiffel tower, Andy catching the sweet moment between the two and it was later on the bus, wrapped around Allie as it made the journey under the chanel did they finally talk quietly, aware that Ellie, Rich and Cara were all asleep.
“It feels so nice to actually spend some time with you.” She hummed softly and Allie smiled, pressing a kiss to her forehead.
“I know. The next few months are going to be long though.” She could see that saying those words pained her, but Y/N pressed a soft kiss to her shoulder.
“They are. But this is going to be worth it for both of us, I promise.”
“Oh don’t I know it, number one in twenty six different countries.” Allie hummed in return, laughing as she ducked her face away in embarrassment.
“Are you leaving straight after the show tomorrow?” The shy question made Allie pause, her eyes searching her girlfriends face at the question before shaking her head.
“No. You have me tomorrow night too.”
“Good.” Allie chuckled softly.
“Get some rest, you’ve got interviews tomorrow and you need to look your best.” Allie hummed softly, her fingers tracing down the her spine. The yawn that escaped Y/N’s mouth made Allie grin as she settled down.
“Fine. Love you.” It wasn’t much later till she’d fallen asleep and a sigh escaped from Allie.
“Love you too.”
London was busy from the minute they got off the bus. Allie travelled with her to the radio stations in London that she had interviews with and they spent a night in the hotel before she caught the early train back home and Y/N was on a flight back to America, her heart feeling the heaviness of leaving her once more.
“It’ll get easier, I promise.” Luke nudged her shoulder and she gave him a relieved smile as the plane took off.
She wanted to believe Luke’s words, but part of her was worried and stressed over how long she’d be gone. It was going to be the longest without seeing Allie and it frightened her to an extent.
But she knew that she could trust that with the help of technology, speaking to her and facetiming her would make it more bearable at least so it wasn’t just her counting down the days till she was home once more.
The next few days were busy and long. Interviews in each new city before playing a show and then straight on the bus to the next place.
When they arrived in New York, Michael pulled her out of her funk.
“C’mon. You’re coming with us to the interview and then we are going to ditch those three loser and spend the day in New York City.” She barely had time to grab a coat and her backpack as he pulled her from the bus.
She shot off a quick text to Cara.
‘Apparently I’ve been kidnapped by a crazy person named Michael. Should be back to get a decent amount of sleep tonight, don’t worry if i’m not. Enjoy NYC.’
It was whilst she was sat in the car with the boys that she got a text back.
‘Have fun and if u don’t visit the statue i will be very disappointed in ur lack of tourist excitement’
It was fun to watch them get interviewed, and even though the interviewer had pointed her out, in an attempt to coax her into answering a few questions, she smiled and shook her head.
By the time the group were done with the interviews, Michael all but dragged her from the building and they got into a separate car and it felt good to have the distraction as they finally exited the car and began to wander the streets of New York together.
“Part of me feels like I need to be singing ‘Welcome to New York’ or maybe even ‘New York, New York’. And I’m not sure people will really enjoy my awful Frank Sinatra impression.” Michael laughed as they ventured through the various stores that lined the streets.
“I’m almost certain if you did a cover of New York, New York, it would still be amazing. And knowing you, you’d put your own spin on it and people would be falling in love with you left, right and centre.” The playful tease made her giggle as they found themselves in a thrift store, holding up the various items of clothing against each other to see if it would suit the other.
It certainly made the hole in her heart feel easier to deal with as she giggled at the silly hats they put on with the outrageous jackets that they found.
A few finds that were good, they purchased and eventually after raiding almost every rack, they left the store and her mood was swinging up as they continued their exploration of New York City.
It wasn’t difficult to visit the Statue of Liberty. There were a few fans about who were polite enough to the both of them and as they continued throughout the day, meeting fans here and there before heading back to the busses, when she checked her phone, she saw a text from Allie waiting for her.
‘Just saw a photo of you in New York, hope you’re enjoying yourself love, I know I would be.’
‘Still missing you, love. But distraction makes it easier I guess. I hope you’re having a good day.’
When they reached a small pizzeria, the debated on a large slice or a whole pizza to take back.
“I say get a couple of pizzas. They’ll appreciate the food and less likely to be annoyed with the fact we ditched them all for the entire day.” She’d remarked casually and Michael nodded, relaying the order for the two pizzas to go.
When they returned to the busses, they were met with raised eyebrows until they both held up the pizza boxes.
‘Pizza party on the 5sos bus.’ She’d sent the text to her touring bandmates and within five minutes they were climbing onto their bus.
“We heard there was pizza?” Ellie called as they stepped on. Calum laughed before motioning to the two large pizzas sat between the five of them.
“Join in. Looks like it’s a party night tonight then.” This made them all laugh as they cracked out a game of Cards Against Humanity and Y/N very quickly realised that touring with all these wonderful people was certainly the best thing to help distract from a missing piece in her chest.
Halfway through the tour, she was excited because Allie was joining the tour for a couple of days. It annoyed her to no end that she couldn’t get more time off, but she’d take two days over nothing.
The only problem was that her flight landed whilst she was performing. Michael had offered to go and pick her up from the airport, but Allie had declined and so it left her frustrated and somewhat annoyed. But she’d get to see her girl.
The boys were half way through their set when she turned up with only a backpack over her shoulders and Y/N couldn’t help herself as she wrapped her arms around Allie, her lips meeting her girlfriends.
“Holy shit I’ve missed you.” She murmured and Allie hummed in response.
“Missed you too.”
They enjoyed the set together, Allie standing a bit further away than Y/N would’ve liked but she knew that Allie was never comfortable with things like this. The show ended and she pulled her backstage, giving the boys a chance to finish their encore as the two of them lounged quietly in the greenroom.
But this silence, whereas before it was always comfortable, she could notice that something had changed, but didn’t dare comment on it.
When the guys came in from the stage, they greeted Allie enthusiastically and talked about maybe going out for a late dinner followed by a few drinks. She was enthusiastic, Allie less so as she half -heartedly agreed to join.
The journey to the hotel was filled with scattered chatter, mostly the boys asking Allie about what she did and if this was the only time she’d get off.
Y/N should’ve realised when she didn’t outright answer, something was wrong.
Once they were in the hotel room, before she could do or say anything, Allie held her hands up.
“I don’t want to do this anymore.”
Y/N’s entire body froze as she felt her heart crack.
“What---what do you mean?” Allie grimaced before sighing.
“I met someone else. It’s not fair on you to keep it up when I don’t love you anymore.” There was the shatter as she sucked in a deep breath.
“Get out.”
“Please, Y/N, I just didn’t want to lie to---”
“I said get out.” The last word rose an octave and the tears were burning in her eyes.
“I’m sorry.” The door clicked shut and once it shut, she could feel her heart shatter with a resounding crash as tears fell and a sob broke through.
‘I’ve just seen Allie leaving, you okay?’ The text came through as she allowed herself to collapse on the bed, sobs tearing from her throat as she tried to focus on something other than the pain in her chest.
But she couldn’t. Nothing had given away that this was coming. They’d been together for nearly three years and this was what was left to show for it.
It took a while before she heard frantic knocking and for a second, she almost deluded herself into believing that Allie was coming back, that she was apologising, that she was joking.
But the second the door opened and she and saw Michael’s concerned face, reality hit her hard and she found herself being bundled into his arms as another sob tore from her.
He pulled her into the room, shutting the door tightly before sitting on the edge of the bed.
“Y/N, what happened?”
“She---she left---said---didn’t---love---found---someone---” She couldn’t get her words around her tears and sobs and Michael’s heart shattered for her.
“Lie down, let me text the boys to say that we’re not going out tonight.” She curled on her side almost immediately, her fingers pressing against her chest, almost wishing it would ease the pain she was in.
It didn’t.
Michael sent the text off to the boys, hoping they would understand that she couldn’t go out, not like this.
Thankfully, they were understanding and promised to come back with ice cream for her and something to eat later. Michael climbed in behind her, his arms wrapping around her as she turned and pressed her face against his chest, the sobs slowing down as his fingers ran through her hair slowly.
“It hurts so much.” She finally whispered. He could only hold her tighter in response.
“It’s going to. But it’ll get easier. They boys promised to bring you some food and ice cream. Do you think you’d be up for that?”
She wasn’t sure she could answer. Part of her wanted the company, part of her wanted to wallow in the heartbreak that her chest was feeling.
“Just, no rom-coms. Give me comedy, hell, give me Jeff Goldblum.” Michael snickered as she settled herself closer, trying to shove the pain away for just a moment. But no matter what, it sat there, along with her tears.
“I’m sure we can do that. We’ve got time before they get here. Let it out.”
And she cried.
The boys understandably had given her the time to cry, and on the next night of tour when she realised the song she had to play, she felt her stomach drop as she soundchecked it, fighting the tears as her voice grew thick with emotion.
“That was her song, huh?” Ashton commented quietly and she nodded. He pulled her into a tight hug.
“Try to perform it tonight. If you can’t get through it, we’ll help you pick another song.”
And so she tried.
But it was clear that she couldn’t, her voice wavering before the end and she pulled away from the mic as the crowd sang her words back to her, the pain becoming too much for a second as a few tears fell.
Once the song finished and she could stop playing for a second, she wiped her eyes, taking in a deep breath. Michael was stood side-stage, hidden as he gave her a supportive thumbs up, Ashton doing the same, both wearing encouraging smiles.
“Sorry for that guys, but it looks like you’ll be the last lot to hear that song for a while.” At the disappointed noises, she gave a tentative smile to them.
“Unfortunately, my heart got broken last night, and this song---it’s tough. Maybe one day I can sing it as an ode to you all, but today isn’t that day. On we march, however.” And the crowd understood.
They sang back to her, almost louder and when she finished her set, the pain in her chest was still there, but it wasn’t the sharp stabbing sensation. It was like an old wound had been reopened, or at least, that was what it felt like. She knew that it wouldn’t pass this easily, but she felt her heart lift with love for the fans that sang her songs back to her.
She watched the boys set from side stage like always and greeted them as they finished their encore.
Michael slung his arm across her shoulders as they headed back to the greenroom, chatting about everything and nothing as they each went to their phones.
She hadn’t had a chance to change Allie’s name in her phone yet, but seeing the name made her breath catch for just a second.
‘So you made it all about you. Of course. Good luck in any future you find, don’t contact me again.’
There was the blow she’d been waiting for, the knock out that literally took her breath away as she tried to gasp for air.
She hadn’t even registered that she was sat on the floor, being coaxed to follow someone’s instructions. Her mind couldn’t separate, but she understood the words, following the motions before the steel bands that had a vice grip on her chest loosened up to the point of being able to breathe with ease once more.
“Y/N, what happened?” Michael asked quietly.
“Look at my phone.” She whispered in return and there were muttered voices before a phone was passed to Michael and he read the notification.
She fought down the nausea and the lightheadedness, closing her eyes for a second as tears slipped out.
“What did I do wrong?” Their hearts broke for her then. They were barely three months into the nine month world tour.
“You didn’t do anything wrong. She knew what was going to happen whilst you were on tour. We all told her it was going to be tough on both of you. Either she didn’t listen or she didn’t care. But that’s not on you.”
She wanted to believe him, but the thoughts were there.
“C’mon. We’re going to help you re-do your entire setlist. Unlock your phone.” She did as she was told, her fingers hovering over the message icon.
Before she could do anything, Michael pulled her phone out of her hands, throwing it to Luke who was furthest away.
“Delete the message and number.” She watched in amazement as Luke did what was asked and showed the clear screen of her name.
“It’s a good job I actually get on with you guys.” She finally grumbled, making Michael smirk, pulling her from the floor.
“That’s why we did it. Means you can’t drunkenly text her or fool yourself. Now. Setlist.”
Y/N felt grateful that someone was taking charge and helping her. She wrapped an arm around Michael’s waist, squeezing it gently.
“Thanks Mikey.” She finally whispered and he gave her a soft smile in return.
“We have each other as a band to lean on. You have only yourself. It’s only fair that we help you through a really shitty time, especially when we’re not even halfway through the tour yet.”
The rest of the night, she stayed sober as they went out and danced, Michael having a few drinks but mostly keeping her company as she watched everyone else chatter away.
It was the start of a very long journey.
It wasn’t often that Y/N found herself scrolling through social media. Especially after the breakup, there were those that seemed to think that she needed to know about what Allie was doing.
She tried to ignore it most days, but it seemed that as she scrolled through the notifications, mindlessly replying to some fans on twitter, she felt her heart drop when she saw the tweet which included a photo of Allie with another woman.
She found herself studying the photo, her heart twisting as she realised it was a screenshot of her instagram.
Wiping the tears away when she realised that she’d been crying, she finally noticed the time and decided to head into the venue. There was still time before soundcheck, but part of her wanted to just play.
Grabbing her backpack, she pulled the hoodie tighter and stepped off the bus, immediately being greeted with excited yells and calls of her name.
Waving hesitantly to the few who had spotted her, she made her way over to the barriers, taking photos with the fans, pushing a smile on her face as she gave hugs and chatted about the tour.
“How are you doing on tour?”
“Doing good. My family love receiving postcards from the places we stop in. The guys think its hilarious that I do it, but it’s memories that they get to keep as well. My mum especially gets so excited each time I send her a postcard.” This earned laughter. She posted the videos that her dad sent to her of her mum reading the postcards she sent, the excitement tangible when she watches the videos.
“Do you miss home much?” Another fan asked as she posed for a selfie.
“I miss my family, yeah. England? Not really. I’m slowly finding my home in LA, it’s warm, I’ve made close friends with a lot of people and despite sticking out like a sore thumb, I feel more comfortable there than I ever did in England.”
“Is it because of Allie?” Her heart ached as she glanced at the watch on her wrist.
“Because of her I don’t miss home? No. Even when we were together, I missed her, but I didn’t miss home. I’ve gotta run for soundcheck, but I hope you guys enjoy the show tonight.” She pulled away from the group, half smiling at the disappointed noises before making her way into the venue.
Heading to the dressing room where Ellie was already set up, she picked up the acoustic as she dropped her bag down.
“I’m gonna head out and check the guitar. Mess about before we actually sound check.” Ellie nodded.
“Sure, want me to come with?” She hesitated before nodding.
“Yeah, if you want. I’m not adverse to some company right now.” Ellie picked up her phone and followed after Y/N, the two navigating the corridors with ease. They stopped by the boys dressing room.
“Heading to mess about before actually soundchecking.” Luke pushed off the seat, followed by Michael.
“Can we tag along? Before we kill Ashton and Calum.” She tossed the two a curious look, both holding innocent faces.
“Whatever you’re planning, keep me out of it and don’t even think of pulling any kind of prank on me.” She warned playfully and they both gave her matching looks of offence.
“We’ve done nothing!” Ashton called out as she pulled away from the door.
“Not yet, at least.” She called back, laughter erupting from the room before it fell quiet as Luke and Michael followed the pair.
“I’m gonna practice a cover, I probably won’t play it on tour but my hands are itching.” She explained to Ellie who chuckled.
“You been hit with inspiration to write or just play?”
“Play I think.” Came the quiet reply and Ellie nodded in understanding.
“Sometimes it’s good just to play whatever you can to feel the music.” Her arm went across Ellie’s waist for a brief moment, giving her a small squeeze.
As they reached the stage, Y/N ditched the guitar, immediately heading to the piano, making Luke laugh.
“Can we not request Wonderwall?” Came the tease as he sat next to her. She stuck her tongue out as she checked it was still tuned before finding the right key.
Ever since they’d released Youngblood, one song had stuck to her tightly and she knew that playing it would help her let it go. But this was their song.
Both Michael and Ellie were sat on the drum riser, talking quietly.
“Sorry if I butcher this.” She muttered before hitting the few chords and Luke’s face immediately recognised the song.
“I saw you looking brand new overnight, I caught you look too but you didn’t look twice. You look happy, oh, you look happy.”
It was therapeutic as she played, missing only one of the keys as she sang. What she didn’t expect was Luke to harmonise with her throughout, letting her lead the song.
As the last note echoed out, her fingers still resting on the keys, he placed a hand over hers.
“You saw, huh?” She could only nod, pressing her eyes closed for a second to stop the tears from building up.
“The song has been itching at my fingertips, but seeing that, I needed to let it out because part of me feels like my chest wants to burst.” Voicing it outloud made her shoulders release slightly, dropping down a little bit as her eyes finally opened and glanced at Luke who wore and understanding smile.
A pair of arms wrapped around her shoulders and neck, a head coming to rest on top of hers. The tattoos gave away that it was Michael.
“How do you feel after playing it?” His voice was quiet, but she could hear the understanding in his voice and it felt like her chest was on fire.
“Better. Less likely to fuck up.” This made Ellie laugh as she gently shoved Michael, his grip loosening as he dramatically stumbled away, only to stumble over one of the wrapped up chords, making the three of them laugh as he hit the stage floor.
“You guys are assholes.” He muttered as he stood up, brushing off his trousers.
“You’ve only just figured that out? Wow, we managed to hide it so well Ellie.” Her voice took on the tone of surprise and Michael snorted as she moved from the piano, plucking the guitar from the stand.
“You two want to stick around for the actual soundcheck?” Ellie asked them as she picked up the second guitar, waving briefly to Cara and Rich as they reached the backstage.
“Only if you play Wonderwall.”
“Not on your life, Hemmings.” Rich called back before reaching his drum kit which sat in front of the riser.
They stuck around for the soundcheck before heading back to get dressed for their own soundcheck.
There was a sense of freedom as they soundchecked their last song and she could feel her body dancing along with the beat of the music. This made both Cara and Ellie laugh as they finished up the song.
Cara wrapped an arm around her shoulders.
“You’ll be alright, I promise. Now c’mon, we need to get moving and get some food. Who fancies some lovely burgers?”
As they headed out to grab some food, Y/N found herself checking through Instagram.
As she refreshed the feed, her eyes focused on the fact that Michael had posted whilst they were soundchecking and to her shock, it was her and Luke sat at the piano.
“El, please tell me you did not encourage him to do that?” Her whine made the other three laugh, Rich patting her shoulder from his spot next to her.
“You learn fast that no one can really say no to her pout.” He teased and as if to almost prove his point, Ellie pulled a spectacular pout that made her feel bad for even making the comment.
“I didn’t have to encourage him. I was going to, but then I could see he was already posting it to Instagram. So I left it. Plus you were having a moment so I didn’t really want to ruin that.” The four of them laughed.
She clicked the unmute button, and her voice began to croon through the phone speakers.
“It’s three am and the moonlights testing me. If I can make it till dawn then it won’t be hard to see, I ain’t happy, oh. I ain’t so happy. Flashing back to New York City, changing flights so you’d stay with me. Problem was, I thought I had this right.”
She scrolled a little further as her own voice with Luke’s harmonies continued filtering through her phones speaker and she felt her heart skip a small beat at the caption from Michael.
‘The best kind of compliment for us to get is knowing our music is helping people. Seeing someone who I’ve been working with from day one, pay us this compliment in such a beautiful way means a lot to me. Especially when I watched her heart collapse. What I’m trying to say is you guys think we don’t see the covers, but we do. You pay us the best kind of compliments with them, just like Y/N has done. And I’m damn proud to be her friend and see how far she’s come since last summer. Keep going, you’re killing the game, I promise.’
She could feel the tears in her eyes as she read the caption and an arm went across her shoulder.
“Considering we’ve only known you since the start of the tour, we can’t say much about last summer. But you’re getting there and god damn you’ve got the world at your feet right now.” Rich’s words set the tears running and both Cara and Ellie laughed at her pitiful wail as she hid her face against his shoulder for a second.
“You guys have put up with my shit without any complaints. I’m sorry if I’ve been such a miserable cow.” She finally muttered and Cara giggled.
“You’re allowed to be a miserable cow. You’ve had your heart broken. But you’re trying, and all of us can see that. So don’t worry about it.” Cara reached over and wiped at her tears and Rich gave her one last squeeze before they rattled off their orders to the waitress.
When they’d eaten and headed back to the venue, she took her time and stuck her head in the boys’ dressing room. Luke and Ashton looked up from their phones.
“You looking for Mike?”
“Sorta. I was looking for you too, Luke.” He raised an eyebrow as she moved over and hugged him briefly, but tightly.
“Thanks.” His arms tightened around her marginally before letting her go and Ashton grinned at her.
“No hug for me?”
“Not today. Maybe tomorrow.” Came the playful retort and he laughed.
The door opened again and Michael stepped in followed by Calum, the two laughing at something. When they noticed that there was someone who wasn’t Luke or Ashton in the dressing room, they turned their attention and Michael gave her the biggest grin.
Without saying much, she quickly closed the distance between them and her arm wrapped around his neck, holding him tightly as his arms wound around her with ease, pulling her feet off the floor.
“Thank you.” She murmured next to his ear and pulled back slightly, placing a kiss to his cheek.
He held her for a few seconds longer before placing her down on her feet.
“Not that I’m complaining, but what did I do to deserve that?” The curiosity and amusement were clear as day to her, and she just smiled in return.
“For showing me I’m making progress,” her eyes glanced to her watch, “speaking of, I need to get changed. We’re onstage soon.” And without hesitation or a second thought, she leaned up, placing a soft kiss to his cheek and disappeared from their dressing room.
She missed how his cheeks turned pink.
The next month, she seemed to have had enough.
They had a couple of days off in Sydney, so after letting herself onto their bus, Y/N noticed that Luke was already up and dressed.
“Got any plans for today?” Was his greeting and she shook her head.
“I feel like I’m going insane on that bus.” She muttered and he let his hand rest over hers for a second before grinning.
“C’mon then. We’re having our not-date day.” He stood up up, heading back to the bunks for a few moments before returning with his phone and wallet, picking up the jacket that had apparently been discarded over the back of the seats.
“Wait, really?” He grinned at her in response.
“We need to cheer you up. You owe me dinner. Might as well make a day of it seeing as we don’t have anything booked in for today. Plus this is our home city. I’m pretty sure that I can survive showing you around. Did you want to grab a jacket or anything?”
She shook her head.
“It’s warm enough for me.”
“At least take a jumper, I know it’s warm enough for you, but the weather changes so fast, especially since we’re technically in our winter right now.” Luke pleaded. She hesitated for a second and he groaned before heading back through the bunks.
“Yeah, sure. Hey Y/N!” Michael shouted through as Luke came back, grinning.
“If that fucker takes you to the Harbour Bridge, I’m gonna throw him to the sharks. We’re doing that tomorrow after the interviews.” This prompted her to stare at Luke for a second before the two of them giggled.
“I’ll keep it in mind Mike.” She called back.
“Good, and look after the hoodie. I actually like that one.” He followed up with, prompting her to raise her eyebrow at Luke.
“I know you like big cosy hoodies. His are the comfiest and he knows it.” Came the easy reply and she simply laughed, accepting the offered hoodie and tying it around her waist as they left the bus once more.
There was an Uber waiting for them as they reached the side of the venue and Luke allowed her to slide in first before following after.
As the car peeled away, curiosity finally got the better of her.
“Lu, where are we going?” He grinned over at her in response.
“Royal Botanical Gardens. It’s a nice day out and also if gets us away from the mayhem of the city.”
The car ride was mostly filled with chatter of the couple of weeks they had off and what her plans were going to be.
“I’ll stay in LA, work on the album. With the success of the EP, apparently they’re excited for more stuff. So I won’t really be getting a break whilst we’re taking a break.” He laughed.
“I feel that. It sometimes feels like you’re trying to catch up with yourself when you’ve got the time off right?” She nodded at his words.
They fell into a companionable silence as the car reached the Gardens. Her breath escaped her as she looked at the sight before her. Luke allowed himself a brief moment of smugness before thanking the driver and looping his arm through hers.
“C’mon, my not-date.” This made her laugh as they entered the Gardens.
She found herself mesmerised by the sheer beauty of the place, unable to keep her eyes still for very long as they walked, eventually pulling away from Luke to get a closer look at some of the plants.
Unawares that Luke was holding up his phone towards her, taking a couple of photos, she turned her head back to him and beamed.
“This place is so beautiful.” She breathed as he moved back towards her. He could only nod in agreement as they continued their walk, her eyes still searching the vibrant colours.
“How are you doing?” Luke’s quiet voice pulled her from her thoughts and she hummed in acknowledgement.
“I’m fine, why?” Luke raised an eyebrow at her.
“Not what I meant and you know it.” They’d been walking around for just over an hour at this point. Spotting a bench, they made their way over to it and sat down, her head resting on his shoulder as they watched other people go by.
“I keep thinking she’ll come back. That she’ll apologise. And seeing that photo, I don’t know. It just, it broke me. Nearly three fucking years together.” The bitterness of her words tasted foul in her mouth.
“Feels like you’re stuck and can’t pull away?” She felt Luke rest his own head against hers and she sighed.
“I keep asking myself, what did I do wrong? Is it the timezones? Is it because I’m away? Was it someone I went out with? Is it because of the rumours? I feel like my head is dizzy and I’m just so exhausted all the time.”
“I doubt it was your fault.” He soothed her softly. She scoffed.
“It feels like it. I found out from a friend that she’s dating another lesbian and all I could think was ‘did she believe those rumours?’ and I hate it. I want to stop thinking about it.” She admitted softly.
A small breeze began to pick up, playing with the ends of their hair as they sat together, talking.
“Why would she put stock in rumours when all we ever heard about was how much you loved her?” She knew that he was curious, but the playful jab was there. It made her smile slightly.
“Because I don’t exclusively date women. I’m bi, and I keep thinking that she actually believed what’s been printed about me.”
“Then she should’ve called. Texted. Anything to give you a fucking inkling of what was going on in her head. You’ve literally had the carpet pulled from under your feet.” The indignation on your behalf made your heart swell for the man with the golden curls.
“It takes two to tango. I never called as often as I should’ve-”
“Stop right there.” He cut her off and she pressed her lips together, eyes closing as she sighed. “She’s made her bed and she’s gotta lie in it. You’re the one dealing with the aftermath of it. You’ve been so busy with this tour, anyone can see how hard you work and how exhausted you are. She knew what was coming but still didn’t make that effort. That’s on her, not you.”
They lapsed into silence once more. Then,
“Thank you, Lu. I’m sorry.” He rolled his eyes at her before finally pulling her up from the bench with him as he got up.
The breeze had picked up this time and so once on her feet, Y/N untied the hoodie from her waist, pulling it over. She realised that Luke was right and that she immediately favoured this hoodie over any previous one she owned.
She knew she practically drowned in it, the sleeves falling way past her hands and the hoodie baggier than needed, but she felt warm and it was a smell that was just entirely Michael as she pulled the front up to protect her face from the wind as it picked up.
She didn’t recognise it amidst her heartbreak, but her heart skipped a beat.
“C’mon, we have more time to kill and I’ve had enough sappy shit.” Her laughter was refreshing as the two continued their way through the gardens and found a small little cafe to grab a bite to eat.
Running into a few fans there, the two pleaded with them to wait till they were long gone before posting about where they were, if only to stop the place from getting swarmed.
They ran for the waiting uber like a couple of giggling school children, and only when they were far enough away did Luke bother to post anything.
She seemed content enough to snuggled down within Michael’s hoodie and rest her head on Luke’s shoulder as he scrolled through his phone.
“We’ve got a hotel for the next couple of nights, so you’ll have an actual bed.” He tilted his phone to show the texts and she nodded her head at that.
“Got it.”
A the tour progressed, people speculated about the relationship disintegration between Y/N and Allie.
But she’d put interviewers in their place when they got a bit too personal.
“It’s my business what happens in my private life. We’re not together any more, and that’s all you need to know.
But from that point, it seemed more and more fans were singing her songs back to her, and her album was back in the charts.
No one protested the setlist change. It meant a chance for her to incorporate a different cover for almost every show. It felt good to change things up and she knew that she was getting her smile back once more.
Michael had helped on that front.
Most nights, despite the separate tour busses, they’d be gaming against or with each other, depending on the game. This resulted in long nights and many nights exchanging text messages of memes from the game, especially when the other fucked up.
Some of the time, she’d stay on the bus the following day to play against Michael, but more often than not, she went off exploring with Ashton and Calum, buying and sending back postcards to her family.
As the tour progressed through America, she felt a lot more free as she sang and danced her last set in LA, knowing that in a few weeks, she’d finally be back home in England, even if it was only for two weeks.
“What are your plans?” Michael asked as they got their kits together. The last show had been played for a few weeks now and it was time to breathe.
“Not too sure. I’ve not got a place in LA yet, so I’m gonna check myself into a motel or something till we fly out to the UK.” She responded with a shrug and Michael frowned.
“You’re not staying in some grotty motel. You can stay with me till we head out to the UK.” She opened her mouth to argue and he moved his hand to cover her lips. “Don’t argue me on this one. You’re staying with me and that’s final.”
It took only thirty seconds before she finally rolled her eyes and nodded.
“Yes mother.” She snarked once his hand was removed and he got a mischievous look in his eye which set her running away from him, a yell escaping her lips as he chased after her.
“Take that back!”
“Not a chance in hell Clifford!”
And for those that had worked the tour, heard her tears, there was a bit of relief as her laughter echoed through the hallways. She was healing.
As they got back to his place, the masses of bags being dragged in between the two of them, Michael was the first to collapse on the couch and she followed shortly after, his arms wrapping around as he pulled her close, a soft sigh escaping his lips.
“C’mon, we need to go to bed.”
“But you’re comfy.”
“You need a proper bed.”
“Y/N.” Michael groaned and she giggled softly pressing her face into his shoulder.
“We just got back, we need to breathe a bit, dumbass.” He laughed as he squeezed her tightly.
“Alright. But if you fall asleep, I’m not carrying you.” He warned and she shrugged, pressing herself closer as her eyes fluttered shut.
“Can’t escape from me now, Clifford.” She muttered quietly before her breathing grew slower.
Michael knew how exhausted she was, her heart still healing from the heartbreak and he knew that it was going to be tough on her. So as a soft snore escaped her lips, Michael found himself unable to even move her, his heart softening as he pulled her tight and placed a kiss to her temple.
“Like I’d even want to try.”
It was hours later when the pair woke up. Michael woke up first, his arms keeping her encased as he just enjoyed the moment of peace. Glancing at the clock, the numbers read that it was three thirty in the morning, and as much as he didn’t want to move, he knew that the both of them needed to lie in a proper bed.
“C’mon sleepy head.” His voice was raspy, tired. He knew that once they were both in their beds, neither would re-emerge for another twelve hours at least.
“Don’t wanna.” Finally came from Y/N and Michael laughed softly.
“Going to have to move. I promise once you’re in bed, I won’t wake you again.” That seemed to get her moving enough so that they were leaning on each other as they stumbled through his place to the guest room.
Not even caring of the fact that Michael was still in the room, she wiggled free from her jeans, crawling beneath the covers.
“You’re the best. Night Mikey.” The sentence was slurred, her voice getting softer before the sentence ended with a snore. He snorted, leaning over and pressing a soft kiss to her forehead before he made his way to his own room, ditching jeans and his shirt before crawling beneath his own covers.
It was almost like someone hit him over the head with a baseball bat. He was knocked out immediately.
It felt like a full on recovery for the first three days. Y/N was feeling like the wind had been stolen from her sails before Michael explained it wasn’t uncommon.
“We’ve just done seven months of touring and promo mixed together. Even with the days off, you’re still doing something. Your body probably feels like this is the first chance you’ve had to relax in months.”
They settled themselves in the living room for the first three days, watching tv and napping. It was relaxed and she could feel like her days were easier.
By the fourth day, that was when they started to venture out a bit. Ashton immediately invited himself around and took Y/N out for lunch when she’d sent a text saying she felt a little more alive.
Michael could only laugh as he half dragged her out of his place.
“I’ve got my own shit to do, I’d rather be going for lunch!” He yelled out after her plea to save her escaped from her lips.
“How are you feeling now that you’ve had a chance to let your body recover?”
“I’m not bad. I still expect to see her name a few times but it’s easier now that her number isn’t in my phone and I’m not pining as much. I’m just more worried about finding a place out here now.”
Ashton nodded in understanding as they pulled into one of the car park complexes.
“Whilst we’re here and then out in the UK, I don’t mind helping you if you want to sit down and look?” She smiled at him as they walked through the town.
“Yeah, thanks. Hey, would you mind coming with me to explain to my family? It’s just that they worry and I don’t want them to.” As they reached the restaurant, Ashton held the door open for her before following behind.
“Table for two under Irwin?” He asked before the hostess could even greet them. She checked the roster before nodding her head and guiding them further into the restaurant.
Once they were seated and were looking over the menus, Ashton finally asked her the question.
“Why me, and not one of the other guys?” She half smiled at that.
“I know that Sierra is coming to the UK leg of the tour. I also know that Calum will want to visit Mali whilst he’s over there.”
“And Michael?”
She had to pause at that. Why wouldn’t she ask him?
Ashton waited as she tried to find her words, before her eyes settled on the table.
“You all just assumed I was a lesbian, right?” The question in return caught Ashton off guard as he slowly nodded.
“Well, yeah. I mean we never really asked you about your previous relationships.” Ashton shrugged as he set the menu down to look at her properly.
“I’m not. I’m bisexual. My family know and accept this. But if I take Michael, they’ll assumed that I’m dating him already.”
“And they won’t assume that with me?”
“Because I don’t act like I’m in love with you, moron.” She rolled her eyes before they widened in shock.
Ashton smirked.
“Fuckin’ knew it.” He muttered before sighing. “I’ll come with you, if only so your family don’t have any kind of freak out and reveal that you’ve been crushing on Mike for a while.”
“Shut up.” She hissed quietly, making him laugh as the waitress came over and took their orders.
“Chill out, my feline friend. I don’t think the others have cottoned on yet, but I definitely noticed it after your not-date with Luke. It annoyed him that you went with Luke on the day off and he had to settle for half a day because of interviews.” At that, her head fell into her hands and a sigh escaped her lips.
“Ashton, I’m royally fucked. I’m spending the next two months with him and I literally feel like a teenaged schoolgirl with her first crush, except my heart still feels fucking broken beyond repair right now. And he doesn’t deserve that.”
“Maybe he doesn’t. Or maybe he does deserve someone who feels like that so he can show her that she’s not as broken as she thinks.”
As the food arrived, they switched the conversation to the European leg of the tour, the various cities they were excited to visit and gifts they planned on buying.
“Are you worried about seeing Allie?” He finally asked, resting his elbows on the table and his head on his hands.
She leaned back in her chair and thought about his question.
“No. Well, it’s going to hurt. I know that. I’ve still got to collect the last of my stuff from hers and get it shipped over here. So I’m going to have to see her. But honestly?” She hesitated before sighing. “I’m more worried about how I’m going to actually react. Because I don’t know if I’m angry or not. I couldn’t make heads or tails of my emotions on the road and I had to stay put together for the interviews and shows.”
“What dates are you going to see your family?”
“Mum’s planning a family shindig on Halloween. Then they’ve got a small van for me and it’ll pick me up straight after the Sheffield show. Instead of flying out on the third with you guys, I’ll fly back out to the tour on the fourth.”
“Want me with you for the whole thing?” He watched as her eyes dropped to the table and it was like the embarrassment radiated in waves off her.
“Am I that easy to read?” Ashton chuckled.
“No, I just know my friend well enough to see when she doesn’t want to ask for something in fear of overstepping some kind of boundary.” His words were teasing, but the sincerity stunned her for a second.
“Only if you want to, Ash. But it means that you’ll be sharing my room with me.” He laughed.
“It’s fine. Shall we head out to look for a place for you then? Might as well get a start before we leave for Europe.” She nodded in acceptance and split the bill with him. As the two left, they’d both spotted the paps lurking about, but both ignored them as they made their way back to Ashton’s car.
“Shall we place bets on how many articles say we’re dating, even when it’s plainly obvious even to a blind man that I’m not interested in you?” Ashton laughed as he got in the car and they peeled away from the complex and headed back to his.
With Ashton’s help, they’d managed to secure a decent house for her and with the money from the album sales and tour, she knew it was easier to outright buy the place instead of renting, which is what she did.
She swore Ashton to secrecy, because there was no point in making a big fuss over her place. It still needed some work done and they worked over the two week break to get the place cleaned up and furnished for her return back to LA once the tour finished.
“So you’re gonna host a housewarming party when we get back right?” She laughed as she locked up the place. It was all done, all she needed to do was ship her stuff over. She’d already met with a few of her new neighbours and they’d agreed to hold parcels for her until she returned from the tour the following month later.
“First we’re celebrating the surprise party for Michael. Our boy is turning twenty three. Can’t ignore that.” They laughed as they got into his car.
“Well yeah, there’s that first. But after?”
“Considering we’re both up for ARIA’s, still don’t know how I managed that,” Ashton laughed, “so I’m gonna give it a couple of days, so maybe have the party on the twenty first or twenty second. Then to my knowledge, I’m flying out on the twenty fifth for the rehearsals?” Ashton nodded.
“Sounds about right. I know Cal’s going over earlier to spend time with his family.”
“Right. This is still feeling so surreal, honestly.” He laughed.
Flying out from LA back to London seemed like a breeze, but she also knew that this was where she’d have to go back home. Y/N was both excited and nervous to go back to her hometown.
The flight to London had been filled with jittery nerves. They’d landed late in the evening and only a small handful of fans were waiting to greet them.
“Welcome home Y/N!” One fan called and she chuckled.
“Thanks guys. How’re you all doing?” She received varied answers from the small group that had gathered around her. She could see the phones out but didn’t protest them like she usually would’ve, she was just too damn tired.
“How was the flight for you?” One fan asked and she shrugged, rubbing the back of her neck.
“Exhausting. I forget how tiring flying can actually be, especially when you’re not good on long flights as it is.” She grinned bashfully, earning a few scattered giggles.
“Are you looking forward to being back home for a little bit?”
“Definitely. I’ve got plans on our days off to go visit my family and I know my mum is super excited to see me. I’m almost certain she’s called every family member that’s old enough to drive to come to this meal. That’s going to be a busy day.” the fans were calm and the discussion turned to new music.
“Have you been working on anything on the road?” She shrugged at that question.
“Yes and no. I haven’t pushed myself to write, but I’ve been recording. I can’t say much now, but you guys are going to absolutely love it, I promise you.” This earned her excited whispers and she giggled as she signed a few things for them.
She was more than happy to take a few selfies with a few of them before Michael called her over and she made quick apologies, heading over to where he was loitering with security.
“They’re sending vans. They’ll take us to the bus pick up and then it’s an overnight journey to Glasgow.” His eyes were watching how tired she was and she sighed.
“Why can’t they just fly us up there instead?” She groaned quietly, making him laugh.
“Because they’re assholes. Fancy bus crashing for the night? I know El, Rich and Cara are going to be wide awake.”
“And you four losers won’t be?” Came back the tart reply and he grinned.
“We’re just as tired as you are. So no, we’re probably going to knock out the second our heads hit the bunk.”
She hesitated for a moment before sighing. Pulling out her phone, she messaged the group chat she had with her own bandmates.
‘You guys cool if I bus crash tonight?’
Ellie was the first to reply.
‘Yeeah, we were thinking of maybe having a couple of games going when we go on. You look exhausted so you’d probs be better off sleepin on their bus.’
She replied almost instantly.
‘That’s fine by me. You guys be as loud as you like.’
It wasn’t much longer till they all piled into the two vans and it felt like she’d barely blinked before being shaken awake by Michael.
“C’mon Y/N, we’re at the busses.” The cold October weather made her cringe into Michael’s side and he laughed.
“Shut up, I’m used to the LA heat.” She grumbled. He fell silent but pulled her tighter to him anyway. She was wrapped up in the hoodie she’d managed to acquire after her not-date with Luke and he hadn’t argued the loss of it, claiming she looked cuter in it anyway.
When they got on the bus, the boys went to claim their bunks and before she could head to the back to crash on the sofa, Michael was pulling her into the bunk area and she couldn’t help but smile at someone who looked so stupidly cute, especially when his eyes were silently pleading with her.
With a sigh, she took off her bra, tossing it to the end of his bunk before climbing in and he followed after. Not even bothering to take off the hoodie, she curled into his side and with a whispered ‘goodnight’ between the two of them, it didn’t take too long before both of them were fast asleep, his body turned towards hers and his arm thrown over her waist.
When Michael woke the next morning, she was curled against him, her back pressing against his chest. His arm was still thrown across her waist. He didn’t dare move as he tiredly stared at her, his heart skipping a beat as her eyes opened and she turned over, face hiding against his chest.
She could feel her heartbeat thundering against her chest as she felt his lips against the top of her head.
“Morning kitten.” She tried not to let her shock show at the pet name, a simple hum of acknowledgement escaping as she pressed her face firmly against his chest, not willing to move an inch.
“Morning.” She finally muttered and he chuckled.
“We in Glasgow yet?” He shook his head.
“Still travelling. Not sure where we are though.” A sigh escaped her lips.
“Means we don’t have to move.” She muttered stubbornly her arm wrapping around him and he could feel heat rising in his cheeks as he held her close, mouthing a silent prayer just to keep his cool till they woke up properly.
It took another thirty minutes before the bunk curtain was pulled open by Luke.
“C’mon lovebirds. We reach Glasgow in about an hour.” He ducked the pillow she threw at him before Michael pushed out of the bunk first, and she reluctantly moved, following after him.
She slipped her bra on before following through to the front of the bus and was greeted with tired smiles from the other three. She took the open spot next to Michael, ignoring the pointed looks from Luke and Ashton as she lay her head on his shoulder.
“You changing anything to the setlist this tour?” She snorted into the cup of tea that Ashton had passed her at Calum’s question.
“I desperately want to cover Fuck You, just to be petty. But I won’t,” they all shared grins at that, “I will maybe switch the order of the setlist and throw the cover towards the start. Get the crowd going.”
“What cover you gonna do?”
“All the covers that get Brits fucking jumping.” She teased and they laughed as the bus finally pulled to a stop and she stood up, stretching out her tired limbs.
“You up for exploring tomorrow whilst we’re here?” Ash questioned and she nodded in agreement as she headed to the door of the bus.
“Yeah, who’s heading out tomorrow with you?”
“Just me.” Calum piped up and she grinned at him.
“Cool, see you guys in a bit.” And she was off the bus and onto her own seconds later, grateful that they were cut off from the fans view. She did not need to add fuel to that burning fire.
As she got on the bus, she was met with a very tired looking Cara who was nursing a coffee with both of her hands.
“Morning.” Came the quiet greeting.
“Morning to you too sunshine. How was last night?” Y/N sat herself opposite Cara who groaned quietly.
“I think it’s mostly tiredness speaking because not a lot of alcohol was consumed. But we’re just so excited to be playing for shows in the UK.”
“Even though you guys were with me for the first part of the tour.” She teased and they laughed quietly.
“It doesn’t count and you know it. This is playing in different cities. Playing in London once does not count at all.” Came the snarky retort and she held up her hands in a surrender position.
“I’m gonna go get changed. I might head into the venue and maybe work on something. Still got ideas running through my head.” She stood up, heading to the bunk area and Cara gave her a devious grin.
“Something to commemorate your night with Michael?” The taunt was playful and in jest and Y/N simply grinned.
As it crept closer to Halloween, it was obvious about how nervous Y/N was getting over the family party. More than once, Michael offered to come down with her and Ash, but she shook her head, desperately hoping that he couldn’t see how wistful her smile was.
“You need to hold the fort with Luke and Cal whilst I steal Ash for the day. We’ll be back in time for drinks, I promise.”
From London both her and Ashton travelled further south to her hometown on Halloween morning. They spent the majority of the journey discussing various ideas for her place back in LA, debating on different colours for the guest rooms that had yet to be painted.
“How many people are going to be there?” He questioned quietly as they pulled off the motorway. She checked her phone, scrolling through her previous messages with her mum.
“Mum said about twelve. But that’s just aunts and uncles and cousins. She’s not included their kids.” A low groan escaped him and she giggled.
“Hey, you agreed to this, knowing that I have a big family.” He rolled his eyes before smiling.
“I know. But it’s the kids that I’m worried about. Are you sure they won’t freak out?”
“Lucy might. She’s the only one I know that has probably listened to your stuff. The boys could care less.” She shrugged in return and he simply slumped down in the seat, earning a giggle.
“It won’t be like this at the weekend though?”
“Oh god no. This weekend is going to be telling them about moving to LA and packing up my stuff. Might even show you a few spots I frequented as a kid.” They shared matching grins as the car turned into a cul-de-sac and her eyes lit up.
Ashton couldn’t help himself as he snapped a photo of the beaming smile on her lips, his own lips curving into a grin to match hers.
“We’re here!” The car pulled to a stop and they got out of the car. Once it disappeared back down the street after a confirmation of pick up time, she headed to the front door and knocked. It was only eleven am, but she could see the various cars and hear the voices.
The door pulled open and she was greeted by her dad whose face lit up, pulling her into a warm hug.
It was a hug she’d been craving for months and her entire body melted against him.
“Welcome home, little one.” He murmured softly in her ear and she responded by clinging to him tighter before pulling away.
“Dad, this is Ashton, he’s the drummer of 5 Seconds of Summer, the band who helped give me this amazing opportunity.” She stepped to the side and Ashton held his hand out.
He was stunned when her dad pulled him in for a hug instead and his cheeks went slightly pink.
“Thank you for giving my little girl such a wonderful opportunity, come in, come in! The rest of the family are here.” He waved them both in and as she stepped through the door, Ashton ran his fingers through the mop of curls.
“I can see where you get the hugging genetic from.” He muttered under his breath and she snorted out a giggle before an excited squeal emitted from the living room.
“You’ve seen nothing yet, Irwin.”
As if on cue, her mum came rushing out of the living room and practically barrelled her over, holding onto her tightly as she peppered her face with kisses, making Y/N giggle.
“Hi mum. Missed you too.”
“Oh my baby is finally home for a bit!”
“Your baby is gonna pass out because she can’t breath and has barely stepped into the house.” She shot back sarcastically and Ashton coughed to cover up a chuckle. This turned her mum’s attention to Ashton.
“Don’t think you get out of this! You must be Ashton, yes?”
“Yes ma’am, it’s-” He was cut off as she pulled him in for a tight hug, this time making Y/N snicker at his wide eyes.
“Nice to meet you.” He finally finished off, making her mum laugh.
“It’s wonderful to meet you too, dear. Now come on through, a lot of the family are already here.” She pulled back, taking a hold of Ashton’s hand and he shot Y/N a panicked look and she shrugged in return as she followed after the two.
It took half an hour just to introduce Ashton to everyone who had already arrived because they were determined to ask him questions about the tour and what she had done on the tour and every question in between.
It was her Aunt Hallie who caught her unawares.
“So where’s young Allie?” She froze for a second, her eyes widening for a moment before her hand reached up, rubbing the back of her neck.
“Uh, we’re not together any more. We haven’t been for, like the last five months.” The awkward silence that filled the room and she could feel her stomach twist uncomfortably.
“Is this young Ashton your new thing then?” Her eyes widened in shock and Ashton, who had taken that moment to take a drink from the water that her mum had offered, choked.
“No, he’s here as support. Uh, I’m going to be collecting the rest of my stuff from Allie’s this weekend so he offered to meet the family as well, get it out of the way and-”
“She was worried about possibly running into Allie. I was the most level headed out of the band when the breakup happened and she wanted someone who would be able to be objective and stop anything from happening.” Ashton interjected once he’d gotten his breath back.
“And prey-tell why are you not dating him then?”
“Hallie,” her mum hissed softly, “that’s none of our business.”
“It’s fine, mum. Uh, I’m not interested in Ashton. I see him more as my brother. He’s been really good to me on the tour and looked out for me, especially when we’ve done the city explorations.” She explained quietly and as her Aunt Hallie opened her mouth to ask something else, her mum cut in once more.
“Enough, Hallie. They’re not together, and she’s not with Allie. You’ve known this.” Y/N groaned.
“Please, I’m not in the UK for long, I just want to enjoy today with you guys.” Hallie sat back and fell silent as the kids began to badger Ashton. He was patient with them as they invited him to play on Mario Kart.
As Y/N had expected, Lucy had fallen very shy around Ashton, so she went to her younger cousin and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.
“I’m almost certain that if you ask nicely, he’ll let you have a picture with him.” Her cheeks flushed pink as she hid her face in her side and she chuckled.
“Alright. You wanna stick with me?” A nod followed and so she had a shadow attached to her as she joined Ashton on the floor and talked with the other adults about the tour and where she’d visited.
The kids soon abandoned the game when she began to show them photos she’d taken, so Ashton showed them some of his own and that was when Lucy began to come out of her shell.
“S’pretty photo of Y/N.” Came the soft mumble at the photo that he’d taken of her in Glasgow. Ashton beamed at Lucy who immediately went bright red.
“She’s the worst for having photos taken of her though, we have to catch her off guard or only when she’s in a particular mood to have photos taken. When we were in Australia, we were trying to get a group shot of all of us on the beach and she rolled off her towel and onto the sand to not be in the photo.” This earned him a giggle from Lucy and she slowly inched away from Y/N to take a look at the photo he was showing.
Ashton seemed to have earned himself the shadow that was her younger cousin then and it was sweet as he answered every question she had and even as they went to get food from the buffet that her mum had laid out, he let her sit with him.
Y/N had disappeared into the kitchen after taking a photo of the two of them talking. Hallie pinned her with a look and she sighed.
“Listen, he is not my boyfriend. I’m not starting this argument with you on my day off. We’re not here for much longer, the car will be here in a couple of hours to get us back to London.”
“I was just going to say he’s a nice boy you could have to get over this silly indecisiveness you have.” A groan escaped her lips.
“I’m not indecisive. I’ve dated boys and girls. I like them both. You try this with me every damn time Aunt Hallie.”
“Hallie, we’re not doing this today. I haven’t seen my little girl in months. I’m not letting your inability to see past the end of your nose ruin this day. You know where the door is if you really have that much of a problem.”
“Fine.” Came the huff and she disappeared out to the garden where a few other cousins were sat talking and having a smoke.
“Thanks dad.” She breathed and fell into his open arms.
“It’s okay sweetheart. How are you really doing?” She sighed into his shoulder.
“I’ll be okay, but Ash is genuinely here for moral support. He’s coming at the weekend as well. I don’t think I’m ready to face her by myself.” Her dad nodded before pressing a kiss to her temple.
“You’ve got good friends, little one. Come on now, we need to make sure that your Aunt hasn’t interrogated the poor lad.”
Mercifully she hadn't said a word, because Lucy still held all of his attention.
“Hey Luce, why don’t you ask Ash the question you wanted to ask earlier?” She called to her younger cousin and watched as her cheeks went a bright red.
“Uh, could I please have a picture with you?” Her voice had gone very quiet and Ashton grinned.
“Of course! You’re my favourite, but don’t tell Y/N that.” She giggled at her mock look of offence and obliged in taking the photo of the two.
The conversations continued over the next couple of hours before she received the warning text that the driver was about five minutes out.
“Ash, we need to say our goodbyes, driver is about five minutes away.” This earned gentle whines from the kids who had seemingly flocked to Ashton. She giggled and snapped a quick photo of it before going around and saying her goodbyes to the relatives, Ashton following behind her.
She left her parents for last, and they saw the pair off at the door.
“I’m looking forward to seeing you this weekend. Are we expecting you on Friday?” Her mum questioned as she hugged the two of them, her dad following her mum’s footsteps.
“Yeah, it’ll be late though. I’ve still got my key so I can just let us in and we’ll crash in my old room.” Her mum nodded.
“I’ll make sure to set up the airbed as well. Have a safe journey and enjoy the rest of the tour. We’ll see you in a few days.” They both escaped to the car after another shout of goodbyes from the family and once they were driving away, she let out a breath of air in relief.
“I can see why you needed someone there. Man, your Aunt Hallie was slightly terrifying.” Ashton’s observation made her laugh as they talked about the day and the possibilities of where they were going tonight.
When they reached London, Ash had to nudge her awake because she’d fallen asleep on his shoulder.
It wasn’t too late, so after stopping at a drive-thru for some food, once they were back at the busses, she followed after Ashton, knowing that the others would be on the bus too.
“So, any spectacular parties we can go to?” Cal grinned at her question.
“Yep. You ready to get drunk?”
“After today? Yes please.” Came the response and the group laughed.
“She’s not kidding, her aunt was tough as nails.” At that she snorted.
“Aunt Hallie just has her own ideas of what relationship I should be in. She’s relentless.” Ashton laughed as he went to put on a different shirt. She kept her outfit on, not bothering to go and change and soon enough they were piling out of the tour bus into two taxis.
Ellie and Cara were on her immediately as the taxi pulled away. Luke smirked at her.
“So what happened?” Ellie asked first and Cara pouted before giving her a pointed look.
“My aunt assumed that Ashton was my new fling. My younger cousin had her year made because he spent time with her and gave her his undivided attention. I’m pretty sure my family are ready to adopt Ashton regardless of me dating him or not.” Luke laughed.
“He’s good like that. Was it nice to see your family?” She shrugged.
“A few times we had close calls with my aunt being a somewhat piece of shit about my sexuality. But my parents didn’t want the day ruined with an argument, so she let it drop thankfully.” She explained and Luke hummed in return.
As they pulled up to the party and were greeted by various people, it felt good to just drink and let loose.
She wasn’t as tightly wound like she was at the start of the week and with each shot, she found herself gravitating closer to Michael as the night progressed. He didn’t argue this as they danced together, his hands on her hips and she pressed herself closer as more bodies joined the makeshift dance floor.
And she wasn’t entirely sure at what point she made the decision, but when she looked at him, the bass of the song reverberating through her body, she watched as his eyes dropped to her lips.
Using her arms around his neck, she inched closer, and he didn’t protest and before she could stop herself, their lips were barely centimeters apart.
“You can kiss me, y’know.” He breathed and she closed the gap between them, his lips soft against hers and she found herself entirely melting against his body as he pulled her closer.
His lips parted against her tongue and she could taste the alcohol as she kissed him, his tongue meeting hers and she could feel her heart fluttering. Their bodies were still moving with the music and she pulled away, her breath catching.
“Holy shit.” He whispered and before she could think much about it, his lips were on hers once more.
As the night progressed, she stuck to his side. He didn’t protest this as they continued to drink and soon the night began to blur together, the only solid thing her memory able to recall was the feeling of Michael’s lips against hers.
When she woke up the next morning, she was half draped across Michael, in his bunk. Unlike the start of the tour, she carefully pulled herself over and carefully climbed out. He barely moved as she got to her feet and plucked her jeans from the bottom of the bunk, shimmying them on before moving to the front.
The bus wasn’t moving so she assumed that they were at the venue.
Stepping through, she was met with three smirking band members and she froze.
“So.” Luke started and she could feel warmth spread to her cheeks.
“You two finally kissed.” Ashton continued and she took the spot next to Calum who raised an eyebrow at her.
“So bisexual, huh?” She simply slumped forward, her arms folding on the table and resting her head on them.
“Can you guys, not be smug assholes for like, five minutes?” They laughed and she whined at the noise levels. They fell silent when another dull thud was heard and her heartbeat picked up. She opted to keep her head on her arms, not wanting to look up.
“Let’s grab some breakfast. Pretty sure that one of the crew members said there was a McDonald’s nearby.” Calum’s suggestion was like music to her ears as they all greeted Michael before disappearing off the bus.
“Are you gonna look at me?” Her head shot up from her arms, wincing at the sudden movement which made him smile slightly.
Butterflies flooded her stomach at that smile.
“Do you want to talk about last night?” Her question was answered with a small nod and suddenly, every word disappeared from her lips. She couldn’t figure out what to say.
“Did you want to kiss me? Like, it wasn’t just because you were drunk?” Michael finally asked and she nodded her head.
“I don’t know if it escaped your attention, but I like you, dumbass.” He stared at her for a second.
“But, Allie?” She shook her head.
“She’s exclusively dated girls. I’ve dated both.” She clarified and understanding washed over his features followed by a grin.
“So you like me?” She laughed.
“Have done for a while now, Clifford.” They both chuckled before silence fell around them.
“How do you want to do this?” He asked and she hesitated before sighing.
“We’re technically working together. I’m your opening act. I know there’s like two weeks of tour left but-”
“It wouldn’t look good if we were public with any of this.” His body deflated and she moved from her spot, sliding herself onto his lap, straddling his legs so she could face him completely. His hands automatically rested on her hips, holding her there and his cheeks took on a pinkish hue.
He looked adorable in her opinion.
“Don’t think I don’t want to date you, because I do. But I don’t want to be public about it. Not yet, and especially not whilst we’re on tour. That’s just asking for trouble.” He nodded in understanding and when his gaze dropped to her lips, she smiled slightly.
“You can kiss me y’know.” She murmured his words from the previous night, making him smile before his lips connected with hers the second she finished her sentence. This kiss was sweeter, no alcohol fuelling these decisions and it wasn’t the first thing she could taste. Her body melded against his, his grip on her hips tightening slightly before their lips pulled away.
“The next two weeks are going to fucking suck.” He muttered and she giggled softly.
“I know, but when we’re away from prying eyes, you can kiss me all you want.” She hummed and his lips met hers in response.
They stayed like that until the boys came back and she reluctantly slid off his lap, sharing a soft kiss as she did so. This earned a wolf whistle.
“About time you two. Right, we have food and you both need to get ready for soundcheck soon.” Ashton reminded them both and they shared grins before accepting the breakfast offered and she settled against his side as they ate.
As they reached the end of the week, after the last UK show, both Y/N and Ashton rushed onto their busses to grab quick showers and a change of clothes.
She stuck to travelling in comfortable clothes and packed two changes of clothes. Ellie, Cara and Rich got onto the bus as she finished throwing her charger into the carry on and before she could leave Ellie pulled her into a tight hug.
The stress that had been building up all week dissipated somewhat at that.
“I needed that.” She muttered and Cara laughed.
“Hence why Ellie is the one giving you the hug. Just don’t get into any fights and we’ll see you in two days, alright?” She nodded her head and waved to them as she disappeared off the bus. Screams erupted as she emerged and she briefly waved to the groups of fans that were at the barriers.
She didn’t even hesitate as she punched in the code to get onto the bus and found Ashton emerging from the bunks, his carry on slung across the shoulder.
“No lover boy to see you off?” He teased and she rolled her eyes.
“I already got my kiss goodbye. Why, you need one from Cal?” She teased and he laughed loudly as they exited the bus once more. The screams grew louder as they headed to the waiting car for them, getting their stuff in before climbing in.
The journey was quiet, both of them on their phones as the headed down the motorway. It wasn’t as long as they’d anticipated, due to it being so late at night. But when they reached the house hours later, it was verging on three am and both were starting to lag by this point, yawns escaping them both every now and then.
As they crept into the house as quietly as possible, she guided Ashton to her childhood bedroom and when she flicked on the light, she felt her lips pull back into a wide smile.
The airbed was made up with blankets and pillows and her own bed had fresh covers on them judging by the note that was sat on her pillow.
‘Fresh blankets and clean sheets. See you both in the morning, love mum x’
Ashton chuckled as she switched her bedside lamp on and turned the main light off, helping Ashton find a plug for his phone charger before crawling under her covers, plugging her own phone in to charge.
“Night Y/N.” Ashton muttered quietly and she flicked the light off.
“Night Ash.”
When the pair woke the next morning, it was to the sounds of the radio and the smell of cooked food.
Rolling onto her side, she spotted that Ashton was awake and scrolling through his twitter feed.
“There better not be any sleeping photos, Irwin.” She mumbled as she stretched out on her bed and Ash laughed as he looked over to her.
“You’re good. I felt like being reasonably kind to you today.”
“You’re so nice to me.”
“I try.”
They laughed before she finally rolled out of her bed and Ashton got up. Grabbing her phone, the pair headed downstairs and were met with the sight of her mum cooking breakfast whilst her dad was sat at the kitchen table.
“Morning.” She kissed her dads cheek as she made her way to the fridge to grab some juice.
“Morning you two. How was the journey last night?” Her mum asked as she began to plate up the food. Ashton took a seat at the kitchen table opposite her dad.
“Not bad. It was quite on the motorway so we didn’t really hit any traffic. I think it was about three when we got in?” She hummed in agreement.
“Yeah, three sounds about right. Did you want some juice Ash?”
As they ate breakfast, it was mostly quiet as the two devoured their breakfasts, much to the amusement of Y/N’s parents.
“Do they not feed you on tour?” Her dad commented and she laughed.
“The boys eat like horses. However, we didn’t grab a bite to eat after the show last night. So I guess we’re kind of hungry.” She explained as she finished up her food before pushing the plate away.
Ashton followed her example a moment later.
“That was really nice, thank you ma’am.”
“So polite.” Her mum beamed as her dad collected the plates and did the last bit of the washing up. Once he was back at the table, her mum pinned her with a look..
“We realised that you’re probably going around to Allie’s today. What did you want us to do with your stuff?” At this, the two exchanged a look and this gained both of her parents attention.
“Little one?”
“Well, I kinda bought a house whilst I was out there. I got my citizenship because my job is technically based over there now. So it made it easier to apply.” She admitted and waited as the news sunk in for both of her parents.
“So you’re moving out there for good now?” Her mum’s tone broke her heart and she pressed her lips together, trying to find the right words but without hurting her parents feelings.
Ashton stepped in and rescued her.
“It’s easier for the artist to be based close to home for some record companies. Because Y/N is such a fresh face who has had a massive upswing with her music, like there wasn’t much promotion for her stuff, but she still managed to get number one in thirteen different countries. So with her moving to LA is beneficial on both sides of the fence. It also gives her more opportunities to work with different artists because despite the reputation that LA has, it’s the place to be to get your name out there.”
She could have honestly kissed Ashton in that moment.
“So you’re saying that it’d give her exposure?” Her mum clarified and Ashton nodded.
“Various artists and bands across all genres find themselves in LA. Making those connections are always crucial and she’s made the best kind of connections already. And it’s not like she won’t have friends out there.”
She watched as her dad processed the information.
“It’s a lot to take in, you moving across the world. But this is what you’ve dreamed of since you were a little girl. Who are we to cause a rift because we don’t like the decision? We knew you’d have to fly the nest eventually, maybe not so far, but we expected it after you moved in with Allie.”
She let out a breath of air she hadn’t realised she’d been holding at his words and he smiled.
“Trust me little one, we will miss you, but this is your dream. You know we’ll support you regardless.” At her mums nod, her shoulders relaxed and Ashton nudged her side.
“Told you it’d be fine.” The playful jab made laughter ring around the table as she stood and stretched.
“I’m going to get ready. We need to collect the stuff from Allie’s sooner rather than later and then maybe tonight we can go out for dinner?” She questioned her parents who shared a look before nodding.
They both went and got ready, Ashton heading to the bathroom to get changed.
When they got downstairs, she picked up her car keys and called out a goodbye as they headed out of the door.
“Didn’t realise that you could drive.” Ashton commented as she slid into the driver's seat.
“How else was I going to get around for tour?” She snorted. “I’ll need to take my test in the states, but I can drive. I might sell this car and whatever money I get from it I can put towards a new car over there.” She mused as she made the achingly familiar journey.
As she pulled up, she noticed that the car was in the driveway and her breathing hitched.
“You’ve got this. C’mon.” Ashton encouraged, climbing out of the car. It was only when he opened her door did she move and finally got out of the car, slowly walking up to the house.
Knocking on the door, her heart plummeted as an unfamiliar face opened the door.
“Hi, how can I help you?”
“Uh, is Allie here?”
“Babe, someone at the door for you.” The stranger called back. Allie appeared moments later and her face dropped.
“Oh. Y/N. Hi Ashton.” He nodded at her in return and she looked away from him.
“I’ve come to collect my stuff.” Allie seemed to paused for a second before nodding.
“Yeah, uh it’s in the garage. Let me just, grab the keys for it.” She disappeared from the door for a moment before returning and the two followed behind Allie as she walked to the garage door.
“So, how was tour?” The words were hesitant and she could feel the burning frustration mixed with hurt bubble in her chest.
“Still on it.” Came the short response and she felt a minor satisfaction as Allie flinched at her tone.
Once the garage door was open, she showed the two where her stuff was being kept and she felt grateful that there was the small mercy of it already being packed away. She didn’t want to be here longer than necessary.
It didn’t take too long to load the boxes into the car, Allie standing by, watching the pair as they shifted the last of her stuff. Once it was done and the garage door was closed once more, Y/N fished around for her keys before finding the key to the house.
“Might want to give your new girl that one. Have a nice life, and I hope it works out for you.” The words were bitter, tired. But Allie simply nodded her head, clasping the key in her hand.
“Take care.” She whispered as the two headed back to the car and she eventually headed into the house.
She lasted five minutes driving before she had to pull over, her shoulders shaking and tears blurring her vision. Ashton didn’t hesitate as he wrapped his arms around her and allowed her to get it out of her system.
There was no rush as she cried, her body tired as the tears finally slowed and the sobs died down.
“Better?” She nodded.
With the weight of her move now off her shoulders, her parents promising to get her stuff shipped to her new place, the rest of the tour felt easier.
It was the last show in Madrid when she surprised fans with the song she felt that she couldn’t play before. But she knew that her heart was on the mend.
“Over the last few months, you guys have seen me pretty much hit rock bottom. I got my heart broken whilst I was mid-tour and it sucked. And this song, it was once her song. But it doesn’t hurt so much anymore. So this song, this song is for all of you. This is your song now.”
She could see the boys side stage as she danced and sang the song, the crowd singing the lyrics right back at her and it felt like relief flooding her bones.
When she finished her set and rushed off, she was swept into tight hugs from all of the boys, Michael patiently waiting till last as they moved away from the stage, his lips meeting hers softly.
“So you’re getting there, huh?” He teased and she grinned.
“Had some help from some amazing friends. But yeah. I’m getting there birthday boy.” She hummed and his lips met hers once more.
“Pack it in love birds, we need him coherent for the show.” Calum called over to the two of them, making her giggle as he wrapped his arms around her tightly.
“You guys suck. You need to be nicer to me on my birthday.” He called back and Calum rolled his eyes.
“It might be your birthday in Australia, but it isn’t here. Not yet. So no I don’t need to be nicer to you.” Calum fired back making the others laugh as Michael pouted.
“Don’t worry. It’ll be your birthday when we fly home.”
“Jet lag is gonna kick our asses.” She laughed as they got their ten minute stage warning.
“Yeah well, we’ll have days after your birthday to recover. So don’t fret. Now go be a good rockstar and enjoy the night.” He grinned, his lips meeting hers once more before vanishing after his bandmates.
The last show went off without a hitch and so began the journey to LA. And despite knowing she had her own place out there, when Michael offered for her to stay over at his when they landed, she simply nodded in agreement.
They’d barely had time to drop their stuff off at his before they were being picked up again and Michael kept asking her if she knew anything.
It was difficult to keep a straight face, especially when she was so tired, so she simply let her head rest on his shoulder, shrugging as she did so.
“I don’t know what’s been planned. I was just told to stick with you.” He snorted at that and settled before they arrived at the venue and as he entered, she found herself beaming as he greeted his parents with enthusiasm, despite how tired she knew he was.
She was quickly pulled over and introduced to his parents, both who spent their time talking with her whilst he greeted everyone, unable to contain his laughter as he saw his bandmates.
“It was like, thirty minutes ago I saw you three I think? It’s been a long time, man.” This earned him tired chuckles.
Thankfully, she wasn’t expected to mingle with everyone, so whilst Michael was catching up with his friends, she stuck to the guys, trying to keep herself awake as the night grew on.
“How close are you to passing out right now?” Ashton murmured and she giggled softly.
“You’re the reason I’m still stood upright, Irwin. You’re not allowed to move.” The two of them laughed before there was calls for cake and they finally moved closer, Michael’s eyes lighting up when he spotted her. He coaxed her to his side and she did so without much argument, her body fighting the exhaustion at this point.
“I know that there are some that want me to go out, but I’m ready to just crash if I’m honest.” He hummed and she grinned at him.
“Best idea you’ve had all day, Clifford.” This made him chuckle as the gathered group of friends began to sing Happy Birthday to him and his hand slipped in hers as he blew out the candles.
By the time the cake had been cut, she’d found herself sat next to him, her face nestled against his shoulder. She was beyond caring about what people would assume at this point, and when Michael pressed a gentle kiss to the top of her head in full view of all of their friends, earning the whistles from his band mates, she relaxed.
“They won’t necessarily care that I’m this affectionate with you. But I can bet you that there will be photos all over the internet in the next hour of that.” He murmured and she snorted.
“Too tired to care. M’gonna worry about that tomorrow.” She hummed in return and he snickered.
When they got back to his place, instead of crawling into the guest room like she’d planned, unsure on what the sleeping arrangement was going to be, his fingers laced with hers and he pulled her into his room, the both of them getting changed into comfier clothes.
Crawling into bed beside him, she barely managed a whispered ‘goodnight’ before she was asleep, Michael following after almost immediately.
The next morning, or afternoon at least, when she woke up, she found herself happy enough to just remain cuddled into Michael, her eyes still heavy with sleep.
“Morning.” He groaned softly as she shifted onto her side to curl closer to him.
“Afternoon.” She fired back with a yawn and he laughed.
It took them both another hour to actually pull themselves from the bed, and that was when they realised that there was no food in his house and their stuff was in need to get washed.
“So much to do, too tired to care.” He groaned into her neck as they stood in the kitchen, her body leaning against his.
“I know, but we need food and we also need clean clothes. Especially for another party in a couple of days.” She kept the mention as casual as possible, but he spun her around with ease, her back pressing into the kitchen counter.
“Oh? And what party would that be?” He queried as his thumbs began to rub gentle circles on her hips.
“My housewarming party. Last time we were in LA, Ash helped me find a place to move into and get it ready for when we got back from tour.” His lips curved into a big smile.
“Look at you getting you own place,” he teased, lips meeting hers softly, “guess I have a better reason to clean my stuff now.” He murmured against her lips and she nodded in agreement.
“Yes you do. And you also have a reason to get your ass into gear and get breakfast. We’re both hungry and need to do something.” He laughed.
“Fine. But you’re coming with me. That photo from last night has probably done the rounds already. No point in trying to hide us now.”
“Considering that we’re not on tour anymore, I guess so. But I don’t want to be blatantly obvious about it.” She warned him, allowing him to pull her back upstairs to his bedroom.
As they settled back into a routine, Y/N finally moving her stuff into her new place with the help of the boys, she found herself feeling more at home than she’d ever felt in England.
Her house party only seemed to enhance that as various friends celebrated her move in, amazed she’d managed to keep the move so quiet.
“Ashton helped me find a place and people aren’t willing to go against someone who looks like him. Plus because I wasn’t even moved into the place it was easy enough to get it off public record that I bought the house.”
She did her rounds with the various people, meeting new faces as well. She felt more welcomed as many greeted her with warm hugs and shouts of excitement at the fact she was moved into LA.
Alex especially had words to say, his arm slung around his wife.
“Listen, when I first met you, I just thought you’d be some punk kid, not going to lie. You were not what I expected at all.” He grinned at her and she rolled her eyes taking a swig of her beer.
Her eyes travelled to his bandmates who she’d extended the invite to, the only one declining was Zack, who was in Hawaii at the time.
“Listen, I didn’t expect you to be such a task master, but there you were, cracking the whip, trying to get me to work out that damn order for the album.” She snarked in return, earning laughter from the people surrounding the group.
Michael had slotted himself just behind her, his arm resting around her waist gently.
“Hey, it got you a kickass album, “ Alex fired back, “how is that coming along?”
“They’ve agreed to the twelve songs, six of which have been recorded or at least demoed. I’ve got Christmas off, so I’ll probably lock myself away and work on some more songs, at least get a tune down with the piano or guitar.” She explained with a shrug.
“If you’re lacking company at Christmas, we’re staying in LA this year, so you’re more than welcome to join us. You too, Mike.” Lisa offered and she beamed at the older woman.
“I’ll take you up on the offer. My parents know I can’t constantly fly there and back on a whim at the moment, especially whilst working on the album.” Alex nodded in understanding.
“It’s difficult, but you’ve got us and everyone else here, so you’re not short on guests or even places to go.” Y/N chuckled.
“It’s appreciated, trust me.”
She finally moved along to a few others, keeping a firm grip on Michael’s hand. He didn’t protest as they moved from group to group, talking about the album, the tour and everything in between. She knew this was the best choice she’d made in a long time.
It was after the houseparty, when almost all of the the guests had left, the housewarming gifts left on the dining room table, did she finally pull Michael upstairs, his lips curved up in an amused smile.
His lips were all over her as he pressed her into the bed sheets once their clothing was shed.
His name was the only thing that she could say coherently that night.
Waking up with him the next morning, his skin against hers, she realised how much she actually enjoyed the feeling especially knowing it was his arms she was waking up in.
Their journey to Australia wasn’t too bad. She was mostly jittery when Michael brought her around to his parents.
“I know you’ve already met her, but this is my girlfriend, Y/N.” He introduced the three of them properly, shocking her for a solid minute before her lips grew into this untouchable smile.
“So I’m your girlfriend, huh?” She teased him later that night as they lay together, cuddled tightly. He groaned.
“Would you like me to do a song and dance routine to ask you to be my girlfriend?” He murmured, shifting himself so that he was hovering above her, his lips at her neck.
“No, but clarification would be nice next time.” She breathed, a soft moan escaping as he found her sweet spot.
“Will you, please, be my girlfriend?” He murmured against her skin before pulling away, his eyes searching her face.
“Of course I will, dumbass.” His lips met hers once more.
His parents were easy going and she could see where his laid back nature came from.
“So are your parents going to be at the ARIA’s?” Karen asked the day before the awards show. She smiled ruefully into her cup of tea.
“I wish they were, but the cost of them to fly out was a lot more than I anticipated. So they’re going to be up stupidly early and try to watch a stream. But it’s the thought that counts for me, I know that my dad would’ve been there in a heartbeat if he could.” The two of them traded a quiet giggle as Michael followed in behind his dad, dropping a gentle kiss to her cheek.
“You okay?” He murmured and she nodded her head.
“Yeah, your rehearsal go okay?” Hers had been first thing that day, making her reluctant to leave the warm bed and her boyfriend. When she’d returned, he had already gotten up and left for his own rehearsal.
“Yeah. We’ve also seen the seating. You’re only a few seats away from us. Luke is next to Nicole Kidman.” This made her giggle.
Performing at the ARIA’s was certainly something she’d never expected to be doing, but the way that her song had been received, and seeing even the famous faces singing along, it melted her heart.
It was when she won Best Upcoming Artist that it really struck her that this was an actual event happening.
As she walked by the boys, she hugged all four of them, Michael’s lips lingering on her cheek for a moment before she rushed to the stage, her eyes staring at the award in her hand, shock being the only emotion that she could fully comprehend.
“This time last year, I had no idea where my life was going to go. I’d not long returned from LA I’d been offered the chance of a lifetime to not only record my EP with some incredible people, but I landed myself a record contract and chance of a lifetime. All I had was a finished single that was about to get released to the world and an EP that I was nervous about releasing. But seeing how quickly it gained traction, oh my god. I can only thank the people who have been so supportive of me, John Feldmann, Alex Gaskarth, the boys in 5 Seconds of Summer, my parents who are going to go ballistic over the phone when they see this.” This earned her laughter amongst the crowd.
“Just wow. Thank you so much for this.” She knew that she hadn’t been prepared, she hadn’t expected to win. But she had.
And when Michael found her later on, his smug grin said it all.
“I do believe I can say, I fucking told you so.” He teased her, crouching in front of her. She rolled her eyes.
“Yeah yeah, laugh it up.” She muttered before leaning forward and kissing him quickly.
“So much for not being so blatant?” He teased and she groaned.
“I really don’t care right now. I’m happy. I won an award I didn’t think I’d even be nominated for. Literally a year ago I was a nobody.”
“And look at you now. I’m telling you, your own world tour will be next.” This made her laugh as she shook her head and they were called back to their own seats.
True to prediction, her parents called her, her mum screaming in excitement and her dad rattling off about how proud he was. Michael had his arms around her as she felt the tears roll down her cheeks. This was what made the move worth it.
The news did its round of their kiss, and she knew that there would be plenty of articles trashing her, but she cared less when they returned to LA, his hand in hers as they left the airport.
“I guess this is making us a thing now?” He teased he as they caught glimpse of another article online. She groaned.
“Pretty sure you need to take me out to dinner first, Clifford. Boyfriend or not.” He laughed.
“So, dinner?”
She could only laugh as he kissed her soundly, her heart racing as she smiled into the kiss. Things would be just fine.
tag list: @cals-babylons , @glitterprincelu , @calumspeachy , @wrappedaroundcal , @cosmocalum , @mistletoemichael , @talkfastfletcher , @hereforlukescruff , @astroashtonio , @catchinqcalum , @roselukes , @5saucewho, @babylon-uncrowned , @dontstopisagoodsongchangemymind , @therainydays4 , @asht0ns-world , @silverchainbee , @hidd3nfangirl , @doodleasouarus , @empathycth , @mylovehes , @songforhema , @kinglyhood , @youngblood199456 , @makecoffeenotwars , @5squash , @negative-love , @softboycal , @kinglycalum , @you-of-ghost , @meetyoutheremgc , @lmao5sosimagines , @lietoash , @aw-hawkeye , @biggestslutforcalum , @drummerboy794 , @itjustkindahappenedreally, @mycollectionofnuts , @coreybryanttrash , @abitloudforanaccousticset , @boytoynamedcalum , @teampreator , @dukehoods , @dweebluke , @calumhampton , @lashtoncurls , @toofadedtofight , @gigglyirwin , @blue-skies-are-alright , @hearts-to-the-sky , @tiddlerrr , @all-i-want-is2b-loved-by-you , @thesensationalcalum , @ashtxns-hxe , @cakeassx-blog , @dancingonanemptywallet , @rotten-kandy , @vipclifford , @musiclover1263 , @irwinsbambi ,  @rosecoloredash , @jpgluke , @cathartichaoss , @5secondssofssummer , @cozyfivesos , @balsamichood , @cliffordstxngue , @lukesbellas , @myloverboyash , @cxddlyash , @issuffering , @gabiatthedisco , 
There are some blogs who have changed their urls that I haven’t caught. Also there are a few I can’t seem to tag, please make sure that your blog is searchable. If you want to be added to the tag list, drop me a message.
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When Love Walks In - Chpt 11
Chpt 11 - Auston is moved out of ICU & Talks to Dr Quinn Privately
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(I’d love to hear what you’re thinking of the story so far.) 
Words 4706
Warning:  Cuss words, Long Chapter
After congratulating Auston on his great progress, Dr Wright excuses herself for the day.  
Dr Quinn informs Auston and his parents that Nicole is looking after Auston’s transfer to a private room and he should expect to be moving shortly.  She tells them that she will drop by Auston’s room before she leaves for the day to see how he is settling into his “new digs” as she calls them. She expects to drop by sometime around 6 pm.
Auston is happy to hear he is going to see Dr Quinn again today.  He hopes he is settled into his room with enough time to spare to convince his parents, in an unsuspicious way, to leave him alone in his room.  He wants to be able to chat again privately with Dr Quinn before she goes home for the night.
Nurse Nicole makes sure Auston’s transfer to the 7th floor goes smoothly.  He has a private room with a view of University Avenue; but from Auston’s bed, all he can see are the windows of the other buildings across the street.  
Ema and Brian talk to Nicole about the possibility of unapproved visitors sneaking in to see Auston. Nicole tells them that she will speak with security on their behalf and try to get a guard to standby at the Nurse’s Station.  Brian thanks her and tells her that if the hospital can’t provide security for Auston, then he would like to hire someone privately, he just needs to know what the hospital wants.  
Later, Hospital Security indicates that they will only be able to staff a guard over the next 48 hours for Auston, but if the family want someone after that period, then they needed to hire a security guard approved by the Chief of Staff. Brian agrees to get that arranged as soon as possible and in the meantime takes an opportunity to meet with the Hospital Security Team to inform them of the restrictions he wants in place on visits to see Auston.  For the next 48 hour period, and until further notice, only staff and immediate family are to be allowed in Auston’s room.  
Auston has had a constant eye on the clock, so by 530 pm; he’s getting concerned that the ‘time-is-a-tickin’, and he needs to get his parents moving before Dr Quinn arrives to check on him.  
He writes on his whiteboard, “you guys gonna get dinner and sleep at my place tonight?  Go see the girls?”
“Yeah, if you’re okay, we were planning on taking the girls out for dinner tonight and staying at your place. What do you think?”  Brian asks.
“Yeah.  Good idea.  I’m good now”,  Auston writes.
“Okay, but we’ll miss Dr Q. Do you think we need to be here for when she comes this evening?”  Ema asks.
“No.  Dr Q’s just coming tonight to see that I’m settled.  I can handle it.”  Auston assures his parents.
“Well, if you’re sure?”  Ema confirms.
Auston nods and then writes, “Yup. Glad to be out of ICU but pretty tired.”
“Yeah, we’re happy you’re out as well, and we’re going to celebrate with the girls tonight and discuss plans to get them back to their lives in Scottsdale.”
“I wish I could join you to celebrate.  Good idea to have one of you go back home along with the girls.  I’ve been lucky to have you all here but no need for you two to both stay, now that I am on the road to recovery”, Auston encourages.
Brian reminds Auston, “Okay, we’ll think on that.  Contact us if you need us tonight. Anytime. Okay?  Phone us.  Text us. Your phone is charged and on your side table.  I know you don’t want to go on it right now but use it to keep in touch with me, your mom and sisters.  Okay?  Goodnight, son.  Sleep well.”
Auston nods as Ema kisses him on the head, goodbye.
Auston writes, “say hi to Alex and Bre for me”, with a heart after it.
“Will do.  But like I said, you can text them”, Brian reminds Auston with a pat on his shoulder.  Brian smiles and waves as he walks out of the room with Ema.
It is now 6:15 pm and Auston is getting excited about Dr Quinn’s visit.  He just starts thinking about what he wants to say to her when she walks in his room.
Auston can’t help but notice how professional, chill and pretty Dr Quinn looks. It’s the end of the day, she has no visible makeup and must be tired, but she still looks radiant and so relaxed.  She is smiling, and instead of holding her usual chart, she has a brown paper bag in her hand as she walks towards him to stand on his left-hand side of the bed.
Placing the bag on Auston’s sliding table, she comments, “Well look at you in your new pad, Auston! Where are your parents?”  She asks, scoping the room.
Auston greets her with a big smile and small hand wave.  He grabs his board and pen and writes, “Dinner out with A & B.  Sleeping at Condo.  I encouraged it.”
“Oh, good!  I’m glad to hear it.  You’re a good son, Auston.”  Dr Quinn praises.
Auston smiles and writes “no biggie.”
“So do you have friends coming to visit you tonight?  A room-warming?”  She jokes.
“Am I allowed visitors now?” He asks.  
“But honestly, I’m kinda enjoying this bubble I’ve been in lately.  No desire to assoc with world when can’t breathe, talk or walk.  Don’t have energy to deal with stuff right now.”  He adds.
Dr Quinn takes a longer than normal look at Auston to see if he looks depressed.  It is hard to tell.  
“Ohhh, yes, sorry, Auston.  I forgot to mention earlier today that you can have visitors now that you are out of ICU.  Also, you can use your cell phone now whenever you would like since concussion symptoms are gone.  So you don’t want to get in touch with friends?”
Auston writes, “No, I don’t want to face my old life till I’m my old self.”
Dr Quinn is concerned.  “I see, Auston, that’s to be expected.  You have a lot to get your head around; your accident, your limitations right now, your team, your fans, questions about your future, therapy, focusing on rest and healing and I’m sure just thinking of the volume of messages you have received since this all went down must be daunting.  No doubt, you’re overwhelmed. Are you feeling overwhelmed, Auston?”
“Well, now I am!  Thanks, Doctor Debbie Downer!”, he writes, joking back with a big smirk.
“Ha!  Yeah, that was a downer.  Wasn’t it?   I’m so sorry, Auston.  Be sure to stop me if I decide to pursue Suicide Prevention Counselling, will ya?”
“Ha!  Yup!”  Auston writes, still enjoying the humour of it.
Auston thinks to himself but doesn’t share, And compounding things even further is trying to deal with my feelings for you.
“I’m really sorry, Auston. Sometimes I get lost in my thoughts, thinking about my patients’ challenges. I wish I could just take them all away.  I can help with the medical end of it but not the other stuff.  It gets a bit sad and overwhelming just thinking about what you all are going through and all the hurdles you need to jump, not just health-wise but everyday living stuff.  Life can be hard enough without adding health complications.  Saying the challenges out loud gets them out of my head, but that’s not fair to you, so I’m very sorry.”
Can you please forgive me, Auston?” she asks, looking him in the eye with sincerity.
“Of course!”  Auston writes  “No worries.  I was just having some fun with you.  I never really saw it from your perspective.  You opened my eyes to how extra tough your job must be, I mean, emotionally speaking.”
“Oh, Auston, please don’t misunderstand me.  What I go through is nothing compared to what you or any of my patients go through.  I just wanted to explain why I said what I said.”
“I understand.”  Auston writes and then adds a very silly smiley face emoji drawing to lighten the mood.  He turns the board to face Dr Quinn.
When she sees the crazy smiley face drawing, she bursts out laughing. “Ha!  Auston that’s hilarious!  Can u do others?!”  She quickly covers her mouth, looking around to see if she disturbed anyone by being so loud.
Auston loves her reaction. He erases his board, and with a smirk, he looks up at Dr Quinn.  Then with a straight-face, he proceeds to draw and show Dr Quinn, one hilarious smiley face emoji drawing after another hilarious smiley face drawing until Dr Quinn can hardly breathe; trying so hard to stifle her laughter and not to disturb anyone.
When she sees his last drawing which is a smiley face doctor emoji, that he labels ‘Dr Q’ and which has a headband light and a stethoscope that is listening to the head of another smiley face emoji that he labels ‘Auston’, she waves her hand in surrender, trying to catch her breath.
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“Auston!  Oh my goodness, Auston!  That is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen!”  She tells him; still trying to quietly, compose herself.
“How?  When?  How did you get so good at…?  Are you an artist or something?”  She manages to spit out, absolutely floored by his drawing talent and sense of humour.
Auston writes, “Long, long, boring, boring, road trips…Have I mentioned they were long and boring?”
“Ha!  So amazing!  You’ve got some serious skills, Mr Matthews!  If this isn’t your main talent, I can’t even begin to imagine what you can do on skates.  Thank you for that Auston!  I seriously have not laughed that hard in a long time.  Wow!  That was something special.”  She says as she giggles, fixing her hair and dabbing tears from her eyes with a tissue.
Auston can’t help but beam with joy at having made Dr Quinn so deliriously happy.  If he were honest, he’d have to say that was the most heartwarming moment of his life.
Auston writes, “It’s the least I can do.  Glad you enjoyed them.  Glad all that wasted time wasn’t wasted after all.  Your response was worth every boring, doodling minute.”
Dr Quinn takes a breath and starts, “Auhhhh…Okay, so back to what we were discussing.  I suppose what I was trying to say before you pulled your Picasso out on me, was that I was … Oh, my goodness!  That came out very wrong.”
Auston stares at Dr Quinn with a very funny, surprised and curious face that suggests she’s just shocked the hell out of him by saying something very inappropriately funny.  He knows she just slipped up but thinks it’s hilarious. He wants to tease her for it and listen to her try to explain her way out of it.
“Oh Auston, you know what I was getting at right?  Picasso, as in your crazy drawings were like the artist; Picasso-ish, you know?”  She pleads with him.
When he doesn’t stop making his shocked face, she continues, “You know what I was trying to say, right?”
He shakes his head no, smiles and laughs inside.
“I didn’t mean to make it rude. I’m so embarrassed Auston.  Stop smiling at me like that!  Stop making faces!  Auston!  You’re enjoying watching me squirm, aren’t you?  Oh, you drive me crazy!”
You have no idea how crazy you drive me, sweetheart, is what Auston wants to tell her.
Auston could not believe how much fun he was having just lying in a hospital bed.  He’s unable to speak, barely able to breathe, unable to eat, unable to go to the washroom on his own, unable to do much of anything, not sure of his future, but feels like if he could have this woman in his life, every day, he would want for absolutely nothing.  He would have everything.
“Anyways, Auston, you silly weirdo, I was listing all of your possible concerns because I get why you would want to stay in your bubble.  I’m so sorry you’re in this situation.  But, what I can do, since I probably drove you to jump off a ledge with my flair for motivational speaking, is offer you counselling.”  She tells him but is interrupted by another weird face he is making at her; this one is supposed to be a crazy person.
“Stop it!  Auston!”  She scolds him as he smirks.
“If you want to talk to a counsellor, we have some great ones that I can arrange for you to see here in the hospital.  They can come to you.  I highly recommend therapy, especially in cases like yours, it can be very helpful. Like I was telling you, there is a lot for you to process.  It’s good to have someone guide you.”  She informs him.
Auston pretends to have fallen asleep because of her serious talk.
“Oh Come on!  Auston!”  She pleads.  “I’m being serious.  This is serious.”  She gently scolds him.
Auston writes, “Thanks but no, I’m not ready for that yet.  Besides, I don’t trust anybody knowing my shit; except maybe you.”  Auston knows it might be revealing a bit too much to admit that last part, but he also figures she should expect her patients to trust her, so hopefully, no bells go off for her.
“Oh, thank you for trusting me with ‘your shit’, Auston!”  Dr Quinn says sarcastically and feigning upset.
She continues with a giggle, “I wish I were qualified to be entrusted with ‘your shit’ Auston, but counselling is not my area of expertise as you witnessed earlier.  There are far better people than me for that job.”
“I disagree”, He writes matter-of-factly.  “Not needing a Psych right now, just a friend who cares”, He adds.
Dr Quinn feels their chat is getting awkward.  If she’s honest, she cares and wants to be Auston’s friend, but because she is his doctor, she won’t mix those two worlds; doing so would only bring problems.   So not wanting to hurt Auston or make things more awkward between them, she chooses to change the subject by delegating a job to him instead of pointing out the necessary line that she won’t cross.
“Well, one thing I can do is suggest that you ask your parents or sisters to look after sorting out your cell phone messages and Social Media.  If they can help you by responding with just a message that they are overseeing your phone and social media accounts, for the time being, that might take some of the pressure off you.  If they take that load, then you may feel less overwhelmed and maybe feel more like reaching out to a good friend who can lend a supportive ear. Or, since your family already have enough on their plate, I’m sure you could give that job to your agent’s people. Just a suggestion, cause like I said, and you witnessed, I am not qualified”, Dr Quinn adds with a laugh.
Auston realizes Dr Quinn has to draw a line to keep her role as his doctor separate from anything personal, but he really wishes she could be the one.  If he could confide in her, then they could develop a closer relationship while he has the chance during his stay in the hospital.  He accepts that he is just going to have to sneak in chats with her until he doesn’t need her as his doctor anymore.
Auston responds, “OK.  Good idea.  Thanks.”
Dr Quinn just remembers that she has something for Auston.  “Oh yes, on a happier note, you mentioned the other day that you are from Arizona and I just so happened to be in the gift shop this evening, and this beauty caught my eye. I figured since you moved into your new digs here, you might like this to brighten your days and remind you of home. Also, you can choose to see it as an award of sorts for your most recent accomplishment of getting yourself breathing without the ventilator.  I understand you’re pretty accustomed to getting trophies for your accomplishments so…” She says, teasing him.
Auston smirks and rolls his eyes for that last comment as Dr Quinn hands Auston the paper bag for him to open.
He’s curious and surprised. She’s excited to see his reaction. As he is about to put his hand inside the bag without looking, Dr Quinn gasps, “Oh no!  Wait!  Let me help you!”  She tries to grab the bag from him and touches his hand.  She is shocked by the electric-like current that passes between her and Auston as they touch momentarily.
Pulling the bag from his hands, she tries to ignore the spark.
“I’m so sorry Auston; I wasn’t thinking; there’s a cactus in the bag and if you put your hand in you’re going to get pricked.”
She rips the bag to expose the sharp green plant.  “Here it is. It’s just a little something”, she says as she places it on his bed next to him, careful to avoid touching him again.
As Auston looks at the small plant with a tiny blue ribbon attached to one of its spikes, he tries to process the rush of thoughts and emotions.  
He loves how she just made his stomach flip with her touch, and that he finally mastered keeping his heart rate under control with meditative-type breathing.  
He rushes to sort through his thoughts:  First, she thinks of me when she is away from me. Then, she wants to make me happy by getting me a gift.  Then, she remembers personal things about me like where my home is and that I get awards. Then, there is electricity in our touch, which I can’t believe she didn’t feel.  Then, she is concerned about hurting me.  Even if she can’t admit to being my friend right now, she just showed me that we are friends; and that’s enough right now.  He thinks.
Auston is tempted to call Dr Quinn out; that her actions mean more than she is willing to admit, by asking her if she gives all her patients a gift when they move rooms or accomplish something in recovery, but thinks better of it.  He knows that keeping the status-quo to just doctor and patient will allow her to remain his doctor and grant him time to develop a relationship with her; that works for him.
Auston writes, “Thanks very much, Dr Q.”
“You’re very welcome, Auston. I hope you like it.”  Dr Quinn responds.
“I do, very much”, he writes as he blushes and motions for her to put it on the window ledge across the room from him.  He wants to be able to see it all the time.
“Well, it’s not much, but I am just excited for you and this big step forward and wanted to cheer up your new room.  You’ve gone through a lot, and you still have a ways to go.”  She tells him.
“You’re a very special person, Dr Q.”  He writes on his board with a smile.  He figures that’s safe.  She’s his doctor, and she’s nice so there, he thinks.  Sue me!  He reasons with himself.  He would give anything to say more, but he knows there’s too much at risk.
Dr Quinn quickly changes the subject.  “I hope you will have some friends over soon.  That would be good for you, Auston.  Also, if you won’t see a counsellor, then please start talking to someone who can help you sort things out.  Give it some serious thought on who you have in your network that will be good to talk to about what you’re going through.  I’ll check back with you to make sure you do that, okay?”  She pauses and then adds “Consider that your homework.”
“Oh, so you’re my doctor AND now my teacher?!”  Auston writes cheekily.
“Well, I am actually qualified to teach, so I suppose I could be your teacher.  So yes, I am your teacher, and that is your homework, Auston Matthews. I expect you to do it or I’ll take back your trophy”,  Dr Quinn teases.
“Ahhh, Professor Q! You wouldn’t!” Auston writes in jest.
“Oh, yes, I would!”  She teases back.
“Well, I sure wouldn’t want you to take your gift away, so I’ll be sure to do your damn assignment”, Auston adds.
“Good to hear, Auston. Cause I will.  You know I will, don’t you?”  She teases again.
Auston can’t help but blush at her dominance.  “Yes, I know you will, Dr Q.”  Auston writes, acting dejected to make her laugh.
“Okay, well I better leave you to get some sleep”, Dr Quinn announces.
Auston quickly writes, “What are you doing tonight?  Hot date?”  He teases playfully trying not to make her suspicious, but honestly wants to know.
“Ha!  No!  But you got me thinking the other day when we talked about me needing to crawl out from under my rock.  Probably shouldn’t be sharing this with my patient but it’s because of you that I even contemplated this.  There is a guy who has been asking me to go out with him for a long while, but I didn’t think I had the time to date with my busy schedule.  However, you got me thinking that I really live a sad life of work, work, work.  I should make an effort to have a life beyond work.  Career-wise, things have been a little less intense lately, so I’m going to go on a date.”
Holy Shit, No!  What the hell did I do?!  Auston yells to himself.
He immediately tries to calm himself down to avoid setting off the heart rate monitor again.  
What do I tell her?  I want to tell her not to date him but can’t.  What do I do?  Oh, my God!  He panics to himself.
He is scared that the monitor is going to go off and reveal his feelings.  He needs her to get out of the room before it does.  He’s trying to contain his thoughts and the emotions they are bringing on with his meditative breathing.
Hoping to do damage control, he calmly takes his marker and writes, “No, I understand why you have little social life.  I am somewhat the same during hockey season.  I’d be exactly the same if I weren’t on a team.  So I get it.  No shame in it.  You are on a different level.”  
“I have a team of sorts through my work, but I don’t think it’s the same kind of comradery you have on your team. You all travel together.  We all work a variety of shifts.  It gets kind of lonely to be honest”, Dr Quinn reveals.
Auston doesn’t want to hear that she is lonely or unhappy, but he needs for her to wait for him to get better. He sees no way of getting her to wait without confessing his feelings, but if he does, he for sure will lose her as his doctor.
“I see.  Well, I wouldn’t want you to be lonely.  But I also wouldn’t want you to get hurt either. Are you sure he’s a good guy?” Auston asks hoping she will reconsider out of fear that the guy might hurt her.
“He seems to be”, Dr Quinn answers.
“Who is it?  A doctor?”  He questions her, but it really doesn’t matter who it is because he is jealous of anyone who takes her attention away from him.  But he wants to know who it is so he can find out more about him.
“Yeah.  His name is Doctor Scott Peters.  He’s a plastic surgeon.  Works in his own practice and I send patients to him.  I met him at a seminar and see him off and on when he comes to the hospital to do surgeries”, She explains.
“Good looking?”  He wants to know what she classifies as attractive.
“I think so anyway”, She responds blushing; uncomfortable that he would ask this.
“Well, be careful.  You deserve the best, so don’t settle.  I also wouldn’t want to see you get hurt. You’re pretty important to me”, Auston writes.  He figures that letting her know that she is important to him is safe since she is, after all, his doctor.  But he also hopes she might take from his comments, the subtle message, that he is in the wings so she should just wait for him.  He feels he really has nothing else he can say or do at this point without risking losing her as his doctor.
“Thanks for your concern, Auston. I will be careful.  You have a great night’s sleep, and I’ll see you tomorrow okay?”  She tells him.
“Yeah.  Thanks for stopping by and for the cactus.  I really love u. Ha!  I mean, IT.”  He can’t help himself.  He feels desperate and jealous.  He makes a subconscious mistake writing “u” but refuses to erase it.  Instead, he thinks that if he adds the other parts, he can play innocent but leaves her free to take it any way she wants.  
Auston hopes she gets the message because there’s nothing else he can do right now.
Dr Quinn leaves Auston’s room confused by their exchanges but refuses to focus on it as doing so might add issues to working with him.
Auston begins to wallow in his frustration.  He is sickened by the thought of Dr Quinn going out with another guy.  He is frustrated at the timing.  He immediately turns to his nightstand to get his cell phone. He needs to see what this guy is all about.
Just as Auston sees a photo of Dr Peters and begins reading about him, his heart rate monitor goes off.  He is relieved that Dr Quinn is out of his room, but then he sees her walk back in.
Oh, Fuck Me!  He says to himself.
“What happened Auston?  I just left you.”  She looks at Auston perplexed as she heads over to check the machine.
Auston seems upset and is holding his cell phone.  Dr Quinn surmises that Auston has been trying to do the “homework” assignment she gave him and it has distressed him.
Before Auston can try and make up a response, Dr Quinn answers for him, “Oh, your cell phone?”
Auston just nods figuring she bailed him out again by jumping to conclusions.  She really has no clue how I feel about her, which is both good and bad, he thinks.
“Auston, I suggest you don’t look at your cell phone this evening unless to contact your family.  Once your family has a chance to deal with your messages, you will feel better about using it.  They are the last thing you need to look at right now.  Okay?”
Auston nods in agreement.
“Or is it something else that is bugging you?”  She asks.
Auston shakes his head no and writes, “I’m tired too.”
“Okay then, let me tuck you in, and you get some sleep right now.  Hand me that cell phone please.”
He quickly closes his phone as she takes it and puts it in the drawer of the side table.  He enjoys the attention of her caring for him, adjusting the cords attached to him, getting him comfortable and tucking the covers around him.  She finishes with a touch of her hand on his arm as she says, “Sleep tight, Auston.” With that touch, the current of electricity that no one acknowledges returns.  Auston wants to grab her arm and pull her to him.
Instead, he closes his eyes and sighs to himself as he relishes the chills she gives him.  He is gone, gone, gone for her.  He doesn’t want to watch her walk away, and out of his room, so instead he just keeps his eyes closed and imagines she has sat down in the room with him as he falls asleep.  By doing this, he is able to keep thoughts of Dr Peters out of his mind and drift off into slumber.
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hi-i-love-u-bitch · 6 years
Turns Out Being a Super Hero Is Actually Really Gay! - Chapter 2
Yo, yo, yo! Y’all ready for the second chapter of this bullshit? Cuz I sure as hell ain’t because that means I have to now start writing chapter three and I have no idea where this story is going! Aaaaaahhhhhhh! But I’m excited though! Again, thank you to @sugarglider9603 and @ask-spiderverse-virgil for their lovely AU! Without further ado please ENJOY!!!!
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Swirls of colors and sounds filled their head like passing movie commentary you skip over. Small glimpses in and out of consciousness that made no sense by themselves but when put together you get some sort of visual on the puzzle you’re trying to put together.
“…food poising…?”
“…stress maybe…”
“…flu…should rest…”
“…24 hour bug…”
They all made sense when you thought about it but the reality of it was that they weren’t just “sick” they had been poisoned. Not on purpose, though who could say for sure. Who knows what kind of DNA splicing was done on that spider?
Wait, when did they get poisoned?
What spider?
The spider we let out the window?
No, it’s in our room!
We don’t like spiders! They’re icky!
They aren’t so bad.
A soft chuckle. Of course, we’d think that. You’d think that? I’d think that?
Wait, what?
Logan woke up with a start, heart pounding and lungs burning. He clutched onto something solid next to him so as to steady himself. He blinked rapidly, eyes adjusting to the dim light of the room in was in, his room? When did he get here? Logan carefully turned to take in his surroundings; he was in bed, dressed in pajamas, right hand having latched itself onto his head board. He glanced at the alarm clock near his desk it read 5am which would explain why everything was so dark.
Logan’s throat felt dry, like every time he swallowed it was like a cheese grater scraping against his vocal cords. He also fest extremely hungry despite the events that had happened previously. Logan carefully got up to go get some water and maybe an early breakfast only to be pulled back into bed.
“What the…?” Logan looked around to see what had happened and found that his had was still on his head board. His brow frowned as he tried to pull it off but it continued to stick as if it had been glued on. He pulled again, a bit harder, but only managed bend over a section of the metal bed frame. Logan’s eyes widen in shock and awe as he pushed back against the bended area and effortlessly straightened it. Now Logan wasn’t weak by any means necessary but he never considered himself athletic material either, let alone able to bend thick metal bed frames!
A soft tap on the door, “Logan, love, are you awake?”
“Uh, yes Ummi,” He replied hoarsely before clearing his throat “what did you need?”
“What are you doing up so early?” She questioned “The doctor said you should be resting?”
When did he go to the doctor?
“When did I go to the doctor?” Logan asked lamely, seriously all these blanks in his memories were going to drive him insane.
“We didn’t, we had called Dr. Smith next door,” Mrs. Quinn explained “unfortunately the Storms had called him as well. It seems Virgil had gotten sick too, very similar to how you did last night.”
Her voice sounded distant, like the memory of it brought her immense pain and that hurt Logan more then he thought it would. Also, Virgil had gotten sick as well, has he also been bitten? He asked, “Is he okay? What happened?”
“He’s fine but I’m not quite sure what was going on with you two,” She sighed “you seemed to be in a lot of pain, both mentally and physically. It was…very unpleasant to say the least.”
That was an understatement.
“Dr. Smith said it was probably a seasonal bug going around as well as stress,” There was a beat of silence “Logan, have you been doing alright in your studies?”
“Yes Ummi,” Logan reassured “everything is fine.”
“And you haven’t been harassed by other students like that boy from yesterday?” She asked anxiously.
“No Ummi, I haven’t,” Logan said seriously “I’m alright, I promise.”
More silence filled the room, unsureness thick in the air because honestly Logan had no idea if he was really fine or not. There was definitely something different about him that’s for sure and it had to do with that spider. He saw it on his desk, siting in the jar he placed it in earlier as if it hadn’t caused all this trouble.
“Can I come in?” Mrs. Quinn’s voice snapped Logan out of his train of thought and in a brilliant moment of word association he said “N-no, I’m…no dressed.”
It was cleat that this wasn’t something Mrs. Quinn expected, “Why are you undressed?”
“I’m getting ready for school,” He replied quickly “this is my normal routine, is it not?”
“Yes, but I would hope you would stay home today,” She said “especially after yesterday’s events.”
“I feel better now,” Logan assured, which was true, he actually felt great just really, really hungry and thirsty.
“Well, you don’t have to be in school until 8am so maybe you should rest a little bit more,” She suggested “and if you’re still feeling up to it then maybe you can go to school.”
“Of course, Ummi.” He nodded, even though no one was there to see it.
“But if I find out that you’re even slightly ill, you’re staying home,” Mrs. Quinn said firmly “understood?”
“Understood.” Logan agreed, best not to argue least she come in her and find Logan in his sticky situation.
“Good,” She sighed “go back to sleep love, I’ll be by to check on you soon. Babá and me have to leave to work a little early today so I want you to make sure you’re completely fine to go to school, okay?”
“Yes Ummi,” Logan sighed and with one last get well his mother departed down the hall. Finally. Logan’s muscles relaxed, not realizing how tense he had been, and he felt his hand slip from the metal bars it was attached to.
Logan blinked in confusion, standing up carefully and walking to a nearby wall. He decided to experiment a little, placing his hand on the wall and tensing the muscles in his fingers, just a bit. Like he predicted it stuck solidly onto the wall, he relaxed and his hand slipped free. He did this a few times more, first with one hand, then with two then with his feet before deciding to see what would happen if he pulled himself up. Logan was able to lift himself a few inches off the floor with nothing but his hands and feet holding him in place somehow.
“Holy shit.” He whispered to himself.
Logan looked to the little spider scuttling around in it’s jar as it effortlessly crawled up and down the sides. He wondered…he detached one hand and lifted it further up, same with the other hand, right foot, left foot, and soon enough he was hanging upside down from his ceiling.
“Something is definitely not right.” Logan breathed out anxiously, wondering how the hell the others were taking to this.
Something was definitely not right with Patton. First of all, he woke up tangled in his bed sheets which wasn’t unusual for the most part but it was much more difficult to get out of this morning since everything kept sticking to him. By the time he was able to detach himself from everything he was standing (hanging???) sideways on the besides his bed. Needless to say, he freaked out and spent half an hour trying to get unstuck only to drop back down on his bed and get tangled in his sheets again.
Defeated, Patton settled starfish style on his carpet floor, half the sheet clinging onto his leg as well as other thing such as papers and markers and socks sticking to other parts of his body. Patton really wanted to cry, he had no idea what was going on or what to do about it. But he knew crying wouldn’t do him any good so he took a few deep breaths to calm himself.
In for four…hold for seven…out for eight…
“I wonder why no one has come into my room yet?” Patton wondered aloud, especially with all the ruckus he was causing.
He lifted himself off the floor, not noticing the things he had stuck too start to slowly slip off, reaching over on his night stand for his phone. He clicked it on and found a few messages from his brother Georgie but aside from that he looked to the date and found that it was Wednesday. It explained a lot, Wednesdays were the busiest for his family with his parents’ bakery always filling up, Alex is having the morning shift at his part time job before heading to university, and Georgie opening up at the dinner he worked at. He quickly opened up his text messages.
Georgeous: ma said shed get off work early if ur still sick
Georgeous: theres soup & crackers at your desk if ur hungry
Georgeous: also water
Georgeous: ma also said u dont have to go to school today if u dont wanna
Georgeous: doc said u should take it easy
Ever the doting older brother Georgie was, always looking out for Alex and Patton even if they could get on his nerves sometimes. He should bake him a cake as a “thank you for dealing with all my oopsies”. Patton sent him a reply along with a few questions.
Baby Shark: thanks but i feel better now
Baby Shark: when did i go to the doctor?
Georgeous: dr. ortega from down the street was alredy coming by to check on romen
Georgeous: turns out he was sick as well
Georgeous: ma asked her to come over when she was done checking him out
Baby Shark: is Ro ok?
Georgeous: yeah doc said it was probably the flu going around an it just got to u 2 realy hard
Georgeous: why didnt u tell us u were feeling sick?
Patton thought for a moment, how could he explain that he hadn’t been feeling sick at all up until yesterday afternoon after…after he got that bug bite. Then that weird dream he had just before he woke up stuck to the wall and tangled in his sheets. How was he supposed to explain that things kept sticking to him and that the world seemed much more sharp now?
Baby Shark: i didnt notice it much
Baby Shark: and when i did i just thought it would pass with a good nights sleep
Baby Shark: i didnt want to bother anyone if it was nothing
Patton didn’t like lying to people but he just had no idea what was going on and he doubt anyone else did either. This would just cause them to freak out and then what? More doctors? Would the government get involve? Were they gunna make him a science experiment now that he’s a freak?
Georgeous: still next time tell us even if its just a stomach ache
Baby Shark: ok
Baby Shark: i g2g and get ready for school
Georgeous: r u sure?
Baby Shark: yeah i feel a lot better now promise <3
Georgeous: ok but if u feel sick just call me an i’ll pick u up ok?
Baby Shark: ok bye love u <3
Georgeous: love u too
Patton sighed, flopping back on the floor. He felt sick again but not like before, this was a different kind of sick. A guilty pit in his stomach kind of sick that probably won’t go away any time soon. Oh well, he couldn’t change anything now, might as well move on with his day. First things first, he had some thank you cookies to make.
He lifted his phone to check the time, 7am, plenty of time to do a quick batch of peanut butter cookies and scones. He should hurry so he could go check on Roman afterwards, he did look a little down when they were walking home yesterday.
“I wonder…” Patton said aloud again as he stood up to get dress. He placed his phone back down on his night stand and noticed his glasses sitting beside his lamp. Patton blinked as he felt his face and found he indeed was not wearing his glasses and yet the world looked crystal clear as if he was.
“Oh geez…”
Virgil was very thankful that it was Wednesday, everyone always goes to work early on Wednesday since it was the middle of the week and for some reason Manhattan decided to be a world of chaos. He was also thankful that he grandmother was a heavy sleeper because he had no idea how he was going to explain this!
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!” Virgil cursed as he desperately tried to unstick his feet and left hand from the ceiling. He had no idea how this happened or why it was happening he just knew that he wanted to get unstuck now!
Knock! Knock!
“Piglet, are you awake?” His grandmother called from behind the door.
“Uh, yeah,” Virgil squeaked “b-but, um, don’t come in I-I don’t have a shirt on!”
It was true, during his earlier struggle to get unstuck from his bed, which he at first thought was sleep paralysis, his hands got stuck to his shirt and tore it open when he was trying to unstick them.
“Well, I was just wondering if you wanted breakfast,” She said “I could make you a warm broth so as not to upset your stomach.”
“N-no thanks Mama,” Virgil said quickly, finally able to get his hand free “I’ll just have something at Logan’s house before I go to school.”
“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” His grandmother questioned sternly “You were very sick yesterday and the doctor said to take it easy.”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m sure,” He fibbed as he wondered when he had gone to the doctor.
“If you’re sure,” She said skeptically “just make sure you two don’t eat anything too heavy. I heard Logan got sick last night as well, the doctor said it was a passing seasonal bug.”
“Okay, sure thing,” Virgil gulped “I’m gunna get ready now, don’t worry about me.”
“We will always worry about you, Piglet,” His grandmother said gently “it’s what families do.”
And with that she was gone and Virgil was beyond relieved. Then he fell off the ceiling. He was thankful for the dirty clothes pile in the middle of his room that softened his fall but he also cursed it because that means more stuff got stuck to him.
He groaned, “Come on, come on! Unstick, unstick!”
He hopped around the room like a lunatic and was only able to shake off a few articles of clothes before he tripped. The fall wasn’t as soft this time but at least the floor was carpeted at least so he didn’t knock his head that badly. He had landed near his dresser drawer where JD’s tank rested on, the tarantula in question was practically pressed up against the glass and hissing worriedly at his owner’s misfortune.
“Hey buddy,” Virgil groaned as he pulled himself up to be eye level with the tank and all who inhabit it “I’m okay, don’t worry. Though I’ll be honest, I have no idea what’s going on.”
“Hurt! Master hurt!” JD chittered as he paced anxiously in his tank.
“I’m good really, you hungry?” Virgil asked before he paused to process what just happened. Did…did his tarantula just talk to him? No, no, it couldn’t be, he just hit his head too hard. Right?
“Food!” JD cheered excitingly as he scurried around his food bowl patiently waiting for something to drop.
Virgil’s eyes widen in shock, completely frozen in place as he stared at his pet tarantula who was excitingly chanting “Food, food, food!”. He noticed that there were little waves of colors radiated off JD like a sort of technicolor halo. It was all getting to be a bit too much.
JD scuttled back to the front of the tank, a confused look in his eyes, “No food?”
Virgil yelped, accidently launching himself backwards towards his desk where he got stuck again. God damn it! Papers flew around were everywhere and Virgil couldn’t see, he stubbled around not knowing where he was going as he tried to desperately to get things to stop sticking to him.
“Stop sticking god damn it!” He growled as he finally got the last piece of paper off of his face. His relief was short lived because to his horror he was not in his bedroom anymore but on the standing perpendicular to the side of his building. “Keep sticking! Keep sticking!”
He was about a foot away from the fire escape near Logan’s window and Virgil contemplated weather or not he had enough courage to jump over or if his stupid sticky body would even allow that to happen. Still, he tried, carefully shifting one foot in front of the other until he had inched his way over the fire escape. Thankfully, it was only then that his stickiness decided to abandon him as he fell onto hard metal. Virgil groaned, it surprisingly didn’t hurt as bad as he thought it would but it still hurt pretty fucking bad.
He heard the window above him open up and his head tingled when he saw Logan poke his head out, looking around before finally spotting him below. The waves of color were back but this time they were brighter and loud like some sort of signal. Logan was a mesh of blue and cool grey and by the look he was giving him Virgil was just as colorful.
Logan seemed to think deeply for a moment, his mouth a straight line of concentration, “I can assume my theory was correct.”
“What theory?” Virgil groaned as he slowly sat up, rubbing his sore head. He’d be lucky if he didn’t get a concussion after all of this.
Ignoring his question, Logan grabbed Virgil’s arm before he could warn him and pulled, “Come inside.”
“Wait!” Virgil was pulled into the room quite effortlessly as if he weighed nothing to Logan. Which wasn’t all that hard to believe, Virgil had always been a thin guy plus he was a dancer so that wasn’t helping with anything. But not to say Logan was weak but seeing as the most physical activity this guy does is walk to and from school, he should have had at least a little trouble getting Virgil inside.
“You’re not gunna believe this but JD talked to me and I fell from side of the building because I got stuck!” Virgil blurted out in one breath.
“Yes, I know,” Logan said coolly “I need you to relax.”
“How the hell do you want me to relax?!” Virgil screeched “I just fell from the wall and I’m sticking to everything!” To emphasize his point, he shook his hand which was now stuck on too Logan’s arm.
“I know,” Logan repeated “it’s been happening to me too but you need to calm down if you want to get unstuck.”
“How do you know?” Virgil cried, thoroughly done with this whole day and it hadn’t even started.
“Because I’ve been testing myself since 5am ever since I woke up stuck to the head board of my bed frame then proceeded to fold it and unfold it like it was paper!” Logan shot back, seemingly frustrated as well “Now breath!”
Virgil finally shut up and listened, breathing in for four…hold for seven…out for eight…then again, a few more times until he was able to unstick himself from Logan’s arm. He leaned back against Logan’s desk, wrapping his arms around himself as he anxiously looked towards Logan for answers. “What’s going on?”
Logan looked tired, his hair was messy and he had bags under his eyes but he looked determined, “I have few theories, mainly surrounding the spider that bit us.”
“Spider?” Virgil said, it couldn’t possibly be the same one from yesterday could it?
“Yes,” Logan said, grabbing a jar from behind Virgil and thrusting it in his face. Inside was the same spider from yesterday scurrying around the now web filled jar. “It’s from the same spiders we saw at the lab at Oscorp. Most likely the one that escaped.”
Virgil tilted his head curiously, “I thought the tour guide said it was back in the lab?”
“Obviously not,” Logan said deadpan.
“Trapped! Free!” The spider hissed causing Vigil to jerk back, kicking his leg up at the jar as Logan fumbled to grab it again.
“It fucking talked!” Virgil shrieked.
“Yeah, no shit!” Logan snapped, placing the jar near one of the shelves furthest from the panicking teen “I thought we established that with your spider!”
“Why is it talking?” Virgil snapped back.
“It’s not,” Logan sighed, straightening himself out as he reached to adjust his glasses only to realize he wasn’t wearing them “our sense have been enhanced to see and hear things better which in turn means we can hear certain frequencies better. It has been theorized that insects have their own language but the frequency at which it’s at it too high for normal human ears to pick up. What we’re hearing is a weak and choppy frequency so we’re only able to make out a few words.”
“Ah-huh,” Virgil nodded, still slightly freaking out “so what does this have to do with, mmh, everything else!”
“Don’t you see?” Logan said “We’ve been enhanced with artificial spider DNA! The venom injected into us was supposed to kill us but it instead latched on to our genetic coding and mutated us!”
“Wait, wait, wait,” Virgil rubbed his face anxiously “so, what your saying is we have spider-based superpowers like…like Rainbow Weaver?”
“Basically,” Logan shrugged “though all I’ve been able to find now is our abnormal adhesiveness, above average strength, slight sensitivity to radio waves, slightly larger range in frequency, faster reflexes, acute awareness and, as you’ve noticed, perfect eye vision.” He gestures towards his glassless face as evidence.
Virgil ran a trembling hand over the left side of his head, “This is crazy, this is impossible, this…this…” He tugged at his hair and realized “my hand is stuck.”
“Relax,” Logan soothed “you were able to get it unstuck before, you can do it again.”
“And if I can’t?” Virgil squeaked, panic beginning to rise once more.
Logan bit his lip nervously, “We’ll think of something.”
There was a note on Roman’s dresser from his mother when he woke, he tried to read it but he was stuck to his sheets and as well as a few other things when he came tumbling out of bed. Notebooks, scrap papers filled with important theater notes, dirty clothes, make up, and any other thing his body made contact with. At first, he thought it was a prank done by the twins but it seemed a bit excessive and a little to advanced. Plus, how would they even do that? Getting Roman to stick to everything without using some sort of glue?
Roman was able to rip most of the things off of him and finally walk over to the dresser. He didn’t risk touching it though, much too scared he’ll get stuck again, so he merely peered down at the note filled with his mother’s careful handwriting.
Descansa un poco, mi amor, el doctor dijo que tenías una enfermedad que había estado dando vueltas. Patton también lo tiene, pero he oído que ahora está bien, solo necesita descansar. No vayas a la escuela si no te apetece. Hay un caldo en el refrigerador para calentar si tienes hambre.
Roman squinted at the not confused, when had he gone to the doctor? When did Patton get sick? What the hell was going on? Billions of questions swirled in his head causing Roman a painful headache or maybe it was because he was super hungry? Either way he needed to get out of his room. Roman marched to the door and yanked it open but found that he was now stuck to the door knob.
“Pinche manos pegajosas!” Roman cursed as he tried to yank he’s hand off the door knob only to pull it off with him. He sucked a painful breath through his teeth though it wasn’t because he was hurt, more it had to do with the landlord finding out and charging them for the damage later. Roman fixed it the best he could for now before carefully side stepping around the door into the hall. He breathed a sigh of relief as he leaned back against a wall contemplating what was going on with him and how he was going to pay back the broken door knob.
How had he even done that? Sure, Roman liked to brag that he was athletic and junk, which he was, but even he wasn’t that strong to tear a door knob off it’s wooden frame. Also, he was really jittery, like there was a constant buzz at the back of his head that made him super aware of everything around him. Was this how his mother felt with four kids running around the house?
His stomach rumbled, train of thought gone and replaced with the want of food. So, Roman moved to stand from the wall, well, he tried, he was stuck again. A loud groan left his lips as he made the mistake to use his hands to push himself off. No surprise they stuck to so he used his feet…you see where this is going? Long story short he did end up making it to the kitchen but for some reason he ended up stuck to the ceiling, dangling by only his left foot. Which is how Patton found him.
“Roman?” Patton entered into the apartment dressed and ready for school with two bags of cookies neatly wrapped in clear plastic. There were swirls of baby pinks and blues radiating around him like a sort of weird halo of light. It buzzed and sang with in a weird yet familiar tune that was just…all Patton. Patton must have been able to see it too because he had this sort of curious looked as he continued to stare at Roman for a long time. Then Roman remembered the situation he was in, “Help!”
“Oh dear.” Patton sighed, snapping out of his trance and placing his cookies on the coffee table near the living room before heading over to inspect the situation. He grabbed onto his friends dangling arms and looked him straight in the eyes, “Roman, I need you to calm down.”
“How do you expect me to be calm right now?” Roman shrieked “I’m hanging upside down by my foot! From the ceiling! What even is going on?!”
“I’m not sure,” Patton replied calmly “but all I know is as soon as I started to calm down things started unsticking. So, I assume it’s going to be the same for you.”
“W-what? You too?” Roman asked a bit less panicked, it was good to know he wasn’t alone in this strange situation.
“Yes,” Patton soothed “then when I started stress baking everything stopped sticking. I’m guessing if you’re too anxious or tense it just gets out of control. So, I need you to try and calm yourself, deep breaths, you can sing a little bit if it helps.”
Roman took a few deep breath, trying to qualm his shaking nerves before starting to hum a little tune, “Isn't it lovely, all alone?/ Heart made of glass, my mind of stone/ Tear me to pieces, skin and bone/ Hello, welcome home.”
Finally, he unstuck and flopped right into Patton’s arms who, surprisingly, was able to carry him without any trouble. After being carefully set back on his feet once more Roman began to freak out again, “What the fuck is happening?!”
“I’m not sure,” Patton said, anxiously rubbing his hands “I just woke up sticking to everything and the world seems like it’s moving in slow motion and I can see without my glasses and none of my cute clothes fit me anymore!” He pouted, gesturing down towards his favorite jeans that had flowers embroidered at the cuffs and up the sides which used to fit Patton perfectly but now land few inches above his ankles.
Roman gazed sympathetically at his friend, had been ready to assure him that he still looked very cute only to be cut off by his rumbling stomach. “Dear God I’m starving.”
“I know what you mean,” Patton replied as his own stomach rumbled “I ate the soup my mom made me plus all the left overs plus the first batch of cookies I made and I’m still hungry!”
“I’ll be willing to share my soup and left over with you if you make me cookies later,” Roman bargained “I’d ask for those you brought over but I know those are special.”
Paton flushed red, quickly changing the conversation, “D-deal, we’ll eat then head off to school and…maybe find someone who can help us afterwards.”
“Like who?” Roman questioned “What other person has been going through the same shit we’ve been going through this morning?”
Virgil’s stomach rumbled as he and Logan made their way down the school halls, “For the love of god! We practically cleaned out all the left overs and snacks from both of our apartments and I’m still starving!”
“I’m guessing high metabolism should be added to the list,” Logan said, stopping by a nearby vending machine “Or maybe it’s the fact that our bodies are still going through puberty and the spider DNA has enhanced that as well, or maybe it’s a mixture of both.”
“Yeah, I’ll bet,” Virgil grumbled, carefully pulling down the sides of his beanie “by the way, you couldn’t of thought of anything better to get me unstuck then mutilating my hair?”
Logan rolled his eyes, bending down to retrieve the various treats he had purchased “We tried to get you to calm down for thirty minutes but you still remained tense. What were you gunna do? Stay stuck and let someone find out?”
“You could have at least done a better job!” Virgil snarked, taking the chips and candy bars handed to him.
“I’m not hairdresser,” Logan stated plainly, stuffing half a chocolate bar in his mouth “I did the best I could.”
“Well if this is your best, I don’t want to see your worst,” Virgil grumbled, stuffing a hand full of chips in his mouth “what are we even gunna do after this? Can we do anything? Who can we even tell?”
“Calm,” Logan soothed, a careful hand placed on his friend shoulder “we’ll figure something out. Right now we need to focus on finding Patton and Roman, they must be having just as difficult a time adjusting to their new found abilities.”
“Are you sure they were bitten?” Virgil asked skeptically “What are the odds of the same spider biting all four of us?”
“Patton’s bug bite from yesterday looked similar to ours and I can only assume since Roman was in close proximity to us, he was bitten as well,” Logan explain, readjusting his glasses which now had no lenses “my theory is that he got bitten during detention yesterday, then Patton outside, then you when you arrived home and found the spider, and finally me after I finished talking to my parents. Tell me, when did you start feeling the effects of the venom after you were bitten?”
Virgil thought a moment, “I took a nap and scrolled through Tumblr, my mom called me out for dinner and I was talking to my grandma and then…nothing. It’s all fuzzy after that.”
“Interesting,” Logan hummed “I remember being called out too after I caught the spider, then I sat down and…it’s all a blur from there. From what my parents told me I assume I was somewhat coherent enough to eat and talk, although it was somewhat slurred, then I began to malfunction.”
Virgil snorted, “You’re talking as if you were a computer.”
“It seems the spider is learning with each victim and increasing it’s dosage,” Logan continued, ignoring Virgil’s comment “which would explain why the effects happened faster for me then for you. And I can only assume the same can be said with Roman and Patton seeing as when they were bitten earlier on. But like I said, it is only a theory.”
“A game theory!” Virgil quoted with a laugh causing Logan to quirk and eyebrow “This isn’t a game Virgil.”
“Yeah, I know but I cope with sarcasm and memes,” Virgil grumbled, stuffing more chips in his mouth “sue me…”
Logan sighed, unwrapping another candy bar, “This is going to be a long day.”
Down the hall on the opposite side of the school Patton and Roman were having their own conflict. Still hungry after downing all the left overs and munchies they bought at the corner store before coming to school they were currently emptying out the vending machine. They were discussing their current predicament while spitting their purchase.
“How we were able to get here in time I will never know,” Roman grumbled, struggling to stuff his food in his backpack “are you still sticking to thing?”
“Not as much as this morning,” Patton said, finally able to zip his bag before sling it over his shoulder “you?”
“A little, I guess, I don’t know,” Roman sighed, opening a bag of Skittles “it’s just I feel like everybody is staring at us.”
“But there barely anybody in the halls,” Patton said “but I know what you mean. It’s like you can feel them from the inside of the class.”
“Yes!” Roman exclaimed softly “It’s fucking weird!”
The first period warning bell rings and the two friends make the journey down the hall to their class as did the rest of the remaining students in the hall. This whole situation was like some weird fever dream they couldn’t wake from. Their skin buzzed, their ears rang, their senses were just all over the place, it was all very overwhelming. Roman usually reveled in being under the spotlight but at the moment it seemed like there were too many eyes watching him and all he really wanted was to curl up into the nearest dark corner and sleep. He hadn’t had the time or ability to get dressed properly or do his make up and he was still in shock from everything that happened this morning. Patton, the usually cheery social butterfly, didn’t feel so cheery or social at all today. None of his clothes fit him right, everything was either too slow or too fast, and he had to take out the lenses of his glasses which really upset him because they were cute round rose gold glasses with rose tinted lenses and now, they’re ruined!
So busy moping were the two friends that if it weren’t for the tingly sensation at the back of their head, they would have missed Virgil and Logan passing them by. Granted they were distracted by their own conversation as well and were basically snapped into attention by the weird and colorful tingly sensation pulling them towards Patton and Roman. They were all a melting pot of technicolor waves, blending and buzzing with each other in some weird kind of dance. Virgil was a foggy storm of blacks and purples and white lighting which in theory should be dark and hard to see but was for some reason bright and beautiful. Roman was a swirl of bright white with streaks of red and gold dramatically singing a beautiful melody. Logan was a cool blend of dark blues and greys, a normally dull combination but it structured itself with such formality and care it was an exquisite display of stars. Patton was a pop of cotton candy pinks and soft blues bursting with life and richness, they bloomed like flowers in the spring time.
“You’re like me!” They said in unison.
It was then that they noticed they were still in the hall and even though there weren’t that many people around there were still people. Logan, with his quick thinking, ushered them all into the nearby boy’s bathroom and corralled them into the large stall near the back. Everyone was freaking out.
“You’re all colorful!” Patton said in awe.
“What’s going on?” Roman hissed.
“Why the fuck would I know?!” Virgil snapped.
“Shut up!” Logan demanded and the room was silent “I have a few theories, first off-”
The sound of a toilet flushing caught their attention, finally realizing they weren’t as alone as they thought. They tensely waited for whoever was out there to finish washing up and exit. The sound of boots echoed throughout the bathroom as the faucet opened and close multiple times. The hand drier blazed to life and for a moment the four teens thought they’d finally be safe until a familiar slimy voice said: “I know you nerds are in here!”
“God fucking damn it!” Virgil mouthed furiously, Dolion messing with them again is the last thing they need right now.
“Don’t think I couldn’t here your whispering,” Dolion hissed “what, are you here to fuck me over again? I already have another detention because of you assholes!”
The bang of a nearby stall door was heard then another and another each getting closer and closer towards them. Dolion growled, “Come out, come out, where every you are! Fucking cowards!”
The group didn’t know what they were so nervous for, what would Dolion do? Take them all on? And even if he did, they would just tell Mr. Larry and he would get in trouble again. Maybe it was the fact that they were all kind of lowkey scarred of Dolion, dude was a big guy, or maybe, just maybe, it was because they had weird mutant spider powers that they didn’t know what to do with and wouldn’t know the outcome of what would happen if Dolion tried to fight them now. But just as Dolion was nearing the last stall door the tingly sensation in the back of their heads told them to jump and so they did without hesitation.
The last stall door was kicked open, Dolion entered with a sneer and saw that it was completely empty. He did a double take, looking around confused, so certain he had heard people come in, that he had heard them come in. Shaking his head in irritation Dolion left the stall and marched out of the bathroom with a huff.
Meanwhile, clustered up on the ceiling, right above where Dolion had stood, were Patton, Roman, Virgil, and Logan who all let out a sigh of relief. “That was close.”
Then there was a loud creek and Virgil gulped, “Oh no.”
They all came crashing down along with the flimsy white ceiling tile that held them up their in the first place. They landed on the filthy bathroom floor with a thwap while the ceiling tile crumbled in half.
Roman groaned, “This is the fucking worst.”
“I’m inclined to agree,” Logan grumbled as he lifted himself from the floor “we shall further discuss the matter after school.”
“What do you mean after school?” Roman balked “I want to know what’s going on now!”
“Hey, genius, I don’t know if you’ve noticed but I don’t think a public restroom in a high school is the best place to discuss our…condition.” Virgil snapped.
“They’re right Roman,” Patton butted in before his friend could reply “who knows what will happen if someone were to find out. Especially, Dolion.”
“Ugh, fine,” Roman sighed, he couldn’t say no to Patton’s puppy dog eyes “where shall we meet then?”
“On the roof.” Logan said.
“Why the roof?” Virgil and Roman asked simultaneously.
“It’ll be empty and secluded once clubs are over everyone has gone home,” Logan replied coolly “which I’m assuming all of you have, right? A club to attend, I mean.”
“Yes, I have culinary club,” Patton said “we’re working on the bake sale for Friday night’s game.”
“Shit, yeah, I have dance,” Virgil said then groaned “Ms. Green is gunna make me work double time for missing yesterday.”
“You dance?” Roman asked surprised.
“Uh…yeah,” Virgil rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment before snapping to the defensive “Is there a problem with that?”
Roman raised his hands up in surrender, “You think I, the theater geek, would be one to judge?”
“Well, you have with a lot of other things so excuse us if we’re a little surprised.” Logan chimed in.
“What is that supposed to mean?” Roman snapped.
“Exactly what I just said,” Logan said nonchalantly “anyways, I myself have debate club so we all should finish up at around the same time.”
“Hey, don’t just brush me off!” Roman said, frustration evident on his face.
“What use is there to continue on that topic?” Logan asked “It’s not important to our current situation.”
Ignoring Logan’s statement Roman continued his rant, “Are you saying that I judge people based on how they look and what they like to do?”
“Yes,” Logan said bluntly “now can we please move on?”
“It’s not true!” Roman cried.
“Speaking from past experiences talking to you that’s highly unlikely,” Logan huffed “especially with Virgil.”
Roman glared at the bespectacled teen, “I don’t-”
“Hey, now,” Patton stepped in once more “I know Roman can be a bit eccentric and talk a big game at times but that doesn’t mean he out right judges’ people without getting to know their character a little bit. You assuming that he does is a bit judgy of you now, isn’t it?”
Logan gulped nervously at the glare? Pout? Patton was giving him and he immediately felt guilty, “I…guess so.”
“And Roman,” Patton turned to his best friend with the exact same look “maybe sometimes you’re a bit too quick to assume certain things about people. Speaking your mind is one thing but sometimes you can be kind of rude.”
“You’re right, Pat,” Roman sighed, rubbing his tired eyes “I don’t mean to pick fights it’s just…I’ve had a long morning.”
“I know,” Patton said, eyes softening once more “so have the rest of us but that doesn’t mean we should start turning against each other. We need to stick together, we’re probably the only people on earth that know what each of us is going through right now. So, weather we like it or not we’re a team and we have to have each other’s backs.”
“Falsehood.” Logan said suddenly.
Virgil sighed, irritably, “Lo, don’t start up again…”
“No, I mean that we aren’t the only ones alone in this.” Logan corrected, all eyes were on him again, curious and anticipating.
The last warning bell rung and the four teens were uncertain if they should stay hidden and listen to what Logan had to say or start booking it to class. Thankfully, Logan decided for them, “After school, on the roof, don’t be late. Come on Virgil.”
And with that they all scurried out of the bathroom and raced to their first period.
It was almost comedic how none of them ever noticed how many classes they had together. Like aside from their electives they all basically had the same classes together. Roman and Patton usually sit in the back of the class near the window, easier to get away with napping and passing notes, while Logan and Virgil sat near the center where they could easily blend into the crowed and not be called on as often by the teacher. Though that still wouldn’t stop Logan from raising his hand and blurting out answers and corrections. Point being they’ve never noticed each other before, they were in their own world doing their own thing with other students filling in for background noise. But now with their new freakish mutant powers they couldn’t not notice each other, especially with their weird colored auras buzzing and lighting them up like a fucking beckon.
It was like that all day, in every class, they tried to play it off like it was nothing, like nothing has changed and they’re in their own world but it didn’t work. They just kept fucking staring at each other and it didn’t matter if they were subtle about it or not because that stupid zing at the back of their heads would go off every time, they would feel eyes on them, and they knew! They all knew but they kept doing it anyway! Why? Because what else could they do?
Lunch came and went, an internal struggle within each of them debating weather on not they should sit with each other. They had no reason to do so other wise unless they used the excuse of that school field trip project but even then, that was flimsy and suspicious. They did not need anyone else suspecting them of hiding something when Dolion was already on their case.
Speaking of which, Dolion had been keeping an especially close eye on all of them all day. He wasn’t in all of their classes but he was in most and aside from each other they could practically feel his eyes burrowing in to the back of their heads. It did not help that this mutant power made them feel ten times more aware of themselves and the things around them. Their skin crawled when someone would accidently brush against them, they’d flinch when the bell rang, they’d race to their next class to get out of the crowed halls because it was so jam packed with people and noise and smells and they just couldn’t breathe.
Virgil was having the worst time out of all of them. His anxiety got bad sometimes and even on good days it could sneak up on him and leave him with a shitty day but this…this was the fucking worst! He kept accidently sticking to things and Logan had to say behind and help him out and that just made him feel even worse and caused them to be even more late for class.
Roman and Patton watched them from the sidelines, out of sight but never out of range. They weren’t too sure if they should intervene or mind their own business so they just lurked around like creeps. They figured if Logan or Virgil needed help, they would ask them and in turn they would do the same. Still, the day passed and none of them said a word to each other. Not even Logan and Patton who were stuck as lab partners. What would they even say?
“Yeah, nice weather we’re having, also do you think we’ll grow extra limbs now that we have mutant bug powers?”
Electives were the only classes they had by themselves and some how that was an even worse distraction. At least with four other people flashing like beckons you knew someone was right there when you needed them because they would understand your situation. But being alone, surrounded by other students, trying to act normal when you know that is far from the truth, is just horrible. How the hell were they going to get through their club meetings?
Patton never thought he would dread going to culinary club but here he was hiding behind the nearby lockers debating weather or not he should just bail and wait on the roof by himself. Fortunately, or unfortunately depending how you look at it, he didn’t have to decided because one of the girls from his club spotted him.
“Hey Patton, it’s good to see you,” Her name was Valerie and she was the sweetest person Patton has ever met “we missed you yesterday, where’d you go?”
“Oh, uh, hi Valerie,” Patton fiddled bashfully with the end of his shirt “I-I got detention.”
“What? Why?” Valerie asked, quite shocked “Out of everyone in this school you’d be the last I’d ever expect to get detention.”
Patton became red with embarrassment, “Well…Dolion played a prank on me and I kind of freaked out. A friend of mine named Logan stood up for me and kind of scolded him but then Dolion got mad and wanted to fight him. Then me and my other two friends, Roman and Virgil, were trying to break them up but then Mr. Larry came in and saw. So, he gave us all detention but it didn’t go on our records and Dolion got extra detention this weekend.”
“Gosh, that must have really sucked,” Valerie said sympathetically.
Patton shrugged, “I just feel bad that I got all my friends in trouble because of something so dumb.”
“Hey now,” Valerie said sternly “it’s not your fault that Dolion was being a jerk and picking on you. Plus, your friends really care about you Patton, they don’t want to see you in distress.”
“Yeah, but I wish I could have done something more then just stand there,” Patton said glumly “if it hadn’t been for them I probably would of ran off crying.”
“Aw Patton,” Valarie sighed “sometimes you’re much too sweet for your own good. And sometimes that sweetness can cause you trouble but you have to remember, you’re worth standing up for.” she reached over and gently grasped his hand, “It’s okay not to feel happy all the time too.”
“Yeah I know,” Patton sighed “it’s just…”
“I know, I know, you don’t want to worry anyone,” She smiled sadly “you must have had a really bad morning to be able to rant to me.”
“I’m sorry.” He apologized.
“No, don’t be,” She assured “it’s good to talk about your problems, it’s a good way to help air out your feelings.”
“Well, thanks for letting me rant.” Patton chuckled.
“Any time,” Valarie replied “now we should get going, the meeting is going to start soon. Also, you never got around to teaching me that lemon square recipe.”
“Oh gosh, that’s right,” Patton said “I am so sorry, I was going to teach you yesterday but then detention and-”
“It’s fine, Patton,” Valarie soothed before he could continue “you have plenty of time to teach me to day if the meeting doesn’t run too long.”
“Absolutely.” Patton beamed, though it wasn’t totally genuine. He was still very stressed and anxious to be in a room full of people alone. Though out in the empty halls talking with Valarie had been nice so it gave Patton a little bit of hope he could do this. But that had just been them alone, what would he do when he was in room full of students and loud baking utensils? Patton gulped as he followed Valarie into the culinary class room and for once hoped for a short meeting.
“One, two, three! One, two, three! Virgil, you’re off again!” Ms. Green sighed as she turned off the stereo. The entire class groaned, this was the third time they had to start the routine over because Virgil kept missing a step or getting off beat or something. It was seriously starting to stress him out more then he already was. Usually doing ballet helped calm his anxiety but right now with all the weird shit happening to his body it’s doing the exact opposite.
“Take five!” Ms. Green announced and the class disbursed into mindless chatter.
Virgil sighed tiredly as he began to trudge back to his bag near the back of the dance studio only to be stopped by Ms. Green. “Mr. Storm, please come here a moment.”
Virgil whined pathetically as he slowly made his way over to his dance instructor who looked very frustrated, “Yes, Ms. Green?”
“What’s going on with you today?” Her frustrated frown morphed into one of concern once she saw Virgil’s distressed face.
“Uh,” Virgil tugged at once side of his beanie nervously “I’m just not…feeling too great. I-I mean, I didn’t feel great last night so it’s kind of…lingering?”
“Is it because of your detention yesterday?” Ms. Green asked, she didn’t look mad or disappointed as Virgil previously thought, just curious.
“Kind of,” Virgil fibbed “there was a bug, I mean, there is a bug going around the school. Not a real bug, of course, like a cold and flu bug. Yeah, like that. Uh, I was sick and the doctor said it was a bug.”
Nailed it.
Ms. Green corked an eye brow suspiciously, “Are you sure?”
“Yes,” Virgil said a little too quickly before sighing “I’m fine, just…gotta find my rhythm again. It’s still getting out of my system…the bug.”
“Ah-huh,” Ms. Green nodded slowly “you’re lucky you don’t compete in anything. Although you really should.”
Virgil gave her a weary smile, having had this conversation too many times before and not wanting it to have it today of all days. Ms. Green kept on insisting that Vigil enter in dance competitions or audition for the production of Swan Lake they’d be doing in the spring. But Virgil kept rebutting that if he could barely get through a simple dance recital without vomiting on stage there was no why he’d be able to last through a four-act performance.
“Still not my thing Ms. Green.” He replied with a tight smile.
Ms. Green sighed, quickly dropping the subject, “Alright, go take five. Stretch out and be ready to go again. Start getting focused.”
“You got it.” Virgil gave her a thumbs up as he began to walk backwards towards his bag. He heard his stomach rumble for the fifth time and groaned as he searched through his backpack for any more chips.
“Skip out on lunch?” A voice asked from behind.
Virgil turned to find Terrance smiling at him with an extra water bottle shoved near his face. He quickly took it before addressing his question, “No, why do you ask?”
“That is a lot of wrappers,” Terrance pointed towards Virgil’s bag which was overflowing with candy and chip wrappers like some sort of volcano “I’m guessing you’re the one that emptied out the vending machine near hall B?
Virgil flushed, embarrassed as he stuffed the wrappers back in his backpack, “N-no, this was breakfast.”
Terrence frowned disapprovingly, “That’s pretty unhealthy.”
“Don’t worry, that’s not the worst thing that’s happened today.” Virgil assured as he finally found one last candy bar and stuffed it in his mouth. Before Terrence could ask what Virgil meant by that Ms. Green was already calling everyone back.
Roman loved play rehearsal, seeing things get slowly piece together as the day of the play got closer and closer. And when you finally go on stage its even more amazing then you could ever imagen because you’ve spent months building this from the ground up, costumes, props, lighting, hours and hours of practice. It was all just great and amazing and Roman loved every minute of it!
“Is this a dagger which I see before me,/ The handle toward my hand? Come, let me clutch thee.” Roman recited.
“Cut!” His director, Mr. Bell, called out “Roman, your blockings off again.”
Just not today…
Roman groaned, “Sorry, sorry, sorry, let’s- can we do it again?”
“It’s okay,” Mr. Bell sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose “let’s all just…take five.”
And with that the house lights went on and the students disbursed to go do their own thing. Actors huddled together to recite lines, techs came down for their box for fresh air and socializing, crew fiddled around with stage and props, and Roman exited stage left towards the dressing rooms.
Roman hated this, his new abilities were throwing him why off balance in both the physical and mental sense. The stage lights burned his eyes, he could here the whispering backstage, the creaking from the catwalk, and all eyes on him. For once in his life Roman did NOT want to be the center of attention.
“Hey girl!” Roman paused to see Remy waving at him as he came down the latter one of the catwalks.
“Hey Remy.” Roman smiled tiredly, he was in no mood to put up a charming persona and thankfully Remy was the type of person that could care less about keeping up appearances. He liked to “keep it real” like that.
“Oh god, you look like shit,” Remy replied once he was on the ground, sipping on a Starbucks cup that he always seems to have with him “what happened?”
Roman inhaled deeply, “So many things that I can even begin to comprehend myself. But I’m fine, really.”
“Woof,” Remy said “must have been some bad shit that went down because you’re usually a one hit wonder out there. But five takes? You sure you okay, boo? I heard what happened yesterday with that dick Dolion.”
“Yeah, it’s all fine now,” Roman sighed as he stretched his arms “just got to shake it off and get centered again.”
“Mmh, okay,” Remy shrugged nonchalantly “but if you ever need me to beat a hoe just ask. I don’t mind dirtying up my new Doc Martens.”
Roman chuckled, “Thanks but no thanks, I’ll keep that in mind though.”
“No prob babe,” Then Remy smirked “also, I saw you and Virgil Storm getting along quite nicely yesterday. Anything going on there?”
Remy laughed as Roman groaned again, flushing a deep scarlet before scurrying away “I’m gunna go practice my lines elsewhere.”
“Ethan Zuckerman, Associate Professor and Director of the Center of Civic Media, stated that ‘Social media is critically important in giving voice to communities who’ve been systemically excluded from media – people of color, woman, LGBTQIA people, poor people. By giving people a chance to share their under-covered perspectives with broadcast media, social media has a possible role in making the media ecosystem more inclusive and fair’,” Emile Picani stated proudly “we are in an era where word gets around faster and problems can be caught early on to help fix them. We can share information and opinion that everybody can see and sort out issues much faster because of it.”
“Falsehood,” Logan said as soon as Emile finished “what about the manipulation of public opinion over social media platforms which can eventually lead to a critical threat to public life? Samantha Bradshaw, Researcher on the Computational Propaganda project at Oxford University, wrote a paper about how government agencies and political parties are exploiting the use of social media platforms to spread misinformation, exercise censorship and undermine trust in media, public institution, and science. Science Picani!”
“Yes, but where would we have learned any of this without social media,” Emile rebutted “not a lot of people are too keen on the idea of going to the library and reading research papers. Sometimes, small articles online talking about the issue can help spread awareness to others.”
“Yes, but can’t those same articles spread lies and slander at the same time?” Logan countered “Misleading people once more when they could have easily gotten the information from the source.”
“Who says there aren’t articles and groups dedicated to these ideas?” Emile said “In a hilarious state of irony, these groups came together because of social media, they made connections and helped raise awareness towards a common goal. Now, I’m not saying that social media is perfect but it is an important part of our culture. We should be working forward to improve it instead of tearing it down.”
Logan chewed at the end of his thumb nail, absolutely stumped on what he should say. He hasn’t been able to think clearly all day. Everything was too loud and too quiet, to fast and too slow, it was driving him crazy.
The buzzer went off and the sound of Mr. Shelton’s voice boomed throughout the room, “Time. Picani wins. Brake time everybody, then we’ll choose teams for the next topic.”
Logan groaned, letting his head drop against the desk with a loud thud. A shadow loomed over him and he turned his head to the side and came face to stomach with Emile Picani’s yellow sweater. He lazily looked up to see the nervous yet concerned smile on Emile’s face.
“May I help you?” Logan mumbled.
Emile shook his head, “No, I was just wondering…are you feeling okay Logan? You were kind of…struggling to keep up back there.”
“No, I wasn’t,” Logan quickly defended, sitting up straight “I just…have a bit of a cold.”
“Oh, yes, of course,” Emile quickly backtrack nervously “but, um, are you sure there’s not something else wrong?”
Curse Emile and his advanced human psychology classes. The kid was already super empathetic as it was as well as the second smartest student at the school. Logan being the first of course.
“What ever do you mean?” Logan said blankly, though inside he was panicking.
“You just seem kind of distracted by…” Emile made a vague gesture with his hands “Everything. Like, you’ve just suddenly realized the world is moving around you. Does that make sense?”
Yes, it did but Logan was not about to admit it because if he did Emile would be able to use that little amount of information to pull everything out of him. Emile wasn’t malicious by any means, next to Patton he was the kindest person you’d ever meet. He just had a way of making people feel comfortable enough to open up about their stress and (ugh) feelings.
So, he lied. “No, it does not make sense.”
Emile stared at him for a minute and Logan tried his best not to squirm under his intense gaze. It felt as if he was trying to search through the inner mechanisms of Logan’s brain just by scanning over his physical form. Finally, he blinked, sighing as he gave Logan a half-hearted smile. “You can be a tough cookie to read sometimes. Then there are other times where you’re an open book. It’s all very confusing.”
Logan didn’t know if he liked that metaphor or not so he just said what he thought was appropriate. “I’m sorry.”
“Oh, no, no, you have nothing to be sorry about Logan,” Emile assured anxiously “I’m just being nosy and weird.”
“I don’t think you’re weird.” Logan said honestly. Yes, Emile was childish and liked cartoon but he was also extremally smart and one of the few people Logan can properly debate with without having to dumb down his vocabulary.
Emile blushed but gave a wide genuine smile, “Thanks for thinking so. Um, I’ll get out of your hair now.”
Logan nodded as he watched Emile walk away to socialize with the other members. His head returned to the desk, cheek pressed against the cool plastic wood, as he stared at the clock counting down the minutes left until he could meet the others.
They all bumped into each other on the third floor, literally, they were so jittery with nerves and excitement they were practically sprinting towards the roof. They were quick to collect themselves before silently making their way up the fourth floor towards the stairs leading to the roof. They didn’t have to stay silent but just as it’s been all day, they had no idea what to say to each other, plus the paranoia that someone could be listening in like in the bathroom this morning.
They quickly filed out onto the wide-open space of the roof top, each standing about five feet apart from each other, not moving just, not talking, just listening. They hear the construction happening down the street but not just the noise of the machine scraping against the pavement but the conversations between coworkers about getting a beer after work. They could sense the movement of scurrying students beneath them as they all hurried to catch up with friends and walk home. They looked into the distant skyline where the city clustered together and they could make out every detail of every building, tree, person, and sidewalk. They could smell the warm pretzels being sold down town, cigarette smoke in cafes, and cheap perfume from the boys locker room. They could taste the bile building in their throats, the world around them becoming too much, it frightened them.
“What’s happening to us.” Virgil whimpered, pulling his jacket tighter around himself.
“I-I have a theory,” Logan stuttered out, taking a deep breath to calm himself “we were all bitten by the same enhanced super spider which had previously gone missing during our field trip to Oscorp yesterday.”
“I thought the guide said it was back in the lab.” Patton squeaked out, frantically looking around for more spiders.
“Yeah, how can you be so sure it’s the same spider?” Roman said skeptically.
Logan slid off his back pack and began rummaging through it until he pulled out a jar full of webbing and a familiar little spider inside. Virgil gawked at his best friend, “You brought it to school?”
“I didn’t trust leaving it at home alone,” Logan stated simply “I feared it would escape.”
“Escape…” the spider hissed “Freedom…”
“It talked!” Roman and Patton shrieked, scrambling backwards a few steps.
“Technically, it didn’t,” Logan said coolly, readjusting his glasses “it’s just that we can now hear at a higher frequency and can now get bits and pieces of conversations from-”
“That’s great Einstein but what does that…thing have to do with how we are now!” Roman cut in, getting more and more frustrated as time went on.
Logan glared at him but decided he was ultimately right and should get to the point, not that he would ever tell Roman that. “If we compare our bug bites, I can assure you that they will all look similar. Assuming that we all suffered the same symptoms afterward, nausea, dizziness, vomiting, memory laps, and/or fainting, then woke up like…this, my hypothesis is that the spider’s venom caused a mutated our DNA.”
“How can you be so sure?” Roman asked, taking a step forward with Patton clinging to the back of his shirt like a koala. Roman was ninety percent sure Patton had gotten himself stuck but that was something to worry about later.
“I mean, the evidence is irrefutable,” Logan said “but to be truly sure I’d have to do a blood test but I currently do not have the equipment for that and neither does the school.”
“Of course, you checked for that,” Virgil sighed, wanting to rub his face but worried his hand would get stuck again “So, what now? Are we gunna take it back to Oscorp or something? Because I’m pretty sure it’ll be mighty suspicious when four teenagers walk up to the front desk carrying a multimillion-dollar spider inside a Crofters jam jar.”
“Cookies!” Patton announced loudly, startling everyone, especially Roman since it was right next to his ear. Patton whispered an apology to his friend before detaching, with a bit of difficulty, from his back and searching through his back pack. He pulled out two clear colorful baggies, one filled with scones and another filled with peanut butter cookies.
Patton stepped forward to gift his friends the cookies only to suddenly stop short, “Um, can you…” he gestured towards the jar in Logan’s hands “p-put it away?”
Logan blinked owlishly before suddenly realizing what he meant and quickly tucked away the creature in his back pack, “Oh, yes, right, your, um, arachnophobia. I apologize for my ignorance.”
“Wow, Logan apologizing,” Virgil gasped in fake awe “that’s a first.”
Logan glared at his best friend but was soon faced to face with a smiling Patton, “I hope you like them. I was going to make them last night but then…ya know, that happened and I was a bit…frazzled this morning. So, tell me if they turn out okay, okay?”
“I’m sure they’ll be quite…adequate.” Logan gulped nervously, Patton was way too close but this wasn’t anything new. Patton seemed to have very little personal space with people he deemed his friends but right now with their newfound abilities he was just a burst of color and energy.
“Let’s hope your right.” Patton giggled before moving towards Virgil who took about two large steps back.
“J-just…put ‘em- on the…the…I’ll get them on the ground.” Virgil stuttered out, his hands moving along with his words as if it would help convey his feelings in the situation at hand.
Thankfully Patton got the hint and smiled warmly as he carefully placed the cookies on the ground before stepping back towards Roman. With a relieved sigh Virgil returned to his spot and picked up the bag, wordlessly nodding his thanks towards Patton.
“So, what are we gunna do?” Roman said, suddenly bursting the friendly atmosphere. He was really on edge right now and it was an overwhelming crushing feeling that just kept growing with every passing minute. “You said earlier this morning that there was someone similar to our situation, who?”
Logan cleared his throat, pulling out his phone and tapping a few things, “Right, well, who is someone that is well known to the public who climbs walls, has super strength, and has sort of spider like tendencies.”
It was silent, the three other teens looked clueless and Logan was just a bit disappointed. He turned to Virgil with a look and said, “Seriously, Virgil?”
“Dude, I can’t remember half the things I’ve done today, okay, everything is just like…” Virgil groaned, waving his arms around “and if I’m honest I’m still kind of freaking out, like, internally and maybe a little bit externally too. I don’t know, give it time.”
“Rainbow Weaver,” Logan said blankly “Rainbow Weaver has these same abilities.”
“Rainbow Weaver?” The trio replied, the wheels finally turning in their head.
“Yes.” Logan nodded.
“Okay, wait,” Roman said “two questions: 1) What makes you think Rainbow Weaver will even consider helping us? And 2) Even if he did, where would we find him?”
Logan continued to tap on his phone before flipping it over to show the other, “According to his fan page on Twitter: on 5th street near main.”
“That’s ten blocks away,” Patton said glumly “we’ll never make it on time.”
“Even if we run that’s at least thirty minutes tops.” Virgil added.
“Anymore bright ideas, pocket protector?” Roman snarked.
“Just about,” Logan said coolly, as he began to collect his things before slinging his backpack securely on himself. He turned a whole 360 degrees before stopping in place and making his way towards the left side of the building. The other’s followed, curious as to what he was looking for, they peered over at a few smaller buildings next door clustered together with signs obscuring the view of the roof tops as they reached higher and higher the deeper you went into the city.
“This’ll do.” Logan said as he began to walk back.
“This’ll do for what?” Virgil asked but he wasn’t answered because Logan was now sprinting back towards them and he wasn’t slowing down.
The others, panicked, blocked his path screaming and begging for him to stop and explain what the hell was going on. But even that did nothing to deter the bespectacled teen because he simply jumped, high. It surprised everyone, including Logan himself, when he was able to leap clear over not only all of them but all the way to the next building. He stumbled on his landing, legs tripping his forward before he was able to finally find his footing. Stunted silence and open mouths were left in his wake before Logan snapped out of his stupor and laughed with all the giddy glee of a child who just met his favorite super hero.
“Oh my god, that was exhilarating!” Logan cheered, waving his arms over at his friends “Come on! Come on! You gotta – you gotta do this!”
“You’re fucking crazy!” Virgil wheezed out, gripping onto the side of the building for dear life.
Roman chewed at his bottom lip before finally sighing and running back, “Fuck it.”
“W-wait, Roman, kiddo!” Patton squeaked “Shouldn’t we think this over first?”
“I did think it over,” Roman said, setting himself up for a running start “and I’m not gunna let iDork get ahead of me.”
“You’re both crazy!” Vigil shrieked.
Roman didn’t answer, instead he charged forward, wind whipping his hair and adrenaline pumping throughout his body. He got to the ledge and quickly used it as leverage to leap up, floating in mid air for just a moment before he came rocketing down towards the roof. He didn’t land as far as Logan but he had a much better landing, legs bent as he shakily straightened himself out. Roman looked towards Logan who was smiling like a mad man and Roman couldn’t help but join in his excitement.
“Holy shit you guys!” Roman exclaimed, jumping up and down “You have to try it! It’s amazing!”
Patton gulped nervously before looking towards Virgil, who was just about ready to have an aneurysm. He extended a nervous hand towards the emo boy and asked begged, “Jump with me.”
“What?” Virgil’s voice cracked as he took a step back “Are you serious?”
“Yes, no, kind of…” Patton whimpered “I don’t wanna do this alone! I’m scared a-and you’re scared too. B-but Logan and Roman were able to do it and more then likely we’ll be able to do it too, s-so with both of us pushing us off we’ll have a better chance of landing safer. Right?”
Virgil looked at Patton like he was insane (which he was!) staring between his face and the hand extended towards him. Finally, after a long silence, Virgil sighed, “Screw it.” And firmly took Patton’s hand as they made there way back towards the center of the building.
“If we fall I’m using you as a cushion,” Virgil threatened, hand squeezing Patton’s tightly “I’m just joking, I’m just…really fucking scared right now.”
“It’s okay,” Patton said warmly, squeezing back just as tight “I am too but you don’t need to jump with me if you don’t want to. I’m sure we can figure another thing out.”
“N-no, no, it’s fine,” Virgil assured quickly “it’s just we gotta do it now before I psych myself out.”
Patton nodded firmly, looking ahead as he and Virgil prepared to sprint forward. They heard shouts of encouragement from Logan and Roman, who were still riding on their adrenaline high, as they began their charge. Blood pumped loudly in their ears, legs picking up traction much faster then they were expecting, and just when Virgil thought he was going to freeze up at the last-minute Patton boosted forward giving him a strong tug before they were finally soaring through the sky. They looked to the sky line, at the busy city and its scurrying people and for a moment it was as if they were flying.
They collapsed into a heaping pile on the roof next door, groaning as Logan and Roman rushed over to help them. Virgil was quick to dust himself off, laughing like a lunatic as he did. “That was awesome!”
“Yeah!” Patton chimed in, jumping to engulf Roman in an excited hug.
“We should be able to reach him if we head this way!” Logan cut in through the excitement, pointing towards the building roof tops heading towards the heart of Manhattan.
The boys looked at each other, momentarily questioning weather this was a good idea, before a sly determined grin spread across their faces and they began to sprint, throwing caution to the wind.
“Whooohooo!” Patton screamed joyously as he and his friends ran and jumped across the roof tops at a speed, they did not think was possible for a normal human.
They forgotten the map on Logan’s phone long ago and had no idea where they were going but somehow, they just knew they were going the right way. The tingling sensation at the back of their heads tugged them towards their destination as they enjoyed the rush of wind in their ears and adrenaline in their veins.
They reached their destination in no time but since they did not see their intended target anywhere, they decided to circle around a little to see if they could catch him. Though mainly the boys just wanted to see what they could do with their new-found powers. Climbing up the side of buildings, walking across utility wires, and using abandon construction sights as their own personal jungle gym. Somehow, they ended up on the roof of a pretty tall office building and decided to take a rest.
“Jesus Christ!” Virgil laughed hysterically “We’re so high up!”
“Are you okay?” Logan asked, he was concerned, really, he was, but Virgil’s laughter was contagious and the adrenaline was still buzzing in his system.
“No,” Virgil giggled as he laid down on his back “but give me a minute.”
“Deep breaths, kiddo,” Patton said as he flopped down next Virgil “this is a lot of excitement for one day, even for me.”
“I’ll second that.” Roman agreed as he too joined them on the ground.
Logan shrugged and settled himself between Virgil and Roman, all of them star-fished out in a circle watching the clouds roll by. Silence fell upon them once more as they began to soak in all that had happened to them that day. They weren’t as overwhelmed as they had been that morning, maybe running and jumping across buildings let them take out some of that jittery energy they had stored inside. Don’t get them wrong, they were still kind of freaking out but they were a little more calm about it. Especially since they knew that they weren’t alone in their endeavor. Sure, they might not be able to get Rainbow Weaver to help them but at least they had each other and that was a comfort that they were all truly grateful for.
“Do you think we can shoot spider webs like Rainbow Weaver can?” Roman asked, braking the peaceful silence.
“I’m not quite sure,” Logan said honestly “I tried at home but I just can’t seem to produce anything. Then again, not all spiders can make webs.”
“Hmm, true.” Virgil murmured, eyes closed as he practiced some deep breathing exercises.
Roman sat up, a determined look on his face, “I’m gunna try it.”
“How you gunna do that?” Patton asked, sitting up to face his friend with a slightly worried look in his eyes. Roman had that look again, he always got that look when he had a dangerous idea that would either get him in trouble or injured. It was the same look he had before he jumped off the school roof to chase after Logan.
“Well,” Roman began, hopping up to his feet “first I need to do a test shot. Uh, how does Rainbow Weaver do his…thing?” He began to flex his hand into various positions and poses.
Virgil, who was still on the ground, raised his arm up and did a sort of punk rock gesture, “Like this.”
Virgil’s eyes snapped open when he heard the sound and felt a sliver of something eject itself from his wrist. He was surrounded by three pairs of shocked eyes as he slowly stood up, looking down at his hand with awe and slight concern.
“Do it again!” Logan said excitedly.
Virgil aimed towards a small utility shed near the other side of the roof and thwiped! A long string of…something shot out from Virgil’s wrist and stuck to one end of the utility shed while Virgil held the other end. “Holy shit!”
“Fascinating,” Logan gasped in awe as he tugged on the silk string “you’re able to create your own webbing and by the feel of it it’s exactly as the guide described it, like steel cables.”
“It feels weird.” Virgil murmured as he detached the end of the string near his wrist.
“I’ll bet.” Roman said, looking over Virgil’s shoulder to get a better look at the webbing.
Patton, meanwhile, was trying to test out if he could do it too, he couldn’t. “Aw, I don’t think it works on me. What about you Roman?”
“Uh, let’s see.” He replied, taking a stance next to Virgil and aiming his arm towards the same shed. He pressed down on his palm with his two middle fingers and…thwip! “Holy shit…that felt weird!”
“I know right!” Virgil chimed in as they all now began to look over Roman’s web string.
“It would seem that me and Patton are incapable of producing web,” Logan deduced “but I’m fairly certain we may be able to produce some sort of silk, as all spiders do. It’s just the means of figuring it out…”
“I’m gunna swing across the other building!” Roman announced suddenly, causing everyone to jump and stare as he raced towards the edge of the building.
They were quickly snapped out of their surprise as they realized what Roman had said and went to chase him down before he did something stupid. Unfortunately, they were not quick enough because Roman had already launched another string of web and was getting ready to jump.
“Roman, wait!” Patton cried.
“It might not be safe!” Logan warned.
“Get down from there you idiot!” Virgil shouted.
“Tally ho!” Roman hollered as he pushed himself off the building and swung through the air.
Roman seemed fine at first, swinging through the air above the busy streets like some sort of extreme swing set. But then he realized, as the building he attached himself to got closer and closer, he had no idea what he was doing or how to stop. The only thing he could do at the moment was shut his eyes, curl up into a ball, and wait for impact. He vaguely recalled hearing the others scream before he was suddenly wooshed up into the air again.
When Roman opened his eyes to see what he had collided with on his way to his impending doom all he could see was rainbow. A rainbow arm holding him tight against a rainbow clad body and when he looked up to see a rainbow masked, white eyed figure a familiar buzzing was felt at the back of his head and he then noticed that the masked figure’s aura was a multi colored light show.
“You’re just like me!” Was all Roman could think to blurt out.
The figure looked down at him, slightly confused, until his eyes widen in sudden realization and he said, “Holy shit, you’re right.”
Once safely back on top of the building Roman was promptly tackled down by a sobbing Patton, “Don’t ever, ever do that again!”
“Yeah, not my brightest moment.” Roman admitted sheepishly.
The reunion was cut short due to a very furious looking Virgil who came stomping over, separated the two friends, then proceeded to punch Roman’s shoulder, hard. The theater geek cried out in protest, taking a few steps back before Virgil could get another swing in, “Ow, what the fuck!”
“You could have gotten yourself fucking killed you moron!” Virgil growled.
“That was very reckless of you, Roman,” Logan added crossly “even for your standards.”
“Oh, sez the one that convinced us to jump off a building,” Roman snapped back “excuse me for trying to follow the ‘smart ones’ lead and thinking this was a good idea.”
“The buildings were closer together and I calculated the right momentum needed to get across!” Logan countered, taking a step towards Roman “Given our new-found abilities it was obvious to be an easy jump!”
“Yeah, for you! How could you have been so certain for the rest of us, smartass?” Roman rebutted, getting up in Logan’s face as well.
“Simple physics really, something that a half wit like you could never understand!” Logan growled.
“Was it really physics or one of your scientific guesses?” Roman sneered.
“It’s called a theory you brainless Neanderthal!” Logan replied.
“Erlenmeyer trash!”
“Drama turd!”
“Cotton headed ninny muggings!”
“What the hell does that even mean?”
“Jesus Christ there are four of you!” The masked figure said as he got in between the two fighting teens.
Silence overtook the group as they stared up and finally realized who was talking to them. Clad in a rainbow spider themed suit with a sort of glider/cape mesh between his arms, his aura a burst of bright colors, it was the one, the only…
“R-R-Rainbow Weaver!” Virgil squeaked out, completely star structed.
“Yeah, and who might you guys be? Also, what’s going on with…” Rainbow Weaver gestured towards the group as if pointing out the colorful aura he could also see around them “…everything?”
“R-Rainbow Weaver…” Was apparently all Virgil could say now.
“Is everything okay?” Rainbow Weaver said worriedly as he scanned over the group of teens frozen in awe. Not that he wasn’t use to this but he just kind of figured out that these boys might have super powers like him so he really needed answers like now.
“Um, m-mister Rainbow Weaver, sir, uh…” Logan stuttered out, uncharacteristically shy at the moment, “w-we were actually looking for you but we couldn’t – uh, we were searching the city and someone on Twitter said they saw you here – around here and, uh, we kind of, um, wanted to talk…to you…”
“Take your time kid.” Rainbow Weaver soothed gently, the teen looked like he was getting ready to have a stroke.
“We got bit by a spider!” Patton blurted out before covering his mouth shut.
“Okay, go on.” Rainbow Weaver said with an encouraging nod.
Patton bashfully removed his hands from his mouth, fidgeting in place as all eyes were on him now, “Uh, well, we went on a field trip to a science lab thing in Oscorp where they had these creepy, crawly mutant spiders and one of them had escaped but the tour guide said not to worry because it was probably back in the lab, but it wasn’t, so it escaped and some how bit all of us and then we woke up with weird powers like: we can stick to the wall and jump really high and everything is really loud and bright and we have these weird color auras and I couldn’t fit into any of my cute clothes and we didn’t know what to do so Logan said we should find you and ask cause you have similar powers to us so we jumped off the school building and ran around the city to find you but we couldn’t, then Virgil found out he can shoot web but me and Logan can’t so Roman tried to swing to the next building over and almost died and then you came and I’m really scared right now so can you please tell us what’s going on!”
Patton finally stopped to suck in a big gulp of air having been so nervous he said everything in one breath. Roman went over to rub soothing circles on his distressed friend’s back as Patton regained the ability to breath. Rainbow Weaver, meanwhile, was trying to process all that had been said but also make sure that Patton was doing okay.
“Okay, first, I need you to calm down for me,” Rainbow Weaver cooed, a firm hand on Patton’s shoulder “breath in for four…hold for seven…out for eight…good.”
Once Patton was calmed down some Rainbow Weaver continued, “Second order of business, how old are you guys and what are your names?”
“I’m Roman Marigold and I’ll be seventeen in a month,” Roman answered as he hugged Patton close “this is my best friend Patton Foster and he’s seventeen.”
“I’m Logan Quinn,” Logan pipped up, finally pulling himself together “I’m seventeen as well as my friend Virgil Storm here.”
Virgil gave a shy wave, somewhat hiding behind his taller friend, Rainbow Weaver waved back, a kind smile visible through his mask. It seemed odd how quick the boys were to trust him, even if he was a famous super hero, he was still a stranger. But be it because of their weird aura or the kindness in Rainbow Weaver’s voice the boys knew he could be trusted.
“Okay, third order of business, is the spider that bit you guys dead or still crawling around the city?” Rainbow Weaver asked.
“Oh no, I have it in my backpack!” Logan said, quickly removing his backpack and rummaging around for the jar he had it in earlier.
“Excuse me?” Rainbow Weaver said confused before a jar with a colorful, weird looking spider was shoved in his direction. He took a step back to get a better look at it and vaguely heard Patton whimpering fearfully in the background. He sighed, scratching the back of his head, “Well, that’s just great, Oscorp didn’t learn after the first time it happen.”
“First time?” Logan asked curiously, pulling the jar back towards his chest, the spider skittering nervously.
“How do you think I got like this?” Rainbow Weaver chuckled, hollow and devoid of enthusiasm “But, yeah, this has happened before. A few years back, when I was in high school actually, god only knows what they’ve been able to do now with all the technological advances throughout the years.”
“What do you mean?” Virgil asked, curiosity finally letting him find his voice.
“Well, I-” Rainbow Weaver began but was cut off by four loud rumbling stomachs. His eyes widen with surprise at the blushing teens before bursting out into laughter. “God, you kids must be hungry. Having mutant powers will take a lot out of you, I’ll tell you that, especially if you’re still a growing teenager. How ‘bout we go out and get something to eat and I’ll try to explain everything as best as I can?”
“But don’t you have to watch the city?” Roman asked.
Rainbow Weaver shrugged, “It ain’t going nowhere, besides I have my ways of figuring out if I’m needed or not.”
“Um, are you sure?” Virgil asked timidly “We don’t want to keep you from, you know, important things.”
“Kid, right now this is the most important thing on my list,” Rainbow Weaver assured “I know for sure I would have liked someone to talk to when I was going through all this mess.”
“Um, mister Rainbow Weaver,” Patton chirped “not that we aren’t thankful that you’ll help but wouldn’t we look suspicious walking together on the street or jumping across buildings with you?”
“Not if I’m in civilian clothes, which by the way, I should have a pack here somewhere.” Rainbow Weaver wandered off towards the utility shed across the building and opened it to reveal a plain black backpack squished under an electrical control panel.
“Civilian?” Roman said aloud before realizing what was happening “Wait, isn’t revealing your true identity against some sort of hero’s code or something? I mean, unless you’re the Avengers but-”
“It’s fine,” Rainbow Weaver cut in having already finished changed, they hadn’t even turned away for a full minute! He was wearing some worn, baggy clothes that had probably come from a thrift store and was now stuffing his Rainbow Weaver costume into his bag, all was left was the mask he still had on. “I mean you can’t expect us to have an open honest conversation with each other if I’m hiding behind a mask, right?”
Casually, as if he wasn’t just entrusting four teenagers with his biggest secrete, Rainbow Weaver removed his mask to reveal a familiar face that had Roman and Patton silently squealing, Virgil to be even more star struck, and caused Logan’s jaw to hit the floor. The man before them ruffled his peppered brown hair nervously as he gave a lopsided smile, “Uh, hi, my name is Thomas Sanders…we have a lot to talk about.”
Spanish Spoken:
“Rest a little, my love, the doctor said you had a sickness that had been going around. Patton has it too, but I've heard that he's fine now, he just needs to rest. Do not go to school if you do not feel like it. There is a broth in the refrigerator to heat up if you are hungry.”
“Stupid sticky hands!”
 Song mentioned:
Lovely by Billie Eillish
@immortaldystopia @metaphoricalpluto2 @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2 @misunderstood-shadow @fairytailtwists @0callmevirge0
371 notes · View notes
nelvana · 5 years
In which those at home do what they can
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First [ARC 1]: In which the human is transformed First [ARC 2]: In which a present is prepared Next: In which the forest of ice is explored Previous: In which the mountain of fire is explored
    “So, when are they coming back?”
    “Keahi, you know this already. It’s only been a couple days; they’ll only be getting to the Frosty Forest by now. If they have to same pace as we did when we were there last, then they won’t even get to Ninetales until tomorrow.”
    Keahi let out a sharp huff, fluffing up his feathers with displeasure at this answer. He turned to glance out the window for a moment before facing the grovyle again, who was leaning against a wall again.
    “I don’t know why you expected the answer to suddenly change,” Alex chuckled, “you know, I thought I was the impatient one here.”
    “You’re both pretty impatient when it comes to who and what’s important to you,” Ceebee, who was fluttering closer towards the kitchen, pointed out, “Alex, you refused to wait for Keahi to come back from his family home for messaging with the badge properly, and wrote a note to put into storage instead. Don’t act like you’re above this,” she sneered, crossing her arms.
    “And you’d be keeping a constant eye on them with psychic if it were easier for you to actually pull off and keep up with for extended periods of time,” Alex countered.
    “Does this really have to be a competition? We all want to make sure that the mission is going well,” Tsuki sighed, padding into the living room with Edgar following right behind her to join the others.
    “Yeah! And there haven’t been any problems so far, right?” Edgar added, his gaze shifting to Tsuki for confirmation before continuing. “So, it’s been going fine! Nel has been updating us on the progress every night!”
    “Yes, that is true! Nothing seems to have gone wrong,” Ceebee agreed.
    Alex shifted his position, glancing about the room before speaking, “Tsuki, do you sense anything about it?” he asked.
    Tsuki met his gaze for a moment before sitting down on her haunches and shaking out her fur, “no. Nothing has turned up,” she assured him, “though the headache from Gengar’s visit seems to just barely still be lingering in my head,” she added quietly, “that might interfere with this.”
    “Where will Gardevoir stay when she gets here?” Edgar asked, sharply changing topics. “Will we get another bed for her?”
    “If she wants to stay here, then yeah, I guess so!” Keahi replied, “we do have enough room upstairs for another bed or some sort.”
    “Should we order one in advance?” Ceebee suggested.
    “We don’t know what kind of bed she would even want, or if she actually will want to stay here,” Alex pointed out, “so probably not.”
    Keahi sighed, “mm, yeah, that’s true…”
    “You know, I wonder if Gardevoir will be able to do anything about Nel’s amnesia once she is free from her own curse,” Alex mused, leaning his head back to stare at the blank ceiling as he spoke.
    “Hopefully!” Ceebee chirped, “or at the very least, be able to help me with it! But… curses are hard to break. We’ll just have to see.”
    “Didn’t Nel say that Gardevoir got that ability to turn her into a pokemon from Ninetales? Maybe they’ll ask her about that!” Keahi chimed in, “I think she would be happy to be able to remember you guys and her family properly again.”
    “She definitely would be,” Alex agreed, looking back at everyone else again. “Moving on from that though… did you two find anything?” he asked, turning to Tsuki and Edgar specifically now.
    “Well, Edgar and I have checked the board and did not find anything new from when we looked earlier. Peaky told us that there had been other jobs, but some other teams claimed them,” Tsuki said, reaching with one of her hind legs to scratch the back of her head. “Apparently there are still some struggles with monster houses in dungeons that they shouldn’t be in,” she added quietly.
    “So, we have a day to ourselves then?” Ceebee clarified.
    Tsuki nodded, “indeed.”
    “Hey, Keahi, you said you didn’t get the chance to practice your new attack in Scorched Plains, right? You could get some training done now,” Alex offered.
    “Oh, uh, sure! I guess I could do that,” Keahi responded, blinking.
    “Were you hoping that you could train with Nel, since she has a fighting-type move?” Ceebee asked playfully.
    “Kinda, yeah...” Keahi admitted, “but doing it now at the dojo will be fine!
    “Hey! This just means you’ll be able to show it to her when she gets back!” Edgar pointed out, floating closer to the torchic. “You’ll be able to… smash rocks! Yeah!”
    Keahi laughed, “alright, thanks for the enthusiasm, Edgar,” he replied, “Looks like that’s what we’re going to do today then! Off to the Makuhita Dojo!”
    “Oh, this is exciting! I haven’t been inside the dojo yet!” Ceebee exclaimed, opening the door with telekinesis so that they could all just head out without pausing, making sure to close it behind her once they were all outside.
    “Me neither! Makuhita is pretty nice though! I talked to him a few days ago!” Edgar cheered, “he offered to let me train but I didn’t really feel like it at the time!”
    “And that’s always fine,” Tsuki responded, “however, if you do ever feel the need to train yourself and would like some company, I am certain that any of us would be willing to join you,” she added.
    “Okay!” Edgar replied.
    As they passed into Pokemon Square and began heading south towards their destination, they made sure to greet the others lingering around town as usual. However, Alex found himself examining the citizens with a more critical look than usual; finally turning back to the group and speaking up again.
    “No one here has evolved still…” he muttered, “hey, Keahi, has anyone in your family evolved yet?”
    Keahi turned back to make eye contact with the grovyle before shaking his head, “no, actually! We even have an evolution stone in Scorched Plains, but it still hasn’t reactivated yet…”
    “Evolution stone?” Tsuki repeated, “I am afraid that I’m unfamiliar with that.”
    “Oh! Evolution stones are these crystals that appear in some areas, usually caves, that help with evolution! Some pokemon even need them to evolve, so there are some pokemon that carefully harvest smaller rocks to sell for those that don’t have on in their area,” Keahi explained, “usually they are only for certain types, but there are some that work for all types!”
    “But other pokemon can still evolve naturally, correct?” Tsuki added.
    “Yeah, but even here it can be pretty rare,” Alex responded, “I evolved naturally, but I haven’t met anyone else who has aside from my parents for one of their stages each. For the other they still had to find a grass stone.”
    “Pokemon used to be able to evolve naturally more often, but that changed in the last hundred years or so!” Ceebee chimed in, “if I had to guess, in another century or so, everyone will always have to use the stones.”
    Alex shuddered, “let’s hope not.”
    Makuhita was not just standing outside of the dojo as he usually did. In fact, there was no sign of him in the area; at first. Just as they were all considering whether they should yell or knock, the door opened, and Makuhita came outside with a stack of flattened boxes, which he set in a bin before turning over to greet the group.
    “Hello there everyone!” Makuhita hummed, “sorry ‘bout that, I was just loading in some new equipment. I hope I hadn’t been keeping you all waiting out here for too long!”
    “Don’t worry! We just got here!” Keahi replied, “I… I had been hoping to practice my new rock smash attack, would you have anything specific for that here?”
    “You happen to be in luck! You’re not the first one to ask for some rocks to be added in here,” Makuhita chuckled, “for some, weights are ‘just too fancy’ for them. But you can definitely use some for breaking if you need to, just be careful yourself!”
    “Okay! Thanks, Makuhita!” Keahi replied.
    “No problem there, Keahi,” Makuhita hummed, “now then, how about the rest of you?”
    Alex dismissed Makuhita with a wave of his hand, “we’re just spectating for now, don’t worry about us.”
    “Alright there, just let me know if you need anything. Sorry to just greet and leave, but I’ve still got some work to get done with the new stuff I brought in,” Makuhita responded, “I can trust you all up here alone. Just holler if you need me for something, got it?”
    “Got it!” Edgar chirped, “thanks Makuhita!”
    “Anytime,” Makuhita said, turning back inside the building.
    The quintet followed the fighting-type in, stopping in the main gym area while Makuhita opened a door leading to the downstairs of the dojo. While for a moment the thought came up that they didn’t actually know where the aforementioned rock would be, it didn’t actually take that long to find where a large sized rock was stored. Alex dragged it out into the room, placing it out on the middle of the floor.
    “Alright, there we go,” Alex exhaled, brushing the dirt off his hands. “It should work out long enough for you to actually learn how to use the move, then we can either get another rock or just one of those sand bags.”
    “Punching bags,” Keahi corrected.
    “Sand bags,” Alex insisted.
    “Just start kicking the rock,” Tsuki sighed, laying down by a wall and resting her head in her paws.
    Keahi shook out his feathers, “alright, alright. Give me some space then.”
    Shrugging, Alex headed over to where Tsuki had settled herself and crouched down beside her. Edgar and Ceebee were quick to follow, hovering around their two friends while they watched Keahi from their spot by the wall.
    “Pst, shouldn’t we sit on the bench?” Edgar whispered, his eye shifting attention to one of the wooden benches sitting against the wall nearby.
    “Doesn’t matter,” Alex mumbled in response.
    Keahi scuffed his feet on the flooring, shuffling in place as he prepared himself for his first attempt. Starting to learn rock smash with an actual rock was risky, considering if one failed, they would just be running into stone, but it was the way his family had learned and he wanted to learn the same way.
    Gathering up the courage to make his first attempt, Keahi rushed towards the rock. He tried thinking back to the other attacks he had used and how that felt, and to whenever Nelvana had used brick break. For the speedy torchic, it didn’t take long to get close enough to strike the immobile object. Hesitation struck first though, and when he swung his foot around to kick, it barely tapped the stone.
    Without a word, he spun back around to walk back to where he had started so that he could try again. He had known that this wouldn’t work after just the first time, so he didn’t feel to discouraged about this. All he had to do was make sure not to hesitate this time.
    “Let’s go, Keahi! You can do this!” Edgar cheered.
    He smiled back at the duskull before sprinting back towards the rock again. This time, he made sure to remind himself to hit with full force. That thought process worked out in keeping him from hesitating like the time before, but he almost wished that it hadn’t because he hit the rock with the full force of an ordinary kick instead of one powered by a fighting-type move.
    Keahi inhaled sharply in pain, but did he best not to show it as he crawled back over to try again. Perhaps he was kicking wrong? Or perhaps it wasn’t the right fighting spirit. Unsure, he decided that he would like to try stomping on the rock instead. The attack never specified kicking, so as long as he hit it properly, it should work.
    For the third time, Keahi ran over to the rock that still sat in the center of the gym. Instead of kicking it this time, he decided to try his plan of stomping of it, so once he got close enough, he sprung upwards and landed one foot on top of the rock. Unfortunately, this yielded no new results, and Keahi had to hop off of the rock to try again.
    “Perhaps you should ask Makuhita for fighting-type advice,” Alec suggested.
    “I can do it on my own!” Keahi called back sharply, “this is only my fourth try,” he muttered as he prepared himself to try again.
    “Should we have made him start with the punching bag instead?” Ceebee whispered, glancing over at the others. “I’m worried that he’s going to hurt himself doing that.”
    “We do have healing berries,” Tsuki murmured, lifting up her head only to stretch out one of her paws in front of her.
    “Alex,” Edgar began in a hushed voice, floating closer to the grovyle. “Do you really think that something will go wrong in that mission?”
    “Gengar is bound to mess up somewhere,” Alex scoffed, “it all depends on if he can manage not to drag Nel down with him.”
    “That’s not a very positive way to think about it,” Edgar replied.
    “I don’t trust him,” Alex responded courtly.
    The light of Edgar’s eye flickered, almost as if blinking, before silently he turned away to watch Keahi’s practice again. At this point, he seemed to be able to focus enough energy to start a light glow around his foot, but it wasn’t damaging the rock yet.
    “Tsuki, are you doing alright?” Ceebee asked.
    Tsuki blinked slowly before turning her gaze over to Ceebee, “this headache should have gone by now… it’s draining me.”
    Ceebee’s expression softened, “do you know what it’s about…?”
    “Do you need a nap?”
    “I’m not tired. Just… drained.”
    Ceebee offered her friend a small smile, “well look, if you need us to do anything to help, we will, alright? I hope that headache passes by you soon.”
    “Thank you, so do I,” Tsuki sighed, resting her head on her paws again. “It hasn’t focused itself on a specific even yet, so I hope that it might just be an ordinary headache.”
    Keahi shook out his feathers and sore feet again. He was getting somewhere; he could feel it… or at least he hoped. He had never used a fighting-type move before, it already was a lot different from any of his other moves, and the descriptions that he was hyper focusing on from Nelvana didn’t tell him as much as he wanted. Either way, he did seem to be making some sort of progress. There was a crack in the rock now.
    “Alright, here we go again…” Keahi whispered, taking one last moment to prepare himself before sprinting forward.
    As he ran, he readied himself for the moment where he would actually attempt to kick the rock again. A slight white glow began growing around his foot, and right when he spun around to strike, the glow disappeared and was replaced by a stronger, orange one. Keahi hit the rock with as much force as he could muster, and the satisfying sound of a crack filled the room as the rock finally broke in half.
    Tsuki’s head immediately shot up, her eyes wide with more than just surprise and her claws scraping the floor. Ceebee looked from Keahi to the rock, double-checking where the sound actually came from before her face spread into an excited smile. Alex sent over a proud smile and a thumbs up. Edgar spun around it the air and let out a cheer before zooming over to Keahi.
    “You did it! I knew you could! Look! The rock’s even in half now! That must have been pretty strong!” Edgar exclaimed, continuing to spin around the torchic.
    “Good job!” Ceebee called over.
    “Thanks guys,” Keahi giggled, “I was bound to get it right eventually. I have to admit though, I’m actually pretty tired from all that, ha…”
    “We can always take a break if you want. Maybe you could stand to have an oran berry smoothie,” Alex responded, standing back up.
    “That sounds like a good idea!” Keahi agreed, “we can just clean up here first, and maybe if there are some missions on the board now, I can keep practicing out on the field!”
    Ceebee nodded, “nice plan! Hey Tsuki, you can get some more missions done! Maybe that will help keep you mind off… of things,” she began her excitement dying down as she actually looked at the absol, who was still frozen staring blankly at the wall. “Tsuki? Are you okay?”
    It took a moment for Tsuki to respond. At first, it seemed that she hadn’t even heard what Ceebee had said; just numb to the world around her, still staring ahead with wide eyes and with bristling fur and claws doing their best to dig into the solid ground.
    Then, she did react. By jumping to her paws with a yelp and sprinting outside, forcing her way through the closed door with her body weight. She stumbled a bit from this obstacle, but then continued running off in her frenzy.
    Ceebee disappeared from sight, reappearing at the doorway and beginning to fly after Tsuki. Edgar followed suit, zooming into the ground so that he faded into the shadows. Alex sprinted directly after the absol, dropping to all fours and following through the open door. Keahi stiffened at the suddenness of everything, but gathered himself and quickly followed behind everyone else, deciding to take the time to close the door behind him, knowing that he wouldn’t be able to catch up in time to make a difference anyway.
    Alex’s natural speed managed to surpass everyone else despite any head starts or shortcuts, and without thinking, he threw himself in front of Tsuki to block her path. She barreled right into him, but he managed to hold his ground and didn’t crumple onto the ground. Fortunately, this action seemed to stop her panicked escape without needing to restrain her, and she stood in place; staring down at her shaking legs and panting.
    With this, everyone else managed to catch up, and carefully gathered around their friend, trying to do their best not to startle her despite not knowing what had caused this to happen in the first place.
    “We… We have to do something! It! It’s- they!” Tsuki stammered, tossing her head upwards again and shifting in place, as if she was about to try bolting again.
    “Tsuki, Tsuki, it’s okay… can you try taking some deep breaths?” Ceebee instructed softly, slowly making her way beside Alex in front of Tsuki.
    “N-No!” Tsuki yelped, desperation ripping through her voice in a way that was normally unheard of from the absol. “We have to stop them! W-We…”
    “Did I do something wrong…?” Keahi whispered, glancing at each of his teammates with a worried look of teary eyes.
    “No, it’s isn’t… not that, not you…” Tsuki mumbled in an almost far-away voice, now stumbling back and forth in place. “The mission! Their journey! We have to stop it! Bring them back!”
    Edgar flinched, “w-why?”
    “Someone’s going to die!”
First [ARC 1]: In which the human is transformed First [ARC 2]: In which a present is prepared Next: In which the forest of ice is explored Previous: In which the mountain of fire is explored
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spamela-hamderson · 5 years
This is random but I’d love to know!What are some of your favourite smaller/underrated robron scenes?? 💕
thanks for the qn, sorry I took 47 years to post this!! they’re not all are strictly robron, i got carried away oops
when aaron lost spamela and robert was like “let’s just buy another pig and hope for the best.”
that deleted car scene before they go to sandra’s and how robert didn’t give aaron a chance to get stuck in his own head too much but also wasn’t pushy about it.
aaron drinking orange juice and watching robert’s life with chrissie fall apart in front of him like the petty mf he is. an icon.
this isn’t underrated, i know, but the moment they kissed as legal husbands during wedding 2.0 and everyone clapped and cheered is very special cos that’s what it’s like in my brain every time they smooch and tbh, personally, I would like ed to slap that cheer track onto every kiss. That’s the kind of respect their love deserves.
whEN ROBERT GAVE AARON HIS LAST BREATH. POETIC CINEMA. Except ok it only seems underrated cos it’s so dark and is probably a nightmare to gif.
when angel called robert pathetic and he was like “!! omg!!!
that 1st time robert had seb at the scrapyard and was Struggling and he’d completely cluttered aaron’s desk with baby stuff while leaving his own spotless and aaron didn’t even bat an eyelash
when they were moving robert back into the mill and aaron did his ‘yeah, we should ;) start upstairs ;) why don’t you come ;) up. i’ll help ;) ;)’ face. what a slut.
“precious, is it?”
that whole scene is art ok. rob’s not even helping aaron carry shit, he’s probably spent the whole day flouncing about with his design catalogues, complaining about aaron’s inferior taste, and watching him lift heavy things from behind. what a life.
“I’m just super sensitive about these things ever since I found out my brother had slept with my wife the night before our wedding day.” I mean, wow.
that time during the break up when robert came over to get his phone that he secretly stashed accidentally fell between the cushions and lingered for so long and kept looking back at Aaron all hopeful.
the doughnuts stacked under their wedding cake
that time robert called alex a coward for not fighting for aaron and alex was like “he’s not over you :(” and robert looked like he was barely holding back a sob, fuck, he had to stop and breath for a sec so he wouldn’t immediately break
actually, since we’re already at the xmas episode, when aaron leaves the room after they toast to being bffs and you can hear robert start to cry
oh and aaron fully crying literally 40 seconds after he walks into the room. THEY HADN’T EVEN SAID ANYTHING SAD YET. DID HE JUST START CRYING COS LOOKING AT ROBERT HURT HIS HEART OR SMTH?? WTF IS HAPPENING HERE
the sugdens bringing christmas to robert’s sad little hospital room and making him smile holds a special place in my cold heart
that one time aaron checked his messages at work, and was like “bitch u thought lol” and muted them.
when aaron laughed at robert searching for porn on cain’s phone cos he thinks his bff, robert sugden, is the funniest boy in class
the fact robert didn’t know adam wasn’t actually a murderer but helped him go on the run anyway cos that’s what you do for your best friend’s other best friend I guess.
robert’s super stressed out dancing at the chrobert wedding
that time joe brought his car to the garage while aaron was there and insulted him and then aaron was like ‘well, your hair doesn’t complement your face, so 😎’ ??? ?
EVERY TIME THEY DO THEIR HUSBANDLY NOD OF SILENT COMMUNICATION but special shoutout to the one pre-proposal 2.0 cos I still don’t know how robert knew what he was agreeing to. Is the volume on aaron’s phone just that high?
OH when aaron showed robert liv’s original graduation present and rob laughed cos his husband is hopeless but he finds it endearing anyway cos actually they’re both hopeless, fuck them tbh (also the way the scene cuts to the bear was funny as hell)
and how cute is it that they arranged a quick little meeting outside wishing well just so aaron could show him the gift in the first place? I mean he could’ve just sent a pic but noooo, any excuse to meet up f2f in the middle of the day even though they share a home and a tiny office space and are practically on each other all day every day. I love them.
every time they individually, and as a pair, try to hide
every time aaron tells robert to shut up in his ‘teenager with a crush’ voice
aaron stroking robert’s arm every chance he got, through the entire ‘rebecca goes missing’ storyline
plus robert dramatically marching off with the pram after yelling at everyone in the street
aaron’s bashful shrug at the cemetery when robert tells him he couldn’t have done this without him
when aaron joked about seb emailing robert and then immediately shook his head at himself like ‘ok the accent thing was hilarious, i’m a comedian, but babies sending emails? that’s just silly, what was i thinking.’
The pre-shooting scrapyard scene. I know who I am. (trash.)
that time they planned to go to a music festival together as exes? cos that’s normal.
robert straight running from aaron post liv’s alcohol poisoning when he realises liv’s told him what happened at HF
post ONS prison scene when aaron walks in with his depression scruff and immediately keeps trying to lock eyes with robert cos he’s so sorry and he needs robert to know and robert can’t look at him cos he feels guilty as fuck AND EVERYTHING IS AWFUL
reunion no. 1 cos I’m a heathen and only recently realised how good it was
them blatantly flirting in front of lawrence and chrissie at HF cos they don’t share a shred of shame between them
aaron not even caring that he got caught staring at robert at the bar, he just carries on staring like an insane person
actually also aaron looking around vanessa’s head so he doesn’t, for one second, lose sight of robert
robert’s sad-dancing once he notices aaron
robert making it a point to place aaron’s pillow back on the sofa after the surrogacy fight and that just annoying aaron even more
aaron’s face after he gets robert to agree to go to the surrogacy meeting with him cos he knew the soft “do it for me uwu” thing would work
“What have you done, Aaron.”
that time robert, fully serious, told a widow that she had it easier cos at least her husband was dead
also that time robert dramatically pushed finn down and yelled at him after seeing aarex at the pub (and then did a bunch of other insane things)
every time they’re not on for a week or more and then one or both of them enter through a door, i dunno, it’s a thing, i have a problem
aaron making sure robert knows that his mouse trap making skills have improved since he was a kid cos he’s a dork and wants to look cool? in front of his husband i guess?? anyway, he’s cute.
aaron thinking robert listening to ‘cheesy teen pop’ is sweet
the fact we narrowly escaped them being orange people in the ONS reveal scenes
that time robert ran belle over with his car and then the dingles thanked him for it
aaron and robert planning to propose on the same day? in the same fucking way?? ? they live in their own romcom world, istg
the porsche taking it upon itself to run out of gas since neither one of these idiots can be trusted to propose otherwise
actually just the v impt v crucial v real role cars play in this relationship. i will shut up about the ot3 when i die.
the first time they saw each other after xmas 17, and kept smiling at each other in a very best friendly, non in love manner
aaron being SO ANGRY about having to choose alex over robert
rip alex tbh
aaron going to his mum’s to steal her beer instead of just buying some even though david’s shop is nearer
robert being so proud of aaron for how he handled the boxing thing with jason, like he was fully in awe of him i CAN’T
that time robert was just innocently talking to aaron after he so kindly agreed to watch seb and alex came in like aHA! YOU SNAKE, I KNEW YOU WERE UP TO NO GOOD. and robert was like “:O but no but i’m a real boy now, i would never!!1” Meanwhile aaron’s playing dumb and not saying shit cos he knows he bailed on his boyfriend so fast to hang out with his ex and his baby
the lodge scene, it is pure, unfiltered comedy and deserves to be celebrated more (also paddy is the only one who has actually witnessed their insanity multiple times and survived. he’s powerful.)
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ralfstrashcan · 5 years
3x18 Reaction / Commentary
Anxious feeling of imminent doom in my gut? Check. Skipping breakfast in favor of running to my laptop like a starving person? Check. Chances of surviving this episode with my sanity intact? Uhhh.... Well here goes nothing.
But one more thing before we get started (Does anyone wanna get out? Yeah, me!!!! Okay sorry.)
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Who's this mysterious “Alex” person?? A new player on the board???
Alright alright, I'm stalling, I know. It's weird, last week couldn't pass quick enough but now I really don't wanna click the play button... okay anyway you're probably not here to read my angsting, so. Deep breath and here goes.
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In terms of putting my nerves at ease this is working out pretty good. I love Becky, okay, and her sibling ship with Simon and the Sneak Peek made me real happy and I can't wait to see more of those two together (especially considering this'll probably be her last appearance on the show). So, yeah Team Lewis! (Also that comment about them and Clary never missing a Halloween together? I need all the kid fics!!!)
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Lol dude I mean you literally died for knowing about it, but sure, make an understatement XD Also, “all the way from Florida”??? Last thing I knew about her she was lying in a hospital bed a week ago (aka 3A)? When did she get released? And relocated? I missed that???
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:D :D :D <3<3<3
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Queen Izzy :))))))) btw those kids had seriously lacking survival skills if you ask me. That wasn't normal, right? And where were their supervisors??
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Effing f-i-n-a-l-l-y.
Also, Magnus with the deflecting again as soon as he's recovered just the tiniest bit is both painfully ic and also just painful </3
Ugh, can you believe Clace entered the Malec scene even though they must have felt it was a bad time and deranged it with their flirting? Unfair. In any case I agree, Clary was always and will always be an idiot XD haha okay sorry, I don't really mean that (only like, 83%) it's just the setup was too good to pass it up ;) I mean even Alec laughed at Jace calling her an idiot so I'm well within my rights to do it, too XD
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Thanks, Alec, for sabotaging the one shot at open communication you had. I mean, I want to believe he does it because he realizes Magnus is back to his deflecting self and prodding will get him nowhere, but uhm, could he try for longer than three seconds before giving up? Is he really gonna let Magnus off the hook so easily and do something stupid and reckless instead?? *sigh* BUT ALSO HIS FRAKKING FACE OKAY I CAN'T
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“Back from the Plot Fold”
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Alec “Tact” Lightwood looooool
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“Bitch I worked on this performance for centuries how dare you”
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sdfshfsjdkfjsdf I love the way he talks okay. Exquisite. (Also he has a birthmark on his lip. It's really distracting. Am I implying Asmodeus is hot? Maybe. You can't prove a thing.)
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............................................................your self-confident didn't make any progress since season 1, did it, Alec? *sigh* I mean he's basically agreeing with Asmodeus that this is what will happen if their situation doesn't change.
Okay what is structure, let me just yell my impressions of this scene at you. 1) Both of their acting is stellar. Love all the little body language cues, especially Asmodeus's mocking facial expressions. 2) “Return what you stole” and Asmodeus protesting it because clearly he had a “fair deal” with Magnus. 3) Alec breaking eye contact whenever Asmodeus lands a hit (“One he already regrets.” “You make him vulnerable, weak.”) 4) The fact that Alec protests the potential-line with “We love each other.” I was confused at first but when you think about it Alec says that they help each other access their full potential by loving each other and that's a beautiful sentiment. 5) Of course then Asmodeus lands another hit with “Then I'm afraid you will be the death of him” and Alec is back to looking away.
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Thank you, Alec, for not being a total idiot.
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“...or else the deal is off.” Obviously. Thank you, Asmodeus, for not being a total idiot either.
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.........did he just nod? I knew I was right making that 'total' italic, implying he's still somewhat of an idiot XD
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sooooo pretttyyyyyyyyyyyyy
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And I can't believed Clary missed Luke so much she visited him in prison a total of 0 times.
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Look I'm weak and I dig the Jace-Luke-father-son-in-law-dynamic.
Also can we take a moment to appreciate the fact that Alec is able to function as Head of the Institue even though he has to make the hardest decision of his life at the same time?? Just saying. Guy knows how to handle his shadowhunter responsibility. If only he was as capable in handling other things and omg this is not an innuendo you naughty people, I meant emotional intelligence goddammit.
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I mean, he's not wrong? The way he cares about her is uniquely twisted, so.
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.........................is Alec having 2x12 flashbacks? Because I sure am.
Hmmmm always admiring Clary's screaming skills :)
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*sigh* I mean she didn't just SAY intense pain for a short while? Why am I even bothering.
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The scientist has spoken lol.
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1) They had a whole underground basement full of tons and tons of that serum, right? If those are all made up of nanoparticles then I really really wonder how big the Glorious splitter was that they extracted the serum from. Since, you know, that whole stash was supposed to be enough for the Downworlders all over the world. Wtf 2) I guess “self-destructing” that basement is gonna come back to roost them and they need to recover the original sword to eliminate the Evil Rune, right???? haha
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Asmodeus wrote: Hurry up pretty boy, our deal isn't on the table forever ;)
I'm actually impressed Jace remembered to ask Alec about the proposal. You get some more diligence starlets, Jace <3
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OMG ALEC ARE YOU SHITTING ME ARE YOU SHITTING ME ARE YOU SHITTING ME *sigh* I mean, those two situations are obviously totally comparable, right? I for my part am, again, having severe 2x12 flashbacks, where Alec asked Jace's council about something that Jace totally wasn't equipped to answer. *SIGH*
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And I guess Jace isn't suspicious because of Alec's super suspicious behavior, right?????? Ugh.
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The sad part is, Alec will probably see that as confirmation that he should go through with it because he doesn't want to be selfish. So while yay, Alec seeking council, he does it in the worst way possible :( at least I got some parabatai feels out of it :/
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On the one hand I'm glad she sees it that way* on the other hand this is clearly supposed to be the influence of the rune, so that's kinda undermining her statement and making it even less credible. Thanks, show.
*Yes he was a victim, no he still carries some responsibility for his actions because free will is a thing and he's had some time on earth where he wasn't exactly coerced by anyone. Manipulated, yes. But he's aware of his agency and he should have used it better. I get that I'm asking for a lot here, maybe too much, and circumstances were always against him, but I'm also not absolving him of all his crimes.
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Magnus deflecting because that's what he does. God forbid a scene that could be about him actually ends up being about him instead of a side pairing I couldn't care less about. *sigh*
Also, I'm not exactly sure if Magnus really thinks Alec thought being around Maryse could help him, or if he just said that as another means to deflect because honestly, the way Alec suggested to Magnus he go to Maryse was more the here-go-see-your-babysitter-approach than anything else, especially because he basically cut of the conversation they where having before Clace interrupted. *SIGH*
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“My lips are sealed.... especially about my issues ¯\_(ツ)_/¯”
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!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SEELIE QUEEN IS QUEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Is this.... actually......... a scene with Alec and Izzy???? HELL YEAH
Okay, words. First off, I LOVE that Alec spills all the beans, and to Izzy, the one emotionally capable Lightwood. I mean, yay Jalec and all, but it's an universally acknowledged truth that Lightwood Men seem to be pretty unable to handle their emotions in a productive way.
Second off, the music playing in the background? Is the one from the Malec Breakup Scene from 2x18. Yay mood reference, I mean. Thanks for that lovely detail, show. (Hahahaha I don't even know if I'm sarcastic or not because it's so witty but on the other hand it's just cruelly twisting the knife like r u for real man give me a damn break.)
Third off, I love basically every line of this dialogue. The fact that Alec (or anyone really) FINALLY acknowledges that Magnus gave up his powers and saved Jace for Alec. Alec's argument: “Magnus sacrificed everything so I could feel whole and now I have the chance to do the same for him.” Also that wording, “a chance”? Not an obligation, not a repayment of a dept. A chance. Because he loves Magnus and this is his chance to fix it. (In his eyes at least, pssssh.)
And Izzy's intent “He wouldn't want this. He loves you so much.” So valid. And less biased (aka skewed by shitty self-esteem) than Alec's assessment of the situation.
Also this
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Ouch, just. Ouch. So ic.
Also this
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Izzy asking all the right questions. The way Alec looks away means “No” and the determined way he meets her gaze again after means “But that doesn't matter.” Very good scene.
(Honestly the only thing I would have wished for is that Izzy is a little more firm in her assertion that Magnus wouldn't want this and she like, tries to change Alec's mind instead of just accepting his decision.)
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hehehe :)
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The same time you moved to Florida apparently.
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hahaahahha <3<3<3 kick-ass sister material
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.........<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 this deserves so much recognition okay. Since we all know drinking away his problems is Magnus's No 1 coping mechanism. Too bad he'll be pushed into his liquor again by Alec unwisely breaking up with him at the end of the episode (because I daren't dream of a change of heart on Alec's side.)
Also is this the part where Maryse blabs out Alec's proposal plans??
Ugh yay, so after Maryse reassuring Magnus that they are all here for him I guess the breakup is just gonna get 5 shades uglier. Yaaay.
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Love that necklace damn.
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Obligatory Sizzy moment in front of Becky so she can call Simon out on it later: Check. Just glad this role doesn't fall to Raphael. (Also you bet your ass I chose Becky's line as a picture for this because I'm really that petty.)
Also omg, I just peeked into the German dubbing because obviously the Count von Count pun doesn't work because the words for Count and the word for counting aren't the same here and the guy is named Graf Zahl. And just skdjfslkdjfklsdjfkld Simon's line “That does sound really made up” is honest to God transated with “You're right, I just made him up” like oh my God who is in charge of translating this and why are they so incompetent honestly!!!!!!!! W H Y
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Lol that's gotta be the first time in his life that he called her Isabelle. Probably because she was slacking off during patrol.
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AAAAAND I'M WHEEZING AGAIN AHAHHA HER OFFENDED FACE Honestly the seelie queen and Becky should start a comedy spin-off, I'd be watching the shit out of that XD
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HAHAHAHAH HAVE MERCY XD XD XD Then again, can you blame Simon? Izzy is sooooo droolworthy.
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1) She's gonna let Alec, Jace and Clary (two and a half shadowhunters ahaha) take on a whole nest of demons alone? Instead of backing them up? Okay???
2) Why they telling them that??? As far as they are concerned Simon and Becky are civilians, not their parents.
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:)))) even Jace breaking out the comedy :D :D :D I approve
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Those are some nice wings. Not perfect, but very very nice.
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Okay, Parabatai Fight Scene!!! 1) Jace again with his axes, nice.
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2) Being sassy instead of, idk, picking up his weapons: Check.
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3) True dat, but uh, Jace, what was the plan if Alec hadn't shown up? Inviting Drevak Queen out on a date?
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4) I mean, why shoot one when you can shoot five, right? Good motto. But I still kind of want an explanation how two of those arrows could land in the Drevak Queen's head and the other three in her chest, like, what are physics anyway amiright?
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5) Shot meant to make Jace look heroic when really, since we earlier learnt that killing the Drevak Queen kills all her spawn*, this was just Alec doing Jace's work for him XD
*Uh, yeah what the hell is up with that. Chitauri Genetic Defect or something? *sigh*
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*Feelings of terrible foreboding intensify*
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Look, I agree. I just don't think Maia could really comprehend / accept that so fast (and off-screen) because ugh reasons, too tired to repeat myself again *waves hand unhelpfully* but whatever, I can accept this. I made my peace with it.
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1) Last time I checked those cells were secured with a combination lock thingy.
2) Thanks Lanaia for sabotaging Sizzy, I'll be sure to send you a gift basket (or, if what I think will happen happens, some flowers for your grave lol).
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*snorts* Reminds me of Hannibal who was always making cannibal puns at people and no one noticed XD Also, her knocking Jace out was really dumb? I mean, he wouldn't have stopped her from saving Jonathan because, uh, that's saving her own neck, too. And if she'd portaled them both to the cell she could have disposed of him there way easier, locking him up – since apparently she didn't plan to kill him, and that nice straightjacket would have kept him from alerting the other Shadowhunters way longer than that pipe over the head. So, wholly unnecessary. I mean, in a way it's nice to know that Demonic Clary isn't smarter than Regular Clary.
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Dude she's literally wielding a spear, how dumb are you.
Aaaaaand there goes my order to the nearest funeral wreath shop XD
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Look I have questions (which, okay, I should have asked sooner but what even is continuity right). When that weird gratifying wing dream sequence started I thought it was Clary tapping into the rune connection and it was the real Jonathan communicating with her. When Jace entered the play field it was clear at least some part must be fake because Jace sure as heck wasn't unconscious / in trance at the time and later didn't give any indication that he participated in some creepy contest for Clary's affections. But now Jonathan is surprised by this, too? He, too, was a product of Clary's imagination? I have so many questions, first of all, why the wings? And the really cheap back-white-symbolism? Also, why did Clary feel so drawn to Jonathan if this was all in her own mind? Was it the influence of the Evil Rune? Does the Evil Rune have a user interface that's shaped to look like Jonathan? Does that mean Jonathan has a Clary-shaped interface??? I need answers.
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Ugh. Let's make this long and painful, shall we.
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Let's not talk about the fact that the thought, Alec could mean anything but a break together from everything that's been going on, doesn't even cross Magnus's mind because no. Noooooo. I'd rather talk about how absolutey awesome both of their acting is. For Alec I really like the way he moves his eyes, like the gaze darting around alternating with the rigid stare. For Magnus, uh, everything, just like, his whole face is perfection?? Yeah, that works.
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The way he interrupts because he just needs to get this over with as quickly as possible.
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Dammit, he does this eyelid dip here, it's not a blink, it's just his eyelids twitching down for a second because this is like a slap in the face. And then he turns and takes a step away because his instinct is to run from this because what is this, this can't be
“Is this about last night? Because I'm going to quit drinking.”
Magnus “forever apologizing for being an 'inconvenience'” Bane, final installment.
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Dammit, his face. And again with the deflecting, trivializing his feelings, anything to keep this conversation from going where he thinks it's going.
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*EYE ROLL* Sorry but you don't get to play that card after being effin obtuse for 7 episodes, Alec. Nope. Nope.
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Magnus, his usual walls rudely ripped away. He has no chance but to admit how shitty he's feeling. And if it wasn't for the circumstances I'd say “yay, finally some communication” but well.
“Fine. I'm in pain,” he says, and Alec turns away, breaking eye contact for a moment because the final confirmation is too much for him for a moment.
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I love that Magnus doesn't deliver this line meekly. He's worked up, sure, but there's also a confidence when talking about their relationship. Breaking up is an unrealistic concept to him in that moment because it's so absurd. It's not fixing anything so why would it happen? Makes no sense. *insert weeping sounds*
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Brutal and efficient. Very ic.
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Damn how does even his blink convey so much vulnerability??? (Somewhere Lexa is nodding approvingly.) (Also why didn't I find gif sets of this :c)
“You said there's nothing I can do to make it better.”
There's an audible difference in his voice, because this part is true and he's not lying. The controlled monotone isn't there anymore. This is his real despair in the face of not being able to do anything to help Magnus.
“It's not your job to make it better.”
Again, if this was a constructive conversation it would be a great step in the right direction. But sadly it isn't, and so this is too little too late.
“Well, what am I supposed to do? Just stand by and watch you suffer for the rest of our lives?”
Alec is still speaking the truth, and this is his motivation to go through with it. Because a) he believes what Magnus said about never being happy again without his magic (sidenote, he didn't, in fact, say that, he said it might never pass (meaning being affected by the magic loss) and he's not happy at the moment, which isn't the same as he'll definitely surely never be happy again without his magic, but whatever) and b) he's sure he doesn't mean all that much to Magnus. He's his current love, but that's about it. Nothing special, not worth leaving such devastating traces in Magnus's life and he certainly doesn't mean as much to Magnus as Magnus means to him. And especially from that second part stems his gravely false assessment of the situation which in the course of consideration leads him to the conclusion that breaking Magnus's heart will hurt less in the long run than him not having his magic. There's also the fact that be probably didn't think about how him doing this to Magnus will confirm every last insecurity Magnus ever had about not being lovable, because I can't believe he would have gone through with this if he'd thought of that. Or at least, he would have been visibly more torn about it, maybe even talked out of it by Izzy, etc. But it's ic for Alec not to think like that, because in a way I guess he loves Magnus too much to really understand that Magnus has these doubts. And Magnus mostly playing his vulnerabilities close to his chest isn't working in his favor here either.
“This isn't you. You're not this selfish.”
This is what I mean. If Alec was less convinced that he's doing the right thing this line might have shaken him out of it. Honestly, I half hoped he'd object this, consequentally incriminate himself and Magnus would catch on that something was going on. But ofc that didn't happen.
The spark line, just. Ouch. Again, very clinical and minimalistc. The way Alec stares, his voice back to being monotone, the way he clenches his jaw. And then his work here is done and he's ready to leave.
It only gets worse from there. Magnus, frozen in disbelieve because this can't possibly be true, and then he starts begging and it breaks my heart every single time okay. To see him reduced to this desperation is just cruel.
I still can't help but note the way Alec readily turns around before Magnus has competely turned around himself. I think he was on the brink of giving in.
The way Magnus holds on to him, hands fluttering over his arms, shoulders, cheeks. The way Alec can't even look at him for the barest second, eyes closed, breath going heavy. Magnus's everything. Just kill me now.
And let's not talk about their kisses and Magnus's whispered words because no. There's nothing to say to that except perfection. Intense, top notch emotion portrayal on both parts.
Then Alec pulls away (how???? gotta admire commitment and an iron will when you see it but boy is it misplaced) and Magnus's hands tremble because this can't be happening, this can't possibly be real.
Note that Alec doesn't look him in the eyes once because he knows if he did, it'd all be over. Also note the look of utter betrayal on Magnus's face. It's not just hurt and heartbreak, it's betrayal because this is what this is. Alec promised him something, made him believe that he could trust in him, in them, and now he's going back on his word.
Well, this was fun, let's never do it again.
Look, I don't have the nerve for this anymore, so I'll keep it short and in no particular order: - Asmodeus is ass powerful and manages to distance-summon himself, yay, nice to know that the one time a shadowhunter doesn't act stupid and impulsive it still doesn't pay off. - Asmodeus killing pissed off warlock lady was both obvious and unnecessary. - His smile is creepy. - “My son needs me.” MY ASS - He still needs to support himself on the back of the chair because he's a weak bitch hahaha.
Conclusion: *sounds of despair*
I just watched the 3x19 promo and.... they're really gonna end Malec on a train wreck this season, aren't they?? Oh God. They hoped they'd have a forth season to work through it and that's why they served themselves with issues and second helpings of extra issues, and since s4 isn't a thing we're gonna get an unsatisfying as hell 2x20-style resolution in the finale. God please say I'm wrong but like. Arrgghhhh.
(Also, credit where credit is due: “Before we get started, does anyone wanna get out?” is the line from Captain America in TWS before the elevator fight.)
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exyjunkies · 6 years
how the light gets in
Written for Andreil Week, day 5: stadium lights | read on ao3
→ In which Neil thinks it’s a good idea to come back. Andrew agrees – after all, it’s not as if he’d be going back alone.
“You know, in all the years I was here, I never actually did this before.”
Andrew hummed, letting himself listen to the wistfulness in Neil’s voice.
“That’s because you were too busy playing until your tiny junkie heart was close to giving out.”
He felt Neil squeeze his hand lightly, acknowledging the tease. On a blanket that Andrew had the foresight to bring, they were lying down in the center of Palmetto’s Exy court, staring up at the bleachers, at the plexiglass walls and ceiling. Every stadium light was on, showcasing the full orange-and-white of the court.
Andrew had been iffy about the idea of lying down in the middle of a court they used to play on, but now, he didn’t mind it one bit.
It was Neil’s sudden burst of nostalgia that sprung this into an idea – with the both of them in the US Court, they barely had any time for anything but the present. No going back on old memories, no planning for the future. There were many demands that came with playing for the national Exy team, so they vowed to spend this vacation not focusing on these demands.
(Most of which, Andrew had to admit, were not his cup of tea. After years of being on the national team, he can (kind of, sort of, to some extent) admit that being a goalkeeper is a lot more bearable than before, but he did not live for the celebrity lifestyle. Neil, of course, thrived on being able to play Exy and that alone. So on some level, they both did not care for the fame.)
Their head coach had allowed them to take a few weeks off and go back to Palmetto State with the promise that they take a few pictures and post it on their social media accounts for good PR. He had specific instructions for Andrew to post at least something, simply because his being inactive wasn’t going to stick as his reputation forever. Their PR manager, Alex, had been flooding their phones this morning, despite Andrew’s warning that annoyance will not be tolerated. Neil, thankfully, had put a stop to this by posting a picture of Andrew out on the balcony of the Columbia house.
As expected, their fans had received the photo with gusto, with some famous Exy players from other countries wishing them well, along with a few comments pouring in from the other Foxes themselves. Andrew hadn’t asked to be tagged in the photo, because he had decided a long time ago that notifications were annoying. Still, it wasn’t avoided that Neil showed him all the ones he thought he’d find amusing. Of all the feedback, the only one Neil replied to was Aaron’s thumbs up emoji – he had typed in a “hopefully u still recognize him when we get back” and hit send, ruffling Andrew’s hair lightly after he did so.
Now, Andrew turned his head a bit to stare at Neil, blinking a few times to check if he was dreaming. The striker had an awestruck look on his face, as if he was seeing the Foxhole Court’s lights for the first time. Realizing he never got to see Neil’s actual first reaction to seeing PSU’s court for the first time, Andrew quietly observed the softness of Neil’s smile, the way his other hand was pillowed under his soft auburn hair, the calmness in his breathing, the movement of Neil’s thumb up and down his forefinger as they held hands.
Rolling his eyes, Andrew turned his head back to the lights. He did his best to channel the blush on his face back to the bottom of his system.
“Oh, shut up.”
Beside him, Neil laughed, a genuine one, full of life and promise, and Andrew felt his heart skip a beat. Hearing Neil laugh, like really actually laugh was the breath of fresh air he needed all along. All these past weeks, Neil had been missing something, and Andrew heard it in that laugh. That stability. That contentment. That happiness.
Then, Andrew felt Neil remove his hand from his. He frowned a little at the disappointment that he felt well up inside of him. Neil propped himself up beside Andrew, a questioning look on his face.
“Yes or no?”
Andrew raised an eyebrow. He put an arm under his head to prop himself up a bit and shoot Neil a look. “Really? Here?”
Neil rolled his eyes, the smile not leaving his face. He poked a finger into Andrew’s hip. “Dummy. Just answer the damn question.”
“God. Fine. Yes.”
Shifting nearer to Andrew, Neil wrapped an arm around Andrew’s torso and nuzzled his neck. He lifted a leg and put it over Andrew’s legs.
Into Andrew’s neck, Neil murmured, “Mmm. Better. Not quite what you were expecting, huh? You horndog.”
Andrew scoffed at the implication. Still, he moved his other arm up and over Neil, prompting the taller man to move closer. Instinctively, he started playing with Neil’s hair. There was no way he was ever going to tell Neil, but Andrew always thought he looked good with any hair color, even after he found out Neil’s original hair color was auburn. It was both a blessing and a curse.
“You’re not always one to cuddle, anyway.”
“This place is sacred. Wouldn’t think of doing anything un-sacred in it, ever.” Neil punctuated his ever by poking Andrew’s cheek, withdrawing his finger at the exact moment Andrew tried to bite it. “Too slow, asshole.”
Insults as terms of endearment. In thinking that it wasn’t possible for him to love this man even more, Andrew is once again proven wrong.
Closing his eyes, Andrew thought of everything that has lead up to this point. From his freshman year of college, back he knew nothing about what he was going to do with his life, to his life now – his ninth year as an Exy goalkeeper, his fifth year with the US Court, his third year as a pet-owner, his eighth and counting year with Neil. What Andrew felt about it all was inexplicably heavy, as if he couldn’t believe just how much had to happen for him to get here.
Understandably, Andrew didn’t like thinking about how life was before Neil. That part of him was safely locked away in a box in the corner of his mind. The nightmares about past trauma are now few and far between. Every once in a while, he remembers punching Neil out of the bed, or being woken up by Neil shoving a hand up his pillow to check for a gun. It was alternating between Neil sporting a black eye, or Neil waking up in a sweat because he was so fucking scared. Now, after years of experience have led to him being used to waking up and having Neil still asleep beside him, not an empty bed because Neil had to go sleep on the sofa.
He wondered if this was how Aaron felt about Katelyn all those years ago. If this was the feeling he was so against, if this experience was what he majorly disapproved of before and after his sobriety. The time he flew to Arizona to talk to Aaron about this flashed through his mind.
Are things with that cheerleader are still ongoing?
Andrew. You know this. You know we’ve been married for— for God knows how long.
I know.
Then why are you here?
For confirmation purposes.
And what are you confirming, exactly?
The existence of the both of you in my universe.
Aaron’s jaw had dropped a little. Then (and Andrew will never, ever let himself forget this) he had actually grinned. It was a weird twin thing, because now Andrew knows how he’d look like if he ever smiled with teeth. Afterwards, the rest of the conversation was more of Aaron forcing Andrew to apologize to Katelyn, but Andrew had strongly refused. He had felt like he had done enough character development that day.
(With enough of Aaron’s insistence though, mending things with Katelyn had come a little later.)
Andrew was jolted out of his train of thought by Neil’s lips lightly pressing against his jaw. A kiss, but not quite. Still, Andrew felt the sensation throughout his whole body. It was almost enough to make him shiver.
“What, Neil.”
“Your thinking is very, very loud.”
“And you’re rude for interrupting.”
“Care to share with the class?”
“What class? I only sense one very, very annoying student.”
Neil smiled against his neck. He kissed Andrew again, this time long enough for the action to register itself into Andrew’s system twice over. “And what about it?”
“Hmm. How about I get a head start on that very unsacred activity you were planning on avoiding.”
Sex on the Foxhole Court would be uncomfortable, not to mention embarrassing if they were caught, but it could work. The logistics wouldn’t be difficult for the both of them. And if Neil was in the mood, then—
“Maybe later. I’m sleepy.” Neil mumbled, pressing another light kiss to Andrew’s jaw. Andrew heard the fatigue in Neil’s voice, and it was enough to make him a little drowsy.
“Mm. Go ahead.”
“But you have to tell me about,” Neil paused, as if thinking about which words to use, “about your thoughts.”
“It’s not anything you don’t already know.”
“It’s also obviously not about me being pretty, so…”
Neil trailed off, forgetting to complete his thought. The moment passed, and Andrew gradually felt the both of their heart beat in sync. The lights above them seemed to be a little dimmer, and, while Andrew wished he had the more advanced foresight of bringing a pillow, he didn’t think there was any other place he’d rather be.
Then, Neil trailed his hand up, up, until he was holding Andrew’s face softly.
“Nothing bad, I hope?” His whisper held the slightest tinge of worry, loud enough to reach Andrew’s ears. Andrew felt Neil’s fingers caress his cheek a bit, and Andrew felt something tighten in his chest.
Even after Andrew put all his defenses down, Neil still had it in him to be careful. No matter how strong he acted, Neil saw through the act each and every time. He thought about how nobody else would ever treat him like this. About how he would never have this with anybody else. It scared him a little.
Okay, maybe it scared him a lot.
“Oh, ‘Drew,” Neil said with a little bit of urgency, sitting up and holding his hand on Andrew’s cheek. Which had ended up being a little wet by Andrew’s tears.
Andrew can’t even tell when he had started crying.
“It wasn’t anything bad, I swear,” Andrew replied, sitting up too, taking Neil’s hand off his face and drying his tears on his sleeve. He had been overwhelmed. That’s all.
Neil, ever the worrywart, wasn’t convinced by it. “You sure?”
The worry in his tone was enough that Andrew wasn’t sure. “Yeah. I just—”
Pausing, Andrew gave the opportunity what it deserved and took in all that was around him. The awareness was calming, a steady hand to hold. There are always going to be moments like this, he realized. He closed his eyes, stilled himself, and opened them again. With this, Andrew looked at Neil, as in really looked at him, and saw him for who he was.
“I was just,” he began, and Neil prompted him by holding his hand, “thinking about life. How much has happened.”
Then, after taking a deep breath, Andrew continued, in a bit of a rush, “How I never got to thank you.”
Neil exhaled and shook his head, the relief enough to wash over Andrew himself. Then, he took Andrew’s face in both hands and put their foreheads together. Neil closed his eyes and cleared his throat a bit.
“Well, we have the rest of our lives for that now, don’t we,” Neil murmured, and after Andrew closed his eyes and nodded his reply, Neil curled a hand around the back of Andrew’s neck and put his lips to Andrew’s.
It seemed like every kiss with Neil was something Andrew needed to catalog. There were heated kisses, and playful kisses, and short kisses that said see you later, and kisses that led towards something more. This one, though. This one was more special than all the others. It was close-mouthed, chaste, but in that moment, it was everything. 
And for a brief moment, Andrew saw their entire life together flash before his eyes.
Andrew hitting Neil with a racquet in the ribs. How Andrew saw something in Neil despite being drugged to within an inch of his life. How Andrew seemed to hate Neil, and Neil had actually hated Andrew for a bit, because of what he did at Eden’s Twilight. The hatred that wasn’t really quite what Andrew thought it to be. The trauma that both of them had already gone through, still coming back to haunt them. Andrew and Neil recognizing that what they had was a-thing-but-not-really-a-thing. Andrew and the Foxes almost losing Neil. The Butcher dying, and Neil making a full recovery. Riko getting shot in the head. The Moriyamas giving Neil his life in exchange for money. Andrew and Neil graduating PSU. Sir Fat Cat McCatterson and King Fluffkins. The US Court. A whole lifetime together, ahead of them.
It was the full-blown realization that a lot of their life together was like that: not really the whole experience, but everything anyway.
 Andrew kissed back, enough to tell Neil what he couldn’t really say, and let himself go.
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cobwebcorner · 6 years
Scarecrow Week Day 1: Fears and Phobias
It sounded like the opening of a horror movie: a nervous young man dashing down a narrow alley on a dark and stormy night, his coat collar drawn close around his face, eyes wide and shifty. This was a part of town you wouldn’t want to walk through even in the middle of the day, the kind of place even the police wouldn’t venture without a full SWAT team behind them. Three months ago Daniel wouldn’t have come anywhere near this neighborhood even if you paid him. Desperation was a powerful motivator.
The alley appeared to be deserted. Rain collected in puddles with soaked garbage and an unsavory looking dark red-brown stain which splattered up the side of one building. Daniel swallowed and averted his eyes before the sight could fully register. His hands shook from something other than cold.
This was why he was here, he reminded himself. Alex wanted him to get better, and the story he'd told, while sounding like a bullshit urban legend, was the closest thing to hope he had had in months. And that was what led a helpless young man down a filthy alley in the middle of the night: hope, one of the most insidious forces in the universe. If Alex hadn’t been his best friend since 3rd grade, he’d think the man was trying to get him killed.
Halfway down the alley, he found the door with a little crow carved near its handle, just as Alex had said. Daniel took in a deep, bracing lungful of rancid alley air.
"I-I need..." his voice cracked. He tried again. "I need therapy!" he announced to the alley.
A cat jumped out from a pile of boxes at the other end of the alley and slunk off.
"I need therapy?" His voice rose to a questioning squeak.
Silence, except for the patter of rain and the distant commotion of the city. And then--footsteps. Not from the door, from the street. A figure rounded the corner, a man-shaped silhouette backlit by the streetlights. He walked with slow, steady purpose, and the object in his hand glinted like a blade.
Something else rustled the mound of cardboard boxes, though the cat was long gone.
Daniel backed up against the door. His heart pounded in his chest. Trapped between the known threat and the unknown danger, he stood still and trembled, certain his life was about to end. The whole enterprise had been doomed from the start, and he should never have left his apartment.
The approaching shadow froze as if petrified. The glint dropped from his hand, and he turned and ran. Just then the young man noticed the hiss of breathing behind him, and the cool air brushing his back instead of the door. He turned around.
“The Scarecrow is out of Arkham,” Alex had told him.
The Scarecrow was aptly named. Daniel had read the newspaper articles and seen the TV reports, yet none of them had done the costume justice. He really looked like he’d been stitched together by a morbid farmer somewhere and had crawled right out of the field. He held a scythe in one hand, and wore a gas mask underneath a wig of straw and a broad, floppy hat.
The stories were real, and now that he had gotten what he wished for, Daniel almost wanted to have the man with the knife back instead.
“Sorry to keep you waiting. Please, step into my office,” Scarecrow spoke in a low rasp, distorted by his mask. He stepped to one side and gestured with one long, lean arm for Daniel to enter. His nails were at least an inch long, and filed into points.
The Scarecrow led him to a cramped room with two chairs and an examination table straight out of Frankenstein. Daniel eyed the table’s thick leather restraints with misgiving, but the Scarecrow did not direct him to sit there. Instead, they sat across from each other in the two chairs. The supervillain exchanged his scythe for a notebook.
“First, what is your name?”
“Daniel Mayfair.”
He scribbled this down.
“And what are you hoping to achieve through our time together?”
“Well. You see, I’m a med student up at Gotham U. I’m studying to become a surgeon. But--I--I’m afraid of blood.”
He waited for the usual incredulity and mocking. ‘Why become a surgeon if you can’t stand blood?’ they always asked. Yet the Scarecrow made no comment, only wrote some more in his book.
Daniel had been so certain he could overcome it. With enough exposure, with time, he thought he would stop feeling sick at the sight of blood. Yet, it had only gotten worse. Thousands of dollars of student loan debt later, he still came out of most classes a trembling, hyperventilating mess. It was lucky he hadn’t fainted yet. Maybe it was stupid of him to press on as he had. Yet, why should he have to let one stupid little phobia prevent him from becoming what he had always wanted to be?
“I can see why that would be a problem,” Scarecrow said. “So, you wish to rid yourself of this haemophobia?”
Daniel nodded sharply. “I don’t have the money to pay for--” he began, and snapped his teeth shut before the words ‘a real therapist’ could slip out. “To pay for treatment. My roommate told me that you gave out therapy for free, in exchange for volunteering as a. As a test subject.”
“It’s a sad state of affairs,” Scarecrow mused. “Wound a poor man’s body, and there are a handful of free clinics that will treat him. But, if the wound is in his mind? The only way to get free mental health care in this town is if you’re labeled a danger to society.” He pronounced the last three words with mocking incredulity. “I do try my best to help.”
“He said you’d treated a friend of ours. Justine?”
The Scarecrow consulted his notes. “Ah, yes. And how is she around yarn these days?”
“She’s taken up knitting again.”
“Good. Very good. I don’t get the chance to followup with my patients very often.” He settled himself in his seat, one ankle resting on the opposite knee, looking for all the world like an ordinary therapist and not a man dressed in the contents of an agricultural dumpster. “Let me clear up one point of confusion. I won’t be asking you to serve as my guinea pig in exchange for us sitting here and discussing your parents. The therapy and the experiment are one in the same. My methods are very experimental, you see, and so we will both be getting what we want out of your treatment. First I have to ask, do you have any heart conditions or prescription medications? Allergies, maybe?”
“Just hay fever.”
The Scarecrow made an odd snuffle-snort noise. “You’re absolutely sure you’re not on anything? You said you were a med student. I should warn you, amphetamines have a very dangerous interaction with some of my formulas.”
“I’m not on-- I mean, I know there’s a stereotype but I never--” Daniel flushed, his gaze dipping to his shoes. He couldn’t force the lie out while meeting that penetrating gaze. “....I can’t afford them anymore.”
“Ah. In that case, let’s get started. It is my belief that the best way to get rid of a phobia is to confront it in such a way that the mind has no choice but to conquer it or break. To that end I created my infamous fear toxin, for which people accuse me of being a sadistic madman.” He scoffed.
Daniel was inclined to agree with those people, not that he would say so out loud. “It really works, though?”
“Like any therapy, that depends on you.” The Scarecrow stood up and gestured to the examination table. “Now, sit here if you would.”
Daniel cast the table a wary glance, looking for bloodstains that weren’t there. “I think I’m good where I’m at, thanks.”
“You must be restrained. The risk of self-injury is too great otherwise.”
He had been afraid of that. His fingernails carved nervous half-moons into the arms of the chair. Again and again he reminded himself that Justine had come out fine, and surely he would too, as long as he gave the Scarecrow what he wanted. Daniel hadn’t come this far by being a quitter. So, he complied.
He had a long time to contemplate all the foolish decisions that had led to this moment while Scarecrow fastened him to the table. Putting oneself at the mercy of a supervillain was a stupid move no matter the reason, one that could only end badly. “Here lies Daniel,” his gravestone would read, “he went to the serial killer who scared half a dozen people to death and asked, ‘can I have some of that please?’”
What else could the world expect from a man who wanted to become a surgeon despite a crippling fear of blood?
“I’m not going to die, right? And I won’t go crazy?” he blurted out. The straps had all been tightly fastened around his limbs, and Scarecrow was tinkering with something he couldn’t see.
A syringe appeared out of the corner of his vision, its contents glowing poisonous green, its needle no smaller than a 10 gauge.  Steadily, it approached his neck.
“That, too, is up to you.”
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sickficprompts · 6 years
Connie is Sick
A fanfiction for the webseries All For One on the KindaTV youtube channel. This piece takes place after season 2. 
Shoutout to the anon who requested an All for One fic! I know it’s been a while, so I hope you’re around to see it :) I’ve been struggling to write recently, and I’m so grateful that you gave me a prompt I got really excited for. Hopefully, it’ll lead to more and better content going forward!
Words: 2484 Pairing: Donnie (Connie as sickie and Dorothy as caretaker) Fandom: All For One (webseries) 
“I told you to take a break.”
“I don’t need your sarcasm.”
“Don’t be a douche canoe.”
“My stomach fees like a douche canoe.”
Dorothy frowned at Connie. The girl was paler than normal with a pink flush across her cheeks. Her large eyes were tired. She was curled in a bad under a mass of blankets, shivering.
“Are you sure you want to go to class?”
Connie rubbed her eye and continued typing with the laptop laying on its side leaned up on her lap. “Have to turn in this essay.”
“You need to take a break.”
Her phone rang then. She closed her bruised eyes, and I passed it to her from the purple ottoman. She swiped to answer.
“Hey, mom.” Her voice was more energetic, happier… fake. “Yeah I’m good. Yes, I know there’s a bug going around. I’m being careful. Yeah, I’ve been taking my vitamin C. No, I’m not going to miss classes. I’m-“ She hesitated for a partial second to wince. She wiggled and held her stomach as she continued. “I’m getting ready for class now. I have to go. Okay. Yup. Love you too. Bye.”
She hung up with shaky hands, dropped the phone, and curled in on herself. I climbed into bed behind her and pulled the blanket tighter around her knees. I fit my hand in under her’s so I could touch her stomach through the fabric of her dress. I felt how tense it was, and felt it move as it growled again. Connie moaned.
I rubbed careful, light circles. She curled more but didn’t shrug me off.
“Does this help?”
“Mmm…” It sounded pain, but calm.
“Poor, Connie… I think you need a nurse. Good thing I’m a doctor!” I waited. She said nothing, so I finished. “A love doctor!”
“Dorothy, I feel really sick.”
I frowned. Connie sounded scared. “Uh, okay. What do I do? Do you want me to get the nurse? Or-“
“No. I have to go to class. I can’t finish my work like this. I won’t be able to concentrate. I-“ She sucked in a breath and squirmed, crossing her arms over her stomach.
“What is it? Hurt? Or are you gonna puke? Should I get the trash? I didn’t take it out yet… Oh! I have a takeout bag.”
Connie moaned weekly.
“Do you need the bag?”
She coughed once and covered her mouth with a fist.
I scrambled out of bed and got the takeout bag. “If you need it -uh- it’s… I put it beside the bed.”
She went limp and took a deep breath. “Can you get my ibuprophin from the bathroom? I think I have a fever.”
It was very warm laying with her. I put a hand on her forehead. “Shit, Connie! What the hell?”
She winced. “Can you try not to yell?”
“Sorry. Right. You shouldn’t go to class. You’re really sick. Maybe we should go to the Minute Clinic or something.”
“I’m fine. It’s just a bug. That wave passed.” She leaned up on her elbow to work on her homework.
I thought for a second but grabbed the meds anyway. She swallowed them dry.
“Don’t you want some water?” I asked. My voice was surprisingly unsure.
“I don’t think I could keep it down…”
“You can’t go to class.”
“I have to.”
I hesitated… before sitting at the desk and opening the inseparables stream.
“Hey inseperables.”
I could feel Connie glaring behind me.
Laura: Hey!
Alex: Hi!
“Anyone else here? We need a team effort?
Ales: On what? U ok?
Breton: I’m here! I was shitting.
Laura: Ew. TMI
Alex: Everyone ok over there Dor?
“I’m fine,” I said. “Connie-“ I was interrupted by a coughing fit. I turned to see her folding in on herself. She knocked the laptop off the bed. I rushed over and sat her up as she coughed, both arms wrapped tightly over her stomach.
The fit passed and she gasped for breath and moaned.
“I- I’m okay,” she said. “Go back to the inseperables. I’ve got homework.”
Alex: That is NOT ok
Laura: You’re gonna get sick! But also you have to take care of her?! WHAT DO??
“Connie wants to go to class today,” I explained. “Fever. Nauseous. Coughing fits like this all the time. Back me up guys! She can’t go, right?”
Laura: I get it, but it’s still not a good idea. Connie, you could get hurt.
Breton: once i got a fishing hook stuck in my hand, but it wasn’t my writing hand so i went to school
Laura: WTF Breton?!
“See? They agree!” I said, turning back. “Well except for Breton. But he doesn’t count!”
Breton: Hey! I went to the ER after classes!! But she’s supposed to do homework after classes…
Alex: shut up! Don’t remind her!
Laura: What would her parent’s do?
“Probably kill her, but that doesn’t-“
“It’s two o’clock,” Connie said. “I gotta get out of here.”
Connie stood, and quickly grabbed the top bunk with wide eyes.
I rushed to her as she swayed. “Connie? You okay?”
She went limp, and I caught her in time to lower her to the mattress again.
Eyes fluttering. “Gotta go… No time…”
“I’m not letting you leave now.” I looked at the computer. “She’s awake.” Then back at her. “You need to rest. You can’t go to class. You’re too sick.”
“Havetoogo….” she murmured.
“No, Connie. You’re not going anywhere.” I adjusted her so she was in a more comfortable position on the bed. She shivered, and I put the blankets over her again. I fluffed the pillow, and I moved the laptop far out of reach so she couldn’t get it back. “You rest.”
“Well you’re gonna.”
I sat at the computer the chat had been going without me.
Laura: Lay her on her side so she doesn’t choke on her tongue!
Laura: Wait… that’s for drunk people…
Breton: Is she dead? Fuck, i thought my ship would sink in the normal college sweetheart way…
Laura: Okay, I googled it. Water, fever reducers, and cool cloth NOW
Alex: Welcome back, Dorothy! Update please??
I smiled sadly at the webcam. “Connie fainted. Probably from the fever. She won’t be getting up for a while… She’s conscious though. Er, I think.” I glanced back to see her blinking blearily around the room. “Mostly.”
Laura: You need to bring the fever down!
“I know, Laura. I’m going to. Maybe I should just update you guys later. I think I should take Connie to the nurse. Or… maybe take the nurse to Connie. But I don’t know if I should leave her alone.
Alex: I don’t want to catch it. Not babystitting!
Alex: But I see if the nurse is in and bring her over.
“That would be such a huge help, Alex! Thank you!”
Laura: I’d help too if I was close enough.
Breton: If Connie dies, can I have her dresses? I wanna start roleplaying.
Alex: Headed out now. Stay on the stream so I can just come back on if she’s not there.
“Will do,” I said.
I got up and went to Connie. Her eyes were heavy and drifting shut.
“Hey,” I said, sitting on the edge of the bed.
“Heyyy….” she mumbled.
I reached out and stroked her hair. She was burning hot and sticky with sweat.
She closed her eyes when I began stroking her.
“Is it nice?” I asked.
I continued stroking her hair and picked up one hand to kiss before putting it gently onto the bed. Slowly, Connie fell to sleep.
I got up and grabbed a facecloth from my drawer and checked the computer before I left. Laura and Breton were arguing about the ethically of Breton asking about Connie’s dresses. I went to rinse the cloth, squeezed it out into the bathroom sink, the cloud water feeling freezing in comparison to touching her forehead, and brought it back to Connie.
Before I put the cloth on her, I tucked her in better. I knew the cloth would feel cold, so I at least wanted her to be comfortable. I laid the facecloth gently over her forehead and eyes.
She flinched with a noise of surprise, then relaxed again.
I stroked her hair until her breaths became even again and went back to my computer. Still nothing from Alex, though Breton had given into Laura’s persistence.
“Okay, guys,” I whispered. “I think everything’s under control now. Hopefully, the nurse can come by.”
Just then, someone knocked at the door.
I opened it, instead of yelling. Treville stepped in, followed by Alex and the nurse.
“We have a sick sister?” Treville said, sounding genuinely concerned.
“Yeah. Connie. She’s been coughing, has got a fever, and has been really nauseous and having stomach pain. Not sure if there’s any other symptoms. She was trying to go to class like this when she fainted… I didn’t want to leave her alone.”
“So I helped,” Alex said.
The nurse looked awkwardly to Connie, and I realized she likely wouldn’t wake the sleeping student herself. I went over and shook her shoulder a bit. “Connie?”
She jumped and pulled the cloth off quickly. Her eyes darted from person to person then back to me. “Dorothy?”
“Yeah, it’s me. How are you feeling?”
“What’s going on? What time is it?”
“Do you remember what happened?”
“What do you mean? I was doing my homework. Must have drifted off.”
“Connie…” I was feeling kinda scared now. “You fainted. You would’ve hit your head on the bed frame if I wasn’t there. You’re really sick… So I called backup.”
She looked the others in the room. The nurse stepped forward. “Hi. I don’t think we’ve met before. I’m Nurse Holly. I was asked to come check on you. Would that be alright?”
Connie looked around again and back at me. “Dorothy, what’s happening?”
“You’re sick. The nurse is here to make sure you’re doing okay. Treville and Alex are here to help.”
“Actually, I’m out!’ Alex said. “I’m not catching that!” With that, she rushed out of the room.
“Okay, Treville is here to help. We’re worried about you, Connie. We just want you to be okay.”
She still looked really disoriented. It took me a second to process what she might have been feeling, but when I did, my voice softened.
“You’re safe, Connie. You’re gonna be okay. I just need you to let Nurse Holly take a look at you. I want to know if we should just let you rest here, or if I should take you to a doctor or something. That’s all, okay?” I kissed her forehead, slightly cooler now, and turned to the nurse. “She had ibuprofen a half-hour ago, and the cool cloth has been on her forehead for only like a minute or two. I don’t think she’s eaten or drank anything in at least a few hours. Says she won’t be able to keep it down.”
Holly nodded and knelt next to Connie. “Hey, Connie. Can I take a look at you?”
Starting to understand the situation a bit better, she nodded. “Yeah, sure. It’s probably just a bad cold…”
“Okay, dear. Can you sit up?”
Connie did, with more effort than I’m sure she would’ve liked to admit. I glanced at the computer quickly to see a flash of Laura.
Laura: This is really scary… I hope Connie’s ok??
I bit my lip. Was it that serious? I’ve never seen someone faint before. I was kinda scared myself. I looked back at the nurse, who was now taking Connie’s blood pressure and heart rate, then her temperature, pressed on areas of Connie’s stomach, and finally looked in her eyes, nose, mouth, and ears.
She stood when she was finished and faced all of us. “The ibuprofen should’ve kicked in by now, but her temp is still at 101. 3. If it stays above 100 for the next 3 hours that the ibuprofen is in her system, or if it spikes above 103, take her to a doctor or hospital immediately. At that point, it’s definitely something which needs to be treated professionally. Her throat and nose seem inflamed but don’t look infected or suspicious in any way. She doesn’t seem to be having any emergency situation with her organs, but she needs to drink water. Her blood pressure is low. She needs to eat. If these things get worse or don’t change, bring her to a doctor.”
“Noted,” Treville said. “I’ll keep an eye on these two. Have any other cases been reported to you?”
“No, but most students don’t come to me unless they have serious questions… or want to try and get out of class for allergies or something.”
“Also noted,” Treville said. “I’ll get the word out in the house that girls should be updating you when they have symptoms so that you know what’s going on throughout campus.”
“Thank you, Jean. And, Dorothy? You’re a good friend.”
Right. Not in the mood to argue. Just let it go.
“Thanks, Holly. And thanks for making sure she’s okay. Should I be worried?”
“It’s probably just a virus. Just keep an eye on her to make sure.
We said our goodbyes, and Holly left. Treville e sat awkwardly on the purple seat. “You should alert me if one of you girls is ill. I don’t want anything happening to you.”
“Sorry,” I said. “Guess I didn’t know what to do cause it’s her info to share, and well…”
Connie was laying back in the bed, drifting in and out of sleep fitfully.
“Yes, of course.” Treville nodded with understanding. Recently, I’d learned anxiety was something she knew quite well. “How are you feeling, Dorothy?”
“Uh, me? Fine i guess?” Now that she asked, every fantom illness my brain could fathom started playing out in my head. I pushed it away before I could give myself fantom symptoms. “I’m fine.
“Well tell me immediately if you start feeling unwell. I can send a girl to take care of the two of you until you’re up for doing it yourselves.”
“Thanks. You probably shouldn’t be here either. You’re the president! You shouldn’t get sick.”
“True statement. I’m going to continue with my work for the day, but I’d like you to update me whenever you can.”
“You can always watch the live-“
“I don’t watch livestreams. Unedited content wastes valuable work time.”
I glanced at the computer.
Breton: DAMN
Laura: She’s not totally wrong…
Treville stood. “I’ll be going now. Good luck, Dorothy.”
“Thanks,” I said, watching her go. I looked back to a sleeping Connie then sat at my computer.
“So… okay. That just happened.”
Hey guys! Thinking about writing a part 2, but I’m not sure. Opinions? What did you think about this one? What fandoms do you want me to write for in the future? I wanna hear from you guys! :D
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