#or at least. my headcanon/au versions of 'em anyways
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transsexualunderground · 2 years ago
i really want to hear about sycorax!!!
Oooh aight aight!
This one is my DOTD AU, because, as much as I like bringin' back ol' unhinged D10, this movie's got some major flaws, yet major potential, too. And look, Percy's got friends other than Thomas.
Enter Sycorax, a slightly-pretentious, dramatic, artistic, silly little Shakespeare fan of a BR Class 12 that lost their wheels in an accident and got tiny little narrow gauge Co-Co bogies slapped on 'em. They work on the UHR, which, is a whole can of worms to explain on its own.
The UHR, or the Ulfstead Heritage Railway, is an absurd little heritage railway going in and around Ulfstead, and is linked up to the Skarloey via a long, straight, boring line with one water column in the middle (until a Little Caesar's is installed, long story). Not to be confused with the Estate Railway, as this was built using Mid Sodor track, and is basically me taking that portion of rail shown in Toby's Discovery and adding to it.
(And It Was At This Point He Realized This Post Would Be Very Long, Because Now He's Recapping the WIP Because He Is Convinced He Won't Finish a Script Version After He Finishes This Outline-Thing)
Anyways. This one's about Sycorax, who I've decided has a few different levels of envy (the closest thing to engine gender envy and envy of his claw, mostly) when it comes to Diesel 10, yet, also an intrigue and a desire to meet him. With a claw like his, you could do a multitude of things Sycorax yearns to do, and most of that boils down to creative endeavors.
So, this is a tale with D10 written a bit closer to his personality in TATMR (campy ridiculousness yet being genuinely menacing), with some splashes of his DOTD tendencies in there (the scheming! the manipulativeness! I think TATMR Diesel 10 is very capable of this, but I'll tap into DOTD D10 a little more for this, too.) Also, Splatter and Dodge are 'Arry and Bert Headcanon Antics. Because once, a friend of mine came up with the HC that 'Arry and Bert are Splatter and Dodge because model reuse. (Diesel 10 gets to call them "Barry" now instead of "Splodge." Seems like they had a competence upgrade in general but they can get silly with it, too.) (While I'm at it, I gave Pinchy its semi-sentience back.)
Now onto the actual plot, it follows quite a few of the beats from DOTD except with less of the friendship envy and fire antics (at least in my planning, I need to set up how we get to the fire in the climax).
Diesel introduces Sycorax to Diesel 10 at the Dieselworks, which now have narrow gauge tracks for Plot Reasons, Sycorax finds themself in sheer admiration of Diesel 10's claw and Vibes and his appreciation for the arts (see: that sculpture Pinchy made in TATMR. I like thinking he has a comical amount of knowledge about art, specifically sculpture, and also, @sudriantraveler's "Diesel 10 is a theater nerd" concept is an absolute blast) and of course that makes them a good pawn for all this, in a slightly different flavor to Splodge Barry, because part of this is keeping Sycorax in the dark about how shitty this is gonna be.
So D10 gets Sycorax aboard, and it's time to go steal a crane from the Steamworks. Who better to get into theft, though, than She Who Pranks, aka Forsythia, Sycorax's fellow narrow gauge engine! (She's a steam engine, which, IMO, makes this even funnier.) Sycorax doesn't fancy themself a thief anyways, they think they'd suck at it. So they promise that their affiliate would be more than happy to do this. She is. But then she proceeds to ask her coach Nicolas and some trucks to give her a bump of a lifetime to send her to the Steamworks. This isn't what Sycorax planned, and they have to drag her to the Steamworks anyways. (She isn't too happy about this because she's getting separated from Nicolas for this, but she can handle it.)
Sycorax brings Kevin around, and they suggest the diesels perhaps postpone the raid of the Steamworks until nobody's going to be there, but Diesel 10 is willing to take hostages. He's already taking the building hostage, after all. Sycorax is opposed, but is coaxed into going with it. See indented excerpt.
When they return with their stolen crane companion, Sycorax explains, “Apologies that took so long, Diesel 10, but my… affiliate, she stupidly decided to get to the Steamworks via being sent there to have damage taken care of, and I was sent to bring her there. The good news is, though, that I have brought this crane. Very important. Didn’t… you say something about storming the Steamworks earlier? Can the operation even wait until she’s done?” “We’ll just have to storm the place with her in it.” “We’re going to… what, now? Truth being told, I never did ask why we’re trying to take the Steamworks… What’d they do to us?” “Have a crane,” Diesel 10 says. “Your brevity truly is the soul of wit,” Sycorax responds in a way that’s hard to read as genuine or sarcastic. “Not really. We’re using it as a bargaining chip. We give the hat guy his Steamworks and whoever's in there back, and we get our better Dieselworks.” “...hostages, Diesel 10?” “If you don’t like it, you should’ve backed out with the cranenapping!” “That was willing on all parties’ accounts, Diesel 10! We can’t just take unwilling hostages! Albeit, knowing Forsythia, she’d love to be there amidst a takeover, but what about everyone else that’s there?!” Diesel 10 is annoyed that they’re questioning him now. “We’ll deal with them later. We’ll make sure they’re taken care of.”
They lead the charge, and all hell breaks loose. Sycorax sits back and watches in realization that this is... not a good thing at all. Diesel 10, instead of joining in the mess, hangs back for a bit to try and manipulate Sycorax a bit more. It doesn't really pull through, and Sycorax just says they'll... catch up with the others in a moment. Diesel 10 begrudgingly leaves them to their devices, and we get the moment that really shakes things up for Sycorax.
Sycorax does stay put for a moment, watching Diesel 10 as he goes off on his own... only to watch him start ripping things up with his claw. Sycorax realizes his claw is a claw of destruction and not creation, and after a lovely little monologue, they declare that they won't let this become a tragedy, and they go to think about how to right their wrongs.
But we get a cut to the absolute CHAOS happening down at the Steamworks. Forsythia got put into a crane and is just swinging around and spinning. This is the best hostage situation she's ever experienced. Someone explained what was going on to her and she just embraced it, as one does.
Enter Wesley, who is literally just a steam engine here to bring some stuff over really quickly. He observes the chaos, isn't sure what's going on, and needs to figure out where to put this stuff, so he manages to muster up a loud, almost commanding "HELLO THERE!"
Everyone looks at him like this:
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At least, they do until Syth swings down asking what Wes is doing here, explains the situation very casually (much to Wesley's bewilderment), and assures the others that he'll comply with the hostage situation nonsense. Everyone goes back to their business, and Wesley decides if he's going to be stuck here he may as well find someone to have a good conversation with. See indented excerpt.
“Cousin Wesley! Fancy meeting you here! Have you come to join the party?” “What party?” Wesley asks. “Oh, you know, the diesel takeover of the Steamworks!” “The… the WHAT?!” “Yeah, uh, now that you’re here, you can’t really leave, but, I’m sure it’s fine, because this has been the most fun hostage situation of my life.” "You know this guy, Forsythia?" a diesel asks. "Yeah, yeah, he'll comply with staying around for a while, I'm sure. The party's back on, everyone! Wooo!" She swings off and the chaos starts again. "Well, darn. Guess it's time to try and have a good conversation with… someone who makes alright conversation." Then it cuts.
Meanwhile Sycorax is still pondering how to fix this, so far from their own railway.
...and when we cut back to the Steamworks, Wesley and Paxton are having a nice casual chat about that time Wesley ran into some geese, before it's revealed his crew went to get the Fat Controller. Aw shit. Cue the model era theme!
He puts a stop to this nonsense, explains there were already renovation plans for the Dieselworks, 'Arry and Bert make some comments about how that kinda throws things for a loop (in classic Splatter and Dodge dialogue fashion) before D10 tells them to shut up, and he explains that there's just been a misunderstanding, and then Syth busts in with a "oh, so that's why you sent Sycorax to steal who then sent me to steal?" from above, much to TFC's utter confusion.
"Shut it, you two," Diesel 10 mutters before clearing his lack of throat and focusing on TFC again. "Then, clearly, there's been some misunderstanding here, I assure you. We don't even have a working crane back at the Dieselworks, we thought action was necessary." "Oh, so that's why you sent Sycorax who then proceeded to ask me for help stealing a crane?" Forsythia says, dangling from the 'bove. "Forsythia? Whatever are you doing up there?" the Fat Controller asks. "Having a good time, Sir, but that aside, Diesel 10 said he'd keep anyone who entered here by chance or was already here hostage as a bargaining point, so the diesels ensured I was safely within this. Luckily for me, this thing is VERY fun to swing around in. I'm… not going to get into too much trouble for this, am I?" "How come we never put the other one in a crane, then?" a diesel just offhandedly asked. "You guys were way too distracted by your shenanigans. Rookie mistake," Forsythia tutted.
TFC gets everyone back on topic, saying that he needs any accurate accounts he can get out of Forsythia and Wesley, he needs Diesel 10 to go bring back Kevin, and he needs everyone else to start cleaning up this disaster. But D10 ain't fond of that.
Diesel 10 approaches the Fat Controller with his claw. Snapping and snapping and spanning at Sir Topham, but he stands his ground. Pinchy keeps snapping, closer and closer until… it draws back. "Pinchy. Pinchy, buddy, you can't be doing this now. Why are you acting like you don't wanna do this?" Pinchy makes a gesture akin to shaking one's head and cowering back. "Pinchy." Then Pinchy hits Diesel 10. "I HATE IT WHEN YOU DO THAT!" Sir Topham gets himself out of harm's way in case Diesel 10 manages to get Pinchy to listen, but it’s more “out of range” rather than “backing away,” y’know? "Diesel 10. I need you to bring back the crane,” he says. "You want your dinky little crane back? Fine. I’ll give it back." He goes outside.
Cue Diesel 10 getting even more menacing.
We cut back to Diesel 10 heading to the Dieselworks. "Pinchy, I get it. Maybe you just need to warm up a bit before getting messy. And I know just the way to prove our point." As it's starting to turn out, it was never about the Dieselworks. It was about Diesel 10 wanting to abuse his power over others. "We'll let them have their crane back alive, or in pieces. Then they'll listen."
Leave a violent diesel and a clumsy crane in a place with flammable materials, and what do you get?
A fire, of course. Never quite sorted out how exactly it happens, but it does.
Sycorax sees the fire, startled. "Rails below and sky above… that's not normal engine smoke, is it? It's a lot bigger! There's a fire!" They and their crew kick it into high gear. Their aim is to see if they can do anything about it and then get help. Sycorax sees Kevin just staring at the fire in horror and snaps him out of it with a, "Kevin, what are you doing? You need to get out of here!" "Diesel 10's trapped! He was trying to get me with his claw, but then he started a fire!" Kevin exclaims. “There’s not much we can do except call for some firefighters. Come on, Sycorax, we must hurry," their Driver says. "There’s something else we can do!” Sycorax exclaims. "Kevin, go get help! Driver, there's a fire extinguisher in the building! If it's safe to get it, we can get Diesel 10 out even quicker!” And luckily for everyone involved, they can get to it because the fire hadn't spread to the front yet. The two rush into action, putting out enough fire to get to Diesel 10. Having realized there’s two tracks here, Sycorax’s driver has gotten a cable to tie these two together for a bit so Sycorax can pull him out of there in case he can’t move himself. He could’ve probably but… proactivity. "Sycorax?! Are you stupid? There’s a FIRE. What are you doing?" "Helping you. Kevin's getting the firefighters." "And you didn't just leave me for them to save?" "Every second counts in an emergency like this, that's why it's important to get out of it as soon as possible! You're lucky I even remembered the fire extinguisher that’s inside! Now hurry!” The two get out, and the fire crew of Belle and Flynn arrive. The two stay out of the way.
And then we get the final bit from this WIP, one I'm especially fond of.
“Thanks for getting me out of there, I guess,” Diesel 10 ends up saying. How are you supposed to react to someone saving your life? Nobody does that. Especially not when you're Diesel 10. “Let this be a lesson to you, Diesel 10. Your ambition could have been your downfall. I know this fire was your doing, and, goodness, you even tried to bring harm to Kevin! ‘Tis ironic that I found myself saving you after I had renounced this entire thing and wished to make things right, but that doesn’t change the fact that my opinion of you has changed drastically." We get a shot of Diesel 10's expression. This situation is clearly some sort of uncomfortable for him. "...and I shall let this be a lesson to myself, too," Sycorax adds. "'Tis not wrong to admire another's traits, but to idolize someone else without knowing their character? That would be my true folly, had I not realized it any sooner. They say never to meet your heroes, Diesel 10. I think I know why." "You speak like you came outta the sixteenth century," Diesel 10 complains, because cracking one-liners whenever shit goes wrong is kind of his thing. Sycorax half-laughs.
There's some Sycorax dialogue here and there in this WIP I'd like to improve, because they're a wonderful character that's in constant flux between using whatever's up-to-date in terms of words and random older terminology. I could definitely see them slipping into a "tis" and "thou" sort of mood during all of this, though, makes sense when you're getting morally contemplative.
So, yeah, that's Si:DoTD.
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branmuffins22 · 2 years ago
Moots said they wanna hear about WIPs and I feel like I gotta get this brainrot out anyways so HERE I GO
I've only got three projects I'm actively working on right now, all of which are Owl House fanfics, although I've got ideas here and there for other things (video games I might've made if I weren't so burnt out, ttrpg characters that might need their own goddamn settings and stories to themselves, a Code Lyoko fanfic, music (mostly loads of disconnected song lyrics), 3D avatars, etc).
The Owl House fanfics in question are three(-ish?) fold:
Theseus Who?, a mostly-canon-compliant 5+1 post-titanification headcanon compilation that DOESN'T just let Luz keep her titan form (mostly it's just a bunch of changes along the lines of when Hunter's eyes changed color after Flapjack saved him). - It's actually sort of a tie-in to another, bigger fic I'm writing that's gonna be point 2, so you can assume anything mentioned in this one will happen throughout the timeline of the next one as well. - I've currently already got the 5 written, so now I just need to buckle down and finish the +1, unless I decide to do another sweep of edits (I think the excessive parentheticals might be too excessive). - - I only started it like a week ago, and I've been waiting for motivation to strike again to let me finish it for like half that time.
Masha and the Very Normal Nocedas, a mostly-canon-compliant sorta-multimedia veesha longfic based on the dramatic irony of Masha slowly driving themself nuts trying to piece together what the Deal is with Luz, Vee, and the rest of the Nocedas. - by "sorta-multimedia" i mean its got plaintext segments describing the story, journal segments of Masha recounting events as they remember them and trying to organize their thoughts, chat segments when the characters interact over text, and possibly more if I feel the Need. - I've only outlined the three prologue chapters and the following intermission, only have snippets and vague ideas for scenes for the main bulk of the fic itself, and have only actually written two of the prologue chapters and the intermission. - - won't start posting it until I at least get the third prologue chapter done, so I've got a usable buffer. Hopefully that'll be sooner rather than later.
The Overthinker AU (or "The Artificer AU"? name is also very much a work in progress), a canon rewrite that I think I'll actually split into a bunch of shorter "episodes", so I can appropriately tag each one, rather than tagging one monolithic fic with Everything Under The Sun. The basic premise is "what if The Owl House, but there's more time", both in the meta sense of "not bound by the 20-minute TV episode format" and the diegetic sense of "the broad-strokes plot of the show will happen over a longer in-universe period of time" (though I'm a bit stuck on just how much more time I want to give em). - for the most part, I wanted to put more emphasis on Luz's magical development, and extrapolate a somewhat wider magic system out of what we see in the show, but I also want to go into more detail on how her actions affect those around her, even outside of all the friends she makes (stuff along the lines of the little things the crowd mentioned while protesting Eda's petrification at the end of season 1). - I'm almost (reluctantly) thinking of pulling a Grapes of Wrath with it, structure-wise, by having main plot/character development chapters alternate with shorter intermissions focused on magical exploration, worldbuilding, and so on. - this project is currently just the scribblings of a madwoman in my private discord server and three wildly unfinished fics in my google docs folder - - one of these fics is Something Like a Bible, which is essentially a condensed version of the entire broader project, boiled down to bare plot and occasional commentary. Like a series outline and a plot synopsis rolled into one, though perhaps not quite the series bible it claims to be. - - - honestly I REALLY aughtta work on this one some more, just so I can get most of the Big Ideas out of my head and share them with people. - - the other two fics are currently untitled snippets of scenes from the project, one a sentimental/instructional note from Eda to Luz, and the other sort of a ragefic twist on the ending of Thanks to Them. - this project is gonna include tons of ideas from and allusions to other fics which inspired it/me, such as The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled by IdeaHunter, All that's at Stake by The_Lampman, and Decorative by TheTokenAro, to name a few. - I could make a whole post about this project on its own (and in fact, I have before), talking about all the little changes I'd make, the developments I'd include, the more sweeping changes, the additional themes I'd toss in, and so on, but there are some I REALLY don't think fit well into the "rambling tumblr post" format (and/or just don't want to spoil yet), so I shall Abstain (for now :P).
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ashes-of-burnt-art · 3 years ago
i was in the mood to write pmtok so. have this thing w/ my Scissors (Saxen) and Handaconda (whom i’ve named Harlow). i have not figured out all of the details but this was the most solid thing i could come up with (i wrote this in. around 1-2 hours so idk if it’s my best writing but i should probably post my writing on tumblr more often pfft). i have a lot more stuff about these two in my mind than just this (but for context i will say that Saxen and Harlow have a sibling like bond and while they annoy the hell out of each other at times, they are very much inseparable). this is probably shorter than i thought
Saxen paced around the throne room's hall, her palms sweating underneath her gloves. When will he get back? He's taking too long. Just earlier, she had witnessed the purple streamer disappear - from the Sea Tower, if her memory served her correctly. But what she knew for certain was that Taniel had been the one guarding the streamer. Saxen thought of him as an idiot, but...he knew how to take care of himself, surely? Even if he's failed, he has to be okay. He can't be gone too.
She already heard about the fates of the other three members of the Legion - Jean-Pierre, Robin, and Holt. She still didn't want to believe that they were defeated, or that they were gone. They couldn't be, right? They were the Legion of Stationary, for goodness sake! There was no way they could be overpowered that easily.
However, the sight of seeing one of the streamers fall for herself was enough to strengthen that shadow of doubt that had cast itself over her head since she first heard of Jean-Pierre's defeat.
"Master Saxen."
Saxen jumped up at the sound of her own name - she whirled around to face Harlow. Finally. His clothes were slightly ragged, and the bandages wrapped around his hands were falling apart at the seams. Harlow's back, but... She looked over his expression - it was somber, an emotion that Saxen had never seen him show particularly much. Peeved? Sure. Livid? Definitely. Exasperated? Saxen just always assumed that was generally the case whenever he answered 'tired' or 'frustrated' for more than three days in a row. But this? It...wasn't something she was used to seeing. And it didn't help that he called her 'Master Saxen,' either. He never calls me by any of my proper titles.
She had to force the lump forming in her stomach to stay put. "Harlow. You never call me that, ever. What happened?"
A flicker of sadness shone in Harlow's visible eye. "I...I went to check on the Sea Tower, like you requested. T-Taniel, he..."
Harlow didn't finish what he was saying - he didn't have to. Saxen blinked a few times, feeling a few tears struggle to make their way through. That can't be true. He's not gone. He's not. He's just... As Saxen tried to come up with what she considered to be more factual, believable outcomes of the battle, she noticed Harlow slowly walking up to her. She lifted her head slightly, letting out quiet sniff.
"What have I told you about trying to sneak up on me like that?" she muttered, glancing away - it seemed to keep the tears at bay longer if she did so.
Instead of slinging back a sharp retort, Harlow just let out a shaky sigh and wrapped his arms around Saxen's shoulders. She was a bit startled, but quickly realised what was going on. Saxen was struggling even harder to keep the floodgates from bursting as Harlow started shaking a little.
"We're next, aren't we?" His voice was more of a hollow whisper, if anything. Bleak, hopeless, defeated...the very thing that Saxen could never imagine happening to her. To her friends.
"I know," she forced herself to say. She quickly realised it made no sense, but she didn't care to correct herself. It doesn't matter. We're guarding the last green streamer. Mario's going to come sooner or later. "We need to get ready for when he comes. Gather the Cutout Soldiers and Folded Soldiers. Send out the Sumo Bros to guard the entrance. Be prepared."
Harlow nodded, breaking away from her. "...And you, Saxen?"
"I'll fix your clothing and bandages up first, before anything." Almost instinctively, she reached for her duel blades sitting on her belt. A single tear ran down her cheek, stinging. "And then we'll make sure he pays."
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squidkid15 · 2 years ago
You know WHAT!? No, I will not let tumblr win! I’m sending this ask whether we like it or not, round three let’s screech like a banshee!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAA
a lil baby ask tho, I ain’t got the confidence for the long one no the citations die with me
So, the claiming marks from Hawk and your core au (and snapped but yknow, tis just a lil baby au right now) I’m not entirely sure how they work and I’ve been trying my darnedest
At first thought it was more of a passive thing, back when it was only on the cores themselves. More a magic transfer like ya said here, but a Macaque exclusive? Like only he could do it, or have it done to him since he had that rare core corporeal ability. But THEN they started popping up on the physical bodies
such as when Wukong is what I’m assuming is reclaiming over LBD’s ice marks with his own magic after her defeat? At least that’s what I’m catching from the more golden swirl off to the side, so then it’s not just something Mac adjacent and more “if you’ve got magic and intent it works?” And clearly it’s not something to be done lightly with how much pain Macaque is in while it’s happening soooo
That kinda leads me to my question which is what’s the purpose? More than cosmetic since it’s on the souls BUT also some of those designs look particularly artsy so did they get drawn on (matchy matchy) (Mac <I am LOOKING at those frosty white stars hmmmm> lookin so cool in his new colors) (boop) but also they can fade (from Hawk’s sick Wukong renewed broken marks design) and clearly a sign of, not quite ownership but a “they’re with me better know what you’ll get if you mess with em”? I guess!? (oop)
[this is absolutely core au propaganda]
And now SNAPPED!! HAVSISHDJS WHAT!? Clearly a mark of control Wukong put on MK, or at the very least something that screams he’s under Wukong’s thumb and hurting so like Implications!!
Basically what this is all getting at is Claming Marks ✨ if those links don’t work I’m going to cry
holy cow you went and cited your sources and everything goddamn!!!
points deducted because its not in MLA format.
Claims. (this got long so READ MORE GO BRRRR)
They're relatively new, Hawk and I only came up with them....uhh....a quick search in our dms & server and the earliest mention i can find is only about 2 weeks ago. They're...they're sorta what they sound like? A way to mark a "claim" over someone else, over their very soul.
It's only something immortals can do - any immortal. Mac has other special core powers but a claim & claim marks are for anyone with an immortal core.
They can have plenty of different purposes, some more neutral, some good, others...pretty dark. Generally and historically (and the way we use them MOST in the AU) is as a sign of trust, a super close bond and a way to cement it (not inherently romantic). A king and a trusted warrior, for example. :) They're largely for the message it sends and not usually for any practical reason. More of just an honor. Wedding rings, sorta? But not inherently romantic, like I said. They're mostly just a personal mark, because cores aren't visible other than to a select few people. Just a way between two people to cement a connection. Mac & Wukong's are particularly strong after being redone, so they can sorta feel each other? They can feel a general direction/location of the other, and can sorta vibe check each other through it. Get a vague sense of how the other is feeling/doing. Particularly any strong negative ones stand out most. (The bond can also be closed off/hidden from the other half but that's almost more suspicious and will just make the other half Concerned.)
Other claims have....darker...applications. LBD uses a version on Wukong in the show (Headcanon/retroactively making canon fit core) and also Mac later when we mess him up real bad. These being control claims, which...do what they sound like. Hers are especially ouch because she overwrote the former marks instead of making a new one (more on that later).
And yes, there is stuff in Snapped too. Wukong uses a stronger claim mark on MK to keep him close, it hurts if he moves too far out of the king's sphere of influence.
The carving of a claim (and that is the best word for it) isn't necessarily painful (though it can be) but it's not a comfortable experience. It is taking one's power and essentially forcing it into a place etched into another soul, which is going to be uncomfortable no matter how willing it is. A willing claim is just uncomfortable and sorta hurts, but it can get far worse. Mac and Wukong's first one was this. From when they were young and stupid and close, a regular willing claim they both wanted and carved into the other.
They can also be forced upon someone else, and this is inherently painful as the soul fights back instead of being open and accepting of the power (these are also usually ones with darker purposes, Wukong was on the wrong end of a couple attempts).
Claims can be removed (but never fully. The etchings will still be there, even if the power is removed) and can also be overriden. To take a claim and rip the power that used to be there out, and replace it with one's own. LBD does this, and it's a real good way to break someone. While all immortals can lay a claim, not every immortal can override a claim (particularly if the original claim is made by a powerful soul). It takes a whole lot more power and is inherently painful and much harder on a soul than a regular claim.
(The picture you linked with wukong reclaiming is exactly what you think it is. And even though this was a willing override, Mac's core is inherently very fragile after being twice shattered, and Wukong's core and power are so strong this takes a HUGE toll on him. There was a non-zero chance that Wukong overriding an already overridden claim would have killed Mac. (And they both knew that.))
Claim marks :)
All claims leave at least one physical mark, from where it was made the first time. From their first original ones when they were young, Wukong's is on his back like Hawk drew, Mac's is on his chest (under a bunch of scars :') ).
All claims have the one mark, but others can be made as well, drawn on like you guessed! The claims may serve a practical purpose but claim marks are just aesthetic. Be it a visible declaration of the claim (core mac & wukong) or a mark of ownership (snapped MK and the white snowflakes on mac). They can only be made by someone with a claim on the soul of the person they're marking, and can be added and removed whenever (but only by the person with the claim, hence why LBD's marks linger on mac. She never removed them). They're mostly drawn on, but there is also an element of souls having certain patterns. The gold swirls on mac Wukong drew, but the dots formed naturally. Similarly, mac drew the purple swirls on Wukong, but the wisps formed on their own.
Wukong's original claim mark faded and broke when LBD did her whole Thing (and also other stuff but mostly LBD). Mac's faded when he died and was resurrected, but never broke completely until LDB messes him up real bad in core.
Oh and last thing, people can claim and be claimed by multiple people. Multiple claims multiple claim marks.
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industria-adastra · 4 years ago
Fridays, gotta love em' (A continuation)
Low-key wanna write an actual fic to go with that idea but...headcanon format is low-key funnier so:
Talking about this fic -----
So the entire premise of "Fridays, gotta love em'" is pretty much some weird crossover/reverse isekai/dimension travelling
Basically I just wanted to see WMMAP Claude struggle with modern tech because my humor has devolved into this. Also I wanted to see how a modern LP-verse would work.
Now I think Modern LP Athy would probably get better emotional support? Because she's not exactly isolated in a modern equivalent of the Ruby Palace.
Modern LP Athy basically has a deadbeat dad aka modern LP Claude. Although she still has Lily taking care of her. In a modern LP verse, I'd guess Claude ignores his daughter in favour of his niece simply because of inability to move on from Diana-Jennette (Did I spell that right??) looks like Penelope, and I'd say it's easier to face the child born of your dead cheating girlfriend and your equally deadbeat dad of a brother (I still idk if Anastacius would be a good dad, but since this is a modern lp au he's not) than your own child who constantly reminds you of your dead spouse.
Claude provides funds for Athy's upbringing, education, etc. But he's not actually there for her. Lily and Felix are more like parents than this guy. (It's still pretty much emotional neglect though Claude.) He's more of a walking wallet than her Dad really.
Now Athy is brought up mostly by Lily, and Felix since there's no way to hide the fact he has a kid. So while she does grow up yearning for her nearly always absent biological father, she has a good father figure in the form of one (1) Felix Robane.
Later she moves out and gets an apartment of her own ig.
Anyways so back to the ACTUAL plot
Yes Athy here concusses the reverse isekai-ed wmmap Claude into oblivion with her door. Why? Because Claude passing out at least once is completely obligatory and needed.
So Athy hauls wmmap Claude onto her couch. Upon closer inspection, she realises this rando in her apartment is pretty much a carbon copy of her deadbeat dad. So Athy's thought process is basically:
My Dad??? Is in my apartment???? Dressed in robes???? Is he cosplaying why is he HERE
She ties him up and waits with pepper spray and a frying pan for him to wake up. A bit like that scene from Tangled where Eugene is tied up with Rapunzel's hair.
So when Claude wakes up he's basically like "where am I, why am I tied up and why is my daughter looking like she doesn't know me and what is she wearing wtf is happening." Also his magic isn't very stable rn because plot and he just got forcibly chucked to an alternate universe.
And when he opens his eyes Athy can now see that yup, this is defo her dad. (She calls him Father though, because like they say "Father is for emotional distance"). So she basically goes "Father wtf are you doing here (you deadbeat)" with an added "why are you cosplaying"
wmmap Claude has no idea wtf she's saying and is now lowkey sad he's hearing his daughter (*cough* lowkey emotional support child *cough*) call him "father" bc emotional distance. But then he's like wait what if this ISN'T my daughter
Ofc this Athy is technically his Athy, just an alternate universe version of her. So that gets resolved after a bit. Then this Athy learns that this is basically a fantasy AU version of her father. Except he's somehow an ok parent. Bit of angst there seeing as her universe's version is practically a deadbeat parent
But now we have one (1) overprotective dad aka wmmap Claude (sudden image of him collecting Athys like pokemon) who is technically a tech dino
So shenanigans: Claude inwardly freaking out over the TV. What is this glowing box with pictures. Advanced memory stone???
They end up sitting down and talking about modern day technology. Claude is pretty interested, so Athy brings out some of the books she has and they go over them. Claude seems especially interested in cameras/camcorders/the likes. (Instant pics without using a memory stone/hiring a painter? He's pretty interested)
Eventually Athy's gonna need to get some clothes for him. And since this world's Claude doesn't really notice/care about her and what she does, Athy has no problem using her Dad's money to buy this Claude some modern-day wear because let's face it, he'd cause a commotion wearing that robe-and let's not mention the commotion caused by his face and (partially exposed) body.
Claude likes the sweatpants and shirt combo. It's comfy.
Also back to wmmap Claude being an overprotective Dad: he grows to really care for this Athy-also, he can probably empathise with the daddy issues/deadbeat dad part, even if said deadbeat dad is technically him. So don't hurt his newly adopted sunshine child because I can't guarantee you'll live another day. (Sometimes he thinks of taking her back to his own dimension when finding a way back.)
But when he does, Athy won't ever go with him. Because no matter how much she grows to care for this alternate version of her father, she cares more for Felix and Lily. To her, they're her "real" parents.
So if this was a fic, the ending would be quite bittersweet I suppose.
Do I know what I'm doing here? Nope.
Might elaborate more/flesh out some more of this if I have enough time and the motivation to do so.
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lady-dinah · 6 years ago
Jason Todd’s Redemption Arc, cuz DC sucks shit and can’t write a proper Jason Todd story so I guess I’ll have to do it
So after watching John Wick again, binging Chicago Med, and ranting about the shit storm L*bdell has done to Jason Todd. I have decided that is time to give Jason to justice that he deserves, since fucking DC just wants to keep him as an angsty boy who just cries over being the black sheep of the family and then just shoots ppl (and not even really shooting, more like arguing with Bruce about it)
Anyways welcome to my version of Jason Todd’s “redemption arc”. Cuz if DC ain't gonna treat him right, then bitch i will (btw this will be like a mix of headcanon/rants so bare with me)
First of all, lets clear some shit up. Jason Peter Todd is BAMF. Meaning he does not fight like some random ass gangster from crime alley, Where he just walks into a building, guns blazing and then that's that. Also most of Jason’s gun have silencers on them (like fite me on this). 
Jason was raised by THE DETECTIVE and the LEAGUE OF ASSASSINS!!! MEANING HE’S STEALTHY AND TACTILE AFFFFF!! He’ll take out his enemies before they know what him ‘em. I like to imagine his fighting style is similar to that of John Wicks, in the sense that it’s more stealth and being strategic. Yeah Jason is more bulky, but that doesn’t stop batman, so why tf would it stop Jason?? Like Batman, Jason is someone who plans his attacks, and makes sure he gets who he wants when he wants. He’s not that impulsive freak where DC makes him to be, where he just shoots everyone, announces his presence and then gets his ass beat by batman after
No, Jason would get into the building, eliminate all the guards and the crime bosses or whatever. And Bruce would find out about this when he's sippin’ his coffee, reading the Sunday morning paper, while the front page is about some rival gang that have gone missing, and all human trafficked victims were found safe at the Gotham Hospital.
Second, Jason does a lot of undercover work. He runs and knowns the underground of Crime Alley. Everyone thinks he’s trying to monopolize all of the crime businesses, when in reality, he’s going to get rid of it. My boi Jason has an A LEVEL reputation okay. Again, frieken John Wick level reputation, like “I saw him kill a man with a pencil” kind of reputation. He also has his own contacts and networks. He’s knowns all the ins and outs of the black market, more so first hand than batman or the other batkids.
Third, Jason deserves a civilian identity. Literally everyone has or had one, but Jason. Dick got to be an officer, Tim is literally a frieken CEO, even Damian at least got some school identity out here. (Cass is doing ballet, Steph also went to school, Barbara was a librarian and I don’t know wtf she’s going in rebirth but she still got a civilian identity, Duke even has friends outside his hero persona) 
So in this redemption arc, Jason is going to be an ER doctor. My boi gonna be slayin bad guys at nights, and then saving lives in the morning. But think about it,  Medic!Jason helping lower class Gotham patients even when there aren’t insured. He volunteers his time to go to crime alley and run free diagnosis's  and provides free medication. Not to mention Jason having to attend charity functions for the hospital, seeing the batfam there, and pretending he’s not associated with them, even though Bruce Wayne keeps coming up to talk him, or fix his tie, or ruffle his hair (Batdad is just happy that one of kids followed in Thomas’s footsteps). And all of Jason’s co-workers are just weirded about by this.
OMG JASON HAVING CIVILIAN FRIENDS!! LIKE WOW!! Women and men having crushes on him. An online forum even said that Jason is known to be the 2nd best doctor (Leslie is #1 obvi) and the #1 hottest.
Now the final piece of my Jason redemption arc is his relationship with the batfam. So I hate how in the new52 DC tried to shove Jason down our throats as being the edgy cool older bro, and now in rebirth he's the typical black sheep and all he wants to do it be accepted by his family.
Yeah, well, fuck that.
In this, Jason relationship with his family is complicated as it should be. Does he actively go out and try to hurt them? No. Does he ask for their help? Maybe once in a while. Will he help them if they need it? Probably, they are family after all, but as soon as the job as done he’s out.
The thing with redemption arc’s is that its a two way relationship. Jason can’t just be hanging out with the family all the time while they treat him like trash or Bruce just constantly criticizes him. In this arc, it’s more about the family seeking out Jason. Since Jason is doing better for himself, i think his family would see that and begin the first steps to reach out to him. Then in return Jason begins his journey to join them again. Don’t get me wrong, no one is perfect in the batfam. Jason has literally attacked all the batkids so it would make sense for them to be wary of him. But at the same time the batfam have also betrayed Jason many times, so Jason would probably be fed up with how he’s been treated and would want to MOVE ON!!!
I guess one last thing to note is his moral code. I mean it’s no surprise that Jason is basically in the grey zone when it comes to that. The thing is, although I understand why Jason would slowly ease of killing (cuz he still wants to respect his families wishes, even though he doesn’t agree with them), I think he wouldn’t have that ‘martyr’ mentality like the rest of the bat family has. For instance, if there was a building on fire and they were civilians and criminals inside. The batfamily would most likely save as many lives as possible, no matter who it is, while Jason would just save the civilians. Even though he could potentially save the criminals, he wouldn't want too. Similarly he’s not gonna shoot every thug or gang member he sees, most likely knock em out, hurt them enough that they wouldn’t be in his way. But with the crime bosses, Jason may not kill, but he could paralyze, could disable them, send them into a coma. Making it seem that maybe the ‘no killing rule’, isn't so merciful, which is all the more scary.
In the end I’m probably gonna write more stories or headcanons with this AU, cuz Jason Todd deserves to be written well. Like at this point I take fanfiction into headcanon, cuz fanfic writers actually understand Jason more than DC does. Let me know what you all think.
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raeofalbion · 6 years ago
tagged by @marcceh - I’m sorry this is so long, I’m incapable of talking about writing in a small amount of words.
Author Name: deathofaraven on fanfiction-specific sites; I’ve been considering changing it but it’s been my username since 2009, so there’s no point. I think it’s some version of I.Ravencrow on other writing sites.
Fandoms You Write For: Fable and BBC Sherlock currently; Tom Becker’s Darkside occasionally; DMC, Batman, Death Note, Kuroshitsuji, Harry Potter, shit I’ve written for a lot of fandoms and can’t remember them all because I deleted the fics from my profiles, and most of LJ Smith’s work previously.
Where You Post: mainly on Ao3 now, but I occasionally post on FFN and on Tablo
Most Popular One-Shot: Hiraeth, which is apparently my third most read and second most kudosed fic on Ao3?? Idk how that worked out, but I’m so glad readers have enjoyed it.
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story: A Marriage of Inconvenience, to absolutely no one’s surprise--it’s the first in a series, it’s a really old fic (originally written in 2012), it’s the fic I moved to Ao3 for (specifically because I’d rewritten it in 2015/2016), the reason I got a tumblr account. It was kinda...the start of a lot of things, so it’s sorta fitting it’s the most popular I’ve written. I’d like to...eventually fix more things about it (or do a version that I feel is more complete), but I’m proud of it. It’s my baby. I’m glad it’s still going strong.
Favorite Story You Wrote: Nope, no, not picking sides. They’re all good children; I’m proud of everything I currently have up and I enjoy rereading 99% of them.
Story You Were Nervous to Post: Oh, hmm...I’m generally nervous 95% of the time when it comes to posting, but I think I was most nervous about No More Heroes and Ghosts. NMH is almost entirely headcanon-based but set in canon, which is something I usually avoid doing; usually I save hc-heavy fics for AUs, but the hcs suited the prompt so well that I couldn’t really help it. As for Ghosts, it was the first time I’d really made an effort to break into a new fandom in...years and there was a lot of really sucky stuff happening at home at the time so it just felt like a huge gamble for me--I went from writing characters I know so well to characters I didn’t really...know (still don’t feel like I entirely know, though I’m enjoying getting to know them) and, on top of that, was dealing with some...I guess some fear there’d be backlash for abruptly jumping into the fandom despite how much shit this fandom gets sometimes. Luckily both NMH and Ghosts seem to have been received pretty well--there’s things that I’d change about both, but I’m really proud of them and they no longer make me nervous.
How Do You Choose Your Titles:  I scream into the abyss until it sees fit to grant me inspiration for a suitably pretentious title. Or I go with something that sums up the theme or directly relates to the prompt. Song lyrics as a last resort. MoI’s name came from an in-game quest title, though, so...like...anything that fits?
Do You Outline:  Sorta? If it’s a one shot I like to go in totally blind except for whatever vague idea I want to write. If it’s long, I like to have a very vague outline. Usually a summary or a slightly more detailed idea plus where I’d like the characters to be emotionally or what I’d like to happen at certain plot points. The plot points are usually the focus so I like to at least have a map of where they start and where they end and whatever happens to the characters in between those points just happens. I mostly ignore the outline.
How many of your [BBC Sherlock] stories are…
Complete: 6; 4 on Ao3 right now, 1 on tumblr that’s too short to transfer, 1 that’s not going to be posted.
In-Progress: Y’all wanna see something stupid? It’s me. 28. (And that’s ignoring the contents of my prompt list that haven’t technically been started.)
Coming Soon: Possibly another half dozen? Can’t be certain. I always seem to finish Sherlock stories very randomly and very abruptly, so it’s a mystery to everyone involved. I blame my Sherlock muse; he takes great pride in being an absolute bellend during writing. And during not-writing.
Do You Accept Prompts: I shouldn’t, but I abso-fucking-lutely do. Send ‘em. No guarantee I’ll get to them any time soon, but send ‘em anyway if you’d like me to do them. (I’d prefer prompts/requests be sent off anon so I can talk with the prompter if any issues come up or if I need extra inspo, but I’ll still make an effort even if anon is on...you’re just leaving a lot more of the story in my hands and up to my random interpretation.)
Upcoming Story You Are Most Excited to Write: Hmm...they’re all exciting in their own way? A lot of the AUs I’m excited to write because I’m curious what people will think. I’m also really excited for Three to just be over because I’m kinda tired of working out the logistics of it and tired of rewriting it. (And I’ve also never posted a fic like this before. So.)
Tag Five Fanfic Authors to Answer These Questions As Well*: 
@jamlocked @grayrosegarden @weweremadeforeachothersherlock @sincerelyjimlock @johnlockedinwarstan No obligations for any of you, if you don't wanna do it! ^^
* I know it says 5 and specifies Sherlock as the fandom, but if anyone who follows me wants to do this and just...changes the fandom to your main fandom, I’m totally up for that and you should 100% tag me so I can go snoop at what you’re writing. ^^
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cielospeaks · 2 years ago
ive done year in reviews for gacha games before but tbh i want to do one this time for my stories/ideas/ect
brief summary of story content in 2022:
january: seidjarn christmas carol (feh) written. got changed a little from earlier drafts bc of some canon things but good news is bc of that sola got added! the sola + otr friendship is like one of my favorite things in the kasumiverse tbh.
january: case files rerun. heavily underdeveloped lol. tbh i headcanon that the cfr is just like. the “recap of earlier story arc” episode in the anime. well plus ashlynn + vee friendship and treblesal blondel de nesle style but screaming about m c u movies.
winter-???: aime tachi returns to my focus! speaking of mcu movies lol. the reason is in no small part bc of both nwh and a friend who was encouraging of this au. i think this year’s focus saw a lot more development and the addition of nwh led to a more solidified smtm (and a1) part from at2. i also finished writing the prologue yea! but aside from that nothing much was done lol. but it was brainstormed! and ill take that as a win
golden week 2022: escape the riyoverse! again influenced by movies slightly but ill give it that since the whole thing has a hollywood vibe lol. like most fgo stories its not solidified but its a super big crossover of all of the gw crossover characters (+ into the fics) leading up into it. it also answered a lot of storybuilding questions/ect. (what happens to the allegrofaces, as we saw anda and coda in idolgers, but due to some worlds being erased from existence their allegros’ fates are unknown. as well as why aime’s keyblade is melodic feathers ie allegros keyblade, mostly just those plot points lol)
???: “fallen angel kisumi” storyline. well its literally just an idea at this point. but it has merit. basically kisumi finally gives up after witnessing the crew be awful for too long when it also takes bel’s life, and kisumi absorbs his powers and uses them to recruit underutilized final event bosses who deserved better. aside from this the “school au” kisumi, who has like. no canon anything but definitely exists as school bel’s penpal and long distance friend. possibly if fallen angel kisumi goes after school bel, its up to school kisumi to save him. lol. idk.
november-???: twsty au! oh gosh i wasnt expecting to even like this game but i did. i am not immune to idiot bird principal and platonic dumbass boys. the au includes idolger buddies lieven and jaeger, but also introduces new faces like norytx, wesley, and danry, as well as the obligatory treble insert (who actually is very cool not to be punny lol.) and it gave me somewhat of a version of those characters who i wont mention specifically that i can actually like. shoutout to more side characters (alfe maybe?, the vice principal, magic hat sensei, elias, and annand) bc u are also cool.
 january-december: heroesverse book 6! again managed to finish it! it was a wild ride but it got done. sufficiently harder than before bc my guy elm was given like. nothing. in canon. so i had to ~improvise~ but a lot of the story was around em and the main squad anyways lol. idk. it works for what b6 was but i at least know what i want to do differently for b7!
and since thats mostly done on to the specifics!
best new character: i think im gonna give it to em! she gets fleshed out in story and has a nice little character arc. i like that she’s both a foil to kasumi and someone for her to help/to be helped by. shes also on a side note a big spiderman fan so that gets a big thumbs up from me.
best returning character: i think ill give it to aime! that doesnt count bc shes a self insert but idk. i feel like more shes a tribute to my childhood and coping with stuff but idk. mixed bag. i love her character arc from marvel arc to nwh, with coping with losing someone while she was out of their life, as well as growing to overcome old grudges (both of which are very relatable to me now/hit too hard for me personally), and on the positive side learning to feel again and care again after having to harden herself emotionally to get through life (again, same hat). it is just also like. magically self indulgent to be able to put essentially my insert/the cooler, more in universe me next to my favorite characters from different franchises and tldr i highly recommend kh aus -pacha meme-
best dynamic: listen i am always weak for idolgers and vore musical trio. the anda and mokou dynamic specifically is just. soul healing. and vmt is sorta that cliched “jaded dad doesnt want to have to care again but damnit someones gotta take care of these children” but i live for this iteration specifically, as the jaded dad is a dead murderer and these children are a lab experiment and a space plant. kisumi + kasumi also has nwh spiderman pointing meme vibes and is soul healing so im putting it here too.
biggest criticism: i feel like (esp in kasumiverse) i need to work on balancing serious/comedic, writing shorter, and having more fun writing. idk it just kinda feels like a chore, and that im just checking for plotholes instead of having fun. i also need to just flippin sit down and actually write the aimeverse stuff tbh. i go on abt how fun it is but i never actually write it ohmygosh
hope for the next year: idk. i think in general its just for me to have fun writing! i think i had fun writing the marvel arc so like. more of that please.
a story id like to write: itd be nice to actually write the “ghosts take scrooge to his past/present/future” part of the seidjarn christmas carol, but idk. since otrs past isnt too developed idk.
and speaking of acc id like to write that. it seems self contained (lol) so i feel like it might be easier (double lol)
i think itd also be nice to write more treblesal and trebleizou, just for fun. as a treat. treblenizou too. and since antonio has writing now trebletonio (or andrea/antonio with treble cesario-ing hard in the background. like ofc i want characters like dolores or miles but pls andrea survivor now!)
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alwaysyourqueen · 7 years ago
hey u, yeah u, my best friend-- do the otp meme, /all questions/ you can pick the couple between; Zelda/Kayden, Emeline/Cavril or, /or/ Camelia/Isabella
o u fool. i can’t decide so i choose ALL
Who is the most affectionate? Zelda for sure, if only because Kayden is too embarrassed to be affectionate. Also, the girl’s touch starved.
Big spoon/Little spoon? Zelda/Kayden. She hug him, and her hair in his face is a bad idea.
Most common argument? State stuff, they probably argue over work when the kingdom is more established.
Favorite non-sexual activity? Mmmm probably just sitting together and talking.
Who is most likely to carry the other? Zelda is probably stronger than Kayden, but they both are not strong.
What is their favorite feature of their partner’s? Zelda loves Kayden’s wit and intelligence, and Kayden (probably, he’s not my OC) loves Zelda’s kindness.
What’s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other? How they talk to each other, tbh.
Nicknames? & if so, how did they originate? Kay is the only nickname, and Zelda started saying it as shorthand and it became affectionate.
Who worries the most? Kayden. He’s Anxiety.
Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant? Zelda, she has a knack for detail.
Who tops? Zelda probably, but they also could both switch.
Who initiates kisses? Both, depending who’s currently working.
Who reaches for the other’s hand first? Kayden.
Who kisses the hardest? Zelda.
Who wakes up first? Whichever one has more work to do.
Who wants to stay in bed just a little longer? Whichever one is being left in the cold.
Who says I love you first? Well we don’t know yet, hm?
Who leaves little notes in the other’s one lunch? (Bonus: what does it usually say?) If this were an AU where they didn’t both work too hard to make lunch, I can see Kayden doing it.
Who tells their family/friends about their relationship first? *sweats* Everyone else figures it out, they don’t have friends and family.
What do their family/friends think of their relationship? Oh god they think it’s hilarious, but they approve.
Who is more likely to start dancing with the other? Zelda, because she’s more likely to act on an impulsive thought.
Who cooks more/who is better at cooking? Zelda knows more about cooking in general I like to think, just because I like to think she learned about it along with everything else she learned.
Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines? Ka yden.
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times? Oh god. Neither, but Zelda if ever.
Who needs more assurance? Kayden.
What would be their theme song? All This Time by Jonathan Coulton. I think it fits their scenario.
Who would sing to their child back to sleep? Zelda has a good singing voice, but I see them doing things together a lot.
What do they do when they’re away from each other? Zelda writes letters for Kayden to give him when whichever of them is away gets back, Kayden dives into his work but thinks of her the whole time and wants to have free time to be with her.
one headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart: They’re never going to have a peaceful happy ending where they get to just be happy together, because neither of them will ever be able to sit idly by and wait for the world to pass them by.
one headcanon about this OTP that mends it: They really do love each other and nothing will change that.
Who is the most affectionate? Cavril by far. Emeline has been taught to…not
Big spoon/Little spoon? Cavril is big spoon. Em refuses to be.
Most common argument? That Cavril is cheating when they spar.
Favorite non-sexual activity? Walking together on the ramparts.
Who is most likely to carry the other? Cavril, of course.
What is their favorite feature of their partner’s? Cavril loves Emeline’s laugh, and Em loves Cavril’s smile.
What’s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other? Emeline lightens up A LOT. She’s super super formal and ugh.
Nicknames? & if so, how did they originate? Em, as a shortened version of her name. She doesn’t really have any nicknames for him, as of yet at least.
Who worries the most? Emeline. It’s hard not to, given the circumstances.
Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant? I like to think Cavril remembers how she likes her food, but Em finds it easy to remember his exact order word for word.
Who tops? ……I wanna say Emeline but I think I have a thing for women topping.
Who initiates kisses? Cavril.
Who reaches for the other’s hand first? Cavril.
Who kisses the hardest? Both? It’s hard to say.
Who wakes up first? Hmmm…not sure.
Who wants to stay in bed just a little longer? Emeline, but she forces herself up anyways.
Who says I love you first? I think Cavril.
Who leaves little notes in the other’s one lunch? (Bonus: what does it usually say?) Emeline, and it would have cheeky jokes about him being the Herald.
Who tells their family/friends about their relationship first? Cavril tells his siblings.
What do their family/friends think of their relationship? Emeline’s family approves of her being together with someone as respected as the Herald but ah…disapproves of her marrying a Marcher. Cavril’s family has some disdain for Emeline being Orlesian, but Erin loves her.
Who is more likely to start dancing with the other? Emeline. She loves dancing.
Who cooks more/who is better at cooking? Emeline knows how to cook because it was part of her upbringing as a proper Orlesian lady.
Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines? Cavril, Emeline would never use a pick-up line.
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times? I could see Emeline doing it once they’re more comfortable in their relationship.
Who needs more assurance? Cavril. He has a rough time poor boy.
What would be their theme song? I’m Your Moon, also by Jonathan Coulton. Most of my music is Jonathan Coulton.
Who would sing to their child back to sleep? Aaaaaaah Cavril.
What do they do when they’re away from each other? Emeline talks about him, a lot. She chats mostly with Josie and Cassandra and Leliana in Orlesian, trying to get comfortable. And she worries. Cavril thinks about her mostly.
one headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart: If Cavril ever showed interest in anyone else, Emeline would resign herself and turn into a cold noblewoman again. There’s no way she’d ever be with him if he didn’t show complete devotion.
one headcanon about this OTP that mends it: That didn’t happen, and they’re running the Inquisition together.
Who is the most affectionate? Isabella is more openly affectionate, but Camelia is very affectionate in private.
Big spoon/Little spoon? They switch off, but Camelia little spoons more often.
Most common argument? It would depend what point in their relationship. Pre-relationship, it’s about who did the best in their hunt.
Favorite non-sexual activity? Hunting together, riding together, going out into the wilderness.
Who is most likely to carry the other? Isabella because Camelia would never.
What is their favorite feature of their partner’s? I’m not sure tbh because there are a lot of qualities they both enjoy and most of their dynamic so far has been purely platonic.
What’s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other? Camelia is more open about her feelings specifically about being empress and all the nonsense that comes with it, Isabella is more open about affection that makes it clear it’s more than casual or platonic
Nicknames? & if so, how did they originate? None I can think of really.
Who worries the most? Camelia. She worrie.
Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant? Isabella, she has time for those little things.
Who tops? Isabella.
Who initiates kisses? Isabella.
Who reaches for the other’s hand first? Camelia.
Who kisses the hardest? Isabella.
Who wakes up first? Camelia.
Who wants to stay in bed just a little longer? Isabella.
Who says I love you first? Not sure yet, prolly Isabella though.
Who leaves little notes in the other’s one lunch? (Bonus: what does it usually say?) Oof that’s a hard one. Isabella probably.
Who tells their family/friends about their relationship first? Isabella, no way Camelia is going to be the first to say she’s in a relationship that’s not state-mandated.
What do their family/friends think of their relationship? Uhhh I’m not sure, it’s probably controversial bc. well Camelia’s the empress she’s supposed to have heirs.
Who is more likely to start dancing with the other? Isabella.
Who cooks more/who is better at cooking? Isabella, Camelia probably never learned how to cook.
Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines? Isabella.
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times? Isabella.
Who needs more assurance? Camelia.
What would be their theme song? not sure, I don’t know enough songs
Who would sing to their child back to sleep? Camelia
What do they do when they’re away from each other? Send letters, mostly. Isabella would collect trinkets and souvenirs to bring to Camelia.
one headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart: Unless something very unique and special happens, they can’t get married because Camelia needs kids.
one headcanon about this OTP that mends it: Isabella is one of the only people Camelia feels truly free and happy around.
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