#or any of the many other web breakdowns of the early 2000s
Watching people try to leave Twitter for Mastodon is like Pillowfort all over again lol
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petnews2day · 2 years
Best dog DNA test 2022: Explore your dog’s heritage and health
New Post has been published on https://petnews2day.com/pet-news/dog-news/best-dog-dna-test-2022-explore-your-dogs-heritage-and-health/
Best dog DNA test 2022: Explore your dog’s heritage and health
Dog DNA tests are more popular than ever before, and with technology and science ever evolving, they’ve become pretty sophisticated. Not only can a dog DNA test tell you which breed or breeds make up your dog’s genetics, it can also tell you which group of wolves your dog’s DNA stems from and where in the world they were from. You can unearth all manner of interesting information, such as their age in human years, how inbred your dog is, and whether they might be prone to particular health problems.
There are a few brands out there on the market right now, so we created our own little science experiment to find out which of the most popular dog DNA tests is best. Here’s what we found.
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Best dog DNA test: At a glance
How to choose the best dog DNA test for your pooch
Does my dog need a DNA test & how does it work?
No dog needs a DNA test, but they can be a useful and fun way to learn more about your dog – especially if you’ve got a mixed breed dog whose backstory you don’t know in detail. You’ll be able to learn their age, breed make-up and other intriguing facts about their genetic make-up and ancestry.
Dog DNA tests are harmless and don’t carry any risk for your dog. With most tests, you’ll receive a swab which you need to take samples from your dog’s mouth, and a pre-addressed envelope to send it off to the lab.
Usually, postage on the envelope is included but not all tests offer free postage from the UK. Once the swab is received, you’ll get updates about progress until the results are ready.
What sort of things can I learn in a DNA test?
Dog DNA tests can help owners of rescue dogs learn more about where their pet came from, how old it is and what sort of breeds make up its DNA. Most dog DNA tests include a breed breakdown for mixed breed dogs, an ancestry tree and information on relatives within the DNA database. Many DNA tests also include health checks, looking for up to 250 conditions or markers that could indicate your dog has health problems. This is particularly helpful for purebred dogs who are often more at risk of genetic diseases due to inbreeding. If you’re interested mainly in breed, choose a cheaper breed DNA test, but if you’d like a fuller picture of your dog’s make-up and health, choose an all-encompassing service that will give you both health and bread information.
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The best dog DNA tests you can buy in 2022
1. DNA My Dog: Best budget dog DNA test
Price: $69 (£62) | Buy now from DNA My Dog
DNA My Dog is one of the original dog DNA tests. Based in Canada, DNA My Dog actually performs the testing in-house, rather than sell a test they then send off elsewhere to be analysed like some other brands do. This makes it far cheaper than most other tests, however, it’s a somewhat rudimentary experience.
The test itself has a soft swab which is good news – it won’t hurt the dog when you’re gathering the sample. But their website and results were less than satisfactory in our experience. The website is somewhat clunky and unsophisticated – like something from the early 2000s – while the results, which came back in a record two weeks, were inaccurate.
We tested this kit on a three-year-old cockapoo whose mother was a spaniel and father was a poodle, and yet nowhere in his results did it mention the spaniel breed. Instead, it included estimates for poodle, which were as expected, but also golden retriever (less than 9%) and miniature schnauzer (less than 9%). We tested this same dog with an alternative brand (the Wisdom Panel Basic test) and the results came out differently, this time including spaniel.
Results come in the form of a PDF via email, rather than a web portal, and there are no health checks done with this dog DNA test. You do get a printable certificate with a photo of your dog and their dominant breeds.
Key features – Breed test: Yes; Soft swab: Yes; Health check: No
2. Embark: The best dog DNA test for health assessments
Price: $139 (£125) | Buy now from Embark Vet
I tested Embark’s dog DNA test on a two-year-old purebred Manchester Terrier who is particularly highly strung and doesn’t enjoy being manhandled too much. Thanks to the soft swab included with the Embark kit, it wasn’t too difficult to collect a sample from his cheek and it went off to the lab fairly quickly.
Unfortunately, as Embark is very geared towards North American customers, postage isn’t included for UK customers. Results were around a week slower to come back compared with other brands, but once they did it was a fascinating insight into my dog’s health.
The report is incredibly thorough and confirmed that my dog is 100% Manchester Terrier. It also had an extensive report on his health, which picked up a gene that could change how his liver function is presented when tested. This wasn’t picked up in other DNA tests done on the same dog, so this health assessment may be more reliable and thorough than the Wisdom Panel check.
Another great thing about Embark is that you can send health reports directly to your veterinarian through the results portal, and download the full detailed report as a PDF. Embark offers a number of different DNA tests for dogs, including breed and health tests, gut health tests, age tests and breed-only tests.
Key features – Breed test: Yes; Soft swab: Yes; Health check: Yes
3. Wisdom Panel Essential: The best dog DNA test for mixed breed dogs
Price: $80 (£72) | Buy now from Wisdom Panel
The Wisdom Panel dog DNA tests offer an incredibly slick experience, from their slim packaging that’ll easily go through the letterbox to the swish website and results portal that offers detailed insight into your pet’s DNA.
Wisdom Panel claims to be 98% accurate and, having used three of their tests with great success, I was impressed by how specific their breed identification was – especially compared with the DNA My Dog test which incorrectly identified the same dog as part golden retriever. Wisdom Panel found five breeds within the three-year-old cockapoo’s DNA, including two types of poodle and three types of spaniel. It also found extended family from Baxter’s line of dogs, including a two-year-old cavapoo called Lily.
The Essential test also looks for 29 conditions that could affect the dog’s health. This found no issues in his DNA, and it recommends an ideal weight for his type of breed.
The major drawback of this DNA test is the swab, which has a metal end with bristles a little bit like a pipe cleaner, which was uncomfortable for the dog to have against his gums when collecting the sample. If your dog is tolerant, though, ultimately this is a largely reliable and interesting DNA test for if you want to learn a little more about them.
Key features – Breed test: Yes; Soft swab: No; Health check: Yes
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aseum-infotech · 3 years
What is .Net? What is the .NET Framework main Features?
In the early 2000's, applications built with .NET were created exclusively for the Windows desktop, and the framework itself was strictly developed and maintained in a closed source format. However, with the introduction of .NET Core, Microsoft made a complete change and revolutionized software development. Applications can now be developed for a wide set of operating systems and platforms, including Linux and macOS. Not only that, the development of .NET Core was made public by receiving Microsoft sharing and feedback on its GitHub set under the supervision of .NET Foundation.
Fast forward almost 20 years; we are now on the edge of .NET 6, which is expected to be released this November. It is going to somehow "finish" the integration of the .NET Framework with the .NET core under the same umbrella of .NET - a lengthy process that began with .NET 5.
In this article, we will explore the main features that make .NET one of the most popular platforms out there.
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What is .NET?
Simply put, .NET is an open source software development platform developed by Microsoft. It allows us to create cross-platform software products that can run on Windows, Linux, macOS, iOS, Android, etc.
It is used to create a wide variety of applications and services and provides the necessary programming environment for all stages of software development. The surrounding ecosystem is perfect for businesses and individuals who want to develop a wide range of software products, from desktop and mobile applications to web applications and cloud-powered services.
History of .NET
In the late 90's, Microsoft created .NET in hopes of competing with Sun's Java, which was making a huge impact in the software development world. By envisioning a cross-platform development paradigm, Microsoft began to incorporate the best brains on the market to develop its own software development ecosystem, eventually shifting from desktop to Active Server Pages (ASP) on the web and then to ASP.NET. Cross-platform is now something we can accept when using the .NET platform.
As you can see, it has come a long way (about 25 years) since its inception and it makes .NET rock-solid today. The following timeline shows major events related to .NET:
For a more complete list, here is a detailed breakdown of the events that led us to the current state of .NET.
Key Features of .NET
The following list shows the main features of the .NET Framework:
One framework, multiple languages: .NET introduces a common type system (CTS) that supports all possible data types and programming constructions and defines how they can interact with each other. This allows .NET to support multiple application development programming languages, including C #, F #, or Visual Basic.
CLR - Common Language Runtime: All programming languages   in .NET have been compiled into an intermediate language known as Common Intermediate Language (CIL). This intermediate language is not interpreted but is integrated into the original code as Just in Time Compilation (JIT). This combination is called Common Language Infrastructure (CLI).
Interoperability: The .NET Framework provides a way to access features implemented in programs running outside the .NET environment.
Base Class Library: Base Class Library (BCL) is a type of library available for all languages   using .NET. BCL provides classes that cover many common tasks, including reading and writing files, image design, database interactions, XML and JSON manipulation, and more.
Security: .NET allows code to be executed at different levels of security without the use of separate security mechanisms.
Automatic resource management: .NET CLR automatically manages memory, network, database connections, etc. delock the memory used by objects during runtime.
Portability: It written in any .NET language are portable. This means that when the source code of a program written in a CLR compatible language is compiled, it generates machine-independent, intermediate code. It is also possible to mix and match code written in languages   supported by the framework.
Simple and rich profiling and debugging support: Integrated development environments (IDEs) such as Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code .NET provides a place to develop and debug applications. The framework provides rich debugging and profiling information that is highly integrated within this IDE. This helps us check app performance and track runtime exceptions.
Simplify Deployment: When it comes to application deployment, the developer has plenty of options to package the application based on the desired deployment environment (desktop, mobile, cloud, etc.).
When we talk about .NET for software development, we talk about a wide range of things. Applications can be developed using one of the many available programming languages, rich in features that are similar to or even superior to related programming languages   such as Java, Python, and the like. Ultimately, this means that the time for the market is reduced because everything we need to develop is so well integrated and of such good quality that converting an idea into a product can happen very quickly.
So why you choose any other framework? The most straightforward answer is that it provides everything you need and is highly integrated from start to finish, allowing you to easily develop, deploy and maintain code. Its cross-platform nature allows you to port your business logic to a variety of platforms without difficulty.
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jessdxp · 3 years
The Advancement in Law Enforcement in battling Online Crime: How the Internet and Social Media have changed the ways Police and Law Enforcement Investigate Crimes
The internet and social media are two forms of media that continue to grow and become widely accessible to society. They have the fantastic range from being a tool that is considered vital to forming social connections to allowing society to grow, learn, and become aware of the many different cultures and knowledge from all over the world. They have become essential to modern society as many are reliant on the internet and social media as not only a form of entertainment but also a tool to learn and make deeper connections with others all over the world. However, despite the excellent relationships formed from the internet and social media, the crimes that were once mainly physical have also transformed and taken a new form as cybercriminals. Nonetheless, as the illegal activity progresses and moves from physical to digital, so has the Law Enforcement unit. Through my short Tumblr post, I will be exploring the five most effective methods that Law Enforcement uses to investigate and arrest both physical and cybercriminals.
1. Going Undercover and Roleplaying
A common but effective method that Law enforcement uses to investigate criminals is through role-playing. Often sexual predators, child predators, and many online scammers scope out the internet and utilize social media to prey on naïve individuals. As presented on NBC's early 2000's show "How to Catch a Predator," host Chris Hansen alongside the Law Enforcement, went undercover as young naïve teenagers and children to lure out online predators. Although the show ended in 2007 due to criticism and other complications. The show provided a perfect example of how going undercover and role-playing as a victim or person of interest may help identify potential criminals and ultimately gain evidence and information about them. However, going undercover does not only apply to catching predators but can also help gain knowledge about any illegal activities that are concurring.
2. Going Undercover and Gaining Information
Going undercover as a cybercriminal often allows law enforcement to effectively gain information about illegal activities that may be concurring or background information about a criminal and their motives. An example that can be most notable of gaining information through social media is the successful breakdown of the "Silk Road" (drug trade). Many law enforcers went undercover and into the Dark Web to investigate and gain information from other users to take down the Silk Road. Furthermore, the undercover approach can help gather information to help catch murderers, human traffickers, human trafficking rings and help find missing individuals.
3. Gaining Evidence
Like many of us have experienced and are constantly warned about by teachers, parents, and essentially the media, once you post something online, it's there forever. Often, individuals fail to realize that their internet footprints are never gone regardless of deleting their cache and cookies. Law enforcement can use IP addresses or search into the history of the computer, irrespective of if cleared or not, to gather evidence and information about a suspect or victim. Detectives can also look through not only an individual's social media activity but also through their friends and family's activity as well. For example, in cases of having an alibi or relation to a missing person case, law enforcement can look through their online activity or their friend's activity to obtain hints and clues to their whereabouts or their involvements in criminal activity.
4. Using Social Media to Share the News and Recruit the General Public's Help
To further add to how law enforcement has grown with the media and used it to their advantage, Crime Stoppers or Police Twitter is a good example. Many individuals fail to realize that media constantly surrounds us and that social media is explicitly one of the most accessible forms of communication and methods of sharing information. Law enforcement can spread information or search for either a criminal or victim with the help of netizens and civilians by sharing it on the news or by simply making a post about it on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter. An excellent example of how law enforcement has used social media to scout netizens and regular civilians to help locate criminals and victims is through programs or websites such as Crime Stoppers and Twitter. By sharing information about the victim or criminal in search with the public, officers can gain tips from the people to help solve cases quicker and find missing victims and criminals.
5. Using Social Media to Spread Awareness
Like gathering the general public's help and sharing news, law enforcement can spread Breaking News and awareness to the community as quickly as a click of a button. They can evacuate communities (such as towns or places facing forest fire or danger) and update ongoing crimes. Furthermore, through sharing and spreading awareness, they progress forward in protecting the community and help set precautions prior to criminal activity ensuing. They allow society to be aware of the dangers and illegal activity present in their neighbourhood and what to do when in contact with the source of danger. For example, law enforcement may release information about them and their whereabouts to the general public when predators are released into the community. Through spreading awareness about the predator and their whereabouts through social media, the neighbourhood and community can prepare and be aware of the dangers within their area and take the extra precautions needed to protect themselves and their children.
Although social media is continually growing and have been deemed quite a dangerous place, law enforcement has also grown alongside the widespread of social media. They have taken advantage of the easy accessibility of social media and have used it to help battle online crime, gather, or share information, and monitor criminal activity. Therefore, although social media has come a long way and continues to be infested with criminal activity, law enforcement and police officers have also manifested and used media to combat crimes efficiently.
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raylovesrp-blog · 5 years
Slack is a office dialogue program that is so widespread that its firm owned more than $ 20 billion. You've in all probability seen what is mentioned within the news.
What is Slack?
Slack is a workplace communication device, "one place for messages, tools and files". Because of this Slack is an immediate messaging system with numerous add-ons for other office instruments. Additions aren’t crucial to use Slack as a result of an important function is to talk to different people. There are two methods to talk: channel (group chat) and direct message or DM (in a private dialog). Let's shortly take a look at the interface.
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There are four necessary issues to think about in Slack:
Identify of a Slack Example
Listing of Channels You Have Joined
Record of people you have reported immediately.
When a customer needs to start out using Slack, they select the identify of a Slack hand. This can then grow to be a part of a singular URL. So if Wile E. Coyote needs to create a Slack instance for ACME Snake Bells, her Slack instance can be https://acmeslingshot.slack.com/. Wile E. can then invite anyone to be a member of his Slappe hand.
Slack channels may be public, which signifies that a member can see and be a part of a channel or personal, which signifies that only members of this channel can see it or invite others to hitch. DMs are all the time personal although they are often up to 8.
The chat window is the place all the actual communication takes place. You possibly can read someone's reply to messages, use emoticons for solutions, add gifs, see RSS feeds, set reminders, get an add-on for enrollment and quite a lot of other bells and whistles. However greater than anything, you're talking to people.
What's so good with Slack?
When Slack arrived, there were no actual rivals out there. This doesn’t imply that there were no other chat packages, however Slack mixed intuitive USER INTERFACE with both group and private messages. It additionally permits corporations to regulate who can entry it by way of a system call. Different instruments that would do the same, but without the same usability (Lägerelden, now BaseCamp, have been a pure half). Not one of the traditional suppliers (Microsoft, Apple, IBM, Solar, and so forth.) received anything like Slappa.
This lack of enterprise measurement was additionally a bonus. Slack was sufficiently small to reply and shortly when it got here to adding new options akin to emoji (good for users) and 2-factor authentication (good for administrators). For some customers, the fact that Slack was not owned by a large conventional vendor was helpful enough, nevertheless it doesn't explain why Slack is so well-liked.
Slack means two things rather well: understanding design and consumer wants. These two pillars are the idea for many good products, but it’s surprisingly troublesome to do nicely, so many unsuccessful purposes appear. The tough unique design was created by Slack's founder, Stewart Butterfield (the same guy who based Flickr again in the early 2000s) and his staff as a result of the third get together MetaLab is Polish. Andrew Wilkinson of MetaLab defined:
“In order to get the attention of a well-attended market, we had to find a way to get people's attention. Most business systems look like an inexpensive 70's costume gown – low-key blues and gray everywhere – so, let's start with the logo, we made it loose to look like confetti guns had left. Electronic blue, yellow, purple and green. We gave the game a color chart, not a corporate co-product … vivid colors, curvy sans serif font, friendly icons and smiling faces and emojis everywhere. ”
In the same article, Wilkinson explains how well-built Slack feels when used – what it does – and how content, resembling downloading messages, is casual and typically pretty enjoyable, including:“ Below is the same corporate client, but it's is playful, fun to use and all that come together to make it feel like in your life. ”
When taking a look at elements that make up, loose, straightforward to use and reliable. It’s straightforward for non-technical users to retrieve them, particularly when in comparison with other group middle instruments corresponding to Basecamp or Microsoft Staff. You can too run your personal Slack without spending a dime, together with for private use. And if you don't just like the "confetti cannon" look, it's straightforward to vary colors.
However good design isn’t very helpful if there isn’t any function. Chat is sort of straightforward to do, which is why most chat packages comply with the identical primary format: a window displaying the conversation, and a spot to put in writing, either under or on the web page. That is where the image exhibits little consideration to consumer requirements. As an alternative of inventing chats, they targeted on what people needed from the chat software as the essential requirement to send messages to one another.
One in every of Slack's most necessary sales arguments was that Slack directors couldn’t read personal channels and DM information with out opening the members' consent or message sent to all users who stated that they had happened. This gave a way of privateness and security to users, resembling different products (particularly e-mail).
Primarily because GDPR laws got here into pressure in Europe in 2018, but this has modified – administrators are greater Levels can export full exports with out reporting to their customers. This exhibits what number of customers recognize the original personal settings, an excellent indication of how a non-restricted individual – Slack understands what users need.
They get this insight mainly through the use of the product itself daily: [19659016] "[W] on the walls of the Slack headquarters in San Francisco, the design group can check totally different situations with their very own departments. Each department acts as a microcosm of a larger clientele. study extra about the way to improve Slack to fund teams by observing and amassing suggestions from their own finance division. ”
The identical article says:“ User feedback is also a regular entry from outside the company, and each serves weekly support changes to better empathize with customers. ”
What number of corporations do you know, where everybody has a daily change in order that they understand the scores of their clients?
Slack additionally decided early to make use of software integration. Customers can combine virtually any software they want from dev tools comparable to GitHub, Jenkins and StackOverflow, into instruments like Google Analytics, ServiceNow, MailChimp or SalesForce. Slack can integrate over 1,500 purposes, so if you can't do one thing you have to do, it's in all probability an software. This displays the Slack function for an environment friendly hub consumer who can open the display while working with one other. Principally, "Slack has grow to be a one-way service point for a lot of customers.
Two pillars of design and understanding of users' wants have made Slack the preferred, which provides a superb breakdown of what customers think of Slack, and the outcomes are virtually all the time constructive. In the chat software, HipChat and Steplength, the Slack consumer base and all.
Through the literature it is a question claiming that Microsoft Group is in style as Slappa. Office 365 is by far probably the most used software in the business world and is part of the regulation, which is why several corporations use the regulation simply because it is obtainable to them as part of their business
How a lot do you spend? but mouth nnitelma provides you entry to solely 10,000 newest posts. There are different limitations, including solely ten integration, not a single channel or multi-channel guest, and restricted administration options
When you're on board, "Slack is sort of costly if you need Plus. This degree provides you issues like one sign-on and $ 12 per consumer per thirty days if you pay annually, or $ 15 per consumer per thirty days if you pay monthly, if you have 1000 users and pay per yr, it is $ 144,000. We don't say it's not value it, however it's an actual change.
You get lots of area in your order, but one factor you can't get is the power to host your personal info. as a result of Slack works in AWS, this is partly why Microsoft put Slack's inner record of "blocked" purposes. It's not just considered one of Microsoft's official rivals (and vice versa), but Microsoft Azure is the primary character of Amazon Net Providers for the multi-billion dollar cloud providers. That is in all probability not an issue particular to your small business, however relying on your necessities for a working or processing practices are met, and AWS knowledge utilizing a third-party software, which is probably not acceptable.
If your small business can swallow costs and don't mind managing your info, there are nonetheless some problems with the appliance. For example, decentralization decentralization allows users to regulate which channels are created, which is sweet till you discover that you should verify two dozen channels a day – partially weakening FOMO and partly figuring out what is occurring. This has a unfavorable influence on some customers and it’s straightforward to see why all people discover Slack moderately than a productive device. In that case, you can turn off the loop for a while.
Nevertheless, the more significant issue is that Slack does not have a microphone or obstructs the perform:
"Abstract, this is logical: loosening itself as an organizational tool and using the tool in the workplace. Therefore, workplace policy and how the workplace deals with harassment "My good friend had an disagreeable interplay with an worker by way of Slack – the forum he is required to use for a lot of hours a day to carry out his work." That's why she couldn't ignore it every time she puts her in messages, even though they were often her harassment. Because he can't close an individual, he should see his inappropriate message whenever a little red report appears. "
What do you think about how a company offers with one other worker's hassling worker, it's not for people to really feel uncomfortable with Slack as a result of it doesn't have this primary perform
We advocate enjoyable
We need to loosen up quite a bit right here at How-To Geek – we are using it for ourselves! It isn’t good and there are issues we want to change, however it’s often properly designed and user-friendly. Although you don't need to maintain all your messages or some companies in the toys – it's free!
We advocate that you create a workspace and attempt with Slack if it fits your needs.
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The post What do you loose and why do people love it? appeared first on Super Tech Plus.
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weightlossfitness2 · 5 years
How top-earning well being and health coaches save time, improve their effectiveness, and work + dwell on their very own phrases.
Everyone in well being and health finally hits the identical wall: Time. Specifically, they run out of it. They begin feeling like there aren’t sufficient hours to educate shoppers, handle their companies, and control progress.
How do prime coaches save time, improve their effectiveness, and work on their very own phrases? With very particular methods. In this text, I’ll cowl these methods. I’ll additionally share one of many instruments that’s serving to 1000’s of coaches change the sport when it comes to time administration and work flexibility.
Today’s article is de facto thrilling as a result of I’m going to cowl one thing that each single particular person working in well being and health (or who desires to work in well being and health) must know.
I’ll cowl the best way to:
Take inventory of what you spend time on in your corporation.
Weed out low-value, annoying actions.
Increase the time you spend on profitable and fulfilling duties.
And, in doing so, I’ll present you how one can coach extra shoppers, extra successfully; earn more money; and have extra day without work.
Before digging in, nonetheless, I wished to let that the last word teaching time-saver—Precision Nutrition’s ProCoach—is opening up very quickly.
Tested with over 100,000 shoppers, ProCoach makes it straightforward to ship world-class, confirmed diet and life-style teaching to your individual shoppers.
It’ll aid you develop your corporation whereas working much less, getting higher outcomes, and dwelling life by yourself phrases.
Want to educate in-person? Online? Or a mix of the 2? Whatever suits your preferrred life-style, it’s all attainable with ProCoach.
For extra info, try this brief video; it supplies an summary of precisely how the ProCoach software program works:
See how different well being and health professionals are utilizing ProCoach with their shoppers.
  Want to be taught much more? Join the Presale List Today
  In abstract, ProCoach delivers—to your shoppers, in your behalf—a complete teaching answer, full with every day classes, habits, check-ins, and extra.
Plus, as their coach, you’ll help your shoppers by answering questions, providing encouragement, and monitoring progress by particular ProCoach software program.
The excellent news? On Wednesday, December 4th, we’ll be opening ProCoach to our PN Certification college students and graduates all over the world.
For now although, in case you’re prepared to begin saving time, rising your effectiveness, and dealing by yourself phrases, learn on.
“If solely I had extra time…
…I might earn more money, be higher at what I do, and even take a weekend off each as soon as in awhile.”
If you’ve thought this, you’re positively not alone.
In truth, you share the identical downside as a lot of the pushed, formidable, profitable folks I do know: At a sure level, you attain capability.
On the one hand, that’s nice information. Whatever you’re doing is working. You’re in demand. People need to coach with you. More folks than you may deal with.
On the opposite, you’re maxed. You can’t discover a strategy to enroll extra shoppers, earn more money, or simply take a trip with out magically including hours to the day.
Of course, a few of you might need the alternative downside.
You could be new to the sphere, excited to develop your corporation, and smitten by getting extra shoppers… but you don’t really feel like you could have the time, vitality, or assets to create and market an providing to get folks within the door.
Either method…
Your downside isn’t really time. It’s technique.
To tackle extra shoppers and earn more money—all whereas delivering world-class outcomes and dwelling the wholesome, versatile, passionate life you envisioned—you must be extra strategic.
In different phrases, there’s a strategy to magically add hours to your day.
To get these hours, although, you must be taught and absolutely undertake sure strategies that radically lower the time you spend on lower-value duties. Only then are you able to switch that “extra” time to a lot higher-value (and extra profitable) duties.
I do know, I do know. When within the depths of “time depression” it could possibly really feel like irrespective of how a lot you need to energy by duties, there are at all times three units of 10,000 different issues to do.
More emails, extra periods, and, yeah, your web site might use an replace.
(Enjoy a pleasant, lengthy exercise for your self? Or a day without work? That’s humorous.)
It can appear to be there’s no rope that can assist you climb over that no-time wall. All you are able to do is bang your head in opposition to it, hoping to someday break by.
Trust me, I had the identical downside as you.
Before Precision Nutrition was born, I used to be a well being and health coach operating my very own private coaching enterprise in Miami, Florida.
Like you, I used to be tremendous busy and method too stressed. My frustrations included:
Spending 45-60 hours every week coaching shoppers on the fitness center ground.
Spending one other 15-20 hours every week doing issues like program writing, diet plan improvement, report conserving, billing, and gross sales.
Arranging my schedule across the coaching availability of shoppers, i.e. working each early mornings and evenings, plus weekends.
Finding that regardless of how onerous I labored, I couldn’t get previous a sure cap on what number of shoppers I might coach or how a lot cash I might make.
Working 60-80 hours each week, my shopper roster seemed one thing like this:
And, once I was being utterly trustworthy, I noticed the outcomes weren’t all that nice. The breakdown seemed kinda like this:
This went for just a few years. I used to be first annoyed. Then mad.
Then I made a decision to determine it out.
Fast ahead to at present.
Our 20-person PN teaching staff works with about 5,000 shoppers a yr. At any given time, every coach works with round 300 folks.
Even higher? They do it nearly, from wherever on the planet they like.
One of our coaches simply spent one other winter working together with her shoppers from sunny Costa Rica, browsing within the morning, teaching on-line within the afternoon.
Another is a dad of 4 kids and he coaches round drop-offs and pick-ups, which he does himself on daily basis.
The better part? Even with this superb flexibility and 10x improve in shopper:coach ratio, we’re nonetheless getting constantly jaw-dropping outcomes like these.
  So how does one go from maxed-out and burned-out with 20 shoppers to teaching 300 shoppers, making more cash, dwelling a extra versatile life?
By altering how you concentrate on time administration.
It all began again within the mid 2000s once I met a methods design engineer named Phil Caravaggio.
Phil was accustomed to firms exterior health—like IBM, Dell, Apple—to see how they used methods to simplify or amplify their companies.
He taught me that “being busy” is rarely the actual downside.
Instead, the issue is how we take into consideration productiveness and effectiveness.
We’re informed that, to be extra “productive”, we’ve to work onerous and hustle extra. We’re informed that, to suit extra into every day, we’ve to make use of so-called productiveness hacks and juggle all the pieces that comes at us.
This strategy is essentially flawed; it actually simply asks us to do extra with out displaying us the best way to do extra of the fitting issues, much less of the incorrect issues.
It makes me exhausted simply excited about it.
In reality, productiveness and effectiveness isn’t…
sleeping much less, working extra, and hustling more durable,
multi-tasking your social media whereas a shopper is cursing by burpees,
1,000,000 cobbled collectively “productivity hacks” which might be speculated to make you extra environment friendly however really simply make your mind harm.
Productivity and effectiveness is…
organizing and prioritizing your time ruthlessly,
ditching low-value duties and changing them with high-value duties,
automating the issues that may be automated,
focusing the remainder of your time on issues that we name distinctive talents.*
*Unique talents are the issues ) you’re uniquely good at, b) you get pleasure from doing, and c) make an actual affect on your corporation.
Back within the day, we would have liked a system. And so do you.
Back within the early days of Precision Nutrition, we sat down to determine the best way to:
coach extra shoppers,
get higher outcomes with every shopper,
earn more money, and
reclaim our time.
To accomplish these objectives, we’d must concentrate on getting a while again and driving towards effectiveness. We approached it by:
First, determining which duties have been low-value and repeatable.
Next, automating and personalizing the stuff that was repeatable.
Finally, spending our newfound hours on higher-value duties.
Want to know precisely how we did it?
Here’s the Four-step system we initially developed to educate extra folks to higher leads to much less time. (It’s additionally the system that underpins ProCoach, which you should utilize in your corporation too).
Step 1. Take a have a look at the place you’re spending your time.
When I first got here up in opposition to main time administration frustrations, I used to be spending round 60 hours every week on the fitness center ground in one-on-one shopper periods…
…plus an extra 15-20 hours every week on enterprise administration duties like report conserving, program writing, lead nurturing, advertising, and on-the-fly life-style teaching.
I bought a ton of achievement teaching shoppers by instances after they felt overwhelmed, incapable, or caught—in reality, in these areas, I felt irreplaceable.
Frankly, all the pieces else I did in my enterprise appeared like a time waster. So I bought actual with precisely what I used to be spending my time on.
Here’s how you are able to do the identical:
What to do
Spend a pair weeks documenting the place each minute of your workday goes and the way these minutes make you’re feeling.
Then divide the duties you doc into two classes:
1. Time wasters
Time wasters are the duties that make you mad and by no means go away; the stuff that makes you dread getting up within the morning.
For me, it was the stuff that appeared like “busywork”—invoicing, counting shoppers’ reps, answering primary questions on protein and peanut butter.
Remember: Your “time wasters” could be completely different from mine. Everyone’s distinctive talents and enterprise objectives are completely different.
2. Time warriors
Time warriors are the duties you do for your corporation that you just love, that you just really feel have a tangible affect in your revenue, and that you’re uniquely fitted to.
What do your shoppers 100% rely in your for? What do you do this makes them so excited and brag to their buddies? What are the particular issues that solely YOU may give them?
Again, the reply will rely in your explicit strengths and enterprise objectives. Maybe you could have a powerful grasp on diet teaching? Or advertising? Or you’re a work-from-home mother who can crush it serving to new moms preserve a match life after youngsters.
Step 2. Automate each “time waster” you may.
Your objective is to spend considerably much less time on duties you dislike and that don’t significantly help shopper outcomes or enterprise progress.
Ask your self: Am I reinventing the wheel each time I write a exercise program or reply an e mail about peanut butter?
(If so, that’s in all probability one purpose why you resent the duty a lot.)
Think about it: Much of your job as a coach is made up of labor that you just repeat again and again and over.
Help shoppers outline and decide to well being and health objectives.
Design exercise and diet plans for individuals who have frequent objectives.
Check in on shopper adherence and supply accountability.
Create and distribute advertising supplies for his or her enterprise.
Have you ever observed that shoppers all appear to have the identical questions?
“How many calories can I eat?”
“How many reps this time?”
“What workout can I do on my own this week?”
“Is it OK to eat cheese while I’m on vacation in France?”
Can you even depend the variety of instances you’ve typed the identical consuming recommendations? Or what number of instances you’ve despatched a passionate plea to maintain going?
Or what number of instances you’ve mentioned, “Yes, enjoy France, and the cheese!”
The reality is, you’re offering the identical primary info repeatedly (and repeatedly), barely adjusted for every particular person.
Now think about with the ability to automate 90 p.c of labor concerned in your “time-wasting” duties.
If you’ve been in teaching lengthy sufficient you’ll understand that the arc of a shopper sometimes follows a selected sample: You must move alongside sure information at sure instances, you must take measurements at explicit benchmark moments to trace progress, and so forth.
So take your record of repeated/repeatable “time wasters”, and full (and—that is essential—save) the work in a single fell swoop.
1. Create your “General” file.
Open up a brand new doc in Word or Google, or no matter instrument you favor. Make an inventory of the sorts of written communication you want again and again in your corporation. For an ordinary teaching biz, this can in all probability embody:
details about providers and pricing
welcome messages
reminders about upcoming periods
post-session check-ins
month-to-month “how’s it going?” emails
common “you’re doing great” emails
requests and steerage for knowledge like weight, measurements, and so forth.
Once you could have your classes, write (or paste in from emails you’ve already written) the messages themselves.
Depending on the character of your corporation choices, and the way typically you prefer to verify in with shoppers, there could be a variety of normal emails to doc. Take just a few weeks to get this completed. Don’t rush—do it proper.
You now have your “General” file—a brilliant strong basis for any normal enterprise communication it’s worthwhile to ship out.
2. Create your “Programs” file.
Whatever providers you provide in your corporation, you undoubtedly have to speak about them again and again.
Start a brand new doc and record them out. This would possibly embody:
exercise plan (weight reduction)
exercise plan (weight achieve)
meal plan (weight reduction)
meal plan (weight achieve)
meal planning methods
consumption questionnaires
physique measurement tips
objective setting ideas
Write (or paste in from packages you’ve already written) and save into this doc.
Here once more, this process would possibly take a while, particularly in case you’re writing packages and questionnaires from scratch. These assets pays you again to your time, belief me.
This is now your “Programs” file, from which you’ll pull any time it’s worthwhile to talk what to do to your shoppers (or what your corporation affords to potential shoppers).
three. Create your “Emails” file.
Go by a pair months’ price of “sent mail” messages and search for patterns. In the seeming hodgepodge of your communications with shoppers, there are in all probability plenty of repetitions. Typically, coaches ship plenty of messages concerning:
questions on diet and exercise packages
meal-planning challenges
questions on diet fundamentals
normal anxieties about life/objectives/packages/progress
Which emails are nearly the identical?
In a brand new doc, make an inventory of your e mail classes. Under every class heading, paste in your greatest e mail on the subject, and tweak/excellent it as crucial. Save it.
This is your “Emails” file, which you’ll seek advice from every time it’s worthwhile to talk with a shopper (or potential shopper) by way of e mail.
Four. Create your Master Folder.
Save your “General”, “Programs”, and “Emails” recordsdata in a single folder that’s useful so that you can entry. Now, you should have a grasp database of the entire most typical issues it’s worthwhile to share together with your shoppers. You can pull from them once you reply to questions otherwise you proactively ship messages to your shoppers.
You simply saved your self 1000’s of hours.
Step three. Personalize.
By the time you pull info out of your Master Folder and paste it into a brand new doc or physique of an e mail, you’re 90 p.c completed.
The different 10 p.c? Customizing for the precise shopper or prospect you’re speaking with.
Start with a pleasant greeting and a sentence or two about how they’re doing, what they’ve been as much as, and so forth.
Now, personalize your reply or info primarily based on the shopper or prospect’s particular query.
Sign and ship. All set.
Step Four. Put your saved time towards “time warriors” (and a long-awaited trip).
The 1000’s of hours you simply saved? Some of them get delivered straight to your private life. Spend a while together with your youngsters, take your self on trip.
Seriously, it’s time.
Also attempting to develop your corporation? Now’s your likelihood.
Put a variety of the “gained” hours towards high-value duties—i.e. your “time warriors”.
Remember, these are the duties that 1) you’re keen on doing and are uniquely good at, 2) can’t be automated, three) have a tangible affect on your corporation and earnings.
That might embody spending one-on-one time with shoppers in a way more focused method (i.e. ONLY to work on the raise they’ve been scuffling with or ONLY to assist them discover a answer to their I-don’t-have-time-to-cook downside).
Or it could possibly be lead nurturing. Or extremely focused advertising. Or operating group teaching periods. Or engaged on a certification.
In the top, right here’s a vital, often-missed level: A time-management system primarily based on automation lets you be extra private.
If you may automate the common materials, then you could have extra time to have interaction with folks by listening, understanding, customizing recommendation, and interacting.
What to do subsequent: Some ideas from Precision Nutrition
You are you, and your corporation is your corporation.
I can share the methods that labored for me and for Precision Nutrition, however you get to choose what’s greatest for you.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed, begin right here.
1. Re-frame “If only”
Stop saying “if only I had more time” and begin taking command of your time.
Review your duties and assess which of them are “time wasters” and which of them are “time warriors”.
Consider: How are you able to free your self as much as do extra of what’s most vital? How can you employ methods to do much less of what’s not vital?
2. Stop working more durable. Start working smarter.
Systems have been invented to clean and streamline processes, and take busywork off your plate.
Try the PN motto: “Never repeat yourself”.
If there’s one thing you do greater than as soon as, you may in all probability automate it or make it extra environment friendly one way or the other.
Get stuff out of your thoughts, off the Post-it notes, and right into a program that can do the work of organizing and remembering for you.
Become vigilant: Every time you do one thing that you’ll must repeat later, seize it in Word or a Google doc. Keep that file useful so you may copy-and-paste it subsequent time you want it.
Meanwhile, you probably have current methods, consider them. What’s working properly? Which ones do you belief most, and why? Aim to do some extra of what’s already working.
three. Make certain your efforts align with the life you need.
If the genie jumps out of the bottle and also you lastly get the free time you’ve been wishing for, what’s going to you do with it?
Will you employ it for the certification you need to get? Upgrade your internet presence? Have extra customized exchanges together with your shoppers? Or spend high quality time with your loved ones?
Know what you need your time for.
Then be deliberate and intentional about how you employ it.
Ready to grow to be a assured diet coach, assist extra folks, and develop your corporation?
Precision Nutrition’s ProCoach lets you ship the sustainable, research-proven diet and life-style teaching mentioned on this article… on the contact of a button. In one easy, easy-to-use platform, you get the trade’s main diet and life-style teaching curriculum—full with every day classes, habits, progress updates, and extra—able to be delivered to your shoppers, with you showcased because the coach.
Developed over 15 years and confirmed with over 100,000 shoppers, ProCoach is constructed on Precision Nutrition’s frequently evolving curriculum—which relies on the most recent scientific analysis, practice-based change strategies, our personal shoppers’ transformative outcomes, and suggestions from over 12,000 ProfessionalCoaches up to now.
ProCoach offers you all the pieces it’s worthwhile to roll out best-in-class diet teaching, effortlessly. Allowing you to show what you realized within the Precision Nutrition Certification right into a thriving teaching apply, get higher outcomes with each single shopper you’re employed with, and add a extremely worthwhile, scalable revenue stream to your corporation instantly.
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On Wednesday, December 4th, 2019, ProCoach turns into out there to all Precision Nutrition Certification college students and graduates.
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If you’re able to grow to be a assured diet coach, assist extra folks dwell their healthiest lives, and develop your corporation… ProCoach is your likelihood.
The post How top-earning well being and health coaches save time, improve their effectiveness, and work + dwell on their very own phrases. appeared first on Weight Loss Fitness.
from Weight Loss Fitness https://weightlossfitnesss.info/how-top-earning-well-being-and-health-coaches-save-time-improve-their-effectiveness-and-work-dwell-on-their-very-own-phrases/
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topicprinter · 5 years
Gadget Flow is a product discovery platform. We reach about 28 million consumers on a monthly basis. In a nutshell, we've curated 12 new products every day since 2012. You can purchase these products directly from the sellers or you have the option to save them to your wishlist. The idea is to make everything available from the original vendor.We're a team of 28 people headquartered in New York, but our team works remotely from all over the world.Is it similar Product Hunt, for eCommerce?For the record, we founded Gadget Flow before Product Hunt.The idea of Gadget Flow was to create something that's between Amazon and Engadget. On one hand, through Amazon, you can just literally find anything you want, but it requires a lot of time to find quality and unique products, whether you’re looking gifts products, tech products etc.. On the other hand, you have Engadget or Gizmodo and other tech blogs, that write 2000-3000 word reviews on products. They go into detail but you don’t actually understand what each product does straight away. However, if you wanted to see a thorough review, that was the best place for you to go.Gadget Flow TeamSo with Gadget Flow we sit right in the middle, we present 12 new products every single day.We feature a product with only 100 word description. We make it as descriptive as possible but also allow you to visualize how you can use the product without needing to read thousands of words.How do you promote a website like this? How did you get your name out there?In the early days, I was actually taking care of our marketing department on my own. As a small company, you wear multiple hats, especially in the beginning. So I was in charge of marketing, and I used a lot of growth hacking strategies and techniques in general. One of the best, during the early days, was Facebook. We partnered with a lot of pages back in the day that were primarily niche pages.We would ask them to post products from Gadget Flow, and then we were converting their community to our users and subscribers and so on. That has worked for a couple of years. Then Facebook destroyed the organic reach. After that, we focused hard on SEO, as well as content marketing. We also upped our social media game in general, because we were relying a lot on Facebook.To break it down, it was 90% Facebook during our early days. Then we focused on Twitter, after that Instagram came along so we focused on that. Today it's primarily organic, meaning search - Bing, Google, DuckDuckGo and so on. Then the other half is split between social and content marketing.At the start, how did you fund it? Because surely there were some costs involved in starting, even though you weren't getting a lot of paid marketing. How did you fund that first year?We were lucky to be profitable since our third or fourth month. So the actual amount we put down as the three founders initially wasn't that significant. We're talking about a four figure number. It was primarily hosting, development and a few other things. It wasn't something crazy that you need to raise a seed or series A round to do. It was definitely easier back in the day because of the growth hacking strategies I mentioned with Facebook. It would have been way more challenging if you were to start today.What is your typical client? So when people are coming to you saying, "We want to advertise on your site," are they typically a Kickstarter, Indiegogo type of person? Or are they more of a general eCommerce site, that's just promoting your product?The majority used to be crowdfunding, because we were one of the first marketing platforms when Kickstarter and Indiegogo skyrocketed between 2012 and 2016. Now our ideal customers are small to medium business owners that have a Shopify store and are selling a high quality product.In terms of crowdfunding, we're partnered with Indiegogo and we are listed as experts on Kickstarter. We've also partnered with over 40 agencies and third party services as well. We've created an affiliate network for them in order for them to refer customers to us. It's become a big network now that leads to Gadget Flow. It is something that took us a lot of years to create and sustain.So there's a lot of services that will offer to promote your Kickstarter for you, and they'll do kind of full service ad agencies and things like that, so they'll run YouTube and Facebook Ads. How come you've decided not to offer that full service and focus on your type of promotion?Before we launched Gadget Flow, we were working on a media agency. I was the founder of that agency alongside the other two partners of Gadget Flow. We had a lot of experience with Facebook Ads, graphic design, web design, marketing, PR and everything in-between. We were running that company for over a year. We shut it down because we realized Gadget Flow's potential and we wanted to focus 100% on it.When it comes to an agency and a third party service, the crowdfunding market is highly saturated. In 2019, you go live on Kickstarter and on day one you get 200 emails from third party services saying, "Hey, we want to boost your product." (We're definitely one of them, by the way, for the sake of transparency.) But the reality is that 90% of those companies are actually a scam. There's this scam community built around the crowdfunding market that is just trying to take advantage of all the creators and get big piece of their total amount raised.What we do, from our side, is not to offer a full service to a creator or a campaign. There's so many companies that it just doesn't make sense to compete with these people. So instead, we built a product that they don't have, we're not competing with them and they're actually sending us customers.With that, it makes it a bit easier for us to convert customers because we have agency "XYZ" recommending our product. It makes it easier for the creator to get actual feedback on a service. Don't get me wrong, there's a few other services out there, shout out to BackerClub, The Crowdfunding Formula, Crowdreach, Jellop, Enventys.. We've been working with them for years.So what does your team actually look like now? So what's the breakdown, in terms of sales, web development, that kind of thing? Are there any services that you want to look to offer? Is there going to be a shift in that team breakdown at some point?When we were scaling the business, everyone was doing a lot of different tasks, you know how it is to run a startup. But nowadays, we break it down into separate departments and it has been this way for the past 2-3 years. We broke it down into customer support, sales, operations, our development team, and of course the management team too. It's more streamlined now.Are you looking to offer any services?There's so many ideas and so many different ways that we can expand Gadget Flow. On one hand it's a platform but we also have the apps for both Android and iOS with over a million downloads. We test the waters with a lot of new features that come out from third party services. For example, we were one of the first apps back in 2017 on Apple's app store that supported the augmented reality feature through Apple’s ARKit.If you have an iOS device and you download the app, you can actually experience some of the products that we showcase in augmented reality. It’s not scalable so far but we’re definitely we're looking at 2020 and 2021 to scale that even further and have higher adoption rates. The idea when we're looking at services, is to focus on what we're doing really well. Of course we also experiment with new ideas.Our marketing plans start at $400 and they can go all the way up to $30,000 for enterprise level options. We offer the Crowdinsight feature which is either for creators or small business owners with a hardware product. They can get feedback from our community about their product and potentially increase their conversion rate and ROAS (return on ad spend).The third service is something that we've launched recently. We partnered with the Cory group, which is a crowdfunding agency based in Israel. We've also partnered with Jonny Caplan, a very reputable tech reporter and we're doing unboxing videos. We launched that in May, 2019 and it's been going really well, we've had HP as one of our first customers. We've got over five videos that we're working on right now. The idea for this is to be able to release a couple of videos on a monthly basis, and scale that up as we grow.So then moving onto how you're marketing today, you've managed to get featured in places like Forbes and other big magazines. How did you get into these magazines? And what effect did they have on you being able to network with people and acquire new customers?It was primarily organic and then a bit of networking, I would say. So attending conferences where we exhibited and The Next Web in New York in 2015, 2016 and 2017. I was also a speaker at the web summit in Lisbon in 2017. It's about getting your name out there and attending conferences or events around your market and making sure to network with people.Then more generally, so when you're running the business day to day, what are you using to manage the team? So you manage it entirely remotely. How do you manage that? And what apps assist you with doing that?In reality, it comes down to great team collaboration meaning all departments understanding and knowing what other departments are doing, as well as who to reach out to if we have a specific case or a request.It comes down to creating an internal knowledge-base that forms your base as a company. As you scale your business, it's smart to run your business like it's even bigger than it is today. So if we take our example - Gadget Flow has 28 people today. In summer 2019, we're running as if it was 50-60 people. That does two things. One, it makes us work harder when it comes to workflow, procedures, policy updates, etc... The second thing is that it preps us for when that time comes. We hire one or two people every quarter depending on the year.We use Intercom as our customer support tool, live chat, email and everything in between. Then Salesmate for our sales team. Initially we tried Salesforce for a year and a half but didn't like it. We tried other tools in the past, like Podio but didn't like it. Now we're stuck with Salesmate, which is a good thing.Have you met all of the team? Or are you strictly remote? Have you met every person?Around 90% of the team. We actually did our first team retreat in Japan in Osaka, in September 2018, and we're going to do another one soon. The idea is to bring everyone together, it boosts your energy, your confidence, your productivity as well. You see these effects for months after the team retreat.Have you ever had to reject a product from your platform, because it was too outrageous? And what was it?Every product passes through our compliance team. They check products just before we publish them and also monitor the performance of certain product categories after we publish them.Our approval rate is close to 80% at this point, so we don't actually publish whatever we find or whatever our customer sends us. They have to meet the requirements and it should be a product that we would feature organically anyway.We have a backlog of products to go live for the next few months and we do feature organic products too. What we offer to our customers with our marketing plans is additional exposure - they get newsletter placements, featured placements and slider placements. But again, we're not featuring or promoting products that we wouldn't feature organically. That’s how it works.So 20% of products are too dangerous to feature?Not necessarily. It could be products, for example, such as prototypes. There are prototypes and prototypes out there. There could be one that looks like an alpha version of a product and it's not good enough at that stage to actually feature on Gadget Flow. But that particular customer might come back after a few months and say, "Okay, we created a better prototype and we're now ready to actually crowdfund this." In that case, we of course re-evaluate and approve it. The majority of the products we reject comes down to the quality, not necessarily that it's dangerous.If you enjoyed this interview, the full transcript is here.
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bobbyepedersen-blog · 7 years
Revenue In Appreciation From A Decedent By Rocco Beatrice
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If an initial judgment involved a selection pertaining to the clinical essential need from a product or service, the QIC's revision should include consideration by a board of medical doctors or ideal healthcare specialists, as well as have to be accordinged to clinical adventure, the patient's filings, as well as health care, specialized, as well as scientific proof on document. The DWP doesn't must make the decision within a certain timescale and at times it could have many months to obtain your selection letter - this letter is called a 'obligatory revision notice'. You are right now anticipating a simple reaction coming from the Internal Revenue Service to settle your income tax financial obligation trouble. Inning accordance with the IRS, over 80% from Americans use a tax obligation preparer or income tax software program for submitting their tax returns. 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Once the preliminary three-year implementation stage is actually comprehensive, Internal Revenue Service intends call for a 3rd test to resolve the proficiency from the tax profit preparer with regard to more complicated business tax obligation policies. While each California and also Connecticut condition that the mandated training should be actually interactive, California's instruction regulation mosts likely to fantastic sizes to describe exactly just what constitutes an active technique. Also, the tax preparers need to pass the expertise exam and also have to please the carrying on qualified learning needs. If you adored this information and you would like to get additional details relating to yellow pages uk reverse lookup (ficarsaudavelagora.info) kindly see our web page. According to the short article Theft: Whatever You Need to Know through Stephen Linker, organizational health conditions that generate an open door for embezzlement to happen include the insufficient partition from tasks, lack of worker training as well as understanding regarding business plans and the repercussions for breaching them, higher turnover rates, breakdown to continually execute plans and also criteria or punish wrongdoers as well as functioning in an atmosphere that frequently acts in situation" mode. The Necessary Residential Meal Programs are actually tax-exempt, sparing you virtually 15% on taxes on the majority of food product purchased in 21 different areas on each schools. In Singapore a firm is actually obligated to sign up for the purposes of Item as well as companies income tax (GST) act when the annual turn over is above or anticipated to become above 1 million SGD. 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The Health and wellness Team is the leading service provider from Required Instruction for nurses in the UK. Our company are actually currently hiring for expert and also expert Compulsory fitness instructors on a subcontract OR utilized manner in every areas. Getting a higher amount from dedication is actually an obligatory essential for any powerlifter. When you request a required revision, you should describe why you presume the decision mistakes. The income would be actually included in his estate for estate tax reasons and also is strained to whoever got the examination. If you don't, the Internal Revenue Service enforces stiff penalties: a tax of 50% on the volume that need to have been actually taken out. To enable nursing team to fulfill their obligatory instruction demands whether that is refresher instruction or even as annual upgrade. From particular details, companies have to provide a very early as well as stuffed discussion of documentation in the revision phase. This training program is actually requirements from STCW '95 Event as well as is compulsory for all marine employees. The instruction elements in the Mandatory Instruction Training course are appropriate extensive to the level of understanding required. The ideal upline, with the appropriate instruction units in place is actually essential to your results. Both The golden state as well as Connecticut define that companies working with 50 or even more employees conduct the training. If one desires to be actually effective in his job undertaking, just how to behave professional is required to recognize. Meals and also enjoyment costs are among my beloved kinds of reductions given that they can get rid of income tax. This is actually required to abide by the ratings for the advantage from the users' understanding concerning the game. That's where the activity receives caught when done appropriately, that may record additional tax obligation financial savings.
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lasonya678689-blog · 7 years
Understanding As well as Development.
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cringeynews · 8 years
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New Post has been published on http://cringeynews.com/featured/alex-jones-pizzagate-booster-and-americas-most-famous-conspiracy-theorist-explained/
Alex Jones, Pizzagate booster and America’s most famous conspiracy theorist, explained
Alex Jones, the radio host and media mogul, is more responsible than any other single person for the spread of “Pizzagate” — the totally false theory that DC pizza joint Comet Ping Pong is a front for a child sex ring involving Hillary and Bill Clinton. In one YouTube video, on November 4, Jones said that “Hillary Clinton has personally murdered and chopped up and raped [children].”
Over the weekend, a man entered Comet — a family restaurant that I’ve taken my niece and nephew to several times — with a rifle and fired at least one shot. When Michael Flynn Jr., the son of Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn, defended the Pizzagate theory after the shooting, it cost him his job.
Yet Jones has yet to apologize or back down. Why would he? Jones has said plenty of things that are as or more absurd — and yet has managed to gain a huge following and even, it seems, the ear of Trump himself.
A partial list of things Jones believes include: The US government is secretly controlled by a shadowy international cabal called the New World Order. The Federal Emergency Management Agency is going to put Americans in concentration camps. The “Jewish mafia” controls Uber and American health care. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are literal demons — like, the kind that come from hell and smell like sulfur.
A lot of other people — including many supporters of Donald Trump — seem to believe these things too. One of Jones’s websites, Infowars, got 10 million unique visitors in the past month, according to Quantcast. That’s more than National Review, America’s premier conservative journal, and nearly four times as much as Rush Limbaugh’s site. It’s also more than mainstream sites like the Economist and Newsweek.
Jones interviewed Trump in December 2015, at length. During the show, Trump told Jones that “your reputation is amazing,” and promised, “I will not let you down.” Jones paid back the compliment, telling Trump that “90 percent” of his listeners back him. Trump has tweeted out Infowars links, as has his son Donald Trump Jr. Roger Stone, a top Trump adviser, is a frequent guest on Jones’s radio show.
Alex Jones believes a lot of things — like, as Spin’s Andy Cush documents, the notion that Justin Bieber is part of an evil plot to confiscate your guns. This kind of idea is, slowly but surely, being dragged toward the conservative mainstream by Donald Trump.
How did this happen? How did someone as demonstrably bonkers as Alex Jones get so close to the Republican presidential nominee?
The rise of Alex Jones is in part a story about the enduring appeal of conspiracy theories in American life, and the way the internet is reshaping our information ecosystem.
But it is also a story about the institutional breakdown of the Republican Party. By spurning the mainstream media and cultivating its own alternative ecosystem, it opened the door and invited people like Jones in.
The making of Alex Jones
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The Alex Jones story starts in the famously weird city of Austin, Texas. Jones went to high school there, graduating from Anderson High School in 1993 and attending Austin Community College part time afterward.
It isn’t entirely surprising that Jones developed his belief in conspiracies, both global and domestic, while living in Austin. The Texas state capital is best known as countercultural hub, a home base for beleaguered Texas liberals. But it’s also served as a kind of clearinghouse for conspiracy buffs.
The city serves as a melting pot for right-wing anti-government types and post-hippie radicals like Willie Nelson, creating a place where conspiracy theorists of all types can share their theories on evil government plots. They meet at places like Brave New Books, a basement storefront where, on one 2014 visit, I overheard a staffer and a customer discussing how the government planned the Boston Marathon bombing.
“There’s this really distinctive Austin personality that goes back to the New Left and counterculture days in the ’60s and ’70s,” says Jesse Walker, the books editor of Reason magazine and the author of The United States of Paranoia. “They [do] this very American style of radicalism and populism.”
After graduating from high school, Jones worked his way into this scene, hosting local cable access and radio shows in the mid-’90s. At the time, the Clinton presidency, and events like the 1993 Waco siege, had caused a surge in far-right, and at times violent, anti-government activity. Jones glommed onto these ideas, arguing that the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing was a “false flag” planned by the US government as a pretext to crack down on dissenters.
Jones’s presence in the Austin conspiracy scene eventually earned him attention from national hate-watchers. “I first heard about him in late 1998,” recalls Mark Pitcavage, director of the Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism.
“There’s a war on for your mind!”
People like Pitcavage tracked Jones because he was part of a much broader movement, an anti-government far-right that blames the world’s ills on a grand global conspiracy.
Jones and those like him believe the world has been secretly taken over by a secret global cabal, the so-called “New World Order.” These “globalists,” as Jones types derisively call them, want to take over the United States, which they see as the final stronghold of freedom on earth.
Jones and his fellow travelers also believe that the leadership of the United States, regardless of political party, is secretly working to bring New World Order rule to America. That’s why Jones talks about FEMA setting up concentration camps and Obama taking your guns. (Note: neither of these things are happening.) They’re laying the groundwork for when a New World Order putsch comes.
The only way to stop this, he argues, is for citizens to fight back. For some, particularly those in the militia movement, that means arming yourself against the government. For Jones, it means arming yourself with knowledge about the true nature of the conspiracy; winning the “InfoWar.” His site’s tagline: “There’s a war on for your mind!”
Lots of people around the country preach a similar message. What differentiates Jones from his competitors is his energetic presentation style. Jones yells and rants and raves. He cries, grunts, and growls. He rips off his shirt, slams the table, and pleads with the cameras. He promises you information that “they” are keeping from you, truths about a coming catastrophe that you need to prepare for and that only Alex Jones has the research prowess to uncover.
The sheer energy of an Alex Jones performance puts every cable news broadcaster to shame. What he says is clearly ridiculous, but the way he says it is just incredibly watchable.
By the early 2000s, Jones’s gonzo style had turned him into a kind of local celebrity in Austin. He appeared in famed Austinite Richard Linklater’s 2001 film, Waking Life, delivering one of his patented spittle-flecked rants in animated form.
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But what really caused Jones to break out, on a national level, was the birth of the World Wide Web.
“He’s become what he has today because of the internet,” Pitcavage says.
Think of him of a conspiracy theory equivalent of early political bloggers, like Andrew Sullivan or Josh Marshall.
These men understood, intuitively, that the internet was going to be the 21st century’s dominant medium for information dissemination, and distinguished themselves from other writers by adapting to the technology early on. Jones did the same thing, just with a different target audience in mind.
He created websites, Infowars and PrisonPlanet, to disseminate his message. The sites sold VHS tapes and later DVDs of Jones’s monologues and documentaries. As internet technology got more sophisticated, Jones cut out the middleman, and just started streaming his broadcasts on his sites and uploading the videos to YouTube.
He found a huge and receptive audience. By 2010, PrisonPlanet and Infowars combined for about 4 million unique monthly visitors, according to Texas Monthly; his radio show had 2 million monthly listeners. One 2013 estimate put his empire’s revenue at over $10 million a year.
Jones had gone from being a cable access host in Austin to one of the more recognizable figures on the political internet.
“Alex Jones is the primary producer of conspiracy theories in America today,” Mark Potok, a senior fellow at the Southern Poverty Law Center, tells me.
Jones in the Obama era
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Jones’s large audience has given him the ability to impact real-world events. In 2009, the National Guard had scheduled an exercise in Arcadia, Iowa, where volunteers in the town would play-act as foreign civilians to practice operations in an urban environment.
Jones, perhaps unsurprisingly, saw something far more nefarious. He aired a radio segment in which he called the exercise an “invasion” plot by “dirtbag Soviet scum, the ones that funded both the Bolsheviks and the Nazis.” The National Guard, Jones warned, “want to cull our butt!”
This led to a massive outcry from Jones fans, who flooded the National Guard with complaints and plans to protest. The guard cancelled the operation — and while they claimed the cancellation had nothing to do with the Jones-led uproar, that’s kind of hard to believe.
“He can take nothing and turn into a real world problem because his followers can then go act on things,” Pitcavage says.
The number of people willing to listen to this kind of talk has only grown since Barack Obama’s election. In 2009, there were 149 so-called “Patriot groups,” organizations that share Jones’s belief in the New World Order conspiracy, according to SPLC data. By 2012, there were 1,360 nationwide, an increase of more than 800 percent.
This mirrored the far-right’s surge during the Clinton years; it seems that Democratic governance inspires anti-government extremism. Race may also have been a factor, though Pitcavage stresses that the overlap between the Alex Jones crowd and the white supremacist crowd is surprisingly minimal.
Interestingly, online racists hate Alex Jones, as they believe he focuses too much on the New World Order and not enough on the threat from minorities and Jews. He recently got into on-air fight with David Duke, the infamous former KKK leader, surrounding Jones’s refusal to focus on the Jewish role in the New World Order. (Jones’s wife, incidentally, is of Jewish descent.)
“I have long said that one of the biggest roadblocks we have in bringing large numbers of people to our ranks is Alex Jones,” writes one poster at The Daily Stormer, one of America’s premiere neo-Nazi sites. “He talks about many real issues but does everything in his power to discredit factual information on Jewish and Zionist power.”
Whatever the reason behind the surge in Jones-style conspiracy theorizing, its rise definitely helps explains Jones’s audience growth in the past eight years. As far-right conspiracy theories become more popular, so too has the most famous proponent of those theories.
But that’s only a partial explanation. To understand how Alex Jones became the incredibly well-known, popular figure he is today, you need to understand his relationship with more mainstream conservative media outlets — or, more specifically, his relationship with Matt Drudge.
How Alex Jones and the Republican party became intertwined
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Drudge is the famously secretive proprietor of the Drudge Report, perhaps the most well-read and important website on the right today. Drudge, like Jones, was an early internet adopter, only he operated in the mainstream — most notably by breaking the Monica Lewinsky scandal in 1998. Though the Lewinsky scoop turned him into a household name, the Drudge Report is more of an aggregation than newsbreaking operation, mostly linking out to other sites rather than reporting its own stuff.
Drudge has always had a very tabloid sensibility in what he links to, which sometimes verges on the irresponsible. He has repeatedly posted stories alleging that Bill Clinton had an illegitimate black child, for example, and claimed (without evidence) that John Kerry had an affair with an intern during the 2004 campaign.
Sometime in the early days of the Obama administration, Drudge latched on to Alex Jones. It was a match made in heaven: Jones’s fact-free but immensely entertaining rants were a perfect fit with Drudge’s gossipy, right-wing paranoiac approach to news. He began linking heavily to Jones’s work on the Drudge Report, driving millions of clicks to Infowars and bringing Jones’s work to a more mainstream conservative audience.
“If you had to say there was one source who really helped us break out, who took our information, helped to punch it out to an even more effective level, [Drudge is] the guy,” Jones said in a 2011 interview with New York magazine. “Three years ago, there was almost no news coverage of Bilderberg [an alleged “globalist” hub] in this country; there was an electronic Berlin Wall. Drudge, every year, takes our reportage and links to it on our site.”
As the Obama administration went on, Drudge and Jones’s relationship deepened. In early 2013, Drudge declared that the coming year would be “the year of Alex Jones” — a prophecy that had been set up by his own work. Between April 2011 and April 2013, Drudge had linked to 244 separate articles on Infowars or PrisonPlanet, according to Media Matters’ Ben Dimiero. These articles include:
A November 2012 article promoting claims that James Holmes, the man [then] on trial for the mass shooting at an Aurora, Colorado movie theater, may actually have been under the influence of CIA “mind control.” The piece was based around a story told by an “alleged inmate” supposedly in jail with Holmes, who claimed Holmes told him he was “programmed” to kill by an “evil” therapist.
A July 2012 post highlighting an interview between Jones and Joseph Farah, editor of conspiracy website WND. During that interview, Farah suggested that if Obama were re-elected, people like him and Jones would be “hunted down like dogs.”
A March 2012 piece suggesting that the death of conservative publisher Andrew Breitbart may not have been the result of natural causes, but instead related to a “damning” video about President Obama Breitbart had supposedly planned to release the day of his death.
Drudge wasn’t the only Jones validator on the mainstream right, according to Dimiero. The Paul family, both former Rep. Ron and Sen. Rand, have appeared on the Alex Jones Show (the former was a frequent guest). Fox News personalities Lou Dobbs and Andrew Napolitano have been on; conservative celebrities like Charlie Sheen and Ted Nugent also paid Jones some visits.
This shouldn’t surprise anyone. As historian Rick Perlstein details in the Baffler, the conservative movement has long been afflicted by conspiracy theorists, going back to is origins in the ’50s and ’60s. Oftentimes, these people have exploited the fears of conservatives for profit.
Some representative Infowars headlines. (InfoWars.com)
Think, for example, of Glenn Beck’s commercials for Goldline — a company that warned of an impending market crash under Obama to convince the elderly to buy its absurdly expensive coins.
About three years ago, I investigated a similar company, called Reboot Marketing, which had been advertising its wares in outlets like National Review and RedState. Reboot used Jones-like warnings about FEMA camps and “communist food brainwashing” to sell products with names like Food4Patriots (preserved food) and Power4Patriots (home energy kits). It turns out that the food was a marked-up basket bought from another vendor, and the home energy kits couldn’t work as advertised. The entire thing was cooked up by a Harvard grad named Allen Baler, who saw paranoid conservatives as easy marks.
Unlike Baler, Jones almost certainly believes most of what he’s saying. You don’t start your career on cable access if you’re in it for the money, as Pitcavage noted in our conversation.
But the key point here is even “respectable” elements of the conservative movement like National Review and Beck have, for decades, been very happy to manipulate far-right conspiracies — either to build support for typical Republicans or to make a buck. This strategy made it much, much easier for someone like Jones to get a foothold in the party, to come in contact with actual Republican legislators and key conservative media figures.
Drudge may have been especially responsible for in mainstreaming Jones, but he was pushing on an open door.
Donald Trump and the GOP get Jonesified
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Alex Jones tends not to see a lot of good news in the world. Donald Trump’s primary victory was an exception.
Jones sees Trump as a kind of quieter kindred spirit, someone who understands the perfidy of the New World Order but doesn’t talk about it quite so openly. He claims the Trump people have been courting him, for this reason, since early 2015.
“There’s no way the Trump people would have reached out to me a year and a half ago, if he wasn’t aware of the work,” Jones told reporter Alexander Zaitchik in July 2016. “He’s been what you call a ‘closet conspiracy theorist’ for 50 years. I think he’s been a chameleon in the system, and now he sees the time to strike.”
It’s easy to see where Jones is coming from. Try reading the following set of quotes, and tell me whether they’re Trump or Jones:
“We will no longer surrender this country or its people to the false song of globalism.”
“It’s a global power structure that is responsible for the economic decisions that have robbed our working class, stripped our country of its wealth, and put that money into the pockets of a handful of large corporations and political entities.”
“This election will determine whether we remain a free nation or only the illusion of democracy.”
They’re all Trump quotes, of course. Like Jones, Trump sees dark conspiracies everywhere — an elite that’s secretly oppressing Americans, and that only he can fix. Trump doesn’t need to say the phrase “New World Order” to get the point across to people like Jones; language about “globalism” is a clear enough for those people to glom onto it.
This isn’t just a dog-whistle for the Jones crowd. As my colleague Yochi Dreazen notes, Trump’s language about a global economic elite is directly reminiscent of classic anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, ones embraced by many Trump fans on the “alt-right”. Jones himself has also dabbled in this stuff, despite his feud with the neo-Nazis: In one October broadcast, he warned of a “Jewish mafia” that controls the health care system, which is soon “going to hurt you.” Nevertheless, Jones insisted, “I’m not against Jews.”
Trump has at times gone further than dog-whistling, and actually amplified conspiracies invented or promoted by Infowars.
Trump declared that the EPA manufactured the California drought to protect a fish, a claim that appears to have originated on Infowars. His theory that Ted Cruz’s father was involved in the JFK assassination, or that Antonin Scalia may have been murdered? Yep, both on Infowars.
Can we prove that Trump is getting his conspiratorial ideas from Jones? Not really, but there isn’t another explanation that makes a lot of sense.
Trump clearly reads Infowars, judging by his Twitter account, and sung Jones’s praises when he appeared on the show. But the most obvious conduit is Roger Stone, a shady right-wing operative who has wormed his way into the Trump inner circle. Stone is a longtime Alex Jones fan and guest on his program, and you can easily imagine him handing off what he “learns” there to Trump.
Interestingly, Trump doesn’t appear to take in a lot of information mainstream from right-wing sources like National Review or the Weekly Standard (perhaps because the editors of those publications have mostly disavowed Trump). The publication that most closely tracks Trump’s view is Breitbart, a far-right site that often peddles in Jones-lite conspiracy theorizing.
Intellectually speaking, Trump is much more a product of the fever swamp than the mainstream right. Yet the formal leadership of the GOP has had a hard time disavowing him, even during the primary. And the rise of Jones helps explain why.
Think about it. In a normal party, implying that an opponent’s father had helped assassinate JFK would get you laughed out of the race. But it didn’t.
A nontrivial percentage of Republican voters had imbibed Jones’s snake juice, and didn’t see anything weird about Trump’s theories. Republican leaders and media outlets were too used to conspiracy theorizing to get all worked up with it, like they did with the “grab ’em by the pussy” tape. It was just a part of the movement.
The Democratic Party, as an institution, doesn’t have the same the same level of comfort with this out-there weirdness. Left-wing publications don’t run advertisements by shady vendors who sell their products based on political paranoia. There’s just a fundamental asymmetry between the organized American left and right, one that allows completely absurd ideas to seep into one side in a way that it just doesn’t with the other.
To seep so far, in fact, as to influence the GOP’s actual nominee for president of the United States.
This isn’t a problem that ends with Donald Trump. Jones may have started as a fringe figure, but years of mainstreaming has allowed him to build a real presence among Republican voters. It’s not clear how more responsible conservatives can prevent his ideas from spreading further, or roll back the bizarre ideas he’s already injected into the party rank-and-file. And the more these ideas are out there, the harder it will to take the party back from the kind of people who elected Trump in the first place.
Alex Jones is one more big problem for the Republican Party in a year that’s already full of them.
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Contemporary History Research Paper
This sample Contemporary History Research Paper is published for educational and informational purposes only. Like other free research paper examples it is not a custom research paper. If you need help with writing your assignment, please use research paper writing services and buy a research paper on any topic.
Contemporary history ends with the present. Its starting point is contentious and depends upon the topic of study. It has been practiced since ancient times but has become most popular since the 1960s. It has been criticized by conventional historians for the difficulty of examining the recent past objectively and the absence of adequate documentation. These arguments are rejected since they apply equally to all periods. Like the study of other periods, it has been influenced by changes in the contemporary world and by the changing interests of historians such as the growing influence of social and cultural history since the 1960s.
What and When Is Contemporary History?
The Long History of Contemporary History
Contemporary History since the 1960s
Approaches, Sources, and Methods in Contemporary History
What and When Is Contemporary History?
Periodization in history is always problematic and contentious, no less for contemporary history than for any time period. Unavoidably, historians of all times and places find it hard to agree on precisely when the period they identify with begins and ends. This is partly because historians have diverse preoccupations, necessarily if we are to gain a reasonably comprehensive understanding of the past, and because nations and societies do not experience all-pervasive breaks, even following a serious crisis such as war, revolution, occupation, or plague. Some features of the society may continue, such as religious faith or family structure, which will preoccupy some historians, while others focus on the experience of rupture.
However, one essential element of periodization is agreed among contemporary historians: their period ends with the present. It includes the history of the very recent past, so the end point of contemporary history is agreed but is constantly shifting. Where it begins is more contentious. Some have argued, in the past, that contemporary history is the history of the generation now living, or events within the lifetime of the historian. This will not do because generations overlap and some lives are very long. This definition leaves us with “ever-changing boundaries and an ever-changing content, with a subject matter that is in constant flux” as Geoffrey Barraclough wrote in his Introduction to Contemporary History (1966: pp. 13– 14), the first modern work in English to tackle the subject. As he pointed out, at the time he was writing (the book was first published in 1964), it was still possible to meet people who had conversed with Bismarck, and others “for whom Hitler was as much an historical figure as Napoleon or Julius Caesar” (p. 13).
Barraclough proposed two complementary definitions of contemporary history. Firstly, it was the history of a time period: he argued that contemporary history should be dated from the late 1950s, when an array of major historical changes were clearly established, including the emergence of the United States and Russia as ‘superpowers’ and the weakening of Western Europe; the breakdown of empires; ‘the readjustment of relations between white and colored peoples’; and the thermonuclear revolution and other technological transformations. ‘Taken together’ he argued “they give contemporary history a distinctive quality which marks it off from the preceding period” (p. 17). But, Barraclough argued, to understand the nature and significance of these changes the study of contemporary history should begin around 1890, when ‘the forces took shape that have molded the contemporary world.’ At this time, among other things, economic exchange became truly global; empires reached a peak; labor movements grew and strengthened and socialism became a strong force; more nations moved toward modern democracy; and European nations adopted alignments that would lead to two world wars.
But still, warned Barraclough, “we shall do well to beware of precise dates. Contemporary History begins when the problems in the world today first take visible shape” (my italics: p. 20). He recognized that, in order to understand certain contemporary phenomena, a much longer timescale was needed than for others. We might today give the examples of wars in Afghanistan, or of financial crises, understanding both can benefit from historical analysis but the timescales are very different. The second definition of contemporary history, he believed, was its capacity “to clarify the basic structural changes which have shaped the modern world,” which “may take us far back into the past.” (pp. 16–17). Hence “we cannot say that contemporary history ‘begins’ comprehensively in 1945, or 1939 or 1917 or 1898 or any other specific date we may choose”(p. 20). The beginning depends upon the aspect of the contemporary world under scrutiny. However, for practical purposes, such as teaching courses in contemporary history, a time frame must be chosen. When the aim is to teach the history of the recent past, or to convey a sense of it to a wide audience, rather than to explain a particular event or set of events, the choice may be somewhat arbitrary, determined by what is manageable in the time available.
Dating key features of the contemporary world to the late 1950s made sense in 1964. Fifty years later we might think differently. Since 1989, Communism has almost vanished from Europe and socialist ideas are more fiercely challenged everywhere than before. The Cold War is over and the Russia is much less influential, and so, more gradually, the influence of the United States has begun to dwindle, while China (still officially Communist) has become increasingly powerful in the world economy and politics. Versions of Islam influence world affairs as they have not for centuries, as do the politics of countries in which it is powerful. The invention of the World Wide Web has revolutionized communications, pervasively influencing everyday life including in entertainment, shopping, and politics. Though these changes need to be seen in context. As David Edgerton has argued, old technology has never ceased to be important. The world consumed more coal and steam power was more widespread in 2000 than in 1950 or 1900 (Edgerton, 2006). The bicycle is still an important, and in Europe a growing, means of transport, much encouraged as a source of exercise and good health. Similarly, old ideas, sometimes very old such as religious faith, and practices, political, social, and cultural as well as technological, have not disappeared but profoundly influence day-to-day life.
The Long History of Contemporary History
Contemporary history became a notably active preoccupation of historians in the 1960s, hence Barraclough’s book, but it was by no means a new concept. As with many contemporary themes we need to probe far back into the past to understand its origins and development. Benedetto Croce claimed in 1917 that “every true history is contemporary history” (Croce, 1917). He meant something different from Barraclough and most contemporary practitioners in the field, that the work of the historian of any period is influenced by present preoccupations and by the historian’s personal experience. This is widely agreed. The term has come into common use and into university syllabuses relatively recently, since the 1960s, especially since the 1980s, but it is older than Croce. It made an early English-language appearance in the Edinburgh Review in 1808 (vol 12: p. 480) with the (now contentious) comment:
There is this general distinction between Contemporary History and all other history- that the former is a witness, the latter a judge.
Yet the practice of studying the immediate past, up to the present, is a great deal older still. Thucydides, recognized as one of the greatest ancient historians, writing about the Peloponnesian wars as they happened (431–404 BC) and in which he had fought, rested his narrative “partly on what I saw myself, partly on what others saw for me,” aiming to record the war accurately, in view of its intrinsic interest and importance, and to provide political lessons for the future. He hoped that his History would be useful to ‘those who desire an exact knowledge of the past as a key to the future, which in all probability will repeat or resemble the past. The work is meant to be a possession forever, not the rhetorical triumph of an hour.’ His ruling principle was strict adherence to carefully verified facts:
As to the deeds done in the war, I have not thought myself at liberty to record them on hearsay from the first informant or on arbitrary conjecture. My account rests either on personal knowledge or on the closest possible scrutiny of each statement made by others. The process of research was laborious because conflicting accounts were given by those who had witnessed the several events, as partiality swayed or memory served them.
Problems that present day contemporary historians will recognize and which have been analyzed extensively by practitioners of oral history (Perks and Thomson, 1998).
Through the next 2000 years others wrote the history of their own times, designed to convey lessons as much as to expand knowledge. In England, Edward Hyde, Earl of Clarendon, adviser to Charles I, and Lord Chancellor to Charles II, late in life wrote The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England (1702–1704), which he had experienced and with which he had no sympathy, a work designed to justify and praise the restoration of the monarchy. Thomas Babington Macaulay, politician and imperial administrator, part of a newly influential professional middle class, wrote his widely read four volume History of England (published 1848–1861, the final volume after his death), as uncritical celebration of the period since the Glorious Revolution of 1688. He described it as a time of brilliant progress, unique to England at the time, culminating in the Great Reform Act of 1832, which brought the middle classes into political power, and the repeal of the Corn Laws in 1846, which established free trade and further economic expansion, making England the dominant world economy. Democracy, he argued, had then gone far enough and acceding to the growing demands of the lower orders for inclusion could only undermine England’s greatness.
Interest in studying the immediate past has often been sparked by a specific crisis – in Macaulay’s case, the stirrings of working class discontent in the early nineteenth century – and the desire to understand its origins and impact. For some European historians in the nineteenth century, the French Revolution of 1789 was such an event, though historians of different political persuasions appropriated it in different ways. For conservatives, the French defeat at the hands of Prussia in 1870 demonstrated that the Revolution of 1789 had undermined national cohesion. Hippolyte Taine’s Origines de la France Contemporaine (1875–93) explained what he believed to be the debility of contemporary French society as a legacy of the Revolution. The Société d’ Histoire Contemporaine, established in 1890 by Catholic conservatives, espoused such views, while the Left developed its own version of recent history, celebrating the revolution. Emile Bourgeois (1886) rejected Taine’s interpretation while accepting that his work was no less valid than writing the history of earlier periods. The Republicans created a Chair in Modern and Contemporary History in Paris in 1884 and, once established in the University, historians of the Left founded the Revue d’Histoire Moderne et Contemporaine, also in 1890. The two factions fought for control of the official history texts taught in schools, which included, from the Left, Ernest Lavisse’s 10-volume Histoire de la France Contemporaine de la Révolution à 1919, one of several texts he produced for schools in the 1880s and 1890s (Noiriel, 1998).
As History became professionalized as a university discipline from the later nineteenth century it defined itself strictly as a study of the ‘past,’ of times beyond the memory of the living. It sought clearly to differentiate itself, its subject matter and its methods from the other emerging disciplines of the day, as universities themselves emerged in their modern forms and grew in number and diversity of areas of study. The past was the domain of the historian, the present and recent past that of the emerging disciplines of politics and economics, later also of the newer fields of anthropology and sociology. Professional history’s source materials were, above all, documentary archives, the remnants of the past. This was despite the fact that one of the dominant figures in the nineteenth-century professionalization of history, Leopold von Ranke, himself lectured on events in German history occurring during his lifetime, including the revolution of 1848 and the founding of the German Empire in 1871, as did a number of his contemporaries.
The highly committed, politicized nature of much that calls itself contemporary history, as in nineteenth-century France, probably hardened resistance to it among the majority of the earlier generations of professional historians. They believed that the practice of history required total emotional detachment from the subject in hand, that it was necessary to establish ‘the facts’ wholly objectively, regarding this as an essential dimension of their professional identity, which they were convinced was unattainable when studying the times the historian had personally experienced. Ranke urged the need to extinguish oneself (sein Selbst ausloeschen), all of one’s values, in order to engage in reliable historical research.
For even more historians in the twentieth century, it was the Nazi regime and the horrors that resulted in an apparently civilized continent that required understanding. In the early 1920s, Dr Alfred Wiener, a German Jew, was horrified by the rise of antisemitism, campaigned against it and collected documents about it. These were lost when he fled Germany in 1933, first for the Netherlands, then for London, but he carried on collecting. After the war, the collection became the Wiener Library in London, still a preeminent archive of Nazism and antisemitism, which assisted the prosecutors at the Nuremberg Trials, amassed early survivor testimony and helped shape the academic study of the Holocaust which emerged after the war. It later also took the name Institute for Contemporary History (www.wienerlibrary.co.uk).
Also in 1949, the Federal Republic of Germany, soon after its own establishment, set up the Deutsches Institut für Geschichte der nationalsozialistischen Zeit in Munich for, as its name suggests, study of the Nazi period. In 1952, it was renamed Institut für Zeitgeschichte and gradually broadened its interests in recent German history (www.ifz-muenchen.de). Meanwhile in France, in 1944, shortly after the Liberation, de Gaulle’s provisional government established a commission on the history of the occupation, resistance, and liberation, which, in 1951, became the Committee on the History of World War II. In 1978, this became, and remains, L’Institut d’Histoire du Temps Présent, with a wider historical remit (www.ihtp.cnrs.fr). After the downfall of communism in Europe, institutes were established in postcommunist countries to examine their recent histories, including the Czech Republic, Romania, and Slovenia. The Slovenian Institute, in Ljubljana, was established in 1959 as the Institute for the History of the Workers’ Movement. It included an archive of the wartime occupation and resistance movement. By the 1970s, it was studying the history of Slovenia throughout the twentieth century. After the end of communism in 1989, it persuaded the authorities to rename it the Institute of Contemporary History and it gradually broadened its interests to cover economic and social history (www.inz.si/history.php). The histories of these institutions in themselves tell us something about contemporary history.
The origins of Nazism and the war, and later of Communism and its effects, had deep and long roots and the problem of where to begin to study such major themes remained, as Barraclough realized when writing his first book, The Origins of Modern Germany, published in 1946. This covered the period 800–1939, with a concluding chapter, “Germany yesterday, today and tomorrow.” He started to write it during the war, while serving in the UK Royal Air Force, following 15 years studying German history before the war. He brought it as close to the present as he could at that time.
As the practice of contemporary history grew, most strongly from the 1960s, 1945 became a favored starting point, probably because contemporary history, like most professional history, tended at this time overwhelmingly to focus on political history, national and international. And post-1945 politics – the world of the Cold War and decolonization – seemed very different from what had gone before and to require new explanations and forms of analysis. But many historians recognized that analysis of the post-1945 world could not begin in 1945 if it was truly to be understood. When what became the leading international journal in the field, the Journal of Contemporary History – its founding itself a sign of the substantial new interest – was established in 1966, shortly after Barraclough published his book, it set out to study mainly European history throughout the twentieth century. Its founding editors were George Mosse, a German-born, Jewish American who had published widely on Nazism, and Walter Laqueur, also American and Jewish, who published on the history of fascism and communism and was then director of the Wiener Library and Institute of Contemporary History in London and professor at Georgetown University in the United States. Their own professional preoccupations did much to shape the journal in its early days. They acknowledged in their opening editorial that their definition of the field ‘is bound to be to a certain extent arbitrary both in time and space.’ They were ‘aware that the first world war (not to mention more recent events) cannot really be discussed without reference to trends that go well back into the nineteenth century.’ They also recognized that Europe did not exist in isolation from the rest of the world. They pledged to ‘try to be sufficiently elastic in their editorial policy to accommodate contributions that at first sight seem to transcend the Journal’s frame of reference’ both in time and space. So the journal has done and its subject matter has reflected changing preoccupations in the broad field of contemporary history.
Contemporary History since the 1960s
The longer time span has become more commonplace in European university courses and journals since the 1960s, above all because of the evident difficulty of explaining important features of the world since 1945 without looking at least back to the later nineteenth century. Also the generation was emerging for whom ‘Hitler was as much an historical figure as Julius Caesar’ and they had wider interests, influenced by the changing world around them. It was impossible, for example, to understand the then rapid process of decolonization, for example, without a sense of how Empires had come about and their effects; or why West European countries felt a need to develop ‘welfare states’ after the war without understanding the extent of poverty and inequality past and present; or why, from the 1960s, women, excluded racial groups and homosexuals, among others, were demanding equality so fiercely in so many countries, without awareness of the long history of the inequalities they had experienced.
Also, from the 1960s, the range of professional history writing widened and subspecialisms grew, challenging the dominance of political history. This was less wholly new than some thought at the time. In reality, political history had not held exclusive sway for some time. Economic history had begun to develop in the interwar years, closely linked with what came to be called social history. In 1926, R.H. Tawney, in Religion and the Rise of Capitalism, traced the origins of modern capitalism (of whose unequal outcomes he was a critic, actively supporting and advising the British Labor Party) back to early modern times and stressed the formative influence of protestant religion, combining cultural and economic history. Eileen Power, one of the first female professors of Economic History, at the London School of Economics, and a feminist, wrote and broadcast in the 1920s on the new medium of radio, about medieval women and other aspects of medieval social and economic history (Berg, 1996).
In France, the journal Annales d’histoire économique et sociale, was founded in 1929 as a direct challenge to the dominance of political history in France. It aimed to integrate the study of society, economy, politics, intellectual life, geography, and demography, ideally over long time periods up to the present, in order to understand the complex interactions that constitute a society, regarding the present as history as well as the distant past and skeptical about the existence of radical breaks in history. The annalistes, a self-conscious ‘school,’ drew on the growing insights and methods of the social sciences to enrich historical research.
In Britain, G.M. Trevelyan’s British Social History: a survey of six centuries, Chaucer to Queen Victoria, written before the second world war in Britain, published in the United States in 1942 (perhaps with the original intention of informing a nation hesitating to enter the war on Britain’s side, before it was impelled to do so by the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941). Trevelyan argued for the importance of social history not, as he is constantly misquoted, as ‘history with the politics left out,’ but as “the required link between economic and political history . without social history, economic history is barren and political history is unintelligible” (1942/ 1967: pp. 9–10). Trevelyan was concerned with a very contemporary question, the characteristics of the British culture that the nation was fighting to defend in the second world war, recognizing the need to trace its construction over many centuries, examining as many dimensions as possible: “the daily life of the inhabitants … the human as well as the economic relation of different classes to one another, the character of family and household life, the conditions of labor and of leisure, the attitude of man to nature, the culture of each age … took ever-changing forms in religion, literature and music, architecture, learning and thought” (1942/1967: pp. 9– 10). He aimed originally to bring the book up to the time of writing, but “the war has rendered it impossible” (p. 9) though he hoped it would still serve its contemporary purpose.
These historians, and others in Britain and elsewhere, challenged the dominance of political history before the 1960s (Floud and Thane, 2005), but social history became much more prominent from the late 1960s. It was partly impelled by very contemporary concerns, of a newly active Radical Left, often influenced by Marxism, challenging continuing social and economic inequalities, allied with emerging antiracist, feminist, and gay campaigning groups. These movements influenced and extended the work of professional historians, some of whom were activists themselves, into topics, such as the histories of slavery and colonialism and their legacies, of gender inequalities, and of repression of homosexuality, for which the conventional political boundaries, such as the dates of wars, were largely irrelevant. It was also influenced by the gradual entry of rather more women and members of other excluded groups into what had previously been an overwhelmingly white, male historical, indeed wider university, profession.
Such histories challenged and extended conventional narratives about the contemporary world. For example, for some time, influential Anglo-American sociologists had explained the characteristics of the family in the contemporary ‘developed’ world in terms of the increasing isolation of the ‘nuclear’ core of parents and children from wider kin, as industrialization and migration disrupted ‘traditional’ agrarian society, which was supposedly static and composed of co-residing, co-working family groups, whereas, they believed, fast-moving modern society divided the generations geographically and emotionally, creating, it was said, unprecedented problems of isolation for older people and less grandparental care for the young. This tidy scheme owed nothing to historical research. From 1964, the demographic, previously intellectual, historian, Peter Laslett, in Cambridge, drew on the methods of the Annales school and the novel, if still cumbersome, aid of computers to explore the history of the family in England using parish records of births, marriages, and deaths back to their origins at the Reformation and the formation of the Church of England in the sixteenth century. New technology assisted new approaches to the history of the recent and the more distant past. Laslett and his colleagues in the Cambridge Group for the History of Population and Social Structure, which he founded, examined the actual history of English family structures and asked whether change had indeed taken the form that the sociologists claimed. They discovered a preindustrial society in England that was far from static, in which migration over long distances in search of work was common, large co-residing kin groups uncommon and nuclear families as normal as in the twentieth century, while higher death rates and lower life expectancy at all ages often left children without grandparents and older people without surviving children. Family structures had changed much less than had been believed. Findings that were later replicated for other parts of Northwestern Europe (Laslett and Wall, 1972; Wrigley and Schofield, 1989). Study of a key social institution over several centuries deepened understanding of its contemporary characteristics, leading to recognition that intergenerational ties were at least as strong, and possibly stronger, than in the preindustrial past in the contemporary world where life expectancy was longer and modern technology assisted communication between kin over long distances in unprecedented ways. They demonstrated that studying the history of social as well as political institutions could extend knowledge and understanding of contemporary issues.
Flexibility over the appropriate time period to study continues to characterize contemporary history. The journal Contemporary British History, founded in 1986, focuses on the period since World War I, yet in a special issue on health inequalities in the later twentieth century the editors thought it helpful to publish an article on dimensions of inequality, 1700–2000 (Contemporary British History, Autumn 2002). Similarly, for reasons of manageability in the time available, contemporary history courses in European universities mainly focus on the period from the early twentieth century, examining still earlier periods when the topic requires it.
Approaches, Sources, and Methods in Contemporary History
Contemporary history may be pursued out of simple curiosity to explore and understand the recent past in all its dimensions, or in order to understand the origins and effects of a particular event or set of events or processes, sometimes for overtly political reasons such as to influence policy decisions, though often not. As the practice of contemporary history grew after 1945, it was much criticized on the grounds familiar since the nineteenth century, that the objectivity required of the professional historian was impossible toward events in the historian’s own lifetime, which might have touched her or his own existence. This implied that distance in time necessarily created an objectivity that was impossible in relation to recent events. This overlooked the passionate partisanship professional historians could display over many other themes, such as long past events like the English Civil War of the seventeenth century; the deep repugnance of many of them toward slavery and long past repressive acts by imperial powers; and partisan conflict over the impact of industrialization on working-class living standards such as that waged between Marxists, who took a doom-laded view, and their more optimistic opponents in the late 1950s and early 1960s. (Hobsbawm, 1964; Hartwell, 1961).
The first editors of the Journal of Contemporary History countered with the argument that ‘Distance in time … involves remoteness, lack of immediacy, difficulty in understanding the quality of life of a period that is hard to describe and define, but which may become as important as all the documents in the archive.’ Indeed there were those who argued, in relation to World War II, that only those who had been closely involved, as victims of perpetrators of the horrors of the Nazi concentration camps or Japanese prisoner of war camps, could truly understand all dimensions of these experiences. These were not new observations. Alexis de Tocqueville, reflecting on the French Revolution commented that what contemporary writers:
know better than does posterity are the movements of opinion, the popular inclinations of their times, the vibrations of which they can still sense in their minds and hearts. The true traits of the principal persons and of their relationships, of the movements of the masses are often better described by witnesses than recorded by posterity. These are necessary details. Those close to them are better placed to trace the general history, the general causes, the grand movements of events, the spiritual currents which men who are further removed may no longer find since these things cannot be perceived from the memoirs. (Quoted in Schlesinger, 1967)
Or as George Santayana later put it:
It is not true that contemporaries misjudge a man. Competent contemporaries judge him . much better than posterity, which is composed of critics no less egotistical, and obliged to rely exclusively on documents easily misinterpreted. (Quoted in Schlesinger, 1967)
Also, for historians to believe that objective study of the contemporary world was impossible was, somewhat arrogantly, to dismiss the work of social scientists, who engaged in just that, and to refuse to recognize that historians could learn from their methods and experience. Indeed, the growth of the social sciences after World War II encouraged the spread of contemporary history, by making more widely accessible techniques for analysis of the recent past, previously neglected or scorned by historians, such as interviews, the use of contemporary documents such as letters, sources such as newspapers and such new resources as film and sound recordings. Contemporary history was frequently criticized by university historians on account of the limited availability for the recent past of the historical documents conventionally used by political historians. Political history relied predominantly upon government archives, which in most countries were closed for at least 40 or 50 years (in the case of the most sensitive for much longer or forever), as were many personal archives of prominent people, including monarchs and presidents. Since such sources were not accessible for the period of closure, it followed that, for conventional historians, contemporary history was impossible.
Nonetheless, the first editors of the Journal of Contemporary History were optimistic that
there are few major secrets in modern democracies that can be kept for longer than a year or two; the time lag in dictatorships is unfortunately considerably longer, but it seems doubtful whether anything really important can be kept secret for very long even there. In any case, more often than not, the contemporary historian of Europe or America in the sixties is more likely to be confronted with a surfeit of source material rather than to suffer from a lack of documentary evidence. (JCH: p. iii.)
Indeed, extensive government archives were themselves a relatively recent phenomenon, following the growth of large and effective bureaucracies in more developed countries in the later nineteenth century. For previous periods, documentary sources were often patchy, selective, and biased toward an elite, male minority whose papers survived and therefore might dictate possibly selective readings of the past. This view also overlooked the selective nature of government archives even in the more recent past. There was, and is, no means of knowing which sensitive papers might have been destroyed or withheld. Only in 2011 was it discovered that the British government withheld from public access, and stored secretly in the British countryside, 8000 shelves of documents concerning the British army’s maltreatment of insurgents during the independence struggles in Kenya in the 1950s. Under the then-prevailing 30- year rule, they should have been released to the National Archives in the 1980s. They came to light only when some aging survivors of British brutality sued the British government, successfully, in 2011, and because UK Freedom of Information (FOI) legislation, passed only in 2000, permits requests for access to hidden documents (though these are not always agreed readily or at all). The furore that resulted when the existence of the documents was reluctantly revealed, was supported by many historians. This led the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office, equally reluctantly, to reveal, in 2013, that it had a further 1.2 million files hidden in another country store, some going back at least to the Treaty of Paris of 1856 which ended the Crimean War, but too sensitive to release for over 150 years. It later became known that substantial numbers of documents had been destroyed, on the instruction of government ministers, to prevent material that ‘might embarrass government . police, military forces, public servants or others’ being revealed to post-independence governments (The National Archives, November 2013; The Guardian, 29 November 2013).
Such suppression by governments of shameful episodes in history, leading to pressure from historians for greater openness has not occurred only in Britain. To give just one example, Japanese governments have been very reluctant to respond to historians’ demands to inform schoolchildren about Japanese atrocities during World War II, especially in China. Furthermore, the museum commemorating the atomic devastation of Nagasaki in 1945, providing what appears to be the official view, gives notably little indication of Japanese war guilt, in contrast to the museum in Nanjing, China, which commemorates the well-attested Japanese massacre of that city in 1937.
All such revelations justify the suspicions of skeptical historians that we cannot rely on official archives to reveal all the truth about history, that historians of all periods must be wide ranging and inventive in their search for sources and be well aware that all historical findings, about any period, up to the present, are provisional and can be overturned by discovery of new sources and new research at any moment. The belief that historical research, in any time period, seeks objective, factual truth rather than being part of a process of gradually, partially, piecing together an understanding of the past, can no longer be sustained and very few historians would try. This applies as much to historians of the contemporary world as to all others.
Despite closures, over time more official documents have been opened at earlier stages than before, facilitating contemporary history. Franklin D. Roosevelt set an example in the United States by decreeing that his personal papers should be donated to the national archive after his death and be made quickly accessible. His successors followed his example, establishing Presidential archives that are no longer closed for a generation. Since the death of John F. Kennedy, Presidential archives have included interviews with prominent figures and observers of the period of office of the President in question.
FOI, the right of historians and others (often journalists or campaigners) to request access to documents falling within the designated period of closure has spread over a similar period. It was introduced by law in the United States in 1966. But it is only a partial blessing to historians. Requests can be refused and government departments have various means of evasion: in Britain, a request can be refused if it is deemed too costly to make the required search, as it frequently is. In 2013, the Ministry of Justice, which administers FOI, further refused to publish statistics of successful appeals against refusal on the grounds that this also would be too costly (Hansard, House of Lords, 6 November 2013). Furthermore, there is the very real danger that, as historians in Sweden have put it, FOI leads to ‘the emptying of the archive,’ to politicians and civil servants committing fewer sensitive issues to paper for fear of exposure (Kandiah, 2008). Sweden was the first country in the world to guarantee public access to government documents in its constitution of 1766. But, even in Sweden, legislators can deny access to specific documents. There is a right of appeal, but appeals are not invariably successful. Of course historians have never had access to past face-to-face conversations about government business, which might be crucially important, or, since the invention of the telephone, to communication by that means. Newer technology is creating further obstacles. Students of history since the 1990s may find surviving official sources dwindling ever faster as communications by e-mail and other forms of new technology are preserved imperfectly, if at all.
Such problems have made contemporary historians inventive in their use of sources. They have been assisted by the availability of a wider range of sources and helped as well as hindered by new technology. Oral history came widely into use as a direct response to the growth of social history in the 1970s, with its growing interest in the history of the everyday lives of ‘ordinary people’ and awareness that their experiences and opinions rarely surfaced in official documents. A pioneer was the American Studs Terkel (a popular, not a university, historian, among his many other talents) who used oral history to explore social inequalities in the United States, published as Division Street America (1966), Hard Times. An Oral History of the Great Depression (1970) and Working (1974). The journal Oral History started in Britain in 1972. Oral history drew on the experience of sociologists and anthropologists for interviewing techniques, greatly assisted by new technology, as increasingly portable recording machines became available from the 1960s. Again, it faced the skepticism of conventional historians that individuals were less likely to tell ‘the truth’ in an interview than in a written document. This overstated the reliability of many documents as well as the gullibility of historians, who learned to interpret interviews as skeptically as any document and, as with documents, to seek corroborating sources for any assertion, while recognizing that the story presented by an interviewee represented one version of the events in question, which required careful interpretation. (Perks and Thomson, 1998).
The recent past has created ever newer media representing aspects of the contemporary world – film, television, sound recording – which demand new skills for their interpretation, as do the study of the press, memoirs, letters, diaries, and other personal documents, which it has become more common to use by political as well as social historians. New media will present new challenges to future contemporary historians, and others as they recede into a new past. Contemporary history must continue to be inventive, as it has always been while keeping up with an ever-changing present.
Barraclough, G., 1966. An Introduction to Contemporary History. Penguin, Harmondsworth, England.
Barraclough, G., 1946. Origins of Modern Germany. Blackwell, Oxford.
Berg, M., 1996. A Woman in History. Eileen Power 1889–1940. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Bourgeois, E., 1886. L’histoire contemporaine et la science de l’histoire. Armand Colin, Paris.
Croce, B., 1917. Teoria e Storia della Storiografia. Laterza, Bari, Italy.
Croce, B., 1808. Edinburgh Review 12.
Edgerton, D., 2006. The Shock of the Old. Technology and Global History since 1900. Profile, London.
Floud, R., Thane, P., 2005. Sociology and history: partnership, rivalry or mutual incomprehension? In: Halsey, A.H., Runciman, W.G. (Eds.), British Sociology. Seen from without and within. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 57–69.
Hansard, 6 November 2013. Parliamentary Debates, House of Lords. http://www.publications.parliament.uk/
Hartwell, R.M., 1961. The rising standard of living in England, 1800–1859. Economic History Review XIII, 400–422.
Hobsbawm, E.J., 1964. ‘The British Standard of Living, 1790–1850’ Labouring Men. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London, pp. 64–104.
Hyde, Edward, 1702–1704. The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England.
Kandiah, M.D., 2008. ‘Contemporary History’ in ‘Making History’ series published on website of the Institute of Historical Research. University of London. http://www.history.ac.uk/makinghistory/resources/articles/contemporary_history.html
Laslett, P., Wall, R. (Eds.), 1972. Household and Family in Past Time. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Macaulay, Thomas Babington, 1848–1861. History of England, 4 vols.
Noiriel, G., 1998. Qu’est-ce Que L’histoire Contemporaine? Hachette, Paris.
Perks, R., Thomson, A. (Eds.), 1998. The Oral History Reader. Routledge, London.
Schlesinger, A., 1967. ‘On the Writing of Contemporary History’ the Atlantic Magazine. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/toc/1967/03/
Terkel, Studs, 1966. Division Street America. The New Press, New York.
Terkel, Studs, 1970. Hard Times. An Oral History of the Great Depression. The New Press, New York.
Terkel, Studs, 1974. Working. The New Press, New York.
The Guardian, 29 November 2013. Revealed: The Bonfire of Papers at the End of Empire. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2013/nov/29/revealed-bonfire-papers-empire
The National Archives, 2013. http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/help-with-your-research/research-guides/colonies-and-dependencies/
Trevelyan, G.M., 1942/1967. English Social History. A Survey of Six Centuries, Chaucer to Queen Victoria. Longmans, Green; Harmondsworth: Penguin, US and Canada.
Wrigley, E.W., Schofield, R.W., 1989. The Population History of England 1541–1871: A Reconstruction. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
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History Research Paper
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