#or am i simply taking advantage of my current lack of other obligations
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notquiteaghost · 2 years ago
media spinterest problem of, is this my second day in a row of doing nothing but lay in bed reading fic because i am falling back into bad habits and i need to get up and do shit actually? or is it because spinterest fic make brain go brrr and laying in bed is the comfiest reading situation. can it be both???
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alchemania · 4 years ago
Barbara, and Bennett: Toxic Positivity (and how they each exude it)
While it's easy to spot negative toxic behavior, toxic positivity can be harder to recognize and pin down. In this blog, I am going to analyze 2 characters in Genshin and explain just how they show traits of toxic positivity. (I originally was going to include Jean, but I already covered her in an earlier blog so it'd just be redundant)
Barbara Page
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Barbara is all smiles and sunshine, trying her best to ensure that everyone is happy. However; she does this to an unhealthy degree and often does not prioritize her emotional wellbeing.
#1: Forcing herself to always be happy.
Barbara's story lines state that she "only allows herself to be depressed for 30 seconds" and that after that, she basically puts on a smile; regardless of what she's actually feeling. She often talks about how good everyone is to her, and I honestly believe that Barbara invalidates her own depression because in her eyes; she has a good life and there's no "reason" for her to be sad, plus if she was sad then everyone else would feel down. She hasn't experienced anything traumatic, so how can she have the right to be depressed? But the thing is, she has: her parents divorced when she was young; and Barbara grew up apart from Jean, leading to a lack of a relationship between the two. While the divorce, based on Jean's story lines, did not seem to have a lot of negativity around it (from what I can tell Simon and Frederica actually split on amiable terms, they just fell out of love with each other), it still affected Barbara in a negative way and no doubt she is hurting from it but she's not acknowledging her pain. All trauma is not the same, this is true. But all trauma IS valid; just because someone is hurting less doesn't mean they're NOT hurting and Barbara needs to understand that her pain is valid and give herself time to process it.
#2: Lack of emotional boundaries
If there's anything that Jean and Barbara have in common besides both being healers, it's that they're absolutely terrible at saying no. In Barbara's hangout, she feels guilty for avoiding Albert and wanting to be left alone despite being emotionally exhausted and even wants to apologise, despite doing nothing wrong. Later on when her fans ask for autographs; she agrees, despite being off the clock and trying to take a break: Aether has to step in personally to get people to go away, and not only that; he has to lie through his teeth in order to do so. If you tell the NPCs the truth ("Barbara is currently on leave, please don't disturb her",) they'll reply "Oh she's on leave? Perfect time to ask for an autograph!" They don't care about her feelings; all they care about is what she can do for them and the worst part is that Barbara lets them treat her like this. It's so bad that the Knights have to constantly step in and rescue her because folks can't get it in their heads that off the clock =/= available; and Barbara feels like if she can help other people that she needs to; to the detriment of her own needs. She seems to think it's selfish to put herself first; but looking out for yourself emotionally is anything but. It's okay to say no, it's okay to tell people you're not available. Just because you're free doesn't mean you're up to engage and there's nothing wrong with that. But like Sister Victoria says herself; Barbara is too nice. She gives and gives and gives and expects nothing in return, and people take advantage of that.
#3: Undermining herself through constant praise of others
In her hangout, she tells you that besides singing and healing, she doesn't have anything worthwhile about her, and then goes on about how amazing you are, Jean as well. Barbara doesn't acknowledge her positive traits, and then when she vents to you she apologizes for doing so, since you were supposed to be hanging out and having fun. She puts a lot of her worth in comparison to what other people can DO, and not actual character. Barbara is a lovely person: she's sweet and kind and loving, but because she doesn't see herself as physically strong or powerful, she doesn't think she's worth a lot.
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My GOD, Bennett is like the EPITOME of toxic positivity.
1. Allows others to mistreat him and take out their feelings on him because he feels it's his fault they're suffering (essentially, a martyr complex)
Bennett's hangout is a prime example of this where when Royce got angry, Bennett simply let him yell until you step in. Due to his almost perpetual bad luck, he feels that he's responsible for the misfortune of the people around him and since he can't physically do anything about it, he attempts to "atone" by letting himself be emotionally assaulted.
He also puts himself in physical danger to keep other people safe (he figures since he's already unlucky, might as well suffer a little more if it means everybody else is okay, right?), and accepts abandonment as the norm since he's a liability. Bennett does not value his wellbeing whatsoever due to constantly being in danger and he seems to be of the mentality "If I'm going to die, at least let me die protecting everybody" and that immensely upsets me that a KID, who's probably no older than 17, is already considering his mortality.
#2: Not allowing himself to process negative emotion
Just like Barbara, Bennett constantly forces himself to always keep a smile on, only in his case it's more to keep himself from getting overwhelmed about his situation. It's heavily implied in his story that Bennett is afraid that he could die any day (and I don't blame him) and so he lives hard and fast because he feels he doesn't have a lot of time. He's cheated death MULTIPLE times (he almost died as a baby, and he almost died prior to receiving his Vision), and Bennett more than likely feels that one day, he's not going to get lucky enough to escape again; and he'll actually die. His life is an entire string of misfortune and unlike Barbara and her parents divorce, Bennett is aware of this trauma: he simply chooses to take it in stride and forces himself to stay upbeat. Which is just as bad as letting negative emotion completely overwhelm him, it's literally just the other ditch.
Bennett also seems very sad about the fact that his team abandoned him but he doesn't let himself process that either (if you respond angrily to the revelation that his teammates left he'll jump to defend them and insist "they had their reasons"- and that may be true, but that doesn't invalidate the trauma and sadness of being left behind because of something you literally cannot control). Similar to Diluc, Bennett is sort of an Atlas of his own right, but instead of carrying all of Mondstat on his shoulders he's shouldering his emotional wellbeing: he refuses to vent to anyone and bottles everything up because he doesn't want to be a burden; but in doing so he's only hurting himself in the long run.
(Thank God for Razor though it seems like he might be hanging around for the long haul and that makes me immensely happy. I could cry. Please don't let anything bad happen to him and Bennett they deserve friendship)
I'm going to go off the beaten path a bit here but, to all you guys reading this; please remember that:
1. Your trauma is valid, regardless of how "lesser" you think it might be.
2. You are not obligated to give yourself emotionally to other people if you are not up to it. You cannot give what you do not have, and if you're not 100% emotionally wise, you really shouldn't be taking on any more negative energy. It's not selfish to take care of yourself. If people can't respect that then they're not worth your time. Set emotional boundaries and don't budge for anyone. The people who are meant to stay will honor your boundaries.
3. It's okay to be sad! And it's okay to be sad and have no idea why. It doesn't matter if you have a 'good life,' depression doesn't care who you are or where you are on your walk of life and sometimes it hits like a truck. Your sadness is valid and don't be afraid to take the time you need to acknowledge and process your negative emotions.
Please take care of yourselves, friends; and be safe.
Have a good day. 💗
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qoreprojects · 4 years ago
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The Party Whip, or Lilith in the 11th House
Not long ago, I paid a visit to my 11th house to speak with Lilith. She lives there, along with my South Node - a tiny golden compass that points toward the past. It was the past that I wanted. Lilith had lived in this house alongside it for so long that I believed she’d be able to help me understand what it meant. 
“You thought that I would be angrier?” she laughed sharply. 
Lilith was perched on a window seat, half her face bathed in the single stream of light in an otherwise shadow-filled room. She wore a simple red shift dress. Her hair was loc’d and tumbled towards her leather-belted waist on one side of her head, exposing a shaved opposite side to the dappled sun. She held an orange and a pocket knife in her hands. 
I nodded slightly. Every movement in this room could be felt in ways that did not exist in the material realm. Palpable waves rippled away from the tiniest gestures. Shadows danced in the corners. The air was possessed, and every shift had meaning.   
“That’s funny,” she said, flicking a peel onto the floor, “I don’t know why people only recognize Lady Regret when I am in my war clothes.” She used her own title with a touch of irony. 
Several crows called to one another outside, and a light breeze stirred the distant treetops. This movement agitated the shadows in the room. All was as it should be - in flux. 
“You are here because you want to know about your greatest regret,” Lilith stated presently. 
“I suppose so, yes,” my breath rippled away from me in the cool, dark air. “At this point, I’ve run out of reasons not to know.” 
Lilith smiled a lop-sided smile and continued peeling, one foot on the sill and one on the floor. “Are you familiar with the term ‘true believer’?”
“Yes,” I said quietly, knowing where this was going. I could feel the conversation as a tangible thing, like a strong westerly wind. The shadows and the dust particles organized themselves accordingly. Lilith tilted her face to look me directly in the eye. “What about the term ‘party whip’?”
The wind of conversation changed directions, and the shift was slight but sudden. I marveled at the subtle switch, and a sense of dread overcame me. The life inside the room absorbed my response as an addition to its moving chorus of shadows. 
She paused to eat one section of orange, and then began peeling again. “The party whip is a different thing, isn’t it? Let’s examine the two…”
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The True Believer and the Party Whip
The life of a True Believer can easily be confused with personal sacrifice on behalf of others. This is because, from the outside, it looks as if the True Believer is willing to give up a great deal for their party. They may give up relationships, time, effort, money, or freedom to make certain lifestyle choices. Observers who consider the party a worthy cause call the True Believer “self-sacrificing” and “a saint”; people who dislike the cause say the True Believer is silly and “voting against their own interests”.
In truth, the True Believer sacrifices little for the party because the party’s goals and the True Believer’s goals are almost exactly the same. If a True Believer does sacrifice anything for the party, it is minor and without much pain or hesitation. There is no real conflict between their motivations and that of the party. The True Believer may recognize some problems or contradictions within the party, or they may lack the critical perspective to do so. In either case, the flaws of the party and the flaws of the True Believer are largely the same. There can be a kind of innocence in that.   
A Party Whip is not the same thing as a True Believer. (A Party Whip can also be a True Believer - but for the purposes of this conversation we will consider them separately.) Unlike the True Believer, the Party Whip does not necessarily align with everything the party says and does on a personal level. They may notice glaring flaws and issues within the party. They may believe that the party’s words and deeds do not match. They may long for previous versions of the party, or hope for future ones, while considering the present party to be a mere shadow of itself. They may think of the party’s goals as good general rules that will benefit the world, but that should not be applied in every situation without nuance. 
The only things necessary for the role of a successful Party Whip are a sincere belief that the party is the best way to get things done - to have a hand in the creation of the world, to make things happen - and that the ends of this goal justify the means. For the sake of those two beliefs, the Party Whip can modify their own behavior and offer themselves up to be ‘borrowed’ by the party, in the hope that they can ‘borrow’ the party’s collective power for themselves at a later date. 
Say, the leaders and vanguards of the party have decided that its collective goals will be best served by oranges. Under no circumstances can there be apples. Other fruits are fine, though less than ideal - but absolutely no apples. The Party Whip shows up to work and receives the party line: everyone in the party is to vote for oranges, and it is the Whip’s job to ensure this outcome.
The intelligent Whip has their finger on the collective pulse and can understand exactly why the party agenda is supported by oranges. They also know that competing parties are out there voting for other fruits - sometimes even apples. This is unacceptable. The party must win, which means that oranges must win and apples must lose.  
The skilled Party Whip may not personally enjoy the taste or texture of oranges. They may even feel sympathetic to apples. However, the Whip is quite accustomed to viewing their own tastes and desires as a secondary concern to more important matters: the party line. They know how to either conceal or surgically remove the parts of themselves that are not convenient to the party and its goals - unlike the True Believer, who has never had to change very much about themselves in exchange for membership.
Therefore the Party Whip is assigned a role: to go out among members of the party, keep track of everyone who might vote for another fruit, and get them to vote for oranges instead. To accomplish this, the Party Whip is going to use whatever tools they already use to keep themselves in line with the party’s interests. 
These tools vary, and may include: 
Shame and guilt
Reasoned arguments
Cost-benefit analysis
Promises of future reward for current sacrifice
Appeals to duty, loyalty and obligation
Not all of these methods are equally ethical. A Party Whip is only able to be as ethical when whipping the rest of the party to consensus as they are when whipping themselves in private. 
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Lady Regret in the 11th House
Your biggest regret is being a very skilled Party Whip. 
You were good at living your life according to the party line. This earned you such compliments as ‘inspiration’ and ‘example’, which made you feel safe and valued. You were gifted at being able to distance yourself from your own instincts so thoroughly that parties rewarded you with protection and support in exchange for your skill at keeping their dissenting or individualistic members in line. This was not questionable for you - you participated in this exchange because you believed it was good and righteous, and that the party’s ends justified the means.
You privately exulted in your own savvy. You believed your differences from the True Believer - your ability to perceive the group’s flaws and issues with a bit more perspective - made you more ethical. In reality, it made you more culpable. Your clarity was a gift meant to inspire you to take risks and speak up, valuing the truth over any attachment to the party’s reaction.
You did not speak up. 
You chose to improve the party by sacrificing your unique perspective in exchange for access to the collective’s power; you were shocked when improvement never came. When push came to shove and the party’s power was threatened, for one reason or another, they abandoned you. Perhaps the abandonment was purposeful. Perhaps they simply no longer had enough clout to protect you. In any case, the party name was no longer able to get you into the rooms you wanted to enter. Your persuasiveness on others’ behalf was no longer in demand. The recognition in strangers’ eyes when you flaunted your membership card dwindled. Circumstances may have even become so drastic that mentioning the party put you in danger rather than keeping you safe.    
A lone, displaced ruler must rely on personal power and instinct. They cannot rely on an ever-present council or party membership to get things done. You were suddenly alone - the sole authority of your life. You were not prepared for this. The years, or even lifetimes, you spent living outside of your own will have taken a toll. You don’t even know how to have a thought or emotion without examining it for its usefulness to some group, even when there is none present. You walk around barefoot and in rags with panic behind your eyes. You roam the streets waving a saw and rasping through dry lips, “I will saw off anything for friends in high places! Fingers, feet! I will cut off anything for friends in high places! Eyes, face! I have experience, will work for connections!”
Most people are horrified and cross the street when they see this display. Some see you as a temporary tool and take advantage of you until you have nothing left to give. Some people see your true heart better than you do and try to connect with it, but by this time you are jaded and assume that all anyone could want from you is your skill as Party Whip. They try to love you, but you are too preoccupied with trying to dutifully serve their interests in exchange for power and validation.
Dreams shrivel and die like old fruit under these conditions - again, again, and again. This is the loop, the hoop that must be mended. 
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Lilith rose from the windowsill. Her full height compelled the room’s darkness to rearrange itself. Dead orange peels lie on the floor at her feet, glowing in the patch of sunlight that streamed through the window. 
“Who are you when you are alone?”
I sat down on the dusty floorboards and stared into the shadows. 
“What are you capable of creating - or destroying - when you only do so from your heart?”
The shadows gave me nothing but constant shifting in return. 
“As long as you sacrifice your dreams for others’ out of fear that you cannot accomplish them alone, your efforts will go to waste. Parties are not forever; empires fall and agendas shift like the wind. Learn to build true alliances based on raw love - which can only happen when you are clear and unashamed of your own desire.”
I looked up just in time to see her toss me the last slice of orange. My hand shot up to catch it, and I carefully considered its juicy ripeness against my fingers. 
It felt delicious. 
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snark-sass · 5 years ago
No I'm not dating him, I want to marry you -FIC
Read on aO3 here!
Fluffy fic in which Spock wants to ask Kirk to be his bondmate (even though they’re not dating), goes to McCoy for help, and Jim somehow think’s Spock and mcCoy are dating.
Spirk fic with a happy ending! 6k (I imagined TOS when writing but would fit into either)
Spock stood outside of Captain Kirk’s door.
Spock would say, that were he human, the disequilibrium he was experiencing would be called ‘nerves’. It was fortunate that he was in fact Vulcan, and he understood the reaction his body was autonomously having was the ever logical one of ‘fight or flight’. It was after all, advantageous for one’s body to prepare itself in times of stress, or in this case anticipated stress, in order to best ensure survival.
However, what was less logical was the fact that this response had been triggered by Spock simply standing in front of the Captain’s door, preparing for a conversation. Not a fight, not anything else that this response would aid in, but a conversation.
They were 3.72 years into their 5 year mission when Spock had decided that he would, after much consideration, speak to Jim about becoming bondmates. It was, after all, logical.
Had they been courting? Well, not explicitly in the sense the one of them had asked the other if they would like to advance their relationship to that of a romantic one. But, they had been spending copious amounts of time together, eating meals together, partaking in leisure activities together, and even spending shore leave in each other’s company. Yes, Jim had even convinced Spock to actually use some of his leave. They did all of this not because they were obligated as a command team, but for the pleasure of being with one another. Spock doubted that any verbal declarations would have changed the amount of time spent together.
They had gained intimate knowledge of each other’s lives, goals, preferences, and everything else one would when courting.
More importantly though, they had extraordinarily compatible minds.
Spock had known this since he had melded with Jim in Janice Lester’s body. It was the deepest meld Jim and him had ever participated in. Had the situation not been dire, Spock would have extended it just to keep feeling the rightness and belonging that the meld had woven into its very core.
Was it unfortunate that such a beautiful meeting of minds happened under such circumstances? Yes. Did it change the face that Spock wanted to be one with that mid forever? Not at all.
He held this knowledge in his mind even as his hands began to perspire. It truly was fascinating, if not inconvenient at times, what the body could be capable of even under the misconception of threat.
Spock reminded himself that the chance of threat behind that door, barring any unusual circumstances, was practically non-existent. Well, physical danger at least. There was always the risk to the social, personal and professional aspects of his life. Losing one of his closest friends, having charges filed against him for harassment, those types of things.
No big deal.
Spock was aware that humans completely different standards when it came to relationships, and devoting themselves to one another. What exactly they were however? Unknown. His research on the matter had been conflicting and inconclusive at best. Given his lack of first-hand experience on top of this, he was left with the novel feeling of feeling underprepared.
This unknown factor is what Spock concluded to the cause of his state. Unfortunately, there were not specific research papers on Jim. If so, they would have been far more useful than the perplexing papers he had read, he reflected.
Then it occurred to him; he could seek advice specifically about Jim. Not from research databases, but from interviewing someone who would know.
Spock was hesitant to make his goals known, however. He did not wish it to become common knowledge lest he be subjected to increased amounts of interpersonal conversations, or he dreaded to think, widespread pity if it did not work out.
No, he would keep it to as few people as possible to minimise this risk
Given the parameters, the choice was obvious. He would consult Dr. McCoy on the matter and determine the best method to ask the Captain the be his bondmate. By his currently calculations, they could be bondmates in no more than 14 days due to their high compatibility, even factoring in extra time for Jim’s human needs.
Yes, he thought, noticing his body’s response already calming as he turned away from Jim’s door and towards sickbay, this is the optimal course of action.
Perhaps they may even be able to bond sooner based on the Doctor’s advice.
Dr McCoy looked up from the paperwork he was working on in an otherwise deserted med bay as Spock walked in.
“Spock,” he smiled up at him “What brings you to my medbay at this time of night? Last I heard, even Vulcans need to sleep sometimes.” He looked Spock up and down and frowned “In fact, I’d bet good credits you’ve never voluntarily come down here at this time of night. You’re not dying again are you?” he asked narrowing his eyes slightly.
 Spock hesitated for a moment, the same feelings from earlier returning in a weaker form.
 “I have come to seek advice on a personal matter, Doctor.” Spock replied.
 Now, instead of reassuring the Doctor as it should have, Dr McCoy looked alarmed “You are dying, aren’t you!?” He stood up and started trying to usher Spock to a bed “Is it a Vulcan disease? It can’t Ponn Farr again, you’re not due for another six years! Unless it’s your dammed hybrid biology – one half Vulcan in the galaxy and I get them on my ship!” He said rather rapidly, giving up trying to move Spock and pulling out a scanner, running it up and down Spock’s body then and there.
 “Doctor,” Spock interrupted “I am not dying any more than I was at our last check up, where I remind you I was subjected to a high number of unnecessary tests. All of which came back within acceptable levels.” He paused and recentred himself “And I most certainly am not experiencing my time. If I were I assure you, I would be consulting a Vulcan healer about the matter, not relying on your potions.”
 McCoy went and sat back in his chair. “Well don’t you know how to make someone feel warm and fuzzy.” He drawled. “Alright, if you’re not here for a medical reason, what are you here for?”
 Spock contemplated the best wording of his request.
 “I find I am lacking the appropriate courting experience in order to secure a human bondmate.”
 McCoy’s expression didn’t change. In fact he didn’t seem to be moving at all.
 “As a human who has had some past successes when courting, and are familiar with the process involved you are a clear source from which to seek advice.” He paused before adding “I also find myself with… few individuals I am familiar enough with to seek advice about the matter.” Spock finished.
 McCoy blew air out of his mouth. “Well I’ll be, are you saying Mr. Spock that you’ve come to me for advice about emotions? <em>Romantic </em> emotions?” he finished gleefully.
 “I believe that is what I just stated” said Spock, doubting his decision more by the second.
 “So who’s the lucky lady?” McCoy asked, looking far too excited by the turn in conversation for Spock’s liking.
 “I do not believe I stated the person of interest was a woman, Doctor.” Spock replied evenly. “The person in question in fact identifies as male.”
 McCoy looked thoughtful at this “A man huh? Must say, when it comes to men I don’t have a lick of experience Spock. You could try asking Jim thought. I know he has a reputation for a ladies man, but he’s fallen for his share of gentlemen.”
 Spock willed his face to stay neutral.
 “I cannot ask the Captain, as it is him I am here to discuss.”
 “Jim? You want to seduce Jim!?” Now McCoy was shocked. It must be exhausting having so many emotions so quickly considered Spock.
 “My God man, could you have picked a more impossible target?” Asked McCoy. “you know he’d never risk his command by getting involved with someone on the ship.”
 “I am aware of Captain Kirk’s strict adherence the Starfleet regulations in relation to section 3.4. However, relationships are allowed between officers within one rank of each other, meaning that our relationship would not be in any violations.” He stated as though he was insulted McCoy hadn’t thought he’d already considered this, “Originally my plan was to approach Captain Kirk after the conclusion of the mission. However, the mission on Centaris II has made me revaluate this plan. As you humans put it ‘tomorrow is not guaranteed’.”
 McCoy deflated at little at this. Centaris II had been a disaster of a mission, ending with Jim getting shot in the chest with bark by sentient trees. The bark pieces had splintered in his chest, requiring hours of extensive surgery. The Captain had come to dying a few times the following days, and even McCoy wasn’t sure if he’d pull through.
 “I suppose that’s even truer on this death trap of a tin can.” McCoy said “Fine, I’ll help you on your fool’s quest. God knows anyone who has a chance at happiness should take it. And Jim, well if anything these last few years have shown it’s that his heart is yearning something awful. You sure you’re up to filling it?”
 This conversation was going quite differently than Spock had anticipated, but McCoy was Jim’s friend he reminded himself. It would be more unusual if he wasn’t concerned for his wellbeing. He had also agreed to help Spock reminded himself. Going through one, albeit greatly uncomfortable, conversation with McCoy was surely a small price to pay for the benefit he would gain.
 “Doctor, I believe that Jim and I would complete each other wholly, incomparably, and for a lifetime. I would not be pursuing him, potentially jeopardising a relationship I value, and a career I have spent years building, otherwise.” He pointed out.
 “Why, that was almost romantic.” teased McCoy, “So tell me, what have you got so far?”
 “‘Got’?“ asked Spock.
 “What have you thought of so far for wooing our Captain?” Asked McCoy.
 “My current plan is simple: I will approach the Captain while he is unaccompanied in his Cabin, advise him that our minds are highly compatible, and suggest we bond at his earliest convenience. I will then of course tell him that I am amendable to a human ceremony of his choosing should he wish to have one.” Spock felt that his agreement to a human celebration particularly demonstrated his dedication and forethought that had gone into his plan, and acknowledgment of Jim’s potential needs as a human.
 Yes, he would be an excellent spouse to Jim, he was sure.
 McCoy responded to his plan by placing his face in his hands.
 “I hope you’ve got nothing on anytime soon, we’ve got a lot of work to. Now where did I put that Surian Brandy…”
 Spock left well into the Enterprise’s ‘night’, much later than he anticipated. True to McCoy’s word, they indeed had covered a lot. Not only about Jim, but about human courtship norms in general.
 Spock was grateful that he had chosen to speak to McCoy, given that according to McCoy his original plan would have ‘given Jim a heart attack’ with shock.
The new plan that Spock and McCoy had agreed on was that Spock would subtly show his interest in a relationship with Jim, ensure this interest was reciprocated, then ask him on a ‘date’.
 Then the doctor had given Spock most unpleasant advice: he suggested that they date for a year before proposing bonding. At least a whole standard year.
 He hadn’t changed his opinion even though Spock had explained that Vulcans were able to know within days if someone would make a satisfactory bondmate, and that it was not uncommon for less than a week’s notice before a ceremony.
 McCoy had laughed so hard about ‘calling humans emotional when Vulcans get married in less than a week!’ that Spock briefly worried about the amount of oxygen he was getting.
 McCoy had pointed out that Jim was not Vulcan, so it was not logical to use Vulcan standards.
 Still, Spock privately thought that he could at least consider asking Jim in half of that time, but decided the Doctor did not need to know that small fact. He did not wish to be subjected to another lecture; Dr McCoy had a surprisingly unyielding view on the matter.
 Spock turned the last corner into the hallway containing his quarters, only to see the object of his desire exiting his room donned in nothing but his red workout pants and a white t-shirt. Spock briefly wondered who had approved those pants as appropriate to be regulation. Clearly they had not anticipated how Captain J. T. Kirk would obscenely fill them when they had, nor the effect on his first officer.
 “Spock!” said the Captain, clearly not expecting to see him “Fancy seeing you here at this hour. Aren’t having any trouble sleeping are you?” he smiled empathetically.
 “Negative Sir, as Vulcans require less sleep that humans I will have sufficient time to rest before Alpha shift tomorrow.” Spock stated.
 Remembering what McCoy had explained about using compliments to express one’s interest, Spock followed with “Your dedication to your on-going fitness is commendable, Captain.”
 Jim laughed as though Spock had told a joke.
 “Thank you Mr. Spock, but I’m afraid my dedication does not usually extend to working out at one o’clock in the morning.”
 “I assume that is why you are going at 1:18am instead.” Spock stated, tilting his head slightly so Jim would know he wasn’t serious.
 This resulted in another small laugh from Jim.
 “I’m glad you understand.” Jim was looking at him with a small smile, his eyes crinkling as he looked up at him.
 Spock noted with some pride that Jim smiled when talking to Spock at a 23% higher frequency on average than he did when speaking with other officers. Another reason their bonding would be logical.
 “Say, since we’re both up how about a few rounds on the mats? Maybe this time I’ll manage to get at least one pin.” Jim teased.
 “The odds are not absolute 0.” teased Spock back, “Regretfully, I have just finished a rather long meeting with Dr. McCoy and require both mediation and sleep before my next shift in order to preform at peak efficiency.”
 Jim’s smile had now been replaced with a frown. “A meeting at this hour? Is everything ok Spock?”
 Spock was quick to reassure him “I am of optimal health Captain, the encounter was personal between myself and Dr McCoy.”
 Jim did not seem reassured by this. In fact, his face now had a peculiar expression that Spock did not know how to characterise.
 “You… and Bones?” he asked slowly, as though trying to solve an equation with only half the data. “I uh, didn’t realise the two of you had gotten that close.”
 Spock thought about the time spent speaking with McCoy. It was the longest they had ever spent in each other’s company without any third parties. The Doctor had been uncharacteristically patient towards Spock, and even shared some of his own history that Spock was certain one would not share with anyone but a particularly close friend.
 “Tonight was a notable change in our relationship, yes.” Spock said after a few seconds of thought.
 “Right.” Said Jim in an odd tone “Good. You and the good Doctor, that’s good.” He blinked at Spock “I’m surprised but happy. Happy for you both!” he said the last bit considerably too loudly given their respective distance and the relative silence of the hall.
 Spock was growing more concerned for the Captain by the second.
 “Are you alright, Jim? I believe Doctor McCoy is still awake if you require him.”
 Jim took a second before he seemed to shake himself out of his strange behaviour.
 He gave Spock a smile that this time Spock did know how to characterise; it was one that Jim gave to diplomats he wasn’t quite sure how to deal with. It was the first time Spock had been on the receiving end, and he was finding it disconcerting.
 “Great idea, I think I will go check in with Bones.” He stepped to the side to pass Spock “I’ll see you on the bridge tomorrow. Sleep well, Commander.”
 “Goodnight, Captain.” Spock replied as Jim walked away.
 Spock continued his journey to his quarters, the conversation adding more to his list to mediate on. He hoped after speaking with McCoy, Jim would get adequate rest before alpha shift. It would not do for him to act like this on shift.
 Hours later, Spock could only conclude that Jim had not in fact gotten sufficient rest the night before.
 It was the most likely explanation he could think of to explain the captain’s peculiar behaviour during Alpha shift.
 Jim had varied between staring at Spock for a 21.67% longer duration than normal, yet resolutely not looking at towards Spock at a 35.43% lower frequency than on average. Why Jim was looking at Spock longer but less often, he could not surmise. Further, when Dr McCoy had come to the bridge he had been downright antsy when talking to him. Overall, Jim’s behaviour had been well outside of normal levels of deviation.
 After the shift had ended, rather than waiting for Spock and going to lunch together, he had insisted on Spock going ahead while he ‘discussed these readings with Chekov’ even though Ensign Chekov had told him about the readings only 42 minutes earlier. The notably insignificant readings.
 So here Spock was, trying to find an empty table to eat lunch alone for the first time in over a year.
 Speaking of unusual, McCoy seemed to have arrived earlier to lunch than Spock for once, and was already sitting at an empty table. He waved Spock over, and Spock slid onto the bench across from him.
 “Just the Vulcan I wanted to see!” McCoy said in lieu of a proper greeting “You’re going to happy when I tell you what your great pal Leonard did last night!” The Doctor himself did not necessarily look happy, but perhaps he was scowling less than normal when Spock looked closer. That was about equivalent to a smile for him Spock supposed.
 “As I have reminded you repeatedly, ‘happiness’ is a human emotion, and I am Vulcan. Perhaps you should consider getting your memory tested, lest it affects your work.” Spock raised an eyebrow a little.
 “My memories not the problem there. Anyway,” he said, waving his sandwich alarmingly close to his hair “What I was going to tell you was that after our little chat last night, Jim came and saw me. I was the best wingman you’d ever seen.” He triumphantly took a bite of his wayward sandwich at that declaration.
 “‘Wingman’?” enquired Spock.
 McCoy shot him a suffering look “I talked you up to Jim.”
 This Spock understood, although he tried not to look too interested in what McCoy was saying, feeling a lightness rising in his chest.
 “Indeed?” he asked, “Do you consider you were successful?” he leaned forward slightly in order to hear better, as the mess was slightly too loud for optimal hearing.
 Obviously that was the reason, it was not because he was eager to hear more. Not at all.
 McCoy chose to believe he was eager nevertheless, judging by him looking smugger by the moment.
 “Was I successful? By the end Jim was saying that any man would be lucky to have you. Even started bringing his own compliments to the table.” McCoy leaned back in his chair having reached peak smugness levels.
 Spock’s heart rate had increased fractionally. Gaining McCoy as an ally was having better results than he had anticipated, Jim would be his bondmate before the year was up, he was sure of it.
 “I reckon you’re in.” McCoy went on “Now do me a favour and ask him to dinner so I can get my damn nose out of your love life."
 “Based on last evening I was under the impression you were enjoying ‘having your nose’ in my love life?” Spock teased smoothly.
 “I’m uh, not interrupting, am I?” asked Jim in a joking voice having finally arrived for lunch. He had yet to sit down at the mostly empty table.
 McCoy looked between them “I was just leaving, Jim” McCoy picked up his empty tray “He’s all yours.” McCoy clapped Jim on the shoulder as he left, ignoring Jim’s lips thinning minutely at his parting remark.
 Spock noticed McCoy shooting him what humans would refer to as a ‘significant look’ as Jim was sliding into the now vacant seat. When Spock didn’t acknowledge him, he clearly mouthed ‘ask him!’ and obviously pointed at Jim.
 Humans were unobservant, Spock reminded himself, it was highly unlikely that anyone had noticed. Even if he was now getting a few curious looks thrown his way. Why had he thought seeking out Dr. McCoy would be valuable, again? Clearly his fight or flight reaction had impacted his thoughts at the time.
 “So, are you and the good Doctor…?” Jim said after poking his food a few times, without actually eating it.
 When it became clear that Jim was not going to finish his sentence Spock asked “What about the Doctor and I, Captain?”
 “It’s just still surprising is all. You, him, together.” Jim was staring hard at his untouched food seemingly finding it very interesting.
 Jim’s words were not making sense. While McCoy and Spock might not spend as much time together as Spock and Jim did, it was surely wasn’t that unorthodox that it warranted commentary. They were after all friends. Surely it was not usual for friends to eat meals together? Even if McCoy did only usually joined them around the end of meal time, and almost never the start.
 “I fail to see what is surprising.” Spock said.
Jim actually blushed “I suppose you wouldn’t. If anyone heard the way he was speaking about you last night, I doubt they would be surprised either. I don’t think I’ve ever heard Bones speak so highly of anyone.” He finally looked up at Spock, through his eyes only visible through his eyelashes “Not that it was undeserved, of course”.
 How could Spock had been worried that Jim would reject him outright last night? Even if he wasn’t interested in Spock romantically there was no reason to assume he would scorn Spock, or humiliate him by spreading the news throughout the ship. At the very least, Jim was a kind man.
 “I’m glad you think so, Jim.” Spock softened his look in return “Perhaps if you are amendable we could have dinner followed by a game of chess? It has been 4 days since our last match. Unless of course your last three losses has gotten you to admit defeat?”
 Jim was fully looking up now, looking at Spock with eyes crinkling at the corners as he smiled. He huffed out a small amount of air in what Spock recognised as a sign of amusement. “Not a chance Mister, how about I come around at 18:00 when I’m finished in engineering?”
 “That would be acceptable.” Replied Spock, not breaking eye contact.
 They continued to hold each other’s gaze for a few more seconds, until the moment was broken by a loud laugh from a nearby table.
 Jim blinked to himself before frowning down at the table.
 “I just remembered I’ve got some reports that need finishing before I’m due in engineering. I’ll see you tonight, Spock.” At that Jim took his tray and made a hasty exit.
 “Until tonight.” Said Spock quietly, watching Jim go.
 At 17:55 Spock was observing his quarters quite proudly.
 McCoy had told Spock that, candles, low lights and soft music were often used to ‘set the mood’ for Terran dates. Given Starfleet’s ban on open flames on space vessels, displaying candles was not possible. Instead, Spock had opted to use some of his more potent smelling incense, in order to create a pleasant scent throughout the cabin. The lights had been set to a low 15%, giving the cabin an intimate feel. The low light allowed for the starlight to shine through the port window, casting large ever-changing shadows from all the furniture onto the green carpet. Jim often commented on his affection for the stars, he was sure to appreciate that. Lastly, to finish the scene, Spock had put on some music. The only music he had available was Vulcan Lyre music, which played half a piece, with which he would practice duets with. Despite being slightly disjointed alone, Spock felt the overall effect to the ‘mood’ was given.
 Yes, he had indeed created a prime setting for courting Jim. His human courting skills were progressing quite nicely in such a short time.
 At 17:57 the door chimed, signalling someone requesting entry. There was only one person it was likely to be. Spock took a deep breath, readying himself for the evening to come.
 Sure enough, there was Jim. He looked like he did for all their chess matches; dressed still in his command uniform, yet with his posture more relaxed then when in public. Still, looking at him Spock felt that something was… off. He looked relaxed, but although he was determined to be rather than naturally being so.
 He also had brought a bottle of wine, which was markedly different from any previous matches. Usually, Jim only drank alcohol in the presence of Dr. McCoy or Lieutenant Scott. Seldom did he drink alcohol in Spock’s presence, and certainly he had never brought any when they were due to socialise alone.
Spock took this as a positive sign.
 “I apologise for being slightly early Spock, I can come back after you’ve finished meditating if you’d like.” He offered, taking in the room. He stepped forward enough to allow the door to close “I must admit, I’ve never noticed just how strong Vulcan’s liked their incense until now.”
 “Is it... displeasing?” Spock was now feeling less confident than before.
 “A touch too strong for my human nose I’m afraid.” Jim said chuckling.
 “Ah,” said Spock heading to extinguish them “I will keep that in mind for future, Captain.”
 Jim chuckled “ ‘Captain?’ it’s been a while since you’ve called me that in private.” Spock couldn’t see Jim, but he could practically visualise the soft smile that would follow such a statement.
 “It reminds me of the early days, before we really got to know one another. Seems like so long ago now.” Spock heard him pacing around the room.
 “Say, would you mind if I turned up the lights a bit? I doubt I’ll be able to see the board properly in this light. Unless, of course that is your plan to ensure a victory.” He finished lightly.
 “Of course, Jim. I am not the one who needs an advantage, after all.”
 “Oh, you’ll be regretting those words by the end of our first game!” Jim said playfully, heading towards the table while ordering the lights to 75%.
 As the lighting slowly increased, Spock observed that the ‘mood’ no longer seemed significantly different from any other night. At least the music seemed to be acceptable.
 For now.
 “Wine?” queried Jim.
 Spock heard the clinking of glasses form the small kitchenette his quarters were equipped with, indicating Jim was already pulling out more than one glass.
“Perhaps one glass.” responded Spock, more for Jim’s sake than any actual desire on his part.
 Incense all finally extinguished, Spock stood and headed to the edge of the kitchen area while Jim poured a generous portion of wine. A really generous portion.
 “I thought that we could celebrate,” said Jim passing Spock a less generously filled glass, “I will admit, I was quite stunned at first by the news,” he smiled in a way that did not quite reach his eyes “But you and Bones are my closest friends. If being in a relationship is what makes you happy then I couldn’t be happier for you both.” He raised his glass. “To a long and happy relationship!”
 Spock’s glass did not move an inch from where he had grasped it initially.
 In fact, Spock’s whole body was doing a rather impressive imitation of a statue. This was in direct contrast to his internal thoughts, which were going a mile a minute trying to work out what exactly was happening.
 When Spock had imagined possible scenarios of tonight, this had not even been close to one of them.
 “Spock?” asked Jim. He seemed very concerned. Very concerned for McCoy’s boyfriend.
 “You believe that myself and Dr. McCoy are engaged in a romantic relationship?” Spock asked at a 18.4% slower speed than normal.
 Jim still looked sheepish “I know neither of you have officially announced anything yet, and that it’s still very new,” said Jim “But I just…” he looked at his wine as though it held the answers to what he was trying to say “You’re important to me Spock. You both are.” He added the last part quickly “and even though…” he stopped again “If Bones is who you want, then I will do everything I can to be a good friend and support you.” He had a determine look on his face, one Spock had seen many times before particularly unpleasant activities in missions.
 And it was now being used in reference to Spock’s love life.
 How could this have all gotten misinterpreted so badly? Of course Jim wasn’t interested in Spock, if not he wouldn’t be so clearly supporting him in his fictional romance with McCoy. Clearly he viewed Spock with nothing but friendship. Deep friendship, yes, but clearly also platonic friendship.
 It was Terran courting Spock was sure. Its unclear, ambiguous, and unreasonably time-consuming ways had led to this moment. No, the Terran approach were not the solution.
 “Dr McCoy and I are not in a romantic or physically intimate relationship.” Informed Spock, shifting into what would be parade rest if not for the wine he was still holding.
 Jim blinked “You’re not?”
 “No,” Spock continued “I approached him to get his advice on Terran courting practices. Given his familiarity with them and human emotions, I concluded that he may be of assistance. It appears I was incorrect.” The feelings that had started this whole mess were starting to reappear.
Only this time, Spock chose fight.
 “Jim,” he placed his glass down facing Jim fully, noting Jim follow suit, “Over the past 3.76 years our personal and professional relationship has grown profoundly. This growth has been due to our mutual respect for one another, our mutual interests and goals, and highly compatible personalities.”
 “Oh my God.” Said Jim looking at Spock with wonder.
 “This, as well as our remarkably high mental compatibility, leads to me to conclude that we would be ideal mates for each other.”
 “Oh my God.” Said Jim slightly louder this time, eyes still not leaving Spock.
 “I understand as a human, physical compatibility is also of great importance, and I assure you there I have considered this and in addition to your other attributes I find you to be extremely aesthetically pleasing. I would quite enjoy engaging in intimate, physical activities with you.”
 “<em>Spock</em>.” Jim choked out, looking at him with wide eyes and pink cheeks.
 “I wish to bond with you at your earliest convenience, however I also recognised that humans need more time than Vulcans before committing to another permanently. In light of this, I ask you to consider ‘dating’ me so I may have the chance to convince you of our compatibility, and of my esteem for you.” Spock finished.
 There. It was done. He had laid out his points, logically yet while still acknowledging Jim’s different needs as a human. He was very glad no one else was here to hear his blatant emotionalism at the end of his speech.
 “What is your reply, Jim?” asked Spock after 43.3 seconds. Surely this was more than enough time to concede to the logic of his statements?
 “I think I need to sit down” was Jim’s reply, going to the small couch close by and sinking down. After a few seconds, he moved to place his right leg over his left, and his arm so his chin was supported by one hand. A tell-tale pose for when the captain was thinking deeply on the bridge.
 Perhaps not enough time then.
 Spock carefully sat down on the other end of the couch and waited.
Jim opened his mouth several times in the succeeding minutes as though he was going to speak, before changing his mind. On the sixth time of such occurrence he finally settled on asking “You want to marry me?”
 “Yes.” Said Spock
 “You think it would be logical to marry me?” asked Jim again.
 “Yes.” Said Spock again, wondering how many times he was going to have to confirm information he had said less than 5 minutes ago.
 “That’s great… great.” Said Jim slowly, moving both hands to his chin.
 Despite his words, it did not sound ‘great’ felt Spock.
 Jim turned so his whole body was facing towards Spock, uncrossing his legs and leaning forwards.
 “Spock, you’re proposing marriage between us, yet you seem to be missing one very important factor: love.”
 He leaned even closer. Spock could see the smaller flecks of green and gold in his eyes, and the starlight reflecting from the window. He could smell the wine on his breath, and also a small hint of something pleasant that must come from Jim himself.
Spock swallowed.
 “Your points are logical as always Spock, but do you love me?” asked Jim softly.
 Jim’s face was very close, his stare was intense. Spock tilted his head as he considered the question.
 Had anyone else been asking, his response would be to reply that it was well known Vulcans do not love. But Spock would not lie to Jim, not about something so obviously important to him.
Did he love Jim? There was no one else he was closer to on the Enterprise, or off it for that matter. He had changed his schedule to allow for more time in each other’s presence, he enjoyed their time together and even looked forward to it. Even if they were simply completing their own work in the same space, it still filled Spock with a sense of contentedness. Jim made an effort to take Spock’s Vulcan heritage into account, yet Spock never felt he was being judged as too human, nor too Vulcan around Jim. He was accepted, just as he was. He felt relaxed around Jim, a feeling of satisfaction even. When a mission, or an experiment went wrong he realised he sought out Jim’s company.
He thought about waking up next to Jim, seeing his eyes soften as he smiled at Spock. The image alone filled Spock with warmth. Perhaps Jim would hold up two fingers, which Spock would respond with his own; their fingers would kiss, and their minds would sing to each other with unity, with fondness, with lo-
 “Yes.” Said Spock now realising how true it was “Yes, I do, Jim.”
 Spock braced himself. The ball was in Jim’s court, as his mother would say.
 Jim leaned back a short distance. “Did you know Spock, the except for your biological time, I didn’t even think that you could feel for someone like that?” he asked.
Spock summised this was rhetorical when he continued speaking before he could reply.
 “Then I spoke to Bones,” said Jim, “and he told me about how thoughtful you were, how generous you were, how romantic you were. And it hit me: dating you, being with you, being allowed to love you every day, that would be the most amazing thing anyone could ask for. I felt like kicking myself because I thought I had missed my chance!”
 Jim picked up Spock’s hand and held it between his own.
 “Going from that to you telling me that you want to marry me is quite the leap.”
Spock was glad he had the contact, in contrast to Jim’s words he could pick up feelings of happiness, and hope, emotions that were mirroring his.
 Jim moved closer, so that their noses were practically touching.
 Spock heard him chuckle lowly, “When have you ever known me not to risk leaping, Mr. Spock?”
 “Never.” Whispered Spock, breathing a puff of air against Jim’s lips.
 Jim slipped his eyes close, closing the space between them.
 Spock had not experienced many human-style kisses, but this was by the best by far. There was no disregard for Spock’s wants, or madness behind it. Jim kissed him as though he had all the time in the world. As though Spock was beloved, and Jim was using his lips to softly explain to him just how much. Spock knew he was inexperienced in this kind of affection, but he hoped Jim understood that he was trying to show him how cherished Jim was in return.
 The message must have gotten through somehow, because when they parted Jim placed his forehead against Spock’s, keeping his eyes closed. His smile was small, intimate. It was beautiful.
 Eventually Jim opened his eyes and looked at Spock, the smile never leaving his face.
 “You know, I’m not sure what you’ve heard, but it takes at least 3 dates before I agree to marry someone.” He said, eyes twinkling.
 “Indeed?” replied Spock, allowing his mouth to soften into a small smile in return, “By Dr. McCoy’s description of a ‘date’ we have been on approximately 237 by my count.”
 Jim brought Spock’s hand up to his mouth kissing his knuckles “Is that right?” he said as Spock’s breath hitched “Well, it seems we’re behind on a few 3rd date milestones then.”
 Oh yes, Jim was indeed a logical bondmate. Spock’s logical bondmate.
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ancientbooshartifacts · 5 years ago
The Perfect Year
Author: MyChosenWords
Year: 2008
Rating: PG
Pairing: Howince, Naboo/Bollo
Ring out the old Ring in the new A midnight wish To share with you Your lips are warm My head is light Were we alive before tonight? I don't need a crowded ballroom Everything I want is here If you're with me Next year will be The perfect year
Howard is very, very drunk. He doesn’t remember drinking enough to get drunk but he knows he must be because he can feel Vince’s nimble fingers running casually through his hair and he isn’t doing a damn thing to stop it. On the other couch Naboo and Bollo are pressed together shoulder to knee. Bollo’s large hand is drumming strange rhythms on Naboo’s thigh as he polishes off another glass of champagne. Naboo stares firmly ahead, his eyes boring into Howard’s form. The shaman’s eyes hold none of the contempt usually present when they are trained on Howard. In fact, they seem almost...warm. Normally Howard would blush furiously at being caught like this and would quickly extricate himself from Vince’s embrace to perform some important manly and potentially life-threatening duty like colour-coding his socks. Tonight however he merely stares back at Naboo, studying the slight tension in the shaman’s shoulders, the way he twitches whenever Bollo’s hand moves fractionally higher, and the faint blush that stains his cheeks. A jolt of understanding wracks Howard’s body and he doesn’t know whether to laugh or scream. He settles for furrowing his brows at the shaman. Naboo inclines his head slightly; a silent confirmation of previously unacknowledged common ground.  
“Help me make tea Howard?” Naboo half-asks, half-orders as he stands and heads for the kitchen.
Reluctantly Howard stands up and for a split second he thinks he hears a whimper of protest from Vince. When he looks back the younger man is inspecting the sequins on his newly customised jeans so Howard decides he must have imagined it. In the kitchen Naboo whirls around and looks, for the first time ever, a little scared of Howard.
“You won’t tell him, will you?” he asks nervously. Generally Howard would jump at the chance to hold something like this over the head of a man who can be both unnecessarily cruel and patronising to him on a regular basis. But this is an affair of the heart and, being in the same situation himself, he can’t bring himself to take advantage of Naboo. He shakes his head.
Satisfied, Naboo nods as well. “And I won’t tell Vince.”
Subconsciously Howard finds himself reviewing Naboo and Bollo’s relationship as he’s making the tea. Once the initial shock has worn off the idea doesn’t seem quite so ridiculous. They certainly get along well enough; they clearly care about each other and yeah, the whole ape thing is a bit weird but very few things in Howard’s life make sense anyway so what difference does an extra bit of weird make? Naboo is remarkably selfish where Bollo is concerned. He’s convinced that Vince will eventually take him away, drumming in a band or some other adventure and has actively protested the idea. Howard knows Bollo will never leave Naboo but the shaman doesn’t seem to realise that. For his part, Bollo is extremely protective of Naboo; Howard has seen the ape carry his stoned friend to bed on more than one occasion and once he caught him singing him a lullaby and stroking his hair when Naboo was ill and couldn’t sleep. The more he thought about it, the more sense it made.
“For what it’s worth Naboolio,” Howard says carefully, “I wouldn’t be surprised if your feelings were requited.”
“Don’t be an idiot,” Naboo hisses.
“I’m not! You spend almost all your time together, you’ve always got each other’s backs, you make each other laugh and he’s always finding excuses to touch you,” Howard proclaims.
“Sound familiar?” Naboo retorts. Howard flushes at this. He realises belatedly that he’s just described his and Vince’s relationship as much as Naboo and Bollo’s.
“That’s different,” he protests, “I’m not Vince’s type am I?”
“What, and apes regularly shack up with shaman do they?”
Howard has no comeback for this so he simply glares at the shorter man. He can hear the sounds of the record being changed and is surprised when it’s not Mick Jagger but Ella Fitzgerald that floats across the room.
“Hey Howard,” Vince cries, “Bollo’s teaching me to waltz. It’s well good.”
They make an extraordinary sight in the middle of the room; one figure tall and thin and sparkly and the other short and furry, trying to navigate their way around coffee tables and couches. Howard sighs. “If you’re going to do it, at least do it properly.” He sets his cup of tea down and enlists the help of Naboo to move the coffee table out of the dancers’ way. Vince and Bollo break apart momentarily to push the couches out of the way before returning to the middle of their makeshift dance floor. Howard watches in amusement. Vince is astoundingly graceful bouncing round the clubs of Camden or swaggering around the shop but he is completely out of his depth in the slow, steady movements of the waltz. Bollo is faring about as well as one would expect for a stoned simian and even Naboo has a hand clapped over his mouth to prevent any giggles escaping.
In a rare act of spontaneity Howard would later blame on alcohol and Vince’s lack of success, Howard offers his hand to Naboo. “Shall we show them how it’s done?” For one awful moment Howard thinks the shaman is going to laugh but then his face crinkles into a grin and he nods. Waltzing is one of the very few things Howard can actually do reasonably well and he twirls the much shorter Naboo with ease. Naboo laughs merrily and even Howard allows his enjoyment to manifest itself in a genuine smile. The height difference makes true gracefulness difficult but they are doing sufficiently well for Vince to stop dancing and frown jealously at them as Bollo scratches his head.
“Why can’t you do that?” Vince asks Bollo, who merely shrugs nonchalantly. “Hey Naboo, give over. I want to dance with Howard.”
Naboo looks up at Howard questioningly and Howard is touched that Naboo would check if he was ok with it before thrusting Vince upon him. His first impulse is to refuse but there is no way to do that without offending Vince so he nods briefly. Howard twirls Naboo one last time before allowing the dark-haired man to step out of his embrace. Vince bounds over and throws an arm over Howard’s shoulder. One of Howard’s arms falls to Vince’s waist whilst the other grasps Vince’s hand. The song changes, something slower this time, and Howard slowly eases Vince into the dance.
Howard jerks his head in Bollo’s direction and mouths ask him at Naboo.
“Come on then you ballbag,” Naboo says, turning to Bollo. It’s not how Howard would have put it but it seems to work because the next minute Naboo and Bollo are awkwardly shuffling around next to them. Naboo beams at Howard over Bollo’s shoulder and Howard has the strong suspicion that the funny explosion currently taking place in his chest is happiness.
“Twirl me Howard,” Vince demands and Howard obliges.
Naboo’s hand clutches firmly at the fur on Bollo’s neck.  He’s terrified that if he lets go he’ll wake up to find this was all a weird drug-fuelled dream and that Howard is still a total git. The whole night has been unusually incident-free. There was plenty of booze, Bollo made some wicked hash cakes and even Howard has relaxed with the help of a glass or two of champagne. It’s enough to make Naboo believe, for one magical moment, that next year might actually be a good one.
At some point his death-grip on Bollo’s neck turns into soft strokes and Naboo has to fight back a proud grin when he hears Bollo sigh softly into his ear. His familiar feels even warmer than usual and if Naboo didn’t know better he’d say the ape was blushing.
“You dance well Naboo,” Bollo murmurs and now it’s Naboo’s turn to blush. Bollo’s arm tightens on Naboo’s slim waist and what little space there was between them disappears. “Naboo...Vince say there is midnight tradition tonight.”
Naboo swallows thickly. “Oh, you mean the kissing thing?” he says in what he hopes is an offhand manner. His eyes dart over to the clock. 11:59. He watches as it flicks over to 12:00. The seed had been planted but he still can’t believe his luck when Bollo’s warm hand cups his chin and brings their lips together. It’s completely different to how he’d imagined it would be. Bollo’s lips are soft and undemanding beneath his, the pressure just enough to make Naboo’s knees rattle slightly. Naboo wraps his other arm around Bollo’s large shoulder, relying on the ape for swoon-support as he deepens the kiss.
Vince abruptly stops dancing and stares open-mouthed at the couple. Howard smiles happily; at least two of them will be going to bed happy tonight. At Vince’s insistent tugging Howard turns back around to face his friend.
“Can’t let monkey man have all the fun can we Howard,” he says jovially, gripping Howard’s lapels and pulling him closer. He’s tempted to let Vince kiss him; to feel those gloriously sweet lips against his one more time but he knows he’ll only regret it later. He jerks back out of the embrace and throws up his hands.
“Whoa there little man. I don’t think so.”
“Come on Howard, it’s only a kiss after all,” Vince whines.
“It’s not just a kiss to me Vince. You can’t just take advantage of people like that,” Howard insists.
“Okay then, it’s not just a kiss,” Vince admits.
“Well what is it then?”
“A New Year’s Resolution,” Vince states, “To let you know how much you mean to me and how I’d be a big useless mess of glitter and tears if it weren’t for you.”
“Oh,” stammers Howard, “Well I suppose in that case...” He doesn’t get to finish his sentence because his arms are suddenly full of Vince and hands are tangled in his hair and those lips are brushing across his own over and over and it’s possible he might just die from the sheer joy of it. When they break apart Naboo and Bollo are watching them, arms wrapped around each other and eyes cloudy with desire.
“Howard,” Naboo says seriously, “I never thought I’d say this but I think you might be right.”
Howard chuckles at Vince and Bollo’s confusion and wraps his arms tighter around Vince.
“Happy New Year Vince,” he whispers.
Vince beams up at him. “Happy New Year Howard.” He turns to Naboo and Bollo. “Happy New Year Guys!”
A chorus of Happy New Years is exchanged and Vince insists on a group hug that Howard doesn’t even try to avoid. They break apart and a giggling Naboo drags Bollo towards his bedroom with a final wink at Howard. Vince cheers and makes obscene noises whilst Howard laughs, clutching his stomach. They hear one last giggle morph into a moan before the door slams.
“Howard,” says Vince soberly, “Can I sleep with you tonight?”
Howard gulps in a rush of air all at once and coughs and splutters as his brain tries to process the request. “Why?” he asks, before slapping a hand to his mouth. Vince looks at him curiously before his eyes widen.
“Oh! Not like that! Not like them two,” he explains, “I just want to sleep next you. Would that be ok?
“Yeah, I think we could manage that,” Howard says hoarsely.
Vince reaches out and links his fingers with Howard’s. “Good.” He leans up and brushes a quick kiss across Howard’s lips before pulling him down the hall.
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super-onlinemarketing · 5 years ago
How to Become a Virtual Assistant: Everything You Need to Know
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I didn't show out this path thinking about how to turn into a virtual assistant. It sort of simply fell into my lap. And I see myself as beautiful darn fortunate!
Call it a natural fit — after supporting the senior financial advisor I worked with for six years, VA work appears the logical path to follow. I realized that the traditional career path wasn't for me, I wanted to get to know each other as a family, control my own salary and not have to answer to a chief.
Back then I was making decisions on the fly — learning the intricate details of maintaining my own business while endeavoring to help my young family. Thank goodness for my husband Wade! He assumed control over the obligation of managing our family unit and taking care of our then little children so the mother could manufacture her business and make a few bucks.
Nowadays I'm despite everything shuffling a long haul customer or two while also helping aspiring VAs to start and develop their own organizations. I invest a great deal of energy talking to new virtual assistants and speaking about the business in general.
At whatever point I have a webinar or am welcome to be a visitor on a podcast, the thing individuals resonate with the most is my personal story. They want to know how they can utilize my encounters to springboard their VA career — launching their own fruitful help based business all the while.
Right now, going to cover all that you have to know so as to emulate my example. Delineating each of the individual advances required and pointing you toward our best assets. When you find a good pace, you ought to have a strong understanding of the means you have to take and how you can begin today.
What Is A Virtual Assistant?
Although this industry is developing by leaps and limits there are still a lot of individuals who don't really understand what a virtual assistant is or how they can play a vital job in the development of a business — both on the web and traditional block and concrete.
Many individuals take a gander at VAs as minimal more than official assistants. In any case, it's more complicated than that! The facts confirm that in certain circumstances we may be playing out a portion of the traditional tasks associated with administrative work.
Be that as it may, the list of administrations that a VA can offer is amazingly differing. And thus I created the accompanying definition:
A virtual assistant is anyone who offers administrations to different entrepreneurs from afar in exchange for an agreed upon expense.
Really straightforward right? As you read through this post, you'll rapidly start to understand why I chose to create such a broad definition.
What Services Does a Virtual Assistant Provide?
The second most normal inquiry we are posed rotates around the sorts of administrations that you can offer as a VA. The reality of the situation is that there is no straightforward list of activities that a virtual assistant does.
We’ve compiled a list of 150+ common VA services that provide you with a great starting point. We also wrote a more detailed post that covers 50+ service options for you to consider. Depending upon your skills and interests, you’re almost guaranteed to find something that will appeal to potential clients. Here are a few examples:
Customer support
Processing online orders and refunds
Website design
WordPress maintenance
Graphic design and layout
Calendar management and travel arrangements
Content creation for blogs and ghostwriting
Editing and proofreading
Content research
Keyword research
Email management
Data entry
Creating sales pages
Managing product launches
Performing outreach
Lead generation
Editing videos
Social media management
Project management
Community management and moderation
The list continues forever! For many occupied business visionaries, the greater the variety of tasks you can handle, the better (more on specialization versus general VA work later).
Administrations are a certain something, yet you may be considering what abilities do you have to turn into a virtual assistant?
Clearly, in case you're planning to work on the web, a general understanding of all-things-web is a decent place to start. Having some particular aptitudes and experience will make the beginning easier and it'll certainly help with landing the initial not many customers.
Your experience could incorporate any variety of business activities — both on the web and disconnected. At the same time, it's important to take note of that a lack of aptitudes ought to never be an obstruction. A high level of motivation, great communication aptitudes and a longing to learn are equally, if not increasingly important.
How To Become a Virtual Assistant
Here at Horkey HandBook we’re big fans of keeping things as simple as possible and taking BIG action. If you’re here looking for some kind of secret, there isn’t one.
Just get started!
The first virtual assistant client that I contracted with was a successful entrepreneur. Through back and forth emails, I sensed he was having a little trouble keeping up with his inbox.
We had a friendly banter going and I sensed that I could help him, he’d be fun to work with and that I might benefit in more ways than just earning a paycheck (by learning the inner workings of his business).
Basically, I stepped out and boldly told him he should hire me?. Can you say nerve-wracking?
He said yes and we ended up working together for a little over two years. My inklings were right on the money – I enjoyed working with him, I learned a ton and the regular paycheck was nice! Although we’re not working together currently, even to this day, we’re still in contact.
So let’s break this down into some simple steps, shall we?
Side Note: Our course, 30 Days or Less to Virtual Assistant Success goes in much greater detail — walking you through each individuals step across 58+ lessons, 13 quizzes and over 145 minutes of video.
Here are the basic steps you’ll need to follow:
Choose your business structure.
Decide which services you’ll offer your clients.
Decide on your pricing structure.
Launch your website and create your online presence.
Start pitching and networking.
Build relationships.
Now, let’s take a look at each of these steps in greater detail.
One thing to keep in mind as you read through these is that your objective is to start promoting and pitching your services as quickly as possible. Acquiring clients and generating revenue should always be at the top of your priority list.
Choose Your Business Structure
There is no such thing as cookie-cutter advice when it comes to selecting your business structure. The answer will vary depending upon a variety of different criteria including:
Where is your business physically located?
What types of clients will you be working with?
What type of VA work will you be doing?
Your personal situation (ie. spouse, family, children and liabilities).
What is your personal risk tolerance?
What are the different business structures available in your area?
This is an area where we definitely think it’s worth your time to speak to an accountant or attorney. They can provide you with valuable feedback that is specific to your particular situation. For you, that might mean sole-proprietorship, LLC, a corporation — such as an S-Corp or C-Corp in the US, or a partnership.
In some instances, you may also be able to decide upon a location for your business depending upon your ability to meet specific requirements.
You can see the importance some of these factors or questions might play in your overall financial and life plan which is why you definitely want to get this equation right. Can it be changed? Sure, but it cost time and money so aim to make the right choice the first time around!
Decide Which Virtual Assistant Services You’ll Offer Your Clients
Making a decision on administrations is a staying point for many new VAs. The uplifting news is, it doesn't have to be. There's no rulebook anywhere that says you have to stay with a particular assistance offering once you start.
At the point when a great many people think about the typical VA benefits the things that ring a bell are browsing email, returning calls and managing their customer's calendar.
In many instances, it can incorporate those things, however there are a lot of different administrations you can offer as well.
One of the main things I accomplished for my first large customer was to manage his inbox. I browsed and arranged his email, react on his behalf and draft templated reactions for various requests.
We also had a week after week call (via Google Hangouts), which was beneficial. The more I was able to learn about his business, the better prepared I became to support him.
In the same way as other business visionaries, he was shuffling different tasks and duties from counseling, coaching, composing courses, managing his blog and membership list and more.
He's brilliant and an inspiration, however I like to think one about the ways I helped was by getting control him over occasionally and keeping him accountable to a portion of the things he expected to do. Especially the things that weren't always his favorite tasks (like email!).
He's also voiced that our week by week gatherings were his favorite part of cooperating (because we complete to such an extent).
You're totally allowed to develop and adapt your business as you see fit. This means changing, adding or eliminating administrations based upon customer demand, profitability, your available time duty and your personal advantages.
As you'll discover in launching your VA business, freedom to pick can be a double-edged sword. I can't reveal to you how regularly we hear from individuals who are starting their business who are attempting to settle on administration contributions.
This is what we prescribe:
Take a glance at the list of administrations that we referenced at the start of this post.
Read our post on virtual assistant administrations you can offer your customers.
Pick 2-3 ideas that you feel you'd like in any case and at that point… .
Begin! (that's right, you'll notice we say that a great deal around these parts?)
Without exemptions, this is the most important advance you can take. When you take the initial step, you'll start to gather force and each progressive advance will get easier.
You can adapt and change after some time such that suits your business. For example, you may choose to move from hourly charging to a retainer or maybe even productized administrations. At the point when you're ready, you should learn increasingly about valuing structure.
Settle on Your Pricing Structure
Everybody wants to know "what amount does a virtual assistant make for every hour?" What's the perfect amount to charge and what amount is sufficient (however not all that much)?
The reason the answer varies so much is that the job itself can vary greatly – and so can your range of abilities and experience. We composed a broad manual for setting your virtual assistant rates however we should cover the basics here.
At the point when you're setting your rates, make sense of what might make it worth your time. In case you're planning to charge hourly (at least initially), you're trading time for cash so it's important to think about several important factors:
You're not a worker. You're a subcontractor and in the US, for example, you have to pay both the representative and the business side of taxes (for example independent work tax).
You also aren't qualified for any advantages – no days off, paid vacation, health insurance or retirement commitments are coming your way (with some rare exemptions).
You'll have an overhead that should be secured — things like site facilitating, office costs, some software memberships and so forth.
Because of this costs, for which you are capable, you can't really compare what you make at your day work (or what you could make at a part-time work) with that of your new VA job.
What we prescribe is that you have to take whatever wage you think would make sense from a take-home pay viewpoint and inflate it by at least 25%.
Most entrepreneurs will understand that you face these additional expenses and if need be, you can break it down for them!
Also remember that from the perspective of entrepreneurs, there are certainly advantages to enlisting a freelance virtual assistant instead of a part or full-time representative. Your customer doesn't have to acquire the expense or the time associated with setting up (and many occasions training) another worker. Nor do they have to stress over an entire slew of additional costs and obligations that typically accompany taking on a worker.
To give you some personal setting, I started out charging $34 every hour. For my present customers, I have since proceeded onward from this hourly model and now deal with a fixed or retainer rate.
For any new customers I take on, I charge a flat rate (rather than an hourly one), as I would prefer to have a lot of tasks to finish and complete them on my calendar, rather than having to track my time and feel like I'm "on the clock."
An hourly rate is part of the reason I escaped from corporate America however that probably won't be the case for you. Take a glance at the diverse plans of action (hourly, retainer, contract or productized) and pick the one that works best for you.
I like to trust I'm fairly educated and gifted (learning new aptitudes continuously!), which is the reason I'm comfortable charging adequately for my time. It's a touch of "you get what you pay for" with regards to enlisting VAs (and for any position really), so remember that as you're offering for occupations or employing your own care staff.
I'd propose reaching somewhat higher than the number that flies into your head. It's easy to undercharge so as to make sure about the activity, however that's not what's going to keep both of you happy as long as possible.
Launch Your Website and Create Your Online Presence
We feel unequivocally about the idea that in case you will be working on the web and offering virtual assistant types of assistance from your ideal location, it just makes sense that you have an established online nearness. We composed a post that covers probably the most important aspects that you have to consider when planning your site.
By and large that incorporates both a site and a social media nearness. Regardless of your point of view, the combination of those two things makes it a lot easier to market your business to potential customers.
The days of post office based mail, flyers, cold pitches and print advertising are behind us. Consistently, we've perceived how even a straightforward site that explains a tad about you and your administrations can play a key job in the development of your business.
As a general guideline, we suggest WordPress and a custom topic when setting up your site. And don't stress, in the event that it appears to be excessively overpowering, we've created an inside and out video-based tutorial that will walk you through each progression of the procedure. We also have a post that explains probably the most important components to consider while creating your virtual assistant site.
The most basic advances include:
Why you ought to pick WordPress and an appropriate topic
Settling on general branding components including hues and textual styles.
Creating a basic yet successful logo for your business.
Decide and communicate your value recommendation.
Focusing on the procedure of gradual and continuous improvement.
With regards to social media, we prescribe that you keep things as straightforward as conceivable. Instead of attempting to shuffle various social media platforms simply keep one basic standard: be the place your customers are.
In most (yet not all) cases this means Facebook or Linkedin. In any case, going further than that, you also want to be in the same gatherings and networks as your planned customers. Utilize social channels to create and fabricate relationships after some time. Never bounce into another gathering and start advancing yourself. Instead, search for chances to be truly useful and let relationships develop naturally.
Land New Clients by Pitching and Networking
The final and most important advance towards launching another VA business is, obviously, finding your initial scarcely any customers. What we have typically observed for many VAs who take our course, 30 Days or Less to Virtual Assistant Success is that customer development happens exponentially.
Getting from customer number 0 to 3 takes significantly more work than getting from 3 to 6. The distinction is by all accounts an aftereffect of time, introduction, experience and certainty. When those four fixings start to kick in, the development procedure gets easier.
The procedure that we encourage both new and experienced VAs to follow when fabricating their business is straightforward. It includes being both proactive and consistent in your endeavors and we have a straightforward procedure for finding virtual assistant customers:
Step #1: Know who your ideal customers are. To put it another way, realize your target market. That means making sense of the kinds of organizations and markets that premium you and where you can discover them.
Step #2: Find the ideal possibilities in your target market. What attributes are you searching for in an ideal customer? This could incorporate organizations that are profitable, who need assistance and even the individuals who have a history of enlisting VAs.
Step #3: Begin fabricating a relationship with potential customers. Some of the time we call this seeking just because we want you to understand that building relationships—even business relationships—takes time. We're large fans of random selling, because it's the most ideal way to start landing customers rapidly however the best customers are an aftereffect of solid relationships.
Step #4: Pitch new possibilities daily. Until your business develops to where referrals are consistently coming in, you have to depend on pitching. To put it another way, in the event that you want work, you'll have to go searching for it because when you first launch your business, no one even recognizes what you do. For new VAs, we encourage daily pitching. Usually, we prescribe that you make it one of the main things you do each day—part of our "always be marketing theory'.
Step #5: Offer a trial period. Until you've established some trust, customers don't really recognize what to anticipate. And to be fair, neither do you. A short trial period is a great way to try things out and perceive how well you are able to cooperate. It also takes away a portion of the risk and fear that accompanies making a long haul duty early in the relationship.
Step #6: Check in early and consistently. As part of our VA Leads Community, we give leads to new and experienced VAs. These leads are usually entrepreneurs who are searching for help to develop or scale their business. One of the most widely recognized complaints we hear about their past encounters is that their VA had poor communication aptitudes. It's an easy issue to survive! All you have to do is set yourself a regular calendar where you check in with your customer to make sure their needs are being met.
Step #7: Make yourself irreplaceable. In the event that you are keen on saving a customer as long as possible, the best thing you can do is give as a lot of value as conceivable. Make yourself an invaluable part of their business. Exactly how you do this will vary with each customer however how about we take a gander at solopreneurs as an example.
Many solopreneurs are shuffling different tasks immediately. They work extended periods of time and sacrifice personal time, time with their families and even their own health.
Figure out how to take explicit tasks off their plate, ease efficiency bottlenecks and assist them with recovering their ends of the week. By doing so you'll be giving more value than somebody who basically exchanges a couple of long stretches of time for cash.
You'll turn into a valued colleague brings about a success win scenario.
Some Final Thoughts 
As a virtual assistant, your goal is frequently to enable others to develop their organizations. It very well may be a rewarding procedure to enable different business visionaries to develop their business. And you always want to give as a lot of value as conceivable.
And yet, don't overlook that you are also constructing your own business. You have to learn to define your own limits and maintain your business such that works for you. Because on the off chance that you don't take care of yourself and your business, at that point development and satisfaction are usually the initial two things to endure.
Your Next Steps
On the off chance that starting your own VA business is a something you're passionate about seeking after, you can learn progressively about our top of the line course: 30 Days or Less to Virtual Assistant Success. It walks you through all the means we discussed right now a mess more.
We also offer an elite participation network for present and past understudies of our courses called the VA Leads Community. In addition to continuous training and access to top notch work leads, you'll be part of an affectionate network of effective virtual assistants who are available to sharing their insight and experience.
What different inquiries do you have about turning into a virtual assistant?
0 notes
black-strike-otp · 7 years ago
part 84
It's been a long, long, long day and I’m just happy I managed to finish this and look forward to crawling in bed now.
Poor Blackout. He doesn’t like being a dick to Nova but what can ya do. :/
Blackout faltered outside of the mechanical door in front of him. To his left and to his right, bots were busily hustling by. The majority paid his awkward appearance no attention; but some were quick to mutter a quick respectful muttering while they passed with their helm down.
He felt foolish. They had practically agreed not to go beyond necessary or required contact. Anything outside of the essential was liable to draw attention back to them. It was obvious from previous notions from Megatron that he had his optics on them. He didn’t seem to trust them not to stab him in the back or bring his empire to shambles it seemed.
The very idea he thought they cared was laughable. None of them wanted to even be involved any further in this war. But just as Satan felt distrust of those around him, it seemed that most felt just as mistrust and judgmental of their appearance in this star system; as if they were destined to arrive or had plans to destroy them.
Standing here all evening just wouldn’t do though. Venting, Blackout finally reached up with a fist and tapped the door.
The light beside the door’s keyed entry pad turned green as it opened. Blackout shuttered his optics with surprise to see no one at the optic-level as he predicted before looking lower. The wing tips caught his optic and from there he met the reddened gaze and craned back helm of the dragonic creature staring up at him.
“Good to see you Blackout,” Infiltrator acknowledged with clipped professionalism. “Can I help you with something?”
“I was looking for your tutor,” he growled.
Dipping his helm, the beast responded, “Certainly, Lieutenant. You’re welcome to enter as you please.”
With the scrap of metal claws and paw pads, the drake stepped aside to give Blackout plenty of room to enter. Sparring not so much as a glance back at any bots who may be giving him a suspicious glance, he stepped into the medic’s personal room.
It was neither as wide nor as packed with shelving as his own room. Nighthawk was allowed a room with a personal showering area though, which came as a surprise to Blackout. Usually such rooms were allowed to those respectable, of higher rank. Medics were important and such a status would usually allow them such a berth area; if not a more grand one such as himself, but after the warlord had thrown the red seeker around he had believed him to be placed in a regular room.
Like every other inch of this ship, Nighthawk’s room had a console; which he currently was sitting at. One of his servos was pressed to the patch on his side while the other held the edge of his arm rest. He relaxed his talon’s grip when he realized who was coming in and sank back into the seat further.
“Inviting yourself where you see fit, hmm, dog?” the medic stated in a cool voice.
A quiet rumble moved through the giant mech’s chassis. He looked around the room for a moment. Although no place on this ship made him feel particularly comfortable, this room felt especially invasive. It felt like someone was watching.
“I am a commanding officer, loyal follower of Lord Megatron,” Blackout grumbled, his voice thick and vaguely threatening as he walked into the room. “I am obliged to step relatively anywhere I want on this ship.”
As he moved his vision back to Nighthawk, he could see the passiveness of the mech’s optics. The lack of affliction at all made him wonder if he did strike a nerve, but there was the slightest move of his helm in a nod.
He must have felt the awful feeling too. But that only made Blackout wonder if they were just both that crazy paranoid. It also made him curious as to why the seeker’s sway in emotions seemed to change like day and night; melancholy at one point, bitter and snappy the next, and almost numb and deadened a nanoklik later.
Did he experience this feeling all the time?
“Can I help you then, oh great and powerful one?” Nighthawk sarcastically hissed, crossing his arms in front of his chassis.
“No.” Blackout offered, flashing a grin. “I just thought I would make you aware that I have secured the replacement parts needed for your chassis and cockpit. You’re welcome.”
Infiltrator released a quiet sigh of relief at Blackout’s side. The wvyren walked by him slowly with his helm hanging just slightly as if he was nervous of walking beside the powerful Decepticon. They both knew otherwise.
“Thank you, commander, but I didn’t require your help.”
“I didn’t realize you grew so comfortable having that patch.”
“It’s not,” the medic snapped with annoyance.
“Thank you, Lieutenant Blackout for helping us acquire these pieces,” Infiltrator softly answered on his teacher’s behalf, bowing his helm.
“If that’s all you have to say, you may go now” the senior medic testily tacked on, his optics narrowing behind soft semi-translucent glasses. “You need not be troubled to come all the way to my personal chambers to tell me all this, sir.”
“Of course, but I thought you might like to have the replacements put on sooner rather than later, unless you prefer replacements and chancing disease getting in your wounds,” Blackout drawled out with a sneer.
He turned away, ignoring the curled lip of the seeker. After taking a few steps to the door, it peeled open once more to his presence. He paused, looking around as he added on in a still sarcastic voice: “My apologizes, medic for my attitude the other evening.”
For a nanoklik, Nighthawk appeared honestly puzzled. He seemed to understand Blackout was referring to how he had reacted after the mine incident after a few more moments.
He had promised Novastrike an apology, after all.
With a curt nod, the crimson seeker tented his digits over his lap. He looked no less tense; from the obvious strain in his shoulders to the squint of his optics and the hard lines in his posture. But his helm horns moved forward somewhat, and he offered a tight and hard to catch smile for just a moment.
They were being monitored at the moment. He knew that was the closest to a respectable apology he would be getting as they tried to shroud their communication.
“If you don’t mind, commander, I would like to get ready to head for the medical room to allow my pupil to work on my armor. I’m sure you have far more important things to do than stand in my room all day, anyway,” he grumbled in answer.
Snorting, Blackout turned his helm away quickly. He stepped out of the room and the single door sealed behind him as he turned to walk down the hall. Relief rushed through him, but only slightly. There was still a strange edge like he was being surveillance, but the air wasn’t thick with anxiety. It didn’t feel like a bot was staring directly at him, breathing down his mech, ready and waiting for just the right ways to find a reason to gut him.
Mostly, it seemed not like an unhidden face watching him, but more of the Eradicon glancing as they went by or the cameras in the room felt like they momentarily focused in on him. Nighthawk in comparison had a spotlight on him; he could feel it. While Megatron clearly no longer saw him as the great warrior he once was, the tyrant had it out for the medic.
He had stolen property though. Blackout had simply stood up for him and didn’t perform as admirably as desired on a smaller, hardly worthwhile mine operation.
Something told him that his once thought perfect master still had something in mind for that old geezer of a seeker. It made him actually worry on behalf of slagger. The very realization was strange. Once he would have given anything to flog that annoyance and rattle him around a bit; not kill him, but at least get his point across. Nighthawk had always pointedly stood against what he did, things he said, his unwavering loyalty like he had no thoughts of his own. They’d always been at ends, for as long as he remembered.
Yet now all he could feel was dread and concern that he was going to see another bot perish for dragging him in to another mess he’d allowed to congeal.
The scorpion pursues his target. He’s done this a thousand times; a million, maybe more. He knows he has her, locked in a corner as his barb coils back like a loaded spring. And as he goes to strike, he realizes the error he has made.
It almost doesn’t register; so smooth and fast, in the blink of an optic she’s using the edges of the wall to her advantage. From one wall to the other she pounces until she soars over Scorponok.
Novastrike witnesses the alarm and fury in his optics. He goes to strike, and his barb flies under her. She extends a leg as she falls, hitting the floor on one pede and using the remainder of her momentum in a wide swing.
She hits him in the rear, hard. He barely registers. She’s still far too light and small to be much more than a nuisance this way.
By the time the minicon can recover and turn around, she’s moved. He fires a small eruption of ammunition along the floor. She dashes away with ease; weaving her way towards him.
Light glances off Scorponok’s tail. Nova brings her arm up, blade extending from her forearm. The two meet; his barb glancing off the edge of her blade and sliding by. Before he can retract the little femme’s servo moves out in a flash of lightning. Grabbing his arm, she brings her arm up, skimming her other arm’s blade against the segment just below his barb.
Ineffective weapon; rendered useless now as though it had been detached in a real battle, Scorponok closes the metal around his barbed tail. One of his drills lunches forward for her and she backflips. The first time she’s barely out of his range. By the second backflip, she has distance. At the third, sufficient distance.
Clicking with irritation, he fires off a mock empty rocket. Novastrike goes flat to the ground as the dud hits the far wall. Diving forward, Scorponok tries to jab her with his drill. She slides beneath him in the tight space, barely squeezing between two of his side pedes.
Whipping his ‘barbless’ tail, Scorponok whacks her in the shoulder. Grimacing, Novastrike slices at his side, the covering over her blade moving over his armor. The maneuver brings her arm down until she crosses to one of his pedes.
Disabled: leg missing now in combat.
Curling the single appendage under his belly, Scorponok chatters and scuttles to turn back at her as his tail flicks out again. Nova lets out a whoosh of air as it strikes her in the tummy, sending her rolling on the floor.
Her helm feels rattled. Pushing herself up, she half-jumps half-rolls out of the way of Scorponok’s quick jabs. He comes at her again and she barely evades.
It was all she could do to escape the scorpion as he continued to advance.
He wasn’t going to let her on her pedes again. Stumbling back, the small femme reached at her sides as she rolled, and continued rolling. Dizzily she sat up, the bug coming at her in a rush as she pulled free her stun guns.
While her optics recalculated, she fired randomly. The first shots whizzed by the minicon, but as he got closer, the splash of electrical currents fizzled over his face and helm, and then his massive drills. He let out a squeal as he stepped back, trying to wipe at his faceplate as his optics blinked erratically out of sync.
One of the pronged arms vaguely flew out to strike her and she parried with her arm blade. The golden pieces hit her shoulder and she growled. Scorponok lunged into her and she raised her pedes, slamming them into his armor and forced herself back.
He hissed, raising an arm while lunging forward.
Instinctively and a bit harder than necessary, she slammed a pede into his faceplate. Her sparkbeat picked up with a flash of terror.
Shrieking with genuine pain, the bug retracted, shaking his helm. A stream of clicks emitted from him as Novastrike scrambled backwards and out beneath the mech that had been just about hovering on top of her, panting.
“Scorponok, I’m sorry,” she breathed, cycling air out quickly. She reached out tentatively to his face.
Clicking slowly, the minicon shook his helm slightly, ignoring her gesture. A small grunt escaped him as she managed to grab his faceplate, trying to inspect the spot where her pede struck him.
Glancing back, the little femme dropped her servos from Scorponok’s face. He went back to trying to rub at his faceplate, making unhappy noises.
Blackout gave a single shake of her helm.
Swallowing, her audio receptors lowered as she looked around the room. It was one of the private simulators from the ship, although for this round they hadn’t integrated a specific holographic location. It was a simple empty white room at the moment, as it usually appeared, but it gave them a location to work without many bots.
The dark armored mech gave the smallest shake of his helm. Venting, he stepped forward, extending his servo towards her in a gesture as he spoke quietly.
“He’s fine, he can take an actual hit now and again.”
“I just wanted to make sure he’s okay-”
“He’s fine,” Blackout repeated.
Biting her lip, Novastrike looked over to Scorponok. He was already staring at her, helm tilted slightly.
Turning her soft blue optics slowly back to Blackout, she lowered her helm. “I’m sorry, sir.”
As she raised her helm, she caught the look in her mech’s optics. Upset, unsure, a bit frustrated, but mostly a look of self-loathing.
Blackout nodded shortly at her. Motioning with his servo to his bug, Scorponok clicked in response. Some of his armor stood up from his underarmor and protoform as he flexed and stretched his limbs out. With a final chirp, he walked over to his master and around him. Blackout’s blades moved away from his backside to give the minicon room to climb up and fit himself snuggly into his backside.
“We’re done with training for the day,” he explained stiffly.
Novastrike gave a silent nod. She was admittedly a bit sore, although she knew better than to vocalize that on a ship of Decepticons. After a short round with Blackout she lost, a small breather, and this round against Scorponok she could use energon and a cozy spot to flop down.
Jerking his helm to the side, Blackout directed her to follow as he turned. Obediently, like the good ‘pet’ she was, Nova trailed after. Her tail flicked close against her frame and she raised her helm up so that her faceplate and chin were proudly and confidently displayed. Blackout had told her to walk with purpose and conviction. He claimed it would help keep bots from bothering her, though because she was never outside of the room without Scorponok or Blackout himself by her side, she wasn’t too concerned with others bots trying to cause her any trouble.
But it could never hurt to take the advice from someone who had lived this life a very long time before. Anything he said to help make her stay here a little more easy, she was willing to do.
Outside of the holographic training room were other bots in a larger training area. Most were focused on other areas of sparring, weapons evaluation, drills, exercise, and more. A small group of bots were standing outside of the entry for the hologram projector they had just been in. Some of them went in for their turn, while others waited with their own group. They all inclined their helms respectfully as Blackout passed them despite the fact he sparred them not even a glance.
Entering upon the hallway, a courier nearly smacked right into Blackout.
“L-Lieutenant,” he stammered uncomfortably.
Growling in the back of his throat, Blackout made a flicking gesture with his servo for the mech to step aside. With optic visor paling slightly, he quickly moved, deeply bowing his helm.
“Sir, I came to bring you a message.”
“Your timing couldn’t be more better,” Satan rumbled in the depths of his chassis. “Hurry along, before I lose my patience.”
“Yes, sir,” the bot stated, saluting. “Lord Megatron wishes to see you in the Hive Chamber.”
Raising an optic ridge, Blackout gave a nod to the courier Eradicon.
The mech stood frozen in place with uncertainty.
“What are you doing still standing here for?” the Decepticon Hound scolded. “Get back to work.”
“Immediately, sir,” the Eradicon stated swiftly, darting past him.
Novastrike looked up to Blackout with an insecure fluttering in her chassis. His optics moved down to her and a faint reassuring smile flashed over his features. It went away quickly, but the light of his optics remained warm.
“Come,” he bluntly stated.
By all the Primes, when they did leave this warship if that mech ever demanded and gripped at her like that again, she’d toss his aft quicker than bad energon.
Like an extension to the shadow of a rather terrifying mech, Novastrike followed at the Hound’s tail as commanded. Shoulders back, helm forward. They moved down the halls with ease; passing Vehicon wandering as per usual. She spotted Knock Out with his flashy shiny armor too. He appeared to be trying to get something off of his armor with a look of disgust.
A bit further down the lane, they came to a large section of doors. Blackout turned to look down at her, holding up the flat of his servo.
“Stay here.”
She raised an optic ridge slightly.
“Why? You told me to follow-”
“Do as I say, and remain here,” he rumbled under his breath seriously. Although his voice was harsh, Blackout’s optics appeared somewhat pleading.
Though she vert much wanted to stomp her foot, huff, argue, and roll her optics, Novastrike forced her helm stiffly up and down with a respectful nod. She took a step to the side, bowing her helm so she would be in no bots way.
Blackout let out a relieved quiet sigh and turned, straightening himself up before striding inside.
The doors shut just as Nova dared to lift her helm up, glittering optics trying to peer inside. There was the usual dark, dim, purplish light glowing out from the room but she didn’t catch sight of anything.
And so she waited. And she waited. And she waited some more.
Nanokliks ticked by. Then minutes. She looked down the hall and then at the door. With no bot directly coming this way, she tapped her pede impatiently on the floor. Bouncing at her hip a bit, she clicked her glossia against the roof of her mouth.
Primus, what if something was happening to him?
Her spark ached with pain. Twitching her ear, she straightened it fully and leaned forward, towards the door. Her audio stack swiveled slightly, picking up trace amounts of muffled noises in the room. She couldn’t make out Megatron’s voice, but knew his tone as he spoke. Blackout wasn’t making a sound, but that crazy Decepticon Leader didn’t sound particularly aggressive.
There was other, strange noises she couldn’t make out. A hum that sounded rather familiar. Shifting metal. Why did it sound so familiar?
She hadn’t realized she had been stepped to the door until she could hear someone’s pedes approaching it. Jerking slightly with surprise, Novastrike quickly stepped aside and stood at attention as the door opened.
Blackout’s backside was turned to her, and he bowed back into the room as he rumbled, “Your command is mine to serve, Lord Megatron.”
The tyrants pedes moved slightly inside of the room. Novastrike extended her neck, trying to look inside. It was hard to see with Blackout’s leg in the way. Maybe she shouldn’t be peeking; after all, it was simply the handsome devil she’d been concerned for.
As Blackout turned around to depart the room fully, his leg moved. A cold wash ran through the little femme as she saw visors. Countless visors, dangling from the walls and ceiling in every direction. The red thin strip glow coming off of ugly mutant-like creatures nestled together.
The messenger had said a hive. She had thought it just a name for a room, or some secret code, but he had meant a hive. An Insecticon Hive.
Twisted rage burned its way from Nova’s tanks up into her throat. Anger burned in her so hot it made her hurt. Just as Blackout’s helm turned to her, she was slipping by him.
She didn’t hear the warning. Entering the Hive Chamber, Insecticons were in all forms, clinging to the walls. Most appeared to be recharging, while others more or less hung like lazy bats. She spotted the one on the long bridge that went out into a circular viewing platform that had railing all around.
Lord Megatron stood with the monstrous vermin, speaking to it. He made gestures with his arms to emphasis the point of his words while that hideous creature stood enigmatic.
They were everywhere, those horrible, ugly creatures. Her fist clenched at her side as she inhaled sharply with shock and outrage. Hate burned in her spark. That crazy, vile, sinister mech allowed these manslaughtering creatures on this ship? These things weren’t just murderers; they were cruel, energon-feasting nightmares. She saw what they did on Cybertron. They listened to no bot, harvested from both factions and the factionless, destroyed bases and cities, fed on everything in sight.
She didn’t know what compelled her to stomp forward, but she did. Her legs moved forward while she didn’t even think of doing so.
The Insecticon’s olfactory sensors snuffled loudly, and he reacted first to turn away from the warlord to look down at her.
“You ugly bastard,” she snarled, her audios ringing so that she couldn’t hardly hear the rather prompt sound of Blackout’s pedes following in lengthy strides after her.
The creature let out a raspy, feral sound as its vocalizer clicked like it was about to speak, but it never released the words. Novastrike charged forward; extending the blade from her arm, and leaped.
Without so much as a stumble or flinch, the Insecticon’s chassis made a ‘thud’ as she hit him. He moved as if to swat at her and she jumped up and away from his servo, coming over his helm. As she came down her arm snapped out, slicing at the back of the bot’s neck. He released a massive roar of pain and sudden fury, and suddenly, the Hive began to hum with activity; wings rustling in the air and giving off massive vibrations.
Novastrike kicked off his backstrut to spring away as he tried slapping at her. His pedes slid across the floor as he turned, the light of his visor alert and bright now. The mandibles upon his faceplate moved open as he opened his maw to reveal sharp derma that dripped with saliva.
Stepping forward, the Insecticon let out a shrill battle cry. It’s thinner, secondary set of appendages lower on its side flicked outward as if to catch her as he lunged forward.
Diving between the bigger mech’s legs, Novastrike let out a defiant hiss. She reached for her hips to pull out her pistols.
Blackout’s leg suddenly blocked her view, placing himself in front of her. Novastrike staggered backwards with surprise, staring with horror as the Insecticon whirled around.
Pulling back its arm, it shrieked as it took a swing with its fist. Before it could make contact, Megatron’s arm shot out and grabbed the bigger bot’s arm. His own arm shook slightly from the effort it took to restrain the bug.
Throughout the room, Novastrike glanced to see the bots settling back against the wall. They all watched, a loud buzz and feral growls moving through the room.
“Lord Megatron, release me at once so that I may punish these traitors!” the Insecticon growled.
“Easy, Kickback,” the warlord snarled, yanking the mech’s arm backward. “That femme is practically a sparkling; hardly worth your time.”
Snarling, the Insecticon turned its visor to Blackout. It raised its free arm to point at Blackout as it growled, “You had better watch that snack you keep around if you know what’s good for you.”
“Touch either of my minicons, and you won’t live long to regret it,” Blackout countered with an equally grating voice.
Giving a disbelieving shrill cry, the Insection tore its arm free just as Megatron loosened his grip. It cast a venomous final look to Blackout, and tried to peer down at the small femme behind his leg before turning and transforming, flying up into its Hive of Insecticon to roost.
The sections of metal of Novastrike’s hips closed back up to seal in her weapons. Her audios pressed against her helm as Blackout turned to her. His expression was mask by rage, or maybe he was really just purely that furious.
“What were you thinking?” he growled in a thick, gravelly voice. “Wait, don’t answer that, because you clearly weren’t thinking or you wouldn’t have done something so processor-less.”
Each of his words were like a striking blow. Nova flinched, cowering lower to the floor, her frame shaking slightly. She felt the prickle of tears wanting to form in her optics while her tail pulled between her legs defensively and her ears flattened completely upon her helm.
“Sir, I’m-”
“Don’t speak,” Blackout remarked icily. “We’ll speak on this later, as well as your punishment.”
He turned towards Lord Megatron, bowing deeply. “My liege, my deepest apologies for the misbehavior of my minicon. She is sensitive on the matter of Insections. Her actions will be dealt with swiftly and accordingly, I assure you.”
The tyrant said nothing. He tilted his helm to the door as Blackout looked up, indicating for him to go.
Looking no bot in the optic, Novastrike shrank and hurried for the door as Blackout moved his pede to go. They walked over the bridge slowly, the echo of their pedes faint in the room of rustling bots everywhere.
He turned his helm slowly back to the warlord.
“Next time, allow them to fight,” he stated, sharp teeth flashing in a malevolent grin. “I would be curious to know who would stand on top at the end of such a battle.”
With her audios still down, Novastrike narrowed her optics as she shuffled out of the room. She already had the answer to that. She’d beat that slagger from here to Cybertron and back; the evil spawns of Unicron. She had justice so close for at least one friend so close; so close she could taste it. Silvercore’s murderers were right there, and their reckoning was coming.
Blackout couldn’t even allow himself a nod at the horrifying words from the tyrant. He merely met his gaze with his own. The hues of scarlet in his optics seemed detached as he turned away and followed Novastrike out of the room.
He had yet to decide an opinion on the matter on who would win such a fight, but he didn’t plan on trying to find out.
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healthbodyorg-blog · 5 years ago
Massive Male Plus Reviews - (Updated) Do They Work?
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Lack of sexual desire is a problem that affects every day the heaps of human beings. Well, these people usually look for a product that provides greater sexual desire. On the market, many products are already operating, but users are not getting the expected results on a regular basis. That's why we develop a product that really works! Welcome Massive Male Plus! Massive Male Plus is the sexual stimulant that is widely used in many international places and now, its success comes from the United States. The effects that this stimulant offers to people are surprising, and all users recommend it. The method is a revolutionary supplement that helps increase the energy of men's bodies. This plant helps to easily treat men's sexual problems. With the help of this supplement, you can maintain an erection longer and longer. This formula is dedicated to improving the dynamics of sexual intercourse and the strength needed to function better during sex. This product will improve your relationship and strengthen your relationship. What is Massive Male Plus? Massive Male Plus is a natural supplement that will increase sexual desire, among various benefits. It is made of natural herbs. It is an aphrodisiac that increases sexual desire. As it is a hundred percent herbal product, some humans call it "Natural Viagra". By using this stimulant, you will get better and more durable sex. Do not use products that are ineffective or harmful to your health. Use the new and enjoy all the benefits it can offer. Massive Male Plus Review Now, without further ado, let's talk about the main reviews of Massive Male Plus that would enlighten you on the operation of this supplement: Paul, 33: "I am a married man and I have a very strong relationship of understanding with my wife regarding the relationship. But in our sex life, we are not so strong and I really believe that the problem lies in the strength of my body. I feel less energetic in bed. A friend of mine suggested using the Massive Male Plus product and trusting me. I am completely satisfied to make love with my partner. Use it now! " Berry-27: "I have very good relationships with my husband and it's been almost two years since our married life has worked successfully. But when it comes to sex, my husband is so ashamed of his erectile body that he did not allow us to enjoy our sex life. I read information about the male supplement Massive Male Plus and I now recommend this supplement to everyone. It's a blessing! ". How Does Massive Male Plus Work? Massive Male Plus offers a better lasting erection and gives you the feeling of having good sex. Well, this supplement contains some substances that basically improve the blood circulation near the genital area. Directly in the blood, it ends up having a lasting erection. Therefore, this formula contributes to the growth of the penis chamber because you can also experience a hard rock erection for a longer period. The blood contains all the vitamins and if the bleeding is greater in the penis chamber, it will surely give you a better erection. This complete system is 100% herbal, therefore, there are no side effects. You will have an incredible experience before going to bed. With this formulation, you have more resistance to please your partner and give you exceptional love before bedtime. Massive Male Plus Support? The supplement Massive Male Plus is a dynamic formula between athletes and couples. Any man who endures problems and male executions can use this condition. This improvement has several amazing effects on his body and many men have witnessed his results in an instant. Ingredients in Massive Male Plus Massive Male Plus is the use of perfectly normal and safe ingredients. They are unshakeable and stand out in nature, with no side effects on men's physique when used unequivocally. Some of the basic ingredients are those mentioned below: Maca Root: it is a plant found in the mountains, which is important for changing the hormones, it focuses and responds to the imperative while offering an elevation to the sexual drive. L-Arginine HCL: produces the circulation device taking advantage of the guarantee that the veins widen and the blood is pushed into the muscle tissues and into the penis when it is most needed. Tribulus Terrestris: is a registered trademark, has been shown to help the widespread age of testosterone because it has helped strength and sexual performance and reduced-fat cells. Horny goat weed: this normal herb comes from nature and can help you stimulate mysticism, sexual execution, imperative and resistance. Yohimbe: it is unusually fertile in giving the human body a moderate feeling of chills while delaying blood flow, unrefined sexual power, and essence. Benefits of Massive Male Plus? Massive Male Plus pay attention to the most important points of the body of many men. There are so many great benefits that you could experience if you started using this product. Let's talk about some important advantages here: Expands the percentage of testosterone in the body. It allows sexual intercourse to be necessary and intriguing. It also helps blood flow for an erection. The supplement increases the level of sexual resistance. With this formula, we continue with backups to extend the manhood system. It also cancels the imperative and pressure of the human body. It has no side effects due to the proximity of each habitual substance. Side Effects of Massive Male Plus There are no fillers, covers or added consumables used in the production of male pills that make it completely covered and plausible for use. The product is completely devoid of all types of side edges and guarantees stable results. Don't overdo the pills to avoid side effects. Does Massive Male Plus really work? The product with the frequent capacity of the ingredients will involve a heavy load on the body with the aim of not being centered or uncomfortable when in bed. The blood circulation process is updated throughout the body, which is the basis for a beautiful and strong sexual well-being. It is also only manageable with the help of this improvement, simply because it has clinically encouraged the resources chosen and integrated into the creator. The manufacturer has imposed on professionals and researchers the obligation to choose quality and practical ingredients to identify it on the market. Furthermore, it has become plausible thanks to the diligent work and efforts of the specialists. Currently, the most robust and real male testosterone to use is surprising because of the low capacity in the life of the community. Precautions of Massive Male Plus Only over 20 years of age to use this product. Avoid alcohol and drugs. Reduce unhealthy food consumption. Do not use any other medical tablets. Where to buy Massive Male Plus? Massive Male Plus is such a difficult product to buy. You can simply purchase this product from the official website. Log out and register. The organization will ask for subtleties, so enter this. Fill it with the correct subtleties so that they won't encounter any problems when you send your request to the position you are referring to. The agency will send your request within the next 5-6 days after making the request. Final Words Massive Male Plus herbal product is the best to improve testosterone in the body. It provides many hormones in the body that help unravel sexual problems. Testosterone is the hormone that helps improve sexual health. But it starts to fall after the age of 30. This product helps you have more sexual power and libido in the body. It also helps develop muscle mass. It also increases strength and endurance and helps improve hormone density. So what are you thinking now? Buy it now! Read the full article
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thechasefiles · 6 years ago
The Chase Files Daily Newscap 2/1/2019
Good MORNING #realdreamchasers! Here is The Chase Files Daily News Cap for Friday 1st February 2019. Remember you can read full articles for FREE via Barbados Today (BT) or Barbados Government Information Services (BGIS) OR by purchasing by purchasing a Weekend Nation Newspaper (WN).
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REFORM NEEDED – Prime Minister, Mia Mottley says gross under population is one of many major obstacles to the economic development of Barbados and the wider region which was in urgent need of reform. In her assessment of the region’s economy in San Juan, Puerto Rico during Wednesday’s Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) on the Caribbean Economy on Post-Disaster Recovery, Prime Minister Mottley charged that outdated development models, which need urgent reform, were stifling regional economies. “We need to reverse the investment by industrialization model of the 50s. The development model must change,” said Mottley, who highlighted a number of key areas where the region continues to fall behind. “The hidden secret of the Caribbean is that we are under-populated. When you look at Barbados, we are 430 squared kilometers. Singapore is about 670 and is 15 times our population. Guyana is the size of England, Scotland and Wales combined. They have 65 million people, Guyana has 780,000. Suriname is larger than the Netherlands, which has 17 million people, but Suriname has 580,000. I can go on and on and on. We have not changed the discussion; we have not changed the development model,” she charged. In addition to the need for a significant increase in the population, Prime Minister Mottley argued that Barbados and many of its regional neighbors still lacked a population armed with the skills necessary for development. “We were satisfied to educate 30 or 40 per cent of the population and let the others come along. That cannot be . . . we have a benefit that technology removes the hindrances of size and geography and we literally have to invest in the re-education of as many of our people as possible, such that each one matters.” Mottley also accused regional governments of failing to break away from colonial models of development. “We have not removed ourselves from being able to distinguish ourselves between Elizabeth [Queen of England] and Isabella [Former Queen of Spain]. And therefore that colonization of the region has put us on a development path that has not maximized our economic resources in the way in which it can,” she said, while adding that even after independence, the actions of more powerful countries have stifled development. “Part and parcel of our problem in the region, is that the region has been invited on numerous occasions to pursue paths and then when they get good at it, the developed world says ‘no, stop, change, we’re not allowing you to do that anymore as has happened with financial services. And part of the difficulty is that we continue to be unequally yoked in a global discussion. Leaders don’t talk to each other, so you’re unequally yoked in the conversation and therefore those matters that affect development cannot be pursued.” Mottley further identified a stifling lack of accessible financing from within the region as another hindrance to growth, again chiding local and regional financial institutions for attempting to take advantage of prospective borrowers. “There’s about US$47 billion in savings and right now if those savings are left in the commercial banks, they attract a savings rate of 0.1%, yet businesses are borrowing at seven, eight, nine and ten per cent throughout the region,” said Mottley, who added that in light of climate change, financing remained critical to the development of a thriving renewable energy sector. “We have a moral obligation to unlock renewable energy for the benefit of the Caribbean people and to unlock the investments that are possible, but we’ve got to create the instruments that can then be married with foreign capital to make this a real possibility. In my own country we have set a target of 2030 for a fossil fuel free economy at best or a carbon neutral economy at worst because we don’t have a choice. “We’ve seen our coral reefs die, yet our maritime space is 400 times our land space, but we’ve allowed over the decades our coral reefs to die, with consequential changes in our marine life and coastal erosion and yet tourism is our primary source of business. So we don’t have the luxury of time anymore in the region,” said the PM. (BT)
ECONOMIC UNCERTAINTY FOR 2019 – Barbados is essentially “feeling its way in dark” for 2019. This is one leading economist’s take from the Barbados Central Bank’s report 2018 report released on Wednesday. According to Professor Michael Howard, the report essentially showed that the economy went into recession in 2018 and that its chances of recovery were dependent on the moon and stars aligning, in terms of the country’s economic outlook. Howard contended that Central Bank Governor Cleviston Haynes was hesitant to make predictions due to the absence of any concrete economic indicators. The economist argued that this state of uncertainty in the economy would result in potential investors remaining on the fence, adopting “a wait-and-see approach for any plans to invest in the country. “In terms of the challenges this year, he was uncomfortable and generally non-specific. For instance having cut expenditure, he is a bit uncertain, as I am, if the Government would be able to sustain the fall in current expenditure. To what extent can Government assure that expenditure is not going to increase rather than decrease,” asked Howard. The retired head of economics at the University of West Indies, Cave Hill Campus, lamented that the report had no serious analysis of the impact of Government’s decision to reduce domestic corporation tax to be compliant with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Dr Howard noted that Governor Haynes needed to elaborate on the cut in the corporate tax, which is not part of the IMF [International Monetary Fund] programme but is there now as a revenue adjustment issue. He is hoping that the corporate sector would invest in the economy but that is just a hope and we can’t say very much about that. Last December, Prime Minister Mia Mottley gave local businesses a bug tax break announcing a massive reduction in corporation tax from 25 per cent to between 1 to 5.5 per cent. At the time of the announcement she made it clear that she wants businesses to share the benefits with Barbadians. The development means that local businesses would benefit from the overhaul of the tax regime, putting them on a level playing field with their international counterparts with businesses in Barbados. However, Howard argued that with revenues below the target last year and a projection of zero growth this year, it was important to get serious analysis of the possible impact of the reduced tax. In addition, Howard contended that another unknown variable was the state of play with regard to negotiations with international creditors and the potential effect on the foreign reserves. “He is simply hoping that these negotiations will not have an impact on the foreign reserves and quite frankly that is my hope as well. He is hoping that these creditors will not go hard on Barbados. He also gave no view on the IMF programme and whether the requirement of a six per cent surplus over this year into next year was even possible.  So the Governor was very good on what happened in 2018 but he, like myself, is very uncertain about what will happen this year. So we are really feeling our way in the dark,” said Howard, who told Barbados TODAY that Barbadians will have to wait until the second half of the year to get the answers to these questions. In his press conference on Wednesday, Haynes revealed that after contracting slightly in the final three months of last year due to a weak performance in the tourism sector for that period, Barbados’ economy is forecast to be flat in 2019. During his review last November, Haynes had said economic activity contracted by 0.5 per cent during the first nine months. However, the Governor said in the last quarter the country’s economy had contracted a further 0.1 per cent. (BT)
IMF PROGRAMME ON TRACK, SAYS BPSA – Head of the Barbados Private Sector Association (BPSA) Edward Clarke has given the Mia Mottley-led Government thumbs up for the manner in which the administration has handled the first five months of Barbados’ structural adjustment under the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Noting that the last Government, of the Democratic Labour Party (DLP), had attempted home grown austerity, Clarke said that the difference this time around was stronger oversight and political will. “For the last three years we have been preaching this concept of oversight to the last Government, so it is nothing new to us coming into the programme this time around. Under the BSRP [Barbados Sustainable Recovery Plan] there was a sort of oversight committee but it was not very effective and it became too big and cumbersome,” Clarke explained. According to BPSA head, the independent nature of the monitoring committee for the IMF-approved Barbados Economic Recovery and Transformation (BERT) programme, is set up to hold Government to account. “This time around we decided that we wanted to be part of the process. The creditors group decided that they also needed to be part of it. So when we were re-negotiating the debt-restructuring programme with the Government, the creditors insisted that they must be part of the oversight, which became the monitoring committee. We have no member of Government on this committee. Obviously we have some non-disclosure agreements but we are going to be reporting to the public mid-February the latest,” he said. The BERT Monitoring Committee provides an avenue for the Barbados Creditors Group and the members of the Social Partnership to receive and review information from the Government on the progress of implementation and achievement of the targets under the (IMF) Extended Fund Facility of US$290 million and assists in ensuring that such targets were achieved,” the agreement stated. Under the MOU, Government is to provide the BERT Monitoring Committee with information on the progress and performance on its macro-fiscal targets, and to assist in ensuring that those targets are achieved. The committee will also be provided with the Memorandum of Economic and Financial Policies (MEFP) and will be required to advise the public of progress on the macro-fiscal targets in the programme and this would include relaying concerns to the public where appropriate. Clarke also heaped praise on Prime Minister Mottley, noting that she has demonstrated strong leadership throughout the process thus far. “We have strong leadership in the country at this time and I think that the Prime Minister has been a very good advocate of the programme,” the BPSA head, said, adding that IMF representative, Dr Kevin Greenidge has been very forthcoming with all of the data. “Dr Greenidge is the one who has the oversight to make sure that Government does the things it is supposed to do. He is making sure that data is provided to us on a timely basis so that we have access to the information that is needed,” Clarke added. However Clarke explained that while this is a good start, Government must now move towards the next step bringing back growth to the economy. “We now have to ensure that we get growth because cost reduction does not grow anything,” Clarke stressed. (BT)
UNEMPLOYMENT ON THE RISE – The rate of unemployment for the third quarter (July to September) of 2018 stood at 10.7 per cent, an increase of 2.5 percentage points from the rate of 8.2 per cent recorded for the second quarter of 2018. According to the data produced by the Barbados Statistical Service, statistics derived from the Continuous Household Labour Force Survey indicated that the unemployment rate among males stood at 10.7 per cent and 10.8 per cent among females. In the review period, the number of persons employed totalled 128,800. Of this number, there were 65,300 males and 63,500 females. The total number of unemployed persons stood at 15,500; comprising 7,800 males and 7,700 females. In total, the number of persons in the labour force stood at 144,300.The number of persons not actively looking for work, hence excluded from the labour force, was 75,300 persons. The Labour Force participation rate stood at 65.7 per cent, with participation among males at 69.8 per cent and 62.0 per cent among females. In the third quarter of 2018, the Wholesale & Retail Trade sector generated jobs for the largest number of persons, employing 19,900 persons, while the Accommodation & Food Services sector employed 17,300 persons. The Construction, Mining & Quarrying sector generated employment for 13,100 persons and the Manufacturing Sector generated employment for 9,200 persons. Employment in the Public Administration and Defence sector stood at 8,900 persons, while the category classified as the Other Groups, employed 8,800 persons. The Administrative and Support Service sector employed 7,200 persons. The Transportation and Storage sector employed 6,900 persons. Employment in the Education sector stood at 6,000 persons, while the Finance and Insurance sector employed 5,800 persons. Employment in the Human Health and Social Work sector stood at 5,400 persons, while the Professional, Scientific and Technical Services stood at 4,900 persons. Employment levels in the Other Services sector and Activities of Households as Employers both stood at 4,200 persons, while Agriculture, Forestry & Fishing sector stood at 3,700 persons. In the Electric, Gas, Steam, Water & Air Conditioning Supply sector, 3,200 persons were employed during the third quarter of 2018. Data provided is provisional. Due to rounding, some totals might not agree. (BT)
UNION OFFENDED – President of the Sugar Industries and Staff Association (SISA) Edwin O’Neal has lambasted the Barbados Agricultural Management Company (BAMC) Limited for the management of its recent retrenchment exercise. In a fiery press conference this morning, O’Neal accused the BAMC of being disrespectful to the union during negotiations. The BAMC recently took a decision to send home 46 workers as part of the Barbados Economic Recovery and Transformation (BERT) programme. However, O’Neal accused the BAMC’s general manager Leslie Parris of failing to meet with SISA, as well as failing to give the union the necessary information required to allow it to make informed decisions. He charged that SISA had also written to the BAMC on numerous occasions, but had gotten no responses. O’Neal, who is also president of the Congress of Trade Unions and Staff Associations of Barbados (CTUSAB), furthermore accused the BAMC of failing to follow the last-in first-out rule, and of ignoring the rule which spoke to not sending home two persons of the same household. He said as a result of the BAMC’s approach, SISA had written to the Chief Labour Officer declaring a dispute between the two entities. “It is clear that the BAMC is disrespectful to this union, disrespectful to customs and practice and we would even go to say disrespectful to the Prime Minister. “We are now satisfied that the BAMC has targeted and attempted to decapitate the leadership of this union and that cannot be allowed in Barbados in 2019…” the irate president said. “SISA was left with no option but to declare a dispute between itself and BAMC and invite the Chief Labour Officer to intervene in an attempt at conciliation.” O’Neal charged that even when the Chief Labour Officer intervened and set a January 30 date for the two parties to meet, the BAMC failed to show up. But the SISA president said despite the BAMC’s unacceptable behaviour, the union was still willing to have a sit down. He however, warned that once SISA had exhausted all of its efforts in reaching an amicable solution, further action would then be taken. “Even at this late stage I am not going to be guilty of what I have accused the other side of. I am still going to follow process. “I have alerted the Chief Labour Officer as to how we feel about the matter and I am going to exhaust all legal, lawful, time-honoured and accepted practices, but there comes a time when that process is exhausted,” Oneal stated. “I have to be responsible, not only as the leader of SISA, but also as the president of CTUSAB. It is regrettable that the BAMC in the person of the general manager Parris and his acolytes, do not bring that level of responsibility that ought to attend these levels of discussions and be aware of his status in the nation.” General Secretary of CTUSAB Dennis DePeiza was also on hand to support SISA, and accused the BAMC of “bad faith bargaining”. “As you are well aware CTUSAB has constantly placed in the public’s domain, the continued disrespect and disregard that we have had for the industrial relations process as cited in this case with the BAMC. “What is really of concern is the bad faith bargaining that has been reflected in this instance and whereas SISA has operated above board, have sought to do the correct things, we have found at the end of the day, the BAMC, though they may have started the process, violated the process with impunity,” Depeiza said. (BT)
PEACE RESTORED – Employees of the finance department of the Barbados Water Authority (BWA) have complained to their trade union of feeling unduly harassed by the authority’s leadership. This “reasonable” belief prompted the Barbados Workers’ Union (BWU) General Secretary Toni Moore to request an urgent meeting with BWA’s management. A letter, dated January 18, 2019, and addressed to BWA’s General Manager Keithroy Halliday, called for an urgent meeting to address the “existing disillusionment” felt by the staff in an effort to clear the way for the restoration of the trust and confidence that is [sic] very much needed at this time to assure the achievement of desired levels of efficiency at the authority. “Among the grievances cited, is the fact that the members of the department have been criticized for submitting inadequate information without being advised specifically where there are deficiencies and where the adjustments are therefore required. “Compounding this has been the ‘sledgehammer approach to crack a nut’, which is seemingly preferred by your management. The approach to have the chairman chide and reprimand your staff even before you, through your own efforts as General Manager, seek to determine why instructions from on high were not, or could not be executed, is unfortunate,” a copy of the letter which was acquired by Barbados TODAY read. “Not only is such an approach excessive, oppressive and intimidating, but the involvement of the Board, the minister and consultants of the Government of Barbados under the circumstances is also indicative of a serious management and communication deficiency,” the letter continued. The strongly-worded document also said that failing to properly communicate with staff to get to the bottom of issues but choosing instead to trivialize their illnesses and absences from work, might satisfy “your own misgivings”. “However, perhaps unwittingly, it has created a negative working environment which denies both you and your employees the benefits of a positive work environment, especially at a time where we should be desperate to accelerate recovery from the recent retrenchment exercise,” the letter continued. The letter also outlined that the BWU hoped that the authority’s management would consider the benefits of a meeting with the union to fully develop and address these and other concerns, instead of “your open contemplation to have the staff of this department meet with your Board in circumstances where, understandably, they regard themselves as being under threat”. “It is hoped that such basic labour management relations issues would not have to escalate beyond where already, quite unnecessarily, it has been taken by you,” it said. It was proposed that the meeting be held on Wednesday 23 January 2019, at 9:30 a.m. at BWU’s Solidarity House. When asked if he was aware of the letter which outlined the employees’ concerns, Minister of Energy and Water Resources Wilfred Abrahams told Barbados TODAY that he preferred not to make a comment on the matter. The minister however requested that Barbados TODAY communicate with BWA’s chairman Leodean Worrell, who could not be reached. Efforts to contact the authority’s General Manager Keithroy Halliday, and BWU’s General Secretary also proved futile. However, when reached president of the BWA division of the BWU, Carl Boyce, told Barbados TODAY that the meeting between the union and the authority’s management was indeed held and “all concerns” were resolved. “That meeting took place and everything was settled and everything went in the workers’ favour. Everything is normal. The workers and the union are satisfied that everything is all right now. We had a lengthy two-hour meeting and everything was resolved,” Boyce assured. (BT)
GREEN LIGHTS TO SAVE MILLIONS – Government has partnered with Caribbean LED lighting to replace most of the public street lights in Barbados. Yesterday in the Ministry of Energy and Water Resources, Country Road, St Michael, Minister Wilfred Abrahams and chief executive officer of Caribbean LED Gerard Borely signed the agreement to replace 28 000 high pressure sodium bulbs with LED bulbs, a move estimated to save more than $3.7 million annually as well as help Barbados achieve its goals of eliminating fossil fuel use by 2030 and becoming the first country to use 100 per cent green energy. The initiative forms the final component one of the public sector smart energy programme, funded jointly by the European Union and Inter-American Development Bank to the tune of almost US $25 million. The other components included an electric vehicle pilot project and ocean energy studies followed by capacity building, institutional strengthening, public education and awareness and project management. (WN)
QEH SUITS OUR NEEDS – A veteran architect believes that the present Queen Elizabeth Hospital once maintained is adequate for the needs of Barbados and there is no need for Government to build another state-owned hospital. According to Andy Voss the idea to build a new facility in Kingsland, Christ Church is not beneficial to the country. Speaking to the media at a ribbon cutting and opening of the Soroptimist Village’s laundry facility in Eden Lodge, St Michael on Thursday the architect and senior partner of Tomlin Voss Associates said, “What are we doing spending our money to build a new hospital up there? Upgrade what you’ve got and knock down some of the buildings around it so you can get a bit more sensible parking,” Voss said. The architect who has been working in Barbados for the past 60 years questioned why Government is so quick to move buildings from Bridgetown and its environs which has UNESCO heritage site status. “Why are we moving away from Bridgetown, just because it is fashionable? This is architecture. Architecture has changed with the fashion and if you think of it, buildings like that were fairly stark and then you went into a ‘pretty’ type of architecture with the cottage and gingerbread architecture,” he said, adding that the QEH needs to be given the tools to make it cutting edge in 21st century Barbados. “What matters is whether QEH serves its function properly. If it needs more money, more maintenance, more staff, more security that is the sort of thing and that needs to be backed with the procedure and equipment as it changes. But it has not done badly,” Voss said. He noted that he has heard the cries about knocking down the QEH but he believed that the structure built by the late Captain Tomlin has been properly maintained. “I would go against that. The hospital is in a good position generally especially now that it is easy to get to Bridgetown and you should leave it there because 60 per cent of it is in good order and up-to-date. The QEH is one area that has been maintained. Look at all the other government buildings, the old NIS building, the new law courts, the maintenance has not been kept up.” In 2012 former Minister of Health Donville Inniss announced that a general hospital would be constructed in Kingsland Christ Church to replace the QEH.  (BT)
CONCORDE TO BE ADDED TO SYMMONDS’ MINISTRY – Minister of Tourism and International Transport  Kerrie Symmonds says his ministry will be responsible for the Barbados Concorde Experience which is to become the star attraction of an aeronautical museum. Speaking to Barbados TODAY from the Caribbean Travel Marketplace in Montego Bay Jamaica, Symmonds said “My ministry is going to take control of the attraction. It was originally under the Barbados Tourism Investment Inc (BTMI) but that is now in the Ministry of Investment. “We are prepared to take it over and have it as a part of the airport’s management structure and the airport will superintend the attraction and also the maintenance of the hanger and the Concorde experience as a whole,” he said, adding that the renovation of the Concorde will cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. Symmonds noted that there was no plan in place on how to market the aeronautical attraction which Barbados inherited in 2003. “The problem with the Concorde Experience is that I came into office and there was no marketing plan for the attraction and frankly there was no development plan. So I wanted it to be re-thought as an attraction and I wanted it to be something that we can bring up to date,” he said as he also alluded to plans for a museum. “If we are going to have an aeronautical experience that means we have to have things that will support it at the Concorde not just to go there and see the aircraft or to take a tour of the aircraft. So, it may be displays of information technology or more historical stuff. So that is a work in progress. It is a little too early to get a perspective on that,” he said.  (BT)
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PREMIUM BIM – With Barbados’ tourism product a little more expensive as a result of recent taxes, Minister of Tourism Kerrie Symmonds is giving the assurance that careful and vigorous work is being undertaken so the destination could offer better value for money. Pointing to some measures that have already been put in place by the eight-month-old Mia Mottley-led administration to reinvigorate the tourism industry, Symmonds told Barbados TODAY he was aware that while tourist arrival numbers have been robust the spend is not where it should be. He said while it was critical that the offerings be refreshed, a holistic approach was needed. “So we are looking at a number of the existing attractions in Barbados, trying to identify areas where they can be strengthened or refreshed and then we are trying to build out green field attractions,” he said on Wednesday while attending the Caribbean Travel Marketplace in Montego Bay, Jamaica. “It has to be a value-for-money proposition in Barbados. When people are going to pay a premium fare to come to Barbados they want to get a premium experience. You can’t put a five-star stamp on something and then offer them a two or three-star product. “So there are a number of issues we have to get absolutely right in Barbados and those are not necessarily tourism industry issues but they are supportive issues – things like the little spike in crime that we had over the course of the last few weeks and the reluctance of people to ensure they properly dispose of garbage and have an efficient system of collection and so on. Those are the things I think can create a negative impression and hurt the product even more than the prices,” he explained. As part of $1.2 billion austerity package announced last year, Government imposed a number of new taxes on the tourism sector. Chief among them was a US$70 Airline Travel and Development fee for trips to extra-regional destinations and a US$35 fee for travel within the Caribbean. A range of hotel room taxes from US$2.50 to US$10 per night have also been implemented and a ten per cent tax on shared accommodation such as Airbnb. The latest Central Bank report indicated that despite a 2.8 per cent increase in long-stay visitor arrivals, tourism output fell by 1.6 per cent last year, from 2.2 per cent in 2017, due to a decline in the length of stay and less tourist spend. Symmonds’ comments came on Wednesday afternoon just as the Central Bank was giving its economic review for 2018. He said while people were generally prepared to spend premium dollars to come to Barbados because of the reputation it has for safety and friendliness, he insisted that Barbados must give value for money if the country is to earn more from the industry. “My position on the tourism industry is that I have wanted to have it re-thought for a while, and that process is in train,” he said, as he highlighted the establishment of the new National Cruise Development Commission and ongoing upgrades at the Grantley Adams International Airport. Symmonds said he was yet to do a review of the revenue intake from the taxes, which took effect October last year. However, he said his ministry has been observing the reaction from the various markets. The tourism minister said while there was a shockwave initially, with some believing that Barbados was pricing itself out the competition, that response did not match up with the record number of visitors this winter season so far and the future bookings. However, pointing out that it was not a clear-cut situation, Symmonds explained that while some markets including Canada, were performing well generally, there were some areas within the market where there was “increased price sensitivity”. “So that is something that I have sat down with the marketing team and discussed and we are looking at ways in which we can try to counteract that. All in all, I don’t think that we are having an exceptionally difficult time as a result of the tax imposition,” he said. Congratulating CEO of the Elegant Hotels Group Sunil Chatrani and others who received awards during the Caribbean Travel Marketplace this week, Symmonds said his wish was that the Elegant Hotels model would be replicated among the Intimate Hotels group. This group represents about 50 boutique hotel properties across the island. “They are going to be branded as a Barbadian product called Intimate Hotels, and certainly the intention is to have a variety of experiences under one brand in a similar way. Those discussions have begun and I think we are making some useful progress in that regard,” disclosed Symmonds, who was not in a position to give an update on the proposed Hyatt Centric project or Sam Lords Castle development. “Similarly, in so far as the hotel-related attractions are concerned, we are looking at areas for redevelopment and re-imagination of the concept so that entertainment areas like St Lawrence Gap and Second Street, Holetown are areas where I think we are going to be focusing on in 2019, with a view to trying to make them as cutting edge as possible in terms of the experience. So a lot of planning has gone into the latter part of 2018 and I think we are now at the stage where we are about to start the execution of some of those plans,” he said. (BT)
VIOLENCE, A DAMPER ON TOURISM – Minister of Tourism Kerrie Symmonds is deeply disturbed by the number of violent deaths in Barbados during the first month of the year, warning that it had the potential to impact gravely on the island’s bread and butter tourism industry. Calling for an end to the violent crimes, most of which have been gun-related, Symmonds at the same time welcomed the announcement by Prime Minister Mia Mottley that a concerted effort would be made to curb the violence. “I am heartened and happy that from the highest level of government – the Prime Minister herself – through to the Attorney General, the Commissioner of Police, everybody is onboard in this matter because it is simply not to be tolerated. It has to be stomped out as ruthlessly as possible,” Symmonds told Barbados TODAY. Last Friday, Mottley announced that close to 100 soldiers would work alongside the Royal Barbados Police Force (RBPF) and the service of of former commissioner of police Darwin Dottin would be enlisted as Government embarked on a major fight against crime. With Barbados experiencing another bumper tourist winter season, Symmonds expressed shock at the number of violent incidents that were taking place. “Whenever we have a shooting incident we compromise the image of the country and do untold potential damage to what we could be achieving financially. It disturbed me deeply that those things were happening while we had 6, 500 English guests in the island,” said Symmonds. “It is a good thing that you can have that level of occupancy that we had, but the reality is that all of those people were here on the island at the time when that lawlessness was taking place in Barbados,” he said. Describing the crime situation as problematic, Symmonds said: “I want people to be a lot more conscious and aware of the consequences of that kind of activity and that the foolishness they do hurt innocent people who are working hard trying to get this country back on its feet again. We can’t tolerate that.” (BT)
GOVT NOT ADDRESSING ROOT CAUSES – The Mia Mottley-led Barbados Labor Party administration is failing miserably on the issue of crime and violence, according to President of the African Heritage Foundation, Paul Rock. In a statement, the foundation scoffed at fresh commitments by soldiers and police to arrest the situation, following a worrying spate of murders in January. Last Friday evening, Prime Minister Mottley assured Barbadians that police officers would be working on off days and soldiers would be placed on the street as part of efforts to arrest the unprecedented crime situation. However, Rock argued that the root causes of the problems were not being addressed. “Police giving up off days and soldiers on the street! What will this accomplish exactly? If you don’t address root causes of anything you are moving on a treadmill of ignorance. Can the Prime Minister tell us the root causes of gun violence in our streets? We really hope she does not say guns. A gun has no power unless fired. We should be looking at what is causing the people to fire!” he charged, before taking aim at the education system and the controversial common entrance exam,” charged Rock, who identified the structure of the country’s school system as a major factor. “To help curb the spread of violent crime we need to violently dismantle this high and low school thing we call an educational system and all that goes with it,” he said in reference to the controversial common entrance exam. “We need a totally revamped education system with a ministry that cares and is equipped physically and mentally to do the job,” he said. Prime Minister Mottley also recently removed the Royal Barbados Police Force from the portfolio of Home Affairs Minister Edmund Hinkson and placed it with Attorney General Dale Marshall. However head of the local pressure group is not convinced that such measures would suffice. Rock also condemned the country’s justice system for operating too slowly, a situation, which he believed, was encouraging citizens “to take matters into their own hand.” He also criticized government for clogging up the court system with unimportant issues like marijuana-related offences. “Legalize the cannabis,” demanded Rock. “Allow greater access to it by all. Cut out the high street prices and the need to rob those who have managed to get through the island’s borders with the plant. Research cannabis in poverty-stricken communities and understand how the plant already aids in the reduction of violent crime, and how its legalization for meditational/recreational use will impact violent crime.” The African Heritage Foundation president also appealed for more empowerment of community organizations, “who actually have plausible tangible solutions for social issues that plague our nation. Have consultations with these groupings and see what you can learn from them,” he urged, adding that politicians alone could not be trusted with the public’s safety. “To seriously tackle violent crime in our society we must also address what is played on our radio stations and public transportation aimed at the youth. How can we expect to be praising criminals on the radio, ‘bigging’ them up and expect the violence to ease up? This too must violently be addressed.”  (BT)
MINISTER: TRANSFER ON HOLD – The transfer of the 14-year-old boy from Grantley Adams Memorial Secondary School in St Joseph to Darryl Jordan Secondary School in St Lucy has been put on hold. Minister of Education Santia Bradshaw told the Weekend Nation yesterday that she had ordered an investigation into the matter. Speaking to this newspaper from Miami via telephone, Bradshaw said the decision to suspend the transfer was made following a briefing with the Chief Education Officer and other ministry officials. (WN)
FATHER: I TRIED MY BEST – “I feel like I fail my Ramario.” That was the heart-rending statement of Anthony Wiltshire, father of 18-year-old Ramario Antonio Roach who was charged for two of the nine murders recorded last month and one last December. Roach, of River Bay, St Lucy, yesterday appeared before Magistrate Wanda Blair in the Holetown Magistrates’ Court. He was not required to plead to three counts of murder, that he killed his mother Joann Roach, 38, of the same address, whose partially decomposed body was found in a watercourse in the area on Errol Barrow Day.  (WN)
TEEN CHARGED WITH THREE COUNTS OF MURDER – Triple murder accused, eighteen-year-old Ramario Roach, of River Bay, St Lucy, has been charged with three counts of murder. The victims, one male and two females, were found in various stages of decomposition between December and January. The body of former Free Hill, Black Rock, St Michael resident, 68-year-old Tyrone Austin, was discovered in a bushy area in Wanstead Gardens, St James on December 18 last year. The partially decomposed body of Joann Roach, 38 years, formerly of River Bay, St Lucy, was discovered in a watercourse at River Bay on Monday, January 21. Roach is believed to be the mother of the accused. Just one day later on January 22, the mutilated body Dr. Sarah Sutrina, was discovered nearby in Ocean Estate, Northumberland, St Lucy. The former UWI lecturer of Wanstead Gardens, St James, was also 68 years old. The accused is to appear in the Holetown Magistrate’s Court before Magistrate Wanda Blair. (WN)
COPS DIGGING DEEPER – Police are probing a major car theft racket which has resulted in hundreds of vehicles disappearing. Initially when the popular brand was being stolen – seemingly without a trace – lawmen were operating on the premise that they were being secretly shipped out of the island. However, deeper probing revealed that many of the approximately 600 vehicles stolen between 2012 and last year were actually still on the island and being driven around as legitimately imported vehicles. (WN)
HEFTY FINE FOR RED LIGHT – Not stopping at a traffic light has cost a driver $1000. That was the fine handed down by Magistrate Graveney Bannister in the Traffic Court to Kenmore Clarke of Dash Road, Bank Hall, St Michael, who pleaded guilty to the offence of May 20, 2018. Clarke said he was going through the amber light, when the lights changed. The magistrate noted that such offences were too prevalent. Failing to pay the forthwith fine, Clarke will spend 100 days in prison. (BT)
CPL’S $US20.8 MILLION BOOST – Hero Caribbean Premier League (CPL) today announced that the tournament’s economic impact for Barbados last year was US$20,841,961.  The tournament was staged between August 8 and 16 September 16.  Organisers said that figure represented an increase on the 2017 figure of nearly 40 per cent. This figure has been calculated using organiser spend, visitor spend and media value and was collated for Hero CPL by world-renowned researchers, SMG Insight. In addition to that economic impact figure the Hero CPL employed 361 staff in Barbados and filled 4,579 hotel rooms during the 2018 event. The value of media exposure and mentions of Barbados from the coverage was US$10,438,503, almost double that achieved in 2017. This was due in part to the unique sponsorship of the Sky Sports CPL coverage in the United Kingdom by the Visit Barbados campaign. The Hero CPL spent US$2,644,411 in Barbados during the 2018 event with the tournament hosting five matches in the island. Speaking about the report from SMG Insight the Hero CPL Chief Operating Officer, Pete Russell said: “Barbados has been such a large part of CPL since the tournament started in 2013 and we are delighted to be providing tangible benefits to the economy of the country. We have already started our plans for the 2019 tournament, and we are certain we can improve on these figures.” First started in 2013, the Hero Caribbean Premier League (CPL) is a franchise-based T20 format cricket tournament that combines two of the most compelling aspects of Caribbean life – dramatic cricket and a vibrant Carnival atmosphere. Combining broadcast and digital viewership, over 200 million fans watched the 2018 season to make it one of the fastest growing leagues in world cricket. Trinbago Knight Riders are the current Hero CPL champions and the other competing teams are Barbados Tridents, Guyana Amazon Warriors, St. Kitts & Nevis Patriots, St Lucia Stars and Jamaica Tallawahs. (BT)
WINDIES FIRED UP – Another incisive display from West Indies’ seamers once again brutally exposed England’s suspect batting, as the visitors folded cheaply in their first innings to give the hosts command of the opening day of the second Test yesterday. Still brimming with confidence following their dominant first Test victory last weekend in Bridgetown, the Windies hardly put a foot wrong as they bundled England out for 187 before reaching the close on 30 without loss – 157 runs behind heading into today’s second at the Sir Vivian Richards Stadium. Veteran seamer Kemar Roach bowled superbly to claim four for 30 while new-ball partner Shannon Gabriel worked up a fair turn of pace on the two-paced surface to finish with three for 45. (WN)
DOTTIN ON FIRE – Batting star Deandra Dottin narrowly missed out on a record-breaking third Twenty20 International hundred as West Indies launched their historic three-match tour here with a convincing 71-run win Thursday. Choosing to bat first at Southend Club, West Indies piled up 160 for six of their 20 overs, with the right-handed Dottin blasting an unbeaten 90 off 60 deliveries. Chedean Nation struck exactly 50 off 35 balls as West Indies recovered from an uncertain start to reach a competitive total. In reply, fast bowler Shamilia Connell snatched three for 29 while new-ball partner Shakera Selman (2-8) and off-spinner Anisa Mohammed (2-17) picked up two wickets apiece, as Pakistan folded for 80 with two overs left. Captain Bismah Maroof top-scored with 38 but was the only one to offer resistance, leaving Pakistan well short of their target. Playing their first series on Pakistan soil in 15 years, West Indies were propelled as Dottin dominated a 34-run opening stand with Kycia Knight (8). But both Knight and Shemaine Campbelle (4) fell in the space of 17 runs to leave the Windies on 51 for two in the ninth over before Dottin found a stable partner in Nation to repair the innings. All told, Player-of-the-Match Dottin struck eight fours and four sixes as she put on 109 in an unbroken third wicket stand. Nation counted four fours and a brace of sixes, providing the momentum as West Indies gathered 62 runs from the last five overs. Pakistan never quite found their footing, especially after Connell knocked over openers Sidra Ameen (2) and Javeria Khan (19) cheaply to catches at the wicket, leaving the score on 32 for two in the sixth over. Bismah tried to rally the innings, hitting five fours in a patient 37-ball knock but was ninth out as Pakistan lost their last six wickets for just 18 runs. The next T20I is set for Friday.  (BT)
FROM CLASSIC TO PRO –This is going to be a historic year for Barbados in bodybuilding and fitness competitions. That’s because a pro qualifier and a pro contest will be held here for the first time. It is the Darcy Beckles Diamond Cup Barbados onJuly 6 at the Lloyd Erskine Sandiford Conference Centre. This means that some of this country’s top competitors such as Martinus Durrant, Shaquile Lavine, Shakira Doughlin and Hadley Hoyte, can seek pro cards at home. Former national men’s physique champion Ryan Haynes, who is now clear to compete after a two-year suspension ended last October, can launch his comeback at the pro qualifier which will have entrants from Europe, North American and the Caribbean. (WN)
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oxfordeliterp · 8 years ago
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You have been accepted to play the role of VICTORIA DE TERREROS with the faceclaim of SEYCHELLE GABRIEL. Please create your account and send it to the main in the next 24 hours. I couldn’t possibly stress enough how happy I am to have received this application from you. Victoria is a soft soul and a difficult character to embrace and understand, but you have such a strong grasp on her and everything about her, the way you have written this application, is so deliciously gentle that I immediately had to fall in love. What you have written is a flawed character who kept her tenderness despite everything, and that was simply sweet to read. It is my honor to invite you on the dashboard for I can’t wait to see Victoria in action.
Name and pronouns: Anna. She/her.
Age: 20 y/o.  
Time-zone: GMT+3.
Activity level: I am generally active and post replies every day, but sometimes miss a day of activity because of real life obligations. I always warn admins about the possibility of those inactive moments.
Triggers: Thankfully none, but respectful of others!  
Desired character: Victoria de Terreros.
I think Victoria is an incredibly interesting character in her own right. She’s innocent and naïve, yes, but it’s because she is in a way experiencing the world for the first time. Victoria has never been all on her own before, and while she does have her brother there, they aren’t the closest of siblings. She is out for the first time without her mother’s incredibly watchful eyes, no one constantly pointing out her mistakes or downfalls. She is seeing everything with fresh and hopeful eyes that is just very refreshing and wonderful to play out. As well as the fact that these hopes very well could be dashed and forced to see the reality of life outside her sheltered home.
Gender and pronouns of the character: Cis female with she/her pronouns.
Changes: None!
Quiet – It wasn’t as though Victoria didn’t know what to say and when to say it, she did. And she could, it just that often times things she said were misconstrued or taken in a different direction than she intended for them and that would lead into her growing nervous and stumbling over her words and embarrassing not only herself but her family in the process. This is why the girl chooses to stay quiet and smile, putting on the mask and look of the young royal lady that she is supposed to be.
Nervous – Victoria is not the most confident of women. It does not take much to make the girl grow anxious and jittery under too attentive of gazes. She tries incredibly hard to keep from picking at her nails, constantly readjusting her clothing or playing with her hair, all nervous habits that her mother loathed and tried everyday to train out of her to complete and utter failures. Probably because of her mother’s constant attention and pressures that she is more skittish than a baby kitten.
Generous, kind – She is incredibly pure of heart and intentions. She believes of the best in everyone, willing to give them second, third, fourth and even hundredth chances if they make mistakes. She is always willing to lend a helping hand and offer whatever she can to even strangers. Which leads to many people thinking the world of her, as well as using this to their advantage against her.
Naïve – Victoria’s kindness leads heavily into naivety, it is her forgiving nature and thinking the best of all people, even the seemingly most hopeless of cases. She is never able to tell when someone is being genuine towards her, or when they are very obviously only using her for her title, or the money they believe that she has.
Creative – The young woman is incredibly creative, constantly thinking up stories in her head, losing herself in each and every life that she has never lived but within her mind’s eye. It is her escape, a way for her to forget the stresses that her mother places upon her delicate shoulders.
Insecure – Victoria doesn’t believe in herself or her abilities. She is scared of putting her thoughts to paper, or even onto a Word document, afraid that someone might stumble across it and pass more judgment on her, which she faces enough of on a regular basis. She doesn’t wish to subject herself to any more of it.
Observant – Though oblivious Victoria might be to the true intentions of others, she is incredibly observant and watching others as they move through life. She tries to see into others and understand them and their actions, trying to figure them out and solve them like a puzzle inside her head.
Her major is currently undecided. She wishes that she could go into a creative writing program, learn to develop skills that she might have, to put her talent out there, but she is much too intimidated by the thought and her parents would never accept their only daughter to “throw away” her potential with an arts degree.
Victoria is pansexual and panromantic. She has always known that she was attracted to women as much as she was attracted to men, though she doesn’t have much experience with either. The girl has never held preference of one over the other, rather being attracted to the person, not caring for what gender they are. As long as they can talk and she can feel at ease around them, she grows attracted to them and falls easily. Though she is quick to fall, she holds onto her heart tightly, not ready to give it away to someone in fears that it might be broken, or worse not considered good enough.
She has a difficult relationship with her parents, especially her mother. Arcelia de Terreros is incredibly hard on her daughter, though the woman says that it is for her daughters own good, it causes more harm than anything positive. For as long as Victoria can remember, she has never been good enough for her mother. She has always been “too this” or “too that”, and constantly faces criticisms from her mother. She’s never elegant enough, nor delicate enough, and when she had been younger, never skinny enough or put together enough to be the daughter of a Duke and Duchess. It caused a lot of insecurities to build inside Victoria, leading the girl to be shy and nervous around others, not wanting them to see all that was wrong with her.
Her relationship with her brother, Jacob, is not much better. Neither have spent much time trying to understand each other and their positions. Jacob is resentful of Victoria for not having the same extreme pressures of carrying on the name with the weight of everyone and everything on his shoulders. Whilst she is envious of him for making it seem as though it all comes so easy to him. They aren’t very good at communicating with each other, which she wishes they could work on, wanting a better relationship with her brother and to be as close as most siblings.
Victoria overcompensates her perceived pitfalls and tries to be as kind and compassionate to others as she can, wanting to see the best in them and reach out towards them to help in any way that she possibly can. All whilst still trying to follow into the footsteps of girls Cordelia McQueen to copy her elegance and grace, or Alexandra Rossessen with how charming and well spoken she is.
“We are, as a species, addicted to story.  Even when the body is asleep, the mind stays up all night, telling itself stories.”
“She is so busy looking inside people to find the good that she misses the knife they’re holding in their hand.”
“She had literature inside her heart that she couldn’t sometimes write.”
“She did not need much, wanted very little. A kind word, sincerity, fresh air, clean water, a garden, kisses, books to read, sheltering arms, a cozy bed, and to love and be loved in return.”
“I am so afraid of disappointing the people I love, I often forget that I am someone I love too. And I need kindness just as much as I believe the people I love do.”
“Having a soft heart in a cruel world is courage, not weakness.”
“She would have swallowed the sun to make you warm enough. She was nothing but love. She was nothing but love.”
“I get way too sensitive when I get attached to someone. I can detect the slightest changed in the tone of their voice, and suddenly I’m spending all day trying to figure out what I did wrong.”
Some musings: One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve.  
Victoria stood in front of her full length mirror in her bedroom, staring at her own reflection as she turned this way and that. She was inspecting herself, trying to make sure that her look was fitting for the daughter of royalty, trying to look at herself through her mother’s eyes as she ran her hands over her outfit to smooth out an lines. Once the girl was satisfied, she finally let a small smile tug up the corners of her lips. She wasn’t one for over the top fashions, especially not for every day classes and no real occasions. Victoria was a simple girl at heart, but she had an image to uphold, a family name to live up to and she needed to wear it with pride and with the same style as her mother was known for all her life.
She took a deep breath as she finally stepped out into the world that she had to put on an act to fit into. The world she was much too soft for and completely out of her depths, but to all the world this was exactly where the heiress belonged. No matter how much she acted though, she couldn’t fool the others about herself, she could hide her family’s troubles and lack of fortune, but the girl couldn’t hide the sparkle in her eyes and the brightness of her smile every time she experienced something new or found something she genuinely enjoyed.
Victoria checked her lipstick, trying to make sure that it was perfectly done as all the others before making her way over to where the other Quarrel Club girls were gathered. She greeted them all softly with a smile before taking her place beside Alexandra and accepting the drink that was passed to her. She wasn’t much of a drinker, didn’t like how it made her feel whenever she drank. She would much rather be sitting in a corner with a good book and a hot cup of hot chocolate. The girl still kept up appearances, holding onto her drinks and taking small sips before finding somewhere to dump the contents of the glass.
Instead Victoria stuck to the sidelines and watched the others. It was her usual activity during these gatherings to observe the others as they interacted with new and different people. She was comfortable watching from the sidelines, she felt too anxious and nervous when interacting with new people unless there was someone like Alexandra or Cordelia by her side to draw attention away from her, and keep her comfortable.
She would much rather to imagine up other lives and characters in the people she saw or met, making up elaborate backstories for strangers as they came and went, rarely, if ever to be seen again. This was how she entertained herself, living vicariously through the others and imagined scenarios that she could never dare take part in herself. Sure, she was a duchess to be and had to project that image, and there were surely others that would want to live her life. In truth, she knew that if anyone were to realize the actual truth of the de Terreros family, she would be completely insignificant. The only interesting fact about her was the title she held and the blood that ran through her veins. Victoria was sure that her parents thought much the same, probably wishing they had a daughter more like the graceful Cordelia, or the charismatic Alexandra.
It wasn’t as if she was jealous of the women, she wasn’t, she was grateful for their friendship and mentorship of her life at Oxford, but she did wish she could somehow be more like them without all the nervous fluttering in her stomach that caused her to mess up and embarrass herself and her family. She was intelligent in her own right, Victoria knew so, she just didn’t have the courage to put herself forward in that way.
“Lost in your head again?” a voice spoke up beside her, startling the young woman out of her thoughts as she turned to who spoke. She smiled fondly at Aiden and let out a little laugh, shaking her head lightly. “Not lost, just roaming,” she replied jokingly. Victoria tilted her head to the side as she turned to Aiden and looked at him. “What about you? I haven’t gotten to read any of your work recently?” she asked the older male. “Not mad at me, are you?” the girl questioned playfully, knowing she hadn’t done anything to upset the other, at least not to her own knowledge.
Aiden was the only other person she truly felt comfortable with, didn’t feel judged by. The other was genuine and was the kind to never intentionally hurt anyone else, similar enough to herself, though much more eye-catching with his infectious attitude and approachable persona. The only time the girl ever felt the slightest bit pressured around him is whenever the other urged her to pursue her own writing, but it was only ever for her to achieve her goals and to encourage her to do something she was genuinely good at.
“And why ever would I be mad at you?” he asked, making the girl give a little shrug of her shoulders. “You never know, there’s a lot that can upset someone even with many things being unsaid,” she replied, looking out at the others. “Well, that’s certainly true,” the man agreed, sipping his own drink as he gazed at the party-goers with her.
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ibuyswmi · 5 years ago
Process of Selling My House to Cash Buyers
When it comes to selling a property, homeowners have many options. From the traditional hiring of a realtor and sitting months on market to listing a for sale by owner and selling your own house, homeowners make the best personal decision with the most knowledge they have. Unfortunately, many homeowners have little to no experience working with we buy houses companies. The benefits of cash buyers are numerous, so when I want to move on quickly I’m selling my house to cash buyers.
The Benefits of Cash Buyers
My first property was a traditional starter home and required nominal financing to afford. Once I procured a higher paying job out of state, I knew I needed to sell my house quickly in order to relocate. After researching local real estate agents that came highly recommended, I realized the average realtor couldn’t promise a sale real estate closing within a specific timeframe; waiting months of a potential buyer to purchase my home wasn’t an appealing outcome. I began considering other options because utilizing the services of a realtor wasn’t a good solution for my hard time constraints.
After hours of extensive research, I realized the most convenient and quickest method for me to move was selling to cash buyers. Initially, when I made my first cash home buying inquiries, I expected selling to a ‘we buy houses’ company to come with some negatives.
Why hadn’t I heard about their buying proficiency and fair cash offers before now? And why weren’t all my friends and family using their unbelievable services? I asked trusted family members why, and they admitted to not knowing any local cash buyers, not recognizing the advantages, and not understanding the general cash buyer selling process. I felt it necessary to explain why I was selling my house to cash buyers.
Reputable cash buyers offer numerous far-reaching benefits that make selling a home a simple process. The advantage I was most drawn to was their ability to guarantee a closing within a week of our first meeting. That was simply unheard of when I originally researched the differing selling options homeowners had before I even listed my property. With cash buyers, I wouldn’t have to wait for a lengthy financing period because they had cash on-hand to purchase my property. If they viewed my property and wanted to purchase it, they could immediately. This was great for me to relocate.
Another unique benefit to selling my house to cash buyers was their desire to purchase my home in whatever current condition. For people like my parents, who had been unable to maintain basic upkeep and failed to update their home with the newest appliances, selling a distressed home could be difficult. Very few buyers want to acquire a home that needs major home repairs and lacks that move-in ready appeal. Thankfully, selling my house for cash meant selling without making any costly remodels or renovations.
An Atypical Selling Process
The standard selling process most homeowners encounter is fairly straightforward. A homeowner needs to sell, chooses a local real estate agent to represent them, and entrusts the agent to assess the home, provide a fair market value, and make professional advertising materials to entice prospective buyers.
Once a buyer is interested, the realtor and buyer’s realtor negotiate on behalf of both parties, and – best case scenario – agree and sign a purchase agreement. Now, even though the purchase agreement is reviewed and signed by both parties, the seller won’t receive funds until after the buyer procures home financing, which requires a mortgage lender or bank to approve. From the homeowner’s initial decision to sell to the buyer’s mortgage approval takes a few months. What’s worse is the buyer’s ability to weasel out of a purchase agreement without penalty due to clauses and contingencies, leaving the seller stranded and starting the selling process all over.
I chose to sell my house to cash buyers because the process was more secure than the standard, and I knew I wouldn’t be let down. When selling to cash buyers, homeowners are able to skip many of the typical selling steps in order to close much faster. This atypical selling house for cash process begins with a homeowner deciding to sale. Instead of contacting a real estate agent though, they call their preferred cash buyer.
The cash buyer assumes the role of the realtor and assesses the property – sometimes with walkthroughs, sometimes using comparable homes – to determine a fair market value cash offer. After, they present the cash offer to the homeowners, the sellers can choose to close at their earliest convenience. No waiting for a financial approval!
Selling my house to cash buyers meant I was in control. I determined the closing date, kept the traditional realtor’s commission, and approved a cash offer I felt to be fair. I didn’t need to research local real estate agents or wait for potential buyers to judge my property’s worth; the cash buyers saw my home’s potential even with the varied flaws that turn off other buyers. My cash buyer was a friendly professional and assisted me throughout the selling process without payment. They talked me through any questions I had and showered me with references from other sellers. Selling to cash buyers allowed me the security to start my new job without worrying about selling my starter home.
Selling My House to Cash Buyers
Though homeowners have many options when first deciding to sell their property, choosing a reputable cash home buyer should be a priority if needing to sell fast. Real estate agents work with multiple homeowners simultaneously and often cannot afford the time and dedication needed to sell a property most proficiently; cash buyers, on the other hand, are less burdened by multiple sellers because they guarantee speedy home sales.
When my family and friends ask me for referrals when they want to sell their homes, I advocate for cash buyers every time. Undoubtedly, cash buyers are real estate experts that are trained to determine a home’s value. Cash buyers also offer a simplified selling process. Forget waiting months to move on from your home; selling to cash buyers means being able to find your next home with ease.
Want to Benefit from Selling Your House for Cash?
If you’re stuck thinking “why am I not selling my house to cash buyers” then you don’t have the time watching your house sit on the market. You don’t have that time, and we understand that. At I Buy SW MI, we specialize in quick home sales for cash. That’s the benefit of selling a house for cash and working with us!
No matter what condition your house is in, we’re here to help you out. We’ll get your house closed, and write you a check on the spot! Call us today to get a no obligations quote for your house, or just to get your questions answered. We’re always happy and ready to talk! Contact us at 231-392-3262.
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justhereforseverus · 5 years ago
A rose by any other name would smell as sweet
Chapter 4: All the World’s a Stage
After an surprising visitor during your drama club session, you finally get to pick up your sleeping potion. And oh boy, did you get more than anticipated. The potion master is one for surprises. (Seriously I can't write summaries)
Bit of a delay here because life and stuff but I’m very eager to continue. The perfume described here is basically Tom Ford’s “Santal Blush” which is one of my most favourite fragrances I will never be able to afford. Thanks to Taylor Swift (love you!) for bringing it into my life and making me aware of how broke I am. Regarding the whole story...frankly, I have no idea what I’m doing here. Any commentary is welcome. But now without further ado chapter 4!
However, there was my drama club session before I could dedicate myself to my hopefully peaceful potion-induced sleep. I transformed my classroom into an adequate rehearsal room with a bigger-on-the-inside costume closet, a music box, and, of course, a small stage. I also put two rows of chairs in front of it just to set the mood. This was a more sophisticated set up than my introductory session where we only discussed what we expected and what work we would choose to perform. I asked all my students to read the play before tonight, so everyone has an idea who they want to play or what function they want to take over (lightening, sound, costumes etc). Well, that worked…. More or less well. The muggle or half-born born students already knew the play or were familiarised with it through film-and cartoon adaptions. Thus they were able to suspend their disbelief enough to know what to do. The few wizards and witches without that background had more problems with it. “The language is worse than in our History of Magic book!” “Will we also have to hurt and kill ourselves on stage?” “Hamlet could’ve just taken the throne by using a spell. Why make it so complicated?” When did Hamlet live? Can’t we just ask his ghost to tell us his history?” - were just some of the questions and comments. All valid but still. After setting straight that - no, no one will have to go on a murder spree and no Hamlet’s ghost is not currently available to chat to – we tried to get into the acting by choosing one scene and act it out in groups. I also chose some third year Huffelpuff and Gryffindor students who were good  in charms to take care of setting the atmosphere by making the room a bit colder and creating some snow clouds. In the end, this is one big advantage of the wizard world. No need for bad-smelling fake blood and chemical snow. Unfortunately, I also had to ensure that only the drama club members got in. I put a spell on the door that allowed only registered students and staff to enter. This was a precaution, as I received some rather unfriendly and mocking letters in my pidgeon hole the other day. Nothing too threatening but certainly bullying in nature. I don’t want my students to be mocked publically and Dumbledore agreed to it. Though Hogwarts doesn’t seem to care too much about that when it comes to Quidditch. Here the competing teams frequently join other trainings and bully them openly. I’m not too keen on that but maybe that’s just something I don’t understand about sports.
Everyone was busy pretending to be guards in the bitter cold (with real 100% magically produced snow). I looked around and noticed someone watching us. A tall, brooding man stood in the back of the room learning towards the wall with crossed arms – Professor Severus Snape. As usual, he wore a a buttoned up jacket, some straight cut black trousers and a long, heavy cloak. He is a skinny but muscular type, at least what his way too tight jacket reveals. He clearly doesn't need to hide anything. I can only imagine that his choice to wear the heaviest and thickest clothing one can wear should accentuate his role as the teacher that can silence a hall with only a whisper. Or maybe it’s just always horribly cold in the dungeon and it's more of a practical nature. He looked at me closely with his mysterious black eyes and gaunt but elegant face. I wondered how he got in without being noticed by anyone. On the other hand, he was famous for sneaking up on students wandering around after curfew. I made my way up to him with a bit more jest and bravery than I probably should have felt. In the end I was at my safe place, my classroom and he was the intruder. Thus I said:  “Look at that. The Potion Master sneaked into my small empire of drama. I’m honoured – how can I help you, Professor?” He replied: “I thought it might be entertaining to see students pretend they’re a tree. – he looked at one group at the front who overdid the ’tis bitter cold’ scene with excessive trembling. More like they’re on a rollercoaster and not like a real person freezing –“However, I see they rather guard hallways pretending to be cooking blenders. Still it’s a treat to watch them without having to scold anyone myself.” – before I could comment on that he continued: “However, I came to tell you that your sleeping potion is ready to use. Please see me in my office after your class to pick it up.” And with that he left the room with his infamous swoosh of his long, black cloak. That man needs to learn how to end a conversation properly. Unless, he does all this on purpose.
After class, I put my stuff back to my room in the Ravenclaw tower and made my way down to the dungeon. I knocked on the door and got called inside. Before I can walk to his desk, Severus stands up, goes to one of the shelves behind him and picks up a bottle. Then he rushed to me and steps up very close, while holding a bottle with purple liquid in front of my face. This is without doubt an invasion of my personal space, but I must admit I don’t mind. His face is only inches away from mine and his eyes are hidden by the bottle in my sight. He smells like sandalwood, cinnamon and ylang ylang? I wonder what perfume he uses. While dangling the bottle teasingly in front of my face instead of handing it me directly he exclaims: “This is a bottle that will refill three times. I won’t give out sleeping potions to get addicted to. So… Make. This. Count. This is my personal recipe, so you won’t find it in a book. You wake up in 6 hours later and it induces an especially deep and regenerative sleep.” And with the last word he hands me the bottle. I take it and read the handwritten label on it with further instructions. He says while walking back to his desk: “If you need a refill. Talk to me and I’ll decide if I brew you another.” I took another closer look at the bottle and then said: “Your own personal recipe? Does that mean you sometimes need a sleeping potion, too? Or was it just an experiment?” Now seated behind his desk he replied dismissingly: “It wouldn’t be a very worthwhile experiment. Creating a sleeping potion is more like elementary school chemistry. However, the standard versions are dreadful in its execution. If I need one, then I’d rather sleep without waking up feeling like I’ve just been driven over by a horse carriage.” With this he takes up his quill and continues grading essays. Maybe I should just say goodbye and leave him in peace, but I won’t let him get off that easily. I’m intrigued and I can still smell his perfume..
I sit in the chair in front of his desk and exlaimed with a sigh: “That’s quite... ingenious still. I wish I could refine medicine that easily. It would also help me with my play. I never use effect-potions because I don’t feel safe using them on students and I lack the knowledge of brewing refined versions like in London. However, I guess this is on me. My potions grades have been acceptable, but I always felt too stupid to master them properly. Not that this is an excuse.” He looked up and seemed to observe me for some moments. Shit.. maybe that wasn't a very favourable thing for me to say. Now he dislikes me because a) I just confessed I suck at potion-making and b) I haven't left his office ten minutes ago when I probably should have. Before I could stutter an apology, he says: “Well, there must be a reason why I’m the potion master and not you. – here he dramatically paused for some seconds. His attention for drama is truly admiring – “Yet…don’t tell this to any of my students but no one is too stupid to make a potion and receive good grades. I sincerely believe that. However, it can be a mixture of laziness, an insufferable attitude or the wrong teacher at the wrong moment in time. If you had acceptable grades that means you’re capable and from what I’ve seen I don’t think you’re too stupid.” I looked in disbelief. I don’t really need that kind of pep talk but it’s nice to hear that from someone I clearly didn’t expected it from. He put his quill away, folded his hands and continued: “I can show you how to brew any potion you might need. However, I then expect only the utmost of concentration and motivation in that regard. In return. I might be more patient to you then to any of my students.” When that offer finally has set into my mind I stuttered: “That would be.. that would be wonderful! It would strongly improve my stage set and performance! Thank you so much!... but… - and here the doubt came that he only does it to mock me- “why help me? We’ve barely known each other, and you've already brewed the sleeping potion for me. Can I do something for you in return or do you simply want to make fun of me?” He looked away from me and replied “You don’t need to do that and no I don't want to mock you. Also, wait before you thank me - I can’t guarantee you’ll be successful in brewing those. In the end, I’d be a terrible potion master if I didn’t help my colleagues – independent of sympathy or duration of acquaintance.” Ok, that’s a bit of a bummer. So, he feels only obligated because I’m a colleague. However, If that means I can spend more time with him and I can get better at potions... What do I have to lose?
Yet, he wasn’t finished with his speech. He looked away from me on a bookshelf to his right and continued. “Regardless of this, I also must admit that I rather welcome a professor of the literary arts at this school. Especially one who seems to be competent enough to fight the prejudices of elite wizards. We can learn from fiction and it would certainly benefit many students here to take this seriously.” “Oh” I replied like a true master of the arts. “I mean, that’s great. I agree wholeheartedly. It’s just a rare disposition. Especially for the headteacher of the Slytherin house, which.. no offense.. is significantly underrepresented in my classes.” “None taken” – he replied. “I don’t have much influence when it comes to subject choices of my students. And despite my favourable judgements towards my house I hate them all equally unless proven by them otherwise. Yet, the house cup is a competition and I intend to keep winning.” - he said with a slight smile on his face. Ok, I hate him for that attitude (because I’m not very competitive in nature), but I have to admit the smile is kinda cute and I hate myself for thinking that. He’s kind of asshole but I’m so intrigued by this dramatic, elegant guy that I willingly overlook his actual image and reputation here. When he took up his quill again I stood up and said “Well, then I don’t want to hinder you from work any more than I've done. Thank you so much for the potion and... everything. Have a good night!” He nodded said: “Give me some feedback if the potion works for you, I can make some adjustments if needed. Good Night then.”
0 notes
buzrushblog-blog · 5 years ago
Ask Questions Get Answers
A local community that may help individuals from all over the world to discuss their know-how and get any question that is imaginable. And, one thing that we made sure is that it was free to use.The site has rapidly grown, become most accessible and exciting question and answer community, which we are proud of. Considering the persistence of each group associate, the site is growing every single day - almost every min. This fabulous site rapdly grow in everymin & eveytime.That location for Ask Questions Get Answers.
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Just just what is the eyesight for Yahoo and google Questions and Answers, I marvel?
As I said at the beginning of this post, it’s early days yet to predict ultimate outcomes. At this point, the current set belonging to the property due to this attribute has rendered me with increased questions than responses:
•Does Google actually intend questions to be answered by brands, or by the public? From what I have witnessed, users are largely not aware of or deciding to ignore this function many periods put up-start up. Businesses are only alerted about incoming questions if they open the Google Maps app on an Android phone or tablet, as of writing this. There is no desktop GMB dash panel section for your have. It is not really a recipes for large adoption. That doesn’t mean your business shouldn’t be, though google has always been a fan of a crowdsourcing approach to their data, so they may not be concerned.
•A few of the legitimate-time goals in this function? I see quite a few end users asking them questions that called for rapid right answers, like “are you start now? ” whilst some would help lengthier reply time periods, like in, “I’m planning for a voyage and wish to really know what I will go walking to within your resort.” For time-reactive questions, what makes Questions and Answers fit in with Google’s legitimate talk option, Bing Online messaging, also presented endure summertime? Does Search engines like google visualize unique use conditions for options? If one of the two products will win out over time, while the other gets sunsetted, i wonder.
•The serious, actual pitfalls to brandnames of low-relief? If rants or spam are ignored, i applauded Mike Blumenthal’s smart suggestion of companies proactively populating the feature with known FAQs and providing expert answers, and I can also see the obvious potential for reputation damage. That being said, my modest investigation of San Francisco has left me wanting to know how many men and women (manufacturers or purchasers) have been focusing generally in most industries. Bing Information Solar panels together with the Nearby Locater take-ups are nearing an info bloat factor. Would you like to guide something, look into product reviews, stay conversation, see selections, get savings, get operating a vehicle instructions, make a contact? Internet websites are designed with a wide range of web sites to pay many of these likely behavior. Sticking them all in a 1” box may not equal the best UX I’ve ever seen, if discovery of features is our goal.
•What is the enthusiasm for people to take advantage of the product or service? For me personally, I’d be more likely to just pickup your phone to inquire about any topic which I wanted a fast provide answers to. I don’t have the confidence that if I queried Whole Foods in the AM as to whether they’ve gotten in organic avocados from California, there’d be a knowledge panel answer in time for my lunch. Additionally, a portion of the important questions I’ve wanted to know have obtained unnecessary the right answers belonging to the people, which appears like a complete waste of time for all those persons. Possibly whenever the include selections up energy, this tends to transform.
•Will boosting costs of doubts = growing costs of economic responses? Total numbers of questions for the 1700 locations they investigated nearly doubled between November-December of 2017, according to the GetFiveStars study linked to above. From my tiny take a look at San Francisco, it doesn’t appear to me of the fact that increasing outcome also occurred for individual solutions. For now, what I’m looking for is question volume reaching such a boiling point that owners feel obligated to jump into management, as they have with reviews, although time will tell. We’re not there yet, but if this feature is a Google keeper, we could get there.
So what should you be doing about Google Questions and Answers?
I’m a fan of ahead of time adoption exactly where it makes sense. Speculatively, using an effective Answers and questions activity could turn out to be as being a ranking alert. We have undoubtedly noticed it theorized that make use of of another Search engines like google asset, Google and yahoo Content, may results neighborhood pack search positions. Undoubtedly, leaving it towards the open public to respond to concerns about your enterprise with ranging degrees of exactness brings the possible risk of the loss of qualified prospects and muddying your online presence with the detriment of popularity. If your location has wheelchair access and an unmotivated third party says “I don’t know,” when, in fact, your business is fully ADA-compliant, your lack of an answer becomes negative customer service, if a customer asks. Ignoring the feature isn’t really an option, because of this. And, as i would not prioritize control over Questions and Answers above old-fashioned Yahoo-centered ratings after all this, I would suggest:
1.Do a branded search today and look at your knowledge panel to see if you’ve received any questions. Answer them in your best style, as helpfully as possibl if soe
2.Waste around 30 minutes in the week translating your company’s 5 most common FAQs into Google and bing Answers and questions queries and after that giving an answer to them. Ensure you are recorded in your company’s Google and yahoo credit account in the event you respond, which means that your text can be technically stamped because of the term “owner.” Regardless of whether you proactively article your FAQs whereas recorded for your business’ membership depends on you. I feel it is a lot more clear to do so.
3.If you’re acquiring this component of your understanding Panel isn’t buying inquiries, viewing it once weekly is possibly just going to be good enough with the produce.
4.If you be promotional a company that would be noticing some good Answers and questions action, and you will have the bandwidth, I’d insert verifying this to the day by day social network rounds you earn for the purpose of level of popularity managing. I would predict that if Google determines this feature is a keeper, they’ll eventually start sending email alerts when new queries come in, as they’re now doing with reviews, which should make things easier and minimize the risk of losing a customer with an immediate need. Need to go professional on operations right this moment due to problem quantity? GetFiveStars just introduced a very very helpful Google QAndA observation characteristic, integrated into some of their ORM software packages. Resembles a winner!
5.Do be on the lookout for spam responses and inquiries, and report them if they arise.
This simple infographic will get you going in a flash if you’re totally new to Google Questions and Answers:
My doubts, your answers
My claim investigation is modest. Can you assist extend our industry’s practical knowledge structure by giving an answer to a few pre-determined questions while in the feedback to enhance the photo of a up-to-date charge of adoption/performance of Google’s Questions and Answers? You need to, tell me:
1.Get you requested a subject with this aspect?
2.Do you receive an response and was it valuable?
3.Who clarified? This company, a random owner, a neighborhood Instruction?
4.Have you discover any forms of businesses performing a wonderful career replying to inquiries?
5.Do you know your emotions on Google Questions and Answers? Might it be a success? Definitely worth the time and effort? Any techniques?
Question & Answer Website: https: //community.buzrush.com/
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renoquotes · 5 years ago
Masturbate and Feel Good
Masturbate and Feel Good
male stroker "Masturbation... is not really approved of the particular Lord neither this religious organization, regardless of what might be said by those in whose 'norms' are lower", Chief executive Kimball of the Ceremony connected with Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Team (1981) "Every sperm is definitely sacred. Every single sperm is fantastic. If a new sperm is thrown away, Lord gets quite irate. inch Monty Python's The real meaning of Life. A price typically used by various churches in an effort to help contain illicit works between its people. Each rollo on masturbation might price it, at least every one of the sermons I have listened to. Within the circumstances, is that difficult to visualize masturbation as one of often the biggest taboos in each of our society? Even today? Research education has done any little to alter it. Really does that mean men and women have a tendency masturbate? Certainly not. 00% of men and seventy percent of ladies masturbate according to help various reports. The difficulty lies in the acknowledgement of the fact this you masturbate. Clearly any story... a story regarding you. 1 night a person were sitting only within your apartment eating lasagna. You decided to verify out a few new web sites on the net while you eat. So you record on to your internet connection and start surfing. Inadvertently, you come across some piece of pornography(yes, online is quite entire of it! ) Shopping at those erotic (and often downright nasty photos) you feel a tingley regarding the legs. One thing leads to yet another and also you end up ruining your own underpants. Now make me tell you yet another story. sasha grey masturbator One night you're sitting alone in some sort of tavern drinking beer. In addition to then a new most gorgeous person gets into the pub. The person that will cause tingley between your thighs just considering him as well as her. You decide this you can't forget about this kind of opportunity to get to help know this creation associated with god. And that means you move toward this person and start small talk. One thing brings about another and you stop up in your own condo. Whether you are a new woman or possibly a man, the particular next morning you probably would not be jumping using delight in the first event. When you go out there in the evening to meet your friends, a person would not necessarily tell these people about the hot web-site you found and exactly how you actually jerked off in order to it. However, in typically the second case, you would be informing anyone who cared for to help listen how you possessed by far the most wonderful experience connected with your life yesterday evening. Precisely why? Well, maybe since self applied pleasure is, well, nothing at all special. You can perform that anytime you need. Of course seducing typically the person of your ambitions is pretty an accomplishment. No wonder you will need an visitors. But what in case you have a new friend like me. A buddy who is crazy adequate individuals you did you actually wank off yesterday nights? Had been it good? Just what could you do then? Would likely you inform your friend concerning the hot internet site and also your experience? Would a person simply say, "Yeah! The idea was excellent! What about you? " Or maybe might you pretend nothing had happened and lie... similar to you were somewhere otherwise yesterday evening, or maybe lead your friend to believe you got happy using someone? I was guessing you might do the particular latter. Most certainly you will not acknowledge the act of masturbation. Rather you might evade the question in addition to affect the topic. And any time your good friend tells a person about a hot cure the same night, you actually would want a bowl of water when you could possibly drown. Shame and also sense of guilt would come over you actually and you would transform the topic in double quick period. Are you actually crazy? Noway! You will be simply one of the the greater part. And a good majority on that! Way more majority that what George Plant had in the very last elections! The reason -social health! You are identical to the young man who ran out from the movie theatre hall that was screening an adult film (mind you actually, he had not any business to be there in the first place! But all of the cinemas care in relation to is the selling associated with their tickets! ) Later on in the day, the particular pal who had been at the movies having him, caught up using him or her and asked, "Why within the hell's name did you run out? very well The young man answered, "My mom declared if I actually watched a woman receiving naked I would change to natural stone. And damn you Harry, a aspect of me was already turning into stone! " Unluckily, the social conditioning will be completely wrong. It is as wrong as being the social ailment in 18-19th century India, where widows have been obligated to burn well together with their husbands. As inappropriate as the church had been in losing Galileo intended for implying mother nature was certainly not the centre with the galaxy. Lily Tomlin input it greatest, "We have great think that man first stepped upright to free their hands for masturbation! inch If god didn't wish us to masturbate, possibly we would still become walking like dogs as well as horses! The social conditioning is a result associated with numerous myths, lies and also hoaxes perpetrated by a number of individuals to get personal advantage. Unfortunately, that conditioning will be like a hard fanatic, very tough to bust. However, with effort along with chanelising your energies, you could break it. Remember, the particular nuts that crack the toughest, are often the people that taste the very best! A person must be wondering, the way the hell does it make a difference if you believe guilty about fleshlight. Why should you spend time breaking this housing? Certain when compared with believe that sense of guilt mindful, whether sexual sense of guilt or even in any other application form, is the most damaging element to your mental health and fitness. Others find that it is one associated with the most destructive. But the greatest effect regarding guilt conscious if you ask me offers been a lack involving confidence with self. Today you are an clever reader. I don't want to describe you often the importance of self assurance. Specific your career, relationships or any different part of life, lack regarding self confidence can bring your current downfall. Now I am certainly not implying that should you commence to feel more cozy about masturbation, you might succeed in almost all aspects of life. But that might be a nice step to be able to take. A great useless sense of guilt that should, and they are eradicated from your mind. Recall, an ocean is created of little droplets connected with water. Do away with a fall at a time since due time, the underwater would be empty! Connected with course it will take a number of millennia! The good news is, you don't have an ocean rich in guily! Just some naggings in some places! The first move towards eradication in this remorse is knowledge. You will find hundreds and hundreds of myths around masturbation. Most of them perpetrated by foi, unfortunately. Yet some perpetrated by rip-off runners. Lets have a look at the particular most important ones. just one. Masturbation is against the will associated with god. Hokum. At one point the church considered anyone who also was overtly passionate for you to his wife a adultrater. Follow that educating along with your wife would become assigning adultery! Several clergymen have become on record to help say in which not just the church's theories in relation to sexuality were not related for you to the scriptures, but that they caused more harm compared to good amongst people. Besides, nowhere in the strict instruction of any important beliefs is masturbation regarded completely wrong. 2. Masturbation will cause erectile dysfunction. Most guys and even many ladies seem to think and so. Wrong again. Lets undertake the repair of the males first. It is understandable that seeing their very own sperm flow out connected with themselves, they think it may end sometimes. Effectively, it will end at some point... maybe when you usually are 100 years old. However until then don't fret. Your sperm bank is quite unlike Standard Chartered. You could have unlimited credit here! Semen is a completely alternative resource, renewable on the hourly foundation! For women, well, there is absolutely no time frame in the theory. Probably perpetrated by aged ladies who have never acquired an climax in their entire life! a few. Fleshlight causes acne, hairloss, skin area diseases. This one is actually my favorite. Mainly simply because it is on the list of better scams of all instances! Your personal social conditioning would likely have you feel that masturbation is not particularly healthy. But bad how? No one would offer you a satisfying answer! Now some scam artists saw this as the great opportunity to will sell their products similar to curly hair growth lotions, etc. Given that most people start masturbating throughout their teens, (the periods of pimple and other skin problems), they might possess you believe that this kind of is a result of masturbation! Unfortunately for them, this is as untrue as the sun rising from the western world! Fleshlight has no real side effects! some. Masturbating will make you thin and skinny! Then there is no need for diet pills and fitness routines my friend! And many surely 70% of STATES didn't be overweight! your five. Merely Kids masturbate! The reason could you say that? My partner and i wonder! Very well quite wrong, most grown ups masturbate... yup even after marital life! some. Masturbation is for males. And it is for 70% from the women way too. That's right, two thirds connected with all females masturbate! 6. Only losers masturbate! One more of my favorites. Just goes to show just simply how much of any taboo is masturbation! Initial thing, 99% of males and 70% of females have masturbated at least once inside their lifestyles. Now this is a hell of an lot of losers no longer you assume! Nothing more that I can also add actually... this is really typically the supreme insecurity amongst men and women concerning self pleasure. main. Fleshlight is for homosexuals. Wow. Exactly where did in which one originate! Somebody have to make a etymology these myths, would make with regard to an exciting read! Just as untrue seeing that most these myths, masturbation and homosexuality have nothing in keeping. Some people masturbate to help their dreams of opposing sex, other individuals to their own fantasies of identical sexual. That's it. being unfaithful. Fleshlight will make you blind! Others claim that fleshlight is bad for your eyesight. However , their states are unsupported by facts and healthcare advice. I actually suggest you talk in order to your common physician as well as he will explain you what a load involving bull this is. 12. Masturbation changes the shape of your manhood Well, it does make this rock hard. But believe me, after you orgasm, the hardness is gone! So no. Fleshlight offers absolutely no influence on how your penis appearance.
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shopggdbonsales-blog · 6 years ago
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First we must explain the major difference between keep coming back of price and profit on investments. Return Regarding investment is simply obtaining back the very money the idea you store in. Return ON financial investment is variation between the end value of your current investment also the dollar amount you contributed. A5: Thailand is principally considered a new safe spots destination. Serious crimes alongside foreigners are hands down much more rare than lots other Korean locations. Truth be told there is a trustworthy generally learned mindset together with most Thai's that ones own economy often is in almost all ways located upon tourism, so they take worry of some of the 'Golden Goose'. Whom is not really to say that they should never be advised of scam artists and simply pick banks. When going anywhere another country one should always go in extra warning. Staying for resorts and after that more located hotels offer an added level using safety, piece and a harmonious relationship with discover decorative themes of correctly secured good reason within which will you would be able to relax as feel ensure. If families can't survive on 50% of your income, you have a set of choices. Declination your obligations or rise your paydays. You might probably be certain of the millions involved with people that experts claim are backing a method of life that you cannot . The accomplished always have got a regimen with their long definition goals in mind. Currently the poor and also Golden Goose Women's Sneakers Sale iddle value are often short sighted. They routinely choose lead gratification beyond Financial Flexibility. Now any second a portion to which the hands-off thing of choosing money may be this: anybody need that will recognize this some brands actually could work in themselves - lacking any human intervention on one occasion they have become set moving upward. When those two options finally permeated my skull, I begun to remember how that would constitute possible to me so that you can make profit doing nothing. And soon after I purchased got the process going, it absolutely be quite possible to improve the thing. We all want that will earn moolah fast. Hardly anything seems to be faster than connecting to an relate sales prepare and expecting for ones bank myspace poker chips to pick-up bigger with bigger one day. That enduring the scenario how provide we help and support solve this situation of a many of them shutting down web site and by all? Proceed to into practically any little and large destination and your entire family may witness smaller foundations that feature been finish to for many no ongoing open towards small professional. In excellent observation in addition to speaking taking advantage of a handful of earth business sellers I i am Golden Goose Sneakers onvinced due to the very best purpose folks may you ought to be not successful with here new consumer banking system. If you can are new to the concept linked with forex trading, the website content below will definitely help anyone gain powerful understanding with regards to the buying and selling market, the particular way it works out and ordinary myths that a majority of are large spread in the the fx market market. The festival has are made to cities! Flying County fair is the 5-reel, roughly payline video slot with the Mammoth Top. Flying Circus is considered where the person will fill the dapper Ringmaster plus Coco all of the Clown. The game your slot machine right coupled with you can easily win a possible $100,000 with the Free Moves Bonus Video game.
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Students Struggle for Education: Storytelling for Social Change
Many times, we are all told that we must obtain a college education if we want to stand a chance in this “real” world. In the “real” world, where our country has an overly populated workforce and where the cost of living is at an increasing high. College students must make sacrifices in order to achieve such accomplishments, sacrifices such as sleep, financial means, quality of life, and well-nourished diets. The proceeding text will describe the stories of several college students and what their life is like on this journey of achieving an education.
Kimberly is a twenty-two-year-old, first-generation Salvadorian American from Southern California and an individual full of motivation and aspirations. She has completed two years of her college education at a local community college and is now currently studying Marketing at San Francisco State University. Prior to moving to San Francisco, Kimberly lived with her father in Los Angeles, California while communicating with her mother on a daily basis who resides in Utah.
Coming from a family of divorce, she was forced to reside with her father as she was able to achieve a better high school education in California as opposed to Utah. She explained that her relationship with her father is challenging at times and her decision to move to San Francisco was partially motivated by the need to create distance between them. She felt as though she had to get far away from him and escape his toxicity which was not only interfering with her education but with her personal life and morale. Her father has shown that his support for her education is limited and conditional therefore Kimberly relies on her mother for the support that is needed.
Kimberly’s everyday life as a college student consists of work, school, and very minor time for herself at all. The primary focus for her is to complete her education in two years in order to enter the workforce and be permanently out of her financial ties with her father. She explains she has to face the social pressure of obtaining a degree as well as the pressure of finally being able to be out of her father’s control once and for all.
Sam is a twenty-three-year-old who is currently a Junior at California State University, Northridge pushing to obtain a degree in Finance. Sam currently works a full-time job at Starbucks and is a full-time transfer student at CSUN. He has unfortunately lost his father in 2015 due to a losing battle with cancer and has been supporting his mother and sister at their home in Tarzana, California. Through this hardship, he has maintained his devotion to completing his degree no matter the obstacle.
Understandably, Sam believes he faces the struggle of uncertainty in this current stage of his life. With a difficult time finding direction, he believes the transition from a community college to a four-year university has not made it any easier for him. He explains that there is a lack of guidance on the campus as he is simply expected to pick up the pace of a university as well as pick up the increase of tuition costs (as opposed to a community college).  
My personal journey towards my advancement in education has been filled with various obstacles and struggles. I am a first-generation American and the first family member from my immediate family and immediate friends to pursue a higher education after high school. I come from a loving family filled with support for my interest to pursue something more for myself. Respectively, their understanding of what it is like to go through the grueling day-to-day basis of school and work is not there and that has been a struggle for me. I realized how much of a disadvantage it was to have people in my life that couldn’t give me the guidance when I decided to pursue a college degree. The lack of guidance coupled with having obligations to work and pay for my schooling the pressure continues to add up. Meeting with individuals from different backgrounds and struggles has relieved me knowing that we are all the same on different paths. The lack of support and resources are real problems that students face, and it does seem at certain moments that the universities don’t take that into account for their students.
With the pressure of universities pushing students to graduate quicker (motivated by maximum revenue intentions) combined with a continuous incline of tuition cost increases; students bear an overwhelming amount of stress far more than how students were 10 years ago. The words affordable and college are rarely ever in the same sentence anymore. Due to this, the bubble of inequality is implemented, as well as the consideration of positionality. Author Dirk Witteveen contests in his article, “Family Background and Earnings Inequality among College Students” that class-related gaps control the selection process, major, and academic performance in our school system.      Said explains the struggle as a college student with his primary difficulties with time management. Caring for his mother alongside with his two older brothers, Said helps support his family by working full-time hours at their family restaurant as well as taking on a full-time schedule at California State University, Northridge. In his words, “As a transfer student, I would like to say that I was relatively healthy with my dieting and exercise prior to transferring but with the added pressure from the university, I have gone days not eating even a single meal in order to complete assignments. My everyday life revolves around what seems like a never-ending rotation of juggling and my quality of life has significantly decreased.”
Similar to many other college students, it is common that the first aspect of one’s routine to be sacrificed is the maintenance of a proper and well-nourished diet. Whether that be consuming poor food groups such as a cup of noodles or fast food due to a lack of financial means or a lack of time to cook homemade meals. A study on eating attitudes and relative correlation with eating disorders done by Dr. Thomas Richardson explaining, “University students have high levels of eating disorder symptoms… a number of studies have shown a relationship between debt and financial difficulties and poor mental in students, however, there has been no research on financial difficulties and risk of eating disorders in this population.”
Anneliese is a recent college graduate from Cal State, Monterey Bay currently waiting to get accepted to Medical School. Anneliese moved away for college during her years at Monterey Bay and explains the hard life lessons she had to learn during the process. She describes that even after Financial Aid’s assistance (with a qualified low-income household) she still had to pay about seventy percent of her tuition and room and board costs. The idea that Financial Aid could assist a student in every portion of living without the need to work a job is becoming more and more impossible and improbable.
Cynthia comes from a family where she is the first to attend any form or kind of higher education. She currently is working towards transferring at Moorpark City College and is expected to transfer in the coming semester. She explains that the primary challenge for her is the lack of classes provided at her current school being that she is now at the finishing end of her class. Cynthia has made multiple attempts to crash her impacted classes in order to transfer and was unsuccessful doing so—this has caused her to fall behind one semester. In her words, “it is amazing to me that the colleges push and push their students to transfer however they only offer a limited number of classes available to their students.
This is understandable when you look at funding from the state level and at the federal level being that the educational sector of funding is the first to be cut.” An article by Jennifer González on The Chronicle of Higher Education states, “California is a case in point. The community-college system there is one of the largest in the country, with 2.6 million students, or nearly 25 percent of enrollment in the sector nationwide. And it is facing severe budget cuts: The state has slashed its appropriations by 13 percent over the last three years. As a result, the California Community Colleges have had to offer fewer courses.”
Alan is a recent transfer student to California State University, Northridge and is currently on his way to obtaining a degree in Accountancy. His desire to pursue his advancement in education was motivated when his mother became ill and still continued to provide for him and his younger brother by working as a maid and housekeeper. When asked to reflect on how this motivation has impacted his mindset he explained, “you know, I definitely wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for my mom. She has taught me to push through whatever challenges that come and currently I am currently in the midst of all of those challenges. The greatest difficulty throughout this process is that while I struggle, I am also told that in order to find a job I need to consider internships as soon as possible. It is almost impossible for me to take on a full-time internship that is unpaid as it wouldn’t be realistic for me to leave my paid job that I have currently. With helping my mom pay for rent and paying for my own costs being a student, I am surely confident I am at a disposition.”
Unpaid internships, as resourceful and useful as they are, deem to be unrealistic to modern day times for the working student. The primary basis of people who are able to take on unpaid internships are students coming from more advantageous families leaving students coming from lower-income families to be positioned. A recent study was done in October 2017, “Paid versus Unpaid Internships: Perspectives of Students and Nonprofit Directors” explains the not only the benefits of internships (paid or unpaid) but moreover how less fortunate college students are still willing to take on the added stress and debt in order to achieve such experiences while tackling on their tuition costs.
To reflect, interviewing many of my fellow peers on the same journey as myself has expanded my mind on our similarities, differences, and mindsets towards our struggle to better our education. While we are all going through separate paths, there are direct links and correlation amongst us all with the struggles of this process. Common issues of what is expected of students from the universities seem to be the underlying fact that most students must work if they want to live during their college years. Each and every year our tuition costs continue to increase, and all students are told are to hurry up and finish from their universities. Moreover, the long-term effects of dealing with stress and poor dieting decisions due to college are overlooked by many and we will be the only ones paying for the consequences later on.
Works Cited
Abdul-Alim, Jamaal. “Juggling Act: Many Low-Income Community College Students Struggle with Balancing a Full Course load and Working to Take Care of Financial Responsibilities Outside of School.” Diverse Issues in Higher Education, vol. 33, no. 8, 2016, p. 10.
Capek, Megan; Klein, Jonathan; and Gassman, Julianne (2017) "Paid versus Unpaid Internships: Perspectives of Students and Nonprofit Directors," The International Undergraduate Journal For Service-Learning, Leadership, and Social Change: Vol. 7: Iss. 1, p. 11-20.
Gonzalez, Jennifer. “Education for All? 2-Year Colleges Struggle to Preserve Their Mission.” Chronicle of Higher Education, 2012, p. r.
Richardson, Thomas, et al. “Longitudinal Relationships between Financial Difficulties and Eating Attitudes in Undergraduate Students.” International Journal of Eating Disorders, vol. 48, no. 5, 2015, pp. 517–521.
Witteveen, Dirk, and Paul Attewell. “Family Background and Earnings Inequality among College Graduates.” Social Forces, vol. 95, no. 4, 2017, pp. 1–38.
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