#or adalyn stern
rapidfirestormer · 7 months
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Something completely different. Here we have Brandon Wronski, who has taken up the mantle of Scarecrow in future Gotham City.
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dailydccomics · 1 year
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deeply unsettling Batman Beyond vol 6 #22
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calciumcryptid · 1 year
Elseworld 64 | Kaoru Kanmoto
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Kaoru Kanmoto was a former middle school classmate of Carrie Kelly and Nell Little. After an experience with Scarecrow, Kaoru became fascinated with his fear toxin.
Believing she could push it to its absolute limits, she started to develop her own toxin. She gassed her school to use her classmates as test subjects, and studied the reactions to her variant. Fortunately, she was soon discovered and apprehended by Carrie Kelly (Robin VII) and Nell Little (Batgirl V).
Kaoru spent the rest of her team years in a youth development center, before being released at eighteen. As she returned to the world, she studied the change of mantles and the death of the original Scarecrow. She vowed revenge on Carrie (now Batwoman III) and set out on her mission.
Modeling herself after the Ushi no toki mairi practice, Kaoru assumed the identity of Straw Doll and took to the streets of Gotham on the hunt. She leaves her victims in a fear toxin daze for seven days to study them before leaving their impaling bodies nailed to trees, lampposts, or telephone poles.
While on the job, she met the second Scarecrow Adalyn Stern where they fell in love. They often serve as accomplices to each other's schemes, and are generally referred to as a match made from hell due to their creepy appearances and murderous tendencies. The two were initially separated at Arkham Asylum until the two injected guards with fear toxin and threatened to do it to the other faculty members if they weren't allowed with one another.
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girlsofcomics · 5 years
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Adalyn Stern
-Real name: Adalyn Stern
-A.k.a.: Scarecrow
-Publisher: DC Comics
-Type: Human
-Afilliations: Arkham Asylum Inmates
-Powers: -
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vaya-writes · 2 years
The Wyvern's Bride - Part 1.5
When Adalyn gets sacrificed to the local wyvern, she’s a little annoyed and a lot terrified. Upon meeting the wyvern, she discovers that he’s not particularly interested in eating people, and mostly wants to be left alone. In a plot to save himself from the responsibilities his family keep pushing on him, Slate names Adalyn as his human Envoy, and tasks her with finding him a wife.
Cis female human x cis male wyvern. 2600 words. SFW
Thank you so much for your encouragement everyone. This one was an absolute slog but it turned out quite well :) Content warnings: polite discussion of wyvern oestrus and rutting, the difference between human and wyvern marriage consummation, one curse word, and some mentions of food and (non alcoholic) drink. Please enjoy and let me know what you think!
Adalyn spends the morning as an anxious mess. She’d had the forethought to spend the last day and a half cleaning; sweeping every corner, dispelling every cobweb, polishing every surface. It means that on the morning of the bridal interviews, there’s very little for her to do. She occupies herself with baking, until she’s made enough food for double her number of guests. By the time she’s run out of busywork, it’s barely midmorning, and she’s not expecting anyone to arrive for hours. 
She dawdles upstairs, banishing the flour from her skin, bathing, tying and untying her hair for the better part of an hour. She’d chosen her dress the previous night – something uniformly grey, and proper looking. She worries that it might look a bit stern, but the cut is flattering, and most of her other clothes seem too underwhelming for her title as envoy.  
She styles her hair into a plaited bun after some deliberation. Many of the young women in the valley wore their hair loose or in braids, whilst married women and mothers tended to wear their hair in plain updos. Adalyn is peering anxiously at her reflection, worrying over her appearance, when there’s a knock from downstairs. 
It’s not quite noon, but Adalyn is relieved to be pulled from her thoughts. Hosting an early guest would be better than pacing alone with her nerves. 
She opens the door and narrows her eyes at the source of her consternation. “You’re early.” 
Slate is in his human form; hair smoothed back and forgoing a jacket. His sleeves are rolled up and the top of his shirt isn’t laced fully, revealing his collar bones. Adalyn forces her eyes to his face, composing herself with careful neutrality. 
She doesn’t notice the same look that Slate gives her as he takes in her details; the way her boots hug her calves, the fit of her dress – striking in its simplicity – the curve of her neck, on display with her hair pulled up. He swallows and gives her a polite smile. “You’re looking very professional today.” 
“It’s supposed to be a professional day. Please, come inside.” 
He’s surprised by the pleasantness of her home. The anteroom opens into a living room on one side, and the bakery on the other, with a small hallway and stair case leading to Adalyn’s personal quarters. 
The bakery looks less like a place of business, and more like an extended kitchen with some display shelves pressed close to the streetside window.  
The living area is occupied with a large dining table, the fire place, and a cluster of plump chairs that ring the mantle. The furniture is well made but there are no detailed furnishings or decorations, other than some placemats at the table.  
“Can I get you some tea?” 
Adalyn puts on a practiced smile and gestures to the living area. “Please make yourself at home.” 
She hides her frown when Slate follows her into the kitchen, leaning against the counter to watch her work. She puts the kettle on the stove and plates the milk and honey, also pulling out one of the trays of biscuits she’d made. She tries to ignore the wyvern, but finds herself twiddling her fingers in front of the stove – at a loss of what else to do. 
“How do you like Clearwater Valley?” 
She’s surprised to hear him ask. She takes a few moments to consider. “It’s... quaint. There’re some fine people here. And some fine products. I can’t say I enjoy being so cut off from the rest of the world, though. There’re a lot of foods I haven’t had since I was a child that I sorely miss. And the gossip mill can be quite vicious.” 
He gives her a wry smile. “Speaking from experience?” 
She shrugs. “I keep to myself, and even that is something to talk about. I might have been unfriendly as a child, but it’s been fifteen years, and I’ve not managed to change that reputation.” 
“Would you go back to the city if you could?” 
She hadn’t considered it. She wonders as she pours him his drink. “I don’t know. Moving would be hard, and it’d require a lot of money. It might not be worth it. I’ve nobody to go back to. I doubt anyone even remembers me.” 
Slate accepts his cup and sips tentatively. He must deem the brew good enough, because he takes another, supplementing with a biscuit. “That seems sad. Isn’t there anywhere you’d like to go in the world?” 
“I mean sure, there’s plenty of places I’d like to go. The inland sea. Back to the red sands. Maybe even the capital, if only to get my hands on some sugar. Relocating’s just not feasible. And I don’t think the nomadic lifestyle is for me.” 
He frowns. “Then I hope you find some joy in the valley. Maybe you can show me around sometime. I should get to know the area.” 
She deliberates for a moment. “We’ve some time before anyone arrives. I’ll be right back.” 
Slate examines his surroundings while she’s gone. The pavers beneath his feet have been brushed incessantly, and there’s barely a speck of dust in the air. Either Adalyn is incredibly fastidious with her upkeep, or had spent the previous days cleaning the house from top to bottom. He feels a pang of guilt at causing her efforts. 
She returns with a large roll of parchment, and spreads it out on the counter. He’s surprised to see a map of Clearwater Valley, especially one made with so much detail. Skilled cartographers usually rendered places like the valley as small dots in larger areas, and any settlements worth mapping out were usually city sized. 
The pair discuss the different features in the valley until the sun is high in the sky. Adalyn points out each main hub, and chats about who supplies the best produce. She smiles when she talks about Ivar’s winterberry wine, two settlements over, and Slate watches her fingers walk across the map as she highlights the various orchids, farms, and apiaries in the valley.  
Slate isn’t usually enthralled by local history or supply, but enjoys watching Adalyn talk, at ease with the map before her. He’s relaxed enough that he doesn’t hear the guests at the door until they knock. 
Adalyn jolts. “Right. I guess it's time to get started.” 
She slips into service mode, ushering everyone to the living area and serving the food. The part of her brain practiced in hosting, that part unused since both her parents were alive, with their active social lives, ticks into use. It’s a relief to have a task in front of her. 
When everyone is settled Adalyn goes through introductions, refamiliarising herself with the women’s names, and then gesturing to the wyvern. 
“Ladies, this is...” 
“Grey,” Slate provides. 
“This is Grey. He speaks for the wyvern, though he’s not worked in the valley before.” 
Slate takes her story in stride, offering a polite smile to the group. “I spoke for the wyvern before he moved from the peninsula. He often struggles to deal with humans, and typically appoints a local to speak on his behalf. I’ve been helping Adalyn with the transition.” 
There’s a handful of nods and ‘how’d you do’s before Adalyn jumps into the thick of things, producing a copy of the letter she’d drafted to the valley. 
“Lindel, would you mind reading the first line?” 
The blonde woman peers at the paper Adalyn pushes to her. She swallows, and begins. “The w-yah-vern... wyvern has ex-pressed no need for blood-shed, nor our live-stock,” she sounds, doing better than Adalyn had expected.  
Slate gravitates to the table as the women take turns reading, brows raised as he looks over their shoulders. This is the first he’s heard of Adalyn’s statement. 
When the women have finished the letter, Adalyn rereads it, explaining the uncommon words, and asks if the women have any questions.  
“Present of their own desire?” somebody asks. 
“You’ll recall the first things I asked when you each arrived?” 
There’re a few shaken heads.  
“How old are you?” Supplies a woman, Grace. 
“Yes. And the other question?” 
“You asked if somebody had pushed me into coming here.” 
Adalyn nods. “I’ll not have anybody married because their family said so, or if they don’t want to. You may yet decide to leave after everyone asks their questions and learns more. The wyvern made it clear that he didn’t want to marry a woman without her consent.” 
A strange silence follows as the women digest the information. Arranged marriages might not be that common among the working class, but the women were still used to having a certain degree of agency taken from them. Many were expected to marry. Expected to move out, and to have children. Adalyn doesn’t blame them for their disconcertion. 
“Forgive me for jumping straight to it, but I’m concerned about how we will be expected to consummate the marriage. Literally, how?” one woman asks. 
“Grey?” Adalyn directs the question to Slate, who’d returned to his spot by the fire. 
“I’m sure you’re aware that wyverns are magical creatures. One inherent ability they possess is to polymorph. To change their shape. I’ve seen them take mortal forms and walk undetected through human settlements. If size is your concern, it shouldn’t be.” 
Adalyn nods her assent, and many of the women appear relieved. She feels it’s time to address the other issue. 
“If there were any concern to be had, it’d be regarding one of the wyvern wedding traditions.” Adalyn hesitates, before deciding to tell it straight. “While humans are expected to be intimate with our husbands after the wedding, wyverns consummate before the ceremony. Stranger yet, you won’t be expected to lie with the groom, but his guests.” 
The shock goes through the room quite viscerally. Nobody is composed, and the space is filled with gasps and dissent. 
It takes a few moments before Adalyn can sort through their questions. She chooses her words carefully. “The way it’s been put to me? When a wyvern marries a human, the rest of his clan will want to check that the woman is suitable. There’re a few trials in place to do this. The consummation is one of them.” 
When the women continue to take issue, Slate, thankfully, steps in. “Wyverns have oestrus cycles. And when male wyverns go into rut it can be pretty intense, lasting hours or even days. Now, the groom in question doesn’t expect to be intimate with any of you, not even after the wedding. But in order to marry him you will have to pass three of his family mandated trials. As Adalyn said, the last trial is what you would consider the consummation of the marriage, though it differs from human tradition, in that you’ll be expected to be intimate with extended members of the wyvern’s family. It’s their way of testing a bride’s endurance.” 
There’s a long silence. Adalyn takes in some horrified stares. Many of the women refuse to meet anybody’s eyes.  
Grace, whom Adalyn is beginning to recognise as quite shrewd, is one of the few who don’t look away from Slate. “If the bride isn’t expected to have sex, why would her endurance be tested? Humans don’t experience oestrus.” 
Slate shrugs. “It’s an old tradition. Besides, wyvern rut isn’t just triggered by female oestrus. It can be triggered by any receptibility. If you were to become close with the wyvern during your marriage, it might just become an issue.” 
Grace nods, and Adalyn files the information away, before steering the conversation onwards. “Do we have any other questions?” 
There aren’t any, and so Adalyn starts the personal interviews without further ado. She and Slate sit in the kitchen and speak with each woman individually. There are a handful of polite and respectful declinations from the women, until there are five remaining.  
“What drew you to the idea of marrying the wyvern?” Adalyn asks. 
Lindel replies, “My family suggested it. I know you said I should be here of my own desire, and I am. Mostly. I’m still deciding what to think of it all.” 
Most of the women have similar answers. That it had been suggested to them or that they were hoping to move out of their family homes. Adalyn is surprised with Grace’s opportunistic reply. 
“My father doesn’t want me to take over his business. He’s planning to give it to my brother, who is half my age, and hasn’t worked a day in his life. They plan to marry me off, but I don’t like any of the suitors they’ve chosen. They’ll all expect me to sire their children and become housebound. If I had a wealthy husband to support me, one who promises ‘care and prosperity’ then I could run my own business under his roof instead.” 
Slate considers their answers thoughtfully, and Adalyn notices how seriously he takes each woman, taking the time to ask each applicant some questions of his own. 
When Adalyn has dismissed the women she brews another pot of tea, and the pair slouch in the kitchen again, finishing the sweets and biscuits.  
Slate is pleased to see Adalyn relaxing. Tired from the interviews, she no longer seems quite so keyed up in his presence. “Who would you suggest, if I weren’t here?” 
She considers. “There’re all more competent than I’d expect with their numbers, but Grace and Lindel are the only two likely to survive your Matron’s literacy test. I’ll keep tutoring them until you take your final pick. Lindel was sweet. Grace was sharp. You might like both.” 
Slate deliberates. “I’m inclined to agree. I have a feeling you might get another resignation or two. Nobody seems keen on the trials. Whatever you choose, send Evelyn home. There’s something wrong with her lungs, and the last trial would probably exacerbate it.” 
Adalyn frowns. “I’ll have a word with her if you think she passes the interview. But that should be something she decides for herself.” 
He shrugs. “I’ll put it plainly. Marathon sex isn’t for the faint of heart, Adalyn. Even if it’s only once.” 
She raises her hands. “I wasn’t going to recommend her anyway.” 
There’s a silence, slightly uncomfortable. Adalyn takes a long sip of her drink as she formulates her next sentence. 
“How many women do you want to attempt the trials?” 
Slate considers. “My family will be arriving soon. They’ll probably laugh if I tell them I’m getting married, and I haven’t settled on a bride, though.” He tilts his head, and thinks further. “But I’d rather they laugh at me for having multiple brides-to-be, than deal with them if I’d chosen a single bride and she failed the trials.”  
Adalyn waits as he finishes his drink. 
“Fuck them. Let’s try for five women.” 
She bites back a grin. “It sounds like you hate them.” 
He leans back and sighs. “They’re not all bad. My grandmother is stern, but fair. Uncle Payne is pretty admirable. And you’d like my cousin Rinnley.” 
Adalyn presses him for detail, and is surprised when he relents. They spend the evening talking about their families and trading stories, until the sun starts to set and Slate bids his goodbye.  
They plan to meet again in a week for the next batch of interviews, and Adalyn finds that she is really looking forward to it. 
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Books I’m Excited About
So here’s books that are already out and I’ve read samples of, or books that aren’t out yet that I desperately need in my hand now!
Older Books
Graceling by Kristin Cashore
The Guinevere Deception by Kiersten White
King of Scars by Leigh Bardugo
Rule of Wolves by Leigh Bardugo
Wonder Woman: Warbringer by Leigh Bardugo
The Kingdom of Back by Marie Lu
Air Awakens by Elise Kova
Star Daughter by Shveta Thakrar
All the Stars and Teeth by Adalyn Grace
Black Canary: Breaking Silence by Alexandra Monir
Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor
Lady Rogue by Jenn Bennett
Girl, Serpent, Thorn by Melissa Bashardoust
We Set the Dark on Fire by Tehlor Kay Mejia
All of Us Villains by Amanda Foody and Christine Lynn Herman
Dance of Thieves by Mary E. Pearson
This Woven Kingdom by Tahereh Mafi
The Jasmine Throne by Tasha Suri
The Midnight Lie by Marie Rutkoski
Romanov by Nadine Brandes
Small Favors by Erin A. Craig
The Wolf and the Woodsman by Ava Reid
The Light of the Midnight Stars by Rena Rossner
These Violent Delights by Chloe Gong
The Wrath and the Dawn by Renee Ahdieh
The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern
A Trial of Sorcerers by Elise Kova
Rebel of the Sands by Alwyn Hamilton
Ariadne by Jennifer Saint
2022-2023 Books
 Wild is the Witch by Rachel Griffin
Wild and Wicked Things by Francesca May
Belladonna by Adalyn Grace
Book of Night by Holly Black
What Monstrous Gods by Rosamund Hodge
Vespertine #2 by Margaret Rogerson
Forging Silver Into Stars by Brigid Kemmerer
Alex Stern/Ninth House #2 (hopefully) by Leigh Bardugo
Hotel Magnifique by Emily J. Taylor
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geekeryandsentiment · 4 years
Ohh yes please, I’d love a Sneak peek!
Adalyn chewed the food in her mouth, nudging Elaina’s arm with her elbow, “perhaps the time off has given you the motivation to continue with your studies soon? Tomorrow or Wednesday?”
Elaina nodded slowly, “Yes Ma,” she kept her gaze on her bowl of food, scooping up a forkful of rice and vegetables. “I will work on my schoolwork tomorrow, I promise.”
“Or Wednesday, I said,” Adalyn’s voice wasn’t nearly as stern as it had been the week before, but it was pointed, “you can take another day off to recuperate if you’d like. But if you feel better, I would really prefer if you get your work done so that you’re not panicking come August when it’s nearly time for you to return to school.”
The girl bit down on the inside of her lower lip, lowering her fork into her bowl, “uh, yeah. I’ll work on it and try to get it done soon.”
“Are you feeling better?” Adalyn raised a brow, taking another bite of her food as she watched Elaina’s expression carefully, trying to read it the best she could. “Because if you’re not, you can have a few more days off, but I also think we should have someone look you over to make sure that it’s nothing too serious. Do you think your iron is a little low? You’ve seemed a little droopy lately.”
Now’s the time. Right now. She needed to tell her mother right now and not make up some lie - or agree to something she knew was a lie. She needed to just spit it out.
Elaina swallowed hard, “maybe. I’m feeling better now. I can work on my work tomorrow.”
“Good,” Adalyn smiled softly, “I’m relieved that you’re feeling better. I was worried about you, Lovey.” She glanced up to her husband, some of her relief fading when she saw his still concerned expression fall on his daughter, her suspicions rising.
“Are you truly feeling better?” Adalyn asked one more time, her expression growing pointed, “or are you lying to me, Elaina?”
Elaina’s eyes closed, her head bowing slightly as her hands fell down to her lap, “I’m feeling better. I-I know what’s going on.”
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comic-watch · 6 years
Bruce Wayne and Terry McGinnis disagree over Matt McGinnis’ future as Robin – Matt wants to prove himself, but Terry firmly believes he isn’t ready. Meanwhile, Commissioner Barbara Gordon finds herself in the center of a hostage crisis when one of the Jokerz goes from being a run-of-the-mill trouble-maker to someone far deadlier!
Batman Beyond #20 – Target: Batman Part One Writer: Dan Jurgens Penciller: Marco Castiello Inker: Mark Morales Letterer: Travis Lanham Colorist: Wil Quintana Cover: Viktor Kalvachev Variant Cover: Shane Davis & Wil Quintana Group Editor: Marie Javins Editor: Rob Levin
What You Need to Know:  Matt McGinnis, Terry’s little brother, put on a Robin suit to save Terry from a new Payback, who blamed Terry for the death of his son, the first Payback. Dana Tan didn’t approve of Bruce’s using Matt in this way and wants Terry to quit being Batman. Melanie Walker, formerly Ten of the Royal Flush Gang, has returned to Terry’s life and is trying to prove that she’s turned over a new leaf by trying to aid Batman in his battles. Unbeknownst to her, Batman and Terry are the same person.
What You’ll Find Out: Jack Ryder is still giving the news in Neo-Gotham, with a co-host named Adalyn Stern. They start by talking about the arrest of Tommy Falcone, but the story is quickly derailed by some important breaking news. There’s an active shooter in progress at the GCPD headquarters.
Commissioner Barbara Gordon is on the scene, trying to get Scab to drop his weapon, otherwise, she’ll be forced to shoot him. Scab, one of the Jokerz who dresses as though he’s a distaff counterpart to Harley Quinn, has a hostage and is talking about how Batman is everywhere. Barbara wonders what he has to do with this – Batman isn’t even there.
At Stately Wayne Manor, Terry and Bruce discuss the fact that Terry thinks its a mistake to let Matt become Robin. Sure, Terry became Batman at a young age, but he was older than Matt at the time. Bruce points out that Terry took the suit w/out permission and went out on his own when he wasn’t prepared, but that Matt has Terry to help him, which is beneficial to him. Out behind the Manor, Matt is wearing part of a new Robin suit, using the wings to fly. Bruce tells him that Matt will be in the game, with or without Terry’s permission. It wasn’t Bruce’s call to make, but now Terry has to coach him.
Bruce sees a lot of potential in Matt. With their parents dead, Terry is Matt’s legal guardian, and he really wanted this cleared with him, but Bruce explains that Payback forced his hand.
Melanie visits, and she’s still unaware that Terry and Batman are the same person. Melanie wants to start over with their friendship, and she’s been working hard to show him that she’s changed. Yes, she did a little B&E recently when she swiped that photo of Terry, and old habits die hard, but she’s working on it.
Melanie asks why Terry lives there with Bruce when he’s not related to Bruce, and Terry explains that it goes back to his job in high school as Bruce’s assistant. He then tells her that he knows that’s not why she’s there and asks why. She tells him she wants to know why he never came after her after she left the Royal Flush Gang – after all, they’d had a nice thing going there, between them. Terry tells her it’s because of stuff, life, fear. Melanie tells him that she saw that he helped Batman and that she’s been trying to prove that she’s changed, by helping people.
While this is going on, Dana is on her way to the Manor. Terry hasn’t returned any of her calls, and they need to talk. She doesn’t like this whole Batman business, but she loves him, and she’s sure that he loves her, so hopefully, she can convince him to stop being Batman. Except, of course, she walks in on Terry and Melanie kissing in the woods and silently walks away, tears in her eyes.
Matt actually interrupts their time together, though, because Bruce needs Terry right away. He tells Mel they’ll talk later when he’s done with whatever Bruce needs. In the Batcave, he finds out that Scab is back, and that he’s unhinged, which isn’t like his usual self, since he’s a trouble-maker, but not a murderer. He’s taken out cops, civilians, and other Jokerz.
Terry starts to suit up, but Matt arrives with the prototype Robin suit, ready to charge into action with him. Terry tells him that he’s not ready, but both Bruce and Matt oppose him, Bruce warning him that if Terry continues to deny Matt the chance to be Robin, then he’ll strike out on his own, implying that things won’t end well if he does that. Terry has to be the big brother and teach his brother how to be a superhero.
Matt is a bright, exuberant Robin, and Terry tells him to stay behind him and follow orders, a directive that Bruce echoes.
Inside the GCPD precinct, Scab is losing it, believing that his hostage works for the Bat. Barbara tries to convince him that he’s hallucinating, but Scab is having none of it. Batman and Robin arrive on the scene then, with Batman going after Scab while Robin goes to make sure that Commissioner Gordon is okay. She’s surprised at Robin’s appearance there. Robin offers to get Barbara to safety, but Barbara tells him that she can take care of herself.
Seeing Batman there exacerbates Scab’s condition, and he reaches into a bag and pulls out a gun, firing everywhere. Batman is able to deflect the bullets and take Scab down. Angry at Robin for not being able to get everyone to safety, he tells him that he’s done as Robin.
Adalyn Stern returns home, glad that Batman took care of Scab, even though she hasn’t been a Batman fan since she was a kid. Unfortunately for her, waiting for her in her apartment is a fearsome visage of Batman, promising her a one-way trip to hell.
What Just Happened?: With the exception of Dick Grayson first becoming Robin in 1940, no one has ever had an easy time of slipping on that particular cape or mask, and the same holds true for Matt McGinnis, who fans have always surmised would eventually don the mantle of Robin. Matt proves to be just as exuberant as his fore-Robins – bright, eager to help, joyous. Jurgens is clearly setting up a struggle between Matt and Terry, and hopefully, his foreshadowing about Matt striking out on his own doesn’t lead to dire consequences.
The Melanie-Terry-Dana triangle is one that was never quite explored in the animated series, given Melanie’s few appearances, and while her appearance here works to further divide Terry and Dana, one hopes that Melanie will be put to more use than that. She’s a fascinating, conflicted, complex character when written correctly, and she should be given that chance to come into her own and complete her redemption arc. Her reward shouldn’t be Terry or Batman, but she also shouldn’t just be the girl from the wrong side of the tracks who derails a relationship. Though, to be fair, Dana has been cast in a thankless role of late, and so it’s difficult not to root for Terry and Melanie, who are better matched in many ways.
While it’s not clear who the Bat-monster targeting the people of Gotham City might be, there are a couple of options for whom it would make sense. The first villain to come to mind is the Scarecrow or someone who has found the Scarecrow’s fear gas to manipulate people and cause them to hallucinate an evil Batman. There’s also Spellbinder, who of late has been one of Terry’s villains. With hypnosis and mind control abilities, it wouldn’t be far-fetched to think that he’s behind this mess.
Dan Jurgens has set up some classic plots here – people disapproving of Bruce Wayne bringing children into his crusade, the fear that Terry has about his brother becoming Robin, the triangle between Terry, Melanie, and Dana. They’re not groundbreaking stories by any means – which ones are these days? – but they are solid, and it’ll be interesting to see where this takes the characters as they move forward. One hopes that Matt becomes a solid, capable Robin, and it would be great to see Melanie given some development and forward momentum that allows her to stand side-by-side with Batman as the hero she so clearly wants to be. Terry’s condemnation of Matt as Robin at the end of the issue feels as though it comes a little too suddenly, but at the same time, it’s clear that Terry wants Matt off the field as soon as possible, and this was likely his idea of the best, quickest way to do it – and that’s sure to backfire spectacularly.
Marco Castiello’s art is solid, classic comic book art, easy to follow, and appropriately emotive. His take on Barbara Gordon seems a little younger than other versions of the Batman Beyond incarnation of the character, but it works. His take on Matt as Robin is excellent – Matt’s enthusiasm really leaps off the page. If there’s one complaint, it’s only a minor one in that Melanie Walker’s always had something of a specific hairstyle, and that seems swapped out here for a far more basic style, which detracts from the personality that her hair used to give her, as well as the visual cue that told the reader that the character on panel is Melanie. Granted, she’s also trying to change as a person, and what is a hairstyle change but not expository for a direction that a character wants to go in?
Rating: 7/10 Final Thoughts: This incarnation of the Batman Beyond book is heading into a better place than it was when it started out – there are long-term plot threads being added, and the conflict between the characters are well-written. If you’re looking for a classic superhero adventure story that doesn’t wrap itself up in meta-textual narrative or isn’t some complicated event but is still a fun, fulfilling read, this book is definitely recommended.
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Bruce and Terry disagree over Matt McGinnis' future as Robin. Meanwhile, one of the Jokerz goes from being a run-of-the-mill trouble-maker to someone far deadlier!  Bruce Wayne and Terry McGinnis disagree over Matt McGinnis' future as Robin – Matt wants to prove himself, but Terry firmly believes he isn't ready.
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Chapter 16 Part 1
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A/N: Here is the next chapter! It is a big one! I have split it into two parts and will be posting the second part tomorrow, monday at the latest to not keep you guys waiting too long! I apologize for the wait, but it has finally turned out the way I wanted it! Happy Reading!
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Harry’s feet kicked away the sand, separating it apart as his boots stepped into the ground. The heat of the dessert barred down on him as the beads of sweat trickled down his face. Releasing a hot breath he tried to cool himself down. The sand, the insurmountable heat made him vow to never miss this place.
Glancing up ahead he saw Kane looking back over his shoulder his rifle in his hand at the ready. Their unit had been on high alert after the previous days attack on a school by a suicide bomber.
The streets that once were swarmed with life stood barren. The women with their traditional Afghani clothes that sold goods in the market were gone. The children whose laughs filled the streets as they ran through the crowds were gone. The storeowners boarded up their livelihoods in search of a safer home for their families.  Even the birds were silenced; the only serenade was the rumbling of the artillery tanks that moved amongst the deserted village.
This was what war did. It took people’s homes, their loved ones, their livelihoods from them, snatching it away from them in the second it took for a bomb to explode, a stray bullet finding it’s unintended destination or the screams of loved ones holding lifeless bodies. This was the cost of war, all to which Harry had seen.
 24 hours ago…
Hearing the laughter of kids playing in the school yard brought a sense of hope within Harry. After this war they would be able to lead a better a life, a life not engrossed with fear or loss. They would be able to live free.
“God they make me miss my own kids…” Kane admitted as he walked beside the prince resting his gun snug against his body. Their unit was out patrolling walking around the outskirts of the town their base presided by.
The sounds of their laughter suddenly stopped as the crackling of a blast filled the air knocking Harry’s feet from under him. 
Harry’s body flew backwards hitting the sand hard with a thud. An extraordinary force sent him flying in the opposite direction. His head slamming against the ground rendering him unconscious for a brief moment.
Feeling a hand on him Harry’s eye flew open gripping his gun tightly ready for a fight. His blurred vision formed a soldier kneeling by him. Trying to refocus his eyes Harry squinted to see his bunkmate Kane mouthing words to him.
Ringing in his ears from the blast had made him deaf, unable to understand the words coming out of Kane’s mouth. Kane looked away from him pointing and yelling in silence to another person.
Attempting to sit up Harry felt his sore body protest pleading him to lie back onto the sand. The ringing in his ears dissipated replacing it with blood curdling screams from women running ahead of him to a pile of rubble. Kane’s commanding voice overpowered them.
“Harry! You alright mate?” Kane roved over his body searching for any injuries he may have endured.
Harry’s hand went to his forehead patting a spot just above his left eyebrow. Looking at his fingers spotted with blood Harry slowly nodded as a sharp pain in his head came in a wave.
Glancing up he could see a fiery mushroom cloud of smoke and fire engulfing the blue sky, leaving a series of smokey rings floating higher and higher. The fireball cracked loudly blinding a flash of lighting as another explosion rattled the earth beneath Harry. A deadly rainfall of smoke and red dust trickled down amongst them.
Harry saw the once sturdy school engulfed in burning flames, the structure crumbled to the ground. Realization finally hit him harder than the explosion itself. There were children in that rubble, specifically Tariq, a small boy he had be-friended in his time there.
His sore body begged him not to move but his will overpowered its protests as he stood to his feet. Clutching his gun in one hand Harry sprinted towards the rubble with Kane right beside him.
He ran amongst the maze of lifeless bodies that were too close to the impact zone. Mothers holding their children praying to the skies above in wails of endless cries and screams begging to understand why their child had left them in such a horror filled way. The smell of burnt flesh mixed with the heat of the sun caused a wave of nausea to course through the prince.
That’s when Harry saw the soccer ball. The ball he had given Tariq. The ball he had kicked around laughing and playing with the young Afghanistan kids that called this town their home. 
“Tariq!!” Harry hollered turning around searching for him hoping to god that he was not amongst the rubble as death would already have welcomed him.
“Harry! No!” Kane yelled after him grabbing his uniform from the back forcing the prince to turn around.
“We need to go, there isn’t anything we can do. If that was the Taliban, they know we are here and we are sitting ducks. We need to get our wounded out now!” Kane ordered Harry with a stern tone.
Nodding reluctantly Harry understood. Taking a step to follow in behind Kane he heard a small voice call out his name.
Turning to look over his shoulder he saw Tariq on the ground covered in his own blood, his body sporadically charred from the blast.
Harry ran to his side slinging his rifle behind him. He picked Tariq up his arms as the young child screamed out in agony. “It’s ok Tariq. You are going to be ok.” Harry kept speaking on repeat as if he was trying to convince himself of the same thing.
The patrol unit had returned to their base with their wounded. All the soldiers thankful had made it back with only one sustaining life threatening injuries. Harry had handed Tariq off to a doctor promising the prince he would do everything he could for Tariq.
Sitting patiently outside the make shift hospital Harry stood unable to be still as he waited for the news on Tariq’s condition, not being allowed in his treatment room. Kane approached the prince telling him he needed to get checked out and see if his cut needed stitches. As Kane expected Harry refused until he heard about Tariq.
“We need to get those bastards that did this to them Kane…” Harry’s voice laced with anger at the mere thought of what the Taliban had done. Targeting children with a suicide bomber, an act of cowardice, an act unthinkable.
The doctor rushed out to find the prince displaying an urgent look. “Lieutenant Wales. Tariq is not going to make it. He has little time left…” Harry followed the doctor back inside finding the little boy lying on the stretcher struggling to keep the life within him. 
“Hey buddy.” Harry chocked back the tears; not wanting Tariq to feel scared or worried. 
“It’s all going to be ok.” Harry picked Tariq up in his arms, the little boy wincing at first but feeling a sense of comfort from the soldier that held him. Not wanting the little boy to pass away alone Harry held him despite all the internal screams in his mind telling him not to; that this moment would be etched in his mind forever.
“Pretty soon you will be able to play all the football you want…” Not knowing what to say Harry held the little boy close. Tariq locked eyes with the prince, his eyes smiling at the thought. Taking his last breath his eyes closed, no longer feeling the pain this earth had caused him.
End Flashback* 
Harry laid his head down on the flat pillow. Closing his eyes all he could see was Tariq’s body in his. His heart pounded in his chest in an uncontrollable beat. Trying to concentrate on breathing Harry pushed the thought from his mind replacing it with memories of home, particularly Adalyn.
Turning his head Harry rolled over onto his side. Reaching out he pulled her picture off of the wall beside him. Her wide smile beaming at him while her green eyes shown bright instantly making his heart calm. 
The door creaked open breaking through Harry’s thoughts. Kane sauntered in, his head hanging low to the ground unable to make eye contact with the prince. Harry had bore witness to that look before hand, a look his father was graced with when bad news was about to flood out of his mouth.
His tense body sat up placing his feet on the hard ground. Kane paced back and forth slowly, contemplation growing steadily on his external features. Harry shook his head releasing a deep breath before telling Kane to sit his arse down.
“Harry…” Kane started, his eyes finally lifting to lock with the prince’s.
 “You are going home.”
 Those words cut deep within Harry. His brow furrowed trying to understand why.
Harry remained silent, deep in thought as Kane continued.
“The British press got wind of the Australian’s leaking the information that you are in Afghanistan. They gave your father a heads up knowing your safety would be at risk, the safety of others, as they somehow know your exact location Harry. I thought it would be best that it came from me instead of the commander.”
Harry didn’t know how to respond. He knew that once his location was leaked, that not only his life, but also the people he served with became too much of a risk, one that the military could not afford.
Running his fingers through his ginger hair Harry let out an exasperated breath knowing what Kane had said was the truth. There was no way out of this one. Trying not to let his fiery anger get the better of him he tried his best to understand.
Kane waited for Harry’s response tapping his foot impatiently on the ground, the only sound in the space between them. He knew this information would crush Harry after all the work he had done here he was to be sent home due to the fact that he was a prince, a piece of his life that would cling to him forever no matter what situation he found himself in.
It did not help that the news came at the wake of the suicide bombing at the school. Harry had vowed that he would get the guys who had done the unspeakable horror to those innocent children and families and now that was taken from him too. 
“Is there anything I can do Kane? I can’t leave without –“
“No Harry.” Kane interrupted sternly not being able to hear his friend’s pleas. He had fought for Harry to stay begging the commander of a way to keep him her for the remainder of the 25 days left of his tour. The risk was just too high to even consider an alternative option.
“I promise that in the end we will get them. But, you have done your part here and it is time to go home. I need you to be proud of what you have done here and the way you have served your country Harry. You proved everyone wrong and it has been a privilege to get to know you as a friend. You were way different than I thought you would be so thank you for proving me wrong mate.” 
Kane spoke words of truth. He had fought hard to come here and he made it here. Of course he was disappointed that once again the media had influenced his life in a major way, but he was proud that he served his country to which many did not think was possible for him and had also made life long friends along the way.
There was no use in fighting it; the powers that be had made a final decision that sent Harry packing his bags. He left that night on a plane, going home with a group of soldiers he hardly knew.
Harry could hear screams and moans of pain coming from the blocked off medical area of the plane where wounded soldiers were on their way home to get the proper treatment they needed. He knew that his outcome could have been different, that in a flash he could have traded places with that screaming man. Thankful that his body was intact and he had sustained no serious injuries made him grateful.
Sighing the only good thing about leaving this place was he would soon be able to see his family and Addy.
August 14th
 “Addy! Get up!”
Ainsley jumped on Addy’s bed waking her up from a deep slumber. Covering her head with the pillow she blocked the sunlight. Ainsley pulled the blanket off of Adalyn forcing the cool air to wake up her roommate.
“NOOO!” Addy squirmed herself into a fetal position. Ainsley beat her body softly with fluffy pillows until she sat up in surrender. 
“Happy birthday roomie!!” Ainsley yelled loud enough to wake up their whole floor. Addy released a low groan from deep within. Today was her 26th birthday. She never wanted to make her birthday big deal, the more low key the better they were. An evening with her close friends meant more to her than an elaborate party. Rolling her eyes she knew that Ainsley would not agree to a simple quiet day.
“Alright. Get up. We have a full day planned ahead of us.”
Ainsley had planned ever moment of her birthday much to the dismay of Addy, but she knew it came from a good place so she reluctantly she agreed after laying down some ground rules with her roommate. So far they had gotten fresh cinnamon buns at a local farmers market, went shopping for an outfit for the evening festivities and had a surprise barbeque at her fathers home with her family.
After dinner with her family the two dressed up and headed for Mahiki, a nightclub frequented by Lindsie who had used her influence to get a spot in the VIP section.
“Hey birthday girl!” Lindsie hollered over the loud music pulling Adalyn into a friendly hug. It had been weeks since she had seen Lindsie. Lindsie had apparently traveled to France with her job at Vogue and had recently returned to the country.
Adalyn released Lindsie from her hug feeling intoxicated from the smell of alcohol evaporating off of Lindsie. “Seems like you already got the party started!” Addy raised her eyebrow suggestively while her friend grabbed her a shot of tequila.
“Of course! You are behind. Drink up!” Lindsie slammed back the shot while Addy hesitated for a moment. Adalyn had never been a big drinker; she did enjoy casual drinks with friends but rarely let herself get to the point where she could no control her inhibitions. Taking the shot she felt the strong burning of tequila running down her throat.
A hand grabbed her from behind turning her around to see a flash of blonde hair pulling her towards the dance floor. Eva looked back over her shoulder hollering over the deafening music.
“Happy Birthday Addy! We are going dancing!” Bodies surrounded them, each one succumbing to the beat of the music like a trance. Turning her head from side to side she let the music guide her taking away all of her worries that plagued her. 
Addy’s feet slowed down, her swaying body became still as she glanced around at the nameless faces searching for someone. Hoping that there would be a slight chance that Harry would be breaking through the crowd finally within her grasp and be home safe and sound. As amazing her birthday already had been, that would be icing on the cake. Knowing that idea was simply impossible, she turned back to the music dancing the night away.
 “I have one more surprise for you!” Ainsley drawled out still feeling her effects of the alcohol that had not quite left her system. The pair were striding down the hall of their building in bare feat slowly reaching their flat. Why did Adalyn always have to be the sober one?
“Noo! No more surprises. I think I have had more than my fair share for the day.” Addy let out a small giggle her mind replaying the day over. Smiling she laced her arm around her friend causing them to stumble a little and crash not so gracefully into the wall.
“Thank you for today Ainsley. I needed a day like this.” Confessing Addy beamed at her friend as they finally had made it to their destination.
Addy sorted through her purse trying to find her flat’s key, fumbling with them as she unlocked the door. Turning the handle of the door she pushed the door open before being pushed out of the way by Ainsley.
 “Stop!” Ainsley giggled uncontrollably. “Cover your eyes!”
 Rolling her eyes Adalyn complied with her one last demand. “This better be worth it.” She blindly walked into her flat with one hand covering her eyes as requested.
Hearing the flick of a light switch she desperately wanted to peak but knew that Ainsley would kill her for doing that and ruining the so called surprise.
“How many more surprises do you have for me cause this is just getting ridiculous.” Her feet stopped in place hearing Ainsley reply from far away her head turning to the direction of her voice. A deafening silence began to form making her feel a bit uncomfortable hoping someone wasn’t going to pop up behind her and scare her.
“Ok. You ready for your surprise?”
 “I have been ready ever since we walked through that door Ainsley! Now quit fucking around already. It is soo agonizing that you just won’t tell me what it is and having to make me – ”
 “Happy Birthday Addy.”
 Her rant was interrupted by a deep male’s voice, one she had come to miss. Her eyes immediately flashed open not believing what she had just heard.
To be continued....
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