#or a kiss. it's normal that some ppl havent had sex or a relationship but they had their 1st kiss in 4th grade šŸ’€
bunnihearted Ā· 1 month
#ppl judge me constantly but no one understands that#im a person who is at most a third wheel. im in the way#im never the first choice. never even the 2nd option lol.#i have NEVER dated or even been asked out on a date. no one has flirted with me#im 25 yrs old and a lover girl at heart but i have never even experienced a date#or a kiss. it's normal that some ppl havent had sex or a relationship but they had their 1st kiss in 4th grade šŸ’€#ppl dont understand what that feels like it seems like.... most ppl i talk to or tells me things abt this#or that i should 'love myself or' whatever#have all dated or are dating or have had sex or been in a relationship or been flirted with#sorry but u cannot possibly understand what it's like to be 25 and not having experienced any of that#for me it's more like... i was completely ignored while a group of boys flirted with my friends#and at the only party i was at a guy joked to his friend that he should kiss me and an entire group of guys laughed at me šŸ§šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø#i was like... i havent even asked im just standing here bc my friend wanted to go šŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒ#or the boys in my class said i was repulsive and wanted to throw up looking at me... šŸ˜”šŸŒ§šŸ’”#and sorry but like someone having seen three pics of me where i've put effort into the angle and some light flattering editing ..#cant know what i look like irl... being ugly and grotesque and hideous is smth that has been such a big thing in my entire life#maybe it's also why when i had this crush it got so much bigger and more intense bc i talked to him withou any ANY ANY at all#thoughts that he could ever ever be even slightly or remotely interested in me. and then he was.... biggest shock of my life#how could someone i liked so much ..... show interest in... *me*?#but the fear of even the smallest chance that he'd be seeing me irl and ..#finding me repulsive and ugly and grotesquely hideous .. the fear of that got so big#bc if that'd happen.. i think i'd actually curl up into a ball and die#i would never recover from that. it's bad enough when that guy i didnt even like said yeah you're ugly haha after i sent him a pic šŸ§šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø
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ninatastic Ā· 5 years
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@kay-licious how dare u (thanks <3) @silent-calling youre doing amazing sweetie
1. Are looks important in a relationship?
I wouldnt call it a key factor but itā€™s important to feel attraction towards your partner
2. Are relationships ever worth it?
sure! If itā€™s a healthy one definitely :D
3. Are you a virgin?
4. Are you in a relationship?
5. Are you in love?
Iā€™d say so!
6. Are you single this year?
7. Can you commit to one person?
8. Describe your crush
it me bf
9. Describe your perfect mate
same as above c:Ā 
10. Do you believe in love at first sight?
no, only when it comes to animals c;
11. Do you ever want to get married?
thats a dream of mine tbh
12. Do you forgive betrayal?
I guess every healthy person would say no but yes, Iā€™d absolutely do (only the first time tho, after the second time you gotta ask yourself if itā€™s really worth it)
13. Do you get jealous easily?
in regard to my bf: I used to but itā€™s a hell of a lot less nowadays. In regard to people in general, sometimes, especially when im not doing well mentally
14. Do you have a crush on anyone?
me bf
15. Do you have any piercings?
just have my ears pierced!
16. Do you have any tattoos?
no but maybe soon
17. Do you like kissing in public?
only if its sweet forehead or cheek kisses, or quick kisses on the mouth or hand kisses
20. Do you shower every day?
yes though I gotta admit I really have to force myself. Not because I like being stinky but because everything is kinda difficult sometimes
21. Do you think someone has feelings for you?
bruh I sure hope my bf does;;
22. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
23. Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months and not cheat?
Iā€™ve been in a relationship for 5 and a half years now, I think so
24. Do you think youā€™ll be married in 5 years?
it is possible but who tf knows
25. Do you want to be in a relationship this year?
idk, to be frank: I think my life would be a bit easier if I wasnt in a relationship, or if I hadnt been in a relationship for the past 1-2 years. And I often feel like im more of a burden to my bf than anything else. But thats a different story
26. Has anyone told you they donā€™t want to ever lose you?
as in losing touch with me? I guess so
27. Has someone ever written a song or poem for you?
a song yes and it was awkward as hell ajhajdfha and people have done drawings for me which is <3<3<3<3<3<<3<3<33
28. Have you ever been cheated on?
29. Have you ever cheated on someone?
very very unfortunately yes, and just like a bunch of you guys I was this close to killing myself. I was in a very bad place which I know is not an excuse for this. I still think about it even if itā€™s been a time since then but I think I cqan never forgive myself because of that
30. Have you ever considered plastic surgery? If so, what would you change about your body?
often but im too much of a scared cat dsfskjfĀ  idk though, I would love to be much more petite size wise
31. Have you ever cried over a guy/girl?
oh often
32. Have you ever experienced unrequited love?
yeah;; Iā€™m not exactly pretty or popular, so puberty was hard
33. Have you ever had sex with a man?
hell yeah
34. Have you ever had sex with a woman?
:( no
35. Have you ever kissed someone older than you?
36. Have you ever liked one of your best friends?
Yeah and itā€™s difficult to be normal then aaaaaahhhhhhh
37. Have you ever liked someone who your friends hated?
some of my friends have a strong disliking towards my current bf but i dont know if you can call it hate
38. Have you ever liked someone you didnā€™t expect to?
yeah and it ruined me for a while
39. Have you ever wanted someone you couldnā€™t have?
uuuuhh not really I think
40. Have you ever written a song or poem for someone?
whenever I write bday cards I always put a poem in it :D
41. Have you had sex so far this year?
42. How long can you just kiss until your hands start to wander?
depends on how thirsty I am
43. How long was your longest relationship?
5 and a half years and counting
44. How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had?
45. How many people did you kiss in 2011?
uuhh I was 14, no oneĀ 
46. How many times did you have sex last year?
47. How old are you?
22 my dudes
48. If the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say?
I#d try to play it cool because internally Iā€™m panicking, someone help me
49. If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, what is your favorite thing about him/her?
I love about my bf how you can ALWAYS count on him when shit gets down, even if he hasnt talked to a friend for a good while and theyā€™re likeĀ ā€œhey I need youā€, heā€™ll be there in a sec Also that he is still able to surprise me
50. If your first true love knocked on your door with apology and presents, would you accept?
jsdfhsjdfks GO AWAY, Iā€™d say while closing the door and shutting the blinds quicker than lightning
51. Is there a boy/girl who you would do absolutely everything for?
yeah, but thatā€™s probably because I have bpd and depressions
52. Is there anyone youā€™ve given up on? Why?
yeah, I tried to help them on all occassions, so much that I ruined my own life partially and made myself sick. But whatever I did or said, they apparently want to suffer, so i gave up trying.Ā 
53. Is there someone mad because youā€™re dating/talking to the person you are?
yeah my abuser probably
54. Is there someone you will never forget?
unfortunately yes and fortunately yes
55. Share a relationship story.
uuuuuuhhhhh; I dont really know what to write here. Guess Iā€™ll never forget when my bf held a kitten (which was only a week old) in his hands and he almost cried because he loved the baby so much. Haha, he was afraid of crushing it though because it was much smaller than the palms of his hands
56. State 8 facts about your body
I gained a lot of weight since last year which is why I avoid posting or taking pics, but according to everyone else you dont see it that much (?); my hair is getting its natural curliness back; I fucked up my knee so Iā€™ll have knee surgery next year; I bruise easily; I have a shit ton of scars; I love my super green eyes; I have thicc thighs and if Iā€™m very emotional I get red spots all over my body
57. Things you want to say to an ex
to my first ever bf: fuck u lmao to the second bf I had: Iā€™m so sorry for everything and I hope that you found your place :)
58. What are five ways to win your heart?
uuuhhh be sweet and understanding, be funny, be somewhat smart, dont be a mean asshole and be nice to other people (especially kids) and animals and also be able to be fascinated by small thingsĀ 
59. What do you look like? (Post a picture!)
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60. What is the biggest age difference between you and any of your partners?
my current bf is 8 years older than me
61. What is the first thing you notice in someone?
how open and nice they are? Idk I always choose my ppl to hang out with according to this
62. What is the sexiest thing someone could ever do for/to you?
even though Iā€™m a switch I have a big preference for being the sub, so if someone can dominate me and yknow do stull like carry me princess style or something im all like !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
63. What is your definition of ā€œhaving sexā€?
everything that comes after kissing imo
64. What is your definition of cheating?
I think as soon as you try to pursue someone emotionally that already counts as cheating
65. What is your favourite foreplay routine?
kissing, grinding, I love when someone talks dirty to me
66. What is your favourite roleplay?
if it aint too much of a tmi iā€™d love to admit that we have a collar and a leash so (not thinking about pet play uughfjhjsdfkhsd, just yknow someone is able to drag me to them like this or being held in place while being taken from behind is p nice)
67. What is your idea of the perfect date?
something something being outside in the nature and also good foodĀ 
68. What is your sexual orientation?
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69. What turns you off?
super super wet kisses where also my nose somehow gets stuck in someone elses mouth Like dude r u a vacuum cleaner sdfhsdkjhfks
70. What turns you on?
being manhandled
71. What was your kinkiest wet dream?
idk I dont really have a lot of wet dreams and usually theyre not very kinky but rather sweet and slowĀ 
72. What words do you like to hear during sex?
I like dirty talk, so imma leave that openĀ 
73. Whatā€™s something sweet youā€™d like someone to do for you?
i love to get flowers, or lil stuff that reminds us of our friendship or something, self made/home made stuff is always !!!!!!!!!!!!
74. Whatā€™s the most superficial characteristic you look for?
probably hands? I love it when girls have super slender hands and when boys have rough and big hands
75. Whatā€™s the sweetest thing anyoneā€™s ever done for you?
I already answered that c:
76. Whatā€™s the sweetest thing youā€™ve ever done for someone?
I have a few stories Iā€™m proud of! But I really love this one: When I was little I grew up in a village in which like 300-400 people lived (maximum) and next to us lived this sweet older couple who always gave us sweets and vegetable for our parents, or they brought us stuff from when they went on vacation. The man is now constantly sick, he suffers from parkinson and you see the early statges of dementia setting in. A while ago he wanted to go and get the German version of fish and chips with his wife but due to him needing a ton of surgeriesw constantly he wasnt able to go out with his wife. When my mom told me this I was like wtf u cant just tell me this, Iā€™m too soft. So I went and got fish and chips from the best market around us for him and flowers for his wife, despite the fact that I havent seen them in YEARS. When I arrived at their front door both of them hugged me and cried a bit
77. Whatā€™s your opinion on age differences in relationships?
not badĀ if everything is consensual and if thereā€™s a power balance thats equalĀ 
78. Whatā€™s your dirtiest secret?
I think the leash thing is one of the kinkiest things weā€™ve ever done tbh
79. When was the last time you felt jealous? Why?
yesterday a bit when my bf went out wth friends and had a few beers while I was stuck at home with the thought that I can never have a beer again dkadfjahdf as stupid as that sounds but I always enjoyed these chill evenings with a beer and friends
80. When was the last time you told someone you loved them?
this morning when I cuddled my cats :D
81. Who are five people you find attractive?
my bf and many videogame and anime characters, also my best female friend is hella attractive, also some of my friends are to die for
82. Who is the last person you hugged?
my bf!!
83. Who was your first kiss with?
my first bf sdfjsdfs
84. Why did your last relationship fail?
it didnt really work out, it seemed as he was more interested in sayingĀ ā€œhey im in a relationship!ā€ than in me, hah;;
85. Would you ever date someone off of the Internet?
yeah, sure
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mattelektras Ā· 6 years
Are u not a fan of Karen??? I'm not either just a recent follower so I wanna know what's Up, know if I'm with the RIGHT CROWD here...
this is mattelektras dot tumblr dot com 101!!!! i have a karen slander tag (more for ppl who like her n dont wanna see me bitch about her all the time but it doubles as a resource i guess) but thereā€™s this in regards to comics. which kind of comes into the show too tbh n like.... watching people stan mattkaren because Comics! when they clearly haven't read anything with them together.Ā 
but netflix has this thing with karen being an ANGEL and she can do no wrong and sheā€™s a pro at everything she turns her hand to. ben urrich is SO important to the daredevil franchise, and in the show they portrayed him as a black man and had him killed off before he even MET matt. like. thereā€™s an factor there thatā€™s HAS to be questioned but thatā€™s more the show as a whole. foggy is mattā€™s best friend, they've been through so much together, but in the show karen comes first for him??? when it came to who cares about matt this season, karen was who they cut to. when it comes to who believes in matt being alive??? its karen whilst foggy barely gives a shit.
and when it comes to karen vs mattā€™s other love interests GOD where do we start. both elektra and claire were portrayed as either not good for matt or not interested enough in him to stay together. meanwhile karen has always been this Will They Wont They, pure, havent even had sex and have barely kissed kind of relationship. they went on dates and had soft smiles and shit over a table. elektra came to fuck his shit up, they did questionably legal things. claire and matt took place solely in a dark apartment and no one knew about them. elektra died TWICE, claire got the shit beaten out of her for getting involved with matt, karen barely gets a scratch on her when she has a) no skills and b) no business being involved in all this shit anyway. and if u ppl dont think these something to be said there about how the white dudeā€™s non white love interests are treated in comparison to her then........ what are they watching
karen will also.... never be at peace w matt whilst heā€™s daredevil. and if anyone has to know anything about matt its that he LOVES being daredevil. its a huge part of him. he moved city so he could carry on being daredevil after people found out his secret identity. and he supposedly loves hellā€™s kitchen more than anything so. that says a lot. so the bottom line is that karen doesnt like this thing that's never gonna change about him, and that goes for both comics and the show, when itā€™s not being super inconsistent. i know people wanna complain about how matt/elektra is Problematic and I'm not gonna touch on that because i think itā€™s pretty obvious where i stand on that matter. but what tf is healthy about a relationship where one person is constantly gonna be allĀ ā€˜you need to changeā€™Ā ā€˜i can't live like thisā€™Ā ā€˜when can we be normalā€™. that shit is STIFLING in a relationship. it blatantly doesnt work, but the writers are forcing it to because everything has to revolve around karen to some extent. for example.Ā ā€˜nelson murdock and pageā€™... thereā€™s no and. there hasn't been an and for like 70 years of comicsĀ 
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hobisolostan Ā· 6 years
85 question tag thingĀ šŸ¹
tagged by: @sleepbugs (ilu !!!Ā šŸ˜™)
rules: answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 (lmao funnyyyy) people
tagging: uhmmmmmmmmmmm @libraopĀ @justinsgfĀ @lilchimsĀ @namugf @brightjoon @moon9oddessĀ @joonsgoth
1. drink: h2oĀ 
2. phone call: my mom
3. text message: my yearbook group chat .. its just spams from my friend cause sheā€™s touring Europe ALONE , lucky bitch
4. song you listened to: always you - astro (stan talent !!!)Ā 
5. time you cried: two days ago ish
6. dated someone twice: no
7. kissed someone and regretted it: what is this kiss?
8. been cheated on: no
9. lost someone special: yea
10. been depressed: is this a question?
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: no
12.Ā favorite colours: blues/neutralsĀ 
in the last year have you:
15. made new friends: yup!!
16. fallen out of love: no
17. laughed until you cried: yea ig ?? not like crying with tears streaming down my face but definitely a few tears slipped outĀ 
18. found out someone was talking about you: o yea
19. met someone who changed you: yup
20. found out who your friends are: lets not go there :)
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list: nope
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl:Ā all of them ??? stranger danger kids dont friend people u dont know irl
23. do you have any pets: skjfl i wish :((Ā 
24. do you want to change your name: no actually, as much as i hate when it gets mispronounced and not like even a tiny mispronunciation, it literally gets butchered :) , it has a lot of ties and significance to my culture which is important to me
25. what did you do for your last birthday: my friend whom i would die for (the one in Europe rn) invited me over to her place and her and two other friends planned surprised gifts and hot pot ! her mom literally paid for all the ingredients akfdskjl i love her sm :((Ā 
26. what time did you wake up today: 7 am, my body she just did it ? idk lol
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: watching a horror movie
29. what are you listening to right now: aint nobody takin my baby - russ
30. when was the last time you saw your mom: this morning
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom: no
32. something that gets on your nerves: narrow-mindedness, arrogance, ignorance, when ppl chew with their mouth open skfsjldfjs
33. most visited website: definitely between tumblr and youtubeĀ 
34. hair colour: black
35. long or short hair: short, itā€™s just below chin level rn sklfjsld
36. do you have a crush on someone: u ask me when hoseok is right ... there ?
37. what do you like about yourself:Ā uh my lips and dimples and the fact that Iā€™m pretty self-drivenĀ 
38. want any piercings: more like need ????? ive been wanting double helix piercings for the longesstttt time. might get some this year .. hopefully
39. blood type: i literally dont even know sklfjskd but its definitely a or b or ab since my parents are a combination of thoseĀ 
40. nicknames: utshee ? just my normal name but instead of the ending ah sound its anĀ ā€œeā€ as in the letter e lol and then ironically its usa, long back story id rather not get into lol. shira if ur reading this u know šŸ˜”
41. relationship status: married to hoseok obviously
42. zodiac: this is virgo solidarity !!!Ā 
43. pronouns: she/her
44. fave tv shows: dont really watch tv shows anymore tbh but the last good one i can remember was supernatural but its .. been awhile lmao
45. tattoos: nooooooo , i want a few small ones tho one day when im of age
46. right handed or left handed: normal regular rightyĀ 
47. ever had surgery: nope, i did fracture my arm once tho when i was like uh 2-3Ā 
48. piercings: 2! just regular earlobe piercings, one on each
49. sport: volleyball, lacrosse, and gymnastics i did for a while competitively. i also love ultimate frisbee and long distance running on my free time
50. vacation: i havent been out of country since i came here to the states ksdjsdf my family just isnā€™t one of those that take family trips, at least out of countryĀ šŸ˜”ig my last family vacation was 2016 winter break where we drove down to las vegas and arizona to see the grand canyon. it was so damn cold omg
51. trainers: um i have superstars and two pairs of nikes that i wear on the daily. i really want some new van slip ons tho ughĀ 
more general:
52. eating: i eat literally everything lmao, im one of the least picky eaters tbh but i prefer seafood over meat. i still like and eat meat but sometimes id just .. rather not lol
53. drinking: water !!!!!!!!!! ( i down a good 10 cups at least everyday) i also love boba so much omggg u dont understand but i really do try to limit myselfĀ šŸ˜”
54. iā€™m about to watch: perfect man jimin focus skdjfklsdf jimin stans raise up for ur national anthem !!!!!
55. waiting for: college apps to be over even tho they technically havent opened yet akfjds;lfs
56. want: to go into my career field with zero in debt so basically impossible but a girl can dream :(Ā 
57. get married: yea if it happens sure
58. career: medical !!! looking into anesthesiologist but im not set on anything, just wanna do Doctors Without Borders as my end career goalĀ šŸ˜”
which is better:
59. hugs or kisses: kisses plsĀ 
60. lips or eyes: eyes bc they just convey sooo much about a person but also pls ... if ur lips are as cracked as the sidewalk outside of my house weā€™re never smoochingĀ 
61. shorter or taller:Ā definitely taller, also wanna be the little spoon during cuddles so yea
62. older or younger: older for sure because i look at the underclassmen and shudder in disgust bc theyā€™re ur typical overgrown yet immature high school students. honestly dont know wtf happened to selecting genuine students to enroll into our school but skfjsdfjs im out of there in less than a year so whatever
63. nice arms or stomach: arms bc i like tummies but if u have abs i dont mind either
64. hookup or relationship: canā€™t really see myself doing hookups so relationship
65. troublemaker or hesitant: depends? i definitely want a playful relationship but they should know when their behavior is verging on immature so ig slightlyĀ  leaning on the more hesitant side
have you ever:
66. kissed a stranger: no
67. drank hard liquor: o yeaaa,Ā new years eve and home alone with my in-college cousin lmaoo
68. lost glasses: I LOST MY FIRST PAIR IN 5 MONTHS AND I STILL DONT KNOW WHERE THEY ARE ???? i had to buy another pair after begging my parents for a good 2 months bc the first pair were so mfcking expensive ksfjsld tbh the ones i wear right now are a lot cuter tho soĀ 
69. turned someone down: yes
70. sex on first date: no
71. broken someoneā€™s heart: maybe ? dont know to the extent the other person liked me so
72. had your heart broken: no
73. been arrested: no
74. cried when someone died: yea
75. fallen for a friend: yeaĀ 
do you believe in:
76. yourself: love urself right hahha :)) lmao im trying ig
77. miracles: hmm sureĀ 
78. love at first sight: idk depends, im neutral. definitely think theres more to it tho
79. santa claus: no, wish i was still at that age where i didĀ 
80. kiss on first date: hmm depends
81. angels: yea
82. best friendā€™s name: i have two: oneā€™s andreana and the other is sybil (the one who left me here to die while she went to europe yea, love that betrayer)
83. eye colour: dark brown
84. fave movie: was gonna say black panther but thats too much of a popular opinion so the ritual ?? its a horror movie which i love so much omg fljsd and it was surprisingly good ??? definitely have not said that about a horror movie in the longest time bc the newer ones are always so cringy and predictableĀ 
85. fave actor: mistre kim seokjin of courseĀ šŸ¤©šŸ¤©
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dirtmunch Ā· 4 years
-togod damn ok gimmie a second
1: Name saffron
3: 3 Fears ppl throwing up, running red lights
5: 4 turns on longish/long and/or curly hair, stubble, when ppl lift their arms up n their shirt lifts a little n u can see their stomach/undies waistband, rope
7: My best friend uhh prolly my roommate, old friend from hs n classmate rn tbh
9: My best first date in the fall i got coffee outside n then walked around a forest preserve w someone!! it was rlly nice n the coffee was good
11: What do I miss live music and walking around the city. also takign the train
13: Favorite color red + bright/neon green
15: Favorite quote i will face god and walk backwards into hell
17: Favorite food mmmm any pastries really but also braised pork the way my mom makes and seafood
19: What am I listening to right now wool in the wash by crying in a bangin new playlist i made
21: Shoe size 6 1/2
23: Hair color red + a little yellow green + brown rn
25: Ever done a prank call? when i was in middle school yeah
27: Meaning behind my URL eat dirt!
29: Favorite song too many to name but rn wool in the wash, tame by joyce manor, and DQ by charly bliss
30: Favorite band joyce manor!!!!!
31: How I feel right now kinda hungry. general emotional turmoil
33: My current relationship status single? dating? idk i dunno either
35: Favorite holiday lunar new year and halloween
37: Tattoos and piercing i want I kinda want a smiley piercing n def some cartilage. maybe an industrial. i have a lot of old illustrations i want tattooed
39: Do I and my last ex hate each other? lmao yes
41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted?Ā  nope
43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? under normal times i get up 2 hours before my class starts
45: Where am I right now? bedroom
47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? loud!!!1
49: Am I excited for anything? excited to not be in corona but also my birthday is coming up!
51: How often do I wear a fake smile? when i work i use it all the time otherwise i dont rlly ever
53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me? id prolly cry rlly hard tbh lmao i get too attatched
55: What is something I disliked about today? math 101. also someone not texting me back
57: What do I think about most? how much fucking work i need to do for school
59: Do I have any strange phobias? prolly throwing up but ive heard its kind of common, even when its this bad
61: What was the last lie I told? legit canā€™t remember. prolly somethign minor
63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? i love ghost and alien media but iā€™m a healthy skeptic
65: Do I believe in luck? mildly
67: What was the last book Iā€™ve read? a book about beekeeping
69: Do I have any nicknames? ratĀ 
71: Do I spend money or save it? im a mix of beign really bad at spending whatevers in ym checkings but really good at putting money in ym savings and never touchign it
73: Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me? lmao ofc
75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM? i think i had just got home from delivering something to a friend
77: Whatā€™s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? come on eileen, house warning party,Ā  heart of glass
79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone? here lies saffron best artist in the fuckign world and betetr than anyone else. ill haunt the first person to try and smash the stone
81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr mine, my aesthetic blog x 4
83: Do I have any relatives in jail? naw
85: What would be a question Iā€™d be afraid to tell the truth on? i dont fucking know i also am not gonan tell the internet this question
87: Had sex? yes lol
89: Gotten pregnant? nope
91: Kissed a boy? yea
93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? no it sounds kind of uncofortable too
95: Left the house without my wallet? yes but i usually remember cuz i keep it in the same pocket
97: Had sex in public? no šŸ˜³
99: Smoked weed? lmaoĀ 
101: Smoked cigarettes? one
103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan? used to be! hair started falling out tho
105: Been underweight? nop
107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? lmao
109: Been outside my home country? yes
111: Been to a professional sports game? i guess i went to a pro baseball game when i was REALLY little. got food poisoning after
115: Been in airplane? ya
117: What concerts have I been to? been to a lot, i guess i havent gone to a concert concert but i suppose the largest one was seeing wavvesĀ 
119: Learned another language? yes lol
121: Lost my virginity before I was 18? yeah LOL
123: Dyed my hair? all the time
125: Rode in an ambulance? not yet
127: Met someone famous? nope
129: Peed outside? oh for sure
131: Helped with charity? nope
133: Broken a mirror? on accident probably
0 notes
sf9stolemyheart-blog Ā· 7 years
Get To Know Me Tag! :D
Tagged by @the-mockingbird-flies (thank you btw <3)
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people.
I saw on the people Iā€™m following to this and I thought it would be fun
1. Drink: Water 2. Phone call: My older bro 3. Text message: Some work dood 4. Song you listened to: My Chemical Romance - Summertime 5. Time you cried: does fangirling count?
HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: yas 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: nope 8. Been cheated on: noo 9. Lost someone special: yhhhh but they didnt die or anything 10. Been depressed: yhhhhhh i go in and out of it 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: nope
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14: blue, purple, black
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: yassss <3 we call ourselvesĀ ā€˜Diickpunksā€™ <3 16. Fallen out of love: yaaas xD 17. Laughed until you cried: YAAAAAS 18. Found out someone was talking about you: no... 19. Met someone who changed you: yh, my friends, Diickpunks <3 20. Found out who your friends are: yh.... :ā€™) 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: nope, i dont have FB lol
GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: none xD 23. Do you have any pets: nope 24. Do you want to change your name: nah 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: nothing..i dont celebrate my bday :ā€™) 26. What time did you wake up: like 6:20am ish 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: having the greatest sleep of all time 28. Name something you canā€™t wait for: Ā NFLYING comeback//my FANTASY 1st package to arrive~~ <3 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: this morn at like 6ish i guess 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: ermmm more outgoing?? 31. What are you listening right now: MCR - Vampire Money <3 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yas 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: people talking behind other peopleā€™s backs.....people thinking theyre better than others....shit like that >:L 34. Most visited Website: Youtube
LOST QUESTIONS. I JUST PUT IN RANDOM INFO ABOUT ME 35. Mole/s: nope 36. Mark/s: yaas, i fell into a thorn bush so my legs have a lot of (faded) scars, and the ol birth mark or two :3 37. Childhood dream: ....to be famous...... ;_;
38. Haircolor: black
39. Long or short hair: medium 40. Do you have a crush on someone: nope :ā€™) ā™«what is loveee...*starts bopping head*
41. What do you like about yourself: hmmmmm, how understanding i can be? 42. Piercings: nope BUTT i did get my ears pierced when i was younger, but they closed up in no time :ā€™) 43. Bloodtype: B+ 44. Nickname: Bex, Bucket (thnx to a typo ofĀ ā€˜Beckyā€™ xD), Becca 45. Relationship status: Singleeeeeeeee AF 46. Zodiac: Cancer 47. Pronouns: She/Her/They/Them 48. Favorite TV Show: Suits, in terms of Korea - rn it would be Unni is Alive 49. Tattoos: Nope 50. Right or left hand: Right 51. Surgery: no ACTUALLYY i was a dumb lickle 3yr old and jumped into a glass cabinet and got glass stuck in my forehead and went hospickle for that xD 52. Hair dyed in different color: nopeeeeee 53. Sport: football (soccer), badminton, maybe hockey but not on the ice and im in net thnxxx 55. Vacation: i literally just made a bucket list of where i wanna go a few days ago! destinations include: Canada, France, Blue Lagoon in Iceland and Jeju Island! :D 56. Pair of trainers: well....i have like 4 that i use a lot that i got for like Ā£10 each in the most normal colours ever: black, white, black and white, grey.....my brother got me these really cool purple fur adidas trainers from turkey and theyre nice....but ruined.....i havent used them in nearly 1 year...all i need to do is wash them xD
MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating: rn? texac bbq pringles 58. Drinking: water or tea bb or its a no from me 59. Iā€™m about to: finish this quiz and binge watch sidemen stoof 61. Waiting for: idk??? FTISLANDsĀ ā€˜Wingā€™ stage on show champ, if theyre even on it today xD 62. Want: mo money, less proā€™lems and lee jaeyoon 63. Get married: naahhhh, unless i think ur the true one then naahhh 64. Career: ermmmmmmmm those exist???
WHICH IS BETTER 65. Hugs or kisses: hugs <3 66. Lips or eyes: eyes <3 especially green ones ;) 67. Shorter or taller: TALLER, IM FUCKING 5 FOOT 1 AND NEED A TALL MAN TO PROTECT MAI SMOL ASS 68. Older or younger: OLDER (but if u can finesse me, then go ahead legal younger ones) 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: nice.......stomach.....even tho SF9s Youngbinā€™s arms get me all kinds of fucked up istfgggg 71. Sensitive or loud: ????hmmm...??? loud ppl attract me cos im so quiet so?????i still dunno imma so sarry 72. Hook up or relationship: relationship.... 73. Troublemaker or hesitant:...*sighhhhh*..... troublemakers are more fun so.....
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a stranger: nah 75. Drank hard liquor: yas and anything under 35% is water to me jkjk xD 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: nopeeareeno 77. Turned someone down: yas 78. Sex on the first date: no 79. Broken someoneā€™s heart: yes :ā€™) soz broe 80. Had your heart broken: nope 81. Been arrested: nopearoonie 82. Cried when someone died: yas, my brotherā€™s best friend got stabbed randomly.... :( i really liked him. im so glad i got to meet him <3 rest in peace <3 83. Fallen for a friend: yas lel
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh maybe.....sometimes.... :ā€™) 85. Miracles: yash! 86. Love at first sight: ehhhhhhhh i dunno 87. Santa Claus:....soz broe....... 88. Kiss in the first date: i mean.....theres no harm in it imo..... 89. Angels:........not really...............but i wont hesitate to call a hooman an angel (like SF9s Chani xD)
OTHER: 90. Current best friends name: Ā i dont have oneeee 91. Eyecolor: black/really really really dark brown 92. Favorite movie: 10 Things I Hate About You /// Friend (Korean Movie)
Imma tag: @iikpoptrash @javajaeyoon @jiminhavenojams @feelsensational @ryoko-tofuu @kimyumbin :ā€™) im not gonna tag 20 ppl omg xD
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parkinglothater Ā· 7 years
tagged by @loser-dot-comĀ u were top suggested when i typedĀ ā€œ@ā€ do u feel special
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 10 people.
1. Drink:Ā Apple Juice????Ā  2. Phone call:Ā WEll a cute guy asked to call me and im gonna go with that bc i havent called anyone in years 3. Text message:Ā To Ari:Ā ā€œAlso Mama is a song by MCR and Iā€™m too emo to get over thatā€in reference to the EXO song Mama 4. Song you listened to:Ā Currently listening to Wolf by EXO, Ive falen into the fandom 5. Time you cried:Ā While I was kissing Hot Guy mentioned above cause we were both really emotional that nightĀ 
6. Dated someone twice:Ā not technically 7. Kissed someone and regretted it:Ā I mean idk, sometimes I regret ever kissing anybody butĀ  8. Been cheated on: no thank goodness 9. Lost someone special: yeah 10. Been depressed:Ā Iā€™m depressed right now 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: not yet
12-14:Ā purple, pink, and blue like the sunset
15. Made new friends:Ā yeah 16. Fallen out of love: nopeĀ  17. Laughed until you cried:Ā hell yeah 18. Found out someone was talking about you:Ā my goodness yes 19. Met someone who changed you:Ā U cant meet people here but yeah ive changed 20. Found out who your friends are:Ā yeah 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list:Ā I dont have facebook
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: my facebook is nonexistent 23. Do you have any pets:Ā A big olā€™ bub named Bear, hes a Boxer Mastiff mix and i love hi more than myself, and a tiny bup Coco, 24. Do you want to change your name: Yea I dont really feel like Caitlyn or Renee really fit me but I also dont know what name does 25. What did you do for your last Birthday:Ā I took bread to band as a treat bc bc I dislike cakeĀ  26. What time did you wake up:Ā imma say 11:30am but really it was 1:45pm 27. What were you doing at midnight last night:Ā sending memes back and forth with Hot Guy
28. Name something you canā€™t wait for: getting out of this horrible place Ā going to all the tourist-y places in California in a few weeks
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: 3 hours ago when we ate dinner 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: either having a bit more money or at least having a house of our own 31. What are you listening right now:Ā Parallel by Heffron Drive, i need softer music if im gonna sleep b4 3am 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Tommy? Heā€™s pretty cool Ā and like 3 people I know like him
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: myself not knowing whats happening to me and being expected to just go with the flowĀ  34. Most visited Website: Youtube
35. Mole/s: none 36. Mark/s: I have a little kinda feather shaped birthmark on my chest and a teeny tiny heart on my thigh 37. Childhood dream: to have a room of my own 38. Hair Color: kinda gold brown Iā€™d say 39. Long or short hair: ive grown it out so it reaches my shoulders now so whatever you count that as 40. Do you have a crush on someone:Ā Yeah and its kinda working out????? 41. What do you like about yourself: my eyesĀ  42. Piercings: 2 holes in each ear soon to change hopefully 43. Bloodtype: no one tells me these things 44. Nickname: Ren 45. Relationship status: i dont really know what to call it at this point 46. Zodiac: Capricorn 47. Pronouns: she/her 48. Favorite TV Show: Shadowhunters hell yeah 49. Tattoos: I dont have any yet but i want a whole bunch 50. Right or left hand: right 51. Surgery: nope 52. Hair dyed in different color: i wish 53. Sport: what is sport??? 55. Vacation:Ā  Spain is so pretty, or Italy, Vegas, NY 56. Pair of trainers: listen ive had the same pair of Converse for 4 years they will get me thru everything
57. Eating Currently: nothing 58. Drinking currently: nothing 59. Iā€™m about to: text someone about some Important Stuff or sleep 61. Waiting for: freedom from this prisonĀ  62. Want:Ā some weed??? idk a whole bunch of things im kinda needy 63. Get married: not really I dont see a point in tying myself to someoneĀ  64. Career: my lame ass thinks i can make money being a makeup artist
65. Hugs or kisses: hugs all the way 66. Lips or eyes: both are so attractive but eyes
67. Shorter or taller: taller
68. Older or younger: older
70. Nice arms or nice stomach:Ā Abs are so hot sign me the fuck up
71. Sensitive or loud: Loud I guess???
72. Hook up or relationship: Relationship
73. Troublemaker or hesitant:Ā Troublemaker
74. Kissed a stranger: no
75. Drank hard liquor: no
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: i am the worst when it comes to not losing things, I havent seen my glasses in months
77. Turned someone down: Yeah
78. Sex in the first date: technically no
79. Broken someoneā€™s heart: i think i mightve but i cant be sure
80. Had your heart broken: Let me tell u this bitch.
81. Been arrested: no
82. Cried when someone died: no, no one close to me has ever died, and i normally repress any negative feelings so
83. Fallen for a friend: yeah
84. Yourself: not at all
85. Miracles: Yeah
86. Love at first sight: seems like lame fairy tale shitĀ 
87. Santa Claus: yeah
88. Kiss in the first date: totally
89. Angels: yeah
90. Current best friendsā€™ names: irl: Ari, Sarah, Morgan, Emily?????
91. Eyecolor: technically Hazel but really more of a green
92. Favorite movie: Im a sucker for Titanic
Oh yeah im supposed to tag ppl @lonelyspacelover @queennhowell @phichit-af
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noecat Ā· 7 years
88 qn tag meme
thank u 2 the lovely @jiminieboi for tag!!
holy shit this was long,,listen i tag no one but my wife @wingjk bc im literally too lazy to breathe rn
the last:
1. DRINK: passionfruit red tea. it was too sweet i wish iā€™d gone w green but thatā€™s too sour,,,,honestly a representation of my personality as a whole
2. PHONE CALL: school friend who was wondering where i was
3. TEXT MESSAGE: if messenger counts, @wingjk bc i was going to sleep
4. SONG YOU LISTENED TO: come back home by bts
5. THE TIME YOU CRIED: i donā€™t recall!! perhaps a couple weeks ago?
have you:
6. DATED SOMEONE TWICE: donā€™t call me out like this
7. KISSED SOMEONE AND REGRETTED IT: not really? i dont regret many things
10. BEEN DEPRESSED: listen
11. GOTTEN DRUNK AND THROWN UP: i donā€™t get drunk
top 3 favorite colors
12. black
13. pink
14. in your area
15. MADE NEW FRIENDS: yes and i love them
17. LAUGHED UNTIL YOU CRIED: rarely, but yes!!
18. FOUND OUT SOMEONE WAS TALKING ABOUT YOU: yall. assholes. love to gossip. and i love finding out about it so itā€™s a mutually beneficial thing
19. MET SOMEONE WHO CHANGED YOU: doesnā€™t everyone change me to some degree?? yes, though i do think a lot of the char dev ive undergone was internally motivated and not bc of a specific person,,,i just want to treat people better.
20. FOUND OUT WHO YOUR FRIENDS ARE: yes and i Love Them
21. KISSED SOMEONE ON YOUR FACEBOOK LIST: ppft no who the fuck even facebooks in the year 2k17,,,tho,, @wingjkā€‹Ā hmu ;(
23. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS: a kitten !! listen heā€™s an asshole but i love him
24. DO YOU WANT TO CHANGE YOUR NAME: as in legally?? i wish!! hopefully soon
25. WHAT DID YOU DO FOR YOU LAST BIRTHDAY: ha ha dont talk to me
26. WHAT TIME DID YOU WAKE UP: i overslept today bc my sleeping schedule is,,,,,very good,,,,,,,,,,,
28. NAME SOMETHING YOU CANā€™T WAIT FOR: hobi. wheres. ur. mixtape. where. also MY BDAY IS IN LESS THAN A MONTH !!! LOVE ME !!!!!!
31. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW: the sweet sound of everyone being loud as fuc
33. SOMETHING THAT IS GETTING ON YOUR NERVES: people breathing around me
lost questions
34. MOLE(S): ya
35. MARK(S): scars ?? i fell into a ditch once and i still have the scars from that,,also depression isnt ideal
36. CHILDHOOD DREAM: to be a lawyer
37. HAIR COLOR: brown but im gna bleach it someday
38. LONG OR SHORT HAIR:Ā  short-ish
39. DO YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON SOMEONE: not romantically but i am currently interested in someone, yeees
40. WHAT DO YOU LIKE ABOUT YOURSELF: sometimes the planets alighn just right and i say something quotable that im proud of
41. PIERCINGS: that havent healed completely already ? 2, in my ears
42. BLOODTYPE: red
43. NICKNAME(S): q,Ā ā€˜that assholeā€™, kyu
44. RELATIONSHIP STATUS: not looking
45. ZODIAC: leo
46. PRONOUNS: im agender. i strongly prefer it/its for Reasons but some of yall fucks take offense bcĀ ā€˜but u are not an object!!ā€™ and like. listen. if u think that usingĀ ā€˜they/themā€™, which i do not want to be called, is somehow more respectful to my identity ???Ā  ? ?Ā  ? i dont rly have much to say. in spaces where people are less tolerant and presentation overrides id, i go by she/hers.
47. FAVOURITE TV SHOW: i dont watch them anymore but ill always have a special spot in my heart for hannibal and my earliest experiences w bbc sherlock (ahahah can u believe i used to be a sh blog tho)
48. TATTOOS: not yet!! i want to get mine right the first time
49. RIGHT OR LEFT HAND: technically ambidextrous but ive been using my right hand for so long (bc u dont rly realize how inconvenient literally everything is w left hand until u try it skdfjgfg) that itā€™s now my dominant one
50. SURGERY: yes, but minor
51. HAIR DYED A DIFFERENT COLOR: nop but ive shaved it all off once
52. SPORT: used to sail, used to kayak, now i possess no skills. i actually ish i did have a sport i play regularly, but, i am a Lazy Fuck,
53. VACATION: aksdjfd i dont rmbr !! i travelled a lot when i was young. now we just go to neighboring countries over breaks sometimes.
54. PAIR OF TRAINERS: not converse low, thatā€™s 4 sure
55. EATING: nothing, but hopefully about to
56. DRINKING: nothing, but hopefully about to
57. Iā€™M ABOUT TO: eat, drink, go home
58. WAITING FOR: senpai to answer my anon ask. senpai pls. senpai im dying here i only get wifi sporadically for like 10 min at a time senpai plsease
59. WANT:Ā  see hoseok irl someday, to not fail my year end exams, to have a good future after this. if weā€™re going wildly unrealistic, give me financial stability and the power to play piano proficiently.
60. GET MARRIED: honestly i think this would depend on where i am in life, where my partner(s) is/are in life, and what we want out of our relationship (plus, my generation supposedly killed marriage, so)
61. CAREER: listen i used to want to be a lawyer real bad before i grew up and realized im a fuckign depressed idiot who cant do shit so now im just hoping for some kind of stable job that i wont hate,,,,,,i lean towards the social sciences, and theyā€™re what im best at, but my fucking dumb ass is currenly taking natural sciences instead because ????? no fuckin clue, past me, what the fuck,
62. HUGS OR KISSES: i dont like hugs much, so kisses. though i do like to cuddle ??? i think ??? theoretically ???? normally i just dont let ppl touch me
63. LIPS OR EYES: lips
64. SHORTER OR TALLER: couldnā€™t care less but theres smth hot abt someone being taller than me (unrelated news kuroo is 187cm holy shit fuck T O W E R O V E R M E)
65. OLDER OR YOUNGER: as in ?? romantically ?? to be friends with ?? if itā€™s the former, almost definitely older. for the latter, i prefer older, but personality matters more than age does.
66. NICE ARMS OR NICE STOMACH: dont care. tho if u have arms that could snap my neck,Ā 
67. SENSITIVE OR LOUD: as in me ?? listen im both. im both. but if weā€™re talking partners, i imagine kuroo is plenty loud, so that,
68. HOOK UP OR RELATIONSHIP: listen i dont care as long as itā€™s enjoyable and mutually beneficial
have your ever:
72. LOST GLASSES/CONTACT LENSES: yes, but found them
75. BROKEN SOMEONEā€™S HEART: not intentionally ??
76. HAD YOUR HEART BROKEN: : l i s t e n
77. BEEN ARRESTED: nop im a good upstanding citizen
78. CRIED WHEN SOMEONE DIED: as in irl ?? i dont think so
79. FALLEN FOR A FRIEND: hm, no, i,
do you believe in:
80. YOURSELF:Ā  ya im great. im a piece of shit but *insert trash can not trash cannot meme*
81. MIRACLES: nah
83. SANTA CLAUS: nah. attraction, maybe
84. KISS ON THE FIRST DATE: do what u want !!Ā 
85. ANGELS: @wingjk is one so i can confirm
86. CURRENT BEST FRIENDS NAME(S): van, iv, jess are u a best friend or am i reading u wrong, id say drea but sheā€™s my soulmate, id say nastya but sheā€™s my wife and will complain i friendzoned her
87. EYE COLOUR: greenish
88. FAVOURITE MOVIE: casino royale !!! also all the ghibli things were my childhood
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ghoulstars Ā· 7 years
ok ive been tagged a lot over the past like month and i havent done like any of the tags because im a horrible procrastinator but ive gotten tagged in this specific thing 3 times today so im properly motivated to actually do it in a timely manner LOL here we go
Rules: answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people.
1. drink: water that im slightly skeptical of 2. phone call: my friend Robi 3. text message: @shelteringskyy ??? i think?? yes probably 4. song you listened to: the fool by dead soul 5. time you cried: i think last month 6. dated someone twice: ive never dated anyone ever LOL 7. kissed someone and regretted it: yeah probably 8. been cheated on: nope 9. lost someone special: i think so 10. been depressed: in certain contexts yes 11. gotten drunk: once and never again LMAO
12. purple 13. bronze 14. brown
15. made new friends: yes and i love them ALL DEARLY and i re-iterate the sentiment THANKS GHOST LMAO 16. fallen out of love: maybe??? idk 17. laughed until you cried: YEP LMFAO 18. found out someone was talking about you: sort of but this person also told me straight up she was gonna talk about me and it was all in good fun so LOL who cares 19. met someone who changed you: YEP. 20. found out who your friends are: yeah 21. kissed someone on your facebook list: no
22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: like basically almost all of them except like 6 or so ppl? 23. do you have any pets: YES!!! i have three cats and two dogs and i love them all so much!!! 24. do you want to change your name: no 25. what did you do on your last birthday: my last bday fell on the night of prom so like i got up, got my hair done and then went to prom that night LOL prom itself was sorta shitty but i got to hang out with my friends who were all gorgeous and i got to look hot too so like win/win 26. what time did you wake up: 10am then fell asleep and woke back up at 12:30-something 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: skyping @shelteringskyy ,'^) 28. name something you canā€™t wait for: halloweeeeeeeen 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: a couple hours ago maybe less 31. what are you listening to right now: vinny vinesauce playing some weird ass game and myself typing 32. have you ever talked to a person named Tom: i actually don't think so 33. something that is getting on your nerves: it being so sunny recently (i like clouds fight me), my sleep schedule getting FUCKED up and me struggling to fix it, mysterious bug bites, the lack of motivation to study that has been haunting me since 2 months ago 34. most visited website: probably tumblr, youtube and facebook tbh 35. hair colour: naturally im a fucking ashy dirty wishwater blonde and im fucking tired of it so now i dye my hair dark brown LOL ;_; @my body please hurry up and make my hair darker 36. long or short hair: mine is long 37. do you have a crush on someone: only fictional characters as of right now 38. what do you like about yourself: my ass, my unibrow and my stomach hair 39. piercings: i started out with four when i was younger, one in each cartilage (partially) then one in each ear lobe. the cartilage ones closed up to due lack of usage and my lobe piercings closed up a bit but just cleaning them out returned them to normal lol. early last year i got my partial-cartilage piercing redone as well as two additional holes making eight total but i was a fool and took out all my earrings over the course of prom and left them out too long and they ALL grew back over except my redone cartilage holes and my lobes -_- i plan to get one more additional hole in my ears to make up for this fucking travesty and i also want a nose piercing. 40. blood type: no idea mate LMAO 41. nickname: shebby, shebs, shelbs, shelbles, shelbilly, bee and im probably forgetting more tbh 42. relationship status: single and content 43. zodiac: aries, aquarius rising and sagittarius moon 44. pronouns: she/her/hers 45. favourite tv show: uhhh like........bobs burgers maybe???? twin peaks??? always sunny?????????? 46. tattoos: none but FUCK do i want a grucifix or a mother/daughter tattoo 47. right or left handed: right 48. surgery: none so far 50. sport: no 51. vacation: honestly ill go like nearly anywhere in the world, im not picky tbh take me over the ocean or just three hours away and i think ill be happy 52. pair of trainers: do converse count....also my moms fucked up ancient grungey tennis shoes she has that i love to wear
53. eating: nothing but dinner was steak, steak fries and some yeast rolls. might eat this smores poptart here in a second 54. drinking: nothing bc that water was Skeptical 55. iā€™m about to: either attempt to study or watch more youtube vids idk 56. waiting for: the rain that appears to be gathering in the sky and winter 57. want: papa 3 to never ever leave but also papa 4 to come and decimate us (and also possibly decimate papa 3), to not potentially have mono, to draw, to get our bulldog fixed so he can come inside, to stop being fucking squeamish when i study about internal organs 58. get married: no...nono 59. career: veterinary assistant if i can handle assisting in injection administration LMFAO or an artist 60. hugs or kisses: kisses 61. lips or eyes: eyes 62. shorter or taller: ehhhh im not picky so idc 63. older or younger: O L D E R LMAO DAMMIT PAPA 64. nice arms or nice stomach: arms 65. hook up or relationship: neither in real life 66. troublemaker or hesitant: depends on whats happening lmao
67. kissed a stranger: yes 68. drank hard liquor: NO LMAO ABSOLUTELY NOT 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: no 70. turned someone down: YEP. 71. sex on the first date: i have never been with anyone in real life ever so neither 72. broken someoneā€™s heart: probably 73. had your heart broken: sort of?? 74. been arrested: no god LMAO 75. cried when someone died: well yeah 76. fallen for a friend: not really
77. yourself: depends 78. miracles: in some cases 79. love at first sight: only sort of. 80. Santa Claus: who the FUCK is santa claus 81. kiss on the first date: ...ehhh??? 82. angels: probably
anyway i tag @cloyterus and....i think everyone else i'd wanna tag has already been tagged or done this so here u go
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bunnihearted Ā· 2 months
i dont know it all makes me feel so not human, like im missing out on a big human experience. everyone around me has a partner or have had one/multiple. even my old friend a, who i recently messaged a bit with.. even he has a bf. an all of my old friends have currently a partner, and my old classmates have partners and i dont know i just really wonder whats so wrong with my and why im not allowed to be a part of humanity. i know im extremely ugly and have an unappeaking body and on top of that an atrocious personality but like....... so do other ppl. a few of my old friends are bullies and theyre ugly as i am but they're still married and live with their boyfriends... what is so incredibly different with me, why dont i get go partake in humanity???? im like 35 fkn yrs old and never. never. i lack smth so major about being a humanbeing. recently i read a romance book abt two ppl in their 30s who were virgins and fell in love, but like even they had experienced kissing. which i havent. not even a peck. ive never been flirted with never been asked on a date never ever. and i also feel like im quickly getting older and it gets more and more embarrassing bc society ARE judgemental. am i gonna date someone for the first time when im 33yrs old and be like yeah sorry im 33 but ive never even kissed bro im terrible and useless with all of that. no fucking adult is gonna wanna "teach" or have patience with a 33yr old partner who dont know anything about any of that like be for real. i cant hide it either bc they will tell when i dont even know how to kiss. this is if i even ever get to be in a romantic/sexual situation lol.
and like no it isnt normal. most ppl, like the fucking majority, like at least 8/10 ppl have had SOME sexual experience, even if its just kissing. i have zero. like i dont even have experience in flirting. "its ok its normal" no it isnt, its fucking sad and pathetic and humiliating and sets me apart from the rest of humanity, the rest of the world. im 25 and it means im undesirable and unwanted. "u dont have to be in a relationship to be whole" but i WANT to. i used to just want friends, i was fine for somany years with being alone and just wishing to meet friends. but not anymore, it doesnt do anything for me anymore. if anything it only emphasizes my loneliness, bc my so called friends will spend a couple of hours hanging out with me, then they will go home to their partner, they person they have chosen and been chosen by, and i will go home to an empty apartment and be all alone. i dont really care for friendships anymore, i used to see it as a soothing balm to the wound, maybe not the proper treatment for it, but at least it could work as a bandaid. but now it just reminds me of how fucking unwanted i am. sure they might want to have some sort of semi closeness with me, but a mere friendship doesnt allow the closeness and intimacy i need and want. i will never be number 1, the first priority, the one and only, the one they'd do anything for, the one they wanna know better than everyone else, the one they want to spend alltheir time with, the one they're crazy about, to just a friend. it only reminds me that im never good enough or special or important enough to be chosen.
so i just dont care for friendships, they make me hollow and empty and make me feel lonely. because i wanna be so so close to someone. where we almost blend together. you dont do that with friends. u dont have sex and let eo see eachother completely naked - metaphorically - and vulnerable. u dont stay completely loyal and prioritize your friends. i want one person to pour everything into, share everything with. im tired and i dont care about spreading some shards, some splinters of me around widespread. and with how my brain works, how fucking disordered it is, i dont even have the energy to entertain and maintain several different friendships, none of them as deep and profound as i crave. i dont have that in me. i need one person to give it all to. i dont have the energy for more than that, it just doesnt work for me. i dont know. i used to think i wanted friends, and maybe i will get to a place again where i will be able to. maybe. idk anything. but really i cant see how i'd be able to have the energy to give a little bit of me to multiple people. that only makes me feel empty and lonely. i want smth with one person withno barriers between us. idc for anything else anymore i just dont. and thats why i feel so fucking lonely because im dying of thirst and everything that isnt what i want feels like nothing but drops of acid making me slowly fkn die lol
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noahhernandez Ā· 8 years
original (April 3rd, 2013)
3 year difference (April 3rd, 2016
Difference ? (Feb 10, 2017)
3 year difference lol
1. Is this the best year of your life? tbh this year has sucked so far lol!!!!!
it is april and i have not turned up like expected
Only Feb. Things are going okay
2. What was the first thing you did when you woke up? turn on the TV and see what was on netflix
Laid in bed and contemplate whether or not to make coffee.. i did
Struggled getting out of bed for work
3. The person you like is? nobody.
my co-worker Darrell.
4. Is anything bothering you? The fact that my room is a disaster, my grade in Algebra 2 is a 68, and that i am not famous
The fact that my room is still a disaster and that i am dropping my biology course because it was too hard for me.
The Fact that my room remains a disaster, and that Iā€™m constantly stressed out about school, and Iā€™m really trying with Kenny but Iā€™m probably too invested
5. Does anyone annoy you? A lot of people do, white people
A lot of people still annoy me
White People
6. Would you like things to go ā€˜back to normalā€™ with a certain someone? no
Angelica, Natasha, and Coby because things really were cool but it doesnt matter anymore
7. What was the las,t thing you did before you went to bed last night? I was in my momā€™s room with like 3 kids and some guy and i was just chillin out with them
I was laying in bed watching Family Guy
Filmed a speech for my public speaking class, finished it, submitted it, walked in on my roommates fckin on the couch, went to sleep, they fought til 530am
8. Is life good? its decent
Iā€™m content, I have my own place, I go to school full time, I work full time, Iā€™ve got great friends, money, a car.
Still have all those things, Iā€™m just tired at this point
9. Do you remember who you liked on New Years? nobody.
Nobody probably wait just kidding Harry
I think I was starting to like Kenny
10. Do you still like them? nobody
I like him now
11. Do you still speak to them? nobody
12. Told your parents you were going somewhere but went somewhere else? my dad, but my mom and i have a good relationship and i can tell her i am snorting cocaine tonight and she will be like ā€™ ok be careful xoā€™
Does not matter anymore
iā€™m an adult now
13. Are you dating the last person you kissed on the lips? haha, no.
No I am not
14. Do you hate the last girl you had a conversation with? my cousin no she snorts cocaine
My manager no she is my favorite
I think it was Angel, and she is like one of my best friends
15. Would you go out with someone right now if they asked? what do you mean like out like lets get together or like hey im hungry wanna come with me to get wings
It really all depends on who the person is
not desperate, really depends on who the person would be
16. Three days from now will you be in a relationship? i hope not
No lol
Probably notĀ 
17. If someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you? they do tell me sorry fellas youre kinda ugly
18. Have you kissed anyone in the last month? no
19. What was the last reason you went to the doctor for? my back.
My back
Have not been to the doctor since.
20. Do you like being home alone or does it freak you out? i liked it but then everyone left for me a week and i thought i was going to go insane
It does not matter I am always locked in my room.
I donā€™t talk to anyone at home anyways
21. Would you ever kiss anyone you texted today? i havent texted anyone today
Hm yes, my co-worker Kevin, but only because he is the best looking person I have texted today
Hm maybe like 2 people ? haha
22. Do you have any bruises on you? no thank god
Cuts and burns from work
I cut myself at work today
23. How was 2011 for you? 2011 was great actually, i ended jr. high really well, and started high school really well too making friends and stuff
24. How late did you stay up last night and why? like 1230, and no reason
230? because after work me and my coworkers went to IHOP and then just chilled out, and I watched like TV til i fell asleep
About 530 because my roommates were fighting and I could not sleep
25. Do you ever get good morning texts from anyone? no
Kind of
26. Do you regret anything youā€™ve done lately? i regret um nothing
I regret nothing still
27. What woke you up today? this sound of little Einsteins singing
My brothers gf was talking really loud for like 2 seconds
My brother waking me up and my 30 alarms
28. What makes you happy? coffee and snickers and boys
Coffee, cigarettes, friends
Coffee, boys, and friends
29. Ever kissed on a boat?
Still a no
30. Have you ever been told that you are amazing? yes
Plenty of times
I honestly dont think so tbh wait JK yes
31. Finish this sentence: The last person I kissed isā€¦ ugly?
A good guy. sorry lol
the person I currently like
32. This time last year, can you remember who you liked?let me think no
It is April, prom season for meā€¦ you know I think I was chillinā€™
Wowza, Darrell my co-worker at the time, he recently just moved to Ohio
33. Do you like when people play with your hair? yes
34. Do you plan on sleeping in tomorrow? nOPE GOT SCHOOL LOL
Nope, I still got school
Nope, this time I got work
35. Waiting for something? for someone to come up and be like hello u wana be famous and rich
To get my degree, then someone come up to me and ask me if I wanna be famous and rich
To become board certified and open a private practice and someone ask me if I wanna be rich adn famous
36. Was last night terrible? nah
No, it was a good night tbh, lots of laughing with all my coworkers
37. Did you lose friends when you started dating someone? no
no, i would not let that happen
I would never let that happen
38. Are you the type of person to make people laugh? Ā yes i am i am the class bitch ass motherfucker but they think im joking
39. Donā€™t tell me lies, so is the last person you texted attractive? i last texted angelica and she is pretty if she tries which is rare
40. Is tomorrow going to be a good day? it better be mrs honings better have passes me
no, i have school and then work right after
Work til 5. Maybe something with my friends after, but I doubt it
41. Are you missing someone?no
42. Has anyone ever tried to ruin a relationship you were in?no
no lol
no haha
43. Do you believe in karma? eh
not at all
Maybe a little bit now
44. Do you sleep with a fan on? omg i have too
yeah the ceiling fan and then a standing fan
Same still
45. You think anyoneā€™s thinking about you right now? of course yes
i wonder
Probably not.
46. Is there anyone you wish you were spending time with right now? not really
47. Do you go to school? imma sophomore
freshmen in college
4th semester in college.
48. Is the person you last texted single? yes
technically yeS?
49. Who was driving the last time you were in a car? omg?? my mom i think
I was driving, brother in passenger seat
50. Have you ever used the word ā€˜rawrā€™ in an actual conversation?OMG NEVER IF ANYONE CAUGHT ME SAYING THAT Iā€™D KILL MYSELF
lol no
jokingly now every once in awhile
51. Are the blinds on your window open or closed? closed
52. Did you leave milk and cookies for Santa when you were little? still do lol
No i live alone now, so thats a waste of money
53. What were you doing at 11 last night? in my momā€™s room with those people i stated above plus my brother
at work goofing off
Getting ready to get off work
54. What could you eat any day of the week & never get tired of? wingstop wings
55. Is there someone you wouldnā€™t mind kissing right now? justin bieber???
a lot of ppl including celebrities
Shawn Mendes!!!
56. Someone knocks on your window at 5 am, what do you say? wat the fuck do u want im sleepig
how did u get up here i live on the third floor
No i dont have a quarter
57. Would you change yourself for the person you love?no
Yes maybe ??
58. Let me guess, your last incoming call was from the opposite sex? wow u guesssed completely wrong
um i gonna guess sure
59. What are you supposed to be doing right now? cleaning
getting ready for work
Getting ready for bed
60. Would you have sex with the 5th person on your contacts?no
im not even going to look
It is my ex, lmao, yes Ā I would sure
61. To who did you last give the finger to? i cant remember
my coworker Jesse
My manager, Ware
62. Did your last kiss take place on a bed? on someone elses
uh no
63. Do you have someone who you can be your complete self around? brianna sam angelica michelle and others yes
the majority of my coworkers and all of my friends i still have
Angel, Brianna, Brit, and like Michelle
64. Do you talk in your sleep? no
i do not
depends on the situation
65. Do you have a good relationship with your parents? yes they buy me stuff and i am forced to like them
i dont talk to either of them that much
Havenā€™t seen my mom in months
66. What time did you wake up today? 7:45
67. What were you doing at midnight last night? IN MY MOMS ROOM
At work fixing to leave
Leaving work
68. What song are you listening to? some chris brown song
Team by Iggy
Betty Who- Somebody Loves You
69. Has anyone put their arms around you in the past 5 days? like a hug
70. How do you feel about chocolate-covered strawberries? mmmmm
71. Do you have nice eyes? theyā€™re dark brown
72. Is your current hair color your natural hair color? not really
yes finally
Barely, the tips are brown from when I died them 7 months ago
73. Are you texting anybody? no
Told everyone I went to bed
74. Do you swear in front of your parents? god no
75. Concert tickets or NFL game tickets? concert tickets
concert tickets!!!!!
76. Are you addicted to cigarettes? not yet hehhe!:)
yes, I wish i could stop smoking.
LMFAOĀ ā€œNot Yetā€ Iā€™m on a process of quitting right now. Very difficult
77. Do you tell your parents everything? no
hell no
78. Do you have any tattoos? not yet
i have 4 tattoos.
still only fucking 4
79. If something was wrong, who is the first girl you would go to? idk
80. Do you have any nicknames? bitch
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