millerflintstone · 2 years
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Me in my stylish post eye dilation sunglasses but a cartoon version courtesy of PicsArt. It's like part of my glasses are melting.
Today was follow up at the retinal specialist practice. Two weeks ago on Friday, I had my initial consultation. I knew from about 10 years of OptoMap retinal pictures, that I had some small holes in my retinas. The waiting room was filled with people at least 15 years older than me if not more. I'm sure folks who came in after thought I was somebody's designated driver.
The initial visit consisted of a visual acuity check (20/20 with my glasses), eye pressure check, and additional pictures of both retinas. Then the doctor examined me. I mentioned to him that on occasion over the past 3 or 4 weeks, I had seen a black spot off to my right in my peripheral vision of my right eye, but I had not seen it during that past week. That was alarming to him. I could tell by his body language and how his voice slightly changed
As he checked the retinas of both my eyes, he noted both were thin and both were experiencing degeneration. My right eye had a round retinal break without a detachment. He told me I needed laser surgery that day to prevent a retinal detachment.
I was shocked.
I have a fear of anything going into my eyes. I would never consider Lasik surgery because of that. To learn that a focused laser would be going into my right eye freaked me the fuck out. I texted Unfriendly to let him know and he didn't realize I was getting eye surgery that day.
They prepped me for the procedure - retinal laser photocoagulation. I think I got some kind of numbing drops. The machine looked similar to this
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He placed a contact lens into my eye to help focus the laser. He let me know that right after I wouldn't be able to see out of that eye for about 15 minutes. He said there might be some discomfort.
What's interesting is reading up on the treatment at various websites for ophthalmologists. Most say no pain to minor pain. Y'all. It felt like there was a headache growing in my eye during the treatment. It got really intense. I don't think I could've blinked with that eye but I kept them both open and I kept REALLY still. The entire time I was yelling inside my head that there was a laser beam in my EYE and motherfucker it hurt, but better that than a retinal detachment and possible blindness.
He said I was doing outstanding during the procedure and afterwards he told me that someone must have been looking out for me because I could've suffered a retinal detachment at any moment. I asked if there was anything I could do to help thicken my retinas and no. That's just my genetic luck.
After about 10 minutes, I peeked with my right eye and I could see. Since both eyes were dilated, things were blurry up close. My eye was throbbing but I could only associate the pain with a bad headache that affects your eyes. I got queasy. I waited in the darkened dilation waiting room until the nausea passed and the pain eased up a bit. Luckily ibuprofen took care of that when I got home.
He was very comforting and very skilled. When I looked him up after the fact, I saw he went to both Harvard medical school and did a fellowship at Columbia.
I'm all healed up today and have to go back in two months for a check up. He did mention that if I ever do suffer a retinal detachment, it will be hairy because my retinas are so thin. Ugh. That's future Marilyn's problem.
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wuntrum · 11 months
oct scans aren't recommended if you're under 25 so I think you have a little ways to go! if you have a family history of eye problems it's worth doing in future for sure. I've had poor eyesight for most of my life so idk what is normal or not 😭
no yeah, i got some other form of eye imaging/scanning done, (think it was an optomap? it was an alternative to getting my eyes dialated, because i have to go to work in a bit LOL). the oct scan was an option but i opted out once they told me its best for people with familial eye problems...im the only one in my immediately family who even wears fulltime glasses 😭
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drlunaxu · 1 month
Diabetic Retinopathy Optomap | Drlunaxu.com
Experience the highest level of eye care with Drlunaxu.com for diabetic retinopathy. Our optimal technology allows us to detect and diagnose early signs of eye disease for the best possible outcome.
diabetic retinopathy optomap
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foresightintl · 2 years
Associated Optometry Equipment for Sale
Associated optometry equipment refers to the various tools and instruments used by optometrists in the examination and diagnosis of eye conditions, measurement of visual acuity, and prescription of corrective eyewear. These pieces of equipment are used to assess various aspects of a patient's eye health, such as refractive errors, eye muscle function, and the presence of any abnormalities or diseases.
Common examples of associated optometry equipment include a phoropter, which is used to determine the appropriate prescription for corrective lenses, a slit lamp microscope used to examine the anterior segment of the eye, a tonometer used to measure the pressure inside the eye, and an ophthalmoscope used to examine the interior of the eye, including the retina and optic nerve.
Other pieces of associated optometry equipment include autorefractors, visual field analyzers, and retinal cameras, among others. The specific equipment used in an optometry office can vary depending on the needs of the practice and the patients being served.
Associated optometry equipment refers to the various tools and instruments used by optometrists to examine and diagnose eye conditions, measure visual acuity, and prescribe corrective eyewear. Some common equipment found in an optometry office includes:
Phoropter: A machine used to measure refractive error and determine the appropriate prescription for corrective lenses.
Retinoscope: A handheld device used to measure the refraction of the eye by shining a beam of light into the eye.
Slit lamp: A microscope with a light source that allows the optometrist to examine the anterior segment of the eye, including the cornea, iris, and lens.
Tonometer: A device used to measure the pressure inside the eye, which can help diagnose conditions such as glaucoma.
Autorefractor: An automated device used to measure refractive error, which can provide a starting point for a more detailed eye exam.
Ophthalmoscope: A handheld instrument used to examine the interior of the eye, including the retina, optic nerve, and blood vessels.
Visual field analyzer: A machine that measures the full extent of a patient's peripheral vision.
Optomap retinal imaging system: A digital imaging device that captures a wide-field image of the retina, which can help in the early detection of eye diseases such as diabetic retinopathy.
These are just a few examples of the many tools and instruments used in optometry. The specific equipment found in an optometry office may vary depending on the needs of the practice and the patients being served. Consider visiting our site for additional information about associated optometry equipment.
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What the Eye Doctor is All About
So what does an eye doctor do? It centers around the medical science behind the eye exam. An eye doctor is an OD, or doctor of optometry or an eye specialist. OD's are doctors who are also referred to as eye specialist. The word optometry comes from the greek words optos and metria meaning, literally "vision measurement." And that is what the doctor does. Most doctors use sophisticated medical equipment to test our patients' eye health and vision. Optometrists, or eye specialists, are health care professionals concerned with eyes and related structures, as well as vision, visual systems, and vision information processing in humans. eye doctor kuala lumpur
Why is visiting an optometrist so important? Regular visits to eye doctors will detect any vision problem in its early stages which will make easy and successful treatment much more likely. Every doctor will give a thorough and professional eye exam every time.
There is a lot that goes on in the eye exam process. In summary, a professional will go over your medical history. This is a great time to mention any medical issues you are currently dealing with as well. The exam begins with an external examination. Visual acuity, pupil function, and eye movement tests are done. The visual field test checks the extent of a patient's peripheral vision. The pressure within the eye is measured as this can be a sign of the onset of glaucoma, a serious eye condition which can lead to blindness. This is the point in the exam where the eye doctor will need to "touch your eye. You will not feel it due to numbing eye drops, so there is no cause for concern in any exam. Some of the latest technology in the form of the Optomap retinal scanner to conduct the retinal and macula exam. The slit lap inspection helps doctors see the structures of the eye more clearly. Lastly, refraction testing helps the eye doctor make prescriptions for correcting vision problems. eye doctor selangor
Getting your children's eye examined is imperative for many things in young development. Early eye exams are also important because children need the following basic visual skills for learning: near vision, distance vision, eye teaming (binocularity) skills, eye movement skills, focusing skills, peripheral awareness, eye/hand coordination. Eye specialists recommend that a child's first eye exam be around 5 or 6 years of age; or before they begin kindergarten unless a specific issue arises. By that age children are better behaved, able to take direction and understand why they are being examined. This lessens the probability of children having a difficult exam visit.
If your still unsure about visiting an Optometrist, just ask a friend or family member who may be able to guild you, or call your local eye care provider to speak with a doctor about your vision needs.
View More - eye check up kuala lumpur
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elephants-always · 7 years
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This is what I do for a living 👀👓 Galaxy eyes ✨🌌💫
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track44--moved · 3 years
I was the bravest boy at the optometrist today
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millerflintstone · 2 years
This week and 2 weeks ago I had doctor's appointments. My eye doctor appointment was one of the earlier ones and that office visit was a shit show because
They are the only branch that stopped taking my vision insurance. They charged for it ($40)
The lenses on the machine were hazy. The tech told me it was my mask fogging it up. I removed it and nope. So I told her again and she hastily cleaned it. Same thing happened with the left eye
Their mask requirement is optional but if you have allergy or cold symptoms the sign requested you wear one. I am masked regardless because people are disgusting in general.
I had a visual field test to where you click if you see a light flash around the testing area of this enclosed area with a chin rest. You stare at a main area in the middle. That tech, a different one, coughed during the test 3 times. I'm unmasked and slightly panicking at this point because she was not masked. Then, I saw this odd flickering shadow on the top near my eye so I flinched back. I told her but she didn't restart the test.
My doctor was very flustered. Usually she's well put together. Hair a mess. She told me my eyes looked dry. I told her the dilating drops burned a bit. She legit forgot I was dilated and then looked at my retinas etc. One of the things she mentioned in the past was referring me to a retinal specialist, but first she wanted the neurologist referral done. She didn't think it was needed anymore 🤔
At checkout, I asked for a copy of my prescription. I was told I had no new prescription. I explained I had an eye exam and there was a change. I eventually got that printed out.
On the way home, I realized they didn't test for any changes in my reading distance and that has changed from what I could tell
So when I got to Costco, I looked up my old eye doctor (optometrist and not opthalmologist like this one) and his practice now takes this insurance. So since my eye test / glasses benefits are still open, I set up a vision test with them. Definite difference in prescription.
My old eye doctor retired but he hired on 2 new doctors. One is a former tech that became an eye doctor. The other doctor is originally from NY. Both are women, which I prefer. She saw all my old Optomap retinal pictures and saw some slight changes. These were from 2008-2018. She thought it would be good if I saw a retinal specialist so that's where I am right now.
I am going to eventually complain to that practice manager about the shit visit I had. I had called to see what form I needed to get my medical records.
Then I got sick so it's on the back burner.
I didn't have it in me to complain at the time because I'm healing from the trauma of the past couple of years along with the job quitting. I feel really fragile sometimes. It's getting better. I had enough in me to get a second eye test scheduled that week but not for much else.
I am the youngest person in this waiting room that is a patient by at least 15-20 years
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carolynclark · 7 years
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Retina Selfie 👁 #retinalimaging #optomap (at Professional VisionCare of West Hollywood)
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drlunaxu · 1 month
Comprehensive Eye Care in Staten Island: Diabetic Retinopathy, Glaucoma, and Eye Allergies
Understanding the Role of an Eye Specialist in Staten Island
When it comes to maintaining eye health, the expertise of an eye specialist in Staten Island is invaluable. Eye specialists, including optometrists and ophthalmologists, offer a wide range of services from routine eye exams to the diagnosis and treatment of complex eye conditions. Whether you're dealing with common issues like eye allergies or more severe conditions such as diabetic retinopathy optomap and glaucoma, having a skilled eye specialist is crucial for preserving your vision and overall eye health.
Diabetic Retinopathy and the Importance of Optomap Imaging
Diabetic retinopathy is a condition that affects the blood vessels in the retina, the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye. It is a common complication of diabetes and can lead to vision loss if not properly managed. Early detection is critical, and one of the most advanced tools in diagnosing diabetic retinopathy is Optomap imaging. This technology allows for a comprehensive, wide-field view of the retina, helping eye specialists in Staten Island to detect even the most subtle changes in retinal health. By catching these changes early, an eye specialist can develop a treatment plan that may include controlling blood sugar levels, laser treatment, or injections to prevent further damage to the retina.
Glaucoma Specialists in Staten Island: Protecting Your Vision
Glaucoma is a group of eye conditions that damage the optic nerve, which is crucial for vision. This damage is often caused by abnormally high pressure in the eye. Without proper treatment, glaucoma can lead to irreversible blindness. The condition is often called the "silent thief of sight" because it typically progresses slowly and without obvious symptoms. For those at risk, visiting a glaucoma specialist Staten Island is essential. These specialists use a variety of diagnostic tools, including tonometry (to measure eye pressure) and visual field tests, to monitor and manage the disease. Treatment options may include prescription eye drops, laser therapy, or surgery, depending on the severity of the condition.
Managing Eye Allergies in Staten Island
Eye allergies, also known as allergic conjunctivitis, are a common issue for many people, especially during allergy season. Symptoms can include red, itchy, watery eyes, and they can be quite uncomfortable. Fortunately, eye specialists in Staten Island can help manage these symptoms through a variety of treatments. Over-the-counter or prescription antihistamine eye drops, oral medications, and avoiding known allergens are common strategies. In some cases, more advanced treatments may be necessary to manage severe or chronic eye allergies.
Whether you're dealing with common issues like Eye Allergies Staten Island or more complex conditions such as diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma, an eye specialist in Staten Island is your partner in maintaining optimal eye health. By utilizing advanced diagnostic tools like Optomap imaging and offering specialized care, these professionals help protect and preserve your vision for years to come. Regular visits to an eye specialist are essential for early detection and effective management of these and other eye conditions.
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Playing with new toys at work
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bealeyecare-blog · 4 years
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Beal Eye Care is an Optometrist in Columbus, OH
Beal Eye Care located in Columbus, OH takes pride in delivering high-quality eye care services to our family, friends, and community. We strive to provide thorough comprehensive eye exams with extended hours of availability, including evenings and weekends. We have retinal imaging capability through our Optomap, which provides a 200 degree image of the retina without dilation and we also have a digital eye chart. We offer many lens options specifically designed for computer work, to help relieve eye and neck strain.
Our eye care services include, but are not limited to:
Spectacle Eye Exam is $80, this includes dilation
Contact Lens Examinations start at $135, this includes dilation, follow up visits and trial lenses
Digital Retinal Imaging is $39
Eye Strain Services
Eye Glasses for Sale
Contact Lenses for Sale
Prescription Sunglasses For Sale
We accept most major vision insurances
We have on-line scheduling available
We take pride in fitting our patients in the best contact lens brand for their needs, offering the industry's newest lens options with extensive trial lens sets available. We also provide treatment options for myopia control for our younger patients. Our doctors are associated with Lens Crafters at Macy's, which is a leading company in the eye care in the industry.
We have licensed opticians available during extended business hours to help with fitting for glasses and choosing lens options to best fit our patients' needs. We have staff on hand to encourage patient retention from year to year, as well as automatic email and text reminders through our on-line scheduling system. Come visit us or make your next eye exam appointment with Beal Eye Care today!
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eyeseeoptique · 4 years
Healthy brain function needs healthy eyesight. Considering that your optic nerve connects your eyes and your brain, a healthy co-dependent relationship is necessary. This article will discuss the importance of optomap technology in treating your eye problems and how it proves beneficial as compared to the dilation process.
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rohitcnaik · 4 years
At Opsis Eye Care, we have a team dedicated to providing the best patient experience and finding solutions for your eye care needs. Dr. Jessica Nhan opened Opsis Eye Care in 2015. She is passionate about eye health and wants to deliver attentive eye care to all of her patients. By having a full scope practice, she is able to recommend and provide the latest technologies, medical procedures, eye wear, and contact lenses. She is dedicated towards myopia control for young patients due to the rapid increase in nearsightedness in the world.
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eye doctor lincoln park
Growing up with parents as eye doctors, I obtained to talk a whole lot about optometrists for show and tell and book reports. When I told people my parents were optometrists, the typical response was, "You mean eye doctors?" I would nod my head. "That's correct." People needing an vision care in Jacksonville often ask why the attention doctor is so important. "I don't really need to go that often right?", "My eyes are healthy.", "Will they've to the touch my eyeballs?" or "My kid freaks out." Most of these are legitimate questions and concerns. So I'll break it all down and let you know what the attention doctor is all about.
What exactly does an eye fixed doctor do? It centers round the medical science behind the attention exam. An eye fixed doctor can be an OD, or doctor of optometry or an eye fixed specialist. OD's are doctors who are also known as Chicago Eye doctor. The phrase optometry arises from the greek words optos and metria meaning, literally "vision measurement." And that is what a doctor does. Most doctors use sophisticated medical equipment to check our patients'eye health and vision. Optometrists, or eye specialists, are health care professionals worried about eyes and related structures, as well as vision, visual systems, and vision information processing in humans.
Exactly why is visiting an optometrist so important? Regular visits to eye doctors will detect any vision problem in its early stages that may make easy and successful treatment much more likely. Every doctor gives an intensive and professional eye exam every time.
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There is a lot that continues on in the attention exam process. In conclusion, an expert will go over your medical history. This is a great time to say any medical issues you are still working with as well. The exam begins having an external examination. Visual acuity, pupil function, and eye movement tests are done. The visual field test checks the extent of a patient's peripheral vision. The pressure within the attention is measured as this can be quite a sign of the onset of glaucoma, a critical eye condition which could lead to blindness. This is actually the point in the exam where the attention doctor should "touch your eye. You won't feel it due to numbing eye drops, so there is no reason for concern in just about any exam. A few of the latest technology in the shape of the Optomap retinal scanner to conduct the retinal and macula exam. The slit lap inspection helps doctors begin to see the structures of the attention more clearly. Lastly, refraction testing helps the attention doctor make prescriptions for correcting vision problems.
Having your children's eye examined is Lincoln Park eye doctor for a lot of things in young development. Early eye exams are also important because children need the following basic visual skills for learning: near vision, distance vision, eye teaming (binocularity) skills, eye movement skills, focusing skills, peripheral awareness, eye/hand coordination. Eye specialists recommend that the child's first eye exam be around 5 or 6 years; or before they begin kindergarten unless a particular issue arises. By that age students are better behaved, in a position to take direction and understand just why they are being examined. This lessens the possibility of children having an arduous exam visit.
If your still unsure about visiting an Optometrist, just ask a friend or member of the family who may have the ability to guild you, or call the local eye care provider to consult with a physician about your vision needs.
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eyesinthepark-blog · 6 years
Eye doctor chicago
Growing up with parents as eye doctors, I obtained to talk a great deal about optometrists for show and tell and book reports. When I told people my parents were optometrists, the conventional response was, "You mean eye doctors?" I'd nod my head. "That's correct." People in need of an vision care in Jacksonville often ask why a person's eye doctor is really important. "I don't really need to go that always right?", "My eyes are healthy.", "Will they have to the touch my eyeballs?" or "My kid freaks out." Most of these are legitimate questions and concerns. So I will break everything down and inform you what a person's eye doctor is all about.
Just what exactly does an eye doctor do? It centers around the medical science behind a person's eye exam. An eye doctor is definitely an OD, or doctor of optometry or an eye specialist. OD's are doctors who're also known as eye specialist. The phrase optometry arises from the greek words optos and metria meaning, literally "vision measurement." And that is what the doctor does. Most doctors use sophisticated medical equipment to check our patients'eye health and vision. Optometrists, or eye specialists, are health care professionals concerned with eyes and related structures, as well as vision, visual systems, and vision information processing in humans.
Why is visiting an optometrist so important? Regular visits to eye doctor chicago will detect any vision problem in its early stages that may make easy and successful treatment a great deal more likely. Every doctor gives a comprehensive and professional eye exam every time.
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There will be a lot that continues on in a person's eye exam process. To sum up, an expert should go over your medical history. This is a great time to mention any medical issues you are now coping with as well. The exam begins with an external examination. Visual acuity, pupil function, and eye movement tests are done. The visual field test checks the extent of a patient's peripheral vision. The pressure within a person's eye is measured as this could be a sign of the onset of glaucoma, a critical eye condition which could lead to blindness. This is the point in the exam where a person's eye doctor should "touch your eye. You will not feel it because of numbing eye drops, so there is no reason for concern in just about any exam. A few of the latest technology in the proper execution of the Optomap retinal scanner to conduct the retinal and macula exam. The slit lap inspection helps eye doctor chicago begin to see the structures of a person's eye more clearly. Lastly, refraction testing helps a person's eye doctor make prescriptions for correcting vision problems.
Getting your children's eye examined is imperative for several things in young development. Early eye exams will also be important because children need these basic visual skills for learning: near vision, distance vision, eye teaming (binocularity) skills, eye movement skills, focusing skills, peripheral awareness, eye/hand coordination. Eye specialists recommend that a child's first eye exam be around 5 or 6 years; or before they begin kindergarten unless a particular issue arises. By that age children are better behaved, able to take direction and realize why they are being examined. This lessens the possibility of children having an arduous exam visit.
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