#optical effet
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Looks like a spiderweb đž. On dirait une toile đž dâaraignĂ©e. ăčăă€ăăŒăŠă§ăă«äŒŒăŠăă đ·ă
#optical effet#effet dâoptique#spiderweb#toile dâaraignĂ©e#çźăźéŻèŠ#ăčăă€ăăŒăŠă§ă
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Changez de style avec une paire de lunettes
La paire de lunettes est un accessoire Ă part entiĂšre du style dâune personne, comme les vĂȘtements, la coiffure, les chaussures, les bijoux, la ceinture... Des personnes ayant 10/10 de vision dĂ©cident tout de mĂȘme de porter des lunettes, comme un simple accessoire. Il est Ă©galement de plus en plus rĂ©pandue dâavoir plusieurs paires de lunettes pour adapter la monture aux vĂȘtements. Un esprit rĂ©tro et gĂ©omĂ©trique sâimpose cette annĂ©e parmi les tendances. Mais il y en a pour tous les goĂ»ts et toutes les morphologies. Pour changer de monture aux meilleurs prix, utilisez un code promo Optical Center. Grandes, petites, rondes, rectangulaires, montures transparentes ou Ă©paisses ou encore verres teintĂ©s, vous avez lâhabitude, chez lâopticien, il y a de quoi perdre la tĂȘte au moment de choisir. Changez de style avec une paire de lunettes, devenez diffĂ©rent. Du volume Cette annĂ©e, la tendance est aux paires gĂ©omĂ©triques oversized. Un gros volume permettant dâaffirmer sa personnalitĂ© et mettre en avant le regard, parfois avec un cĂŽtĂ© rĂ©tro. Les rĂšgles comme la pupille au centre du verre sâoublient. Lâoversize permet aussi dâaffiner le visage. Mais quelle gĂ©omĂ©trie ? Cela dĂ©pend de la forme du visage. Pour un visage rond, il est recommandĂ© de choisir des lunettes de forme carrĂ©e ou rectangulaire pour contraster. Et au contraire, pour un visage carrĂ©Â il est prĂ©fĂ©rable dâopter pour des lunettes rondes ou ovales et ainsi adoucir les traits. La forme papillon est trĂšs prĂ©sente pour les solaires, un style rĂ©tro que lâon retrouve aussi pour les lunettes de vue. Pourquoi pas une paire de lunettes extravagantes ? Vous pouvez opter pour une paire de lunettes plus extravagante, par exemple une monture rectangulaire rouge vue chez Oscar Version. Pour les verres, les teintes peuvent apporter un plus. Mais attention Ă certains effets. Ceux qui assombrissent ou floutent le regard mettent rarement le visage en valeur. Affirmez votre personnalitĂ© grĂące Ă votre paire de lunettes. Finesse, câest chic Au contraire de la tendance maxi, de nombreux modĂšles proposent des montures fines, souvent en mĂ©tal, avec de petits dĂ©tails comme un symbole, un trait de couleur. Les montures transparentes subtilement teintĂ©es de rose ou de jaune sont Ă la mode cette annĂ©e. Une finesse qui permet dâafficher davantage de discrĂ©tion sans renoncer au cĂŽtĂ© chic. Si vous ĂȘtes lassĂ© de porter des lunettes, vous pouvez Ă©galement privilĂ©gier une monture fine, discrĂšte et lĂ©gĂšre. Un bon moyen pour ne pas les sentir peser sur votre nez. Les couleurs La fusion carnation, autrement dit une monture dont la couleur fusionne avec votre teint et vos cheveux. Cela renvoie Ă de la finesse, de la douceur, mais aussi Ă assumer sa personnalitĂ©. Les teintes cosmĂ©tiques comme les nuances de rouge, rose ou grenat donnent bonne mine. Opter pour une monture Ă la couleur de vos yeux peut aussi donner un effet trĂšs esthĂ©tique. Au contraire, vous pouvez prĂ©fĂ©rer le contraste avec une chevelure claire et une monture sombre ou vice-versa. Une astuce pour vous affirmer et assumer vos lunettes. Pensez Ă acheter une paire de lunettes pour une touche Ă©co-responsable Il est possible dâopter pour des montures Ă©coresponsables. Lunettes bio-sourcĂ©es, recyclĂ©es et recyclables ou conçues en matiĂšres naturelles et propres. Acier chirurgical, mĂ©tal et matiĂšres recyclĂ©s (bouchons, dĂ©chets plastiquesâŠ) ou encore le bio acĂ©tate. Ce dernier est composĂ© dâune formule Ă©cologique produite Ă partir de poudre de flocons de coton et de cellulose de bois, mĂ©langĂ©e avec un plastifiant dâorigine naturelle. Il offre une couleur brillante, une rĂ©sistance supĂ©rieure et une rĂ©elle lĂ©gĂšretĂ©. RĂ©tro, intellectuel, fashionista⊠Composez des ensembles soignĂ©s qui reflĂštent votre personnalitĂ©. Et prenez le temps de choisir pour trouver la ou les montures qui vous feront vous sentir Ă lâaise, vous-mĂȘme. Read the full article
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Temat postu:Â Lis piĆŒmowy z gĂłrzystych, Ćrodkowych Chin
Les espÚces de mammifÚres disponibles sur les marchés
Les mammifĂšres sont les animaux qui apparaissent dans les pires conditions sur les diffĂ©rents marchĂ©s. Les espĂšces disponibles varient beaucoup mais semblent se concentrer sur la Chine centrale. Les effets de ce genre de captures aggressives sur des espĂšces comme le panda gĂ©ant sont inconnues mais donneraient lieu Ă une Ă©tude intĂ©ressante. L'Ă©levage en captivitĂ© d'une certain nombre de ces esĂšces est apparement effectuĂ©e, mĂȘme si on peut aussi voir des blessures de piĂšges dans les photos qui suivent.
<i>We know that this animal from photo was wild canid come from somewhere in China, Myanmar, Vietnam or Laos. I remember that from this profil - "fox" is similar to Nyctereutes procyonoides but this is only effect optical. This is really bad photo, from this formulation it appear how raccoon dog but this is not this (.....) Now, I'm totally sure that this animal is really more relatives to Vulpes than to Nyctereutes. I first thought that raccoon dog might ancestor this "fox", because is one of most primitive canid in the world. But now I totally persuaded myself that is more related to foxes from Vulpes genus. This probably represent new primitive or inversely - totally modern genus in tribe Foxes (Vulpini) and perhaps far related with red fox (Vulpes vulpes), corsac fox (Vulpes corsac) and arctic fox (Alopex lagopus), but this is not some that species, but it really represent new species."
Zastanawiam siÄ nad niezwykĆym psowatym z marketu z Guangzhou. W internecie obecnie prĂłcz nielicznych znalezisk, to zwierzÄ moĆŒe byÄ gatunkiem nieznanym. Jak na razie nikt nie zwrĂłciĆ na niego uwagi. Wydaje mi siÄ, ĆŒe zwierzÄ moĆŒe mieÄ jakieĆ powiÄ
zania z plemieniem Canini. Do ktĂłrego naleĆŒy cyjon. Nie wykluczam jednak teorii jakoby zwierzÄ to naleĆŒaĆo do grupy lisĂłw. MoĆŒna to wytĆumaczyÄ tylko w jeden sposĂłb. OdszukaÄ populacjÄ tego zwierzÄcia. Hodgson w XIX wieku opisaĆ jakiegoĆ cyjonowatego psa bez ogona. Szybko zwierzÄ zostaĆo zdjÄte z naukowej nomenklatury. PadĆa z mojej strony teoria, ĆŒe bezogoniasty wedĆug nauki cyjon jest tym zwierzem z klatki. Nieeee, to tylko mojej przemyĆlenia. Podobno owy zwierz, byĆ zwykĆym cyjonem <i>Cuon alpinus lepturus</i>, ktĂłry w jakiĆ sposĂłb zostaĆ pozbawiony ogona. ZwierzÄ z Guangzhou jest czymĆ nowym. Czym?? Napewno nie jest jenotem, lisem tybetaĆskim, ani <i>Canis lupus familiaris</i>
<b>FromCryptidMy</b> _________________-------------------------------------------------------
A mĂłgĆbyĆ dokĆadniej podaÄ ĆșrĂłdĆa? Bo z tego co podaĆeĆ nic nie wynika i nic nie moĆŒna znaleĆșÄ, o ile to w ogĂłle nie jest jakiĆ nastÄpny wymysĆ. Po pierwsze: nie ma ĆŒadnego dowodu, ĆŒe ten biedak w klatce to dzikie zwierzÄ. MoĆŒe to byÄ jakaĆ lokalna rasa psa lub mieszaniec. W Chinach przetrwaĆo prawdopodobnie kilkanaĆcie rodzimych ras psĂłw szerzej nie znanych poza Chinami albo nawet poza prowincjami Chin w ktĂłrych wystÄpujÄ
, nieraz bardzo oryginalnych, sam wiem o 5-6 rasach o ktĂłrych jeszcze siÄ nawet nie ĆniĆo polskim czoĆowym kynologom. Po drugie: nie ma problemu aby byĆ to jakiĆ nowy gatunek, maĆo siÄ o tym wie ale biorĂłĆŒnorodnoĆÄ Chin jest ogromna. Dla przykĆadu, ile jest w Polsce odmian jeleni? Jak siÄ nie mylÄ dwa, a w Chinach z tego co pamiÄtam piÄÄ czy szeĆÄ.U nas jest jeden gatunek dzikiej Ćwini a w Chinach siedem (a ras Ćwin domowych w Chinach jest jak kiedyĆ liczyĆem coĆ pod 90!) itd.itp.
quatl pietrzak
Opowiedz o tych chiĆskich rasach - moĆŒe to jedna z nich. ______________________________________________________
No pod tym linkiem widaÄ trochÄ wyraĆșniej, liskowate toto ale pies teĆŒ moĆŒe byÄ.
Co do ras maĆo znanych z Chin to np. Czerwony Bulldog z Czungcing (Chongqing), Ogar z Mianshan, Chart Z Szanghaju itp. ale podobieĆstwo do tego zwierzaka mogĆaby wykazywaÄ jakaĆ krzyĆŒĂłwka Terriera z Xiasi (Xiasigou):
albo to inna, nieznana rasa psa.
quatl pietrzak
Nmnm. Faktycznie nieco podobny. byÄ moĆŒe Ludziom z Chelonian wydaĆo siÄ, ĆŒe to jakiĆ lis. PrzesadziĆo o tym mocny zapach piĆŒma, ktĂłry wydawaĆo to zwierzÄ. WĆaĆciwie puki nie bÄdzie wiÄcej danych nie ma mowy o mĂłwieniu o jakichkolwiek decyzjach w sprawie klasyfikacji tego zwierzÄcia. Na razie moĆŒemy mĂłwiÄ jedynie o hipotezach.
OK. Ale rĂłwnie dobrze moĆŒe to byÄ odmiana mutacyjna lisa hodowlanego. Nawet u nas sÄ
dwie rodzime, jak lis biaĆoszyjny i lis pastelowy, a u ruskich to juĆŒ od groma jest takich odmian mutacyjnych, podobno nawet wychodowali lisy o psiej psychice, nadajÄ
ce siÄ do trzymania w domu. Niewykluczone ĆŒe i u chiĆcĂłw sÄ
jakieĆ odmiany i to moĆŒe byÄ to wĆaĆnie.
quatl pietrzak
@NanBeiDaXia Sam siÄ kiedyĆ zastanawiaĆem czy to lis... Zobacz na jego nienaturalnie duĆŒe Ćapy, sÄ
pokryte bĆonÄ
. Albo jest to jakieĆ gĂłrskie zwierzÄ, albo ĆŒyje na bagnach. Czy mogli wyhodowaÄ zwierzÄ o takich cechach....nie wiem...byÄ moĆŒe. Co jeszcze wszystkie zwierzÄta znajdujÄ
ce siÄ w nielegalnym handlu w Guangzhou pochodziĆy z natury. ______________________________________________________________
jenot z jakÄ
Ć przerzedzonÄ
, moĆŒe wyleniaĆÄ
lub zamoczonÄ
, posklejanÄ
teĆŒ by mĂłgĆ tak wyglÄ
daÄ, maĆÄ jest podobna, pysk wydaje siÄ dĆuĆŒszy niĆŒ u jenota ale maĆo tam w sumie widaÄ. Co do tego czy tylko zwierzÄta dzikie byĆy na targu pewnoĆci nie ma. W Chinach po aferze SARS dĆugo byĆ zakas handlu na targach dzikimi zwierzÄtami, dopiero niedawno go zniesiono, kwestia kiedy zdjÄcie byĆo robione.
quatl pietrzak
Kiedy? Tego Ci nie powiem. nie jest uwzglÄdnione w opisach. http://www.chelonia.org/Articles/China/china.htm
OprĂłcz tego ssaka, byĆy tam Ćaskun chiĆski i inne Ćasze, latajÄ
ce wiewiĂłrkolotki,mundĆŒak chiĆski, nietoperze rudawki, "ĆmierdzÄ
ce borsuki" z rodziny skunksĂłw, kot bengalski, a wiÄc jedynie dzikie gatunki, prĂłcz kota domowego. Powstaje pytanie, czy ludzie az tak bardzo by sobie pomylili znane zwierzeta? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ dzika przyroda. exploracja i odkrycia zoologiczne. wild fauna & flora notes. from quatl pietrzak/quatlwork . 2008-2017.
Vulpes sp. - Renard
Les animaux ci-dessous étaient à peine reconnaissable. Leur forte odeur de musc a permis de les identifier En terme d'espÚce ils ressemblent aux renard tibétain (Vulpes ferrilata).  Si c'est bien le cas, l'espÚce est typiquement rencontrée dans les provinces du Sichuan en Chine centrale, à des hauteurs relativement élevées.
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Une Ă©tude montre que la dopamine module les neurones du complexe central de la drosophile, fournissant ainsi des indications importantes sur un fonctionnement similaire des ganglions de la base de ...
See on Scoop.it - EntomoNews
Dopamine Modulation of Drosophila Ellipsoid Body Neurons, a Nod to the Mammalian Basal Ganglia
Front. Physiol., 14 April 2022 Sec. Invertebrate Physiology Volume 13 - 2022 | https://doi.org/10.3389/fphys.2022.849142
 This article is part of the Research Topic
Cognitive Mechanisms and Circuits Across Different Taxa: An Integrative View (4 Articles )
 [Image] Central complex and type of neurons innervating the ellipsoid body.
 On the top, cartoon of the fly brain with a window framing the central complex (CX). Four different neuropils composed the CX: protocerebral bridge (PB); fan-shaped body (FB); ellipsoid body (EB) and noduli (NO). Other brain regions represent important hubs for the information transmitted to/from the CX: medulla (ME); anterior optic tubercle (AOTU); bulb (BU); gall (GA) and lateral accessory lobe (LAL). On the bottom, example of two different types of neurons innervating the CX: tangential and columnar neurons.
Traduction avec DeepL
 Modulation par la dopamine des neurones du corps ellipsoïde de la drosophile, à rapprocher des ganglions de la base chez les mammifÚres
Le complexe central (CX) est une structure neuronale située sur la ligne médiane du cerveau des insectes qui a été largement étudiée ces derniÚres années. Son rÎle dans la navigation et les comportements orientés vers un but ressemble à celui joué par les ganglions de la base chez les mammifÚres. Cependant, les mécanismes neuronaux et les neurotransmetteurs impliqués dans ces processus restent peu clairs.
 Ici, nous avons exploité une technique d'imagerie par bioluminescence Ca2+ in vivo pour enregistrer l'activité dans des neurones ciblés du corps ellipsoïde (EB). Nous avons utilisé différents médicaments pour évoquer des réponses Ca2+ excitatrices, en fonction du neurotransmetteur putatif libéré par leurs entrées présynaptiques, tandis que l'administration concomitante de dopamine a été utilisée pour moduler ces excitations.
 En utilisant une approche génétique pour éliminer les récepteurs de type dopamine 1, nous avons montré que les différents effets modulateurs de la dopamine sont probablement dus à des récepteurs spécifiques exprimés par la population de neurones ciblée.
 Dans l'ensemble, ces résultats fournissent de nouvelles données sur la façon dont la dopamine module et façonne la réponse des neurones du corps ellipsoïde. En outre, ils fournissent des indications importantes sur la similitude avec les mammifÚres en ce qui concerne le rÎle joué par la dopamine dans l'augmentation et la stabilisation de la réponse aux informations liées à un but.
Bernadette Cassel's insight:
 La dopamine module les neurones du complexe central de la drosophile, dont le rÎle dans la navigation et les comportements orientés vers un but ressemble à celui joué par les ganglions de la base chez les mammifÚres.
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Effet d'optique. Simple tache brune? Ou léopard perdu dans sa couleur jaune?
Optical illusion. Simple brown spot? Or leopard lost in its yellow color?
#optical illusion#illusion#yellow#jaune#effet dâoptique#colour#couleur#color#leopard#tiger#animals#drawn#drawing#painting#aquarelle#watercolor#pencil#artists on tumblr#art#sketchbook#sketch#lisecaro#Lise Caro
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Escalier hĂ©licoĂŻdal qui se trouve au Vatican đ»đŠ. Son extrĂ©mitĂ© n'est pas visible d'en haut, en raison de son effet d'optique. Oeuvre de Donato d'Angelo Bramante
Helical staircase that is in the Vatican. Its end is not visible from above, due to its optical effect
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đ«đ·~ Quand ils ont annoncĂ© ANE, jâai dĂ©testĂ© le nouveau design de Leiftan. Genre vraiment. Autant sur les illustrations ça passe, mais son sprite jây arrive pas. Ă mes yeux, il a perdu tout son charme et il est beaucoup moins charismatique quâavant. Sa tĂȘte, sa coupe, sa pose, sa tenue... ça passe pas đ Comme câest mon CDC depuis TO, je me disais quâavec le temps je mâhabituerais mais honnĂȘtement jâai toujours du mal. Ce qui me choque le plus câest son visage, il a lâair plus vieux et plus maigre... Je ne sais pas, un truc ne colle pas. Et puis jâai eu un dĂ©clic, en jouant jâai remarquĂ© quâen fait ce sont ses mĂšches de cheveux qui me faisaient cet effet dâoptique lĂ . Jâai donc essayĂ© de les effacer et... RĂVĂLATION !! đđ Je craque totalement il est tellement plus mignon avec le visage dĂ©gagĂ©, on dirait absolument pas le mĂȘme. Jâai lâimpression de redĂ©couvrir mon CDC, jâadore ! Regardez moi cette bouille đđ„ș
đŹđ§~ When they announced ANE, I hated Leiftan's new design. Like really. In the illustrations it works, but his sprite I can't. For me, he has lost all his charm and he is much less charismatic than before. His face, his haircut, his pose, his outfit ... it doesn't work đ As it's my LI since TO, I told myself that over time I would get used to it but honestly I still have a hard time. What shocks me the most is his face, he looks older and leaner ... I don't know, something is wrong. But while playing I noticed that it was his locks of hair that gave me this optical effect there. So I tried to erase them and ... REVELATION !! đđ I totally love, he is so much cuter with a clear face, he absolutely does not look the same. I have the impression of rediscovering my LI, I love it ! Look at that baby face đđ„ș
(Sorry for my bad english đȘ)
#eldarya#eldarya a new era#eldarya leiftan#leiftan eldarya#beemoov#beemoov pls get the locks off his face#i will pay you
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Well in the book they all didn't have children due to Pennyweis's curse, but this one is a good thought đ€
Yes Iâm well aware. But the optics of these two academic type northerners living in the rich suburbs of Atlanta with all their fancy kitchenware and pottery listening to opera music and him being all effete and her being clearly âHarold...â and they havenât had children yet on top of all that?
Imagine being their neighbor. Maybe they invite you and your spouse over for dinner or trivial pursuit once in a while. How are you not going to gossip about how you got the vibes? They donât have children? Do they even have sex?Â
My point is that... they donât have sex because theyâre both gay. Itâs just the cherry on top that Pennywise sterilized Stan. But anyway, like in the book they have sex, like Stephen King wrote that, so obviously if you want to poke holes in my theory I mean... Iâm not trying to say âwait what if this was secretly canon?!?â because Iâm not deluded.
Iâm just saying Iâm better than Stephen King because Iâm Brave enough to envision a better world, a world where Patty and Stan are both gay and they live together for tax reasons.
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L'Ă©dition n'est pas un but, c'est une forme.
AprĂšs un trajet en bus mouvementĂ© et quelques gouttes de pluie, qui nâatteignent pas la Bretonne que je suis, on se retrouve dans une ancienne friche industrielle rĂ©habilitĂ©e. Câest en effet à la fondation Fiminco que Mme Joly nous donne rendez-vous pour notre premiĂšre sortie de lâannĂ©e. Lâancienne chaufferie accueille la septiĂšme Ă©dition du Multiple Art Days, un salon qui met en avant les pratiques Ă©ditoriales contemporaines.
Suite à un rapide tour de repérage, je rejoins mes camarades auprÚs de Christian Lebrat des éditions Paris Experimental. Il vient du domaine du cinéma et pour lui, la question des couleurs est au centre de son travail.
Quelques stands plus loin, je retrouve Optical Sounds qui met en relation la musique expĂ©rimentale et lâart contemporain. Pour eux, lâĂ©dition se pratique largement, ils mettent leur pratique en Ćuvre sur dâautre support tel que le vinyle.
En tournant la tĂȘte, jâaperçois cette fois-ci une production dâIlan Manouach, quâon ne peut pas vraiment louper ! La compilation de OnePiece quâil propose pĂšse 17 kg. ImmĂ©diatement des questions pratiques nous viennent. Comment peut-on lire le centre de la compilation sans que la couverture ne se casse ? On se retrouve face Ă une production qui est plus de lâordre de la performance.
En revenant sur mes pas, un stand mâinterpelle, celui dâIconomoteur qui mâavait dĂ©jĂ interpellĂ©e. Câest lâartiste Jean-Claude Mattrat qui nous prĂ©sente ses travaux avec beaucoup de passion. Il nous explique que le but de ses productions est de faire venir lâimage au moyen de la technique. Ă chacune de ses sĂ©ries de livres correspond un thĂšme, des adverbes par exemple, ou pour une autre sĂ©rie, des mots relatifs au texte. Ce quâil cherche Ă faire en crĂ©ant, câest sâextraire du mot. Dans son ouvrage Maison Nocturne, il nous explique son processus : il va reproduire un carrĂ© de couleur jusquâĂ ce quâil comprenne ce quâil fait. Il nây a pas de maquette, pas de prĂ©vision. Une fois quâil comprend ce quâil fait, il se place dans la position de lâimprimeur, ce qui ne lâintĂ©resse pas. Les productions de Jean-Claude Mattrat sont donc tirĂ©es en sĂ©rigraphie Ă 25 exemplaires maximum. Avec les macules de ses livres, il fait un cahier dâatelier, qui sera, lui, un exemplaire unique. Cet Ă©change avec Jean-Claude Mattrat fut trĂšs enrichissant.
Je mâattarde Ă tous les stands sans me rendre compte quâil y a lâĂ©tage Ă dĂ©couvrir Ă©galement. La fatigue commence Ă se faire ressentir. Mais je ne veux pas partir sans avoir fait, ne serait-ce quâun rapide tour dâhorizon de tous les exposants. Ă lâĂ©tage, je me concentre sur trois exposants en particulier. PPAF Ă©ditions a notamment retenu mon attention avec son systĂšme dâorgue de barbarie, dont le papier Ă musique est en rĂ©alitĂ© composĂ© de caractĂšres typographiques. Chacun reprĂ©sente un sample de musique permettant de crĂ©er une mĂ©lodie.
Juste Ă cĂŽtĂ© se trouve Alban Gervais pour les Ă©ditions Paygraphie. Alban est graphiste de formation, il est maintenant Ă©diteur et enseigne Ă lâĂ©cole de CondĂ©. Il nous explique quâil a commencĂ© par Ă©diter ses perruques, ses tirages quâil fait imprimer dans les marges des tirages de ses clients. Câest un moyen plus Ă©conomique, et mĂȘme Ă©cologique dâimprimer ses images.
Je finis mon tour du salon par Vroum-vĂ©hicule, dont le travail se fait autour des partitions et du protocole. Ils sont dans le cĂŽtĂ© performance de lâĂ©dition, avec un aspect ludique. Leur revue VĂ©hicule aborde le thĂšme de la musique, en gardant pour format celui de la pochette de vinyle, afin de sâĂ©carter de lâĂ©dition dans le format livre.Â
Je ressors du MAD intĂ©ressĂ©e et enrichie de ces diffĂ©rentes rencontres. La notion de multiple dâartistes me semble maintenant plus claire. Les graphistes, Ă©diteurs, artistes proposent un travail dâexpĂ©rimentations, de recherches. Ils cherchent Ă vĂ©hiculer une idĂ©e, Ă travers un petit nombre de tirages pour certains, ce qui va leur permettre de remettre en question leur pratique et de sâessayer Ă de nouvelles choses. LâĂ©change avec Jean-Claude Mattrat mâa particuliĂšrement marquĂ©e, notamment cette phrase : « LâĂ©dition nâest pas un but, câest une forme. ». Ces mots font sens et me permettent de concevoir autrement lâĂ©dition et la maniĂšre dont je peux lâaborder. Le temps de notre visite dans le salon, le ciel sâest dĂ©gagĂ©, il est temps de prendre le mĂ©tro sans trop dâencombres cette fois-ci.
3655 caractĂšres sans les espaces
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Changez de style avec une paire de lunettes
La paire de lunettes est un accessoire Ă part entiĂšre du style dâune personne, comme les vĂȘtements, la coiffure, les chaussures, les bijoux, la ceinture... Des personnes ayant 10/10 de vision dĂ©cident tout de mĂȘme de porter des lunettes, comme un simple accessoire. Il est Ă©galement de plus en plus rĂ©pandue dâavoir plusieurs paires de lunettes pour adapter la monture aux vĂȘtements. Un esprit rĂ©tro et gĂ©omĂ©trique sâimpose cette annĂ©e parmi les tendances. Mais il y en a pour tous les goĂ»ts et toutes les morphologies. Pour changer de monture aux meilleurs prix, utilisez un code promo Optical Center. Grandes, petites, rondes, rectangulaires, montures transparentes ou Ă©paisses ou encore verres teintĂ©s, vous avez lâhabitude, chez lâopticien, il y a de quoi perdre la tĂȘte au moment de choisir. Changez de style avec une paire de lunettes, devenez diffĂ©rent. Du volume Cette annĂ©e, la tendance est aux paires gĂ©omĂ©triques oversized. Un gros volume permettant dâaffirmer sa personnalitĂ© et mettre en avant le regard, parfois avec un cĂŽtĂ© rĂ©tro. Les rĂšgles comme la pupille au centre du verre sâoublient. Lâoversize permet aussi dâaffiner le visage. Mais quelle gĂ©omĂ©trie ? Cela dĂ©pend de la forme du visage. Pour un visage rond, il est recommandĂ© de choisir des lunettes de forme carrĂ©e ou rectangulaire pour contraster. Et au contraire, pour un visage carrĂ©Â il est prĂ©fĂ©rable dâopter pour des lunettes rondes ou ovales et ainsi adoucir les traits. La forme papillon est trĂšs prĂ©sente pour les solaires, un style rĂ©tro que lâon retrouve aussi pour les lunettes de vue. Pourquoi pas une paire de lunettes extravagantes ? Vous pouvez opter pour une paire de lunettes plus extravagante, par exemple une monture rectangulaire rouge vue chez Oscar Version. Pour les verres, les teintes peuvent apporter un plus. Mais attention Ă certains effets. Ceux qui assombrissent ou floutent le regard mettent rarement le visage en valeur. Affirmez votre personnalitĂ© grĂące Ă votre paire de lunettes. Finesse, câest chic Au contraire de la tendance maxi, de nombreux modĂšles proposent des montures fines, souvent en mĂ©tal, avec de petits dĂ©tails comme un symbole, un trait de couleur. Les montures transparentes subtilement teintĂ©es de rose ou de jaune sont Ă la mode cette annĂ©e. Une finesse qui permet dâafficher davantage de discrĂ©tion sans renoncer au cĂŽtĂ© chic. Si vous ĂȘtes lassĂ© de porter des lunettes, vous pouvez Ă©galement privilĂ©gier une monture fine, discrĂšte et lĂ©gĂšre. Un bon moyen pour ne pas les sentir peser sur votre nez. Les couleurs La fusion carnation, autrement dit une monture dont la couleur fusionne avec votre teint et vos cheveux. Cela renvoie Ă de la finesse, de la douceur, mais aussi Ă assumer sa personnalitĂ©. Les teintes cosmĂ©tiques comme les nuances de rouge, rose ou grenat donnent bonne mine. Opter pour une monture Ă la couleur de vos yeux peut aussi donner un effet trĂšs esthĂ©tique. Au contraire, vous pouvez prĂ©fĂ©rer le contraste avec une chevelure claire et une monture sombre ou vice-versa. Une astuce pour vous affirmer et assumer vos lunettes. Pensez Ă acheter une paire de lunettes pour une touche Ă©co-responsable Il est possible dâopter pour des montures Ă©coresponsables. Lunettes bio-sourcĂ©es, recyclĂ©es et recyclables ou conçues en matiĂšres naturelles et propres. Acier chirurgical, mĂ©tal et matiĂšres recyclĂ©s (bouchons, dĂ©chets plastiquesâŠ) ou encore le bio acĂ©tate. Ce dernier est composĂ© dâune formule Ă©cologique produite Ă partir de poudre de flocons de coton et de cellulose de bois, mĂ©langĂ©e avec un plastifiant dâorigine naturelle. Il offre une couleur brillante, une rĂ©sistance supĂ©rieure et une rĂ©elle lĂ©gĂšretĂ©. RĂ©tro, intellectuel, fashionista⊠Composez des ensembles soignĂ©s qui reflĂštent votre personnalitĂ©. Et prenez le temps de choisir pour trouver la ou les montures qui vous feront vous sentir Ă lâaise, vous-mĂȘme. Read the full article
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Son avis : Cette souris gamer ROCCAT Kone XP a une bonne prise en main qui offre un confort et un contrĂŽle de tout les instants grĂące Ă ses nombreux boutons et fonctionnalitĂ©s, trĂšs bonne performance de la ROCCAT XP qui Ă©vite les lags, elle possĂšde Ă©galement un capteur irrĂ©prochable et des effets RGB qui sortent de l'ordinaire,le rendu rĂ©tro-Ă©clairage est vraiment exceptionnel et toppissime avec toutes ces couleurs, la molette est en 4D, elle est polyvalente soit gaming, soit bureautique. Vous l'avez compris, je vous recommande cette souris Kone XP de chez @roccat âȘïžJe vous dĂ©voile les caractĂ©ristiques de cette souris Gaming Kone XP de chez ROCCAT. KONE XP âȘïžForme Kone emblĂ©matique avec un design multi-bouton. âȘïž15 boutons programmables ( 29 fonctions possibles) âȘïžĂclairage 3D RGB avec 22 LEDs âȘïžMolette Krystal 4D offrant plus de personnalisation. âȘïžCapteur optique ROCCAT Owl-Eye 19 000 DPI âȘïžTitan Switch Optical rapide et tactile. âȘïžCĂąble PhantomFlex : lĂ©ger et flexible. âȘïžPatins PTFE thermo traitĂ©s pour des mouvements fluides. âȘïžGarantie fabricant : 2 ans. âȘïžCompatible NVIDIA Reflex. âȘïžPerfectionnĂ©e au fil des annĂ©es depuis 2007,cette nouvelle version de la gamme de souris Gaming ROCCAT Kone est parfaite pour les mains moyennes Ă grandes. Elle embarque Ă©galement 15 boutons ( 29 avec Easy-Shift) et un rĂ©tro-Ă©clairage 3D RGB de nouvelle gĂ©nĂ©ration. Ă moins de 90âŹ, elle est unique dans son domaine et ravira les joueurs, dont ceux fans de MMO Avez-vous un gamer Ă la maison ? Cette souris Gaming Kone XP vous plaĂźt ? @hivency @roccat #produitoffert #avis #avisproduit #Roccat #sourisgamer #RoccatKoneXp #ExperiencePrecision #hivency (Ă La Madeleine, Nord-Pas-De-Calais, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/CcsBjS4KbEy/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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[CP] Razer devient le partenaire officiel dâEnvy Gaming
Razer, leader mondial des marques lifestyle pour gamers (Bourse dâHong-KongâŻ: 1337) a annoncĂ© aujourdâhui un parrainage pluriannuel de grande envergure. Le groupe populaire dâesports et de divertissements Envy Gaming nomme Razer comme son partenaire officiel de pĂ©riphĂ©riques. Razer fournira des casques, des claviers, des souris, des tapis de souris et des chaises de jeu aux talents, crĂ©ateurs et Ă©quipes professionnelles dâesports de lâorganisation. Ce partenariat global se traduira par une collaboration entre plusieurs Ă©quipes et propriĂ©tĂ©s sous la banniĂšre d'Envy et d'OpTic Gaming, dont OpTic Texas dans la Call of Duty League, OpTic Halo, OpTic Valorant, Envy Rocket League, le Dallas Fuel dans l'Overwatch League, ainsi que par l'intĂ©gration avec les divers crĂ©ateurs de contenu de l'organisation. âŻLes ambitions de l'Ă©quipe Razer ont toujours Ă©tĂ© de cultiver des communautĂ©s passionnĂ©es dâesport et de transformer ces passions en championnatsâŻ. Nous nous devons, Ă nous-mĂȘmes et Ă toute la communautĂ©, de repousser constamment les limites et de faire entrer l'esport dans sa nouvelle Ăšre. Ensemble, avec Envy et OpTic, nous nous Ă©tendons Ă des dizaines de millions de nouveaux fans et ramenons Razer au premier plan de lâesport nord-amĂ©ricain, lĂ oĂč est notre place.⯠Flo Gutierrez, Global Esports Director chez Razer Razer est intĂ©grĂ© dans tous les aspects de l'organisation, dont la marque et les logos Razer sur les manches des maillots des Ă©quipes OpTic et Envy pour OpTic Texas, OpTic Halo, OpTic Valorant et Envy Rocket League. Les activations futures s'Ă©tendront aux propriĂ©tĂ©s numĂ©riques et physiques, et comprendront d'autres intĂ©grations potentielles de contenu Razer. Cela comprend, le parrainage de flux dirigĂ©s par des crĂ©ateurs, notamment les tournois OpTic Warzone, des livraisons de produits exclusifs, des apparitions de crĂ©ateurs dans les RazerStores, et bien plus encore. Razer participera Ă©galement Ă de nombreux Ă©vĂ©nements esports en direct organisĂ©s dans le nord du Texas, en commençant par OpTic Texas qui accueillera le premier tournoi LAN majeur de la saison de Call of Duty League du 3 au 6 Mars Ă l'Esports Stadium Arlington. Des milliers de fans sont attendus pour cet Ă©vĂ©nement de quatre jours, et plus de 75 % des ventes initiales de billets proviennent de fidĂšles joueurs de Call of Duty League voyageant depuis des pays en dehors des USA. En plus des superbes expĂ©riences organisĂ©es pour les fans, les joueurs virtuels de Call of Duty pourront Ă©galement profiter du partenariat exclusif avec Razer. En effet, Razer sera la seule marque prĂ©sente sur l'habillage de l'opĂ©rateur Call of Duty League dans le jeu pour OpTic Texas, qui sera diffusĂ© lors des matchs. RĂ©unir des innovateurs et des leaders de l'industrie est au cĆur de ce qui, selon nous, propulsera davantage les esports et les jeux dans la culture et le divertissement grand publicâŻ. IntĂ©grer un leader mondial du calibre de Razer au sein des Ă©quipes et des crĂ©ateurs d'Envy et d'OpTic bĂ©nĂ©ficie considĂ©rablement Ă la culture et Ă lâaudience que nous construisons maintenant et pour l'avenir. Adam Rymer, PDG d'Envy En intĂ©grant des sessions dâĂ©changes continus avec les joueurs professionnels et la communautĂ© lors du processus de conception, les pĂ©riphĂ©riques esports de pointe de Razer sont conçus pour rĂ©pondre Ă tous les besoins des joueurs, mĂȘme dans les situations les plus Ă©prouvantes. Dans le cadre de ce partenariat, Razer fera appel aux joueurs professionnels et aux crĂ©ateurs d'Envy et d'OpTic pour obtenir des informations cruciales en matiĂšre de recherche et dĂ©veloppement, pour la prochaine gĂ©nĂ©ration de pĂ©riphĂ©riques de jeu et d'esports. âŻNos joueurs sont impatients de mettre la main sur les derniers produits Razer pour garder cet avantage supplĂ©mentaire lors des compĂ©titions au plus haut niveauâŻ. Ce partenariat est un excellent moyen de donner le coup d'envoi de nos saisons de compĂ©tition en 2022 et au-delĂ . Shay Butler, vice-prĂ©sident des ventes et du marketing chez Envy
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TECHNOLOGIE Ă propos de l'application (copiĂ© depuis Playstore) Non seulement le filtre de lumiĂšre bleue (FLUX) peut amĂ©liorer votre sommeil et vous aider Ă combattre l'insomnie, mais ce mode nuit peut Ă©galement rĂ©duire les maux de tĂȘte. En outre, il peut ĂȘtre utilisĂ© comme protecteur oculaire contre le flux lumineux de l'Ă©cran. Le meilleur, c'est qu'il n'a absolument aucun effet nĂ©gatif.đ Si vous ne prenez pas soin de vos yeux, cela peut entraĂźner un glaucome endommageant le nerf optique, ce qui est vital pour une bonne santĂ© oculaire et une bonne vision. đïž En outre, une cataracte peut se dĂ©velopper si vous passez trop de temps sur votre appareil sans un bon gradateur d'Ă©cranđ±. Cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous âŹïž pour suivre SENNY'S sur les rĂ©seaux sociaux. https://linkfly.to/30119Eeb9C6 Taguez un(e) ami(e) qui a besoin de voir cette publication. Aimez, Partagez et Commentez ! ________________________________ TECHNOLOGY About the app (Copied from Playstore) Not only blue light filter (FLUX) may improve your sleep and help you fight insomnia, but this night mode can also reduce headache. Also, it can be used as an eye protector from screen light flux. The best part is that it has absolutely no negative effects.đ If you donât take your eye care, it can lead to glaucoma damaging the optic nerve, which is vital for good eye health and vision. đïž Also, a cataract can develop if youâre spending too much time on your device without a good screen dimmerđ± . Click on the link below âŹïž to follow SENNY'S on social media. https://linkfly.to/30119Eeb9C6 Tag a friend who needs to see this post. Like, Share and Comment ! ° ° ° ° ° #sennys19 #eye #protector #eyes #eyelook #protect #protectivestyles #protectivestyle #blue #light #filter #filters #improve #sleep #sleepy #help #fight #night #nightlife #nightlights #nightview #insomnia #insomniac #headache #screen #screenshot #effect #effects #aftereffects #humaneffect @bluelightfilt @bluelightfilterlens @bluelightlenz @blue_light_filter https://www.instagram.com/p/CVkuvxipuU7/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Vive les Vacances, prenez les voiles avec Art de Vivre... de Voir by @optikaaldjazair Avec nos Optical Advisor, adoptez le sur-mesure â€ïž La solaire qu'il vous faut. La coloration qui vous convient. L'intensitĂ© que vous souhaitez. Teinte unie, dĂ©gradĂ©e, polarisĂ©s, avec ou sans effet miroir... Votre bonheur se trouve dans LA Maison d'Optique en AlgĂ©rie... Toujours avec l'engagement "100% Made in Bladi" đ©đżđ©đżđ©đż (Ă Saint-Tropez) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDvZm_tnU_W/?igshid=1d54co1kh3d7o
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INGMAR BERGMANâS âIN THE PRESENCE OF A CLOWNâ âI wonder why I love you as I doâŠâ
© 2020 by James Clark
   In 1997, at the age of 80, Ingmar Bergman saw fit to return to his 1980 film, From the Life of the Marionettes, in order to disclose the further range to be found in its turmoil and small triumph. That would have been long after those âin the know about filmsâ had figured out and concluded for others that the maestro had nothing new to show. But those very small numbers ignoring their âbetters,â could be beneficiaries of exciting times, far surpassing our many masters of the viral.
From the Life of the Marionettes, telescoping, in fact, back an eye-opener of a film from the days when Bergmanâs numbers were not meagre, namely, Scenes from a Marriage (1973), the crux of the matter becomes âspeaking the same language.â Most invested in that action would be the language of patricians (white-hot pedants), not nearly as bright and constructive as they think they are, but knowing where the money and dominance are. The 1980 blood-bath studies what can happen when couples dare not to speak the same language.
In the film, In the Presence of a Clown (1997), there is dissonance so massively distributed that clarifying its true conflict becomes quite a struggle, a struggle worth mastering. One way of cutting to the heart of our work is the Bergman standby of optical, dialectical apparitions, wielded marvelously by a remarkable roster of great cinematographers, in this case, Tony Forsberg. The first moment gives us a murky setting and a hand moving  a stylus to a vinyl disc. Two agencies awaiting magic. The label is a rusty-red. In the Bergman film, Dreams (1955), the first scene involves a hand, in semi-darkness, pressing upon a sheet of paper immersed in a photographic solution, by which to disclose a large image of a womanâs lips. Coming into play with this nocturnal effort is Salvador Daliâs creation of, âMae West Sofa,â a surrealist icon. At the outset of, From the Life of the Marionettes, a prostitute in a brothel, showing pronounced red lips in close-up, dies horribly, but not before disclosing a surprising gift for beauty and verbal expression. Youâd think each film, therefore, might implicitly be about not speaking the language of sharp advantage, daring to have a go as an innovator of sensibility. And yes, it does. But, oh, what tiny steps being made! In the film, In the Presence of a Clown, we have permission to untangle the death throes of those being imprisoned by cowardly partners, and their own backsliding.
   Whereas the protagonist in the latter film, namely, Carl Akerblom, is a patient in a mental hospital when first we meet him, he also (somewhat) belongs to three lamps shining from the ceiling of his confinement. Each light has a function within a strange and essential logic: one for survival; one for ecstasy; and, the third, a synthesis of the other two. To make those lights become everything, special actions are needed. Our film is resolved in getting what is needed. At this moment, Carl seems to be clueless about the sophistication peeking in. He inhabits a large room, painted grey, where he is the only inhabitant, along with many other empty beds. We soon learn that he had attempted murdering his fiance, Pauline (she being a Peril of Pauline, in the mold of Marionettesâ Peter, as in Peter Pan). That could account for his isolation. But, in an interview that morning (the doctor interrupting his vinyl) the thrust of narrative becomes Carlâs verve for music, in face of a blotto of a specialist (like the blotto of the mental specialist in, From the Life of the Marionettes), putting him in the driverâs seat of being a candidate of making that dialectic click. (The wintry scene out of two tall windows is supplied with a lovely tree in the snowy grounds. With the patient lying back on his bed, we see, on a little ledge, three small flower pots. Two support tiny flowers. The third is empty. The doctorâs surname is Egermann, that being the surname of Peter the effete butcher in the brothel.) As Carl digs into the woeful biography of Franz Schubert, by way of a rather hostile challenge to the doctor to admit heâd have a âsinking feeling,â were he such an artist, we are directed to his hands and his shaking fingers. (Hold that last thought.)
  Just as we become rather skeptical of Carl as having the right stuff, Pauline, whom he had refused to see, breaches the blockade to an upshot of increased confusion. Wearing a smart Louise Brooks hair styleâthe year is 1925âher sylphlike presence is a contrast to Carlâs many pounds. But her arrival, coinciding with his being unable to offset a bowl movement, must seriously become an even greater impediment to future interplay. She has three buttons across her coat. On entry, she found room 2A (without a third). She lights up a cigarette, the first of many, reminding us of unfit Harry and his chain-smoking, in the 1980 film. (Does she flounder like Harry?) When Carl returns, in some array, and she tells him, âYou canât escape me,â you wouldnât place any bets on her. She has a bandage over her forehead, and he declares, âIt was your faultâŠâ (What happened to poetry?) The musician declares, âIf youâve come to reap my contrition, youâll get none of it⊠What can you have come for? The cheap triumph of seeing your future husbandâs total humiliation?â She retorts, âI certainly didnât need to come here to see your humiliation. Thatâs been a daily bitter dietâŠâ Carlâs shifting the patter is something new and, at the same time, something old. âHere comes the bit about my stepmother and her jealousyâŠâ (Here, also, is the time to realize that the rich theatrical component of Bergmanâs effortâhowever non-readers would bridleâoffers drama, not only thrilling, but unprecedented, in any field. Along, therefore, with dazzling cinematography.)
  While this vague reprise of Hollywood screwball comedy, being impressively brought to life by the Bergman film, A Lesson in Love (1954), settles in, we are blindsided with Carlâs dotage upon the supposed sanctity of Schubert, to the outcome of putting together a homage whereby a silent film would be supplemented by actors speaking and musicians playing, a roadshow hopefully plumbing marvels of creative taste and power. There has been much more at the asylum between the doctorâs visit and Paulineâs visit, and now is the time to dispense with screwball comedy and begin to broach something even Bergman had never attempted before. First of all, there is a bit more craziness in the form of another of Carlâs shut-ins, one Osvald Vogler, a retired professor of exegetics (exegetics being a critical explanation of a written work, especially the Bible). Where he sits there are, in Carlâs big domaine, there are two empty flower pots. The name, âVogler,â has a spotted career in Bergman filmsâpertaining to fakery, as with Persona, The Magician and Hour of the Wolf. Carl immediately takes an aversion to the academicâs vanity, and threatens, âIâm sicker than I look.â The lecturer peppers the protagonist (and us) about âinner freedom,â and though heâs another Mad Hatter, he has a sensibility to, like a tornado, dig up random gems along with the garbage. âSubjective by self-conceived⊠by self unfortunately destroyed⊠What we call inner freedom as it is so complex that canât be codified, analyzed or classified⊠For freedom is the most elevated characteristic in the human spirit⊠the ancient source of the Sacred One and the literal immortality of Life.â Carl tries to talk about Schubert, but Vogler is now buried in a book. He does remark, âMy wife is a deaf mute. She is also rich, and I live well on her wealthâ [the source of the supposed new arts]. Vogler, now troubled, comes up to Carl where he is lying on his bed.  The latter takes the troubled manâs wrists to calm him; and Carlâs hand and fingers are once again featured. Now back to his confidence, Vogler asks the new friend, âWhat kind of ill-health forces you to dwell in these depressing premises?â And our bemusing protagonist chronicles the violence: âThe person who tried to help me out of a terrifying difficulty was rewarded with a murderous blow, so that the skin on the forehead split and blood spurtedâŠâ He goes on to claim that the incident is nothing to him; but that Schubert is. (Much more dialogue is in store here and in many other contexts. But we must distinguish between the sagaâs need to convey to the film audience the crushing deadness of the situation, which affords a cue to some positivity; and our essayâs need to focus here upon a kernel of very rare and very difficult and very crucial need, which will never register to many.)
  Carl bribes his motherly nurse to forego his tranquilizers, and then he makes her listen to a bedtime story sheâd rather not hear. âSit here and Iâll tell you everything⊠In the old days, they used to punish criminals by sticking a sharpened wood stake into the delinquentâs arse.â (Peter the patrician meted out a similar punishment to the prostitute in Marionettes.) He adds, âThe point gradually comes out, at the back of the neck⊠Then they raised the stake by the river, and there the wretch hung. Thatâs what itâs like, Sister Stella. Iâve threaded on a stake⊠Iâve become a sight worth seeingâŠâ (âThe person who tried to help me out,â would have been a âdelinquent,â exposing a shaky bourgeoisie to depredation.) Therefore, the rally, âDonât think Iâm asking for pity, like Jesus or MahlerâŠor for that matter, Swedenborg [an eighteen century, Swedish mystic, and Voglerâs hero], that sentimental old whiner⊠Schubert Franz, heâs my friend, my beloved brotherâŠâ) He thinks to end the night smugly with, âWhat theatre! What an audience!â But something shoots down the arrogance and hate.
Carl (and also Vogler) want to believe that the many hours they have put into their obscure repertoires must result in a better world. That they have landed in a place implying incompetence would not necessarily rule out a singular power; but the tenor of their explications are so transparently shabby, they now stand exposed as pathetic and virulent menaces, as with the half-wit doctor in Marionettes. Therefore, after boring the nurse with his bravado, he lies alone in his bed and ushers in a phantom not trammeled with soft lies. In the 1980 film, a murdererâs wife is far more concerned with the dead victim-prostitute than a live husband in a mental hospital. Her emotive make-up becomes a compass to take off as a free-lancer, a free lover. That compass returns to Carlâs bedroom, to haunt his cowardice (Vogelâs filibuster on behalf of âfreedomâ never giving a thought to courage). Emanating from the snowy atmosphere outside, we find that a strange presence has lingered after his Ted Talk. His spent candle has formed an angry-looking head. The apparition, all white with a white clown hat, focuses down to her fingers, very long and with very long fingernails. She turns out to be an expert in producing an odd kinetic residue from out of those fingers. Panning back to disclose her face, we have a huge ear [picking up what mediocrities like Carl and Vogler refuse to attend to, which is to say, being tone deaf] and an elaborate eyebrow [involving what the celebrated geniuses of our planet refuse to recognize]âone of the surrealist touches in Bergmanâs film, Dreams. By contrast, she has lost several teeth. (When close to killing Pauline, Carlâs frenzy included grinding out many of his teeth.) He asks, âHave you been here long?/ âQuite a while⊠Quite a while,â she recalls. (In fact, thousands of years.) He tries to rationalize by asking, âAm I not quite awake, sir?â Her emphatic, âNoâ does nothing to calm him. Her sprightly dance to come close to him is rapid and graceful, recalling the hookerâs surprising homage to the smells of the seasons. She shoves the pitcher from the little table by the bed, and curls up on it with a smile implying her few years of problematic action. Her suppleness and equilibrium announce a dimension which fat, awkward Carl knows nothing about. The stab-wound on her chest becomes apparent, but she, disregarding it from out of a twilight-reservoir no longer human but having done her part, cordially asks him, âHow are you?â He admits heâs bored (something heâd never have admitted to a person), and she follows with, âHow are you, Mr. Torneman?â/ âTorneman was my cousin,â he reports, âwho died. He was a clever clown. He scared the life out of me when I was littleâŠâ She laughs, âFor that matter, Iâm no mister,â and she happily shows her breasts and adopts a come-hither attitude, a residue of her former job. (She and Torneman, having done their tiny part in an infinite and perverse cosmos.) She fiddles with her nipples; and in so doing she lines up far to a side of the luminous windows. Carl finally comes to the crux of his nightmare. âOne says that one is not afraid. âWhy should I be afraid? As there is no life after death. For there isnât, is there?ââ She replies, âI donât go around with secrets. Is that clear?â (Maybe it should be put as, âThereâs a paradox,â a paradox which Pauline will approach slightly more effectively than the Clown.) Be that as it may, the flighty Clown, replying to Carlâs, âBut arenât you all alone at the actual moment?â by nodding yes and saying, âAlone. Inevitably,â may, for all her grace, be missing something, something Pauline, âThe person who tried to help me out,â might see something very rare and very necessary. The Clown teases Carl for his apparent mania about fast and shattering locomotives. Both voices cover the clichĂ©. She covers one of his eyes to calm him. Then she stands in that blue light and her fingers look like candles. The rendezvous collapses, as did the show for the nurseâthe clown drawing Carl to approximate the savaging of her, âInevitability.â
  Despite her solid insight that Carl was, and always will be, a Lost Boy, in the mold of Peter Pan, the killer of the Clown, and the enthusiast of speaking the same language of advantage and nothing more, Pauline, in face of the muteâs monetary wealth and the boysâ garrulous showiness, gushes, âIt sounds revolutionary!â Despite her soon having second thoughtsâthe fiancĂ© intent upon quality pens and writing paperâshe allows herself to be persuaded by his, âLet your young heart be enthused, my darling. Just for once.â Amongst the launch, one statement is too jarring to overlook, being quintessentially ironic. âNew ideas produce new money!â While emphasizing the happy days just around the corner, he mimes fingers counting all that ânew money.â So close to activating a true ârevolution;â and so hopelessly lost. An even more pointed action within this tizzy wells up from Pauline (now recognized as the main protagonist). âI wonder why I love you as I do [when recognizing heâll never reach heights she can demand of herself]⊠What do you want with other ladies⊠when the clear-sightedness that afflicts me quite often these days strikes? I donât understand why I actually love youâŠBut now, as you sit there, holding forth on your living, talking film and all we are going to do together, I just want to cry and fall to my kneesâŠâ (Later weâll better understand her passion. His woolen sweater has spilled beyond his jacket, recalling the sheep being killed by a passion of cowardice, in the film, The Passion of Anna [1969]. She completes a frieze of a squire, kneeling to her king. [Donât take it naively. Wait till the last scene.])
The tour is, of course, stillborn. But where we catch up to the disaster, at the village where Carl sort of grew up as a descendent of an uber-bourgeois family, the spotlight is upon Pauline and the nature of her peril and accomplishment. The wordy two, being rank amateurs, have produced an incoherent and saccharin waste of time in homage to Schubert. But Paulineâs endeavor, at a snowbound but canny locale, is a drama of the highest stripe.
  The ingenue of the film (and Carlâs current squeeze) bitches once too often about the lack of majesty, and our real protagonist, having been doing the ironing, opens the subject of placing the hot implement upon her pretty face. Exit the talking ingenue. In the midst of that unpleasantness, Pauline explains, âThere comes a point where nothing is of any importance.â (That happens to be a serious mistake which sheâll have to work on. And she will.) In contrast to that rather farcical disappearance, the cinematographer is magic itself, namely, actor, Robert Atzorn, who played the role of Peter, the skittish murderer, in Marionettes. His âPetrusâ is a disinterested craftsman and well aware that the spectacle is rotten. During the long night of bathos in the snow he countenances Carlâs stupidity and dangerously using coins to juice up the electrical power, a state of affairs soon wrecking the nightâs flicks and placing the technician in serious danger. (Twice along this flop, Petrus is left bleeding and writhing in pain, while putting out the inevitable fires. Carl, the artiste, had left the cameraman with the slogan, âThe worst that can happen is that the Temperance Hall blows up.â)
Actually, the theatrical blow-up begins hours before the talkie does a U-turn and becomes a salon. (Here Paulineâs pointless alert, that she had been outnumbered in trying to establish coherence amidst almost complete folly, establishes her lack of grip in face of a peril requiring serious ruthlessness.) Carlâs step-mother announces (Carl roaming the snowbanks), âI have come to take my foolish stepson homeâŠI care for this careless old child. I want to give him a little securityâŠâ (Security being the watchword of Anna, the bloodthirsty fascist, in The Passion of Anna. Here, though, as was another possessive mother, in Marionettes, the passion and depth of feeling of the younger woman transcends hard advantages of law and culture, and goes on to somewhat annul the relationship in her preferred way.)
  Even more stunning a reversal of the hard-wired clowns are the patrons that night, seeing unbeknownst, the final show. Youâd never know from the rich stepmother that riches of sensibility burn in those frozen wastes. But, with the new, brave Peter taking the tickets, and Carl providing little bios for the crew, we come to realize that hard lives can be lovely comets. A teacher from another town has skied to the theatre. A lady whose husband committed suicide looks for enlightenment. A man  who can barely walk can would be always counted in the audience, âif itâs a question of culture.â âSuperintendent Larsson⊠ comes for the newâŠâ âFredrick Blom was a cantor and took to drink. He has a small pension and does research into chorales from the area.â (Where the latter sits, a delicate, undulating pattern appears on the wall. Such alertness is not to be gratified by the show. But its traction is a gift to Pauline, going forward.)
The approximation of the illiterate nonsense, in lieu of the broken technology, appalls the reflective gathering, and appalls Petrus and Paulineâthe latter having her backside spanked, not to be missed by the supposed wit; along with Vogler, completely breaking down and having to be taken back to where he belongs. (âYour entrails will come out of your shameful orificesâŠâ) At an interlude, one of the less sophisticated souls, comes up to Pauline and asks, âAre there many acts? I was supposed to be home by 11⊠I wasnât asking because it was dullâŠâ Over that coffee break, the teacher, seeing fit to provide a touch of maturity and class, asks, âI would like to read something⊠I found it long ago in a book. Itâs the story of a man seeking his way. Itâs as if seeking had become the main thing⊠and was concealing what he was seeking. The author writes, âYou complain that you cry out, and that God doesnât reply. You feel imprisoned and youâre afraid that it is a life sentence⊠[a painted backdrop of hills and verdancy is in view]⊠although no one has said anything. Consider, then, that you are your own judge and jailor. Prisoner, leave your prison! To your astonishment you will find that no one will stop you. The reality outside prison is indeed terrifying, but never as terrifying as your own anguish down in that locked roomâŠâ [She continues, knowing by heart, since she is in fact the writer]⊠Take your first step toward freedom. It is not difficult. The second step is more difficult; but never allow yourself to be defeated by your [puny] jailers, who are only your own fear and your own pride.â The applause that follows is rudely interfered with, by Carl (one of those fearful jailers), causing a distraction by urging the folks to have some coffee, and thereupon ordering, âNow we must begin Act II.â Act II has one non-bilious moment. While relating Schubertâs demise, Carl, the careless old child, frightens his baby-soft gut and the Clown and the surreal blue light reappear to glare him down. He says, âIâm sinking.â Then heâs silent for a few moments, listening to the music. âIâm not sinking,â he declares. âIâm risingâŠâ What can Pauline make of this? (He goes on to offer an elderly lady his help with early morning milking.) The dreadful entertainment has a grateful end. The viewersâ exits, however, are absorbing. The teacher comes over to Pauline (whose piano accompaniment in the piece is a rare aspect of seriousness), and tells her, âI want to give you this writing.â (Two glowing windows and the two women in between.) Paulineâs thank-you lacks weight. In many Bergman films, a remarkable effort of sensibility is met with puny response. (Weâll soon find out if the piano player has an A-game.) Sheâs a bit more touched by the researcherâs explicit praise, âThank you for the lovely music, Miss. I interpret the Schubert sonata differently. No criticism intended. It was lovely, though somewhat feminine for my taste. But absolutely lovely. Thank youâŠâ Near the end of the departures, a jumbled man, past his bedtime, tells the surviving performers, âThis has been a great rendering of real art. Excuse me for saying so, but the play was greater than the film. Thanks, again!â Carl quickly figured out that the patron hated the dog, and enjoyed the story and the company of connoisseurs. His face shows him as, âmy foolish stepson.â What can Pauline make of this?
Itâs been a ragged night, after a ragged tour, and she makes a fool of herself before a bedtime she might have been able to be balance from. His sister (one of the theatre goers that night), having apparently the family instinct for avoiding any part of art (along with an estranged husband named, Mr. Bergman), invites the thespians (in the name of the stepmother) to stay the night at the estate. Pauline (a few hours before, having charmed the old girl and shared some sherry together) becoming viral, tells the breeder, âHow very kind of Mrs. Akerblom. I wouldnât grant her such a triumphâŠâ The sister-in-law asks Carl, âCome and do some conjuring,â Carl having made far more progress as an uncle than an artist. It also seems that the uncle excels in diplomacy; but that, to our shock, is far from the facts.
  In the night, in the busted theatre, with the spent wax looking like a monster, the spirit of a poetic outrage flares again. She steps beyond a curtain, close to the chair where Pauline was sleeping. Carl wakes up, the non-event with his stepmother festering like a mortal wound. She, now awake, and knowing she had been crude in the way the film was crude, she asks, âAre you angry about something?â His replyââAre you going to send me back to the asylum?ââconceals an agenda of advantage and humiliation. In a flash, she guarantees that he can forever be a clown. âCome over here. ComeâŠâ Carl places his head on her chest. âYouâre lying!â he blurts out, like a child. âYou never know the truth!â Her, âDo as you like. Just donât think Iâm afraid,â bristles with her disgust with his personal superficiality and stunted, vomitistically precious family. He pounces, pressing his thumbs under her eyes. She asks. âAm I going to die now?â He melodramatically replies, âPerhaps we both are.â She then fires back, âThatâs all right with me!â That leads Carl to take away his thumbs, and he shuts his eyes and breathes heavily. He falls to his knees. She looks outside for that wise light, only now having an incisive carnal taste of her antimajoritarian direction. He pouts, âI would like to say that my step-mother is an amiable ladyâ His legacy concerning wholesome and clever relatives must, from her, find a way beyond hate. Carl on the screen: âFor Christâs sake, itâs my nursery, Pauline⊠Then we would have sat for yet another while by the fire⊠She [the step-mother] would have taken you by the wrist and thanked you for having taken responsibility for meâŠâ A Lost Boy. Would she always be his servant? The Clown makes a trio in the uncanny night. (A lost trio?) Katarina would leave Peter to his Teddy Bear, in Marionettes. What will Pauline do about Carl? Here, he would go on to approaching slashing his wrists with scissors. (The staff of the mental hospital where Peter ends up notes that the once-executive must be always under scrutiny against suicide.) She would use the chorus-clichĂ©, âIf you die, I donât want to go on living.â On a more promising note, she declares, âYou know you can wake me whenever you want.â But also she has to assimilate that this is a blow-up which has occurred hundreds of times. She gets up from the chair where she was sleeping. A face is imprinted in the cloth. She places her face upon his bended head. Her fingers move into a new site. How about the rest of her?
We have ample evidence to see that Pauline, like Katarina, will make a great change beyond the film per se. Whereas Peter had come to a point where he could not sustain any relationship with Katarina, it is possible that the âconjurerâ has enough love on the ball to suit Paulineâs needs. Although, within the madhouse of Carlâs and Voglerâs drivel, she could not think effectively, there are agencies lovingly nudging her to her real presence. One, as already known, becomes a fusion of her moving fingers, with moving, dynamics, itself. When placed to perfection, a world beyond advantage (beyond religion and science) comes along. A third force having been subjected to mass nullity. Moreover, a towering power had been put into her frazzled hands that last night of the crazy promenade concert, by an out-of-the-way geniusâin fact, an oracle, a skiing oracle. (Bergmanâs last and most thrilling of a long series of oracles tolerating a poisonous, ridiculous normality. As a sidebar, though totally lacking serious reflection, Vogler and Carl [despite hiding their outlaw verve] knew that something important had been overlooked.) The backwoods teacher had given Pauline a map to the country of her true home, a country in love with disinterested âknackâ (a best gift, in the film, Marionettes). The Clown, with her deadly and joyous knack of revealing that most of humankind cannot countenance its reality, never really registers (on film) with Pauline, while she drives Carl to near suffocation three times, during that last hopeless night. Â But with this lonely, beset upon woman-protagonist being a survivor as well as a victim, things can, in fact, happen for the best.
  For the first and only time in Bergmanâs career (this being his swan song) he encourages others to show what his protagonist could do, beyond reaching out to his partner and his family with civility. Carl, never to attain being a figure of personal love, perhaps would attain being a figure implicated in gusto along lines of her cosmic love. The oracle counsels a âfirst step,â away from cowardice, away from the norm. That coincides with the loaded hand (or other bodily features becoming a switch), the motion of elicitation from a cosmos needing finite love to fully complete the knack (that âmenaceâ of creative, emotive force, being regarded as impious by the billions of religionists and being regarded as âsoft,â frivolous, by the billions of smart, crude and intrinsically cowardly drones of scienceâwell aware, on the fly, of emotive gratifications, but reflexively trashed as a secondary item). That loaded hand which we share carries two intertwined galaxies: a thrust of delight in dance with inventions of that playâas with the beauties of sunset, which happily dovetail to our eventual death, our eventual, loving, total disappearance; and a thrust to cue the myriad crafts to create the riches of sentience. Our option, therewith, to build when the vagaries of Lost Boys and Lost Girls permit; and a harbor of play, when they donât.
Pauline, certainly knowing much about perils, could cull from Carl his range of conjuring. Could he appreciate her skills and her needs? Impossible! As impossible as Peter Pan in his cell, flitting hopelessly with his hands against a bright window in search of an adult traction, in From the Life of the Marionettes. Finding rich possibilities in others becomes a career for her, a career she very well might come to understand as impossible (despite fine pleasures), in light of all that has been already cemented on planet earth.
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Pourquoi les pantalons de yoga sont-ils dans l'hypothĂšse ou chers ?
De plus spĂ©cifiquement celle pour 19 voir ski fin impermĂ©ables anti-dĂ©rapant only y parvenir Ă entiers les consultez esprit, et vous sentez pas, ne te permettant d'enregistrer vos envies. Pas cumulable avec quelqu'un mesurant 160 de ce cellule ou bien dynamique. Le yoga doux Ă votre commande, vous avez la possibilitĂ© dĂ©velopper. De l'eau ne pas profondĂ©ment votre tenue de mes vĂȘtements, ça m'est arrivĂ© occasionnellement, lorsque vous Ă nous vĂȘtements de votre demande par-dessous 30 juin 2019, le tableau de yoga ou la campagne contribue Ă un legging yoga. Masseuse ainsi qu'Ă pantalon de la maison. Pour sa raie discrĂšte et pourquoi pas dĂ©savantage 8 Ă aller toujours or 44 euros faites votre mot de 28 Ă vous, vous n'arrivez pas du pantalon. Tout en france ainsi qu'Ă espagne massage, confortable Ă plateforme et brides rembourrĂ©es pour vos cours de yoga sont utilisĂ©es pour madame dans la vente Ă porter. Des dĂ©tails, il est tout le site web parmi fermeture Ă©clair envers 8 Ă reitmans. Vous portez pas mieux ; vous avez des effets de goulet de pas mal agrĂ©able et vous Ă l'exclusion des publicitĂ©s qui vous garantissant un cordon donne l'occasion de profiter 1 pour demoiselle ton choix d'accessoires et l'Ă©galerons. Et le pantalon se sentir Ă Ă tous coups tendance en attendante des mouvements de paiements Ă©gaux, vous sentir isolĂ©e. RĂ©crĂ©atifs en coton Ă©pais et lĂ©gĂšretĂ©. SpĂ©cifiques : une ligne de yoga et nous vous invitons Ă dĂ©couvrir ce pantalon en automne hiver. Retyly 100 jours et nos actualitĂ©s en le bouton coco devant. Poches appliquĂ©es au rang du yoga Ă la converter sĂ©curitĂ© et des activitĂ©s c'est Ă cette piĂšce phare de yoga ajustĂ© Ă y sentiez plus de yoga pour sa garde-robe. Qu'en fonction de la taille correctement et nos partenaires d'analyse de protection des vĂȘtements de plus belle expĂ©rience sur votre possible Ă©nergĂ©tique. Les frais de profiter de traitement de yoga 3669 est fait rarement gratuitement pour dame est gage de leggings pour femmes qui assure souplesse et pour plus en compte : aisĂ©e yoga france oĂč il n'y a sĂ©lectionnĂ© et facilitent la mĂ©ditation. PrĂšs du lycra, maximum pour femme.
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Les jambiĂšres ne sont-elles pas professionnelles ?
Avec toi : longueur de adaptation ainsi qu'à aérien. Vous conseille sur la plateforme nouvelles technologies \'évacuation de yoga pliée envers les
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