#opt out by default
Explore tagged Tumblr posts
lynayru · 1 year ago
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hannah-heartstrings · 1 year ago
The ability to opt out of their ai scraping is still not available on mobile for me, so I did it on desktop. That should be fine right? I don't need to do it on both?
I feel like that's probably a stupid question, but just in case.
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anghraine · 5 months ago
I hadn't even thought about LinkedIn for years, but uhhh I just got this email:
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I've copied the text below this cut if you can't/don't want to read a screenshot:
Hi Elizabeth,
You’re receiving this email because we’re making updates to LinkedIn’s User Agreement and have provided you more information in our Privacy Policy.
While we encourage you to read both, here’s a quick look at what you should know:
Updates to the User Agreement, which are effective on November 20, 2024, include more details on content recommendation and content moderation practices, new provisions relating to the generative AI features we offer, and license updates designed to help creators expand their brand beyond LinkedIn.
As our product evolves to leverage generative AI, we have given you more information in our Privacy Policy by adding language on how we use the information you share with us to develop the products and services of LinkedIn and its affiliates, including by training AI models used for content generation (“generative AI”) and through security and safety measures.
At this time, we are not enabling training for generative AI on member data from the European Economic Area, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. For those outside these regions, we’ve proactively made available an opt-out setting for any members who choose not to make this information available for this purpose.
For more information, please visit our frequently asked questions, or our post on LinkedIn. By continuing to use LinkedIn, you are agreeing with these terms.
We remain committed to being transparent about our practices and keeping you in control of the information you entrust with us.
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wumblr · 1 year ago
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a harrowing gaze into the abyss 🦆📰 #DuckLogic
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beescake · 1 year ago
on a casual note i don't see why anybody on tumblr would want their posts getting sucked into the ai stream
so please tick 'prevent third-party sharing' for each of your blogs, and remind each other to do so as well
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chromegnomes · 1 year ago
"works created by AI cannot be copyrighted bc they were not produced by a human being who can claim copyright" would solve so many more of the problems with AI Art than any of the convoluted solutions that involve policing and/or paying royalties for the images used in training data
the logistics of the latter are a nightmare, and the people arguing for it would NOT want the implicit logic applied to the reference images they use for free from google dot com
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chibigaia-art · 1 year ago
Just so you know, tumblr is currently using art for AI training and the only way to stop them is to go into your settings and turn it off 'third party sharing' manually (on each of your blogs)
ty for the warning anon, I already did it yesterday but I appreciate the heads up!!! anyway im so fucking tired, I'm not gonna make other socials like everyone else is doing because I already have barely the willpower to take care of the sinking ones I have atm and this website is the only one where I can be cringe and free so
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puexii · 9 months ago
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friendly reminder to turn this on
go to tumblr website -> settings -> click on ur blog to do blog settings -> scroll down and u will find it as the last toggle in visibility section
i couldnt find it on the mobile app so ye use the website
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cold-knees · 7 days ago
Heads up to Pinterest users to turn this shit off in your settings 🤮
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aethernoise · 1 year ago
Vowing to "discourage" scraping of data "except by the [fucking parasites] we partner with" when the partners in question are the biggest aggregators on the internet doesn't mean much to me @staff
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kyle-steen · 1 year ago
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Attention to everyone!!!
Tumblr is apparently planning on selling scraped user data from blogs and sell them to dumb af A/I companies. You know the ones. And it’s opt-in by default.
I highly suggest going to your settings, on each individual blog you may have mind you, go down to Visibility, and click that 3rd option shown above!
The CEO was already being weird on Twitter, this is just another massive disappointment. Fuck Genai, fuck these companies trying to steal peoples work, and fuck Tumblr for agreeing join in.
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queen-mabs-revenge · 3 months ago
the seat that we just spent the last month+ travelling 2 hours every night to canvas and build for came down to 35 votes last night and was finally called for a recount at 1am which is starting in a couple hours and jfc ranked choice voting is fantastic, but my god the drama
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elmoshipsbyler · 2 years ago
i’m writing this with a pounding migraine, so bear with me, but i feel like a decent percentage of homophobic m*levens genuinely find byler unsettling, and are coming from a place of unease/discomfort
imagine living in a world where you can turn on a TV show and feel comforted knowing there’ll be at least someone on screen who you feel represents you. no matter what show, no matter what movie, there’s always someone who you’ll be able to relate to
now imagine- if you’re living under this assumption that you’ll always be represented, anything different feels like having the rug pulled from under you. if you’ve spent your whole life seeing straight couples on TV (and expecting straight couples), having a character turn out to be gay can feel almost like deception. you were in your comfort zone, and now you’re not anymore. think about all the tweets you see from m*levens talking about how disappointed they are about the “lack of straight representation”
and so you start to see this as a threat. any POSSIBILITY that a character (one which you happen to relate to) can end up being gay, that becomes a threat, because you’re not used to being forced out of your comfort zone
if it turns out that mike reciprocates will’s feelings, that’s a “betrayal”, because the assumption was that, unless the audiences was given a big flashing warning in advance that “this will be a character you won’t be be able to relate to”, he would be a “safe” character. he wouldn’t make them have to question anything, because he’s a “default” guy. mike being queer would mean that they were never given the option to “opt out” of representation. it would also force the audience to start looking at their media critically and wonder why they assumed he would be straight. and that would, in turn, force them to look at the world around them and ask themselves the same questions
or, even worse [cue dramatic music] it forces them to reevaluate themselves and their own relationships with other people. thinking about a girl i know who gets really weird around byler, who’ll say “they’re not gay, everyone’s like that” but has yet to consider that maybe no, not everyone’s like that
for most people in minority groups, there never was this default-representation to begin with, so there’s not the same feeling of “betrayal”. there was never the inherent assumption that you can just turn on any piece of media and immediately recognize yourself in one of the characters. you get used to relating to PIECES of a character, rather than the whole, cause you know that you’ll never see yourself in entirety being represented on screen
but if you’ve gone your whole life thinking your specific experiences are “normal”, and inherently deserve to be represented on screen more than other experiences, only for your expectations to be subverted, it forces you to question WHY you assumed you were the default. and i feel like a lot of people don’t want to ask themselves that question
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raddest-laddest · 1 year ago
hey y’all, just a reminder to turn ON “prevent third party sharing” in ur settings!!
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it looks like this, and u might have to do it in a browser idk if it’s on the app
have a nice day, and protect ur art 👊
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sonknuxadow · 1 year ago
with the ai thing does anybody know how it works with reblogs. like if you opt out are your posts completely safe from this stuff or is your choice ignored if somebody who hasnt opted out reblogs it and its taken from their blog . or does this only apply to original posts and not reblogs ? idk
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girlivealwaysbean · 4 months ago
thank you tumblr for letting me opt in to the boop o meter
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