queenregina1 · 5 years
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shreyas-inkwood · 3 years
Epoxy Resins Market Trends 2022 | Global and Regional Growth
Epoxy resins are characterized as a type of reactive polymer and prepolymer constituting epoxide groups. They react either with themselves in the presence of catalysts or with other co-reactants such as thiols, phenols, and amines, among others.
Epoxies provide numerous advantages, including chemical and solvent resistance, low shrinkage, high strength, excellent adhesion to several substrates, thermal solidity, corrosion protection, effective electric insulation, and moisture resistance. These benefits play a vital role in their adoption across various applications, thus expanding the global epoxy resins market.
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According to Inkwood Research, the global epoxy resins market is set to grow with a CAGR of 5.65% over the estimated years of 2022 to 2030. The market’s growth is primarily attributed to the development of the wind energy market, the increasing need for epoxy resins in the aerospace industry, and the surging demand for paints & coatings.
How Do Paints & Coatings Influence the Epoxy Resins Market?
Epoxy resins are used as additive resins in several coatings in order to enhance properties such as resistance and adhesion. While major changes have been recorded in the paints & coatings market over the last four decades, the adoption of new coating technologies represents a significant transformation. Coatings offer two principal functions, namely, decoration and protection. Without coatings, the products’ life reduces drastically, and in several cases, they may not be marketable, as well.
On the other hand, approximately 45% of coatings manufactured across the world are utilized to decorate and protect new construction and maintain new structures. The remaining coatings, termed special purpose coatings, are utilized for miscellaneous applications like traffic paints, vehicle refinishing, and high-performance coatings to safeguard marine structures & vessels. Therefore, the surge in application of epoxy resins within the paints & coatings industry, coupled with the rising need for paints & coatings, propels the demand for epoxy resins in the present market scenario.
However, certain properties of epoxy resins, such as lack of insulation and toughness, limit their application across various segments. Therefore, with the advancement of technology as well as recent innovations in the industry, epoxy resins have been modified to meet the demand for specific applications.
Modified Epoxy Resins – Key Opportunity
Presently, epoxy resins can be modified according to the need of the applications. In this regard, the production of epoxy resins with enhanced toughness, without compromising their mechanical characteristics majorly helps the material’s development. The two main types of epoxy impact modifiers are epoxy flexibilities and epoxy toughening agents. Miscible with uncured epoxy resins, they offer low resin viscosity, integral for affordable and easy processing.
The demand for modified epoxy resins is anticipated to rise extensively owing to the increase in high-performance application areas. These include the surge in innovations within the industry and the high adoption rate of modified resins. As a result, this factor represents a major opportunity area for the global epoxy resins market.
Modified bisphenol A/F based Epotec epoxy resins manufactured by Aditya Birla Group entail a blend of several epoxy resins and reactive diluents. They are available in numerous viscosities, suitable for applications in coatings, civil engineering, and laminates. Similarly, Pyralux® GPL Sheet Adhesive by DuPont is a proprietary B-staged modified epoxy adhesive. It is mainly used to bond flexible inner layers or rigid cap layers in rigid-flex and flexible constructions. Other players operating in the global epoxy resin market include BASF, Dow Chemicals, Kukdo Chemical Co Ltd, and others.
Epoxy Resins Market – Regional Trends & Latest Developments
According to the estimations put forth by Inkwood Research, the Europe epoxy resins market is set to progress with the highest CAGR globally during the forecasting period. Although Europe relies on several green energy resources, wind power is the most prominent, especially in terms of maintaining the growing demand for epoxy resins.
As per WindEurope’s Central Scenario, by 2030, 323 GW of cumulative wind energy capacity will be installed in the European Union (EU), leading to more than 50% of the capacity installed in 2016. With this significant capacity, wind energy is anticipated to produce 888 TWh of electricity, equivalent to 30% of the European Union’s total power demand.
On the other hand, the construction industry in Germany is gradually rising, mainly fuelled by the increase in new residential constructions. As the fourth-largest automotive producer globally, the current share of manufacturing in Germany is over 5%. The country is also likely to spend more on public infrastructure, with increased investments through public-private partnerships, primarily at the municipal level. With the development of the construction and automobile industry, the demand for epoxy resins is estimated to record an accelerating trend, thus facilitating the regional market’s growth over the forecast period.
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siderealxmelody · 3 years
Galen & Hayla: A History
Galen and Hayla were a product of their of circumstances, pushed to be things they never wanted to be.
Galen's parents wished to ascend and they couldn't do that with a child to care for. So when he was born they gave him to Valentine to raise and ascended with his help (aka: they died believing in Valentine's teachings).
Galen never wanted a kingdom or lands, he was a quiet child. He liked to read, to put things back together, to observe the world around him.
He wasn't very close to his cousins but he loved them, he adored Lazai for his strength and Azariah for her intelligence. Next to them he didn't know what he offered anyone. But they were his only blood family and he desperately wanted to make them proud.
He had a few good friends, but one of them stood out to him like Estel. She was no one, her family were the help. She did the laundry and had been good friends with Galen since they were young. As they grew older that relationship deepened and Galen struggled with what to do. He loved his family but they'd never accept Estel into their ranks. Even if he tried to run - where could he go? Valentine controlled the land, he controlled the coastline.
So he did nothing, he watched as Estel allowed a soldier to court her, as she allowed herself to be happy without him. He couldn't truly blame her, he'd be a hypocrite not to. Wasn't he going to do the same when the opportunitypresented itself to him? She'd asked if she should wait for him, if there was a chance for anything - he'd turned her down.
He'd told her to not wait, to not give her whole heart to him - what good would that have done for either of them? She must have seen through his words because she asked him to take her before her wedding.
"I want to know full love Galen, I want to know what it's like to lay with someone who fully holds my heart. That is all I ask for my wedding gift, will you give me that?"
Who was he to deny her? Who was he to refuse the one and only wish she'd ever asked of him? So he did. He even blessed their union. He offered her husband lands in his court. Valentine was gearing up to coronate them soon, her husband could be comfortable in his court. To his relief her new husband politely declined, and asked to be allowed to move to the islands. Estel had always loved to sea he explained and now that they were reinstating the monarchy - perhaps that was where they could go.
Galen agreed and before he could get comfortable with his new life - Aleksander and Ludamilla came. They liberated them or so they said, they not only restored the powers of his throne - but pledged their support to him.
He supposed he was happy, he supposed he should be happy that the girl they gave him to marry was so easy to love. Hayla wasn't Estel, she filled any room she was in. She was loud and vibrant where Estel was a soft watercolor bleeding into the walls.
Still as Galen prepared for their wedding, he promised to be a man Estel would be proud of. He'd be loyal, he'd love Hayla as best as he could.
Hayla had done whatever her brother had asked of her. The idea of marrying a prince had never filled her mind. But it's not like she was going to pass up such an opportunity.
Galen was sweet, kind even. He treated with respect but even as sheltered as she was - she knew she didn't hold his heart. That was fine, they could be friends couldn't they? Didn't all relationships start as friends?
So when Ulla took her aside and pressed her on if she truly wished for this - she didn't say no. She said yes, she said she definitely did.
Perhaps that's where the trouble first began.
Their parties were always lavish and beautiful. Lazai and Azariah always attended. It was there she met Orvin, he was Lazai's second in command.
He rarely spoke to anyone but she kept hearing of his jokes, of his wild stories from people. It became a game, a personal mission to get him to open up - to hear one of these legendary stories of his.
The first time she got through his defenses he laughed at one of her jokes. She had heard it echo in her head for days. A secret melody that permeated everything she touched for a week.
The second time she got through his defenses she only got a smile. But his eyes followed her around for the rest of the night.
The third time he had her pressed her against a wall, in some unused room. This time he wasn't laughing or smiling - he was kissing her.
"What story can I tell you that would befit a queen? What story can I tell you that you haven't lived Hayla?"
She asked him to tell her one of the skies, of the mountains in the north - of a world lost to myth and time. He had run his knuckles over her jaw and obliged.
She didn't truly understand what was happening, was it love? Was it lust? Did it matter? They found each other again and again over the years. Then Lazai had found a new God, a new thing to obsess over. She wouldn't have minded much except that meant Orvin was taken from her.
She wasn't sure if the isolation that followed was Galen's doing or her own. Ulla stopped trying to talk to her, even Genya stopped their weekly calls. Perhaps it was for the best, perhaps it would make everything easier.
She had children now to care for, to watch out for. Even if she mostly felt like they were draining her, taking bits of her soul everytime they demanded her time and attention.
So she did something she'd promised herself she wouldn't do - she gave them to another woman to raise. A governess to look after them and train them to be the good little children they were supposed to be.
She tried to put Orvin out of her mind, to find other things to occupy her time and attention. It worked well till the day it didn't.
She hadn't grown up in the Old Ways like Galen had so maybe she had forgotten. Maybe she wanted throw it in his face - that for all his self effecting he was just as miserable as she was. To share in the misery thar remained unspoken - they were both chained to this. This alliance needed to stay, it worked out too well for them both to leave it now. Her brother needed Galen's work to push his army and plans forward and Galen needed her to keep Aleksander at bay.
But Galen had decided without telling her to choose an heir. To mark their son with the rune of the Ahren line. When it didn't stick to theit son, he tried their daughter - but neither were able to bear the rune, in fact it burned them.
When he demanded an explanation, an answer to the question she knew he'd always wanted to ask her:
"Who was it you always got ready for Hayla? Who was it that you threw our parties for?"
She couldn't lie - she couldn't deny him this answer. What would he do to the children? To her? So she gave him the answer he wanted.
"Will you kill him Galen?"
Galen tilted his head, his hand loosening on his sword.
"What are you willing to give me for letting him live?"
She knew it was a trap, she knew she should do the smart thing and let Galen meet out his revenge. But she wasn't Aleksander or her sisters. She could never do the smart thing, not when it felt like she was dying simply contemplating it.
"What do you want?"
He had given her a grim smile and threw the sword to the floor. He'd walked to her and knelt in front of where she had sat on the bed. Self-effacing as always only now he got the joke - only now he gave her a false smile.
"A child, a true heir. Give me that and Orvin doesn't ever come to harm. Give me that and I will let you be with him again. Give me an heir and I will let you be free Hayla."
So she did, but she was never truly free of him. He kept his word, he didn't harm Orvin, he didn't demand anything else from her. Danatalion took the rune the moment he was born, and this time it stayed on him.
But in giving Galen this, in allowing Galen to dangle her freedom for it - she found she didn't want it. She found she cared for the boy. She still let the governess care for him but she wanted to make sure he had compassion, that he didn't end up like either of them.
Though when Alek heard of all of this and offered to kill Galen with Ulla's help she didn't stop them. As long as Galen lived she'd never truly be free. She would always be tied to him like a puppet.
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