#opla shanks x you
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layla4567 · 1 year ago
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Shanks x Mermaid!reader
Part 2
Summary: A curious and reckless little mermaid with a love for humans glimpses a beach with a dock from afar and a child playing, she will learn more about the human world
Warnings: fluffyfluffyfluffy - no proofread - inspired by the little mermaid (duh)
Wc: 4k
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What you loved most in the world was observing humans and not only them but also everything that was on the surface. Sometimes you sat on rocks in the middle of the sea and looked at the coast where there were things that you didn't have at the bottom of the ocean. It's not that you despised your life down there but sometimes it used to be kind of boring. Up there there were different kinds of plants, animals, and the human homes had strange shapes but were tall and beautiful. Your parents weren't so strict and understood your curiosity better than anyone so they often let you surface as long as you stayed away from the coast. But what they were really harsh on was the pirate ships, they hated them. They always told you stories about heartless humans who hunted animals and mermaids to do who knows what with them. These stories scared you a little but you knew that your parents weren't trying to do that when telling them to you, they simply wanted you to be aware of the dangers up there.
One day you were lying belly down on some flat rocks enjoying the sun on your scales when in the distance you heard a high-pitched, squeaky voice followed by laughter. You stood up like a seal, resting your hands on the rock and in the distance you saw a child who was playing near a dock. You've never seen a child so small. Moved by curiosity, you sank into the water and slowly approached the wooden dock to get a better look. This would definitely not please your parents who told you so many times to stay away from the coast, but they didn't have to know it.
You couldn't help but smile. The little boy had curly brown hair and was wearing a white t-shirt with red stripes. He was playing with some wooden dolls. The boy emanated such a happy energy that you got even closer until you were under the dock, trying not to let him see you.
You giggled when you heard it, but even though you tried to be silent, the boy heard you and turned around looking for where the laughter was coming from. Scared, you went deeper into the water.
"What was that? Is there anyone there?"
Little Luffy approached the dock and you could hear his footsteps echoing on the wood while you prayed from below that he wouldn't see you.
"Come on, get out of wherever you are!"
Suddenly the boy turned upside down and stuck his head out from under the dock, discovering you. You walked away while hugging a pole that supported the pier, scared. The boy opened his eyes wide but then smiled widely and his eyes narrowed.
"Hi!! what's your name?"
You remained silent, looking at him scared. You had never been so close to a human and even though he was just a child you were afraid that he would give you away, the existence of mermaids was supposed to be a mystery, a myth, legends that were told to children to entertain them. Luffy noticed your fear and calmed you down.
"Please don't be afraid, I won't hurt you."
You decided to trust the boy, he seemed to be honest so with your ability to speak different languages, even dead languages, you answered him.
"I'm (y/n)"
You moved a little away from where you were holding and waved your tail in the water, the little one gasped excitedly and you smiled.
"Oh what a pretty tail you have, I've never seen a mermaid before!!!"
The boy, who was already a little dizzy from having his head hanging, straightened up and rested his head between his hands and his elbows on the wood while you approached the edge timidly. Little Luffy was excited to chat with you and learn new things about you. With your hands on the edge of the dock you told him about your life at the bottom of the sea.
"Luffy do you want to see a trick?"
He nodded his head vigorously, smiling happily, showing all his white teeth. You placed your palm on the water and collected a little water, then with your other hand you made a movement and the water became a large drop that floated in the air and then a few seconds later it burst and became a puddle again. . Luffy shouted happily and clapped his hands enthusiastically. You laughed, infected by his joy, that child was adorable. Suddenly a voice came from afar and seemed to get closer.
The two of you looked at each other startled as the boy jumped to his feet and you went back to hide under the dock. A man with an open white shirt and red hair was heading towards Luffy.
"Luffy, where have you been, brat? I looked for you everywhere". He told him affectionately
"Sorry Shanks, I was just playing pirates and marines"
"Again? You always play that, don't you get tired?"
"Never, because when I grow up I will also be a great pirate like you!"
The little guy puffed out his chest proudly and stood on his hips while Shanks laughed and ruffled his hair.
"Alright pirate let's get back to the ship you still have to help me"
The redhead walked away from there and you slowly came out of hiding to spy on him, you were sorry you couldn't get a good look at him but his hair color caught your attention and you liked it. You also thought it was cute the way he addressed Luffy, so kind and warm. When he left you approached the edge of the dock again and Luffy told you
"I'm sorry, I have to go or he'll be angry."
Now the boy's face seemed downcast and his tone was sad, very different from his happy attitude before. You nodded and told him you understood. Before he ran away you begged him.
"Please don't tell anyone that you saw me."
"Don't worry, it will be our secret. Will I see you again tomorrow?"
"I'll be here". You said sealing a promise
The brown boy trotted happily towards where the adult had gone and you stood there sighing. You hoped he would keep his word and not say anything and at the same time you were excited to have found a human friend.
The next day you returned to the dock with Luffy and so on the next day and the day after that. Several days passed where you played with the boy that you were a damsel in distress and he had to save you. And just as he learned from you, you learned from him, you knew that Shanks cared for him and lived on his ship and his pirate crew. One sunny afternoon you and Luffy were playing on the coast a little far from the pier, the boy had entered the sea next to you and was caressing your mermaid tail that shone in the sun's rays. It was the color of sunsets when the sun dies on the horizon.
"Ah! it's very slippery!". The surprised boy laughed
You laughed happily "Thank you, I follow an intensive beauty treatment". You mocked
They were both laughing while you did tricks in the water. Suddenly a familiar voice came to you again, it was Shanks.
"Come on Luffy! It's late, go back to the ship!"
You barely had time to hide by sinking your head in the water and the boy ran to the shore splashing water. Shanks approached with a small furry white dog.
"Oh please just a little longer"
"I already said no besides, why do you want to be here? Were you playing alone?"
Luffy looked towards the sea and you were praying under the water that the little one wouldn't miss saying that he was playing with a real mermaid. Luffy saw the red-haired man again.
"Yes, what's wrong with that? I was jumping the waves."
Shanks laughed shaking his head "Alright, alright you can continue jumping waves tomorrow but that's enough for today, come on"
The pirate patted the boy's shoulder and gently pushed him away. Luffy snorted but obeyed him and trotted away. Shanks stood for a while admiring the sun bet. The little dog followed him and started barking.
"Hey little one, why did you follow me? Do you feel like playing?"
In response, the white dog barked twice and Shanks, laughing, started chasing him, throwing small branches at him and the canine returned them happily. Under the water you smiled, feeling your heart warmer. You got a little closer without taking your head out of the water to see him better. He was still wearing that white shirt but now he was wearing a straw hat on his head. He had a smile as warm as the sun and beautiful brown eyes, you had met hundreds of humans but no one as beautiful as him, he was beautiful inside and out. At one point Shanks threw the branch into the water and the dog went to look for it but before grabbing it he started barking like crazy looking in your direction. You see the redhead calling the dog
"Come on, bring it! What's going on?"
The little white dog wouldn't stop barking and Shanks got impatient and came dangerously close to the shore, putting his feet in the water. Impulsively you swam deeper into the water and that caused waves in the sea. The curious redhead got a little closer as the dog began to walk towards the dock, he was following you. Shanks trotted after him while you hid under the wooden dock but the dog was very smart and easily found your hiding place. You stuck your head out as you desperately tried to shush the dog and make him shut up. Too late. The red-haired captain had already arrived at the small dock and was looking for the dog.
"What's the problem, crazy dog? What do you-!"
Standing in the sand on the side of the pier, Shanks saw you there motionless and with your face twisted in terror. A mermaid. You had long hair with tiny pearls and a seaweed top with a single strap, your tail that could be seen in the crystal clear water was an ombré between red and orange. Shanks froze in place and he couldn't help but admire you with his eyebrows raised. He slowly approached but you gasped and quickly got into the water.
"Wait no! Don't leave!"
The man slowly climbed onto the dock and sat down trying to see you but the water was still. He looked around as he scratched his neck in confusion. Had it been his imagination or had he really seen a mermaid? And a beautiful one at that.
"Please don't go, I didn't want to scare you, I'm so sorry" . He tried to calm down
Shanks waited for a response, a movement in the water but it never came, without giving up he spoke again.
"I'm Shanks, what's your name?"
The captain sighed and was about to get up and turn to leave when he heard a slight splashing noise. I looked at the sea and there you were close, barely sticking out half of your face so that only your eyes stood out to see it. He smiled and sat like a Buddha on the edge of the pier. He didn't know what to say, he just looked at you dumbfounded. Your eyes were so expressive that with just one look you said everything. You looked at him surprised and with a hint of curiosity.
"Hi, come closer, I promise not to hurt you" . He raised his hands in a sign of peace.
You frowned but decided to trust him since the little you had seen of that pirate were good things. You sank your head and swam until you were close to the edge, you stuck your head out again and looked at him expectantly. The captain thought that up close you were even more stunning.
"You are the most fascinating creature I have ever seen."
You smiled, wrinkling your nose, and the redhead felt like his heart was about to explode in his chest.
"Well, now will you tell me your name?". He asked hopefully.
You pouted thoughtfully and then opened your mouth doubtfully.
He smiled happily "(y/n)~, beautiful name"
You felt your heart beat faster. Hearing your name slip across his lips with so much grace made you see stars in broad daylight. Suddenly the little dog approached the edge of the dock and lowered his head to see you and smell you. More animated, you gently took a finger out of the water and touched the dog's nose, laughing childishly. Shanks felt in paradise with you and listening to your voice.
"Is the puppy yours?" You asked softly.
"Who, this rascal? No, he just followed me when I was walking around the island". He petted the dog and you giggled happily, he smiled back at you.
Moved by the curiosity to know more about this man who made your heart beat, you rested your arms on the edge of the dock closer to him. You shouldn't be so reckless, but could a pirate who is compassionate towards children and animals really be so cruel? Shanks was surprised but feeling the same curiosity as you, he began to ask you things.
"So tell me what mermaids like you do apart from making the poor men who walk along the coasts fall in love with them?"
You opened your eyes wide and buried your face in your hands as he let out soft laughs shaking his shoulders. Why did he say those sweet things to you?
"Is it true that they also bewitch them and throw them into the sea?"
You frowned until you wrinkled your face and shook your head vigorously. "No! Those are the sirens, we are very different!". You said ofended
He laughed nervously, raising his hands again in a sign of surrender "Ok ok I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you."
So the minutes passed and they continued talking impatiently. He delighted in hearing your bell-shaped voice and staring at your eyes that seemed to shine with excitement when you commented on your admiration for the surface. Your little face wrinkled when you talked about something you didn't like and relaxed again when I told him about your family, you were an open book. Shanks learned a lot about you and your soul, you were a naturally curious being with a kind heart. You absorbed every bit of information he gave you about him like a sponge while you rested your head tilted on your arms and cast a dreamy gaze on him. You suddenly laughed in delight and casually commented
"You're just like Luffy." You said with a sing-song laugh.
He looked at you confused "Wait, Luffy? Do you know him?"
At that moment you raised your eyebrows worried and then bit your lip looking down. Those meetings were supposed to be a secret but when you started talking there was no one to stop you. Shanks, far from getting angry, laughed out loud, clutching his stomach.
"Now I understand why he went alone to the dock every afternoon"
He looked at you happy and you smiled in relief. Then Shanks took off his hat and delicately reached out to put it on your head. At first you wanted to back away scared but you stayed in your place. The hat was a little bigger than your head and covered your face. When he finished putting it on you, you raised your head slightly to see him from below with your shoulders slightly hunched and your face red like the pirate's hair. He laughed softly, you looked so cute in his hat. You bit your lower lip in a smile that wanted to be mischievous but on you it looked innocent as if you had committed a prank. In his eyes you were the sweetest mermaid in all of East Blue. You touched the brim of the hat and made to take it off but he stopped you by placing his hand in yours and placing the straw hat back on your head.
"Please keep it, so I'll have an excuse to see you again."
Gasping surprised, looking with her mouth slightly open, did he want to see you again? Why suddenly all the humans you met wanted to see you again?
"I'll give it back to you tomorrow, I promise."
"I know you'll do it"
And you put out a dripping hand to take his. The change in temperature was noticeable between the two of you, your hand was very cold and his was warm. You extended your pinky and intertwined his. You didn't know what it meant but you had seen children do it once.
He laughed and walked away with the dog following him, wagging his tail happily. You stayed near the dock trying to retain that feeling that the pirate had left you. Now you felt that the water was warmer as well as your skin. You sighed long and smiling you returned to the sea
The next day you kept your promise and returned to the dock. There Shanks was already waiting for you, drawing doodles in the sand. When he saw you from a distance, his face lit up with a big smile and he approached the wooden surface barefoot. The first thing he saw was your red tail and then he saw your expressive and mischievous eyes peek out from under the water. You pulled your face out completely as he crouched down a little and placed his hands on his bent knees to get a better look at you.
"Have you brought my hat, miss?"
You nod cheerfully and take your hand out of the water to reveal a soaked straw hat, the fabric had softened a little from the humidity but it was healthy. When you gave it to him he crumpled it a little to get rid of the water and put it on his head. Some drops from the hat continued to drip down his face and wet his hair. The brim of the hat fell towards his face and you could only laugh. He smiled and laughed with you, lifting the straw brim to look at you better.
"I guess it looks better on you than it does on me."
"I'm sorry" You said between laughs. "I tried to keep it as dry as possible, that's why I wanted you to keep it but you insisted on taking it with me."
He sat down "Don't worry honey, it will dry out if I put it in the sun. Plus I wanted to give it to you so you can think about me". He finished saying flirty
Your face turned slightly the color of your tail and you tilted your head towards your shoulder as you gripped the edge of the dock. Now being closer you could see his features. His brown eyes shining just for you, his small beard of days. Everything about him was perfect and he caught your attention, a kind face, that's what you wanted to see for a long time. You were so enthralled admiring its beauty that you almost forgot something.
"Oh wait I almost forgot!" . You said, raising your hand and waving it in front of him, asking him to wait for you right there.
In the blink of an eye you disappeared into the water before Shanks' perplexed but amused gaze. After a few minutes you reappeared and left a beautiful mother-of-pearl shell on the dock near his feet. He grabbed it and examined it curiously. She was really beautiful
"This is for me?". He looked at you
You nod, staring at him "It's a tradition and a kind of legend. Inside that conch I enclosed a song, every time you put it to your ear you will be able to hear my voice. But you will have to return it to me after six days or I will not be able to sing again. When a mermaid gives a conch to a person… she's swearing eternal love." . You finished shyly
The pirate was listening to you attentively until you mentioned the last part and his eyes widened and his eyebrows raised. He stayed looking at you for a few seconds, your eyes seemed sincere and now he felt his own cheeks getting hot. To hide his embarrassment he looked towards the conch and was going to put it to his ear when you stopped him.
"No!... not yet. Listen to it when you feel alone and I'm not by your side"
Shanks smiled tenderly at you with that warm smile you loved to see. Then he took your hand and intertwined it with yours, promising to do so. You two continued talking animatedly about anything. The red-haired man felt like he could be the same with you and you felt the same way. You even playfully pushed him into the water to play. When the afternoon fell you saw the horizon with sadness and he noticed it.
"What's wrong sweetness?"
You stopped seeing the horizon and looked at him sadly. "It's time for me to come back, my family will be worried…"
He simply sighed and nodded and stared at you. Before you could leave he came over and threatened to kiss you on the cheek.
"Did you know that if you do that you will get scales…?"
Shanks frowned and scoffed at his confused expression, his expressions softening.
"I was kidding Shanks, you should see your face." . You said playfully
He raised an eyebrow, playing along with you and smiling. “I was going to take the risk anyway, little one.”
He finished tilting his face and gave you the warmest, sweetest kiss. His lips were soft on your cheek and his beard scratched you lightly. They promised to see each other again. That night Shanks locked himself in his room and listened to the conch. The sound was sweet and in tune like hearing an angel sing. He closed his eyes and fell asleep listening to your singing
Shanks walked around the deck of his ship carrying things from here to there. Despite that, he seemed quite distracted, earning the ridicule of his crew.
"Is the captain drunk again or is it because of a woman?"". A sailor laughed out loud
The redhead ignored the mockery, rolling his eyes. No one knew that he was seeing a beautiful mermaid, not even young Luffy. Every night he would lie in his bed and listen to the conch, imagining that it was you singing for him. So the afternoon passed and suddenly he remembered what you had told him. But you will have to return it to me after six days or I will not be able to sing again
Startled, he tried to remember the last time he saw you. Exactly six days had passed. Shit. But night had not yet fallen, perhaps I could return it to you before the end of the day and save your voice.
The most exalted captain ordered them to hoist the sails and set out to sea. The others looked at him confused but obeyed his orders. Even Luffy asked him what was happening but Shanks answered vague things. In his mind there was only room for you and the desire to be able to give you the conch.
Meanwhile you were in the sea sticking your head out waiting to see your loved one. You were worried because you couldn't find him anywhere and he wasn't on the shore like he usually did. You didn't care that much about the conch, you just wanted to see him again and the thought that he had forgotten about you sank your heart like a heavy rock. Suddenly in the distance you saw a pirate ship. Was it Shanks'? All the pirate stories that your parents had told you came to your mind.
"Be strong and brave (y/n). It's now or never". You said with determination
If your parents saw you now they would have a fit. You swam quickly towards the ship until you were a few meters away. Suddenly a scream startled you and you looked up. There was Shanks looking at you with a relieved smile. Just in time as the sun was very close to the horizon
Somewhat scared, you saw how they pulled a boat and the pirate told you to get on it. With effort you jumped into the wooden boat. With some ropes they began to lift you up quickly. The pirates' voices became louder and closer and when you were up there a lot of curious eyes were looking at you. You felt intimidated and helpless. Shanks knew it so he approached you trying to make you look only at him to calm you down.
"Here I am, calm down"
And it worked because as soon as you saw it, it was as if everything around you had become more blurry. I smiled shyly. Then Shanks called a pirate and when he approached he handed him something. It was the conch. He handed it to you delicately as if it were a ritual, fearing that it would break the pearl. You grabbed it and at that moment the conch began to twinkle softly like a star, until it shone as bright as a small sun. The pirates approached curiously as the light illuminated them. Shanks's brown eyes turned amber as they were illuminated by the conch.
Suddenly the pearly object suddenly went out. You hummed softly to check if it had worked and your face lit up in a big smile when you saw that you could indeed sing. You were happy and looked at him excitedly, laughing airily. He smiled back at you and came closer to you, resting his arms on the boat.
"What had you told me about kissing a mermaid? That I would grow scales and turn into a fish?"
You laughed loudly until your nose wrinkled. Without thinking you wrapped your arms around his neck and leaned in to kiss him. With so much force that you pulled him and he fell into the boat with you. He hugged you, putting his arms around your waist while the pirates whistled, applauded and cheered for their captain.
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short-honey-badger · 1 year ago
Peppermint Tea 21 - Lavender 4
This is a long one! I wanted a way for Shanks and Mihawk to come together, and what better way to do that is a nice sick fic!
Shanks is a flirt and both are possessive bastards. They worry about their little treasure. Took some creative liberties with Haki btw! hope you enjoy!
No warnings today!
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Hank watches his human lay still and silent in her bed. His nose twitches when a draft comes by and tickles his nose, and a sneeze follows when his little brother comes back and smacks him in the nose. Hank grumbles at the fluffball, but at least Sukuna doesn’t use his claws this time. The cat jumps to the chair that Hank lays under, golden eyes watching his human too. 
Neither animal understands what had gotten into their human. She had yet to get up and start the day like usual, instead, she still sleeps. Hank whines when his nose picks up the scent of something that doesn’t belong on his human, and he shuffles out from under his chair to stand by the bed. Sukuna joins him, jumping from the chair to come to a stop by their person’s head. Hank jumps up, nosing forward and huffing when he picks up that same smell. 
It’s hot and rancid, and the two of them nearly jump a foot into the air when you suddenly groan and roll over, eyes cracking open to the sight of two concerned brothers. 
“Hello children,” You green softly and wince at the soreness of your throat. You snake an arm out from under the covers, shivering when the cooler air of the room floods the blanket cocoon you’ve made around yourself. You feel awful, and you wonder what had changed so suddenly for you to feel this way. You frown as you think. No not suddenly. You’ve not been feeling yourself for a couple of days now. More tired than usual, a constant chill that wouldn’t go away no matter how hard you tried, and you dearly wished that Mihawk and his overheated body were here to help warm you up. 
Sukuna darts forward to press his forehead into your open palm, purring up a storm as his human gently scratches between his ears just the way he likes. Hank shoves him when he heaves the rest of his huge body up, and Sukuna sends the mutt a sharp glare for the disrespect. Their antics bring a giggle out of you, however, so the cat isn’t too upset about it. 
“Gimmie a second and I’ll get up. Not like you’re starving or anything, you gluttons,” You grumble good-naturedly and force yourself to sit up. 
Hank surprises you by butting his big head in your chest and knocking you back down. It takes the wind out of you, and you send a half-hearted glare at the big lug, “Hey. What was that about?”
The shaggy dog whines, not wanting his human up in fear of spreading the hot, sick scent that he can still smell. You break easily when Sukuna teams up with him and steps on your chest, making a round of biscuits and then lying down. You shove one hand into his fluffy orange fur and then the other into Hank’s grey, tangled locks. You have half a thought of brushing him soon before your stuffy brain is making you go back to sleep. 
Sukuna shares a look with his older brother when a soft wheeze spills out of your chest. This is not good. Their human was sick and the other humans who liked to show up were not here, and probably would not be back for a while. The dark-haired one that smelled like steel and old books had left only a week ago.
It’s hours later that you wake again, and luckily, Hank allows you to get up when you express the need to go to the bathroom. He knows what that word means, but still diligently followed after you when you got out of bed because he is a good boy. Sukuna flees to the kitchen, selfish enough to beg for food now that his human is out of bed for now. 
You wash your face after doing your business and look at yourself in the mirror. You look like utter shit, face flushed and skin pale as a ghost from whatever sickness that has a hold of you. You sniff and blow your nose a couple of times, hurting your throat even more each time. A cup of tea sounds like a grand idea, so you shuffle to the kitchen and put on the kettle. You choose a nice chamomile and load the cup up with the honey that Dracule had gifted you not too long ago. A lemon slice is next, another gift, though the lemon tree had come from Shanks on his third visit to your island. 
Speaking of the redhead, it’s been a while since you’ve seen the other man. You assume that his Emperor business is keeping him busy, but you still kinda miss the older man. He always knew how to make you laugh. Gullt curls in you at the thought, but you shove it away and remember the talk that you and Dracule had on his last visit.
Mihawk had assured you several times that he and Shanks had come to some sort of agreement. They would more or less stay out of one another business unless there was a shared concern about your well-being. Dracule had basically given you his permission to seek comfort and companionship in Shanks when the warlord could not be there. 
You still didn’t really know what to think of the idea that Shanks and Mihawk had spoken about you while you weren’t there, and you know that neither of them had come completely clean about whatever deal they had going on.
What you did know was that something fundamental had changed between the two men, but honestly, you didn’t much care about all the details. If they were happy, then you were happy. You didn’t know what you would do with yourself if either man stopped coming to your island, and just the thought of being alone like that makes agony tighten around your heart. You’ve known Mihawk for over a year now, and the reclusive man had slowly opened up to you during that time. He was a friend, a lover, a protector, and you loved him. 
Of course, you haven’t told him yet, you’re not so much an idiot to bring the L word into the equation, not when the very notion made fear strike through you like lightning. You wouldn’t ruin what you have going on with him, not unless he said those three words first. You just couldn’t risk being that lonely again. 
And Shanks? That mischievous man had wiggled his way into your daily thoughts and heart, fast. His easygoing attitude is so different from Mihawk's, but no less enjoyable to be around. 
A loud meow right in your ear has you jerking out of your thoughts. Sukuna stands on the counter, big golden eyes narrowed as he meows loud enough for it to echo in the house. You wave him away and apologize for not being fast enough to meet his majesty’s needs. 
You feed Sukuna his usual dish and a little extra for being patient with you this morning and then go outside to do the same for Hank. He whines when you step outside, but his food easily distracts him so that you can go check on Neal and the three chickens. You really need to give them names, you feel bad that it’s been this long. 
Neal bleats a greeting when he catches sight of his human, and you laugh when he digs into your loose dress for any snacks to be found. You gently steer his the other way, fixing up his feed and water before leaving them to it. You stoke your fireplace and settle in on the couch with a new cup of tea, blankets bundled high around you. 
You still feel awful, and a deep ache has settled in the middle of your back, but the satisfaction of doing something keeps any bad thoughts away. Sukuna and Hank find their way back to your side whenever they finish, bullying you into lying down so that they can cuddle with you on the couch. It works, for you are back to sleep in no time, dead to the world. 
Three days later, It’s Neal who hears the sound of loud laughter and the soft thuds of crates hitting the sand down at the beach. He waits until he can see a familiar silhouette trudging up the footpath to his home, hoofs stomping when he realizes that it’s the red-haired one, and not the one with the tasty-looking hat. Neal bleats a warning, loud enough that it gets the attention of Hank who comes bounding out the door. 
Shanks grins when Hank runs to meet him, the shaggy dog jumping up to place his paws on his chest and whining in his face, “Hey, big guy. You seem excited to see me.”
He pets the dog for half a second before Hank jumps down and trots into the cottage. He turns and whines again at Shanks, big eyes demanding the other man to hurry up. Shanks frowns and picks up his pace, entering the cottage with a frown when he notices that you are not up and about like usual. It was midday, but the house was silent as a grave. 
The emperor winds his way through the house, following Hank until he reaches your bedroom. He doesn’t hesitate to step inside, and his chest seizes when he sees the pitiful bundle of blankets and pillows that lie on the bed. He can hardly see you, only your hair making your whereabouts known in the mess on the bed. Hank whines at his feet, paws tip-tapping on the floor in his distress.
“How long has she been this way buddy?” Shanks asks out loud and doesn’t receive an answer, not that he was expecting to. He steps to the side of the bed, knee sliding on the mattress as he reaches over and pulls the blanket closest to your face down.
“Babygirl?” Shanks murmurs and slides his hand along your jaw, hissing when he finds your skin literally ice cold. His hand throbs when he pulls away and he wipes the frost off on his pants leg. Gods, no wonder you were bundled up like you were. 
You groan when he pulls away, your body seeking any amount of warmth and your voice is nothing but a croak when you speak, “Who?”
Shanks slides his hand back to your cheek, uncaring of the cold when he hears how loopy you sound. He wonders if this is how your devil fruit is reacting to you having a fever. Freezing you to the bone instead of warming you. Mihawk would know how to answer that better than he could. 
“It’s me, sweetheart. It’s Shanks. Think you can tell me what’s wrong?” Shanks shifted more onto the bed, crowding you close in hopes that he could warm you up a little, “You’re freezing, way more than usual, Baby.”
“Dunno. Thought it was a cold, “ You slowly slur as you focus on the handsome man above you. You grin up at him, chest losing one kind of ache now that one of them is here, “Shanks, how was your trip?”
Shanks scoffs at you, eyes rolling skyward as worry curdles tight in his stomach. How could you be asking him questions like that when you looked like a zombie come to life, “It was fine, silly. Don’t worry about that right now. Tell me what I can do to help you get better.” 
Before you can speak, a shiver wracks your body so hard that it leaves your body shivering, teeth chattering and frost creeping up your neck. Shanks jerks his hand back before the dangerous frost can touch him, anxiety curling up when he spots the fear lingering in your eyes. You swallow and curl further in your blanket next, “I don’t know, Shanks. I- I don’t have any medicine. I didn’t think that someone like me could get sick!” 
You don’t have any books on devil fruit users, had no idea how to deal with how your body works sometimes even though you’ve had this horrible power since before you came to this island. You’d always resented the devil fruit inside of you, having never been taught how to properly use your logia abilities. 
Shanks licks his lips. He was out of his depth here. None of his crew had a devil fruit. They’d fought plenty of men and women on the grand line who used them, but Shanks never had the responsibility to know any more than he needed to know about them. 
“That’s alright, Babygirl. We’ll figure it out together, okay?” Shanks assured you and went to rise off the bed only for your hand to shoot out and wrap around his wrist. He looks at you and sees the fever lingering in your eyes, so he changes tactics and shifts to lay down on his side, curling you against his chest, and tossing his arm over your waist to pull you in close. You snuggle close, grateful for the heat that slowly seeps past your blankets. 
Shanks thinks quickly for a solution. He would need to move later, go check on his crew, and see if his crew’s doctor could help with any of this. If that didn’t work then the redhead would call the one person would would most likely know what to do, and Shanks couldn’t help the excitement that erupted at the thought of having his two treasures in the same room together. Despite the situation, it was a chance that Shanks couldn’t pass up.
He wanted to see how the two of you looked curled up together. Wanted to watch the sweet way Mihawk would kiss you and how you would open up to him in kind.  
Turns out that Shanks wouldn’t have to go anywhere, for Benn came to check up on him when he didn’t return after so long. He knocked on the doorframe before peeking his head inside after Shanks told them it was fine.
Benn took one look at your pitiful state and then left to go grab Hongo. The doctor of the crew was able to suggest the proper things than most medical professionals could for what looked like the common cold gone bad, but even he became stumped when it came to the problem of her devil fruit. 
“In a way, It’s preventing her fever from getting too bad, internally at least, but it's also inhibiting the growth of any fresh, healthy cells and bacteria that are trying to get rid of the virus. She needs medicine Captain, and I doubt that I’d be stocked up with what she needs.” 
Shanks sighs heavily from where he sits on your bed, hand behind him to keep hold of your own. You had refused to let go of him, and Shanks didn’t have it in him to leave your side. 
“Bring me my transponder, I need to make a call,” Shanks ordered and Benn left to go find the snail as Hongo packed up his medical bag. 
“Keep her hydrated captain. She needs food too, nothing too solid or hard on her stomach,” Hongo advised and then he was gone too. 
Now alone, Shanks rolls back over, looking down at your scrunched face even in sleep. He smiles and leans down, balanced on his knees so that he can place a quick kiss on your brow, “Don’t worry, Baby. We’ve got you. You’ll be better soon.” 
Benn leaves again when he brings Shanks the snail, though he reminds his friend to call if he needs anything. Shanks had given him a grateful nod and then focused on the transponder, licking his lips as he dialed the number he’d never forgotten. 
“There aren’t many people who know this number, who is this?” Dracule sounds furious, and Shanks can hear the sound of shouting and battle in the background, “This better be good.” 
The Emperor takes the dive, “Mihawk, it’s Shanks.” 
The silence on the other end, at least from Dracule, is deafening. It’s only been a month or so since Mihawk had tracked the other man down. He can feel the panic on the other side, and quickly continues, “It’s _, She’s sick, Mihawk, and we don’t have the kind of medicine that she needs.” 
Shanks hears a sudden explosion and then the probable death of whoever it was that Dracule had been fighting. Arousal swirls inappropriately when he listens to Mihawk wields Yoru, and Shanks longs for a time before when he could watch Dracule fight whenever he wanted. The sounds of battle fade away after a moment, and when the warlord speaks next, Shanks can hear the worry lacing every word.
“What do you mean she’s sick? What is wrong with her?” Mihawk had left your island a week and a half ago, and you had seemed just fine then, so what had happened?
Shanks quickly explains the problem, and Dracule wracks his brain for a solution, though one seems unlikely until Shanks mentions that the devil fruit is the problem. He focuses on that, licking his lips as he debates with himself. 
Haki users like Shanks and himself were logia users' worst nightmare since haki could bypass their powers. Could Shanks negate yours long enough that normal medicine and treatment could work? But that could take days to work, especially with just one of them, and Mihawk refused to let someone else from Redhair’s crew get that close to you. Garp would be pissed that he was leaving his assignment half-finished, but Mihawk could care less. His angel and Shanks needed him.  
“Dracule? Is everything okay?” Shanks’ voice brings him back to the present and Drcule straightens up even if the redhead couldn’t see him. He didn’t like how his body had warmed up at the concern he could hear swimming in the other man’s tone. 
“Fine, Shanks. I have an idea.” He informs the redhead then hears Shanks shuffle on the other side of the phone, and realizes that he had to be near you, “Let me speak with her.” 
The emperor shifts so that you are comfortably lying across his chest and can be closer to the transponder snail. You open blurry eyes and sniff harshly, “Mihawk?” 
“There’s my angel,” Dracule coos over the phone, tone soft and full of affection for the young woman, “How are you feeling?”
“Like shit, but Shanks helps,” Comes your blunt reply and Mihawk can’t help the snort of laughter that leaves him. He still feels that jealous sting at knowing the redhead is the one holding you, but it’s not nearly as bad as it used to be. Damn, Shanks and his ability to get into people’s good graces, his included.
“Then I am glad he is there for once,” Mihawk quips dryly and fixes his hat, “I’m going to have Shanks try something, Darling. He’s going to try and coat your body in haki. If that works, then your devil fruit shouldn’t be a problem. That way, your immune system can fight off any infection, and you’ll start feeling better.”
“Okay, that’s fine,” You slur, already half asleep by the time he has finished his explanation. Thankfully, you have a redhead who has taken his duty as a caregiver very seriously. 
“This is why I called you, Dracule. You always know what to do,” Shanks praises quietly, voice laced with sincerity. The other man is quiet on the other end, but Shanks doesn’t mind, it just means that he’d surprised him. 
“Just do what I said, you fool,” Mihawk grumbles quietly, “Have Hongo come back and give her some medicine, whatever you have in stock should work once her body is coated. I’ll be there as soon as I can.” 
The smile on Shanks’ face is nothing but fond, and he nods even though Mihawk can’t see, “Sure. Be safe, We’ll be waiting for you.” 
You call a weak goodbye to Dracule, lucid enough to hear that he is coming back, and then you are gone again, body weak and exhausted from fighting off the growing virus. Shanks curls around you, focusing on weaving his haki over your body until you are completely coated by his will. 
Shanks doesn’t know how to describe the way it feels to have someone so intimately twined within his will. He can feel everything, every twitch of a muscle, every shallow breath you take. It’s almost overwhelming. However, it seems to be working. 
The frost that has been ever-present has slowly begun to melt away, leaving the blankets damp and uncomfortable, but Shanks feels victorious. He calls for Hongo, and the doctor is back in the cottage in a flash and tells his captain that whatever he is doing, he needs to keep it up. Shanks easily nods, curling around you and focusing on keeping his haki a consistent stream to regulate your body. It’s harder than it looks, and Shanks is very glad that Mihawk is coming.
You are still loopy and out of it when Dracule arrives two days later, pushing his ship as hard as he can and catching every tailwind he can navigate to speed up the process. Even though your body had regulated itself into something more human than logia, the process of recovery was slow going. The Red Haired crew greets the warlord when he makes landfall, but Mihawk is in too much of a hurry to return the greeting.
He darts up the path and into his home, stopping long enough to toss his boots, hat, and coat off, and then Mihawk is creaking open your bedroom door, ringed eyes landing on the bed. What he seems makes him choke up, but in a way he hadn’t expected. 
It’s not anger that he feels upon seeing you curled up in bed with Shanks, blankets tangled around both of you as the redhead holds you to his chest. Your face is pressed into his chest, mouth open in a soft snore that has Mihawk’s lips curling at the sides. Shanks turns his face just enough to catch sight of the older man and send him a weary grin, and it definitely isn’t jealousy that Mihawk feels. No, it is satisfaction, at seeing the two people he cared for most in this world curled up together in the too-small bed. 
Dracule shuffles to the other side of the bed and lays on his side, boxing you in between the two men. He can feel the way Shanks’ haki coats you and his own reaches out to glide along the redheads, curling protectively around you and Shanks both. He jumps when he feels a hand land on his waist and glances over you to see Shanks grinning, that familiar teasing look in his eye. 
You wake between them before Mihawk can puff up about the sudden invasion of space, and his attention is quickly drawn to you. You yawn, and then roll, opening your eyes to see another body beside you that isn’t Shanks. A blush floods your face when you realize that Mihawk is there, his magma-like body pressed close to your own. 
You latch onto him, arms coming up to wind around his neck as you bury your face in his neck. Mihawk tightens his grip on you, kissing your brow as you sniffle into his chest and ramble about how much you missed him. He glances up and catches Shanks watching, a fond, though possessive look in his dark eyes. 
“Thank you for looking after her,” Mihawk whispers once you’ve quieted down. It pains him to admit it, but you would have been so much worse off if Shanks had never shown up.  
“Don’t thank me for something I wanted to do, Baby,” Shanks says and pulls at Mihawk from where his hand still rests on his side. The older man looks exhausted, and Shanks knows that the warlord pushed himself since the phone call, “Sleep, Mihawk. I’ve got you.”   
@writingmysanity @djbumblebee @goth-mami-writer @myradiaz @fluffybunnyu @bookandstar @foggyturtleknightangel @browneyedhufflepuff @anastasiyax
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ageingfangirl2 · 1 year ago
You Look Different! Shanks (OPLA)
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You return to help your family, taking a break from your captain and crew. Shanks shows up after the situation with Luffy and you let him have it. Shanks x Reader (F)
It had been four months since you'd seen your captain and crew. You'd gotten word from your hometown that they needed help, and since The Red Force was sailing around without anything to do Shanks allowed you to have some time off. He'd contacted you around a month ago saying they were close to getting a devil fruit so it would be about a month before they could pick you up. You'd learnt over the years not to question your captain, he might seem a little stupid at times but he always had a plan.
Your island needed your help getting rid of some bandits who'd set up camp on the edge of the village and were terrorising the locals. You'd dispatched them pretty quickly using your swordsmanship and agility, you didn't get to be on a pirate crew without having something useful to offer. It wasn't the career path your parents wanted, instead, they wanted you to stay on the island and take over the family farm. But you saw respect in their eyes when the whole island wanted to celebrate your victory against the bandits.
Today was another day tending to the vegetables, a lot of crops were ready to be harvested so you had a lot of work to do and not much time to laze around. Your parent's farm was far from the dock, so you had no clue what or who was about to happen to you.
You were dealing with some awkward carrots that didn't want to be pulled up, so you grip the tops and yank them out of the soil with force when a shadow looms over you from behind blocking the sun.
'I keep telling you to be gentle, don't be so forceful, take it nice and slow, you'll both get a lot more pleasure out of it,' Shanks's familiar jokey voice says.
'Captain,' you gasp, and turn around in genuine shock, having lost track of the days since that letter.
Shanks smirks, 'I knew you missed me the most.'
You remove the gloves you were wearing and stand up, brushing dirt off your knees, checking your captain out head to toe, 'You look...different...new haircut?'
Shanks frowns and pulls back his cape revealing his shirt tied up next to a stump, 'I lost an arm.'
You nod and hum, 'I know. The hair thing was a farce. I just didn't want to be rude, what the hell happened to you?'
Shanks tells you about a boy called Luffy, a devil fruit he no longer had in his possession, a fight, which resulted in him losing his arm to save Luffy. You run your fingers through your hair as you approach him.
'YOU IDIOT!' you shout, and punch him in the one arm he still had, 'I KNOW YOU SEE THINGS WE DON'T BUT THAT WAS REAL STUPID. DID THIS SEA MONSTER EAT YOUR HAT?'
You weren't mad at him, he had the right to do whatever he wanted, and if you were in his position you wouldn't let a child die, but sometimes you needed to vent at his actions. His sad face showed that you weren't the only one to shout at him, most likely Benn had some choice words as well.
Shanks touches his hair, 'I gave Luffy my hat and told him to give it back to me when he becomes a great pirate.'
You slap his hand away and tangle your fingers in his messy and knotted red locks, 'now you're hatless, you might want to consider a new hairstyle or at least take care of it a bit more,' you tut, sounding more like a mother than a crew member.
He pouts, 'So the hair thing wasn't a farce. Is my hair really that bad?'
You remove your fingers and nod, 'It is captain unless you want to use it as a distraction from the whole missing an arm situation.'
Next thing you know he pulls you into a hug, his one arm wrapped around your waist. It would take some getting used to, but as long as you were around to keep an eye on him hopefully he kept the rest of his limps. You hug him back, happy to be reunited even if there is some tension, at least now you could mock his hair hygiene to distract him.
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luffyvace · 1 year ago
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edit: here’s the fem version!!
eat up male readers!! :)
this time m/n issss….ding ding ding!!! still a bartender at a karaoke bar!!
only this time this scenario will be a tad different, for a heads up:)
the bar was empty
m/n was cleaning up and the last customer just left
well he thought anyway..NO SPOILERS 😁
so m/n thought ‘hey, why not sing some karaoke?’
so that’s what m/n did :)
you got on the stage, picked up the mic
and selected your favorite song
now no matter what type of singer you are, good or bad,
you nailed this part
the part everyone knows
whether you knew you had it in you or not is up to you, regardless,
you did sing. sing you did.
it was your favorite song so you tried your best on it, not missing a beat
all the sudden m/n heard a toilet flush and a door creek open.
you whipped around, shocked to see…..shanks.
standing there, leaning against the wall with a smirk on his face.
you scrambled to turn off the music and get off the stage
“shanks..what are you doing here?..”
”whaddya mean? i was just in the bathroom, aboutta leave.”
he was mocking you 😒
“well get out of here already!”
you started to shove him towards the door but before you could open it to push him out he grabbed you and pinned you against the wall
he leaned in and whispered into your ear,
”wanna go on a date, sometime? mr. singer?”
he mocked you, teasingly on that last part, but deep down he wanted you to accept his offer
you push back against him, catching him off guard, kissing along his jawline, over to his ear and after a few kisses to his neck you spun on your heel,
walked out the door
and locked it :)
shanks was too shocked and happy to process that you were already walking off to your car
he just kinda watched you with this dumb smile and love sick look on his face
until you started your car
oh snap!
”m/n!! mm/nnnnn!! wait! don’t leave me in here! let me out!! come back!!”
he banged on the window as you sped off in your car snickering
that’ll teach him a lesson for embarrassing you right? 😋
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writingmysanity · 1 year ago
Until somebody loves you...
Shanks x fem!reader
prompt: Orange
TW: None, shanks is goofy and slightly insufferable. What else is new?
A/N: this is the second installment of the #rainbowdrabblechallenge. I am late, so please excuse me. life and my brain got in the way. but this had to be written for Shanks. This one is for you @deny-the-issue enjoy your love. <3
Song I listened to while writing this!! "You're nobody 'til somebody loves you" by Dean Martin
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The distant hum of music catches the captain's attention. Finally handing his post over to his first mate, who waves him off, Shanks follows the tune with curiosity. 
He finds you in the Galley, swaying to the music coming from the old record player in the corner. He can't help but smile, leaning against the door as he watches you, listening to you hum along to your mother’s old records. The static-y sound the closest thing you have to comfort, more than anything else back home on dry land. 
He swears there is no one more ethereal than you, completely unaware of your captive audience. Drenched in the orange light of the fading sun, your sleeves are rolled up, slightly damp from the water sloshing up the sides of the tub you're currently bent over. Scrubbing away at the day's dishes, you sing along to the song currently playing. Pausing in your task, you lift your arm from the water to wipe some loose strands of hair from your face, messy and whipped from the wind on the deck not too long earlier. He cant help the smile on his face when you smile in spite of yourself, the lyrics rolling off your lips in earnest. 
“You may be king, you may possess the world and its gold…” you sing softly, the smooth tune carrying on the wind that blows through the open windows. Without thinking, his voice joins yours, the warm baritone melding with your voice seamlessly as he strolls to your side. you don't startle at his sudden presence, allowing him to tug you away from your task.
You don't bother with chastising him about pulling you from your chore. The smile on his face enough to make any words fizzle away as he tugs you closer. Automatically, your arms wind around his neck, neither of you minding the water dripping from your hands. He continues to hum along to the song, spinning you around as his arm settles around your waist, earning a squeal. He grins at the happiness pouring from you, your laughter echoing through the Galley.
Slowly, he spins you out before bringing you back to his chest, meeting your eyes. Sighing happily, you rest in his hold. Laying your head on his shoulder, his voice continues in a whisper, the soothing sound settling around you like the warmth from the mid day sun.
"You're nobody 'til somebody loves you... so find yourself somebody to love..."
tag list: @fanaticsnail @sordidmusings @gingernut1314 @stray-kaz @short-honey-badger
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visionsofmagic · 1 year ago
❝screaming another man’s name while being fucked by him❞
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including: zoro, luffy, sanji, shanks [opla versions]
―❛ nsfw, brat!reader, f!reader, possessive behaviour, chocking (kinda), licking, different positions, daddy kink, swearing, pet names, spanking, angry sex, humiliation, begging, fingering, oral > f receiving, marking, claiming, mentions of voyeurism, hair, ‘is all  I suppose. ✸ wc: 2.3k ✸ posted only zoro’s version but didn’t appear on tags, so, I repost that part with others’ parts too. tried to stay in characters. enjoy!
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“oohhh - sanji!”
you moaned, not aware of your own moans until he asked, voice deep, sending radiations of danger.
“what did you just say?”
hands on your waist freezing, the pressure still on there yet it doesn’t continue pulling and pushing your body, stopping fucking you - the sudden silence in the room fills up with heavy breathing.
he holds you by the neck, raising your body up, he makes your back touch his bare chest, back arching - his cock twists inside your walls.
“I asked,” he says, warm breaths hitting your ear as his voice reaches every part of your body as if it's a poison - and he is the only cure for it. “what did you fucking say.”
it wasn’t intentional - you didn’t mean to moan another man’s name in the middle of fucking, but, it came as an instinct.
“z-zoro - I - didn’t mean to - aggh -!”
“didn’t mean to what? moaning another man’s name?” he chuckled, far away from entertaining, just pure annoyance. “moaning sanji’s name while my dick inside you, breakin’ you into half, hm?”
you can’t answer, you can’t even comprehend what to do because you don’t understand why you moaned sanji’s name. however, zoro knows you more than you do, and owns every knowledge about the hidden meanings behind your actions, words, and looks - he isn’t dumb, he knows how you close your thigh around sanji whenever he cooks, watching him from the corner of your eyes as you bite your lips without even noticing it.
it is not that zoro doesn’t get jealous, he does and he will prove it right away yet he wants to satisfy you in every way he can - he can see the truth behind the whole thing; you want the full attention that you try to make him angry with all these acts, and you have no idea that you’re doing all that only for him - for zoro so that he can get possessed around you.
he’s a pleaser though, for you, and he will plan your little game, giving what you want.
“maybe I should call him,” he says, and whimpers when your pussy clenches around his length on its own - pure instinct, pure satisfaction. he smirks, pride runs in his veins, he really knows you - each hit point, each desire, everything. he leaves your body, bending it over again, ass getting higher.
he begins to fuck you so slow that you swear you will lose your mind anytime soon as his cock goes out of your horny clit until his tip touches your folds, only to shove it in again with a hard yet effective thrust.
weren’t his hands holding you by the hips, you would hit the wall in front of your face - moaning louder than before, afraid that the crew will hear you as you get fucked by furious zoro.
“ohh, I definitely should call him. wanna make him watch your pretty face as I fuck your hungry pussy for my cock,” he says, thrusting faster each passing time, making your hands grip the sleeves under you. “would you like that?” he asks, balls hitting every right spot of your ass cheeks, thrust begins to mixture of both pain and pleasure.
“ohhh - zoro - zoro -!”
“that’s right baby. roronoa zoro,” he kneels down, abdomen touching your back, dick reaches the end of your pussy, a hand grips your hair, pulling it harshly, “scream my fucking name louder, wanna hear it, wanna everyone hear it as well.”
“‘m sorry, zoro, ‘m so sorry -“
“oh please,” he mocks you, leaving your hair, only to hold you by the neck this time, pushing you onto the mattress lower, cries rush onto your face. soaking, you moan his name over and over again. “you’re not sorry at all. you’re just a slut, aren’t you?” his fingers play with your ass hole, sending a new sense of satisfaction into your body, “a slut only for my cock though,” he whispers into himself, slapping your ass, earning a scream out of your pretty parted lips.
then, he turns you around, and the cock swifts inside you - standing above you, he puts one of his hands beside your head, and the other one grips your neck completely, making you look up to his face - he finds the pace that he knows that will make you see starts.
eyes sparkling with lust as you look at him, half-closed, blurry already, dry tears on the cheeks, chest raising up and down rapidly while his cock fucks your abused clit harder, and deeper. “yes my slut,” he says, possessiveness can be heard through his voice, “look at who’s fucking you right now. not luffy, not that shitty waiter sanji either. just roronoa zoro. who’s fucking you? whose pussy is this? say it.”
“roro - ohhhh, shit - roronoa z-zoro!”
he nods with such pride that he smirks, still furious, but enjoying this so much that he decides to fuck you in every position he can until the whole crew knows you’re getting fucked by him in his damn room, crying only his name. “that’s it my pretty slut, you will never forget it. from now on, I will dig it into your dizzy head so that your legs will open on their own whenever you see me.”
“please, yes, yes, zoro!” going all mindless, you let him do what he wants - after all, this is what you wanted, isn’t it?
“pretty slut. gotta make you know who you belong to.”
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“fuuuck - usopp!” the words - the moan comes out of you without your control, making his head higher up.
“huh? say somethin’ baby?” he asks, not stopping eating you from the back, fingers joined, brows raised, curiously looking at you.
“‘m so sorry, luffy - I - I wasn’t thinking straight- I - ohhh!” you try to say but your words are cut by his fingers scissoring inside you.
“oh,” he says, sounding not surprised but excited, chuckling even as he adds, “I didn’t hear it wrong then. you really moaned his name - while my tongue is deep inside you, fingering this beautiful pussy that I thought clenching because of how good I am fucking you.”
between your loud whimpers mixing with moans, you begin to say how sorry you are. you weren’t aware of it until the moment usopp’s name left your mouth. you knew it was luffy who was making you week on the knees, who’s have your legs wrapped around his bare shoulders, your pussy wide open, hands on his curly hair as you pull them whenever his tongue and fingers reach your g-spot - only he can fuck you like this, you know it! but why you moaned usopp’s name, why you pictured him in your mind beside luffy are the questions you have no answers to.
“I don’t know what happened to me - ohhh - luffy, ‘m so sorry - fuuck!”
both moaning with pleasure and crying with pure guilt, you try to hide your face from luffy, a hand positioned on your half of the face, not looking at him, afraid that you made him upset and disappointed yet luffy is there to prove you wrong when he leaves your pussy, gets up, holding you by the chin as he lowers down, making both of you hit the bed underneath you.
hovering over you, he makes you see his smiling face, lips shining because of your soaking, eyes sparkling.
“oh, pretty baby, look at me,” he says, caressing your chin, “I am not mad. not at all. if you want to bring another man into the bed -“
“no, no - I don’t - I really don’t!” you protest, so shy at the thought. you only want luffy, you know that, and you want to apologize to him for being such a greedy girl, “you’re my one and only luffy. I only want you.”
he chuckles softly, shaking his head, fingers finally finding your aching pussy again, playing with it as he says, “‘s okay. if I am the only one you want, then, let me fuck you that your whole body remember I am the one and only for it.”
he keeps his promises, fucking you until the only thing you have on your mind is him - nothing more, nothing less.
yet he doesn’t leave you without teasing you, giving you wet kisses, markings, and even slaps from here to there - enjoying seeing you all shy yet greedy for him.
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“oh yes, yes, yes, right there - so good so good - please more, zoro, please!”
“hm? what?” he asks in a surprised tone, hands stopping playing with your breasts, tongue staying on the hardened nipple without moving, eyes looking up to your confused face from where he stays on - your exposed chest.
he smirks, a bit of jealousy and entertainment at the same time, realizing you have no clue about what you said a second ago, legs push him closer - wanting his cock deep inside your warm walls to start moving again because you can’t understand why he has stopped fucking you.
“oh my beautiful madam,” he teases, “can’t even realize he moaned another man’s name while having my cock warm inside her pussy!”
your eyes widen after you comprehend the words he’s saying.
you swear lowly, hands touch his well-built chest, heat rushing all over your face, and you begin to feel guilt blooming inside your abdomen which has twisted.
“sanji - I am so sorry, I didn’t- I wasn’t -“ he cuts you off, right hand finds your neck as long fingers caress your face.
his face so close to yours as he chuckles, “oh, did my pretty lady remember who’s fucking her? not zoro, eh?”
he can’t decide whether he should feel humiliated or amused. yet he doesn’t go hard on you, moving his hips, he earns low moans from you - hands trembling on his chest, the dilemma rises up inside the mind, thoughts about zoro shuts down by sanji, he shoves his dick into you slowly and in one go as if he’s trying to remind you that you’re under him - not zoro’s or any other man’s.
“please, sanji - faster, please!” your please now is filled with his name comes as prays into his ears, the pride increases, giving sanji a chance to play with your cute little mind.
“that’s right baby, sanji - say that again.” his movements become faster, harder.
“sanji, sanji, sanji - aggh, so good -“ with the help of the last decent you have, you moan his name louder and louder, wanna make him prove that you’re mind full of him, giving him the apology he deserves in a way he would like to get; being so noisy that everyone will acknowledge what you’re doing behind the doors.
“would make a mess out of you. you will leave this room barely walking because of me,” his possession is perceivable, burning you alive with the desire for more. hands grip your inner thighs, opening them wider, a painful breath leaves your lungs as you shut your eyes, giving sanji what he wants; devouring you to tame you.
“pretty lady needs a lesson, and I am here to give it.”
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he doesn’t say much, chuckling or laughing would suit him better but he knows you should have known that no one can fuck you like he does when another’s man comes from you - moaning with it instead of saying shank’s name.
holding you from the waist, he takes control of you, not letting you ride him no more, sweats flow from your body into his.
the moment you hear his voice, memories of the past seconds rush to your mind, and you find yourself putting your hands on his shoulders, afraid that he will push you.
contrary to what you expect, shanks moves your hips slowly, forth, and back - his balls feel heavy under you, hair on his lower abdomen makes the pleasure double.
you hold your tears; blurry vision, soaking clit, reddened face, agape mouth - pathetic yet beautiful, he thinks. “daddy’s cock isn’t enough for you, hm, is this the case why you moan another man’s name like that even when you’re,” he takes your chin, making you look down, seeing the mess you’re creating, “cumming onto my cock?”
“it’s not it, shanks!” earn a spank on your ass.
“then what is it princess?” he asks, brows raised, fingers traveling on your body, “am I not fucking you good that you fantasize about another man while bouncing on my lap?”
he lets you say countless sorry words, cries inside his arms, explaining how you didn’t mean to do that, how he’s the only one for you yet he doesn’t seem satisfied, taking a deep breath, raising your body then lowering it down - cock thrusting deep and hard.
throwing your head, you begin to beg for him to forgive you, to fuck you.
“in that case,” he says, putting himself a glass of wine from the small table beside you while still sitting on his favorite chair that he fucks you onto. leaning back, he moves his hand in the air, “fuck yourself on my cock, show me how much you can beg for my cock, then, I will forgive you and fuck your greedy pussy princess,”
he watches you going blank for a moment before beginning to bounce on him, moaning from the throat, hands traveling around your body to make a show only for his eyes.
he whimpers lowly, a smirk lightening his attractive face, eyes burning in fire, “give daddy a show. and when you’re done, I will call for him and make him watch as I fuck you good.”
taglist • tagging: @snowprincesa1 ❦
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dreamlandcreations · 5 months ago
OPLA men - I licked it so it's mine
Shanks / Mihawk / Zoro / Sanji x Reader
this is @justnerdystuffs' fault idea with a little twist here and there and it has been sitting in my drafts for ages 🫣
Warnings: implied mutual pining, idiots (all of them), fluff, kissing, implied relationship afterwards and other stuff , height difference, not proofread (I just wanted to finish something finally 😭🤧)
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• Shanks masterlist • Main Masterlist • Moodboards masterlist •
It's been weeks since you have had a decent meal.
After such a long time, you finally landed on an island with a nice-looking bar where the rest of the crew could celebrate whatever excuse they could come up with for drinking and partying. You couldn't care less at the moment.
You had half the menu ordered, knowing full well some of the guys would join in on the feast whether you invited them or not. And that was fine, really, until they tried to take a bite of your steak. Roux was indeed lucky not to lose a hand.
However, your dearest captain had no such self-preservation instincts. You were on very good terms with the man, Shanks was easy to get along with, but he could be such a child sometimes.
He was sitting right next to you and he moved in the moment you turned your head in the other direction to look at some stunt Yasopp was trying to pull. You turned back just in time at the sound of the fork being stabbed into meat.
You moved fast, but not fast enough. The red-haired manchild took the last piece of your steak and quickly licked it from bottom to top, grinning at you with sauce staining his cheek right from under his scars all the way to his chin.
"Sorry, sweetheart. I licked it so it's mine."
From the other side of the table Ben was watching the scene in morbid fascination, ready to save his captain from certain death once again and he didn't like the sinister grin slowly pulling at your lips.
"Hmm," you leaned closer as Shanks put down the food on his plate, reaching for a napkin to wipe his face before you grabbed his hand, yanked him closer, gripping his chin in your other hand, you slowly licked the sauce off the side of his face before you pulled away and smirked at him as you claimed, "I guess that means you are mine now."
The room turned silent, all eyes on you two, as Shanks regarded you with a strange expression, and Ben stood still right where he jumped up when you launched for the captain, while you just stared at the man before you with slowly widening eyes as you just realised what you have done.
Before you could pull further away, Shanks quickly lifted you from your chair, making it tumble back as he pulled you into his lap with his smile quickly returning but with a new warmth to it, and you already knew you were in trouble before you heard what he had to say.
"Yours, huh?" he asked, cupping your cheek gently as he leaned in impossibly close, playfully nudging your nose with his and whispered, "I think I like the sound of that."
Steak forgotten, the crew's cheering ignored, you kissed the grinning idiot and you could't help but smile into the kiss too.
Ben in the background collapsed back into his chair, grabbed a large bottle of rum, and took a big gulp, already dreading what these two will put him through together.
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You didn't know how Shanks convinced the swordsman to stay for the celebration but you were having fun watching your captain get on his nerves and when you saw the opportunity to join in that fun, you just had to do it.
There was no shortage of alcohol but Dracule Mihawk has a certain taste and you knew he would go for the good stuff, so you acted as soon as he got up from his seat from next to Shanks.
You took your time to pour out the remaining wine from the last, almost empty bottle and waited until the warlord got close enough that you could tease him without too many witnesses.
He towered over you somewhat menacingly, slightly raising his eyebrows expectantly as his gaze travelled down to the glass in your hand and back to your face in a meaningful motion. You were not intimidated in the slightest though.
On the contrary, you faked innocence as you mimicked his gesture before locking your gaze with his and letting your lips pull up into a little smirk then you lifted the glass and slowly dragged your tongue around the edge of it.
"I licked it so it's mine." you stated cheerfully and shrugged at his almost unperceivable widened eyes that betrayed his surprise or anger. Definitely disbelief, you decided.
Following a tense silence, a rare smile graced his lips, and you stopped breathing for a moment as he leaned in closer. 
"Is that right?" he murmured. His usually bored tone a mix between amusement, mocking and challenge.
Mihawk didn’t wait for your response but took a hold of your chin and smashed his lips against yours just as you gasped, and he took the opportunity to immediately deepen the kiss and lick into your mouth, letting you taste the wine he has been drinking throughout the night and you had no opportunity to sample because you dropped the glass as soon as his lips touched yours.
He didn't seem bothered by the pricey drink going to waste or you knocking down his hat as you desperately reached out and hang onto him by his nape while you tried to keep up with his maddening, passionate, slow, seductive kiss that made you feel like the room was spinning around you.
He pulled away just as abruptly as he started the kiss but he didn't let you go while he regarded you with a smug expression.
"I believe that makes you mine." When you failed to reply, he faked thinking about it for a second, then his smirk returned and he added, “Hmm. Perhaps I’ll have to be more thorough with my claiming.” before capturing your lips again and lifting you up into his arms to take you away somewhere private to make good on his promise.
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Luffy claimed most of the food as you sat down, and he did it in the most disgusting but interesting way possible. He stretched his tongue out and licked over all the plates at his half of the table, grinning as he yelled excitedly, "I licked it! So it's mine!"
A moment of horror passed then everyone dug into (the safe part of) the feast. Everyone, except the green haired menace next to you.
Zoro collected both bottles of wine to himself opening them and storing them on his other side, even though he knew that was the only drink you'd find acceptable and it was pretty much all the same to him as long as it had alcohol in it.
He didn't react to you theatrically clearing your throat as you turned to him so you kicked his leg with a force that made him jump up a little.
He looked at you with surprise that quickly turned into annoyance then a wordless challenge. When the silent staredown didn't end with his win he sighed and reached for both bottles, and he extended one of them towards you but pulled back before you could grab it and went to lick over that bottle opening and then the other. Smiling at you in triumph as he said,
"Heard the captain. Rules are rules!"
Huffing at the audacity, you waited until he raised a bottle to his lips and hit the bottom, tipping it so he would spill the wine on himself.
He stood abruptly, making the chair almost fall over as you laughed.
The others' only reaction was a look in your way, they were used to your antics by now, they expected a fight as soon as you sat down beside the ex pirate hunter.
What no one, including you saw coming was your next move. Your eyes followed the droplets of wine dripping down Zoro's neck as he tried to dry his shirt with a napkin. It was all in vain, the fabric was soaked through.
You blinked a few times, trying to gather some sense into you, and obviously failing as you batted away his hands, produced a knife and slit his shirt open in a flash. Then, as you stood up you licked over his toned abdomen and chest, all the way up to his jaw before biting him teasingly there.
He blinked rapidly, taking in a staggering breath as he looked down at you, fixing his gaze on your now wine red lips. You licked them to savour the taste then you took the other bottle, sauntered over to the door and paused, looking back at Zoro with a challenging eyebrow raise before you left.
"Huh," was all he said before he followed you to your room.
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You narrowed your eyes at Sanji, eyeing him with growing annoyance as he ate the rare bite-sized food that was gifted to you as the last creation of the chef who the cook obsessed over for the entire week. He moaned and swooned over the taste as you clenched your teeth together, trying to come up with an appropriate revenge.
Sanji looked at you with innocent eyes, smiling sweetly as he ased, "What?"
You looked down at the empty plate pointedly and then back at the thief just in time to see him shrug. "You know the rule, I licked it so it's mine."
Your body moved before you could think it through, grasping his chin with one hand, brushing away his hair from his face and grabbing him by the back of his head with your other hand as you quickly licked the side of his face and pushed him back a little as you stepped back. There, the gesture says.
Waiting for his disgusted reaction, you started to grin, satisfied with your little revenge for now, at least for a moment or so because he didn't react how you thought at all.
He seemed to be frozen in place except for his slowly widening eyes, then he gasped, giggled, and turned to you with a grin, exclaiming loudly that, "I'm yours now, no takebacks!"
You huffed at the ridiculous train of thought and turned to leave but he hugged you from behind, nuzzling into your neck, arms circling around your waist and you couldn't help but smile as you sighed dramatically but placed your hands on his, letting him pull you into an even tighter embrace that you would be trapped in for a while.
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fanaticsnail · 1 year ago
Snail Navigation Masterlist
Hello and welcome, I'm Snail!
I write mainly "x reader" for the One-Piece fandom, all catalogued below the cut in a series of individual masterlists. Some of my work is NSFW, meant for 18+, so please minors do not interact.
It is an absolute pleasure carving out worlds that you get to be placed in the middle of. This page is specifically to be positive and enjoy sharing creativity. I hope you enjoy your time spent with me!
Tobiuo: My One Piece Original Character: Heart Pirate Security Chief, 7'2 Fishwoman.
Commissions: Closed.
Request: Temporarily closed.
Gift Swapping: Temporarily closed.
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Pirate Snail: Gift by @/remisloves @/torao-chan. I love this snail, and I love the beautiful person who made it for me.
Divider Links: waves, 18+ by @/firefly-graphics
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I have divided up my large collection of fics and drabbles into their own categories. Each fic has a description within their own Masterlist, including content warnings should minors be present. I hope you enjoy your time exploring my writing, and happy reading!
Straw-Hat Masterlist
Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Brook, & platonic crew
Heart-Pirate Masterlist
Law, Shachi, Penguin, & platonic crew
Kid-Pirate Masterlist
Kid, Killer, Heat, Wire, & platonic crew
Red-Hair Pirate Masterlist
Shanks, Beckman
Donquixote Masterlist
Doflamingo, Rosinante / Corazon, Caesar Clown
Cross-Guild Masterlist
Sir Crocodile, Dracule Mihawk, Buggy
Misc & Marines Masterlist
Koby, Helmeppo, Sabo, Kuzan, Bogard, Garp, Marco, Zeff, X Drake
Giants Masterlist
Katakuri, King, Loki (Elbaf)
Drabbles Masterlist
Shorter fics for light reading
Original Characters Masterlist
Content includes OC x OC, OC x Canon, and OC x Reader content within. This is with my original characters, and others' OCs with permission to create for them. All NSFW fics marked accordingly.
Multi-Character Series
Dance Series Masterlist
A series of one-shots where you, the reader, get to dance with your favourites. Written with a f!reader in mind, but can be read gn.
The Kissing Booth
A selection of kisses with you as the blindfolded recipient.
Yandere Masterlist
To love so much it makes you sick with blind devotion and intense infatuation. Sweet, caring, and innocent before switching into someone who displays an extreme, often violent or psychotic, level of devotion to a love interest. You are that special person, and they will stop at nothing to make you theirs, and keep you close.
Pollen Masterlist (NSFW 18+)
Dust from the lust-plant burrows into the lungs of all that inhale it, prompting desperate and primal urges to eclipse their natural senses. All that inhale the pollen need aid in navigating through their urges, some urges stronger than others.
Dreaming of You Masterlist (NSFW 18+)
They couldn't help it. You looked so heavenly in their dreams. The way they had you wrapped around their body as a marionette in their minds, dancing for them as they awoke to sticky blankets when they jolted upright. Their thoughts got the better of them, and they are wracked with guilt. NSFW, mdni, 18+
2024 Birthday Event (NSFW 18+)
A variety of kinks explored with a multitude of different readers (gn, afab, amab, F, M) all explicit and incredibly NSFW with a few favourite characters.
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Drawing Masterlist: One Piece Original Characters
Art with my fics: short dialogue
Fic Inspo: mood boards, clips and prompts for all to use.
Ko-Fi: If you feel so inclined to support me as I keep creating works, this is a link to enable that should you so desire.
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Side blog: @sultrysnail for content away from One Piece
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sanjisleggy · 3 months ago
to deserve perfection (red-haired shanks x fem!reader)
req: Could you do a Shanks x reader (fem or gn) hurt comfort where Shanks gets really insecure about having only one arm. Maybe like during a fight they fall and another crew member catches you or like during a party or something she dances with one of their crewmates and Shanks gets sad and insecure he can't fold her like that
a/n: my first request YIPPEE :D tysm for requesting anon it means a lot :’D also i’m not super familiar with Shanks’ crew so i’m basing my knowledge of them and the general crew dynamics on OPLA and other fics i’ve read :3c
contents: fem!reader, unexplicit mentions of chronic pain and drowning, insecurity, angst to fluff, hurt/reverse comfort
wc. 2.3k
Shanks is often of the opinion that if any one person in the world is deserving of nothing less than perfection, it would have to be you.
you, the beloved botanist and assistant doctor of the Red Hair Pirates.
you, one of the few people he’s ever known to able to balance logic and empathy flawlessly. it’s a skill he finds quite lacking in the world in general, which makes your presence in the crew all the more valued.
you, the one he watched grow from timid young girl to confident woman just as he, himself, grew from a playful young boy to a man worthy of your seemingly endless love—or at least he hopes.
Shanks has never thought of himself as a perfect man—far from it actually. but now, only a little over a year since he lost his arm saving Luffy, he feels the most imperfect he’s ever felt.
he fears he’s a burden.
but Shanks keeps his worries to himself, opting to simply smile softly in gratitude whenever your eyes flicker over his face as your hands gently rub the special ointment over his stump. he didn’t even ask for your help tonight, as usual you simply read him like a book and ushered him over to your bed, bottle of the homemade remedy at the ready.
as much as he feels unworthy of your time and effort, he can’t help the light fluttering feeling in his chest, especially when your fingers travel up past his shoulder blade toward the back of his neck. you play with the ends of his hair before pulling him down to close the gap between your mouths.
“feeling better?” you ask after pulling away. you can’t help but chuckle when his lips chase after yours for a moment before opting to simply pout pitifully when you stop him by pressing your fingers to his bottom lip.
”i always feel better with you.” Shanks doesn’t quite answer the question but you accept it anyway. you trust he’d tell you the truth if your medicine truly stopped being effective; just as you trust him to lean on you in times of need, whether it be physical or emotional.
you’ll learn in the near future, however, that trust of such a nature can be easily shattered even from the purest of intentions.
the longing look in his captain’s eyes as he watches you dance with the locals is not lost on Shanks’ first mate. while the rest of the crewmates cheer and clap, all now inebriated to a certain degree as always, Benn Beckman walks over and takes a seat beside him as inconspicuously as possible.
”y’know you still have your legs, right?” the ever-easygoing captain can’t help but laugh out loud in response.
”straight to the point, huh?” he replies before taking another gulp of beer.
”i’ve known you both long enough to know she’d love to dance with you.”
“i know.”
i just don’t want to embarrass her.
the conversation dies for a few minutes as the two men sip at their drinks, eyes glued to the festivities taking place under the starry night sky. the massive bonfire illuminates your face in a way that accentuates your wide, carefree smile and your crescent-shaped eyes. 
Shanks watches as you clumsily imitate the traditional dance moves, cheered on and encouraged by men, women and children alike as they take turns holding your hands and spinning you around. Even though a relaxed smile is plastered on his face, he can’t help but feel a soreness grow in his chest at the sight of you being twirled and dipped by the handsome male warriors of the village.
”are you sure we won’t get caught?” you whispered, though your willingness to follow and excited smile stretching across your face screamed that you didn’t care about getting caught at all.
”of course we won’t, just be quiet.” Shanks carefully pushed open the door leading to the front deck.
when the coast seemed clear enough he led you over to the centre of the deck of Roger’s ship before dramatically bowing and offering his hand.
”may i have this dance, milady?” you could only let out a muffled laugh as you placed your hand in his, a silent acceptance. he wrapped his other arm around your middle and started to sway to an imaginary tune.
neither of you knew how to actually dance, especially not like how the rich folk do in their fancy ballrooms. but earlier that day he’d asked what you wanted for your birthday and you said the first thing on your mind: to dance with him under the stars.
thus he made your dream come true, even if it did end with sore toes and sweaty skin.
“it’s not like you to just sit back and watch.” Beckman breaks the silence between them, yanking Shanks out of his memories. the first mate gestures to what essentially looks like a queue of men and women waiting their turn to dance with you. a bitterness emerges in the back of his throat at the sight.
both of the men know that on any other day, Shanks would’ve long intervened to steal you away for himself. reclaim his treasure, is how he used to describe it.
”whatever it is,” his dear friend says with a hint of resignation in his voice as he stands up. “don’t let it fester. you both share something special, don’t let it go to waste.”
you can tell he blames himself. no one else on the crew does but you also know that it doesn’t matter to Shanks, not when a mistake involves your safety.
a scuffle with the marines was not on that day’s agenda; especially not one out in the open seas while the darkened clouds overhead poured mercilessly. 
what started as an issue that could have been resolved in under and hour lasted nearly twice as long due to the unfortunate weather impairing everyone’s vision and movements. the deck was simply too slippery, the waves were too high, and the ambush was too sudden.
you struggle to remember much of what actually happened after you slipped and fell overboard. all you can really recall is clinging onto the deck’s edge for dear life, Shanks reaching out as he cried your name, your fingers slipping from his desperate grasp, and then a bone-chilling coldness overwhelming your entire being. you remember gasping for air only to ingest a mouthful of salty water. 
then, you’d woken up in the infirmary.
now you find yourself standing outside your own locked bedroom door, knuckles sore from knocking for the past hour. 
“Shanks, my love,” you plead, “let me in, won’t you? i just want to see you.” you try to keep your voice steady but it gets harder with each subsequent word. “please? don’t lock me out.”
first you nearly drowned and now the love of your life is refusing to let you into your own room? tired and confused, you blink away the hot tears pooling in your eyes as you breathe deeply and slowly in an attempt to soothe your aching heart.
after a few more minutes of waiting, your sadness twists itself into some mixture of confusion and indignant frustration. it’s not like Shanks to cut you off like this and you refuse to believe that a single incident is enough to ruin a lifetime spent by each other’s sides.
it takes five kicks to break the lock of your bedroom door and four steps to reach the bed where your beloved husband lays curled into himself. just the sight alone melts away your anger; and when he lets out a strained whine, you feel your heart sink as your body enters autopilot.
you swiftly grab a bottle of ointment from the bedside drawer before crawling on the bed towards Shanks’ back. gently, you pull the blanket off him and reach over his body to roll him into a better position. thankfully, he doesn’t resist.
”is this why you weren’t opening the door?” you ask softly as you sit him up to unbutton his shirt. “was it too sore?”
oh how easy it would be to say yes and just leave it at that and receive your unconditional, undeserved forgiveness for my selfishness.
but i can’t lie. 
not to you.
”No,” he whispers, avoiding meeting your eyes with his own. you hum in response, focused more on gently rubbing the soothing ointment over his aching stump.
”then why?” you prod, though your tone remains soft and genuine. “why didn’t you want to let me in?” you scoot closer, your chest now brushing against his right shoulder as you reach around to apply more medicine. your other hand subconsciously rubs his back.
”you must’ve known i wanted nothing more than to sleep in my own bed and cuddle my own husband after being fished out of the sea,” you add on with a laugh that Shanks doesn’t reciprocate. 
ah, gotcha.
”so this is about me falling into the ocean, hmm?” you redirect your ointment-coated hand to his chin before tilting his face over to lock your eyes onto his own. “everyone knows it was an accident.” you offer him a small smile as your hand on his back travels up to rub at his neck. “aside from the shock of it all, i’m totally fine.”
”i should’ve been able to pull you up,” Shanks finally chokes out, lunging forward to bury his face into your chest. “i shouldn’t have let you fall into the water to begin with. the waves were so rough, we could’ve easily lost you.” he wraps his arm around your waist, fingers gripping tightly onto the back of your shirt; as though you would disappear once again if he wasn’t holding on tightly enough.
”but you didn’t lose me,” you coo, feeling your own heart twist and ache as you return the hug, holding him as close to you as possible. “i’m still here. it’s okay, my love.”
”i was fucking useless,” he exhaled, shoulders beginning to tremble. “i couldn’t even be the one to dive in after you. i wouldn’t have been able to swim and pull you up at the same time.”
you feel your eyes burn with tears for the second time today as you listen to Shanks berate himself.
”i couldn’t hold onto you. i couldn’t keep you safe. i can’t even dance with you like how we used to.” for the first time in years, he was losing it and it terrifies you. 
“stop! stop saying all that!” you can’t help but raise your voice as you pry his face away from your body, no longer allowing him to hide anymore. when he finally looks at you, you see that your teary eyes are mirrored on his handsome face. although he looks up at you silently, you feel his hand tremble from how hard he’s holding onto your clothing. 
“you—” you struggle to find the words. how were you supposed to reassure the most amazing man you’ve ever met that his thoughts of self-loathing are unfounded?
”Shanks, you’re…” you feel a fresh wave of hot tears run down your face when you see how tired he looks. it’s as though these thoughts have been running in his mind for longer than you think, and it’s exhausting him. 
“you’re perfect,” you finally say as you cup his face between your hands before leaning down to brush the tip of your nose against his. “you’re so perfect. i don’t care how many limbs you have or scars you collect. i’d love you all the same until the day i die.”
“you deserve more.” Shanks can’t help but say what’s been plaguing his mind for weeks. although the relief of letting it out feels good, he can’t help the tightness in his chest when he sees you frown.
”what more could i possibly deserve, you silly man?” you let out a choked laugh, rubbing your thumbs under his eyes to wipe away his tears, old and new. “i don’t think you realise how lucky i am to have had you for so long. i’ve been loving you since we were children, for crying out loud.” you pause to breathe. “and with all the beautiful women we meet at every new island we visit, who clearly want to take my place; sometimes i feel like it’s only a matter of time before they steal you away—”
you’re cut off by Shanks capturing your lips with his own. the hand that was previously crumpling your shirt now trailing up your body before stopping at your face. you lean into the warmth of his palm whilst keeping your lips on his, saliva mixing with salty tears.
“don’t be ridiculous,” he pants the words out the moment you pull away for air. “don’t ever say such a thing.”
”now you know how i felt when you said all those awful things about yourself.” you turn your head to press a kiss to his palm, smiling when you see how his cheeks flush redder than they already are. “but you shouldn’t hide these thoughts anymore, my silly boy. you need to talk to me so i can tell you how ridiculous you’re being.” your finger pokes his chest, drawing a warm chuckle from the love of your life as he smiles for the first time since you were pulled out of the ocean depths.
“i love you,” Shanks whispers, words muffling halfway when presses his lips to your forehead mid-sentence.
”love you, too.”
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latanyalove · 9 months ago
Red Haired Shanks - When he is in love with you
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☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ 
When he is in love with you, Shanks would be very devoted and attentive.
He would shower you with compliments, gifts, and be very supportive of your endeavors.
He would make sure to make time for you and would always be there for you when needed.
He would be very understanding and patient and would make sure that you felt loved and appreciated.
You had been living with Curly Dadan and the others for a while now and were content with the life you had created for yourself in the forest. You enjoyed the peace and quiet in the woods and the freedom to do what you wanted.
You were happy to have made friends with the other people living in the forest and were slowly getting to know everyone better.
It was during this time that you first met Red Haired Shanks. He was a mysterious figure who had recently come to the forest and he quickly caught your attention with his friendly and kind demeanor.
Every couple of evenings, Shanks would come into the forest to talk to you and you only. He would bring stories and news from the outside world, as well as gifts for you.
He would often stay until the sun set, and sometimes even longer, but he would always make sure to leave before it got too dark.
You found yourself looking forward to his visits and enjoying the conversations you had with him.
Though these days, Shanks had become more flirty, often teasing you and making suggestive comments.
He would always make sure to keep these comments light and fun, but you couldn't help but blush when he made them.
"What's wrong, love? Don't tell me you can't handle a little bit of teasing from me?" he would say with a smirk.
Just then, the infamous youngsters, Luffy, Ace and Sabo had come to your rescue and started telling Shanks off.
"Hey! Leave my older sister alone, Shanks!" Luffy would yell. "Don't you have any respect for women?" Ace would add. "You should be ashamed of yourself," Sabo would chime in.
Shanks would just smile and laugh, raising his hands in surrender. "Alright, alright, I was just kidding around," he would say.
Despite the scolding, Shanks would still be happy that the trio was looking out for you.
The trio quickly dragged you away from Shanks with worry in their eyes. "Are you okay, sis? You don't have to talk to him if you don't want to," Luffy said.
"We won't let him bother you again," Ace added.
"Yeah, you don't have to be afraid of him," Sabo reassured.
You tried to reassure the trio that you were okay and that Shanks wasn't bothering you, but they still lead you away from him. You couldn't help but feel a bit embarrassed, but also grateful that they were looking out for you.
You looked back to see Shanks having a smirk on his face before bowing slowly and walking away.
He gave you a wink and said, "See you around, love."
You couldn't help but smile and blush a little bit as he left. The trio just watched in disbelief as Shanks walked away. . . .
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ 
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Imagine your shock when Shanks returns with Luffy…
When the boat made landfall and Luffy jumped out, you pushed past almost everyone to get to him. You wrapped the young boy in your arms and pressed kissed atop his damp hair.
“Are you okay? Are you hurt?” You asked in a frenzy just trying to understand if he had been injured.
“No. I’m fine.” Luffy mumbled as he gripped your shirt tight.
Makino stepped forward and pressed a hand to your shoulder. “Here, let me take him to get cleaned up.” She offered.
You wanted to decline, to take the boy in yourself but your friend smiled and glanced over at where the pirates had huddled around their captain. A thanks was in order.
Sending Makino a nod, you gently pried Luffy’s hands away.
“Hey, Makino’s going to get you all freshened up, okay?” You told him kindly. “I’ll be there soon, I promise.”
With some reluctance, Luffy allowed himself to be taken away, too tired argue.
You sent him a small wave as he disappeared and when Luffy was out of sight, a gentle set of footsteps approached.
“One trouble-maker, as promised.” Shanks smiled.
You mirrored the smile in his voice and turned around only for your eyes to latch onto his bloodied shirt. Immediately, your heart dropped.
You did this. You yelled at him. You demanded that he find Luffy.
Shaking your head, you stepped back but your foot caught onto a stray piece of wood that forced a stumble.
Shanks immediately reached out with his good arm and wrapped it around your waist, pulling you into his chest.
“I-I’m so sorry…” you whispered, fingers clutching his damp shirt.
How had it all gone so wrong? Maybe if you had gone with him things would have turned out differently?
The captain pressed a kiss into your hair, hushing you as best he could while his heart ached more than the limb lost.
“You have nothing to apologise for.” He told you. “Neither does Luffy.”
Shanks pulled back gently to look into your eyes that were on the verge of tears. “And this is most certainly not your fault. I made my choice and I’d make the same one again.”
Leaning forward, Shanks pressed a soft kiss against your mouth to make his point known. Then he kissed a little harder to steal your breath away.
You carefully wrapped your arms around the man’s shoulders to lose your senses to him. The move made Shanks smile and he dipped his head to your neck. He planted a ticklish kiss to the soft skin, thankful that he was alive to feel you.
~ More imagines here ~ (for more One Piece)
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short-honey-badger · 1 year ago
Peppermint Tea 18
Alright. I hope you're ready for Mihawk! Here is the next part, like promised!
BTW anything that's labeled with Lavender will be more of a Shanks pov! Thanks!
Warnings! None really? Kissing? Mihawk is a jelly boy.
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Mihawk arrives at your island three weeks after Shanks has departed. He notices something off the moment he comes within sight of the white sands, observational haki sending shivers down his spine. An awful feeling curdles his stomach, and Dracule curses how slowly his ship reaches the shores of his home.
The warlord flashes to the island, leaving behind the books that he had brought along for your overstuffed bookshelves. Mihawk picks up his pace, arriving at your door far quicker than usual, and barges inside. He stalks through the house, frowning when he does not find you anywhere inside. What he does find however, is an ornate ceramic sake bottle in the shape of a gourd, that Dracule knows he did not gift to you, and it was in far too good of condition for you to have found it on the shore. The bad feeling in his stomach grows to the point that he feels sick, something that he has never felt before.
Mihawk stalks out the backdoor, shoulders slumping in relief when he spies you sitting at the cliffside in the back.
You turn around at his approach, the devil cat glaring at him and hopping off his human’s lap to strut past Mihawk and back inside the house to hide away. Hank greets him like usual, and Mihawk gladly slides his hands into the shaggy grey hair to ground himself. There is tension in the air, and he knows that you are about to say something he isn’t going to like before you can even open your mouth.
“Welcome home, Dracule,” You greet him and go to stand, but your warlord motions you to stay there. He comes and sits beside you on the cliff, thigh pressed against yours, and you easily lean into him, pressing a kiss to his bare chest, “How was your trip?”
Dracule hates all this lead up, but he has missed you terribly and curls his arms around your waist, and buries his face in your hair.
“Uneventful. Too long,” he grumbles quietly, and you snicker and reach up to pet his hair. Mihawk shifts enough that he can turn and bring you in for a sweet kiss. He takes his time, lips a gentle press against your own until he pulls away to kiss your brow, lingering there as you relax against his chest. Mihawk wonders if you can heart how loudly his heart is beating.
“I had visitors while you were away,” You begin and Dracule feels like his heart is about to explode out of his chest, nerves eating at him in a way he's not experienced before, and he does not like it. Mihawk can't help the way his grip around you tightens, teeth clenched when he speaks next.
“I know. I could tell before I even made landfall.”
You nod, not minding the way he tightens his hold. You can tell that your admission has upset him because you know how careful the other man has been to keep you safe.
“It was one of the men you told me to be careful about. Red-Haired Shanks,” You finish, and your words are the final nail in the coffin. Mihawk sees nothing but red, furious that the bastard has found the one soft, good thing that Mihawk wanted to keep all to himself. Especially Shanks, the man was a womanizer through and through, and he hated the thought of you spending any time around him. You are speaking before Dracule can get a word in, and he forces himself to listen to your stuttered words.
“Shanks asked if he and his crew could stay on the island for a few days. I said yes, even though I was terrified, but you and Perona are always pushing me to try new things, so I thought that you wouldn't be that upset, but obviously that isn't true. And I'm really sorry, Mihawk,” you are rambling, but you can't help it. You've pulled away to look him in the face, wincing when you see the downturn of his lips and the fierce scowl between his eyes.
“They were all really nice, and he and his crew had so many interesting stories! I promise I didn't drink, I didn't feel comfortable with it because you weren't there, but they were funny and Shanks seemed so kind, so I told them that I wouldn't mind if they came back around.”
Mihawk goes through a lot of different emotions as he listens to you gush to him. It infuriates him that Shanks had wiggled his way so quickly into your good graces, but he felt pride in knowing that He, Dracule, was the first person you thought of when Shanks had shown up. However, he can't help but feel hurt at the knowledge that you invited the redhead back to your island. This was his home, and you knew that.
“I don't like the thought of that beach bum being here when I'm not around. I don't like that he stayed for a week and you didn't phone me at all. Shanks is nothing but a womanizing menace who plans to take you away from me,” Dracule snarls lowly and extracts himself from your grip. He needs to move before he does something he regrets, “I hate the thought of him even looking at you, _.”
Guilt crushes him when he catches sight of the hurt look on his own face when he turns to pace the cliff. He can't be angry at you, not when Dracule knows how kind and humble you are. There wasn't a deceptive bone in your body, and you were a terrible liar. He shouldn't be surprised that you allowed Shanks to stay so long.
Take you away? There was no one in this whole world that would be able to take you away from this gloomy, handsome man.
“I- I'm sorry, Mihawk. I just get so lonely when you and Perona don't come around, and it was so nice to have someone to talk to. It was exciting to have so many people around,” you say, throat thick with emotion and unshed tears. You hated this. Hated that Dracule was so upset that he couldn't even touch you right now.
“I tried to tell Shanks that I didn't think it would be a good idea to be friends with him, but he said that you wouldn't get too upset, and I believed him because he's known you so much longer than I have. I shouldn't have taken his word,” You are crying now, snow gathering around your sitting form and piling up around your legs.
“No you shouldn't have,” Mihawk snaps at you, and you flinch away from his anger. He deflates as soon as he sees the pile of snow that has gathered around you. He sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose and then goes to your side, sitting back beside his angel and pulling her close despite the snow.
“I am not angry with you, Dear one,” Dracule begins and takes both of your hands in his own, “But you make me a jealous man, and Shanks doesn't know how to quit.”
He kisses your knuckles, rubbing your hands together between his own to warm up your freezing flesh, “I do not trust him, but I do trust you, and I can't be upset with you for seeking out companionship from someone other than myself and Perona.”
You slump forward, relief coursing through you when Dracule takes your hands, happy that he is finally touching you, “You and Perona have spoiled me with attention. I shouldn't need any more than that.”
Mihawk swears silently to himself and gathers you close, “No, _,” He grasps you by the jaw, turning you up so that he can catch your eyes with his own gaze, “You deserve so much more than what we can give you. If you want the redhead to come back around, I'm not going to stop you from making friends with him. I just don't like it.”
He licks his lips when a thought comes to mind. Maybe it wasn't such a bad idea for Shanks to have found you. Mihawk would bet his hat that the redhead figured out your past the moment you mentioned your name, Shanks had always been knowledgeable about what goes on in the world after all. Having Shanks in your corner if something were to ever happen would be a boon, not that Dracule wants anything to occur, of course. He'd much rather the redhead just stay away from his Angel, but he knows that he isn’t that lucky.
“If it makes you feel any better, Shanks and his crew swore not to tell anyone about this place. Told me that treasures needed to stay hidden,” You inform him, and while it lessens his worries a little, Dracule doesn't trust the drunk not to slip up, and he really dislikes the thought that Shanks called you his treasure. That term belonged to him.
“Promise to call me next time he shows up. I don't care what time it is,”Mihawk orders softly and then leans in to capture your lips, “I want to know when that bastard comes around.”
You can help but giggle at his miffed tone. Shanks had mentioned that Mihawk could be possessive, but seeing it in action was something else. You hadn't expected such a calm, cool, and collected man to get so upset. You yelp when Dracule pinches your side and finds the man glaring at you for poking fun at him.
You grin, and the tension in the air melts away, “I promise to call you. I should have when he showed up, I didn't think about it.”
Dracule hums and kisses your brow, “Just do it next time, Dear one.”
He pulls you close again, tucking you against his chest, and you snuggle into the possessive hold he has on you. This definitely wasn't the outcome that you had foreseen, but you weren't about to complain. Not when Dracule has reluctantly given you his blessing to stay friends with Shanks. Though you weren't naive enough to know that you weren't out of hot water yet.
@writingmysanity @djbumblebee @goth-mami-writer @myradiaz @fluffybunnyu @bookandstar @foggyturtleknightangel @browneyedhufflepuff @anastasiyax
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mel-kusanagi · 11 months ago
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now the sky could be blue i don't mind without you, it's a waste of time
strawberry swing - coldplay
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hey-august · 3 months ago
DP December 🔴🔵
Ayyy, here's another one! There are 3 more ideas to get to, so let's see how far we get. Here's the first one, featuring Crocodile and Buggy.
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WC: ~800
Warnings: NSFW, Shanks x gn!Reader x Buggy, insertion sex, double penetration - reader receiving, mention of male masturbation, creampies, cum eating, profanity
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You were between the two men and it was overwhelming. You were lost to every detail - the heat from their skin against your back and chest, the flex of muscle and power keeping you in place, tenderness on your shoulders and neck from harsh teeth, their voices and breaths in your ear, the sheer fullness that had you gasping for air with each thrust.
“Fuck, I feel you rubbing against me,” Shanks groaned. His movements faltered with the weakness of desire. He shifted his one arm, moving your leg hooked over his elbow. A dazed moan escaped his lips as he grinded inside you.
The slight change in position felt like so much more. Buggy continued to fuck you, sliding against the length of Shanks’ cock. You felt so tight, as though your body was constricting the intrusions and refusing to give way to the two pirates.
Yet, at the same time, you felt impossibly stretched. Open and exposed. Pushed to your limits with both men filling you at the same time, sharing the same space within your body.
“Buggy-” The red-haired man’s whine was muffled by painted lips.
You picked up where Shanks left off, your whimpers falling on his chest.
The sound of their kisses and half-spoken thoughts fell over you. Their hunger for each other surrounded you.
Buggy’s need for Shanks to shut the fuck up. Shanks’ desire for Buggy’s attention. Buggy’s hand tangled in red hair. Shanks teeth on Buggy’s lips. Meanwhile, you let them find their wants and needs through your body.
Buggy pulled back first, breathless. With a shuddering ingale, he rut into you. Deep and slow, a pace he could match his breathing to.
“This reminds me of when we were younger.” Shanks’ words ran together, sliding into each other and unable to keep space. He was drunk on euphoria.
An irritated groan changed pitch at the next batch of teasing words.
“You remember, don’t you, Buggy? When you said we shouldn’t screw each other?” 
“Knock it off,” came from behind.
“C’mon…” Shanks rested his head on yours as he spoke, letting you hear the rustle of his stubble against your hair.
“W-what happened?” you asked. This wasn’t your conversation, but you had a role. A job to fill, while you were being filled.
“He’d say we sh-shouldn’t have sex. He said he didn’t like me that way.” 
“Shut up, Shanks,” Buggy whined through his teeth, which were now softly clamped over your shoulder to bite back his own words.
You grunted from a sloppy thrust from the clown and Shanks took your noise as affirmation to continue.
“So we couldn’t fuck, right?” 
Another strangled noise from Buggy. “Shanks!”
“But it was okay if he jacked us off. Buggy would hold both our cocks in his hands and - fuck - it felt like this,” Shanks huffed, as he picked up the pace in more places than one.
“It didn’t count if we got off that way. It was what friends did. They h-helped each other.” The story continued over the faint protests still spoken against your skin. “So he’d help himself to a handful and rub our dicks together, the greedy thing.”
“Shanks…” Buggy’s plea was pathetic and reedy. Poorly disguised.
“Can you guess who would cum first? Who couldn’t get enough of feeling me?” Each word was punctuated with a thrust, one that was as intentional as the questions Shanks asked.
Buggy answered with a choked noise and pulses deep inside you, his cum coating your walls and Shanks. You could feel some slide out while Shanks’ continued sliding in and out.
“Uh-huh, that’s it, Buggy.”
Shanks’ breath grew ragged with each whimper that came from Buggy. Neither one stopped their movements as they continued the moves they practiced many years ago. Shanks came with a shudder that threw him off balance. He stumbled slightly and you tensed with the movement, earning delicious noises from front and back.
Your high didn’t arrive with theirs, but it wasn’t forgotten. Buggy replaced himself, putting his mouth against your spent hole, ready to clean you and Shanks. Meanwhile, the other pirate devoured you himself with a kiss so full of passion and appreciation that your chest threatened to burst first.
Working in tandem, they brought you to the brink of pleasure and beyond. Again and again until you were too lost to know where one person ended and the other began.
When your thoughts finally stopped buzzing and they landed back in your empty head and tired body, you found yourself nestled in warm sheets. You were curled into Shanks, your head resting on his left shoulder. On the other side was Buggy. He was already asleep and drooling, with Shanks' arm wrapped around and holding him close. There was an arm wrapped around you as well. Although it fit better on Buggy’s body, for the moment the appendage belonged to Shanks. 
And for that moment, he could hold you both in a warm embrace.
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soulofapatrick · 1 year ago
They Find Out You're Pregnant: One Piece Boys
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Summary: How each boy finds out you're pregnant
Words: 5.7K altogether
warnings: unplanned pregnancy but mostly fluff
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The scent of sizzling spices fills the air as Sanji orchestrated a culinary symphony in the Thousand Sunny’s kitchen. His deft hands move with practiced grace, a dance that spoke of passion and expertise but for once his cooking wasn’t what got my attention. I’m sidling around Sanji, who’s lost in his world of sizzling pans and aromatic spices. The kitchen is his main, a place where he commands both ingredients and flames with the finesse of a maestro. Today, however, my attention isn’t fixed on his culinary mastery. It’s drawn, instead, to the sizeable tub of salted caramel ice cream tucked away in the freezer, calling to me with its irresistible allure. 
With a casual lean, I snag a spoon from the drawer and make a beeline for the freezer. The cold air greets me as I retrieve the tub, feeling its frosty chill through the container. My taste buds dance in anticipation; there’s something about this particular flavour that has become inexplicably magnetic. 
Returning to the kitchen island, I take a seat, propping myself up on one of the stools, spoon in hand. Sanji, ever engrossed in his culinary creation, doesn’t seem to notice my ice cream indulgence. He moves with a fluidity that’s almost hypnotic, each movement deliberate and purposeful. 
I twist off the lid of the ice cream tub, the gentle scent of caramel filling the air. With a satisfying clink, the spoon dips into the creamy goodness, gathering a generous scoop. As I lift it to my lips, the richness of the caramel mixed with the slight saltiness dances on my taste buds, a delightful sensation that brings an unexpected comfort.
Glancing over at Sanji, I marvel at his expertise. Despite my seemingly distracted state, his instincts as a chef seem to extend beyond just the realm of cooking. His attention to detail is impeccable, noticing even the subtlest shifts in preferences. Sanji hums a tune under his breath, his focus unwavering. I continue to enjoy my impromptu dessert, relishing the smooth, cold sweetness against the backdrop of Sanji's culinary artistry. 
As Sanji begins to fry food, the enticing aroma of spices fills the air once more. He orchestrates the sizzle and crackle of ingredients in a symphony of flavours, the tantalising scent mingling with the lingering sweetness of the ice cream. But as I sit there, spoon poised for another scoop, an unexpected wave of nausea washes over me. The once delightful taste of caramel now feels overwhelming. With a sudden heaviness, I place the tub of ice cream on the counter, the thud echoing louder than intended.
Sanji glances over, concern etching into his features as he notices my abrupt change in demeanour. "Are you alright, my love?” His voice, laced with worry, cuts through the sounds of the kitchen.
I manage a weak nod, but the queasiness intensifies. Without another word, I push myself off the stool and dash towards the bin, my footsteps echoing in the galley. The retching sounds reverberate in the room, a stark contrast to the harmonious melody of Sanji's cooking. Embarrassment floods me as I lean against the counter, my breaths ragged, trying to steady myself. Sanji, ever the attentive soul, swiftly moves closer, concern etched in every line of his face.
“Maybe it’s… yeah, it’s the combination of flavours.” I manage between breaths, feeling utterly mortified at the sudden turn of events. An anxiety plating in the back of my mind as I’m late for my period and have been for a week now but that’s not that unusual with the resent stresses. 
Sanji's worry melts into understanding, his eyes softening with compassion. "It happens," he reassures, his hand resting gently on my back. "Sometimes, tastes change unexpectedly. Let's get you some water.” With Sanji’s comforting assurance, I try to shake off the unease gripping me. As he moves to fetch water, a sudden surge of panic knots my stomach. My mind races, the memory of my late period lingering like an unspoken secret.
“Sanji,” I blurt out, my voice quivering, catching him mid-step. His brows furrow in concern. As he turns back to me, his expression a blend of care and curiosity, “I’m late…” I manage to confess, my words stumbling out in a rush. Embarrassment and anxiety collide, painting a flush across my cheeks. 
“Late…?” His voice trails off as he tries to understand me, brows furrowed. 
I tug gently at his wrist, feeling a desperate need for support, for someone to share this unexpected worry with. "I don't know what to do, Sanji. It’s been a week, and… and I don't know if it’s just stress or…”
With my confession hanging between us, Sanji's eyes widen in realisation, the pieces clicking together as my distress becomes palpable. Before either of us can utter another word, another wave of nausea overwhelms me, and I lurch towards the bin once more, heaving with a force that leaves me breathless. Sanji’s concern deepens as he rushes to my side, his hands instinctively reaching for a glass of water. "Here, drink this," he urges gently, his voice laced with worry.
Gasping for air, I manage to steady myself and accept the water, feeling a mixture of embarrassment and gratitude. Sanji's swift actions and unwavering support feel like an anchor in this sudden storm of uncertainty. 
”Come on," he says softly, guiding me towards the nearby couch, his arm securely wrapped around my shoulder. He kneels in front of me, his eyes searching mine with a mix of concern and care. "Are you sure?” 
I nod weakly, the weight of the moment heavy on my shoulders. "As sure as I can be," I reply, my voice barely above a whisper, the reality of the situation sinking in with each passing second. Sanji's expression softens, his hand gently resting on mine. "We'll figure this out together," he assures, his voice filled with a determination to be there every step of the way, “I love you so much. We’re gonna be parents.” 
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The sea breeze whips through my hair as I stand on the deck of the Thousand Sunny, watching the waves dance beneath the golden sunlight. Another adventure alongside Luffy and the crew—a thrilling escapade filled with laughter, battles and unforeseen challenges. 
But lately, there’s something different. A subtle fatigue creeps in, and I find myself yawning during moments of respite. It’s unlike me, the one who is usually brimming with boundless energy. Yet, I brush it off, attributing it to the rigorous journey. Each day brings its own set of adventures, and with it, an inexplicable weariness that shadows my every step. Yawning becomes a constant companion, stealing moments of wakefulness in between our exploits. Climbing rigging, engaging in battles, and exploring uncharted territories—all thrilling, yet each exertion seems to compound this unexplained exhaustion.
There's a nagging feeling in the back of my mind, a whisper of something unfamiliar. It tugs at my thoughts during quiet moments, a persistent reminder that something isn’t quite as it should be. Yet, I struggle to grasp its elusive form, brushing it aside amidst the excitement of our journey. 
The crew carries on, oblivious to my inner turmoil, their spirits high as they revel in the thrill of the adventure. Luffy’s infectious laughter, Zoro’s unwavering determination, Nami’s calculating mind—all paint a vibrant picture against the backdrop of the vast ocean. Amidst the chaos and camaraderie, I can’t help but feel a sense of detachment, a solitary island amidst the bustling sea. My fatigue persists, a constant companion whose origin remains an enigma.
Luffy, with his endless curiosity and knack for noticing the smallest details, seems to pick up on my weariness before I even acknowledge it. He catches me dozing off during our travels, his wide grin turning into a puzzled expression. 
"Hey, Y/N! Are you okay?" His voice, filled with genuine concern, cuts through the hustle and bustle of our adventurous escapades. 
I nod, forcing a smile. "Yeah, just a bit tired. It's nothing, really.” 
Luffy's concern persists, evident in the furrow of his brows as he gazes at me with unwavering attention. His wide, innocent eyes betray his curiosity, searching for answers that even I can't provide. "You sure?" He asks, his voice tinged with a childlike sincerity that tugs at my heartstrings. 
Luffy’s concern, like an unwavering beacon of warmth, persists despite my feeble attempts to brush off my weariness. He shifts closer, his arms encircling me in an unexpected but comforting embrace from behind. His embrace is gentle yet reassuring, as if he could shield me from the exhaustion I can't shake. I can't help but chuckle softly at the suddenness of his affection, feeling a sense of ease washing over me as I lean back slightly, finding an unexpected comfort in his embrace. The weariness that had been pulling me down seems to dissipate for a moment, the warmth of his care a soothing balm to my tired soul.
But even amidst this comfort, Luffy’s intuition remains unyielding. His embrace lingers just a moment longer, his gaze still searching for answers, as if he could decipher the unspoken truths hidden behind my worn-out facade. His childlike sincerity tugs at my heart, urging me to share what I can't quite articulate.
"I'll be fine, Luffy," I say softly, trying to reassure both him and myself, though doubt niggles at the edges of my words. His concern is a testament to his unwavering loyalty and care, a reflection of the bonds we share as a crew. 
Despite my attempts at reassurance, Luffy's gaze holds a depth of understanding that transcends words. He doesn't press further, but the lingering concern in his eyes speaks volumes, a silent promise to stand by me, no matter what uncertainties lie ahead. And as we carry on with our adventures, I find solace in the unspoken support of a friend who seeks to understand even the mysteries hidden beneath a worn-out smile.
His wide eyes dart between mine, a silent conversation unfolding, his desire to understand evident in the furrow of his brows. And with that unspoken exchange, he reluctantly accepts my explanation, bounding off with a promise to resume our adventure. He heads off in the direction of Nami and Robin who are talking quietly, asking them something that has them squealing and gushing over something and the three begin tot talk animatedly but too far away for me to hear. 
It doesn’t take long for me to find out as Luffy’s is calling for my attention, “Hey, Y/N!” His voice is tinged with excitement. His finger points at something I hadn’t even noticed,— my slightly protruding belly, a subtle change that had slipped under my own radar as I just thought I had put on weight from the feasts Luffy makes Sanji make for us, “I think you’re gonna have a baby!” His exclamation echoes across the deck, his unfiltered joy a testament to his unique perspective on life. 
The crew halts, their expressions ranging from astonishment to joyous disbelief. I stand frozen, stunned by Luffy’s innocent declaration, a revelation that I had yet to fathom. In the moment that follows Luffy’s proclamation, a bewildering realisation sweeps over me. His words—“you’re gonna have a baby”—linger in the air, and as the crew's astonished gazes shift between us, it finally dawns on Luffy that he's not just declaring my news; he's announcing his own impending fatherhood. 
His wide eyes widen further, mirroring the astonishment painted across the faces of our crewmates. And then, in a flash of comprehension, a radiant grin spreads across Luffy's face, an uncontainable joy that sparks a cascade of laughter. "Wait, wait, wait! We're having a baby?!" His voice rings out, his expression a mix of disbelief and unadulterated happiness. 
Without another thought, Luffy bounds over to me, his infectious laughter filling the air. He scoops me up in his arms, spinning us both around in a whirlwind of uncontainable joy. Laughter erupts from him, a symphony of excitement and wonder as he revels in the revelation. "We're having a baby!" His exclamation echoes across the deck, a declaration that marks the beginning of a new, unforeseen chapter in our adventures. 
The crew, initially stunned by Luffy's proclamation, now erupts into cheers and congratulatory exclamations, their astonishment giving way to celebration. Amidst the whirlwind of laughter and cheers, Luffy's sheer delight becomes infectious, melting away any lingering shock. And as he continues to spin us both around, his joy becomes mine, intertwining our destinies in this unexpected, thrilling journey toward parenthood.
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The sun hangs low in the sky, casting a warm golden hue over the Thousand Sunny. It's a peaceful afternoon, the gentle sway of the ship lulling me into a sense of tranquility amid our bustling adventures. Zoro, the swordsman of unwavering determination, has always possessed an uncanny ability to notice the subtlest of changes. Today, however, would mark the day he’d discern a change within me that I hadn't yet comprehended.
I find myself sitting at the ship's bow, the soothing melody of the waves a comforting companion as I stare out into the horizon. The day had started like any other, yet a lingering unease gnaws at the edges of my thoughts, a sense of unfamiliarity that dances just beyond reach.
Zoro’s presence, like a shadow eternally by my side, draws closer. He settles nearby, his stoic gaze fixed on the horizon. "Something on your mind?" His voice, gruff yet tinged with a subtle concern, pierces the calm.
I shake my head, trying to dismiss the disquiet that has nestled itself within me. "Just thinking," I reply with a forced smile, hoping to brush off the weight of my contemplation.
But Zoro, with his unwavering perceptiveness, doesn’t seem convinced. He turns slightly towards me, his gaze assessing, as if trying to decipher the unspoken layers of my thoughts. His eyes, a testament to his keen observation, seem to search for answers that even I'm not yet ready to acknowledge.
As the day stretches into twilight, I notice Zoro's observations becoming more pronounced. He notices the slightest changes—a subtle fatigue in my stance during practice, a hesitancy in my movements that betray a newfound caution.
"Training not going as planned?" he asks casually, a hint of curiosity laced in his words.
I chuckle softly, attempting to mask the undercurrent of uncertainty. "Just feeling a bit off today, I guess."
Under the tangerine hues of the evening sky, Zoro’s scrutiny becomes more palpable. Each swing of my practice sword seems to carry an unusual weight, my movements betraying a faltering rhythm I can't seem to shake. Zoro, a steadfast presence beside me, doesn’t miss a beat. His intense focus during our training sessions amplifies, his watchful gaze tracking every subtle shift in my stance, every hesitancy that sneaks into my strikes.
“Having trouble finding your footing?” His question, tossed casually into the air, holds a knowing undertone that catches me off guard. I offer a fleeting smile, a feeble attempt to cloak the turmoil brewing beneath the surface but I wave off his concerns. 
But Zoro, with his uncanny ability to read between the lines, doesn’t let the matter slide. His observant nature persists, his inquiries wrapped in the guise of casual conversation, yet laden with an unwavering determination to unravel the mystery veiled within my uncharacteristic unease. As the sun begins its descent, casting shadows that dance across the ship’s deck, Zoro’s gaze lingers, a silent sentinel amidst the encroaching dusk. His dedication to noticing the subtleties, the nuances that escape ordinary observation, serves as an unspoken reassurance in the face of my growing uncertainty.
The day had settled into a tranquil calmness, the colours of the sky merging into a breathtaking canvas of oranges and purples as the sun dipped toward the horizon. Zoro's concern had become a constant companion, a silent understanding that had evolved beyond mere words.
"Feeling better?" He asks one day, his voice holding a touch of solemnity that catches me off guard.
I hesitate, feeling the weight of his gaze. "Not quite myself, to be honest," I admit reluctantly, feeling a sense of relief in sharing even a fraction of my uncertainty.
Zoro’s expression softens imperceptibly, a rare gesture from the stoic swordsman. "If something's on your mind, you know you can talk about it, right?" His words, though simple, carry an unspoken promise of support. 
I lean into his touch, finding an unexpected solace in his gesture. Resting my head on his sturdy shoulder, we both gaze out at the horizon, where the sun casts its final golden rays over the endless expanse of water.The tranquility of the moment envelops us, a sanctuary within the tumultuous uncertainty. Words become unnecessary as the serenity of the scene seems to bridge the unspoken gap between us. The weight of my worries feels a little lighter, shared in the unspoken language of companionship and understanding.
“I think I’m pregnant.” I mumble and Zoro's hand, which had been gently clasping mine, tightens slightly at my confession. His gaze, usually steady and composed, flickers with a blend of surprise and an emotion I can't quite place. For a fleeting moment, the tranquility of our shared moment is replaced by a charged energy—an anticipation that crackles between us. His grip on my hand relaxes, only to shift purposefully, cupping my chin with a tenderness that catches me off guard. His eyes, a storm of emotions, meet mine, and without a word, he pulls me closer, closing the distance between us with a possessive intensity.
In that instant, our lips meet in a fervent kiss, a silent affirmation of the unspoken dreams that had nestled in the depths of our shared future. His kiss is filled with a passionate reassurance, a promise of unwavering support and a newfound sense of purpose that we hadn't realised we were seeking. 
As the golden hues of the setting sun paint the sky with their final strokes, our connection feels more profound than ever, transcending the unspoken barriers that once stood between us. The weight of my revelation seems to dissipate in the warmth of his embrace, replaced by an overwhelming sense of unity and anticipation for the journey ahead. 
When our lips finally part, the tranquility of the moment returns, albeit tinged with an exhilarating sense of possibility. Zoro’s eyes, though still reflecting surprise, hold an unwavering determination—a silent vow that together, we will embrace this new chapter, our shared future now intertwined with the unexpected joy of impending parenthood.
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The Red Force sails calmly across the cast expanse of the sea, the ship’s sturdy frame cutting through the gentle waves with a reassuring rhythm. Shanks, the legendary and enigmatic pirate, is as astute as he is charismatic. Little did I know, he would be the first to sense the subtle shifts within me that heralded a new chapter in our lives. 
It begins with small gestures—a keen observation and a caring intervention—undetectable threats woven into the fabric of our daily interactions. Shanks, with his affable demeanour and keen intuition, notices the nuances I hadn’t yet recognised within myself. 
One tranquil evening aboard the ship, I reach for a glass of wine, eager to unwind after a day of adventure. Shanks, however, intercepts the bottle before I can take a sip from it, “Not tonight.” He murmurs with a gentle smile, his gaze filled with a knowing reassurance. 
Confusion clouds my features for a fleeting moment, but Shanks’ unwavering resolve speaks volumes. He offers no explanation, but his subtle gesture carries an unspoken wisdom that halts me in my tracks. A realisation flickers within me—an inkling that there might be more to Shanks’ intervention than meets the eye. 
As my hand instinctively reaches for the bottle once more, Shanks, with a graceful and deliberate motion, holds it just out of my grasp. His other arm, strong and reassuring, encircles my waist, drawing me closer until I’m pressed against him, our closeness enveloped by the gentle sway of the ship. Before I can voice my confusion or protest, Shanks silences any questions with a tender yet fervent kiss. His lips, a whisper against mine, convey a message that words couldn’t encapsulate—an unspoken reassurance, a depth of understanding that transcends any explanation.
Caught off guard by the unexpected intimacy of the moment, my initial confusion dissipates in the warmth of his embrace. There’s an inexplicable comfort in the way he holds me, in the way his lips mold against mine, as if he’s communicating a profound truth without uttering a single word. In that fleeting moment, amidst the whispers of the ocean breeze and the lull of the ship, I sense the depth of Shanks’ concern—a concern that goes beyond a simple denial of wine. His actions, though unconventional, carry an unspoken promise of protection, a silent vow to shield me from something I hadn’t yet comprehended.
As the tender moment lingers, Shanks whispers against my skin, his warm breath sending a shiver down my spine. "Be a good girl and stick to water tonight," he murmurs, his voice laced with a mixture of playfulness and genuine concern. His words carry a cryptic weight, an allusion to something I've yet to fathom. His nose nuzzles against the curve of my neck, a gesture that feels both protective and intimate. "Don't want to hurt our prodigy," he adds, his tone hinting at a revelation that eludes my understanding.
Confusion and curiosity dance within me as Shanks kisses my jaw once more before releasing me. He walks away, the bottle of wine in hand, leaving me to decipher the enigmatic puzzle he has laid out. His cryptic words linger in the air, stirring a flurry of thoughts and emotions. "Hurt our prodigy?" I mull over the phrase, trying to unravel its meaning amidst the waves of uncertainty that crash within me.
The realisation dawns gradually—a glimmer of understanding emerging from the depths of my contemplation. Shanks’ words, though veiled in ambiguity, carry a hidden truth—a truth that I'm hesitant to acknowledge but can't dismiss. Could it be? The notion takes root tentatively within my thoughts, an unspoken realisation that I might be carrying something precious, something that Shanks, with his astute intuition, has sensed long before I even considered the possibility. 
In a whirlwind of emotions and burgeoning realisations, I sprint to Shanks’ private quarters aboard the ship. The air crackles with a blend of uncertainty and a burgeoning anticipation that propels me forward. Racing through the door, I almost tear my shirt off, desperation guiding my movements as I position myself before the mirror.
 With an anxious breath, I angle myself sideways, my eyes searching for the slightest hint of change. There it is—a subtle curve, a gentle swell that hadn’t been there before. My hand hesitantly hovers over my stomach, tracing the faint outline, a tangible proof of the truth that begins to solidify in my mind. 
Before I can fully grasp the enormity of the revelation, strong and familiar arms envelop me from behind, gently covering my hands that rest upon my stomach. Shanks, with a silent understanding that transcends words, rests his chin on my shoulder, a comforting presence in this whirlwind of emotions. Tears blur my vision, a mixture of disbelief and an overwhelming rush of emotions cascading through me. Shanks' quiet embrace, his unspoken support, serves as a grounding force amidst the storm of thoughts racing through my mind.
In the mirrored reflection, I glance at Shanks, my voice laden with uncertainty, "You're not upset?" His frown, reflected in the glass, catches me off guard, stirring a fresh wave of apprehension within me.
Shanks gently turns me around to face him, his expression softening into a gentle smile. "Upset? Y/N, I've never been more thrilled," he confesses, his voice a steady reassurance that eases the knot of worry in my chest. "I've wanted this with you, with all my heart.” His words, laden with sincerity and unwavering affection, wash over me like a soothing balm. In that tender moment, surrounded by the depth of his love and his longing for a future we hadn't anticipated, the flood of emotions begins to settle.
As I process his heartfelt confession, Shanks’ demeanour takes on a mischievous glint. "Now, why don’t you get undressed?" he suggests, his voice a playful tease, though his eyes burn with an intensity that stirs a different kind of heat within me. 
Surprised by the sudden shift in tone, my cheeks flush crimson. "Shanks, I..." I stammer, momentarily taken aback by his unexpected boldness but then again it was Shanks. But before I can protest further, his lips capture mine in a fervent kiss, a passionate affirmation of his desire and unwavering affection. His hands trail down my sides, urging me gently to comply with his playful suggestion. 
In that moment, amidst the emotions and revelations, a sense of exhilaration surges through me—a shared understanding that despite the unexpected turn of events, our love and passion for each other remain as fiery and unyielding as ever. And as we lose ourselves in the passionate embrace, the uncertainties and worries of impending parenthood momentarily fade into the background, replaced by an intense and intimate connection that binds us together in this newfound chapter of our lives.
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The Thousand Sunny basks in the warm sunlight as a peaceful day unfolds on the seas. The tranquility is interrupted by the unexpected arrival of Dracule Mihawk, the enigmatic and formidable swordsman. His presence aboard our ship sends a ripple of curiosity among the crew, but for me, it's a moment of both surprise and delight. 
I rush to meet him as he steps aboard the ship, his sharp gaze meeting mine with an inscrutable intensity. His usual stoic demeanour remains unchanged, but a subtle warmth flickers in his eyes as he greets me with a restrained nod. 
“Mihawk.” I breathe, a mix of excitement and curiosity lacing my voice, “What brings you here?” 
He inclines his head slightly, his tone softening imperceptibly, “I wished to see you, nothing more.” As he speaks, I feel a pang of discomfort building within me—a sudden wave of nausea that threatens to overwhelm me. I try to hide it, but Mihawk's perceptive nature doesn't let it slip by unnoticed. His brow furrows ever so slightly, a minute indication of concern. "Are you feeling unwell?" he inquires, his voice carrying an uncharacteristic gentleness.
I attempt to shrug it off, summoning a weak smile. "Just a passing thing, nothing to worry about.” But Mihawk, with his keen observation skills, remains unconvinced. His scrutiny intensifies as he observes me closely, a silent but unmistakable display of attentiveness. As the discomfort escalates, I find myself rushing to the ship's railing, a sudden urge to empty my stomach. The violent bout of vomiting catches both Mihawk and me off guard. 
Concern etches itself onto Mihawk's otherwise impassive features as he moves closer, his hand resting lightly on my back. "This doesn’t seem like 'nothing,'" he observes, his voice tinged with a hint of worry. 
I try to downplay it, despite the relentless churning in my stomach. "Just a bug, probably," I manage between strained breaths, attempting to mask the unease bubbling within me.
But Mihawk, with his unyielding intuition, sees through the facade. "It's more than that," he asserts, his gaze penetrating, seeking answers I'm not yet prepared to acknowledge. The silence between us is charged with unspoken questions, an undercurrent of concern that we both struggle to articulate. Despite my attempts to evade the truth, Mihawk's perceptive nature latches onto the possibility that eludes my own awareness. "Have you noticed any other changes?" His inquiry is gentle but direct, his unwavering gaze locking onto mine. 
I hesitate, grappling with the enormity of what his question implies. "I... I'm not sure," I falter, the weight of his question sinking in. 
Mihawk nods thoughtfully, his expression unreadable yet filled with a palpable sense of understanding. "Let's find out," he suggests, guiding me to a quiet corner of the ship where we can speak privately. The rest of the crew disappearing back downstairs to give us privacy as they can gage the seriousness of the conversation Mihawk and I need to have. 
He sits on the bench and I go to join him, sitting next to him, but in one smooth move he pulls me onto his lap with a surprising ease. His arms wrap securely around my waist, ensuring I’m steady against the rhythmic movements of the vessel. His touch, though firm, carries a comforting assurance, ground me amidst the uncertainty that hangs in the air. 
In the cocoon of his embrace, I feel a rush of emotions—vulnerability, anticipation, and a glimmer of hope intertwined. Mihawk’s presence, his unspoken support, is a reassuring beacon of amidst the tempest feelings swirling within me. He leans in closer, his voice a soft murmur against my ear, “We’ll figure this out.” His words, through simple, carry a weight of determination and a promise of solidarity that resonates deep within me. 
With a steadying breath, I meet his gaze, finding an unexpected solace in the depths of his eyes. The unspoken understanding between us weaves an invisible bond, strengthening our resolve to face the unknown together. As the ship rocks gently with the ocean's sway, our private conversation unfolds—a candid exchange filled with a raw honesty that transcends words. Mihawk listens attentively, his silence a canvas for the emotions and uncertainties I pour out.
“I’ve missed my period Mi,” I tell him softly and Mihawk's demeanour remains composed, yet a subtle shift in his expression betrays a momentary pause, almost imperceptible to the untrained eye. His touch, tender and deliberate as he brushes a strand of hair away from my eyes, betrays the depth of his emotions, concealed beneath his stoic facade. 
The weight of my revelation hangs between us, a pregnant silence punctuated only by the soft sounds of the ship slicing through the gentle waves. Mihawk’s eyes, usually enigmatic and inscrutable, now reflect a spectrum of emotions—concern, contemplation, and a hint of something deeper that I struggle to decipher. He exhales slowly, his gaze never leaving mine, the depths of his eyes a kaleidoscope of emotions. "I see," he responds softly, his voice steady but laced with an underlying current of consideration. 
As the words linger in the air, a wave of apprehension washes over me, uncertain of how he'll receive this unforeseen revelation. But Mihawk, with his characteristic composure, offers a calm reassurance, a quiet strength that anchors me amidst the tempest of emotions.
“Mi?” I ask quietly, shakily playing with the tufts of hair at the back of his head, twirling them through my fingers and avoiding his gaze as he’s a warlord of the sea, he’s not going to want a child, let alone a child with me. 
Mihawk’s hand, strong yet surprisingly gentle, intercepts mine, halting the nervous twirling of his hair. His touch redirects my attention, guiding my trembling fingers away from their anxious fidgeting. With deliberate intent, he lifts my chin, urging me to meet his gaze, his eyes unwavering as they lock onto mine, "Stop those thoughts," he commands, his voice firm but not harsh, resonating with an unspoken intensity. It's as if he can perceive the tumultuous whirlwind of doubts raging within me, and with his unwavering gaze, he attempts to quell the storm of insecurities that threaten to engulf me.
Before I can offer any protest, any further apprehensive whispers, his lips claim mine in a kiss that silences the racing thoughts in my mind. It's a kiss filled with a passion that defies the uncertainties, a kiss that speaks volumes of his unwavering affection and a desire to shield me from my own fears. As our lips meld in a fervent embrace, Mihawk's kiss becomes a testament to his commitment, a reassurance that transcends spoken words. In that moment, amid the tangle of emotions and swirling doubts, his lips become a lifeline, a beacon of certainty in the tumultuous sea of uncertainties.
The kiss lingers, a bridge between our unspoken fears and the unyielding depth of our connection. Mihawk's touch, his fervent kiss, convey a silent promise—a promise that echoes in the depths of my being, a promise that together, we will weather whatever storms lie ahead. As the kiss concludes, a serene tranquility settles within me, a newfound sense of assurance born from Mihawk's unwavering declaration through that intimate gesture. In the quiet aftermath, his gaze holds an unspoken understanding, a mutual acknowledgment that in each other's embrace, we'll find the strength to face the unforeseen challenges ahead. 
After the kiss, a soft yet resolute glint flickers in Mihawk's eyes as he gazes at me. His hand cups my cheek tenderly, his touch conveying a depth of emotion that words struggle to articulate. 
"Y/N," he begins, his voice a steady reassurance, "I want this. I want this child with you." His words, though measured, carry a weight of sincerity that resonates deeply within me, "You're not alone in this," he continues, his tone unwavering. "Whatever lies ahead, we'll face it together. I'm here, and I'm staying.”
The earnestness in his declaration pierces through my uncertainties, weaving a tapestry of assurance and commitment. His unwavering support, a promise anchored in his eyes and echoed in his words, becomes a beacon of hope amidst the labyrinth of doubts, "We'll navigate this, step by step," he assures, his voice a steadfast anchor in the tumultuous sea of uncertainties. "I'm with you every step of the way.” 
In that poignant moment, Mihawk's unwavering commitment and steadfast reassurance carve a path forward—a path illuminated by the warmth of his unwavering support and our shared determination to embrace the unexpected journey that lies ahead.
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One Piece Masterlist TAG LIST - updated 21st Dec 2023
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paulii7 · 1 year ago
˚₊‧꒰ა ♱ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
Dating wasn’t the same anymore after you met him…
Even if he was a “bit”…older than the guys you dated around your age. He was mature, calm, and cool as a cucumber.
With an appearance that showed his experience in life. Making him more attractive than he already is.
There was no doubt you needed someone like him. As he gently wipes your tears in his embrace. Taking the weight off of your shoulders.
Who would’ve thought you needed someone older?
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