#opla is so good and every second it gets better
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hellouniversehowareyou · 1 year ago
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xlpoww · 1 year ago
bad for business
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hi!! this is my second attempt at writing since middle school- so excuse me for it being so short/bad lol!! i had started recently watching one piece with my boyfriend and then the live action came out and i fell even more head over heels in love with sanji this is a result of that
no warnings!
word count: 620
opla! sanji x f!reader
songfic-> bad for business by sabrina carpenter
CONTINUATION (but also not a part 2) jealousy, jealousy
life on the baratie wasn’t always easy, lovely nonetheless. you couldn’t imagine trading it for anything, even if it meant having to watch your flirtatious crush work his magic on every lady in the room.
good for his heart..
sanji vinsmoke is a flirt. no one talks sweeter than the young chef with dreams of the all blue.
“now what for the lovely mademoiselle?” 
his voice floats through the air with a charm none could replicate. you don't even have to turn your head to know the question was paired with a charming smile. he might have even winked at the girl. 
her flustered giggle fills the air as she blushes up at the blonde. ordering with a smile like she’s won the lottery, her blue eyes lock on him as he retreats to the kitchen for the wine requested. 
with a chuckle and and shake of your head, you continue clearing the table in front of you. the tall blonde man was quite the smooth talker, and did a wonderful job to keep the woman with deep pockets coming back. so who were you to complain that he was so sweet?
his heart was already spoken for.
…but very bad for business
you’re no stranger to the lustful stares of the restaurant guests, and have learned to mostly turn a blind eye to them. though, every once in a while a girl takes it a little too far with him.
as you walk by her table, tray full of food in hand, you can’t help but notice her heated stare. it wasn’t directed at you, but your best friend speaking to another round table of guests. slightly on guard, you continue on towards table 6, smiling sweetly at the brunette man who winks at you as you place the ribs down on the table in front of him. 
“I didn’t realize Baratie had started hiring models? how much do they pay a pretty thing like you huh?”
you feign bashfulness, looking off to the side with a giggle.
“not enough you make it seem”
of course you’re more than used to the gross things some of the guests would utter about you (to your face nonetheless); so you knew to brace yourself a bit. but the man doesn’t escalate any further, shaking his head with a laugh that hints to you the size of the tip you’ll be getting. you turn back to him, once again smiling and telling him to let you know if they needed anything else, tucking your tray under your arm and walking back towards the kitchen.
all of my friends think i've gone crazy-
“that blonde at table 8 seems to have her eye on you-” you jest, walking up to sanji with a waggle of your eyebrows. he scoffs at you, a smile forming as he winks 
“doesn’t every woman who walks into the restaurant?” he brushes past you, placing a hand on your shoulder to steady himself as he goes. you find yourself turning your head to follow his movement, grabbing onto his hand and using it to pull him closer. he seems surprised when you tug him down to your level to whisper in his ear.
“i'm sure i could show you a better time than she could” a wink finished off your flirty statement. it’s a it of a struggle to hold in the satisfied giggle, and you walk back off to go take another table’s order.
sanji’s face is dusted with a pretty pink as he stares after you, not that you would have been able to notice. 
you would also fail to hear the teasing of some of the kitchen staff after you left,
“damn casanova, i’ve never seen you left so speechless”
“she’s gonna give you a run for your money lover boy!”
there was a way only you could make his heart race.
-but they don't know me like my babyyy
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marycorcaroli · 1 year ago
how the opla!boys would break your heart.
angst with sanji, zoro and luffy.
mary ♡: hi everyone 💌🌷, i haven't seen any stories like this yet, so i thought i'd write one myself 🤗. i hope you like it ! ! 🫂
english is not my first language, i apologize for my mistakes. ♡
rules ; masterlist ♡
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he doesn't care about you, about all of you.
in the beginning of your relationship, he was so loving and understanding, sanji was always there for you, interested in your condition and afraid that something would happen to you. but then he got bored with you, your every move annoying him, and your please to stay home for the day caused him an uncontrollable torrent of aggression.
sanji wasn't afraid to tell you to your face how much you annoyed him. did you meet an old friend and stop to chat with him? sanji shows his displeasure, and later he's sure to tell you that you talk too much and you should shut up for once. he's completely shameless and doesn't care about your feelings, did he make you cry or not? who cares, he's right either way.
while you're humiliating yourself in front of him and trying to save your love drowning in lies and hatred, sanji will tell everyone that you're just a substitute for a certain person in his life. but he's forgotten how you saved him, how you helped him with everything, how you were always ready to come and comfort him, how you even went with him to psychologists and held his hand so that he wouldn't be afraid to say anything and know that you were there for him until the end.
but now your end has come and there is nothing left to save.
cheated on you twice.
and each time it hurt like an infinite number of bullets piercing your heart. he was just toying with you, you were convenient for him sometimes, and most of the time you wondered "what kind of relationship are we in?" zoro kept saying you were in an open relationship, but is that true?
he kissed and flirted with different girls without thinking about you, but when someone showed you the proper attention, zoro went crazy and was terribly jealous, trying to find faults in you and wanting you to believe those lies. you were too good for him. constantly saving his ass and being a mountain for him, but he didn't appreciate it.
even after you got married and started living happily ever after, something went wrong.
when he met his ex-girlfriend again, he didn't refuse her help at 3:00 in the morning and then lie about going to his friend's house. it was so painful to know that that was all he could lie, but it didn't stop him from cheating on you with that ex, a second time, with her. he begged for your forgiveness, ran after you, was willing to do anything for you to forgive him and give him a chance. zoro loved you, but that love was never enough to keep you together.
seeing them again, something inside you burst, your whole future flashing past your eyes. the man who'd made you trust him and be with him again had done this to you. there was no anger or hatred in your gaze, but you wondered why people were doing this to you.
lied to you all the time.
luffy would never tell you the truth, would never in his life admit to what he'd done. he was sure that his lies would save you from the danger and pain he plunged you into every time he didn't want to talk.
you wanted so badly to help him and tell him how to get out of this pit of lies, you were willing to do anything to make luffy feel good, but nothing changed. even after you found out that he slept with other girls during your break, when he promised that he wouldn't sleep with anyone but would try to be a better man and didn't try to make amends, luffy lied here too. making you believe it wasn't true and he wouldn't do that to you was another lie, but that's exactly what he did.
he lied about loving you. luffy didn't even know why he even started dating you in the first place, probably as a joke, but the joke lingered and you felt the most genuine feelings for him, but him.
he hurt you with his laughter, his deception, himself. he did everything he could to tear your soul into the smallest pieces and nothing was left of your tender heart, just a huge hole with self-loathing and the conviction that everything was your fault.
but it's not. it's luffy. he can't do it any other way and he never wanted to learn how to love properly, he was fine with you when you weren't bothering him, but at the same time, it hurt a little to see you cry, and afterward, luffy remembered that he still had plenty more like you.
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monimccoythings · 1 year ago
Arlong x Healer!human!reader Part 2
Part two of this fic! Arlong as a patient kinda gives me the vibes of that beauty and the beast scene, but Arlong is a bigger asshole, lol. I can't believe I'm still getting ideas, OPLA Arlong got me good, Mckinley Belcher III thanks for your service. This ends on a bit angstier note.
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Since what you mentally liked to call 'the incident', your patient was quieter, but no more cooperative. He would only address you with short words or small noises. There still seemed to be an aura of hostility around him, but at least he wasn't trying to actively murder you. Trying to get him to take his painkillers was a constant fight, since he refused any kind of help that came from you.
Arlong wouldn't even allow you to change his bandages. No matter how much you insisted, every attempt was met with low warning growls. No matter how good your arguments were, he always refused you out of pride. You needed to be smarter if you wanted him healthy and out of your life.
"Look." You said, massaging your temples, a migraine incoming. You had to choose your next words carefully because he had a very short temper and had already proved to you that he greatly surpassed you in strength. "You don't want to be here. You want to leave as soon as possible. You can't do that as long as your bandages are dirty, because your wounds won't heal properly. So. If you are THAT eager to get out, please let me use my knowledge to change them. Think of my knowledge as a tool to achieve your goals."
That seemed to do the trick. At least he seemed to be considering it. After seconds that felt like hours he finally agreed. "Fine, do it quick."
Your hands were quick and efficient when removing his dirty bandages, your delicate touch never causing him an ounce of pain or staying longer than needed. Arlong himself looked quite impressed with your work, no human had ever touched him so tenderly and carefully, surprisingly, it was not unpleasant. Why would you do it? Why treat a fishman like himself? Why keep trying to help when all he wanted to do was chew your head off? Humans were really stupid creatures. Still, something about you made you stand out from the other members of your race.
Your fingers cleaned every single wound of his broad chest, only stopping a moment to admire the sun tattoo he had. It was a vibrant color of red. "Quick, human!" Better rush becuase his patience was running thinner by the second.
Finally, the terrible task that had been so dreaded by him was over in like ten minutes. If he hadn't been so insistent in behaving like a baby, it would have been over much sooner. None of you spoke to each other for the rest of the day, but you swore you could feel his eyes on you.
After that fateful encounter, things seemed to get a bit better, albeit not much. You really thought you could really crack his shell, even if just a tiny bit. You even saw him smile a bit at some funny comment you made. You could get used to that.
Then, one day, you woke up and Arlong was gone. You felt a little hurt, not that you would miss his snarky comments and cruel remarks about your species. Still, he had gone without saying goodbye. You didn't even expect a thank you, God knew that not even at gunpoint you would get a thank you from him. He could have said he didn't want to see your disgusting human face again, at least that could have counted as a goodbye.
'What an asshole.' You thought to yourself as you leaned on the railing of the porch of your clinic. Wherever he was now, you could only hope he didn't get beaten as badly as he had been when you found him. Letting out a sigh, you turned back to your duties, there were still tasks to be done and patients to attend. You couldn't let the tiny hole in your chest distract you from your responsibilites.
Unbeknownst to you, Arlong observed you from afar, sitting on a large rock near the cliffs. He couldn't stay longer, he didn't want to stay longer. Those feelings growing in his chest were dangerous and he refused to have them for a human. Humans were monsters, slave holders that destroyed anything that was different ffrom them. Over time, you would prove to be just like the others, a cruel merciless soul that rejected his kind. This ridiculous idea of peaceful coexistence was just a foolish dream, this island would slowly fall apart. Because Humans and Fishmen were not meant to be.
With that last thought, he jumped into the sea, hoping the cold waters would help to erase the memory of you that had deeply engraved itself inside his head.
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oneread · 10 months ago
If you could form a crew out of any one piece character from any media consisting on ten people, who would you chose and why?
Aaaaah I forgot to answer this it’s been sitting in my inbox for a million years 😭
Omg a custom one piece crew, it’s such a great question! I’m definitely biased towards the straw hat crew but there’s lots of characters I’d love to see work together on a crew
1,2 and 3 are kinda a combo deal, I think Luffy, Ace, and Sabo would make such a fun a chaotic team as adults. Would they cause an international incident daily? Yes, but it would be funny
4. Shirahoshi- if the wimpy princess has no fans I’m dead. She’s such an interesting character in the fishman arc and I would love to see her developed now that she has more freedom!
Also can you imagine a pirate ship with the shadow of a huge mermaid just under the water following alongside? It would be cool as hell
5. Nami- I always find myself gravitating to her as a character she’s just so interesting in her motivations and how that plays out in her behavior and def deserves better than the fanservice that gets forced on her sometimes
6. Chopper- adorable and CPR certified, need I say more?
7. Nico Robin- I’m just pro-Straw Hat lady I guess. We could have coffee time together in the morning and quiet reading time. She’s chill and powerful which is a fun combo
8. Bon Clay- yes the fact that they were former evil co-workers with Robin might make things awkward but they are so fun and funky I think we could all move past it
9. Usopp-this list is def not in priority order bc I need my darling boy on the crew, so that I’m not the only one clinging to the handrails in fear every 10 seconds if no other reason (there are many other reasons)
10.Koby (Coby?)- what can I say, I originally came into the fandom from OPLA so I’m a Koby stan. You can’t watch Morgan Davies act the hell out of the character all season and not be 😅 also, I think it would be good for Koby to loosen up a bit and it would be impossible to be with this group and not have to chill out a little
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fablecore · 1 year ago
i was curious what you thought of the live-action One Piece now that season one is out! personally, i have the same compliants as Geoff of Mother's Basement (youtu.be/43K-H_dtQ9g?si=2n0MLLPmdw0vARk7) where, personally, my main compliants were (1) how clean some of these well-worn outfits and set-pieces were and the bigger one was (2) how Garp was altered but i, like Geoff, have my hopes that s2 can fix that by showing that this is the experience (mostly part from Mihawk) that changed Garp into more of the Garp we see in the manga. "a high 8 or low 9 out of 10" indeed. overall, i think its okay as an adaptation! i like Sanji's perviness being toned down, i dont mind most of the shuffling and changing because it is an adaptation with timeslots and seasons unlike a limitless manga with arcs however long it wants. i can understand if you or others dont like the live-action adaptation though! i just like that it was a good gateway to help me turn some of my friends into One Piece fans, less scared of how BIG One Piece is now the live-action has given them a limited taste, towards the manga or the OnePace.net-editted version of the anime (though i do still plan to have them watched some of the anime-only filler that is fun lmao maybe ill throw a sleepover or something, idk, i just like how OnePace fine-tunes the padded-out pacing problem the later One Piece episodes have) thats the main plus of the live-action adaptation to me
but im curious about your thoughts if you have any?? its okay if you never plan to watch it, i know a few other fans like that and i dont mean for my wuestion to be all peer-pressure-y or anything ♡
i've never heard of onepace until now! i'm in the same boat, i've been watching opla with my sister who's kind of interested in starting one piece but is also intimidated by the anime's episode count. maybe we can watch onepace instead. thanks for letting me know ☺️
i've only seen the first two episodes (but don't care at all about spoilers and have seen a lot already). i didn't like the first episode, zoro particularly, but the second was fun! well... it was camp. combined, i would give it the verdict of "aggressively okay" but this isn't a judgement on anyone who liked it. if you did, i'm happy you had a good time. i just have cinema brain.
what i liked so far: helmeppo's >:O face and his puma trainers. the vfx team in charge of luffy's rubberyness. buggy's "surprise, shithead!" nami's den den mushi earpiece/cellphone.
the rest:
zoro’s zombified no energy go girl give us nothing monotone. 😐 <- why did they tell him to make this face in every shot
they cut the scene where luffy gives zoro his swords back and replaced it with helmeppo ass
"a man needs to be strong. but he also needs to be good.” you are going to cut off a pirate rookie's arm and then obliterate his ship and crew later 👍
what is this whole thing about being "morally good" and "one of the good guys" and "a good pirate" it's ICKY
justice for silly winky vain nami. how are they going to do the personality shift into broody serious arlong park nami when she's been broody and serious the whole time
nami spent like 30 minutes unlocking one (1) locked cage. i guess it's because she and zoro needed to talk/get some exposition in, and i'm not going to suggest a better option because i don't want to rewrite half the script. i just found it amusing because normally it's "suspend your disbelief when a character does something amazing for the plot" and not "when a character is noticeably worse at something they really have no business being this bad at. for the plot"
i'm starting to think that zoro and nami lost core personality traits because the writers wanted them to be luffy foils instead of their actual characters
i did hear taz was the best/most charismatic actor out of the straw hats. i'm assuming this is because they let him be sanji instead of making him into a luffy foil since they have enough luffy foils
cameraperson's love affair with low angle closeups and fisheye lens. i don't hate it (it's camp) just pointing it out
i'm literally so serious about mackenyu's insufferable zoro voice. whenever i hear him talk in that joyless southern california kardashian vocal fry my blood pressure shoots through the roof. who made him do that
even though i have issues with the writing, i think objectively opla has done a decent job of pleasing fans. i'm not one of them but i know there's a lot. but on a technical and artistic level... deep sigh palms pressed together listen... i was hoping for spellbinding artistry from the showrunners. beautifully lit scenes, beautiful camerawork, excellent technical chops, lingering shots of luffy's bruised knuckles, the slightly frayed fabric on zoro's swords, a super close-up of a log pose with the crew talking behind the compass needle, their bodies distorted by the glass. fingerprints on kerosene lamps. barnacles on rotting wood. a searingly hot-blue summer sky (super saturated in post) over shells town or wherever. i wanted lush gorgeous rich interesting artistic ideas from the directors and cinematographers. i haven't seen any of that so far, and what i have seen doesn't compel me to watch more. i'm not saying the actual cinematography was bad! just. okay. it was okay.
(but also some of the nighttime/underlit scenes are bad. put a dang key light on your actors 🤺)
concluding thoughts: at the end of the day, if netflix wants to keep throwing millions per episode at tomorrow studios, i'm fine with overlooking mediocre filmmaking and storytelling. i want everyone in the production crew to get their bag. i hope this show runs for another 50 seasons and is powered by union labor forever and ever until the end of time amen
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embossross · 2 years ago
Initial Thoughts on the OPLA: Episode 1
I’ve just reread the manga through the East Blue + rewatched the anime through Orange Town with my sister (a coincidence on that one), so I’ve got the story really fresh on my mind and want to record my initial impressions on what works and what doesn’t. I’ve been a major live action proponent for years now, so super excited to finally get to watch it.
The Good
The sets are all spectacular. The ships especially at the start are an absolute treat!
The casting across the board is very strong, both in bringing to life the visuals of some characters (Coby and Higuma are gasp-out-loud exact replicas of their characters) and in terms of creating a world that feels real and lived in. Iñaki is shockingly believable as Luffy, every dopey line feels organic; Mackenyu delivers in the fight choreography and physicality of Zoro; and Emily Rudd is exceeding my expectations based on what we saw in the trailer.
In some scenes with Luffy/Coby, they light Coby so he has this almost angelic glow. And I love that. Because it would be too obvious to light Luffy up like the sun, but instead, it’s like Coby is lit from within in the light of Luffy’s will
The way they layer in the flashbacks throughout the episode works much better than one big cutaway, so kudos to that decision. (Also child Luffy is a delight.)
So far really enjoying the fight choreos. They don’t overstay their welcome, each character has their own style – particularly like the way Luffy kind of falls all over himself in the Axe Hand Morgan fight – and everything looks clean and like it connects. Big fan of letting Nami show off her staff skills. So long as they don’t have her beating major antagonists, I think it’s a good addition because it would be visually disappointing if she just skulked around during the fights
Speaking of Nami, the way they’re integrating Nami into the story in ep 1 worked really well. The changes to the plot may cause issues in later episodes, but it was a very solid intro to Nami – preserving her iconic intro scene with the Buggy pilots – while also giving her a different mission and reason to partner up with Luffy. And anyway, I like watching Nami hatch a scheme.
They translated some of the more ridiculous, on-the-nose character traits of the antagonists into believable representations of the same thing. Morgan doesn’t walk around announcing his “greatness” every ten seconds, but he’s swayed by flattery, loves a statue of himself, and can’t accept responsibility. Alvida is vain and narcissistic without being a mean-spirited trope. It’s great.
A lot of funs are going to debate if certain lines or jokes are cringe, but I think the dialogue is charming and very much in line with the humor popularized in major action franchises. It’s not groundbreaking humor but it got a chuckle out of me a few times. And honestly who gives a fuck about cringe? I think a lot of anime fans live with the specter of their high school bully looming over their shoulder, imagining what they’d say to any given thing and they’ve gotta let that shit go
The Meh
In Luffy’s opening scene, it appears he’s talking straight to the audience, introducing himself, only to reveal he’s actually talking to a News-Coo when the camera cuts. And the joke is not nearly funny enough to justify how jarring those first 20 seconds are when you think they’re going to have characters address the camera directly.
The timeline in Shellstown gets flipped around, so that we can see Zoro earn his arrest, which is a great choice – show don’t tell and all that. BUT the change they made to why Zoro fights Helmeppo drains all the nobility out of it. They keep saying “you protected that girl” but Rika wasn’t in danger? Helmeppo was unkind to her but not threatening, not siccing his vicious attack dogs on her like in the anime. If Zoro hadn’t interfered, she would have been fine. I appreciate he doesn’t like bullies, but I think it’s a weaker reason to intervene and should be less impressive to Luffy.
The named characters who attend Roger’s execution stand out so ridiculously. Everyone else is covered in dirt and wearing beige tones, and you’ll cut to the cleanest looking man playing Mihawk or young Shanks with his hair standing out like a beacon. It’s very much that “anime spot the protagonist” meme
The Ugly
That man – while admittedly very sexy –is not Garp. It’s almost shocking compared to how carefully the spirit of every other character has been preserved.
The changes made to Coby’s story in episode 1 are pretty disappointing.  A pretty key part of Luffy’s character is that Luffy helps people who ask for help or fight for themselves; He’s not just a hero who will swoop in when he witnesses injustice. Coby earns Luffy’s respect and protection in the manga. Here, he doesn’t. He just gets dragged along reluctantly with Luffy until the very end of the episode, where he finally makes his stand, and it’s pretty anticlimactic.
Withholding judgment for the Time Being
Live action Zoro is a lot angstier so far. He’s just as confident and competent, but less likely to laugh, has less fun with it. From his intro scene, it appears the death of Kuina may be weighing on him more heavily (wonder if it will be a more recent death in the live action?). He leaves Shellstown not yet bought in on Luffy’s will. I think slowing his arc down makes sense for a tv show, so interested to see how it delivers on that.
We’ll see where they take the Garp arc. If it keeps Coby and Helmeppo on my screen – and more importantly, gives Coby a chance to redeem himself – I may come to love it.
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