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paperjamisnumber-1 · 7 months ago
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Random_Editz(My MC Java) :What ya got there lobit?
lobit10293(My Roblox):An urge to die...
Outer Paperjam(Tumblr & Discord) :*Confused*
Lavender/Random_EditzPC(VRChat):*Just hugging lobit cutely*
Sign in the background:Purple squad
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dostoyevskov · 1 year ago
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... fanart?
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opje · 1 year ago
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yvesmaison · 2 months ago
 OPJ, Pacifique Sud
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teknolojihaber · 9 months ago
Türk bilgisayar korsanları Fransız hükümet sitesini hackledi
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Fransa'da yeni bir siber saldırı kaydedildi. Türk hackerlar, Fransız yetkililere ve Türkiye'den kişilere mesaj göndermek için bir hükümet sitesinin kontrolünü ele geçirdi. Daha önce Fransa'daki politikalara ilişkin analiz ve tavsiye sağlamaktan sorumlu bir hükümet organı olan İstihdam, Gelir ve Sosyal Uyum Konseyi'nin (Cerc) web sitesi saldırıya uğradı. 7 Nisan 2024 Pazar günü site , kendilerine "Türk Hackerlar Rulez" adını veren bir Türk hacker grubunun eline geçti . Grubun bilgisayar korsanlarından ikisi, OPJ ve M3T4L saldırının sorumluluğunu üstlendi. Hacker grubu aşağıdaki açıklamayı hackledikleri siteye yerleştirdiler. "Lütfen şunu bilin ki bizim terör faaliyetleriyle meşgul değiliz. Ancak Bozkurtlara karşı bir kampanya yürütmek istiyorsanız hükümet sitelerinize yönelik saldırılarımızı durdurmayacağız. Sloganımız Türk kimliğine ve kültürüne saygıya dayanmaktadır.'' Hacker grubu ayrıca. Çin'deki Uygurlara yönelik soykırımı protesto etmek için Türk vatandaşlarından Çin'i boykot etmelerini istiyor. Çin hükümeti aslında Türkçe konuşan insanları hapsetmek için Sincan'da yeniden eğitim kampları açtığından bahsetti. Mesajın altında bir Gri Kurt logosunu görünüyordu. Korsanlar sitenin üst kısmında Türk bayrağı ile gamalı haç karışımı bir bayrak da sergilemeyi tercih etti. kaynak:https://www.01net.com Read the full article
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monannee2016etc · 1 year ago
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pablocarlos · 4 months ago
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michelangelinden · 2 years ago
time to plug my post again.
Alex's fanny pack but it's a Mary Poppins bag.
what do we think alex has in his fanny pack because i refuse to be believe it’s just empty
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waking-ophanophore · 1 month ago
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While our library didn’t have exactly what I was looking for, it does have Bomb by Steve Sheinkin
Here are pictures from the first few pages. One of Opje is captioned “Robert Oppenheimer poses at the front of his classroom at Princeton University, December 17, 1947”
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mouse-fantoms · 2 years ago
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a-room-of-my-own · 1 year ago
Encore une fois la police ne sera pas réformée parce que toutes les voix modérées sur le sujet sont étouffées par l’extrême gauche, alors que la réforme est plus que nécessaire.
Et pas que de la police nationale, de la pénitentiaire aussi qui est recrutée n’importe comment avec les conséquences que l’on sait dans les prisons.
Bien sûr j’ai pas de solution magique mais j’imagine que si la gendarmerie est d’une manière générale mieux appréciée de la population, mieux contrôlée et mieux formée, la réponse c’est peut-être de mettre tout le monde sous commandement militaire, ou du moins de former tout le monde au même endroit avant que chaque force de sécurité parte sous le contrôle de son ministère de tutelle.
Il faut arrêter aussi de recruter des abrutis, disons-le clairement. J’ai porté plainte 3 fois dans ma vie et les 3 fois je me suis retrouvée devant des OPJ qui n’étaient clairement pas les couteaux les plus affûtés du tiroir - je n’ose imaginer ce que c’est de se retrouver devant eux quand on est victime de quelque chose de grave.
De la même façon, je connais des gens qui ont été tutoyés par des policiers et bousculés sans raison, j’ai aucune raison de penser que les personnes qui font remonter des incidents à connotation raciste mentent ou exagèrent, au contraire. Et c’est très grave dans une démocratie que les citoyens aient peur de leur police.
Pour les gens qui crient partout « soutenir les forces de l’ordre » sans appeler à une réforme nécessaire, ils ne soutiennent pas la police mais justement ses travers. Ils soutiennent la brutalité légitimée par l’uniforme, pas l’institution en soi, son utilité et sa respectabilité.

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soaog · 1 year ago
Soggy reads: Bird & Sherwin - American Prometheus (2005)
Subtitle: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer
Part One: Triumph
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The cover helpfully informs me that this biography is the basis on which Nolan built the recent movie bearing the subject's name. Simply from reading it, however, one might not immediately grasp this, as the movie starts in medias res twice over: First, by being told in hindsight from the 1959 Senate confirmation hearing of Lewis Strauss, nominated to be U.S. Secretary of Commerce, and second, by introducing us to the titular character when he was a young adult studying in Cambridge.
He was 20 then, and the preceding twenty years of Robert's life don't come up in the movie at all. At a glance, it's not difficult to see why Nolan might have chosen to excise them: If life was a fanfic, Oppenheimer might easily be identified as a sort of author wish fulfillment Mary Sue Gary Stu type character: Born into the upper class, doted upon, all his curiosities indulged, educated in a thoroughly liberal and humanist fashion and apparently loved and adored by damn near everyone who got to know him for being a nice and precocious little guy (with the notable caveat that he was born a Jew at a time when antisemitism was becoming chic even in the previously apparently-sort-of-resistant-to-the-notion United States [at least relative to Europe, I suppose]).
Despite all this, Oppie arrives in Cambridge a nervous wreck. Unfortunately for him, he's too intelligent to be psychoanalyzed and too neurotic to get laid, so he continues to be a wreck until he has some sort of awakening, perhaps a religious one inspired by Hindu myth, on Corsica and realizes that maybe life is worth living after all.
A clear distinction between the book and the film is that the film for reasons of brevity is limited in the number of angles it can give us on a given incident or utterance. The 'poisoned apple' incident (don't worry about it) comes up in both, but only in the former is the viewer told a number of stories about it instead of just one. This is most relevant in one of the central questions of both (in the film's case, via the 1954 security clearence hearing) - was Oppie or has he ever been a member of the Communist Party?
It turns out this is a surprisingly difficult question to definitely answer one way or another and also has been at the time. He was not entirely sure about it, his friends were not entirely sure about it, members of the Communist Party were not entirely sure about it ... at the very least what can be said is that Oppie did pretty much everything just short of actually having his name written down on a membership roll and subjecting himself to party discipline: Organizing, debating, donating, most prominently to the Republican¹ side of the Spanish Civil War. By the looks of it, it earned him few friends (but a lot of folks who later sought to exploit him for their or the Soviet Union's gain) but a lifetime's worth of enemies and trouble down the road. Plus ça change.
It's rather easy to tell where "Triumph" ends and "Tragedy" begins in this book and in his life. Trinity splits both of them in half like a neutron splits an atom. After the Corsica incident, Opje gets his shit together, learns enough about theoretical physics to start teaching it and begins assembling something honestly resembling a cult around himself, it and his stature growing, bulging outward, metastazing, until they swallow Los Alamos and the Manhattan Engineering District whole and excrete unto Earth the Atomic Era. Everyone wants him, and if they don't want him, they want to be like him. The pages of this book are haunted: If the reader does not exercise caution, they, too, might fall victim to Oppie's preternatural charm.
People took the release of the movie as an opportunity to re-re-re-re-re-re-litigate the morality, wisdom and necessity of dropping the first nuclear weapons on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This is a debate that began in the minds of those assembling these weapons at Los Alamos, and the only thing that could settle it is mankind's annihilation at the hands of the laboratory's products. Viewers and readers might notice that no original thought seems to have been had on the event since those days: Japan's defeatedness or lack thereof, the role of the Soviet Union's invasion of Japan's continental holdings and its likely reaction to being shown or rather being surprised by the Bomb's existence were then already and are still now the core around which people's opinions have stably orbited. As far as I'm concerned, the Oppenheimer view, pithily summed up in the movie as, "they won't fear it until they understand it. And they won't understand it until they've used it", was at the time a kind of cope for the fact that a weapon meant to incinerate Hitler ended up being used on Japan almost as a kind of afterthought, but as far as the Atomic Era is concerned, it is a cope that has aged reasonably well: Regardless of whether you ascribe this to Deterrence² or the Nuclear Taboo, nuclear weapons were created and tested essentially to not be used in anger.
This wasn't a foregone conclusion, however, and probably has as much to do with the energetic albeit not always consummate lobbying of the atomic bomb's father than anything else. And so; a Tragedy unfurls within the halls of Asphodelos ...
¹ Referred to as "loyalist" as in loyal to the government in Madrid, but at any rate, the correct, non-nationalist, non-fascist one.
² Which cannot explain why the United States never exploited its brief nuclear monopoly against the Soviet Union or China, who could not have retaliated, or why nuclear powers generally don't use their weapons against countries which could not.
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gazetadoleste · 11 days ago
Projeto para festival de música independente vence Orçamento Participativo Jovem em Almada
por Lusa,    16 Dezembro, 2024 DR A proposta de realização de um festival de música independente almadense, com uma duração de dois dias, venceu a quarta edição do Orçamento Participativo Jovem (OPJ) de Almada, segundo a autarquia. O projeto Música na Margem, que será financiado com 30 mil euros, consiste na realização de um festival de música e a participação de 10 bandas/artistas locais. O…
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timothytrespas · 3 months ago
Static Laser Light Scattering Studies from Red Blood Cells
DOI: 10.4236/opj.2016.610025PDF HTML XML 2,115Downloads 3,784 ViewsCitations Abstract A homemade Static Light scattering studies has been used to determine angle resolved scattered intensity for different polarization states of the incident laser light. Classical light scattering set ups are being used to study morphological aspects of scatterers using simple set ups using low power lasers. Red…
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geantactu · 4 months ago
RD Congo- Ceni: Les duplicatas de la carte d'électeur sont délivrés uniquement aux antennes de chef-lieu.
Les duplicatas de la carte d’électeur sont délivrés uniquement aux antennes de la CENI, située au chef-lieu de chaque territoire et dans les villes. La procédure à suivre pour l’obtention d’un duplicata de la carte d’électeur est la suivante ; L’électeur ayant perdu sa carte fait attester cette perte auprès d’un officier de police judiciaire (OPJ) qui lui délivre un procès-verbal de la carte…
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cine974-cinema-reunion · 8 months ago
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Rejoignez l'Aventure de 'OPJ 974' Saison 6 en Tant que Figurant ! https://www.cine974.com/actu-cine/rejoignez-l-aventure-de-opj-974-saison-6-en-tant-que-figurant/5736/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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