elfelt-valentine · 1 year
can yuo draw. opitms prim
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mothscotch · 5 months
im making fanart for some mutuals (( (o^▿^o) haaai ) and i just realised the sharpies ive been shoving next to my face to ink it are not non-toxic AAAAAH(ᗒᗣᗕ)՞
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puppygirlcuddleslut · 2 years
Love that I walked out to my dad like this and he called me his son. I am the opitme of masculinity, the average cis male, the manliest man
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cpluzc · 3 months
Marcus Tullius Cicero
Wie is je favoriete persoon uit de geschiedenis? . an ambitious man with many merits for ordinary people: drive to pursue professionalism achieved a prominent status as homo novus almost entirely on his own as a representative of the populares, a fighter against the opitmates, the exploiters a supporter and defender of the republican form of government promoting eloquence and very special…
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View On WordPress
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truthblockchain · 4 months
$43M Secured For Blockchain Scaling Solution
Avail, a blockchain that aims to help other blockchains scale, today announced a $43 million Series A round led by Founders Fund, Dragonfly, and Cyber Fund. Adding to its pre-seed and seed raises, its funding now totals $75 million.
Avail’s customers are layer-2s, meaning blockchains like Base, Polygon, Arbritrum, or Opitmism that assemble batches of transactions and write them to a primary, or layer-1, chain. Avail provides services specifically for rollups, which are a type of layer-2 designed to scale networks. By processing transactions away from the main blockchain, rollups ensure that costs are reduced and a chain avoids congestion-induced delays.
Cofounder Anurag Arjun told Fortune that Web3’s success will rely upon each of the tens of thousands of blockchains interacting with one another seamlessly—or risk a fragmented user experience. Both Arjun and cofounder Prabal Banerjee are blockchain veterans, having met while working at Polygon, a popular layer-2 that’s now compatible with Avail.
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Map Design
There are currently two different designs that I could do for the game that would change entirley how the game works. It could either be a row based defence game or one that follows a path. The two main examples are plants vs zombies and bloons tower defence. plants vs zombies represents the row based defence games best;
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This can be a simple design for the board, and I would just need to figure out the spacing between the placements. This would provide a more rigid layout and less dynamic gameplay potentially.
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Bloons Tower Defence is another staple of the tower defence genre and represents the traditional path based system. This would have more variety available for tower placements and allow the player to put towers in more opitmal positions for different types of towers. I have decided to follow this archetype for making the board design.
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roadmaperp-software · 2 years
ERP Global Market
ERP system can improve a company's business performance by developing the most efficient way to plan and schedule resources and opitmize productivity.
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cclhappy · 2 years
Is blogging still relevant at the age of TikTok and Instagram?
“Blogging creates content that lives on your website. Social media engages with people about content” (Gusiff Marketing Group 2014).
In the digital era, majority of us are all slaves to our phones. Naturally, we should also be very familiar with Instagram and TikTok. More so ever since the Covid-19 pandemic as social media has experienced exponential growth rates. Molla (2021) reported that TikTok and Instagram had seen a 576% and 43% growth in monthly visits in 2020. Fast forward to 2022, e-marketers forecasted that social commerce would continue to boom (estimated $80 billion industry by 2025) and video content remains dominating (82% of online contents are in video format) (Geyser 2022).
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What about blogging? For those who don’t really understand blogging, the stereotypes go by blogs are ‘outdated’, ‘boring’, and ‘boomerish’. So, the question is ‘Is blogging still a thing in 2022’?
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What is the difference between blog and social media posts?
By definition, a blog is essentially an online posting (which you could consider as an online article) that is published by individuals, groups, or even corporations that comprises a mixture of online sourced information and perhaps some personal opinions and beliefs (Dennis 2019).
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On the other hand, social media is regarded as a virtual space where people can freely share their ideas, thoughts and information (Dollarhide 2021). Hence, social media postings are essentially anything that goes on this ‘virtual space’. They looked similar, but they are different. Let’s examine the difference between social media postings and blogs.
-Longer Content
-Goes into detail about a specific topic
-Viral doesn’t really happen in the blogging community
-It takes time to reach audience due to SEO (Search Engine Opitmization) ranking on search engines
-Can build stronger community with tightly knit bonds
Social Media Postings
-Shorter and more concise
-Usually range from 140 characters to 280 characters
-Opportunity to go viral
-Better post engagement and feedback from audiences (in form of comments)
-Followers are saturated with many other content creators (less likely to be loyal to your postings)
sources: (Staff Blogger 2021; Julson 2021; Guberti 2013)
Blogging effects on public sphere?
Now, let’s look at the relationship between blogging and public sphere. Public sphere is essentially a social space where people may identify and debate public issues openly, with the goal of influencing political decision making (Soules 2022). The blogosphere has been hailed as the ultimate "web 2.0" phenomenon and is at the center of debates about citizenship, journalism, and the democratic public sphere. Is the blogosphere a media "echo chamber" or an independent news, opinion, and expression sphere? Impact is vital to supporting assertions about citizen journalism's ability to affect mainstream media and change the public realm. There are three ways blogosphere contributes to the public sphere. The first being participation of occurring-conversations by individuals will be enhanced. This frees people from the constraints of their physical or mediated surroundings, allowing them to develop a new identity and engage in novel forms of social behavior. Second, journalists can form more personal relationship with their readers by providing additional information aside from the traditional journalistic channels. Third, blogosphere could a viable channel to the civil society and political sphere, where these sensitive topics are usually regulated on the conventional journalistic channels.
Source: (Milioni & Kyza 2009).
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Affordances of blogging
Affordances describes the potential for action presented by an object (Moreno & D’Angelo 2019). When we are considering whether something is still relevant or not, we need to look at whether it is still being used and what for. Blogs are excellent for building website traffics. As blogs are being regularly posted on a website, the algorithm of search engine will rank the website higher in SEO assessments, making it more easily discoverable. Webpages that are active are regarded as more important than static websites as search engines often perform scans to look for webpages that are indexed to discover new content for internet surfer. Therefore, businesses are using this method to maintain or raise their SEO ranking.
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Besides, businesses regularly update their blogs to serve as a form of education to customers, build interest, and ultimately driving sales of products and services. A good example would be Coca-Cola’s news page on its official site.
Not to mention, blogs can remain relevant for a long period of time if the topic being discussed are not outdated. Hence, companies could develop a strong online presence by creating blogs that revolves around a central theme and constantly updating the blogs (i.e., once you created it, customers can always go back for the information). On another note, social media postings are mostly event-based and situational, hence, lose relevance quickly.
Finally, the ‘long-winded’ nature of blogs does come with its benefit of supplementing more content to elaborate a point. Technical topics such as the How to’s, psychological related, medical related etc. requires significant explanations and analysis to be meaningful and valuable.
Sources (Melanie 2019; Yallop 2016)
Enough with the business talks. What about individual blogger? Blogging can be used to generate income. Novak (2020) mentioned that average bloggers can make $200 to $2,500 within their first year of blogging. If a blog is of great hit, blog owners can make money from different monetization strategies such as sponsored posts, advertisement, affiliate marketing, and more.
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Moving on, there is a school of thought that blogging is medium for sociality. Bloggers write posts for their readers and people react in hopes of additional correspondence. This attitude is compatible with using a blog to communicate with readers. Another viewpoint is self-expression and gratifications. Micro bloggers write about everyday routine, communicate with other bloggers, provide information, and report news. Self-documenting major life events, building excellent writing habits and style, communicating one's individuality, gaining knowledge, spending time, interacting with others, seeking personal enjoyment, and pursuing professional progress are all motivations to blog. In short, we can see that individuals tend to utilize blogging (or more generally, personal websites) to build their online identities as a means of self-presentation.
Source: (Tan & Teo 2009).
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Final thought
After exploring numerous perspectives, I would say that blogs are still relevant at the era of TikTok and Instagram. Blogging and social media postings are inseparable in our daily lives. Blogging not only connects people through the ‘art of language’, but it also serves as a tool for business to scale up their operations, and as a tool for individual to express themselves online.
Dennis, MA 2019, ‘blog’, Encyclopedia Britannica online, Encyclopedia Britannica Inc.
Dollarhide, M 2021, ‘Social media: definition, effects, and list of top apps’, Investopedia, 31 August, viewed 12 September, <https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/social-media.asp>.
Geyser, W 2022, ‘17 social media trends for 2022 and beyond’, Influencer Marketing Hub, 25 May, viewed 12 September, <https://influencermarketinghub.com/social-media-trends/>.
Guberti, M 2013, ‘The difference between blogging and social media’, Marc’s Blog, 31 July, viewed 12 September, <https://marcguberti.com/2013/07/the-difference-between-blogging-and-social-media/>.
Julson, E 2021, Social media vs blogging: which one is best?, The Unconventional RD, viewed 12 September, <https://www.theunconventionalrd.com/social-media-vs-blogging/>.
Melanie, G 2019, ‘Social media posts vs. blog posts: which is better for you?’, ContentWriters.com, 12 December, viewed 12 September, <https://contentwriters.com/blog/social-media-posts-vs-blog-posts-which-is-better-for-you/>.
Milioni, DL & Kyza, EA 2009, ‘How do we study the blogosphere? Research and methods of assessing the impact of blogging on the public sphere’, Proceedings of the International Conference “New Media and Information: Convergences and Divergences”, May 6 – May 9, Athens, Greece, pp. 1-20, viewed 29 September, <https://www.researchgate.net/publication/215611969_How_do_we_study_the_Blogosphere_Research_and_Methods_of_Assessing_the_Impact_of_Blogging_on_the_Public_Sphere>.
Molla, R 2021, ‘Posting less, porting more, and tired of it all: how the pandemic has changed social media’, Vox, 1 March, viewed 12 September, <https://www.vox.com/recode/22295131/social-media-use-pandemic-covid-19-instagram-tiktok>.
Moreno, MA & D’Angelo, J 2019, ‘Social media intervention design: applying and affordances framework’, Journal of Medical Internet Research, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 1-41, viewed 29 September, <https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6454336/#__ffn_sectitle>.
Novak, J 2020, ‘How much do bloggers make? The surprising answer’, Fit Small Business, 19 May, viewed 12 September, <https://fitsmallbusiness.com/how-much-do-bloggers-make/#:~:text=Writers%20who%20blog%20full%2Dtime,word%E2%80%94beginners%20may%20earn%20less.>.
Staff Blogger 2021, ‘Blogging vs social media: what’s the difference and why blogging is beneficial’, Creative Edge, 27 June, viewed 12 September, <https://creativeedgemediagroup.com/blogging-vs-social-media-whats-the-difference-and-why-blogging-is-beneficial/>.
Soules, M 2022, ‘Jurgen Habermas and the public sphere’, Media Studies, 30 September, viewed 29 September, <https://www.media-studies.ca/articles/habermas.htm>.
Tan, WK & Teo, HH 2009, ‘Blogging to express self and social identities, any one?’, 17th European Conference on Information Systems, ECIS 2009, Verona, Italy, pp. 267-278, viewed 29 September, <https://www.researchgate.net/publication/221407960_Blogging_to_express_self_and_social_identities_any_one>.
Yallop, J 2016, ‘What is more important in enhancing the credibility if a marketing agency, operating a blog or using other forms of social media’, A Roadmap to Digital Marketing, 25 January, viewed 12 September, <https://blogs.brighton.ac.uk/jy40/2016/01/25/what-is-more-important-in-enhancing-the-credibility-of-a-marketing-agency-operating-a-blog-or-using-other-forms-of-social-media/>.
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tenma-udai · 6 years
i don’t know if i’m a good person or a good writer or a good friend.
but like the moment i stop listening to the feedback of well-meaning people is the moment is the moment i stop allowing myself to change to BECOME that person. and that is the only time i’ll ever truly become defeated
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Aboslutely Stunning! ♥️👍😎🤩 KUON FW21 Examines Japan's Edo Period in Ode to Optimism | HYPEBEAST | by Jake Silbert "Introducing elegant homegrown fabrics to relaxed silhouettes. Shinichiro Ishibashi’s vision for KUON sees the melding of traditional Japanese codes with contemporary menswear silhouettes, approachable garments elevated by the designer’s appreciation of fine, hands-on craft. This motif resurfaces for Fall/Winter 2021, as the label incorporates themes from Japan’s Edo period into its latest seasonal selection, yielding a rich variety of textural layering pieces driven by Ishibashi’s desire to make clothing that’s both deeply personal and fun to wear. Inspired by the ingenuity of Edo-era merchant-class citizens, Ishibashi restricted this offering’s color palette to brown, indigo and gray, investigating the dynamisms offered by each tone. Therein, Japanese washi paper, brushed knit, fuzzy wool and KUON’s signature boro patchwork toy with different styles of textural intrigue, transforming various robes, suits, sweaters, peacoats and side-lined slacks." hypebeast.com/?post=5305211
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VideoEnginePro REVIEWS 2021 — ⚠️ Alert Or Scam?⚠️
VideoEnginePro is An all-in-one live-action video maker that creates outstanding, delightful, and highly engaging videos for you so you can captivate, mesmerize and get customers, fast.
A video is not an option anymore everyone loves videos. However there’s a particular type of video that is easy to understand and consume. They’re highly engaging, memorable, and more popular than ever before. Even more than animations. With everyone at home, video has become a precious commodity. Customers love them. Social networks want them. And businesses need them.
>>>> Visit This VideoEnginePro (International) From Official Website
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How do you use VideoEnginePro?
Step 1: Your Studio: Select a VideoEnginePro video template, add a YouTube video or your own directly inside the dashboard. Video and technical skills are not required, so you can easily and effortlessly get started.
Step 2: Your Video: Instantly customize the video with your personalized content for your hungry audience. Add music, elements, shapes, icons, your brand or logo, a voiceover, and your call to action. And once ready, hit publish.
Step 3: Your Profits: With your award-winning video ready in HD quality, your audience will be overwhelmed with beautiful live-action videos to increase your profits.
Amazing Video Templates For Market Domination: With the latest cutting-edge video templates, you’ll be in the fast lane for total market domination, overtaking your competitors fast.
Agency Crafted Templates: Professionally designed to tease your viewers and convert them into buyers, using these expert-level done-for-you templates to produce your boombastic videos.
Create, Publish & Sell UNLIMITED Videos For Profits: Whether it’s a live-action video, a social media video, or a video ad, you get them all with incredible effects to profit all day, every day.
Point & Click Videos: Add great clips and kinetic effects for dazzling, eye-popping videos that STOP visitors from scrolling past you.
Audio & Studio Voice Recorder: Create mesmerizing voiceovers directly inside the dashboard that will take your videos to new heights of customer captivation.
Automated Script Generator: Add your content or upload your script and VideoEnginePro will automatically create your video from start to finish in a flash.
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Text2Speech Bot: Turn any text into voice speech with the high-grade voice bot and add it to your video to engage your audience like a human.
Stunning HD Quality: Effortlessly export and share HD quality videos that are opitmized for social networks, Youtube, sales pages, blogs and websites.
1 Click Video Maker: Instantly create amazing result-driven videos on demand in 1 click.
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Pros and Cons:-
VideoEnginePro Review – Pros:
Amazing video templates for market domination: with the latest cutting-edge video templates, you’ll be in the fast lane for total market domination, overtaking your competitors fast.
Agency crafted templates: professionally designed to tease your viewers and convert them into buyers, using these expert-level done-for-you templates to produce your boombastic videos.
Create, publish & sell unlimited videos for profits: whether it’s a live-action video, a social media video, or a video ad, you get them all with incredible effects to profit all day, every day.
Audio & studio voice recorder: create mesmerizing voiceovers directly inside the dashboard that will take your videos to new heights of customer captivation.
Automated script generator: add your content or upload your script and videoenginepro will automatically create your video from start to finish in a flash.
Text2speech bot: turn any text into voice speech with the high-grade voice bot and add it to your video to engage your audience like a human.
1 click video maker: instantly create amazing result-driven videos on demand in 1 click.
Unlimited videos & renders: create as many videos as you like with zero restrictions.
Zero monthly fees: no hidden surprises, budget sucking rendering or monthly fees.
VideoEnginePro Review – Cons:
Haven’t found so far
Who should buy it?
VideoEnginePro is definitely an awesome product for any ecommerce, especially for:
Anyone who has a website
Anyone who wants to save more money
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Anyone who is online marketer & owns a website
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Anyone who wants to 10x their online business.
Anyone who is searching for a better web-hosting
Anyone who wants to fulfill their dreams
You will be able to make live action videos for:
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Price and Evaluation:
Front End: ($27-67) 50% commission
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OTO 1: ($47-97) 50%commission
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The fact is, videos simply fascinate customers. They can’t get enough of them because as humans our decisions are influenced by what we watch and see. And once you have EPIC quality videos, you create the ultimate WOW experience for your visitors so they stick around longer and in result who wouldn’t want to become your paying customer.
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But that’s not all, it’s what your business needs right now and what’s even more important is the relationships you can finally re-establish when you have Video Engine Pro. Even the bored will want to watch and click your videos and pay attention to you.
Video Engine Pro is a dynamic and proven video system that creates video agency style videos that are world class. It’s how you will finally get those clicks, leads and sales with high quality videos that will automatically boost your status and credibility, resulting in getting customers, easy. Videos that are hypnotic, builds trust and gets you engagement like never before.
In fact, you too will also fall in LOVE with your Video Engine Pro videos. They’re addictive and very, VERY impressive. So you can only imagine your customers, constantly watching your videos so you get more leads, sales and buyers!
>> (SPECIAL OFFER) Visit Here to Get VideoEnginePro For an Exclusive Discounted Price Today
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Does it work on Windows & Mac? Absolutely. It is available for both Windows PC and Apple Mac users. Download VideoEnginePro and create your first video in the next 60 seconds with cloud access to updates and assets.
Where can I use VideoEnginePro videos? You can use VideoEnginePro across multi-platforms such as websites, blogs, eCommerce stores, video ads, social networks, advertising networks and even on real TV commercials. That’s right. As seen on TV.
Are there any monthly fees to VideoEnginePro? NO! During the launch period, you ONLY pay once and never again to create unlimited videos. There is no charge per video or per month usage. After the launch period they will be charging monthly and per video.
Are there any video limitations on rendering? NO! Like Adobe Premiere & Camtasia, once you download the software it opens the door to amazing studio quality videos which means you have the FREEDOM to create UNLIMITED videos without waiting around. It’s instant.
What file formats are used with VideoEnginePro? You can use .MP4 video files, the universal language for watching video across multiple platforms. You can also use .MP3 and .WAV files for your audio. Both highly recognised, world-wide, universal formats so you can use them anywhere and everywhere.
Can I use my own videos and audio? Absolutely. You can upload your own videos, audios and sound tracks. You can even add any youtube video too.
Is there a guarantee? YES! You are covered by their 30 days money back guarantee. If you face any issue or decide you want a refund, they shall deactivate your account and refund you. Most problems are technical which shall be fixed once queried.
Do you have training or support? YES. They made detailed walkthrough videos that show you every step of how to get setup and you can access them in the members area. If you do get stuck, they also have a support desk to help out.
Buy the offer from my link and send me the screenshots on this email ([email protected]) and I will send you the bonuses 👉 Click Here to buy
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doctorguilty · 5 years
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Oh yeah look what I got out of the crane game at work....... I've been eyeing it for a week since they put it in and I saw it in the OPITMAL position today and got it on my first try ... what is this even supposed to be.......... absolute god's creature
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changeling-mama · 4 years
You’re only smug because your life is perfect and you want to rub it in everyone’s faces
She shrugs, pleased to know that the illusion of perfection and happiness has been working more than anything. “Persistent opitmism is a skill anyone can learn, Cher Gris.”
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empresa-journal · 2 years
Is Saudi Aramco Tesla’s (TSLA) biggest competitor?
Is Saudi Aramco Tesla’s (TSLA) biggest competitor?
Optimism (OP) is an effort to increase Ethereum’s functionality by adding a second scalable layer or blockchain to the Ethereum (ETH) blockchain. To elaborate, Opitmism is an Ethereum L2 (Layer Two) blockchain. The hope is Optimism can make Ethereum more flexible by adding a second faster and more scalable layer to Ethereum. They claim, Optimism (OP) increases speed and scalability by adding a…
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robertlizsales · 3 years
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I'm an expert in designing & developing shopify website with full functionalities and great developed skills and creativity to turn around your shopify store to good and also to money making machine with my solid experience. As being in this field for more than 5 years
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voliere-rpg-blog · 6 years
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                                  「 CANARY 」
        [19]  •  LEGACY •  UNCAGED •  [LIT]
'If it's raining, I'll be your sunshine' they told you, and you've lived in their dazzling light and magnificent warmth ever since. You bathed in their comfort, you relaxed in their embrace, you strenghthened yourself on their feet and rested on their shoulders. They were your umbrella, your roof in the woods on a stormy night, the golden shimmer of hope at the end of a night. To others it seemed as though there had been no hardship in your life, no troubles clouding the bright blue sky of friendships and family, but perhaps they didn't realise that even a peaceful lake could be deep enough for monsters to hunt in it. What to them was nothing but tiny ripples on an otherwise calm surface, were entire waves of bulversement to you. Rain comes with puddles to bath in afterwards, but if there is never any sunshine, do you wish to seek the wet? So turned to them, to their sunshine, and called yourself grateful for their ever so comforting presence.
The sunshine nourished you. You became bright. Beautiful. As warm as the light that had kept you alive for so long. You learnt to smile again, and no matter who caught this smile, their lips could but mirror it with heartbeats of rejoice. Your opitmism was infectuous. There was nothing ever stopping you from seeing the rainbow on misted days, as you knew that there could be no raindbow without mist, and no mist was ever without rainbow, hidden somewhere. You prided yourself with this ability. This skill to conjure peace upon letting your chiming laugh resonate. This gift. Sometimes it made you forget to question your pieces of wisdoms you chanted easily into people's ears, made you forget to imagine them in hands less fortunate than yours, made you forget how it used to feel like when the brighter days were still somber. But was it your fault? To grow so free from pain and misery? There was no time to halt and reconsider now. Life was beautiful, and you had to help everyone experience it too. 'If it's raining, I'll be your sunshine', is now what you tell them.
ABOUT DOVE: “We've just met, but we hit it right off. They're so sweet and hopeful. Delicate in their kind of humour and gentle when it comes to the feelings of others. Really, I like them. I think we could do great things together, so I hope that if I get into the Volière, they will too. For now I just hope we can be friends and that the process won't make us too competitive.”
ABOUT ALBATROSS: "I've heard some people mocking them for being so clumsy and seemingly unfit, but - and I don't pretend I know them well yet - I think they're quite the sweetheart. They might not really know what to do with themselves yet, but I'm certain that the moment they do, they'll be more majestic and more powerful than anyone else. Maybe I should stay by their side, to help them.”
ABOUT MAGPIE: “Now, I know that they're very handsome and nice to me, but somehow I can't shake the feeling, that they're not very candid. As though their words are empty, like they don't mean any of the beautiful things they say. Then again, I only just met them, maybe they were just as nervous as me and it'll turn out they're actually really sweet.”
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