#opie winston x jax teller's sister
garbinge · 1 year
Charming Life (4/?)
Opie Winston x Teller!Sister OC Joanne ‘Jo’ Teller  Chapter Index Word Count: 2.1k 
A/N: A little chapter update for my Jo gal <3 
Warnings: All my fics are 18+ regardless of content. Cursing, pining, angst, canon level mentions of drugs and jail and death.
Charming Life Taglist: @drabbles-mc​ @livingdeadblondequeen​ @justreblogginfics​ (Let me know if you’d like to be added or removed!)
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Time had passed. It would have been nice to say that things got quiet even if it was because people were mourning, but things got very loud. Loud and messy. Opie dove face first into the club, new people moved into Charming creating anything but peace, especially for SAMCRO, and Joanne had been in a game of hide-n-seek with Micky. Which is why the knock at her door had scared her senseless. It was early, and the knock had strength behind it. She quickly ran through her kitchen, leaping onto the counter top so she could reach the cabinet above the microwave to grab her gun. In an instant she was at the door, gun at her side, ready for whatever was waiting for her on the other side. 
She was relieved to see Opie standing in front of her, sporting his Teller-Morrow shirt and beanie, looking exhausted. 
Her hand twitched to move the gun behind her, a little embarrassed by the show of defense. Opie’s eyes jumped down and clocked it immediately, a frown forming on his face. 
“Everything alright?” It was slight, but his body had inched forward to get a look inside the girl’s house. 
“Yea, sorry. Just with half of the club locked up for whatever bullshit, I’m a bit more on edge.” Her hand raised to run through her hair. Stepping back she opened her bright orange door wider and welcomed Opie inside. 
“On edge?” He questioned, taking in his surroundings still wondering if everything truly had been okay with her. 
A deep sigh left her mouth, “I’m surprised Jax didn’t tell you.” Joanne moved past Opie and placed the gun back in it’s home in the kitchen, then moved to pour a cup of coffee for them both. “Micky’s been a fuckin’ pain in my ass. I don’t know what he wants but he keeps popping up and with everything going on with the club I just haven’t really mentioned it to anyone but Jax. And now, with him and half the fuckin’ club locked up, I’m on my own. I brought Dil to Gemma’s last night.” 
The mug slid on the counter as she passed it to him, taking a sip of her own. 
Joanne stared at his face, she could tell he was trying to figure out what to say, how to make the girl feel safe, or even better ensure she was. But he was falling short of a response. 
“Don’t worry about it, Ope. I’ve been dealing with Micky for years, probably wants a shot in the club for what he describes as easy money or he wants custody of Dil. Both of which aren’t going to happen and I can deal with the fallout of that.” She patted his shoulder to show gratitude. 
“Probably not the best time to ask you what I came here for.” Opie looked over at the girl. He hadn’t taken a sip of the coffee, just fidgeted with the mug, a trait of his whenever he was nervous. 
“Ask away.” 
“I need to run an errand for the guys, since I’m the only one out, it's kind of important. Mary’s going up to see Piney and I don’t have anyone to watch the kids–”
Joanne cut him off, “where are they right now?” She asked since they clearly weren’t with them now. 
“Gemma has them at TM, I know I’ve asked you to watch them a million times, Jo. I’m sorry. You know how things are.” Opie pleaded. 
He was right. Joanne wouldn’t really say he had asked for her to watch Kenny and Ellie lately, she would have described it as pawning his kids off on her. In the beginning she offered without being asked, it was the right thing to do in those immediate moments after Donna’s death. Then as the weeks passed, he asked and she of course obliged, thinking she wanted to help him however she could. But then it became her and Mary’s responsibility, so much so that when Joanne would wake up she would automatically think about Kenny and Ellie’s schedules, their lunches, their routines. Recently, Mary had taken over the main duties, Joanne had gone a little MIA with all the Micky bullshit, which Mary didn’t hold against her, it wasn’t Jo’s job to take care of Opie’s kids. 
“I have to go pick up Dillon from Gemma, anyways. I’m staying at Jax’s today so I can watch, ‘em no problem, Ope.” But there was the problem. When it came to Opie she felt like she had no backbone anymore. He felt fragile. The irony that the big burly man standing in front of her who beat up her school bullies when they were kids and could easily lift 220lbs with ease felt delicate. Joanne didn’t want to be the one to break him, she also wasn’t sure if she wanted to be the one to put him back together so this was the best route to take. 
“I owe you. Pick them up from Jax’s?” He was already moving out the door. 
“Yea, be safe Ope.” 
The day was long. Joanne was exhausted from constantly looking over her shoulder. The one benefit of being at Jax’s was that it was off the grid to her ex, which allowed her to relax partially. But then there was the whole her brother was in jail thing, he’d been fighting with Clay obviously enough for everyone in Charming to see, and that she had been taking care of 4 kids all day. Tara and Gemma had shown up for the later half of the day, but all the craziness was taking a toll on Joanne. She was currently putting Dillon down to bed on the couch in Abel’s room since he was already sound asleep in the crib when she heard it. The words that completely broke her. 
“I’m here to pick up Opie’s kids. I’m Lyla.” 
Joanne remembers the first time Opie introduced Donna as his girlfriend, she remembers silently pining as he took her to the movies, brought her over the Teller house, even prom. This felt very much like that, maybe worse considering everything going on. There was a part of Joanne, a naive part she realizes now, that thought maybe all the help she was offering up to Opie would make him notice her finally. It was a shitty thought. He had just lost his wife, it shouldn’t have been a thought in Joanne’s head but it was. She didn’t cross any boundaries, any lines, she was just there. But for a split second Joanne felt 18 again. 
Tara and Lyla went back and forth, Gemma had joined in at some point, too. Offering up what Joanne could only assume was a plethora of insults and name calling. That wasn’t what she wanted either. In this moment she wanted to disappear and fade away but what she truly wanted was for Opie to see her. Finally see her. 
Joanne must’ve been standing there for a while because Gemma had approached her. 
“You alright, baby?” That was rare. Joanne thought. Gemma being sweet to her? I guess it made sense, with everything going on, she was keeping those who should could close. 
Joanne snapped out of it, luckily she hadn’t let herself shed tears over the situation so there wasn’t much for her to hide but facial expressions which was a Teller skill she had mastered. 
“Yea, sorry. Just got lost staring at Dillon. She’s growing up so fast, soon she’ll be too cool to be around her mom.” 
Gemma clocked it immediately, another Teller skill, but she knew better than to outright say something to her daughter. “Don’t get too caught up starin’, sweetheart. Sometimes you gotta take action before it’s too late.” Gemma said, looking directly at Jo. 
Jo frowned and Gemma smirked. “Tell her you love her while you still can is all I’m sayin’. You turned 13 and the bitch came with the boobs.” 
Joanne laughed at that, knowing all that bitch came directly from Gemma herself. 
“Your gift to me I’m assuming.” She raised her eyebrows at her mom as she walked past her and back into the living room. 
Opie had come to pick up the kids pretty soon after Lyla left, sending them to the car while he waited to talk to Jo. 
“I’m sorry about the Lyla thing.” Opie started out saying. 
Jo just shook her head, her mothers words repeating over and over in her head. Jo was done holding back, she had spent the last few months as a doormat for Opie, and while he wasn’t purposefully walking all over her, he was taking advantage of her. 
“What are you doing Ope?” The question was genuine even if it was rhetorical. 
“She’s a single mom, Jo. She’s just trying to make it work like the rest of us. I thought you out of all people would get that.” The words cut like glass. 
Jo let a laugh escape from her lips, one of disbelief. “I’m not talkin’ about Lyla, Ope. You should know me better than that. I’m talkin’ about YOU. What the hell are YOU doing? Those kids need you. You need them. They’re the only things that are going to ground you after what happened. Not the club. Not me. Not Jax. Not Lyla. Them.” 
Opie stood silent. He believed everything Jo said. It helped that she never stuck it to him like this before, so he was able to hear her loud and clear. Not that it didn’t hurt, but it wasn’t the same as Jax or Mary shitting on him. 
“I’m sorry.” Those were the only two words he could think to say. 
“Opie, what do you think of me?” Her voice was soft, her arms crossed as the cardigan she wore slowly fell off her shoulders. 
His face fell to a frown, a confused look filled it as he stared at her, his arms crossed too. 
“Or maybe you don’t think of me.” She shrugged, a little taken back by his silence, even though she expected it. “But I’m here. I’m standing in front of you. Begging for you to look at me.” This time her voice raised a little bit. It was a different topic, but it blended together pretty easily. “You want someone so bad, Ope. You don’t realize what’s right in front of you. You’re not alone.” 
“Yea, I am.” The words left his mouth fast, so fast that Jo knew he wasn’t listening to anything else she had said. 
“I’m standing RIGHT HERE, OPIE.” The second half of her sentence was yelled. Her hand forming a fist and moving to point to her chest lightly. “When will you fuckin’ see me.” This time her voice croaked as the tears got caught in her throat. 
“Jo.” Opie said, taking a step forward, one hand going to grab hers. 
She pulled it away immediately. “Don’t.” The single word was harsh and sharp causing Opie to freeze. “Just, don’t. I’m not a second choice. I honestly didn’t even consider this a second chance, but,” Jo thought for a moment, she didn’t think once that this was her opportunity to be with Opie, her only thoughts were to help him grieve, get through a tough spot in life, that’s what friends did, she didn’t want to see him hurt or aching. But that changed when she heard Lyla today. It was apparent Opie was looking for something or someone to fill that hole in his heart, and Jo felt some type of way. Betrayed might have been too harsh, disrespected could have been a close comparison to the emotion she felt, but truthfully, it was invisible. She felt invisible.  “But, I should have known better than to ever think I was being seen by you.” 
Opie took a step back, his face drooped like he was a kid being scolded for something. 
“I’ll be here tomorrow with Tara. Feel free to drop the kids off.” 
And there it was. As much as the both of them differed, they were exactly the same. Falling back into the same actions, same routine, despite anything they said. It was a weakness for Jo, he was her best friend, she had gone all this time being invisible and even though right now he was staring at her completely visible and raw in her emotion, Jo had no faith it would change anything. So she made the choice to continue the sad pathetic pattern of being invisible. 
Opie left with a nod and nothing else. Jo stood there, with her feet planted to the ground unable to move thinking about every word that she had just said to Opie and how none of it mattered. 
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brunettemarionette · 2 months
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You had spent the night in the dorms with Opie after a long night at the clubhouse, as you knew your brother and the other members would have been too drunk to realize the two of you sneaking away together.
Leaning up to kiss him while the two of you showered, you let out a low moan as he pins your hands above your head, and a spray of water runs over his back.
Someone knocked on the door, "Hey, Ope, you decent?." Jax calls from the hall; your eyes widen when you hear your brother's voice.
"Uh, just in the shower, brother," Opie yells back, eyes widening as you both realize your secret relationship could be caught. "You need something?"
You hear Jax getting closer as the dorm door clicks open, but he stops outside the bathroom door. "Clay wants us to go down to those warehouses again. So say bye to your lady friend, yeah?"
You grimace as you practically hear the smirk in your brother's tone. "Come on, no time for round two," Jax knocks on the door, laughing as he leaves the room.
Looking up at Ope, you realize that the club is already awake, which means they'll be sticking around to see who had managed to get under Opie's skin enough since he hadn't dated much after Donna.
Opie sighs, glancing down at you. "We're screwed, babe".
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Would anyone be interested in reading a fanfiction that I want to write? It will be a Sons of Anarchy story. If so, please like or reblog. :) 18+ years old only, please!
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vae1bixy · 3 months
Opie Winston x OC {Josie Bethe Teller]
Title - Partner in crime
Wordcount - 3.8k
Summary - Everybody has a secret that she doesn't tell anyone. Something dark and twisted or something more easier then that. A small embarrassed secret. But in Josie's life hers was a little more darker then a simple doll obsession.
A/n - This is my first time writing for SOA. Or for doing one of these with an original character. WARNING This contains death and abuse.
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Josie Beth wasn’t a push over.
You couldn’t be where she grew up. If you acted weak you lost respect. Or at least any respect that could potentially be given. She learned from a very young age. That if you’re not strong you don’t get respect. You don’t cry, you don’t let yourself be hit or verbally berated. You fight back. Even if it costed you.
She was just sixteen years old, just in the junior year of high school. When she was even there. She was either suspended or expelled. At that time she had begun dating this guy. They were inseparable. He was a straight A student. A guy that never got into trouble. The complete opposite of her. It was almost funny.
Especially when he turned out how he did. Her boyfriend Sam. He wasn’t a guy who yelled or berated her. He was a bit of a nerd. Could go hours and hours talking about some new video game or sci fi show or movie. Anything he loved space and everything that came with it.
So when he began yelling at her and distancing himself. She didn’t worry too much. At least not anything bad. She didn’t halt at it. She knew something must have happened for him to switch his personality so sudden. They had been together for two years. Known each other for three. And he had never done anything of the sort. He was a pretty sweet and kind guy.
That’s when she began to think maybe he had a bad day. A bad week, a bad month. Maybe it was all the stress his parents put on him to get good grades to be the best. But then the arguments began to shift to just him yelling at her. Then one day it changed. He slapped her face. And her eyes widened when he did it. So did he. Like he was surprised he even did it. Like he didn’t expect he would go so far. And neither did she.
Holding up a hand to cover her cheek. Her brows furrowed and she slapped him back. But this time it was harder. Sure enough to leave a print on his cheek. He held his jaw with eyes widened like he couldn’t believe she hit him back. “What’s going on with you Sam?” She asked, sounding hurt. A small frown appeared on her lips. Her cheek didn’t hurt so much just her pride.
“I don’t know” He answered with a shake of his head.
Then he looked like began to get scared. Eyes widening and he grasped for her hand and she watched him. As he held up her hand and pressed small kisses to it looking up at her with puppy eyes. “Please don’t leave me i’m so sorry” He said pleadingly. “I’m so sorry” He repeated.
Josie bit the inside of her cheek as she watched him. She knew she should have broken it off right there. But some part of her wanted to forget it happened. He was apologizing; he knew what he did wrong. And she just loved him too much to leave him. So oblivious she began to speak back up. “It’s not alright” She said slowly.
And his eyes widened further. His grip tightened just a bit on her hand. Like he was afraid she was going to tug away. “But don’t do it again,” She said strongly. Eyes narrowing at him.
It was like a light flickered. He began grinning and let go of her hand to bring her into a hug and hold the back of her head. “I won't, I promise sweetie,” Sam said before he placed a kiss on her. Not giving her time to shut her eyes. Josie began to frown deeper but closed her eyes and allowed herself to be pulled away.
But that was a lie. It got better for a bit. The arguing stopped and the yelling stopped. All traces that he ever hit her were gone. The bruising on her cheek faded within days. But that didn’t mean no one questioned her. The guy’s even her mother. Jax and Opie well all of them were convinced it was Sam.
She only told them she got in a little fight with a girl at school but she won. And that was the end of it. It wasn’t unusual for her to get into fights anyways. For her to come home with a black eye or bleeding lip. Sometimes her mother swore she got into more fights than the club. That she went out looking for them.
And honestly sometimes she did.
Then the arguing started again. Fight about nothing and fights about major things. Usually Sam began the fight and Josie was just twisted up alongside it. “You’re always together” He began one day. But it wasn’t the only time the argument was brought up. Sam didn’t used to be a jealous person. He believed she respected her. He even used to hang around the house when Opie or any of the guys were there.
That’s another reason she couldn’t help fathom why he was doing it. He had to know they would kill him if she wanted them to. All she had to do was tell them. Actually she could ask them. Ask them without explaining and he would be dead within minutes. They could beat him into a pulp. Shoot him. Burn him. Anything they so felt like.
“There’s nothing going on with Opie '' She screamed back.
Anger climbing up her spine. Fists clenching at her sides. So hard her nails were digging into her palms. She promised herself she wouldn’t seep so far and hit her partner no matter if they were a woman or man. She didn’t want to be in a relationship like that. And she sure as hell didn’t want to be with someone who would treat her that way.
Lately she had been questioning whether or not she even wanted to be in a relationship with him. He wasn’t the same person he used to be. He was more angry. Slowly it was like pieces of what made him his own personality were disappearing, cracking and falling off of him over time.
“I see the way he looks at you” He spewed into her face. Hitting the air like he was trying to enforce what he was yelling. He hadn’t ever hit her since the first and last time. It had been three months since. Three months but it didn’t leave her mind. Sometimes she would lie in bed. Sometimes he would kiss her and she wondered when the next time he was going to blow up.
Josie wiped at her eyes a sigh falling from her lips. She was so tired so tired of this same argument. He hadn’t been there but an hour. And right after Jax and Opie had left her house he began yelling at her. The same thing he always did. That her and Opie spent too much time together. That he was afraid they were going to cheat on him. That he was just so insecure he had to take it out on her.
“He’s just a friend, I don't know what the hell is going on with you,” She screamed. It’s not like she could control how much Opie came over. He was her brother's best friend. And lived right beside them. And he was hers as well. She would never drop a friendship over a guy or girl.
Next thing she knew it. He stepped forward and instead of the palm of his hand his knuckles were coming into contact with her eyes. Hitting her in the corner of her right eye. “Don’t talk to me like that” he said darkly. Before he dropped his hand.
Josie touched her brow and there was a bit of blood on her fingertips. She looked at him before she turned away. Heading straight to the door. No one else was home. But if she called her brother she knew he would be right there. “That’s it” She said as she walked away. She was done. She was through with him.
“Josie” Sam called out then once more but a little harsher.
She opened the door and was about to leave but he grabbed her wrist and pulled her back. The door is still open. “Don’t go” he whispered. A small twisted smile lighting his face up. As he tried to cradle her hip with his other hand. Trapping her against him.
She wasn’t sure what happened but at that moment it was like she saw red. She reached down and grabbed the freshy new revolver she was gifted off of her desk. And shot him. At least that’s what she thinks happened. She just saw red. Heard nothing. Not until everything was coming back to her. The red leaving and the world returning.
And there on the floor of her bedroom was her boyfriend, his eyes wide and a bullet hole in his forehead. She dropped the gun and fell beside him. “I’m so sorry” Josie hiccuped. Her hand running through his hair. She whispered apologetics until finally she wiped at her eyes and stood up.
She grabbed her phone, shaky fingers touching the keypad in memorization. She didn’t call her mother. She didn’t call her older brother or even their father’s best friend Clay the man who ran the club. Josie wasn’t exactly sure why she even did call him. When the ringing stopped a tired voice answered.
“Hello” He said through a yawn.
“I need your help” She whispered. Soft sniffles filtering through the phone.
In that moment it was almost like those words pulled him back into the living. Like all traces of sleep were washed from him. “On my way” He said hard. Before she could hear shuffling on the other end. Like he was getting up. Then he ended the call shutting it off.
But he was there in a matter of a minute. They did live next door after all. He didn’t even knock on the door. Just walked straight into the house like he lived there. “Josie” Opie called out looking around the living room. Checking out the room waiting for any sign of her. But everything seemed normal. But he knew he wasn’t hallucinating; it sounded like she was crying over the phone. And Josie never cried. At least around him.
“In here” She called out.
He followed her voice down the hall and stopped at her room. The door was shut. And there was a stop sign on the door. Like that was meant to stop any sort of trespasser from entering. “I’m coming in” He said, like a warning. One he had learned very quickly to do years ago.
Whatever he expected was definitely not what he walked in on. There on the floor was her boyfriend right on his back. Blood was flowing from his head and created a puddle on her floor. And she was just sitting on her bed sheets. Specs of blood on her hands and printing onto the handle of her gun. The gun that was hanging loosely in her hand.
“Jesus” He said as he took his beanie off and wiped at his hair. Stress is already pulling onto his face.
Sure he was ‘in the club’ but not really. He was just a prospect. He was a new guy. Even if he had grown up in the club. He saw shit nobody saw. Heard things nobody heard. But so have she they all grew up there. But this he had never seen a dead body before. At least this fresh. Not when the blood was still flowing out of them.
“I had to” She said like she was stripped away from whatever thoughts she was having. Tears falling from her eyes and sobs rocketing through her. Deep and throaty sobs. She didn’t want to. She didn’t want to kill him. But secretly deep inside of her she knew she did. She wanted him to feel what she felt.
Opie was stepping over the body and to Josie before he knew it. Taking the gun easily with one hand and setting it onto the mattress. While he crouched down eye to eye level with her. “Hey hey it’s okay” He said as he brushed a hand over her cheek brushing the tears away. Wiping bits of blood as he did.
“I’m sure it wasn’t really your fault” He said, causing her to laugh a bit. Everything was her fault. Especially this. A man, well a boy was dead because of her. Even if she thought he deserved it. Even if she secretly didn’t feel guilty for it. Someone was dead. Someone who had a bright future. Maybe even getting out of Charming unlike her.
After a minute he went to stand up. “We have to call your brother and mom” He said decisively. Jax would kill him if he didn’t call him. He’d kill him for taking so long to call. He loved his sister more than anything. Even more than Gemma and the club. And if the asshole on the floor was still alive he would be dead again.
“No you can't, they'll just be disappointed in me” She said as she grabbed ahold of his wrist and stopped him from moving any further. He looked down at her hand but she still didn’t let go.
Opie frowned at her unsure of how to help. He wasn’t equipped for this. To comfort someone and over kill another person. But he had a big feeling the guy deserved it. “They didn’t like the guy anyways” He said, trying to joke. Still in front of her line of sight and blocking off most of Sam’s dead body except for his legs.
“I’m serious Opie” She said, shaking her head tears rolling back down her cheeks. Even if she was the one who did it. She was feeling the lost of him. Of her boy friend. Or ex at this time.
He tapped a hand to her head and petted it. As he began to think of how he was going to cover a murder. Sure he thought about it before. Heard the other’s talk. But this would be his first time. “We’re going to figure this out” He said comfortingly. As tears dipped further down her cheeks.
Opie went back home and grabbed his father’s car keys. It wasn't’ hard he wasn’t home to find out and with this time of hour he probably wouldn't be back until the next day. But they would have to be quick before Gemma or Jax got back.
He pulled the old truck out of the driveway and to her and backed the tailgate up to the doorway. Before he got out, shutting the door and checking to make sure no one was outside before he went back into the house this time he didn’t waste the energy to knock. And they rolled the boy into her carpet.
He got the front end of the body and she got the rear end. Opie wasn’t super strong. He was more height than muscle. But he could lift a good seventy pounds. Less than half of what the boy weighed. He walked backwards her in front and they barely lifted him up to the tailgate. Even with it down.
“Where are we going to hide him?” She questioned. Crossing her arms over her chest. The blood beginning to dry and stick to her arms.
He raised the tell gate up before he turned to look at her. His eyebrows are raised even in the night light. “I’m going to find a place… you just stay here and clean the blood up” He said struggling a bit to find the words. Before he began to walk back to the driver side door.
“Hell no im coming” She said, following back towards him.
“Josie,” He quipped.
But she shrugged a bit. A less annoyed expression disappearing and a more upset one coming back. Small drops of blood on her right cheek shining in the lamp against the wall of her house. “I killed him, I might as well follow through,” She said, nodding a bit. It was only right. Somehow it would make her feel better.
Sighing he opened the door and gestured to the other side. “Alright, we'll get in” He ordered. She wasted no time but to shut the door. They were silent on the way there. Nothing but the small buzz of the radio and the thud of Sam’s body in the back of the truck when Opie hit the brake too hard.
They drove for what felt like hours. Passing by building restaurants, homes, even a police car. Before they arrived at the destination. He began to pull into a wooded area where trails lead into it. Showing that it wasn’t completely deserted. They came there to party before. All of them well all the teenagers getting together and going out to the woods to party smoke drink fuck. Anything.
“Are you sure this is a good place to leave him?” She questioned worriedly. Looking around but the emptiness of the woods was all she saw. As she walked to follow him out of the truck.
Opie looked back at her his hands on the tailgate and pulling it downwards. “Do you have a better idea?” He questioned leaving no heat in it. But she just nodded. He grabbed a hole of Sam’s hand and pulled the body closer so she could reach. She grabbed a hold of his feet and made a face of small huffs coming from her as she lugged him in wards of the woods.
“Right here” He said through bated breaths. They both dropped the body and it hit a thud onto the ground at the same time.
“Wait here” He ordered giving her one more glance before disappearing the way they came. Josie waited in the woods. Her arms holding herself as she tried to look anywhere but the dead body and the darkness the woods provided. She never liked the darkness of the woods. But maybe it was partly because of the night she just had. Just when she beginning to get antsy and about to leave to find Opie.
She heard footsteps. And he was coming back into her sight. But fuel in his hands. “We need to get some sticks” He said. She nodded a bit and began to grab some around them. Him doing as so. Lifting big sticks up hurriedly and dropping them around the body.
“You never asked why I did it?” She said quietly.
He wasn’t dense he saw the bruise growing around her eyes. The blood in her eyebrow. He knew what happened. Opie had never liked Same. But neither did Jax and Gemma and really everybody. But Opie didn’t dislike him for there reasons. He wasn’t sure he just had a bad feeling about the guy. And apparently he was right.
“Should i?” Opie questioned glancing at the side of her face a bit.
She just chuckled a bit before she stood up. A pile of limbs in her left hand and pointed to her eyebrow where blood was drying up. The growing bruise on her face. “He hit me,” She said like she found it funny.
“And you’re laughing?” He questioned confusedly. Dropping the limbs onto the body a little extra harder than really needed. One thing about the club was that they didn’t believe in abusing women or children. They might do all kinds of other shit that wasn’t morally good. But they had a fine line of morally good and wrongs.
She shook her head dropping the limbs before she fell into laughter again. Her hands on her knees as Opie watched confused. Finally she stood up wiping at the tears on her face, a grin still in place. And small giggles falling out of her mouth. “I don’t know, I just think it’s ironic,” She said.
He nodded slowly. Maybe he thought she was losing her mind. Josie was kind of scared that she did. She wasn’t exactly a saint. But she never thought she could be capable of killing another person. And someone she loved so much. Someone she imagined growing older with. “This should be enough,” He finally said.
She nodded a bit. And he poured the fuel over his body and into the sticks. She watched fascinatedly holding onto her body tighter with her arms before he pulled a lighter out of his jeans. But instead of lighting it he handed it over to her. Josie took it carefully, watching him with wide eyes.
“You’re honors” He mumbled a bit.
“Thanks” She whispered a bit before she leaned down crouching.
Josie thought about saying some words. Saying how he deserved what he got that she wished he got worse. That she hated him. Maybe the opposite, maybe that she loved him and that she was sorry. Maybe tell him how she felt. But she didn’t do either; she leaned out and lit the branches. Slowly the fire spread from the limbs and the leaves and into the carpet.
Standing back up by Opie. She could only imagine how he looked now. His cheeks she used to kiss red. The skin coming off until it was a bloody mess. His short dark hair that she used to run her fingers through burning until it fell off. Opie wrapped an arm around her and brought her to his side hugging her a bit.
It was then the decision they both made finally came to light. Like they were suddenly realizing. They couldn’t tell a soul. At least not any more. Either of them could do time for it. Even Opie for helping her. Neither of them would say a word of it. Without a single word spoken they just knew. She knew she made the right decision.
Maybe she was more of a Teller then she thought.
Josie stripped her sweater then her shorts and dropped it into the fire watching as the flames took that too. Until she was just standing in a long t-shirt then barely touched her knees. They stood there watching as the fire burnt through the body. Stayed there for another hour. Sitting on the ground watching. Just to make sure the body did decompensate.
Before they got up and went home. Opie pulled into his driveway and then walked back. As they finished cleaning up the spot on her floor board. Scrubbing it with boiling hot water and soap. On her hands and knees. Opie went home an hour after through her window when he heard the sound of a motorcycle pulling up.
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acewritesfics · 6 months
Beautiful | Jax Teller 
Pairing: Jax Teller x Winston!Reader 
Request: No. Find original here -
Synopsis: Jax takes his old lady out for the night.  
Warnings: Mentions of drugs, alcohol, swearing, talks of body parts, mentions of dressing and undressing. This was originally a Song-fic. H/C - Hair Color. E/C - Eye Color
Word Count: 2,186
Main Masterlist
Jax beams as he watches the woman he's madly in love with hurry around their bedroom, dressed in her black lace bra and panties set, that just so happens to be his favorite, oblivious to him standing there, focused on trying to decide what to wear. His eyes scan her body, stopping on her ass, admiring his third favorite part of her body. 
He never imagined falling in love with Y/N Winston, the younger sister of his best friend, but something changed when she left for college. When Y/N left Charming for college, she was just Opie's annoying little sister; but, when she returned four years later, it seemed as though she had completely changed. She was now a woman, not a girl. 
Y/N settles on a pair of skintight black jeans and a flowing deep crimson tank top. On the bed, she has her leather jacket that he gifted her for her 21st birthday, laying next to her jeans.  She eventually catches him standing there as she slides her legs into her jeans.  She pulls on her top as he enters the bedroom, a bit disappointed that his second favorite part of her body was now also hidden from him. 
After giving him a short kiss, she walks over to her dresser and gathers up her make up bag and hair brush. "I thought we were going to meet up at the clubhouse?" 
"Church got out a little early," he muttered, his eyes following her as she entered the ensuite connected to their bedroom. He observes her brushing her H/C hair as he leans against the door frame. 
When she put down her hairbrush, he closed the gap between coming up behind her so they're back to chest. He slides his arms around her waist, his fingertips caressing the flesh on her left hip where his crow was inked before resting his hands on her stomach and kissing the side of her head. "I figured I'd be a gentleman and come pick up my old lady." 
"You'll be driving the cage," she quips as she looks at him through the mirror.  
"I know," He smiles looking back at her, his baby blues meeting her E/C eyes. He takes a step back from her as she starts to apply her makeup. 
They got it confirmed last week that Y/N is pregnant again, after speculating that she was a few days before hand. Aside from not being able to ride bitch right now, they haven't told anyone about the pregnancy yet. Being just nine weeks along, they choose to hold off until the second trimester, when the risk of miscarriage is significantly lower. The first pregnancy ended in a miscarriage at 11 weeks, and it wasn't only them who were devastated by it. 
Despite the fact that they are quite certain their family aren't buying into the excuse, they used her being sober driver as an explanation for her abstinence from drinking and riding on the back of Jax's motorcycle. They noticed Gemma, Opie's, Piney's and even Clay's suspicious looks when she would deny a drink or avoid being on the of a motorcycle. Y/N could tell Gemma was the most suspicious and that she was picking up on more than just those two things. 
Once Y/N has finished applying her makeup, she exits the bathroom to retrieve her jacket and put it on, with Jax close behind. 
"How do I look?" She asks as she slowly spins around, flaunting her appearance. 
He closes the gap between them once again, encircling his arms around her waist and planting a scorching kiss to her lips. He smiles as she responds kissing him just as heated as he was.  Nobody else has ever made him feel the way he does when he kisses Y/N. He knows he had the same effect on her as she always left him out of breath. He knew this because of the small moment after their kiss when her eyes remained closed and her lips pouted. 
Before letting her go, he quickly kisses her and doesn't say anything as he leads her to the car, locking the front door on their way out of the house. 
"I never answered your question," he says as he opens the passenger door for her but blocks her from entering the vehicle. She looks at him puzzled. "You look fuckin' beautiful," he whispers as he kisses her lips again before helping her into the car before getting in himself and driving to the SAMCRO clubhouse. 
When Jax pulls into the lot, the music is already booming from the speakers, there is already a strong odor of weed and cigarettes in the air, and beer bottles and cigarette butts are scattered all over the ground. He exits the car as Y/N gets out and meets him at the front of the car. He smiles as she slips her smaller hand into his larger one and laces their fingers together. As they enter the clubhouse, he brings her hand to his lips and gently kisses the back of it. 
As soon as they are inside, surrounded by patches, friends of the clubs, old ladies, sweet butts and crow eaters, Jax let's go of her hand and placed his arm around her waist pulling her into his side. A few people stared and scoffed at them, he was unable to control the smirk that grew on his lips. The women envious of Y/N and the men who aren't members of the club wishing they were him. 
Jax orders drinks from the prospect behind the bar before noticing Tig and Chibs sitting nearby. He leans close to Y/N to talks to her without having to yell, "Go sit down with Tig and Chibs, and I'll bring the drinks over." 
She gives him a quick peck on the cheek and moves over to the table where his SAMCRO brothers are seated. He watches when both men stand up and hug her before she sits down. 
He catches a few men glancing in her direction with hungry eyes as he surveys the crowded room. As his gaze returns to her, he suppresses the temptation to pound their faces into the nearest surface. Jax is unsure of what he did to earn her love, but he is glad that he did. He couldn't picture his life without her. 
Jax has only ever been in one committed relationship before he got into one with Y/N. Because of Tara's decision to go medical school, his ex-girlfriend ended their relationship but not without trying to convince him to leave with her. He'd been crushed and drowned himself in weed, alcohol, and pussy when he wasn't working his way up in the club. 
All of it came to an end when Y/N returned from college. 
After she returned home, a lot of things changed for him. Y/N became the reason he stayed awake and alone in bed most nights, her face being the one he saw when he tried to take another girl back to his room. When she wasn't with him, he thought of her constantly, wondering what she was doing and if she was safe. He had to stop himself from calling her every chance that he got  He existed solely for her and the club. Even though the guys made fun of him for being whipped, he didn't know where he'd be without her. He couldn't picture his life without her. He didn't want to. 
Jax brings the drinks over to the table and sits in the empty chair next to Y/N's handing her bottle of water to her. She leans in close to him, kissing his cheek once again, and whispers "thank you" as he drapes an arm across the back of her chair. 
"Hey, where's my kiss?" Tig is heard asking. 
"Not here, but maybe if you ask her," Y/N chuckles, pointing to a brunette crow-eater who is gazing lustfully at the club's resident crazy while wearing next to nothing. "She might give you one." 
"You might be right." He smirks, looking in the direction that Y/N is pointing.  He gets out of his chair and moves over to the couch where the crow-eater is seated. 
After an hour and a few drinks, Jax glances at Y/N as Chibs walks away, finishing their discussion. He finds her looking back at him with a small smile and love in her eyes. Now that they are alone at the table, he smiles tenderly at her as everything around them fades, Y/N becoming his sole focus for now. He didn't want to admit it, but she had turned him into a love-sick idiot. 
"How are you feeling?" She asks, concern in her eyes as she takes in the faint bruise on the side of his head. Moving her hand from his leg, she reaches up and runs her fingers through his hair. This afternoon he'd been hit in the head by some thug the club had to deal with, earning him a nasty headache.  However, it vanished when he took a few painkillers before church. His headache was returning, and the loud music was not helping. 
"I feel wonderful," he says trying to ease her worry and kisses her to distract her knowing she'll see right through his bullshit. 
"You're an awful liar." 
"I know." He offers her a small smile. "My headache's back." 
"We don't have to stay. I'm beginning to feel a bit worn out, myself." 
"Let's go home," He stands and offers his hand to her, helping her stand up also. They say goodnight to the most of the club members before Y/N makes plans to meet Gemma for lunch the following day. As they exit the building and walk to her car, Jax hands Y/N the keys. 
"Take these and lay down." Y/N offers Jax a glass of water and some pain relief she'd snagged from the kitchen on her way to the bedroom. As soon as they walked through the front door, Jax made his way into their bedroom, stripped down to his boxers and climbed into bed while she double checked that everything was locked up and all the lights were off. He takes them as she instructed and leaves the half empty glass of water on the bedside table. 
He doesn't move from his upright position while he watches her undress till she is only wearing her bra and panties. 
His eyes follow her once more as she walks over to his dresser and picks out one of his SAMCRO shirts before entering the bathroom. A few minutes later, she returns wearing his shirt and with her face make-up free. He continues to observe her as she removes her bra, pulling it from the sleeve of his shirt and discarding it on the chair in the corner of their room. He moves to lay down as she climbs into bed, facing him. 
"How's your head?" She softly asks. 
"The pain is starting to fade." 
"That's good. 
"How are you feeling?" he questions, cupping her face and caressing her cheek with his thumb. 
"Amazing," she says as her eyelids close, relishing in the tenderness of his touch. "Though I was feeling a bit queasy earlier." 
He rolls onto his back to reach his bedside table and switches off the lamp. Y/N moves in closer and places her head on his chest. 
With his arm around her holding her close, he kisses the top of her head. "I know I never tell you I love you as much as I should, but I do love you." 
"I love you too," She smiles. His spoken 'I love you's' are rare but he didn't have to say it for her to know it's true. Every day, in the smallest things he does for her, he tells her he loves her.  
"I don't mean to turn into a huge sap but you're the most wonderful person I know," He kissed the top of her head again. "I don't know what I'd do without you or if anything happened to you." 
"I hope we never have to find out." 
"Me too." He sighs. A silence falls over them but is soon broken by Jax. "We should get married." 
Y/N sits up looking at him in the darkness, a look of shock plastered on her face. "You wanna get married?" 
"Yeah I do." he admits. They've never had the marriage talk until now. They hadn't had the baby talk before she got pregnant both times. "We have a good reason to. I love you, you love me and we're going to have a kid." His hand reached under the shirt she was wearing, his fingers brushing the skin of her belly.  
She smiles. "Okay, let's get married." 
Jax smiles back and pulls her down to him making her giggle. He runs a hand through her hair tucking a few strands behind her ear. "You really are wonderful." 
"Just kiss me already," she orders him. 
"Sure thing, Darling." he laughs and pulls her into a passionate and mind-blowing kiss that was bound to leave both of them breathless. 
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drabbles-mc · 2 years
Playing It Cool But She's Lying
Opie Winston x OFC (Chris Teller)
Inspired by the song Kilby Girl by The Backseat Lovers
Warnings: language, alcohol, pre-canon AU, Young Opie who isn't completely dead inside
Word Count: 6.2k
A/N: I've had this fic pictured vividly in my head for what feels like the longest time and it still fought me every step of the way as I tried to put it down on paper. But it's done! It's here! I'm so relieved lmao. I have such a Big Fic planned for Opie and Chris but writing this in the meantime was just so fun. Idk, I love the idea of Opie in his super early 20's and not being so sullen all the time. Let the man have some fun. 🥰 Also, shout-out to @garbinge for listening to me ramble for hours about this fic and these two in general. They wouldn't be here without you. 💖
SOA Taglist: @littlekittymeow @chibsytelford @i-just-read-stuff @fuckyeahopie @justreblogginfics @buckybarneshairpullingkink @paintballkid711 @jitterbugs927 @fanfic-n-tabulous @mijagif @frattsparty @winchestershiresauce @beardburnsupersoldiers @choochoo284 @artemiseamoon @nessamc (If you want to be added to any of my taglists, please let me know!)
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Chris was rooting around the cupboards of Gemma’s kitchen, looking for something to snack on while she figured out what to do with the rest of her night. Her usual avenues for Friday night plans were all out of the question. The club took off earlier in the evening which meant that she didn’t have Jax and Opie to bother the way that she normally would. A handful of her friends from school had left town a few weeks before when college was back in session, and Opie’s sister Veronica was out of town for the weekend visiting Mary’s family. Charming wasn’t exactly a town known for being busy, but it had been a long time since Chris felt like it was such a boring spot to be.
The only upshot of it all was that with the club being out on business, Gemma would be staying at T-M and the clubhouse longer than usual to make sure everything was alright. On more than one occasion Chris tried to tell Gemma that things were much more likely to go wrong when all of the guys were on the compound, but the message never seemed to go over well. Either way, Chris had the house to herself for the night and she figured that if there was nothing else to do, she might as well take advantage of it.
She was halfway to climbing up onto the counter to reach the top shelf when she heard a motorcycle pulling into the driveway. More confused than anything else, she went and peeked out the front window to see who it could be. Last she heard, only the prospect for left behind and it wasn’t as though he would have any reason to be stopping by.
Her confusion only intensified when she saw that it was Opie rolling into the driveway. When she heard the door shut and the sound of his boots on the floor, she beat him to the punch and called something out into the house before he could.
“I thought you were supposed to be long gone,” she said with a laugh from the kitchen.
She heard Opie chuckling as he made his way to where she was. When he walked into the kitchen, Chris was perched comfortably up on the counter with a can of soda in her hand. Opie shook his head, not commenting on the fact that she was choosing to sit on the counter rather than the multitude of chairs around Gemma’s table.
Opening the fridge, he grabbed his own can of soda. “I thought I was supposed to be, too.”
She laughed. “What’d they do? Downgrade you back to prospect?”
“Might as well have,” he said as he popped the top on his soda can. “I’m ‘on probation’.” He threw air quotes around it to emphasize his sarcasm.
Chris nodded, not even trying to hide how funny she found the whole idea of it all. She didn’t even know what probation would really mean in the context of the MC. Apparently it meant Opie wouldn’t be going on runs with them or any of the fun stuff for a little bit. She sort of felt bad because she knew it mattered to him, but she also knew that it wasn’t as though it was going to last forever. They’d need him again in no time.
Without a word, she hopped down from the counter and started walking towards her room. Opie watched her for a moment, and when he realized that she wasn’t actually going to extend him an invitation, he started to follow her down the hallway regardless.
Just as he crossed the threshold of her room, Chris was flopping down onto the beanbag chair that she had tucked in the corner opposite of her bed. Opie couldn’t believe that she hadn’t broken or gotten rid of the thing yet—she’d had it for years and it showed with how worn out it was. He’d called her out on it once and her immediate response was, “Just because it’s ugly, doesn’t make me like it any less—kinda like you,” and then he never brought it up again.
Rather than going and sitting on her bed, Opie walked over to the small desk she had pushed against the wall by her bedroom window, the same window that she had definitely climbed out of on more than one occasion to sneak off with Opie and his sister, and sat down in the spinning chair that went with it. It was a miracle that he fit in it, but he managed. He stretched his legs out and swayed the chair back and forth as they both sat there.
“Finally got the house to yourself and you’re not even gonna throw a party?” Opie asked with a chuckle.
Chris rolled her eyes. “Gemma isn’t gonna be gone that long.”
“So you’re just gonna sit around and do nothing?”
“Hey, listen, you’re the one who came to see me. So if I’m doing nothing, you’re dong even less than that.” She paused. “Why didn’t you go with V to visit Mary and everyone?”
“Oh, uh, because I didn’t want to.”
She laughed and shook her head. “You’re such an asshole.”
He shot her a small smirk and shrugged his shoulders. “It’s in the genes. Besides,” he took a sip of his soda, “V’s always been Mary’s favorite anyway.”
“Yea, mine too, but we all gotta settle sometimes, you know?” she joked.
“Alright,” he said as he rolled his eyes, trying to look annoyed and failing.
“It’s unfortunate for you and Jax that both of you have younger sisters who are objectively cooler and better than you in every possible way. I’m,” she laughed, “I’m truly sorry for your loss.”
Opie was only able to keep a straight face for a moment before he broke and started laughing. “You don’t sound very sorry.”
The two of them moved onto other things. They talked a little about the club, but he never stayed on that topic with her for long. He’d known her his whole life and yet he never really felt like he was in the position to just sit down with her and ask her point-blank what her actual problem with it was. Even if he wanted to, it wasn’t like it was the right kind of night for that anyway. He listened to her rant about Gemma, the two of them talked about Jax, and they ran the whole gamut of their usual conversation topics before they finally hit a lull in the conversation.
When things had been quiet for a couple minutes, Chris looked over at Opie, who was still parked in her tiny desk chair, toying with the now-empty soda can in his hands. She watched him for a moment before saying, “We should go out.”
He choked on the breath he had been taking. “What?”
“Yea! We should go out tonight! I don’t wanna spend my entire Friday night sitting here with you.”
He chuckled, sitting himself upright in the chair. “Thanks.”
She rolled her eyes. “You know what I mean.” She stood up from the beanbag chair and stretched. “Come on—I know a place.”
“You know a place?” he asked, doubt written on his face.
“Oh fuck off, like you know any places that aren’t the clubhouse.” She paused and waited for him to either argue or agree with the plan. “It’ll be fun! I promise.”
Opie looked her up and down, wondering where exactly they could be going that could be that much fun if she was planning on going there in one of Jax’s old hoodies and a pair of cutoff shorts. Still, he knew that it wasn’t as though he had much else to do. He could either do whatever it was that Chris was scheming up in her head, or he could go sit at home and do a whole lot of nothing by himself.
“Alright, fine,” he finally conceded.
Her whole face lit up. “Amazing.” She pulled him up out of the chair and started shooing him towards the door. “Now get out so I can change.”
Opie allowed himself to be pushed out of the room, shaking his head with a small smile as Chris all but slammed the door shut behind him. He waited in the hallway, leaned back against the wall opposite of her bedroom door, curious to see what he was about to get himself into.
When Chris opened the door back up a couple minutes later, she had completely changed. Her hair was down, long dirty blonde waves falling over her shoulders. She had traded in Jax’s hoodie for a snug black tank top, and her cutoffs for a pair of ripped skinny jeans. She was pulling her boots on as she braced herself against the door. Despite the fact that she was completely off-kilter as she got her shoes on, she still looked over at Opie with a smile.
“Alright. You ready?”
He chuckled, shrugging as he watched her finally get herself back upright again. “Are you?”
“Pfft,” she waved him off as she stepped out and started going down the hallway, “I was born ready, Ope.”
“Right,” he said, sarcasm dripping from the word.
He watched as Chris grabbed the jacket that she always wore anytime she was on the back of someone’s bike. It was usually his of Jax’s, but every now and then if things got chaotic last-minute she’d have to catch a ride with Tig or Chibs. Despite not having her own, she was no stranger to motorcycles.
Opie went to grab his kutte off the back of one of the chairs around the dining room table when Chris spoke up. “You can leave that.”
He looked back over at her, clearly perplexed. “What?”
“Your kutte,” she said as she grabbed her helmet, “you can leave it.”
He looked back and forth between her face and the helmet in her hand. “Sorry, did you get a bike of your own that I don’t know about?”
She laughed and shook her head. “No, but you won’t need your kutte where we’re going.” She saw the apprehension on his face. “Come on, Opie, just be a normal guy with a motorcycle for once. The girls will be all over you.”
“Oh, well, you didn’t mention there was gonna be girls,” he joked as he reluctantly left his kutte on the chair and headed for the door behind Chris.
He trailed behind her as they both walked out of the house and down the driveway towards his bike. It had been a long time since it was just the two of them doing something together. It was the nature of the club, and also having siblings, that there was rarely any alone time to be had. Everything was always done in groups. Chris had plenty of solo time with Jax, and so did Opie, but it wasn’t often anymore that the two of them ever really spent time together without Jax or someone else around.
“You’re really committed to the full-face helmet, huh?” Opie asked her with a knowing grin as he swung his leg over his bike.
“Um, yea,” she said as she climbed on behind him, “because one of these days I just fuckin’ know you or Jax is gonna wipe out while I’m on the back of this thing and I don’t wanna mess up my whole face because you guys don’t know how to ride.”
“Big talk coming from someone who actually doesn’t know how to ride,” he retorted as he clipped the strap of his helmet underneath his chin.
“I know how to ride!” she said, clearly offended as she pulled her helmet on.
“You rode once like three years ago,” he told her with a laugh. “Doesn’t count.”
Even though he couldn’t see it, Chris rolled her eyes at him. “Whatever.” She wrapped her arms around him. “Are you ready?”
“Yea,” he said, letting the bike roar to life, “just tell me which way to go.”
Opie followed Chris���s instructions with a blind faith that he wouldn’t have had in many other people in the same position. There was no hesitation in her directions, though. Wherever they were going, she clearly knew the way there. There was a moment, about ten minutes into their ride, that had Opie wondering if she was just going to have him going in circles. He thought maybe she was just looking for a good excuse to climb onto the back of his bike. But then they crossed the border out of Charming and he realized that she definitely had a destination in mind, but he had no idea what it was.
“Take this right up here,” Chris pointed down the street to the next stoplight, “and then you’ll see it.”
“See what?” Opie said as he rolled up to the stoplight, leaning into the turn with ease.
She laughed, squeezing herself a little tighter to him when she felt the tension in his body. “Relax, Ope. We’re not rolling up to fight club or anything.”
When he rolled a few yards down the street, he saw the place that Chris must’ve been talking about. He let out a laugh that was more sarcastic than anything else. “I think,” he said as he pulled into the parking lot of the club, “I’d prefer fight club.”
She lightly slapped the back of his shoulder. “Oh shut up. It’s gonna be fun!”
Opie parked the bike, allowing Chris to hop off before he did. He watched as she took her helmet off and shook out her hair. He hung his helmet on the handlebar, looking back and forth between Chris and the neon signs that were lighting up the dark windows of the club.
“Can you even get in here?” he asked, a smug smirk on his face.
“Fuck you, first of all,” she said with a laugh. “Second of all,” she reached into her pocket and pulled out a driver’s license that had her face but definitely not any of her real information on it, “I have a fake.”
“Shut the fuck up,” Opie said with a quiet laugh as he snatched the card from her hand to inspect it. He looked up at her, an amused look on his face. “Really? Rose?”
She burst out laughing as she took it back. “Thought it would be a funny little fuck you to Gemma,” she started walking towards the club, “not that she’ll ever know about it.”
Opie fell into stride beside her. “How do you even know about this place?”
Chris shot him a disbelieving look. “What? Did you think that all those nights me, and V, and all our friends didn’t go to the clubhouse with you guys we just sat at home feeling sorry for ourselves?”
“I mean…yea, kinda.” He laughed as she shoved him and he hardly stumbled half a step. “Guess I never thought about it.”
“Sometimes,” she told him as they walked up the few steps to the club door, “it’s nice to be out of Charming where everyone knows everything about you.”
Opie was about to try and come back with something smart when the bouncer at the door greeted them. The burly man made Opie seem small, and he was sitting on a stool just outside the door. Still, the man flashed a warm smile at Chris as she handed over her ID.
“Hey, Rose.”
“Hey, Benny,” she said as she beamed at him.
He looked Opie up and down as he handed over his ID, one that didn’t have to be fake. “Brought a friend, huh?” he asked as he looked over the card in his hands.
“Yea,” Chris said with a laugh. “Finally got him out of the house.”
He handed the card back to Opie, only looking at him for a second before diverting his attention back to Chris. “Have a good time.”
“Always do!” she said, a little more pep in her voice than usual as she took Opie’s hand in her own and dragged him through the doorway.
As soon as the door shut behind them, Opie leaned down so he could speak quietly enough just for Chris to hear. “They know you here?”
She was practically cackling as they made their way towards the bar. “How’s it feel to not be the famous one?”
She couldn’t see the look on his face as he allowed himself to be pulled through the clusters of people in the club. He was thankful for that, though, because he could feel the stupid grin that was on his face and he couldn’t quite manage to wipe it off. It was ridiculous, and he knew that it was, but he couldn’t help it.
“Man,” Chris said with a laugh as they got right up to the bar so that they could order their drinks, “I should’ve brought you a long time ago.” She turned and looked up at him. “Getting up here has never been so easy.”
“Being a foot taller than almost everyone in here helps,” he joked.
The two of them ordered their first round of drinks, and Opie finally took a moment to look around while they waited for the bartender to make them. The club wasn’t an overly large spot. It was comparable in size to the clubhouse only instead of being set up for five different things, the entire space other than the bar was dedicated to a dancefloor with the exception of a few tables on the perimeter of it all. The music was loud, the lighting low for the most part except for the scattered colored lights everywhere. It certainly wasn’t anything like the clubhouse. However, as he looked down at Chris and watched her watching everything unfolding around them, he realized it was exactly the type of place that she liked to be.
“I hope you know,” she said, pausing for a moment as she took a sip of her drink through the small straw that was in it, “that you’re going to have to dance with me.”
He raised his eyebrows, unable to stop himself from laughing. “I don’t think so.”
“Oh,” she laughed, leaning back so that she was propped up against the bar, “I definitely think so.” She saw the look on his face and argued before he could say anything else. “You can’t come to a club and not dance!”
“I didn’t know we were going to a club!” he said with a laugh.
“But here we are!” She gestured around like she was showing him the most lovely thing in the world. “So now you gotta dance with me.”
“Opie…” she mocked his tone back to him. She finished off her drink and set the glass on top of the bar before stepping in closer to Opie. “Come on. You don’t know anyone here! I promise I won’t tell anyone in Charming if you’re a terrible dancer.”
He shook his head. “Not gonna happen.”
“I’ll make a scene,” she said immediately with a laugh. “Trust me, I’ll get Benny over here, tell him you broke my heart.”
He rolled his eyes. “You really are Gemma’s fuckin’ kid,” he said with a shake of his head. With a deep sigh, he finished off his drink as well. “Fine. Let’s go.” He saw the look of excitement on her face and cut it short before she could get too carried away. He held up his pointer finger, “One dance. That’s it.”
She laughed as she grabbed his hands in her own, walking backwards as she pulled him towards the dancefloor. “We’ll see!”
It wasn’t Opie’s scene at all. He knew it, Chris knew it, hell pretty much anyone who looked at him probably knew it. But it almost didn’t matter. He couldn’t remember the last time that he saw Chris having such a good time. He wondered briefly if this was what she was always like when she was away from the club and all the chaos that came with her family. She wasn’t quite a different person, per se, but she definitely seemed more at ease with herself. He wished that he could say that he felt the same.
Chris saw the apprehension all over his face and she had to laugh. She knew for a fact that some of the things that he had to do to get into and keep his place in the MC were much more daunting than dancing with her in a club full of people, and yet he was practically frozen to his spot.
Taking his hands again, she pulled him close so that his arms wrapped around her waist. He almost stumbled, not ready for the sudden closeness. No one would’ve been able to hear Chris’s laughter above the sound of the music, but with her body pressed right up against his, he could feel her laughter without having to hear it.
They both knew that Opie wasn’t a good dancer. Opie had a lot of things going for him, but rhythm wasn’t one of them. He’d only ever used all that height and muscle for fighting, for whatever brute force tasks needed to be done at T-M and for the MC. He never really had to be graceful, or any approximation of that.
Once he realized that Chris wasn’t just playing some elaborate prank, that she wasn’t going to throw him into the wolves and leave him alone, he tried his best to relax and ease into it. He was only partially successful. He tried to relax into the fact that his hands were on Chris’s hips, that hers were resting right in the crook of where his neck met his shoulders. With the heat of the club, Opie thought that the last thing he would want was to be so close to another person, but there was something surprisingly comfortable about having Chris’s body pressed so closely to his.
They’d only been on the dancefloor for a couple minutes when Chris interlocked her hands behind Opie’s neck and pulled her down so that she could talk to him and he would actually hear it. She had one hand rested on the back of his neck, one on his shoulder as she brought her lips closer to his ear.
There was laughter in her voice as she said, “You can loosen up, Ope.”
He chuckled and shook his head, trying not to think about how suddenly her being so close felt so different than any other time the two of them had been in tight quarters together. “This is as loose as I’m gonna get.”
She laughed, leaning her forehead against his shoulder for a moment while she did.  When she finally lifted her head, tilting her chin so she could look up at Opie, she said, “It’s okay if you’re actually having fun, you know.”
He tensed up for a second, opening his mouth to argue, but then he realized that there was no point. The serious expression faded from his face and he allowed himself a small smile. “I know.”
She beamed up at him. “Good.”
She finally let him stand back completely upright. After that, he was still a little tense, and still extremely awkward on the dancefloor, but he was at least smiling and following Chris’s lead. Both of them were laughing as she moved her hands from his shoulders down to hips and tried to guide him into having some rhythm. It wasn’t successful but it certainly was funny. The sound of their laughter got lost in the music and the vibration of the bass throughout the club, but they still felt it.
While Chris had told Opie that he only owed her one dance, it was more than clear to Opie as soon as they got out onto the floor that it was going to be much more than that. It was a daunting thought at the start, but after a few songs and a few more drinks, he couldn’t deny that he was actually having a good time. Gun to his head, he’d never admit it to Jax or any of the other guys in the club. But when it was just him and Chris and a bunch of people who had no idea who he was, he allowed himself to enjoy it.
They were both standing by the bar, finishing off what Opie was assuming were their last drinks. Chris was practically glowing, a sheen of sweat across her forehead and a warmth to her face that was either caused by the heat of the club, the alcohol, or maybe both. The smile on her face as she set her empty glass down on the bar stretched from one side of the face to the other.
She gestured back to the dancefloor. “One more?”
Opie chuckled and shook his head. “I think I’m way past my limit.” He saw the exaggerated look of disappointment on her face and gave a good-natured roll of his eyes. “You said just one anyway. So, really—”
“Alright, alright,” she cut him off with a laugh as she waved her hand dismissively. “Fine. You win.”
“I don’t know if that’s what I’d call it.”
“What’s more of a win than spending your whole night with me, hm?” She leaned against him, batting her eyelashes for extra dramatic effect.
“Mhm,” he hummed as he shook his head at her. Resting his hands on her shoulders, he turned her around so that she was facing the direction that would take them both to the door of the club. “Let’s get you home.”
The two of them made their way through the clusters of people who were still on the dance floor, the stragglers who were just getting to the club. Opie was walking behind Chris, but she was still reaching back, keeping one of her hands tucked in his so that they didn’t get separated by any of the pushy people who’d had far too much to drink.
The same bouncer who had been there on their way in was still there on their way out, but he was too busy getting into it with someone who had gotten far more drunk than either Opie or Chris for her to be able to say any kind of goodbye on their way out. Chris hardly noticed the whole scene that was unfolding just outside the door of the club, but Opie watched as they walked by, unable to wipe the amused expression off of his face. It was nice to go somewhere and not be the person getting in trouble, or being the best friend of the person getting in trouble.
It felt eerily quiet in the parking lot after spending the last few hours in the deafening noise of the club. When Chris laughed as they walked towards Opie’s bike, it sounded so much louder than it actually was with the absence of all the background noise that they’d previously been drowning in. He noticed that she let go of his hand once her feet hit the blacktop of the parking lot. He couldn’t stop the frown that appeared on his face the second her hand fell back to her own side.
When she got over to his bike, Chris stopped and turned around so that she was facing Opie. There was still a warm glow to her cheeks as she stood there waiting for Opie. He left a bit of a gap between them, more than he’d been able to in the club because of all the people. Needing some breathing space after being packed like sardines inside would’ve been the reason that he gave if anyone had asked him why he was standing farther away than normal. The real reason, though, was that despite having all the room in the world to put between them, there was something in his head that was telling him to stay that close to her, a part of his brain that hadn’t ever spoken up in the past. He didn’t have the time to try and figure out why things felt so different now.
Despite the effort to leave a gap between them, Chris closed the distance so that she was right in front of Opie, head tilted back so she could look up at him. “Where to next?”
“What, you don’t have more planned?” he replied with a chuckle.
“I mean,” she laughed with a roll of her eyes, “I’m sure I could some up with something.” She took a small step back towards his bike. “Or you could just bring me home.”
“You’re gonna try to sneak past Gemma when you’re like this?”
“Oh, fuck no,” Chris said, shaking her head and laughing. She pointed at him. “I’m crashing at your place.”
He sighed. “Chris.”
“Come on, don’t make me face Gemma like this. Because then,” she leaned back against his bike, “I’m gonna have to throw you under the bus too.”
Reaching past her, Opie grabbed her helmet off the bike and set it into her hands. “Put your damn helmet on.” He tried to sound annoyed as he said it, but Chris knew better, as evidenced by the grin on her face as she pulled her helmet on and climbed onto the back of the bike behind him.
Chris’s arms were looped tight around Opie’s waist as they peeled out of the parking lot and onto the street. She was giving him directions to get back home as she kept herself velcroed to him. Despite the fact that the air had cooled considerably in the time that they’d been inside, and that the wind was whipping past them while they rode, Opie couldn’t help but feel all of the warmth that was seeping from Chris’s body into his. His entire back and where her arms were looped snugly around his torso all felt warm even with the chill around them. He fought to stay focused on the road and her directions as his mind tried to wander.
Soon enough, they were back in familiar territory and Opie was bringing them back to the apartment that he shared with Jax. Chris didn’t come over and visit often, mostly because things seemed to be better with her and Jax if they were only around each other in small doses. But he wasn’t going to be back with the club until late the next day, if not the day after that, so it wasn’t like he’d be able to give Chris or Opie any grief about her staying there.
As soon as Opie unlocked and opened the door, Chris strode into the apartment, looking around as Opie flipped on the lights. Nothing had really changed since the last time she’d visited—it wasn’t as though Opie and Jax were all that into decorating and interior design. Still, even though nothing had changed, now it was just Chris and Opie, and Chris was just drunk enough to be in the mood to make fun of their place.
“The infamous Bachelor Pad,” Chris said with a laugh as she kicked off her shoes. She turned to look at Opie as she shrugged off her coat. “Surprised I didn’t burst into flames when I walked through the door.”
Opie rolled his eyes. “Don’t talk like you’ve never been here before.”
“Yea, but,” she laughed as she flopped back onto the sofa in their living room, “I don’t know, it’s different.”
He walked over so he was standing beside the couch looking down at her. “It’s really not.” He held out his hand. “Come on.”
She allowed him to pull her up off the couch, managing not to topple into him once she was upright. Without another word, he started to walk towards his room and even though he didn’t tell her to, she followed him. He walked into his bedroom before her, turning on the light as he did.
Chris lingered in the doorway for a moment and looked around at the mostly-empty space. He had a dresser, and a bed, and a beat-up nightstand she was fairly certain he must’ve picked up for free on the side of the road at some point. The top of the nightstand was cluttered with almost-empty water bottles and empty bags of chips. The walls had a few different motorcycle posters tacked to them, but not much else. It was exactly what Chris pictured his room looking like—a slightly nicer version of the dorms at the clubhouse.
She walked in and sat down on the edge of Opie’s bed, watching him as he went over and opened the drawer of his dresser. He pawed around in it for a few seconds before pulling out an old t-shirt of his and tossing it to her without warning. He laughed as she floundered to catch it at the last second.
“You can crash in here,” he said as he grabbed a change of clothes for himself. “I’ll sleep on the couch.”
She shook her head as she stood back up. “No, stop. Come on, you can sleep in your own bed, Ope. It’s fine.”
“Gonna go wreck Jax’s room?” he asked with a laugh.
She smiled and shook her head. “That does sound like a good idea. But no.” She turned and looked at his bed. “This shit is big enough for two.”
“Yea, but—”
“Don’t be weird,” was all she said to him as she walked out of the room and to the bathroom to change.
When she came back into the room, Opie had changed and was sitting on one side of the bed. He glanced over the second he heard her in the doorway. A small, warm smile crossed over his face as he looked at her. She was wearing his t-shirt and had clearly gone into Jax’s room and stolen a pair of his shorts. Nothing fit her quite right and her hair was a mess but Opie suddenly couldn’t stop watching her with a smile on his face.
Walking over to the side of the bed that Opie wasn’t sitting on, Chris peeled the covers back and laid down on the mattress, immediately pulling the blanket up to her chin. She rolled onto her side so that she was looking at Opie. There was a tiredness in her eyes that hadn’t been there all night, but she was still smiling.
“Thank you for tonight, by the way,” she said quietly as she tried to fight back a yawn.
Opie nodded, watching as she fought the urge to close her eyes. “No problem.”
“I promise,” she rolled so that she was facing away from him as she got more comfortable, “I won’t tell the guys that you actually had a good time dancing.”
He let out a quiet laugh. “Appreciate it.”
It was only a matter of a couple minutes until Chris was fast asleep, the sound of her breathing unmistakably soft and even. Opie hadn’t even gotten up to turn the light off yet and she was comfortably passed out on the opposite side of the mattress from him. Opie turned and looked over at her for a moment. Her back was still to him, but she looked so small curled up and buried underneath his comforter. In direct opposition to Chris’s calm, steady breathing, Opie could feel his heart starting to beat faster in his chest.
Shaking his head at himself, he got up from his bed and went over to shut off the light. He knew it probably wouldn’t make any different, wouldn’t quiet his mind at all, but he still hoped. Once the room was cast back into darkness, he carefully stepped his way back over to the bed and slipped underneath the covers as well.
Laying on his back, he stared up at his ceiling, eyes open even in the dark. The entire night played over again in his head. Part of him enjoyed it, thinking back on everything that had happened, how good and how easy it all felt. There was something different about the closeness, and while in the moment it had felt comfortable, or even right, now the thought of it was sending him into a complete spiral. He wondered if any of it meant anything—Chris inviting him in the first place, how comfortably she kept herself so close to him, the fact that when he wasn’t overthinking every single thing he was saying and doing he was actually having one of the best nights he’d had in a long time. He wondered if it was going to change anything. He wondered if there was really any reason for things to change. Or maybe he was reading it all completely wrong. It wouldn’t be the first time that happened.
But something was definitely different now.
Turning his head, he strained his eyes to try and make out Chris’s sleeping form in the dark. He could still hear the level sound of her breathing. Clearly everything that had happened hadn’t affected her that much. If something had changed, it must’ve been him.
He turned his head so that he was looking back up at the ceiling. He was just beginning to force his eyes closed when Chris turned in her sleep. She shifted around a little on the mattress, her legs brushing against Opie’s for a moment as she got situated in her sleep. Opie felt like he was frozen in place until she stopped moving. Even when she was sleeping happily on the other side of the mattress from him, he still had to force himself to relax, and try not to think about the gap between them.
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rayslittlekitten · 3 years
Cotton Candy-Ass
“You Got This” Masterlist
A/N: Guess what's back. Writer Wednesday @writer-wednesday and Jax and Opie's sister. Thank you @autumnleaves1991-blog and @clydesducktape for starting WW again. This started out fluffy but it like went in a different direction so I just let the characters do whatever they wanted. Also, I think up until this point, I've been keeping the physical description of Reader/OC pretty vague and minimal as possible, but for this particular installment, I thought it was more effective in story telling to include a few things such as hair color. I actually have a face claim for her, but I won't advertise it just so you don't get stuck with that image if you'd rather not picture anyone. I mean, clearly she's white given she's Opie's sister, but I also understand suspending the belief while reading it. Thank you @kesskirata for taking a look at this for me!
Rating: T
Word Count: ~1.2k
Pairing: Teenager!Jax Teller x Teenager F! Reader/OC
Plot: What was supposed to be a fun date gets soured by an unexpected run in.
Contains: a little fluff, cursing, jealousy, protective!Jax (sorta), maybe a little hurt/comfort?, some cattiness
Image Prompt:
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It's that time of year again when the carnival comes to town. It's one of the most anticipated events because there honestly isn't much to do in such a small town. It's why you and Jax are always getting into trouble. Part of it is also because you both know you have some sort of protection from the club should something go south. What's the worst that can happen? You get arrested? But that's not the kind of trouble you both look for. Stealing some candy might be your biggest crime to date. Jax's? Stealing your heart, but he would say you stole his first, held it hostage and he is now your prisoner.
He's right. A prisoner in a tin box forty feet above the ground.
The only ride Jax Teller does is on a Harley, but he's agreed to go on the Ferris wheel just for you. Jax has his arm around you, resting on your shoulders as you look around. They are still loading the wheel and currently you are at the highest point. The sun has already started setting and the sky is dusky. Scattered lights glow below you from the different rides and stands. Suddenly you feel the car shaking and swinging so you grab onto Jax and the railing to brace yourself, only to find your boyfriend was the one causing the movement.
"Jackson! Don't do that!" you scold him, but he laughs.
"Nothing's gonna happen to you," Jax says as his laugh dies off.
"I don't care. You know I'm afraid of heights."
"You're the one who wanted to come up here," he reminds you.
You cross your arms and look away from him.
"Aww, are you mad at me?" Jax asks, trying to look at you, but you ignore him.
The wheel starts moving a bit again and then it comes to a halt.
"Hey," Jax tries again.
When you don't budge, Jax reaches his hand over to gently grip your chin to turn your face, but you pull yourself out of his hold.
"Come on, don't be mad." Jax shifts closer to you, attempts to turn your face again and leans in to nudge his nose against your ear. "I'm sorry, baby."
Still, you are unaffected.
“This isn’t about what I did, is it?” Jax asks. “It’s about those girls from before?”
Your dramatic sigh answers his question. This Ferris wheel ride was supposed to be romantic and for you to have some alone time with Jax, but right before you hopped on the Ferris wheel where he whisked you off to, to cool off, you had a run in with one of Jax’s former hook ups.
"Ooh! Let's go get some cotton candy!" You pointed to the stand and dashed over to it, but you’re suddenly knocked over when you collided into someone who stepped in front of you.
“Watch where you’re going, Winston!"
As you pushed yourself off the ground, Jax ran over to help you. You brushed the dirt off of yourself and checked for any cuts or scrapes. Luckily, you're okay but you noticed a stain on your new dress.
"Are you okay?" Jax asked.
You looked up and saw two twelfth grade girls from your school. You recognized one of them as someone who you've seen with Jax before.
"Oh, hey there, Jaxxy. Babysitting for Ope, huh?" the one said as she shoulder checked you as she walked past you to step closer to him. The other giggled.
"Uh, hey, Courtney." Jax tried to sidestep her to get to you but she followed him and blocked him.
"What's the rush, sweetheart?"
You drew your mouth back in a snarl as you watched her put her hands on Jax's chest.
"Why don't you ditch the kid so we can have our own fun?" Courtney leaned in to kiss Jax, but Jax pulled back and put some distance between them.
"Bitch!" You launched yourself at Courtney, but Jax instantly grabbed you and held you back before you could touch her.
"That's not a nice word, little girl." Courtney shook her head and wiggled her finger. “Where are your manners?”
You growled and lunged at her again, but Jax was much stronger than you, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you back, lifting you off the ground. You may be shorter than her, but you were scrappy as heck and knew you could take her down. Jax knew of this too which is why he had to stop you.
"Aww, what's the matter? Is someone cranky? Do you need a nap?" Courtney mocked.
"Call me when you wanna have an R-rated time," Courtney winked at Jax and then sashayed away with her friend in her short shorts and four-inch heels, making her legs look miles long. Who wears that to a carnival?
“You know those girls don’t mean shit to me. I don’t even remember who they are.”
He starts placing little butterfly kisses on the side of your face and makes his way down to your neck.
"You remembered her name," you mumble, giving him a side eye.
"You're mad at me for remembering her name?" Jax stops his kisses and looks at you.
"No, I'm not mad at you," you huff. "I'm pissed off at... her," you say, refusing to even mention her name. "Who the hell does she think she is? Just because she's older and taller and prettier and more developed that she can be such a bitch? Her blonde hair comes from a bottle! At least my red hair is natural."
You hate to admit that you've been feeling a bit inadequate. You can't help but compare yourself with all the other girls Jax has been with and it's been making you feel extra insecure. In fact, a part of you thinks that Courtney might actually believe Jax is babysitting you and not dating you. It doesn’t help that you haven’t figured out yet whether you’re a late bloomer or you didn’t get the tall genes like your brother did. He was almost six feet tall when he was your age.
Also, the fact that the two of you haven’t been intimate yet has been an added pressure you’ve been putting on yourself. Jax hasn’t tried to pressure you, but not having any former experience, you’re afraid you might not meet his expectations should the time come.
"Are you jealous?" Jax chuckles.
"It's not funny!" You turn to look at him.
"It kind of is because they should be jealous of you. So what if she's tall and blonde? She is definitely not prettier. You're the prettiest girl in town," Jax smirks. "Probably the prettiest one in the state of California at the very least. My feisty little redheaded."
You can't help but smile.
"There's that million dollar smile." Jax pinches your chin. "Forget her. I'm here with you, right? Don't let her ruin our date." With his grip on your chin, he turns your face towards him and he brushes his lips against yours.
"Looks like we're gonna be up here for a while. I think I can think of something to pass the time." Jax leans in and you let him kiss you.
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carni-val · 3 years
Across State Lines [Jax Teller]
pairing: AU!Jax Teller x Winston!Reader
summary: It’s been years since you left Charming and adjusted to your new life in Arizona but a visit from an old friend turns all of that on its head.
warnings: This has spoilers for seasons 1, 4 and 5 of Sons of Anarchy!!!
Charlie Hunnam Masterlist | Jax Teller Masterlist
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Arizona took some time to get used to, especially considering where you came from. While Charming itself wasn’t a particularly exciting town, being born and brought up around the Sons of Anarchy made it so. Maybe a bit too exciting, like being stuck on a rollercoaster that was steady but then suddenly launched you up into the air and upside down. Your first few months here were so boring that you almost went back to Charming, but you could only get so far as packing your bag before deciding that that was no longer an option. You had nothing left there for you anymore, just ghosts that still haunted you years later after leaving. 
Your brother’s death was the final straw; you had to get out of Charming before you met the same fate that he, your father, and your sister-in-law all did. While this life was not always kind to you, you sure as shit enjoyed living it as opposed to being buried six feet under. For a short time you thought your family was just cursed to live and die in tragic ways, but you quickly recognized that because your mother had not been subjected to this so-called family curse, then the curse had to be Charming - and dare you say it, the club. That life is not made for everybody, at least not for long.
Arizona was fine, making an honest living was necessary and that was it. Working a 9-5 after having a less than stellar resume was a miracle. When you first moved to Arizona, you had been working at a supermarket that paid you a shit wage. You got to talking with one of the regular customers one day who owned her own private therapy practice and she mentioned that she needed a receptionist. You were apprehensive at first, knowing a background check may shoot your chances down at getting such a job, but she was gracious enough to give you a chance to explain yourself - that you were brought up in the club and your moving to Arizona was part of your plan to live an honest life now. She had taken a chance on you and you hadn’t fucked it up yet. 
Although, your temper might get the better of you right here right now which may add to your criminal record and send you cleaning your desk out at work. The traffic that accumulated on the streets every Saturday reminded you that this town was not as empty as you led yourself to believe. Saturday was your day to run your errands and no matter how early you left the house, it never seemed to be early enough to beat the traffic.
“If the light is green, then why the hell aren’t we moving!?” you questioned in the private vicinity of your car, your voice starting calm but crescendoing in anger towards the end.
You let out a deep breath, rubbing your forehead as you willed yourself to calm down. Cars behind you began honking as the roar of a couple of motorcycles weaved through the cars, surpassing them. Their engines were almost deafening as they sped past your car. You watched them until you couldn’t see them anymore, envying them as you wished you could just hitch a ride on their bike out of all this traffic. For a moment, your mind travelled back to the days where you would ride on the back of Opie’s bike, sometimes Jax’s when you were brave enough to ask him for a ride.
Your relationship with Jax was never easy to navigate. Considering he was your big brother’s best friend, it always seemed like a boundary you guys knew shouldn’t be crossed. Sometimes the both of you were lucky enough to be the last ones at the clubhouse and he would give you a ride. Sometimes, the both of you would orchestrate it - not planning to do so, but on nights when Opie would offer you a ride home, you would make up some excuse to stay late so Jax would be the one to drive you home instead and Jax would go along with it without a hiccup.
Now, you wish you took Opie up on more of those rides home. Just to spend some more time with your big brother. If you knew his days were as numbered as they were, you would’ve said to hell with Jax and spent every moment with Opie that you could. But life didn’t work like that, especially that life. You realized that when it was too late; when almost all of your family was gone. You sometimes wondered how the club was doing. How Jax was doing. Who was still there and who wasn’t. You kept in touch when you initially left Charming, but over time, the connection faded. If you were asked, you would say it just happened naturally as these things do, but you knew you couldn’t keep in touch with the club anymore, especially Jax. He’d just lure you back in.
The shrill sound of a car’s horn startled you out of your thoughts. You noticed the cars in front of you had moved and everyone was waiting on you. You cursed under your breath, stepping on the gas and moving ahead. It had been almost two years and moving on from Charming was still as difficult as ever.
“I’m surprised to see your car made it all the way here,” Jainey chuckled as you stepped out of your beat up little car in the lot of his repair shop.
You smirked at his comment before flipping him off playfully. He wiped the grease off of his hands as he approached you. He wore a button up pale blue shirt with his name on it, similar to the ones they wore at Teller-Morrow. The lot was very similar in a lot of ways to the one in Charming - maybe that’s why you kept coming here despite the fact that there was a closer repair shop to you which cut your travel time in half.
“What can I do for you doll?” he asked you.
“My right taillight decided to take a vacation without leaving a note,” you gestured to the back of your car.
“Taillights do that,” he leaned down to look at the light closer. “I’ll get someone from the back to come and take a look at it,” he said as he stood back up.
Jainey turned to head back towards the garage but turned back abruptly, “Hey,” he began, “we actually just got a guy from Charming in, you might know him!”
Your brows pulled together in confusion as Jainey walked towards the garage again. You leaned against your car, waiting for him to return with his new guy. Charming was more than the Sons, it could just be some regular guy for all you knew. But what if it wasn’t? As far as you were concerned, all the guys were neck deep in the club.
You heard Jainey call your name and you turned to the source of the noise and saw the last person you were expecting.
Jax was walking alongside Jainey, his movements faltering slightly when his eyes locked with yours. His hair was longer, so was his beard. His eyes looked more worn out which you didn’t think was possible considering the last time you saw him, he was as much of a wreck as you were.
“I thought you didn’t have enough money for the train,” Jax commented as he gestured to the money that was tossed onto the table in the chapel that night.
You had planned to leave that night and get the hell out of Charming once and for all but leaving before you knew the club did right by Opie and retaliated against Pope didn’t feel right. Jax didn’t let you come with him when he dealt with Pope, so you stayed at the clubhouse, pacing around and thinking yourself nearly to death until he returned. You had shown up earlier to tell the club you were leaving and you had made it about half an hour out to Arizona but turned right around because it didn’t feel right to leave just yet. Not without knowing the club retaliated and not without trying to convince Jax to come with you. He was all you had left and you didn’t want him to meet the same fate that almost all of your family had. You had returned, telling the club that poor excuse about the money for the train to buy some time until Jax returned.
“You and I both know I wasn’t ever gonna take the train,” you replied, approaching where he sat at the head of the table but still keeping your distance. “I couldn’t leave without knowing you guys did right by Opie.”
“Of course we did,” he promised, looking up at you with nothing but sorrow in his eyes. You were sure that if his breathing wasn’t so shallow, his eyes would be full of tears by now. His eyes were surrounded by dark circles and bags due to his lack of sleep. He needed to get out of here just as much as you did.
“Pack a bag, get Abel, and let’s get the hell out of Charming,” you proposed without a hitch.
Jax’s eyebrows creased in confusion, “What are you talking about?” he asked, shaking his head in disbelief.
“It makes the most sense,” you shrugged, letting out a humourless laugh despite your eyes pooling with tears. You didn’t exactly know why, maybe it was because the possibility of Jax saying no to your offer was more real now than ever, or maybe because you were scared that if he stayed, he wouldn’t be alive for much longer. “The two people who have nothing left in Charming decide to leave.”
“I have the club,” Jax turned in his chair away from you at a slight angle as his hand came up to his face, his index finger resting on his top lip and his thumb tucking under his chin.
“But I don’t think you want it anymore.”
Jax’s eyes flickered to you but he remained silent. He felt defeated. You could see it in his eyes. His rings shone under the light hanging in the chapel as they spelt out the word ‘SONS’. Sons had taken on a very different connotation for you these past few months, one that you couldn’t stomach anymore. “I can’t leave my club,” he whispered as his eyes fell from yours.
The words were like arrows that flew a short distance and came to an abrupt halt right into your chest. You bowed your head as your eyes filled with tears against your will. You clenched your jaw as you tried to regain control over you emotions but you couldn’t. The man that you had known almost your whole life and that you had loved for just as long was no longer going to be in your life and you couldn’t decide which was worse: for him to still exist on this earth but just not with you, or for him to not exist at all. While the first option meant you could always come back and find him here, you knew that you couldn’t. You cared about yourself too much - you had to save yourself. the latter option meant you wouldn’t have a choice, you would be away from him and the club whether you wanted to or not because while you loved all of the guys, Jax was your tether to the club now. Nobody else had that pull on you.
You felt foolish. SAMCRO was in Jax’s blood - you couldn’t separate him from the club and you knew that. You did, but you thought maybe there was a possibility that maybe he loved you enough - wanted you enough at the very least - to change the way he always talked about changing. But love wasn’t enough to get Jax out, just like it wasn’t enough when Donna tried to get Opie out, or when your mother tried to get your father out. If there was any curse, it had to reside with the Winston women and their belief that they could change the minds of the men they loved.
You saw Jax extend his hand out to you on the table, silently asking you to take it. Every part of you was willing you to walk out of the chapel and not look back, but you knew that if this would be the last time you’d see Jax, you’d want to savour every moment. You’d want to hold his hand again and know that it was the last time so you would remember how his hand felt in yours; hold him again and know it was the last time so you would remember how warm his body was and how much space it took up in the vicinity of your arms; maybe kiss him for the first time and know it was the last time so you would discover and remember how it felt all at the same time.
You clutched Jax’s hand in yours tightly, still unable to look him in the eyes. His hand held yours firmly and it was warm against yours. And smooth. His hands were always so smooth considering how rough he lived life. His fingers were strong as they intertwined with yours. His thumb was gentle as it rubbed against your hand to soothe you.
You heard his chair squeak as he stood up and soon you saw his pristine white shoes in front of you before he released your hand and pulled you into his arms. His sweater clad arms encapsulated you and pressed your head against his chest. Your cheek felt the coolness of his leather kutte before settling against it. You heard his heartbeat against your ear - it was fast like it always was. You wrapped your arms around his torso and he filled the space perfectly. You almost wanted to use all of your might to hoist him up into your arms and to your car and just take him hostage.
One of Jax’s hands came up to stroke the back of your head to soothe you some more. His hands tangled in your hair as he held you to his chest, almost his way of apologizing for the way he was hurting you. The sigh that left your mouth was punched out of you at the realization that you had to go. You couldn’t stay here just because Jax was. You promised yourself that you wouldn’t.
You peeled your cheek off of Jax’s chest and looked up at him. You saw him gaze down at you with an unreadable expression in his eyes as his hand moved to cup your jaw and swipe a stray tear away from your cheek with his thumb. He was so close that you could see the way his lip quivered slightly in the crowd of facial hair surrounding it. 
“I have to go,” you whispered as you forced yourself to untangle yourself from his body.
Jax was caught off guard but quickly caught up as he let you go, eyeing you with a swarm of emotions that were hard to pull apart from one another. You couldn’t will yourself to decode what each one could possibly be. You were already so tired and you had a long drive in front of you. Jax only nodded and you left before anything could stop you.
His lips just looked so inviting, too inviting. You couldn’t fathom kissing him and him not feeling the same way, but you kissing him and him kissing you back would be the death of you.
Seeing Jax didn’t feel real. Maybe your car had broken down on the way over and you had gotten into an accident and you were just in a coma right now, dreaming all of this up. That seemed a lot more plausible than Jax being the one who got out of Charming. Considering his presidency was still quite new when you left, you didn’t think he’d step down so soon, let alone leave the club entirely.
Jainey cleared his throat from beside Jax, bringing you back to reality. You glanced over to Jainey and he cocked a suspicious brow. You gave him a subtle nod, telling him everything was okay.
“Alright well, I’ll leave you two to catch up,” Jainey said, catching the way you two looked at each other.
“Thanks Jainey,” you gave him a small smile as Jax silently pat him on the back as he walked back towards the shop.
You and Jax stood before each other, still a considerable amount of distance from each other. He still looked good - a little more rugged and weathered, but still good. You noticed his slender fingers were void of his ‘SONS’ rings and were now bare. You tuned back into the sounds all around you - people talking to each other, some of the guys in the shop calling out to one another, cars honking, engines revving and were reminded of why you were here in the first place.
“My taillight isn’t working,” you said.
Jax smirked because this was a never-ending problem with your car. It was a piece of junk but you still cherished it. It was the only thing you had from Charming - the one thing you couldn’t find yourself to part with.
“I’ve gotta run errands,” you said quickly, handing him your keys, “So I’ll come by at the end of the day to pick up my car.”
When he palmed your keys, you turned and walked away from the lot. This wasn’t the way you expected your day to go - not even in the slightest. You had daydreamed about a day like this happening and in those daydreams you were ecstatic, rushing into Jax’s arms and kissing him happily. But you had stopped hoping for this day to come, because you knew the chances of it happening were right near zero. You didn’t know what to do with yourself, so you went to the little plaza a few blocks away to start your long list of errands.
The sun had began to set as soon as you were done. You had to drop off a few things, pick up some other things, and the weekend hustle and bustle didn’t make it easy. When you stepped outside, you realized how late it was. The shop was going to close soon so you hauled all your stuff and made your way down there.
The lot was pretty much empty and there were a few lights on in the shop. You saw your car nestled into one of the workspaces and saw Jax smoking a cigarette just outside the opening of the workspace. Upon seeing you and your arms loaded with bags, he put out the cigarette and rushed over to you, taking most of the load off of your hands.
“Thanks,” you said once the two of you put the bags in your trunk.
“No problem,” he replied as he shut the trunk before turning to you and handing you your keys.
“How’s she looking?” you nodded to the taillight.
“She’s back up and running,” he assured you, “For now,” he added with a smirk.
You couldn’t help but chuckle at the joke he told you every time he’d fix your taillight.
“What are you doing here?” Jax’s eyes trailed away from yours but yours were planted firmly on him. “I mean, you just decided to show up here one day, no warning?”
“You changed your number,” Jax reminded you.
“You could’ve gotten my new one,” you counteracted softly.
Jax knew you were right. he had the means at his disposal. “I got out,” he spoke softly.
Even though you pieced it together, you were still shocked to hear him say it. “How? Why?”
“After everything with Pope, all the decisions got harder to make. It was eating me alive,” he confessed, still not meeting your eye. “I didn’t like the person I was becoming.”
“Plus, I’m running out of things to tell Abel when he asks me where you are and when you’re coming back,” he added with a smirk when you hadn’t responded.
The thought of the boy made you smile. “How has he been?”
“He’s been good. He likes Arizona, but misses his Grandma,” Jax met your eye finally.
“Oh my God, Gemma,” you realized, your face falling, “How did she take all of this?”
“She wasn’t happy about it,” his smile faltered, “But I couldn’t care. I had to get Abel out of there.”
The hope in your heart stuttered slightly. He wasn’t here just because you were, he had to get Abel out. Maybe he just came to Arizona because he knew you’d be here and it’d be nice to have a familiar face around.
“Well, I’m glad you guys got out,” you told him honestly, toying with the keys in your hands. “I should go,” you headed for the driver’s side door of your car.
“Wait,” Jax stood in front of you, blocking your path. His pristine shoes came into your view, bringing you back to that night. “I’m sorry I didn’t come with you when you first asked me to.”
“It’s okay, Jax,” you looked up at him. and it was. He had to figure it out in his own time. “I don’t really know where we go from here,” you admitted with a nervous chuckle. “Do we just go back to normal? Do we exchange numbers and just…fit each other into our new lives?”
“I know we can’t go back to normal,” Jax admits, staring down at you with that same unreadable expression in his eyes. “Maybe we just make a new life here together.”
Your heartbeat stumbled over itself as you tried to understand what Jax was suggesting because it sounded so sweet. “What are you saying, Jax?” you were desperate to know at this point. Was this crush gonna go anywhere or should you just get over it already?
Jax stepped closer to you, “I could’ve gone anywhere in the country babe,” he shook his head. “but Arizona was the only place I wanted to be because it has the only thing I want.” 
Before you could talk yourself out of all the obvious signs, Jax continued, “When you left, I thought about you every day. I made a mistake not leaving with you that night. Not because something bad happened and I wish I left so I didn’t have to go through it but because when anything good happened, it wasn’t good enough because you were gone.
“I wanted more. I wanted to be with you and I wanted you to be with me. and I couldn’t deal with that, not so soon after everything happened with Opie. I thought you would come back and we would make it work in Charming, but a few months ago I pieced together that this Arizona thing was gonna stick. I wanna make it work with you no matter where we go.”
You were at a loss for words and you felt your throat closing up as you were overwhelmed with emotion. Jax stared at you, waiting for you to do or say something. He worried that he was too late, but if he was, he knew you’d have no problem telling him that. But you weren’t saying anything and that made him worry that you didn’t feel anything to begin with.
The emotions were reaching their boiling point in Jax and he did the thing that he should’ve done the night you left. He reached over, cupping your jaw in his hands, tilting your head up and kissing you as he pressed his body to yours. He let his fingers tangle with the hair at the back of your head and felt his heart jolt nearly out of his chest when he felt you kiss him back and embrace him with just as much passion. He tried to memorize the way your body felt against his the night you said goodbye, but his memory could not compare to the way you felt against him right now and the way your lips felt were better than he ever could’ve imagined. Softer, gentler, comforting. They were almost enough to fix the pain he felt when he woke up every morning as he remembered the people he lost and the bad things he’d done.
He had slept with other women since your departure, trying to forget you and put an end to his never ending questions about what it would be like being with you. He’d try to focus on the women in front of him in that moment, but he couldn’t stop himself from imagining you. It was the only thing that got him off because you were the only woman he wanted. Upon this realization, Jax didn’t hesitate to leave Charming. You were his last chance at getting out before it was too late and if he was gonna get out, he knew he wanted to be out with you.
Jax pulled away slowly, leaving one last quick peck on your lips before pulling away completely. He looked into your eyes, grinning at the dreamy look in them.
You nodded your head slowly, your voice barely above a whisper as you said, “I think that’s a good idea.”
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garbinge · 1 year
Chalk Drawings
Happy Lowman & Juice Ortiz & Platonic!Reader Jax Teller & Teller!Sister Reader Opie Winston x Teller!Sister Reader
Day 22 from these April Prompts: Chalk Drawings
Summary: When Happy and Juice are on protection duty and the AC is broken you and the kids take to the outside to escape the sweaty prison that’s Jax’s house as you wait for your brother and partner to come home. 
Words: 1.9k 
A/N: I’ve been having a rough couple of days so I’m not really sure what this is but, I hope you all enjoy! lol.
Warnings: pretty fluffy (for me and my writing lol), reader has a daughter with Opie (no name given), no use of Y/N, slight angst/tension, alludes to death/murder slightly, nothing that’s not canon-level. 
SOA Taglist: @drabbles-mc @justreblogginfics​
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It was a beautiful summer afternoon, the sun was shining, there were fluffy clouds in the sky that were shaped like cotton candy. The only downside was that the California heat had no mercy and apparently neither did Jax’s air conditioner. It had broken early in the morning and by the afternoon the whole place felt like a sauna. Fans and open windows did nothing against the real feel of 93 degrees and there were only so many popsicles you willingly wanted to give to all the kids. This is what brought you outside on the driveway that had been covered by shade all day so it was luckily not burning hot. You had the full Winston x Teller group today, Kenny, Ellie, Abel, and your 3 year old daughter with Opie. The club was in partial lockdown due to business with the Cartel. Partial lockdown usually just meant no one was left alone, everyone who was someone had protection on them, which meant it was easier for people to stay in groups. Hence why you had all the kids right now. Gemma was out with Tara grocery shopping for the house and had taken Tig with them just to keep a close eye. This left you with Juice and Happy while Jax and Opie went on a run together with a few of the other guys. 
The sprinkler was going on the grass, something for the kids to run through if they got too hot, but currently the group of them were on the driveway drawing with chalk. Abel and Kenny had paired up leaving your daughter to rest in between your legs with a piece of chalk in her hands while Ellie sat to your left doing the same. You started doodling with one of the pieces of chalk that was scattered along the driveway to pass the time as well while Happy and Juice leaned against their bikes, keeping watch all of you. 
“You wanna get your hands dirty?” You held up the pink piece of chalk and called out to the two bikers. 
Juice was quick to smile but deny the request, his way of trying to look tough. You clocked it immediately because just yesterday he was eating a spongebob popsicle off the ice cream truck when he was the only one on your watch detail. 
“Yes I do.” Happy said instantly and eagerly as he pushed off his bike. He was quick to grab the chalk from you and begin doodling on the pavement. You thought you’d be shocked at his instant agreement to join you on the ground with the pastel art tools but surprisingly, it was exactly what you expected. Happy knelt on the pavement, one knee touching the ground while the other was being used as an armrest for the arm that wasn’t creating a chalk masterpiece. 
“C’mon Juice.”  You nodded your head to wave him over. 
“Yea, c’mon Juice!” Your daughter called out with a smile. 
You smirked at that and so did Juice as he walked over to you both. The little girl in your lap holding out the pink piece of chalk up to the biker. 
“Thanks,” His smirk not falling as he grabbed the chalk from the girl. 
“S’my favorite color.” She beamed at you and said the color’s name to show how smart she was. “Pink.” 
“It’s Juice’s too.” You teased and patted to the free space next to you as he shook his head and blushed. “Show me what you got, Juicy.” 
He started drawing stick figures, graffiti words, tribal drawings like his tattoos. 
“Can you draw me a flower?” Your daughter was quick to crawl out of your lap and sit in front of Juice. 
“I can try.” He began to try and draw some version of a flower, although it was looking more like a blob. 
“That’s not very good.” She tilted her head and frowned at it. 
You called out your daughters name, a warning to be nice although it didn’t do much. 
“Why does your hair look like that.” She asked as she drew over Juice’s flower creating her own masterpiece. 
Juice practically spit out the sip of water he just took at the girl’s question. 
“Why don’t you go see what Abel and Kenny are drawing, huh? Go ask Happy your questions.” You interrupted to give Juice a break. The girl shrugged and skipped her way over to the other group on the driveway. You knew Happy could handle the questions and would give them right back which entertained her. 
“Can you teach me how to draw that?” You heard her voice behind you as she stood over Happy’s shoulders. 
“I sure can.” He nodded and handed her the yellow piece of chalk before the sounds of the chalk hitting the pavement filled the air.
“Mommy look!” She called out and you turned to see the tons of smiley faces drawn on the ground, some smiling, some crying, some grinning. Your eyes jumped to Happy and back to the drawings a few times. No one came out and told you what Happy’s name meant, but being a Teller you had been around the clubhouse enough to see Happy hit the ring which meant seeing the array of smiley tats across his lower abdomen. It didn’t take a genius to put it together. 
You weren’t sure if you wanted to laugh or be mortified, the kids had no idea what it meant but there was a part of you that felt like there was something eerie about it. 
“Nice drawings.” Your eyebrows raised at him with a smirk as your nostrils flared. 
Happy smiled, oblivious to your sarcasm and nodded.
The sound of motorcycle engines filled the air, but there was no sign of who it was yet. Happy and Juice quick to stand up, Happy picking up your young daughter while you got up as well. He handed the girl to you before walking to the end of the driveway with Juice. As you situated the girl in your arms you began to walk near the garage door and called the rest of the kids over to you. There was a pit in your stomach, you grabbed your nephew and placed him behind you and told Kenny and Ellie to do the same as you guided them as well, using yourself as a human shield to them as you typed in the code to the garage door. 
The bikes got closer and as the sound got louder so did your thumping heart. The garage door was taking its sweet time to open, you tried your best to keep your wits about you as to not scare the kids but it was hard when Happy and Juice were reaching for there pieces. 
“Let’s play a game!” Your head snapped to the kids as the garage door opened. “Go inside and we’ll play hide-n-seek! Only rule is you MUST stay in the house. You hide and I’ll find you!” 
The kids giggled and immediately ran inside the house, your daughter wasn’t eager to leave your arms to play so you kept her in your grip, her head rested on your shoulder which soon dropped in relief as you saw the reaper on the bikes that were approaching. You recognized both bikes, your brother and Opie’s. A breath you didn’t realize you had been holding in let out and you closed your eyes in reassurance. 
Happy and Juice fell back quickly too, their relief looking a little different than your own. As both men pulled up to the curb and backed their bikes up, you started to walk down the driveway. Opie walked over to Happy and Juice likely to fill in the crew on what had just happened while Jax walked up to you. 
“You look like you just saw a ghost.” His long blond hair blew in the hot heat as his smirk grew. 
“I thought I was about to become one.” The only reason you let the joke out was because within the few minutes of your daughter being in your arms she had fallen asleep. 
He frowned and picked his hand up to tuck your daughters hair behind her ear. 
“I’ve been on edge, heard the bikes.” You shook your head and looked down. 
“We figured it all out, we’re fine, you’re safe.” His eyes jumped from yours to the girl in your arms, “all of you.” 
Jax’s eyes looked down at the concrete to see the chalk drawings on the ground, clocking the smiley faces immediately and let out a chuckle. 
“Really, Hap?” Jax called out to the man who smiled and nodded. 
At this point, Opie was walking over, his tall body standing over you in seconds as he placed a kiss on your head. 
“Hey, you okay?” His brows furrowed picking up on your tension. 
“We spooked her.” Jax teased you as he pinched your elbow. 
Opie’s eyes moved back to yours looking for confirmation. 
“I’m fine.” You argued and looked up to Opie who smiled knowing that the sibling rivalry was coming through in your short worded sentence. 
“Where the kids?” He asked still smiling. 
“Inside, I told them we’re playing hide-n-seek if you want to go find them.” You knew both men would pick up on the fact you told them to hide and probably why but before either of them could get to the bottom of why you were so on edge besides the obvious, your daughter was stirring awake. 
“Look who's here.” You whispered to her as she sat up in your arms and you turned so she could see her father. 
“Hi Daddy.” Her voice was still half asleep. 
“Hi baby.” Opie’s arms extended out so he could grab her. “I drew smileys with Happy.” She rested her head against his shoulder in an attempt to go back to sleep. Opie looked down at the pavement and then back to you. 
“She also asked Juice about his haircut.” You crossed your arms. 
“It looks funny.” She said still at a mumble causing Opie and Jax to laugh. 
“I think it does too.” Jax started to walk inside the house. “Ready or not, here I come!” He called out but you knew he was going to grab a drink and a snack from the kitchen before he started to look for the kids. 
“I guess next time we’ll keep Hap with us.” Opie teased as you both started to walk inside while the sound of Juice and Happy’s bikes started. You turned to wave goodbye to both of them before looking back at Opie as you made your way into the garage. 
“Nah, he might be insane but he’s good with the kids and having him around actually puts me at ease.” 
“If this is you at ease, I’d hate to see you tense.” Opie teased you again as the garage door closed. 
“Why don’t you and this jelly bean here go look for the kids.” Your arms still crossed as your eyes rolled. 
“You wanna go find Abel, Ellie, and Kenny?” Opie bounced up and down to wake up his daughter. “I’ll give you a popsicle if you find them all.” His voice raised as he incentivized the girl who was suddenly wide awake. 
“Let’s go!!!” She kicked as he placed her down and she hit the ground running. “C’mon Mom, let’s go!!!” She called out to you. 
Opie smirked and threw his arm around you, “yea, let’s go.” 
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rebelwrites · 4 years
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High Confessions
Jax Teller x Reader
Summary: After an accident the morphine makes the reader say things she’s been hiding from her best friend.
Requested By: @beth-winchester21 // Hey hun please could I have number 12 with jax teller where she gets hurt and ends up in hospital and confesses her love for him and also can she be opies younger sister xx with
Prompt: "You're all drugged up. You don't know what you're saying."
Join The TagList Here 💜 // Jax Teller Masterlist
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“Mr Teller” the doctor smiled walking out of the room.
“How is she doing?” Jax asked.
“I can only really discuss that with Mr Winston” he nodded.
“I’m listed as her other emergency contact” Jax said getting pissed off that this doctor wouldn’t tell him the situation “Opie, her brother had had to go pick his kids up”
“Well” The doctor said checking your file to see Jax’s name was listed. “In that case then, she is a lucky lady and had someone watching out for her considering she had to be cut out of the car. No life changing injuries but a couple of very bad breaks in her leg and will be on crutches for a while and physio will be required”
“Yeah well we all have our guardian angels” Jax said smiling slightly “can I go in and see her?”
“Of course, just be aware Mr Teller she is on a high dose of morphine at the moment” the doctor nodded before walking off.
Pushing the door open he saw you laid on the bed watching something on your phone.
“Hey trouble” Jax smiled sitting down on the chair next to the bed.
“Hey you” you grinned, pausing the video and turning your attention to him. “Where's Opie? Don’t tell me the dragon got him”
“What” Jax laughed “darlin he is fine, the dragon has gone and he has gone to pick the kids up from school”
“There was a dragon I swear” you pouted “it was all pink and glittery”
“Damn you are on some good morphine” Jax smirked.
“Stop taking the piss out of me” you sulked “I know what I saw”
“Okay okay” Jax chuckled holding his hands up “I believe you”
“Anyway surely the president of Samcro has better things to do than to be by my bedside” you said looking into the blue eyes that made your throat dry up.
“Well when my best friend had a nasty car accident and ends up in hospital the club can wait” He smiled taking your hand and squeezing it “you know you always come before the club”
“You’re just saying that because I’m Opie’s baby sister” you shrugged.
“Now you know that isn’t true” Jax whispered.
You didn’t know how the heart rate monitor wasn’t going crazy with how fast you thought your heart was racing. It was now or never. You needed to tell Jax how you felt before your confidence disappeared.
“Jax” you whispered.
“Yes darlin’” he smiled.
“I’m just going to say this, I’ve liked you for a while now, the way you make me feel is like nothing I have ever felt. I don’t just want to be best friends any more” you said, not making eye contact with him.
Jax was taken back by your statement, he had wanted to hear you say that for a while now, but he knew you were on some strong morphine so he didn’t actually know if it was you or the drug talking.
“Say something please” you mumbled.
“You're all drugged up. You don't know what you're saying." Jax sighed choosing his brain over his heart.
“Yeah maybe you are right” you shrugged trying not to look hurt “maybe it is the drugs talking”
After some silence Jax spoke up again, he needed to get rid of the awkward atmosphere that now laid heavy in the room.
“Come on then trouble scoot over” Jax laughed “choose a movie to watch because I’m not going anywhere today”
“You mean I have you for the whole day” you grinned scrolling through Netflix.
“Yes you do” Jax smiled as you molded into his body the best you could from the wires and cast. “Just don’t put a chick flick on”
“And you say you are my best friend and think I’d put some soppy film on” you laughed “boy we are going for fast and furious”
“How many times have we watched these?” Jax teased.
“Not enough” you giggled hitting play and snuggling into Jax’s side.
Half an hour into the film Jax heard soft snores coming from you, he couldn’t help but smile. He kept thinking about what you said, if only you had said them when you weren't on morphine his reaction would have been different.
The sound of the door opening took his attention away from you.
“Hey bro” Opie smiled sitting on the chair at the side of the bed. “How is she doing?”
“Not too bad, the doctor said she's lucky to only have a badly broken leg considering the state of her car” Jax nodded.
“Pops was probably watching over her” Opie smiled.
“Yeah she probably did” Jax nodded.
“Something is on your mind, what’s up?” Opie asked.
“It’s just something she said earlier, she said she wanted to be more than best friends.” Jax whispered, playing with your hair as you slept on his chest.
“What did you say?” Opie asked, trying to hide that he knew how his sister had felt for a while now. And he also knew how Jax felt.
“I told her it was because she was drugged up” Jax said.
“You are so stupid” Opie laughed “you know the morphine only gave her the confidence to tell you”
“Are you sure?” Jax asked.
“Dude me and her talk more than you think” Opie smirked “so what are you gonna do about it?”
“I don’t know, I might not do anything” Jax sighed. “I don’t want to fuck things up with our friendship”
“Well if you don’t do anything you aren’t allowed to come moaning to me when you see she’s with someone” Opie shrugged.
“Wait she’s seeing someone?” Jax asked.
“Well not as such but I know her and that lad she works with at the cafe are getting pretty close so who knows?” Opie said knowing he was basically poking the fire.
He knew it and so did everyone else. You and Jax were soul mates and were destined to be together.
“Not if I can help it” Jax huffed and he carefully moved your body off his so he could get off the bed.
“Where are you going?” Opie asked.
“Got some things I need to do. I will be back in a bit” Jax said, grabbing his kutte before leaving the room.
As soon as you heard the door shut you open your eyes, you had been awake since Opie got into the room but pretended to still be asleep.
“You little shit” he chuckled “I knew you weren’t asleep”
“Yeah well” you shrugged “and anyway there’s nothing going on between me and Jerry, he’s old enough to be my dad”
“Yeah but Jax doesn’t need to know that sis” Opie winked. “It’s about time you two fucking saw sense and got together”
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elivanah-writes · 4 years
pairing: Juice Ortiz x reader
sum: coming back home after a long time away brings it’s challenges, specially if you’re the daughter of Gemma and Clay. what if she sees someone she tought she’d never see again?
warnings: fluff, implied smut and a small bit of angst
A/n: this was actually a requested by someon on my main blog @evanstanwrites​ but sadly I can’t remember who did and I can’t find the original message with the request.
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It felt amazing to y/n to finally pass the sign that stated “Welcome to charming”, for her it was more of a welcome home. y/n had previously studied and worked a few years in New York, at first she was happy to get away from home, away from the always busy place full of bikers. Then she met a certain brown eyed Puerto Rican from Queens, they fell in love, hard and fast. Time spent together was heavenly and she couldn’t get enough of him, he even promised her to marry her one day. God, they were young and stupid. They were together for most of her college time but then one day a few weeks before she graduated she got a panicked phone call from her boyfriend, he’d done something very stupid and now people were after him. He told her he’d ran but couldn’t take her with him. So they broke up, still loving each other. She could have gone home after she graduated, it would have been easy to just get in that car with her mom but she didn’t want to face everyone and their questions. She had told her mom she was seeing someone, that they’d get married someday and her mom in time told everyone back home. It was already hard enough how she had to deal with the phone call from her father when he had heard, man was he pissed that his little girl found a guy he didn’t approve of beforehand. Her father finally made peace with it as long as the guy treated her right. How the hell was she gonna face him after her heart was broken, he’d look for him and kill him himself.
So instead of going home, she found herself a job that paid pretty well and tried to build herself a new life, after some time her father did found out that she and her guy broke up. Her new life only lasted for a few years tho. She kept worrying, thinking back to her brown eyed man, she hadn’t heard from him anymore and she felt so lonely in New York. So when she got the chance to be transferred to a place of choice she took that chance with both hands and went home. She didn’t tell anyone she was going back home so nobody was expecting her and no welcome back party would be waiting for her, She hated surprise parties but she loved to surprise people.
It wasn’t long before she reached the long driveway of the Teller-Morrow garage, as she drove up the driveway and parked her car. A few guys were hanging around on the benches in front of the clubhouse, only a few of their faces seemed familiar to her others were completely new to her. One of the familiar faces was Jax Teller, her half brother. Jax sat on the bench smoking a cigarette talking to who she remembered as Chibs and Tig and a few new faces. None of the guys had seemed to notice her yet, maybe they just thought she was just another customer of the garage and didn’t paid mind to her. But even if they did saw her she wasn’t so sure they’d even recognize her, over the last few years she changed so much. She didn’t look like that little cute girl that left this place to go to college, now she was a fully grown up woman and not so little anymore. It was only when she got out of her car and shut her door that the group of men looked up to her and just like she thought it seemed like they didn’t know who she was. Jax did hold a look of recognition in his eyes but also seemed to be unsure.
She just winked at the group of men with a small smirk and turned her back to them and started to walk in the direction of the small office of Teller-Morrow just as she heard one of the guys whistle at her. Not even a second later she could hear the sound of a punch being thrown, a curse, and then the voice of Jax calling out to her.
So he finally did recognize her, his baby sister. With a wide smile, she turned back around seeing Jax throwing away his cigarette and running at her. 
“Hey Jax,”
And then next thing she knew she was wrapped up in Jax’s arms as he lifted her into the air just like he’d always do with her back in the day when they were younger.
“What are you doing here, I thought you’d made a new life back in New York?” Jax asked when he placed her back on her feet.
“Nice to know I’m welcome back here,” she joked
“This is your home y/n/n, you’re always welcome here. We just weren’t expecting you. You’re here on holiday?” he chuckled 
It seemed that their reunion had drawn quite the attention, as she saw people spill out of the clubhouse.
“That’s the point of a surprise brother, and no I’m not here on a holiday”
She just finished talking when she heard the voice of her mother calling for her and not a minute later she appeared next to Jax together with my father at her side.
“Babygirl, my babygirl is home.”
And jet again I was wrapped up in a pair of arms.
“Hey mama, hey daddy,” I said once she released me from her hold and I could give my father a hug too. 
“Hi princess, you’re home for good?” was the first thing that left Clay Morrow’s lips as he held his daughter close.
“Yes daddy, I’m here to stay”
It didn’t take long before they had lead her inside the clubhouse and started up an impromptu welcome home party. For most of the night, she sat with Jax, a few of the other guys, and her father. Her mother went home early so she could make her room ready for when she’d come home.
It was a quiet night up until the door of the clubhouse opened and 3 club members walked in, two of them she remembered as bobby Munson and Opie Winston but what shocked her was the third person that walked in behind the two: Juan Carlos Ortiz, her Puerto Rican ex boyfriend.
She was so shocked to see him there that she forgot all about who sat with her and stood up and walked towards him calling out his name.
“Juice? What are you doing here?”
it seemed like Juice was just as shocked as her when he heard his name being called and saw her stand there in the middle of the clubhouse.
“Y/N? I could ask you the same thing” he said surprised not noticing all the eyes on them.
But y/n did so she grabbed him by the arm and led him back out the door and went to sit on one of the benches.
“So, you ran off to Charming?” y/n started as she looked at the man standing before her wearing a kutte with the sons patch. 
“Yeah, I drove around a lot. Jax found me, that’s how I got here,” he explained before taking a seat next to her.
“Did you knew that Clay’s my father?”
“Not at first, but then I noticed pictures of you on the walls, they talked about you. But then I heard Clay and Jax talking about you, about how there had been a guy you were seeing and that he’d broken your heart,” He said taking a breath before leaning his elbows onto his knees.
“I knew I was that guy, I broke your heart. I can never forgive myself for that but I also knew it was better if they didn’t know”
“Well, I bet they figured that part out just now,” y/n sighed before continuing
“You may have broken my heart in leaving Juice, but I knew it was for the best. You don’t need forgiveness because there’s nothing to forgive, I knew you still loved me when you left. It’s not like you wanted it to happen like that” She finished and she softly bumped her shoulder into his.
“The kutte suits you,”
“Thanks, I like it here. Got a new family now” he smiled
He’s seeing someone? She wasn’t prepared to hear him say that, she still loved him, she didn’t know if she could see him with another woman. Unconsciously she scooted away a bit from him which of course he noticed right away why.
“I meant the club you know, I’m not seeing someone. I haven’t since I came here, since you,” he pointed out.
“Because, because I still love you y/n,”
And before she knew it they were making out and dry humping with her in his lap like two horny teenagers.
“This can’t be serious, tell me this isn’t what it looks like!” Clay yells filled the almost empty house. Only he and Gemma were home while y/n was at work the following day. It wasn’t a secret that the two of them had been fighting for days so it wasn’t a big surprise that they were at it again. 
“Calm down Clay, they’re two grown up people,”
“I won’t calm down Gemma! Juice has his filthy hands all over my little girl, and to top it all off he broke her heart before he came here! I should have never let him patch in!” Clay went on in fury.
“Let them be, they love each other”
“That’s not love! Nobody touches my little girl!”
“She’s not your little girl!” suddenly Gemma screamed back at her
“what? What the fuck did you say?”
“She’s not your daughter Clay, I lied, she’s John’s daughter. I was already pregnant when he died”
“I can’t fucking believe it! I rased her, I am her father. Did you tell her that bullshit?”
“Of course not”
“I can’t fucking believe you woman”
Clay was more than furious, y/n was his daughter, he was sure of it. And then seeing the hands of Juice all over his daughter only added to his anger. He was so angry that he had threatened Juice to cut off his dick if he even saw one hair out of line on his daughter or a tear on her face. But then sometime later he had what he thought the best idea, he was going to bribe Juice into getting the information he needed from y/n, he needed to know if Gemma had told y/n he wasn’t her real father. So he made Juice a deal if Juice asked if she knew anything about john Teller and if he had another kid with Gemma, then he’d make peace with the fact that he was dating his daughter. Of course, Juice jumped at the chance of getting Clay’s approval so he agreed. Clay seemed happy with his answer and hugged Juice goodbye. But what nobody had seen was that during the hug Clay had dropped a small device into his pocket.
“Okay, where were we baby?” Juice smirked as he closed the door of his dorm room behind him. 
“What did my dad want?” y/n asked as she got up from his bed in nothing but her underwear.
“Just some club business, nothing to worry about. now let’s get back to where we left off,” Juice said while removing his kutte and walking to her.
“You gonna make me feel good, Juicy?” she blushed as she helped him remove his shirt.
“Even better, baby, I’m gonna make you scream my name,” he growled before he connected his lips to her neck making her moan at the feeling as she ran her hands over his defined chest.
“God, you got even more handsome with time”
“Thanks, babe, I always thought you’re the most gorgeous woman I ever saw, you still are. now lay back on the bed and give me a taste of that sweet pussy of yours”
Clay was cooking in anger, he wanted nothing more than to march op to the dorms, kick in that door, and fucking kill Juice. But then again this was his own fault, he could have known this would happen when he wired Juice. He didn’t even think about the fact that he may hear the two of them going at it like rabbits. He wanted to be able to unhear the moans of his precious little girl that was clearly not so little anymore.
Clay sat at his table alone in chappel growling things to himself when suddenly the doors to the room closed with a bang. When he looked up he saw y/n standing there with her arms crossed looking straight at him but surprisingly not in anger.
“You could have just asked me, dad. I would have truthfully answered you,” she said as she walked closer until she was right next to him and placed the wiring device on the table in front of him.
“I’m not gonna say I’m sorry kid”
“I know, but you didn’t need to wire him. He’s loyal to the club and he loves me, treats me right, what more do you want dad? Did you just wanted to test his trust now you know we’re together?”
Clay took a deep breath, normally he wouldn’t discuss these kinds of things with someone who wasn’t a member.
“No princess, I wasn’t testing him, it was a good bonus, I’ll give you that. But I just wanted to know if your mother told you that I wasn’t your father, I didn’t want to lose you,”
“Oh daddy, It doesn’t matter if John Teller is my biological father, to me you’ll always be my dad. Hell who thought me to notice when someone was wired, who thought me to fight, to stick up for myself, and many more things? You did, now be a man and make things right with mom” y/n chuckled before giving her father a kiss on his cheek and made her way out of the room.
“Who taught you to be this vivacious?” He called out after his daughter with a laugh.
“You and mom did!” she responded before she joined Juice who was waiting for her at the bar.
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vae1bixy · 2 months
Opie Winston x OC {Josie Bethe Teller]
Title - Red sticks
Wordcount -
Summary - Abel goes missing. And everything is upturn. Josie want's to do anything she can to help get her nephew back. Even if other's thinks it's a bad idea.
A/n -
WARNING - Strong language. Drinking and smoking. And adult themes.
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Josie was fourteen when she had her first kiss. It was sloppy and wet and she hated it. It was downright gross. But she couldn’t be happier to get it over. The other girls at her school were boasting about it. And even at home. She caught her brother and even Opie talking about it more than once. About what it felt like. 
She heard the guys around the club. Even when they toned it down around her. She heard the way they talked about women. What their lips feel like. What they taste. What breasts felt like. She learned what sex was at an early age. Surrounded by men. Surrounded by sex her whole life. 
She was seventeen when she had sex for the first time. After her ex she derailed a bit. Further then she had been. She stopped going to school. So she was basically failing. Gemma stopped caring. Stopped telling her to keep going. She left her to her own things. For once in her life. She didn’t try to control her.
 Her brother already graduated and he couldn’t give a shit. He was barely going to school when he was still in high school. Most nights he stayed at the club in the dorms. There he had his own freedom and didn’t have to be bothered by a little sister and overbearing mother. He could do whatever the hell he wanted. 
But not only skipping. She began to drink more. Before it was only an activity she took to when her brother was having a party. When she was with friends. Or even when she was at the club and surrounded by people she could trust. But lately Josie hasn't been stingy. She wasn’t careful. She wasn’t picky in her choices or places. 
If there was a party she was going to be there. Blonde hair curled down her shoulders and red lipstick pressed so bright to her lips. It matched the short skirt and top. She also began to smoke more. Going through a pack sometimes more in a day. Red lipstick smudging the stick. 
She was out all night. Only coming home early in the mornings or afternoons. Red lipstick dried up on her lips. Curls that were straightened out. And eyeliner that had smudged. Sometimes she even rathered to stay at the club then at home. Surrounded by people laughing, drinking and parading sex around the club. 
In some way it was easier. 
She didn’t talk to Opie about that night ever again. She never mentioned her Ex. Not even when someone asked what happened to him. When they tried to console her. When Gemma asked what happened to him. When her brother tried to get an answer out of her. Assuming he ran off. When Clay tried to question her. 
Josie didn’t have a horrible childhood. She wasn’t beaten, she wasn’t abused. But her life wasn’t picture perfect. She never had ambitions or dreams in life. She didn’t plan to go to college or to get some kind of job like a doctor or lawyer. Not where they grew up. She knew what her life was going to become. 
Then Abel went missing. Her nephew who couldn’t even speak. He could barely sit up by himself. And she was distraught. Her brother and mother weren't the only people hurt. It was like everything was going to shit. Her mother is in the hospital and about to be sent to prison for life. Her nephew was kidnapped. Donna was killed. Opie was in prison. 
It was like some cruel joke. 
Josie wasn’t particularly talking to her brother. But they were still family. And family takes care of family. So when Opie brings her a proposal to help him. To help find her nephew. She was obviously going to take it. Her arms were crossed over her body. A frown on her lips. She had been going over any way she could help. 
“We just need a few girls, as many as you can get really,” Opie said. Pulling the beanie off of his head and scratching at the hairs. He had been completely stressed with everything. Taking care of the kids. Taking care of Jax. The man had been a complete wreck. He was even pushing Tara away and making his own job harder. 
She nodded quickly. She could think of a few. People that needed money. And people that just wanted to help. “I know a couple there’s lyla mindy the twins and a few more” She listed off. Red lips twisting thoughtfully. Then she looked back at him. Eyes widening. She knew how she could help. 
“I want in” She said seriously. 
Opie shook his head quickly. Shifting so he was closer to her. Keeping his voice down so the others might hear. “You are not doing this“ Opie wasn’t controlling. They weren’t even dating. But she couldn’t. She couldn’t come out in one of her outfits. Flaunt her body around them. Kiss them, give them a blow job. She couldn’t. Not in front of him. If she did he knew a piece of him would die. 
They weren’t together. But they were something. They had always been something. At least he hopes they have been. 
Josie looked at him with narrowed eyes. She didn’t need him telling her what she could and couldn’t do as well. It was like everyone seemed to forget that she was a grown ass woman who could make her own choices. "Able is my nephew. I want to do what I can to help," She said in a softer tone despite her expression. 
Then she tilted her head looking at him. With a more serious expression. The softness is not gone but not as severe. “Doesn’t mean you have to like it” She said snippierly this time. Opie sighed. And pulled his beanies back on. She was always able to do that. To somehow get her way. She had him wrapped around her little finger. 
“Fine” He bit out. It didn’t mean he was happy. Didn’t mean he was going to accept it. 
She grinned at him. Wrapping him in a hug. So her arms were around him as high as she could reach and she was leaned against his chest. Face brushed against his chest. Not caring if her makeup was messed up. Opie’s face softened a bit as he looked down at her. Before he wrapped his own arms around her. 
“But you’re gonna have to make sure Jax doesn’t know i’m there” She said into his chest. Resisting the urge to smile knowing she had him already. Opie shook his head and held her tighter. She was going to be the death of him. 
Somehow the plan worked. There were a half and dozen of so girls there. And so far they were able to keep Josie away from Jax. Keeping her away so he couldn’t see keeping her in the other room. But it didn’t stop the sick feeling in Opie’s stomach to bubble up knowing what she was doing there. 
He caught glances of her at the beginning. The outfit on her body. If it could even be called an outfit. Fishnets that crawled up her skin to a short skirt. That if you looked just right showed off the red laced panties underneath her. With a matching red top over her breast. Just enough to show off nearly the whole tattoo on her chest. He could even see the tattoo that wrapped down below her skirt disappearing into her panties. 
Josie looked breathtaking. She looked amazing. She was always beautiful. She took Opie’s breath away without even knowing it. Even when they were still kids. Teenagers.  But knowing she looked like that. Dressed up like that for all the people in the room. That only marveled at her because of her body and clothing and not because she was beautiful on the inside. 
They didn’t know she was smarter than she seemed. That she was smarter than she thinks. That she was the strongest woman he had ever known. By fist or gun. That she carried at least one gun on her. And has a matching pink brass knuckle that she isn’t afraid to use. That she was also one of the most caring people he had ever known in Charming. 
“Bloody hell” Chib whispered. 
And Opie looked at him. To see Chib looking in the same direction. To the pink haired woman hovering over a tall leaned man with a snobbish face. To say Chib looked sick was an understatement. They had already witnessed her little film. This was even worse. “Don’t say a word” Opie found himself saying. 
Chib was looking away and his face was green. Like he might puke. He was there when both jax and Josie were just babies. He was practically their uncle. He wouldn’t want to see his daughter like this so he sure as hell wouldn’t want to see his niece like this. “What is she doing here?” He said the words strangling in his throat. 
“She wanted to help,” Opie said, looking back in the direction. Now the guy was touching her waist. FIngers wrapping around the skirt. Until they were going lower and lower. Opie turned to check on Jax and the man was still turned around talking to Bobby and Tig. He felt like steam was about to come out of his ears. 
He couldn’t do anything. He couldn’t go over there and tear her away. Because she told him what she wanted. And he has to respect that. Even if he wants to go over there and break the guy’s wrists. Then Jax would know. And he would blow a fuse and they would risk getting the money to help find Abel. And it would all be for nothing. 
“And Jax knows?” Chib questioned dryly. He knew something was going on. 
Swallowing the lump in his throat as he watched Josie’s pink hair bouncing. A hand wrapped around her ass cupping it. As she followed the guy into another room. The doors swinging shut. But giving him a small view. Of another woman. Lyla down on the floor on her knees blowing some guy. 
He knew what was going to happen. Everyone knew what happened at these get-togethers. 
Opie gripped the bottle in his hand tighter and tighter. “No so don’t say a word” He bit out before he was swallowing every last sip of the alcohol. The bitter taste falling back down his throat only burning just a bit. But it didn’t even match the feeling in his stomach that made him feel like he was going to puke. 
He stood there. Even when Chib disappeared. Probably going to find his own drink. He stood there waiting even when one of the twins tried to pull him away. When Jax tried to pull him away to drink with him. He only shook him off. He had to listen to her. Not interfere with what she wanted. Even if it was killing him. 
Even if Jax would hate himself if he knew. He would hate them both. Sure he acted tough. He fought with Josie. But they loved each other. They loved each other more than anyone in the world. Even more than Gemma. They fought like teenagers and protected each other like soldiers on a mission. 
In some ways this was his own mission. To listen to Josie. To not interfere and to not let Jax find out about it all. He was tasked with keeping the glue together and not to open the drape and reveal all the magic behind the drape hiding behind the audience view. He was tasked with keeping all the dirty secrets. 
Which wasn’t any different than what they all did in the club. They all had some secret they kept. Clay and Tig had the secret of killing his wife. Jax kept his fathers legacy hidden behind them all. Chib kept his family hidden away from eyes and ears. And Gemma she kept the most secrets. 
Opie stood there for five then ten. Before he got another drink. And he stood there for fifteen then twenty minutes. Until the guy walked out the doors. His shirt tucked back into his suit pants. A tie wrapped around his neck. Red lipstick stuck to his neck just in Opie’s view. That he would know anywhere. He tasted the same lipstick multiple times. 
Another minute before she walked out. Pink hair still bouncing on her shoulders. A hole in her fishnets. And red lipstick just a bit dimmer on her lips. She made eye contact with him and smiled. But he only looked away. Walking away. The third beer between his hands. And he had been there less then an hour. Maybe thirty minutes. 
 He may have been able to follow her wishes. Kept her secret. But it didn’t mean he was okay with it. Didn’t mean that it didn’t hurt any bit less. To see the woman he loved in another man’s hands. Touched like he wasn’t there. Like what they had didn’t mean anything. Like she was a piece of meat. 
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fairytellerxo · 5 years
AN: this was requested by @mrsjaxtellerfan. I hope I did some justice to your idea. 
This is a whole new style of writing for me and it doesn’t come to easy for me but I’m trying to step outside of my box and improve my writing. So, thank you for supporting me in this endeavor by sending in a request. 
Jax x Plus Sized Reader
Word Count: 1060
It had been a rough couple of weeks. Losing your brother Opie. He wasn’t simply just your brother. He was your twin. Meaning you and him shared a bond that was deeper than anyone else could understand. So losing him, it hit you hard. You swore up and down that you felt the exact moment he took his last breath. You didn’t need to hear a single detail, you just knew he was gone and that he was never coming back. 
That was why you spent so much time holed up with Jax. You sought out comfort and familiarness. You just needed to see him because he was there when Opie took his last breath. Swore to seek out vengeance while the loss just made you realize how short life really was and how you didn’t even know if you would live to see a week from now, let alone in the morning.
You smiled to yourself, pulling the hood off your head as you wiped away the silent tears that had been falling. Turning slightly to see Jax who had his nose buried in a book. It was a far cry from his usual demeanor but it was still very much attractive. Which brought you to the edge of honesty. You couldn’t keep it to yourself anymore. You knew you were far from his type but at the same time, you just had to let him know and hope for the best.
“Jax,” Your voice was quiet and shaky as you watched him slowly look up from his book and flash a crooked grin. “Can we talk for a moment?”
Jax closed the book before dropping it onto the coffee table and moving closer to the brunette. “Sure, what’s on your mind huh?” He studies your face carefully before grabbing your hand and running his thumb over your knuckles. “I’m all ears.”
You chuckled softly, running your free hand through your hair before you sighed. This was something you could never go back from. You were either going to be completely honest with him and be humiliated over it, or be honest and have the feeling reciprocated. Something you doubted was going to happen. You were tall, curvy and confident, while he liked short, skinny and without any type of curve. You weren’t even sure he’d be able to handle you. “So, losing Opie, it has made me realize a whole lot of shit. Like, life is fucking short and I have to start being honest with myself and everyone else in my life.”
He nodded slowly, watching your slight movements. “Like I said, I’m all ears. Get out what you have to say. No judgement zone.”
“I hope so,” You took a deep breath before exhaling slowly. “I have had feelings for you for quite a while now. I get it, not your type and I’m Opie’s twin, so it might be a bit weird or whatever. I really like you though Jax.” You nodded slowly both proud and afraid for yourself. You were putting yourself out there, something that you tended to shy away from. It was years of rejection that had hardened your heart, followed by years of learning to love yourself, that allowed you this moment of confidence. You just needed him to reject you softly but swiftly. 
Jax stared at you for a few more moments. Trying to process the information before he steadied both of your hands. “Yeah? So, you think you just know my type and know me well enough to assume that you’re not someone I could be attracted to.” He shook his head slowly. “You’re my best friend’s sister, his twin at that. I got threatened by Opie time and time again. Remember that valentine’s day in fifth grade when I got you flowers and chocolate, asked you to have ice cream and pizza with me?” 
“Yes,” You remembered it very well. It was one of the best moments of your life. Getting to go on a date with Jackson Teller; the Prince of Charming. Even though it had been chaperoned, you loved every single moment of it. It was the first time you enjoyed food with someone who wasn’t your brother. You didn’t feel judged, you felt liked. “It was my first actual date.” You chuckled as you felt your cheeks flush red. 
He chuckled. “I came to school that following Monday with a black eye,” He gently grabbed your chin and turned your head to face him again. “I lied and said I was hit in the face with a stray fuckin’ baseball. Opie punched me in the face, said you were off limits and that he’d never allow it.  I guess I should’ve stood up to him but you saw how big he was.”
You nodded slowly, butterflies in your stomach as you hoped this trip down memory lane was leading up to where your heart wanted it to. “Opie never told me that. He always vouched for the baseball to the mug story.” You smiled at him. “What are you trying to say Jax?”
“It’s you,” Jax leaned closer to you and kissed your full lips softly. “I don’t have a set type. Plus, I don’t have the best history of picking out women.” He laughed as he studied your face. “It’s you, it’s always been you and will always be you. I just thought that I wasn’t your type. I’m not the smartest or the most talented. You’re intelligent as all hell and you’ve got your shit together.”
“None of that matters, it’s how you’ve always made me feel. You never made me feel like I was less because of my size. It’s just the pattern of who you dated and I’m no Tara or Wendy. I’m far from being submissive.” You let out a small giggle as he pulls you onto his lap. “It’s always you and I don’t want this to go bad. I’m willing to give it a fair shot if you are.”
He nodded and smiled before kissing you again. “Life’s too short for us not to give it a fair chance.” He pushed your hair out of your face. “You are gorgeous. You also thought you were slick with thinking you know me that well.” He chuckled as he wrapped you in a tight hug. “You’re stuck with me Winston.”
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rayslittlekitten · 3 years
It’s Not Cheating
"You Got This” Masterlist
A/N: Wow it’s been a hot minute (like two weeks) since I’ve written anything. Here’s a little something for Fanfic Friday from like two weeks ago. I knew this was going to be a Jax/Opie’s sister fic so this is from the “You Got This” universe.
Rating: T
Word Count: ~800
Pairing: Teenage!Jax Teller x Teenage F!Reader/OFC
Contains: Protective Jax, cursing, fluff, Jax being flirty, maybe some spelling/grammatical errors
Photo Prompt:
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You, Jax, Opie and his girlfriend go on another “double date”. This time it’s at the town arcade where all the kids and a lot of teenagers hang out. While Opie and Kate is doing what you’re sure is making out in the photo booth, you and Jax are trying to roll some balls into some narrow holes six feet in front of the both of you.
“You’re losing your touch, Winston. You use to be a skeeball master. What happened?” Jax successfully gets a ball into the hole with the highest points.
“Your ass is distracting me,” you flirt.
“My ass is distracting?” Jax chuckles. “Darlin’ you’re the one struttin’ around in those tight jean shorts.” Jax glances over at your ass and notices in his peripheral vision few guys behind you checking you out.
“What the fuck are you pricks looking at?” Jax stalks over to them with a weighted ball clutched in his hand, looking like he’s ready to shove it down one of their throats.
You turn your head and follow Jax to see who he’s talking to and where he’s heading.
“Jackson!” You chase after him and grab his wrist, taking the potential weapon away from him. Jax guides you behind him, acting as a barrier between you and these boys.
Jax stares them down for a moment, studying and burning each of their faces into his memory.
“I better not fucking see you guys again!" Jax warns them.
He watches intently as the group chuckles and rolls their eyes before casually walking away. After a moment, you tug on Jax's hand.
"Jackson, they weren't worth it. They're just dumb boys from school," you tell him. Jax finally looks over at you.
"You know them?" Jax asks, wide-eyed.
"Well, I know who they are, but I don't hang out with them or anything," you tell Jax. "They're typical stupid teenage boys who look at all the girls. They're harmless."
Jax takes off his flannel, leaving him in his white tee and starts wrapping the sleeves around your waist.
"What are you doing?" You put your arms up above your head to allow whatever Jax is doing.
"I'm covering your ass so no one else can look at it," Jax responds as he tightly knots the sleeves around your lower waist.
You roll your eyes and shake your head while smirking.
"That sweet ass is for my eyes only." Jax reaches his hands back to palm your ass and pulls you in against his body. You wrap your arms around his neck and smile at him.
"Well, that sweet ass wants a giant teddy bear, Teller."
"Then that sweet ass will get what it wants." Jax smirks and leans down to smash his lips against yours. "And then that sweet ass will be mines." Jax squeezes your ass.
You giggle and playfully shove him. "Perv!"
"Only a perv for you." Jax winks before walking over to the skeeball machine again. He puts a quarter into the machine to start it up and when the balls get released, he grabs as many as he can and then climbs onto the machine, then walks up to the other end and one by one, dumps the balls into the hole that scores the highest points.
"Oh my God, Jackson! You can't do that! That's cheating!" You tell him with your hands over your face.
"Says who?" He goes back to get more balls and repeats it until time is up. He walks back to the front of the machine and tickets are spitting out of the machine. He inserts another quarter. "It's not cheating unless you get caught, darlin'." He winks at you. "Be on the look out." He gently grabs your chin and gives you a peck on your lips.
You laugh as you watch your boyfriend fearlessly grab the weighted balls and shuffling over to the far end.
"Jax, what the hell?" the voice laughs.
You look over to find your brother and his girlfriend next to you.
Jax hops off the machine and looks down at the mountain of tickets pouring out at his feet.
"The Princess of Charming wants the giant teddy bear, so," Jax shrugs. "I'm winning it for her."
"You think that's enough tickets?" you ask. "I think you need like five thousand or something really high."
"You definitely need like twice as much as that." Opie points to the pile. "I won one for her last week but I did it the right way." Opie nods towards Kate.
"But if my baby sister wants one too, she will get it." Opie smiles at you and then walks to the skeeball machine next to Jax and slips a quarter into the machine. He follows Jax's lead.
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Half As Good As You (1 / 2)
Jax Teller x Female Reader
A/N: I know i’m late to the party, but I am finally catching up with Sons of Anarchy, also known as one of the greatest shows ever made. I absolutely adore it, for so many reasons (Charlie Hunnam obviously being one of them). Jax Teller is such a promising character, with such an enormous literary potential, I couldn’t resist. 
This two-part story is loosely based on Tom Odell’s song “Half As Good As You”. 
Please enjoy, feedback is appreciated if you feel like leaving something. 
Warnings: a lil’ bit of angst and heartache. 
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What a spectacular day for murder, you thought, grabbing your Balenciaga bag from the passenger seat right next to you, your cold take-out coffee’s smell still hanging in the confines of your car.
Charming welcomed you back with cloudless, infinite azure and blinding yellow sun, an airplane chalking a line on the canvas of the sky above your head.
Swinging that bag over your shoulder, you let your gaze wander back to the house in front of you; the empty driveway, those colorless roses and the unwelcoming cold blue paint that you never thought you’d see again.
Your sister might have lived in that house now, but the vibe of it hadn’t changed much - it still stank of bleach, burned leather and filthy secrets. 
And to think you were to spend a weekend in these walls, where every little detail, everything - reminded you of him.
It felt like it had been ages; all your memories were just some stories someone had told you at some point, with no beginning and no end, pages ripped from old dusty journals for which no one had a care in the world anymore.
You lied, of course, when you told your sister if you’d come down it’d strictly be out of the goodness of the heart. Over the phone, you insisted on not wanting to leave the house before the wedding - that fucking house you hated the most in the entire world, that gas chamber in which you knew you’d have trouble to breathe - because you’d only come to watch her kids, while she gets drunk & partially naked before she ties the knot.
The sound of a roaring engine a few blocks away interrupted your train of thought as shivers ran down your spine, your fingers gripping steering wheel so hard your skin turned white.
Coming to Charming was a mistake.
Leaving the city in the first place was a choice, with which you’d learned to live.
Or so you thought.
Dawns were always the worst.
The subtle shift of light at around five in the morning gave the shit in his room back its color: the deep navy of his crumpled sheets, striking whites, yellows and greens of his underwear, scattered around, and the soft amber of the dresser, with framed pictures on top.
Jax would look at these colors perfect themselves, come out in all of their intensive glory, yet this would never amount to anything - no change in his black-and-white routine.
The rising sun later chose the best angle for its mindful rays, whitening out the faces on those photos. Most of the time, if Jax would let his eyes slip over the paper’s polished surface - accidentally, he kept telling himself - all he saw was perfect squares of bright light, the sun doing the job his brain couldn’t - saving him all the heartache.
The morning would paint his misery a new, less lethargic color as he’d drink his coffee at the bar, surrounded by his brothers, all laughing and talking in hoarse, morning voices. That would shake him up a little, the claws of last night’s dreams letting go some. Those dreams died eventually, but the nightmare of reality went on, and sometimes it was difficult for Jax to tell one from the other.
He didn’t know it yet, but today was going to push his coping mechanisms to a whole new level.
Sitting at the bar, his long fingers wrapped around a big cup of coffee, Jax kept digging holes in the middle of a microwaved cherry pie with a table spoon. He wasn’t hungry, but he knew he had to get some food into him - the day promised to be busy and chaotic, he’d get lucky if he got a chance to eat before dinner.
“Aye, Jackie-boy, any news from Ope?” Jax slowly registered Chibs’ words as the Scot called for his attention, carefully sipping on his steamy tea.
It took a moment for Telford’s words to settle in; retrieving his phone from the side pocket of his sweats, Jax powered the display.
“Yeah, he’s...”
Words stuck in his throat, a lump he tried to push down, swallowing hard. He dropped the phone flat on the bar table, the sound deafening. Inhaling deeply, Jax brought one of his hands up to rub his eyes, his elbow knocking over the cup of lukewarm coffee.
The drops of brownish liquid landed on your face, smiling at him from his phone, with Opie’s kids on either side.
Y/N’s in town. I’m sorry, man, we didn’t think she’d actually show. I’m on my way.
‘He’s on his way.’
Wiping his phone with the white t-shirt he still wore from last night, Jax scrolled down to see if Opie sent more of that stunningly pretty, makeup-free face of yours.
Winston didn’t.
It didn’t really matter, because one look at you had already sent his imagination reeling, his heart twisting in regret while beating ten hundred miles a minute.
You were back in Charming. The idea seemed outrageous, his thoughts even more so.
Maybe, it was a sign. Maybe, this was his past coming around to give him another shot to do this different. Better.
Maybe you two could work the shit out in the end of the day, maybe... maybe you came back for him.
“Hey Prospect, clean this shit up, will you?”
Grabbing his phone from the table, Jax motioned towards the black puddle on the floor once he got Half-Sack’s attention.
Running his fingers through the dirty-blond mane of hair, Teller headed to his room to take a shower, wash those bullshit thoughts away.
That’s all they were. Bullshit.
Your arrival lit a match in his mind, anger consuming him quicker than fire licking at dry paper.
And to what end?
The anger would come and go, leaving not even a fucking hint of solace behind.
So would you.
You never got around to babysitting that evening.
Dua Lipa’s voice blaring from the speakers, you could feel your chest rumble to the rhythm. The place was swarming with people; the bar welcomed a big crowd tonight, and under flickering lights you zeroed in on a face now and again, pacing your evening by the number of people you managed to make out from the human drunken mass.
Donna was having the time of her life as she swayed her hips to the beat. Her cheeks a lovely shade of pink, she laughed at something your friend Chloe said, wrinkles in the corners of her eyes, silent witnesses of her happiness.
Fumbling with your Margarita, you watched your sister closely, trying to convince yourself it was okay. It was Harry she was marrying for God’s sake. That teddy bear of a man that’d kill for her if needed.
And that was exactly what didn’t sit quite well with you.
You threw your head back, finishing your drink in one single gulp. Slamming the glass against the bar, you motioned for the bartender to approach. The young man with a messy man bun flashed you a smile, silently asking what your next choice would be.
“Whiskey on the rocks,” you yelled over the music, leaning over the bar so he could hear you better. Smiling still, the guy nodded, getting to it right away.
You plopped back on your seat, scanning the crowd with your eyes, again, trying to pass the time.
The scene hadn’t changed much since the last time you checked - most of the faces remained the same, the only difference being the cloudiness in people’s stares and sloppiness of their movements.
Yet your eyes narrowed as soon as you caught a young, handsome man staring at you, averting his gaze as soon as you spotted him. You were pretty sure you had never met him, yet something about him felt familiar... and suspicious.
Paying for your whiskey, you slipped off the bar stool, and slowly made your way to Donna.
“I’m going to get some air,’ you screamed into her ear, the beat of the basses making your knees tremble. Donna looked at you for a moment, as if trying to figure out your motives. Then she quickly nodded, lightly squeezing your wrist before letting go.
Gripping your whiskey glass tightly in order not to spill its contents, you made your way through the shifting crowd and into the hallway, slowly but surely.
Just as you walked out from the bar area, you noticed that young man you caught staring before turning around on his heels, following you.
It was a fleeting moment kind of realization, as you noticed Prospect written in bold letters on the back of the kutte the guy was wearing. Immediately you squirmed, pushing your way out of the bar with your elbows, slamming your glass on one of the unoccupied tables as you advanced.
“Shit,” you cursed, your eyes dashing around in search for a place to hide as soon as you reached the hallway.
You were being fucking followed. From the very fucking beginning. And by whom? By the Sons of Fucking Anarchy.
That would definitely up the number of candidates on your list for a well-deserved one night stand.
Thank God they didn’t think of sending someone bigger and meaner-looking, like Tig. Then your chances of getting laid tonight would have been non-existent, with the blue-eyed biker following you around like a shadow... shadow of death.
You froze at the thought, your mind painting the reaper tattoo before your eyes, angry black traits marking Jax’ ripped back.
The Prospect didn’t stay inside with Donna. It’s you he’d been told to follow around.
Clutching both of your fists in a sudden wave of anger that hit you like a speeding train, you muttered obscenities, your chest heaving.
Trying to swim against the current was useless at this point - you couldn’t change the way things were in this town years ago, why jump headfirst into that fight all over again? - yet two could play this game, you thought, Jax fucking Teller.
“Hey there, beautiful,” you were so lost in your thoughts, your eyes drilling a hole in the marble floor, you hadn’t noticed a pair of bright classy purple shoes walk out of the men’s restroom. Your eyes instantly flicked up to face a handsome stranger with deep grey eyes and a three-day black stubble on his razor-sharp cheekbones. The stranger smiled at you warmly, slipping both of his hands in the pockets of his expensive-looking jeans.
Bingo, you thought, mix of liquid courage and adrenaline spilling into your veins.
“Hi,” giving him a half-smile, you threw a quick glance over your shoulder.
Damn Prospect was watching you through the small dirty window in the door.
Grabbing the stranger by the lapels of his leather jacket, you pulled him in, your lips smashing against his.
You couldn’t even register one thing at a time, whirlwind of sensations and puzzle-like thoughts flooding your mind. He smelled of leather, cigarette smoke and musk, a sinful mix so familiar your stomach ached in an overwhelming need to stain yourself with it; steal it, carry it. The only thing stopping you was the absence of an important undernote, something sugary and spicy like oud or patchouli...
You figured it out in a matter of seconds, and even though the detail was bound to ruin everything, you still tried. Tried to fool yourself.
Even though his lips were a little too full for your liking. A little too soft. A little too innocent. A little too different from what you loved.
With your eyes closed, you bit his bottom lip, focusing on the way his rough cheeks felt against the palms of your hands as you cupped his face.
He didn’t bite back. He didn’t grab your hips with his hands, pulling you in closer. He didn’t moan into your mouth.
You didn’t click and that was that.
You still tried.
Holding on to that familiarity of rough beard under your fingertips, his scent completely engulfing you, you thought whether he hollowed his cheeks when he inhaled the smoke. He wasn’t a manual worker - you could tell from the softness of his touch as he positioned one of his hands on the nape of your neck. Exactly, positioned - that was the word. To describe a nearly mechanic movement of those soft little fingers.
Probably ain’t that good with his hands, darlin’ - Jax’ shit-eating grin appeared before your eyes for a millisecond, exactly the time it took for you to try and get a hold of yourself again.
You tried.
Your eyes fluttered open as the stranger rolled his tongue over your bottom lip - a little provocation that made you lose your mind back in the day. This time it felt like an ice-bucket full of water being dumped on the top of your head. It felt invasive, arrogant and wrong. It felt wrong, fault of his lips, his smell, his cheeks... Fault of him not being who you wanted him to be.
The stranger kissed you with his grey eyes open. And it shouldn’t have mattered at all - for all you knew, you’d have never seen him again - but it fucking did; the man you wanted always closed his eyes with your lips on his.
‘Hey, could you...’ you whispered, your lips still touching his. ‘Could you please close your eyes?...’
No answer followed. The stranger moved his head a little, confused look of those grey eyes settling on your face.
You ransacked your mind for something to say that could justify the shitty stunt you pulled; nothing came out. Luckily, the outside world came knocking soon enough.
‘Y/N!’ swinging the door to the bar open, Donna and her flushed and happy face came into view. ‘We’re doing shots, you with us?’
‘Yeah!’ you answered a little too quickly, relief in your voice almost tangible. ‘I’m coming’.
You gave the stranger a sympathetic look before letting go of his jacket.
‘I’m sorry,’ you told him blankly, not sure what kind of emotion he’d expect from you, given the context. ‘It was nice meeting you, uh...’
‘Gabriel’, he filled in, his lips still raw from the kiss you shared.
‘Gabriel,’ you repeated, knowing you’d forget his name the moment you’d turn away. ‘See you around, I guess’.
Just as you left the man with purple shoes behind, following Donna, you noticed the Prospect by the bar. He caught your eyes and gave you an uneasy smile.
For a spy, the guy isn’t exactly hiding, you thought. Biting the inside of your cheeks, you decided to finish what you started for once and headed his way.
Nighttime had always been the time for his demons to come out to play. To bring out the worst in him.
Tonight, however, felt different.
The night was silent, save for the car engines revving miles away from Teller Morrow. Stars dotted the inky sky, their shine so bright they looked like holes in heaven’s floor.
Jax’s mind was clear – not a single stray thought corrupting the peacefulness of the moment. The roof may have trembled under his feet, good old tunes rocking the walls of the club, but he heard none of it, not a single note. Hollowing his cheeks, he took a deep drag of his cigarette ; the smoke eddied coolly down his throat, until he puffed it out slowly – milky white and circular.
This stillness was new to Jax, the feeling of time rolling by in its silent and endless way soothing him. He wallowed in it for a moment ; until the thuds of careful steps reached his ears.
Dumping the cigarette butt over the roof and straight down on the parking lot, Jax watched Opie’s impressive, broad frame block the harvest moon from the view, as he slowly climbed the stairs.
‘If this ain’t the man of the hour,’ Jax said, his lips bearing the semblance of a smile. ‘Tired of enjoying your last days of freedom yet?’
Opie chuckled quietly, making his way to his best friend. He shook his head slightly, taking a seat next to Jax, his eyes immediately drawn to the beauty that was the night sky.
‘I’ve belonged to Donna since forever, man,’ Opie shrugged, moonlight reflecting in his dark eyes. ‘This is just an excuse for boys to enjoy booze and pussy’.
Jax rolled his tongue over his bottom lip before biting on it, smiling knowingly.
‘Yeah,’ he let out, nodding slowly. Fumbling with his cigarettes, he offered one to Ope. Winston gladly accepted, lighting it up.
They sat in a comfortable silence for a while, listening to downtown Charming snore softly in its agitated sleep.
‘Saw you talking to Ima at the bar,’ Opie was first to break the silence, exhaling the smoke. ‘She still carries a torch for you?’
A crooked half-smile graced Jax’ face at the question; he slowly stood up, raising both of his hands and stretching, the hoodie he was wearing rolling up a tad, thus showing toned muscles.
‘Don’t even get me started on this one, man’, Jax shook his head, raising his eyebrows in desperate gesture. ‘She keeps pestering me about that old lady shit…’
Opie whistled, watching Jax lean over the roof barrier, and following him shortly.
‘Ima? An old lady?’ Opie repeated in disbelief, Jax watching him with a blooming smirk. ‘She’s really getting desperate ain’t she?’
Jax let out a booming laugh before staring down into the ground, his thoughts taking him elsewhere.
Comfotable silence settled over the roof again. It were as if the world had stopped, came to a much needed halt, yet both Jax and Opie knew the feeling wouldn’t last.
‘I don’t think I’ll ever get around to what you’re doing, Ope’, Teller suddenly confessed, unblinking, voicing the thoughts that’d been plaguing his mind for what seemed like ages. ‘How am I supposed to ask someone to just open themselves up to the neverending load of shit we’re dealing with on a regular basis? I deal arms, I sell porn, I hurt people. That’s all I’m good for. Who would ever want to be associated with this kind of psycho, huh? Maybe Ima is my end game.’
Jax smiled bitterly, stealing a quick glance at the Teller Morrow sign on his left, even unlit a painful reminder of who he was. Opie grabbed Jax’s shoulder, squeezing it tightly.
‘Bullshit,’ he protested, shoving Jax back a tad unintentionally. He looked Teller right into the eyes, holding that heavy stare of stormy blue orbs for a moment. ‘I know someone who did want that, Jax’, he finally said, letting go of his friend, sadness lacing his words. ‘You’re not asking for a goddamn moon’.
The Vice-President of SAMCRO sneered, biting on the inside of his cheek. Opie knew he took a plunge in dangerous waters with that statement, but he also knew he needed to put this shit Jax’d been going through ever since that fight of yours on the table.
‘Damn straight I am,’ Jax bit back roughly, not even trying not to rise to the bait. ‘That someone you know made sure I was aware of that,’ he spat, his voice dripping with anger.
‘You’re not being fair, man’ Opie stated sternly, taking a step back and shoving both hands into his jeans’ pockets, his eyes never quitting Jax’ face. ‘You both said things you didn’t mean that night. Besides,’ his voice softening up a bit, he continued. ‘Can you really blame her? After what we did to the A.T.F.?’
Jax scoffed, turning his head in Opie’s direction. The fire that anger lit in his eyes wasn’t quite gone yet, its sparks still lingering on the surface of Teller’s irises.
‘Donna didn’t seem to mind,’ he observed spitefully, turning around and leaning on the barrier, folding his hands across his chest, as if protecting his bleeding heart.
‘Donna doesn’t know!’ Opie retorted almost instantly. ‘That’s why I’m still marrying her on Tuesday!’ once the words were out of his mouth, he rubbed one of his hands against his beard, looking away, exasperated. ‘Y/N didn’t tell her shit’, he added quietly.
Gritting his teeth, Jax faced the barrier again, grabbing it with both of his hands. Rocking himself back and forth on his heels, he let out an irritated, rumbling sigh.
There was something in that sound of air pushing its way in between Jax’s lips that made Opie freeze; the fierceness of heartache behind it. Opie watched. He watched Jax’s face, as Teller bit the inside of his bottom lip, shaking his head, lowering his gaze – hiding those glossy baby blues of his.
Then he knew.
Jax’s anger was nothing but a shield for pain. Empty bravado. Signifying nothing.
Each word coming out of Teller’s mouth was an activated grenade; Jax was a soldier, cornered by his pain, scared, desperate and so damn lonely. Bitterness was his surviving mechanism. Little did he know that those verbal grenades he threw would eventually end up backfiring at him. And then that anger – that shield he carried – would clatter to the ground and the pain would hit him like a tsunami. Choking him. Drowning him.
‘I don’t care,’ Jax finally spoke, facing his best friend again. Strangled emotion seeped out of his words, only confirming what Ope had already knew.  ‘If I had to choose between Y/N and that A.T.F.’s wife again, I wouldn’t have done a damn thing differently. I will always choose Y/N.’
Protectiveness rang in Jax’s voice, like bullets falling on the ground. He eyed Opie almost threateningly, daring him to challenge his statement.
Opie nodded slowly, reassuringly. This simple gesture made Jax’s body relax a bit, as he rolled back his shoulders.
‘I know, man,’ Opie spoke calmly. ‘Y/N knows it, too, and she’s grateful, trust me. There was only one way to do it with her getting out alive,’ Winston frowned at the thought, watching the same kind of expression darken Jax’s features. ‘She now lives with the weight of two deaths on her shoulders, for God’s sake, cut her some slack.’
‘She didn’t pull that trigger on the A.T.F. when he came asking about his old lady, Ope,’ Jax rubbed his eyes with the heels of his hands tiredly. He clearly did not want to have the same kind of conversation with Ope that he would have with himself in the darkness of the night. ‘I did’, he said, more to himself than to Winston, not even looking at his brother. ‘I killed him.’
Jax vocalized what he’d been telling himself ever since you left, forcing himself to believe that this – he – was the reason you two broke and could never be put together again.
‘Those two deaths are on me,’ he added, hoping his mind would be satisfied with the self-hatred audible in his confession. But it wasn’t. He knew the same thoughts would be back to haunt him in the night all over again.
‘This is on Mayans, Jax, all of it’, Opie tried to counter, watching Jax being submerged with the idea of who he thought he was. The idea that was, of course, complete and utter bullshit. ‘All you did was protecting your family. Protecting the club.’
‘Yeah, whatever’, Jax managed a small smile, almost free of bitterness. ‘It’s over, Ope. It’s done’.
Lowering his head, Jax searched for his cigarettes in his pockets, slapping his palms against the leather of his kutte. Finally finding what he’d been looking for, he took a Zippo lighter from Opie’s stretched hand and lit up the cancer stick.
Hollowing his cheeks, inhaling deeply, Jax raised his eyebrows at Ope, judging from his uneasy expression that he wanted to speak, but weren’t sure how to go about it.
‘You know it ain’t over, man’ Winston finally managed, his voice quiet and hoarse. ‘You still love her’.
The statement made Jax chuckle for some mysterious reason ; he threw his head back, slowly exhaling the smoke as it carressed his lips. Watching Ope with the same amused yet hard expression he learned to master, Jax spread his arms, as wide as they would go.
‘Yeah, well, I guess I’m shit out of luck then, ain’t I?’ a wicked smile grew on his mouth. ‘I’ll just have to find someone half as good as her, and that’s that. Consider myself lucky if I do.’
Opie huffed out a breath, looking away and down at the parking lot, shaking his head. Jax leaned against the roof barrier, taking another deep drag of his cigarette, dropping his gaze.
‘Or,’ Opie broke the silence all of the sudden. ‘You can just talk to her. Work this shit out’.
Jax gave his friend a sideways glance, a ghost of hope settling along the curves of his red lips.
‘She won’t see me, Ope,’ Jax’s words were contradicting his body language. He stood straighter, letting his chest open up as he leaned backfirst onto the barrier. ‘I’m dead to her’.
‘Guess she’s here to visit your grave then,’ Opie smirked, motioning towards the parking lot with a slight movement of his chin.
Jax’s immediate reaction was a deep, skin-creasing frown, his mind a surging perplexity. Opie could literally see the realization dawn on him, the walls he had spent all these years bulding high and deep crumbling at his feet. All it took was one look at you ; one look at that black car that brought you home.
Dread flashing in his blue eyes, excitement creeping up his spine, Jax didn’t even realize he’d been holding his breath for three minutes straight. His heart trying to escape the rattling cage that was his chest, Teller closed his eyes. Anticipation tingling through him like electric current, down to his Nike-cladded feet, he bit his bottom lip, regaining control over his body.
His blue sparkling eyes flashed in the darkness as Opie’s gentle, yet slightly mocking voice cut the tension like a knife :
‘If I were you,’ trying to keep the urge to smile at bay, Winston pursued his lips. ‘I’d hurry downstairs before Ima spots Y/N at the entrance…’
‘Shit !’ Jax hissed, already climbing down the stairs as fast as his feet would take him. In one adrenaline-fuelled jump he leapt towards the entrance door of the club, his brain on fast-forward and his heart skipping several beats at a time at the thought of seeing you…
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garbinge · 4 months
Charming Life (7/?)
Opie Winston x Teller!SisterOC Joanne ‘Jo’ Teller Jax Teller & OC Joanne Teller 30 Day Fic Challenge (18/30)
Chapter Index 
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: All my fics are 18+ regardless of content. Siblings fighting again, light angst, but other than that mostly fluffy.
Charming Life Taglist: @drabbles-mc​ @livingdeadblondequeen​ @justreblogginfics @chloe-skywalker @kmc1989
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“Hey.” Opie’s voice caused Jo to turn around, almost knocking over her salon chair. 
“Hey.” She laughed and steadied herself. 
“You alright?” He frowned, taking a step closer to her. “Yea, sorry just a weird day.” 
“Micky?” Opie frowned and asked. 
“No, why? What do you know?” The girl got nervous, quick. 
“Nothin’, no. Just see you get like this when it’s gotta do with that piece of shit.” 
“For once my problems have nothing to do with him.” She laughed and ran her hands through her hair again. 
Opie frowned looking for an answer from her and she just shook her head. “Jax and I got into it, feel like we haven’t fought like that since we were teenagers and I was yelling at him to turn his music down or he was pushing me down the stairs to get the passenger seat the rare times Gemma took us to school. This was bad, Ope. He said some awful shit.” 
“I remember way worse fights than that.” Opie laughed and wrapped his arm around Jo as he recalled the fight he witnessed first hand. “Think he asked you what it’s like to be so perfect and it snowballed from there.” 
“I pushed him in Gemma’s azaleas, she still hasn’t forgiven me for that.” Her head was pressed against Opie’s chest. 
“He’ll come around.” He was now rubbing her back with his arm. “How you holding up about Luanne?” 
“I’m fine, more worried about my mom. She asked to watch Dil today, think she’s trying to break the cloud around her.” Jo spoke still soaking in every minute of this embrace with Opie. 
“You off work?” Opie asked, hoping it meant he could spend some time with Jo. 
“No, I have a 4:30 client. Who always shows up late and wants a full head of highlights, shit take’s forever.” She sighed. “What’re you doing tonight?” She peeled away from his chest to look up at him. “Want to hang then? I can pick the kids up and have ‘em sleep at my place. We could watch a movie.” She shrugged. 
Opie sighed and dipped his head. “I’ve got club shit tonight. Don’t worry about the kids, Bobby’s sister is watching them.” 
Jo looked up and raised her eyebrows. “You’d be better having Bobby himself watch them.” She teased. “I’ll pick them up, they can stay at my place. Dil loves having them around, I think she breaks them out of their shell.” 
“She does, Ellie was mumbling that song Dillon is always singing around the club the other day. I’m lucky to get her to say more than 5 words a day.” Opie laughed. 
“See. I’ll pick ‘em up after this client. I’ll see you in the morning.” Jo leaned up and placed a quick kiss to Opie’s lips. It was still an unsure thing, the two hadn’t really discussed anything, which was typical, but one thing that was certain without words was something shifted with them. 
“Everything’s going to be okay.” Opie caught Jo’s head before she pulled away too far. 
“I really hope that’s true.” She closed her eyes and before another word could come from her mouth, another kiss was being placed on her lips, this one more passionate than the one she left on Opie, this one he was holding her close like taking any time away from doing exactly this would paralyze him, but his touch was light and tender on her so as not to make her uncomfortable. The kiss was long, and Jo practically melted into him again. She felt the butterflies in her stomach full force, still almost a dream to her that this was her reality. 
As Jo pulled into TM the next morning, she saw Gemma walking from the office to her car. 
“Hey!” She called to her mother before stepping out of the car. Gemma turned and frowned. 
“What’re you doing here so early?” 
“Wanted to check in on you, plus I’m meeting Opie, going to grab breakfast with everyone.” She pointed to her backseat which had all 3 kids. 
Gemma smirked and thought to ask more questions but held off. “I’m headed to give Wayne a ride. Just needed to drop off some paperwork I brought home last night.” 
“How you holding up?” Jo genuinely asked her mother. 
“I’m fine.” She answered quickly and clearly lying straight through her teeth. 
“Here if you need anything.” Joanne spoke just as the rumbles of motorcycles began to sound from down the street. 
“Looks like your breakfast date awaits you.” Gemma’s eyebrows raised and she smiled again before peering into the car to see the kids. 
Jax and Opie pulled up. Opie offered a quick wave as he moved to debrief with the rest of the guys, leaving Jax by himself. Jo would have easily ignored her younger brother if it wasn’t for Dillon undoing her belt and opening the car door to run towards him. 
“Uncle Jax!” She called out as she ran faster than Jo’s head could wrap around what she was doing. 
Without a second guess, Jax was kneeling to the ground to pick the girl up, all smiles on his face. “What’s up Dillybear.” She was now settled in his arms. “Going to breakfast, I’m going to get waffles, french toast, bacon, sausage, maybe hashbrowns,” she started listing off every breakfast food there was before catching her mother’s eyes and frowned. “and a cup of fruit yogurt because mom makes me.” 
“Yea mom can be annoying, can’t she.” Jax said knowing Jo was in full earshot to hear it. 
“So annoying, I hate the yogurt cup.” She crossed her arms and pouted. 
“Dillon, c’mon get back in the car, we’re gonna head out soon.” Jo’s voice was stern. 
“Do I have to eat the yogurt cup.” She tried to negotiate, a tactic she probably picked up from Gemma. 
“Yes, but if you eat the yogurt cup you’ll get chocolate chips in your pancakes.” 
“Deal.” The little girl was squirming out of Jax’s arms and running back to the car. 
“I don’t appreciate you negating me to my kid.” 
“It wasn’t a big deal, relax.” Jax laughed it off, annoyed himself. 
“Nothing’s a big deal to you because you don’t have to deal with it, it’s Jax’s world and we’re all just living in it.” 
“You really want to start this right now?” Jax looked like he was eager to fight with her. 
“I didn’t start shit, Jax. You started this by keeping that shit to yourself.” She pointed at him, it took everything in her not to step up and let her finger lay into him. 
“Can you just trust that I’m going to fix shit?” 
“You can’t seem to trust me, why should I trust you?” She pinned it back on him. 
“Call me when you grow up.” Jax was walking past the girl, shaking his head. 
“Jax!” Jo turned and it caught everyone’s attention but that didn’t bother her at all. “Call me when you actually want to be a brother!” 
It wasn’t a monumental diss, but it sure did get her point across. 
Breakfast was silent besides the kids murmuring and giggling to each other. It really was true, the three of them really brought out each other's personalities. While Kenny and Ellie became more vocal and out of their shell, they showed Dillon that she didn’t always have to be into the adult conversations. It was something that came with being an only child, she’d find herself in the mix of the adults, but now she had kids around her age more frequently to keep her occupied from that. 
“You wanna talk about it?” Opie casually brought up the tension as he picked at his plate. 
“No.” Jo was aggressively stabbing her pancakes. 
“Can I have your bacon?” Dillon was peering over at Opie’s plate. He let out a chuckle and looked to Jo for her permission to which she nodded. 
“Here, each of you get a piece.” He handed each kid one. 
“See you just have to ask, they normally say yes.” Dillon thought she was whispering perfectly but it just earned her another chuckle from Opie. 
“I’m so full.” He leaned back in his chair and looked at the kids. Dillon was so quick to copy him by leaning back as well and rubbing her belly.
“Ahhh, me too.” 
“You’re a funny kid, you know that, Dill.” Opie was smiling looking down at her. 
“Can we get pancakes every Sunday.” Kenny was leaning forward on the table, while his feet dangled. 
“If the schedule allows it, I don’t see why not.” Opie said with a shrug. 
“No, like all of us.” Ellie spoke up, still a shy voice, but learning to break out of it. 
This made Jo look up and she saw that the girl was looking between her and Dillon. 
“Yea, Ellie girl, I’d like that a lot.”
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