buckstaposition · 4 years
also...if you're taking prompts...how would you feel about writing even a little about marcus pike giving reader a massage and just generally being caring because you know how much I want you to write him and you also know how much I need that rn
okay, two days of ruminating and here’s what came of it. hope it lives up to expectation 🙏🥺:
Marcus Pike x (f!)xreader (f for mentions of wearing a bra, but that’s it), indulgent fluff, massage, cuddles, established relationship, Marcus Pike has husband material written all over him...hmm, what else? reference to not being a sprightly twenty-something anymore, but if you are presently a sprightly twenty-something you can still read this of course. in preparation for your future decrepitness or so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
words: 1101
Marcus poked his head out of the kitchen, brows raised in a sympathetic frown as he took in your brow-beaten form.
“You alright, honey?” Dammit, he looked too cute in his apron over rolled-up shirt sleeves. You were in no condition to truly appreciate the sight of your gorgeous boyfriend in all his domestic glory. You threw your keys in the dish by the coat rack and dropped your bag to the ground, managing an unconvincing thumbs-up with your other hand in lieu of words.
“That bad, huh?” You just nodded, wordlessly kicking off your shoes, then dragging your tired feet over to him and collapsing against his chest with another pained groan. You took a deep, fortifying breath from where you’d tucked your face into his neck.
“You smell nice.”
“Thanks.” He awkwardly wrapped his arms around you, being mindful of not getting any of the food on his hands onto your clothes.
“You always smell so nice.” A kiss pressed to your head elicits the first true smile of the day from you. “And you’re so good to me. What did I ever do to deserve you?”
You feel the low rumble of his little laugh more than hear it. You don’t want to move, because moving hurts. Some days you really hate not being twenty anymore. Mostly days like these when you come home tired and cranky, with the dull throb of a latent pressure headache between your temples, and small dumb things like moving your head wrong or sleeping funny result in your neck muscles locking up tighter than an activated safe room. You’d hoped it would dissipate over the course of the day, you even did some stretches, but to no avail.
“I gotta finish up dinner, my love. Why don’t you take a hot shower? It might make you feel a bit better.” He started swaying a bit on the spot with you, but you can tell he’s cautiously looking over his shoulder, probably making sure that whatever he has on the stove or in the oven isn’t starting to burn or boil over or anything. You make a displeased little sound, and then a pained one when you try to lift your arms to wind then around his waist.
“Come on, sweetheart.” Marcus started bodily shuffling the two of you along the hallway until you reached the bathroom door. He made to disentangle himself and you whined, burrowing closer. “Honey…”
You whined again and he sighed fondly. “Okay then. D’you just wanna sit while I finish up dinner?”
You nodded wordlessly. Marcus turned you both around and shuffled back towards the dining nook, settling you so you had a good view of the kitchen. You were miserable with pain and fatigue, but you appreciated that he never made you feel pathetic. With a kiss to the crown of your head, he left you to attend to dinner again.
You must have zoned out for a bit, because one moment you were watching Marcus cook – chopping, breading, stirring, frying, sautéing and so on – and the next a beautifully arranged plate was placed in front of you.
“Oh my god!” You exclaim. “Marcus this smells delicious!” Your answer is that pleased yet bashful little smile as he sits and motions for you to dig in, which you gladly do. How anyone could ever let this man go is beyond you.
Dinner enlivens you a bit. Admittedly a day of run-on meetings with only small breaks in between had left you ravenous. You can almost forget your aching back and tense muscles. Even go so far as to try and help Marcus with clearing the table afterwards.
“Honey, no.” He waved you off, but it’s mostly the intense pain when you try to lift your arms that makes you sink back into your chair. Not without a frown though.
“You already cooked!” You protested.
“Honey, it’s okay, really. You can clear out the dishwasher tomorrow if it makes you feel better.” Still pouting, you acquiesce. Marcus clears the table in record time and within minutes, you’re on your large, plush sofa, leaning back against Marcus who is warm and solid and comforting behind you.
You’re just about to doze off to the Golden Girls rerun on the TV when Marcus’ hands brush against your tender neck and you hiss.
“Christ, sweetheart, you’re tense enough to snap!”
“I almost did snap at Karen from accounting.”
“Very funny. Come sit up a bit yeah? Can you take your shirt off?”
“Oh, I’m suffering and you’re trying to get some action?” You sense his playful eyeroll even if you don’t see it. Nonetheless your hands start on the small buttons of your shirt. He helped you slide it off your arms, taking care to tuck the throw blanket up higher around you then moving to unclasp your bra. Once that too is discarded, he starts slowly, smoothing his warm fingers over the indentations left behind.
“Oooooh, I feel better already.” You sigh, only half in jest, and again he huffs out a short warm laugh, then presses a small kiss behind your ear. Your bliss lasts for about another half minute; when Marcus starts to dig his thumbs into the rigid tendons at the base of your neck you nearly sob. Marcus shushes you sweetly, humming a low ‘I know sweetheart, I’m sorry’ into the shell of your ear. To his credit, he is as gentle as he can be, but your muscles are so tight and coiled he does really have to dig in. But when he follows every forceful press with a soothing pass of his broad, warm hand over your skin, you can’t really object. Nor to the undeniable effect this treatment has. Already the tension lessens both in your muscles and your head, and with every minute you slip deeper into relaxation. Your eyes fall closed and the low noise of the TV faded into a mere background hum. You think you could fall sleep like this.
“Feeling better, my love?” Marcus passed one hand around to nudge gently against your collar bones, encouraging you to lean back against his chest. The small buttons of his dress shirt poke into your bare skin, but it’s a nuisance at best and you’re so woozy with relaxation now the sensation barely registers.
“Much.” You say. “Thank you, Marcus.”
You bend your head back against his shoulder, which you can now again do effortlessly, and kiss the corner of his smiling mouth while he tucks the throw blanket around your shoulders and wraps his arms around your middle.
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taglist: @thewayofthemandalorian @opheliaelysia @cinewhore @heatherbel 
@agirllovespancakes @pascalisthepunkest @aasimarr @knittingqueen13 
@thirstworldproblemss @seasonschange-butpeopledont  
To be added to a taglist pls go to the link at the top of my masterlist, which is pinned at the top of my blog. Thanks for reading 😊
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thefloorisbalaclava · 4 years
Ok I would be the happiest if you could do 59. “You own my heart.” & 80. “Lets run away together” with Javi - maybe something soft but angsty? Whatever you think works! I love your writing 💕
A/N: Once I saw these two prompts the ideas for the story I wanted to write for them started flowing and this has honestly been one of my favorite things to write. This fic also comes with some beautiful art drawn by my amazingly talented friend @minilev. She offered to draw something for me and I have never been more honored! Thanks again Anna! And thank you Jessica for such great and inspirational prompts. I hope you enjoy! :)
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Javier stood by the window as he reached into his pocket and took out the little box that he had been carrying around with him for the past few days. This little box held a lot of weight. It might have been heavier than anything he's ever carried besides the weight of his sins...and that's what worried him the most. You could say no. You could laugh in his face and tell him that he didn't deserve you--and the truth was: he didn't. He didn't feel worthy of your love. He didn't even deserve the way you smiled at him or laughed at his jokes. 
But you loved him--that much he knew. He didn't quite understand why or how someone as good, as sweet, as you could possibly feel anything for him, but you did and that had been enough.
He was going to ask you tomorrow. He was tired of putting it off. You would either accept or reject him and it was time to find out.
It didn't happen. No. Something stopped him once again and now he sat at your bedside, staring at your sleeping form. He watched your stomach closely to make sure you were still breathing, still holding on. For him. He asked, no, begged you to hold on for him. He didn't deserve that either, but he needed some hope. Any kind of hope that kept him sane. Steve told him to go home and get some rest, but he refused. What if you woke up and he wasn't there?
The doctors told him that you were lucky to be alive and he was tired of hearing that. They told him that the bullet had just missed a major artery. If he could've taken that bullet for you, he would have. A hundred times over. The beeping. He wished it would stop. He wished you would move. He wished he would have asked you sooner.
You woke up in a strange place. This wasn't your bedroom...and there was beeping and tubes and…
He had been standing at the window looking sadder than you had ever seen him. His eyes were puffy and while one hand rested against the window the other was on his hip. Typical. You smiled or at least you thought you had. Then you tried to call his name, but you had no voice. It came out as a whimper but he must have heard you because he stood up straighter and turned to you slowly.
He looked as though he would burst into tears at any moment just hearing you say his name again. He ran to your side and sat down on the bed carefully.
"Shhh...don't try to talk. Just keep your eyes open for me, hm? Keep looking at me." He needed that. Oh, how he missed the way you looked at him. 
The doctors and nurses came in soon after and they had to pull him away from you. He hated how they poked and prodded at you and voiced his complaints.
"Do you really have to do all that to her? She just woke up." It took three nurses and security to keep him where he was.
"Javier?" you called out for him.
"She...she needs me." He pushed past everyone to get to you. He held your hand tightly and kissed it. "I'm here, mi amor. I'm here."
It felt like forever before they all left you alone again. You were relieved to have most of those tubes and machines off you. The only thing bothering you now was the pain, but the nurse made sure she gave you something to keep you comfortable.
"When's the last time you slept, Javi?" you asked, your voice still rough from not being used.
"I don't know. It doesn't matter. I didn't wanna miss this."
"Well, you know I'm gonna be okay now. You should go home and rest." You squeezed his hand and smiled at him. He stayed quiet for a while, content with just watching you and knowing that you were still here. The words that came out next were so unlike him that he even shocked himself.
"Let's run away together."
You looked at him and giggled. "Now, I know you need to sleep…"
"No. I'm serious. I want to get you the hell out of here, out of Colombia."
When you realized he was serious, you sat yourself up against the pillows better. "Where would we even go?"
"You could come back to Texas with me. Yeah. And-and we could start that farm that you always wanted. Remember telling me about that? We could have horses, cows, chickens...whatever." The smile on his face had to be the loveliest thing you had seen since you woke up.
"You remembered that?" Your voice cracked and he looked down at you.
"I remember everything you say to me." He cleared his throat and looked away as he sniffled. "I thought I lost you and I...I can't, you understand? I wouldn't know what to do…"
"Shhh...come here." You held your arms out and he laid his head on your chest, closing his eyes to the sound of your heart beating.
"I don't know how to be without you anymore. Who else is gonna tell me to get some sleep?" He chuckled then nuzzled you.
"I love you, Javier Peña." It felt good to say those words again. You weren't sure how long it had been since you last spoke them, but saying it again felt wonderful.
"I love you more." That weight still hung heavy in his pocket. Now wasn't the time. He was content with you just holding him.
You had been home for a few weeks now. Javier watched you closely and made sure you didn't do anything that would cause overexertion. If he could, he probably would have carried you everywhere. 
The little apartment was full of balloons and flowers and baskets of things that you probably won't ever eat, but you appreciated every single thing. People out there really cared about you. But no one more than Javier. He just wanted to hold you and kiss you and make love to you every chance he got. Some days you just stayed in bed with him all day. He had been lucky enough to get some time off to take care of you.
"I can stay like this forever," you told him as he laid with you in bed after a bath.
"Do you mean stay naked in bed with me or just...with me?" he asked.
"Hmm...both." You both chuckled then you looked at him. "Honestly, I just love being with you. You've been amazing through all of this and I love you so much."
"I love you, too." He kissed you and one thing led to another. He was careful and gentle.
When you eventually got out of bed and put clothes on, Javier seemed to be lost in his thoughts. He sat on the end of the bed looking off at nothing as he buttoned his shirt.
"You okay?" you asked and walked over to sit in his lap. He laid his head on your chest and sighed.
"I don't know…"
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing's wrong I just...can't believe how in love I am. You own my heart."
"And you own mine, Javi. Always." You kissed his forehead then stood up but before you could walk away he took hold of your hand.
"Wait." He stood and made his way over to where his jacket was hanging. Reaching into the pocket, he looked back at you nervously. Once he turned around and your eyes moved back and forth between looking at his face and looking at the little box in his hand.
"Javier...wh-what is that?" You pointed awkwardly. You knew exactly what it was.
"It's been awhile since the last time I did this and that didn't end well at all…" You made a face and he quickly corrected himself. "But with you I know I'll be better. Everything will be better...especially me. You've already made me a better man but if you say yes then I know I can become the best man I can be for you and...myself." He fiddled with the little box. "I've had this for months, you know?"
"Really?" you cried.
"Yeah and I was gonna ask you the day that...that…" He couldn't even say it.
"That I got shot," you finished for him and he nodded.
"And I'm sorry that this isn't romantic and we're not on some fancy date but...we have here and now. So...what do you think? Trust me, I know I don't deserve you but I want to spend the rest of my life making myself worthy of your love."
"This isn't right," you said and his shoulders sagged. "First of all, you didn't technically ask. Secondly, you do deserve me, Javier...more than anyone ever has."
He sighed in relief and moved closer to you before getting down on one knee and opening the box in his hand. He took a deep breath and swallowed hard as he looked up into your eyes. "Will you marry me?"
"Yes, I will. I will marry you, Javier Peña."
"Really? Are you sure?" The nearly slipped out of his hand.
"Yes! Now put that ring on my finger!"
"Oh...yeah...that's right, the ring." His hands trembled as he removed it from its place in the box. He finally did it and you actually said yes. The ring was finally where it belonged. He stood and wrapped his arms around you tightly. "You...you said yes."
"I said yes." You looked at the ring and laughed as he picked you up and spun with you.
"Mrs. Peña has a nice ring to it, don't you think?" he asked and you pouted as he put you back on your feet.
"Maybe I want to keep my last name and just hyphenate it...or maybe I was planning on having you take my last name." You walked out of the room and he followed closely, grabbing you from behind and kissing your cheek as you yelped.
"You can call yourself whatever you like as long you're waking up next to me every morning."
You turned and gave a quick yet passionate kiss. "I think Mrs. Peña works just fine."
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goldafterglow · 4 years
Talk to me about Ezra falling in love? What is he like, when he realises he has fallen for someone? Does he tell them or is he hesitant? Literally anything about Ezra + being in love pls bc I KNOW you want to talk about it
i love how my Ezra addiction is YOUR fault and then you continue to enable me. and your postulation about what I desire is correct, that being to “talk about it”
also for however long this is you should know that I held back so god damn hard like there are so many of my own thoughts that I didn’t include in this I hate space cowboys  
Send me headcanons!
Word Count: 947, child anyways soooooo-
Ezra knows what he wants when he wants it, so even though he probably wasn’t in love with you when he first met you, he was certainly attracted to you, and he didn’t keep it a secret. This mf is a big fan of “candid discourse.”
and child if this bitch could shut the fuck up-
“it’s my personal belief that you’d make an excellent addition to that constellation, birdie” and “often I lament about the cycles i spent not knowing how gorgeous your eyes are” and “I wouldn’t exchange the warmth of your smile for the heat of a thousands stars”
Ezra likes to laugh a lot, and as we saw in the movie, he often has to find humor himself because no one is ever really trying to make him laugh, so when you tease him and he lets out that sweet little giggle that we love so much, he realizes that he’s found a true gem.
It’s upon this foundation that Ezra begins to fall for you, and his mind isn’t so courteous as to warn him when his thoughts come to stampede.
He’s with you on some oasis of a moon; it’s habitable, so you don’t need filters or suits to be outside. Ezra, ever the romantic, went out of his way to land near a field of grass and flowers, like the dry backdrop of peace (it took him cycles to find it but he didn’t want to say that to you, lest he scare you away). The meadow is bordered by a forest, so right at the edge of the pains are a few stray trees situated in the middle of the grass.
He’s sitting up, leaning back against the tree. You’re sat right beside him, his left arm wrapped tight around your body so he can hold you close and his face buried in your shoulder where he can lose himself in your scent and the line between where he starts and where you begin becomes blissfully blurred into the sunset.
I love you
His brain doesn’t even take a second to think about it because he’s all feelings, and this one has just bashed his head against a rock.
He suddenly can’t breathe, can’t think straight, can’t fucking function because the person he wants to give himself to so wholly and entirely is right fucking here in his arm and he knows he hasn’t done a damn thing to deserve it.
When he realizes he’s in love with you, that part of him that just wants to scream every stupid thought that pops into his head and the part of him that understands social cues and when things are/aren’t appropriate have world war 3.
How long it takes to confess his feelings depends entirely on you. If he thinks you won’t be startled by his quick declaration, then he’ll tell you immediately. If you’re a little more guarded, he might wait like...a couple minutes
Obviously the first part wins because when does Ezra shut the fuck up, so he just hits you with the “Birdie, I must confess something at the risk of losing your companionship.”
By now Ezra’s definitely told you everything about him. He’s so honest with you, so you definitely know about the lives he’s taken and the evil he’s taken part in, but you stayed with him anyway. You reassure him after after having been through so much with him, there isn’t anything that could scare you.
“Beautiful, I am utterly and irrevocably in love with you.”
Now in my political opinion, I think Ezra is super understanding if you can’t say it back. Ezra is very well aware that he can come on strong and fast, and he knows he falls in love faster than normal.
Now, Ezra in love is just-
it’s intense, especially at the beginning before that initial wave of emotion dies down and he can act normal again
He is constantly praising you for everything you do. Like he thinks everything you do is so amazing and honestly he might be a little oblivious because he’s just so blindingly sweet on you. like you could trip on air and he’d be like !!!!!
Ezra’s expression is just so amazed and adoring when he gets to hear your voice. He likes to walk in front of you when you’re trekking just to give himself the peace of mind that if anyone wants to get to you, they’ll have to go through him first, so you can’t see his lilac grin or his freshwater eyes when he listens to you expound about something he made you think of.
He loves kissing you everywhere all the time. Like he’ll literally kiss fuckin’ like your knee if the skin is showing he does not care he wants his mouth on you.
Ezra definitely gives me touch-starved vibes - that’s another story for another time - but long story short I think he really likes just having a hand or head or his lips on you
Ezra in love means constantly telling you. He’s always relied heavily on his words, and this is no exception.
He has to force himself to stop saying it so much because he doesn’t want the words to lose meaning to you, so instead he tries really hard to show you through his actions.
Except he sucks at it and repeatedly makes a flubbering  fool of himself, but it’s okay because it makes you laugh and it’s a sound he’d glue to his ears if he could.
but how Ezra shows his love to you is a WHOLE other list of headcanons and in typical Ezra fashion, I need to shut the fuck up :)
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princessbatears · 4 years
Congratulations Natalie! 💕 can you do the yearning prompt please?
Jess! Thank you so much for asking, I love this prompt! ❤️
When Frankie meets you for the first time at a barbecue, he is immediately captivated. You’re so beautiful, kind and funny. There’s a strength about you that draws him in.
Normally, he doesn’t have the courage to ask women out right away, but he’s determined not to let you leave the party without getting your number.
Until he sees you snuggle up close by the fire pit with another guest and give them a kiss. His heart falls into his stomach when he realizes you’re already taken.
Frankie knows not to crush on someone unavailable, but his stupid heart doesn’t listen. He finds himself thinking about your smile, your laugh, the way you thought seriously about a question he asked you before giving an earnest answer.
Your body haunts him, too. He wants to feel your softness against him, see the way it sways when you walk, know what you smell like when you wake up in the morning.
After a few weeks, he tries to force you from his mind.  And he’s just about done it, too, when he runs into you at another social gathering. You have a close mutual friend and he realizes you’re probably going to running into each other a lot.
His suspicion is correct. Over the next couple of months, you see each other a lot. It wouldn’t be so bad if you didn’t make a point of talking to him one-on-one, the way he’s most comfortable. It’s not like you’re flirting with him or leading him on, but each conversation has him falling farther into the hole of caring for you.
The night he realizes he’s in love with you is at a little get-together where some of his buddies are hassling him. He’s not offended by the teasing, but you take it personally on his behalf and tell them off. “Just because you’re too emotionally constipated to care doesn’t mean it’s something to joke about!” you snap at them. They actually apologize to him.
Frankie’s never had someone stand up for him like that. It didn’t matter that he didn’t need it, he’s deeply touched. And hopelessly in love.
The problem is, you’re still in a relationship. Happily so, from what he can tell. You’re also oblivious to his feelings. It’s after that night he decides he has to stay away from you. He starts making excuses not to hang out at events he knows you’ll be at.
Then, one evening, he goes to a movie night. You weren’t supposed to be there, but you show up. There’s something off about the way you’re behaving, though. You seem sad, withdrawn. Finally, he has to ask if you’re okay. You start to cry.
Your significant other has broken up with you. He hugs you tightly, letting you sob into his shoulder. Frankie doesn’t celebration at this news. He’s too empathetic for that, feeling your pain as his own.
It’s only later, after he’s taken you out to get some late-night waffles and then driven you home, that it occurs to him he might have a chance. Not now, it’s too soon, but once you’ve healed he’s going to take the risk and ask you out.
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Frankie Morales Masterlist Werewolf Masterlist
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keeper0fthestars · 4 years
Oh my god, did you really just make me think of Ezra having a pet cat?? His own little furry travel companion! I am 🥺🥺🥺🥺 I am going to be thinking of this all day
!!!! oh my god YES! Wouldn’t it be perfect? I’d like to imagine the cat chose him, not the other way around. He knows better than to keep feeding her scraps because then she’ll definitely stick around but he knows loneliness when he sees it. The second time he sees her there is a tentative sniff at his boots, tail swishing and she slinks around his back, leaving her scent there. Once her soft paws press into his lap she lets him scratch her chin and he is rewarded with purring. The next day he wakes up to find her curled up along his side where his arm should be.
As you can see I do not think about this at all
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thegarchives · 4 years
Kiss prompt 22 with Marcus please?
thank you for sending this in! i had a harder time with it than i thought i would but it was fun :)
warnings: none really? 
#22: a kiss that is leading to more, but is interrupted by a third party. 
it was a rare night for marcus to beat you home from work, but there he was, sitting on the couch, already changed from his suit into his favorite worn painting shirt and pajama pants. he looked up from his sketchpad and smiled when he saw you.
"hey babe," he called warmly, watching you drop your stuff on the kitchen counter. 
"hey," you call distractedly. you were dead on your feet after your shift and you weren't exaggerating as you dragged yourself over to where marcus was sitting on the couch. he had just enough time to set his sketchbook and pencil down on the coffee table before you flopped onto him, burying your face in his neck. 
"ughhhhhhhhhhh," you groan dramatically.
"that bad, huh?" you felt him chuckle in your ear. his hands came up to cradle your head and he pressed a kiss to your hair.  "the worst. the worst," you mutter into his neck. "did i say it was the worst? because it was." "you may have mentioned that," marcus said patiently. his fingers carded through your hair and the motions sent little waves of pleasure down your scalp. you absently kissed at his pulse point and a pleased hum escaped his throat.  "how was your day?"  "significantly better than yours, i think," marcus replies. he sounds just the tiniest bit smug about it too. "and it's only getting better because you're home, and i ordered pizza." "pizza? oh thank god, you do love me," you cried, leaning up to kiss him properly; he was grinning too hard to kiss you back, but you didn't mind.   "i kind of thought telling you 'i love you' every day was a hint," he groused good-naturedly.  "show, don't tell," you murmur, and by now he's gotten with the program, cupping your face in his hands so he can kiss you deeply, pushing you down against the couch so he can rest his full weight on top of you. who needed a weighted blanket when you had your very own fbi agent? it was a slow, languid kiss, the kind marcus was especially fond of after eighteen-hour days in the office; the kind of kiss that unfurled slowly from the point where his lips touched yours, down to the unhurried press of your bodies, that made you feel like a piece of driftwood floating in the ebbing and flowing of the tides. you feel like your spine had dissolved into the couch cushions, like marcus was melting into you, warmth and tranquility replacing the ache in your sore back and feet.  "missed you so much today," you whisper when marcus finally let you take a breath, moving his attention to your neck. you don't know how you missed one of his hands sliding the hem of your shirt up, and you move your arms and arch to help him get it off of you. "i wanted to call you on my break and tell you exactly how much, but nobody would leave me alone long enough." marcus hummed in response, pressing a kiss to your chest. his hands were on your hips now and you automatically opened your legs, letting him rest between the vee of your thighs. tugging him back up for a kiss, you couldn't help but rock into him just a bit, relishing the surprised groan he made at the motion. you could feel him hardening against you and it never ceased to light a fire of pride in your chest, that you could do this to him.  "i could always arrest them," marcus suggested, and it made you giggle; he always suggested arresting your coworkers when you complained about them. he rolled his hips into yours and the pressure was just enough to make your head tip back, make you forget why you were laughing in the first place. "i don't think- cockblocking me- is a federal offense."  marcus maneuvered his hand into the space between your bodies to touch you, and even through two layers of fabric the pressure of his thumb against your clit made you swear. "it should be," he said with a teasing grin at you, swallowing up your curse with another kiss. you felt him start to unbutton your pants so he could finally touch you where you needed him most- KNOCKKNOCKKNOCKCKNOCKKNOCK.  "fuck!" you swore again, this time from shock at the sharp resounding knocks on the front door. marcus froze against you, one hand halfway inside your pants, the other holding himself up above you to give him some room. he looked as surprised as you, like it was taking a moment for his brain to register what was supposed to happen next.  "pizza," he said slowly. "right, pizza." he looked at your state of undress mournfully. "i know you just said cockblocking's not a federal offense, but-" "arrest the pizza guy," you replied firmly, shoving him off of you. "right. now." his laugh as he walked towards the front door made up for the interruption. mostly. 
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mitchi-c · 4 years
1. -40 is too bloody cold outside
2. It’s unfair how good Pedro looks in different types of glasses
Send me a 🌻 and I’ll tell you whatever the fuck I want.
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fleetwoodmactshirt · 4 years
Hi!! I would love to know what songs you associate with the boys??
hi!! i loved this question, even if it means you’re all gonna realize i have the dorky, eclectic music tastes of a girl who grew up listening to all the music her dad loved. 
i find i associate songs more with a character + a mood/scene/vibe (like, this is the song i think of when i think of dancing in the kitchen at 2 am with [insert character]) rather than with characters’ personalities.
sweet thing - van morrison, one of my fav romantic songs. for when i’m imagining him in a hazy, pastoral paradise, where he wanders through a garden all wet with rain, or counts the stars in his lover’s eyes. yearning to obliterate experience, and rediscover innocence.
talk - hozier, lol so many people have come to tell me this is a song they associate with ezra and they’re not wrong! so now i do too. it’s also partly responsible for giving me the vague idea of an ezra as orpheus southern gothic au.
pretty saro - iris dement or bob dylan, i��m just enamoured with the idea of ezra knowing and loving these ancient folk ballads that humans have kept alive and carried with them for so long they even somehow manage to make their way across the stars.
the perfect con and penelope’s theme- the brothers bloom ost, i, uhhh, have a lot of thoughts about ezra as a con artist inspired by this movie.
i don’t have anything specific, but punk songs make me think of ezra. he had a punk phase in his youth, i just know this.
javier peña:
everyman needs a companion - father john misty, ages ago qveenbvtch dropped this on me as a javier song and i never emotionally recovered from it. when she’s right, she’s right.
everywhere - fleetwood mac, this is shameless and self-indulgent and i still can’t believe i managed to find a way to make one of my fav songs a javier song. most of my javier songs are specific to my happy place: the javi 70s roller rink disco au. so, uhhh, unapologetically a lot of my javi songs are 70s roller rink jams.
frankie morales:
you’ll accompn’y me - bob seger, francisco morales to me is all about classic rock songs playing over the radio in his truck, him glancing over at you, smiling shyly and fondly. 
what a wonderful world - sam cooke, frankie’s feelings are simple and plain, uncomplicated like this song. no implication he’s uneducated or unintelligent, frankie just knows what his feelings dictate and what he knows is this: your love makes the world a more wonderful place.
harvest moon - neil young, idk who but i think someone else associates that song with him too and i love that they do because it tells me it’s just such a perfect fit for him.
din djarin:
brothers in arms, mad max: fury road ost (junkie xl), idk i just think of him being a badass when i listen to it.
i mean din comes with his very own soundtrack lol go off, ludwig!!
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longitud-de-onda · 4 years
Congratulations on the followers lovely, I am so weirdly proud of you! For the drabbles, I have a desperate need for Ezra angst, and I know you could do it so so well. Maybe with “Why are you lying to me? &/or “Holding everything in doesn’t help, you know.”
thank you b! i got really into this since i love a good angst prompt
character; ezra
prompt; “why are you lying to me?” + “holding everything in doesn’t help, you know.”
warnings; angst
“We’re almost done with our job here,” you whisper into the dark tent. You’re not sure if Ezra is even still awake.
“There still remains a number of cycles in which there is work here.” His voice rises up on the cot beside you.
You frown in the dark.
“Do you have plans for what’s next, Ezra?”
“I do.” It’s uncharacteristically short for him and you want to write it off given the time but something doesn’t sit right.
“You know I have plans, right? Got a job on a cargo ship.”
“I am aware. You spoke with great pride at the obtention of said post,” he says.
“And when this is all over, where are you going?”
He doesn’t respond and the darkness seems to grow, oozing over you and Ezra’s bodies. It’s quiet. That’s the worst part of the tent you’re in. They’re designed to be soundproof and now all you can hear is the even breathing of Ezra and the occasional shifting of a blanket.
He clears his throat. “I intend to transfer to the planet of Calfa to mine Iplite Crystals.”
You shoot upright, flicking on the light that sits next to your bed.
“Why the hell are you lying about this, Ezra?” You can’t even look him in the eye with the light on. You reach up a hand to press the point between your eyes that usually helps you calm down.
“I do not follow your accusation,” he says, but you can tell by the spacing between the words and the lack of intonation that he knows you have him.
You inhale sharply through your teeth and and exhale with your eyes squeezed shut, willing yourself to calm down about this. There’s no good reason to get worked up about this. Your partnership with Ezra was only ever a business one, and yet it hurts to see him so closed off. Just a few cycles before he you were telling each other life stories over ration bars.
“The Iplite mines on Calfa were depleted stands ago. You don’t have a damn plan beyond the end of this.”
“For what reasons do you dwell over if I do or do not have a projection of future endeavors?”
You turn to face him, staring into those thoughtful eyes and seeing little more than a shallow glaze. If nothing else, you miss the deepness and emotion usually enveloped within.
“Because I care about you,” you cry out. It’s something you’ve felt but have not known how or when to voice it properly. It’s dangerous for a temporary partnership.
“Do those emotions necessitate verbalization and the expression of concern?” He looks in your direction, now sitting up as well, but you know he’s not really looking at you. You’re familiar with this. Its the look of someone who does not want to confront the storm within their mind.
“Holding everything in doesn’t help, you know.”
“I am not holding things in.” His voice is strained.
You push yourself up to your knees and shuffle onto to his cot, which is pushed flush with your own. You haven’t been this close to him with so little clothing on. Usually when you are face to face, your thighs practically touching, you wear your suits. But now there’s nothing but your ragged sleepwear. You reach out to Ezra, hands wrapping around him and he tenses beneath you. But within seconds he relaxes into your touch.
“I do not want you to leave me,” he whispers into your shoulder.
You swallow. Impending tears are slicing stinging marks into the corners of your eyes as you attempt to remain calm for him.
“Ezra.” And your efforts fail as your voice comes out shaky. “I won’t leave if you don’t want me to. Connection is a difficult thing to find, and even rarer for a drifter. We can search out something, together.”
“The rules of temporary partnership do not permit the extension of an alliance.”
“And when have you been one to care about following the damn rules?”
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buckstaposition · 4 years
writing tag game
tagged by my love @opheliaelysia  over on main, but posting here bc this is my writing blog
rules: post the last line you wrote (from any wip) and tag the same number of people as there are words (which I am personally not going to do bc I neither can nor will count)
now I don’t know which line I actually wrote last, because I’ve been working on two of my stories in turn yesterday, so you get a crumb of each 😘😘😘
first, from Like Gloss chapter 5:
"Hey!" She protested. Gabriela looked unimpressed. "Stop it." "Stop what?" She whined, rubbing her forehead for show. 
secondly, from my upcoming Pero Tovar series The Bride & the Burr:
A warrior of his stature should not sound like the petulant boy he’d been when he left this place, but that was the effect of older siblings and their teasing, he supposed. Their uncle, propped up in the back of the cart, rolled his eye and muttered something under his breath.
no-pressure tagging: @agirllovespancakes @heather-lynn @heatherbel @keeper0fthestars @cassandras-nest @din-damn-djarin @artemiseamoon @huliabitch @shakespeareanwannabe @starryeyedstories
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madhyanas · 4 years
Hello 🥺 Just want you to know I think you’re very nice and cool and I hope you’re having a good day (even though you called my boy greasy which was very rude)
jess babe!! hi yes hello i think you’re extremely observant and accurate
jk that is VERY NICE OF YOU and i think i will be having a good day from now on from the sheer force of will of your nice vibes
i would like. to give you a smooch. please. 🥺 you are lovely and i adore you very very much - hope you’re having a good day too!!
n yeah he is greasy. i love him but it’s true the man is a greasy little prospecting bastard 🥰🥰 what are you going to do about it huh
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Hello I’m thinking about Javi and Diana right now and how they were going to dance in the kitchen and how they were doing so well in developing mutual trust and care for each other and how I want them to cuddle pls 🥺😭 Also thinkin of you because I love you and think you’re wonderful 💕
🥺💗 Hello I’m thinking about the work I don’t want to do but have to, how I wish I had a table and a chair, about all the loud neighbours I would like to m*rder, and always about what other soft Javi & Diana moments I can come up with🥺
I promise they’ll dance eventually, among other things 😏 I have Ideas™
and I also love you and am always thinking of you 💜💜💜
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goldafterglow · 4 years
Beans on toast
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tell me what you’d tell in a big crowd to get my attention
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keeper0fthestars · 4 years
If you were to become best friends with any of the Pedro characters which do you think it’d be? Why? If you could be romantically involved with any Pedro character, who & why? Hope you don’t mind the random questions! Love you 💕
I love your random questions!! 
Having a best friend means that no matter how much time or distance passes between you, things always pick up right where they left off. Ezra would fit that description.  Listen, you’ve had a shitty week? A shitty month? Year, whatever?.. you suddenly feel the inexplainable need for a change of scenery? Maybe, one day, you decide you've had enough and you don’t like where you are in life anymore? 
Ezra understands. He understands the idea of dropping everything in a heartbeat. Staying in one place too long never did anyone any good. No one ever has good stories to tell by playing it safe. He understands that you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. He understands because he’s done it.
As usual, your overthinking quickly gets in the way and you start to second guess your decision, 
'You think this is a bad idea, Ez?'
'Without a doubt, my cherry blossom.'  
'Then why are you smiling?'
'Because dubious ideas are my favourite kind.' 
Maybe the two of you wander without a specific destination in mind, or maybe you immediately start fresh in a new place, but either way, Ezra would be the one I'd choose. He’d give me the chaotic spontaneity I crave while also being the calming familiar that only best friends could share. He’d spend afternoons reading to me while I drive, keeping score of every old-timey diner we’d stopped at along the way and argue over which one had the best milkshakes. He’d know all the best dive bars and motels to stop for the night because what’s better than sitting elbow to elbow on the floor of a cheap motel room drunk at one in the morning guilty of nothing but living life.
Ok, the romance question was tougher than I thought it would be? I'm so tempted to choose Marcus or Frankie?? Because I love them a completely normal amount. 🥴 Not that I cannot see myself with the others, but let's face it, my personality consists of coffee and procrastination and as much as I'd like to believe it, that would likely never work with Oberyn, Max, whiskey, Javi or Din. 
I’m someone who doesn’t need to talk unless I have something to say. I’m fine with comfortable silence so, I’d vibe with Din and/or Frankie on that principle alone. And to be fair, both of them appear annoyed and 100% done with your shit, on the surface (and rightfully so) but in reality, both of them FEEL SO MUCH, which again, CAN RELATE. So, knowing they’re *soft* underneath all that restrained shyness - soft only for me?  existing inside this intimate space where speaking is not always necessary. Yeah. I vibe with that.  
Hahahah,, that reply kinda got away on me without really giving you a proper answer but, I'll l admit I am not a good judge of romance in the traditional sense, the things I might find sweet and romantic might not mean the same for anyone else. Maybe I’ll just play it safe and choose Marcus. Moving in with him after the third date? Tell me you would not take him up on that? 
hahah, if you’re still reading this, i am so sorry. you asked me for my answers, you didn’t say they had to be interesting :))))
I loved the ask! thank you! 
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hansoulo · 4 years
2 for the voice asks? 💕
oatmeal raisin haters can fight me in a denny's parking lot 😤
voice asks
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pikemoreno · 4 years
Shoutout to @keeper0fthestars for the most beautiful and unique writing I've ever known, writing that always makes me feel something. ‘what used to be sin’ is my single favourite fic of any fandom, it’s absolutely breathtaking. And she is encouraging, enthusiastic and kind, I am always in awe.
@keeper0fthestars y e s!! shoutout for you!
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