#opening rie's letters
wonisol · 2 months
ang cute ng blog mo super 😵‍💫😵‍💫 love it sm
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talesofedo · 2 years
Today I Learned (TIL), Okada Izo version:
+ Okada Izo 岡田以蔵 was born on 14 February 1838 (by the western calendar) as the oldest son of Okada Yoshihisa and his wife, Rie.
Izo's father has been described as a kind person who enjoyed the good fortune of others and was known in his neighborhood as a bit of a matchmaker.
+ Izo had one younger brother, Keikichi, who was born in March 1844.
+ Izo's personal name (imina) was Yoshifuru.
+ He was born in Iwamura village and when he was 10, the family moved to Enokuchi village, outside of Kochi castle town.
The particular neighborhood where his family lived was called Shichiken-machi 七軒町 ("seven eaves row") because his street had seven houses in a row.
The characters "七以", using the first character of 七軒町 (Shichiken-machi) and the first character of 以蔵 (Izo), were sometimes used as code for him in writings related to the Kinnoto (Tosa Loyalist Party).
+ Izo's father was originally an ashigaru who later bought his way into the rank of goshi with money.
Buying your way to a higher rank, or even buying your way into the samurai class from being a farmer or merchant, was not uncommon. Even Sakamoto Ryoma's family were originally merchants before buying their way to becoming goshi.
However, like ashigaru, goshi belonged to the class of low-ranking samurai (kashi) and in Tosa, which was a particularly conservative domain, a great division existed between kashi and joshi (upper-class samurai), making kashi the subject of discrimination and restrictions.
Those restrictions often dictated even small details of everyday life: kashi were not allowed to carry umbrellas, and they were not allowed to wear tabi socks or geta, even in winter.
+ Izo is often described as having been illiterate, but this idea originates from Shiba Ryotaro's fiction.
In reality, Izo had a normal education but was not a talented student, had little interest in books, and often found it difficult to articulate his thoughts. There were many instances people referred to him as "stupid" and "that idiot" throughout his life.
+ Izo was self-taught in swordsmanship to some extent. It's likely he initially learned from his father and then practiced on his own before formally joining a dojo.
I've been trying to unravel some of the sources and it appears he joined the fencing hall of Asada Kanshichi Naomoto in Kochi when he was 12 or 13 years old.
Asada was a master of the Ono-ha Itto-ryu (Nakanishi-ha Itto-ryu) who had previously studied at Shigakukan, one of the big sword schools in Edo. He was also the sword instructor for Tosa's han school.
It was here Izo first met Takechi Hanpeita, a fellow student 9 years his senior, who would become his mentor, someone he looked up to and followed without question for most of his life.
Izo joined Takechi's school in 1855, at 17 or 18, which was the year Takechi opened his own dojo. A lot of sources put Asada's and Takechi's schools together when talking about Izo's training, so it's confusing.
Izo was quickly recognized as being very talented and none of the other students provided him much of a challenge except Takechi himself. He finally found something he was good at!
+ In 1856, when Izo was 18 or 19, Takechi (and perhaps a recommendation letter from Asada) helped make it possible for him to travel to Edo and train at Shigakukan, Momoi Shunzo's school, where he earned his Menkyo Chuden (middle license) in the Kyoshin Meichi-ryu style before returning to Tosa in 1858.
However, perhaps because Izo didn't have the same foundations in swordsmanship as the others, Momoi called his sword "vulgar and without dignity."
+ In 1860, Izo was able to leave Tosa for training a second time, again helped by Takechi, who was using these trips for his own purposes: to gather others to his cause of Sonno Joi and build connections with shishi from other domains.
After spending time in Chugoku and Kyushu, Takechi left Izo behind in Oka domain to study the Jikishi-ryu style, while he (Takechi) went to Edo and worked on establishing his Kinnoto (Tosa Loyalist Party).
+ Izo returned to Edo in May 1861 and joined the Kinnoto out of loyalty to his teacher.
However, because he had no real interest in politics and his comrades excluded him from their political discussions, considering him too stupid to participate, Izo slowly became more distanced from Takechi, and when his teacher returned to Tosa later that year, Izo was once again left behind.
+ In January 1862, Izo set out to return to Tosa himself, but he became ill along the way and had to stay somewhere to recover before he was well enough to continue traveling home to Tosa.
Perhaps Izo should have taken the hint because things did not improve for him from there:
When Izo set out for Kyoto in June 1862 alongside Takechi and other comrades from the Kinnoto, they were hounded by the metsuke Inoue Saichiro, who was investigating the murder of Yoshida Toyo.
That murder had been ordered by Takechi and carried out by three members of the Kinnoto. Concerned that Inoue would arrest them, Takechi ordered Izo and three others to kill him.
This was the first in a number of assassinations Takechi ordered Izo to carry out that year, mostly in Kyoto. More about these here, in a separate post.
+ In January 1863, Izo suddenly left for Edo.
I'm not entirely clear why, nor do sources seem to agree. The most common theories are:
(1) Izo's services as an assassin were no longer needed because things were going poorly for the Kinnoto and Takechi returned to Tosa, leaving Izo behind once again;
(2) Izo had become more estranged from Takechi and his comrades and chose to leave, perhaps at least partly because he didn't want to be an assassin for a cause he didn't care about;
(3) Takechi reprimanded Izo for his behavior and told him to leave.
Whatever the reason, Takechi removed Izo's name from the membership roster of the Kinnoto.
+ After he arrived in Edo, Izo lived for a short while with Takasugi Shinsaku. However, when Takasugi was recalled to Choshu, Izo was once again left in limbo.
+ It was around the time Takasugi left that Izo was introduced to Katsu Kaishu, either by Takasugi Shinsaku or more likely by Sakamoto Ryoma, who had known him since they were young boys in Tosa. Izo became Katsu's bodyguard.
Katsu Kaishu mentioned Izo in his writing:
As I was walking through the city that night, three samurai suddenly appeared in front of me on Teramachi Street and drew their swords. I was so startled, I started to run, but Okada Izo, who was by my side, quickly drew his long sword and cut one of the men in half. The other two were so scared, they ran away. I barely escaped but I was impressed by Okada's quick action. Later I said to Okada, "You should not enjoy killing people." He said, "Sensei, if it weren't for me, your head would have been cut off." There was nothing I could say in response.
+ Izo left Katsu Kaishu and returned to Kyoto later in 1863, for reasons that are again unclear.
This was a terrible decision: not only were Shogunate troops cracking down on ronin in Kyoto, and the city was overall in turmoil with pro-Shogunate and pro-Sonno Joi groups both causing each other trouble, Izo was also considered homeless (無宿, mushuku): someone whose name had been removed from the family register because he was considered a deserter from his domain. (He did not return when other Tosa retainers had been ordered to return.)
With nowhere to go and without any money, Izo, who was using the name Tetsuzo as an alias, started to borrow and extort money, drowned his sorrows in alcohol, and eventually even sold his long sword to make ends meet while trying not to get captured.
+ In May 1864 he was arrested by the Kyoto magistrate for breaking into a merchant's house.
He was subjected to a public beating, tattooed as a criminal, and handed over to the Tosa metsuke who returned him to Koshi in June.
+ In Tosa, Izo faced being brutally tortured and interrogated for information about his former comrades and about Takechi's involvement Yoshida Toyo's murder.
Takechi, resentful Izo had been caught and worried he would easily succumb to torture and give away his comrades, complained "I wish that fool had killed himself!" He reached out to both Izo's father and his younger brother Keikichi, a member of the Kinnoto, with a plan to poison him.
Whether that plan was carried out is unknown: Izo may have become aware of the plan, he may have taken the poison and survived, or he may have given in to more than 10 months of torture. Whatever the reason, in the end he gave up the names of many Kinnoto members, and confessed his own crimes.
Takechi complained: "Izo is truly the greatest crybaby in all of Japan."
+ On 3 July 1865 (western date), Izo was beheaded and his head was put on display by the riverbed for three days.
He was the only member of the Kinnoto whose head was put on public display after death.
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twistedchatterbox · 1 year
A day in the life of TWST (authors edition)
Summary: A day in the life of various twisted authors, the happy, the funny and the simpery. Enjoy. ft. Hydra/Rubia(Me) , Pione(@oepionie) , Aster ( @v-anrouge ), Ari ( @shinmon-c​ ), Eros ( @cupids-chamber​ ) , Rie( @sephyriae ) tags: friends, literally for my moots, april 1st vibes and pranks, references to many interactions, i simp for Jade while dating him in this fic, Ari is crushing on Riddle, Aster gets “secret admirer letters” and we think its Rook, Pione and I are work friends (sorry you have to put up with my simping), i am a horrible influence, Eros gets no sleep (i am a horrible enabler), Floyd horror stories from yours truly, Authors get to vibe, self indulgence, no beta i overblot like a fucking moron  
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wordcount: 1600+ | Masterlist & Taglist  
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“The usual” Eros murmured to themself, the noise barely leaving their throat as Rubia handed them the mug of coffee that always got them through the day. Looking up with the original intent to thank her, they instead found themselves puzzled by the bartender’s amused gaze. “Eh?”- And of course, instead of allowing any coherent interaction, she shrugged and turned her back; not that Eros minded, it just allowed them to drink their 5am coffee in peace. Not that the Monstro Lounge was open, not so early. it’s just that they asked Rubia. Eros’ phone illuminated the otherwise dark establishment, the DMs still open: Hydra🌊, the contact name of their usual bartender and friend. “Open yet?” (- Cupid ;sent at 4:30am) “Coffee?” (- Hydra ;sent at 4:30am) “Sure” (-Hydra ;sent at 4:30am) Eros sighed as they closed the messenger app and opted for scrolling through magicam, only to let out a noise of annoyance and disapproval when they encountered the many posts by NRC students who were whining and complaining about class, it was just too early for that shit. They closed the apps and turned off the phone, putting it screen first onto a napkin as they breathed and allowed the ambiance of Octavinelle to work its magic. “How to prevent passing out in class?” Eros asked half-seriously as their eyes followed the up and awake bartender who laughed. For reasons unknown to them, they supposed and rolled their eyes. Yet they also found themselves half-surprised when she hummed and replied; “Do you sleep?” Rubia looked back with an amused and knowing gaze, “Like, at all?” and her voice was playful, smug if they had to describe it further. Eros, doing their best to remain deadpan, said “No.” in an attempt to mask their own amusement at the ridiculousness of the situation.  4:30 am, having coffee at the Octavinelle commercial lounge, named monstro lounge, as if Rubia was any less guilty for being up and awake at this hour either; even if she was more energized and awake, somehow. The bartender grinned as she turned back properly and leaned on the counter behind her, satisfied with what she was about to say. “I think that narrows it down to the root problem pretty well.” Hypocrite, Eros chuckled internally. “Fair enough.”
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Pione was confident that she was not getting paid enough for this- Floyd grabbed a nearby heartslabyul student like a baseball bat as he swung harder than his mood swings. -but at least it was entertaining. She leaned onto the counter as she watched it go down, making a thumbs up gesture in appreciation when her coworker pushed a bowl of chips and some soda her way; taking a chip, she mumbled a “thamks”, cowering her chewing mouth with the back of her hand. Next to her was Rubia, sitting cross-legged on the front of the bar, her PE jacket tied around her waist, back from a jog or a job; not that she had a way of knowing without asking. Taking a sip from her bottle, her co worker nodded, saying “You’re welcome.” without peeling her eyes from the absolute mess unfolding in front of them both. Usually, it wouldn’t be any less chaotic, it would just be in a different font- if Pione had to use Rubia’s descriptions, at least. Most of the time, Pione would be serving with Floyd while her friend stuck around in the kitchen to accompany Jade, making a note to knock before entering which was frankly amusing- to her, not to Azul, though she didn’t care too much about that. Often times, she would be served a nice drink if she played accomplice to whatever Rubia and Jade were doing that day; not that she knew what they were up to, ignorance was bliss, probably. Plus, the benefits were nice. “Shouldn’t we intervene?” Pione asked, not moving a muscle and instead looking at her friend to gauge her reactions, “Yeah” Rubia replied, unphased and utterly unbothered. 
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“Anything new going on?” Rubia asked, unhurriedly walking alongside her childhood friend; having just gone out to skip PE in favor of getting drinks.
The two quickly thanked their luck for working in their favor, Rubia having just finished “a job” and Rie being in the right place right time. Talking about their days so far and going over a few memories, now making small talk. Rie hummed, shaking her head and shrugging it off as she said “No, not really.” and looking back at her friend, “What about you?”. Rubia entertained the question for a minute or two before settling on an answer, “The usual, its entertaining though.” to which Rie made a sound of acknowledgement. Not to say she didn’t have something else to ask. The Water Nymph looked back up from her drink, taking a sip as the playful giggle of her friend reached her ears, who asked “Well, what about Jade?”- making her promptly cough on her drink.  Rie laughed in a mix of panic and amusement, hushing a few mumbled sentences like “oh my sevens” and “sorry” between the giggling as she pat her friend on the back. Only backing off once Rubia finally took a large breather and exhaled, “Haa.. fuck-” she laughed.  “You could’ve warned me, y’know?” the water nymph said, though it held no weight nor was it a question. The young priestess looked to the side before meeting her gaze, “Well?” and Rubia accepted defeat.  “it’s been going well -” she started, picking her words while her childhood friend waited, “it’s fun, and he’s wonderful” she settled on, making Rie smile and in turn herself too.   “I knew he’d treat you well” the priestess said, slowly gesturing for her friend to follow. Rubia obliged. Rie had a rehearsal with Vil, afterall, and she didn’t want to be the reason for her friend to be late; aware of how important this was to her. “You were always there, still are” ,the water nymph said, “whenever we met up and talked, you’d hint at it too; i sometimes wonder if you saw this coming.” and Rie gave a playful grin.  “Maybe!” she laughed, and Rubia nodded; well aware she would never get a clear answer. it wasn’t like she minded, though, the company was enough. instead, she decided to stir the conversation back to memories “Do you remember whenever we talked about it?” she asked, Rie lighting up at the suggestion, conversing about her childhood together with her bestfriend. 
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Rubia hummed as she went through the letters, tossing one envelope back on the desk, “Very french.” she says, looking back at Aster who does his best not to laugh.  “Very french.” He repeats with a wheeze of his own, gathering his nerves, “Yeah?” he asks the obvious question, not needing to put it together.  “Yeah that’s definitely Rook” The Octavinelle student confirms with a nod, somewhere between finding this funny and exhausting, leaning on humorous. She then sighs, asking the inevitable “But can you read french?” ...”Wait-” The two stared at each other as the silence and hilarity of the situation grew thicker. “Wait- You gotta be kidding me-” she said, looking at him in the eyes “’Swear i’m not-” was the response. And so Rubia decided to just lean against the side of the bed as she tried to make sense of it. Thankfully Aster intervened before she thoroughly lost it and beat Rook with an auto translator. “Okay but i can understand some words-” He said, looking to the side and confirming this was getting his friends attention, “I can guess a few phrases since, y’know,” trailing off. “Since it’s Rook?”  “Yeah.” He leaned closer to the edge of his bed, “Thoughts?” She instantly locked eyes with him and said, deadpanned, “And prayers.” “’Cause bitch, what the fuck.” 
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“He’s so cute, my wife” Ari sighed, leaning onto the counter as they talked their friend’s ear off.Namely, Rubia.  Though it would be more accurate to say she was listening carefully of her own will; humming in acknowledgement whenever they asked a question like ‘you get it, right??’  to show she was paying attention.  “What am I gonna do with him” Ari whined, cupping their cheeks in the palms of their hands, leaning on their elbows as they gauged the Water Nymph’s reaction as she handed them their drink and dessert of choice. Strawberry tarts a light drink to go with it, which they took a sip of as they kept their eyes on Rubia.  As if anything could prepare them for it. “Confess.” And as if on cue, they choked on the sip of their drink as they coughed, promptly pat on the back by the person who caused the problem.  “Girl- What the fuck-” Ari said between coughs as the Water nymph thoroughly cleaned the spilt drink with a napkin and gave them another cup of it, as if she knew this would happen; knowing her, Ari was confident she planned it. Seemingly unaffected by the glare of her friend, Rubia hummed, only turning back with a triumph grin of victory as she asked “Yes?”, returning the eye contact. “What do you mean by ‘yes’?!” Ari questioned, it wasn’t exactly a yell, though the tone of that hushed sentence surely could be registered so.  “I said you should confess, and? Is it bad advice?” was the reply from the Octavinelle student. They rolled their eyes, “If you’re willing to give advice-” they began,  “-and not for a price-” narrowing their eyes as they emphasized, “what would you tell me?”   Not too surprisingly, Rubia’s expression softened, though they had no clue what she was thinking. Like most of the time. “Just go for it.” She shrugged, “He loves you.” and just like that, she was back to what she was doing previously. Thankfully they didn’t begin on their new drink yet, Ari thought; that surely would’ve been the death of them.
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Returned from the maneuvers in Hungary, Franz Joseph wrote a letter to Frau Schratt on the 10th of September, once more “without knowing where I should address it,” as she was on a “breakneck” mountain excursion, unavailable by mail. “Just no more glacier trips,” pleads the Emperor. At the same time he writes a letter to his wife, the last one, which was not to reach her. “The improved spirits that breathe through your letter made me very happy, as did your pleasure in the weather, the air, and your lodging with the terrace, which must afford a wondrous view of mountains and lake. It touched me that you felt, nevertheless, a sort of homesickness for our dear Villa Hermes.” With Elisabeth, too, he discusses Frau Schratt’s disquieting mountain trip. In the evening he is going to maneuvers again at half past 8. “God be with you, beloved angel!” reads the last greeting to the woman who still occupied the first place in his heart. “From the Empress,” it says in the letter to Frau Schratt, “I have had right good news, thank God. Favored by fine weather, she is enjoying the splendid situation of the Hôtel de Caux and the pure, invigorating mountain air, she is taking walks without overexerting herself and is even making farther excursions, her spirits are higher and, in spite of her loathing for Nauheim, she has decided to return there next year.”
These two letters still lay on the Emperor's desk when Adjutant General Count Paar informed him: “Your Majesty cannot leave this evening.” A report has come from Geneva that an attempt had been made on the Empress’ life and that she was grievously wounded. Before Paar can comply with the command to telegraph for further information, an aide-de camp is announced who has a second dispatch to deliver. In greatest agitation, the Emperor tears it in two in opening it and with a look of consternation reads that the Empress is dead of her wounds. “Nothing at all is spared me in this world!” he cries out in dreadful grief. His daughters, informed immediately, arrived in Vienna at the same time as Frau Schratt, who had learned the terrible news in the mountains.
Bourgoing, Jean de (1966). The incredible friendship. The letters of Emperor Franz Joseph to Frau Katharina Schratt (translation by Evabeth Miller Kienast and Robert Rie)
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trensu · 1 year
haunted hawkins: a study of preternatural activity
A Letter of Introduction
Dear Dr. Brenner,
I am reaching out to you in the hopes that you’ll consider taking me on as a student in the near future. I am in my final year of my Bachelor’s degree in psychology, and your work on parapsychology at the Usher Foundation has captivated me. I’m not sure if you know this, but my hometown–Hawkins, Indiana–became a hotspot of potentially preternatural activity during my childhood. It was so prolific that the Usher Foundation actually opened a branch there in what used to be Hawkins National Lab, a pharmaceutical company that went bankrupt in 1973. Most people still call it Hawkins Lab, but it was renamed the Woodhouse Institute after the Usher Foundation took it over.
Your research focuses on the effects of prolonged fear on human behavior, especially if the cause of that fear is not something necessarily based on real concrete events or things. Because of this, I believe further investigation in that time period of Hawkins–roughly 1983 to 1989 is the tentative timeline I’ve put together–would only benefit your research. I am so certain of this that I have already begun my own preliminary investigations. I am including my findings so far as a demonstration of my dedication to the topic. This also showcases my own skills in research that I believe make me an excellent candidate for your graduate program.
Attached is a collation of statements I copied from the Woodhouse Institute’s archives, with the Usher Foundation’s permission. I don’t know for certain how statements are taken at headquarters or other branches across the country, but at the Woodhouse Institute they use a standard document known as Form 33: Report of an Irregular Event, which I’ll hereby abbreviate to Form 33-RIE. This form is given to any witness that presents to the institute. Upon request, witnesses can choose to record their experiences in audio/visual format rather than filling the form by hand in an effort to accommodate witnesses who may have a physical or mental disability that prevents them from writing. The only caveat is that witnesses must disclose whether their disability existed prior to the irregular event or if it was a result of it. As such, some of the statements I’ve included here are actually transcriptions.
I’ve made notes and gathered relevant materials for the statements I’ve found. The statements I collated had multiple potentially supernatural creatures with disparate characteristics. For my preliminary findings, I chose to use the fear model known as Smirke’s Fourteen–which I believe is used by the Usher Foundation’s overseas sister, the Magnus Institute–in an attempt to categorize the different experiences described by witnesses. If you think there is a better fear model to use for this, I would be eager to take it under consideration. I’ve clustered the statements together by the entity the witnesses encountered, and ordered them by the date the statement was given rather than the date the event occurred. Due to the nature of the encounters, witnesses occasionally are unable to provide specific dates for the actual occurrence or their experiences span several days or weeks, so I thought this method would give it more consistency.
If you take me on as a student, I hope to use my research to determine what, if anything, caused this surge of paranormal phenomena and, more importantly to the overarching philosophy of the Usher Foundation, whether the circumstances that caused this could be replicated for use in future research within controlled settings. I believe the latter would be most beneficial to your area of interest, Dr. Brenner.  
Even if you decide I am not a suitable candidate for your graduate program, I would love to hear your thoughts on the information I’ve gathered so far. Thank you for your time; I eagerly await your response.
Dustin Henderson
this and the second chapter are posted on ao3 here.
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rossemboss · 1 year
Notes from Tokyo Vice: An American Reporter on the Police Beat in Japan by Jake Adelstein
note: take book with grain of salt as author is greatly self-aggrandizing, but provides some nice color on yakuza
many yakuza prefer to be called 'gokudo' (the ultimate path)
shobadai - slang for protection money paid to the yakuza
"Santa Fe was a book of nude photos of the popular actress Rie Miyazawa" that showed her pubic hair. When authorities didn't pursue the book for breaking obscenity laws based on the photos' "artistic qualities" it opened the floodgates to the relaxing of those policies enjoyed to this day
typical divisions of a police station: violent crime, white-collar, fraud, , traffic, juvenile crime, prevention, lifestyle/vice, plus an organized crime control division, which would pursue drugs, credit card fraud, and human trafficking
kind of neat - the idea of exotic animals being sold to yakuza to scare people. who would have a leashed tiger?
When someone leaves the yakuza, a letter is circulated to all members, either a hamonjo - this person is no longer in the organization, don't do business or associate with them; or a zetsuenjo - betrayer hunt this person down.
if a murdered body is found with the head facing North, that may indicate a killer feeling remorse as that's how dead bodies are laid out.
suicides remove their socks and shoes as it's rude to wear into the afterlife
There are two major types of yakuza: tekiya, low-level con artists and bakuto, the big leagues, who engage in predatory lending, human trafficking, the racket, and blackmailing corporations. They are over half Korean-Japanese and the dowa, formerly untouchable caste of Japan.
The major yakuza have lots of sub-groups that pay monthly dues. The Yamaguchi-gumi (biggest) takes in about $50M in private equity monthly and this is considered a conservative estimate.
The police don’t have the authority to wiretap, offer plea bargains, or witness protection in yakuza investigations, which limited their ability to effectively prosecute them. It’s also not illegal to be in a criminal organization.
As of 2006, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police compiled a list of ~1k front companies in greater Tokyo, 20% real estate with significant investment in securities, auditing, consulting, and other financiers.
Police sometimes call the yakuza “Realtors” lol
In 2008, a major Corporation was found to be paying over $100M USD to yakuza to remove tenants from properties they wanted to purchase (this is called jiage or land-sharking and is big because tenant laws are so protective.)
The bosses of some yakuza groups are minor celebrities and will be photographed and reported on having meetings/dinners with politicians, or will grant TV interviews!!!
Marubo cops – organized crime detectives
One business model: landsharking, moving yakuza into buildings before they can be repossessed and then buying them themselves or getting money from the original owner for the service, protection money from the sex trade, and the cash cow, extortion (specifically, shaking down business people with embarrassing secrets). They would do the same with companies in financial trouble. They would take out loans from midsize banks using the company’s real estate as collateral, but then when the company would go bankrupt, those loans would go unpaid. The Sumiyoshi-kain also ran staffing companies, loansharking, and an insurance company specializing in false claims to rip off real insurance companies. A collection agency for recovering bad debts for real loan companies. Pawnshops for trafficked goods. A talent agency for porn (paid well not coerced). Transportation and security for large events. Take construction contracts and then subcontract out, pocketing the difference. Set up a fake political org for the tax break and a way to launder money. Have your extortees pay to receive your newsletter.
kabukicho was the undisputed red light district of tokyo before it got partially cleaned up following the 2001 fire of the Myojo 56 building where 40+ people died. It is speculated that the yakuza burnt it down after not being paid its protection money by the mahjong parlor inside.
At least in 1999 during the time of this book, a reporter tells him: "Nine times out of ten, no matter how much it looks like a murder, the Shinjuku police will write it up as a case of assault resulting in death - manslaughter? Why? So they don't have to launch a full investigation." Murders of 'low-lifes' not deemed newsworthy. What WAS newsworthy was anything involving someone famous, a civilian, or a teenager. Maybe a brewing gang war.
The reason the anti prostitution law is on the books is to protect girls who were being sold into sexual slavery after the war. That's why they only go after the pimps and owners, not the girls.
one thing to track is i keep writing big clubs, when i should go smaller, seedier, and more participatory. one stage, men using vibrators on the fully naked dancer. also kinkier: more costumes, piss play, the works.
downtown there are typical haunts where the yakuza hang out near their offices, where they get coffee and shoot the shit. and it's not one organization, but all of them.
lots of young girls (high school to college) get addicted to the host clubs and run up a big tab at which point they get redirected into becoming hostesses or joining the sex trade themselves. these are usually unlicensed clubs that have no police protection and are therefore easy marks for the yakuza. a good host club makes about $300k a year in 1999; the legit hosts can make big money too, think $6-10k a month not including gifts. hosts and hostesses often frequent each other's places when they get off work, so they're often busiest at like 4am/late late hours.
Roppongi is known for its foreigners. The place to go if Japanese people and foreigners are looking to connect (/connect!) Before the bubble burst, Roppongi was known for its highbrow establishments, but it's gone sleazy with big clubs, drugs, and all the typical sex trade establishments. It's nicknamed "High-Touch Town"
Because yakuza bosses can be held liable (and sued) for the crimes of their subordinates, when someone gets collared, it's typical to throw them out of the org (at least on the surface) claiming they were just a bad egg to limit liability. Yakuza will also sue newspapers and other organizations that call their businesses fronts or old members yakuza. Very good lawyers.
money laundering - hostess clubs and sex parlors (have your employees act as regulars and pay there); donations to religious organizations you run from the profits, own restaurants, r&r spots, and more and have your employees go there with the profits.
there are legal limits on interest rates for consumer loans, but yakuza loan sharks obviously go way above that. keep database of all customers at one establishment to see when the loan is falling behind, and then reach out from one of your other loan offices to offer a loan with even higher interest rates to double prey upon your victims.
more swords as weapons since gun use penalties are so high!
not uncommon for yakuza to own the movie studios making yakuza films which has promise as a funny detail; also more chopped fingers, toes transplanted as fake fingers, etc.
Tokarev - Russian guns popular in the 90s with yakuza
"that's why we farm out the dirty work to the Chinese and the Iranians. If they get caught, they don't talk and they just get deproted."
control the media by running the top talent agencies and denying them access to top entertainment talent if they publish unfavorable reporting
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avrablake · 2 years
URL as songs
Thanks for the Tag @blind-the-winds and @odysseywritings
Rules: make a new post and spell out your URL with song titles, then tag as many people as there are letters in your URL!
A - Ash Like Snow - The Brilliant Green
V - Voice of the Wind - RADWIMPS
R - Rain - Pay Money to my Pain
A - All the Kings Men - The Rigs
B - Be Kind - Marshmello, Halsey
L - Life is Like a Boat - Rie Fu
A - Adventure - [Alexandros]
K - Kryptonite - 3 Doors Down
E - Enemy - Imagine Dragons
Leaving this as an Open Tag since I don’t know who has done it already.
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the-orangeauthor · 3 years
Double WIP intro for:
The Assassins Party
The Chronicles Of Metina and Temun
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A little unconventional to do a 2 in 1 wip intro but I have a good reason for it!
First off, these do take place in the Raynorverse but the Chronicles Of metina and temun will most likely be able to read separately. Click here for more info on Raynor!
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The Chronicles Of Metina and Temun
Genre: Fantasy, adventure, action
POV: (most likely) first person dual POV
A short story collection featuring Metina and Temun, two rebellious friends who lead a group of rogues, warriors, and thieves against a tyrannical Queen in the warlands. This collection features all kinds of heists and missions that the two embark on to take back from the Queen and her loyal minions.
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The Assassins Party
Genre: Fantasy, adventure, action
POV: first person (Metina)
Metina is a notorious assassin with a wide reach of control amongst the warlands more... morally ambiguous types. Finally reaching her last straws, she decides that now is the perfect time for her to pull in all her favours and go straight for the head of the beast - The Queens Castle. Accompanied by her best friend, Temun, the two plan the largest job they've ever dared to try, but along the way they stumble upon a group of creatures, mismatched and out of place, that just might be able to help them out.
Ah yes, that's right, The Assassins Party falls into 'The Legends of Raynor' and will take place once the barrier has fallen and our characters brace themselves for the rest of Earth.
A little snippet to entice you:
"I need you to trust me, Temun, or get out."
"God, you are so dramatic sometimes," he said as he walked over to the drawing board. "I put my life in your hands 15 years ago when I let you teach me to swim. I haven't asked for it back since," he reminded me and I smiled.
"I hate you," I replied and he slung an arm over my shoulder as he inspected the board.
"We need more weapons," he said and I nodded.
"I've called in some pretty big favours," I said with a grin and I saw Temuns eyes light up like a little kid at a fair.
"You didn't."
"I did," I said smugly, checking the time on my pocket watch, "any minute now."
Themes and tropes you can expect from both:
Found family but they're all criminals
Main relationship: unbreakable platonic friendship
A lot of heists and missions type plot lines
A fair amount of violence
Robin Hood-esque espionage
Eat The Rich
Magic of course
Also these go very well hand in hand because all of the heists that take place in the Chronicles are name dropped in The Assassins Party!!
Search the tags 'TAP' or 'The Chronicles Of Metina and Temun' for more posts!
Raynor - The Wand and the Wolf
I'm gonna go ahead and tag a few people who may possibly be interested but please let me know if you'd like to be on the taglist for this work! (Or all Raynor associated works!)
@ashen-crest @zmlorenz @stories-by-rie @akindofmagictoo @athenixrose @writing-with-melon
Image IDs for the covers below the cut!
On the right is another cover. The background is of an old map laid out on the table, the paper is brown with age and there are a few islands outlined in black. There are a few random objects over the map like small images, notebooks and a pair of glasses. The title reads 'The Chronicles Of Metina and Temun' in black lettering. One of the journals is open and the page reads 'wanted in: all of the warlands, home, heaven, hell - by popular demand.'
On the right is another cover. The background is of an old map laid out on the table, the paper is brown with age and there are a few islands outlined in black. There are a few random objects over the map like small images, notebooks and a pair of glasses. The title reads 'The Chronicles Of Metina and Temun' in black lettering. One of the journals is open and the page reads 'wanted in: all of the warlands, home, heaven, hell - by popular demand.'
End image ID
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yurimother · 3 years
Yuri School Romance Visual Novel 'Letters for a Rainy Day' Released
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On June 30, HUBLOTS, and mirai works released Lily Spinel's debut visual novel Letters from a Rainy Day - Oceans and Lace (Tsuyuchiru Letter ~Umi to Shiori ni Amaoto o~). The game was released worldwide in Japanese, English, and Chinese simultaneously.
The developer describes the game's story:
The prestigious private girls' school, Kikyou Academy, educates young ladies from elementary age to university. With cell phones forbidden on school grounds, letter writing is a pastime for many of the girls.
One day, Shiori Minato is asked out by an older girl she doesn't know--Mikoto Kurahashi.
Shiori: "She's confessing to me... But why does she look so angry?"
Still, she says yes, thinking of it as an opportunity to build something between them.
One day, popular student Mikoto Kurahashi receives a blackmail letter, threatening to harm her sister, Yumi Kurahashi, unless she asks out a first-year student named Shiori Minato. At first, Mikoto thinks it's a prank--until Yumi gets hurt. So, she asks Shiori out in order to protect her sister.
Mikoto: "Was so she desperate to date me that she'd resort to blackmail?"
Mikoto starts dating Shiori believing her to be the blackmailer. At the same time, Shiori struggles to get Mikoto to engage with her.
It's June in Kamakura, and the hydrangeas are blooming. Two girls are brought together, their relationship manipulated by blackmail. And so begins their bittersweet story...
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Letters for a Rainy Day is a short all-ages kinetic novel with no choices. The scenario is written by Mikuriya Mikuri. The game features artwork by Yuri artist sheepD and an original soundtrack by etonenote. Etonenote also wrote the game's opening "Tsuyushirazu" which is performed by Murasaki Hotaru.
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The game also includes Japanese voice acting staring:
Tosaka Mizuki
Kurachi Reo
Kadowaki Mai
Okamoto Rie
Haruoka Sawa
Shimizu Ai
You can get Letters From a Rainy Day - Oceans and Lace- today on Steam. A demo for the game is available for download.
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lexiklecksi · 3 years
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Written for @flashfictionfridayofficial // word count: 570 // pairing: siblings // genre: fantasy
This isn't Narnia
“Catch me if you can!” My little sister darts off into the hallway. “Laila wait!” I run after her, slipping down the hallway and into the study room. Hopefully, auntie doesn't hear us chasing in her old mansion. She would be furious! A strand of blonde hair slips behind a doorway. There she is! A few more steps and I'm in a small room which isn't used anymore. “Gotchya!” Triumphantly I look around. Where is she? She vanished right in front of me! The room is empty except for a wooden closet. She must have chosen it as hiding place. The door creaks as I carefully push it open. Some old coats are hanging there, but Laila is nowhere to be found. I step further in, the wooly fabrics brushing over my skin, when I feel a tiny hand slipping into mine and pulling me closer. The clothes part and I step on a stony ground.
“Henry, look! I've found Narnia!” My sister beams up to me. I look around. We're in a red desert, small pieces are littering the ground. The air is thick with sand, like a sand storm just rushed past. Everything is set in a gloomy orange, but I can't make out the light source. “Sorry to disappoint you, but this isn't Narnia.” She lets out a frustrated sigh. “Well what is this place?” I shrug. “I don't know.” We both look around and try to find something familiar, but the scenery seems otherworldly. “Let’s go explore!”, Laila suggests and I grab her by the wrist before she gets a chance to run away again. “Stay with me!” She pouts but stays still. Anxiously, we make a path through the litter on the ground.
A shiny metal piece catches my eye. I squat down, pick it up and dust off the ash flakes. The weathered letters make up a familiar name: “Ms. Cambury”. How is that possible? I can't be. “What's wrong?” Laila stands on the tip of her toes and tries to reach my height. The words stumble out of my mouth: “Auntie’s name is written on this plate!” Her eyes enlarge as she understands. “Does that mean she’s been here before us?” We can only guess how this plate turned up in this strange world. I search the ground for further clues, but it's just rubbish lying around. Small pieces of cables, wires and burnt paper.
“Why is the sun black?” Huh? I look up into the direction my sister is pointing with her finger, high up in the sky, which is indistinguishable from the reddish atmosphere surrounding us. Many meters above our heads, there's a black hole sucking in the light. Before I can make up my mind about this strange phenomenon, I hear a distant rumbling, shortly followed by a deep growl. My guts twist and Laila shrieks in panic. “Come on! Let's get out of here!” We run all the way back into the clandestine closet, past the coats and out of the wooden door.
Panting heavily, we land on our knees on the floor of the small room. Her head turns and she glares at me. “I'm sorry I ran away”, she sobs. “It's okay.” I hug her to my chest. “Promise me that you will never return to this strange place. We can't tell anyone what we discovered. Nobody would believe us anyway.” She nods and hugs me back.
Tag list under the cut. Comment if you want to be added or removed from my tag list.
Tag list: @opes-magnas @dg-fragments @silversynthesis @heartofmuse @scatteredthoughts2 @rhapsodyinblue80 @alaskaisnothere @stoic-words @september-stardust @wordsforsadpeeps @writingitdown @intothevortex @aubriestar @rearviewphilosophy @silent-steals-the-night @warriorbookworm @raevenlywrites @alex-a-roman @artsymagee @giantrobocock @theheightofdepression @writing-is-a-martial-art @beautifulimposter25 @cirianne @stories-by-rie
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avengerscompound · 5 years
The Tower: The Queen of Asgard - 13
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The Tower: The Queen of Asgard An Avengers Fanfic
Series Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Pairing:  Avengers x OFC, Bruce Banner x Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton x Wanda Maximoff x Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff x Tony Stark x Thor x Sam Wilson x OFC (Elly Cooper)
Word Count: 1832
Warnings: just some sexual innuendo
Synopsis: The twins are now three and while the Avengers know that Clint and Thor are the biological father’s none of them know or care which blond, blue-eyed baby is related to which man.  When Riley gets the power to control wind and it becomes evident that she is the heir to the Asgardian throne, Elly, Steve, Thor, and Tony take the twins to Asgard to train her.
Not every Asgardian is happy with their king’s choice of consort, nor the impurity of the heir’s blood.  While others expect Thor to make things more official.  What’s clear is, the role of Queen of Asgard is not easily filled.
Author’s Note: Written with the human pin-cushion @fanficwriter013​
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Chapter 13: Keeping Safe
The next morning I woke still nestled in between Tony and Steve but Thor was nowhere to be seen.  I managed to wriggle out from in between them, and as soon as I was clear they moved toward each other, obviously not ready to wake yet.  I used the bathroom and then went into the living room to find Thor working at a desk.  Volstagg was guarding the door to the children’s room.
“Good morning,”  Thor said looking up.  “Glad to see you’ve joined the land of the living.”
“Are the kids okay?  One of them normally wakes the other and they come and get us.”  I asked.
“Still asleep,” Thor said.  “I checked on them.”
“Do you need help with anything?”  I asked.
“I would appreciate your insight on this scheduling.  There are so few I trust here, making sure the warriors get the rest they need and having everyone guarded is difficult.”  Thor said.
I came over and sat down in his lap and he put one hand on my thigh, tightening it for a moment before just letting his hand relax.  “I’d prefer that you stay with me.  I think that will be the best way to keep you safe.  I’d like at least two people with the children at any time.”  He said.  “I know that Steve can handle himself, so I am not too concerned about him.”
“And Tony?”  I asked.
“I don’t want to say he can’t handle himself.  I know he has the suit…”  Thor said.
“But you’re aware of his fragile mortality?”  I said.
He nodded and put his chin on my shoulder.
“Well, he’s going to want to go to the lab and work on the bots now.  That’s for sure.  Would you trust Tony and Steve alone together?”
“Perhaps.  I think together they should be strong enough to at least hold out a fight long enough for Loki and I to get there.”  Thor said.
“Well, what if Steve and Tony stick together.  And I’m with you.  Then the warriors and Loki can rotate keeping the kids safe.”   I suggest.  “Then when the bots are done there’s extra security on everyone.  Plus the others will be here soon enough.”
“I can make that work,”  Thor said with a nod.  He filled out the timetable and began to write a letter.  I couldn’t understand anything he wrote though as he was writing in what looked like runes.
“I should go and dress for the day if I’m tailing you around,”  I said.  “You could always have either you or Loki with the kids at all times too.  So if you put down when you’re needed to do things elsewhere, Loki can be with the kids.  He won’t mind even with the warpath he’s on.  He loves spending time when Pietro.”
“He does love that little boy,”  Thor said.
“He does.”  I agreed.  “I wonder what that is exactly about?  I’d put it down to the fact he loves books so much.  But remember when he came to meet them?  They were still all floppy and only just learning to roll over.   Even then he wanted to hold Pietro first despite the fact we said he was the one that was more likely to cry.”
Thor shook his head.  “Maybe he always suspected Pietro wasn’t mine biologically and therefore not the heir to the throne.”
I nodded slowly, mulling the hypothesis over.  “Could be.  Perhaps he wanted to make sure he always felt worthy the way he didn’t feel that.”
“It’s hard to say,” Thor said.  “If I understood the inner workings of my brother better, we wouldn’t have the trouble we do.”
I went to stand and he took my hand and looked up at me.  “How are you feeling this morning?  I feel like I ought to check in on you.”
I smiled down at him.  “Better.  Sleep helped.  It was dreamless too.  So that’s good.  I’m obviously still anxious, but so are you.  That’s not going to go away until this is all put to rest.”
He kissed the back of my hand.  “We will get to the bottom of this.”
I kissed him gently and went and bathed.  I changed into a less formal looking Asgardian dress than I had last night.  Though saying that, it was still far more elaborate and formal than I normally dressed.  The dress was gold with black thread work through it and wrapped around me.  Over the top, I wore a blue and black cloak.
When I came back out to the living room Steve and Tony were both up as were the kids.  Pietro was sitting in Thor’s lap drawing on some paper as Thor continued to work, while Riley tore around the room.
“Mommy!”  Riley squealed and slammed into my legs.
“My goodness, you are so hyped lately,” I said, crouching down and cuddling her.
“That might be her connection with Asgard and her newly obtained powers,” Thor said.
I nodded and moved to the couch.  “Sounds reasonable.”
The door open and Loki stalked in.  “Surprise brother.  Apparently, we have more siblings.”
Thor looked up startled and Pietro reached for Loki.  “We what?”
Loki took Pietro from Thor and the little boy snuggled into his uncle’s chest.  “I do not know who this woman is.  But she seems to be an envoy from the kingdom of Heven.  Before either of us were born our parents had two other children.  First was a son named Aldriff.  Back then Asgard was waging war everywhere.  Aldriff was killed by a spy from Heven as an infant.  Next was a daughter.  I have been unable to find anything else except word that she existed.  It’s like every record pertaining to her has been erased.”  Loki explained.  “This new faction is claiming that Aldriff was never killed but taken and raised in Heven to one day take the throne here.  Much like our parents did with me, intending I return and take the throne on Jotunheim.”
“If our brother is a worthy ruler, I’d gladly give him the throne.  Why all the subterfuge and violence?  We have no quarrel with Heven.”  Thor said.
“Wait… just back up a second.”  Tony interrupted.  “There’s a Heaven?”
“Of course, Tony,” Thor said while Loki rolled his eyes.  “These myths you have on Earth usually have an origin elsewhere.”
“Well, regardless, it looks like Heven may have been holding on to some past anger and plan to put their own puppet on the throne,” Loki said, turning the conversation back on track.  “There may be descent in your council.  I will continue to look into it.  If we can smother that it should crush any further attacks.  Heven is not strong enough on its own to take us.  It needs the support of the people.”
“And you’re sure our guest is of Heven?  Aren’t they usually possessing wings?”  Thor asked.
“I don’t know what to tell you, brother.  This is all I know so far.”  Loki said with a shrug.
There was a knock on the door and Fandral lead in the same chef from last night along with some others who were all wheeling trays of food.
“Yay!”  Riley squealed, running over to the carts.  “You maded yummy food.”
“I did, little princess.”  The chef said.
“Fank you.”  She said, looking up at him and bouncing on her feet.
The chef picked up a plate and turned crouching down and offering it to her.  “Made special for the princess.”
She clapped her hands and a breeze picked up. “Fank you.”  She took the plate and then very slowly and carefully carried it to the table.
“You are most welcome.”  He said.  “I’ve made something else for the little boy if he’d like it.”
Loki brought Pietro over and took the plate.  He tasted something and looked down at Pietro.  “You can eat it.”  He said.
“Fank you,”  Pietro said, looking over the food and then carefully sampling some, exactly as Loki had just done.  Meanwhile, Riley had made a complete mess with her food already.
“I’ve taken some liberties with the cuisine to try and make it more to your tastes.”  The chef said.  “I hope you enjoy.”
“Thank you so much,”  I said.
“Is yummy!”  Riley added, enthusiastically.
“This is the highest of praise.”  The chef said.  “Thank you, princess.”  He bowed and left the room followed by his staff.
“Winning hearts there, Rie?”  Tony asked and she grinned up at him, her face completely covered in food.  He came over and began looking over the carts as I helped myself to a selection of things.  “So, what’s on the menu this morning?  You know, aside from -”  He made an obscene gesture and I hit him.
“Tony!  The kids.”  I yelped.
“Uh-huh,”  Tony teased.  “You know you want it.”
I rolled my eyes and took a seat at the table.  “Riley, please use your fork.”  I sighed.
She scrunched her nose and picked up her fork.  She stabbed her food with the fork and then took it off the fork with her hand before putting it in her mouth.
Steve chuckled.  “That’s not how you do that, Riley.”  He said.
“I use dem.”  She said defensively.
“You put the food on the fork and then the fork in your mouth.”  He instructed.
She attempted to do as he said but the food fell off her fork and spilled down her dress.  Steve chuckled and sat down, putting her on his lap and helping her eat.
After we’d eaten the kids got cleaned up and we prepared to split into our respective groups.
“Alright.  The children are mine now.”  Loki said.
“Who’s staying with you?”  I asked.
“That would be me, my lady,” Fandral said, making a large sweeping bow.  Loki looked at him with an expression of complete boredom on his face.  “The lord Loki appears very excited to have me.  That’s okay.  We shall have fun.  Shan't we, your majesty?”  He said kneeling in front of Riley.
She did a wobbly curtsy and patted his cheeks.  “I’m majesty.”
“Where do we want to go, children?”  Loki asked.
“Wibwawy,”  Pietro answered quickly.
“No…”  Riley whined.  “Is borwing.”
“Let us compromise.  First, we shall spend time in the library and then we shall do something Riley would like to do.”  Loki said.
Riley scrunched her nose.  “It's okay, your majesty.  I'll be there.  We can make it fun together.  Annoy your uncle Loki.” Fandral said.  He offered her his hand and she took it.
“Alright, kiddos. You stay with Loki and Fandral.  No wandering off and no talking to strangers.”  I said as Loki and Fandral headed to the door with them.
“Subtle, Elise.”  Loki teased as the twins called out ‘bye-bye’.
After they were gone Hogun led Tony and Steve down to the lab and Thor took me along to a meeting with his advisors and I got to see exactly what being the King of Asgard actually meant.
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wonisol · 2 months
what does the glass of milk on your table mean? 🤨🤨🤨
wdym? Is it a language? IDK IM SO SORRY 😭😭
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Thursday 28 December 1826
6 3/4
1 3/4
my bowels quite right this morning - I do believe it was the tightness of my stays that disordered them - In my salon at 7 55/60 - from 8 to 10 20/60 writing to Mariana breakfast at 10 20/60 then read the whole of the paper of today and yesterday which took me till 12 - then finished dressing - at my desk again at 12 1/2 - 1/2 hour hour reading over all I have written to Mariana the whole 2 3/4 pp. [pages] very small and close - from 1 to 3 10/60 finished page 3, and wrote the ends of my paper very small and close to Mariana
then washed
&c [etcetera] went to speak to my aunt, and set off (to dine with Mrs Barlow) at 4 - I had before sent George with the remainder of the bonbons of Monday for Jane, and an iced plum cake (of 7/.) for Mrs Barlow on her birthday - she wondered why I had sent it - not obliged to me at all - I had sent a cake to Madame Galvani could not bear to be treated like other people - cared for nothing to eat - explained that it was customary enough to give a plum cake on a birthday - certainly had never dreampt that because I had sent a cake to Madame Galvani I therefore ought or ought not to send one to Mrs Barlow would do so no more - never ever give her anything eatable - Dinner at 5 1/2 or perhaps 5 3/4 - pear soup - vol au vent, filet de boeuf piqué, gateau de rie, and a crême glacé (ice) the four last from a traiteur and respectively 5/. 6/. 4/. and 5 or 6/. - for dessert a plate of raisins and blanched almonds, Saint Germain pears, at 4 sols each, little almondy drop cakes (stale) and rice and savoy biscuits - Beaune rouge at 4/. and claret from Madame Droz’s friend, Monsieur Lambert, at 3/. good of its kind - Madame Alexandre her late porter’s wife (her husband a joiner - ordered a pasteboard and rolling pin) retained to wait - what nonsense! and so I told Mrs Barlow who said she thought I liked a good dinner, and was determined to see what she could do -
it was meant to return the dinner she had with us I saw thro this the feeling was not thoroughly ladylike it had too much of the not bearing to be outdone and after all it was hugger poor madame ci devant porteress being shockingly gauche potter came in at first and set the dishes on wrong Mrs B hugged her and she appeared no more I cannot think Mrs B good tempered thought I all this would never suit me -
Jane had scarce swallowed her soup before she was called off to go to the play with the family below Monsieur and Madame and Madamoiselle Pouciègle - I took a little Beaune and water (very dear at 4/. like ours as well at 2/.) four glasses of the thin claret and we went to the drawing room at 6 3/4 - I had really had too much dinner and felt oppressed by it -
but she sat on my knee and I had soon the right middle finger up as usual and she said she came down better to me and felt more than she had yet done since my return tho she had been poorly all the week and thought she could do nothing for me she said she felt more when sitting on my knee when my thigh was next to her the feel of it went thro her -
we had tea about 8 -
then at her again then rested and at her again having latterly both second and first finger up being too full of dinner it was really an exertion to me and in fact the pleasure to me is no much merely the excitement of exciting her and having a woman to grubble who likes it so well I almost feel as much now at the moment of writing as when with her towards eleven she began to be pathetic and cry a little we must part she felt as a wife but what was she &c [etcetera] &c [etcetera] wanted her letters not safe with me surrounded as I was with friends alluded to π [Mariana] if I died my aunt would give her all my papers to read said I would pledge my existence that what ever might be π [Mariana] s curiosity I could leave one of Mrs Bs [Barlow’s] letters open before her a whole day and she would not read a line of it Mrs B [Barlow] said she was a woman and she would not believe said I come come give the devil his due she said I loved π [Mariana] might praise her as I liked but why should she Mrs B [Barlow] say what she did not think said I would give her her letters by and [by] she must give me mine no mine were quite safe her aunt was too blind could not read them nor would she if she could I thought they ought on both sides to be burnt Mrs B [Barlow] said mine could do no harm people might read and not understand them I protested they were such as only a husband would write but for myself individually I cared not the world would not blame me so much as Mrs B [Barlow] they would commit her much more than me I could not have written such without encouragement she said her aunt would forgive her if she knew what had passed but she would be angry at her going on with it when I was engaged to another but I had said we could not go on as we did and she had rather I sinned with her than with another ‘but if I have not your letters I have nothing three years hence you may say you never loved me you have your journal I could gain nothing by shewing your letters or boasting of you regard r love for me’ I merely answered no certainly not and declared it was impossible I could ever deny my regard for her but these words of hers ssand deep in my heart I mused on them all the way home and determined I never would give her her letters without getting back my own -
Jane returned at 11 40/60 - the poor girl had a wretched cold when she went and it seemed worse - took their fiacre (George had been waiting upstairs with Potter I know not how long perhaps an hour), and got home in 1/4 hour at 12 -
Mrs B [Barlow] forty today -
Dawdling and musing - very fine day -
Marginal Notes
very fine frostyish morning
Fahrenheit 37o at 8 a.m. 41 1/2 at 12 p.m. 41 1/2 at 3 1/2 p.m. 37 1/2 at 12 midnight
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aziz-writes · 5 years
Hell yeah, I'm making it a tag game.
Rules: post a screenshot or link to your OC's playlist. Share some lyrics from each song that resonate with your character and tag some friends!
My OC: Rebekah from Death of a Monarch Butterfly
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Save you - Emilie Autumn
"I think you have enough experience to differentiate between a heart of gold and what you cradle in your gentle arms. Can you not recognize a soul already sold?"
Everything is ending - Chameleon Circuit
"I nearly died alone in the dark, I couldn't open my eyes and it made me think about what I want--about who I want."
Forget - Marina
"I've been dancing with the devil, I love that he pretends to care."
Guilty - Marina
"Guilty on the run, and I know what I have done. Guilty on the run, and I'm never forgiven."
Holy - Zolita
"Worship your body as you walk away, you're the only thing that can make me pray. I fall at your feet, your breath defined and underneath my skin's intrinsic shrine."
How to save a life - The Fray
"Lay down a list of what is wrong, things you told them all along and pray to God he hears you. I pray to God he hears you."
I'm a ruin - Marina
"I know that I can't have it all, but without you I am afraid I'll fall. I know I'm playing with your heart, and I could treat you better but I'm not that smart."
Kristy are you doing okay - the offspring
"Oh, clouds of time seem to rain on innocence left behind. It never goes away."
Running with the devil - Alexz Johnson
"Writing deep letters to yourself, maybe this one will help. Give it all away and hurt yourself. When you're done, see what it's all about: see, the hurt didn't help."
Where does it hurt - Alexz Johnson
"There's nothing wrong with coming up empty and cold. Staying too long, and trying to change rocks into gold."
Games taglist! (ask to be added or removed)
@yuriyawrites @ren-c-leyn
@emdop @katwip
@compulsionsnovel @every-book-has-a-secret
@stories-by-rie @zwritesiguess
@thefriendlydark @contes-de-rheio
@corav1a @julia-writeblr
@keen2meecha @tenacious-scripturient
@phoenixmakeswords @inscrutable-shadow @sybil-writes
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medea10 · 4 years
My Review of Arte
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How did I get into this anime? Well, I had a few slots open for the spring 2020 anime season! Let’s read what this anime is about.
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A girl during the Renaissance era in Florence, Italy wants to be an artist…
I really don’t want to be disappointed with this. I have a horrible habit of adding animes where the main concept has to do with the art world. And have it go wrong when the anime is too boring or not enough love is given to it. But maybe this will go well! The manga is already getting high marks and praise. And for being a history piece, it got picked up rather quickly from a big anime licensor in the west.
Arte comes from a noble family and her family has plans for their daughter. It’s just that Arte is heavily into…well…art. They’re fine as long as it’s only a hobby, but it’s getting a little out of hand for Arte’s mother. Arte wants to become an artist! BIG problem! This is Italy during the Renaissance era. No women artists! But Arte persisted by asking all around to become an apprentice.
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The only man to even give her a chance was an artist named Leo. After testing her endurance, he allows her to become his apprentice. Arte’s life is officially changing as she throws away her nobility to draw and paint.
BETWEEN THE SUB AND THE DUB: FUNimation grabbed this anime. Surprisingly, they didn’t give Arte a simildub. Quite possibly because this was one of those newer animes that arrived during the COVID-19 nightmare! Or they didn’t want to fuck with Italian accents this time around! The sub had a nice mixture of veteran and newer seiyuus. Color me surprised when I heard Rie Tanaka’s voice again near the end of the series. Here’s what you might recognize these folks from.
*Arte is played by Mikako Komatsu (known for Mairin on Pokemon XY, Seishirou on Nisekoi, Susamaru on Demon Slayer, Wy on Hetalia, Eternal Feather on Soul Eater NOT, and Tori on YGO Zexal)
*Leo is played by Katsuyuki Konishi (known for Kamina on Gurren Lagann, America on Hetalia, Tsumugu on Kill la Kill, Laxus on Fairy Tail, Tanaka on Durarara, Fuegoleon on Black Clover, and Arima on Tokyo Ghoul)
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FAVORITE CHARACTER: Arte! This girl wants to pursue a career in the arts and will do whatever it takes to do so. She defies her mother’s wishes, cuts her long hair, almost cuts off her breasts, did all the impossibly difficult tasks other apprentices could never do, and so much more. You have to admire this crazy, little lady.
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SHIPPING: In episode 3, Arte started feeling that light and fuzzy feeling many of us feel when we “fall” for someone. And she started to feel funny whenever she was around Leo. This would be fine and dandy except for a few issues. For one thing, Leo is her boss and she’s his apprentice. Best to keep things professional! Secondly, during this period in time, Veronica does have a point. It’s best that if you want to achieve in your craft in a man’s world, it’s best to stow the romance bags to the side. After that bag of reality was dropped on Arte, she mostly focused on her art work and no romance was ever brought up again.
Although, I do have an inkling about Yuri having the hots for Arte! But I know my girl Arte here don’t have time for this boy’s bullshit!
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LEO AND ANGELO: No, this isn’t a shipping debate. Actually, there are fans of the show speculating if these two characters are in fact the famous artists Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo. Come on now, this story is absolute fiction with a few true details here and there. Yes, we still don’t know the full name to Leo to prove that he could be the fictionalized version of the real-life artist and the anime never once put up an advisory at the beginning of every episode saying that any character that’s similar to real-life people is purely coincidental. But it’s possible that these two could very well be those very artists. Both da Vinci and Michelangelo were living Florence around the same time. I’ll chalk this up to you history buffs and conspiracy theorists out there. I choose to believe the creator of Arte just used the names of these artists and that’s that!
ENDING: During the 7th episode, Arte is given an opportunity to go to Venice to become a tutor for a handsome man’s niece and to paint a portrait of his sister-in-law. At the time, Venice was seen as a staple in the art world (despite Florence’s rich history that we know today) and this would be a perfect time for Arte to spread her wings. I mean, she won’t be an apprentice under Leo forever, right?! Yeah, Leo’s words to Arte before she left for Venice played around her head a lot during her stay in Venice. Saying that it’s okay if she chooses to stay there longer than six months or even stay permanently!
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During this time, Arte was able to find ground with this difficult child (Catalina) that she must tutor as these two do share something in common. Both girls have a certain passion that they want to hone as their own, but can’t due to family forbiding it, status in the world, and even gender. Arte did so much to get where she is now including disobeying her mother by leaving home and try in a profession that’s mainly for men. Arte was unable to do much with her relationship with her family (especially after her father’s death), but she was able to help Catalina and her mother with theirs and even hope for a future where Catalina can see a boy she likes again.
As we near the end of this series, we find Arte still wondering about her future. She’s still seen as the rarity as being a woman of nobility entering the art world when that profession is usually done by people seen as lower than nobles and majorily male. Plus, what Leo said before setting for Venice keeps replaying in Arte’s mind. It’s true that this time Arte has spent in Venice with Sofia and Catalina was life-changing. And Yuri ended up asking Arte to stay with the family permanently. Meanwhile, Leo is noticing that maybe, just maybe, he’s missing Arte. That or he’s annoyed by all the people in Arte’s circle bugging him.
In the finale, Arte has reached a conclusion on where she’s going to go after finishing up Sofia’s portrait. She got some decent advice from one of the apprentices she met in Venice. That Arte should use her nobility and gender to her advantage in a male dominated profession. Okay, he didn’t exactly say that, but you get what I mean. There’s a certain softness to Arte’s work that’s not seen with many male artists. She should continue doing what she loves despite what others may say or think.
So in case you’re wondering, she turned down Yuri’s proposal of staying with Sofia and Catalina full-time. She’s going to head back to Florence and continue as Leo’s apprentice. Yeah, Catalina is pretty upset by Arte leaving after spending over six months with them. But they promised to keep in touch with letters. Upon Arte’s return to Florence, she learns about Leo doing a special mural for the Easter holiday. But Leo got ill and has been bed-ridden for days.
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Arte steps in and takes over the mural so that it could be completed in time for Easter. With a little help from her friends like Darcia, Angelo, and Veronica, she was able to complete it. And just in time for Leo to emerge to give his critique on Arte’s work. As usual, he told her on what she should have done, but acknowledges that she has definitely grown as an artist during her time in Venice and is happy to see her again. Surprisingly, that wasn’t the only shocking moment of the finale.
Arte’s mother was there for the unveiling of the mural and actually praises her daughter. I guess she’s come a long way from the first episode where she burned all of Arte’s drawings. So yeah, girls can be more than just bargaining tools for marriage or becoming nuns. So Arte’s going to continue working under Leo and we end there.
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I can already tell you that many people were not digging this anime, but I liked it. But again, painting is my thing. And being a female, I’m drawn to stories of girls trying to overcome prejudice just because of their gender. Even when studying art in school, most pieces that were covered in the curriculum were majority (if not, all) male. Well, unless I took a class with a supremely feminist teacher, we would not learn anything about female painters. And if we did, it would just be for like one day or one week out of the semester before we get to the well-known names like Van Gough, Pollock, and Monet.
By the looks of it, Arte doesn’t look like it’ll get any kind of continuation. I know that the manga is still in publication and maybe if that ends we might get something extra. But I wouldn’t hold my breath on that one. Even FUNimation didn’t bother giving this an English dub. Then again, this aired during the height of the COVID pandemic (in Japan) In fact; it was one of the very few animes in the spring season that never took a week off due to COVID. I would like to see what happens to Arte in the future. Like if she ends up with her own workshop or if she takes over Leo’s place when he retires. It’s fun to think of what happens and I might just one day pick up the manga to see if any of that actually happens. Due to my particular love of painting, I’m going to recommend this series regardless. And while you’re at it, check out some other series like Honey and Clover or Hidamari Sketch.
If you would like to watch this anime, FUNimation and Hulu have all 12 episodes available for streaming.
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worseandworser · 6 years
Piece of Paper
This is based on @rie ‘s Catfish AU, that is currently my fav RoyEd AU. It’s just beyond perfect!!
Ship: RoyEd
Summary: "I already said I don't mind," Al said, "I just think you should be honest with him."
“I am honest with him. Maybe I'm too honest even, I should tell him less shit."
“That’s not what I mean and you know it.” Alphonse stared at him. “You need to tell him who you are.”
How old you are. It wasn’t said but it was there.
Rating: Teen and Up
Warnings/tags: Ed is 15/16, catfishing
read on ao3: https :// archiveofourown.org/ works/ 17825831
It was just a piece of paper. Edward had to keep reminding himself of that, as his heart went rampant just at the sight of the envelope. Just a piece of paper, hence he could tear it open and get to the important bits already. He had been waiting for what, three months now? The letter was long and had that ridiculously pompous military watermark, the sideways calligraphy making everything look absurdly formal — but it wasn’t, and that was the best part of it.
Just a piece of paper. Piece. Of. Paper.
Nothing good would come out of thinking more of it, would it?
Still, knowing that didn’t stop him from wanting to press the page against his chest, although common sense stopped him from acting on it. Al was right there, and Ed was probably already making these pathetic faces — Winry said it made him look like a girl from a romance movie, which was awful.
“Is it Colonel Mustang again, Brother?”
Edward flushed at Alphonse’s wiggling brows, and he hectically shoved the letter back into the envelope. “It’s none of your business.”
The younger Elric laughed and Ed’s facial blood vessels went overdrive. Stupid meddling little brothers…
"I already said I don't mind," Al said, "I just think you should be honest with him."
“I am honest with him. Maybe I'm too honest even, I should tell him less shit."
“That’s not what I mean and you know it.” Alphonse stared at him. “You need to tell him who you are.”
How old you are. It wasn’t said but it was there.
The heat in his veins turned sour, from embarrassment to irritation, and suddenly the situation felt more like a scolding than just poking fun. Ed's eyes went back to the beige envelope in his hands, twisting it between his fingers as he read the curly handwriting in the back over and over again. Col. Roy Mustang, Col. Roy Mustang, Col. Roy Mustang.
He couldn’t tell him. Not yet, not after all these years they spent exchanging letters back and forth like— not like lovers, not like lovers, stupid, stupid. Not now, when he was everything Ed had besides Al and an old house in Risembool.
“Shut up,” he grumbled, “I said it’s none of your business.”
Edward shoved the papers in his pocket, wincing internally as he felt it crumple even more. Just a piece of paper, he reminded himself. Just a piece of paper.
“Did you get another letter?”
Roy Mustang glanced at his friend. The green eyes were gleaming behind the spectacles, scanning over him as if fishing for an incriminating reaction. The alchemist put his elbow on the bar counter and rested his chin on his palm, trying to not appear as shaken on the outside as he was on the inside.
“What makes you think that?”
Maes grinned victoriously. “You get this glow whenever it happens.”
“Glow," he repeated, containing a laugh, "there are many things that could leave someone glowing."
“This one is different.”
“How come?”
“It’s rare,” the man shrugged, “and it’s just like the one you get when you talk about him.”
“I don’t even talk about him that much.”
It was the truth. Roy liked to keep Edward all to himself, he didn’t need anyone sticking their greasy noses into them. Maes was the only one to know about the letters ─ and the Madam had found out some way or another ─ and it was one of Roy’s top priorities to keep it this way. Maybe not because of what it was now, but for the potential of what it could become.
“You don’t need to. I just told you, Roy, you get this glow.”
Perhaps not talking about Edward was simple, but not thinking about him was a whole different ordeal. Roy took a sip of his drink and relented. “If you say so.”
“You two should meet already, it’s time for you to settle down.”
“One day,” Roy said wistfully, “for now he’s too occupied with his research.”
Hughes squinted at him. “Well, that’s what he tells you, uh.”
“God, Maes, we’ve been over this already.”
“What if he’s lying to you all this time and avoiding you? What if he’s an old man? Really old, like sixty or eighty.”
“His vocabulary is too crude for that.”
The man’s eyes widened. “What if he’s a kid then?”
“Too academic.”
“Roy,” a hand slapped over his shoulder, “what if he is a woman?”
Laughing, his friend let go of him and went back to his drink. “But seriously, do you even what he looks like?”
Long blond hair he says it’s always braided, eyes in a ‘weird gold’ shade, tanned, Roy thought, he’s good in hand-to-hand combat so an athletic body.
Roy sighed.
“It’s none of your business.”
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