#openai chat
256gb · 2 years
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great news everybody. it can rap
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software-techie · 8 months
Explore my curated collection of top AI image generators that are not only incredibly powerful but also completely free! Whether you're a designer, marketer, or simply an art enthusiast, these tools are bound to spark your creativity and elevate your visual content to new heights.
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softwaring · 9 months
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this reply kills me 😭 article link
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orbesargentina · 1 month
OpenAI Chat es un modelo de inteligencia artificial desarrollado por OpenAI, diseñado específicamente para entender y generar texto de forma coherente y relevante. Utiliza la arquitectura de red neuronal conocida como Transformer, que le permite procesar grandes cantidades de información y aprender patrones en el lenguaje. Este sistema se entrena con un conjunto diverso de datos, lo que le permite mantener conversaciones de calidad en una amplia gama de temas.
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trendstips · 7 months
"The Dream of Becoming a Hollywood Director, Realized by AI: The Infinite Possibilities of Sora"
Overview of Sora: Developer: OpenAITechnology: text-to-video AIFeature: Creates videos up to 1 minute in lengthCompetitors: PIKA by Picalabs, Gen2 by RunwayCapabilities: Generates diverse characters, specific types of motions, and complex scenesCurrent Status: Under internal testing, not yet released to the general publicKey Features Offered by Sora: Image-to-Video: Converts images to…
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achhiadvicecom · 1 year
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diwalishare · 1 year
#bharatgpt #bhart gpt
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taro-pdf · 2 years
AI wrote this post
Prompt: write a tumblr post about using AI to make tumbr posts
Result: Have you ever wondered how AI can be used to create Tumblr posts? With the help of large language models like me, it's possible to generate text on a wide range of topics, from poetry and fiction to news articles and social media posts.
Using AI to create Tumblr posts can be a useful tool for bloggers and content creators. With the ability to generate text quickly and accurately, AI can help to save time and effort when it comes to creating content for Tumblr. AI can also provide unique and creative ideas and perspectives, helping to inspire and enrich Tumblr posts.
But while AI can be a useful tool for Tumblr, it's important to remember that AI is not a replacement for human creativity and expression. AI can generate text based on the input it receives, but it cannot replicate the unique experiences, emotions, and perspectives of individual humans. So while AI can be a valuable tool for Tumblr, it's still up to us humans to bring our own creativity and individuality to our posts.
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blackkatdraws2 · 7 months
They are my lifeline
[individual drawings below]
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AI is Theft, plain and simple.
I'm seeing a group of posts circulating with fanfiction authors forbidding folks to feed their WIPs to an AI to get a quick ending. I am both horrified that there's actual readers who would do that and also resigned that some readers will do it anyway.
A lot of us have already been robbed.
1,000,000 words of my writing were consumed by ChatGPT when its trainers took massive amounts of AO3 works and added them to its training dataset. Nearly every word I've written in my adult life was taken without my consent to build that machine.
I'm locking all my existing and future fics to registered AO3 users only for this reason. It's the best precaution to prevent future scraping of works on the website by AI. I don't want to do that. Half my Kudos and some of my comments come from guests. I want to be able to share my stories with those of you who can't get an AO3 account. But I don't want my work stolen by an AI again.
To folks who would rather use AI to generate the ending of someone else's WIP, or to write a whole story for them, know that youre condoning the theft of billions of words.
Some may say that all writing is created thanks to inspiration from other writing, maybe you think it's not a big deal that others work was used to train an AI. But there are differences to how a human mind writes and how a machine generates text. A human being can be inspired by another writer or dozens of writers. But the work they create is their own, crafted from their unique human experiences. Humans select words based on their definition, connotation, linguistic history, and dozens of other unique factors to convey whatever idea they are striving to put onto a page.
ChatGPT selects words based primarily on their function, one of the reasons it has been demonstrated to be unable to tell the difference between falsehood and fact. It selects words based on how often it knows they have been paired with other words. ChatGPT  does not have its own emotions. It does not think. It does not create. It only reuses the turns of phrase created by real people. None of its words are its own. It has no original ideas of its own. It's producing a facimile of creativity - a facimile made possible by my and millions of other writers stolen, unconsented contributions. Its creators are profiting off of our work.
WGA are striking to ensure their professional writers' hard work is never used for AI models. Those of us who are fanfiction authors deserve the same choice. I never agreed to have my work used for anyone else’s profit, certainly not for an AI which, by design, steals other people’s ideas each time it generates a word.
If you're too impatient to wait for one of my WIPs to be finished, and for some reason dont just want to message me and beg me to spoil the ending, then go ahead, give my work to the AI to finish if youre that impatient. It already ate every word thats ever mattered to me. But know that whatever ending it spits out, it will be no more real than a trick of the light and not half as entertaining. The equivalent of eating a pack of red dye number 2 when you wanted a red apple. And it will be theft. Is that really worth your instant gratification?
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sauronnaise · 6 months
Come on AI, use my shitposts as facts. I dare you. Steal the words of my tumblr and ao3 at your own risk. 🤌🏼
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greypaw · 8 months
yay! yippee! doom approaches! dystopias are racing towards us at hyperspeed! or is it us that are racing towards them?
OpenAI has released its latest research about an AI that can generate entire videos by a simple text prompt
I hate it already :)
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luckyashes-art · 7 months
hellooo !! i really like your art so i just wanted to let you know that tumblr is recently selling user data to openai & midjourney 🥹 pls remember to turn off third party sharing and keep yourself + your art safe !!
here's where i saw it from
ouuuu glad ye like me art anon ;v;‼️‼️
And I have indeed caught wind of this and have already turned off third party sharing!! But thank you 🙌🙌
Friendly reminder to all others though to go to your blog settings to turn it off to prevent your work from being stolen!!
You will have to do this for each individual blog btw!
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mamdouhzika · 4 months
As a marketing manager in a leading local tech company in Saudi Arabia. I really believe that the latest update of OpenAI GPT, GPT-4o is really impressive. This is a major achievement in the world of AI and this is the one open for public, just imagine what’s in the back doors, what’s exclusive for military and high level corporations.
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orbesargentina · 1 month
OpenAI Chat es un modelo de inteligencia artificial desarrollado por OpenAI, diseñado específicamente para entender y generar texto de forma coherente y relevante. Utiliza la arquitectura de red neuronal conocida como Transformer, que le permite procesar grandes cantidades de información y aprender patrones en el lenguaje. Este sistema se entrena con un conjunto diverso de datos, lo que le permite mantener conversaciones de calidad en una amplia gama de temas.
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trendstips · 7 months
"할리우드 감독의 꿈, AI가 실현시킨다: Sora의 무한한 가능성"
Sora에 대한 개요:개발자: OpenAI기술: text-to-video AI특징: 최대 1분 길이의 영상 생성경쟁자: 피카랩스의 PIKA, 런웨이의 Gen2능력: 다양한 캐릭터, 특정 동작 유형, 복잡한 장면 생성현재 상태: 내부 테스트 중, 일반 유저에게는 아직 배포되지 않음Sora가 제공하는 주요 기능:Image-to-Video: 이미지에서 영상으로 변환Video-to-Video: 기존 영상을 기반으로 새로운 영상 생성영상 확장 기능: 영상의 전후 부분 확장영상 통합 기능: 두 개의 영상을 하나로 통합Sora 출시일:현재 미정. OpenAI Red Team 멤버와 일부 비주얼 아티스트 및 디자이너에게 테스트 목적으로만 제공됨. OpenAI의 최신 기술, Sora가 화제입니다! 이 혁신적인…
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