#open starter [ ain't nobody got time for that ]
buzzingskyspy · 1 year
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fullstcp · 1 month
Bandstand: The Musical Sentence Starters
"Where does it arrive?"
"I need that cover."
"Grenade on my go."
"Mom has baked her special apple pie."
"Before you know it, it'll be just like it was before."
"The band is tuning up to play your favorite song."
"There are endless carefree days in store."
"It's like they popped a cork, the clubs are full again."
"Grab your sweetheart tight and take the floor."
"How long you been back?"
"Something'll turn up."
"The cream always rises to the top, kid."
"It's been far too long."
"It's good to have you back."
"Wanna cut a rug with me?"
"The life we left has been here waiting."
"Isn't that worth celebrating?"
"Shit, that must've been holy hell."
"I need a shot of whiskey. All's I got's an empty flask."
"We're on a winning streak and it will stay that way."
"Any bad news you can just ignore."
"Whole town's giving me the same run around."
"That's what they tell me."
"Why not believe it?"
"They want illusion and they achieve it."
"We all relive the past and never wanna leave it."
"The world is ending and we're pretending it'll be just like it was before."
"Come and get your prize."
"The trick is the delivery."
"The difference that I have is, I was there."
"All of that promise and none of the payoff."
"They say cream rises, but what if nobody tastes it?"
"I'm finally looking at one little crack in the door."
"This is a lifeline. A once a millennium shot."
"I need something to block out the memories and break this insomnia spell."
"Make it all worth it and give it a meaning."
"We're gonna win first prize."
"It's radio, what does it matter?"
"If we win, we get to be in the movies."
"I'll take my chances."
"Meet me at the Rio Lounge tomorrow night."
"We're ready to open."
"What wind blew you hither?"
"I'll tickle your catastrophe."
"I hope that means you're in."
"Is it happening?"
"I think it's really happening."
"Never guessed you'd be a hero."
"You'll forgive me for bragging a bit out loud."
"I just want to know what happened."
"What do you think that will get you?"
"You know what I want even more is to be just who I was before."
"It's a distinction that's redefining my whole life. Well, it feels like it does."
"I feel guilty because there are days where I just want to be who I was."
"I'm not saying I'd trade the life that I had with you for a minute."
"That was once in a lifetime love and I know I was lucky to win it."
"There is nothing remotely heroic about it."
"All the details of who I am, made irrelevant with one single telegram."
"That's what widowhood does."
"There are days where I just want to be momentarily free and happily who I was."
"I think your dress looks great, as I am sure he'll/she'll/they'll say."
"I know it's not a date, so don't you look at me that way."
"You just deserve a break from staying home with me all day."
"Dancing's more customary for a soiree."
"Isn't the band sublime?"
"As it happens I'm just in the mood to do a two-step."
"Do step out on the floor with me."
"I'm new here too, you see."
"Might you be charmingly coerced?"
"No need to be so shy."
"Why be all alone when music calls?"
"I have nothing more or less to prove."
"Unless we want a party full of flowers on the walls, someone has to make the very first move."
"Starting is daunting, true."
"Breathe through the end of the phrase."
"Putting up with you is an endurance test."
"Go out and have a ball."
"I don't need a reason."
"Have a heck of a time."
"Act like tomorrow ain't gonna come."
"How 'bout a big parade?"
"You paid your dues and we owe it to ya."
"Now you got it made."
"I'm feeling the rush. I'm feeling the high."
"I'm feeling the rules don't apply."
"Once I thought forever was real."
"I thought my life was ideal."
"I thought that nothing could steal it, you see."
"I learned how wrong I had been, that sometimes dreams can cave in."
"I gave up ever wondering when love will come and find me again."
"It's almost like time has stood still. Like a lifetime iced under a frost."
"I know how much I've lost."
"The more you deny, the more you don't even try. The more the world passes by in a haze."
"Soon, you find you don't even know how many years you let go."
"The chance is wasted in so many ways."
"Lately, I've been thinking it's time to take a look at what I'm doing then."
"Maybe I should be planning for when love will come and find me again."
"Letting go of what might have been and letting something else in. Only then, love will come and find me again."
"We reserved this just for you."
"You've been waiting for this day. It's the least that we can do."
"Let me take your bags my friend."
"You've been carrying those far too long."
"Troubled times are at an end."
"You've arrived at last my friend."
"You've been fighting for far too long."
"I think that we are entitled to travel first class."
"This challenge will be met."
"We'll fight for ourselves now."
"All of the wrongs will be made right this way."
"We've been waiting for this day."
"It's the least that they can do."
"We've arrived at last my friend."
"We've been fighting for far too long."
"Get out of my way."
"Go find yourself someone else to smother."
"Find somebody else who gives a fig what you say."
"Last time I checked you were not my mother."
"You don't have what it takes and you will never reach the top."
"They're going to New York!"
"You're better than the average Joe."
"It's time to let the whole world know."
"It's time to tell the world we count."
"Are we onto something here?"
"Nothing's gonna keep us down."
"I want to believe everything happens for a reason."
"Any reason as to why is a reason you supply."
"It just happens. Everything happens."
"It's not fate. No great plan. It's not destiny."
"Putting faith in that cliche gives your own free will away."
"You can waste your whole damn life assigning bits of philosophic meaning to the failures and misfortunes intervening."
"I'll tell you what you get. Just a lifetime of regret."
"The only sane response is to adjust. Not to wish it hadn't happened when it must."
"What matters when things happen is what happens after."
"There's so much I didn't see, and I'm so sorry."
"Welcome home, my love."
"Take the moment in."
"It's the mythic location where they go to make their millions."
"We've got swell accommodations."
"It's the fantasy and we're living it in style."
"I owe you one. No, I owe you two or three."
"That's a hell of a view."
"I won't sleep with all those lights."
"This hotel's got the biggest beds I've ever seen in my life!"
"Just remember, tomorrow's a big day."
"Don't do anything stupid."
"There is only one first time."
"If we were in an MGM film, we would kiss and walk through that door there."
"If we were in a radio play, we'd admit we're friends but there's more there."
"This is life with the heartache it brings and we know that these things take time."
"I would ask if you'd care to stay."
"I'm wondering if we should play it a different way."
"We could write our on take on it. Or leave well enough alone."
"Shake on it."
"No one planned for a moment like this."
"At least for today, we should probably say goodnight."
"We could be blacklisted, or worse."
"We've all been through worse."
"It's a gutsy risk we'll be taking."
"Times like this you hold onto what's real. That's the honest statement we're making."
"I'll march back into battle once more if I'm fighting it for what's true."
"What I feel for you is true."
"No matter how tough it is, no matter how much time it takes, I need to be with you."
"This is life with the craziness of, the reality of, the necessity of being madly in love with you."
"I stand here trying with my private burden of grief to carry."
"You do your best, trying to pretend that what you don't talk about won't matter in the end."
"You don't sleep because the nightmares come."
"You want an answer, you look for absolution. And I'd give up anything if I could give you some."
"I stand here helpless, with my arms extended, knowing full well, darling, your war's not ended."
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beargraphs · 1 year
Heathers the Musical | Sentence Starters contains. sex-references, insults, suicide-refs, alcohol & drug ref.
"I believe I'm a good person."
"What did you say to me, skank?"
"Yeah, you're on Jiffy Pop detail"
"She/He is a mythic bitch"
"For a greasy little nobody, you do have good bone structure"
"Why now are you pulling on my dick?"
"You just gotta prove, you're not a pussy anymore!"
"You're not a lame ass anymore!"
"Hey, mister no-name kid...so who might you be?
"It's fine if you don't agree...but I would fight for you, If you would fight for me."
"When everything numbs, who needs cocaine?"
"Does your mommy know you eat all that crap?"
"Freeze your brain, shatter your skull, fight pain with more pain."
"Let's rub each other's backs, while watching porn on Cinemax!"
"So, it's salt, and then lime, and then shot?"
"Fill that joint and roll it tight, ain't nobody home tonight!"
"I think that's what they call "Third base"."
"Showing up here took some guts, time to rip them out."
"People wouldn't hate you so much if you acted normal."
"There's no alcohol in here! Are you trying to poison me?
"I need it hard, I'm a dead girl walkin'!"
"I'm hot and pissed and on the pill."
You say you're numb inside, but I can't agree."
"Slap me! Pull my hair! Touch me there and there and there!"
"What is her final statement to a cold, uncaring planet?"
"No one sees the me inside of me..."
"I am more than just a source of handjobs."
"Once, you were geeky and nerd, now you’re flirty, freaky, and dirty."
"I bit my tongue so long, I learned to count to ten."
"Move bitch, this my song!"
"Our love is God."
"I worship you, I'd trade my life for yours."
"Oh, well, I was hoping you could rip my clothes off me, sport."
"What the fuck have you done?!"
"I've been thinking. Praying. Reading some magazines. And it's time we opened our eyes!"
"We're "damaged". Really "damaged". But that does not make us "wise"."
"Don't stop looking in my eyes."
"The revolution came and went, tried to change the world, barely made a dent."
"So [NAME]! I'm ending our affair, and I faked it, every single time!"
"We'll sink any minute, so someone must go."
"There's nowhere to hide."
"You don't deserve to live!"
"Here have a sedative!"
"Now we're all grown up and we know better..."
"But I believe that any dream worth having, is a dream that should not have to end."
"You don't know what my world looks like!"
"Knock! Knock! Sorry for coming in through the window. Dreadful etiquette, I know!"
"We'll watch the smoke pour out the doors, bring marshmallows, we'll make s'mores! We can smile and cuddle while the fire roars!"
"You left me and I fell apart. I punched the wall and cried.."
"Please don't leave me alone. You were all I could trust. I can't do this alone."
"This little thing? I'd hardly call this a bomb."
"I wish we'd met before, they convinced you life is war!
"I am damaged, far too damaged, but you're not beyond repair."
"Hope you'll miss me, wish you'd kiss me."
"You look like hell."
"I just got back."
"Are there any happy endings?"
"If no one loves me now, someday somebody will."
"We'll make it beautiful."
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miyuhpapayuh · 1 year
3. New beginnings
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In the last three days, so much has happened.
For starters, she got the job, which she's so thankful for. Claire is the ultimate sweetheart and her coworkers are nice, but she still misses Joe.
Tyler ended up being pregnant and getting an abortion, and has just been losing her damn mind lately.
She's getting really tired of her downward spiral; cause she's causing her own problems. She won't listen to Stevie or let her even try to help, but you can't help someone who doesn't see a problem in what they're doing.
They're both still going to their classes, or so she hopes, since she's been MIA as of lately.
But on the bright side, her and Roderick are getting closer. Their first official date is actually tonight.
She feels like they've been waiting for this day for the longest time.
Currently on her break, she's sitting in the McDonald's parking lot with Rod. It's pretty warm today, so they're perched on the hood of his car.
She stuffs a handful of salty fries into her mouth, listening to him tell her about his day.
He takes a swig of his Hi-ci orange and laughs at her stuffing her face.
"Listen, I haven't eaten since this morning. Leave me alone."
"Ain't nobody judgin' you, girl.”
"Lies. That's exactly what you're doing.”
He throws his hands up in defense, still laughing.
"Okay, you got it. So, how's the job goin'? Everybody still being friendly and shit?"
"Yeah, I like the place a lot," she sips on her Sprite, "everybody just stays in their space and that makes me happy cause at Joes', that wasn't the case."
"What do you mean? Y'all ain't have no personal space?"
"Well, that and some people just acted like they had to be up in your face, anyway. I'm glad it's different and spread out now."  She rolls her eyes, thinking about John.
"Hm, somebody was like that with you?" He asks.
"Yeah... he left, before he got fired for it. I have a restraining order against him, so I'm good." Joe ended up taking care of that for her, knowing that she had a lot on her plate.
"Aight, just know that if something jumps off, I got you." He says.
She nods, staring back at her fries.
The serious tone in his voice makes her stomach swarm with butterflies. Real foreign.
"You ready to head back?" He asks.
She nods, sliding off the hood and adjusts her black collar work shirt, placing her trash in the empty bag.
He leans up from the hood and tosses his trash in the same bag, heading towards the nearest trash can to throw it away.
He heads back over to her side, opening the door for her. She thanks him and slides into the seat, allowing him to close the door for her.
He rounds the car and gets in, starts the car up and pulls out of the parking lot. It's a fairly quick drive, considering the fact that McDonald's is right around the corner from her job.
"Listen, I don't wanna scare you off or anything. I just wanna let you know that, I'm diggin' you and I think you're dope. We been kickin' it for a minute and I'm startin' to like you." He admits.
She bites her lip to hide the smile on her face.
"I'm starting to like you, too. You aight when you wanna be." She jokes, causing him to smack his lips. Again, she hates that sound.
"Seriously, I'm glad that I get to take you out tonight. You'll have fun, I promise."
"Well, it's been fun so far. I don't think I'll be disappointed." 
He pulls into the parking spot next to her car. She sighs and unbuckles her seatbelt, placing her hand on the door handle.
"Thanks for hanging out with me, on my break." She smiles, and he returns it.
"It was my pleasure, babygirl."
She feels the heat rise to her cheeks.
"So, I'll see you around six thirty?"
"Yes ma'am. I'll be on time, so you better be ready." Sje scoffs.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Y'all take forever to get ready, that's what I mean." He starts laughing.
"Boy, whatever. I'll make you wait if I want to." She says, before opening the door and looking back at him.
"Right. You'll get left." He laughs, stepping out to make sure she gets in safe.
"Wow, so no hug?" He asks.
"Not after you threaten to leave me," she laughs and heads inside, blowing him a kiss. He waves her off and hops back in his car.
She laughs, waving to Claire and walking past the counter, into the back to put her bag away.
"Hey sunshine! How was your break?" She places her pen behind her ear, sending a smirk her way, once she's back in her view.
"It was good. I finally got my fix of fast food I've been craving all day." She turns her around, tying the strings of her apron.
"Mhm, and?"
"And... I'm back?" She laughs and turns back around.
"Stevie, we saw that fine piece of chocolate!" Alana comes out of nowhere and states. Stevie rolls her eyes.
"Okay, congratulations... you guys have eyeballs that work!" She shoots them a 'thumbs-up' and walks away.
"Ugh, people can be so nosy." She mumbles to herself, grabbing a rag and a spray bottle and starts cleaning her station. The chimes on the door sound, indicating that a customer just walked in.
"Welcome to Claire's coffee, I'll be right with you!" She says in the cheeriest voice she could muster up.
"Take your time, girl." She looks up and sees Tyler.
I haven't seen this bitch in two days!
She goes back to what she's doing.
"What are you doing here?" She scoffs.
"You thought, you could get another job and not tell me? What's that about?" She looks at her, completely amused at how she thinks this has anything to do with her.
"You're serious? You think I hid this from you? It's not like you'd listen to me even if I was to run it by you. And, since you wanna come in chastising people, where have you been?"
Tyler just stares at her, egg on her face.
"This really ain't the place to talk about any of this. I'll just see you when you get home." She backtracks and heads for the door.
"What do you mean? It's been a whole forty-eight hours! You didn't call me. You didn't come by the house to let me know you were okay. You didn't leave a note or anything. Yet, you wanna come in here and break bad on me. Wassup with you?" She quizzes.
"We'll talk later." She leaves back out.
She sighs and prepare for the rush of customers that are about to come through. This is nothing like Joe's.
She sits her keys on the counter and walks into the living room.
Tyler's sitting on the couch, watching a rerun of Pinky and The Brain. 
She clears her throat, and Tyler mutes the tv and looks at her, patting the cushion beside her. She sighs and sits down.
"So, before you say anything, I just wanna say that I'm sorry. I've been acting like an ass and it has nothing to do with you. I was just making terrible decisions and I didn't wanna hear what you had to say, cause you were right and I knew that. But, I see if was for my own good and I appreciate you still being here for me."
"Well, where else would I be? We live together, and more importantly, you're my best friend! I'm always gonna tell you what you need to hear, cause I don't care about sugarcoating anything and you know that. I just don't want you doing anything stupid. I need you to be good. Do it for yourself. Not cause, you think I'll yell at you or whatever, cause that's a given, but cause you're the only person that can live your life."
She nods before pulling her into a hug. Stevie rubs her back in a motherly manner and stands back up.
"So, what's going on with you?" Tyler asks.
"I'm gonna get ready for my date, tonight." Stevie turns on her heels and heads upstairs. She follows behind.
"Ooh, what are you wearing?" She shrugs and opens her closet, searching through the many different patterns and prints, finding absolutely nothing suitable.
"I have an hour to get ready and there's nothing here! What the hell am I gonna do?" She looks over at her.
She places a hand on her shoulder. "Okay first of all, breathe."
She rummages through and pulls out a black tank top and a neon green skirt. She squints, not remembering buying either.
"See, you have too many clothes! Pair this with your black heels and slick your hair back. Now, get in the shower!" She places her clothes on the bed and smacks her butt, kicking her out of her own room.
If I wasn't in such a rush, I'd give her a piece of my mind.. again.
She showers quickly, making sure to keep her hair dry. She hops out and wraps a towel around herself, before doing her hygiene routine, making sure to use her strawberry scented lotion.
Sliding into her outfit, she grabs her rat tail comb and parts her hair, instead of slicking it back. Tucking the sides behind her ear, she grabs her black sandals from her closet, sliding her feet inside them.
She grabs the Gucci shades that Tyler bought her for Christmas last year and slides them into her hair.
She looks at the clock by her tv, seeing that it reads 6:27 p.m. She smirks, more than amused that she's ready before my "set time".
As if on cue, her phone rings. She grabs it off her nightstand and answers it.
Rods' deep voice cuts through the second of silence. "Beautiful, are you ready?"
"I surely am, dear. Aren't you proud?" She says in a sarcastic tone. He laughs.
"Very. I'll be there in two minutes."
They hang up and she heads downstairs. Tyler pops up out of nowhere, scaring her half to death.
"Well, don't you look fucking hot!"
She smacks her arm, placing her hand over her chest. Tyler snorts.
"Thank you, crazy. I owe this look to you, minus the hair." She twirls the end of a strand, shrugging.
"It's so cute, girl. I bet big head's gonna love it!"
A knock sounds at the door, sending her low-key rushing towards it.
"Girl, calm down!" Tyler teases.
Stevie rolls her eyes and open the door.
Rod stands before her in a black and gold striped, short sleeved button up, paired with light wash jeans and Air Force ones. The durag that he wore earlier is gone, and his waves are on full display.
"So... y'all just gon' stand there and drool over each other?" Tyler asks, from her seat, making her snap out of her trance.
He pulls her hand up to his lips, pecking her skin.
"It goes without saying, but you look beautiful." He says.
She blushes, sending a thank you his way.
"You look good, too."
Tyler slides her clutch into the fold of her arm. She turns around to face her.
"Oh, thank you. I would've forgotten it. But um, I'll be home later, okay?"
"Have fun, boo."
She nods and places her hand back in Rod's, heading down the steps and towards his car. He opens her door for her, helping her in.
"Thank you."
He winks and rushes towards the drivers side. The car comes to life and they're headed out of the neighborhood.
"So, where are we headed?" She asks.
Stopping at their first red light, he looks over at her.
"You like to dance?" He asks. She nods, giggling a bit.
"Well, there's this nightclub called Limelight. I thought I'd do something fun and out of the ordinary for a first date. How does that sound?"
"Sounds good to me."
The light changes and he continues towards their destination.
Rod turns the radio on, cutting the comfortable silence. Pretty Brown Eyes plays through the speakers.
"They made this song for you, you know?" He flirts.
She laughs, folding one leg over the other.
"I could say the same thing about you," she flirts back.
He raises an eyebrow at her, while pulling into the semi-packed parking lot.
He chuckles before cutting the car off. Getting out, he rounds the car and helps her out, closing the door.
She smiles, flipping her hair to one side. His large hand grasps her smaller one, leading her towards the short line that eventually turned lengthy.
"Maybe... maybe not." She looks down at their hands and back up to his face. Confidence all in his smile.
She begins looking around, taking in her surroundings. She stares straight ahead, finally noticing the clubs appearance.
The entire building is railed with a neon light, same shade as her skirt. Black brick is the foundation, and the name is written in white calligraphy.
How cute.
"This club is usually, twenty-one and up," his lips being so close to her ear startles her, "but, on Fridays they lower it to eighteen, so you're good."
"How do you figure I'm not twenty-one?" She looks up at him, again.
"Wild guess. Plus, you have a baby face."
She shrugs. He's got a point.
"I could be, though."
He stares at her.
"Are you?"
"Nah," I play with the hem of my skirt, "a couple months and we'll be the same age."
They move towards the bouncer, showing our IDs. Pulling the green rope back, they head inside and boy, is it loud.
She sighs, feeling a slight pang of anxiety kick in.
Rod lets her hand go and wraps a protective arm around her waist. They head towards the bar.
"Are you alright?"
He helps her into the stool, as she pushes her glasses back into her hair.
It'd be rude if they covered my eyes all night.
"Yeah, I'm just not used to loud environments. Other than my job, of course." She laughs, "screaming out coffee orders should prepare me for places like this."
He laughs along with me.
"I totally understand. I just wanna make sure you're having a good time, cause we can always go somewhere else—"
"No, no we don't have to leave. I love that you came up with this idea, it's so different and I appreciate it. I promise."
His hand rubs her knee.
"Did you wanna dance or you wanna chill here?" She looks towards the many alcoholic choices and smirks.
"Doesn't sound like they're playing anything worth dancing to at the moment, so we can stay here."
He grins.
"What do you want to drink?"
"Whiskey sour, please."
He orders our drinks.
She looks around for her clutch, realizing she left it in the car. She hops down and pulls at her skirt, which has rose slightly past her thighs.
"I'm gonna head towards the ladies room. I'll be right back."
"Alright." He nods.
She heads past him and turns the corner, pushing the teal door open and the scent of lilac hits her nose.
Girls litter the tiny space, either in the mirrors or standing around conversing.
She squeezes through and grabs a paper towel, wet it and blots her dry mouth.
I was gonna ask to either have him go get my clutch or hand me the keys and let me grab it, but I didn't wanna be extra.
"Hey," she looks towards her left and finds a blonde haired beauty; she's about five foot seven, slender with dark red stained lips.
"Yeah?" Stevie asks, tosses her wrinkled paper towel in the trash, giving her, her attention.
The girls' lips curl into a smirk. "You're here with that cute black guy, right?"
It takes everything in her to keep her eyes from rolling back. She nods, pursing her lips together.
"Are y'all dating? Cause, my friend thought he was really cute and she wanted to talk to him."
She scoffs at the audacity.
"Yeah, we are. Tell your friend to stay away from what's not hers."
She slides past her and makes her way back towards the bar.
She turns the corner and finds some girl near Rod. That must be the friend.
She walks over to him and sits on the other side, making her presence known.
He goes from staring straight ahead to looking at her, smiling. He slides her drink towards her, turning his body to face hers.
"There you are."
"I heard somebody was tryna snatch you up, while I was gone." She laughs, looking behind him, glaring at whoever she thought she was.
She huffs and storms off.
He starts laughing, watching her sip on her sour drink.
"You're something else. Let me find out there's a jealousy streak in you."
She downs the rest of it, smirking at him.
"Well, I wouldn't call it jealousy. These bitches don't hold a candle to me, and I hope you wouldn't go for a white girl, anyway! They're trouble."
He nods, hopefully taking in her words.
"You're right."
"I know!" She says matter-of-factly. He laughs.
"You like laughing at me. I know for a fact, that I'm not that damn funny."
"Oh, you're definitely that damn funny."
She waves him off, holding back a laugh of her own.
Lady by D'Angelo starts playing.
Without a word, Rod stands up and for a split second, she forgot how much taller he was than her.
He holds his hand out for her to take. "Will you dance with me?"
She nods, feeling those butterflies come back. He helps her down and leads her towards the floor.
They squeeze through, until the perfect spot is found.
Facing him and place her arms around his neck, while his hands rest on her waist. Her hips sway to the beat.
You're my little baby, my darling baby
I swear you're the talk of the town
And everybody wants to know what's going down
Babe, I know they've seen us before
He lip syncs, looking down at her. She chuckles, feeling like this song is perfect for what just took place.
His hands hang dangerously low on her hips, while his chin finds its way into the crook of her neck. She wraps her hands around his buff arms.
The drink she had earlier is starting to kick in, making her body feel incredibly warm, and him being so close and smelling so good makes her hotter.
"You feelin' alright?" He asks, sending a chill through her.
"Yeah," she gets out.
The song continues to play, but it sounds like background noise at this point. All she hears is thumping from the bass and her hormones are going crazy.
Pulling his face away from her neck, he stares down at her lips, knowing the thought is on both of their minds.
Throwing her nerves to the wind, she closes the small space between them, swearing she felt a spark as their lips touched.
She wasn't alone, either.
Pulling away, she stares at him, kinda unsure of what to say.
"Your lips taste good." He blurts out, making her smile.
Walking her to her front door, she opens her clutch and pulls her keys out and turn towards him.
He smiles, pulling a strand of hair away from her face.
"I had fun, tonight."
"I did, too." She mirror his expression, unable to stop the little giggles that follow.
"Does this guarantee me a second date?"
"Maybe... maybe not." She tucks her lip between her teeth as he takes a step toward her, wrapping an arm around her waist.
She leans in and kisses him, again.
The door opens behind her. She pulls away from Rod and look behind her, finding Tyler with her arms folded over her chest with a smirk on her face.
"So," he says, as she turns back towards him, "I'll call you, tomorrow?"
He nods, still smiling as he pulls away and heads down the steps, back to his car.
She turns back to face Tyler. She steps aside and Stevie walks in, closing the door behind them, sitting her keys and clutch on the counter.
"Well, I definitely don't have to ask how your date went." Tyler says with a laugh.
"You kinda ruined the moment, though." She rolls her eyes and drags herself upstairs, her friend in tow.
"Aw, come on. That had to at least be a second kiss. You looked too comfortable."
She chuckles and pulls her heels off, sitting them back in her closet.
"You should be a detective or something, Jesus."
She plops down on her bed and swings her feet back and forth.
"You like him?" Tyler asks, making her look up at her and raise an eyebrow.
"I mean, I'd hope so. I don't just kiss random guys on my doorstep. That's your job." She winks, while she pretends to be hurt.
"Ew, they're never random, bitch. Don't try these lips!"
Stevie waves her off.
"Anyway, y'all are kinda cute. I adore the way he looks at you."
"There's a way he looks at me?"
She nods, beginning to laugh.
"Girl! That man looks like he's in total heaven when he's around you. How do you not see that?"
She shrugs. "I don't know... I guess I've never paid it any attention. I don't know what any of this stuff means!"
"It's okay, you'll figure it out. I can see y'all being official, real soon."
"That'd be... something. We'd have to go on more dates and shit, but I don't see a problem with that."
Tyler grins like the Cheshire Cat in Alice in Wonderland.
"Girl, go away! I'm sleepy as hell," she tosses one of her pillows at her, smacking her right in the face.
She sticks her middle finger up at her, before leaving out, with her pillow still on the floor.
She eventually stands back up to grab it and pull her clothes off.
Tossing them in her hamper, grabbing an oversized T-shirt and pull it over her head. She grabs a hair tie from her dresser and pulls her hair into a messy bun.
She pulls the covers back and slides into bed, turning her lamp off and tv on. The background noise helps her fall asleep, which is eventually what she ends up doing.
@soufcakmistress @504queen @ghostfacekill-monger @hearteyes-for-killmonger @uzumaki-rebellion @blowmymbackout @supersizemeplz @chaneajoyyy @captainsaveasmut @cocoa-puffs @nahimjustfeelingit-writes @daddy-killmonger @twistedcharismaaa @prettyisasprettydoes1306 @headcannonxgalore @quietstorm-thundathighs @sheabuttahwrites @thegifstories @blackerthings @becauseimswagman1 @cecereads209 @nayaxwrites @xsweetdellzx @blackburnbook @darqchilddaydreamz @killmongerdispussy @trippyscotch @emjayewrites @unfriendlyblkhotti3 @blackpinup22
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judasrpc · 11 months
based on the mmorpg 'palia' developed by singularity 6. add context & change gendered language to your needs !! if multi, please specify which muse(s) !!
Welcome to the general store, pal.
[…] so I guess I should say: welcome to the livin'!
Come back when you get some cash, we'll take care of your needs.
The more you spend, the more you get back. Trust me. That's just how the world works.
What can I do for you?
Make the most out of each day, my friend.
Here I was thinking you'd be too busy setting up to say 'hello'. How goes it?
Are you new in town, or just passing through?
There's something about you that just brightens up my day.
I have a good feeling about today.
I don't know about you, but I'm starting to get sleepy.
So, I think it's safe to say my job is about to get A LOT more interesting.
Are you off on an adventure?
Today is a great day for adventure! Well… any day is a great day for adventure. But today is especially good.
What ails you, my four-legged friend?
You've got a surprise for me?
I wish I knew what you were saying…
Well, if it isn't another friend I haven't met yet!
Hey there! The day treating you alright?
I don't know it [name] was laughing with me or at me, but either way, I appreciate the chuckle.
Tonight, I'm feeling exuberant, with a bit of nostalgic ennui mixed in.
I don't need your company… but it would certainly be appreciated.
Relaxed… I envy you. I don't think I've ever felt relaxation.
It pleases me to see your thirst for knowledge is so difficult to quench.
Back again, are we?
Your mischief and wit know no bounds, neither does your desire for knowledge.
Even the most cunning hunter needs a helping hand once in a while. You hear me? If you ever need help, all you have to do is ask.
You showed up just in time.
I like you and all, kid, but there ain't nobody who can stop me from bein' me.
So, how are you feeling? I am sure this is quite a lot to take in.
Keep that positivity, and you'll overcome any troubles the world offers you.
I was just settling in for my evening meditation. Care to join me?
Name's [name], but you can call me trouble.
I see that look on your face. Up to no good, aren't ya?
Let me guess: You were just dying to see me.
Just so y'know, our doors are always open for ya.
So nice to talk to someone who wants to listen… between you and me, with the kids, it's always in one ear and out the other.
There's nothin' like the feelin' of a job well done.
Some people think it’s boring all the way out here… But I like it.
It is way too early… or did I stay up too late?
You might want to stand back. I’m working on my latest invention, and I’m not entirely sure this thing is stable.
You look as though you have something you’d like to ask.
I chose to keep them around for mostly sentimental reasons.
These daily chats of ours bring me much peace. Please continue to come by, I would miss it if they stopped.
I’m also good at lifting heavy stuff, if you need anything heavy lifted!
You lost? That's okay, I get lost sometimes too.
Oh… sorry I didn’t see you there. I was just a bit distracted. Seems to happen to me a lot…
I am just an intrepid explorer of the supernatural, a detective of the unseen divine, a pioneer of pervasive thought…
I am glad you are still able to experience joy after everything you’ve gone through.
Hello, hello! You have caught me at just the right time.
All it’s taught me so far is how to die of boredom. So stop by again later and keep me entertained, ok?
Are you just going to stand there staring at me, or did you have something to say?
Sometimes I forget how interesting the world is. Like, I’m pretty sure I saw a gnarly looking beetle over there!
Aren’t we feeling bold today?
Oh, good. Someone to talk to who DOESN’T give me a splitting headache.
This had better be important…
I was so caught off guard, I realized I forgot to introduce myself or explain why I'm here.
Why don't you come back when my head's spinning just a little less?
It's good to see you again! I always look forward to seeing your face. But you know, like a normal amount.
It is… good to see you. Why was that so hard to say?
Perhaps you should learn to become more comfortable with solitude yourself.
Oh no, I know that look.
I'm presently ruminating on the darkness of the soul.
I do fear where my thoughts might go if I linger here alone too long…
Unfortunately, I returned with many new ideas and no new direction.
Beyond that, you shall have to answer the question of "what you are" for yourself. As do we all.
You were bound to return one day… why not today?
For now, I enjoy basking in the presence of others.
Hmm… What should I make for dinner tonight…?
You’re talkin’ to me?
Been makin’ a name for yourself lately. Every time I go into town, someone’s singin’ your praises.
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astrronomemes · 1 year
a collection of quotes, phrases, and sayings from the 2006 film Black Snake Moan. change & alter as needed.
"This ain't gonna work. I don't see why we've got to lie about it when you and I know this ain't gonna work."
"I've got to believe we can do this, or I ain't gonna make it, [name]."
"You ain't gonna make a fuss, are you?"
"There ain't nothing a man can do when a woman makes up her mind."
"I'm not ready to grow old, [name]. And living with you, I feel it. Like I'm one foot in the dirt. I saw it happen to my mama, and that's not gonna happen to me. I've got living to do."
"I deserve better than this. Better than what you give."
"It's already noon, [name]. You think that skirt should still be on?"
"Ain't no better cure for them blues than some good pussy."
"We're not gonna get through this clean. But it don't need to get dirty."
"You're just trying to get me out of my clothes."
"You'd fuck a tree if it was handy."
"Are you gonna preach about turning the other cheek?"
"Your people are here for you, [name]. This is your home. No shame in showing your face."
"I don't mean to hurt you. But I ain't letting you die. I ain't letting you die!"
"I found you on the side of the road. Someone took to beating on you pretty bad. You know who done that to you?"
"The hell you know about me?! You got no right to talk to me about that shit! The hell you think you are?!"
"I saved your life, girl. I can do and say whatever the fuck I want."
"A man big enough to pull a gun best have a tongue in his mouth if he ain't got a brain in his head."
"You ain't gonna talk me out of shit no more. I've got my mind made up, and I ain't gonna be moved on this."
"If you're in some trouble, then we're gonna figure something out. You and me."
"My mouth is shut, boy, and that's how we're gonna keep it."
"You can't hurt people, and then just say I'm sorry, and it all gets washed away."
"I think folks carry on about heaven too much. Like it's some kind of all-you-can-eat buffet up in the clouds. And folks are just gonna do what they're told so they can eat what they want behind some pearly gates. I could go to Shoney's for that."
"What's your heaven? What gives you peace?"
"I'm not fighting with you. I just know you've got more in you than junk."
"You don't know what you're talking about! So why don't you just shut the fuck up?!"
"You only get one life. It should be lived the way you want to live it."
"Not gonna lie to you, [name], this one's a doozy. I don't think... I don't think I can stop this."
"No one's gonna hurt you no more."
"This town ain't going nowhere. You take the time you need."
"You never needed nobody. Always made that clear to me."
"Get me drunk so I don't stick my foot up your ass."
"I feel like I'm coming out of my skin. Like I'm losing control of my mind."
"You know how you feel when you come out of a bad hangover? Like your eyes can open a little bit more?"
"Careful how you point that gun, boy."
"Are you here to make a point, or are you here to kill somebody?"
"If you need to kill a man, all you've got to have is a good reason."
"I think... I think we're fucked up. Both of us. I know I am."
"So... if you want to quit on me... I understand. But please don't."
"I've had nice things before. But I've always ruined them somehow."
"Now live your life. Pull your shit together, and live your life."
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iomadachd · 1 year
NF Sentence Starters
Sentences inspired by the music of NF (adjust pronouns as needed) Contains references to mental illness.
She was right when she told me that I don't ever listen.
How you supposed to find the answer if you don't ask the question?
Hurting you was not a part of my plan.
I need a moment to breathe.
There's a lot of responsibilities that I neglected.
I seem to be the only person that I play pretend with.
Your family thought I was a joke.
They just wanted what was best for you, and I couldn't accept it.
Apologies don't mean a thing if you don't ever fix it.
I love what I do, but it's not what I expected.
Hear me out.
I just can't imagine who I'd be if I was happy.
I'm too proud to open up and ask you to pull me out of this hole I'm trapped in.
I got some issues that I won't address.
I got some baggage I ain't opened yet.
I got some demons that I should put to rest.
I got some traumas that I can't forget.
I'm the first to admit that I'm a lonely soul.
I'm the last to admit that I need a hand to hold.
I feel most at home when I'm livin' in my agony.
I don't care what anyone else thinks.
That's the furthest thing from how I feel.
You were never even wrong in the first place, right?
You should've had my back, but you put a knife in it.
We both know you're gonna call tomorrow like nothing's wrong.
There's nothing left right now, I gave it all to you.
All these voices in my head get loud, and I wish that I could shut them out.
Every time I sit on that couch, I feel like you lecture me.
Why are you laughing? I must have missed that joke.
I'm sorry that I let you down.
I wish that I could say I'm proud.
I was never trying to make an issue for you.
You can already tell the energy is different, can't you?
That's a war you never win, but I like the optimism.
I always hit the bull's-eye.
I've given over half my life to this, but I think it was a good decision.
You don't see me out here makin' waves.
The only person I allow to push me around is myself.
I'm not a fan of threats, I prefer the direct approach.
They want me to fail, but I haven't yet.
Petty? That depends.
I'm not changing my standards for anyone.
I have no tolerance for ignorance.
We never met, but I swear you know who I am.
I've been through a lot, but I don't know how to express it to people.
I guess that your definition of violence is different from mine.
You want me to walk in with a smile on my face?
You want me to wear a mask?
I knew my problems would catch up eventually.
I'm trying to do this respectfully.
I'm not here for acceptance.
This type of life isn't glamorous.
What'd you expect when you walked into a therapy session?
This is how I cope.
I feel like nobody knows me.
I know I handle things immaturely.
I know I need to grow.
I ain't the type to be quiet.
If I wouldn't say it to your face, I sure as hell wouldn't say it in private.
I don't expect you to get my perspective.
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beinfriends · 2 years
starter for @recklessinventor!
Claus bangs on Dr. Andonuts's door with his metal hand, the sound loud and harsh on the solid wooden door. He waits a second or two, and hearing no response, bangs his fist on the door again, louder than before. "Get up, jackass! We ain't got all day!" he calls into the apartment.
At the apartment next door, someone lifts the window and leans out. It's one of those Tazmily Rowing Club guys, Paddel... or Rowe, or whoever the fuck it was. Claus didn't make it his business to learn their names. His nasally voice grates on Claus's ears. "Shut the fuck up, asshole! Some of us are tryin' to sleep!"
"Fuck yerself, dickhead! Blame these asshole Andonuts, not me!"
"Can both of y'all please be quiet?" comes Abbot's voice from the bottom apartment, just below Dr. A's. His voice is more tired than angry. "Christ almighty..."
"Whatever." When Claus turns back to face the door, it suddenly opens, revealing Dr. Andonuts. "Oh, hey. Mornin', Dr. A."
Pushing past Dr. Andonuts, Claus enters the dimly lit apartment. Dr. Andonuts checks his pocket watch, then puts it back in his waistcoat pocket. "Getting an early start, are we?"
"It takes a long time ta get ta Saturn Valley, you know that," Claus replies. "I don't wanna waste most of a goddamn day on this, so gettin' an early start is the only option we got. Where's that motherfucker at, anyhow?"
"Oh, Claus, I apologize. Jeff did not stay with me last night." Claus stares, but Dr. Andonuts can only offer a shrug. "He felt more comfortable sticking closer to the Phase Distorter. Not a half-bad idea, admittedly. I'd assume he's still around there somewhere."
Groaning, Claus rubs his eye, then slides his hand down his face. "'Course that fuckin' asshole's gotta make it difficult. 'Course. I dunno what I expected."
Jeff clearly had no respect for Claus's time-- or for Claus in general. That much had been clear when they'd met yesterday, but this just proved it. It was almost like Jeff didn't even know that Claus was doing this for him. Claus was going out of his way to help Jeff despite everything. Yes, it was so Jeff could leave as quickly as possible, but still, it was help.
With the Phase Distorter broken down, Jeff was going to have to fix it, and Dr. Andonuts had suggested he seek out the Mr. Saturns, the original co-creators of the Phase Distorter, in order to achieve this. Problem is, Saturn Valley was clear on the other side of Nowhere. There's no way Jeff could get there on his own, no matter how many adventures he'd gone on in the past. He didn't know a thing about Nowhere, and with all the weird fauna and chimeras around, Claus didn't want to risk the idiot getting injured, extending his stay even further.
So, here he was, trying to help Jeff in order to get things moving at a quick pace. Nobody else would do it if he didn't... or, well, Lucas would, but Claus knew he wouldn't take this at the right pace either. Ultimately, then, it had to be him. Claus had told Jeff to be ready bright and early, but now he's not sure whether Jeff cared enough to prepare at all. After mumbling some vague goodbyes to Dr. Andonuts, Claus stepped out of the apartment and headed down the stairs towards the northern exit of town.
Claus retraces his steps from yesterday, down through Sunshine Forest to an obscure corner of it, where he first encountered Jeff. The Phase Distorter sits in a clearing, alone. He rolls his eye and comes up to the Phase Distorter, then kicks it with his boot.
"Up and at 'em, Andonuts! We ain't got all day! Time ta get goin'!" he shouts.
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Little Shop of Horrors Lyric Starters
(Feel free to change to fit your muse.)
“On the twenty-third day of the month of September, in an early year of a decade not too long before our own, the human race suddenly encountered a deadly threat to its very existence.”
“this terrifying enemy surfaced, as such enemies often do, in the seemingly most innocent and unlikely of places.”
“What a creepy thing to be happening!”
“Stop right where you are. Don't you move a thing.”
“Best believe it something's come to get 'cha.”
“Alarm goes off at seven.”
“Then you go downtown.”
“Uptown you cater to a million jerks.”
“The bosses take your money and they break your hearts.”
“Your morning's tribulation, afternoon's a curse and five o'clock is even worse.”
“Poor! All my life I've always been poor.”
“I keep asking God what I'm for, and he tells me "Gee, I'm not sure.”
“Oh, I started life as an orphan, a child of the street.”
“Someone show me a way to get outta here.”
“Please, won't somebody say I'll get outta here.”
“Someone gimme my shot or I'll rot here.”
“I was walkin' in the wholesale flower district that day I passed by this place where this old man-he sometimes sells me weird and exotic cuttings.”
“He knows, you see, that strange plants are my hobby.”
“Suddenly, and without warning, there was this total eclipse of the sun.”
“And when the light came back this weird plant was just sitting there.”
“You've given me nothing but heartache and hurt.”
“I'm beggin' you sweetly. I'm down on my knees.”
“What do you want from me- Blood?”
“Looks like you're not happy, 'less I open a vein.”
“I know (Name’s) the greatest.”
“I'm dating a semi-sadist.”
“So I've got a black eye and my arm's in a cast.”
“Well, if not, he's got inner beauty.”
“I dream of a place where we could be together at last…”
“I cook like Betty Crocker and I look like Donna Reed.”
“There's plastic on the furniture to keep it neat and clean.”
“A picture out of Better Homes and Gardens magazine.”
“I dream we'll go somewhere that's green.”
“When I was younger, just a bad little kid my mama noticed funny things I did.”
“My boy, I think someday you'll find a way to make your natural tendencies pay.”
“You have a talent for causing things pain!”
“Your temperament's wrong for the priesthood and teaching would suit you still less.
“Son, be a dentist, you'll be a success!”
“Who wants their teeth done by the Marquis de Sade?”
“And though it may cause my patients distress, somewhere in heaven above me, I know that my mama's proud of me.”
“Feed me!”
“Would you like a Cadillac car?”
“Would you like to be a big wheel, dinin' out for every meal?”
“I'm the one that can make it all real!
“You gonna git it!”
“I'm your genie, I'm your friend! I'm your willin' slave...”
“I don't know…I have so... so many strong... reservations…”
“Should I go... and perform... mutilations?”
“If you wanna be profound...If you really gotta justify...take a breath and look around... A lot of folks deserve to die...”
“The guy sure looks like plant food to me!”
“He's so nasty treatin' her rough!”
“You need blood and he's got more than enough!”
“He's got your number now.”
“You've got no place to hide, you've got nowhere to run…”
“I think it's suppertime.”
“Come on, come on, think about all those offers.”
“Ain't no time to turn squeamish.”
“Lift up your head. Wash off your mascara,here, take my Kleenex, wipe that lipstick away.”
“I know things were bad, but now they're okay.”
“Nobody ever treated me kindly.”
“Daddy left early…Mama was poor.”
“I'd meet a man and I'd follow him blindly. He'd snap his fingers, me, I'd say "sure."”
“Tell me this feelin'll last till forever…”
“Please understand that it's still strange and frightening.”
“Suddenly (Name) is standin' beside me.”
“(Name), so finally we meet you!”
“You're gonna host it, you lucky kid, sign.”
“Yes darling, we're sending photographers Thursday, so get the plant ready and wear a clean shirt.”
“They say the meek shall inherit.”
“It's not a question of merit.”
“You’re a meek little guy.”
“You know the meek are gonna get what's comin' to 'em by and by.”
“My future's starting, I've got to let it.”
“I take these offers, that means more killing! Who knew success would come with messy, nasty strings?”
“I sign these contracts, that means I'm willing to keep on doing bloody, awful, evil things.”
“No! No! There's only so far you can bend!”
“No! No! This nightmare must come to an end!”
“It's the only solution. It can't be avoided. The vegetable must be destroyed.”
“But then there's (Name), lovely (Name)…”
“Without my plant, she might not love me anymore.”
“Better wait a minute! Ya better hold the phone!”
“Better mind your manners! Better change your tone!”
“Don't you threaten me, son!”
“We gonna do things my way or we won't do things at all!”
“Ya don't know what you're messin' with. You got no idea.”
“Ya don't know what you're up against, no, no way, no how!”
“I'm just a mean green mother from outer space and I'm bad.”
“You've got me fightin' mad!”
“You think he's the worst, well, you're thinkin' wrong.”
“He got a temper, ha! He ain't got mine.”
“I'm from past the stars and beyond the moon.”
“You can keep The Thing, keep The It,keep The Creature, they don't mean shit.”
“I got the stuff and I think that proves, you better move it out.”
“I'm gonna bust your balls.”
“It's all over, ace.”
“Subsequent to the events you have just witnessed, similar events in cities across America, events which bore a striking resemblance, to the ones you have just seen began occurring.”
“Unsuspecting jerks from Maine to California made the acquaintance of a new breed of flytrap and got sweet-talked into feeding it blood.”
“Thus the plants worked their terrible will...”
“And the plants proceeded to grow and grow, and begin what they came here to do. Which was essentially to eat Cleveland and Des Moines and Peoria and New York… and this theater!”
“They may offer you fortune and fame, love and money and instant acclaim. But whatever they offer you, don't feed the plants!”
“Look out! Here comes (Name)!”
“Here I come for you!”
“Hold your hat and hang on to your soul!”
“Something's coming to eat the world whole!”
“If we fight it we've still got a chance!”
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antlerquccn · 2 years
Tumblr media
sentence starter from halestorm’s album back from the dead . change to fit as you see needed. potentially nsfw themes.
I'm back from the dead
'Cause I'm still standing above ground
Back from the dead alive, hell couldn't hold me
Hell couldn't hold me down
'Cause I'm still standing on the ground
Save your prayers, don't bless my bones, erase my name from my headstone
I'm back
Don't call me an angel I'll always be sinful it don't make me evil
I got my wicked
We all play the sinner and the saint and the in-between
I keep my eyes wide open when I pray
I like trouble coming in a hundred different ways
Heaven knows that I'll never change
Don't call me an angel
It don't make me evil
I'll never be faithful I'll always be tempted
It don't make me evil, I ain't evil
I've been the freak
I'll always be sinful
It don't make me evil
But I got my wicked ways
Do I make you nervous?
Do I make you scared?
Do I make you wanna just stop and stare?
A perfect picture of your fucking worst nightmare
Do I make you frightened?
Do I make you fear for your life?
So you can damn me straight to hell you can crucify my name
The world needs strange girls just like me
You say she's such a strange girl
Would you love me when my halo's bent and crooked when you call me malcontent?
Can't you be more like the girl next door instead of little miss misfit
Do you hate me just to change me to be just like you
Do you fear me to make me feel empty so I'm just like you
I will never be like you
But I keep looking on the bright side of life 'cause it only gets darker
We all need something to keep believing so I keep looking on the bright side of life
'Cause it only gets harder we all need something to keep us feeling
I'm over it all the bullshit
'Cause life's a bitch and then you die
We all need something to keep believing
It's everything you wanted but nobody likes you
It stopped raining in my head today I finally feel like myself again
I'm back where I belong
Do I live with this pain?
Asking myself why I see terrible things
It will take what you love like a thief
We're not these terrible things
We are nothing without failure
With every scar have we learned not to heal, but to hurt
I see a sickness in a world on its knees
Look at me and you'll see I'm not these terrible things
My heart can survive it, I'm stronger than this
I'm my own redemption
Don't need forgiveness to bless my guilt
Don't need Heaven to save my soul
Fell from grace just to believe in my redemption
They ain't built a weapon that could kill me yet
Be a good girl, play along
Well, I got news for all of you fools you better suck it up
You're never gonna shut me up
She's not fragile like a flower she is fragile like a bomb
I may be good at trouble but I'm not yours to change
You get what you give, so give it to me, wait your turn
I come first
You don't get to break the rules
A little respect goes a long, long way
I'm gonna make you wait like you made me, so how does it taste?
Play with fire, get burned
Don't do me like that
Now you're making me mad
If you want a battle, I'll give you a war
You say I've got problems, got issues and it's all in my head
Don't you forget that you started this shit
If I won't break 'cause this time I'm fighting for me for everything you took away
Shout from the rooftops while you still live every word
Forgive every fear that convinced you to put out your light
Show every flaw, every scar that this world made you hide from who you are
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aeipathcy · 1 year
@shadyinfo * ✭ ❪ liked for a starter┊☓ ❫
Randel had already made it a habit to spy on the movements of the residents of the manor through what he could see from the view of the windows. While he mostly didn't pay much attention to the nobodies, there were always at least two people that'd catch his eye from how much they stood out compared to the rest—the red-haired duke (obviously because he was the target to exorcize) and the princess (or regent, she supposedly was now called). There was also that pet of hers who'd he often have to acknowledge since he was always by her side, but who cared about him?
The sight he caught whilst peering in through the glass this time was not what he expected—the reaper had intended to do his routine of scaring Mikel and pop into his room unannounced as usual (it never got old), but instead he found himself witnessing a very scandalous scene: the regent and her retainer being way too close for her engaged status. This was nothing new with them, always hiding in the shadows to exchange blood for sustenance. Although, it was one of the rarer incidents of the regent giving in and taking from her so-called beloved friend.
So much for sticking to the usual plan—dropping in on these two would be much more interesting. Seeing as the window was partially open but not enough for his arm to fit through, he reached to grab a rib bone from within. When he had gotten the right one, he slipped it through the gap and maneuvered it to open the window some more, and when he had pried it open enough, he returned the rib back to its proper place.
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❝ So you take from your precious little retainer but nobody else? Ain't that a bit wack? I thought you'd want to keep him alive, ❞ he questioned to announce his presence as he slipped in through the window he had just pried open. With a laugh, he closed the window behind him and jumped down to the floor from the sill, clearly imposing on such a disgustingly intimate moment.
It was obvious he had timed his entry like this on purpose. If not unpredictable and unreadable, he was often described as being there at the worst possible moments, witnessing things that really could cause trouble should he share what his eyes had seen.
❝ Sorry, am I interrupting? ❞ he asked with such a cheery tone that it might as well have skewed the emotions of the duo towards anger rather than simple irritation from his unwanted entry. What could he say? He enjoyed ruining people's fun.
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bxckle-up--a · 4 years
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fullstcp · 19 days
Waitress: The Musical Sentence Starters
"What's inside?"
"Everyone wants to know what's inside."
"I feel more than words can say."
"Simple question, so then what's the answer?"
"My whole life is in here."
"What a mess I'm making."
"The day starts like the rest we've seen."
"Days keep coming. One out, one in. They keep coming."
"I don't know what I wish I had."
"There's no time now for thinking things like that."
"We've got too much to do."
"Hello, how ya been?"
"Some things never change."
"I wouldn't call this place a happy end."
"A small town like ours ain't much."
"Sometimes home is where your ass ends up."
"I like the way most of the days look exactly the same."
"With days like these we can only do the best we can."
"Time to pee on a stick!"
"I don't wanna know."
"You've waited long enough."
"It's better to know."
"We'll be right here with you."
"It's no or it's yes."
"Read the instructions."
"How'd I ever get myself in this mess?"
"Funny how one night can ruin your whole life."
"Don't go there yet."
"I'm already panicked!"
"Just calm down, god damn it!"
"Maybe it'll all be fine."
"Make it work."
"Make it easy."
"Even doubt can be delicious."
"It's on someone else's plate for a while."
"I can fix this."
"I have done it before."
"I learned that from you."
"Tell them all my secrets but disguise them."
"Better never lasts forever."
"Every door we ever made, we never once walked out."
"I'll show them all how goddamn happy I am."
"Don't let me down."
"Knock, knock."
"Who's there?"
"The doctor will see you now."
"Welcome to club knocked up."
"I stick with real things."
"I don't like guessing games."
"I don't like when I feel things before I know the feelings."
"How am I supposed to operate if I'm just tossed around by fate."
"What if when they see me, what if they don't like it?"
"What happens then?"
"What if when they know me, they're only disappointed?"
"What if I give myself away, to only get it given back? I couldn't live with that."
"I'm just fine inside my shell-shaped mind. This way I get the best view."
"I'm not defensive!"
"I'm simply being cautious."
"You cannot be too careful when it comes to sharing your life."
"What if when they see me, I like them and they know it?"
"I'm not prepared for that."
"I'm scared of breaking open."
"I can't help from hoping to find someone to talk to who likes the way I am."
"You know what's kinda funny?"
"Nobody ever really notices me that way."
"It only takes a taste when it's something special."
"It only takes a taste when you know it's good."
"Sometimes one bite is more than enough to know you want more of the thing you just got a taste of."
"You had your own thing, though I don't remember what it was."
"'Til the sun don't shine, you will still be mine."
"We've come such a long way."
"No turning back now."
"You're my family."
"Nothing's impossible."
"A dream needs believing to taste like the real thing."
"May we all be so lucky."
"Dreams are elusive."
"Dreams come and they go."
"When your breaking point is all that you have, a dream is a soft place to land."
"Please, just take the mixed bouquet and leave!"
"I will never let you leave me."
"I promise I'm not lyin'."
"I'm gonna do this right."
"Wherever you go, I won't be far to follow."
"I'm gonna love you so."
"I love you means you're never, ever, ever getting rid of me."
"It's a bad idea, me and you."
"I know, I totally agree."
"I've never known anything more true."
"It's a terrible idea, me and you."
"You have a wife."
"You've got a husband."
"Let's just keep kissing 'til we come to."
"Making mistakes like this will make worse what was already pretty bad."
"It's time we just let this thing go."
"It was a pretty good bad idea, wasn't it though?"
"Hold em close while I think this through."
"It's a very poor idea, me and you."
"I know it's right for me."
"It's the only thing I've ever done."
"What if I never see myself ever be more than what I've already become?"
"I need a bad idea."
"Let's make mistakes."
"This secret is safe."
"There's no reason to throw it away when there's love to be had."
"Let's see this through."
"It's a pretty good bad idea, me and you."
"Go ahead, throw your rocks at me. From your little glass house and then take off running."
"You're no better than me."
"We've both made mistakes, haven't we?"
"I won't undo what I'm doing."
"I don't claim to be proud, but my head won't be hung in shame."
"I didn't plan it, but the light turned red, and I ran it."
"I'm still standing."
"It's not what I wanted, but now that it's right here I understand it."
"It's life biting right at your heels."
"It's finally something to feel."
"Look around you, ain't no saints here, baby."
"We're all just looking for a little less crazy."
"Sometimes, it's a hard left turn down a road you never thought you'd see."
"I'm sick of the way I've been waiting to break free."
"I needed saving."
"A good mistake needed making."
"Maybe you need the same thing. Something to feel, to race through your blood and remind you you're here."
"I didn't plan it, but that's life."
"I'm finally feeling alive."
"It's not right, but it's mine."
"We can't come back from this."
"I want more of what I had."
"It feels so good to be bad."
"We might burn, but we might get saved."
"I don't feel much fire at all these days."
"I could find the whole meaning of life in those sad eyes."
"Come out of hiding."
"I'm right here beside you. And I'll stay there as long as you'll let me."
"You matter to me."
"It's simple and plain and not much to ask from somebody."
"I promise you do, you'll see. You matter to me."
"It's addictive the minute you let yourself think the things that I say just might matter to someone."
"All of this time I've been keeping my mind on the running away."
"For the first time, I think I'd consider the stay."
"I hope someday, somebody wants to hold you for twenty minutes straight."
"I hope you become addicted to saying things and having them matter to someone."
"I am in love and I don't care who knows it."
"My mistakes have made me."
"I don't believe in silver linings."
"I believe that there's something in you."
"I believe in you."
"Something good is trying to break through."
"I believe there's something in you. Something you should be seeing too."
"Bet it all on yourself at least one time."
"Win or lose, it's one hell of a ride."
"You and I will not be in attendance."
"It's not simple to say."
"Most days, I don't recognize me."
"It's not easy to know I'm not anything like I used to be."
"I was never attention's sweet center."
"You're imperfect, but you try."
"It's not what I asked for."
"Sometimes life just slips in through a backdoor and carves out a person. And makes you believe it's all true."
"Now I've got you."
"You're not what I asked for."
"I would give it all back for a chance to start over and rewrite an ending or two."
"Today's a day like any other, but I am changed."
"Who I was has disappeared."
"It doesn't matter, now you're here."
"I was lost for you to find."
"Now I'm yours, and you are mine."
"I will guard it with my life."
"I can feel the heart of how everything changes."
"Sometimes what is, is meant to be."
"You saved me."
"In time maybe I can heal and I can breathe."
"My heart's at the wheel now."
"All my mistakes, they make sense when you turn them around."
"What I thought was so permanent fades."
"I know in due time, every right thing will find its right place."
"Isn't it amazing what comes our way?"
"Life's rearranging."
"We're opening up to what's inside of love."
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nolanhollogay · 3 years
ryan beatty prompts/sentence starters 1/3
all from his 2018 album "boy in jeans"
- "wake me up when the days are over"
- "reminiscing of a life i had"
- "i finally feel like me again"
- "you have to give before you get"
- "it starts right now"
- "i can never ever, ever, ever lose it"
- "it's all I ever, ever, ever, ever wanted"
- "they look the same, I tried to fake it"
- "but it left a bad taste in my mouth"
- "get back to where you came from"
- "this is what you're made for"
- "you know, it's a free world"
- "take the money and run"
- "you can leave when you want"
- "who are you when I'm not around?"
- "all my money is gone"
- "wanna feel something other than sadness sometimes"
- "i can't relate to the people who relate to me"
- "can't trust them anyway"
- "they don't see me for me"
- "you are special to me"
- "i'm on the opposite side of the fence"
- "just to tell you i like you"
- "there ain't nobody like you"
- "who you gonna dance with?"
- "he's the only one on my mind"
- "he's the only one i call when I'm feeling reckless"
- "tell me that you're mine"
- "open up your heart for a minute"
- "ain't it nice out here when we're alone?"
- "press your lips against my neck"
- "with me you don't pretend"
- "she's nice but she's not me"
- "she's nice but she hates me"
- "date me"
- "i'm just playing"
- "didn't mean to say that"
- "what do you want from me?"
- "i'll give it to you"
- "you just gotta ask"
- "this is not real, this is a memory"
- "I wanna feel you shine on me"
- "and he dances"
- "that's my man"
- "dance with me"
- "in my dreams"
- "now she's crying on my shoulder"
- "i'm selfish"
- "all i can think about is you"
- "i already miss him"
- "now the only thing I got are these memories"
- "and a lot of time on my hands"
- "i keep my feelings hidden"
- "no pills, no thrills"
- "i'm not used to winning"
- "that's life"
- "what's gonna be my reputation?"
- "oh shoot"
- "she didn't recognize me"
- "i'm not saying I'm a ride or die"
- "who's to say what's right or wrong?"
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unitedleader · 4 years
LEWIS CAPALDI / divinely uninspired to a hellish extent sentence starters !
“ i'm  not  ready  to  be  just    another   of   your   mistakes.  “  
  “   i  can't  seem  to  drown  you  out   long enough.  “   
 “  you're  like  a  song   that  i   ain't  ready  to  stop.  “   
 “  are   we   too  wounded   now  to  ever  come  down  ?  “   
 “   oh  ,  how  i  long  for  us  to  find  common  ground.  “    
  BRUISES :    
 “   and  every   breath  that  i've  been  takin'   since  you  left  feels  like  a  waste  on  me.  “  
 “  i've  been  holding  onto  hope  that  you'll  come  back  when  you  can  find  some  peace.  “  
 “ i've  been  told ,  i've  been   told  to  get  you  off  my  mind.  “
  “  but  i   hope  i  never  lose  the  bruises  that  you  left  behind.  “  
 “ oh  my  Lord ,  oh  my  Lord , i  need  you  by  my  side.  “   
 “  maybe  i  ,  maybe  i'm  just  being  blinded  by  the  brighter  side.  “ 
  “  and  if  only  i  could  hold  you ,  you'd  keep  my  head  from  going  under.  “  
 “  it's  your  love  i'm   lost  in.  “  
  “  i'm   tired  of  being  so  exhausted.   “  
“  even  though  i'm  nothing  to  you  now.  “     
  “  i'm   waitin'  up ,  savin'   all  my   precious  time.  “  
“  losin'  light ,  i'm  missin'  my  same  old  us.  “ 
 “  before  we  learned  our  truth  too  late.  “  
  “  resigned  to  fate .  fadin'  away.  “   
 “   so ,  tell  me   can  you   turn   around ?  “   
 “   i  need   someone  to   tear   me  down.  “    “   hold   me  while  you  wait.   “ 
 “  i   wish  that  i   was  good  enough.  “    
“  won't   you   stay  awhile ?  “   
“  this  is  you ,  this  is  me  ,  this  is  all  we  need.  “  
 “   i   wish  you  cared  a   little  more.  “  
 “  i   wish  you'd  told  me  this  before.  “   
  SOMEONE   YOU   LOVED :        
“  i'm   going  under  and   this   time  i   fear  there's  no  one  to  save  me.  “   
“  this  all  or  nothing   really   got   a  way  of  driving  me  crazy.  “   
 “   i   need  somebody  to  heal.  “  
 “  somebody  to  know. “   
 “  somebody  to  have. “ 
 “ somebody  to  hold.  “  
 “  it's  easy  to  say ,  but  it's  never  the  same.  “   
 “   i   guess  i   kinda   liked  the  way   you  numbed  all  the  pain.  “ 
  “  and  you're  not  there  to  get  me  through  it  all.  “   
 “   i   let   my  guard  down  and  then   you   pulled  the  rug.  “  
 “  i  was  getting  kinda  used  to  being  somebody  you  loved . “ 
   “ i'm  going  under  and  this  time  i   fear  there's  no  one  to  turn  to.  “  
  “  this  all  or  nothing  way  of  loving  got  me  sleeping  without  you.  “   
 “  and  i   tend  to  close  my  eyes  when  it   hurts  sometimes. “ 
  “   i'll   be  safe   in  your  sound  'til  i  come  back  around.   “  
 “ i’ve   said  a  thousand  things  before.  “  
 “  i've   fallen  in  and  out  of  love.  “   
“  i  couldn't  walk  but  tried  to  run.  “   
 “  at  night   the  weight  of  expectation  seems  to   keep  me  up.  “    
“  a  thousand  times  i   said  too  much.  “   
 “ always  second  guess  before  i   jump.  “  
 “  and  with  the  weight  of  expectation  i'll   be  sleeping  rough.  “  
 “ how  come  i'm   the  only  one  who  ever  seems  to  get  in  my  way  ? “ 
  “  lately  i've  been  fucking  up   a  good  thing  any  chance  i  can  get. “ 
 “  but  everything  i  touch  turns  to  stone.  “  
 “  maybe  i'm  better  off  on  my  own.  “  
 “  a  thousand  times  i've   heard  the  same.  “  
 “ i've  heard  some  other  voices   in   my  head.  “  
 “  let  me  assure  you  that  my  mind's  in  check.  “  
 “  i   just  can't  put  my  faith  in  something  we  might  live  to  regret.  “  
 “  and  i  ain't  tryin'  to  be  lonely.  “  
“  caught  me  off  guard ,  wish  that  i'd   been  sober.  “ 
  “  still ,  here  we   are  back  in  ___ “    
 “  just  like  old  times  all  over.  “ 
  “  i   really  wish  that  i'd   dressed  up  a  little  better.  “  
 “   no  regrets  is  what  we  said. “   
 “  we  can't  go  back   again.  “  
 “  darling ,  nobody  said   that  it  would  last  forever.  “ 
 “   that  doesn't  mean  we  didn't  try ,  to  get  there.  “  
 “  wish  you  the  best ,  i   would  if  i  was  able.  “  
“  out  of  my  mind  ,  i don't  remember  calling.  “   
 “  had  too  much  __  sometimes  it  does  the  talking.  “ 
  “  hope  you  know  ,  i  wish  you  all  the   love   you're  looking  for. “  
  “ they'll  never  take  those  long  summer  days  when  love  was  untamed.  “ 
  “ remember , nobody  said  that  it  would  last  forever.  “  
 “  how  could  you  let  something  so  good  go  to  waste  and  bleed  the  colours  out  ?  “ 
  “ you don't  know  what  you've got  'til  it's  gone.  “  
 “  know  when  it's  right  'til  it's  wrong.  “  
 “  you  broke  your  heart  down  with  ease. “  
  “   now  i'm   picking  up  every  piece. “   
 “  you  must  be  so  hard  to  please. “    
“  i   wish  i   could  say  thank  you  for  the  mistakes. “  
 “  thank  you  for  all  of  the  pain.  “  
 “  i  guess  somebody  else's  loss  is  another's  gain.  “  
 “   you  had  your  mind  set  out  on  other  things.  “ 
  “ can't  sleep  at  night ,  now  you're  paying  the  price.  “   
  “     you  let  another  come  and  take  your  place. “   
 DON'T   GET  ME   WRONG:      
“  pray  silence , i'm  begging. “ 
  “  too  tired   to  tell   you  i   ain't  coming  home.  “   
 “  stop  for  a  second.  “   
 “  guess  i  got  caught  up  in  leading  you  on.  “  
 “ but  i   ain't  responsible ,  for  the  lump  in  your  throat.  “  
 “  haven't  you  had  enough  of  all  of  this ?  “   
 “  haven’t   you  had  enough  of  lonlieness ?  “    
  “    don't  get  me  wrong ,  i'd   love  to  stay  too  long.  “  
  “    don't   get  me  wrong  ,  i'd  love  to  tell  you  whatever  you  want. “  
  “  haven't  we  had  enough  of  second  best ?  “  
 “  innocent then ,  way  back  before  we  knew  how  to  pretend.  “   
“   it  ain't  meant  to  be  easy ,  shouldn’t  be  hard  as  this.  “  
 “   out  of  focus.  didn’t  take a second  to  notice.  “ 
  “  now  we're  separated  by __  “    
 “  i  wish  i'd   stayed.   “  
 “ so   i'm  praying  that  you're  feeling  the  same.  “ 
  “  do  you  ever  feel  like  going  back  to  the  start  ?  “ 
  “  if  you  can  hear  me   ,  does  it  really  have  to  end ?  “  
  LOST   ON  YOU :        
 “  lately  i'm  getting  lost  on   you.  “  
 “  you  got  me  doing  things ,   i  never  thought  i'd  do. “   
 “  never  spent  so  long  on  a  losing  battle.  “  
 “  lately  giving  up  don't  seem  to  matter. “    
“  i  don't  wanna   leave  you  lonely.  “  
 “  but  i've  run   out  of  love  this  time.  “   
“  hope  you'll  be  safe  in  the  arms  of  another.  “  
 “  cause  i   can't  take  the  weight of  your  love.  “ 
  “  i  tore  your  world  apart  like  it  was  nothing  new. “    
“  never  bled  so  much  when  i  didn't  have  to.  “  
 “ i've  given  up  on  a  life  lived  after.  “   
 “  every  day  i'm  a  slave  to  the  heartache.  “ 
 “  you  know  that  i   adore  you.  “  
 “   i   should've  carried  us  both. “  
 “   though  i  couldn't  give  enough.  “  
  “  well,  i   know  that  we've  been  hardly  holding  on.  “ 
  “  to  tell  the  truth  i   can't  believe  we  got  this  far.  “    
“   i  wish  somebody  would've  told  me.   “  
 “   ___ you make  my  heart  break   more  every  day.  “  
 “  guess  i'm  such  a  fucking  fool  for  the  way  that  you  caught  me.  “  
“  well ,  you  tracked  down  all  the  lines  you  drew. “  
 “ and  i  could  take  the  hit ,  but  i'm   sorry  i  don't  want  the  bruise.  “   
“ your  voice  gets  a  little  loud.   when  there's  nothing  to  talk  about.  “  
 “  well,  you're  only  blood  and  bones  ,  and  i  know  your  heart's  at  war  with  your  head.  “  
 “  and  i   know  it's  a  little  late ,  my  timing  was  never  great.  “  
 “    i   just   wanted  to  let  you  know.   that  i   won't  bother  you  anymore.  “
  “  i'll  be  gone  this  time   next   year.   “    
“  if  you  got  time  for  me  ,  sing  me  a  song  and  send  me  to  sleep.  “   
 “  i   never  thought  that  a  lie  could  sound  so  sweet.   until  you  opened  your  mouth  ,  and  said  you  loved  me.  “  
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ch-sy · 6 years
It's taken me like 6 years to realize that some men just really ain't shit
I haven't been able to talk about this to anyone in my RL about this because of my social circle and knowing it would cause a bad situation to spiral out worse but I gotta go off sis..
So, almost like 2 years ago I was living in a rented house with my boyfriend and our two roommates (who were also guys.) ONE of these roommates was really chill and like, minded his own business and didn't cause any shit or anything. My boyfriend and I were really comfortable living with him pretty much right off. But the 2nd one was literally one of the most twisted, conniving motherfuckers I have ever had the misfortune of crossing paths with in my entire life. Just for starters, we didn't know this guy had killed someone before. A really long story short, his house had been broken into before because someone found out he had a safe in it with like 10k stashed. So they tried robbing him in the middle of the night-- he winded up shooting one of them and killing the guy. Anyways, we didn't know about this until like 3 months after he had moved in.. well.. then he started acting really nice toward me and from my boyfriend's perspective on things, started either giving him the cold shoulder or he would almost be fakely nice to him.
This motherfucker spent like almost 5 months trying to drive a wedge between me and my boyfriend, he tried to get me fucked up on ecstasy when we went on a beach trip to try and take advantage of me while my boyfriend wasn't there because he was working all weekend. Once he realized he couldn't get me he literally got together with one of my BEST FRIENDS and coworkers to try and piss me off (it worked, but only because by then I knew exactly what he was doing and even tried warning her that he was.) She didn't listen, and once he realized that he wasn't getting to me he started treating her terrible and cheated on her cause he's a real winner. By the end of things, my boyfriend and I decided the living situation was entirely too toxic and we broke our lease just to get away from him. The scumbag waited until my boyfriend wasn't home one day working and I was off to have his friend come over and help him pack his shit up, while they were in his room lowkey yelling about shooting all of us over it. We got out of the house and thankfully, we haven't seen shitstick again. Thank u, next
So NOW.. we're in a living situation with my boyfriend's co-worker, who at first- once again, seemed really chill mind you. I met his wife long before we moved in and we all got along really well, I thought it would be nice to live with another chick too.. whatever.
Over the past few weeks, his wife and I have gotten really close with each other so she's started opening up to me when talking about things. She told me that she's never been in a situation where her husband acts so cruel and distant to her. That he's changed a lot just over the past few weeks--like so much to the point she says he's a completely different person and it's getting so bad that she's starting to want a divorce. She's starting to resent him for it.
New Year's this year, he got entirely too wasted and shoved her into the dirt out in our yard. Two guys who were over here got pissed and one of them swung on him for it (because you don't lay your hands on a female like that, especially not your wife?) Our roommate proceeded to call her his bitch while he was trying to fight these two friends of his (that are no longer his friend's after this incident, mind you.) It was a really fucked up night. I winded up threatening him and telling him if he ever hurt her again that I would do it to him and it was going to be 1000 times worse and had to console her to calm her down for like an hour.
He started acting right again for like a week, after that and then went back to treating his wife like shit. And me and her are really close now so everytime I see her upset over the shit he does, I get pissed off..
Something registered the other day from the incident with our first shitty roommate and I've started picking up on some things:
1. He didn't start acting this way until after we moved in (she's somewhat noticed this- my boyfriend has noticed this and thinks if we have anything to do with it, its that our roomie is jealous of our relationship because honestly we really do have an extremely stable one) like, for example: I get kinda annoyed when my boyfriend has to work late. I was never like that before but I'm 6 months pregnant and so, like.. I need him around more than ever right now. He's understanding of this and so a lot of the time when I ask for him to come home, he does. Our roommate came in one day after this happened and was like "how come it's that she gets mad when her man isn't home but mine doesn't give a shit- what is that?" And we just kinda laughed it off because I figured he was just making fun of me for bitching.. but like, he does it all the time and I've picked up on it a lot more.
He's constantly comparing me and his wife, he came in one day long before my boyfriend got off work because my boyfriend is a foreman so he usually has to stay later than the others, and was like "there's a bunch of beautiful women in MY house" and it kinda rubbed me wrong when he said it, but once again, I wrote it off as nothing.
By now, our roommate and his wife are fighting almost every night. He's started refusing to take care of their 7 month old child unless she bitches him out to or begs him to (and--that's your fucking child bro, nobody should have to beg you to take care of your little girl.) He's been lowkey doing things to like, assert his dominance over his wifw I guess. It's really fucked up, like one day me and my boyfriend were gonna drop her off at work cause her car is broke and a lot of the time she has to walk.. and one day when we offered, he winded up calling us to be like "im home now so don't worry about taking her, I got it" and then PROCEEDED TO MAKE HER WALK TO WORK CAUSE "IT WAS A NICE DAY" girl I wanted to punch him in his face right then once I found out. To top this all off, she thinks he might be cheating now.
It's just collectively a bunch of shit that can't be ignored and I don't know how to deal with it. It's not my relationship but it's starting to affect me and my boyfriend's because they work together and our roommate has been doing so much fucked up shit lately (and seeing how he treats his wife) makes me paranoid about my boyfriend even being around him. Not because I don't trust him, but because I don't trust our roommate anymore.
And now I'm highkey wondering if he's got some sort of bullshit thing for me because of what's happened before. It's like weird flex but ok but I'm being serious.
I don't know if I should tell my boyfriend that I think it might be a possibility and we need to move out or not. It's a catch 22 because I could tell him and possibly ruin their friendship and work relationship (maybe for just being paranoid) or I could just not say anything, wait it out and possibly allow my friend's relationship to deteriorate. I know it's not really my problem and regardless of any of it--if he's that kind of person, it won't last anyway because he's a shithead and his true colors are coming out..
Either way, this entire situation has got me stressed out as fuck, I don't feel comfortable living here anymore and I'm pregnant and shouldn't be dealing with anymore stress than I already have to. I dont know what to do or I'm supposed to do cause..
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