#open label
singto-prachaya · 1 month
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Open Label is coming
OFFROAD KANTAPON IG : totogaback #offroadKTP
TANGTON JINNAPHOP IG : tangtonjinnaphop #tangtonjinnaphop
PUMA PUPAPOP IG : puma_kk #puma_kk
MIMI AMELIA IG : mmimi.js #mmimijs
PEACH PICHAORN IG : peachpb #peachpb
OBEY PUNNAVICH IG : obeypun #obeypun
PRIM PRINDA IG : prim_pprinda #prim_pprinda
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Do you know this queer character?
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Castiel is Queer and Agender or Genderfluid, and uses varying pronouns based on presentation!
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nobleriver · 3 months
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TWD: The Ones Who Live - Finale Opening Scene + Blurred/Faraway
Requested by Anonymous
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moon3verland · 21 days
The Final Lap L.HS
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·˚ ◌༘₊· ͟͞꒰➳Lee Heeseung x Fem!Reader GENRE! Tooth-rotting Fluff!! Very light angst ✎SYNOPSIS! In the underground scene of illegal motorcycle racing, (Name) and Heeseung have always had an exciting but unclear relationship. During Heeseung's riskiest race to date, feelings intensify, resulting in a moment that changes their connection for good.〘WC: 2.7k〙 『 ↳✧・゚ Warnings ; Illegal Activities ↳˳;; ❝ ʙᴏᴏᴋꜱʜᴇʟꜰᵕ̈೫
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The air was thick with the scent of gasoline and adrenaline, the hum of motorcycle engines filling the alleyway. (Name) stood at the edge of the crowd, watching as Heeseung leaned against his bike, a confident grin on his face. He looked like he belonged there—cool, collected, his dark eyes scanning the crowd until they landed on her. His grin softened, and he pushed off the bike, making his way over to her with a casual swagger. More Undercut
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“Hey,” he greeted, his voice low and smooth. “Didn’t think you’d make it tonight.”
“I told you I’d be here,” she replied, trying to keep her tone light despite the rapid beating of her heart. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
Heeseung’s grin widened, and he reached out, brushing a strand of hair away from her face. “Glad to hear it. I like having you around, you know.”
A blush crept up her cheeks, and she looked away, trying to hide her smile. “Yeah, well, someone’s got to make sure you don’t do anything stupid.”
He laughed, a deep, genuine sound that sent a shiver down her spine. “You know me too well.”
She smiled, but there was an underlying tension in her chest. She had been coming to these races for weeks now, watching Heeseung push himself to the limit, flirting with danger at every turn. She knew how much he loved it—the thrill, the speed, the competition—but it scared her. She couldn’t help but worry every time he got on that bike, her heart in her throat until he crossed the finish line.
“I do know you,” she replied softly, her eyes meeting his. “And that’s what scares me.”
Heeseung’s smile faltered, and he took a step closer, his expression turning serious. “Hey, I’m careful,” he said, his voice gentle. “I promise.”
“I know,” she whispered, her fingers twisting together nervously. “But it doesn’t make it any easier.”
Heeseung reached out, taking her hands in his, his thumb rubbing soothing circles over her knuckles. “I don’t want you to worry about me,” he murmured. “I want you to trust me. Can you do that?” She hesitated for a moment, her eyes searching his. "I’ll try," she finally said, her voice barely audible over the noise of the crowd. Her words were sincere, but her heart was still heavy with uncertainty. She wanted to trust him, to believe that he would always come out of these races unscathed, but the fear lingered.
“Good,” Heeseung replied, his grip tightening on her hands as if to reassure her. “Because I’ve got something planned for us after the race. Something special.”
She raised an eyebrow, curiosity flickering in her eyes. “Special? Are you going to give me a hint, or do I have to wait?”
His grin returned, the playful spark she was so familiar with lighting up his features. “You’ll just have to be patient,” he teased, leaning in closer, his breath warm against her ear. “But I promise, you’re going to love it.”
Before she could respond, the sound of engines revving louder filled the air. The announcer’s voice boomed through the speakers, calling the racers to the starting line. Heeseung released her hands, his expression shifting back to the serious, determined look he wore whenever he was about to race. He turned to walk away, but stopped, glancing back at her one more time.
“Just stay right there,” he said, nodding towards the spot where she stood. “I want to see you as soon as I cross that finish line.”
(Name) nodded, biting her lower lip to keep from smiling too wide. “I’m not going anywhere,” she assured him.
Heeseung winked at her, then turned and jogged towards his bike, slipping his helmet on as he went. He mounted the bike with the ease of someone who had done it a thousand times before, his body settling into a familiar rhythm as he revved the engine a few times, testing it. The sound was deafening, the crowd around them cheering and shouting, but all (Name) could focus on was the figure of Heeseung on that bike, his silhouette backlit by the streetlights.
Her heart thudded heavily in her chest, anxiety twisting in her stomach as the countdown began. She held her breath, her eyes locked on him, silently praying that everything would be alright.
The flag dropped, and the bikes shot forward like bullets from a gun. Heeseung was quick off the line, immediately taking an aggressive stance as he maneuvered around the other racers. His movements were fluid and precise, each turn calculated, each acceleration deliberate. He made it look easy, but (Name) knew just how much focus and skill it took to handle a bike like that at those speeds.
As they rounded the first corner, Heeseung was already pulling ahead, his bike weaving in and out of the competitors with an almost dangerous grace. She felt her breath catch in her throat, her eyes wide as she watched him navigate the tight turns and sharp curves of the makeshift track. The other racers were close behind, but he kept his lead, pushing harder, faster.
But then, out of nowhere, one of the other racers—a newcomer she hadn’t seen before, riding a sleek black motorcycle—cut sharply across the track, trying to overtake Heeseung. Her heart jumped into her throat as she watched the two bikes come dangerously close to colliding, her hands instinctively reaching up to cover her mouth.
Heeseung didn’t flinch. He swerved expertly to avoid the collision, but the move cost him some of his speed. The black bike took the lead, and for a moment, (Name) felt a wave of fear wash over her. She could see the determination in Heeseung’s posture, the way he leaned forward, urging his bike to go faster. He wasn’t going to let this newcomer beat him.
With a surge of speed, Heeseung closed the gap, his bike roaring as he accelerated. The two racers were neck and neck, the crowd screaming and cheering as they tore down the final stretch. (Name)’s heart was in her throat, her hands trembling with nerves. She knew how much this race meant to Heeseung—how much he needed this win.
In a daring move, Heeseung leaned into the final turn, cutting sharply to the inside. The newcomer tried to block him, but Heeseung was quicker, slipping past with inches to spare. The crowd went wild, and (Name) felt a surge of pride and relief. He was almost there—just a few more seconds, and he would cross the finish line.
But then, something happened.
A loud bang echoed through the air, and Heeseung’s bike wobbled. (Name) felt her heart stop, her breath catching in her throat as she saw the back tire blow out. Heeseung fought to keep control, his muscles straining, his face a mask of concentration. Time seemed to slow down, each second stretching into eternity as he struggled to steady the bike.
For a terrifying moment, it looked like he was going to crash. The bike swerved wildly, skidding on the asphalt. (Name) could hear the gasps and shouts from the crowd, could feel the panic rising in her chest. She wanted to scream, to run out onto the track and stop him, but she was frozen, her eyes locked on Heeseung.
But somehow, against all odds, he managed to regain control. Heeseung leaned hard to the right, guiding the bike back on course. He was losing speed fast, the other racers zooming past him, but he didn’t give up. With a final burst of effort, he pushed the bike forward, crossing the finish line seconds behind the newcomer.
The crowd erupted into a mix of cheers and gasps, and (Name) felt a wave of relief so intense it left her dizzy. She pushed through the crowd, rushing towards him as he brought the bike to a halt, his chest heaving with exertion. He pulled off his helmet, and for a moment, he just sat there, his face pale, his breath coming in sharp gasps.
“Heeseung!” she called out, her voice breaking with emotion as she reached him. “Are you okay?”
He looked up, his eyes meeting hers, and he managed a small, tired smile. “Yeah,” he panted, nodding. “I’m fine… just a little shaken up.”
(Name) felt tears pricking at her eyes, and she reached out, pulling him into a tight hug. “You scared me,” she whispered, her voice trembling. “I thought… I thought you were going to crash.”
Heeseung hugged her back, his arms wrapping around her waist, holding her close. “I’m sorry,” he murmured against her hair. “I didn’t mean to scare you. I’m okay, I promise.”
She pulled back slightly, her hands framing his face, her eyes searching his. “Don’t do that again,” she said, her voice firm. “Don’t take risks like that.”
Heeseung’s smile softened, and he nodded. “I’ll try,” he promised. “For you, I’ll try.”
And in that moment, with the noise of the crowd fading into the background and the cool night air surrounding them, (Name) realized just how much he meant to her—how much she cared about him, how much she didn’t want to lose him. It wasn’t just a situationship anymore. Not for her.
Heeseung seemed to sense the shift in her emotions, his thumb brushing over her cheek as he gazed at her. “Come on,” he said softly, “let’s get out of here. I still have that surprise for you.”
She nodded, swallowing hard, trying to steady her racing heart. Heeseung took her hand, leading her away from the crowd, down a quieter side street. As they walked, the tension slowly began to dissipate, replaced by a growing sense of anticipation.
After a few minutes, they arrived at an old garage tucked away at the edge of town. Heeseung led her inside, flipping on the lights to reveal a motorcycle that looked almost brand new, its chrome shining under the fluorescent lights.
“This is it?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.
Heeseung nodded, a grin spreading across his face. “Yeah, but it’s not just any bike. This is ours. I’ve been working on it for weeks, fixing it up. I wanted to take you on a trip… just you and me. No races, no crowd. Just us.”
(Name) stared at the bike, her heart swelling with emotion. “You did all this… for me?”
Heeseung’s smile softened, and he stepped closer, taking her hands in his. “For us,” he corrected gently. “Because I want more than just this… more than just the races and the adrenaline. I want to be with you. Really be with you.”
Tears filled her eyes, and she nodded, a smile breaking across her face. “I’d like that,” she whispered, her voice thick with emotion.
Heeseung leaned in, pressing his forehead against hers. “Then let’s get out of here,” he murmured, his lips brushing against hers in a soft, lingering kiss. “Let’s find out what’s waiting for us on the open road.” They climbed onto the bike, (Name) settling in behind Heeseung, her arms instinctively wrapping around his waist. The engine roared to life, vibrating beneath them as Heeseung gave the throttle a twist. She could feel his heartbeat steadying against her chest, could feel the tension in his shoulders relax as they pulled away from the garage and onto the open road.
The cool night air whipped around them, carrying away the last remnants of the adrenaline from the race. The city lights blurred as they sped down the empty streets, the wind rushing past them, their surroundings turning into a mix of dark shadows and flickering lights. The feeling was exhilarating, but different from the races—there was no pressure, no crowd watching, no danger lurking at every corner. It was just the two of them, the road, and the hum of the engine beneath them.
(Name) rested her cheek against his back, closing her eyes for a moment, letting the calm wash over her. She hadn’t realized how much she needed this—just being with him, away from the chaos of the races, where it felt like nothing else mattered. Heeseung’s hands were steady on the handlebars, his posture relaxed as he navigated the winding roads with ease. She could feel the tension in her chest easing with every mile they covered.
After a while, they left the city behind, the buildings thinning out as they headed towards the hills. The moon hung low in the sky, casting a soft, silvery glow over the landscape. Heeseung slowed down as they reached a narrow, tree-lined road, the air filled with the scent of pine and fresh earth.
He pulled over to the side, cutting the engine, and they came to a gentle stop at a small clearing overlooking the city below. The silence was almost deafening after the roar of the engine, and (Name) took a deep breath, filling her lungs with the crisp, cool air.
Heeseung turned to look at her, his eyes soft in the moonlight. “This is where I come when I need to clear my head,” he said quietly, gesturing to the view in front of them. “I thought… maybe you’d like it, too.”
She followed his gaze, her eyes widening as she took in the sight. The city sprawled out below them, a sea of twinkling lights stretching as far as the eye could see. It was beautiful, almost magical, and she felt her heart swell with emotion.
“It’s perfect,” she whispered, her voice barely louder than the breeze rustling through the leaves.
Heeseung smiled, his hand reaching out to take hers. “I wanted to share it with you,” he said, his thumb brushing over her knuckles. “To show you a piece of me that’s not just the racing, the speed… all that noise.”
She turned to look at him, her heart skipping a beat at the sincerity in his eyes. “Thank you,” she murmured, squeezing his hand. “For trusting me with this.”
Heeseung’s gaze softened, and he leaned in, his lips brushing against her forehead in a gentle, lingering kiss. “I trust you more than anyone,” he whispered against her skin. “And I want you to know that, no matter what… I’ll always come back to you.”
Tears pricked at her eyes, and she blinked them away, her smile bright and unrestrained. “I know,” she replied, her voice trembling slightly. “And I’ll always be here, waiting for you.”
Heeseung’s lips curled into a small smile, and he leaned back, pulling her into his arms. They sat there in silence for a long moment, just holding each other, the world around them fading into the background. For the first time in a long while, (Name) felt at peace.
Eventually, Heeseung pulled back slightly, his eyes searching hers. “So, about that trip,” he began, a playful grin tugging at the corners of his mouth. “Where do you want to go first?”
(Name) laughed, a light, airy sound that felt good in her chest. “Anywhere,” she replied, her smile growing wider. “As long as it’s with you.”
Heeseung chuckled, his hand lifting to cup her cheek. “Then let’s go find out,” he murmured, leaning in to capture her lips in a slow, tender kiss. She melted against him, her arms winding around his neck, her heart fluttering in her chest.
When they finally pulled away, breathless and smiling, Heeseung nodded towards the bike. “Ready?” he asked, his eyes twinkling with excitement.
(Name) nodded, her heart racing for an entirely different reason now. “Ready,” she confirmed, her voice filled with certainty.
Heeseung’s smile widened, and he started the bike once more, the engine purring to life. As they pulled away from the clearing and back onto the road, (Name) couldn’t help but feel that this was just the beginning—a new chapter, a new adventure, one filled with possibilities she hadn’t dared to imagine before.
The road stretched out ahead of them, endless and inviting, and for the first time, (Name) felt truly free. With her arms wrapped around Heeseung, her heart light and her spirit soaring, she knew that whatever came next, they would face it together.
And that was enough.
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© moon3v3rland— all rights reserved to me. Please do not copy or steal my work in any way.
Taglist: @milanco @mitmit01 @llvrhee
If you want to be added to my perm tag list, feel free to send in an ask or just fill out this form!!
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mothsintherain · 4 days
headcanon/au where once jon starts reading ANYTHING, not just statements, he can't stop. when jon and martin arrive Somewhere Else, it doesn't go away. on roadtrips, jon has to let martin drive and not look outside too much or end up reading every road sign around them out loud. if he picks up a book, martin has to forcibly close it and take it from him to prevent him from reading the whole thing in one sitting. he gets a text from martin in the middle of work and sneaks a look at it, forgetting himself for a second. "i miss you baby crying face emoji heart emoji" he says in a deadpan voice to the customer waiting at his desk.
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ghelullu · 3 months
Half the fandom: "The Ministry is in the USA!"
The Band:
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sweetfloatapartment · 7 months
oh, you practice ethical non-monogamy? well i practice UNETHICAL non-monogamy. thats right. i have multiple partners so i can perform scientific malpractice and make them all run through mazes like lab rats. i only reward some of them with Science Pellets. the other ones get electrical shocks. i may have also vivisected a partner....what? you're not interested? .......okay, no pellets for you
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mossy-aro · 2 years
why do allos insist on viewing relationships in the most boring ways imaginable
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sumikatt · 10 months
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(Has alt text.)
AI has human error because it is trained on “human error and inspiration”. There are models trained on specifically curated collections with images the trainer thought “looks good”, like Furry or Anime or Concept Art or Photorealistic style models. There’s that “human touch”, I suppose. These models do not make themselves, they are made by human programmers and hobbyists.
The issue is the consent of the human artists that programmers make models of. The issue—as this person did correctly identify—is capitalism, and companies profiting off of other people’s work. Not the technology itself.
I said in an earlier post that it’s like Adobe and Photoshop. I hate Adobe’s greedy practices and I think they’re evil scumbags, but there’s nothing inherently wrong or immoral with using Photoshop as a tool.
There are AI models trained solely off of Creative Commons and public domain images. There are AI models artists train themselves, of their own work (I'm currently trying to do this myself). Are those models more “pure” than general AI models that used internet scrapers and the Internet Archive to copy copyrighted works?
I showed the process of Stable Diffusion de-noising in my comic but I didn’t make it totally clear, because I covered most of it with text lol. Here’s what that looks like: the follow image is generated in 30 steps, with the progress being shown every 5 steps. Model used is Counterfeit V3.0.
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Parts aren’t copy pasted wholesale like photobashing or kitbashing (which is how most people probably think is how generative AI works), they are predicted. Yes, a general model can copy a particular artist’s style. It can make errors in copying, though, and you end up with crossed eyes and strange proportions. Sometimes you can barely tell it was made by a machine, if the prompter is diligent enough and bothers to overpaint or redo the weird areas.
I was terrified and conflicted when I had first used Stable Diffusion "seriously" on my own laptop, and I spent hours prompting, generating, and studying its outputs. I went to school for art and have a degree, and I felt threatened.
I was also mentored by a concept artist, who has been in the entertainment/games industry for years, who seemed relatively unbothered by AI, compared to very vocal artists on Twitter and Tumblr. It's just another tool: he said it's "just like Pinterest". He seemed confident that he wouldn't be replaced by AI image generation at all.
His words, plus actually learning about how image generation works, plus the attacks and lawsuits against the Internet Archive, made me think of "AI art" differently: that it isn't the end of the world at all, and that lobbying for stricter copyright laws because of how people think AI image gen works would just hurt smaller artists and fanartists.
My art has probably already been used for training some model, somewhere--especially since I used to post on DeviantArt and ArtStation. Or maybe some kid out there has traced my work, or copied my fursona or whatever. Both of those scenarios don't really affect me in any direct way. I suppose I can say I'm "losing profits", like a corporation, but I don't... really care about that part. But I definitely care about art and allowing people the ability to express themselves, even if it isn't "original".
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singto-prachaya · 6 days
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This came after some people where at the gmm building waiting for Daou and he had a short chat with them. Criticism then came from Thai fans who said that they had to pay for a fanmeet to talk to Daou while some others got a free chat with him. Daou ended up posting a long apology over it.
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aquamarinebling · 13 days
Isabeau with big square reading glasses you agree
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moeblob · 10 days
As an attempt at a polite "going forward" comment...
I do not plan to draw for Three Houses or Hopes for a long while. I know a lot of my followers are from the past four years and I appreciate that you followed me at all! But if you are only interested in the art of those characters I wanted to be clear and say you can unfollow me at any point if what i draw no longer aligns with what you want to see.
I might draw for other FEs (like Heroes or 13/14/17) but I do not want to get involved with 3H any more. I do have other interests and across tumblr, twitter (now inactive), and sometimes on discord I've heard enough "I thought it was (FE3H character)".
This is not one person doing it and it is not simply one character being mistaken. I simply want to distance myself from 3H and have unfollowed a few people that reblog art of it because it just leaves a lingering bad taste in my mouth.
Thank you very much for your time and I hope you can find artists who can provide art for topics you like.
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cringetownusa · 8 days
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What's up you guys I got saddled with an almost $500 medical bill because my doctor didn't tell me they stopped taking my insurance after I asked. So I'm lowering my rates a bit so I can try to get what I need to cover it. If you want to help but can only spend a dollar or two, I also have a kofi you can donate to! If you can't help, reblogging this is also really great and I will appreciate it immensely. If you'd like more examples of my work, feel free to ask! Cheers!~
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nyehilismwriting · 5 months
saw this ask on another if and thought it was interesting: how does the cast feel about casual nudity?
nash is pretty used to it - they and the operative have spent a lot of time in tight quarters and cramped conditions, so neither of them bat an eye at things like getting changed in front of each other. the instant you draw attention to it or the situation becomes charges the repression kicks in and they'll have to leave the room, though.
rohan is definitely less chill about it; xe's much more used to privacy, and more...shall we say, uptight company, so its never become a thing in xir life. if xe's getting naked in front of someone, it's for a purpose.
leanna is....fairly normal. five out of ten. would be a bit embarrassed if you walked in on her naked, not too concerned about getting changed in front of her friends. she is nosy and she will look if you get naked in front of her regardless of romance.
ki-ha's attitude depends quite heavily on the relationship; he wouldn't bat an eyelid at a close friend walking around naked, but a rivalry op doing it is likely to get snapped at. from a practical perspective, he's not bothered; he understands close quarters, shared rooms, and will do his best to give you privacy in that situation. however he's not likely to indulge in any casual nudity himself, really ever, even around a partner.
and rhaxa and imxa are already nakey:-) rhaxa prefers to wear body paint and things that they dont have access to rn, but that's more akin to makeup than clothing.
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 4 months
Hi, so i'm autistic, and i was wondering if others felt the same way about the label "high functioning" to describe having less needs than those who have more difficulties on the spectrum.
I personally don't like the term, as it's typically used to dismiss our needs, and has made headway for people after hearing i have "high functioning" autism to just say i'm using excuses, or i'm not actually autistic because i'm "high functioning" i also don't feel like i'm high functioning either, i feel very lost and confused about everything, and haven't been able to get the help i need because i'm so "high functioning" in others' eyes.
So yeah, do other people also dislike the term high-functioning? And would they be be willing to explain why they dislike it, or even why they don't dislike it?
Also, if you answer this, thank you very much, i'm often very confused and like hearing others' thoughts on things
Hi there,
I absolutely hate the term “high” and “low” functioning. Like…wtf does that even mean? How well you can function in society? That’s fucked to me.
There’s a level system now.
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I have mixed feelings about the level system, but it’s so much better than those functioning labels.
My followers can provide their own opinions if they’d like.
I hope this helps answer your question. Thank you for the inbox. I hope you have a wonderful day/night. ♥️
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grassiestars · 20 days
shitpost wednesday while i finish up reqs for my friends (req box is open !!)
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