#opd x reader
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lilacsarebloom · 2 years ago
fico feliz que tenha mais pessoa escrevendo de op! VocĂȘ consegue fazer headcanons do Anthony(yandere se puder) com um leitor gn que Ă© da ordem?
Primeiro de tudo, obrigado pelo pedido! :]
Notas: Sinceramente eu nĂŁo estava esperando que as pessoas fossem fazer pedidos, entĂŁo estou bem feliz!
Peço desculpas pela demora inclusive, eu terminei Desconjuração e fiquei de luto 😔 alĂ©m de que, meio de ano minha vida tĂĄ bem corridakk 
Também espero que o pedido esteja do teu agrado, sempre tento o meu melhor para fazer os personagens serem o mais próximos de suas versÔes originais possíveis.
Quando se trata de escrita, eu achei mais conveniente escrever com o pronome masculino, porĂ©m sim, sim vocĂȘ tem gĂȘnero neutro aqui.
To trabalhando nos outros pedidos, logo eles saem!
Sim, até onde eu sei esses são headcannons, mas eu tenho preguiça e não gosto de como os pontinhos se parecem, então vai ficar com esse formato aí kjkk
TWs: Yanderismo, mençÔes a NSFW, stalking, mençÔes a sequestro, uso excessivo de melanina (ser dopado).
Anthony Scelto x Leitor de gĂȘnero neutro
Headcannons do Anthony sendo um esquisito, basicamente.
Anthony, tem uma visĂŁo do amor tĂŁo deturpada quanto sua saĂșde mental, tudo isso tendo começado a rolar ladeira abaixo começando com a morte dos pais dele, e apenas piorando quando Álvaro decidiu dar uma de mentor para o menino. O fator que selou o destino do Ășltimo casal com uma relação saudĂĄvel que ele conhecia e viria a ver pelos prĂłximos anos de vida dele.
Como jĂĄ era esperado, isso dificultou os -seus primeiros anos de vida no orfanato.
Isso porque Anthony infernizava a sua vida.
Ele havia definido em sua mente que essa era a melhor maneira de chamar sua atenção, como qualquer outro menino faria, apenas, Anthony não batia bem da cabeça, então suas provocaçÔes, pegadinhas e irritaçÔes eram dez vezes piores, talvez mais.
VocĂȘ chegava a se surpreender com a criatividade do menino quando se tratava de dificultar sua vida. Em algum ponto vocĂȘ desistiu de ter brinquedos,
Anthony nĂŁo entendia porque deveria dividir sua atenção com brinquedos estĂșpidos, esses pedaços de plĂĄstico mereciam mais seu tempo do que ele?
AtĂ© aqueles brinquedos que vocĂȘ escondia apareciam quebrados, de alguma maneira ele conseguia saber da existĂȘncia de todos os seus brinquedos.
Talvez porque ele te observava das sombras o tempo todo, ele sempre foi bom de se esconder na escuridĂŁo, como se ele nĂŁo estivesse lĂĄ.
De alguma forma, ele conseguiu sabotar suas notas, fazendo o padre e a freira do orfanato ameaçarem vocĂȘ de puniçÔes se vocĂȘ nĂŁo "estudasse" mais. Isso forçou vocĂȘ a, depois de ligar os pontos, finalmente aceitar "estudar" com Anthony, apĂłs tanta insistĂȘncia da parte dele.
VocĂȘ nĂŁo precisava estudar, vocĂȘs dois sabiam disso, Anthony sĂł precisava dar o jeitinho dele, mas em troca, vocĂȘ teve de passar o resto de seu tempo no orfanato ao lado do menino, ou ele iria sabotar suas notas novamente. Era incrĂ­vel como ele conseguia fingir que a amizade de vocĂȘs era real e 100% genuĂ­na, apenas te relembrando do pequeno acordo de vocĂȘs quando ele via necessĂĄrio.
Ele sempre te confundia, quando ele queria reclamar de algo sobre vocĂȘ ele sempre falava meio que rindo, sorrindo atĂ©, mas vocĂȘ conseguia sentir na sua pele de que era algo sĂ©rio.
Na pele mesmo, principalmente se vocĂȘ decidisse desobedecer mesmo assim, no momento em que ele percebesse que vocĂȘ estava pensando em desobedecĂȘ-lo vocĂȘ virava alvo de suas piores pegadinhas novamente. 
VocĂȘ desistiu de ir contra ele de vez quando acordou com formigas vermelhas em sua cama e em todas as suas coisas.
Felizmente, seu tempo no orfanato nĂŁo foi o mesmo que todos os outros ĂłrfĂŁos, jĂĄ que vocĂȘ foi adotado por um casal um pouco mais avançado em idade, que te acolheu muito bem apesar de jĂĄ tomar conta de uma neta como se fosse a filha deles. E vocĂȘ tambĂ©m acabou se dando bem com ela, vocĂȘs ficaram tĂŁo prĂłximos conforme os anos passavam que eram quase como irmĂŁos.
A lembrança do orfanato e de sua tortura diĂĄria, Anthony, foi apagada com a passagem dos anos tambĂ©m. VocĂȘ se ocupou com coisas realmente importantes, decidindo se juntar a mesma Ordem na qual seus pais adotivos faziam parte, principalmente quando sua mĂŁe adotiva desapareceu e vocĂȘ foi ajudar sua irmĂŁ adotiva a tentar encontrĂĄ-la.
Sua vida estava significantemente melhor, mas vocĂȘ nunca deixou de se sentir observado, por mais que o sentimento tivesse diminuĂ­do.
Anthony nunca deixou de "amar" vocĂȘ, do jeitinho dele, isso Ă©. Por causa disso, mesmo quando Álvaro colocou sua mente no corpo dele, suas obsessĂ”es nĂŁo foram esquecidas. EntĂŁo nĂŁo, Anthony nunca deixou de te perseguir, nĂŁo era como se, mesmo quando ainda no orfanato, ele nĂŁo pudesse dar umas escapadas para ir atrĂĄs de vocĂȘ.
Ele não conseguia passar um dia sequer sem te ver, era um vício, um vício que ele nunca sequer havia chegado perto de questionar em algum momento, para ele era normal, mesmo sendo bizarro para outras pessoas. 
EntĂŁo Ă© fĂĄcil dizer que vocĂȘ mais se sentia observado durante a noite, principalmente quando vocĂȘ dormia. Sabe como o cĂ©rebro consegue sentir quando estĂĄ sendo observado? Suas noites eram horrĂ­veis, seu sono era ruim, vocĂȘ achava que tinha insĂŽnia ou algo do tipo, mal sabia vocĂȘ que seu pobre cĂ©rebro estava apenas tentando te proteger do perigo constante que Anthony era.
Sabe aquele copo com ĂĄgua que vocĂȘ deixa do lado da sua cama, para beber antes de dormir? Para conseguir te observar com mais facilidade, Anthony passou a dopar aquela ĂĄgua. Sem remorso, assim vocĂȘ e ele ganhavam, nĂŁo Ă© mesmo? Ele conseguia atĂ© chegar mais perto de vocĂȘ durante seu sono! 
VocĂȘ achou estranho, mas mal desconfiou quando acordou com um par a menos de roupas de baixo aquele dia. Afinal, nĂŁo Ă© como se ele os levasse todo dia, Ă© claro, ele sĂł levava um de cada vez e quando um perdia seu cheiro ele devolvia, apenas para pegar de volta quando vocĂȘ o usasse novamente. Era uma relação co-dependente, igual um namoro! NĂŁo Ă©?
No inĂ­cio ele tinha um certo receio de chegar perto de vocĂȘ enquanto vocĂȘ dormia, medo de vocĂȘ acordar e o interrompĂȘ-lo, obviamente. Mas conforme as noites passavam ele passou a testar atĂ© onde ele podia chegar antes de vocĂȘ acordar. Começando com toques suaves sobre seu rosto, e logo ele estava tirando suas cobertas para ver o resto de seu corpo, toda noite ele fazia mais, e chegava mais perto. VocĂȘ nunca acordou durante qualquer uma dessas noites.
Depois que ele percebeu que vocĂȘ definitivamente nĂŁo iria acordar durante essas noites nĂŁo demorou muito antes que ele começasse a se aproveitar disso, e ele nĂŁo se importava em limpar depois, ele queria que vocĂȘ achasse lembrancinhas do amor dele no dia seguinte. 
Era como nos velhos tempos, vocĂȘ ficou ainda mais perturbado por agora saber que estava mesmo sendo perseguido, por um pervertido ainda por cima. Na cabeça de Anthony aquilo estava mais do que correto, jĂĄ que ele te deixava dormir tĂŁo bem durante a noite entĂŁo nada mais justo que ele incomodasse vocĂȘ durante o dia, como que pregando uma peça em vocĂȘ, como nos velhos tempos. 
VocĂȘ pensou que teria paz quando o orfanato pegou fogo, tadinho de vocĂȘ, seus problemas apenas pioraram. Agora Anthony podia facilmente gastar todo o tempo livre dele te perseguindo sem nada para se preocupar. Seus Ășnicos momentos de paz eram quando ele estava ocupado se fortalecendo, fazendo seja lĂĄ oque Escriptas fazem.
NĂŁo era novidade que Anthony conseguia entrar facilmente em sua casa e em seu quarto, portas e trancas nĂŁo o detiam, nunca o deteram.
Oque o impedia de te sequestrar, entĂŁo?
Acima atĂ© da obsessĂŁo dele com vocĂȘ, Anthony era um homem inteligente, ele sabia que os Escriptas nĂŁo ficavam em um lugar sĂł, eles eram nĂŽmades, e seria apenas um perigo para vocĂȘ se ele te trouxesse junto, nĂŁo sĂł estaria te expondo a outros Escriptas piores do que ele como tambĂ©m estaria arriscando a polĂ­cia te achar, e assim estaria nĂŁo sĂł arriscando ficar longe de vocĂȘ novamente como tambĂ©m estaria arriscando o plano de Kian, ou pelo menos, o lugar dele como um Escripta.
EntĂŁo, por enquanto, ele se manteve apenas com o toque de sua pele durante as noites e a visĂŁo de seu dia a dia comum.
Yandere ou nĂŁo eu nĂŁo vejo Anthony como ciumento, claro, ele nĂŁo precisava ser, vocĂȘ por si sĂł se mantinha longe das pessoas ao seu redor por medo, medo de que? VocĂȘ nĂŁo sabia, mas seu subconsciente te manteve alerta a todo momento, vocĂȘ nĂŁo queria arriscar as pessoas que vocĂȘ se importava, e Anthony sabia bem que ele conseguia entrar em sua mente facilmente, ele estava sempre em sua mente, seja como Anthony ou como o perseguidor que te deixava na ponta de seus pĂ©s diariamente. 
Anthony nĂŁo precisava ter ciĂșmes pois ele tinha sua atenção nele em todo o momento, estando fisicamente com vocĂȘ ou nĂŁo. Sua mente estava sempre ocupada com ele, quer vocĂȘ estivesse ativamente ciente disso, quer nĂŁo.
E depois de muito planejamento e muita espera, foi bem fåcil forjar sua morte no fim. 
Anthony estaria sempre com vocĂȘ, fisicamente ou nĂŁo, ele estaria sempre o observando. VocĂȘ jĂĄ verificou se sua janela estĂĄ fechada?
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startouched--blog · 1 year ago
OKAY if this is too much context for a request, I completely understand!! Girlie's got to try through ✚✚
So this is probably very out of character??? I am a hopeless Jakurai yumejo and at some point the line between headcanons and canon blurred you know?
Jakurai's kink is having sex in various places and knowing only the two of you will ever know about it. I.e. camping, discreet area near the lake on a fishing trip etc...
The request is Matenrou & Jakurai's fem!s/o rent out a cottage at the beach for a day, and at the end of the day once hifudo went back, Hakurai lead her to a little secluded area on this opd withered wooden landing that was seperated from the boardwalk in a storm or something years ago idk
There's trees hiding it now but it's still close to everything, he laid out blankets and towels earlier that day and there's lit candles, a view of the sunset, and Jakurai sheepishly trying to explain what he's doing here to s/o's surprise but interest
and then you know they donk the bonk. ✚✚✚✚✚✚✚
THE WAY YOU PHRASED THIS WAS SO SILLY TO ME I LOVED IT/POS. LIKE, DONK THE BONK,, I'm rlly glad you like my writing and decided to ask for something,, I also wanna sadly say that I can see Jakurai being into something like this. . .
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SCENARIO - You and Matenro decide to book out a beach cottage, but Jakurai has a rather odd request for you, but who are you to not except a request from your lover
PAIRINGS - Jakurai x Fem!reader
GENRE - oneshot, NSFW at the ending portion
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The two of you, Jakurai and yourself of course, have been together for a long while now, and even now it's hard to find time together with the overlapping schedules and work hours. Though, this week was one of those times where you were both able to request work off and just spend a relaxing time together, able to just take work off and see each other's faces during a time that wasn't midnight when you both prepared for bed.
What a lucky coincidence that Doppo and Hifumi had their times off around this week as well, odd but it was quite a relief for the 4 of you.
In a somewhat celebratory manner that you all had some sort of break to be had, Jakurai decided to treat you 3 and himself to a small vacation near the beach, in a cute little cottage locationed near the said beach side.
"aaaaah the weather is so good out here today right Doppomin?" The happy bundle of joy called Hifumi bounced and wrapped his arm around Doppo's shoulder, gaining a weary and tired look from him, but he wasn't all the way annoyed, he was enjoying it as much as everyone else was.
Jakurai quietly chuckled to the two in front of you, poking at each other as they playfully bickered. You were just calming standing beside your lover, gently holding onto his hand with your left, and right holding tight to a small cooler that held snacks and drinks.
You were so caught up in watching the other two that you didn't realize the gentle tug on your hand, Jakurai offering a gentle smile to you as he took you down to the beach, lined with people relaxing or splashing in the vast ocean, although he took the 3 of you to a more relaxed and quieter place to set down a towel and peacefully enjoy your time on.
That afternoon was a peaceful one for the most part, besides the part where Hifumi wanted to drag everyone into the water, ending in Doppo getting completely soaked from the splashes that were targeted at him. You had only gently splashed him, but even then I don't think it was appreciated no matter how much you did it.
"Doppomine~! jeez you got so wet! how did you even manage??" "I didn't."
The time spent by the seaside was short spent as the sun was slowly setting and letting the pinkish red sky fade off into the blues. Doppo and Hifumi wanted to head inside since they both of them were soaked and needed a change of clothes, but Jakurai had a rather different plan set in place for the both of you.
"s/o, after we get changed, would you mind following me?" Jakurai's voice was soft, not that it ever wasn't, but it was a soothing feeling. You simply nodded and got changed into dryer clothes, pulling your long hair up to let it dry out.
After you were both done getting changed, your lover took your hand gently in his and took you out behind the cottage, blocking out the bright sun rays that were casting down from the lovely looking sunset. He lead you off to a small blanketed area, little lights were set up for when it became too dark to see your surroundings.
"Do you like it? I set this up earlier while you were getting dressed this afternoon" he gently smiled to you, gaining a soft smile back in approval "I love it! I dunno how you found time for this, but it's impressive!"
He lead you off into the already dark area, sitting down before pulling you gently and placing you directly into his lap, his legs crossed with yours overlapping, the skirt you had changed into draping down over your thighs. He rested his chin onto your shoulder, mouth gently grazing over your neck, hands wandering lightly as he tried to sit as still as you could for him.
"something wrong, my dear? you seem to be quite. .quiet~"
You whined under his touch, his hands continuing to wander and touch every part of you, one resting onto your shivering thigh.
"Are you cold? it can get rather cold out here at night,, how about I help you warm up, my dear?"
You didn't know how to respond to his requests, so all you did was nod sheepishly up at him. He softly smiled and slowly moved your legs so they were separated against his body, his knee's holding one up higher than the other one "just relax,, I will make sure you warm up nicely"
He moved his fingers past your body, hands trailing to your lower abdomen, moving aside any undergarments' you were wearing to move his fingers closer and closer.
You whined out as his fingers slowly entered you and moved your insides aside for him to work his heat into you, the cold and frail body you had only shivering from his warm hands covering your cold existence. He worked himself deeper into you, gaining piles of reactions from you, legs wobbling and shaking.
"is this warming you up dear? I wouldn't believe you if you said it wasn't"
It was minutes before he actually stopped, finally releasing his imprisoned fingers, holding you up and removing parts and pieces of his own clothing choices. He softly spoke unspoken words into your ears as he entered you, spending no time at all to be your personal heater, making sure to touch every part of your insides and speak his warmth with you.
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I hope you enjoyed! sorry if I cut it a little short.
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weebotaku21 · 3 days ago
Ok but mba student gojo x resident doctor reader. He is an engineer who is doing his mba and you are a resident doctor doing your MS. You both go to the library to study. You are the popular library crush and he is the hot quite nerd everyone likes. He secretly admires you as he sits on the desk just next to you since you always study on the desk near the window. He notices how you put your long hair up in 2 claw clips , how concentrated you are while analyzing past year papers , the low mumbling sound you make while recalling what you studied . Once he lends you his laptop charger and his hands acidentally brush against yours and his face instantly flushes. On days when you don't come to the library he visits your hospital just to see you ; hair put up in a tight bun , you are in scrubs as you walk out of the opd .
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ratherbefangirling · 3 years ago
Episode 11
Pairing : Kim Seokjin x Reader
Genre :BTS Universe AU, Slice of Life, Hurt/comfort, Fluff
Warning ⚠: mentions past suicide attempt, self depreciation.
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The silence of the car suffocated Hoseok.
"Hyung." He pleads.
"What is it?" Yoongi says roughly.
"I'm sorry for being a burden." He apologises.
Yoongi reigns in his temper.
"It's OK accidents happen Hoba. It's just that it's only been a few days since Jungkook recovered and suddenly you break your leg. I just got overwhelmed. It's nobody's fault."
Hoseok nods in understanding. It's silent for a while.
"Did you know hyung... Jungkook met Namjoon.. he's a nurse at the hospital."
"You mean Kim Namjoon from our highschool."
"The very."
Yoongi is quiet. Not knowing what to say.
"He promised to visit Jungkook's exhibition."
A strom of confusion takes over Yoongi. On one had he wants to meet his old friend on the other he is not ready to face that .. that time of his life. While most of his scars from his suicide attempt had faded. His skin still held remainder of his burns from when he started fire choosing to leave same way as his mother.
Yoongi accompanies him to the Psychiatric OPD. The nurse calls Hoseok in as Yoongi waits for him.
Jimin walks into the hospital for getting a prescription. He had lost his prescription and the pharmacy wasn't allowed to sell the drugs without prescription. He gets an appointment from the reception. As he goes to the waiting area. He spots a familiar figure.
The phone in his hand drops.
Yoongi is looks up to find the source of noise and meets the eyes of Park Jimin.
"Jimin-ah" Yoongi says so soft that the other does not hear him.
"Yoongi hyung." Jimin says wide eyed."What are you doing here?"
"It's hoba." Yoongi says in way of explanation.
Jimin nods in understanding.
"How are you? Are you in touch with the others.?" He asks caution and hope intertwined.
"Hoseok and Jungkook live with me... Hoseok also saw Namjoon.. he works here.. in the hospital as a nurse. I don't know about Taehyung but Jin recently got married.. it was in the news. How are you?"
"Just the usual. The medicines are doing there job."
Before Yoongi could respond Hoseok had come out
He took note of Jimin.
"Aigoo our Jiminie." He said.
Jimin turned to greet Hobi immediately pulling him into a hug.
"Are you OK hyung. The wheel chair."
"Dont worry Jimin-ah Your hyung is just clumsy sometimes." Hoseok joked.
The nurse called out Jimin's name. He felt torn. Yoongi noted his hesitation.
"We will be here when you are out." Yoongi reassured.
Jimin noded and reluctantly left. Later he almost cries in relief when he finds them waiting for him.
"'I thought I was dreaming again because I didn't take my medication." He confesses as they sit in a cafe together. The afternoon is spent delightfully as they catch up on everythingthat happened after they left.
"Can I shift with you." Jimin asks as they are to leave.
Hoseok and Yoongi share a look.
"Was that too much I'm sorry... I just thought it would be nice.. I ... could you give me the address I could shift to the same building... I promise I won't bother you. .. I just don't want you to disappear.. can I have your number please. " Jimin says panic evident.
"Don't be hasty with your decision Jimin-ah. Now we've met we will meet more often ok." Hoseok calms him down.
"We are not going anywhere." Yoongi adds.
"Yes alright." Jimin says his voice lowering. They can sense the shift in his mood.
"Look Jiminah I own the building where we live and it isn't that good but you can come over whenever you want." Yoongi says.
"Are you sure.. I dont want to intrude." Jimin says.
"A hundred percent." Yoongi confirms.
Jimins smile brightens again.
Jungkook waits for his Hyungs to come back home.
When he hears the car arrive at the drive away. He begins to set the table. He was promised takeout for lunch.
He opens the door. He helps Hoseok in.
When he settles Hoseok he turns to find Jimin.
"Jungkookie." Jimin tackles him and ruffles his hair.
"Jimin hyung." He can't believe his eyes.
He almost starts crying and his friends coo at him.
They enjoy their meal together and for the first time in a while things are starting to look good.
Jungkook looks at them fondly and though Jungkook dare not think it as he watches a flustered Yoongi and the other two laughing at him.
Maybe just maybe all seven of us would be together again.
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Jin takes the day off. He decides its time to spend time with you.
He comes home to the sound of your giggles. You are talking on the phone with someone.
He smiles wanting to save that sound so he could play when he needed it.
"I love you baby.... you know that right? ... I know I'm married but that in no way changes things. ...uh..hun... when are you coming back.. yes I miss you.... do you miss me?... huh don't worry it might take me a few more years to get you to admit it but I will make you admit. ... haha.. k bye. Take care.... hmm I'm gonna get dinner started... sweet dreams. Dream of me k.. haha..."
Jin hadn't meant to eavesdrop.
But listening to you talk to someone like that left a bitter taste in his tongue.
You come to the kitchen to cook. It was your day off. You saw Jin's car keys in their place. You wonder why he wasn't downstairs. He must be tired.
You are close to completing the food when the bell rings. You are about to wash your hands and go check. When Jin arrives downstairs.
"You ordered takeout." You ask confused. Did he not know you were cooking.
Jin nods but does not offer any explanation.
You wait for a while.
"You were busy on the phone so I thought it meant takeout."
"You could have asked me." You sigh.
You put the food you'd cook in the fridge. Jin has already started wolfing down the food. Maybe because he was so hungry, he couldn't think.
"Who were you talking to?"
"A friend." You say between Bites.
The fact that you don't offer more information irks him.
Suddenly his appetite is gone.
Ofcourse you being his wife and loving him was too good to be true. He was worthless scum.
He leaves the table.
You are confused but you put it to him having a bad day in the office.
Jin finds himself curling into the bed and wishing he would disappear.
You come to check up on Jin after you finish washing the dishes.
Finding him asleep. You tuck him in.
"Maybe you had a bad day... I hope tomorrow is better goodnight jinnie." You whisper placing a kiss on his forehead.
When you leave he opens his eyes.
Maybe he was taking your conversation the wrong way. You wouldn't care for him like this if you liked someone else, right?
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gingersp1ce547 · 4 years ago
Welcome to my blog!!
I’m ginger, I’ve been on tumblr for about 7 years (this is my second account, my old one was lost for a really long time but awhile ago I was able to get it back. Still, I don’t really use it anymore so I digress) and have been around fandom spaces for even longer than that!
I make mostly write analysis posts and occasionally post art and memes and fics. I occasionally reblog character x reader posts (no rpf) but they are always sfw and tagged as such if that’s not your vibe. However I do interact (comment, like, pretty much anything short of Reblogging) with nsfw posts
I am also only an english speaker but i will engage with posts from other languages!
General tags
-gingersp1ce547 (posts i made or feature in)
-my art
My interests move by usually pretty quick but the ones I’m currently into/ am still atleast slightly active in are:
Ordem paranormal
Tags: opvodblogging, doplivevodding, opclivevodding
FOR SPOILERS: osni, opd, opc, aop, sdol, opq, nm (followed by a tag with the ep number)
-still havent seen the finale. Oops
-tags: ginger liveblogs qsmp, ginger liveblogs (for qsmp members not playing qsmp)
Final fantasy 14
Fics that I’ve made:
-A canon divergence fic for One Piece about what if Sabo did become a noble which you can read here !
Au’s that I’ve made:
Ordem paranormal qsmp au
- team e from osnf ends up stranded on quesadilla island
- master list here!!!
- tags: opqsmpau
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shrivenkateshwarauniversity · 3 years ago
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Best Medical Colleges in Gajraula, Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh (UP) | Top Medical University Uttar Pradesh (UP)
The recent scourge of Corona has verified the significance of therapeutic science for a healthy life. People are ready to doll out of their savings for a healthy life. In fact, nothing like having a good health. India has made raid strides in medical science owing to the impetus for quality medical education.
Our chairman, Dr Sudhir Giri, is a visionary in medical education. He is on a mission to give quality education & healthcare to all sections of the society. To achieve this, he has laid the foundation of Venkateshwara Institute of Medical Sciences (VIMS).
VIMS & Shri Venkateshwara University in Gajraula on the Delhi Moradabad highway, well connected from all sides. The 650 bed super specialty hospital provides care to the needy & serves as a training hospital for the medical graduates. We equipped the hospital with state of-the-art operation theatres & labs that offer quality education. The casualty & blood bank give the services of experts who are available 24*7.
Because of the well-furnished hospital with the best in class facilities, VIMS & Shri Venkateshwara University nurtures competent doctors who are an asset to the nation & make us the Best Medical Colleges in Uttar Pradesh (UP).
VIMS holds Out Patient Department (OPD) to care for the needy & destitute. We hold separate departmental OPDs to offer specialized care to make us the Best Medical Colleges in Moradabad. The central library caters to the intellectual needs of the students & provides a collection of over 7000 books & journals. We give the faculty & students with an e-library to research on topics of need.
The students have access to 40 PCs in the library along with photocopiers & printers to satiate their learning wish.
The reading hall can accommodate many readers who enjoy learning in a serene environment to make us the Best Medical Colleges in Gajraula.
VIMS & Shri Venkateshwara University provides AC lecture theatres furnished with AV aids & projectors that make learning enjoyable to make us the Top Medical University in Uttar Pradesh (UP).
Collar mikes & microphones aid in hearing & discussion to make the education tech savvy.
The hospital has air-conditioned surgical I.C.U, Medical I.C.U., semi-private wards & general wards. These wards have a doctor duty room, nursing station, examination room, teaching section, pantry and washrooms.
There is a waiting hall for attendants for active care of the patients that makes us the Top Medical University in Moradabad.
The casualty department has a team of technical staff, doctors and nurses with ability in trauma management. The department is open for patients 24 x 7. It has 25 beds, treatment room, minor, and major OT complex.
We equipped these OT with cardiac monitor, mobile x-ray, CT scan, pulse oximeter, & defibrillator.
24 x 7 ambulance service is available for patients to make us the top medical university in Gajraula.
We have carefully recruited the faculty. They have years of practicing & academic experience that help to blend concepts with practice to make us the Best Medical Colleges in Uttar Pradesh (UP). The faculty has worked as specialist Doctors in reputed hospitals that helps to transfer key skills to our students.
Majority of them are Postgraduates & PhDs which enables them to impart research based learning to the students. We conduct FDP round the year to refine their skills.
Knowledge without action is futile as we need doctors to diagnose illness & offer a cure. Vims provides in house internship at its super specialty hospital under the guidance of experts. Students master hands-on skills that are crucial for excellence to make us the Best Medical Colleges in Moradabad.
We arrange internship at leading hospitals for the students to gain requisite skills. Doctors train & refine their acumen to become outstanding professionals. The goodwill of Vims is such that majority of the institutions train our students proactively to make us the best medical colleges in Gajraula. We train through demonstrations, practical’s & dissection to impart practice based knowledge.
The AC seminar halls give the ideal atmosphere for symposiums to make us the Top Medical University in Uttar Pradesh (UP).
We offer experiential learning through hands on practice in care & trauma centers. Students learn by observing doctors do complex operations in the OT. They take part in the community health programs by treating different ailments in camps. We conduct pediatric & gynecological camps where students prescribe medicines for the ill & needy. They educate them on overall healthcare measures so that they lead a healthy & disease free life.
Students take part in the affordable healthcare mission of our chairman Dr Sudhir Giri by adopting a village & providing free medical facilities. This way they clarify their concepts through practice & make us the Top Medical University in Moradabad.
We dedicate such activities to humanity & show Vims as a renowned institution of medicine.
For the comprehensive development of the students, we offer a separate hostel for boys & girls with 24 hours security. Sports ground, Canteen & recreation hall offer the comfort needed to pursue education with zeal.
The in-house ATM & convenience store caters to the daily needs of our students. Moreover, a bus fleet is available that carries students for academic & research activities to make us the Top Medical University in Gajraula.
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bhuwank · 5 years ago
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Heart care has become an industry. A number of heart institutes are being opened every day worth crores of rupees, in one or the other part of the country. The main aim of these institutions is to make money by performing as many bypass surgeries or angioplasties, because these operations only can earn astronomical amount of money. Estimations of Rs. 3 Lacs to Rs. 5 Lacs for one such operation are not uncommon. Some of the hospitals still perform these operations for as low as 65000, if they are in a small city like Coimbatore or Varanasi!
In these hospitals, necessary and unnecessary investigations or tests are also performed as a secondary source of revenue. Every cardiologist sends for a battery of investigations. Blood samples are drawn several times from the patients in a day in these hospitals. Many of these investigations are also done for the outdoor (OPD) patients also. The other day one of my patients told me that for tests only he has spent about Rs, 50000 in a heart hospital and then told him to bring another 3 lacs for the angioplasty. Mostly these patients are not explained what these tests are, why were they necessary and what are the interpretations.
In this issue we thought we should inform our readers about some of the investigations that are possible for a heart patient and their meanings. Some of the tests are almost compulsory to perform in a suspected heart patient or a confirmed heart patient. Some of them are to be performed on special occasions. In this issue we shall find out about some of the tests, in whom they should be done and what the results would mean.
Another disturbing thing that I found in heart hospitals is that they perform another battery of tests, which may be only necessary in case patient wants to opt for an operation and they prescribe these tests without telling the patients that they are performing these tests to prepare for the heart operation. These tests are HIV tests, Hepatitis test, X ray chest, Total blood count and differential count, kidney function tests, liver function tests, Blood grouping and serum Electrolytes. Most of these tests have no bearing with the treatment of heart disease, do not perform the most needed lipid profile test, which will inform the patient about the cause of the disease.
Angiography is the most invasive of all the tests described in the this issue but the results are unreliable and approximate. I do not recommend this test mostly. It should be done only when the patient is very keen to undergo bypass surgery or angioplasty.
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Lipid Profile
The lipid profile is a group of tests that are often ordered together to determine risk of coronary heart disease. The tests that make up a lipid profile are tests that have been shown to be good indicators of whether someone is likely to have a heart attack or stroke caused by blockage of blood vessels (hardening of the arteries).
The lipid profile includes total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol (often called good cholesterol), LDL cholesterol (often called bad cholesterol) and triglycerides. Sometimes the report will include additional calculated values such as HDL/ Cholesterol ratio or a risk score based on lipid profile results, age, sex, and other risk factors.
The lipid profile is used to guide providers in deciding how a person at risk should be treated. The results of the lipid profile are considered along with other known risk factors of heart disease to develop a plan of treatment and follow-up.
Blood Glucose
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Blood glucose is the correct and scientific term. But in colloquial language people, even the doctors , use the term “blood sugar” for blood glucose. A conventional sugar test would mean testing for fasting and post prandial (PP) i.e. after meal. A good control would mean a fasting sugar of less than 100 mg/dl and a PP sugar of 140 mg/dl.
Serum Glycosylated Haemoglobin
Blood glucose estimation on a particular date can only tell about the control of diabetes on that date. But there is a blood test, which can instantly give us an idea about control of blood glucose over the past three months. This test can help in avoiding frequent blood testing and needle pricking. This test is called glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1C). In a normal person with normal blood sugar the reading is about 6%. A diabetic with the worst of control will have a reading of about 12%. Saaol expects a figure of 7% or below. The principal behind the test is that it measures the glucose tagged haemoglobin percentage in blood. Haemoglobin (Hb) is produced in our body continuously. But on the day the blood glucose is high the haemoglobin would get tagged with glucose. Thus, the increase in the high glucose period will be associated with higher glycosylated haemoglobin.
Cardiac Enzymes
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Cardiac Enzymes  are protein molecules released into the blood stream from heart muscle damaged by a blocked artery. This is known as a heart attack. When someone is admitted to the hospital with a  clear cut heart attack, these enzymes are measured to get an idea  of how much muscle was damaged.
Many people are admitted to the hospital with apparent heart symptoms but other tests such as the ECG are inconclusive about whether a heart attack (i.e. damage to the heart muscle) actually occurred. In these cases, the cardiac enzymes are used to determine if this was a heart attack as opposed to a bad episode of angina or perhaps symptoms unrelated to the heart altogether.
The enzymes most commonly measured these days are creatine phosphokinase (CPK) (also known as creatine kinase (CK)) and Troponin.
These enzymes have a characteristic rise and fall pattern after a heart attack. It may take 4 hours or more after the onset of symptoms for the test to become abnormal and upto 24 hours for the level to peak. Consequently, blood test are taken from the patient several times. A normal blood test upon arrival in the emergency room does not mean a heart attack has not occurred. Eventually, the levels in the blood fall back to normal.
Troponin T&I
These are contractile proteins of the myofibril (heart muscle). The cardiac isoforms are very specific for cardiac injury and are not present in serum from healthy people. Troponin I is the form frequently assessed. There is new form (Troponin L) which may be detected earlier.
Rises 4-6 hours after injury
Peaks in 12-16 hours stays elevated for up to 10 days.
Electrocardiogram (ECG)
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The ECG is the most commonly performed cardiac test. This is because the ECG is a useful screening tool for a variety of cardiac abnormalities; ECG machines are readily available in medical facilities; and the test is simple to perform, risk free and inexpensive.
How is the ECG performed?
The patient lies on an examination table, and 10 electrodes (or leads) are attached to the patients arms, legs and chest.
The electrodes detect the electrical impulses generated by the heart, and transmit them to the ECG machine.  The ECG machine produces a graph (the ECG tracing) of those cardiac electrical impulses. The electrodes are then removed. The test takes less than 5 minutes to perform.
What information can be gained from the ECG?
From the ECG tracing, the following information can be determined:
·         The heart rate
·         The heart rhythm
·         Whether there are “conduction abnormalities” (abnormalities in how the electrical impulse spreads across the heart).
·         Whether there has been a prior heart attack
·         Whether there may be coronary artery disease
·         Whether the heart muscle has become abnormally thickened.
All of these features are potentially important. If the ECG indicates a heart attack or possible coronary artery disease, further testing is often done to completely define the nature of the problem and decide on the optimal therapy.
 The Echocardiogram
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The echocardiogram is an extremely useful test for studying the heart’s anatomy. It is non-invasive and entirely safe, and when interpreted by well-trained cardiologists, is very accurate.
How is the echocardiogram performed?
The patient lies   on a bed or examination table, and the echo technician places a transducer (a device that resembles a computer mouse) over the chest wall. The transducer is moved back and forth across the chest wall, collecting several “views” of the heart.
The Stress Test
Some forms of cardiac disease are easily missed when the patient is at rest, because at rest the patient’s physical examination and ECG are often entirely normal. In these cases, cardiac abnormalities may become apparent only when the heart is asked to perform at increased workloads.
The stress test is used to evaluate the heart and vascular system during exercise. It helps to answer two general questions: 1) Is there occult underlying heart disease that only becomes apparent when the heart is stressed by exercise? 2) If there is underlying heart disease, how severe is it?
How is a stress test performed?
The patient is attached to an ECG machine, and a blood pressure cuff is placed on one arm. Sometimes a clothespin-like sensor is attached to the finger to measure the amount of oxygen in the blood. After a baseline ECG is obtained, the patient begins to perform a low level of exercise , either by walking on a treadmill, or pedaling a stationary bicycle. The exercise is “graded”- that is every three minutes, the level of exercise is increased. At each stage of exercise the pulse, blood pressure and ECG are recorded, along with any symptoms the patient may be experiencing.
With a “maximal” stress test, the level of exercise is gradually increased until the patient cannot keep up any longer because of fatigue, or until symptoms (chest pain, shortness of breath, or lightheadedness) prevent further exercise, or until changes on the ECG indicate a cardiac problem. Maximal stress tests should be performed when the goal is to diagnose the presence or absence of coronary artery disease.
After the test, the patient remains monitored until any symptoms disappear, and until the pulse, blood pressure and ECG return to baseline.
 Hope you liked this article!
This article is written by Dr. Bimal Chajjer (Heart Care Specialist)  
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lilacsarebloom · 2 years ago
Ok gente nĂŁo me ataquem por favor
Eu tenho que explicar algumas coisas para vocĂȘs que fizeram pedidos e para outros que vierem no meu perfil no futuro.
Por favor, leiam tudo antes de pedir algo.
Por mais que eu gostaria, nĂŁo consigo escrever para fandoms das quais nĂŁo gosto ou nĂŁo sou parte, entĂŁo deixarei aqui os personagens para qual escrevo e algumas outras coisinhas importantes.
Detalhe importante, o wattpad estĂĄ recheado de histĂłrias normais sobre esses personagens, entĂŁo por preferĂȘncia minha, meu perfil aqui estĂĄ reservado apenas para histĂłrias de romance mais "dark" ou "yandere" (Yandere = romance obssessivo e abusivo, anormal e doentio.) Se quiserem histĂłrias mais comuns, fiquem a vontade para pedir no meu wattpad [nick: PercyLikesGreen]
Primeiro de tudo, minha fandom no momento Ă© Ordem paranormal e a fandom do Cellbit no geral.
Se algum de vocĂȘs fez algum pedido para um personagem que nĂŁo se encontra nessa lista abaixo, nĂŁo vou escrever para esse personagem, sinto muito, por favor faça outro pedido para os personagens especificados abaixo, se quiser.
Se algum de vocĂȘs fez algum pedido para um personagem que (atenção coisa especĂ­fica) estĂĄ nessa fandom mas eu ainda nĂŁo cheguei no episĂłdio do personagem em questĂŁo, sinto muito, POR ENQUANTO nĂŁo vou poder escrever para esse personagem, mas vocĂȘ ainda pode pedir outro personagem (se quiser) e esperar atĂ© que eu escreva para seu personagem pedido.
No momento escrevo para;
Ordem paranormal primeira temporada.
O Mestre (faça oque quiser com essa informação).
Thiago Fritz.
Elizabeth Webber.
Agatha Volkomenn.
Daniel Hartmann.
Senhor VerĂ­ssimo.
Alexsander "Alex" Kothe.
O segredo na floresta.
O Mestre (faça oque quiser com essa informação).
Thiago Fritz.
Joui "Joe" Jouki.
Elizabeth Webber.
Cesar Oliveira Cohen.
Arthur Cervero.
BrĂșlio Cervero.
O Ferreiro.
O Ajudante.
O Porteiro.
O Hoteleiro.
Agatha Volkomenn.
Senhor VerĂ­ssimo.
O segredo na ilha (Até o episódio 6).
O Mestre (Faça oque quiser com essa informação).
Milo Castello.
Miguel Castello.
BĂĄrbara Lima.
Amelie Florence.
Olivier Florence.
Wanderley "Wandebas" Nascimento.
Cavalcante Bueno.
Helena Gama.
Ordem Paranormal Desconjuração.
O Mestre (Faça oque quiser com essa informação).
Tristan Monteiro.
Joui "Mascarado" Jouki.
Cesar "Kaiser" Oliveira Cohen.
Arthur Cervero.
Erin Parker.
Senhor VerĂ­ssimo.
Agatha Volkomenn.
Beatrice Portinari.
Elizabeth Webber.
Gal Sal.
Anthony Scelto.
Luciano Carvalho.
Fernando Carvalho.
Clarissa LeĂŁo.
Rubens Naluti.
Jhonny Tabasco.
Ordem Paranormal Calamidade (Até o episódio 6)
O Mestre (faça oque quiser com essa informação).
Agatha Volkomenn.
Clarissa LeĂŁo.
Arthur Cervero.
Senhor VerĂ­ssimo.
Carina Leone.
Rubens Naluti.
AntĂŽnio "Balu" Pontevedra.
Joui "Mascarado" Jouki.
Artemis Deordelin Rodrigues.
Boris Lukic
Gal Sal.
Damir Lukic
Ordem Paranormal RelĂ­quias.
O AnfitriĂŁo.
O Diabo.
O Deus da Morte.
A Magistrada.
Ordem Paranormal Sinais Do Outro Lado (Até o episódio 4).
O Mestre (faça oque quiser com essa informação).
Alexandre "Xande".
Francisco "Chico" Albuquerque.
LĂ­rio Tellini.
Guilherme "Guizo" Santos.
Dara Venturini.
Senhor VerĂ­ssimo.
Arnaldo Fritz.
As relĂ­quias.
Cellbit de 2017 (sim, pode pedir os cellbits dos enigmas ou alguma loucura e teoria que vocĂȘ pensou ou atĂ© o Paulinho do Internet o Filme kkk).
Oque eu escrevo.
Personagem cannon x VocĂȘ.
Leitores masculinos, femininos e nĂŁo binĂĄrios.
Leitores que usam qualquer pronome.
CenĂĄrios fora da timeline da histĂłria principal.
CenĂĄrios platĂŽnicos.
Oque eu não faço
Qualquer fandom da qual nĂŁo estou interessado no momento.
Personagem cannon x Personagem cannon.
Personagem maior de idade x Personagem menor de idade. (romĂąntico)
Meio termo (talvez eu faça ou talvez não, depende de muitas coisas.)
Hot (depende dos "kinks" que vocĂȘ pedir)
Se eu estiver demorando para fazer seu pedido (que estĂĄ de acordo com as regras), existem 3 possĂ­veis motivos para isso:
1 ‐ Estou cansado dessa fandom, ou seja tenho bem menos motivação e inspiração para escrever para ela, meu interesse nela pode ou não retornar eventualmente.
2 - Estou trabalhando em outros pedidos no momento.
3 - Estou dando uma pausa na escrita para resolver outras coisas em minha vida.
Lembre-se, minha vida não se resume a escrever, na verdade, eu escrevo por hobby, se eu sentir que estou sendo apressado ou pressionado a escrever, ha uma grande probabilidade de que eu demore mais ainda para escrever ou até desista de terminar seu pedido.
VocĂȘ nĂŁo Ă© especial, existe uma fila e vocĂȘ nĂŁo tem prioridade nela.
Eu tenho um limite do que eu conheço de certos personagens, ou seja, alguns deles podem ficar OOC (Out Of Charater ou fora de personagem).
É isso galera, fiquem a vontade para pedir a partir de agora.
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newsreadersin · 6 years ago
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New Post has been published on http://newsreaders.in/cm-rawat-inaugurated-100-bed-hospital-in-dehradun/
Uttrakhand CM Rawat inaugurated 100 bed hospital in Dehradun
Dehradun : Uttarakhand Chief Minister Trivendra Singh Rawat has given the big gift to state’s citizen on occasion of New Year. He laid the foundation stone of Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay Coronation Hospital with 100 beds in Dehradun.
Simultaneously, the CM also inaugurated the Public Drugs Center and Cantt. The Chief Minister has fixed the deadline of June 23, 2020 to complete the construction of the hospital and chalk out the arrangements.
It will be the quality district hospital of Dehradun, where there will be facilities like MRI, CT-scan, X-ray and blood bank. At the same time, this hospital will be fully computerized and facilities of blood bank, blood sample and blood donation will also be available in the hospital.
CM said that in the hospital provision of 76 ward general ward and 24 beds for burning ward has been made for male and female. Along with this, 8 beds have been kept for OPD.
The provision of fire fighting and CCTV has also been made in the hospital. Let me tell you that the CM also gave instructions to construct the 24-hour hospital building with state-of-the-art technology and facilities.
Read more : News Readers
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nagarjunaayurvedablog-blog · 6 years ago
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From The Vault: SUJEET KUMAR - Junior Resident, Ill year, B.K. PWIVEIN - Reader and Head Deptt. of 5iddhanta darshana, N.P.RAI -  Professor and Head Deptt. of Kayachikitsa I.M.S. B.H.U. Abstract:- The study was carried out to assess effect of Vasa, Pitta and Kapha on human physiology. In the present clinical study, total 60 patients of Nanarmaja vikaras (20 patients for Nanatmaja Vata vikara, 20 patients for Nanatmaja Pitta vikara and 20 patients for Nanatmaja Kapha vikara) were recruited in three experimental groups. Each group was treated with an established treatment of modern medicine; symptomatically viz. patients of Nanatmaja Vata vikara were treated by Antianxiety drugs, patients of Nanatmaja Pitta vikara were treated by lactulose and patients of Nanatmaja Kapha vikara, received Anabolic steroids. All 60 patients were interviewed and examined before and after treatment. After treatment the patients were again interviewed and examined and all the changes compared with the initial status (pre treatment) used for data making in the present study. The intragroup comparison for objective and subjective parameters was done using paired 't' test and x' test respectively. Here it was found that respiratory rate and pulse rate were increased to some extent in Nanatmaja vikara of all dosha In case of subjective parameters different results were observed. Keywords:- Nanatmaja vikara, Tridosha theory. Blood pressure, Aswapna, Haridratwa, Balasaka. INTRODUCTION:- Tridosha as said to be responsible for maintenance of homeostasis in the body and health is nothing but a state of equilibrium of Vata, Pitta and Kapha'. All diseases occur due to disturbance in the equilibrium between these three DOSHAS2. The present study is devoted to the study of Tridosha, applicable in modem science. As we know for same disease the way of defining disease differs in ancient and modem science, because they are based on different basic principles. Tridosha theory is one among these basic principles of Ayurveda. In present time, we are almost dependant on some tools and techniques which are gifted by modern science during clinical examination viz Manometer, Thermometer etc. Here it is our aim to know the effect of Tridosha on our body by using modem biomedical tools and techniques. Nanatmaja vikara: The endogenous diseases of specific type (Nanatmaja = Na +anatmaja = atmaja) are caused specifically by only one of the three dosha, without being combined with any other dosha. After careful study we found that these 80 types of Vata vikaras, 40 types of Pitta vikaras and 20 types of Kapha vikaras are actually symptoms / complaints of a patient and not really of diseases so they provide a way of quick diagnosis. The ratio of Vata, Pitta, Kapha is 4:2:1 in case of Nanatmaja vikaras respectively. One unit of Vata can produce 4 vikaras due to Asu and Chal guna, one unit Pitta can produce 2 vikaras due to its Tikshna and sar guna. The Manda and Sthir guna, of Kapha produces only one vikara. METHOD OF STUDY: 60 patients were selected for this study and interviewed and examined using a specific Proforma to obtain information about the disease and clinical features.Finally collected data were used for observation of this study. All 60 patients were divided into three groups each containing 20 patients of a Nanatmaja vikara. All the three groups were treated by using established treatment mentioned in modern medicine viz. 1 ) Aswapna (Nanatmaja Vata vikara):-Sleep onset insomnia is often Psychophysiologicd- An anxious preoccupation with the perceived inability to sleep adequately. Hence the patients of this group were treated with antianxiety drugs°. 2) Haridratwa (Nanatmaja Pitta vikara):-Patients of this group were treated with lactulose. 3) Balasaka (Nanatmaja Kapha vikara):- Patients of this group were treated with anabolic steroids' Only those patients were recruited for studies who improved / cured after treatment. So changes in clinical features observed were used for data making in this study SELECTION OF PATIENTS:- a) Inclusion criteria:- i) Age: - All age groups ii) Sex: - Patient of both sexes iii) Patients Category: All the 60 patients were selected randomly from Kayachikitsa OPD, IMS, BHU. For this study samples were divided in three groups— (a) The Group I consisted of 20 patients of Aswapna Nanatmaja vikara, of Vata. (b) The Group II consisted of 20 patients of Haridratwa Nanatmaja vikara of Pitta. (C) The Group III Consisted of 20 Patients of Balasaka Nanatmaja vikara" of Kapha. Only Nanatmaja vikara of different dosha were considered for this study. Only one Nanatmaja vikara of one dosha was subjected to study. iv) Habitat: -All patients were selected from Sadharan desa. Nanatmaja vikara may be dosha vrridhi / dosha kshaya avastha. b) Exclusion criteria :- 1) We have not considered influence of diet in this study. 2) Season in which Patient improved / cured not considered in present study. 3) Degree of dosha prakopa or dosha kshaya was not considered in present study. 4) Patients suffering from chronic diseases were not included for study of Kapha dosha. 5) For Haridratwa, Patients suffering with obstructive jaundice were excluded from this study. PARAMETER'S FOR ASSESSMENT:- The assessment of the effect of established treatment mentioned in modern medicine, on these Nanatmaja vikara was based on following objective and subjective parameters. Objective parameter:- Pulse rate, Respiratory rate. Subjective parameter:- Bowel habit and Bladder habit . GUIDELINE FOR MEASUREMENT - OF PULSE RATE AND RESPIRATORY RATE For measurement of Pulse rate, Respiratory rate standard method was used. A) Bowel habit:- Bowel habit of patient was studied for its three features a) Frequency b) Consistency (hard or loose stool) c) Amount Each of these 3 features were divided into 2 category increased or decreased. (a) I) Gradation for increased frequency:- a) 0 = Normal frequency (1-2 times/day) b) 1 = 3-4 times/day c) 2 = > 4 times/ day II) Gradation for decreased frequency:- a) 0 = Normal frequency b) 1 = Stool passing alternate day's c) 2 = Stool passing after 2-3 day's (b) I) Gradation of increased consistency a) 0 = Normal consistency b) 1 = Hard stool with out difficulty in defecation c) 2 = Hard stool with difficulty in defecation. II) Gradation for Decreased Consistency a) 0 = Normal stool b) 1 = Watery but formed stool c) 2 = Watery stool unformed (c) I) Gradation for increased amount a) 0 = Normal amount b) 1 = Increased up to 20% of normal c) 2 = Increased > 20% of normal II) Gradation for decreased amount a) 0 = Normal amount b) 1 = Decreased up to 20% of Normal c) 2 = Decreased > 20% of Normal B) Bladder habit:- Bladder habit of patient was studied for its two features viz frequency and amount. (a) I) Gradation for increased Amount a) 0 = Normal amount b) 1 = Increased up to 20% of normal c) 2 = Increased > 20% normal II) Gradation for decreased amount a) 0 = Normal amount b) 1 = Decreased up to 20% of normal c) 2 = Decreased > 20% of normal (b) I) Gradation of increased frequency a) 0 = Normal frequency (5-7 times/24 hr.) b) 1 = 8-10 times/24 hr. c) 2 = >11 times/24 hr. II) Gradation of decreased frequency a) 0 = Normal frequency (5-7 times/24 hr.) b) 1 = 3-4 times/24 hr. c) 2 = >2 times/24 hr. OBSERVATION AND RESULTS:- OBSERVATIONS IN OBJECTIVE PARAMETERS - Table 1 :- Showing statistical significance in pulse rate in patients of nanatmaja vikara after using established treatment of modern medicine. Group Pulse rate (mean+SD) Within the gr comparison BT-AT (paired t Test) BT AT Gr I n = 20 95.60 ± 10.61 1 86.90 ± 8.84 8.70 ± 8.78 HS T = 4.43 and P Read the full article
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