#op reserve team A6
ephemeral-dreamer · 1 year
As much as I've enjoyed Il'Siracusa and IS3 I must say I didn't expect Spot's operator record to destroy me.
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Just so much love for their found family^^
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waheelawhisperer · 11 months
What do you think a side story based around Reserve Op Team A6 would look like?
Good question. Team A6 has Looney Tunes energy so I don't think it should be too serious, maybe just a low-key exploration of life aboard the landship or perhaps the kind of work Rhodes Island does when not dealing with Big Plot Events. I think a vignette-style event featuring the team members and maybe a few of Rhodes Island's prominent figures would work really well for the first option, and you could do something like Team A6 protecting a shipment of supplies to a remote village from bandits or mercenaries or something and use the opportunity to do a little worldbuilding, or maybe you could take advantage of Midnight's connection to Higashi or Spot's connection to Saigon, both relatively underexplored areas.
Event mechanics need to be a little silly. Midnight defeats the final boss by showing her his glistening oily pecs while Popukar sneaks up and whacks her on the head and Orchid guzzles headache medicine from the bottle or something
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krenia · 1 year
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reserve op a6 are probably some of my favourite ops with Spot at the top and it would all be great if not for the fact I can't draw anyone from the team properly it's bs
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konigstigerr · 2 years
the gran faro incident has been devastating for rhodes island (the ship)
irene: it's a nice ship, i guess but iberian ones are better.
laurentina: oh girl, you don't even know, this place is a shithole, no offense doctor. let me show you my favorite worst places and the savages that inhabit them. first stop, reserve op team a6's dorm.
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cerastes · 2 years
I think Orchid, Midnight, and the rest of Reserve Op Team A6 could beat Patriot in a fight simply because A6 exists entirely by the laws of gag comedy, so they would be invulnerable against Patriot’s wicked strikes and harrowing Sarkaz witchcraft, it’d be like fighting the Animaniacs, Patriot gets one good overhead smash on Popukar and instead of smashing her to a bloody, fleshy pulp, it just flattens her like a pancake. Spot then blows into Popukar’s thumb, inflating her like a balloon back into normal shape, and they run away into a tunnel painted on a wall by Midnight, which Patriot then crashes against, unable to enter it like the rest of A6 did, followed by a laugh track, but Patriot hasn’t ever watched cartoons so he’d immediately scan his surroundings, wondering where these voices are coming from and how did they manage to surround him undetected, but this distraction proves lethal, because he looked in every direction instead of directly up, so an anvil dropped by Catapult promptly bonks him in the head. 
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dr-koni · 3 years
Misery x CPR x Reese's Puffs but it's Re-Op Team A6
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duskneko · 3 years
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This is so cute ;w;
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Catapult: Your night went well then?
Midnight, soaking wet: There were a few unexpected twists.
Catapult, trying not to laugh: I would love to know how that happened.
Midnight, doing his best to look dignified: Unfortunately we don’t always get what we want Miss Catapult.
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okaeri-doktah · 4 years
More Team A6 shenanigans
*later that evening*
Orchid, kissing each team members forehead: goodnight Popukar, goodnight Spot, good night Midnight, good night Catapult
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spritzee · 3 years
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My group is a whole mixed bag of craziness. Some of them get in trouble every day. Some are anti-social. Some never listen. And some are awfully stubborn. It's just impossible to get everyone to settle down and work...
— Op Reserve Team A6 ; like/reblog + credit if using
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myrfing · 2 years
I need A6 reserve ops team to retire until I stop getting them every single recruit
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nic611 · 4 years
I've been thinking about how Rhodes Island's Reserve teams; the ones we directly see at least, are very well put together for certain combat roles.
What I mean is that all three teams; when you look at their story, stats, and skills, are geared towards specific purposes.
Disclaimer: despite whatever I say here it doesn't necessarily mean that is how you end up using these operators in-game. This post also only looks at their teamwork on a mechanical level not an interpersonal one. That may come in a different post.
Reserve OP Team A1 is the Vanguard and no that isn't just a pun on how they're the only team with a Vanguard operator. A1's purpose is to be the first team in to assess the situation and soften up the enemy for the rest of your operators to deal with after you've used A1 to establish your perimeter. Other than that there is no real gimmick or flair to any of their kits being very simple and stable in their use.
Fang is cheap and quickly builds up DP for the rest of the squad to deploy.
Kroos provides ranged dps with periodic burst damage.
Beagle and Hibiscus have a steroid to increase their defense and healing respectively.
Lava's talent allows you to almost immediately use her skill to provide a quick burst of AOE crowd control when needed.
Reserve OP Team A4 is the Search and Destroy team. A4's members have skills, talents, or stats that push them towards being used to single out and hunt down specific targets to quickly eliminate them. Due to the need to attack high-value targets as they appear the team may also end up deployed far from wherever you set up your defensive line so effort is put towards facilitating this independence.
Melantha is a stat stick with high health and attack so that she can beat down casters and other low-DEF high-value targets in a dps race before retreating and redeploying.
Steward's talent has him pick out high-DEF targets to pierce with Arts damage.
Adnachiel's talent has him target ranged unit so he can take out any snipers trying to target his allies.
Cardigan can heal herself in-case you need to hold a specific enemy away from your defensive line and consequently out of range of most medics before retreating and being moved somewhere else.
Ansel's skill and talent gives him a much longer range and a chance to heal multiple operators so even if his team is spread out, he can still support them.
Reserve OP Team A6 is primarily for Crowd Control. A6 is equipped to block and kill the largest amounts of enemies in the shortest amount of time. They accomplish this by having the most melee operators, AOE operators, ranged operators, and only Slow Supporter of the Rhodes Island Reserves. While they do have to bunch up to best deal with the crowds, they are the best equipped to make use of that to support each other.
Orchid deals arts damage that slows enemies to give more time for someone in her squad to kill them and can shoot behind her to attack anyone that leaks past her squad's defense.
Popukar as an AOE Guard can attack multiple enemies allowing her to cut through the crowd faster, reducing the pressure on her fellows in the melee.
Midnight is a Ranged Guard allowing him to either soften up enemies before they reach the squad's defensive line or provide support from the backline, and with his skill allowing him to deal Arts damage, he can help Orchid take down any high-DEF enemies in the mix.
Spot as a Healing Defender can keep his squad healthy in the brawl while still being able to keep a number of enemies occupied for his squadmates to deal with.
Catpult has the longest range of any of the Reserve Operators and her skill also gives her the largest splashzone for her AOE damage, so she can take out crowds before they reach her squad or provide fire support for all of her squadmates at once.
The Rhodes Island Reserve Teams may not be the absolute best at what they do, but when you need them, they do their job well.
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astral-nautica · 4 years
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Op Reserve Team A6 is a good team.
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coldgoldlazarus · 4 years
It would be kinda funny to flip the "Kal'tsit is the Doctor's ex-wife" thing on its head.
Like, everyone at RI sees how they interact, so naturally jump to certain conclusions, and the rumors eventually make their way to the Doctor themselves. So after spending a week or two overthinking it, they wait for a day where Kal'tsit seems a bit less irritable than usual, and hesitantly takes the plunge. "Say, I've been wanting to ask you... Before I lost my memories, were we... Together?"
Kal'tsit, in the middle of reading a medical report, just blinks in confusion and responds "Yes, we were co-workers before, running Rhodes Island's operations was half the reason Amiya wanted you back. What are you on about this time?
The Doctor is visibly sweating at this point, but presses onward, needing closure on just this one thing. "No, I mean, were we together-together? Like as a couple?"
"What the fuck. No." Kal'tsit shakes her head, turning back to her report for only a moment before rounding on the Doctor again. "Seriously though, what the hell gave you the impression otherwise? I don't know if you've noticed, but I haven't exactly been too thrilled about having you around again."
The Doctor just winces and mumbles something about overhearing Reserve Op Team A6. The two stare at each other awkwardly for several long moments, before the Doctor straightens up, feeling a bit reckless, and asks "Well, that being the case, I guess there isn't the sort of baggage in the way I thought there was. So, would you like to go out with me next weekend?"
Kal'tsit blinks, bites her lip, rubs her temples, and stares down at the report. "Sure, why not."
"Sorry fo- wait, really?"
"Yes. Now can you let me get back to work?"
Naturally, after they're spotted on the date, a very confused Amiya has to deal with everyone talking about her 'parents' getting back together.
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rhodeswarriors · 4 years
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Code Name: Midnight Gender: Male Combat Experience: None Place of Birth: Far East Date of Birth: May 20th Race: Sarkaz Height: 6′1″ Oripathy Status: Infected
Initially a patient at Rhodes Island, volunteered to become an Operator. Midnight was assigned to Op Reserve Team A6 after completing his examination battery.
A former host now assigned to Op Reserve Team A6.
Midnight was the most popular producer at a prominent host club in the Far East. He broke earnings record several years in a row, and was known as the Devil of the Eastern Night. He tends to speak boldly, even claiming he's here as God's gift to women. While he has never caused any real problems, he is still often a headache.
Midnight doesn't know how he got infected. According to his own words, he was very quick to retire after his diagnosis. After retiring, he found Rhodes Island through prior connections and came for treatment. Then, after being in the program for a while, he made a peculiar request: He wanted work at Rhodes Island. Midnight finally became a member of A6.
At first, even in eccentric A6, Midnight was widely considered the most difficult person to get along with. But after a while, everyone realized he was actually kind and hardworking. Even then, there are still many people, such as Orchid, who can't handle his wild boasts.
When Midnight cares about someone, he gives his whole heart, but that means only a few people can reciprocate on the same level. Since everyone is used to his hard work, they don't notice his exhaustion, which he wouldn't want them to notice, anyway. But it would be best for someone to check up on him once in a while.
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recentanimenews · 5 years
Sponsored Post - Dystopian Mobile RPG Arknights Launches Major Storyline Update: “Necessary Solutions”
Shanghai, China - February 26th, 2020 - The smash hit Mobile Strategy RPG Arknights first launched on January 16th with four dedicated episodes for players to start their journey on Rhodes Island. Continuing on from the previous and intense episode, Episode Five, titled [Necessary Solutions] has pushed the situation to the brink. Along with the newly unlocked storyline, multiple additions to the game such as new characters, furniture, and events are now live.
  Download and play Arknights now: Google Play/Apple App Store
    Necessary Solutions Sneak Peek:
After Rhodes Island encountered FrostNova, Reunion focused their aim towards the Lungmen, all the while, a cloud of doubt and suspicion has settled over them. Amiya, the leader of Rhodes Island, personally hands over what she learned in Chernobog to the Lungmen Guard Department. But, things never really go as planned...When Amiya confronts Reunion's terrifying "FrostNova," L.G.D. Officer Ch'en receives some fateful news...
  New characters:
There are five new operators, six-star guard Ch’en, five-star guard Swire, four-star caster Greyy, three-star defender Spot, and three-star guard Popukar. Ch’en is the Special Inspection Unit Chief, and her colleague Swire is a senior superintendent. Both operators serve in the Lungmen Guard Department while Greyy, Popukar, and Spot are all serving on Rhodes Island.
    Greyy is an extremely talented operator, wielding both electricity and technology. His AoE damage cab reduces a target’s movement speed while attacking. Popukar and Spot are members of Op Reserve Team A6. Under a tiny and cute shell, Popukar is ready to rev her chainsaw and fight anytime; Spot is a real tough guy with a meek mind, as a healing defender he can block enemies while healing fellow teammates.  
  Sign-in rewards:
Until April 2nd, players can sign in regularly to claim multiple rewards every day. From March 5th - March 19th, players can log in for 7 days in total to claim free new outfits for Veitafield [Rewilder] Series Classics and Bitter Herbs for Myrrh. New furniture sets include Ch’en’s office and the Colombian Modern Hotel, new outfits for Exusiai, Cliffheart, Cuora, and new headhunting events are also included and waiting for players to discover in-game.
    Check out the new Arknights trailer for Necessary Solutions:
  For more info about Arknights:
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    About Yostar Games
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