#op heggie
adrian-paul-botta · 2 years
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Conrad Nagel, Lillian Gish, Rod LaRocque, OP Heggie and Marie Dressler in a scene from ''One Romantic Night'' aka The Swan (1930)
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scotianostra · 2 years
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On 10th January 1947, the West Lothian village of Burngrange was witness to its worst underground mining disaster
Built in 1936/7 and closed in 1956, the pits were sunk to a depth of over 500 feet and employed 205 people at the time of the incident. An explosion on Friday, January 10th 1947 led to the death of one miner by injury and 14 others by carbon monoxide poisoning.
The disaster and rescue attempt were national news, but the impact on the local communities and the victims’ families is still felt today.
The flame from a carbide lamp ignited a pocket of firedamp. Only a small explosion was felt at first, but this ignited more gas and within half an hour the timbers and oil shale in the mine were on fire.
Thirty eight men were able to escape, bringing with them the body of John McGarty who had been killed by the initial explosion. Another fourteen men were trapped behind the fire. Despite “one of the most dramatic and gallant rescue bids in the history of mining”, the trapped men could not be reached, and their bodies were brought out of the pit on the 15th of January. The fifteen victims left behind a total of 11 widows and 26 children. Burngrange was the worst disaster in the history of Scottish shale mining.
A memorial to the Burngrange victims was unveiled in 1989 on the Co-op Society clock in West Calder to remember all of the 15 men killed that day, there names on the memorial read;
David Carroll, shale miner, married 36
William Carroll,shale miner, married 31 (David & William were brothers)
Henry Law Cowie, shale miner, single, 36
George Easton, shale miner, married, 53
John Fairley, shale miner, single, 20
William Gray Boyd Findlay (formerly Shields), shale miner, married 56
Anthony Gaughan, shale miner, married 45
William Greenock, shale miner, married, 50
Thomas Dempster Heggie, shale miner, married 26
John Sommerville Lightbody, shale miner, married 41
James McAuley, shale miner, married 59
John McGarty, shale miner, single, 30
David Muir, shale miner, single, 25
Samuel Dargavel Pake, shale miner, married 24
William Findlay Ritchie, shale miner, married 38
The full story of the disaster can be found here
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Anne Shirley as Anne of Green Gables (1934) witjh OP Heggie as her adopted Canadian father, Matthew Cuthbrert.  Oliver Peter Heggie was born in South Australia, and had 27 actor credits, from 1928 to 1936.  OP’s entries among my best 1,001 movies are The Count of Monte Cristo (1934), and Bride of Frankenstein as the blind cigar smoking hermit who shares a meal with the monster.
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angelstills · 5 years
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Anne of Green Gables (1934)
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chrysaint · 4 years
FFXIV Shadowbringer Flavor Text from background NPC’s
Main Story Quest: Word from On High Location: The Crystarium, The Bridges, Fort Jobb, Radisca’s Round, The Ostall Imperative Excluding NPC’s locked behind side Quests
Just scripts from NPC’s that say something different during certain points of MSQ. Notable amount of non-interactive NPC’s are gone, some NPC’s who said nothing different before are now say something different after previous quest. https://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Word_from_On_High
The Crystarium Katliss: We're mustering up all the resources we can to provide relief to our citizens. If there's something you need, just let me know.
Cassard: I saw you, Naonori─saw you fighting the eaters on the front lines. That was impressive stuff.
Irill: I have not been able to stop second-guessing myself since the battle. If only we had been quicker to send supplies, how many more lives could have been saved? I suppose I should take solace that we were able to do anything at all, but that is easier said than done...
Thickeman: You are safe!? Thank the gods! If you are injured, make for Spagyrics at once! The chirurgeons there will see to your wounds.
Rosard: All of our vaunted weaponry, and still we suffered the casualties we did. The sin eaters are a frightening foe indeed...
Valthewyl: I've never seen a sin eater attack of this scale! Medicine, bandages...we are running out of anything and everything at an alarming rate! Gods have mercy...
Emythia: Those who were wounded battling the sin eaters always beg for us to put them out of their misery before they hurt anyone. You can see it in their eyes that they don't want to die, and yet─ Damn it all! If only there was more I could do for them...
Fae-Hann: There are so many wounded that it will be a miracle if we manage to treat them all with so few staff...but it's a miracle we'll need to make happen.
Chessamile: Oh dear, we've never seen so many sin eaters before... We must make ready to receive the wounded.
Wounded Guard: I-I'm all right, I think. My injuries have been tended to.
Lesthil: I am heartened to see you return, friend. Thanks to the bravery and resilience of my comrades, we, too, live to fight another day.
Bethard: I do hope that the wounded make a swift recovery. There were so many... But fretting over it will avail us naught. What might I do for you?
Bragi: Medical supplies are selling as soon as we stock them, but the shelves are still heavy with foodstuffs and clothing. So many who won't be coming home...
Julstan: Lakeland suffered great casualties in the battle. I may be a merchant, but profit is the last thing on my mind at a time like this. I only want to do everything in my power to get the suffering the supplies they need.
Sylgham: Nothing weighs quite so heavy on the heart as cleaning the rooms of those we lost. I see their smiling faces in my mind's eye, and it is all I can do to hold back the tears...
Armilla: Whatever will become of us? My poor little girl...
Heggie: The sin eaters scare me to the depths of my soul. They show no capacity for reason, for mercy... They come, and they take everything from us. Oh, whatever can we do?
Lobarth: My father is big and strong! He fights for the guard! Or at least...he did. They told me he got hurt in the battle, and now he's resting at some place whose name I can't pronounce. They won't even let me visit him. I hope he comes back soon...
Dawkes: The immediate danger has passed, but I fear the future may only hold worse. We have lost too many good men and women today, and there is no telling what action Eulmore will take next.
Glynard: Things seem to have calmed down with the eaters, so the Stairs is back to business as usual. Why don't you stay and have a pint, if you're not too busy?
Leweralth: It was you and your companions who led the defense of the city, yes? I cannot begin to express my gratitude!
Gracine: This is no time for small talk! I must prepare the emergency foodstuffs for shipment at once!
Astrille: I saw you assist the Exarch in erecting the barrier that warded off the sin eaters. I cannot thank you enough for saving our lives.
Szem Djenmai: We witnessed your bravery, Naonori. Full many citizens are alive now thanks to your swift actions. You have our gratitude.
Melboth: Reading these records, one can see the sheer scope of the casualties and damage we have suffered. It is demoralizing, to say the least.
Ilsgor: These are grim times we're living in. And of all the days not to be able to find my what-do-you-call-it! Have you seen it anywhere? You know what I mean!
Leinneil: Improving cultivars for more efficient healing is a time-consuming task. I only wish there was more I could do to be of assistance at times like these...
Evelie: We have already mixed one batch of medicine to deliver to Spagyrics, and are currently in the process of making another. Leave it to us!
Mao-Ladd: I'm working to improve the strains of fruit we grow. There's nothing like a sweet and succulent morsel to lift the people's spirits.
Uilmet: How kind of you to come and check on our safety. We are fine, thanks to the brave men and women who protected us. As a show of gratitude, we're growing a veritable feast of fresh veggies!
Yalard: It is good to see you safe, traveler. When you stopped showing up for a while, I had feared the sin eaters got you.
Moren: We are fortunate that those who came before us had the foresight to record not only their triumphs, but their failures as well. Will you take advantage of their woeful experience...?
The Bridges Philard: Though we survived the battle, our supply shortage has reached a critical level. I have put in an order to the Crystarium, but with all of our outposts reeling, I fear that there is not much they will be able to do for us...
Shira-Kee: We escaped serious casualties in the sin eater onslaught, and suffer only from a shortage of supplies. From what I hear, the other outposts were not nearly so lucky.
Nanard: Much as expected, few sin eaters so much as attempted to breach the Bridges, and we suffered no real casualties. This is small solace, however, knowing what happened to so many of our brothers- and sisters-in-arms.
Fort Jobb Ilthri: The last sin eater attack was more costly than we could have ever imagined, and we now face a dangerous shortage of both manpower and supplies. We must restock and rebuild our numbers, and we must do it with all speed.
Bjorn: We lost a lot of men back there. Too many. But it would have been far more if you hadn't been there.
Grimcogg: Oh, it's─ It's you! I-I'm fine, thank you! Well, not fine, really, seeing as practically everyone's wounded and we barely have any medical supplies left, but...er, how are you?
Chathwick: We are living in turbulent times, but the men under my command bravely soldier on. I have my own anxieties and doubts, but I dare not show them. No, I must remain a pillar of strength for all those I lead.
Fernwren: You, too, fought in the battle against the sin eater horde, did you not? We are fortunate to be alive today, my friend.
Rae-Satt: I was fortunate to survive the sin eater onslaught, but many of the wounded I carried through these doors haven't been so lucky...
Lamlyn: I fear we suffered great casualties in the battle with the sin eaters. Countless wounded have been carried here...many of them on amaro. Oh, how I adore those glorious and heroic beasts!
Radisca’s Round Roi-Tatch: Since the recent sin eater attack, all of our outposts are suffering from shortages of supplies. We have the goods here, but with the roads as perilous as they are, delivering them is another story.
Kristinn: Heh...got pretty scratched up out there, but I'm still standing! I can't very well die now─not with the return of the night, and history being made right before our eyes!
Lewto-Sai: Lost one of my men to the sin eaters. They never even found the body. The hardest part is not even being able to say a proper good-bye...
Varlier: I lost more than a few of my longtime friends and companions in the battle. Yet all I can do is pray that their souls find peace, and fight on so that their sacrifice will not be in vain...
Menther: We suffered great losses in the battle against the sin eater horde, in manpower and supplies both. It will not be easy to rebuild and restock our resources, but we must do what we can. Anyhow, what might I do for you?
Mynes: If we had better anticipated the sin eater onslaught, we might have escaped with fewer casualties. We must be ever more vigilant...and yet, we find ourselves more undermanned than ever.
Bjarni: I've never seen anyone fight the way you did, traveler. It was fortunate for us that you came along when you did. Otherwise, I'm not sure I'd be standing here right now.
The Ostall Imperative Chadine: The sin eater onslaught claimed more than a few of my companions. Sometimes it is hard for me to accept that I am still here, and they are not. But I must soldier on and serve as best I can.
Szeli Vantheu: Those wretched sin eaters... Not even the amaro were spared their cruelty.
Atli: I've lost count of how many good men and women I've lost to the sin eaters. You'd think I'd be used to it by now, but it never gets easier...
Mosanilde: I hear that while our forces were occupied with staving off the sin eaters, a friend of the Exarch's helped to shepherd the civilians to safety. Whoever it was, I only wish I could meet them face-to-face to express my gratitude.
Seanric: Oh gods, what are we going to do!? We've fought sin eaters before, but never this many!
Tao-Tistt: We've fought back no end of sin eater attacks, but each one leaves us more depleted than the last. If they keep coming at us with such force, I fear we will not be able to hold out much longer...
Seanard: We opened the castle to house the first wave of civilian refugees during the sin eater attack. As they have many times before, the doors stood strong against even the most vicious foe. Those who fled here later we were forced to shelter at Wolves of Shadow. We could not risk opening these doors in the clear view of the enemy.
Teanna: The recent battle thinned our numbers considerably. While we are in no danger of a food and supply shortage, needless to say, I can take little comfort in this...
Cassfort: When the sin eaters attacked, I was tasked with protecting the lookouts atop the castle. As it turns out, few of them paid us any mind. I reckon my halberd would have better served us down below.
Merlath: We were able to spot the sin eaters approaching, but even then... Well, you know how things went. Updating Side Quest Completed NPC’s Pitrig: To think that all of Lakeland would be the target of an attack of that scale... And yet, the barrier will keep us safe. We must do what we can to ensure that our residents stay calm in this time of crisis.
-- After Completing, the Quest NPC’s dialogue changed
Anguished Guard: Mother... I don't want to die... Trembling Guard: I can't... I can't... Dying Guard: <wheeze>
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unioncityrecordings · 4 years
so, whitesnake and danzig... i should have guessed! his taste always seemed out of place, even in joy division. and as someone who prefers joy division myself (sorry bout that), it's strange to see that some believe he is the Only tuneful bassist to exist. apparently god forbade Will Heggie Rights
hey op omg I am so sorry for being late to your message but YEAH no worries sdkjnfskdjfn believe me I think he did cool stuff in JD but its like.... uhhhh.... the dude has used the same sound for 20+ years like add some variety in there smh!!!!
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memorandumcoid · 3 years
Bertepatan Hari Buruh, Kapolres Malang Kunjungi 3 Tempat Ini
Bertepatan Hari Buruh, Kapolres Malang Kunjungi 3 Tempat Ini
Kapolres Malang AKBP Hendri Umar SIK MH menyerahkan bantuan. Malang, Memorandum.co.id – Kapolres Malang AKBP Hendri Umar SIK MH melakukan kunjungan ke pabrik untuk berdialog dengan buruh dan memberikan bantuan, Sabtu (1/5/2021). Kegiatan yang bersamaan dengan peringatan Hari Buruh tahun 2021 ini didampingi Kabag Ops Polres Malang Kompol Heggy Renata Kuswara. Dalam sehari, Kapolres Malang…
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adrian-paul-botta · 4 years
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Conrad Nagel, OP Heggie and Lillian Gish in The Swan (One Romantic Night)
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saturdaynightmovie · 11 years
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The Monster's friendship with The Hermit
The Bride of Frankenstein
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angelstills · 5 years
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Anne of Green Gables (1934)
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adrian-paul-botta · 5 years
Lillian Gish has a freshness that is not common among the goddesses of Hollywood. Conrad Nagel and Rod la Rocque look and play their parts excellently well. O. P. Heggie makes a splendid and knowing “Father Benedict” and Marie Dressler again gives of her genius.
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adrian-paul-botta · 6 years
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(ONE ROMANTIC NIGHT) de Paul L. Stein 1930 USA avec Lillian Gish et Rod La Rocque, OP Heggie, d'apres la piece de Ferenc Molnar
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adrian-paul-botta · 6 years
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The Swan - One Romantic Night OP Heggie Marie Dressler Lillian Gish and Rod LaRocque - One Romantic Night (1930) — with Rod LaRocque.
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adrian-paul-botta · 5 years
Miss Gish, for instance, was really always Miss Gish under another name in most of her mute films. In this her first venture before the microphone, however, there is infinitely more charm and variety to her acting than in her best work in mere pantomimic roles. Words may not always make the player seem very different from what he or she was in another part, but they undoubtedly help, particularly when the comparison is not with another talking film, but with a silent specimen.
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angelstills · 5 years
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Anne of Green Gables (1934)
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