#op chatter tag
bi-mirandalawson · 1 month
i think a lot about shanks yearning. but i do not think enough about mihawk yearning.
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bonni · 17 days
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this is such a quintessential tumblr experience but I really don't need someone who doesn't even follow me reblogging a post from me for the express purpose of informing me that a random piece of fanart I liked when I was 14 years old was made by a pro-shipper/pedo apologist. like you can tell from how I phrased my tags that I do not follow that artist actively considering I don't remember anything about them so what have you accomplished here exactly aside from being weirdly invasive about something I enjoyed as a child. "I hate to be the bearer of bad news" actually I don't think that you do. I think you thrive on it
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emdotcom · 11 months
heard they’re making it easier tomorrow. not sure if it’s true, but don’t you wanna find out?
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nightmarefemme · 4 months
a few days ago @notcatherinemorland tagged me in a post about "the first 10 songs of your on repeat playlist" and uh. i don't have one of those.
so instead i went through various albums i semi-regularly listen to thinking of what i could put together for this and started noticing a trend.
so here's my new, slightly still in progress (the midsection's order vexes me), 10 song playlist that's weird about fire in a semi-religious way
1. Poem of Fire by Oceans of Slumber
2. Moths by Darkher
3. Aidus by Eluveitie
4. Universal Flame by Devin Townsend Project
5. Cold Lights by The Birthday Massacre
6. Carry the Flame by Unleash The Archers
7. Set Me On Fire by Birdmask
8. Arsonist's Lullaby by Hozier
9. Take Me Back To Eden by Sleep Token
10. Pray for Fire by Oceans of Slumber
i understand that the spirit of this is to tag others but this also already took long enough without deciding who to give flashbacks of old tumblr
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beresaad · 8 months
tagged by @vasirah !!!
The rules are: Shuffle your On Repeat playlist and share 10 tracks, then tag 10 people so off we go!
2: Down By The River — BG3 Soundtrack
3: If I Can't Love Her — Terrence Mann; Beauty and The Beast Broadway Musical
4: Re:member — FLOW
5: 青春狂騒曲 — Sambomaster
6: Weeping Dawn — BG3 Soundtrack
7: Dial Drunk — Noah Kahan
8: Raphael's Final Act — BG3 Soundtrack
9: 悲しみをやさしさに — Little by Little
10: Brand New City — Mitski
i know the rules but im just going to tag @galvus @aroserinosman @draconicocelot @rnangopantsu and whoever else would like to partake!! 🎵
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teaandinanity · 1 year
Sometimes something comes up with one of my blocked tags and I'm like,
Do I think this is REALLY [thing I hate] or do I think the artist TAGGED [thing I hate] because it could conceivably apply and they wanted to get the broadest possible audience. Am I brave enough to find out.
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amsterdamlouie · 2 years
as much as i think my url fits a blue theme.. i love my new purple aesthetic. it goes with the palette i have set on the site. purple 🥰
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chibinasuu · 6 days
Good Mornings | Sanji x Reader
Part of the Thousand Sunny Slice-of-Life Series
Other parts: { Sanji (here) | Nami | Usopp | Chopper }
Summary: It became a habit for you to wake up early and accompany Sanji in the kitchen as he prepares breakfast for the crew Word count: 781  Tags: F!Reader, one-shot, pure fluff, domestic bliss onboard the sunny, platonic straw hat pirates x reader, main pairing could be interpreted as platonic or romantic, no use of y/n
edit a/n: oh wow! didn’t expect to get 80+ notes within a day of posting this, not to mention this is my first ever op fic, so thanks! i’m making this “slice-of-life moments on the sunny” thing into a series with all of the straw hats so stay tuned!! update: nami and usopp parts are up and linked above! please do give those a read if you enjoyed this :)
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Mornings on the Sunny belong to you and Sanji.
It started one day when a particularly bumpy wave roused you from your slumber. You groaned when you saw that the sky was still dark outside. The clock on your bedside read 4:47 AM. You tossed and turned for a good 20 minutes before accepting that you were not gonna be able to fall back asleep again. 
You sighed and got up, wrapping your blanket around you as you padded barefoot to the kitchen. Your plan was to just grab some coffee and return back to your room, but you stilled at the doorway when you saw Sanji already up and in the middle of preparing today’s breakfast. 
You felt the corners of your lips turn up in a soft smile as you watched him peel some tangerines from Nami’s tree – harvested with her permission, of course – whilst humming an unfamiliar tune. A cigarette sat unlit between his lips. 
The slight creak of the dining room floor as you stepped into the room startled him, but he relaxed when he saw it was you. 
“Good morning, my sweet! Why are you up so early in the morning?”
“The rocking of the ship woke me up earlier and I couldn’t fall back asleep,” you shrugged, “so I’m here for some coffee.”
You moved to grab the kettle, but Sanji beat you to it and ushered you to sit at the kitchen bar instead. 
Sanji winked at you, “One coffee, coming right up!” 
The aroma of coffee brewing soon permeated the air, filling you with a sense of comfort. You were not exactly a morning person, but at that moment, you thought that you could probably get used to this. 
“Thanks,” you smiled with gratitude as Sanji slid the mug filled with the dark liquid across the bar to you.
Sanji smiled back, “Anything for you,” and returned to his cooking. 
You sipped the coffee slowly as you watched the sun rise above the horizon, its rays seeping in through the dining room windows. You know it won’t be long until the others wake up. Then, the Sunny will again be filled with chatter, and not to mention, Luffy’s thunderous demand for breakfast. You enjoyed the rowdiness of the crew, but you also found yourself savoring the peace of the morning. The kitchen was quiet, safe for the soft clanging of Sanji’s cooking. 
Brook was the first one up among the others. You heard him tuning his violin on the lawn, before playing a sweet rendition of Binks’ Sake that acts as a morning alarm for some of your crew members. 
One by one, the Straw Hats filed into the dining room, extending their ‘good mornings’ with varying degrees of alertness. Franky and Robin strolled in fully awake and dressed, whilst Chopper and Usopp were still in their pajamas, yawning and rubbing sleep from their eyes. By 9 AM, everyone but Luffy was seated around the table. Sanji dished out crepes with tangerine sauce, as well as an assortment of the crew’s favorite dishes. Sandwiches, onigiri, bacon, sausages – the plates kept on coming, and you wondered how one person managed to cook this heaping feast each and every day. 
The crew chuckled as the captain’s booming voice echoed through the hallway. Luffy launched himself into his seat at the head of the table, and finally, the crew indulged in their first meal of the day. 
The next day, you woke up at 5 AM – on purpose this time – and sauntered into the kitchen. 
When Sanji saw you, his face lit up in a mixture of surprise and joy. 
“Good morning, my dearest! What did I do to deserve the company of such a beautiful lady again on this fine morning?”
He reached for the kettle as you laughed and returned his greeting, “Good morning to you too, Sanji.”
“Coffee?” He offered. 
“Yes, please.” You replied whilst making your way to sit at the kitchen bar. 
Morning after morning, you joined Sanji in the kitchen. Some days you exchange playful banter with each other. Some days you don’t talk at all, just enjoying the tranquility of each other’s company. Some days he even let you help around with small tasks during breakfast preparation, after much nagging and insistence from you. 
So now, mornings on the Sunny belong to you and Sanji. 
Now, you wake up not with a groan, but with a smile and anticipation, even when the sun has not yet risen. Because you know Sanji will be there in the kitchen with a mug of coffee in his hand and a sweet smile on his face,
“Good morning, my darling!”
Other parts: { Sanji (here) | Nami | Usopp | Chopper }
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bi-mirandalawson · 3 months
my favorite frobin thing is how much art is either
1. franky holding robin up on hand or arm
or 2. robin sitting or somehow draped over his shoulder like she lives there
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distracted-obsessions · 4 months
Can't You Hear Me Scream? Part 1
Warnings: Shock collars, calling Whumpee 'Puppy', mild disassociation (I think), mild sleep deprivation, TV show hosts.
Please tell me if I need to tag anything else.
Part 2 | Masterlist
Knock, knock.
Mal groaned at the knock at the door, far too tired to actually get out of the pile of soft blankets and plush pillows that made up his little nest on the floor. From the long day of press releases and photo ops with 'the city's greatest heroes' to a long, overcast night fighting supervillains and getting his ass kicked while he hoped for a glimpse at the moon, he had barely been awake when he crawled into the nest last night. That hadn't stopped the nightmares but then again, nothing would.
"Mal?" A far too chipper voice said through the door. Liam. "Mal, you're going to miss breakfast! Wake up!" a couple more knocks at the door.
Mal rolled over and covered his head with a pillow. He just wanted to sleep. Preferably without dreams.
There was an uncomfortable buzz from the shock collar around Mal's neck, a warning of pain that shocked him awake in a moment, making him sit up in the nest. "I'm awake!" Mal shouted, hoping to avoid a real shock. "I'll be out in a minute!"
"You better be! You know how the captain gets when our puppy doesn't eat!" Liam laughed, not unkindly, but Mal flinched at the nickname anyway. He really should have been used to it by now. After 5 years at Camp Rainer and 3 different teams after that, he should have been used to being called 'puppy'. But it made his inner wolf growl with irritation every time, self-preservation be damned.
"I'll hurry," Mal said, reaching to pull on some clothes. He didn't dally but he still expected it when a second warning buzz came 5 minutes later, this one probably from the captain. He trudged out of his room and headed to the dining room, ignoring the happy chatter as he sat at the table and laid his head on the cool wood, closing his eyes.
"You tired, Mal?" Maya asked with a gentle smile.
Mal smiled back out of habit and nodded. "Just stayed up too late last night. I'll be fine."
"Good," the captain, Simon, said, putting a plate of food down for Mal and petting him in between his wolf ears. "We have an interview with Callie so you need to eat up and be well-rested so that you don't try to bite people's heads off."
Mal fixed his hair and dutifully ate the food set in front of him. He hated interviews and Callie specifically. The fake smiles and cutting remarks made him want to bang his head against the wall. She wasn't any worse than any other TV show host but she seemed just as equally upset that the team treated Mal like a dog as she was likely to treat him like one herself. The hypocrisy itself was enough to make Mal's head hurt.
Mal ate quietly while the team ran over test questions and rehearsed answers. Mal didn't need to participate. He didn't technically have to be there at all. He was just there to show how good the rehabilitation centers like Camp Rainier were at taming wild beasts like Mal and he was already an expert at that. He hadn't even realized that he had zoned out until-
"And before we forget, we should probably change Mal into his public appearances collar."
Mal glanced at Kate, carefully keeping his face neutral as twin waves of anger and anxiety ran down his spine. His 'public appearances' collar was about four times more sensitive than his normal collar and the shocks ramped up in intensity much quicker. Even on his most careful and obedient behavior, he still got shocked at least once every time he wore it. If he didn't know this team better and didn't know the policy he might have assumed that they were just cruel for the sake of cruelty. Sadly, he did know better and no amount of begging would change policy. He had tried.
"Thank you, Kate," Simon said, pushing Mal's plate closer to him in an effort to make him eat more. He knew from experience that just being in that collar made Mal lose his appetite. Mal took a moment to indulge in some healthy annoyance at that before shoving everything back into their respective boxes in his head and forcing down a few more bites. "Liam, since you're done eating, can you go grab that?"
"Right away, Captain!" Liam left whatever he was tinkering with today on the table and left the room. Mal managed about four more bites before Liam came back. His fingers tightened around the fork, the thought of stabbing Liam with it and bolting entering his head and immediately being directed towards the appropriate box as he slowly put the fork down and pushed away his plate.
Simon stood and walked around behind Mal, turning off and unbuckling his current collar and putting the new one on. It was sleek and black, the 'corrective measure' more hidden but easily seen when pointed out. Mal's shoulders tensed when Simon switched it on, the tell-tale beep almost making Mal flinch. Simon rested one hand on Mal's shoulder and pet him with the other until Mal could force himself to relax back into his calm mask.
"Good boy," Simon said in that same deadpan he said everything in. Mal knew it was just the conditioning that made him preen at the praise but that didn't make him stop. Just sent an undercurrent of frustration through his head. Simon gave him one last pat and sat back down, leaving Mal to figure out how to breathe around the collar.
They finished breakfast quickly and piled into the armored car to head to the studio. When they got there, everyone got into their makeup and headed to their spots, having small chats with Callie and the staff. Mal mostly just sat quietly in his chair and started weaving in his head to calm himself down.
In. Out. Over. Through. Add another color. First color in. Second color out. Second color over. First color through.
The music that signaled the start of the show played and Mal made sure he hadn't forgotten to put on a smile before going back to his weaving. Add another color. Second color in. Third color out. Carry first color. Third color over. Second color through. Carry first color.
"So Mal, how has working with the city's greatest heroes been treating you?" Callie asked in her blindingly bright voice.
Mal looked at her and then glanced around at the team. The captain's serine smile and eyes that stared right through Callie, Liam's bouncing leg and hands signing the conversation to the crowd, Kate's calm, neutral expression and subtle 'get on with it' gesture, Maya's expectant look and encouraging smile. He heard his own screams playing from one of the boxes in his head as he turned back to Callie with his own calm smile.
"Better than anything else in the world."
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emdotcom · 1 year
Hey, treat content creators online like they are wild animals -- you need to keep a respectful distance from them. They are not your pets or your friends, & you do not & never will Fully know them, nor what they can do.
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dutifullynuttywitch · 3 months
Dance féerique
(A magical bayou waltz)
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Pairing: Cal Lowell x Aurélie Bajolière (f!mc)
Choices Nightbound
Rating: general (fluff)
Wordcount: 700 words
Image credit: madsmikkelsen7161 on pinterest
Tags: @choicescommunityevents for the faeries event 🧚‍♀️ @choicesficwriterscreations
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It’s an unusually cool evening in the bayou. Aurélie sits on the small wooden dock behind the cozy home she now shared with Cal and his brother Donny. She looks up at the starry sky, her toes trailing lazily in the balmy water.
They had opened all the windows to let the refreshing breeze flit gently through the house. Which meant she could enjoy her own personal concert.
Cal was seated at the piano, playing her favorite song, Chopin’s Nocturne No. 9 E major.
The soft notes float up to her, carried by the cool breeze, evoking feelings of immense tenderness for this man who had become her rock, her everything during the recent trials. Fighting terrible enemies. Realizing she was half-fae. Losing her father so soon after finally meeting him. Dying.
Sometimes she’d wake up still wondering if the past weeks had been nothing but a fever dream.
Though tonight, resting under the immensity of the cosmos reflected in the calm waters in front of her, the beautiful melody flitting in soft waves, it felt more like a moonlit reverie.
As she gazes out into the confines of the bayou, Aurélie notices white specks of light twirling over the mirror-like water, seemingly dancing in sync with the melody.
Curious, she squints her eyes, trying to make out the dazzling forms. They slowly near the dock, floating on the wind.
As they get closer, Aurélie’s breath catches.
Tiny wood fairies!
Their shimmering, iridescent wings flutter daintily as they twirl and dance. Soon, the ethereal creatures encircle her, their giggles like soft chimes as they joyfully twirl, raise and dip all around her.
“Well, hello, you’re quite graceful.”
Aurélie smiles at the fairies. They grin and chatter, a few fluttering in her long wavy hair, tickling her, while others pull at her blouse, inviting her up.
Laughing, she complies and starts twirling around the yard along with the fairies, in absolute awe at this magical moment.
“You’re a sight to behold, ma chérie.”
Aurélie turns towards the house to find Cal leaning against the frame, observing her with a tender expression, a sparkle in his eyes.
The fairies pick up their chatter, a delicate symphony of windchimes now replacing the night’s melody. Inviting the newcomer to join their magical waltz.
“Well, what are you waiting for, handsome?”
Aurélie beckons him over, smiling playfully. Cal doesn’t need further encouragement. He tenderly gathers his girlfriend into his powerful arms and leads her into a slow waltz.
As always, Aurélie is amazed that this beast of a man is capable of such gentleness. Always so careful around her, protective, attentive to her needs and attuned to her emotions. He had captured her heart so easily with his kind soul.
And she fell in love with him all over again every day, through his many small gestures, gentle touches, daily bouquets of fresh wildflowers, private moonlit concerts. Countless little reminders that he cherished her.
The fairies seem to approve as they increase their wild ballet, surrounding the couple with their ethereal beauty, lighting up the air brighter than the billions of flickering stars.
Cal gazes fondly into his love’s sparkling blue eyes. He bends down to capture her lips in a languid kiss.
Aurélie melts into his strong arms, feeling his intense warmth envelop her. She parts her lips, inviting him in, relishing in this magical moment.
They feel a soft breeze as the fairies excitedly spin around them, then float up high into the air. They bid their farewell in melodic chimes, softly flitting into the dark woods.
Watching the little specks of light disappear, Cal murmurs, “You have such a beautiful soul, even the wood fairies want to be close to you.”
“You’re the one who drew them here with your wonderful moonlight concert.”
“Hmm… and here I thought I was playing only for ma douce moitié.” He kisses her nose. “Shall I continue?”
“Yes please. Though I’ll come sit with you. I love watching you play.”
They turn their backs to the serene bayou and its magical inhabitants as they head towards the brightly lit house.
Their home.
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sisterofficerlucychen · 5 months
Last Sentence Tag Game
Tagged by @imperiumwifestrikesagain, @roguetwelve, and @queseraone. thanks, y'all ♡
RULES: Post the last sentence you wrote (fanfic / original / anything) and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence.
There’s so much he wishes he could actually say between their everyday mindless chatter and baring his heart and soul in a confession, none suitable for what he needs now.  Recent Metro ops? Last night’s game? The weather?
adding an extra sentence to add just a little more context but not really bc that still doesn't say much lmao.
Tagging: @sylvies-chen, @ameliagiovanna0, @dylanconrique, @ashegaby, @theflyindutchwoman, @makeitastrength, and anyone who wants to do it because i'd love to see it 👀 gimme that mini sneak peek pls i beg 👀
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alwaysjustmina · 11 months
In anticipation of posting more chapters of Whispers of Rain next weekend, I started adding, editing, deleting parts of the first story, Something In The Orange. My intention is to have it and Letters to Dewdrop all updated before next weekend. Below I have the first 5 chapters that I have fixed and added too. I am also posting the link to AO3 but I ask if this is your first time reading it, only go to up to and including chapter 5. There will be more changes and additions to come. Please pay attention to the tags!
Something In The Orange
There was something there as soon as he met Dewdrop, something intangible. He felt something in himself just click into place, like a key fitting that lock that will never open. This is that story.
Chapter 1 - These things eat at your bones and drive your young mind crazy
Rain was summoned to the abbey to play in the Ghost project, as their new bassist. He knew that the current one was moving up to the lead guitar position, but that was all the details of the story he had received.
It was discovered early in his life that he was musically talented. He was beyond skilled at many instruments but he played the bass as if it was another appendage. His talent propelled him up the ranks as a possible player topside quickly. It is a great honor to be considered as a replacement or new band member for one of Lucifer's many band projects on the surface, to spread His word. He was one of the youngest to ever be summoned for this honor.
Upon his arrival, he went through meetings with Cardinal Copia and Sister Imperator learning was expected of him. The Cardinal and Sister had already heard many great things about Rain’s skill. They offered him a welcoming “family”, a comfort to a ghoul who was for the first time far from home. Before leaving to get settled in the ghoul wing, Copia grasped Rain into a quick embrace, telling him to let him know if he needed anything.
He was ushered from his meeting to the band quarters by Aether, the rhythm guitarist. He found him extremely congenial, chatting Rain's ear off about what to expect from the rest of the members that had already been summoned. As he listened, they passed many ghouls and members of the congregation, all offering Aether a greeting and an inquisitive nod to Rain, many trying to stop them with their questions, but Aether propelled him along, ignoring the stares they received.
“Cumulus and Cirrus, they’re the ghoulettes that play the keyboards, they normally keep to themselves and don't hang out with us ghouls much. Mountain, Dewdrop and I have been here the longest. Mountain is quiet, Dewdrop is loud and rambunctious, he can come across snide, but he is a good guy and you should be able to get along well with him. From what I understand they are summoning one other person, but they won't be here for a few more days.” Rain nodded his head, trying to keep up with his incessant chatter, only stopping when he stopped in front of a large oak door..
As Aether pulled the heavy door open, the first thing Rain noticed was the large expanse of windows on one of the walls overlooking a crystal clear lake. There was a door off to the one side of the windows that led out onto a veranda with a fire pit in the center.
Rain looked at Aether surprised at the majesty of their accommodations, “Yeah, most of us were shocked with how nice the living conditions were when we got here, they treat us pretty well too, or at least the band ghouls from what I have seen.”
He continued, “This area is just for us, the other ghouls and ghoulettes that are working on other projects are further down the corridor after the door we came in on. Let me show you your room and then show you around the rest of the quarters.”
To the left of the door there was a hallway that ran along the length of the windows, with doors on the opposite side. The fourth door was Rain's room. Aether opened the door and ushered him inside. It was a large room with what looked like a king bed on one side, a desk, with a laptop and phone already on top of it. To the one side of the desk there was already a bass on a stand waiting to be played.
A large closet was on the other wall, which led into a private bathroom, including a tub and a luxurious separate shower with a bench seat and a rainfall shower head. It all felt pretty opulent. The floor in the bedroom was covered with a plush gray carpet and had a side area with two chairs and a small side table, a conversation nook almost. Aether went around showing him various features in the room, while Rain laid his clothing and instrument bag on the bed. The instrument bag contained a bass that had been in his family for many years, and what he had learned to play on. He was looking forward to getting it out and playing out by the lake.
Aether dragged him back out to the common area, showing him the large kitchen, stating many just went to the cafeteria, explaining the abbey would keep them stocked with snacks and quick items and if there was anything in particular he found he wanted he just needed to write it down on the note by the fridge. From there he took Rain to the living room, where they continued to chat and await the arrivals of Dew and Mountain. According to Aether, the two ghouls decided to get in some quick practice before they all would meet.
Rain heard the door open and voices drifting into the living room, getting closer and louder. He looked up as the two rounded the corner. Oh. Oh. All he saw at first was his long white, blonde hair, and his orange, gold eyes, almost like a sunset. All breath left his body as he took in the rest of him. He was very slim, and seemed shorter than Rain. His horns were shorter, with almost an orange pearlescent glow.
He was wearing a pair of black, tight jeans, and with a black long sleeve t-shirt on top. It accentuated his features. Everything was very fitted, and though his body was almost delicate, you could feel the power emanating from him. His eyes met Rain's as he accessed him. At that moment, Rain felt the pull towards him. The other man just studied him back, not giving away anything, that he too felt what Rain felt.
“....This tall guy here is Mountain, he is the drummer and the one next to him is Dewdrop, the lead guitarist, guys, this is Rain, our new bassist.” Aether seemed to be talking, Rain hadn't heard anything except the end.
So this was the lead guitarist that used to be the bassist. Great. He was going to be around him a lot over the next few weeks helping to learn the songs.
“I was thinking we could maybe grill some pizza out on the deck, and get to know each other, maybe meet up in an hour out there? Thoughts?” Aether asked.
Everyone nodded their assent and dispersed throughout the quarters. Rain watched as Dew walked into the room next to his. Their eyes met quickly before they disappeared inside their respective rooms
He closed his door quietly, taking quick breaths, trying to quell the feelings traveling through his body. Trying for a distraction, Rain unpacked his belongings and pulled out his bass to move to the other stand in the room. As he brought it out of the bag, he caressed the neck, itching to play it. Looking at the clock, he still had another 20 minutes before they were going to meet. He grabbed his bass and headed outside to sit by the water, where he could strum for a little bit, and clear his thoughts.
There was a slight slope down to the lake, with lush green grass all around it. He took a seat on the ground, and started playing a simple bassline that he grew up learning while taking in all of his surroundings. There were cattails at the marshy edges of the lake and dragonflies that flitted around them. The distant sound of frogs croaking and birds chirping. Not what he envisioned when he knew he was coming here. It was a beautiful oasis for a water ghoul, knowing he would be in that lake soon enough.
As he played, his mind drifted back to Dewdrop. Guess the distraction wasn’t working. Why did he feel a draw to him, something he never had felt before. He wondered if Dewdrop felt the same pull. He could get lost in those eyes...
“Rain, right?”
Startled Rain turned around and saw the object of his thoughts kneeling to sit down beside him. Nodding, he said, “Dewdrop?”
Dew nodded, “Or just Dew, whatever works. How are you settling in?”
Maybe he did feel it, why would he have sought him out so soon. No. Stop that. He was just being friendly, knowing that he was going to need to work with you closely over the next few weeks. That was it.
“Ok, surprised how nice it is. Looking forward to getting into the lake at some point, it looks peaceful.”
“You will love it, I am half water and that half adores it,” he joked back.
So he was half water ghoul, maybe that was it, like calling to like?
“What song were you playing, it is vaguely familiar to me?”
“Something I was taught when I first learned to play. It always made me happy and I wanted to see how it would feel playing it here, at least before I started on a new instrument with new music.” Why was he going on like this?
“It has a nice feel to it, maybe you can teach me it, or I can accompany you on the guitar to it sometime?” Ok. Maybe something was there.
“Of course, whenever you want, maybe we could do it out here, it seems to fit with the surroundings.”
Dew nodded and looked out over the lake giving Rain a chance to study him up close. His hair was more gold than white in this light, it almost looked like it had glitter in it, when a breeze picked it up it looked like stars twinkling in the sky. Beautiful. A stray strand pulled out from behind his ear, he longed to push it back and see if it was as silky as it looked. Dewdrop's face was all sharp angles, but when he smiled at something he thought of or saw, his eyes crinkled and softened those angles. He wondered what his face would look like when he laughed, what it would look like in ecstasy. Satan, where were these fucking thoughts coming from? Why did it make him have to suppress a growl?
Dew looked back over at Rain. Please, tell me he didn't hear that! Dew just studied him back, Rain looked away and continued playing his bass, his fingers stuttering as he realized Dew hadn’t looked away. He felt his neck and cheeks starting to redden in a blush. All of sudden, he felt something touch his hair, he brought his eyes up quickly seeing what it was, Dew was pulling a blade of grass from his hair and tossing it behind him. He smiled at Rain. It was as if he knew what Rain had been thinking moments ago.
Dew laid back on the grass and motioned for Rain to continue playing. Rain hands trembled a little as his fingers ran across the fretboard. He needed to get a grip. Quick. They stayed like that for awhile, Dew with his hands behind his head looking over at Rain's occasionally with a puzzled look that Rain did not see and Rain looking out at the lake, noticing Dew's feet tapping along as he played the melody of home.
It ended way too quickly, this little remote island of tranquility they had created without saying anything at all, when Aether called down to them that he was starting the pizza. Dew groaned and stood up, reaching out a hand to help pull Rain to his feet. He was so warm, he didn't want to let go. Dew grinned at him again as if he knew what Rain was thinking.
They made their way back up the slope and Rain quickly put his bass away in his room, before he rejoined the group on the veranda.
“Is there anything I can do to help?” Feeling bad that they were practically waiting on him.
“No, you are good, have a seat, grab a drink, food should be up in a few.” Mountain responded.
He found an empty chair around the fire and sat down. He looked up and across from him was Dewdrop who was in the process of lighting the fire. “As the sun goes down, it can get cool out here still,” he explained. The firelight played off his cheek bones and made his hair glow golden, gone was the glittery effect and instead it was like looking into the flame of a fire. Again, Rain needed to suppress that groan that was building in his throat. Dew came around to sit beside Rain, pulling the chair a little closer for easier conversation, maybe. Rain sat with his hands held tight in his lap, as Dew looked over at him.
“Would you want to help me get drinks?” He asked.
Rain nodded and followed him into the kitchen. Rain went to stand beside Dew at the refrigerator waiting for him to hand him items to carry. Dew seemed preoccupied and closed the refrigerator door without bringing anything out and just looked at Rain.
He looked like he was struggling to say something as he leaned against the island opposite of where Rain was standing next to the counter. He kept meeting Rain's eyes and then one of them would break eye contact quickly. Finally, he asked, “Tell me if I am completely out of line, but why when I look at you do I feel something, a kinship, an affinity, do we know each other from the pit and I am not remembering?”
Rain was shocked, he did feel something like what he was feeling. He quietly responded back, “I am not sure, I feel something different, too.”
Dew hummed at his answer and took a step forward crowding closer to Rain, “And what do we do about this, feeling of something different?”
“I don't know,” Rain gulped back.
Before they could continue their conversation, Aether yelled at them that pizza was done and what was taking them so long with the drinks. They quickly drew apart, startled at their sudden interruption. Leaving many things unsaid, they grabbed drinks and rejoined the others.
They didn’t have a chance to continue their conversation for weeks. After that night, practice picked. Dew would sit with Rain at least for an hour a day going over different songs outside of the normal practice. Never getting too close, but they could feel the electricity still there between each other. Rain still couldn’t shake the feeling that his life changed forever in that moment when Dew walked through the door.
Chapter 2 - It'll be fine by dusk light I'm telling you, baby
“Rain, you're going to want to play this song in drop D, the guitar techs will have a bass specifically tuned for this, but just so you know for practice,” Dewdrop was telling him as he was perfecting “From the Pinnacle to the Pit.”
They had been at it for hours, going over the setlist. They were both exhausted and had moved to the steps of the makeshift stage rather than standing the whole time playing. Sitting side by side for most of the practice, until Dew got up to get a bottle of water for the both of them. He didn't immediately sit back down, instead choosing to stand and watch Rain.
“No, that is the right note, but you may want to try playing it like this,” Dew instructed, trying to show him on the bass he had picked up. Rain tried again, but he still didn’t see what he was trying to change. It sounded the same.
“Here, wait, it is just easier to make the progression if you do it this way.” He came up and sat on the step above him motioning to put his hands on the bass Rain was holding, asking for permission to show him that way. Rain nodded.
Dew leaned over, placing his hands above Rain's to demonstrate to him the fingering. He stayed there as Rain tried it again, he may have messed up a few times on purpose to just continue to feel the hot heat of Dew behind him.
Dew reached down showing him again, and murmured in his ear, “Are you not getting this on purpose?”
Rain didn’t say anything, he was just enjoying the way Dew curved to his body as he reached around him. He subconsciously relaxed into his arms, feeling his chest rise and fall as he breathed.
“How are you doing there, Rain?” Dew asked as he moved his hands back from above his, to rest on his waist. Sliding his fingers along his sides, waiting for an answer. With Dew's hands not holding his anymore, Rain let his hands go lax, resting across the front of his legs.
“I asked how you are doing? But I don't think I need that answer with how you aren’t responding.”
“Wait, what?” Rain realized he had completely succumbed to the feel of Dew around him and was not answering him. He sat up straighter and moved his hands back to his bass and showed he had the fingering down..
Dew just smirked but moved to sit back on the step behind Rain as they continued practice.
“You seem to have picked up everything pretty fast, I am glad we’ve had these times to work together.”
“Thank you. I enjoy getting to spend time with-I mean learning…you know what I mean.” Dew smirked at him as Rain ran his hands through his hair, nervously.
“I do know what you mean.” He reached forward and brushed a lock out of Rain’s face. Realizing what he did, he stood up and moved away. “I think we are good for today, same time tomorrow?” Without waiting for Rain’s answer he exited out the door.
Rain just sighed, and wondered how much he had just fucked up this growing friendship and if he even cared, as long as he could be that close to Dew again.
After a few weeks of getting settled, Papa asked if there was anything he didn't have that he might need. After being around some of the other ghouls he found he needed some more basic odds and ends, which he passed on to Papa. In turn Papa arranged a visit to the city a few days later and told Rain the time to be out front and ready to go. Thinking that it might be a group of them going or some random abbey brother or sister, he was surprised to only find Dewdrop in the driver's seat of the car out front.
“I didn't realize you drove, is it just us or are others coming?” Rain asked, straining his neck to see if others were coming towards the car.
Dew looked over at him with a smile, “Nope, just us, I had some stuff to pick up and asked if I could take you.”
“Oh.” Surprise didn't start to cover how he felt. Yeah, they had talked and had that one instance in the practice room, but it had mostly only been about music. Dew had kept his distance, always on the periphery of the group, and Rain was trying to stay away until he figured out what he was feeling.
“The drive is about an hour, if you want to find some music on my phone to play.” Rain nodded and set out to find some while Dewdrop drove.
It was a beautiful day, the windows were down, they both had their sunglasses on and Rain lounged back in his seat, putting his one foot up on the dashboard as they drove. Taking in the scenery and being content to be close to Dew, even if that is all he got. As different songs played that either of them knew, they would quietly sing along.
At one point Rain noticed that Dew kept his hand on the middle console, doing all the driving with his other hand on the wheel. He could see all the veins and tendons as he relaxed, sometimes tapping along with the music. When Rain sat down initially, he didn't realize that he had also put his arm on the consol. They were so close to touching and when the car took a sharp corner their forearms came together, causing the back of their hands to rest next to each other.
Rain didn't know what to do, his mind screamed to move his hand away, but he couldn't force himself to move at all. And the realization, he delighted that it seemed like Dewdrop wasn't moving his either. Rain could feel the heat from Dew, being this close to him. He took shallow breaths settling into the close proximity, not wanting to break the spell he felt they were under. As the next song came on and he relaxed into this new position, Dew reached out his pinky and ran it along the edge of Rain's palm. He looked over at Dew in surprise, he had a slight smile on his face, and continued to touch his palm. Rain was going to die, what was he doing? It was going to kill him. At the next red light, Dewdrop looked over at him and flipped his hand over, threading their fingers together.
Very quietly, he asked, “Is this ok?” Rain just nodded and tried to keep the groan internal that wanted to escape out. Dewdrop smiled and grabbed his hand tighter in his and pulled them over to set on Rain's leg, off the uncomfortable armrest, but still entwined. Their hands stayed like that the rest of the trip to the city. The strength he felt in Dew’s tight grip, made him sigh with contentment. It was like that first breath you take after breaking the waters edge after being under for so long, that feeling you have before falling asleep beside your mate, perfect contentment, knowing your whole body is safe with them, that they will protect you through the night. Safe, loved.
As they pulled in and parked, Dew looked at Rain in the passenger seat, Rain looking at their hands, trying to not bring Dew’s hand to his mouth, to place kisses along the top of it. Rain didn’t see the smile that crossed Dew’s lips as he looked at him. If Rain had looked up, he would seen the happiness on Dew’s face, the want, the desire that had plagued him for weeks as he tried to keep his distance from Rain. It was torture that he just was granted release from.
Dew collected himself, breaking the spell by asking Rain if he wanted him to go with him or if they wanted to split and meet back here. If they split up they would have time to stop for a late lunch on their way back, and still get the car back for who had it reserved next. They agreed to split up and meet back at the car, neither overly wanting to let go of the other's hand.
Rain got everything he needed at lightning speed and was back at the car waiting for Dew about 20 minutes before him. The whole time thinking about what happened in the car earlier. It was unexpected and no explanation came with it, but it felt so right. He had hopped up onto the trunk, his legs tapping against the bumper, lost in thoughts of Dewdrop and his perfect hands. Not even realizing that he was quietly trilling to himself with the happiest grin on his face.
Before Rain knew it, he saw Dew making his way back towards the car, he was on his phone as he approached and did not look happy. His expression quickly changed when he saw Rain already waiting for him. His face lit up and he told whomever he was speaking with he needed to go and would talk to them later. He turned off his phone and shoved it in his pocket.
“You get everything you need?” Dew asked.
Rain smiled at him, and jumped off the trunk, stumbling until he got his footing. Dew reached out to help steady him with a chuckle.
Rain, flushed from embarrassment at his clumsiness, nodded and asked as they got into the, “Everything ok?” Dew just nodded and started driving.
“Want me to put music on again?” Dew handed him his phone to get it started. As Rain was scrolling through songs a text message popped up and he really didn't try to read it, but it blurbed across the screen.
Ifrit: Come on we need to talk, don't be like this. Call me.
Who was Ifrit?
Ifrit: Droplet, please. I need to talk to you about this, I need y…
The rest of the message fell off the screen.
Droplet? Rain itched to open the last message, was this person saying they needed him?
Ifrit: This is ridiculous, stop being like this! I l…
I, what?
Rain quickly picked a song, closed the phone and put it in the cup holder. Every few minutes the phone would ping that a new message came in. Rain could see Dew’s jaw tightening every time he heard it, finally at a redlight he silenced his notifications and continued to drive.
Rain wanted to ask, but he wasn't supposed to have seen the messages as it was. And if Dew wasn't offering some explanation, it wasn't his place. It was killing him though. Were they together? What about today, and the other day in the practice room? He had to trust that Dew would tell him if there was someone else.
Rain was able to turn his attention back to the music, tapping his fingers to the song on his thigh nearest Dew. He kept looking over at Rain's thigh as he tapped. Finally he just reached across the middle console and grabbed his hand, pushing it flat on his leg and laying his on top.
“I'm sorry, I don't know why but you are driving me crazy, and not in a bad way. Is this ok? I can't be this close to you and not want to touch you.” Rain's head was spinning, they barely talked, but he was on the same page as Dew.
“I feel the same, it is ok.” Dew gave a large deep sigh of contentment and kept his hand where it was. Soon Dew moved his hand slightly off to the side of Rain's hands onto his thigh and started slowly rubbing his fingers in circles on it. Rain was slowly losing his mind to the sensation and while he tried to keep quiet he let out a small whimper hoping again he wasn't heard.
At the next light Dewdrop took a left and ended up on a back deserted road with farmland all around. Rain didn't even notice, that was how focused he was on Dew's ministrations to his leg. Dew pulled over onto a dead end road that might have been a rock quarry at some point and stopped the car and got out. Rain finally pulled himself out of his headspace and realized Dew was opening his door at that point and pulling him out. He shut the door and leaned Rain up along the side of the car, blocking him in.
He pressed his forehead to Rain's and whispered his name between clenched lips. They just stared at each other with their foreheads pressed together before Rain gathered his courage and pulled Dew into him and softly kissed his lips. Dew sighed and wrapped his arms around Rain pulling him in closer to deepen the kiss. He didn't know how long they stayed like that with their arms wrapped around each other and just softly kissing, it felt like no time had passed before they started hearing a ringing in the car. Dew's cellphone. Rain started to pull away, but Dew just grabbed onto him harder. The call stopped, and then started ringing again. This repeated at least three times.
Dew groaned and pulled Rain to the side, opened the door and grabbed his phone, not abandoning his hold on Rain. Looking at it he swore and answered, “Hello?” Dew’s hand gently caressed Rain’s side, his face nuzzled in Dew’s neck opposite the side of where he held the phone, inhaling his scent. “ …. Yes, we are on our way back, we ran into traffic,” Dew continued on the phone. When Rain’s lips pursed and softly kissed Dew’s neck, he smothered the groan that desperately wanted to escape his lips. Rain was ecstatic that small touches, and kisses received this kind of reaction from Dew. “We will be there asap...yes...yes.”
“You are killing me, Rain,” Dew pulled Rain into another quick kiss, holding him tightly before letting go. “We are so late. We have to go.” He opened the passenger door and gently pushed Rain inside.
When he reached his side of the car and got in, “We still need to talk, Rain. And I am sorry we don't have time to eat, but I much rather have done what we just did than anything else.”
Rain agreed, “Soon?”
“Soon.” Dew agreed and reached back over and grabbed Rain's hand again and pulled it into his lap this time. Settling it on his thigh, palm up, where he grabbed it tightly the whole way back.
They tried to find time to talk, but when they got back to the abbey, Dew was pulled by Papa to look at some new equipment that came in for the tour. Rain went back to his room, but never heard the other come back in for the night. The next two days, he only saw him at practice and once down a hall, but he turned before he saw Rain.
A few days after the shopping trip, Rain walked into the practice room early, as usual. He wanted to tune and run through one of the harder songs for the extra practice before the rest of the band joined.
He didn't see Dew when he first came in, and he didn't see the other ghoul with him either. He sat down with his bass in his lap and looked up before strumming the first string. He guessed Dew hadn’t heard him either, as he caught sight of him with his arms around the ghoul, head on his chest. It looked intimate. Rain felt his mind stop in that minute and his heart shatter. He must have gasped because they both looked up at him at the same time.
He felt the tears gather in his eyes, he had to get out of here. He had no claim on Dew, they were just friends, who shared that one extremely long kiss. Why did it feel like his heart had just been broken though? Dew pulled away from the other ghoul and walked towards Rain.
“Rain…” Dew started.
“Oh, hey Dew, I didn’t see you two there.” Rain looked at Dew and then over to the other ghoul, and nodded hello, keeping his face as neutral as possible.
Dewdrop sighed, “Rain this is Ifrit, Ifrit, Rain.”
Ifrit's face broke into a large grin, “Finally, I have heard so much about you, so good to meet you, Rain!”
Hmph, the infamous Ifrit from the texts. Dew never mentioned him though, and he certainly didn't mention anything intimate about another ghoul.
“Nice to meet you Ifrit, I didn't realize you two were in here, I will just leave and come back at practice time, I don't want to interrupt anything.” Of course he wanted to interrupt them, his mind was reeling and needed out of this room and away from the two of them. He went to stand up and pull off his bass.
“No, no, I was just leaving, I wanted to stop and see Droplet before I left on business for the ministry.” He smiled again. “Stay, and I will get out of here.”
He was going to vomit.
He motioned to Dew to follow him to the door, he kept turning and looking at Rain as he followed Ifrit.
As soon as they left the room, leaving the door open and standing in the doorway, Rain reached in his bag and put his headphones on, he didn't want to talk to Dew when he came back in, he needed to get his emotions under check before he could have a conversation with him, like normal ghouls. He could see them in the hall, as Ifrit pulled Dew close and drew him into a deep kiss. So yeah, they were for sure together. Again why didn't he tell him? He felt the tears again, but tried to get lost in the music in his ears and warming up his fingers. He closed his eyes to tune it all out.
He came back to himself, when he felt tapping on his knee. He opened his eyes downcast to his feet, of course it was Dewdrop in front of him. He motioned for him to take out his headphones.
“What's up, Dew?” He really just wanted to curl in on himself. He couldn't leave the room now without it being obvious.
Dew didn't respond. Rain looked up and met his eyes and quickly looked away. He looked pensive, and unsure of himself.
“Dew if you don't need anything I need to finish warming up.” Harsh maybe, but he wasn't ready to talk to him. He was hurt and dying inside.
He didn't move. He stood there in front of Rain, his feet stance wide with his arms crossed in front of his chest. “I don't know what to say to you, Rain.”
What Rain thought was exasperation was actually desperation, Dew had no idea how he could right this, when they had only just started.
There was nothing to say, he read the feelings wrong. He read what he felt wrong. He read that kiss wrong. He wanted to be left alone and get lost in the music and block out all his thoughts.
“I don't know what you mean, Dew.” Play stupid, yes that is what he would do. “Did you need to tell me something about one of the songs, am I missing something?”
Dew just looked at him, Rain was now looking him in the eyes, playing stupid helped put a front up that he needed. He started to say something else, but more of the band entered at that time ending the conversation.
He went through the motions of practice, luckily he had picked up the music fast and was ready for the tour. He couldn't get out of that room fast enough. Dew kept looking over at him, so much so that some of the others were starting to pick up on it. Rain was on edge until Papa started his, “Ok, that's it for today.” He rushed to put the bass he was using on the stand and wrap up the cord neatly so he could be first out the door. As soon as he got back to his room he locked the door behind him. He slid down the door to the floor and just sat there in disbelief. What the fuck was he going to do?
He was deep in thought and until he heard a light knock, “Rain, we need to talk.” Dew. He ignored him and got up and turned on the shower, tuning him out. He eventually left. Rain heard his messages on his phone. He ignored those too.
Later that evening, he had to go out to get something to eat, he waited as long as he could to avoid everyone. He wasn't super close to anyone in the band yet, they were friendly, but the only one he had hung out with at all was Dew and he was avoiding him.
He opened his door and peeked into the darkened hall, no one was there. He quietly padded to the kitchen to grab some leftovers he had left in there the other day. Quickly heating them up, but trying to be as quiet as possible. As he looked out the windows waiting for his food to be done, he saw Dew sitting on the edge of the patio. In the moonlight he could see his glowing silver hair. The only light was coming from the end of the cigarette he smoked. He was looking out over the water. He was beautiful. As Rain looked at him, Dew turned as if he knew Rain was there. His face lit up and went to put out his cigarette and come inside. Rain quickly grabbed his food and headed back to his room. As he opened his door to slide inside, he heard him, “Rain, please.”
He stopped for a moment, with his hand on the door knob and leaned his head along the door frame. “Dew, I can't - please.” He walked in and closed the door behind him. He had no appetite. He threw himself on the bed and curled into a ball. He heard him outside his door again. “When you're ready, Rain, I will wait.” Rain fell asleep holding himself as tight as he could.
Chapter 3: I need to hear you say you've been waitin' all night
The next few days were a flurry of activity as they continued to get ready for tour, practicing blocking to see where their positions were on stage and the little choreo that they had. Papa, of course, wanted them to be as sexually explicit with each other as possible. Rain went through the motions, kept to himself, but did what was expected. And maybe when Dew came over to him in the songs they were to be together his breath might have hitched, leaning in for extra few seconds not wanting to leave his warmth. He felt safe in those moments. They would separate neither realizing the other would be looking back to each other, wanting to be together and feel that key back in the lock.
Rain was always the first to leave and would head back to his room. Dew would knock every day after practice, but Rain couldn’t bring himself to talk to him. Rain waited for this every day, standing on his side with his forehead pressed to the door, hand on the door knob, wanting desperately to open it but barring his heart from the hurt that he knew was coming. He didn’t know that Dew was in a similar stance on the opposite side of the door. Sometimes he wouldn’t even go to his room when Rain wouldn’t answer, instead sliding to the floor beside the door just trying to be closer to him. Rain was also on the other side of the wall at that time. Trying to figure out why he felt like this, why he couldn’t breathe, why he felt like his heart was pulled out of his chest. Why he just wanted to go home, but his home was no longer the Pit, it was here with Dew. He was so fucked.
They only kissed that one time, how stupid was he to get in this deep already?
Rain would get text messages from him after he left his door. Most times Dew was sending them from the floor outside his room. Rain didn’t answer.
Dewdrop: Rain please hear me out
Dewdrop: sorry I hurt you
Dewdrop: I need to talk to you
Dewdrop: I can’t believe this is where we are and that I fucked it up
Dewdrop: Rain
Dewdrop: Please…I can’t do this. Please.
Rain read them all as they came in, his heart felt like it was pulled from his chest. He started to reply at one point, he could hear the desperation in his messages, but then he erased it before sending. He just didn’t understand why Dew would kiss him if he was with someone else. He didn’t understand why he felt this way. He didn’t understand how Dew said he felt something too, if he was going to destroy him.
He finally did text him back.
Rain: Dew please stop…
Dewdrop: Rain!! Finally. Please!!! Hear me out
Dewdrop: PLEASE!!
He could hear him coming out of his room and to his door again, he knocked on his door, “Rain, I know you are in there. Please!”
Rain finally gathered himself and answered the door. He knew he looked haggard, the last few days had been horrible for him, keeping up a facade in front of the other guys, and acting like what Dew had done hadn’t bothered him when he was with him. The only time he let go was when he was alone in his room. He tried to be quiet, he didn’t know how thin the walls were. He always found himself on the floor of his shower after Dewdrop would do his daily knock, in disbelief that he could hurt this bad. He felt like his heart had been torn out of his chest.
What he didn’t expect was for Dewdrop to look the same, he looked like all the light in his eyes was out, and his skin looked so drawn and pallid. When their eyes met, Rain felt that instant connection again. He could see the hope in Dewdrop's eyes, it killed him.
“Can I come in, or would you like to go outside, can we talk?” Dewdrop asked hesitantly.
When Rain took awhile to respond, Dew added with desperation, “Please, Rain, please.”
Rain turned around and opened his door wider for Dewdrop to enter. “Let’s go down to the lake, let me get shoes on and grab a hoodie.”
Dew huddled in the doorway, playing with his ring on his finger while he waited. Rain had noticed the ring when he was holding his hand in the car, it was just a plain black with a red stone inlaid in the band. He bitterly wondered if it was a gift from Ifrit.
They headed to the lake, not talking the whole way and sat in the same place that they first spoke at.
Rain couldn’t take the silence, it seemed like Dew, who now had him here, wasn’t sure what he wanted to say. “We really don’t have to talk Dew, I misread that kiss,” Rain started. “We need to be ok for tour so it won’t be torture the next few months in such a close space.”
Dew looked over at him, “Rain, you - you didn’t misread it.”
“Then why? Why would you lead me on, why would you do this?” He wanted to yell, scream. “We were fine as friends, you were the first one I had topside, I feel like I lost everything.”
Rain continued, “When I saw you, w-with him, and that kiss. It destroyed everything in me.”
He would not cry, please Satan, don’t let him cry!
“Rain, you don’t understand, I wasn’t leading you on, I feel everything you are feeling. Why do you think I haven’t stopped trying to speak to you the last few days? If I didn’t care, didn’t want you, why would I continuously try to explain, try to show you that you mean something to me?” His voice cracked as spoke. Rain looked over at him and Dew was already staring at him, with tears in his eyes.
“Who is he then to you? What is he to you?” He had to know.
“Please, hear me out. I will tell you.” Rain nodded, what other choice did he have?
“You know that I have been here for a few years, at least a year before I joined the band?”
Rain knew this already, Dew was extremely talented with all instruments and with the growing popularity of the band, it was decided it would be good to call him up to help with the equipment. Also, to be a backup if the bassist wasn’t able to perform. It ended up being an excellent decision on management's part.
“Well when I came they also called another ghoul, Ifrit. He was going to learn the lead guitarists parts, so he could step in if needed. Being that we both were looked at as a possible replacement, we weren’t well liked by the band members and were kind of ostracized. He and I became very close, sort of an us against the world thing.”
Dew paused, looking back out over the dying light on the lake. He continued to play with that ring and kind of huddled into himself.
“We became an item, I was absolutely in love with him, he became my everything, but we never stated exclusivity and I know he was with other people, but it didn’t stop how I felt.”
Rain wanted to die. He was in love with Ifrit? He felt his stomach drop and he thought again he was going to be sick, it was one thing to think this was how someone felt, but a whole other thing to hear it played out in words. All he could say was, “Oh.”
“You said you would hear me out, Rain. I don’t want to lie to you, I want you to hear the whole story.” Rain just stared straight ahead avoiding the Dew’s eyes as he continued.
“Our relationship could be tumultuous, but I didn’t see it, like I said I was in love with him. I know he cared for me, and said he loved me also, but I could never get him to commit to me, and that was where it started to fall apart. I wanted more than he was giving, so we started drifting apart. This was maybe six months ago. Then I met you and I knew in that instance, why it wasn’t meant to be with Ifrit.”
“Recently, he knew my feelings had changed, so he started pushing for us to be together like I originally wanted, but I couldn’t. I wanted someone else, you. I told him that I didn’t want that anymore and that we were better as friends. He didn’t take that well. That day in the car, I know you saw the text messages coming through, that day I told him it was over and I was done. I would have never kissed you without ending things with him.” Dew stopped and was looking at Rain again, “Please, can you look at me?”
Rain made himself raise his vibrant blue eyes to take in Dew’s sunset hued ones. “I was planning to tell you all of this when we got back to the abbey that night, but I got called in by Papa and then I found out Ifrit had flown in and was demanding to see me. I didn’t want to wait to tell you, but I owed him this, for how many years we were together.”
“He knows we are done, but is not taking it well. I think he thought I would always be waiting here for him.”
“Dew, I appreciate this, but I saw you both in the practice room, I saw when you left, I saw that kiss, that didn’t look done to me.”
“Did you see me push him away after he pulled me in for that kiss? Did you see that I turned my back as soon as I pushed him away and came back to you?” He asked. “I am so sorry I hurt you, Rain, but I can’t not be near you, I can’t not talk to you. Please, understand that none of this was my intention.”
Rain looked back over the water, taking in everything Dew had said. He needed to process this.
“Dew, I was so hurt, I need time, please understand that.”
Dew just nodded at him. His eyes were sad, hoping that he would believe him. They sat there together for awhile neither talking, just taking comfort in knowing they were together. All Dew wanted to do was to hold him, to take his hands and cradle them in his lap, and never let go.
“I am going back inside, do you want to come? Or are you staying out here?” Rain asked as he stood.
“No, I will follow you.” Adding in his head, wherever you go, forever, Rain.
Back inside they stopped in the common room, as all the ghouls were sitting around the fire, Aether and Mountain telling Swiss stories about past tours
“Hey you two, join us!! Dew, we were just telling Swiss about that time we were in Mexico and we convinced the guitar tech to go up to the federali and ask for a light on his joint.” Aether couldn’t stop laughing as he told the story.
Rain sat down on the couch by Swiss, while Dew crouched on the edge of the armchair Aether was in. “Yes, we convinced him it was legal, and he would be fine.”
“He was not fine, and we got in so much trouble from Papa after they had to bail him out, they were lucky they were able to get him out at all.” Mountain snorted.
“Do you remember what Ifrit did, Dew?” Aether couldn’t contain his laughter as told the rest of the story. “He told Papa, it was just a cigarette and how were we to know it was illegal. Papa almost had a heart attack at how innocently he said it. Ifrit booked it out of that room so fast, taking you with him as his shield. I never knew where you two disappeared after that, we didn’t see you till the next day.”
Aether, Mountain and Swiss all howled, picturing Papa’s expression. Rain looked at his lap, was this how it would be now? Stories of Dew and Ifrit? He was so uncomfortable, but none of them knew what was going on between the two of them.
Dew looked over at Rain as the rest of them laughed. Fuck. He definitely remembered that night and what he and Ifrit got up too, he was willing Aether to just shut up. Rain’s eyes shot to his, he could see the pain there, he knew what probably happened that night, too.
Rain stood to leave, “I am going to go practice some, you guys have fun.”
“Rain…wait,” Dew called after him, but was over shouted by Aether.
“Sorry I should have said this when you both first came in, Papa is having a dinner tomorrow night, since it is our last night before we head out. We are all required to attend, it is here in our quarters, he is catering it in for us, it should be fun!” Aether stated.
“What time?”
“We are to be out here at 6.”
Rain nodded and continued back to his room, he could hear Dew following him. He slowed, he was going to try to act like what happened in the common room didn’t affect him.
“Rain, I’m sorry, they don’t know that Ifrit and I ended things, I will make sure they know, that should stop their stories.” Rain just nodded and went to open his door, Dew reached out to grab his arm before he could escape causing Rain to look back at him. “I am sorry, please think about what we talked about earlier.”
Rain ducked his head at him, and went into his room, closing the door. WHAT THE FUCK WAS HE GOING TO DO? He heard Dew’s door shut next to his, huh, he didn’t go back out to the common room either.
The next evening, Rain made sure he was in the dining area and sat down, ready for this dinner to be over. He didn’t want to be there, he thought about what Dew said all day and he didn’t know what he was going to do. The only problem with getting to dinner early, was that there were many open seats after he sat, including one next to him. And of course, of course, Dew would sit next to him.
Both of them were very quiet the whole meal. Rain could feel the heat coming off of him. He could smell his scent, it was enough to drive him crazy. Why did he have to sit here? Why was he torturing him? How was he going to make it through the next few months in such tight quarters if they didn’t talk and figure this out?
As dinner was finishing and Papa was on his 6th glass of wine along with many of the others around the table, Rain pulled out his cell phone and texted Dew.
Rain: Want to go for a walk? Talk?
Dew took out his phone and a small smile graced his lips. He looked up at Rain and nodded.
They stood and excused themselves from the table thanking Papa and headed outside. Neither said anything as they made their way towards the path that wrapped itself around the lake. It was close to sunset, the lights on the pathway that lead into the woods would start coming on soon. Rain followed Dew's lead, instead of circling the lake they headed into the woods. Dew had both of his hands in his pockets as he walked beside Rain.
Rain broke first, he needed to make it not uncomfortable for the tour. “I am sorry, things are weird between us.”
Dew snorted, “Weird is one way to put it.”
Rain had to ask one more time, “Are you sure it is over?”
“Yes, It is for me. He is still coming to terms with it, but he knows it is over for me. We are trying to remain friends.”
“I've tried fighting these feelings I have for you, I am so tired of fighting it though. I can't fight it anymore.” Rain started, “but Dew, I’m scared.”
Dew pulled Rain to him pushing their foreheads together, “I am scared to, but I want to figure it out, do you?”
Rain nodded. Dew smiled, and his eyes crinkled like they did that first day, “Ok.”
“Can I show you something?” He didn't wait for Rain's answer, and grabbed his hand, pulling him along further down the path. About ten minutes later with no words shared, but their hands still entwined they reached a clearing that looked down over the lake. Dew pulled him to sit on a large rock that sat there. It was breathtaking. The sunset was turning the water gold, as the birds flew low going back to their nests for the evening, it was peaceful.
“I've never brought anyone here, this was always a special spot to me, where I felt my water half and fire half meet in this moment.”
Rain looked at him, “I wanted to share it with you, to show you that you mean something to me, and that you are important to me.” Dew leaned in and brought his lips softly across Rain's lips. “Please don't shut me out.”
Rain untangled their hands and put his hands on Dew's hips, pulling him closer. He leaned in this time and kissed him. Pulling his bottom lip into his mouth, causing Dew to open his mouth and let a small groan slip out. Rain pushed further, pushing their mouths together, tongues entwined. Not able to get enough of each other. This was the easy part. He pulled apart, knowing that they needed to talk.
“How are we going to do this on tour?” Rain asked.
Dew looked at him, “I am not sure yet, but I think we just take it as it comes. Start to spend some time together outside just practice and music and see where it takes us.” He looked nervous still, like he was afraid Rain would reject him. “I'd like to be with you every chance we can get to get away. Is that asking too much?”
“No. I like that plan. I just want to spend time with you, I've never felt like this before, it terrifies me.”
“Me too. We will figure it out together.”
As the sun sunk down and the moon rose they headed back to the abbey, stealing quick kisses on the way and hands entwined. Before pulling out from the cover of the woods, Rain stopped Dew and asked that they keep this to themselves for awhile, not to get the others involved. It would just complicate things. Dew agreed. They kissed once more and parted before heading back inside where the party was still in full swing. They headed towards their bedrooms and parted to get ready for tomorrow.
Rain was already packed and ready to go. He got ready for bed and laid down before grabbing his cell phone to plug in by the bed and set an alarm. When he looked at it, he realized he received a text.
Dewdrop: hey
Rain texted him back, Hi!
Rain didn't have to wait long for more conversation to come through.
Dewdrop: I missed talking to you
Rain: I missed talking to you, too.
Dewdrop: I am sorry I hurt you, that wasn't my intention.
Rain: I know, I couldn't deal with it though and needed time. I thought what happened that day in the car was a joke or something to you and I didn't know what to do.
Dewdrop: It wasn't a joke, I promise.
Rain: It is ok, I understand now. I am sorry I hurt you, too, by not hearing you out.
Dewdrop: I already miss you.
Rain's heart skipped a beat.
Rain: I miss you, too.
Dewdrop: I will see you first thing in the morning. Sleep well, Rain.
Rain: You too, Dewdrop.
Chapter 4: But when you place your head between my collar and jaw, I don't know much but there's no weight at all
Rain snuck out in the early morning hours before the sun came up, he was determined to get in that lake before they left for tour and this was his last chance. He knocked on Dew’s door to see if he might want to join him.
When he finally opened the door Rain laughed, his hair was all over the place, obviously just waking up from sleep. His pajama pants rode extremely low on his hips, leaving no illusion to the fine muscular lines of his body.
Look up Rain, look up.
He finally met Dew's eyes who were staring back at him intently, all vestiges of sleep having disappeared completely from his eyes.
"Rain, hey, can't sleep?" Dew asked quietly.
"Actually I wanted to see if maybe this could be our first time we got away, just you and me. I wanted to swim in the lake before leaving and you told me that first day you liked it. Thought maybe we could watch the sunrise together?" He couldn't slow down, he wanted desperately for Dew to go with him, to start out this day together.
Dewdrop grinned happily, "Yes, give me a few? I'll meet you on the patio?"
Rain nodded and turned to walk away, but not before Dew grabbed his wrist and pulled him back flush with his chest. He put his arms around his neck and pulled Rain down for a searing kiss, which deepened as they moaned into each other's open mouths. Breaking the kiss, Dew nuzzled into his neck and growled lowly into his ear, "Did you like what you saw? Took you a minute to meet my eyes there, I know I like what I see."
Rain just groaned and pressed his body even closer to Dew's, "You're killing me."
Dew chuckled quietly and released Rain back into the hallway and disappeared back into his room.
They met on the patio, both in shorts and t-shirts with towels and hoodies ready for when they were done in the water. The moon was low in the sky, they maybe had a half an hour before the sun broke through the horizon.
The dock that jutted out about one fourth of the way into the vast lake was where they entered the water. As Rain removed his shirt it was now Dew's turn to not be able to avert his eyes. He knew he had a lean and muscular body, but wasn't prepared for the muscles lining his stomach and the deep cut of his hips that were barely covered by his white shorts. How those shorts were staying up he had no idea. A few more inches down and his body would be bare for all to see. Maybe the water would pull them down further?
Dew had to turn away before he did something neither of them were ready for, he ran his hand through his white hair and dove into the lake before Rain could comment on Dew's deep groan he let out. Rain quickly followed him into the water, never straying far from one another.
As Rain swam and explored the lake, Dew just watched him from where he held onto to the side of the dock. Getting more enjoyment out of seeing Rain in his element than actually swimming.
Rain noticed Dew watching him for awhile, he may or may not have been showing off so that he didn't look away. As if Dew even entertained the idea of taking his eyes off Rain.
Rain swam over to him holding onto the side beside him.
"Hi!" He laughed out happily, "What'cha you doing?"
"Watching a beautiful water ghoul, you?" Dew quipped back.
Rain shook his head as a blush crept up his cheeks. "I thought you were swimming with me?"
"But this is more enjoyable!" Dew laughed and pulled Rain to him again. "If you don't want me to watch you, then at least let me touch you."
Rain leaned up against the back of the dock, while Dew encapsulated him in his arms. "Can I touch you like this?" Putting his arms on his sides and rubbing up and down.
Rain didn’t answer, instead leaning into Dew's neck.
"How about this, can I touch you here?" He moved his hands from his sides to brush over Rain's hard stomach.
Again Rain didn't answer, but just melted further into Dew’s neck placing soft kisses on his shoulder as he touched him.
"How about this, can I touch you here?" He moved his hands further down, grazing over the tops of his thigh, so dangerously close to where Rain was straining for him to feel Dew’s touch.
Rain gasped as he felt his featherlight touch on his lower body, before Dew grabbed his thighs and wrapped them around his waist lifting Rain up in the water further.
"How about this, can I hold your body next to mine like this?" Rain just groaned. "Kiss me."
They smashed their lips together with all the heat and passion ripping through their bodies from the touches they had just shared. Communicating by their tongues in each other's mouth. Rain pressed his body closer to Dew's as the kiss deepened.
"I want you, Dew. I've wanted you since the first time I saw you." Rain moaned out breathlessly. He was completely wrecked by him.
Dew didn't know he could get even more turned on by kissing him. "I want you more than you can possibly know. I've never been this drawn to anyone before. If you're in a room I am in, I lose all interest in anyone but you. Watching you, wanting to be with you. Wanting to know what you're thinking, wanting to know why a smile crossed your beautiful lips, wanting to know why you creased your brow, wanting you. How did I get so wrapped up in you?"
As they pushed their bodies together, Rain could feel how turned on by their time together Dew was. He didn’t want to let go, they ground their bodies together, trying to get as much friction as they could in the water. Rain could feel the hard dock along his back, sure he was getting splinters in his back, as they rocked against one another. Dew’s finger pressed hard into his thighs, he wanted to feel Rain closer, more.
The water lapped around them, the world slowly came to light, glowing pink, then orange, then the brightest yellow. They pulled apart for a moment realizing they missed the sunrise, but not caring. The bells on the abbey started to chime and they knew their time of solitude had come to an end.
"You enthrall me with everything you do, Rain and I look forward to showing you that everyday." Dew kissed him softly once more before they slowly disentangled their bodies and pulled themselves out of the water.
Drying themselves off on the edge of the dock, they grabbed their tops and hoodies and put them on to warm up. Rain looked around to make sure no one was out before putting his arms around Dew one last time, Dew laid his head on his shoulder, between his collar and jaw as Rain whispered in his ear. "You are everything, everything."
Neither of them realized that they weren't as alone as they thought.
Chapter 5: The orange touches all things around
The tour started easy enough, they were currently on their third stop of the American leg. Rain and Dew hadn't had much time yet to get away, but they were finally getting into a routine and had a day off after tonight's ritual.
Rain's bunk happened to be above Dew's on the bus, Mountain's above his. Aether and Swiss right across with a free bunk that everyone threw their crap on.
Rain laid in his bed that morning not wanting to get out from under the warm covers, but wondered if Dew was up yet.
Rain: hey, you up?
Dew: Yes, thinking about you wishing you were beside me right now
Dew’s message went straight to his dick, the thought of Dew below him, him wanting and wishing Rain was in bed with him-powerful. It did things to him.
Dew: why are we keeping this a secret again? I miss you and it's only been a few hours. Come see me!
Rain: we didn't want anyone involved, and wanted time for ourselves.
Dew: Raiiiiiiiin
Rain could hear Dew moving below him and all of sudden he heard his curtain open, and Dew climbed in, shutting it quickly behind him.
"Hey!" He whispered as he snuggled in next to Rain pulling the covers up over both of them.
He was on his elbow, looking down at Rain as he leaned in to nuzzle his neck. "I missed you, everyone stepped out a little bit ago to get breakfast, it's just us on the bus."
"Dew…what if they come back?" Rain asked nervously.
"You can hide me, let me on the other side!! Come on, I know you want me here as much as I want to be here!" He pulled the covers up and rolled over on top of Rain to get to the inside.
Of course, he stopped on top of him, of course. He leaned down and whispered, "Kiss me." He didn't wait and dove in to capture Rain's mouth in his.
Rain couldn't resist him, he brought his hands around him to hold him closer and rolled them to the side so it would look like it was just him in the bunk. He ran his hands down his back to rest on his hips.
Rain was the first to break the kiss. "You're here now, what did you plan to happen?"
"Nothing, I just wanted to snuggle and get to run my hands on your beautiful body." He had this mischievous grin planted on his lips.
Rain reached again to pull Dew's lower lip in his mouth with a little growl, pulling him in closer by the back of his neck and running his fingers through his long hair. He groaned between breaks in their kisses, " I can't get enough of you, this is torture when we have to split apart."
"I know, why do you think I crawled up here?" Dew slid his lips down onto Rain's neck pulling the skin into his mouth to suck on it lightly, trying to not leave marks. "I want to show everyone your mine."
Rain couldn't think, with Dewdrop pressed against his body and the noises he was making as his lips and tongue trailed lower onto his shoulder, trying to leave a mark that would last outside of where others could see it. Rain couldn't take this torture anymore, rolling over to press Dew beneath him on the bunk.
Dew pulled back a little in surprise as he was normally the more aggressive one, but smiled up into the lust filled eyes of Rain peering back at him. "How are you doing, Rainy?" Reminding them of the first time Dew asked that.
Rain could barely talk, "Want, ne-need you to never let go." The pull that both had felt early on firmly snapped into place between them as they had declared their feelings for one another.
Dew pressed up into Rain’s body, just as absolutely wrecked as him. "I want you too, but not here, not when we are so rushed, I want to take our time." He nipped at Rain's neck again as they ground against each other harder.
Rain wanted to say to hell with waiting, he was infatuated with Dew, he couldn't call it love, it was too early for that, right? He grabbed for Dew’s lips again, pushing his tongue in and capturing his. The sounds he pulled from Dew only flared the fire in him more. "Don't c-care, Do-n't want to…wait….need you..please?" He begged. He was so painfully hard.
"Rain, I can't believe I am saying this but let's wait until tonight, when we can have our own room." His voice might have been saying that but his body was not cooperating as he ground his dick back along Rain's.
Rain reached down between their bodies to grab at Dew, he knew he wanted it just as much as he did. "Your body is saying something else, Dew." He slipped his hand inside Dew's loose pajama bottoms stroking along his length feeling his already leaking cock kick in his hand. His whole body shuddered as Rain didn't let go but gripped and encompassed him with his soft fingers. Going faster and faster as Rain reached down to suck his own marks on Dew’s chest.
Dew let himself feel the pleasure, he was past the point of stopping and Rain didn't let up with his hands on him.
"You are so fucking sexy, I want to fuck you so bad, but I'll take this for now," Rain groaned in his ear.
Rain's hand on him was so delicate and yet strong, and extremely warm. He continued putting pressure on him and just rotating it right, gathering fluid from the top and pushing it down over his length as he moaned in his ear.
"I'm so fucking close, Rain." Dew moaned out.
"Good, let go, I want to see your face knowing that I was the one that brought you there." Dew came at his words, shooting hot liquid all over himself and Rain’s hands. Rain didn't stop gripping him as he took him through his climax, getting every drop he could out of him.
Dew collapsed back on the pillow, utterly broken and waiting for his breath to return to normal.
He laughed, "Seriously, not what I was anticipating when I climbed up here, not complaining, but this was not my plan."
Rain just grinned at him as he loosened his grip and pulled his hand out of his pants. "Let's clean up before the others get back," pushing the sheet back.
"Wait, what about you?" Dew asked as he pulled back on Rain's shoulder.
Rain turned his head and kissed Dew's palm, "I thought you wanted to take your time with me, in a hotel room? I'll wait." He responded mischievously, "Besides now you will only be thinking about me until we get there."
Dew groaned, "I already only think of you."
They got up and moved towards the bathroom, Rain washing his hands and finding a t-shirt to pull on to cover up the marks Dew had left, leaving Dew to shower quickly and meet him in the kitchen.
Rain poured the coffee from the already brewed batch into two mugs, he already knew Dew took his black whereas in his he just put in a hint of cream. Sitting on the couch he waited for Dewdrop to finish.
Dew joined him freshly showered and dressed in his usual uniform of black jeans and black long sleeve t-shirt. Sitting beside him on the couch, reaching out for his coffee with one hand and Rain’s hand with the other.
Dew never failed to surprise him, as he held his hand, he would circle his palm with his thumb and grip his fingers tightly, bringing them to his lips to kiss them. Yep, he had definitely fallen for this ghoul. Rain’s heart never slowed when he was in close proximity to him. They couldn't be closer on the couch to each other, thighs pressed tightly to one another.
Dew let go of his hand and reached over and put his arm around Rain's shoulders tugging him even closer into him. Rain placed his head on his shoulder with a soft sigh.
"I'm falling for you," he whispered to Dew.
"That's good cause I've already fallen as well." Dew pushed his fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck while Rain rubbed circles on Dew's thigh. Content in each other.
Too soon the moment between them was cut to an end as the others came back to the bus. As soon as they heard the door opening, Rain pulled away slightly and turned from Dew to the door, placing his back to Dew.
"Hey you two!! Finally up?" Aether's always pleasant demeanor infectious, "We brought back some breakfast sandwiches if you want one."
He handed two to Rain after both Dew and him nodded. Rain handed back one to Dew, who as he took it made sure he let his fingers linger offering him a small smile.
The rest of the group sat, pushing Rain and Dew closer again to each other on the couch, not that either of them were complaining. As they all broke into conversation, Rain tuned them out, Dew was once again distracting him. They were still at a slight angle to the rest of the group, so that they couldn't see his one hand. Dew kept dragging his fingers up and down over his back, lifting his shirt and pushing his fingers between the band of his pants. Breathe, Rain, breathe, he kept having to say to himself. Dew pushed his hand to the side of his hip and squeezed, pressing his hand into that beautiful curve. Rain gasped as electricity shot through his body and was able to cover it up with a cough.
The rest of the group ignored them, Dew leaned in and whispered in his ear, "I can't wait to watch you fall apart tonight." Rain reached back and squeezed his hand and removed it from his side, Dew knew exactly what he was doing to him and he had to stand up soon.
He finished his food and made his way to the back to get his shower. As he pulled some clothes out to change into the door separating the front and back opened and closed. It was Dew, no surprise there. Rain stood up scowling at him and moved to go towards the shower ignoring him. Dew moved into his space blocking him completely pushing him against the bunks, "I missed you already." And leaned in and kissed him quickly. Moving back and letting Rain pass.
Rain just shook his head and moved into the shower, shutting the door on Dew and his very fuckable body.
After soundcheck that afternoon, the ghouls lounged around in the green room waiting to get ready. Aether had fallen asleep on one of the couches, and Mountain and Swiss were in a corner playing a game of cards. Dew was sitting in an armchair with his legs thrown up over the side of it, leaning back and playing something on his phone. He had his headphones in tuning everyone out, except for Rain who he would look over at every so often.
Rain for his part was trying to be a little more illusive about his interest in Dew. He had taken his cell phone out a while ago to text him.
Rain: 👋
Dew: hey sexy
Rain: Dew…
Dew: Yes?
Rain: you're incorrigible
Dew: with you, absolutely
Rain looked over at Dew to see him looking back with that sexy, half smile he reserved for only him. He could feel the heat in his body traveling south.
Rain: do you know if we have separate rooms tonight or are we paired up?
Dew: already taken care of, you're with me
Rain: oh? How did you pull that off?
Dew: everyone owed me favors and I told them I wanted to sleep with the only non-snorer. No one is the wiser.
Rain: ok. I can't wait to be alone with you for a whole night, not have to think about you below me on that bunk.
Dew: so you think of me when you're by yourself at night
Rain: how can I not? have you seen yourself?
Dew: have you seen yourself?
Dew: that ass, I swear I dream about it.
Rain lowered his head to hide behind his hair so no one could see the blood rushing to his cheeks. Dew kept typing.
Dew: that hair that you hide behind, I just want to grab it and use it to push you into me
Dew: those lips, all I want to do is kiss you and see you wrapped around me
Dew: those hands, Satan they fit in mine perfectly and around me exquisitely
Dew: those hips, I just want grab them and hold on while I fuck you
Rain: stop, I won't make it through this show tonight.
Dew: as long as you're thinking of me the whole time I don't care!
Dew: we are out of here as soon as the curtain comes down, I have a car already lined up so we don't have to wait for the bus.
Rain: fuck
Dew: fuck
He caught Rain's eyes again in his smoldering depths. As he licked his lips, Rain dropped his phone and just groaned OUT LOUD. Damn it Dewdrop.
Hearing Rain's groan, Swiss looked up, "Everything OK, Rain?"
"Yes!" Rain growled out, "I hit my elbow on the edge of the couch." He gave Dew another death glare. Dew snorted.
Dew: love you! Sorry! 😉
Rain's heart skipped a beat at those words, he knew Dew wasn't being serious, but damn if he didn't want him to be.
Rain: grrrr
Dew laughed, but also was disappointed that Rain didn't respond back to what he said. They were interrupted as the knock came on their door telling them it was 1 hour to curtain.
They all got ready, Rain turning so no one would see the marks left by Dew from that morning and once done made sure his bag was ready by the door to leave right after the show. Dew followed and did the same thing.
They made their way backstage and got suited up with their instruments. Rain held back with Dew for a moment, who when no one was looking ran his finger along his palm like he did that first car ride.
The ritual went well, Papa was definitely pleased with all the sexually charged ghouls, especially Dew and Rain who didn't stray far from one another. Not able to keep their hands to themselves for most of the show, and if it played into their stage presence so be it.
On the final bow, Rain waited on the end of the line looking for Dew who normally stood beside him. All of sudden from the other side of the stage he saw him run towards him and grab around his waist. Leaning in he asked quietly, "Ready to get out of here?"
Rain just nodded and as they exited the stage well before everyone else Dew pulled him through the tunnels, grabbing their things and rushed out back to the waiting car.
Before getting in he slammed Rain up against the side of it and brought his lips up to his, grabbing his hair, pulling him in for their most intense kiss. "Get in, I don't have much more resistance left in me before I truly take you apart."
Rain couldn’t wait either.
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lies · 8 months
my tumblr interactions decoded:
like: I want to see more of this in my dash
reblog: I want you to see more of this in your dash
immediate reblog: …right now (timely stuff, fashion, small-note-count posts where I think the OP might need a hug)
queued reblog: …eventually, weeks or months later, when I want my followers to be entertained/educated/inspired/amused even if I’m foolishly prioritizing other stuff before their needs
comment: minor chatter of a spontaneous nature, attempted humor, silliness
tags: guilty flagging of the latest obsession so long-time mutuals have the option of filtering, rambling stream of consciousness with the appearance of a throwaway aside that I actually spend an embarrassing amount of time crafting
message: actual serious q&a
asks: unserious q&a
anon asks: only 3 or 4 times in 11 years, usually as a joke to see if the recipient can tell who it was
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purrgilpawkins · 10 months
Cold + Outside
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Summary: A vacation in the middle of nowhere during Winter turns out to not be as great as the team thought it’d be and now they’re stuck outside trying to stay warm. (Also available on AO3)
Pairings: Wilt Bozer & Jack Dalton & Riley Davis & Angus MacGyver
Part of the Whump Advent Calender 2020 series Prompt: Locked Outside Overnight / Cuddling For Warmth
Warnings: n/a
Notable tags: fluff, huddling for warmth, platonic cuddling
It was one of those few times everyone was given some time off at the same time. Probably because they’d all nearly died during that last op and Matty was feeling guilty about it. So she suggested one of the few not-used-and-will-probably-never-get-used Phoenix safehouses to spend that time off and the team agreed to the change in scenery.
That specific safehouse was a cabin in the middle of an area of wilderness that seemed to be constantly plagued by snowstorms. Three bed, two bath, a kitchen that was connected to the den, a shed out back used mostly to store wood and a little fire pit off to the side. It sounded quite charming. The drive over was spent with the boys arguing about who’d be sharing a bed while Riley played on her phone, knowing that she’d get a room all to herself.
Though none of that mattered, seeing as the cabin was burnt to a crisp.
Of course, the plan then would’ve been to hop back in Mac’s Jeep and head back to civilization. But it was almost out of gas and would likely leave them stranded on the side of the road.
“We don’t need to stop for gas, hoss. Matty said there’d be extra canisters of gasoline at the cabin. We'll be fine,” Mac started in a mocking imitation of Jack’s drawl.
“How the hell was I supposed to know that it’d all be used to burn the damn place to the ground?”
“I’m not saying you knew this would happen. I’m saying you should’ve listened to me when I said we should stop for gas!”
“Hey, guys. How about we shut up and actually figure out what we’re gonna do, huh?” Riley interrupted.
Mac and Jack gave each other the stare down and Mac seemed to lose their staring contest as he sighed, “Sorry. I’m cold and I’m pissed but that’s no reason to take it out on you.”
Jack pulled Mac in for a side hug and ruffled the blond’s hair as best he could with the beanie on the Mac’s head, “S’alright, bud. I know you didn’t mean nothin’ by it. Why don’t you get a fire goin’ while I go and call Matty?”
Jack turned back to the Jeep and Mac walked toward the firepit, “Sounds like a plan.”
Riley turned to Bozer, “Do they ever, like, really fight?”
Bozer shrugged, “Once in a blue moon.”
They made their way over to Mac, helping out when he asked them to get some wood from the shed. Jack came over eventually too, just as Mac had started to get a spark.
“So, good news, bad news,” Jack started.
“What’s the good news?” Bozer asked, rubbing his arms in a poor attempt to get warm.
“Well, good news is Mac’s got a fire goin’ for us,” Jack gestured to the small fire, “Bad news is that we got a couple hours before Matty can send someone out here.”
Everyone groaned.
Mac had managed to turn their small campfire into a bonfire. Very easy to do when there’s no need to worry about the cabin catching fire (plus they were using part of the cabin itself to light it).
The team thought it best to dig out all their extra clothing and put it on as well as wrap themselves in the individual blankets that they brought. After settling around the fire, the young people of the group thought it best to crowd around Jack. He provided almost as much warmth as the fire in front of them. Though all of that wasn’t enough for Bozer since he’d made his way, uninvited, to sit between Jack’s legs, back to chest. Jack didn’t seem to mind and just wrapped his arms around him.
They spend their time having casual conversation through their chattering teeth and scarves that cover half their face. At some point Riley decided enough was enough, “Alright, Bozer, you’ve had your turn, I want mine.”
“But it’s so cozy,” Bozer said stubbornly.
“Hey, come on now, Boze. We gotta share,” Jack admonished, unwrapping his arms from the oldest kid.
“Fine,” Bozer removed himself from Jack’s bubble and Riley took his place almost immediately.
“I don’t know why you guys were arguing about sharing beds. If I were you I’d’ve been arguing to have my own personal heater like Jack with me,” Riley said as she snuggled into Jack’s embrace.
“He snores,” Mac and Bozer said simultaneously. Riley nodded in understanding.
“Hey!” Jack sputtered, “I’m not that bad!”
“You are,” everyone said in response.
The conversation continued with Jack complaining here and there at how disrespectful his kids were. At some point, Riley turned to Mac and asked if he wanted a turn. Mac, never one to ask or openly want any kind of physical touch, said no. At that, Jack nudged Riley out of his arms and grabbed Mac by the clothing on his shoulders and forced the youngest closer to him. Mac protested but didn’t put up much of a fight.
Once Mac had gotten comfortable and Jack had wrapped him in arms, Jack said something that caught the young man off guard.
“I’m really proud of you, Mac.”
Mac leaned his head back on Jack’s shoulder to look him in the eye, “You…are? Why? What’d I do?”
Jack looked into Mac’s eyes, a soft look in his own to match the smile on his face. He brought up a hand and gently rested it on the back of Mac’s head.
“For wearing a beanie like a normal person would.”
Riley snorted as Mac placed his open palm on Jack’s face and roughly pushed it away as he stood up to get away from his partner, Bozer cackling all the while. Mac made his way to the other side of the bonfire, back to the driveway of the safehouse, and crossed his arms in a way that could only be described as a pout.
The team continued their laughter before it came to a stop, everyone getting to their feet and Jack pulling his gun from where he tucked in the back of his pants. Mac, confused at the sudden change in atmosphere, turned around to see a car that had driven up behind his Jeep. Jack moved in front of him, gun at the ready for whoever had decided to intrude.
The man who came out of the car did so with his hands up, seemingly unfazed by the gun being pointed at him. “Director Webber sent me. I brought gas for your car,” he’d said and Jack looked to his kids before turning back to the man and lowering his gun (he wasn’t going to put it away, of course).
The man made his way to the back of his car, Jack following with Mac right behind him. The man opened the trunk of his car, Jack watching him the whole time and handed the gas cans to the two agents. “This should be enough to fill your tank. The Director said to head into the nearest town. She booked you all hotel rooms.”
The man got back into his car and left almost as quick as he arrived. The team watched him leave and, after filling the tank, hopped into the Jeep and left the sorry excuse for a cabin in the wind.
On the way to civilized society, Jack’s phone rang and he answered unsurprised to hear their boss. “Hey, Matty. Thanks for getting us outta that jam.” The rest of the team followed up that statement with thanks of their own.
“No problem, guys,” The smile was evident in Matty’s tone, “Just wanted to apologize for sending you off in the middle of nowhere without any kind of shelter. Sorry.”
“Hey, it’s no sweat, Matty. We had fun! Kinda,” Bozer said from the back seat.
“Oh, so I should send you out for wilderness survival more often?” Matty laughed at the chorus of “no”’s that followed. “Well, you all get yourselves warmed up and well-rested. Oh and before I go, the hotel rooms I got for you only had two rooms, one with two queens and one with a king. Bye!” Matty hung up as the boys groaned. Riley smiled from her spot in the back.
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