jbwashere · 27 days
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TADA!! I finished it!!!!
YIPPIE!! YIPPIE!!! Im going to destroy this bitch HAHAHAAHAH
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eatyourmaker · 3 months
if you're accepting sm aus may i request my evil mcgee (opp au radford)
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ifff no aus thats coolio i request a mayor evermore as a plan b. hes always plan b if not plan a. love that gay ass mayor.
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One bitch hot off the presses!!! /Ref
Ik you only wanted one but,,, I did both cause,,,
Well 1. Fren 2. The more to draw and distract myself the better
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zleepysnails · 3 months
kevin tries to teach bob self defense
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jacenotjason · 1 month
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first school doodle of junior year and its accidental gay
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seanflnnerty · 1 year
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aydaaaguefort · 1 year
how, indeed?
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crossover-enthusiast · 4 months
sorry to just SKERTTT topics back to the angry popcorn piece but
...i may or may not be listening to GLaDOS audios and... dude its so OP Radford its not even funny. Perfect amount of self-absorbed, sarcasm, brilliance and evil its GREAT.
will i draw this later? maybe but here are some highlights.
"Why do I hate you so much..? You ever wonder that? I'm brilliant. I'm not bragging. It's an objective fact."
"It's your old friend, deadly neurotoxin. If I were you, I'd take a deep breath. And hold it."
"Sorry about the mess. I've let the place go since you murdered me. By the way, thanks for that."
AUGHH <33 angry popcorn pice.... op radford my love... i hate him /pos
Oh my god that IS perfect... Portal AU when /j
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xfriki26 · 25 days
I'm going to talk a little about Jim, I feel bad for forgetting him.
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Jim was my attempt at creating a clickbait fanchild (Frank x Radford) but after literally two days I regretted the idea and abandoned him.
His personality could be summed up with the meme of "get tf out of my room, im playing Minecraft" and "Not now honey, im cyberbullying." He speaks using so many internet slangs that it is humanly impossible to understand him.
I had the idea that he would take more after Radford as a child and he will start to take more after Frank as an adult.
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cripplestein · 5 months
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merwynsartblog · 3 months
Hey I just saw your OP!Marco art and I just-
OP Radford 🤝 OP Marco
They fucking hate OP Kevin
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I think they silently get along fsdjbbsj tbh only because they hate Op kevin equally lol Fucking hate him but Marco wont act on it while EVIL MCGEE OVER HERE-/silly
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eunchancorner · 2 years
I got another fic request if you don’t mind it! Just a playful tickle fight between the hatzgang? All three of them are ticklish dorks who act tough in my opinion. Ofc if you aren’t comfy with this, you can 100% decline. Love your work btw :3
Not me happy squeaking at getting another spooky month prompt. Plus the Hatzgang, I could rant for ever about them but in short you’re absolutely right-
Also I kinda wasn’t able to finish this one, I apologize, I just kinda… lost the motivation entirely and couldn’t leave it here when I have more in my inbox. Sorry.
Lers Ross Robert and Roy, Lees Ross Robert and Roy
Warning: Unfinished garbage, cussing
Word count: 1371
“Thanks for letting us come over, Mrs. Jaune,” Robert said as he walked in with Roy at his side. Them and Ross had been planning a sleepover for months and for the longest time been debating on who’s house to hold it at, before settling on Ross’s since his family was the most chill.
“No problem, Rob. He’s upstairs, and I get not wanting to stay at Roy’s house… no offense, Roy, but your mom is…” she trailed off.
“Oh, trust me, I know,” Roy assured her as Ross came downstairs to greet his friends.
“But, out of curiosity, why didn’t you guys stay at Rob’s house like last time?” Jaune asked.
“Because Radford kept messing with me the whole time…” Rob started, but Ross couldn’t help himself.
“You mean because he kept tickling you and me and Roy kept teasing you about it?”
“Aw, don’t worry, it’s nothing to be embarrassed about. Ross is pretty ticklish too, aren’t you, Rossy?~”
“Wh- n- No I’m not!” the ravenette protested, but a curious poke from Robert pulled a squeak that made denial impossible. “Dammit, Mom, quit embarrassing me!”
“That’s my job, honey. Now, you three head on up, me and your dad are gonna start on dinner,” she told them, and the three nodded, heading upstairs to Ross’s room.
“You guys wanna listen to some music while I get my games set up?” Ross offered as they walked in.
“With the way your room looks, something tells me the answer is no…” Roy answered, looking at the pure black walls and dark gray bed sheets.
“Listen, I was emo before, and we don’t have enough paint to repaint here, so shut it,” the ravenette snapped back. “I listen to different music now, it’s not all Fall Out Boy and MCR. I got AJR, I got Imagine Dragons, what do you want to listen to?”
“Ooo, AJR! Can we listen to I’m Not Famous? That’s my favorite!” Rob butted in, doing his little happy stims as Ross nodded and turned the song on. The two other friends sat down as they watched Ross set up his console (which shall go unnamed for reasons) and pulled out a few games.
“Ok, guys, Mario Kart, Black Ops or Minecraft?” He offered up three of their favorite games, already knowing damn well they were going to pick Minecraft. There was something for all of them in that game.
Sure enough, about ten minutes later, Ross was mining, Roy was trying to build a house and Rob was gathering flowers and making friends with bees.
“Ross, I sure as hell hope you’re getting cobblestone,” Roy complained, idly motioning to the dwindling amount in his inventory.
“What does it look like I’m getting- actually, Rob what are you even doing?” Ross asked, getting distracted by his blonde friend’s gameplay.
“Hehe, bees,” the blonde answered with a single word, feeding two bees a flower and watching as a little baby bee spawned in.
“Wh- actually I have an idea. Ross, get some sand,” the brunette suddenly said.
“Ughhh, why?” the former emo boy complained.
“We’re gonna build a honey farm.”
“Don’t we need a hive for that?”
“Well, DUH, that’s what Robert’s supplying us with! He’s over by the bees, so we’ll just build it around them! It’ll be perfect!” Roy sneered, as though he was coming up with some kind of evil plan.
Robert couldn’t help but laugh quietly at his friend’s tone. “Calm down, dude, we’re just building a honey farm, not catching the Smurfs.”
Ross snickered a bit. “Catching the Smurfs, what are you, a 90’s kid?”
“Listen, my parents only give us so many options on what to watch so we make do with what we have! Besides, my sister loves 90s cartoons!”
“Of course it circled back to your sister,” Roy playfully complained, earning a very fake offended gasp.
“Oh, you’re just jealous that both of you are single children!”
“Oh, please, you have enough siblings for all of us,” Ross pointed out.
“I-” Robert started before he paused and counted in his head. “Oh shit you’re right-”
“PFFFT- '' Roy slapped a hand over his mouth to muffle his laughter at the tallest’s realization, Ross letting his amusement flow free in the form of a few low chuckles.
“Listen, sometimes I forget Robin is there, ok? She’s super quiet!”
“Shehehe- She’s right there!” Ross argued, more giggles bubbling up in his throat.
“Oh, shut up, both of you, before I give you both a reason to laugh!” the blonde threatened, Ross promptly shutting up with a small but noticeable wobbly smile. Roy, however, smirked at his friend.
“Nice try, but I’m not ticklish,” he dared, Rob raising an eyebrow in disbelief.
“Oh, you’re not? Really?”
“Nope… but you are.”
Before the other two knew what was going on, Roy had the blonde pinned beneath him, his hands raised in threatening claws before attacking the poor boi’s sides with merciless squeezes and scribbles, making him burst into bright laughter.
“R-ROHOHOHOY! NOHOT THEHEHERE! PLEHEHEASE!” he squealed, kicking and squirming and thrashing under his friend’s skilled fingers. Ross couldn’t help but watch his friends closely, carefully planning his next move. Slowly, and carefully, he reached his hand out to squeeze Roy’s side.
“Oh? Not there? And what’s gonna stop me? Maybe… you?” Suddenly, the brunette grabbed his ravenette friend’s wrist and yanked him forward, pulling him down to the ground beside Robert.
Oh fuck-
“I don’t think sooo!~” and, just like that, Roy clawed at Ross’s belly, seeming to know exactly where to go to get him squeaking and curling into a ball around his hand.
“Aww, look how ticklish you two are! In fact, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say that, just by getting you guys once, I’ve already found your worst spots! I mean, just listen to you two, hell, I can’t even tell if you can hear me over your own laughter!~”
Of course, he could tell they could. The way their faces lit up bright red at his teases, how Robert squirmed more and more, and how Ross even tried to pull his beanie over his face was enough to tell. Ah, what a nice activity, tickling the absolute hell out of your friends for no reason other than they were about to tickle you.
Well, it wasn’t as long as he hoped it’d be, as suddenly he was pushed off of them, tumbling onto his back. He sat up to see them sitting up, giggly, panting, still smiling, but oh boy, even under those bright smiles they looked pissed.
“W-wait, guys! W-we’re friends, right? Y-you guys!” Roy wasn’t sure why he was getting so worked up, he wasn’t even sure if he was ticklish, but the looks that his two friends were giving him made him feel butterflies fluttering in his stomach, and whether he was or not, he was really nervous to find out.
But, of course, no amount of begging can save you from the ticklish wrath of your friends. Ross tackled him to the ground and Robert wasted no time in shoving his hands under Roy’s arms, immediately pulling a surprised squeal from the brunette. It definitely tickled, a lot more than he was expecting, and it felt so weird to suddenly feel like laughing that he did the only thing that made sense in his mind: tried to hold it in. He didn’t know why, he just did.
Apparently that was a mistake.
“Ohhh, we got a fighter here, huh? I know how to deal with fighters!” Robert said in a way that was way too teasy for Roy’s liking. “Ross, I’m gonna need a little help here. Pick a spot and dig in!”
Ross nodded and went for his own worst spot, the belly, not quite expecting the reaction he got.
“AHAHA NOHO FUHUCK!!” Roy screeched, rolling onto his side with more force than Robert was ready for, accidentally dislodging his left hand. But all that mattered was the dam was broken, laughter pouring from the brunette’s lips in a similar manner that he had his friends in minutes before. He weakly shoved at the blonde’s remaining hand, seemingly barely trying to dislodge it.
Sadly I couldn't finish this one, maybe you can come up with your own ending!
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jbwashere · 28 days
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AU is by @/zleepysnails OP!Radford belongs to @jacenotjason
I would like to say that I made this version of Hazel to be a foil to OP!Radford, a "rival" even. To have someone to finally out-match him and humble him. I'm always free to discuss because I've been brainstorming scenarios. It's a work in progress!
I'm just gonna list off some stuff about OP!Hazel:
Nobody knows much about OP!Hazel. Unlike the original, OP!Hazel isn't fond of children. She doesn't hate them, but she sometimes finds them annoying, and staying with them for a whole day would just sour her mood. There are some exceptions, however. She breaks into OP!Radford's house often to feed his little brother.
She isn't a babysitter, but instead, she works at a local musical theater as an actor. She's more outspoken than the original and she's proud of it.
Despite her gloomy appearance, she's very extroverted.
Similar to the original Hazel, she can and will throw hands if threatened. Another thing that they have in common is their use of "magic". However, OP!Hazel uses it for other purposes. While OG!Hazel isn't completely fond of the paranormal, OP!Hazel has embraced it and uses it to her benefit.
I think that's all I can share, these are just ideas atm.
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eridan-amporaa · 1 year
Okay, now for Strife Decks! These ones are a little more of me throwing ideas out there since there's not a lot of concrete "weapons" in Spooky Month outside of guns and knives
Streber - probably has a lot of tools allocated just because it's quicker than keeping them in his modus, especially if he's in the Zone on a project. Hammerkind, wrenchkind, screwdriverkind, things like that
Radford - as a joke I kinda want to give him disckind, however with some Alchemy they could probably be useful as weapons? Maybe more like throwing stars
Ross - I feel like Ross would just take whatever's on hand and run with it: wrench (if his dad's a biker like people speculate), a musical instrument, a knife/pocket knife, etc. He seems like someone who would also "cheat the system" by keeping an empty Strife Deck around and then making more via the Alchemiter to have more weapon options
Roy - Fistkind. He's a bully, he's aggressive, and he bopped Skid and Pump over the head with his fists in The Stars. I think he'd also use batkind if he had a baseball bat lying around
Robert - I don't think Robert would have a set deck until they were in the game, doesn't seem like him. As for actual weapon... maybe a yo-yo? Seems like something he would have lying around, and like with Radford's disckind it could be a lot more useful with Alchemy
Susie - Paintbrushkind, obviously. Probably very physical at first but later alchemized for the paint to have different properties, longer range, or just damaging in its own right
Skid and Pump - I put them together because honestly I don't see them fighting at all, or very little. If they had too, I could see Skid picking up rulerkind like his mom, or maybe umbrellakind from that umbrella in the closet. Pump meanwhile could have matchkind, or somehow even obtain the seemingly impossible pumpkinkind
Ethan - ...needlekind? We don't know a lot of Ethan's interests outside of his doll making hobby. I feel like even if he did have needlekind he'd swap it out for a more practical weapon later
I saved Kevin for last because I really like the idea I came up for him - candykind! At first it seems entirely useless because, well, it's candy, tiny things that can only distract or trip up enemies briefly. However, Kevin eventually realizes that anything alchemized with candy counts under candykind, leading to him having lollipop clubs and cherry bombs that actually explode. It goes from being a joke deck to something that's incredibly varied and honestly OP, and it fits in with Kevin being a Page excellently
these are pretty good! I like a lot of the concepts here, just wanna elaborate a bit. got some bullet points here we go
radford starts with the theater as his "house", but he only takes the front bit - none of the actual theaters. he would totally have disckkinda the start, but he might aslo grab a popcorn pot or smthn for a better melee weapon
ross seems like the type to carry a pocketknife around to me. especially after the stars. knifekind. (he definitely tries the strife deck thing tho)
roy absolutely keeps a baseball bat under his bed in case of emergencies I think. but he would prolly prefer fistkind. maybe he makes gauntlets + has the bat as a backup
I was gonna give susie penkind or pencilkind, maybe she could have all 3? artsupplykind? shed prolly end up making a more useful weapon later using some of ross's spare strife cards
skid would probably use whatever he found first, probably rulerkind or something yeah. maybe hed get a projectilekind card later and just throw any number of random things
pump would probably still use an improvised weapon, but put a little more care into it? like he just has this feeling that hes gonna need a good weapon later. maybe ropekind, and later chainkind?
ethan would probably use needlykind for a while, if not permanently. I could see him becoming a magic user p easily. tho he could also just alchemist a more practical weapon later
I love candykind it's so fun!! also Kevin's at his apartment which makes this way funnier. like. mans had kitchen knives and prolly a baseball bat with how paranoid he is he just forgot they existed lmao
robert and streber make a lot of sense here! fits their personalities, and the yo-yo thing would be so fun. he could do it like the kirby ability
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killed-by-choice · 2 years
Debra Gray, 34 (USA 1989)
On July 12, 1989, Debra Gray underwent a “safe and legal” abortion. Because of the abortion facility’s appalling treatment, she suffered a slow, lingering death.
Gideon Kioko was the abortionist. After a barbiturate called Brevitol was administered, he rushed through the second-trimester abortion in 5 minutes even though Debra quickly started showing alarming symptoms. None of the facility’s staff apparently bothered to document Debra’s vital signs. A hospital note indicated that Debra “responded rather rapidly to the anesthesia” and that only three minutes after Kioko had started the abortion, Debra’s blood was “very dark” and she was struggling to breathe.
Her condition only got worse. Dr. Raymond Taylor’s code note says that Debra was unresponsive with a sluggish pulse and low blood pressure. Dr. Taylor’s note said that an ambulance brought her to a hospital, but not before 15 minutes of the staff’s attempts at resuscitation had passed. Paramedics (who estimated that Debra’s brain had been starved of oxygen for about 12 minutes) resuscitated Debra after she went into ventricular fibrillation.
Records from Hillview showed even more malpractice. The facility failed to record any information on who gave Brevitol to Debra or how much she was given. Her weight was not recorded anywhere and there was no evidence of a pre-op exam. No anesthesiologist was on duty, meaning that whoever administered the Brevitol was unqualified to do so. Hillview also failed to screen Debra for drug use, as evidenced by the traces of heroin in her bloodstream and the total lack of documentation.
Debra never recovered from her injuries. After a few days in a coma, she was finally declared dead on July 15.
Debra Gray was killed by Hillview, the same abortion facility that brain-damaged and slowly killed Susanne Logan. Susanne’s abortion was done in the same year and she died of strikingly similar malpractice.
The medical board noted that Kioko failed to examine his clients before the abortion, nobody was monitoring Debra or Susanne's vital signs while Kioko was operating on them and concluded that "[Kioko] performed surgical procedures under conditions that failed to meet appropriate standards for the delivery of quality medical and surgical care. .... In the event that [Kioko] was unable to correct these conditions, the appropriate standard of care required that [he] not perform these procedures at this facility until these conditions were so corrected." and “Kioko demonstrated a serious lack of judgment.”
Hillview had a horrifying record. Hillview’s owner posed as a doctor for years even though she wasn’t one, forged signatures for prescription slips and almost killed a teenager who she most likely operated on while pretending to have medical training.
When news of Hillview’s crimes and dead clients went public, Barbara Radford, head of the National Abortion Federation, told 60 Minutes “Well, I think your first reaction from us was "This is the last thing we need." We had hoped that it wouldn't get national publicity…”
She also stated that even with the appalling malpractice at Hillview, “We want to make sure that women have choices when it comes to abortion service and if you regulate it too strictly, you then deny women the access to service.” and actively resisted all efforts to bring Hillview to justice.
Even Maryland State Senator Mary Boerger, who was pro-abortion, said “There's only so much of a willingness to try to push a group like the pro-choice movement to do what I think is the responsible thing to do because they then treat you as if you're the enemy.” She lost a lot of favor among abortionists because she supported safety regulations and protections.
The NAF and the abortion industry actively put abortion-on-demand ahead of their client’s lives.
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jacenotjason · 26 days
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The most unexpected thing to ever happen and OP!Radford wants to burn. This is GhostWriter👻🖋 Thanks again for the ship name idea, Jace^^
OP radford stop being romantically involved with people challenge (Fucking impossible apparently.)
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slythepuffle · 4 months
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(Drawn using @/dismissivedestroyer's very helpful tips. I just suck at bodies so it's only upper lol)
Meet Marnie! I've changed her a bit from when I first made her, so here are some lore and facts about her:
Voice Claim: Stephanie Beatriz (Mirabel, Encanto)
Due to her love of space, people tend to call her 'Mars', after the planet
She was 19, as of the first episode of the show
I originally had her as the Spookez babysitter, but changed her to only Roy's babysitter (and by default, the Hatzgang's babysitter)
Besides the babysitting gig, she also worked at the movie theater with Radford
She's a pin collector, as evidenced by the ones on her jacket and beanie. The pins show off her main interests, which is anything space or soccer related
She used to be a major soccer player in high school
She's dead, but is only declared as missing to her loved ones, meaning no one knows. She's classified as a ghost, specifically a Banshee
Ship Names: Sci-Fi Thriller (HerXRadXEthan) and PastelPageTurner (Opposite AU version; AU owned by @/zleepysnails, Op!Rad + Op!Ethan owned by @/jacenotjason)
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Updated Relationship Chart
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