#oopsie projection hc
dryeyed · 2 months
god ok so this was a post that was a long time coming that i just. never actually sat and wrote so i'm chucking this anyway. divergence info.
shouta is psychotic. he lives with bouts of psychosis and has learned to live with the episodes that comes along with it.
there is a baseline sort of deal with his hallucinations. the visual ones never really seem to cease, but they slow down. they're also the most common, most often in the form of oboro just. standing there. after the twins' disappearance, he would occasionally see their faces. after aksha's disappearance, he began to see her right next to them sometimes. hauntings, he feels they are, a reminder. ghosts of the past he knows only exist in his head - but that's simply after years of the impossibility of discernment.
he also does see blood frequently, and this was most often when he began teaching. blood on his hands, a jarring thing so real he has to actually look at them to realize they're clean. he'd gone through multiple scrubbing hand washes only to realize they were never bloody in the first place, most typically when he's swinging real high in a symptom cluster. he'd be reaching out to help someone up, maybe a student, and only seeing a bloodied and beaten arm instead. maybe his. maybe the other's. he would take a look at someone for a second and see a beaten victim. in the corner of his eye, someone would look dark and only until he registered it as red and possibly blood, he'd look at them and they would be fine.
then there are the delusions. he's learned to curb this through extreme self discipline, methods he keeps to himself to keep him grounded in reality and at baseline-shouta. these really only occurred when he became heavenbreaker, a solidification that everyone was going to die and the world was going to end and everything was doomed. why try. started like a paranoia, not in the way that all eyes were on him but a paranoia about just that : doom. he would become almost obsessed with it, and almost end up destroying himself in his attempt to embrace yet avoid that notion.
'enhanced' tactile/bodily feeling. this is the worst for him, and is usually second in line to the hallucinations when he starts swinging into an episode. he can start to feel himself, feel all the intricacies of existence itself. he can feel air on his skin, his arm hair moving with the current of the air. he can feel his own heart beating, moving the blood from his chest. he can feel his lungs expand and deflate, how sweaty his palms seem to get. this can send him fairly quickly into complete detachment, as it's so easy it's almost painful for him to get so lost in thought during this sort of symptom. so easy to locked in on those feeling and panic, almost becoming a feedback loop of sorts.
these hallucinations and symptoms tend to stay on the milder side, but they can become a major problem if stress and trauma compound enough for him to lose grip on reality again. tldr; he visually hallucinates practically all the time. but when things are really rough for his mental state, he can begin to experience the full range of those (visual, auditory, tactile, somatic). his speech can become somewhat erratic. he has trouble discerning the waking world from what's in his head, either ranging somewhat catatonic or crazed and hyper. this can be called shouta's 'zoomies.'
i don't believe he tells anyone about this. or atleast, extensively. perhaps hizashi and nemuri know that he sometimes sees things. this is open for discussion/plotting, but know that this is a closely guarded secret.
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idyllcy · 3 months
Hmm how do you feel about a Chinese!Tim Drake??
I’ve seen a tag like that across ao3 and now I’m hooked with that headcanon/idea!
I have to know what would you describe his facial features to be like? Yk like eye shape?, nose, mouth, etc?? I’m curious
SCREAMS. NONNIE. ARGHHH you’ve just unleashed a brainrot I’ve been refusing to share with anyone in case I’m like insane sounding so I’m taking the chance and yapping
Chinese Tim is so real to me. But the funnier thing would be that Tim and Cass are either related or distantly related bc that just sounds so fun and they’re like. So fun. Yeah. Okay.
Chinese Tim I think retains nearly everything except his eye color, and depending on if you wanna make him idk wasian or just don’t care for genetics keep his blue eyes or wtv but Chinese Tim grows up as one of the few if not only Chinese elite family in Gotham and learns to hide so much of the culture he experiences both at home and on the excursions his family goes on to visit the motherland so he understands and speaks his language so well but he’s told to accept that he has to learn the way that the majority in Gotham act and he tries so hard to be perfect
and he has helicopter parents and a tiger mom bc it’s not a chinese family with an only child if your parents aren’t trying to control your every move and he has so many extracurriculars all so he can go to the best uni except he feels vastly empty so— just realized that you asked for features sorry for the hc of his backstory oopsie
features wise I think he looks pretty much the same except his eyes are brown and he’s just overall more Asian looking. Eyes wise I hc him to have more upturned eyes and a monolids but he’s got the face card to get scouted on the street by modeling agencies whenever he goes back to visit… also giving him a high nose bridge and a button nose just bc I have one too (this is called projection bc if I have it he does too) but yeah he’s just gorgeous overall. Sorry for yapping do you still think I’m hot and mysterious
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mightbeorphanedidk · 6 months
Hi!!! I fuckin love your works. Saw you got banned LMAO what did you do
Are there any new fics to be written, or are you still working on those WIPs you mentioned
LMAO Thank you sm! <3 I had a little oopsy daisy with the moderation and my posting privileges have been revoked until the 24th of April.
Edit: can't reply to you guys either so sorry about that 😭😭
I am still working on those requests and WIPs, but I do have a few smaller ideas that I have planned! I was actually going to ask you all which to do first, so I know what's in high demand when I get back. I'm writing these in the order that they're in on my megadraft so.
1. Epilogue for "Sex Sells," The Moth Cries As He Runs From The Rampant Deer: I'll just be explaining what happened to Val after getting his ass kicked, with a bonus news report about the incident. Nothing too snazzy.
2. Story about languages in the hotel (unnamed): I heard a hc floating around that in Hell, everyone speaks their native language (So Charlie Latin, Alastor Creole French, Angel Italian), but there's a sort of translator to remove language barriers. This fic is a sickfic as well, in which not ONLY does the illness make you speak your first language, it has you blurt out the truth of what you think without second thought. Everyone at the hotel is fallen victim to it.
3. Sleepy times yayyyy: Literally just a 5+1 fic. 5 times Alastor is tasked with putting everyone to bed, 1 time he's being put to bed.
4. Hunger fic: Charlie deals with a difficult client, but ends up giving them a room. Everyone hates him, so Alastor decides to do something. Charlie doesn't exactly approve of Alastor’s snack and bans him from eating anything that Charlie doesn't give him herself. Alastor now deals with hunger, locked away in his room, until he finally snaps and goes against the princess. Charlie tries to fix her mess, Alastor goes full-on predator animal mode, and everyone else is just along for the ride. Heavily angsty, and relies on the hc that Alastor's hunger is only satiated by sinner flesh.
5. Radiosilence psychological fic: Something greatly weakens Alastor and Vox finds out. He uses it against him, kidnapping the deer, and melds his brain while he's weak. A slowburn(?) Fic of Alastor’s mindset, while in Vox’s captivity, going from "I need to get out of here and kill him" to "I can't live without him" each time Vox puts him under hypnosis. No g(rape) but very messed up. Also, predicted to be the length of the Angel AU i wrote.
6. Nightmare fic: So Lucifer uses his funky magic to project Alastor’s dreams onto a screen. Don't ask me how. Instead of cheesy romances or cliche power-possessing dreams, Lucifer sees something much, much more messed up. And damn, he regrets it so much.
7. Non-consensual drugging fic: Another torture fic. Lilith injects Alastor with a drug that makes him see everyone around him as someone he loves. This was in attempt to get him more attached (and ergo more obedient) to her but it backfires when he manages to escape to the hotel just as she inserts it. Ensue Alastor freaking out about why his mother is staring at him from the bar but also in the kitchen and simultaneously coming down from the stairs, when in reality, everyone’s just going about their days.
This might not have made sense, so sorry about that. I'll put up a little poll for you guys to pick which you're more excited for. That way, I'll work on it and make sure I post that first when I get back. :)
"Author pick what YOU wanna write!!" i wanna write all of tjem and idk which to prioritise. You guys pick first.
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koinotame · 9 months
hi! it's me, nana / koinotame!
if you're wondering why i went inactive and then deleted, my mental health kind of (really) tanked... and i ended up deleting my blog in a fit.
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it's getting better bit by bit though! and i've been wanting to get back into writing (and talking abt my unhinged/yan ideas i can't really talk to anyone else abt), so. here i am! for now, at least
as for my previously posted writing, there's some good news and some bad news: the bad news is that everything i wrote directly into tumblr (99% of snippets, a lot of ask answers, most exact content warnings, etc) is gone. the slightly less bad news is that iirc there were very very few posts of mine that weren't reblogged by anyone at all, so they're probably still out there? feel free to send them my way if you find any and i'll rb them. @/midnight-remembrance also has reblogged a couple of them! there's a couple snippets i have saved in some places, so i might repost those on my own as i find them, but there's very few of those. the good news is that anything longer (proper writing — oneshots, hcs, yan alphabet responses and so on, prompt responses, etc) is safely backed up where i originally wrote it! some of it is also on my ao3, which is the same username. feel free to send me asks about any you'd like to see again and i'll repost them! i might not post them if i feel too embarrassed about/wish i hadn't posted them, and i might rewrite/heavily edit some of them, but i think there's only a handful that fall into the former category and none of them were particularly popular. either way, no harm in asking!
as for some other updates: i'm a little divided on whether i want to keep posting explicit nsfw or not so we'll see. i might just keep it out of main tags. idk yet. regardless of what decision i make, this blog is still strictly 18+ and that will not be changing. since we can reply from sideblogs now, this is a sideblog and not my main now. why? sometimes i prefer to check up on a blog frequently instead of following them for a couple of reasons, but this felt very awkward when they were following me. so this being a sideblog relieves a bit of that stress. if this makes it sound like i have severe brain worms, it's because i do. to that effect though, if we interact every so often feel free to consider us mutuals regardless of whether or not i'm actually following you =w=b tbh i.............. am not really into genshin anymore. i might post about it here and there but i just Do Not (really) Care about it anymore. scara aside to some degree i also have no clue what's going on post inazuma lol whatever projects or commitments to writing or etc i had made beforehand. i forgot all of them so just pretend that never happened ok? ok i'll also probably be posting more sparsely, but we'll see! and (this is obviously the most important bit) i have no clue where i put the mika edit so we're back to my og classic pfp. the header scales terribly and is temporary, please ignore that too
all that aside, as a treat for anyone who sees this in time,
*roughly 6/22 done, but fairly quick to write. roughly one paragraph per character (sneak peek line: "it's not too hard to be discreet with his unique magic when someone really deserves to fall face down a flight of stairs. or three. oopsie. odd they don't remember it, huh? well, he had nothing to do with that.") **more realistic isn't quite the right word(s)... probably won't post this one to the main tags regardless. won't be doing all of the characters (only important/relevant ones) and won't be writing more about/expanding on, so this one is just like. a one off experiment sort of thing. overall less violent than most takes on the au + leans a bit (or lot, depending on how you look at it) more on the religious aspect of self aware aus. i wrote a couple paragraphs a while ago, then rewrote them, but i'll only finish/post them if there's interest for it (sneak peek line: "aether has deluded himself and cast You aside entirely on his own—and when You finally grace them with Your real presence, zhongli is certain aether will be the first to fall from Your grace.")
i have one other new thing immediately ready for posting that'll get posted in a couple of days but that one's pretty silly
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amazinglyegg · 1 year
also howdy stranger lol it's been a hot minute
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I don't have too many headcanons for him bc I haven't played the game in like several months and haven't seen Sturges for even long but!!! You are so big brained!!!
I can imagine autism being MUCH more accepted and even sought out when it comes to workers because who gives a shit if Jimmy stims and doesn't look you in the eyes when his special interest is brahmin and he'll make sure yours don't die any time soon. The only issue I can see is Sturges stimming by flipping/throwing his wrench in the air and then oopsie accidentally flings it directly at Prestons face while really focused on a conversation. This definitely isn't me projecting about how I've thrown my phone across the room MANY times on accident
Sturges probably find gunfights a Complete Sensory Nightmare (to the point where he outright refuses to get in the power armor in the museum at the beginning of the game) so count him out of it. He's cool with being a bit of a field medic if necessary - I can't imagine he has much knowledge on actual medicine, but he can carry someone to an actual doctor, you know? Either way he does much better when he can actually control the loud sounds, like hammering a nail. Because of that he probably prefers working alone more.
Don't have much off the top of my head when it comes to trans/achillean hc but I can imagine him being Very Chill About It. As long as you ask respectfully he'll happily tell you about his entire experience with gender/sexuality and even help you figure out yours. The type of guy to look at you for 3min and pull out a name for a sexuality you've never even heard before but FITS YOU better than anything. He's magic.
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oldmanffucker · 10 months
I hc Zheng as having trichotillomania bc of the offhand comment by auntie and just had a brain blast that nearly sent me to my knees.
Imagining that Alma also has trichotillomania and when Stede is out with the crew for drinks one time he sees Zheng twisting a hair between her fingers and tugging it mindlessly, sees Olu put his hand on her wrist and smile at her when she looks at him and sheepishly puts her hands in her lap where Olu picks one up to hold in his own.
And Stede’s heart clenches bc he recognizes that move and he knows these people and suddenly Alma’s compulsion doesn’t feel so big and scary and his tongue’s a bit loose from the booze and he leans over and with so much affection that Zheng cannot place, asks her “do you have trichotillomania?” and Zheng’s mouth just opens and closes and she looks at Olu who’s just as shocked and Stede is like ‘oopsies social faux pas ignore me’ and Zheng goes “no no I don’t mind I just…no one knows what that is you just surprised me.”
“Oh, I’m sorry it’s just - my daughter has that and she feels, well we feel kind of lost about what to do. We’ve never met anyone else with it.”
And Zheng gives him tips to pass along to Alma and how she appreciates having people approach her trich and even agrees to chat with Alma if she’d like that when Stede tells her about it and yes I’m projecting a deep desire for someone else in my life to understand my struggle and for a parent figure to be tripping over themselves to learn how to better help me but isn’t that so sweet???
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chainsawctopus · 2 years
Do you have Asa or any part 2 character's headcanons?
I loooooove the part 2 gang, and I've posted a bunch of hcs for them on Twitter a month ago! I'll copy and paste it all here
Warning, it's mostly Yoshida because my god I'm insane about him and I apologize
-Octopi are intelligent creatures so Yoshida's contract with the octopus devil is for him to get good grades because it doesnt want to work with a dumb human
-Yoshida ONLY drinks iced coffee, he can tolerate room temp but never hot
-Yoshida really likes cold food in general
-As a kid, Asa knew running while holding scissors is bad so she never did it because she knew she'd trip with them, but in grade school she probably tripped and got hurt anyway from a nearby classmate holding scissors
-Yoshida likes lemon lime sodas because I like lemon lime sodas no other reason it's just true
-Nayuta is a selective mute, but she and Denji click so well that he immediately knows if she needs anything even if she doesnt say or sign anything
-As reckless as he is sometimes, Denji is still very good at taking care of Nayuta, he learned a lot from Aki and from taking care of all the dogs. THIS I'm quite sure is basically canon, even just from the small glimpse of them together in ch97
-If CSM took place in modern times, Yoru is SHIT at video games and Asa is average (hi, not part of the original twt thread, I just remembered that csm doesn't take place THAT long ago and that Denji and Power literally bought a video game console with... Aki's money... So yeah the modern times part was a little dumb of me, but it still applies to some of the hcs ahead)
-Denji spams buttons in fighting games and Yoshida has combos memorized, but somehow he still loses to Denji sometimes
-Yuko is better than all of them and is probably a speedrunning champion
-If all four (five w yoru) of them played games together, Denji and Asa would be at each other's throats while Yoshida and Yuko silently keep playing and win in the end
-Remember the doom & acnh thing back then? Yeah Yoru is the one buying acnh and Yuko is the one buying doom
-Yoshida is a rhythm gamer and has spent hundreds of hours on his favs, BUT HE REFUSES TO TRY OSU.
-Denji unironically likes cbat
-Yuko would secretly be one of those popular vocaloid producers that make songs with really dark themes
-Asa listens to her songs a lot without knowing it's Yuko
-Oopsie I just made a fanfic prompt by accident lol feel free to steal the idea
That's the original thread! Here's a couple more hcs I have though, mostly just lgbtq hcs:
-Yuko is nonbinary (in the same way she can't understand people, she can't understand gender roles and all that dumb shit cishets push)
-Related to that last part, Yuko is autistic! It was genuinely my first thought when I read the "I don't understand people" line in 105, I love her so dearly (also I'm also a nonbinary autistic so I'm projecting a little)
-Yoshida is gay and grey aromantic (grayromantic?? Forgot the term) (Also projecting except I'm bi instead of gay, u can tell I love projecting onto my scrimblos)
-Yukoasa are bi4les! Asa is bi but is sapphic leaning after the interaction that is ch104 JSJSKFJDJ she really thought man, men aren't worth it and just visited yuko
-Asa is transfem!! Idk I just saw the flashbacks she had and how she had short hair at one point and I was like hmm and my transfem moots agreed (That post blew up a little actually and some people genuinely thought I was weird or that I was stereotyping cause of the short hair, so I don't talk about this hc that often. I genuinely would've headcanoned her as transfem before I even saw the short hair though, I love hitting csm characters with the transification beam.)
-Speaking of, Yoshida is transmasc! He's a reincarnation of Togata from Fire Punch that was able to successfully transition (socially at least), and he binds! This is one of my fav hcs cause god I love Togata and Yoshida's eerieness in part 1 is really EXTREMELY similar to Togata, and they both have really similar features like black eyes and hair, the fringe between their eyes, the mole under their lip, AND THE WAY THEY SMILE??? I genuinely no joke think Yoshida was meant to be a nod to Togata back when Fujimoto drew him in part 1
-Back to the videogames thing, Asa would be 1st in Mario Kart then fuck up last minute right before she reaches the finish line, and she ends up in last place. My girl trips at the worst time even in video games 💀
Okaaaay brain empty now, hope you enjoyed all these hcs!!
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for that tism ask meme: 1, 9 & 12
How old were you when you found out you were autistic?
It was fairly recently... I knew I was ND, but I thought it was just my Other Issues. It was a huge relief to have an answer, let me tell you!
9. What was your first special interest?
Probably dragons... specifically the western ones! They're just So Cool! They'll always be my fav animal. The absoluteness of untouchable power, the beauty... owo
12. Do you headcanon any characters as autistic? If you want, tell us why you headcanon them as autistic.
L Lawliet is a very common hc, but I can see it, and he's so weirdly relatable to me??? Like the whole I-don't-know-how-to-talk-to-you-so-I'll-weirdly-stare thing.
Also, Haruhi Fujioka and Tamaki Suoh. Tamaki is more projecting, but I think he's one of those autistic people who oopsied their way into being great with people. For Haruhi, the whole not fantastic with dealing with people except for random accidental moments thing... <3
thanks! I love asks.
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Oopsie I wrote a little Greased Lightning thing 👀💦 New hc that Electra secretly loves their fans and the things they give them
Summary: Electra finds some doodles of him by Greaseball.
This was a gift for @neacle 🖤
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cashewally-sarcastic · 8 months
Venti is a gentle bard. He watches over Klee as she gose for her walks. He knew Alice when she was young. He has seen generations grow and loves all of them so much. He tears up thinking about how much of an impact his Mondstadt makes on each other. He can feel the love in the air for every member of the community.
The wind keeps track on how many times he has seen his kids offer umbrellas to each other. How they would offer to buy each other a drink at the tavern. How they take time out of their day to cheer each other up. How whenever their friends are over working each other they throw a party to get them to relax.
My personal hc is that the traditional of sending people gifts on your own birthday started in Mondstadt. It just feels like a Them thing to do. His citizens want to show each other how much their friends and family mean to them that on the anniversary of their own birth they share that joy with the ones they care about
Mondstadt is also full of disagreements but its never done with malice! Like siblings fighting its tradition for them to argue about windblume and such! Its so casual there. Its so... safe. Out of all the countries in Teyvat it is safe. It emanates saftey. The knights there arent cops the most they do is fine stray cats and search for lost paperwork. They treat even travelers with respect! In Liyue there are issues with permits that border people check and in inazuma its.... yeah. Fontaine also has a lot of paperwork and i presume Sumeru also has some. Yet Mondstadt treats foreigners with respect and kindness :). Amber was sooo willing to put up posters for a person she JUST met.
People are singing in the streets and gliding on the winds. Venti strums his lyre as he watchd his children fly. He is so proud of them. He is so happy he doesn't need to worry about them. That he has gotten to a point where he trusts them to look after themselves. That he knows that they know how much their Archon loves them. That they are happy and free
Like Venti watches and knows and like....man the whole "the wind will return your spirit to mondstadt when you die" too is just...man. Come home, come back to mondstadt, the breeze will carry you even when you're gone, you won't be abandoned.
The birthday thing also makes so much sense if it started in mondstadt and spread because mondstadters would 1000% want to share their traditions! And then those people share it! And now it's spread all over oopsie ;p
Also it IS the most open out of all of nations...sumeru does have their own amount of issue with travelers as well (the akasha). Like whether your family is from mondstadt or not, you're welcome! Amber's family is from Liyue, Kaeya is khaenrian(?), Albedo is a man-made human from an alchemy project, yet they're all also accepted wholeheartedly! Bad luck Benny, Fischl's whole thing (there is a fischl dictionary so people can understand her clearer), Razor being raised by wolves, doesn't matter they're all cared about and embraced and hhhhh it's so safe and family.
Plus thinking about the family-like arguments (windblume every year), but even the actual disagreements (kaeya and diluc, diluc and the knights, etc.), they aren't like...actually mean arguments you know? They still are in the tavern with each other, singing, working together if needed, it's still safe bro. Mondstadt is just such a place, Venti constantly sounds proud of them all, they look after each other and he can just watch and experience.
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asaarii · 10 months
If requests are open may I ask for Yone from Heartsteel crumbs? Hcs or whatever you may feel like writing?
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1:00 AM ft: heartsteel!yone reader: gn wc: 925 this was supposed to be like 500 words oopsie this ap psych project is lowkey kicking my ass ngl...i've never heard of the Basal Ganglia or Tentorium Cerebelli until yesterday
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His jaw is set tightly as he haphazardly tosses his phone aside, uncaring of the concerning thud his phone makes when it first makes contact with the carpeted floor. The worn-cushioned office chair does little to provide any sort of respite when he sits down, his foot bouncing rapidly as he slouches. He rests his aching temple on his fingertips whilst his eyes screwed shut, trying his best to alleviate his anger-clouded mind before he did anything stupid. 
He and his brother rarely saw eye to eye with a few of the only things they shared in common being their last name and choice of hairstyle. It was naive of him to think that Yasuo would change his mind about attending the Heartsteel debut event, but Yone couldn’t help but try to reach out to his younger brother, only to be shut down, leading to a rather heated argument between the two.
However, as he opens his eyes, he’s met with a somewhat messy desk, littered with contracts and promotional deals that he couldn’t give less of a fuck about at the moment. Even in his moment of simmering rage, he still meticulously works through the seemingly endless piles of paper despite the ache of fatigue beginning to seep into his bones.
With the debut right around the corner, he has no time for slacking off, even if it means pushing his needs aside. No matter how much he yearns for sleep, he forces his eyes awake, desperately trying to drown out his previous conversation with his brother through his workload. He shakes his head when he feels his eyes begin to droop and the grip on his pen slackens.
It’s only when the words on the paper begin to slur into an incomprehensible yet repetitive flurry does he tear his gaze away, rubbing at his pounding temple as he squints at the digital clock at his bedside.
1:00 AM, it reads; bold, bright red letters illuminating that small portion of his room. He’s too tired to even groan, too physically and emotionally exhausted to do anything else other than sigh. The only thought that grants him some peace is knowing that the other members are sound asleep right now, most probably excited about their upcoming debut.
He jolts when his door creaks open, suddenly awake and acutely aware of his surroundings. On instinct, his hand reaches for his drawer, slowly pulling out a small pocket knife he had purchased on a whim, though his blades are set just above his bed in case of any real emergency. Plus, in his defense, they make good decor.
“Yone…?” A sleep-riddled voice fills the tense silence, completely oblivious to Yone’s inner turmoil. Everything stills as silence once more envelops the room, but the man’s heart slows slightly upon realizing who had entered, tucking the pocket knife back into the confines of his desk.
He begins making his way over to you, making sure to pick up his fallen phone, wincing as the bright light of his lock screen burns his retinas. Notifications from his brother glare up at him, illuminating his terse expression. He quickly shuts his phone off, taking a breath as he pockets his phone, his full attention now on you. He’ll deal with Yasuo later.
“What are you still doing up? It’s one in the morning, [Name].” Even as he chides you, he’s gentle, leading you to his bed where you melt against him.
“Couldn’t sleep much…Was thinkin’ too much about the debut,” you mumble into his neck, allowing him to adjust the two of you into a far more comfortable position.
Ah, so that’s what this is about.
Yone hums in thought, pulling his hair free from his ponytail before once more settling beside you. You mumble something in your sleep-addled haze that he doesn’t quite catch, but goes along with anyway. You pout slightly when he doesn’t respond, pushing yourself up to your elbows, much to his confusion.
“Say it back.”
“What?” Had he been any less tired, he would have laughed.
“Yone…” You whine, poking lightly at his chest with a tired roll of your eyes. “Say. It. Back.”
“Say what back?” This time, he does laugh, the gentle sound carrying out through the otherwise silent room.
“I love you.” 
His heart stutters in his chest, all woes forgotten over a singular declaration. The stack of papers on his desk seems to disappear and the weight of his phone in his pocket vanishes as well. He smiles gently, cupping your cheek as he sits up as well. 
“I love you, too.” He kisses you gently, as though he’s afraid you might disappear if he’s a tad too rough. No longer is he the producer for the up-and-coming band, Heartsteel, or the overbearing older brother.
He’s just Yone.
You always had this effect on him, making him forget all his troubles by simply being you, and he’ll be damned should he ever take such a precious gift for granted.
In another life, pleasant nights like these are few and far between, littered with danger and little to no respite. Yet in that life (or death, if you want to be precise), you still remain a constant to Yone, still alleviating his stress, still offering him kisses and hugs when everything becomes too much, and, most importantly of all, still being with him.
Though neither you nor Yone knows or cares about this supposed other life, the bond still remains. In this life, and the next…and the next…and the next.
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©asarii 2023 — do not copy, steal, repost, or translate any of my works on tumblr or any other site
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omegawolverine · 4 years
heeyy, for the character headcanons, can you do techno, ranboo, and tubbo? (sorry if that's too much T-T)
yes yes yes do not be sorry i am very happy u asked!!
Sexuality Headcanon: dont really have one for c!tubbo, but maybe aro? never really considered it before!
Gender Headcanon: he/they enby he/they enby (same goes for robin!tubbo even tho nobody asked lmaooo)
A ship I have with said character: none
A BROTP I have with said character: yo i just want clingy duo back pls (also ranboo and tubbo makes me happy)
A NOTP I have with said character: literally any adult and him but that should go without saying
A random headcanon: c!tubbo likes to flap his hands a lot!! a funky lil stim when he's excited!! he also has a few little dances that he does to stim bc i do that and i said so
General Opinion over said character: literally i would do anything to keep u safe
Sexuality Headcanon: again, havent really thought about it so idk (tbh ive only considered a few sexuality hcs for dsmp characters and those are mostly for the characters who are or have been in relationships)
Gender Headcanon: all i know is make character enby apparently im so sorry but nonbinary he/they/ender user
A ship I have with said character: none
A BROTP I have with said character: ranboo + fundy, ranboo + tubbo and ranboo + tommy all make me happy
A NOTP I have with said character: again literally any adult and him is gross
A random headcanon: bro sometimes he just....when hes anxious he just Picks Up Blocks.......enderman brain likes to hold block, it makes him calmer and distracts him
General Opinion over said character: i would die for you i would fucking die for you literally my favorite character i have never felt this much need to protect for a character before
Sexuality Headcanon: gonna give a hesitant aro bc again, havent really considered it
Gender Headcanon: he/they transmasc me thinks
A ship I have with said character: none
A BROTP I have with said character: i just think about wilbur and techno a lot....also phil and techno, for obvious reasons
A NOTP I have with said character: uhhh idk bc i dont consider ships much with dsmp tbh
A random headcanon: c!techno b like *rsd goes bonkers as he gets betrayed again* *rsd goes bonkers as he gets betrayed again* *rsd goes bonkers as he gets betrayed aga-
General Opinion over said character: cant be a techno apologist when he has nothing to apologize for :)
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gamerbot-22 · 2 years
Fuck it. Arcana LIs and How They Would Do Fixing Things
Inspired by a chat a new friend and I had over her broken car handle HCs under the cut cause this might get long--
🔮 Asra
- Absolutely could use magic to fix whatever's broken. - Likes trying to do it manually first, though. Means more time to chat if you're around to help/supervise ( •̀ ω •́ )✧ - Completely useless for big projects though. If it's too big for them to confidently fix, he'll joke about how "it's probably not that broken," before calling the proper repair person. - If it can't be fixed they'll help save up to get a new one. - "Next time we can give Faust a try at it, I think she'll be better at getting into all the little nooks and crannies."
👑 Nadia
- Will take any chance to get out her woodworking tools, even if those definitely aren't the tool for the job. - Might not know the exact ins and outs of what she's supposed to be helping you with but she cannot wait to take it apart and figure it out. - Super organized when she takes things apart. Everything is put in it's own spot off to the side. - If she doesn't manage to fix it, she'll just buy you a replacement if you want it. - "Well, at least we got some quality time together, didn't we? You saved my afternoon from yet another dull meeting."
🩸 Julian
- King of pretending to know what the fuck he's doing. - Has gotten many a sunburn working outside trying to repair stuff. - The only thing he's really good at is tying knots, if anything else is needed there's like a 75% chance he's just going to break it more. - If/when he fucks up he feels so guilty and insists on replacing whatever it was that was broken. - "No I got it. No we don't need to call a repair person, I can fix it! Those people are expensive, you don't need to call!!" [two hours later] "Ok I'm calling the repair person."
🐻 Muriel
- Unless it's mechanical, he's got it fixed in like three hours tops. - Laser focused, it's like you're not even there if you're helping/supervising. - If it's beyond repair he'll just make you a new one himself. - BRSE (Big Ron Swanson Energy) - "... There. Done."
🐱 Portia
- Ridiculously handy. She's GOT THIS. - Being the Countess' right-hand lady means she's got to be ready to fix anything at the drop of a hat and she's got experience. - Makes horrible puns the entire time and you can tell she's winking if she's not in your line of sight. - Literally you will never have to call the repair person again, she's got this in the bag. - "Ta-da! Good-as-new! Now do I get a reward for helping or...? :3c"
🗡 Lucio
- It's just one "oopsie" after another. - He's like a babe in the woods he has absolutely no idea what the hell he's doing at any given time in the process. - You know it, he knows it, but he's going to pretend like his life depends on it like he's got it covered. - Will fuck it up and he gets so frustrated afterwards he might just kick whatever he's supposed to be fixing and make it even worse. - "So uh... Might have made another oopsie BUT. Watch this-- PORTIAAA! MC NEEDS THEIR THINGY FIXED."
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actualbird · 2 years
hey!! this is just a silly ask but like
you know how Luke says “Sherlock has Watson, and I you” and all that stuff
So. That means. Luke ships them…… (?)
I am now imagining Luke and Rosa sharing their favourite Sherlock/Watson fanfics in highschool lmaooo
hi anon! and hbKJHSDJK YEP THIS IS MY FAVORITE THING ABOUT LUKE/MC.......in shipping themselves with each other (is that not what having mutually requited romantic feels is? jus mutually shipping urself w someone? jHKJSHFK) they also end up shipping holmes/watson
and Good For Them
hell, i'd go as far to hc that those two didnt just share their fave fics to each other. i hc either one or BOTH of them was WRITING FICS
and since i project onto luke.....
mc: luke you are NOT allowed to go to central university until you UPDATE YOUR DAMN FIC!! you left it on a cliffhanger, you cruel cruel villain!!!
luke: haha, i promise i'll find time to update it while im away, okay? and i'll dedicate every chapter to you :D
and then the fic doesnt update for 8 years.
(theres a happy ending dont worry. once mc and luke reunite, mc goes back to badgering him to update the fic or at the VERY LEAST tell her what happens in the rest of the chapters!! and luke is like nooOOoOoOoo that wont be as good as reading the finished product!!
so he does end up picking it back up again in his spare time and updating it
and his author's notes on the first update After 8 Years is gonna be like those wild author's notes on ao3, you know the ones. his will be like
"Hey! Sorry for abandoning this fic for nearly a decade. I went to college, got caught up in government work, adopted a pet bird, started a detective agency, reunited with my best friend, and had a whole slew of multiple health scares. But I'm back! And I'm better than ever :D
So yeah, let's get these pining bastards back on track. Hope you enjoy!
and he, of course, does indeed dedicate every chapter to mc <3)
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spaaceeboyy · 3 years
hc that all of the main 4 had a sensory overload at some point and the others were there to comfort them because i had one earlier and im projecting (oopsie)
honestly the self-projecting headcanons are always the best, including this one
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hurglewurm · 3 years
do you have any merlin hcs? or thoughts on what the story would be like if arthur stuck around and got to stay with merlin?
headcanons: nope
thoughts on an alternative continuation: i think given arthur's whole earth-shattering life-changing like. experience there. magic reveal, feeling betrayed (again!!), thinks he's dying, makes peace with that, gets over All that trauma and grief and just. thanks merlin. accepts it all. so that's a LOT
i think probably if he survived, he'd 1. be surprised to be alive 2. need a HOT MINUTE to process. perhaps months, maybe years. they take their time, they catch up. arthur barely knows who he is anymore, merlin Also doesn't know how to act bc oopsie ! his projected persona and true persona have fused ? ? i hope they would at least send back word that they're alive but who knows. they can be pretty dumb
during this processing time, they go around. they search out other ways of life. arthur was born and bred in camelot, in the purge, in the magic-is-evil-and-corrupts mindset; and here's merlin. so in order to expand this "magic can be good Or evil" to a perspective of "magic just IS, regardless, and it's in more than just human wielders", they travel
meanwhile gwen is ruling wonderfully and will continue to do so even if/when arthur returns. she grows into herself and her rule and the people love her, of course
arthur returns with a beard this is non-negotiable. he looks older. (merlin doesn't. they don't come to realize that for a while though.)
the kingdom prospers. golden age of albion indeed. the streets are full of magic-users, free to live as they are. there is peace.
and they live.
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