#oops my bias is showing im sorry
solardick · 7 months
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If you ask me, green?
It's a primary. Colour.it is, it's every where beyond blue green here is everywhere. I'm not caring
If its part of two other colours , it takes from The yellow of the sun. And the . blue. From the sky. Put then together and you go. Red colour is the one that doesn't belong red is a hidden colour and with it sharp attention. Sharp to denote the presence of thorns. it belongs to delicacy and to the reception of war. It marks endings. To fiddle with it is to risk life.
To see where I'm going with this. There's always one that doesn't belongs to another order. Don't ask me. The demon in red. That’s why pink is so awesome. It’s red. But with a lot of white. If evil was to be any colour. It would defiantly be red. Personal bias. Here. It’s the serpent and the dove. Except that it’s not black and white to create a boring grey. Noont likes grey ok. It’s black or it’s white.
Thats pretty gay.
Dont call it pretty! …well, what do you want from me. I hang with a bunch of fags all day.
Naw, its a cool colour. Denotes happiness. White is the shade wanted anyway. It means clarity and mind. As in white is light. It’s receptive on the side of light. What ever little black there is in the red. Shows an imperfect nature but capable. Shows there is a trace shadows but that one has a handle on them. Bringing with it a sense of comfort to vulnerability and loss potential. Or soemsuch. I dont know.
The whole lgtbq whatevee community could have just taken pink. But no, they take everyother coulour but pink. So, im a little confused about wtf?! Its the god damned colinization of the americas all over again. Nothing learnt.
Peace and love may suck my balls. And i mean that. Wouldn’t trust in rage and carnage to do that. No sir.
Oops. <- see that there? That’s what you call artistry. oO fool. When thise connections hint. Outside previous script. That is fun.
What of the word oops? There’s none other like it, that starts with Oo. Not common parlance.
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Nope sorry not going to sleep. I have trauma to do.
Sex is the only thing i had. And i kept it to myself. And now its broken. I dotn want to be alive anymore. Oh well giess im not even allowed to masterbate. I never was allowed to care about anything. Im not even even allowed to mnow what freedom feels like. Hahaha 39 years and counting.
Well i can get nothign else from tarot. Im done. Now what? Its not like j can do this with a person. Vedio games drugs and alcohol. If they didnt want me doing it. It wodbt be so easily attainable. Its all just a walk down the block.
Yay a fantasy wothout the deive and the deive wothout the fantasy. Yay. Fuck i need some pussy. Ones artificail injected and conditioned and the other is nature. You can tell the difference. And all it serves is to retard development. And now i can allow see women in a derogotory way. And now i see gays in a derogetory way. One allows me to get off. Seems for rewarding. Oh well, still got degenerate hetero males. Guess yhats my life. Serrounded by bs. And nothig to live for. Hey nothing has changed but hey at least the destabilizing attacks are mostly gone. No more violence coming from without. I leanred thats its ok coming from others not from oneself. Pressures and stresses have been scales down. No more freakign out. And sayign stupid shit. Droped the stupid ass australian whore. I liked here for what she had underneath. She played shit. I gave it back. It was fun. She enjoyed it. I didnt. But. Whatever. Thats all i ever do. Fight back get punished for it. Thats life.
I always tried to bring out that little sparkle some of them have inside. And i did on some account to a coupel of them. But most if them or ghosts. And morons. Like me but in an non- intently destructive way. On well. Peoplw ahve litterally been shocing their cocks at me somce i was like 6. So whatever. Continue on. Its all theres ever been. Sorry we’re. Ot allowed talkign. Cus im sexy and your a whore.
So, as we wait on the development of thos queer ass script that i managed to salvage to some degree. Guess ill be waiting to see what guy im going to be set up with to get fucked. No no im not here to reproduce. Or produce anything. Im just here to be fucked. Plain and simple. 39 years have taught. Ir the o ly thing im good for. Wo der of their still comig. Into my appartment and drugging my food
Pretty sure my fakily was dosing me with anti-spychotics. That and the anti-depressants probably fucked me up. All those years just a potato. Wonder what feeling loved and accepted by a girl feels like. I wonder what not havong a wall of stress feels like. Theres always a threat. Indotn know what life is with out that either. Cones hand and hand with stress. Well its 2:30 i aint sleeping. Probably dosed. Again. Aint no full moon. Isnt natural. Ate nothign but sleepy food. Oh well ill just stay born serpeunded by ignorance neglect, violence and sex. Thats all life is.
Anyway thats why pussies are pink. They are full of white. With the occasional red. I dont make up the rules. And be wary of anyone that gives an insult as a compliment. It mixes insult (primate shit) to that of love.
This also shows to be wary of mixing images of significance with that of language. These images need to be carefully chosen. Or these images become apart of the everyday functioning of communication.
Even though how much i like the Oo death card, for its beauty it is a dominantly feminine, receptive signifier for sex. The added notion that i comes from a deck called something similar to; un jeux de carte des dames. A woman’s card game. Crowley in his honesty didn’t even try to hide it. His spychedelic bad trips mixed in with the perversion of sexuality. Shows credit to the 1960’s hippy movement trashing natural experience. As serves the moon landing, for man kind to the new age, to the receptive motives of nourishing basic desires over the rational.
The Russians tried to get it first? Im not so sure. Isnt really their p.o. Anywai leanred in elementary school that the austrailians are the last country(apart of the good union to be set for assimilation. For the nuclear fallout will take some time to drift over that continent. But it will eventually. You’d figure otherwise, basing on the facts that the country was inhabited by criminals and pirates. And that their national holidays are about the invasion of war and its victory. Where as the americas are based upon the freedom and emancipation. Theres no celebration of the initiatory acts of war. Just the closing of it. Well the amerivan sid eof it anyway. The canadian side, pulled down their pants and said we give up. Dont hurt us. Celebrating canada day is kind of pathetic. The flag of the fallen leaf. Surrounded by red and white. Shows the beauty of death and acceptance of detachment. The bleeding sect. Not all that different from the nazi flag. Symbolizing peace, fortune and the full repetition of life based upon the gamma influence. Considering that both sides of the war. Stopped killing wach other and celebrated christmas together shows that their motives are one and the same thing. It be risky to say that the nazi parties veiled by death and destruction and the Canadian are the same thing. The only bit pf difference is the colour black. Which shows a hint of violence compared to the all white (pink) of the flag. One side had a steinger focus on death( canada) and the other on life (the swastika). The flag of the rising sun isnt all that different either. Not to mention that at the same time the americas were floodign with foreign philosophy and “spychology” which is a feminine name came right out of the holocaust. Speaking about the anima and animus found inside the brains of man and woman. Freud with his evwrythign is a penis and Jung with his, you have a little woman inside. Embrace it. Which would seem about eight considering all he ever side was intruded himself inside the minds of patients. Placing them of the receptive side of experience. The name of the game is to take over that position. While in that state theres no act forward.for being receptive to the act of law and regulation. Isnt enough. They want more.
For all the people that think the WW’s wasn’t an inside job. Anyway theres nothing to do about it if one wants to be apart of the world amd its accompanied personalized cultural heritage.
Just the external demon doing it’s thing. Got to control one’s projection towards available rewards. The more of the spyche that is externalized the better. From there two may easily fiddle with experience. While the life affirming are also being prohected by consequence. A pretty little thing may catch the projection with ease. As long as its fix and out. It cant be inside and life affirming. The longing for a legitanite need for nourishment and peace, while being receptive and accommodating, lacking any volatility one may find after just reading that. Sadly, thats not the case. Volatility abounds. While the prjection is no longer there the fantasy has say, and the internalization of Want and Need. Adopting the influence with ease. Since its mostly just internally created images anyway. For the complete lack of any authenticity, and prosocial behavior. The nothings of 0. One starts to imagining what two is like. The fantasy pictures possibilities.
All lack of “masculine movement”, gives nothing to motivation. All acts forward have been framed to loss. The only choice is nullification. Or dullification. I know, it’s “not” a word. I dont have a sidewalk. Its just a stream. One walks up it. Past it and see’s everything. The touch choices are choice comfort, and the creation of sensuous desire. Or its the group dynamic. Now here also depends ipon ehat cloud of information is raining fury upon it. If its not a choice, there’s only decay.
“Yah, i ain’t walking up those steps. Do you see whats up there? They can howler down like a murder of crows.
For example;
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War doesn’t mean war. A crunch of violent vulnerability, fear, ignorance, and promises. Being filled in like a vessel. The mind fills the moon and a desire for reception. R and W overlap with the number 18. W is letter 23. (5 for the fool and the king) and temperance is number 14. 23-14= 9.. Card for the hermitic wisdom. Or the i-card for joy. i to j. Joy to chariot . 23+14= 37. Minus the tarot equals number 16, the tower or to P the hanged man. The enlightenment.
While MAN equals the wheel, the fool and strength.
Where as Woman has the added Moon and O death cards.
The wheel turns and nature along with it. Save it the wheel card itself might active production and not “corrective conditioning.” If ine is just going to mix everything together. In the same pool of water. Like the beautiful star card does. The word for Moon is pretty much the same. A wheel, an O fool, and strength. Which seems to equal woman over man. The double dose of masculine colours are reflected by a doudle dose of feminine images. And now the whole script itself becomes projected onto reality. If one were to ever mistake it as not being a game.
So bye bye tarot. Ive been glied to a tv for 30 plus years. I have nothign to gain from this that isnt encumbering. Theres no eauality. Just a one sided crime. The mind starts raping itself because both side are incompatible. Forcing a submission for the desire for peace. Doesnt matter if its artificially produced by outside forces. And it means the death of the natural function of sustaining life. The genome becomes less important. For sex and death have been combined. The french called it, “le petit mort.” There’s only an external masculine image conditioned by two parts woman and one part man. If it had any opportunity to grow. Otherwise one becomes an over feminized. If choice was made against any better alternatives.
Its just when it on active engagement with life does the conditioning take second seat. No longer consequential, if attention isnt paid to self. And not another. It be so easy to go full woman. And feel liberated from pain and suffering. Forever haunted by “karma” and self - disrespect. Without the choice of doing it oneself. Which is why the image of pride is so important. The internal inage of man crys out to mommy only to be spanked or ignored or laughed at.
If one changes the I-fool for that of the E fool. And coverter strenght as harmony to that of strength as violence. Or over domineering pressence. The then script is how it really is.
While also showing a happy emperor fallowing strict rules of conduct. The eternal child is fulfilled and fun and loving. Not reckless and destructive.
One has to separate and add positive outgoing images of masculine sexuality in place of the Oops card. Lou fucken a tiger works great. The two horses of the chariot arw clasically made to the image of felines. Which again. Is a feminine word. The fact thats its the masculine feline that holds kingship through out the land. Within cultural context inside this cloud of information. The lion is surrounded by active outgoing females. It just protects the nest. As all good males should do. Which requires the use of violence. Ir it cant protect itself from outside threats. Which are always there. And always have been. If your the deer you get taken out. If your the lion. Your more pasificist then the wife. Either or.
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Though the tiger does cause some problems considering the japanese/asian influence that place significance on its images and meaning. And to that of the dragon. Especially to that of a dragon with a dove. Which is the equalivant of raping a man. Or to the dragon without the conditioning to that of instincts. But its overall mean is identical to that of the strength card found in tarot. Just the sexes are reversed to ther proper order. Considering how queer that movie was. Holy crap is right.
And just like a soldier, i keep on moving forward. Always getting closer.
There’s alot of framing of mind going on.
Save for a moment of shift in experience. When one is found outside the “curse” propelled, when intent or expectation predict an outcome of horror, to the reversal of this experience under a lense of “love” over that of hate. A reversal of dialogue. As the scene switches from the male protagonist and centers on the female antagonist. Being humanized by all the protagonist’s prosocial behaviour. And that event be true. There was always going to be harm coming from the antagonist. Save that now it was unintentional, and deeply sympathetic.
Not mentioning, where FE or SHE play would with cards either. The emperor and the fool. FE.
The devil, the lover, the fool. SHE. There becomes an inconsistency. For FEmale represents rulership. This centers around the FELine. Royal lineage. For both FE and SHE are a feminine tense. Whoch breaks down in the sentence. She the female is queen. Both overlap. As does the devil S make the only distinction from HE. As does HE become the lover and the fool. And becomes a sHE when left to temptation.
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risottostitties · 5 years
I love your headcanon posts! what are some of your headcanons (backstory and personality) for the rest of La Squadra?
Oh boy, these got kinda long. I hope you enjoy my dumb rambling about La Squadra (also my bias towards Melone and Sorbet+Gelato is showing I’m so sorry) I added the songs I used for inspiration on Sorbet and Gelato’s stands so that’s something lmao
Also also I’m still trying to figure out formatting on tumblr I’m so sorry.
Also also also I have so many dumb headcanons for the inner bureaucratic workings of Passione and what each ‘position’ in the gang entails and how Passione became a dominant force in Italy and oops I’ve slipped them in here a bit my b.
-        He got his start smuggling. Drugs, weapons, people, Little Feet made that a breeze.
-        The thought of being an assassin never crossed his mind, because it seemed like a lot of work. More so than smuggling which was basically just getting stuff from point a to point b without getting caught.
-        Fromaggio was a confident dude, laid back and easy going with an agreeable personality that most people enjoyed.
-        He’s not exactly details oriented though, and that’s what came to bite him in the ass.
-        He was working with one of the few groups not affiliated with Passione and it was only a matter of time before the operation was busted.
-        Fromaggio never really asked many questions about his jobs, nor did he care very much who or what he was smuggling. He met with a man in Malta seeking entrance into Naples and was willing to pay handsomely. So of course, Fromaggio agreed.
-        If he’d been paying more attention, he would have recognized that man as Prosciutto.
-        Fromaggio brought the assassin right into their main warehouse and it was game over from there.
-        Prosciutto took interest in Fromaggio’s stand and decided against killing the man, instead bringing him to Risotto to see what the Capo thought about his abilities.
-        When offered a choice between dying with the rest of his old associates or joining Passione, the choice was obvious.
-        He really, really enjoys gambling. Prosciutto supplements his income with Fromaggio’s gambling habit.
-        Fromaggio gets along well with all of La Squadra. He’s always been an agreeable dude and he’s willing to give just about anything a shot once. So he’s at least passingly knowledgeable about the interests and hobbies of other members.
-        Fromaggio, Prosciutto, Pesci, Ghiaccio, and Melone make up the main ‘kill squad’ of La Squadra where Illuso, Sorbet, and Gelato handle clean up and intel gathering.
-        Illuso does very little killing himself. For the most part, he deals with disposing of evidence. The mirror world is great for that.
-        Because of this he has the lowest kill count out of all of them.
-        He is Sicilian like Risotto, and they converse in Siciliano when it’s just the two of them. Neither of them is particularly chatty though.
-        Ghiaccio and Pesci didn’t know he was a member of the squad for weeks because he rarely ever leaves the mirror. He doesn’t even have a room in their hideout, he just sleeps in the room of whoever forgets to cover their mirror.
-        Most of the time its Pesci’s room because he feels bad
-        I hc him at about 27
-        He joined La Squadra after Ghiaccio and was more or less ‘gifted’ by Polpo because of his quiet demeanor.
-        He’s baby (24)
-        His first kill was at age 18 when he was working in a chop shop and beat someone to death with a wrench.
-        Melone was the one to bring him into La Squadra, his bike was getting some work done in the shop and he was there to see Ghiaccio snap.
-        Risotto wasn’t keen on letting someone so young join La Squadra and initially turned Ghiaccio away. Which pissed the boy off enough for him to seek out Polpo, demand a trial, and come back with White Album.
-        He had never skated in his life, but White Album gave him the instinctive ability to do so.
-        He can only skate while wearing White Album. Without it, he actually had to learn.
-        He reflexes and balance also improved greatly after gaining White Album
-        He’s the only one not ‘trained’ by Prosciutto, instead Risotto took over his ‘training’. The Capo wanted to personally make sure he was equipped to handle the life that comes with La Squadra.
-        Risotto and Ghiaccio are quite close. Risotto was initially intrigued by White Album and Ghiaccio liked Risotto the most because he was the only person who was careful with his words.
-        He’s got a keen eye for detail and an eidetic memory. He enjoys taking apart electronics and seeing how they work (and how he can improve them)
-        Ghiaccio enjoys working with cars, but doesn’t like all the oil and grease.
-        I hc his age at 28
-        He was always too inquisitive for his own good, and very curious as a child. Most people found him annoying
-        Melone has absolutely zero respect for personal space. If he likes you, he will hang off you without a second thought.
-        And if someone retaliates jokes on you he think’s its hot.
-        It is possible to make him angry, but he won’t let it show out of spite. You really gotta be angling for it if you want to piss him off, and if you’ve put in that much effort into getting a rise out of him he’s not going to give you the satisfaction.
-        His mom was like Giorno’s, a party girl who resented her children for holding her back
-        He has an older half sister who took care of him when he was younger. They were extremely close.
-        From her he learned to paint nails, braid hair, and they both really enjoyed looking at horoscopes and other astrology/pseudoscience things.
-        She was 10 years older than Melone, and when she married Melone went to live with her (he was about 12 at the time) and he never really got along with his brother in law.
-        Her husband was in Passione, a low ranking Soldato but an ambitious one. She was aware of her husband’s occupation but decided the risk was worth the reward (and the financial stability)
-        Her eventual pregnancy led to Melone’s fascination with pregnancy and childrearing.
-        She died due to complications with a late term miscarriage when he was 16
-        After this Melone and his brother in law stuck together. Melone joined Passione, receiving his stand from Polpo’s Arrow.
-        The pair of them had a pretty good scheme going on but eventually his brother in law bit off more than he could chew, and Risotto was called in to clean up the mess.
-        Babyface proved to be a challenge, and instead of eliminating Melone as he was working with the target Risotto decided to offer him a choice.
-        Self-preservation won out and in a show of loyalty Melone had Babyface kill his former brother in law. At best, he tolerated the man because his sister loved him and after she died he was a good meal ticket so when his life was on the line it didn’t take much prodding for Melone to turn on him.
-        It took a while for Risotto to trust him because of how easily Melone’s loyalties shifted but once that trust was earned Melone never gave Risotto a reason to regret it even if his impulsive decisions (such as dragging Ghiaccio into Passione) caused him some trouble occasionally.
-        Pesci is actually, genuinely, a sweet guy. He’s respectful of his superiors, polite (if not a bit awkward) to strangers, will offer help if he sees someone struggling with a heavy bag or something on a high grocery shelf, the whole nine yards.
-        He has a habit of second guessing himself and apologizing often but is quick to offer reassurance to people if he sees they’re having a bad day.
-        He also has a hair trigger temper and killed a man by snapping his neck with his bare hands.
-        That’s what landed him in jail.
-        Its like flipping a switch with this guy.
-        Risotto personally bailed Pesci out of jail and brought him into his team because of his brute strength. It was novel, to see someone so capable without a stand.
-        He received his stand from Polpo’s arrow.
-        Pesci is the newest member of La Squadra, but not the youngest (that honor goes to Ghiaccio) and I personally hc him at 25
-        His ‘training’ mostly consists of shadowing Prosciutto and observing how he does things. There is a lot to be learned from watching another stand user work, even if their stands are vastly different.
-        He lacks real strategy, which is another reason he was teamed up with Prosciutto (who winds up ‘training’ most of the new recruits anyway)
-        He’ll be considered a full fledged assassin once he completes his first job on his own (with Illuso or Fromaggio tailing him to observe, depending on the abundance of mirrors)
Sorbet and Gelato
-        Of the two, Sorbet is the most talkative. He’s got a pretty good sense of humor, and a natural charisma about him that puts people at ease if they don’t already know him
-        Gelato and Prosciutto are both card sharks and they keep their skills sharp by practicing on each other.
-        While no one would call any of them selfless, they would lay down their lives for each other without hesitation.
-        They have so many words unique to their relationship that people listening in would assume they’re talking in code half the time.
-        Sorbet and Gelato are the oldest members of La Squadra. Sorbet was 36 when he died, and Gelato was 41
-        Sorbet got his start in Passione, Gelato was part of a ‘merger’ so to speak.
-        The previous syndicate Gelato was a part of was assimilated by Passione after Diavolo returned to Italy. He was familiar with Pericolo as they had been part of the same group.
-        Sorbet and Gelato both have stands, although they were both born stand users.
-        Gelato’s stand is called Mack the Knife and it allows him to eat anything regardless of size (and his stomach acid has a ph value of 1.3). On top of this, it also gives him sharp and study teeth. If for some reason something he eats breaks a tooth he has more in reserve, like a shark.
-        Sorbet’s stand is called Fortunate Son and essentially it hides the user and anyone they touch in plain sight. They’re not invisible, but you must be consciously looking for Sorbet in order to find him when Fortunate Son is active.
-        They joined La Squadra before it was ‘La Squadra’ Risotto (being green himself at the time) wanted more experienced people on his team but had little to no luck recruiting people until these two.
-        They’re well known in the gang for their unorthodox (putting it gently) methods of doing things and kept most people from approaching them.
-        Primarily they ‘interview’ people for information on Squadra targets, but those interviews always turn deadly.
-        While they enjoy killing more than anyone else in La Squadra, they don’t typically get kill jobs because they’re just good at interrogating people. They make do with that just fine though. Neither of them enjoys leaving loose ends.
-        Before Illuso joined, Gelato oversaw clean up and disposal.
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pwarkluv · 3 years
❝ what is love? - l.mk ❞
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lee mark x reader | fluff | 2k words
WARNINGS | lowercase is intended, idol au, love at first sight au, 6thmemberofitzy!reader, shy!mark and shy!reader, fluff bc that’s what i’m best at LOL, another request :), just enjoy <3
REQUEST | “hii i read ur electric love fic w jisung and i really loved it :DD could you do the same for mark ? still as the 6th member of itzy ofc :D” - my lovely anon <3
SUMMARY | he wonders what is love, but finds the answer in you.
AUTHOR’S NOTE | inspired by the song “what is love” by twice (english lyrics by genius translations)! ANOTHER REQUEST HDSFKLDSJHF IM SO SO SO SO EXCITED! i wanted to change up the setting so it’s still 6th member itzy, but not in weekly idol :P ALSO this was inspired by when nct dream, itzy, and stray kids sat next to each each other in that one award show so yeah lolol. IM SO SORRY I LOST THE MESSAGE WHERE MY ANON ASKED FOR IT BUT I STILL WROTE IT FOR YOU! I LOVE YOU, THANK YOU, NEVER BE SHY TO DM ME ;)
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what is love?
mark knew the general idea of it; the sappy moments movies show, the “butterflies in your stomach” feeling books portray, the pain and hardships songs make you feel. 
but he’s never been in love, at least not like this.
❝ how could it be as sweet as candy? ❞
training at such a young age molded mark into the perfect idol, and with that he was fully aware dating would look bad to the public. he accepted the fact that he might never find love, all to help achieve his dream. 
but as cheesy as it sounds, the canadian wished to be loved. 
yes he was loved by his members, his family, his friends, his fans; but the type of love he longed for was something none of them could give him. 
mark wanted to feel the sweetness of being in love, the giddiness you’d feel whenever you talk to them, the pounding of your heart whenever they’re near. he wanted to experience the overwhelming need to be with that person, like if they’re gone for too long it’s like you can’t breathe.
was being in love like making a song for the very first time? or was it like eating watermelon all the time?
so many questions with no answers, the boy left to wander in his own thoughts. 
❝ how it’s like flying in the sky? ❞
he smiled bittersweetly as the newly wed couple danced around in confetti, the sound of laughter and cheers resonating around the room. one of nct’s managers that had been with them since the beginning invited them to her wedding, to which the team obviously accepted. 
all 23 of them were happy for their noona who found her happy ending. mark could only watch in awe at the sight of the two lovebirds, the love and adoration for the other evident in the way they looked at each other.
his heart tugged a bit knowing he wanted something like that too. 
“being in love is like flying in the sky.” his manager explained to the boy as a makeup artist experimentally brushed strokes on her face. it was a couple hours before the ceremony when mark knocked on her hotel door, wanting to visit his favorite noona before she finally said ‘i do’. 
his question left his mouth before mark could fully register what he was about to say, the poor boy flushing a bit as the woman laughed at him. 
“are you in love mark? is that why you’re asking me how i knew i was in love?” she teased as mark stutterd, denying her accusation.
“n-no i swear!” he said as his manager continued laughing, the makeup artist having to pause a bit to let her get it all out. “i’m just curious.” mark said quietly trying to stop the heat from rushing up to his cheeks. 
“well being in love is a magical feeling.” the woman said, turning a bit serious. mark sat up straight as he listened intently. “when you realize you love someone, it can be a scary thing. love isn’t perfect mark, and i want you to know that. there are moments where you want to scream and rip your hair out, or cry to let it all out.”
the boy nodded in understanding, having a bit of knowledge from all the good breakup songs taylor swift writes about. 
“but it can also change your whole world.” she continued on. “it’s like seeing the world again for the very first time and the colors are more vibrant. it’s like having a permanent reason to be happy, and a reason to stay.” she explained as the mark sat quietly trying to comprehend it all. 
❝ i wanna know know know know, what is love? ❞
the poor boy’s head couldn’t wrap around the thought of you. 
his heart hammered in his chest as he secretly glanced at you, desperately trying to avoid suspicion from fans and his members. you were just too breathtaking, having the canadian looking back for more. 
the moment he first laid eyes on you, it was like an epiphany. you were the answer to all his questions.
so this is what it feels like, mark thinks to himself as he looks back on all the things he’s heard about love. 
the butterflies, the pounding of your heart, the “seeing the world in a whole new perspective”, mark felt everything and as much as he felt excited, he was scared.
as harmless as it sounds, award shows were a risky thing for idols. being surrounded by fans of different groups as well as said groups themselves always seemed to cause a bit of a stir between fans.
between dating rumors and rumors about beef between two idols, anything could happen.
but usually mark would be okay. he’s been doing this for a long time and knew how to behave.
however what he didn’t expect was to see you, the tiny rookie idol from the newly debuted girl group ‘itzy’. 
nct 127’s table was right next to yours which let mark have a clear view of your pretty eye smile as you laughed at something lia had whispered into your ear. your laugh was bubbly and contagious, the boy having to physically stop himself from wanting to laugh too. 
he was panicking, but mark couldn’t tell if it was in a good or bad way. 
❝ what does love feel like? ❞
your breath hitched as you saw the boy sneak glances at you from the corner of your eye.
the mark lee was looking at you, your heart racing as you tried to deny the fact that he was staring you down. there was no way the dude you’ve looked up to your entire trainee life is noticing you, no way at all.  
everyone has heard of mark lee even if you weren’t into kpop. he was just that iconic. 
you’ve been an nctzen since the very beginning, being there for nct u’s debut stage. in fact, nct was the very reason you decided to audition to become an idol in the first place. you looked up to the team but more importantly you looked up to a certain canadian in the group.
originally doyoung was your bias in nct when nct u first came out. but as the years passed by you found yourself more and more intrigued by mark, having him absolutely wreck your bias list.
since then you’ve been a loyal mark stan, even rapping his part in cherry bomb for your audition tape which ultimately led you to become an idol yourself. 
you refused to believe you were in love with the dude, not knowing a single thing about him. there was no way you could love him, not if you’ve never even met the boy.
but your heart seemed to prove you wrong as it beat wildly knowing mark was sitting right there on the table next to you. 
“you okay bubs?” lia asked in a worried tone, leaning in to whisper into your ear. she saw the way your leg bounced in a fast rhythm, knowing you only did that when you were nervous. 
you forced a smile as you hesitantly looked her way, knowing that she could take one look into your eyes and know you were lying. “i'm fine unnie, don’t worry about me.” you replied as sweetly as you could, wishing the elder wouldn’t notice a thing. 
though you two and yeji were the eldest in the group, all being born in the year 2000, you were the baby of the unnie line. lia and yeji knew you the best, having grown up with you after all. 
the girl only gave you a look before taking your hand in hers to give a soft squeeze. “i know you’re lying but i won’t push you. also mark lee from nct 127 is totally checking you out.” lia said, whispering a bit on the last part. she winked as you flushed, looking away in horror. 
johnny nudged the boy next to him with a small smirk, clearly seeing the heart eyes he was giving the girl in the table next to them. mark jumped a bit at the feeling, looking at his hyung with confusion.
“so y/n of itzy?” johnny said with a small smile as the younger immediately sat up straight. 
“is it that obvious?” mark whispered back with a hint of fear in his eyes.
if any of the fans were to get a hold of this… the boy could only shiver at the thought. 
johnny’s playful smile dropped a bit at mark’s worried look knowing how he must feel. they were idols after all.
“don’t worry, i only noticed because she was looking back at you too.” he said, mark flushing at the revelation.
“really?” he asked a little out of it. 
“i say talk to her after this?” the elder said, laughing a bit when mark jumped in his seat, immediately saying no. 
❝ will love come to me someday? ❞
“unnie why are you making me stay in the dressing room~” you whined as the end of the award show came along.
you just wanted to go home, your body worn out. not from all the dancing but from the way it viciously pounded in your chest whenever you ever thought about mark. 
lia only smirked in retaliation as she brought a hand up to squish your cheeks. “trust me, you’ll thank me later.” she said as she walked out of the dressing room, bumping into a 6 foot tall boy with a smaller boy behind him. 
“oops sorry.” she said a little playfully, as lia gave a wink to johnny knowing their plan was going accordingly. johnny only gave her a small smile, but if you looked closely you could see the mischief in his eyes. 
“hyung where are we going?” mark asked, a little weirded out by the two’s interaction. johnny only ignored the boy, dragging him by his arm as they walked down the hallway. 
“hyung i swear if this is a prank i’ll-” mark’s words were cut off as the two entered a door, only to see your confused face staring back at him. 
“oh shit.” he cursed under his breath, a little taken aback from how beautiful you were. one whole award show later and you were still as gorgeous as when he first saw you sitting down in the table next to his. 
your confused face quickly turned to an embarrassed one as you noticed the boy, turning another shade of red when you noticed he couldn’t take his eyes off of you.
“hi y/n, my name is johnny and this is my band mate mark.” the taller boy said, holding his hand out in a handshake. 
“h-hi i’m y/n.” you stuttered, not expecting to see the boy you’ve been daydreaming about for the past two hours to be right in front of you. 
mark gawked at the sight of you, his mind malfunctioning as the words seemed to get stuck at the tip of his tongue.
“markie right here has something he wants to ask you.” johnny said, pushing the younger in front of him with a grunt. 
this seemed to knock him right out of his trance, a hand coming up to the back of his neck as he stared down at the floor with pink cheeks.
“do you maybe wanna-”
“yes.” you blurted out, a hand covering your mouth in shock. “i-if you were gonna ask if i wanted to hang out sometime, the answer is yes.” you said a little shyly as the boy smiled. 
all this time mark thought he was gonna find love, but maybe love found him instead. 
“i’ll pick you up at 6 tomorrow evening.” mark said with a sweet smile as he took a step back only to be pushed back up again by johnny.
“you don’t even have her number you dumbass.” the elder scolded, disappointed at how dumb the boy was. 
your laughter caught both of the boy’s attention as you put your hand out with a small smile. “you want my number or nah?”
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olderthannetfic · 3 years
i was logged out, oops, but uh yes i think i need some emotional distance before i can appriciate the amazing amount of what feels like original fic bc right now i want 'canon compliant' stuff but that tag doesn't have what i expected it to have. i am very unaccostumed to big fandoms and have now realised i actually suck at finding fic i wanna read (this is no one fault but mine, i just find it amusing that now even the site with the best tagging system i know cannot save me)
well i wanted to gush a bit more about bts but i was worried about being overbearing so i, for one, i'm glad for the variety of people you talk to xD progress update: i watched about 65 thousand videos of jk existing and im compromised. my friends now feel sorry for me and give me commiserating pats. i remember reading finr say liking bts is just having a bias and 6 bias wreckers and that sounds about right 😭😭😭 also, i did not expect it to be so hard to find fic where they're just idols??
Ohhh. Yeah, that's a definite problem. I'd say actually canon-compliant fic is the hardest thing to find in BTS fandom. (Well, at least if you want it to be 1. good, 2. with tropes you like, and 3. with the character dynamics/ships/etc. you want.)
The tag 'canon compliant' just means they're still idols in modern Korea. Half of it is BTS-but-now-a/b/o or JK with bunny ears or something.
(Honestly, if you filter out a/b/o and hybrids from your 'canon compliant' results or just filter BTS to remove AU tags entirely, that's a better start than looking at 'canon compliant'.)
I'm not that into truly canon compliant fic because I haven't been into BTS long enough, and I don't keep up well with their reality shows or interviews or vlives, etc. etc. Some of the fic that does exist was written a few years ago and is closely tied to things from then. I tend to like it if it's set in their real lives theoretically, but it fudges the eras a little instead of expecting the reader to know every single detail of exactly what they were doing in March 2015 or something.
Off the top of my head, I liked that one where Hobi wants to learn to give blowjobs but somehow decides it will be less weird if there are three of them there rather than two.
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koishua · 3 years
Stray kids for the ask game 👀 - 💐
my bias + bias wrecker* ... my bias is jisung and wrecker who wrecks me every single second of the day is my beloved yang jeongin. the roles can reverse any time so a fair warning sdkncdn
first time i heard of them ... the survival show when it was airing. i didnt watch it though :')
when i became a fan ... after district nine released and i saw a few performances!!
favorite (and least favorite) title track ... FAV TITLE TRACK IS MY PACE 200 PERCENT UGH its my go to hype song oml that song is the skz equivalent of nct dream's go for me. least fav title track would be gods menu bahahha im terribly sorry i just didnt like it all that much ;-;-; yes all of the looks and sets and chore were immaculate but the song itself was... meh :') for me at least ig
favorite (and least favorite) b-side ... oml you cannot make me choose a favourite. its literally illegal. i adore the tortoise and the hare, red lights, another day, any, easy, gone days, get cool and maze of memories and so many more. as for least favourite i’d say it would be... idek oml awaken? the vibes are great oml but alas i have to choose a least favourite song im sorry yall smh
favorite (and least favorite) mv ... fav mv would be cheese, thunderous, any and all in bahaha. least fav would be hellevator oops
favorite (and least favorite) album ... in life is like oml impeccable ugh. least fav could be mixtape cdjb the way i feel so guilty bc the songs are all good
a concept i wished they’d try* ... let’s go with princes sdjbljd like. the concept enha had
what i like most about them* ... i cant even choose lol i love their humor, their bond, their personalities, their music :’)
ask game: send a kpop group!
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yunkiwii · 3 years
!! sixth of november !!
to suni, SUNI HI so i have something :') i'm incredibly sorry for :') SO I HAVEN'T STALKED UR BLOG RYT and there was an anon who asked fic recs :') on my writing blog :') AND IM SO SORRY I SAID I BARELY KNOW BLOGS THAT WROTE SFW BUT YOU WRITE SFW AND FOR ATEEZ AND IM JUST SO /!?!?!!?!?!?!? WHEN I KNEW ABOUT IT AND IM JUST SO SO SORRY NKASNDJKA oh oh oh and i PROMISE to catch up on ur works soon i've just been so caught up with school and mental issues asjdnak anyway i hope u had a great day !! if not i'm so sorry )): i'm sure tomorrow will be better !!! ALSO ALSO ALSO LAST ONE U'RE PHYSIO ????? or wait lemme stalk for a sec YES THAT AUNT SUSAN ITS U ANYWAY i just got hyped for a sec bc i'm studying physio and completely failing it i just had a quiz awhile ago and i got a six over twenty BUT I'LL LIVE and LAST ONE REALLY u r designing my tattoo too >:( ILY
tiktoks to waste your time (one) (two) (three) (four) (five)
hi hi HIIII!
pleaseeee dont worry!! seriously its okay akdjsj like just the fact you take time to send these monthly lovely af asks.. you're literally the best 😭 ‼️
for real, just focus on getting better and staying as healthy as possible :((
YOU'RE STUDYING PHYSIO???!?!? AAHHH now i'm the one all hyped up akdjsk and yes YOU'LL LIVE! physio is harder than a lot of people think but you got this!! you can take me as an example: my grades weren't exactly great and i did my best, i seriously thought about quitting a couple of times but now here i am, graduated physio soon with a job, overall people like my work and i love what i do (most days but heh) so, you'll be fine in the end even if you struggle now!! AND AND you can always come to me!! i'll help you with anything you need <3<3 oops, sorry for the unrequired pep talk ajdhsj but yes, if you need any tips or guidelines or anything just let me know!
and heck yeah i'll design your tattoo too! 😤
ok but those tiktoks were NOT a waste of time... ARE YOU TRYING TO MAKE ME BIAS YOUNGHOON THO?? bc its working.. if yunho didn't show up id be simping over the mullet dude 😃
ILY <3
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strxnged · 3 years
Asdfghjkl it's 2 am and I just had my most vivid haikyuu dream (even tho it's only my second) and i high key think it was because I was reading through ur asks lol. Okay so I'm starting to forget the details already but basically ushijima and tendou were fighting over being my boyfie (oop drama) and low-key came to a compromise where both are, so love triangle poly. Except those two keep tryna one up each other. Im out w tendou enjoying france and goofing around at like midnight, tendou leaves for a bit when we were at an abandoned fountain place in an abandoned but suprisingly well kept palace? and i see ushi? And im like hey wassup, why u making a bento (cute rice animals and all, aww). And ushis like, its for u, stop eating so much junk food. And then literally just takes me and goes to the airport and says were going to japan?? I just don't question it, maybe I like being spoiled okay. I apologize for leaving over text to tendou and he says its fine but ik hes sad like bestieee im actually so sorry so i keep talking to him on the plane. Like tendou and me and having the BEST text convos but I'm out w ushijima, so I feel bad and put my phone away cuz it's slightly awkward w ushi and I should try harder. And because my mans ushi is rolling in that dough, he took me to some high end hotel like wow, Vegas type (but I'm in a fila sweats and he's in a suit smh). It was revamped as a museum too?? Like a les mis maze exhibit, famous historical diamonds and guards. Oh and i saw an old and important looking lady wearing russian jewels and her young awkward looking assistant trailing behind that I'm p sure I've seen in my other dreams. Unfortunately the les mis exhibit was closed :(, so we went inside and there was an exhibit of like unwrapping cursed dolls and haunted stuff but I low-key got creeped out so ushi took me to the place where you can get hotpot!! I've never had hotpot and I had an enlightening conversation with a wholesome chef about what it was. In the split moment where I had to decide whether to stay for the delicious hot pot or leave w ushi since he had to go for something, I woke up. i was worried about leaving tendou the whole time I was w ushi tho, so ig my real life bias was showing through lmao, ushi and me felt v awkward tho lol. This dream was such a coincidence I literally read a ushiten poly fic yesterday.
LMAO OMG THAT'S GREAT i love how it was basically just a very convoluted museum date with ushijima but the man you really love is in another city :(
yes that's why i am against poly. cursed dolls/j
ok no that was really cute ike genuinely v wholesome i love that omg
tell me about a dream you had with characters
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secnghwa · 3 years
hi vivi ! how are you today ? how has your done gone :o i hope it went well ><
kuroo !!!! i used to have such bad brainrot for him 💀 he is also everything I want in a man. i have never heard of that anime :o i’ll have to check it out !! time zones 👁👁 and nooooo don’t be sorry about being late >:c take your own time and don’t feel pressured about answering my asks. ill be here waiting ^^ (GAD THAT SOUNDS KINDA CREEPY BUT I DONT MEAN IT LIKE THAT) BDKNFKF I feel honored ??? idk you just seem like a very fun person to talk to <3 i indeed have a injury ;-; my spine + hips decided to be mean and go out of alignment which means I get a lot of pain in my lower back/hip area when I swim JFKNFKF AND YES I GOT MY TACOS AND MY MOM GOT ME SUBWAY TOO SO DOUBLE WIN !!!
(also ps i have a very very very bad habit of accidentally forgetting to sign off on asks and it’s already showing 🤡)
- 🍁 anon
i felt that self destruction post- i was trying to export gifs from ps today and it just [insert computer aggressively fanning] genuinely had a thought my laptop would break on me LMAO
also alSO ALSO YOU STAN SEVENTEEN ???!?!?!? im like. a huge carat HDKFBKFNF <3 and i see you bias minghao <3 me too <3 (although I swear I ult woozi,,,, no im not lying to myself)
- 🍁 anon (it’s me. AGAIN)
hihi vivi how was your day today ? I hope it went well !! i just started making ateez gifs again after getting photoshop and it’s been making my laptop go brrrrrr- i hope the gifsets that you were talking about reaches 1k vvv soon >:) also also also the new hairstyles :o i also very much love yunhos new hairstyle !! sans hair reminds me a chick and that’s all I can think when I look at the new pics 💀 mingi’s blonde hairstyle makes him look so soft and I’m just HDJFNDKKFKF 🥺🤧☹️
- 🍁
fsjdkf I HATE TUMBLR I CANNOT BELIEVE IT DELETED EVERYTHING I HAD SIX PARAGRAPHS OF WORD VOMIT /???????? anyways i guess it's time to try again to remembver waht i said FJIWEOFJSDKLF fIRST OFF !!! are you going to / /already receiving therapy/physio for your injury bec I DO NOT WANT YOU TO BE HURT FOR LONG !!!!!!!! THAT IS NOT PLEASANT AT ALL HHHHhhhHHHH please please please take care of fyourself !!!!!
second i'm sorry sorry sorry for always taking literal days to respond IT'S JUST THESE DAYS I'VE BEEN TAKING A SUMMER COURSE AND IT'S REALLY TAKING A TOLL ON MEM HAHAHAHH i've seriously just been coming on, queueing posts, and leaving oopS but alas it is what it is LMAO
third yes i am such a big closet svt stan like i have so many svt gifblr moots but I'VE NEVER FELT THE URGE TO GIF FOR THEM SO IT STAYS IN THE CLOSEt ???? but i am such a loser for china line bec i'm part chinese and it just gets me every time they speak in chinese BEC THEY'RE SO FUNNY it can't even be translated into english with the same amount of funny . .,,,, does that make sense???? also psssstttttt woozi ult i seEEE YOUUUU ( i don't rmb if i've aksed you before but who's ur atz bias heheehee)
FOR TODAY !!!!! today has bveen very. very fun after work i got together with a few of my coworkers (who also happen to be my school friends and also my family friends who i've known for like 7 years) ALSO YOU MAKE ATEEZ GIFS ?????? please if you ever need help with giffing n whatever do not hesitate to reach out i will try my bestest with my limited knowledge to assist you or we cld work thru the issue together omg it can be a learning xperience for me too !!!!! (fun fact when i was making my recent san inception gifset my laptop almost crashed on me as in it. froze for like a solid minute and just came back I GOT SO SCARED I THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO LOSE ALL OF MY COLOURING(
ALSO I AM LOWKEY PRAYING FOR THE FEW GIFS (like two gifsets i think) to FINALLY REACH 1K notes bec then it can be added to my 1k atz tag (which doesn't seem like a lot but i'm actually very proud of evbery single gifset in it MWAHHH) the gifs that r so . close (like 950 notes) are this one and this one HELLPPPPPPP
LASTLY THE ATEEZ HARISTYLES I CAN GO ON HOURS ABOUT IT !!!!!!!! it is truly an honour to be able to see yunho's streaky red hair ( fun fact 2 every single ateez era where a member has had pink/red hair = a hit and this is simply a fact . ) mingis hairstyle makes him look so smoochable in the kindest way i want to give him a hug and tell him he's doing amazing <3333333
PS I JUST WNATED TO THANK YOU FOR READING TYHRU ALL OF THIS WORD VOMIT WITHOUT GETTING BORED i am so sorry there are so many topic jumps but omg i get v excited talking to you <333 n i hope u feel the sam e!!!
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mooswords · 4 years
OKAY MOO, I’M CURRENTLY READING UR FIC “Home” AND I’M— THE END OF THE FIRST PART WAS SO BEAUTIFUL. “he always comes home” -> IT’S SUCH A BEAUTIFUL CONTRAST TO THE BEGINNING!!! he gets lost in his OWN fields, and that’s saying something. however, despite that, the reader still being reassured (or as much as she can reassure herself) that he always comes home = he has the red string to BRING HIMSELF BACK TO THE READER = ALWAYS COMING HOME. I’M!!!! and i love the silly banter that opened the story. aLso HIS HESISTATION OVER TELLING THE READER THE JOB HE WAS ASSIGNED... BECAUSE HE WAS WORRIED ABT THE READER.... AKDKSKKSKS. the fact he didn’t accept the offer immediately DESPITE being so in love with the sea and waited for reader’s permission is such a SMALL thing, but when you describe his love for the sea as superior, that action shows he loves the reader even more and i just- SLKDKAKDKSK. i might be over-reading and i apologise if i do bUT DO COMMENT ON IT THANK U!! 🤩💜 - ava
u sent me these eons ago and i promise i wasnt ignoring you ive just been working like 10 hour days and i am Exhausted 😭😭 but all of these messages legitamately give me life, i am so incredibly grateful! <3 im so so glad you enjoyed this fic!! and you are NOT OVERREADING I LOVE TO SEE YOUR INSIGHTS!!!! it makes me fall back in love with the fic all over again! <3 
i am SO glad that him always coming home comes through! because it gets kinda dire in the middle of the fic so i wanted there to be that hope at the back of your mind that knew he always came home. but i wanted you to be stressed about it still so :) and silly banter is my favourite part of writing this guy, i had so much fun with it alskdf.
and ok i love u, you got everything i was trying to do there <33 like i was struggling to find the balance between her reluctance and supportiveness. thats a fun (and tricky) thing about established relationship fics i find... theres that depth of understanding that can make the interactions more interesting, but so much of it is unspoken. it was a good challenge! so its so GOOD to hear that it vibes right hehe
THE WAY KUROO PLAYS WITH THE STRING!!! THAT WAS SUCH A FOND MOMENT OMG AKDKSKDK. and it’s so interesting that it appeared before kuroo even left 👀👀👀
she already missed him 🥺🥺 i originally had him tug on her hair and then i went!!! wait!!!! we can do better than that!!!!!!!!
READER IS LOST WITHOUT KUROOO!!!! AKDKSKSK and i also love the little addition where despite it being a POUT, she holds it close to her heart. with the context of their banters + that little scene, it just shows me how much each appreciate every ounce of the other party which makes me SO SO SO SOFT AKDJSKDKSK. and then hitting me with the scene where reader is eating a meal alone??? a punch in the gut. when she realised she’s alone I TOO remembered that kuroo is gone and that softness established in the previous scene is sUCKED OUT—ASKDKSKSKSK. 
im just a little obsessed with the little things and gestures that make u fall in love with someone? like the specific way my friend twirls her pen while were in lectures, or how my dad has that one little smile when hes amused himself with his own joke... and for that to be a last lifeline for her to hold on to before he leaves :’))) I JUST LOVE EST RELATIONSHIP FICS OK?!
hehehe yes im sorry about that puch to the gut oops 😇 that was a scene i had super clear in my head before i started - the bright, bright string against the relative drab of the table and room.
i’m at the part where reader gets lost and let me tell u, the fact they have a WAY to communicate via string pulling alone is SO ENDEARING and just subtly hints they have been at this whole red string thing for AGES (or at least enough to form such an understanding). that’s ADORABLE and really strengthens the bonds they have together 
yessssssssssss as soon as i thought of this idea i knew it had to be an established relationship. i have it in my brain they have been married maybe 2-3 years?? i am such a sucker for unspoken understanding relationships :’)
“You push hurriedly through the crowd, ducking between market stalls and wagons. There’s no string to follow, but you don’t need it to find him today.” THIS SENTENCE WAS SO BEAUTIFUL in the context of the entire story. and what a perfect way to describe/show the reader that it’s THE DAY. MOO, you’re really serving such great kuroo x reader stories please continue AHHAHA
this entire fic was so self indulgent please dshlfkljadsb but im glad u like this line!! i tend to try visualise the scene like a movie first? and then write it, and this was also one of the first scenes that was super clear in my brain :D
402 DAYS!!!! I SEE WHAT U DID THERE 👀👀 also, is this is a little hint to how u had to wait until the end to see timeskip kuroo? HAHAHA that wld be adorable
WAIT YO THATS CLEVER? I DIDT EVEN- ava when i say that is a COMPLETE coincidence... i literally just picked a number that was longer than 365 days... breaking news i am a secret genius JKBDSCN
i also really liked the “in-between”: of reader’s life without kuroo. u can really see how integrated they are to each other’s lifestyle, and not only that, the scene where reader handles a twin’s birth (to me) strengthens how they’re reallllly soulmates. there is a low chance that kuroo knew reader was in a desperate situation, yet he pulled on the string at the time reader needed it. it’s just—telapathy but not really + soulmate system = SOULMATES. do i make sense? and i really love the details, like how we can trace back kuroo’s scar to a moment of reader’s life in the fic. putting it at the end sort of makes me reflect on their situations that happened simultaneously yet not really. it sort of fills me in with this,,, space. that the earth is so wide. i understand deeper what reader means by “oh he’s going to be gone for so long”. it’s just. wow. the earth is so big yk.
YES YOU MAKE TOTAL SENSE!!! it's such a lovey way of looking at it :') can they communicate and understand eachother like this cuz theyre soulmates? or just because they love each other and have learnt the other inside out?? hhnn this is why i love soulmate aus, theres so much to pull apart!!!
and ok yes on the topic of how big the earth is... im so glad u mentioned this, its my favourite part because (not to get like... super sappy or anything) i was writing this through the toughest stages of our second lockdown. our restrictions got to the point we werent allowed further than 5km from out homes, so writing about freedom and big spaces and exploration of far off places was such a nice escape for me :’) this fic has ended up very close to my heart. (plus i was reading @/w-yuren’s hq0819 series at the time so i had travel and adventure on the brain hehe) 
THE ENDING.... THE ENDING.... THE WAY KUROO ASKED READER TO KI** HIM—IT’S LIKE THE KUROO IN MY HEAD YESSSSS. Gosh, this line too “when he kisses you he tastes like the sea; like salt-spray and dry rations and freedom.” may i have a director’s cut abt it :3 AND AKDJSKSK. i really love how the string appeared even tho they were together (the scene before kuroo docked on the ship) and once again, they are together, but none of them are lost because they r together-together. do i make sense? am i overreading things??? again, i have to comment on the banter. it’s simply amazing. kuroo’s replies are so,, KUROO, and they are filled with such FONDNESS I’M SO AKDKSKSK.
IM SO GLAD HE VIBES THANK U I THINK THE FONDNESS IS MY BIAS SHOWING BUT SHHHHH ;P you have picked one of my favourite lines out heheh it was one that just flowed out and wasnt one i particularly had to think about which is always nice. but i think it is a combo of me trying to be fancy lol and me being a huge fan of fantasy-books-set-on-ships. think like explorers or pirates, some rag tag bunch who have to set off on some quest and come back with some of that wildness imbued in their very being... yeah this line was definitely born from me Yearning i think :P
ooo do you mean the wedding scene? that was me trying to hit the ‘feeling lost in a crowd’ idea. you know when youre surrounded by people and joy and laughter and you just feel very small and disconnected? that.
ALSO READER’S DYANAMICS WITH KARASUNO CHARACTERS IS ADORABLE AKDKSKSKK. the festival scene was such a breather and it was adorable to see her interact with those characters. it feels like a snapshot in her life i simply adore that :3
ahh yea! i wanted her to have a life, you know? shes not the type to mope around, like life goes on. that doesnt mean she doesnt miss him oof but theres a whole community around to support her too!! and im very fond of takeda in this scene :’) he takes care of his crows <3
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itsakpopalypse · 5 years
Johnny Seo NCT 127 Astrology : How He Loves
“Hi love!! Can I get a johnny: how he loves?? Thank youuuu💗💗💗💗 “-  @itsthequeenofhearts
“ Hello, it’s me again. So me and my bff both loved your astrology post about yuta and since he is my bias I was wondering if you could do an astrology post about her bias in nct127 as well ? Her bias is Johnny and I hope I’m not too pushy but SOMEONE in this household has to ask!😂😂 I LOVE your multi fandom blog and I hope I’m not too much of a bother! Thank you very much! 🌸💗🌺”- @marinemousemarie
“ Heey ~ Can you make a How x loves with NCT's Johnny?? I love your astrology posts ❤💎 “- @oshivana
A/N Thank you All for requesting ! I am so happy you have liked what I have done so far and I hope this lives up to your standards as well!! Thank you for your patience as well!!
So here, comes, Johnny!! 
That was bad I apologize no i don’t
Tumblr media
We all know our chaotic and boyfriendy Johnny is an Aquarius
We all know Aquarian’s are basically just aliens VERY UNIQUE
We estimate his rising as Taurus , and we know his moon is Gemini
he has a 3,3,3 split of earth fire and air with only one water sign, 
 his chart leans mutable, but he has a decent amount of both fixed and cardinal.
This means he is a pretty easy going guy. None of his big three are particularly “strong” leader signs
Aquarian’s tend to march to their own beat, so he will likely have many opinions and want to talk about them
Aquarian’s have a lot of love and desire to change the world, so a part of him is going to want to be your hero
Lunar Gemini, while outgoing and fun loving, is also very emotionally tactful--- STILL A FLIRT THO
they don’t expose their true feelings and tend to be more analytical than they at first seem
because of this people think Gemini are being two faced, when generally they just want to keep a tight grip on their own feelings without interference
Taurus in rising suggests he is deliberate, practical and patient. 
I know he seems pretty silly a lot, but a good chunk of his chart is very practical and pragmatic. 
his venus is in Capricorn, which is misunderstood as a less feeling sign
in reality, Capricorns aren’t unfeeling, they just choose to express their love and affection very differently
honestly he isn’t going to be very EMOTIONALLY open but he WILL be very physically open
Leo Mars so even though the Capricorn venus is pretty resserved, he will have the drive to go for what he wants, as well as the confidence to follow through
In general, there are 3 things that are known for a few SPICY things that we will discuss in the SPICY section so .. keep that in mind I guess
Let’s put the puzzle that is JOHNNY SUH together 
SO with Aquarius in Mercury and Sun, he likes a debate
he likes to verbally spar and enjoys anyone who can keep up with him
this makes me think it will be more likely for his trope to be an almost enemies to lovers style
not real cut throat enemies, but like... you will constantly bicker at first if he likes you because he is vetting you only the strong will survive this
he WANTS you to push back just as hard
he LIKES to stir up your emotions
the more fired up you get the more fun it is for him
what a little SHIT
i think, if it TRULY bothered you he would lighten up, and if he thought you could keep up he would totally let up
because now 
now you’ve hooked him
heart eyes motherfucker
NOW comes the deeper conversations
remember all that save the world he has in him? 
he wants your opinions
he wants to have really deep conversations and examine all the sides 
His Gemini will be FLIRTING NOW
AIR SIGNS ISTG... a self own??
Will 10/10 try to make flirting as awkward and unique as possible
or will use the cheesiest lines ever used
Aquarians are like that girl who isn’t like other girls okaaaay  they have to be different
Anyway once he feels like you are HOOKED on his awk ass charms
he will reel you IN
The sweet little gestures will begin
Capricorn Venus’ are very thoughtful they tend to show affection through gifts and help 
so if you’re working on something they will already be there to help
if you need something he knows before  you do
very attentive and very caring, just not as vocal as some other signs
that doesn’t mean you’ll NEVER get an I love you, it just means his love language likely revolves around making you feel taken care of!
The kind of boyfriend who sees you’re having a rough time at work so he picks you up in the parking lot one day and takes you to shopping and picks you out something nice to wear
then takes you to some great little place for dinner that is kinda quiet and the atmosphere is relaxed so he can just talk to you and make you feel treasured
likes physical affection and will reciprocate it !at first I thought he wouldn’t initiate it but actually with Gemini and Aquarius in those placements he actually might be hella touchy
holding hands touching your face while he smiles at you pulling your leg into his lap while you are relaxing together
rubbing soft circles on your back during hugs
i hurt my own feelings and he isn’t even my bias damn
the boyfriendiest tbh!!
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Here’s where things get a big different
we all know he’s boyfriendy af
we all know he is KINKY af
He’s not the ULT DOM DADDY
let me explain first
Aquarius and Gemini are... probably the two least dom in the zodiac.
.both are ... REALLY open minded,have incredibly high sex drives
they want to explore their sexuality and yours but they all don’t mind taking a backseat to someone else
and his Venus in Capricorn.. Oh here is where it’s POSSIBLE
BUT his mars is Leo,for men, Mars can be JUST as important to one’s bedroom inclinations as their Venus is
so he might LEAN more in control but he may also be fine with the roles switching around
he honestly just wants to blow your mind
Leo mars is ALL about showing off
this means he got that PRAISE KINK
they LOVE sensuality in the bedroom
they have this DEEP desire to be the best you have ever had
try hards
so expect to be pampered
Capricorn Venus is ALL IN once they are all in
SO  all together
He is open minded and kinky
might be in to slightly more risky sex play
I could see role play being something he loves
sexy lingerie ABSOLUTELY
especially if HE PICKED IT
remember cap likes to show their love through gifts
the type of guy who you come home and he has a pile of boxes with a pretty bow and tells you he wants you to go put that on
and inside is all manner of vibrating panties and restraints and maybe a cute little crop he plans to use on you 
What I am saying is he may be just fine giving you control of the bedroom antics but in the end he wants to be the one you scream for
he wants to show you that no one could ever fuck you like him and no one could ever make you so happy
and if you’re into it...like... don’t bring up past loves or heaven help your ass and thighs, because you are in for a pretty severe punishment
ooooh is that a promise 👀👀👀??
The type of man who REALLY loves when you say his name or title in bed
Oh Daddy she likes to be so bad for you 
might be a little into nicknames that make him feel extra extra special
very into using his hands
a little squeeze around that necklace
light pressure to make you gasp his name in pleasure
pressing two from the other hand deep and intimate
likes looking you in the eye when you come
is absolutely the type who drags you back into his pelvis when you pass  him in the house,just grinding into you with a muffled promise of later
digs his fingertips in too hard when he hits it from the back
pretty purple reminders of a passionate night
He wants his baby all his, marked and messed up
and so so so satisfied
aftercare is thoughtful and gentle,talks you down and praises you 
won’t be cocky about it until the next day when you are walking a little... more tenderly than usual
has a comment all prepared tbh
will take the smack against his chest with a cheeky grin
he loves you so much he can’t stand it
WHEW honestly his was a little hard I am so glad I got it finished.thank you ALL for requesting and I hope you Love it!!
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jaebaebie · 5 years
SKZ as your high school boyfriend (part ii)
If it seems like I got a bit carried away, it’s because I DID get carried away (IM SORRY THEYRE BOTH MY BIAS/BIASWRECKER, I couldn’t help myself)
ok so hyunjin would be P O P U L A R ,, no doubt
good looks + talented dancer,, everyone obviously fell for him the minute he stepped foot into school
everyone except for you,, ofcourse
you assumed him to be arrogant and narcissistic
because him having a nice personality would just be too good to be true (like come on,, no guy can be that perfect)
you were so sure you were right about him
it took you a hit in the face to realise that,, LITERALLY a Volleyball to your face thrown by Hwang Hyun Jin himself
it was just a volleyball game between his class and yours,,
and you were simply judging your female classmates as they were squealing over Hyunjin who was right across the net
then suddenly a ball whacks your face
and you somehow wake up in the nurse’s office with a very handsome and very frantic guy beside you, grasping onto your hand
“Oh my— thank god! You’re not dead! I’m really sorry,, I really didn’t mean to hit you. I swear! I just— I didn’t even— I’m so sorry!”
His rambles went on and on, which DIDNT help with the throbbing pain in your head, so you shut him up, “Hyunjin, it’s okay. Now will you please just keep it down? I’m okay.”
that didn’t make him feel better, so he offered to drive you home, glancing at you from time to time, making sure you were okay
shyly smiling when you called him out
when you parted ways, you thought that that was the last time you’d ever have to speak to him
surprising you when you found him to be waiting for you right outside your class, leaning against the wall beside the door
he’d ask you if you were okay and apologise for the millionth time
it was kinda cute because he was an absolute softie and sweetheart,, nowhere near the selfish monster you assumed him to be
“How many times do I have to tell you it’s okay?”
“I don’t know. I still feel bad.”
and somehow these types of conversations diverged into many more as he walked you to your next class
and these conversations continued in the days that followed as he constantly appeared to ‘pick you up’ from class, making sure to help you carry your books if you were carrying any in your hands
And like , TADAH, like all the other girls, you had fallen for the one and only Hwang Hyun Jin… OOOOOPPS
you thought he acted this way with every girl, but like,,, he was crushing on you real hard sis and you never noticed
he’ll confess first out of frustration because you never took the hint,, even when he was making it VERYYY obvious
as a boyfriend, he’ll be the kind to pick you up every morning, honking from his car with his signature eye smile
he’ll have some kind of breakfast ready for you, knowing that you were NOT a morning person (worse than him tbh)
he’ll interlock his fingers with yours or have his arm slung around your shoulders as the two of you walk down the hallways
occasionally kissing the back of your hand/ temple when he feels you tense up from the jealous looks of the girls around you two
which is why during lunch breaks, the two of you choose to hang out on the rooftop where no one’s focused on you two
he’d listen to you talk about your day, smiling lovingly at you with his handsome face
sometimes, you’d get distracted and completely forget which part of your story you were in
because how can one function when someone looks at you like how Hyunjin does
“And then Changbin —….” your voice would trail off, falling for his eyes as he gave you an expectant look, waiting for you to continue
“Wait, where was I again?”
He’d laugh and his eyes would crinkle into little moons (you know how it is)
then he’d give you a short kiss, before helping you out “You were talking about Changbin.”
“Oh. Right!”
you’ll be the first he shows his new dance routines to
you two take LOTS of selfies together #reallycuteIGprofilewithreallycutephotosofyoutwo
he’ll be the kind of boyfriend who gets pouty when you don’t give him enough attention during your study dates,,
would start clinging onto you/playing with your hair/ hugging you from the back/ being all cuddly and cute until you finally give him attention
surprise back hugs when he sees you by your locker in between classes
all in all, he’s a very sweet and cuddly and touchy boyfriend
let’s just say you and jisung were already bestfriends with very fun and loud personalities,, aka crackheads
so obviously you two were setting up a kind-of-harmless prank to pull on Felix involving a water bucket and a door
how were you supposed to know that your teacher had forgotten his water bottle in class?
so,, major oops when your little prank resulted in an extremely drenched, raging teacher who sent the both of you to detention
you had to clean and arrange your school’s library,, which you got bored of within the first 15 minutes, choosing to throw yourself into one of the bean bags Jisung was on
“so, now that Jinyoung has graduated, have you found a new guy to crush on yet?”
you rolled your eyes, throwing a pillow at his face because you were NOT gonna have this conversation with him AGAIN
one, because it was annoying and two, because you didn’t want to risk him finding out that HE was actually your crush
you went back to rearranging books, telling him that you wanted to finish the task fast and get home,, so he FINALLY helped you manage the other side of your bookshelf
not long after, you noticed him talking to ryujin
obv you eavesdropped on their conversation through the little gaps in the bookshelves (though you barely heard anything)
you rolled your eyes,, its hard to like Han Ji Sung
because the boy is so sweet and nice and friendly to everyone
it just makes you crazy because there was a tiny part of you that wanted him to be sweet and caring ONLY to you.
your little spy mission was interrupted by Minho, a friend from dance, who started a conversation with you
little did you know, it was now jisung’s turn to eavesdrop
“What were you guys talking about?” Jisung asks through the gap of the bookshelf, following you as you went along the aisle
“And why does it concern you?” You ask back.
“Because I’m your bestfriend.”
“Okay then. Tell me what you and Ryujin were talking about first, since I’m your bestfriend too.
“Ryujin and Minho are completely different. Tell me yours first.”
you scoffed, offended by his words, “You’re being unreasonable! Why are you acting like you’re twelve? Are you like jealous or something, Han Jisung?”
he got cut off by the librarian, shutting the two of you up
by the time you reached the end of the aisle, he was there too, allowing the two of you to directly glare at each other face to face
you crossed your arms, staring at the stack of books behind him and avoiding his glare
“Fine, I admit. I’m jealous.” He confesses, “Are you?”
Your eyes widened, your arms fell down to your sides as you slowly nodded, “Me too.”
Is jisung’s part too long? Yes. Am I gonna keep writing? YES.
so, I guess you can say that’s how the two of you indirectly confessed to each other
you guys have a really nice and envy-worthy relationship because your boyfriend’s your bestfriend after all
you’ll have LOTS of FUN,, having after school dates at a fair, karaoke club
you guys have the same group of friends, and the two of you would sit in the same table during your breaks
sometimes, you’d sit on his lap and his arms would just be around your waist, cuddling you with his chin rested on your shoulder
whining for you to feed him a bite of your food,, which you teased him about but absolutely loved
concerts in empty lecture theatres you sneak into,
he’d have the mic, you’ll be sitting in one of the chairs pretending to be an obedient student
he starts rapping or starts advertising a random vitamin bottle he found on the floor
your stomach would hurt so much laughing,, just WHOLESOME
study dates with him would probably turn into a party as you guys start screaming your lungs out to Frozen
sometimes, when he’s having anxiety, you’ll skip school to stay home with him, making sure he was okay and well fed.
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exhoe-imagines · 5 years
*cue nervous laughter cuz i bias all of exo* may I pretty please ask for Minseok/Xiumin? I've been missing him a lot lately
omg you can request all of exo, dw!! i just wasn’t sure which group you wanted, since we write for a lot 😅 but i’ll give you some extra soft minseok content too hehe
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minseok - bro,, the snow boi JUMPED OUT. he wants to be in the snow at every chance, just saying. snowboarding? sign him up. skiing? he’s already on the top of the hill. snow angels? he’s already made 12. however, if you decide to join him, he will put you in 30000 warm layers and scold you for being reckless, before kissing your cold nose :3 in all honesty, he LOVE LOVE LOVES cuddling with you by the fire after being outside… he won’t admit it tho.. sorry.
luhan - now,, i KNOW this is an old joke, however, luhan still uses the deer as his icon so im allowed to capitalize on this. he’s got a pair of reindeer ears he wears everywHERE and there is NOTHING you can do about it. they have little bells on them and sometimes you wake up at 3 am bc he’s shuffling around in bed and they’re jingling and you’re DETERMINED to make him sleep on the couch the next night :))
yifan - ok we all know that ONE friend who eats all the winter snacks they can get their hands on, right? well, that’s yifan. he’s got a cookie plate for himself and he snacks little treats all day every day. maybe he’s got some spiked eggnog, too. just prepare for him to be on a sugar high (and maybe a little tipsy) at all times. also, you WILL have to rub his little tummy after he downs a dozen cookies in a row. oops.
junmyeon - ok baby myeon is THE house decorater. i’m sorry. but please be ready to help out. “honey, can you pass me the hammer?” “junmyeon, do we really need lights above our bed?” “of course.” unlike zitao, he refuses to have silver/minimalist decorations, so prepare for your whole house to become a whole ass cabin. the middle-aged pinterest mom jumped out.
yixing - i feel like he’s the Winter Traveler. “it’s too cold!!” he complains, before dragging you on a pre-planned trip that he tries to make seem impulsive. like, yeah sure, you just HAPPENED to have a hotel in our name, in a warm country, with all accommodations already sorted out. sure. but honestly, you see what he’s got planned, and where you’re going – and you’re not complaining. who would be?
baekhyun - ok,,, baekhyun is the music boy. he’s got the holiday songs playing in SEPTEMBER. he’s got twelve different winter playlists. some are uplifting romances and the others are ballad breakup songs. he’s always dancing or he’s sobbing over this sad song, and when you try to skip it, he throws a tissue at you and screams to not touch his speaker. good luck.
jongdae - “i really think it’s time i get my life together.” new years resolution? screw that. jongdae is starting EARLY. he’s got a new skincare routine. he’s ONLY drinking water. he’s even sleeping earlier!! and then you wake up one night to go to the bathroom and he’s not in bed. you find him in the living room with a glass of wine, surrounded by 7 empty boxes of pocky. “oHPE- IT’S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE.”
chanyeol - GINGERBREAD HOUSE KING. ok.. listen.. he’s NOT good at them. AT ALL. the walls fall every second, and the ceiling is definitely caving in. there’s icing in his hair and on his nose, but he’s GRINNING and making tiny gingerbread cookies of both of you. “babe, look what i made!” “c-channie is that a deadpool cookie?!!?!”
kyungsoo - LET ME JUST S A Y. YOU WILL BE EATING GOOD. COOK!KYUNGSOO DID NO T COME TO PLAY. PREPARE FOR GOURMET DISHES ALL SEASON. HE’S TALKING TO HIMSELF LIKE HE’S ON FOOD NETWORK. HE’S GARNISIHING THE PLATES WITH SOME GREENS. also you do actually watch cooking shows, and he wont stfu. “yah, why are they using the ice cream machine with 7 MINUTES LEFT!?”
zitao - god ALMIGHTY if this boy spends a lot during the rest of the year – you better literally put his credit card in the FREEZER when winter/holidays roll around. “zitao is that a new gold and diamond watch?!” “babe it’s ok i got you one too!!” “that is NOT why i’m angry.” also he loves a good white christmas, so enjoy all the silver glittery decorations that will take ages to clean up :))
jongin - ok we all know about spring cleaning, but let jongin introduce you to a new concept – the winter clean. this basically means, he’s suddenly becomes sick of the entire house and decides it needs a revamp!! your eyes will melt out of your head when you see the bills coming in from the mall, and he just whines. “babe, my clothes were OLD. i needed a new Winter Look :).” “jongin you’ve done this TWICE in one WEEK.”
sehun - ok so we know he dresses up as santa for kids but honestly that’s his outfit for all of winter. he’s got santa pjs and a santa hat at the ready at all times. he’s got santa slippers for around the house. santa face masks. santa socks. literally everything. even vivi has a santa suit. if you’re his s/o, prepare to be matching him bc he’s gonna buy u a set of pjs too ;)
- admin ruby
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ok so i feel like telling the world my bias list (kpop) for no reason and i was a little scared to but oh well lol
im gonna do this in parts. this list is my bias’ in boygroups pt.1
soo yeah if you wanna see some beautiful asian men you can keep reading lol
kinda turned out long oop
imma do nct on another post bc thats fucking loonngggg
1. kim hongjoong; stage name: hongjoong (leader of ateez, rapper, lyricist, producer and composer (i forget if those are the same thing) )
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king of the lesbians
personally i think hes SOME type of gay but, y’know, you do you baby (’good lil boy’ is the song he wrote on their new album akjsdl)
prince of mullets in kpop (king is minghao from seventeen)
so?? pretty???
he paints his nails for the polished man campaign!!! (this was before the group became ambassadors.) v socially aware as well
his voice is very high for a rapper but i rly love it
wanna hear what he thinks of atinys?? (the fandom) listen to ‘aurora’
korean big minion 
very very good at english, despite what he says
is so caring for his ‘children’ ugh such an amazing leader
also a little brat sometimes but we dont talk about it
fuck gender roles
5′7 skirt guy you’ve probably heard of in the kpop tiktok community
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the official campaign pic:
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2. han jisung; stage name: han (main rapper of stray kids, lead vocalist, producer and composer, lyricist, ult bias uwu)
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heres the tea
this man literally saved my life
he has been through so much and i relate to that. seeing that he made it through the worst gave me hope.
his music and lyrics just speak to me (wanna see me cry? send me the song ‘19′, its written by him)
on to the happier things
his s q u i r r e l   c h e e k s
hes honestly so pleasing to look at ugh
vocals????? fricking great???? listen to ‘hellevator’ and ‘district 9′ for his vocals
jEoGiYa NoOnA HoKsI nAmJaChInGu IsSeOyO (’wow’ 3RACHA)
part of 3RACHA, a rap group between him and two other members
his american name is peter and he loves nat geo wild and cheesecakes and honestly if thats not amazing idk what is
lived in malaysia??? for 6 years???? lovin the melanin y’all
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3. im changkyun; stage name: I.M. (lead rapper of monsta x, sub-vocalist, maknae (the youngest), producer and composer)
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fam im WHIPPED for this man like honestly i dont like subbing or sex in general lol ace things but i’d let him r a i l me
lived in america for 3 years and israel for 4; speaks fluent english and its SEXY
rapping skills??? on point???? both in english and korean ugh
is one of those people that does n o t like to be touched but then he’ll kiss your cheek out of nowhere
confident in his own skin and super open about it
“For IM, ‘Wearing a harness is just to express our song concept. Showing the audience what we want to show is the most important thing. We’re not ashamed. We’ve done a lot of sexual items, like harnesses and chains. We’re comfortable.’ “ 
“But, for argument’s sake, where does your own sense of masculinity come from? IM pauses for a long moment. ‘Having a dick,’ he says bluntly, sipping coffee as his bandmates’ jaws drop and shocked laughter ripples around the table.”
that interview is here 
kinky lil bitch
i can go on and on about this man but im just gonna stop there
i lied he has tattoos (one on his wrist [ :): ] and the one on the nape of his neck, it reads “the one who wants to wear the crown must bear the crown”)
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i like this picture bc its his hands and theyre pretty and fuck gender roles from a kpop idol
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thats enough of him 
4. kim wonpil; stage name: wonpil (pianist, synthesizer, and keyboardist in day6, lyricist, vocalist, also a a dj and mc for a podcast)
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was the maknae but then dowoon came along and now hes not lol
honestly like hes such a good pianist and is really great on the keys
is really good at making song lyrics out of thin air
like, he can hear the sentence “i really want chicken rn but i can’t have it im on a diet” and he’ll get “i crave your taste, but there is a wall i built myself blocking you from my love” like literally
im pretty sure he wrote the chorus for their song ‘zombie’
honestly bruh his vocals are so good
like pls go listen to ‘emergency’ and ‘congratulations’ (theres an english version for that song alsjdk)
guys hes just a big babie honestly
so pretty to look at omg
“i dont really care what my spouse looks like or what gender they are, as long as we’re happy and they love me” (wish i could find that photoset)
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5. kim namjoon: stage name: RM (leader of bts, main rapper, sub-vocalist, lyricist, producer and composer)
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literally the reason im into kpop, so thank you namjoon
a 5′11 babie, tbh
i remember finding out he had his own like, mixtape (’mono.’) and iT WAS SO GOOD AND IT STILL IS KAJHDJ
an amazing rapper and leader
can sing and i do not CARE what anyone says
so as you can see by now i kinda of have a type (except wonpil, idk wtf is going on there with me biasing him laksjk #no regrets)
anyway yeah he was the first kpop boy i found, and it was on his birthday
so every year on september 11th 11:50 p.m., i start i planting a tree in my backyard (bc then its on his birthday in america and korea lakajs so quirky i know) also bc its the day i started listening to kpop so its an anniversary for me lol. 
very very psychological
also very inspiring and loving (to the fans)
doesn’t really show affection, hes better with words than actions, and i really relate to that
dimples aGAIN
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and last but not least for this list bc its already so frickin long
6. byun baekhyun; stage name: baekhyun (main dancer of exo, main singer, sub rapper, pianist, actor)
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he’s so talented???? and amazing???? and overall just kinda perfect??????
dated another idol in the past but personally i think he’s a little *hand goes limp* if you know what i mean
my sister (4) calls him bacon he said it in an interview one time and it stuck to her
is a solo artist too!!!!!!! go listen to his albums!!!! theyre really good!!!!
hes so frickin funny omg like i can laugh at with him all day
understands english but refuses to speak it
honestly kokobop baek was amazing idc what anyone says
is in like 3 different groups damn (like two of them are sub-units of his group and the other one is superm lol)
pls go watch the ‘men on a mission’ episodes with exo bc hes so fucking hilarious i will never get over it
a clown ass bitch that is always ready to square tf up a caring and v nice person that wont fight anyone ever
can also tapdance
lots of video games
very very very very very loud when playing video games
another man i endlessly love
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well. if you made it this far, congrats!!! and thanks!!! i honestly dont care if no one sees this lol i just kinda wanted to do it, so, yeah lol. theres still more groups (superm, nct (seperate post), seventeen, vixx, pentagon, the rose, annnd oneus)then like idk if i’ll do a soloist one, so yeah. this kinda gives me something to do its one big infodump and im sorry lmao. yeah, love y’all !!!
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cheryllcher · 5 years
season finale analysis?? (reaction?? idk)
sooo miracle queen aired so i watched them together. if u haven't watched it yet u can scroll your way out of here to the next post cuz mobile ain't letting me add the cut anytime soon :))
loveater/ heart hunter (apparently that's the english name) this is in no particular order im just throwimg my thoughts here
well honestly im confused. like audrey and andre were not getting along amd suddenly they are all lovey dovey again after akumatisation?? cool. i guess the akuma makes sense but overall not really that amazing and kinda pointless to me besides tryna use that to get chloe on her side and master fu's location
awww i think the friendship between adrien, mari and kagami is pure. and marinette didn't stutter!! im proud of my girl!! this is the kind of content i really love to see and it makes me happy when the writers do that :)
umm andre's flavour combis are a little weird tho like orange and peppermint?? no offence i wouldn't eat that together
also mari looks so pretty with her hair down and the way she helped her friends escape. and ended up breaking her own heart to help kagami
and if im being honest, not just cuz im bias to the love square but the relationship between adrien and kagami is weird for me cuz all season i haven't seen that development?? adrien was so hung up on ladybug (which he should have stopped confessing since in glaciator he said her friendship was all that matters but okay) and suddenly kagami?? sorry but i just cant with it unless there's something in felix and chat blanc but i doubt it
luka was cool tho, like he was just being there for mari and all patient while mari had a breakdown.
hawky's plan was actually not bad tho if im being honest here. and chloe should have already learnt about not getting bee back in miraculer right?? sorry i cant rmb rn if she did
overall other than the initial sadness cuz of the lovesquare before watching. now that i've did, it just doesnt reallly... feel like a finale to me. just trying to push some relationships and kinda unlearnt lessons that should be learnt before this. also random 'subplot' of audrey and andre that just resolved out of nowhere. but im happy to finally see marinette being human and go through emotional breakdowns from stress and all her responsibilities.
miracle queen. right i couldnt find subs unfortunately so im going in based on visuals and sucky youtube captions (which only worked for a few lines) once more not in order
akuma was basically queen wasp but the victims are mind controlled instead of frozen. not fantastic honestly in my opinion. also looks almost exactly like queen wasp
so identities are comprimised which cause problems. i actually think this is okay and i hope to see how mari deals with this
i really love that ladynoir moment cuz it shows how much they care for and trust each other. all love aside. it means that there is development and hopefully they grow to love each other completely, both sides of mask and all
also pegasus did u just send cat noir to the flipping sun?? kim's special power was actually pretty funny. pretty cool to see dragonbug and snake noir ngl
again i love how they show marinette having meltdowns from the stress. she can feel negative emotions!!
chloe going after the akuma willingly just showed how she just wanted to be a superhero and get apporval and all. wanna see how that plays out maybe
not sure what happened with fu as couldnt understand but i think he forgot miraculouses existed or something?? and he reuntied with marianne!!
the ending was sorta bittersweet. and idk if it's just me but i feel like mari's eyes looked kinda weird. maybe it was the eyebags?? idk but im cool with it
side note i called it when i thought that something would happen during that supposed adrigami kiss. but not the point hehe oops. also pretty upset that she chose adrien over friendship even after all the things mari's done for her. my opinion tho u are welcome to disagree if u want
overall it's a meh. some good moments but meh.
as i've said earlier i feel like this isnt a finale. the staff said we'll cry but other than the initial disappointment before i jumped in that the love square is crushed and that our 2 idiots are still big idiots, not really the emotional episode i was hyping for.
i also feel like it's sorta all over the place. like they're tryna push for 2 relationships that i didnt really see developing.
in adrigami i see kagami constantly pushing for a choice. like yea i was like ooooh she just said that when she said adrien's indecisiveness hurt her (based on the minimal subtitles youtube caught), but to me i feel like she's not giving adrien the time to sort out his feelings and was just hounding on him when she got the chance. i feel like it isn't going to work (my love square shipping heart thrown out the window at this point so not biasness but from perspective)
lukanette tho. luka is as for now, flawless. he's patient kind and at first i thought how being with him is pretty healthy. but now it's just... "perfect". and that's not really gonna end well?? not really sure if there would even be a start. maybe be a brother figure but not conviced as love interest. also again out of nowhere.
im actually excited at the prospect of a platonic lovesquare but u cant just throw all these soft looks from adrien towards marinette (finale has some too) and expect me to believe that nothing's happening. he should at least be denying some feelings right?? he cant possibly only have 1 brain cell his whole life that doesnt think about it. like it would make more sense (to me) to develop adrien's relationship with mari, platonic or not.
chloe-- cant really see her getting her redemption arc soon. she needs to really be faced with the reality for her actions and learn that superheroes isnt all action and attention and glory and that ladybug is looking out for her by not giving her the miraculous anymore. not keep insisting and turning to the dark side for superpowers.
i also dont really see the point of the love rivals?? i rather they take care of themselves and grow and mature without love being in it. i think it would be a good lesson to learn. to take the time to care about yourself and learn wut is best for u and learn about yourself before plunging into a relationship with all these things. the love rivals make everything crazier and doesnt help the situation. just makes the already complicated love square more complicated, then chucking it to the side for now. doesnt make sense to me even tho im sure they'll grow to be better versions of themselves cuz it's so out of the blue to me @gale-of-the-nomads mentioned it in his review and when i read it i really feel like he took the words out of my mind and put it into words. but i still respect the writer's work and will anticipate the next season to see their story play out :)
so... yea ://
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wickymicky · 5 years
all the questions in @ohsua‘s ask thing! this was really hard and i put more effort into some questions than others, but it was fun! putting it under a Read More cause it got reaaaaally long
What's your favourite title track?
piri! probably anyway. possibly what?
Sleep-walking or Silent Night?
sleepwalking personally, though i like both
Favourite teaser image for The Tree Of Language so far?
uhhhhhhh hmmm. im not sure, maybe dami? or siyeon? from the first round?
Favourite choreography? If you can, explain why
i dont really have an easy answer cause i’d have to watch them all again but the first one that comes to mind is piri. i cant really explain why though lol, i just think its cool to watch
Favourite cover?
tbh i havent heard a lot of their covers, oops
Favourite album?
hmmmmmmm. maybe prequel? or raid of dream? prequel has wake up and sleepwalking though... hmm
Who's your bias?
it was dami forever, and then now it’s jiu, though dami might be bias wrecking me lmao. bias unwrecking? rebiasing?
What's your favourite mv?
oh hmmmm... you know i love piri but honestly that music video is not one of my favorites. i think i’m leaning towards you and i or good night here. i love the scene where the ghost hunter dude’s room is exploding cause i guess the members are messing with shit on the other side of the mirror or whatever, but there’s just a shot of the dude and it’s slowly zooming out as stacks of paper and books and stuff go flying, it’s great. digipedi always makes fantastic videos
What concept would you like to see?
i have so many answers to this that idk if i can choose lol. anything lol, anything. they could do anything. i dont want them to lose the spirit of their concept and sound, but there are infinite directions they could take their concept without losing that spirit. 
Mayday or Wake Up?
wake up dude are you kidding me? i also just um... dont really remember mayday. i’ve heard it but i dont remember right now... wake up is great though
Deja Vu or Piri?
piri! i love deja vu though. piri was the song that got me into them and deja vu was my first comeback with them, so i have an attachment to both, but i would have to say piri, yeah
Who's your favourite vocalist? Rank the members from favourite to least favourite
oh shit really? uhh idk if i can do that but... i mean i gotta say siyeon right? her voice *is* dreamcatcher to me. her voice defines their sound more than anything else, even more than their rock concept. like for real, her voice is more integral to the feel of a dreamcatcher song than the guitars or sort of dark vibe. well, her voice brings the dark vibe a lot of the time, honestly. after that i’d say jiu cause her voice is the total opposite, she has the voice you would least associate with a concept like this, but that serves to add a lot of range to their sound too. her voice is so vividly bright and cheerful... so, dreamcatcher’s dark concepts are defined by siyeon for me, and dreamcatcher’s lively personality and energy onstage and offstage are defined by jiu for me. those first lines of “wake up”? iconic, full of energy, aaaaaa i love her. after that i guess i’d say yoohyeon cause she’s the lead vocalist lol. and then... about the same for the rest. i dont have an order from then on. they’re one of the groups where i think it’s the easiest to tell which member is singing just from audio alone, all seven of them have distinct vocal characters. the only two that i sometimes mix up (again, just based on audio only) are sua and gahyeon. or dami when she sings lol
Did you get to see them live? If yes what's your favourite memory & is there a song you enjoyed on the concert way more than you expected?
noooo i didnt get to :( if they ever come back around though i will move heaven and earth to get there
Dreamcatcher Notes or Vlogs
i tend to watch dreamcatcher notes more because there’s more going on a lot of the time, cause they’re like behind the scenes stuff. also.... there are some members whose vlogs im more likely to watch right away than others lol... though im working my way through all of them little by little so i’ll see all of them eventually. if jiu posts a vlog it’s immediate haha i’m on it immediately
What’s your favourite era of each member?
oh wow okay this is a hard one... here goes!
jiu - already we’ve hit a really difficult one lmao. does blue/purple Jiu count since it was technically post-deja vu? i guess purple is now gonna be immortalized in their new comeback huh? i think actually i’ll say fly high. i think that’s the obvious choice but... idk, she doesnt have a bad era lol
sua - hmmm.... im having trouble remembering which eras were which for certain members... i know she had reddish purplish hair for piri right? i cant remember some of them though... like she didnt have as many drastically different looks as someone like siyeon or dami. maybe i’ll say good night though, purely because of her rap haha. EDIT: oh shit i looked at photos from the eras after all, and oh my god i forgot about you and i... nevermind lol scratch that, it’s you and i. those designs she had in her hair were super cool
siyeon - deja vu, specifically the part where she had short blue hair. amazing. flawless. legendary. stories will be told of those days
handong - her ‘what’ era is probably her most popular, but actually im gonna say deja vu. i liked her short blonde hair, it looks really good on her. the first thing that came to mind is her with that hair and those purple/black deja vu outfits... im thinking of some photos from some fansigns... yeah. 
yoohyeon - deja vu again lol, sorry about the recency bias haha. this is the era she viciously and savagely bias wrecked me. especially during those fanmeetings where she had a ponytail and was wearing a suit... oh my god lol she knew exactly what she was doing. they all know exactly how good they look in suits and they subject us to it as often as they can lol. her grey hair during you and i is iconic too, and the red she had during good night... but i think im gonna stick with my answer
dami - piri!!!!!!! oh my god!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh my god??? oh my god!!!! especially post-piri with her black hair??? fucuuucuckckckckckkckkkkkk dude she’s so handsome i could CRY. this current era we’re about to get is looking like a gamechanger too though... her hair’s kinda wavy and that look on her face in that first teaser... and her floral shirt... damn dude. honorable mention to you and i cause of the baton trick she’s famous for lol
gahyeon - now with gahyeon its actually pretty hard for me to say, she has had the same or similar hair in every comeback pretty much, right? hmmm. the things that immediately come to mind are good night and piri and i’m not sure why. actually i might be thinking of chase me? OH NEVERMIND okay i caved and i looked at photos from different eras and i forgot that she had green in her hair during fly high, okay yeah nevermind lol it’s fly high
What do you hope to see on their albums in the future?
what do you mean? like in terms of types of songs? uhhh.. idk.. most of the stuff i would say to this is stuff that i have no doubt will actually come. i want more bangers like piri and what, i want more edm stuff like sleepwalking and silent night, but yeah i’m sure we’ll get that. i guess what i’ll say is... more songs with involvement from the members. either in terms of composition or even just lyrics. though i like the composers and lyricists they have a lot! i’ll also say if nothing else, then a song choreographed at least in part by the members would be amazing. idk if it’ll happen for a title track, but if sua choreographs one of their edm bsides or something, and they perform it live on music shows, fuck...
What would you say to each member if you didn't have to worry about a time limit?
each member individually??? that’s too time consuming woirjgeoiwrgew but i do have individual answers for all of them probably lol. especially yoohyeon, i wanna talk to her about languages. i’ll just say to all of them how much i appreciate them and how they arent boxed in by typical idol conventions, but they also arent boxed in as outside them either. like, they’re not an anti-kpop-group, they’re not the complete antithesis, they like being a kpop group and they like other kpop groups so they would never want to be that. i like how much fun they have, i like how close they are, i like how they treat their fans, i think if the fandom did something really awful or went too far i like to think they would feel comfortable letting us know. hopefully, anyway. more than most other kpop groups i’m aware of, it’s easy to find them in videos and vlives and stuff not being totally in idol-mode and just being people, and friends with their members. im not criticizing other groups, cause if i was in their position, i think i would have a hard time not being “on” when on camera, even if it’s just a vlive. maybe it’s because they’ve known each other for a lot longer than a lot of other current-gen groups, and they’re older than many of their current-gen peers too. they feel very earnest, they’re not trying to hide. im sure there are aspects to them that we dont know about and will never know about, and i hope that’s the case cause i hope they’re able to maintain some privacy in this job, but it’s not hard to tell when someone is being genuine and when someone isn’t, and i get a very genuine vibe from them a lot of the time. i’m glad they are who they are, they’re really influential and inspirational to me.  i.... also might wanna mention their support for lgbt people, though i would want to talk to them about that in private because it’s personal for me and risky for them and i know how shitty that situation is, especially since i know that they care and would be a lot more vocal if they could be. and they’re one of the most vocal groups about it already! i just want to thank them.
Is there a song you think is underappreciated?
hmmm. i’m not really sure which are and which arent, i actually think insomnias do a good job appreciating everything haha. 
Rank Breaking Out, You and I, Fly High, What and Deja Vu from favourite to least favourite
oof okay, i guess this is the Controversial Opinion Time huh?
What (i guess this is a controversial song? is it? it’s one of my favorites, number 1 or number 2, so idk lol)
Fly High
Deja Vu
You and I
Breaking Out
Let's say you are forced to choose a title track that gets erased from existence so that the rest can stay, which one do you pick? i'm sorry
does this count jp ones? cause.... im not into breaking out... sorry... i think i would say.... idk.... my least favorite main title track was still a big moment for them and had great moments in the choreo.... i dont know if i would want to erase it fully.... iojdoikoldofbm i feel like the one you could erase the easiest, and that wouldnt change their history all that much, would be What... but i love What... lmao idk... at one point i would have said Fly High but it grew on me a lot and i think it was necessary for them at that point. i also love it for the lore haha. so im sorry i dont have an answer.... unless breaking out counts oijwefmgodlr,rfl;kfd
Full Moon or Over The Sky?
i only got into both songs fairly recently, for whatever reason i hadnt heard full moon for a long time, and when the over the sky special clip came out i decided that i didnt like the song at all but i just listened to it not that long ago and was surprised at how much i liked it, so actually i dont hate either song lol. still, i’ll say full moon
Choose between their Taemin covers: Move or Sayonara Hitori
oh uh i havent heard/watched these ioerokgopdrgkdh. i hadnt even heard Move until like two weeks ago. oops. i guess i should watch their cover huh? tbh i didnt even know they did that lol im bad at this
Who do you wish they could collab with?
lol i would love to say loona because theyre my other ult but actually im gonna say ateez. they have so much in common! they have the same producers for all their title tracks, theyre both very choreo-focused, they both are very concept-heavy... i would love some sort of crossover thing. imagine a 15 member crossover EP or something... the pirates meeting the nightmares... or whatever each of their new concepts are gonna be... damn. again this would go over extremely well musically too, cause Ollounder could just try to combine his styles for his two groups lol
Who first caught your eyes and why?
dami obviously, i’m only human
Trap or Diamond?
diamond i guess, i dont really listen to either of these that often
Pick 3 members for your zombie apocalypse squad
sua cause she could beat people up, siyeon cause she could beat people up, yoohyeon cause she’s a clumsy mess and we would need a challenge
Blonde Siyeon or Blue haired Siyeon
blue!!!! but only by a bit
Favourite dancer?
theyre all so good, they all could be the main dancer for any other group. sua is considered their main dancer, but idk, any of them could be. maybe i’ll say jiu?
If the next album features lyrics by one (or more) of the members, who do you hope it is this time?
only one??? can i say all of them?
Do you hope for more vocalist Dami or would you rather see her rap?
both! idk lol. i want to see more rapping from sua and possibly siyeon too, so more vocalist dami could allow for that? but rapper dami is obviously more iconic
Sua's choreography for Copycat or Taki Taki?
taki taki i guess?
Favourite lyrics?
hmmmm..... i’d have to look deeply into this and i dont feel like doing that right now... i’ll just say that “pirireul bureora” is so catchy so in terms of catchiness of the lyric i’ll say that lol. i know that’s not what this question was asking though, i just dont have an answer
Are there any songs you hope one or more of the members cover?
oh wow uh... hmm. shine by pentagon lol
Favourite intro?
end of nightmare maybe? i like that it has the piri melody in it, and i like how the edm part melts your fucking face off. is that the most abrasive moment of any dc song? maybe?
Version E, V, I or L of The Tree Of Language?
oh idk, i dont really have a preference, sorry
Wonderland or And there was no one left?
er9iokgbiktwikpbherohtbkret i actually listen to these all the time and my answer goes back and forth. i’m gonna say wonderland right now
Favourite instrumental?
Vocalist Jiu or dancer Jiu?
haha idk, both? i mean i mostly listen to music and watch music videos, i dont watch as many performances, so i guess i’ll say vocalist?
Do you have a favourite ballad?
uhhhhh not really, im sorry
What are your 5 favourite pictures of your bias?
ah fuck, this question would be easy to do if i was answering this just based on someone sending them in... um... i’ll just reblog five real good ones in a row after this post... sorry lol....
What was the first song you heard?
piri! it came out a bit before i got into kpop, so it was still fairly new at the time anyway
How did you find out about them?
to be honest i dont even remember. did i just click on a thumbnail for piri that was in the related videos to some other kpop song? i dont remember... i might have heard that there was a rock based kpop group even before listening to it? i forget but i didnt like it at first lol. i thought it clashed really badly and it didnt appeal to my metal sensibilities. some parts stuck in my head though and i kept coming back and it was a guilty pleasure at first and then oops i fell in love and then oops it appeals to every sensibility i have now lol. though mostly i still like them more for their pop aspects than their rock/metal aspects. but anyway still, i dont remember how i first heard about them, i just remember the first time i listened to piri
What do you think about Handong being on Idol Producer and missing all of their activities? Do you think it's worth it?
sigh.... i mean, time will tell, right? i hope she does well enough that it gets them a lot of exposure, but... selfishly, i guess... i hope she doesnt become part of the final group because i want to see her back in dreamcatcher lol. we’ll see, and hopefully this is a good experience for her! i know things are weird right now cause of the virus outbreak... i havent been following the news but is it postponed or something? i think i heard that somewhere? or maybe i just saw speculation, idk
Vocalist Gahyeon or rapper Gahyeon?
either! she has a lot of potential with both
Yoohyeon's cover of Secret Love Song or 2002?
um.... okay..... this is me again being a bad insomnia, i dont think ive watched either of those iokgopprlgwephk
The no budget July 7th mv or the Curse of the Spider mv from the fanmeeting?
i havent seen the curse of the spider one woah, i didnt know that existed! and is the no budget july 7th mv different than the special clip one? i dont really like that song much so i wouldnt know geijrgpokprgwoephk
Chase Me or Good Night?
good night till the day i die lol. chase me is a phenomenal debut though and works better for that purpose than good night, and i love that the lyrics are about all the ways they haunt your dreams, but i love good night so much
Favourite Siyeon cover?
im not super knowledgeable again here im sorry :( is it cheating if i say overdose, mostly just by default?
Handong's pre chorus in Deja Vu or the bridge in Piri?
piri lol
What's your favourite bside from each album?
oh fuck okay hold on
uhhh i dont have one for Nightmare, it was just chase me, an intro, and one other song. is it cheating if i say the intro lol
same for Fall Asleep in the Mirror, i guess the intro
Prequel okay now we’re getting somewhere.... Wake Up or Sleepwalking.... fuck.... Sleepwalking is actually probably the song that really converted me into a fan cause its the first time i really heard their range. after listening to Piri and You and I and maybe Chase Me, i decided to just watch all their music videos in order, and the playlist i used included the special clip mvs too, so hearing Sleepwalking for the first time right after Fly High was wild, it blew me away and i listened to it like 8 times in a row haha. Wake Up has been rising up my rankings a ton recently but i think i still have to go with Sleepwalking
Escape the ERA.. hmm... Mayday? earlier i said ive only heard this song a bit and that’s true, i’m listening to it right now though. wow i dont remember this song at all haha, this is good what the fuck, how did i forget this? oops what the hell
Alone in the City FUCK this intro is so GOOD god DAMN. its short, it doesnt go that hard, but it makes you so tense and suspenseful. but my answer is Wonderland lol
for End of Nightmare it’s And There Was No One Left
for Raid of Dream it’s hard to choose again... Silent Night is probably by far the most popular pick for this, and i think Curse of the Spider is a little bit underrated, so my instinct to pick the unconventional pick makes me wanna choose it, but i just dont know if that’s true lol. i think i have to go with Silent Night
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honeypressed · 6 years
🌺 Kpop Q & A 🌺
I’ve been tagged by @pikachulein and @littlefallenrebel!!! thank you uwu i hope you guys are having a nice day <3
💟 Who is your ultimate bias? 💟
oh no you cant make me do this :(((( Lee Minho from Stray Kids because I really love him so much and his dancing caught my eye from the first sight hahaha but tbh i always bias the dancers in any group and i spot them first so ;~;
💟 Who is your ultimate bias wrecker? 💟
Lovelyz’s Seo Jisoo because she’s amazing and i love her with my whole heart and soul please stan lovelyz they will heal your soul i can guarantee that theyre the sole reason why i survived my childhood
💟 What is your favourite kpop song? 💟
N O WHY ONLY ONE???? well of all time it’s a tie between candy jelly love and u r, and you can clearly see i gear towards soft love songs uwu though candy jelly love’s lyrics are so sweet i think they apply to friendships too hehe
💟 What was your first kpop song? 💟
ur not gonna believe me but it was actually lovelyz’s candy jelly love! i fell in love with the song immediately bc i just came out of watching girly animes and i loved the soft vibes lovelyz gave and from then on i became a lovelinus and from there i stanned infinite and the rest is history B))
💟 What is your favourite kpop album/single? 💟
dsafhgf STOP MAKING ME CHOOSE THIS IS ILLEGAL U H honestly i’d have to say Stray Kids’ ‘I Am WHO’ bc the concept itself of wondering who are you as you grow up, and the message to take it at your own pace and don’t compare yourself to others is something i need to tattoo onto my mirror haha and ofc you get songs like Insomnia which i stan so hard, and Mixtape 2 is soft soft hella soft and i cry every time,,,, and M.I.A. is a queen she went so hard i love the lyrics of M.I.A. especially oops Question had a crackhead video so its so loved no doubt and i really love the choreography of Voices and how heartbreaking it is fsaojfh and Awkward Silence should be an icon solely because of the caw caw caw and like have you ever seen such cute choreography i busted the fattest u w u 
💟 Are you a hard or a soft stan? 💟
soft stan 100000%!!!! im not too sure what a hard stan actually is but im assuming its when fans thirst over idols? haha i dont really have sexual attraction and i first found this out when people found me weird for not looking at kissing scenes during movies or shows like..... sorry im not normal ughgois :((
💟 Favourite kpop company 💟
ooh im definitely a woollim stan! i stanned lovelyz, then i stanned infinite and then golden child, and now im a jyp stan too oops,,, i know i casual stanned twice for ages, then got into got7 and then majored in stray kids and day6 said hi and i fell flat on my feet and now itzy is taking over my life what’s new
💟 Backstory 💟
ahhh i mentioned before that ive been stanning lovelyz since 2014, so that’s where i started! i actually got to know kpop through an anime called pretty rhythm, where they had real jpop and kpop stars sing the songs, and i stanned a jpop group called Prizmmy from there. I knew Puretty sang the other songs but they were in japanese lol and somehow I found lovelyz? im not even sure how but i remember watching their music video for candy jelly love in my old apartment in my dad’s study room and being so happy and watching the bright pastels and i didn’t even know music like this existed. before that, i mostly listened to old songs my parents played, like songs from the 80s i think? and piano music bc i played piano but i wasnt really happy then since i found it stressful and music wasnt a happy place for me, but lovelyz changed that for me, and i simply didnt know what kpop was, but lovelyz made me happy, and when i checked back a few months later they had Hi~ out and i loved them even more! after watching mijoo dance to Bad on weekly idol i found out about infinite and they are the first boy group i stanned, and i still love them so much to this day ahhh ;~; and the rest is history <3
I’m tagging @stay-grandma @stray-anpanman @tremendouslyfamousbarbarian @kindaweiird @channieroo @jisunday @honeyhyvck @alyabumle @solilogyu @hellevatored and anyone else who wants to do this!!! please feel free to do so <3
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