#oops all angst!
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slouph · 1 year ago
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Haikaveh 🌱🏛 To build a home ⚠️angst, memory loss
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top-shelf-tender · 6 months ago
@fallen-first-man {{Continued}}
The rough petting and scritches were on par with what Husk had expected, but if the bartender could face off with exorcist angels, then he could certainly survive the first man-child’s invasion of space. The cat stood there, lips pursed and ears flat. If Adam eased his enthusiasm just a bit, then those nails behind his ear might actually feel nice.
And then the fallen soul’s face was buried in his fur. Husk made a sound of discomfort, but stood his ground. There was something strangely intimate about the gesture that only highlighted how inebriated Adam was - there wasn’t a snowball’s chance in Hell that Husk would receive this treatment otherwise.
Adam’s next words were like a sucker-punch, and for a moment, the feline wasn’t entirely sure how to react. He could be brutal and give Adam a list of his faults and sins…but that didn’t feel appropriate in this moment. Husk liked to think of his brand of honesty as a cold shower first thing in the morning: waking someone up to the truth, but never with the intention to harm. Hell wasn’t just a place, it was a mindset. There was nothing to be gained from kicking Adam while he was down - not when he had probably tormented himself with his own shortcomings.
“I get it,” Husk sighed again, “bein’ alone in a crowded room. Seems to me, maybe you’ve been tryin’ so hard to build yourself up as this untouchable badass, that it became a self-fulfilling prophecy. When you’ve got a battered heart, sometimes you’ve gotta hide behind the lies you tell yourself to make it through the day. Problem is, people are smarter than you give ‘em credit for. They can smell that dishonesty, and what started as a defense mechanism winds up pushin’ people away twice as hard.”
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gomzdrawfr · 2 months ago
Merry Christmas!! they're exchanging gifts by the tree :3
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opeoism · 2 months ago
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get out of your mind / and into my arms
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year ago
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We could have had it all...
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zekkopunks · 9 months ago
yikes bro
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bb-eb-db-bb-eb-b-ab-f-b-ab · 8 months ago
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arcainworms · 1 month ago
MJV but it's their relationship flaws
(I love living in happy fluff world as my fic output would indicate but let's be realistic here)
Jayce is a chronic fixer. He hates seeing people he cares about upset at him, and thinks that if he can somehow logic them out whatever's making them feel that way it'll be better. It doesn't fix it, especially when he's in a relationship with the two most stubborn people in the world.
In my MJV headcanons Mel and Viktor were together first, and that's given Mel a tendency to speak for him when Jayce asks him a question i.e. trying to figure out his preferences about something. This is a triple-edged sword, because Jayce has a tendency to treat Viktor like he's made of glass, and Viktor appreciates Mel's attempt to deflect that for what it is.
When he's actually mad about something, Viktor is just. The biggest bitch. He says shit that he doesn't mean and then immediately apologizes. Mel forgives him, never forgets a slight and will bring it up years later if they're being hypocritical. Jayce, on the other hand, will be sad about it for days.
Jayce almost always has to be the bigger person out of the three of them and play mediator whether he was involved in the argument or not, because neither Mel or Viktor will ever admit to being wrong under any circumstances. Mel does this for his arguments with Viktor. When it's his turn to mediate, Viktor tells Jayce and Mel that they're both being stupid 90% of the time.
Similarly, Jayce is in a near constant state of being exasperated by the fact they never talk about their own feelings, despite being happy to hear whatever he has to say. This is worse with Mel, who's rarely even willing to admit she's upset about something. When Jayce is feeling particularly self-pitying, he'll get mad at them about opening up to each other more than him.
Viktor gets super defensive about anything he takes as passive aggression, and will escalate minor irritation into a fight. Jayce, maybe surprisingly, gets the worst of it on long nights. He has a tendency to convince himself things don't bother him, and let them build over time until he explodes.
But they all love each other and they all know they love each other and they fix these things over time by talking to each other.
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horribluh · 11 months ago
hilarious mpreg zosan thought, sanji has a kid that has green hair but its not zoros kid. he has in fact never disclosed who the other father was (choose ur own adventure dead beat dad edition) and his siblings already have amazing technicolour hair so its not outside the realm of possibility for his biological children to also have weird hair colours. but when the kid pops out with green hair everyone immediately connects the dots that hey, doesnt the strawhats first mate that sanji famously doesn't get along with also have green hair? is this why sanji never said who the other father was? hes a fucking dead beat! get his ass!
this misconception integrates into everyones mind bc it makes too much sense to not be true and everyone is suddenly deadset on "protecting sanjis honour" and making zoro "take responsibility"
sanji is screaming crying throwing up disgusted bc no!!! the shitty mosshead is not the father!!! stop saying that!!!! but since he still wont say who the actual father is, everyone is just like its ok sanji, you dont have to defend a deadbeat even if he is your crewmate and sanji has no choice but to kill himself and also zoro for daring to have green hair
when the strawhats show up for sanjis baby shower they also unanimously come to the misunderstanding that sanji and zoro totally boned. franky goes as far as to call the kid mini marimo. brook makes a hundred innuendos, chopper is upset at the implication of them having unsafe sex, and robin alludes to "knowing all along" in a very ambiguous way. usopp is the only one who refuses to connect the dots and he is sanjis favourite strawhat fr. jinbei pats sanji on the back and says he hopes they work through their differences for the sake of their kid. sanji is dying, youre killing him, you're killing your cook
even more shenanigans ensue when zoro shows up 3 whole days late to the baby shower and is gaslit into thinking hes the father by everyone in attendance despite being Pretty Sure that he and sanji never fucked. zeff gives a pretty good shovel talk and nami gives an even better one (debt increment is involved) while zeff nods approvingly behind her and then luffy slingshots in all parents should be married right? and doesnt wait for an answer
anyway, like 2 hours later zosan find themselves standing at a makeshift altar on the thousand sunny, saying their vows. sanji insists to the very end that zoro is not the father so they dont need to get married but alas luffy isnt giving him a choice in this (he wants to eat wedding cake)
to sanjis eternal despair, the kid grows up to really like swords
additional zosan thought, sanji does not help things by shouting "this is all your fault!" the moment he sees zoro. zoro is futher gaslit
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modawg · 5 months ago
i would like percy to blood bend his own blood at least once pls (._.) like that sounds so crazy but the idea of percy getting stabbed or injured to the point that fight or flight starts kicking in causing him to bend his own blood to either kick ass or just live another day is a CRAZY concept to me
like we saw a slightly similar version of that in tartarus where he started tweaking but i feel like it would be so crazy to see it much more life or death then his going nuts like he did
like maybe he’d still overkill but it would make a little more sense since he’d be literally bleeding out yk what i mean
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hinamie · 9 months ago
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yeah sorry theyre tragic in this au too
jjk atla!au with @philosophiums
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top-shelf-tender-moved · 11 months ago
Husk’s chest heaved from the labor of trying to maintain even breaths, beads of sweat soaking into Alastor’s clothes. The moment a kind touch was extended to him, Husk curled tightly against Alastor, unable to prevent his body from shaking.
“I’m sorry,” he finally said, just loud enough for his keeper to hear. “I’m sorry I couldn’t fight back…”
When Niffty had come traipsing into his study and climbed his lap, loudly proclaiming Husk was on the floor, he thought nothing of it. Alastor had rolled his eyes and flipped his newspaper, in no mood to pick up the drunk again. If he got stepped on, it was his own problem.
When his little lady’s insistence had been more urgent and laced with the desperate tug on his pantleg, he’d finally come out to see what she!d been fussing about. And never could Alastor had imagined he’d come out to find his feline laying motionless in a puddle of blood. He’d almost frozen for a moment, blinking down at the sight and processing.
He was hard pressed to articulate just what he felt when he saw how injured Husk was. Hard pressed to admit the dim flicker of something almost…panicked, when he at first thought Husk was dead. Close examination had found a pulse, thankfully. Alastor had brought Husk back into the bedroom he’d had him in several nights before. He’d paced, trying to make sense of things. He couldn’t.
It was hard to think through the rage that boiled within him, and the very grisly things he was blueprinting in his mind when he got his hands on those mother fuckers.
Beyond rage Alastor almost felt like he’d failed. Husk and Niffty were ensured protection while contracted, and he hadn’t delivered it. …What if the Vees had been bolder? He might have very well opened the door to a dead cat. …He refused to think about that or the complicated twist a thought provoked.
“I asked you a question. How did this happen?”
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angelmichelangelo · 2 years ago
i feel like we don’t talk about how horrendous the wasteland arc of 2012 was. like, yeah the designs for the future turtles were a lil goofy but think about it. donnie’s body obliterated he’s left with a brain damaged raphael who can’t remember anything, unwillingly burdening him with not only looking after him but keep on the memory of their brothers alive. and at some point after the mutagen bomb went off, after probably endlessly searching for leo and mikey they left new york. donnie probably had to make that decision with the heaviest heart. leo, out of his mind from his second mutation probably fled the city whenever he came to, lost and confused, unsure if he was the only survivor, if there was anything left of the old leo in his mind imagine the guilt he carried when he thought his sacrifice had been worthless. mikey who probably was still sound of mind probably crawled out of that wreckage and realised for the first time in his life was alone. those brothers, usually inseparable had to at some point just accept fate that their brothers were dead/not coming back for them and move on with their lives. wasteland arc is horrible. it’s great, but it’s horrible.
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oh-surprise-its-me · 2 years ago
tw domestic abuse
13 year old Jamie flinching when his dad puts his hand on his shoulder because the force of it makes him bend.
17 year old Jamie having a black eye for two weeks after his dads been around again and insisting he got it during a match and the ref just didn’t see.
19 year old Jamie in a serious relationship for the first time and she drags her nails down his arm hard enough to break skin in a small argument. She smacks his face three days later.
20 year old Jamie who’s just had a wine glass tossed at his head from a girl who thought he was cheating, he wasn’t but that doesn’t seem to matter.
21 year old Jamie who had a secret boyfriend for three months until he gets shoved into a wall for not wanting to be the first out player because ‘Jamie think of both our careers, we would be icons’.
23 year old Jamie who’s had maybe the healthiest relationship of his life with Keeley being at a bar for the first time after they break up, he gets his face slapped by a girl who thinks he was flirting with her boyfriend.
27 year old Jamie in a relationship with Roy and the first time they really argue he throws his hands in front of himself and closes his eyes when Roy gestures.
Roy fully freezes and steps four feet back and asks Jamie to open his eyes. Jamie who honestly didn’t realize his eyes were closed looks shocked. He asks Roy why he’s so far away now.
Roy looks like he’s about to cry, Jamie lunges to him holding his face asking what happened. Roy has to stutter out a ‘you flinched’ and now it’s Jamie’s turn to freeze. No one has ever brought up the flinching before, taken advantage of it? Yeah. Ignored it? Definitely. Asked in a voice that’s about to cry? No, no that’s new.
He insists he’s fine, he knows Roy would never hit him. Roy looks at him like he’s lost his mind and refuses to brush this off. They talk for hours, Jamie tells Roy everything. All the ex’s, everything his father has ever done, ex teammates who slapped backs too hard to be friendly.
By the end they are both crying and Jamie has agreed to talk to a therapist. When they go to bed that night Roy is terrified to grab onto Jamie and pull him on top like he normally does. Jamie has no such issues and rolls right on top of Roy, head tucked into Roy’s neck like every night.
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wisteriasymphony · 10 months ago
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dude i drew this months ago how did i forget it existed
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the deadpool and wolverine movie was an action-packed comedy that almost felt like it was designed in a lab to be the perfect fodder for some absolutely choice smutty gay fanfiction, which is why i'm writing uhhhhh [checks notes] ten thousand words of logan struggling with alcoholism and depression
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