sunasbabie · 6 months
i’m rewatching haikyu and i keep laughing cause they were so dramatic for no reason 😂😂
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lavenderspence · 14 days
championship, what championship?
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reverbz · 2 years
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    ❛ no .... i’m PRETTY SURE i did all the folding last time for laundry, it is DEFINITELY your turn. ❜ this new reality had taken little to no time in adjusting. first thing he’d done after FINALLY being let out, was burn rubber to get to her. did exactly what he’d promised, drive them as far in ANY direction varuna wished. falling asleep & waking up to the other every MORNING and NIGHT, is something issei will never get tired of. even as he pokes teasingly at them, about household chores. ❛ i’ll do them AGAIN if i gotta ..... but, it’ll COST you giving ME movie choice rights .....❜ 
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fireessie · 2 years
Jev and Sergio for the FE ask game ☺️
- Jean Eric Vergne - Your favourite FE Champion?
Gotta be Jev (although I love all of them 😅)
- Sérgio Sette Câmara - Who has the best helmet designs?
Hmm that's a tough one, Sam's had some funky ones in the last so maybe him. But I also like Antonio's as well
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transk0vsky · 5 months
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Guardian of the styx pool
“Aquarius was formed from titan blood in the very depths of Asphodel. their title is the god of lost souls but despite that title they have the lowly task of watching over the pool of Styx. they also give occasional aid to lost souls that come through the underworld! Rather unfortunately Aquarius has a bad history with poison and smells permanently of cinnamon as a result.They are deeply connected with the prince…their chamber is always open to him.”
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amygdalae · 4 months
Lol smoked so much weed on my birthday my voice is a lil hoarse :P oooppss
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korkocartoons · 2 years
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I just notice that I didnt share this pics in tumblr. oooppss.
yep Im fan if INSIDE JOB, my favorite ship is Reagan and Brett....they are dorable...ell, Brett is adorable , and Reagen is a b1tch, but its a great b1tch.....a cool B1tch hahahaha
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offender42085 · 2 years
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Post 0512
Dylan Michael Aukett, Pennsylvania
Giving the 'thumbs-up' gesture in the photo above on the right is Dylan Aukett, known to his friends as "Loki".   
"Loki" in Norse mythology is a god known for his mischief and revered as a cunning trickster -- who has the ability to change his shape and alter his gender. Perhaps that explains the pink handcuffs.
Aukett and his friend, Richard Brown, (on left) would spend their idle moments breaking into parked cars and running with the goods; which ended one faithful day after Aukett seemed to have left or forgotten or misplaced his cell phone in the one the autos he broke into.  Oooppss. 
In an another episode; police said that around 1 a.m. one morning, officers responded to a reported armed robbery after an individual who identified himself as “Dylan” called 911 “crying and hysterical” and claimed that he had just been robbed at gunpoint by three men who threw him to the ground. The caller hung up when the dispatcher asked him for more information, police said, and responding officers discovered no evidence of a robbery at the scene. The dispatcher tried calling “Dylan” back several times but the calls went unanswered until 1:09 a.m., when a male who identified himself as “Da’Quan” answered and said he had “let someone use his phone that was in need” but didn’t know where that person was.
At the same time that was occurring, police had set up a perimeter around a residence because they believed 20-year-old Richard “Chardo” Moats was hiding out there – a couple of hours earlier, Moats had run away from cops while handcuffed following an alleged public drunkenness arrest after the arresting officer was forced to turn to confront a drunken, belligerent friend of Moats’ who had come up behind the officer during the incident. Moats was eventually discovered hiding in a bedroom closet in the residence, still wearing the handcuffs, police said.
During the subsequent investigation of the fake robbery call, detectives determined that the cellphone used to call 911 belonged to Da’Quan McClendon. McClendon agreed to meet with detectives as part of the investigation, but he never showed up for his scheduled interview. However, a few days later, McClendon was arrested for allegedly chasing and then punching a man who was out jogging, and while he was in custody, local detectives took the opportunity to question him about the phoney robbery call.
According to detectives, McClendon said that Loki (Aukett) had called in the false report to help his friend Moats escape police. McClendon allegedly told investigators he was with Aukett at Aukett’s residence when a relative of Moats who lives at the residence where Moats was eventually found called Aukett and told him to “get the cops away from her house.”
Aukett was subsequently arrested for making a false police report and probation violation, among other things.  
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walkergirlsposts · 1 month
For me, Cas realized he was in love when:
Misha saw the writing on the wall that his best source of incoming with the show ending was to pander harder than ever before to his heller minions, and he roped a bitter writer into helping him write an ambiguous "confession"
For Dean it was:
Oooppss. Never. The answer is never, hellers. That’s when Dean fell in love with Castiel.
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faithdeans · 1 year
oooppss... just bought worm stuff off etsy....
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caddi68 · 1 year
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Dry and comfy
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Oooppss 🫣
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Somthing happend…
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puzzlebean · 1 day
Accidentally took a nap oooppss
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chloeworships · 5 months
The LORD keeps showing me this word
Recall the dream I had digging and trying to find it with Chloe/Beyonce.
What equipment or materials are missing and where did they go? Who took them and why?
Idk what this means to who.
What’s interesting is approximately a month ago I had a dream where I was shoveling dirt in the hot sun chileeeee 🥵I took a break and looked up at the sun and that was it. I didn’t receive any other details so I left it there and decided to wait for additional info from the LORD.
I didn’t see a dead body 🤣 It was not revealed to me whether I was digging a pit ��️ or burying something (or someone) OR searching for something. I remember being exhausted and I was wearing my natural hair and it was everywhere 😅 Why was I working so hard idk.
Anyway I thought I’d share this. If the LORD gives me extra information, which he often does via another dream or vision, I will update you.
Just as I was about to hit SAVE the LORD said to me
Aawwww 🥰 I understand now. Oooppss. Guess it was a personal message.
PS. I saw someone else taking secrets with them to the grave too 🪦
PPS. We have alot to talk about. I have some really good news I wanna share.
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neebintha · 6 months
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Decided to draw an update reference sheet of Fayola, since the first one was a chibi version. Plus, I wanted to show her fur pattern. On the Beastars profile I made a mistake on the percentage numbers oooppss -___-
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mentalqueerjosie · 10 months
I've just noticed I've been on the slippery slope of being an overspender recently oooppss
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thephoneever · 1 year
ive been rbing from the same user. filling up their notifs oooppss ^_^'''
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