#Oh this one is Very much an asterisk kind of week lol - I have Not been editing
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Your Weekly TV Guide
On Monday you can expect:
2:30 PM: Ghostkinz concept/Showcase
And Tuesday:
2:30 PM: Gintama
2:30 PM: Helix/Coraline
2:30 PM: Helix/RespectAWoman
2:30 PM: Sona reacts to coding
2:30 PM: Pokemon - Firebland
2:30 PM: Sona reacts to new erasers
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#Weekly TV Guide#Oh this one is Very much an asterisk kind of week lol - I have Not been editing#I got a little too caught up in this month's big project and was like ''It's fiiiiiine I have stuff prepped!'' - I did not lol#I forgot to put it on my calendar so it ceased to be! Oooppss!!!#It should be fine - with the amount of prepwork that went into the Big thing the tradeoff between one and the other should all balance out#And if it doesn't oh well! Lol#It's mostly light silliness this week#I have been unable to stop crossing things over with Helix for a bit now lol#I need to just go reread again at some point get my head wrapped up in its core#All these distractions! No excuses! Go love now! Lol#Unsurprisingly there's a bit more Ghostkinz on the horizon :) And finally showing off a bit of what's Done and not just Concept!#Although still some of that yes lol - mostly comparisons tho :D What made it and what hasn't gone quite to plan lol#You can see by the last one that I got some new tools as well :3c I'll talk more about them then I have many thoughts lol#Many ♪ The usual!#Constantly constantly
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Info post!
What is this blog?
⁂ I've decided to hold a tournament to decide which Yu-Gi-Oh! Monster Type is the best. Monster Type as in Galaxy-type, Spellcaster-type, that kind of thing. Not to be confused with Monster Type as in Pendulum, Synchro, and the like. I don't know why they're called the same thing sometimes.
What did any of those things mean?
⁂ If you're asking such a thing, you're likely a non-yugioh fan who has come across this blog. Long story short, Yu-Gi-Oh! is a trading card game based on a manga, there are monster cards and every monster has a type, there are 24 different types so far but there will likely be more in the future. (there's more depending on how you count them, but 24 relevant ones.) Even if you don't know what's going on, you can still vote if you like, just choose whichever sounds cooler! Oh and don't worry about what Pendulum and Synchro mean. seriously, don't worry about Pendulum.
When will the tournament happen?
⁂ I'm waiting to get more followers before I start, because I want this to be a big tournament with lots of votes! So, like, idk maybe a week from now? (it's currently March 15 as of this writing). Maybe sooner if I get impatient, maybe later if I'm really busy.
Why are you posting about unrelated things?
⁂ Partly to try to become slightly more relevant, and partly just to have fun!
Who are you, anyways?
⁂ Hello there! My name is Aster. My main blog is @asterism343, and I love Yu-Gi-Oh! very very much, anime manga and card game alike.
Can I make posts trying to convince people to vote for a certain type and tag you in them?
⁂ omg yessss please do this
whats that cool lookin triple asterisk symbol?
⁂ Its called an asterism so of course I'm gonna use it whenever i get the chance lol
Which Type do YOU want to win?
⁂ Well I can't just skew the results like that, can I? Well, if you REALLY want to know...read this post from the beginning and look for the hint!
I have another question, can I send asks?
⁂ Of course! My askbox is open, ask away!
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Thoughts on Fruits Basket 2019 Episode 12: “You Look Like You’re Having Fun”
My brain’s still kinda fried from the Sarazanmai finale, so my thoughts might not be super coherent or detailed this week, but I still wanna write up my thoughts on this new Fruits Basket episode, especially since it was even better than I expected it to be.
Thoughts under the cut. [Spoiler warning for the whole manga]
I think I’ve said before that by this point we’re in the midst of a fairly good stretch of episodes where the reboot is going to be very similar to the 2001 anime in what material it covers in each episode, and that continues in this one, as I figured.
This episode covers chapters 19 and 20 of the manga, which is the same as what episode 13 of the 2001 anime covered, and from what I remember of that version, the two versions are pretty identical in how they just adapt the manga 1:1, so there’s nothing particularly noteworthy there. I think episode 13 of the 2001 anime was one of the relatively few times where I think they actually did a good job of preserving the emotional depth and darkness of the manga, but I still think this episode did an even better job.
I’m kinda meh about the whole first half [since I’ve never really been the biggest fan of the part of the manga to begin with, which I’ll get into in a minute], but the whole second half with Akito was fantastic. It had been heavily teased at in some of the PVs we’ve gotten, but it still managed to be even more disturbing than I was expecting. It’s not like they added in anything that wasn’t in the manga [aside from a short flashback to that one time Akito had a mental breakdown and painted Yuki’s room black, which I don’t think had been hinted at this early in the manga], but it just executed the material really perfectly. [Though I think the bit at the start of the episode with Tohru seeing Akito’s car pull up at the school might have been a new scene]
The improved voice acting and animation really help drive home the extent of Yuki’s trauma in particular. Even though this is like the billionth time I’ve seen this scene in some form or another, it still kinda shook me, lol.
This whole part also really goes to show how important Tohru is as a person to Yuki, and also to all the other zodiac members in general. She’s someone that’s willing to stand up for him, and to give him happy memories to help outweigh his bad ones. Especially with his whole monologue near the end, I think the badminton scene is probably where he first becomes at least subconsciously aware of how he’s seeking out a mother’s love from her.
Come to think of it, it’s kinda funny how recently we’ve been in a bit of a pattern of going from a fun episode to a more dark one, and so on. It’s not a complaint or anything. I think it does a nice job of not spending too much time in a row on a particular emotional tone. And that sorta pattern should hold up with how the next episode is gonna be Ayame’s introduction, and after that we should get Momiji’s backstory and the grave visit.
And on the note of Ayame’s intro being the focus of the next episode, I’m still curious to see if they incorporate the part where Tohru and Yuki visit his shop in chapter 36 into it, or if they’ll just stick to adapting chapters 21-22 alone, and leave that other chapter for later. I don’t think it’d change much one way or another, but still.
Anyway I guess I gotta address the elephant in the room and say that I’m just not really a big fan of the material covered in the first half of this episode. I don’t hate it, but I just don’t like it as much as like 99% of the fandom seems to.
For one thing, that one Tohru-Kyo scene has always stuck out to me as being a little too . . . generic shojo romance-y for my tastes. It’s one of those few moments where the series unironically indulges in Kyo’s Bad Boy Aesthetic [tm] and it just doesn’t work for me. But I obviously get why lots of people love it.
The part that I’m more annoyed at is the whole sequence with Haru and Momiji’s outfits, and I feel like it’s something that I need to add a whole list of disclaimers to so that people don’t misunderstand me, lol. I just feel like it’s a really good example of how Takaya’s heart is genuinely in the right place when it comes to some of the more progressive sentiments in the series, but the specific angle she approaches certain things at leaves a really bad taste in my mouth, especially when you think about the story as a whole and how things end up.
Specifically I just have issues with how Momiji’s cross-dressing is handled. The part with Haru is fine and I definitely appreciate the whole point of how whether or not someone wears jewelry and piercings and stuff has no inherent bearing on their personality, though the whole bit with him dragging Makoto off to the bathroom, uh . . . maybe hasn’t aged well, lmao. But anyway, I feel like the whole thing with Momiji seems perfectly fine on the surface, but the more you think about it in the context of the whole story, the more it feels uncomfortable.
The message that he should wear whatever he feels comfortable wearing is completely valid, but I just dislike how the story goes about it by saying that ‘it’s fine because he looks good in it, and he’s going to dress normally when he grows up anyway’. There’s a lot going on between the lines here, but I just think it’s really shitty and deceptively regressive that they justify it by pretty much saying ‘don’t worry, it’s just a phase, he’ll grow out of it and dress like a “normal man” later on anyway’. Which is bad enough on it’s own, but then we actually get to see him grow up later in the manga and he definitely does seem to unceremoniously switch to more conventionally masculine fashion because . . . it’s what’s expected of him, I guess? It’s not like he ever seemed to lose interest in wearing feminine clothing, he just stops wearing it after he hits his growth spurt, and it’s framed as something natural and inevitable.
Even the sentiment of ‘he looks good in it, though :)’, in the context of the series as a whole, carries this uncomfortable undertone of ‘it’s fine because for the moment he’s short and looks sort of “like a girl” but once he gets taller and looks more “like a man” he’ll obviously start dressing like one’. It’s the sort of thing that seems like a genuinely progressive and accepting message about how we shouldn’t judge people for the clothes they like to wear, but if you look closely there’s an asterisk and a whole paragraph of fine text at the bottom of the page about how it’s actually only acceptable to cross-dress as a man if your body type, height, etc, make you look ‘like a girl’ in the first place, and that once you hit puberty you should dress like a man because feminine clothing ‘doesn’t fit you anymore’.
In general this series has some weird recurring hang-ups about the specific idea of ‘men wearing girl’s clothing’, to the point where it comes up in different ways with at least three different characters. I know it’s something that a lot of people in the fandom don’t like hearing negativity and complaints about, but I’m not gonna shut up about this, lmao. Y’all just have to deal with the fact that this series isn’t perfect and that I’m allowed to criticize it while also really liking other parts of it.
And on the general note of how the series kinda drops the ball when it comes to pretty much everything to do with gender presentation, this episode brings us another round of the fun game known as ‘the Fruits Basket fandom is in shocked-pikachu.jpg mode at the fact that pretty much every new fan immediately “““figures out”““ that Akito’s a woman’. I wonder what gave it away? Was it that unavoidably female voice? The feminine/androgynous character design that’s explicitly compared to Yuki who’s already meant to look like a girl [apparently]? The fact that we’ve only ever seen Akito wearing either the sort of kimono that at least from a Western perspective would seem very feminine, or this tight-fitting turtleneck sweater? The fact that she’s had romantically/sexually charged moments with at least one or two dudes, which for better or worse ends up making most people view her as being feminine? The fact that like 90% of the dialogue referencing Akito ends up not even using gendered pronouns in the first place? I wonder what could have possibly lead to people naturally assuming that Akito’s a girl and glossing over the, like, five lines of dialogue thus far that even use he/him pronouns toward her, lmao.
One way or another, Akito being a girl has always been the biggest non-twist of the entire series, and the fact that it’s so obvious and that the only reaction new fans have to it is pretty much just ‘oh ok I didn’t really think it was meant to be some kind of shocking surprise or anything’ really just spells out how it’s not even meaningful or interesting as a twist anyway, and that knowing about it from the start does absolutely nothing to hinder anyone’s enjoyment of the series. It’s honestly hard to even tell for new fans that we’re even meant to feel convinced that Akito’s a man, with how little effort the series ever puts into ‘hiding’ her true gender.
I probably sound angrier about this than I am, but mostly I’m just baffled that even though the manga’s been over for like 15 years, people still don’t realize how incredibly lame and shallow this whole plot point is. Like seriously, y’all, what could the reboot have even DONE to actually lead to it not being super obvious that Akito’s a woman? Unless they outright changed her character design to be a lot more masculine, the only thing they could have done would have been to give her a male voice actor, which was almost certainly never going to happen for obvious reasons. I guess what I’m saying is that it’s not like it’s the reboot’s fault that things turned out this way. There’s only so much they reasonably could have done. And even though I haven’t heard much of Akito’s new dub voice, I think Maaya Sakamoto actually does a very good job at sounding androgynous/masculine, and in general her voice work in this episode was really effective and disturbing. I think she’s one of the most masculine-sounding female VAs they could have gone for [aside from maybe someone like Romi Park or Megumi Ogata, but I don’t know if they would have fit Akito very well]. I guess it mostly just bugs me that people are blaming the reboot for something that’s 90% just them following the manga.
Anyway, in spite of my gripes [which are more about the fandom and the series as a whole], this episode was still super good in and of itself, and had some of the most effective voice acting and music that the entire reboot’s had thus far. It’s very obvious why new fans in particular would really really like this one, and for the most part, I do too.
Also, Haru t-posing when he sees Yuki and running over to tug on his shirt is still the most Iconic [tm] thing ever, don’t @ me.
#murasaki rambles#fruits basket#y'all ready for PAIN? for EMOTIONAL ABUSE and TRAUMA? cause that's what this episode is about :)
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Mar 25 Dancitron Movie Night - Christopher Robin
While Winnie the Pooh played sweetly in the background, Soundwave and Swoop did their level best to beat the ever-loving shit out of each other.
It was a hell of a movie night.
Specs Yesterday at 7:40 PM ((FUCK but I hate rabbit rn)) Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica) Yesterday at 7:40 PM (( oh worm Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 7:40 PM ((Believe me, me too.)) Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 7:41 PM ((HEY JUST SO YALL KNOW:)) Specs Yesterday at 7:42 PM ((me: enters correct password rabbit: your password is incorrect! me: rechecks and re-enters password rabbit: your password is incorrect! me: resets password and then enters new password rabbit: your password is incorrect!)) Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 7:42 PM ((when you use asterisks * or underscores _ around a word, it auto-converts into formatting, like this or this. and if you copy/paste text from discord to somewhere else, it doesn't save the formatting OR the original symbols)) ((as your friendly neighborhood chat log keeper, it'd make my job a lot easier if y'all used something other than asterisks to indicate actions while we're in discord, so i don't have to manually go back and insert asterisks every where y'all used them.)) Specs Yesterday at 7:43 PM (( :thumbsup: )) Soundwave (Slenderwave) pinned a message to this channel. See all the pins. Yesterday at 7:43 PM Soundwave (Slenderwave) pinned a message to this channel. See all the pins. Yesterday at 7:43 PM Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 7:43 PM ((thanks!)) Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica) Yesterday at 7:43 PM (( how about we all use prose and "dialogue" ??? Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 7:44 PM ((agreed)) Soundwave (Slenderwave) pinned a message to this channel. See all the pins. Yesterday at 7:44 PM Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 7:44 PM Soundwave's ready to go tonight. He's got the sweetest movie he could possibly find, and he knows that that's the case because Zori's the one who recommended it. Anything from Zori has to be the softest, most adorable thing to watch ever. Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 7:44 PM ((........................ jesus fuck)) ((i just tried to copy/paste the text that you dropped in rabbit, just to see)) ((and it copy/pasted the name & time just fine)) Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 7:45 PM ((WHAT)) Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 7:45 PM ((YEAH)) Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 7:45 PM ((it doesn't for me!!!!)) Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 7:45 PM ((in that case it's the modifications i made to the extension last time apparently)) ((which means it'll probably still do the OTHER thing that made it annoying, only allowing copy/paste of a small handful of messages at a time. so it's probably still better to be in here.)) Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 7:46 PM ((yep)) Prowl (beautyandthebadge) Yesterday at 7:46 PM ((might be yeah)) Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 7:46 PM ((we can experiment with it another time though)) Prowl (beautyandthebadge) Yesterday at 7:47 PM ((Trying to think of what to do to denote action. Might just do lazy prose and quotes idk Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 7:47 PM ((also we're gonna start around 8:10)) Specs Yesterday at 7:48 PM ((what was the maximum amount of messages that it would copy, or was it a word-length thing?)) Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 7:48 PM ((one screen's worth)) Specs Yesterday at 7:48 PM ((gotcha o7)) Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 7:48 PM ((little enough to make it annoying)) Chaoit Yesterday at 7:48 PM ((oh joy)) Windchill Yesterday at 7:48 PM (( I thought prose and quotes was a lot easier to write in anyway, might just be me being a weirdo though. )) (( ...actually that's probably because it forces everyone to slow down and makes it easier for chronic multitaskers like me to keep up with chat, so that's probably it. NEVER MIND. )) Specs Yesterday at 7:50 PM (( /me pats chill )) Windchill Yesterday at 7:51 PM (( Today we learned that I am actively creating my own problems as usual lol. )) Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 7:51 PM Prowl shows up for the first time in a few weeks; but almost immediately sits and focuses on the screen. And its... not very enthralling nature scenery. Fascinating. Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica) Yesterday at 7:52 PM (( OOPS i took the remote Windchill Yesterday at 7:52 PM (( You're FIRED. )) Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica) Yesterday at 7:52 PM (( :fire: :fire: :fire: Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus) Yesterday at 7:52 PM ((I, Tarantulas, am now leader of dancitron)) Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 7:53 PM Soundwave immediately twists to greet and ping Prowl. Usually they don't get much time before everyone rolls in. [[Good evening.]] Bee Yesterday at 7:53 PM (( quick, dance off with BOTH Soundwave and Blaster )) Chaoit Yesterday at 7:53 PM ((NEVER)) Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 7:53 PM He nods vaguely. "Evening." Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica) Yesterday at 7:54 PM (( oh man wow i forgot i have hair dye in my hair, GOTTA GO RINSE. tarantulas will be l8 Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 7:54 PM ((when tarantulas shows up, he's orange)) Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica) Yesterday at 7:54 PM (( i mean my hair is like orange pink i think so........ Chaoit Yesterday at 7:54 PM ((that'd be a sight Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 7:54 PM ((lucky guess! Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 7:55 PM [[You seem rather... intent, tonight.]] ((i see a new person! hello new person!)) MOTHMAN GF Yesterday at 7:56 PM Scoots in. Windchill Yesterday at 7:56 PM (( OH SHIT. )) Chaoit Yesterday at 7:56 PM ((annnd gimme a sec Windchill Yesterday at 7:56 PM (( Tormentor. )) Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 7:57 PM Ah, and there's the other company, right on schedule. One day he really must have a Prowl-only showing just for them. Then they won't need to worry about packing everything in before the others arrive. [[Perceptor, is it?]] He nods toward the thing on the mech's shoulder. Not many of that going around. Lieu Yesterday at 7:57 PM (( Figured I'd bring the sociable one for once)) Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 7:57 PM "Hm? No, just—preoccupied. For the last couple of weeks." Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus) Yesterday at 7:57 PM Swoop flies a few laps around Dancitron before eventually living up to his name by swooping down. He transforms at the last possible moment so he can sliiiiiiide through the door. This Dinobot is all grins. Lieu Yesterday at 7:57 PM (( Promise not to punch Windchill! )) Chaoit Yesterday at 7:58 PM ((KIWI 20%wurmple Yesterday at 7:58 PM Swerve wanders in and drops into the closest seat. MOTHMAN GF Yesterday at 7:58 PM //sorry my WiFi is crapping out and won’t send the reply to slendey :sob: 20%wurmple Yesterday at 7:58 PM Slowly. And carefully, with his arms out feeling things so he doesn't walk into them. Windchill Yesterday at 7:58 PM (( Hmmm it's neutral ground so he'll settle for glaring across the room at all times. Might as well go post-fight on this. )) Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 7:58 PM ((that's all right, just repost it and if it shows up twice nbd)) Lieu Yesterday at 7:59 PM (( Si si)) Specs Yesterday at 7:59 PM The dragon comes in with her cartful of treats- and something else! It's a very, very sizable box. Looks like you could fit a xenomorph queen in there without too much trouble, in fact. A very large label says "FOR BUZZSAW" on it. The glut of pterodactyl-shaped gummis in the treat cart are perhaps a way to assure the other sibling that she was not forgotten either. MOTHMAN GF Yesterday at 7:59 PM Perceptor has no idea who this mech is. “It is! I’m a little new to the multiverse so I thought I’d just... jump right into it.” Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus) Yesterday at 7:59 PM "Bird?" Swoop scampers around, head going this way and that. "Bird!" Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 8:00 PM [[Understandable.]] Curious head tilt. [[Is there - anything he can help you with?]] And Soundwave will bob his helm at Swerve, Swoop - nice job there - and the dragon. 20%wurmple Yesterday at 8:00 PM //ugh, come ON chrome just load rabbit already u useless lump Prowl (beautyandthebadge) Yesterday at 8:00 PM Has arrived and--makes a beeline toward Swerve instead of going to the usual spot. "Are you all right?" 20%wurmple Yesterday at 8:00 PM "Nnnno. My visor's on the fritz. Should be fixed soon." MOTHMAN GF Yesterday at 8:00 PM "Ah, no for now I think I'm gathering some good data on it by observation. However, I will definitely ask if there's anything I'd like more information on." Prowl (beautyandthebadge) Yesterday at 8:01 PM "Do you require assistance?" Specs Yesterday at 8:01 PM The dragon bobs her head and churrs right back at Soundwave. She's honestly not sure where to put Buzzsaw's box, so she's just kind of scooted it towards the stairs for now. That's good enough, right? Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 8:01 PM "Perceptor. Hello." A nod in his direction. "You've worked out multiversal travel?" Bee Yesterday at 8:01 PM Bee saunters in with a few packs of rust sticks. He places them on the bar, then makes his way to an empty spot. He doesn't know too many bots this time around, so he gives a little awkward wave. "Hi everyone." 20%wurmple Yesterday at 8:01 PM "I might, not sure." MOTHMAN GF Yesterday at 8:01 PM "Somewhat! Mostly catching rides from other people until we can manage a safe way to travel through other verses." Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus) Yesterday at 8:01 PM Swoop hops on top of the bar. "Bird?" Prowl (beautyandthebadge) Yesterday at 8:02 PM Will offer an arm out for him to latch onto then. There's a joke here about the blind leading the blind, but Prowl's not funny enough to make it. Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 8:02 PM }}Is it here? Is it here!?{{ Buzzsaw's going to circle the dragon like a vulture.
Soundwave had actually meant that question for Prowl, but it serves rather well for Perceptor too; he offers Perceptor a polite nod of agreement. He'll answer what he can without putting too many things at risk. [[There's no Bird tonight, Swoop.]]
[[Welcome, Bumblebee. Thank you for the contribution.]]
20%wurmple Yesterday at 8:02 PM
He appreciates thr gesture enough to pat Prowl. "Thanks."
Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus) Yesterday at 8:03 PM
"Why?" He shuffles onto the very edge of the bar, holding on with his toes. "Me Swoop want to show her something! Video! Kehehhehehh! It good."
Lieu Yesterday at 8:03 PM
Tormentor hasn't been to any of these Multiverse gatherings before, and they're quite a sight. He only knows the fly-guy who spit on him and everyone else he recognizes are Autobots. He'll try to avoid them so as not to spur any multi-dimensional arguing.
Windchill Yesterday at 8:03 PM
Rebel trots in, nearly dragging Windchill by his giant hand in her excitement. The latter looks worse for wear, and is definitely too lazy to walk any faster despite Rebel's attempts at dragging him in.
Prowl (beautyandthebadge) Yesterday at 8:03 PM
Nods and they can both make their way to a nearby table together then.
Chaoit Yesterday at 8:04 PM
And he's made his way in. Still perpetually tired, but looks a bit more relived this time. "Hey, not late, am I?"
Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 8:04 PM
Prowl thought Soundwave's question was for him until Perceptor answered it; so he ends up answering with a vague shrug, so he can play it off like he's shrugging at nothing in particular in case it really wasn't for him.
Windchill Yesterday at 8:04 PM
Rebel points at the screen, practically bouncing in place once she's got her lazy bum of a dad through the door. "Earth!"
Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus) Yesterday at 8:05 PM
Rebel's shout drew his attention. Swoop's head snapped from Soundwave to her in an instant. "REBEL!"
Specs Yesterday at 8:05 PM
"It's here!" Oh thank the Goddess, Buzzsaw isn't off doing something, she can just drop this off with him. "Some assembly required, I'm afraid- I don't doubt you can figure that part out on your own, but there's a manual packed in there in case you have to ask other people to help you with the assembly part."
Sorry, Buzzsaw, but while the box has wheels for her to shove it around, she's only the size of a fox. She will not be helping you take it upstairs. It's heavy enough just to push around!
20%wurmple Yesterday at 8:06 PM
Swerve jerks in surprise when his fiddling finally fixes his stupid visor, blinking. "Huh. Okay, that fixed it. Thanks Prowl."
Windchill Yesterday at 8:06 PM
"Swoop!" She drops Windchill's hand to scamper over, but Swoop is up to high for a hug so she bounces in place some more.
Prowl (beautyandthebadge) Yesterday at 8:07 PM
Pulls her arm away as quickly and politely as she can. "You're welcome."
Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus) Yesterday at 8:07 PM
Swoop launches himself off the bar and onto Rebel without hesitation. "H!"
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 8:07 PM
[[Because she is busy. Leave a copy of the video for her and she will see it later.]] Soundwave's busy watching everyone come in - oh, there's another one he doesn't recognize; expanding crowd tonight - and recording where they're all going so he knows who is seated where in the event something terrible happens. A fire, or what have you.
}}I shall take it upstairs at once! Here, move.{{ Buzzsaw will get his feelers around that and hoist it up like it's nothing. It doesn't weigh as much as a helicopter, after all.
((WE START IN TWO MINUTES and honestly i can't think of too many warnings if any off the top of my head because it's Christopher Robin. a nod to WWII happening, some insensitivity on the part of some board members near the end.))
Lieu Yesterday at 8:08 PM
Tormentor can try to promise no fires.
Windchill Yesterday at 8:09 PM
This causes Rebel to windmill her arms in a futile attempt at staying upright, and for Windchill to squawk. Here he was going to sit down quietly, and already you two are causing a ruckus!
20%wurmple Yesterday at 8:09 PM
//oooh i watched this in theaters it's good
Lieu Yesterday at 8:09 PM
Tormentor, however, will not promise there won't be any smoking
Windchill Yesterday at 8:09 PM
(( I watched the first half last night but got pulled away so that works out pretty well lololol. ))
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 8:10 PM
[[You there - over to the right.]] He's thinking to Tormentor. [[Name and faction for the record, please.]]
As for that shrug... he doesn't know what to make of it, so he'll send Prowl an acknowledgment ping. All things in time, he supposes.
Specs Yesterday at 8:10 PM
The dragon watches in awe and admiration- after moving her furry butt out of Buzzsaw's way, of course. She's the luckiest dragon alive. She gets to watch all these amazing minicons and Soundwave do the coolest things she could think of. And the price of admission is making snacks.
Speaking of the snacks, she should probably get those unpacked before Swoop takes it into his head to sit in the cart like the world's stickiest nest. Hatchlings do that sort of thing.
Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus) Yesterday at 8:11 PM
Swoop is in absolute stitches already. He's not afraid of the floor. Either she finds a way to support him or they both eat dirt. He's here either way. (Although his wings reflexively move to balance things.)
Bee Yesterday at 8:11 PM
Bee's apertures go as wide as he can. He knows exactly which movie this is.
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 8:12 PM
Soundwave motions for Ravage to lend the dragon a feeler while nobody's asking for snacks. There will be a spot open for her when she's ready to settle down and sit.
Windchill Yesterday at 8:12 PM
Nope. She lands on her butt, but (heh,) her cackling is enough to ease Windchill off of intervening. Close one.
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 8:12 PM
Hm. Looks like Bumblebee's interested in this one.
Lieu Yesterday at 8:12 PM
.... It's not everyday one hears the voice in your head so clearly. Tormentor was certain he had heard the last of it ages ago. "Ummm, sure, Decepticon Commander Tormentor of Tyrest."
20%wurmple Yesterday at 8:12 PM
Swerve pings Percy to come join him.
MOTHMAN GF Yesterday at 8:12 PM
Blinks! And comes over to sit next to Swerve. He knows this mech. They spoke once, he thinks.
Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 8:13 PM
There's singing animals. Prowl watches them suspiciously.
Are any of them... dogs.
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 8:13 PM
What a name. Soundwave wondered if they ever lived up to it. Not every mech did. Bloodrage flipped to pacifism early in the war. [[Tyrest. City or mech?]]
20%wurmple Yesterday at 8:13 PM
"Hey Percy!" He doesn't think any are dogs, but the Eeyore one has four legs and it's gray so maybe a wolf?
Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 8:13 PM
This Eeyore looks like a dog.
Bee Yesterday at 8:14 PM
He sends off a ping to Soundwave, only containing the :sob: emoji.
Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus) Yesterday at 8:14 PM
With a minimal amount of twisting and wiggling, Swoop manages to end up sitting on Rebel's chest. He's light-weight but also scrawny enough to be pokey. How comfortable this is is debatable. But he's certainly looking pleased with himself. "Uncle?"
MOTHMAN GF Yesterday at 8:14 PM
"Hi Swerve! I haven't seen you in awhile."
Bee Yesterday at 8:14 PM
"...So. The real question here is who is more of a Tigger: Swoop or Swerve?"
20%wurmple Yesterday at 8:14 PM
Lieu Yesterday at 8:15 PM
"Heh, I get that a lot: city. Never met the mech in my life." And Tormentor indeed has lived up to his name. All too well in his corner of the universe.
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 8:15 PM
[[A what?]] And what is this emoji? He thought Bee was interested, not sad. A ping of a single question mark back.
Windchill Yesterday at 8:15 PM
"Huh?" Rebel blinks, looking confused as all hell. "I have two uncles!"
Bee Yesterday at 8:15 PM
"The one who bounces a lot. That's Tigger. Who acts more like him?"
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 8:15 PM
Soundwave looks to Prowl. He's looking rather suspicious of an innocent gathering of fuzzy Earth beasts. Expecting them to go wild and eat the human, is he?
20%wurmple Yesterday at 8:15 PM
Bee Yesterday at 8:15 PM
"I think Prowl might be Owl."
Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus) Yesterday at 8:16 PM
"NO no, keheheh. Uncle means---" He looks towards his name. "What?"
Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 8:16 PM
He heard his name.
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 8:16 PM
[[Understood, Tormenter. Thank you. Note that this is a neutral zone; if you can keep to that, you are welcome to enjoy your stay.]]
20%wurmple Yesterday at 8:16 PM
"Nothing Swoop."
Bee Yesterday at 8:17 PM
Make no mistake, he's very interested in this movie. There's something a little melancholy about it that gets to him. Probably because it reminds him of Raf.
:: It's like watching a friend grow up. You'll see. ::
Windchill Yesterday at 8:17 PM
Windchill snorts and sits down, only just now noticing Tormentor. Fantastic.
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 8:17 PM
[[And he supposes Swoop is more like Tigger. Swerve has been nothing but composed and responsible.]]
Chaoit Yesterday at 8:17 PM
And he's going to sit down, somewhere. Not sure where, but a free seat. To watch whatever's on the screen.
Specs Yesterday at 8:18 PM
The dragon takes her spot now that snacks are unloaded, and bites her tongue on any comments noting that Swoop is also the only Swoop. It it unwise to tempt the universe, and the thought of Multi-Swoop Drifting is to horrifying to comprehend.
Lieu Yesterday at 8:18 PM
"Given the mecha here, I figured as much." Tormentor taps at his head, "Don't you worry, Sub-conscious, we're not going to fight tonight."
Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus) Yesterday at 8:18 PM
Swoop remains firmly seated on Rebel's chest while this discussion goes on. "Wonderful thing about tiggers, kehehheh!" Okay, there might be a little bounce in his 'firm" seat.
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 8:18 PM
[[A sweet sentiment.]] And one he's suspicious of, after what Bee said. He'll nod to Blaster and keep himself glued to the screen. More or less. He's still very curious about this Owl creature just mentioned in comparison to Prowl. Is he a logical one?
Soundwave huffs in amusement. Subconscious. He likes that.
Windchill Yesterday at 8:20 PM
Windchill squints as aggressively as a squint can be squinted, but offers no comment.
Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica) Yesterday at 8:20 PM
Tarantulas isn't too l8! In he comes, then halts near the back, immediately wary of how terribly many people there are here tonight, several of which he hasn't met. Give him a moment to scope things out before sneaking to a seat.
Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus) Yesterday at 8:20 PM
Swoop waves at Tarantulas from his seat on another poor soul's chest. Just a normal movie night.
Windchill Yesterday at 8:20 PM
"Swoop!" Rebel tries to push him off. "I can't see movie from down here!"
Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 8:21 PM
Prowl quietly leans against Soundwave.
Windchill Yesterday at 8:21 PM
She kicks her legs, in case it helps.
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 8:21 PM
Oh? Oh, that's nice. He'll lean back. Unexpected and nice.
Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 8:21 PM
He has not yet noticed... the spide.
Lieu Yesterday at 8:21 PM
Tormentor can't help but glance up. He feels a squint but he's pretty sure Lieutenant isn't here so who-- Oh, it's the Spittaker 9000
Chaoit Yesterday at 8:21 PM
Oh. Uniforms. That's not a good sign.
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 8:21 PM
[[Oh. He knows where this human is going. He did research since the movie about the Wondrous Woman.]]
Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus) Yesterday at 8:21 PM
"Oh!" He giggles and rolls off her with more pizzazz than entirely necessary. The tigger comment might explain the need to handspring back into a standing position.
Lieu Yesterday at 8:22 PM
No round 2 tonight, but Tormentor just stares back at Windchill. He sees you there.
Chaoit Yesterday at 8:22 PM
Windchill Yesterday at 8:22 PM
Squint intensifies.
Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus) Yesterday at 8:22 PM
((All these squinting comments go well with your icon lol))
20%wurmple Yesterday at 8:22 PM
Why do they have a room for cloaks?
Chaoit Yesterday at 8:22 PM
He's not liking this part of the movie at all
Prowl (beautyandthebadge) Yesterday at 8:22 PM
Accepts the visual feed finally, a little surprised that Soundwave still offered it considering the state of things between them. Just in time for war flashback.
Lieu Yesterday at 8:22 PM
...but it's behind a visor so it's useless
Windchill Yesterday at 8:23 PM
He still can't get the smell of burning paint out of his seams, and it's all your fault Tormentor.
(( Lol. ))
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 8:23 PM
He's angry, not a poor host. Hmph.
[[...He takes it by the state of the growth over the door that the Christopher Robin human has not returned yet.]]
Prowl (beautyandthebadge) Yesterday at 8:24 PM
He could have left it up to her alternate to provide visuals.
Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus) Yesterday at 8:24 PM
Now that Swoop is standing up, he's got a much better view of the room. In particular, a certain someone who isn't looking this way.... Unsuspecting prey, if you will. He grins.
Lieu Yesterday at 8:24 PM
And he nearly blew up his own arm because of you! That's YouR FAULT
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 8:24 PM
[[For him to have grown that tall, he has been away... at least five years.]] He's confident of that much. Human age is wiggly, but he's sure he's got that.
Windchill Yesterday at 8:24 PM
Rebel gets up and shakes herself, then reaches for Swoop's dinosaur hand to drag him along, too.
That was a direct consequence of pulling on his wings!
Lieu Yesterday at 8:24 PM
((Oh damn it's Mycroft from Sherlock!))
Prowl (beautyandthebadge) Yesterday at 8:25 PM
"That human has never worked a day of manual labor in his life."
Lieu Yesterday at 8:25 PM
((Love him))
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 8:25 PM
[[That much is obvious.]]
Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 8:25 PM
"They very effectively made him very quickly dislikable."
Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus) Yesterday at 8:26 PM
Swoop squawks. Your ruined his bird of prey stare, Rebel! But he lets her drag him along towards the seats. After all, that means they walk right behind the sofa a certain communication's bot is lounging on. At the last possible second, Swoop pulls away from Rebel and throws himself at Soundwave, reaching around to try to touch his mouth. Or, more specifically, a tooth!
Windchill Yesterday at 8:26 PM
Rebel, in her great and newly forged wisdom, dives out of the way before she can get dragged into whatever hell is about to be unleashed.
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 8:26 PM
[[Yes. It's very clear that he knows nothing about the actual reality of the business he is hea--]] THERE ARE FINGERS COMING FROM AROUND HIS HEAD FOR HIS MOUTH. And now there are not. Because there are no fingers. Not until he spits them out on the floor, anyway.
Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 8:27 PM
Prowl lurches upright at the sudden movement. "What the hell is—?!"
Chaoit Yesterday at 8:27 PM
"What a nasty human."
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 8:27 PM
Soundwave is already standing up and turning around. He knows whose those were. [[OUTSIDE.]]
Chaoit Yesterday at 8:27 PM
Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica) Yesterday at 8:28 PM
What a LOVELY time for Tarantulas to try and actually sit down near Prowl and Soundwave! He's leaping back to the shadows again before he gets dragged into anything.
Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 8:28 PM
His first instinct is to bridge out the person who lunged. He tries to open a bridge under Swoop. No bridge opens. What in the.
Lieu Yesterday at 8:28 PM
"And in typical Cybertronian fashion, Neutral Zone doesn't even last a night."
Windchill Yesterday at 8:28 PM
And Windchill's on his feet, scooping up his wiggly adopted spawn before she can be blamed for anything. If she gets bridged, at least he goes too. He's a little paranoid, okay?
Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus) Yesterday at 8:29 PM
Swoop's optics go wide and bright. It takes a moment for the pain to register in his birdy brain. The shrill noise he lets out isn't entirely upset. His wings are fanned out and his stance widens as he looks from his missing digits to Soundwave. "You Soundwave wanna GO? Kehehhehh!"
20%wurmple Yesterday at 8:29 PM
Swerve's sighing into his hands as he realizes what just happened. Swoop, no.
Bee Yesterday at 8:29 PM
Bee munches on some rust sticks, more attentive to the chaos in the room rather than the movie. He offers his snack to whoever's closest.
Prowl (beautyandthebadge) Yesterday at 8:30 PM
Flinches at the sound of Soundwave chomping down on Swoop's fingers and the shrill noise that follows, hand going instinctively to a subspace pocket for a weapon--oh, it's Swoop. Will let Soundwave deal with that.
Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 8:30 PM
"Sw— Sound—" Are those fingers.
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 8:30 PM
The bridge is off. The bridge is nonresponsive, because he was running something extra on it while everyone is upstairs and in no expected need of it. At least not THIS early.
[[YOU are going. OUT.]] He'll snatch at Swoop's front with intent to drag the big bird out by force if need be.
Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica) Yesterday at 8:30 PM
First it was Smokescreen losing digits, now Swoop? Hmmph. At least Tarantulas won't have to fix Swoop's, he's got Ratchet and Wheeljack.
Chaoit Yesterday at 8:30 PM
Swoop. Swoop, no. Blaster's just going to sigh and bury his face in his hands.
Specs Yesterday at 8:30 PM
The dragon is going to curl up into a little puffball until the chaos dies down. The smaller she is, the less change of being squished, yes?
MOTHMAN GF Yesterday at 8:30 PM
"What the--" Perceptor looked away for about two seconds and there's chaos.
Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica) Yesterday at 8:30 PM
He's in spider form climbing up the wall away from the action. He outie.
Bee Yesterday at 8:31 PM
And Bee's downed the first box of rust sticks.
Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus) Yesterday at 8:31 PM
Swoop stands his ground and bats Soundwave's arm away. "Make me!"
Windchill Yesterday at 8:31 PM
"Swoop—" Windchill is cut off by a boot to the face. That's what he gets for holding Rebel upside-down.
Lieu Yesterday at 8:32 PM
Tormentor can't help but chuckle at Swoop's loss of a digit and stubbornness. Now THIS is the kind of thing he's into watching.
Chaoit Yesterday at 8:33 PM
Okay, he's going to stand and move away from the two. This may get messy.
Bee Yesterday at 8:34 PM
"How the frag-- ?"
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 8:34 PM
Yes, Prowl, those are fingers. Neatly clipped off near the palm. Bleeding all over his nice, clean floor.
And this. This is IT. He has had. Enough. Of this. Dinobot. Soundwave's going to grab and wrap his ankles with both feelers, completely ignoring the energon dripping down his chin or the scene this is causing. He is going to drag Swoop outside and teach him manners if it KILLS him.
They're marching to the door. He doesn't care what Swoop claws on the way.
20%wurmple Yesterday at 8:35 PM
What a waste of good honey.
Lieu Yesterday at 8:35 PM
Chaoit Yesterday at 8:35 PM
Oh dear. This isn't good.
Prowl (beautyandthebadge) Yesterday at 8:35 PM
"Are y--" doesn't bothering asking the question as Soundwave marches by hauling Swoop along with him.
Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus) Yesterday at 8:35 PM
Swoop squawks indigently. This isn't a sweet walk up to a fight. He's scrambling and scratching grooves in the floor as he goes. A chair might be coming out with him. Everyone else should watch their ankles as he goes by.
Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica) Yesterday at 8:35 PM
See? This is why Tarantulas isn't interfering. He told Swoop people didn't always want to give him his way. The dinobot hopefully would listen to Soundwave more effectively than he had Tarantulas.
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 8:35 PM
@P: [[He will be back.]]
Bee Yesterday at 8:36 PM
Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 8:36 PM
Prowl immediately follows after. "Soundwave—!" And there goes his ankle under Swoop's claw. He trips and falls.
Bee Yesterday at 8:36 PM
"Well. That escalated quickly."
MOTHMAN GF Yesterday at 8:36 PM
"......well then."
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 8:36 PM
FLING out goes Swoop once he gets to the red glass doors. It's unceremonious and harsh and that's the way we're doing things tonight.
@P: [[Are you all right?]]
20%wurmple Yesterday at 8:36 PM
Swerve leans over to offer a hand up.
Windchill Yesterday at 8:36 PM
Windchill rights his wiggly giggly spawn, setting her in a chair. Swoop's on his own for this one. Maybe he'll learn something. Maybe not.
Specs Yesterday at 8:36 PM
Actually, you know what? Tarantulas had the right idea. She's flying as high up as she can and clinging to something up there. Goddess save her from the pterodactyl.
Prowl (beautyandthebadge) Yesterday at 8:36 PM
Does definitely stand and move to help her alternate up from the floor. "Are you all right?"
Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica) Yesterday at 8:37 PM
OH NO. Ok, Tarantulas is coming back down to rescue his dear Prowl, basically the only thing to get him off the ceiling.
Specs Yesterday at 8:37 PM
Swapsies! Spide down, dragon up.
Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica) Yesterday at 8:37 PM
"Prowl! Soundwave will be fine, let him - let him be."
He's pulling Prowl back, away from the mess.
Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 8:38 PM
"Yeah, f—" He's got TWO hands being offered. He looks between them indecisively. "... Fine." He takes his alternate's, gets up, and heads for the d— When did Tarantulas get here?
Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus) Yesterday at 8:38 PM
Joke's on Soundwave. Airborne is how Swoop likes things. He transforms so he can turn that fling into an arc, curving back Soundwave's way at increasing speeds. The pteranodon's battle cry can be heard for some distance as he transforms and rockets towards Soundwave.
Windchill Yesterday at 8:38 PM
That's when Rebel spots the blood and fingers, and gapes. She's never (knowingly,) seen detached body parts before!
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 8:38 PM
Ravage, who is not concerned for his Boss in the least - why should he be, given Soundwave's former standing? - sits watching Christopher Robin, munching out of a bowl of tinsel fish. =Poor bear.=
Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus) Yesterday at 8:38 PM
((u can keep those fingers rebel :wink: ))
Windchill Yesterday at 8:39 PM
(( Sure, just make it weird. ))
Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus) Yesterday at 8:39 PM
((when has this not been weird))
Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica) Yesterday at 8:39 PM
(( if she doesn't take them, tara will
(( what a nice snack
Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus) Yesterday at 8:39 PM
((y'all fight for them))
Windchill Yesterday at 8:39 PM
(( It's Windchill the cannibal you'll have to fight, not Rebel. ))
(( ...They can share. ))
Chaoit Yesterday at 8:40 PM
"....should someone get a medic?"
20%wurmple Yesterday at 8:40 PM
//keep being distracted and swerve'll throw them away
Prowl (beautyandthebadge) Yesterday at 8:40 PM
Will follow the Captain outside if he's not been distracted by Tarantulas.
Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica) Yesterday at 8:40 PM
He BETTER be distracted by Tarantulas.
Lieu Yesterday at 8:40 PM
Tormentor is a little disappointed how fast everything ended. Movie is still going but the real entertainment is all gone now.
Windchill Yesterday at 8:40 PM
Windchill's staring at the fingers too, though it was more the smell that alerted him than anything. Hmm.
Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica) Yesterday at 8:41 PM
(( hi stressed, i'm pooh
Prowl (beautyandthebadge) Yesterday at 8:41 PM
"Someone can call Frenzy if they'd like, Blaster."
Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 8:41 PM
He has, briefly, been distracted. But not for long. "... I can't." He hurries outside.
Windchill Yesterday at 8:42 PM
His head bobs low like that of the predatory bird that he is. Hmm.
Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica) Yesterday at 8:42 PM
Aaaand Tarantulas scrambles after Prowl, perpetually positioning himself between Prowl and the action. Windchill can have those fingers.
Prowl (beautyandthebadge) Yesterday at 8:43 PM
Follows at a slightly less hurried pace. Out we all go then, I guess.
Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 8:43 PM
"Tarantulas, let me—!" Huff. He's stopping just outside the door anyway, to survey the fight.
20%wurmple Yesterday at 8:43 PM
Windchill Yesterday at 8:43 PM
Bob, bob, bob, some very serious calculations are happening here. He always was terrible at math.
Chaoit Yesterday at 8:43 PM
"Ah, well, I meant for later, after the two were done outside."
Specs Yesterday at 8:44 PM
The dragon flies down and, bafflingly, acquires the fingers for herself.
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 8:44 PM
Soundwave is taken aback for a moment by the sight of Swoop rocketing back toward Dancitron - he wouldn't be THAT stupid, would he? - but he's a Dinobot. Yes. Yes, he would be.
He hurries the rest of the way and crouches. Swoop can come to tackle him if he wants. There's a surprise waiting should he do so.
Prowl (beautyandthebadge) Yesterday at 8:44 PM
No one is staying to block the door, so anyone can easily come watch the action happening outside.
Windchill Yesterday at 8:44 PM
Well, that settles that.
Bee Yesterday at 8:44 PM
"I don't know about you guys, but I relate so much to that bear."
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 8:44 PM
=Unfortunate for you.=
Windchill Yesterday at 8:45 PM
Rebel swings her feet and watches the film. It doesn't even occur to her to be concerned for Swoop's health in general.
Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus) Yesterday at 8:45 PM
BETTER GET THAT SURPRISE READY, because Swoop is going full speed ahead into Soundwave, talons first.
Bee Yesterday at 8:45 PM
Time to record the madness.
Specs Yesterday at 8:45 PM
Benefits of having her own bridge- the dragon has disappeared with the fingers. She'll be back, eventually.
Windchill Yesterday at 8:45 PM
"Ravage. You still got that mop behind the counter?" Windchill can either clean up the mess the proper way, or with his tongue. Your choice.
MOTHMAN GF Yesterday at 8:45 PM
Percy is just gonna... watch the movie. He thinks.
Chaoit Yesterday at 8:46 PM
Oh dear.
20%wurmple Yesterday at 8:46 PM
I love this bear.
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 8:46 PM
Those talons are about to clutch a set of Soundwave's own. Namely, the ones already sparking with electricity.
Ravage doesn't even look at the fingers, surprisingly. He already ate today. He just chucks the mop toward Windchill with his feeler tail.
Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 8:47 PM
... Without bridges, there's nothing Prowl can do to de-escalate the situation. He shouldn't get involved. The best thing he can do now is crowd control.
Chaoit Yesterday at 8:47 PM
Should he help? He has his way of travel, but...exact coordinate and all.
Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus) Yesterday at 8:47 PM
Electricity might hurt. (Does hurt. It does hurt.) But it doesn't stop Swoop's momentum. Soundwave is going into a shrieking heap with this Dinobot whether he likes it or not.
Specs Yesterday at 8:47 PM
There's no fingers left! The dragon has stolen them for her own purposes.
Bee Yesterday at 8:47 PM
Pings Prowl.
:: Anything we can do to help? ::
:: This is...getting a little ridiculous. ::
Windchill Yesterday at 8:48 PM
He does manage to snatch the mop out of the air, demonstrating a smidgen of hand-optic coordination for once, and gets to work.
Prowl (beautyandthebadge) Yesterday at 8:48 PM
Nothing Prowl has on her would classify as de-escalation tools either, especially with the nearby bridge access down. The rockets on her shoulders most definitely would only make things worse.
Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 8:48 PM
So he turns to the other people standing outside. "Nobody is getting any closer, nobody is getting involved! I don't want to see anybody more than five feet outside the door."
Specs Yesterday at 8:49 PM
((actually, I'm gonna have to AFK for a bit- Naughty Girl will not stop biting me))
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 8:49 PM
A shrieking heap is fine. He's been in plenty of shrieking heaps before. Pull the back spines in, roll, and reach for the beak with one hand. Gotta try to keep it shut this close up.
Specs Yesterday at 8:49 PM
((which means she needs something))
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 8:49 PM
((naughty naughty girl! stop that))
Windchill Yesterday at 8:49 PM
(( Precious baby needs attention! ))
Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica) Yesterday at 8:50 PM
Tarantulas has both hands on V-Prowl's shoulders, gripping a bit tighter than he needs to. He's hissing nervously. "Come back in. Come. Back. In. It's not your JOB to police mechs here, it's not your jurisdiction. Soundwave will be FINE."
Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 8:50 PM
Prowl shakes Tarantulas's hands off. "I know he will. Anyone who tries to get involve WON'T be, I'm staying out here as long as all of them are."
Bee Yesterday at 8:51 PM
(( OH MY GOD that was the first time I heard "That was one of my briefer naps." AND I'M DYING XDDDD ))
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 8:51 PM
((pooh has such wonderful lines))
20%wurmple Yesterday at 8:51 PM
"It's probably safer for them to come inside."
Bee Yesterday at 8:51 PM
And he immediately sits down. No need to face Prowl's wrath if he can avoid it.
20%wurmple Yesterday at 8:51 PM
//he does i loe this movie
Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus) Yesterday at 8:51 PM
Soundwave might have the leverage to keep Swoop's beak closed, but he can't keep it air tight. Swoop makes a bit of a show of inhaling before exhaling fire. It might not be able to go out in front of him, but it's going to go somewhere.
Prowl (beautyandthebadge) Yesterday at 8:51 PM
"It's Soundwave's jurisdiction. The best thing any of us can do is ensure they won't get too close to the building. Which I'm sure Soundwave is already going to do."
Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 8:52 PM
"I know it's safer f—" He leans in the door, "Everyone's outside NOW, I'm not going to shove them back in."
Prowl (beautyandthebadge) Yesterday at 8:53 PM
((i do love the briefer naps line so much
Windchill Yesterday at 8:53 PM
Well, it's not perfect (cleaning is far from Windchill's area of expertise, he's so much better at the opposite,) but the floor is better.
Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica) Yesterday at 8:54 PM
Rrrgh. Well, the best Tarantulas can do right now is keep the blasters still hidden in his frame at the ready, regardless of anything else.
Chaoit Yesterday at 8:54 PM
Oh. Look. Fire. "Are you sure we shouldn't help?"
Prowl (beautyandthebadge) Yesterday at 8:55 PM
Windchill Yesterday at 8:55 PM
(( I'm so confused right now. Is EVERYONE outside because I missed that part if so lol. ))
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 8:56 PM
How lucky he is that he has next to no feeling in the shielding arm presently getting toasted. It leaves him free to focus his attention on other things. Like moving to one knee and, if he can manage it, slicing up one of those flapping wings with a flattened hand turned blade. Keep Swoop on the ground.
Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 8:56 PM
"The more people get in there, the more people are going to be injured."
20%wurmple Yesterday at 8:56 PM
//swerve's inside
//i think percy too
MOTHMAN GF Yesterday at 8:56 PM
Windchill Yesterday at 8:56 PM
(( I assumed everyone that was not actively fighting or supporting had stayed in. ))
Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 8:56 PM
((it was a hyperbolic "everyone"))
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 8:56 PM
=Oh, good. He enters.=
Chaoit Yesterday at 8:57 PM
"Right...okay..." still inside, just watching.
Windchill Yesterday at 8:57 PM
(( Okay thank you. ))
Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 8:57 PM
That said, he's resisting the urge to jump in in defense of Soundwave himself. Y'know. Protector instincts.
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 8:58 PM
If Soundwave had anything on his mind other than a) not dying, and b) keeping OTHER people from dying during a potential Dinobot rampage, he would appreciate it.
20%wurmple Yesterday at 8:58 PM
He's wisely moving further from the door and pulling Percy along, just to be safe.
Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 8:58 PM
He'll channel the urge into watching the fight and making sure nobody else tries to get in on it.
MOTHMAN GF Yesterday at 8:59 PM
Yep. He will allow himself to be Lead Along.
Bee Yesterday at 8:59 PM
Oh no, he remembers this part. He hugs a pillow to his chassis and very intently watches the screen.
Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus) Yesterday at 8:59 PM
Swoop's optics go wide and he lets out an actual enraged howl. We were having such a good time, Soundwave. Why did you turn a game into an actual fight? Wing slices are a party fowl at best. Swoop's playful edge just turns into animal fury. He might not have much weight, but he has lots of length with his wingspan to get leverage in an wild, frantic thrashing.
Chaoit Yesterday at 8:59 PM
Prowl (beautyandthebadge) Yesterday at 8:59 PM
Monitors the fight with her visor and doors up as high as they'll go on her back. If nothing else, she'll know exactly when calling in a real medic is necessary.
Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica) Yesterday at 8:59 PM
Tarantulas, for one, does not appreciate V-Prowl's selfless instincts. He's keeping eight VERY close eyes on him, and as much physical contact as he can get away with.
Prowl (beautyandthebadge) Yesterday at 9:00 PM
Which might be about now. Welp.
Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica) Yesterday at 9:00 PM
EXCUSE YOU. Tarantulas is a real medic. Kind of.
Bee Yesterday at 9:00 PM
(( I'm out after this scene, i'm falling asleep & lowkey dying. But I'm 100000% catching up on this Swoop v Soundwave omg ))
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 9:00 PM
((see you next time hopefully <3))
Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus) Yesterday at 9:00 PM
((A battle like four years in the making))
Prowl (beautyandthebadge) Yesterday at 9:00 PM
((Night, bee-mun!
Windchill Yesterday at 9:00 PM
(( o7 ))
Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus) Yesterday at 9:00 PM
Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica) Yesterday at 9:00 PM
(( nini!
20%wurmple Yesterday at 9:00 PM
Bee Yesterday at 9:01 PM
(( g'night! Thanks for hosting Soundwave! ))
Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica) Yesterday at 9:01 PM
(( christopher robin is SO rude oh my god. you're hurting this poor childe bear's feelings
20%wurmple Yesterday at 9:01 PM
//let pooh live
Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 9:02 PM
Now Prowl is the one grabbing Tarantulas's shoulder. He's holding himself back. He and his alternate have apparently the same thought at the same time, because he turns to her and asks, "Can you contact local medical services?"
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 9:02 PM
Soundwave can't quite see what he's doing with one wing smacking him about the head when it's not smacking against the ground; he hisses as a solid blow cracks his visor across the side and leaves a portion missing. It forces him to let go and wipe shards away from his optic, giving Swoop a free moment.
=What a noise this Heffalump has.=
Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 9:03 PM
((you ARE the heffalump, christopher. it's you.))
20%wurmple Yesterday at 9:03 PM
Windchill Yesterday at 9:03 PM
Hmm. How inappropriate would it be if he sucked the energon out of the mop? Would it taste of leftover floor cleaner?
Best not.
Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus) Yesterday at 9:03 PM
Swoop knows how to capitalize on a split second in a fight. He shoves Soundwave with all his dino-might to get enough wiggle room to transform. He comes into his robot mode all screams and claws.
Prowl (beautyandthebadge) Yesterday at 9:04 PM
Nods. Makes that call to Praxus now.
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 9:04 PM
Good. Swoop's bipedal and angry. This just got simpler. He'll let himself be shoved a couple of paces to buy himself time to think, then... stand and wait. Come on, then, Swoop. Come tire yourself out.
Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica) Yesterday at 9:06 PM
"Leave local medical services out of this! This is - both of them have medics on their side and Primus forbid either of them face any OTHER consequences for this."
Prowl (beautyandthebadge) Yesterday at 9:07 PM
"No one in Praxus can charge them with anything."
Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 9:07 PM
Prowl's gaze is fixed on the battle, optics twitching minutely to follow the motions. "There's—this is outside any other jurisdiction, they're not going to have other consequences."
Specs Yesterday at 9:07 PM
(('m back! she was out of food))
Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica) Yesterday at 9:08 PM
"Well then, PERSONAL consequences. Something like that. We don't need anyone else involved." He's still hissing nervously.
Prowl (beautyandthebadge) Yesterday at 9:09 PM
And Prowl isn't calling the main Praxian medical services anyway. Just the one medic in Praxus she knows Soundwave won't turn away and Swoop might actually listen to if he's not booted back to his own universe before they arrive.
Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus) Yesterday at 9:11 PM
Swoop is hardly going to pass up a still target to wail on. The Dinobot is wild eyed and pushing himself to hit as fast and hard as he can. Even if all he's doing is taking chips out of Soundwave's heated up arms, he'll take it.
Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 9:13 PM
He mumbles something dismissive about the personal consequences. He squeezes Tarantulas's shoulder harder. Soundwave's a gladiator, it's okay, it's fine.
Chaoit Yesterday at 9:15 PM
"Are you sure we shouldn't intervene?"
Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 9:15 PM
"I've done the math. Any one of us would make it worse."
Prowl (beautyandthebadge) Yesterday at 9:15 PM
Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica) Yesterday at 9:15 PM
Quite frankly Tarantulas thinks it's silly that Prowl or anyone else would be worried about Soundwave of all mechs against Swoop the toddler, even if the toddler is a Dinobot - but he'll do his best to reassure Prowl anyhow.
Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus) Yesterday at 9:16 PM
((tara don't be a butt. swoop is a super cereal warrior ok))
Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 9:16 PM
Soundwave's getting attacked and isn't attacking back, Prowl's going to be nervous even if all the calculations are in Soundwave's favor.
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 9:16 PM
Chips, dents, some sparking as wires get compressed or split. It's all good. It means just about nothing, though one thumb hurts a bit where the flame got to it. He'll take the first few hits he has to take while he learns Swoop's patterns and favored motions, and what signals in his mind equal which upcoming attacks.
Keep it coming, Dinobot. He's not done yet. He's had far, far worse than this.
Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica) Yesterday at 9:17 PM
(( tara is the buttiest butt
Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus) Yesterday at 9:18 PM
The lack of noticeable pushback was somewhat enjoyable at first. But all this dancing around is getting annoying. None of these hits are really painful. Soundwave needs to do something if Swoop is going to get in there to get some real maiming going. "You. Soundwave." He snarls. "FIGHT!"
Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica) Yesterday at 9:19 PM
Suddenly Tarantulas chitters to himself, apparently amused. "Swoop got his wish though. He DID get to touch Soundwave's teeth, for the briefest second."
Windchill Yesterday at 9:20 PM
Windchill is going to finish dealing with the mop, put it back where it belongs, and consider making an escape before Rebel has to see something he'd rather she didn't. The problem is getting out the door.
Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 9:20 PM
"Was—was THAT what he was doing?!" He hadn't even noticed how this started.
Just a lunge and then missing fingers. He supposes that WOULD explain things.
Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica) Yesterday at 9:21 PM
More chittering. "Yes, yes. Trivial, isn't it? I'm actually quite glad though."
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 9:21 PM
Swoop gets his wish, though not quite the way he wants. Soundwave continues to dance this way and that, a spin here and a sharp push using Swoop's own swings to redirect or unbalance him there as he slowly guides Swoop toward more uneven territory. This is HIS home. He knows the terrain above and below ground so well he could travel it blind. And he's willing to bet his life on Swoop, noted AERIAL battler, being too angry to notice much about the metal beneath his clawed feet.
Three or four hits make it to his chest instead of his arms. Whether it's an accident, a lure, or Soundwave tiring out is up in the air.
Prowl (beautyandthebadge) Yesterday at 9:23 PM
Prowl keeps her calculations of the fight's outcome to herself, pulling up what she knows of the surrounding area and trying to predict how this might end as quickly as she can.
"That certainly explains why Swoop lost his fingers."
Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus) Yesterday at 9:26 PM
Raised in the dirt and built for the air, Swoop had very limited experiences fighting on a metal surface. The difference seemed negligible to the tiny part of his bird brain that was aware of anything other than the feeling of his claws on Soundwave and the burning energy in his own fuel lines. Swoop's optics narrow and grin widens when he manages to get at Soundwave's chest a few times. Adults get tired so easily. With a feral shriek, Swoop throws everything he's got at the communications mech. He's going to rip him to fucking shreds.
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 9:26 PM
=Tigger is disgraceful. Unworthy of cat status.=
Prowl (beautyandthebadge) Yesterday at 9:27 PM
((ravage shhhh
Windchill Yesterday at 9:29 PM
Windchill sidles towards the door and peeks his owlish head out to check on his not-child. Has anyone died, yet?
Chaoit Yesterday at 9:31 PM
Blaster's about ready to call his medics at this rate.
Prowl (beautyandthebadge) Yesterday at 9:33 PM
Not necessary. Prowl's fairly certain she knows how this is going to end and currently has Praxus on standby. No sense making the old medic come all the way down here for nothing, after all.
Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica) Yesterday at 9:33 PM
(( r u on the lemonade m8
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 9:36 PM
The surface Swoop moves to has been worn mostly smooth by countless pedes belonging to countless mechs visiting the club over half a decade. There's nothing to grip when losing one's footing but a sliding, shining curve. Soundwave takes another short series of blows, positioning them with care as he makes one last turn...
He snatches Swoop's ankles out from beneath the weedy Dinobot with one feeler and jumps forward as Swoop falls. One foot lands square on the middle of Swoop's back. The other feeler wraps itself around Swoop's neck and squeezes, leaving him unable to flail well in any direction without hurting himself.
Each hand quickly seizes a wing. The tattered one, he pulls back sharply, counting on the stretch to aggravate its wounds. The other twists round almost to snapping clean off.
[[You. Will. YIELD.]]
Prowl (beautyandthebadge) Yesterday at 9:37 PM
Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 9:37 PM
He squeezes Tarantulas tighter again.
Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica) Yesterday at 9:39 PM
...Suddenly Tarantulas isn't feeling so great about the situation. Yes, he figured Soundwave would have everything under control soon enough, but... he's finding himself surprising concerned about Swoop. Is he feeling protective? What? Of course not. He's wrapping a few limbs around Prowl as well and squeezing, definitely for Prowl's benefit.
20%wurmple Yesterday at 9:40 PM
//that's what happens when u start momming dinobots tara
Windchill Yesterday at 9:40 PM
Chill's ruined wings flick anxiously; better to keep Rebel inside for now, after all.
Still, there's nothing keeping him inside, not really. Rebel can be left with the movie for a few minutes, so long as he keeps an ear out for Tormentor. Right? Right.
Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus) Yesterday at 9:42 PM
Swoop's frame moves fast - faster than his mind sometimes - but the unfamiliar terrain and preexisting damage send him crashing down. Any one of these moves independently wouldn't be enough to fell a Dinobot.
But once he's down, Soundwave is on top of him and a tearing pain is shooting down his wing and along is spine. Swoop thrashes and damages himself further. It's instinct.
His body freezes stiff. Energon's dripping down his wing and he's clawing at the ground, optics darting around. Is there something he can do? Can he get away?
Yield? All that gets is a snarl.
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 9:44 PM
The feeler around Swoop's neck shocks him. Light - less than before - but a warning. He will go higher next time. He can. Swoop knows that from earlier.
Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus) Yesterday at 9:45 PM
Swoop inhales sharply. Ouch.
What can he...
How does...
Swoop goes completely slack. His hand taps the hard ground twice.
Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica) Yesterday at 9:47 PM
(( ey ey, DO y'all have a medic lined up btw?
Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus) Yesterday at 9:47 PM
((No. Is Tara game? Lol.))
Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica) Yesterday at 9:47 PM
(( omfg..... yes i'm sure he would be
(( give him an outlet for his protectiveness
Prowl (beautyandthebadge) Yesterday at 9:48 PM
((I was gonna volunteer Ratchet, but Tara's much closer.
Windchill Yesterday at 9:48 PM
(( Windchill has Arms if they're needed to contain/hold wild dinobots. ))
Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus) Yesterday at 9:48 PM
((Swoop would pick Ratchet if given the choice because Ratchet. But he's not in an arguing mood right now. He'll go with whoever.))
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 9:49 PM
Good. That is what he wanted.
[[Now. He expects you to abide by the rules you and your brothers have set up as far as how you behave toward those who have beaten you. He will not replace Grimlock, but he expects you to treat him with respect.]]
[[You may go home and think about your defeat. He will allow you to return, but you will listen to what he tells you, when he tells you, or he will not be afraid to shame you in front of a crowd again and ban you permanently - and he will see to it that many more witness the fight next time. Ask anyone you trust how far and wide a Soundwave can send video footage if you doubt his word.]]
Soundwave keeps the hold three seconds longer just to stick the point in, then lets go. And offers Swoop a hand up.
Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 9:50 PM
Prowl doesn't relax until Soundwave lets go. And then only partially.
Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica) Yesterday at 9:51 PM
Tarantulas is battling something, and it's starting to show in his frame. Prowl might be relaxing a smidge, but Tarantulas grips again.
@SW: ::Can I intervene and tend to Swoop?::
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 9:52 PM
@T: [[If he wants it.]]
Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus) Yesterday at 9:52 PM
Swoop listens quietly. He doesn't need to nod. Soundwave knows he agrees. This is how the Dinobots roll after all.
When Soundwave lets him go, Swoop stays in place on the ground until he's offered a hand. The littlest Dinobot takes it without a word, getting up and looking quite subdued. His optics glance from Soundwave to the ground and his shoulders have a hunch to them.
He's not sure what to do, so he stays put.
Prowl (beautyandthebadge) Yesterday at 9:54 PM
@SW: [[Do you require medical attention? I have Ratchet on hold.]]
Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica) Yesterday at 9:54 PM
@SW: ::Keep an optic on him, I'm coming.::
Outwardly he doesn't give a sign before he's off down toward the mess, transforming into spider mode to aid with speed. He'll slow once he's close and keep wary around Swoop.
Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 9:54 PM
Prowl's still not entirely sure the fight isn't going to break out again. There's always that three percent chance that— "Tarantulas!"
Oh, and after TARANTULAS was telling PROWL not to get involved—
Prowl (beautyandthebadge) Yesterday at 9:55 PM
"What does he think he's doing?"
Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 9:55 PM
"I don't kn— Tarantulas, what do you think you're doing!"
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 9:56 PM
[[Do what you need to do to care for yourself and go home, Swoop.]]
Soundwave slowly walks back toward both Prowls, Tarantulas, and the building full of guests it annoyed him he had not been able to spend time with tonight. He'll head inside, favoring the toasted arm, and bow to the lot.
[[His apologies - particularly to the newcomers. This has been an unusual night. We will not have such a disturbance next week; of that, you can be sure. Neutral zone rules are still in effect. No one needs fear a similar event unless they pose a serious threat to another during their visit.]]
Chaoit Yesterday at 9:56 PM
"Are you okay?"
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 9:56 PM
[[And it should be noted that this is the first - preferably, the only.]]
Windchill Yesterday at 9:57 PM
Windchill moves away from the door so he's not blocking Soundwave, and flicks his wings again.
Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 9:57 PM
He gives Tarantulas and Swoop an exasperated look, calls to Tarantulas, "Yell if he attacks," and stalks in with Soundwave. "How bad's your arm?"
Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus) Yesterday at 9:57 PM
Swoop's head bobbles in agreement. He looks down at his hand. The missing fingers were certainly not improved by repeatedly hitting against another person. Swoop licks some of the energon off.
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 9:57 PM
[[He will return to normal function in a few days. He hopes the film was entertaining in the meantime?]]
@SCP: [[No. Frenzy will tend to him. Ratchet has been.... tired, lately.]]
Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica) Yesterday at 9:57 PM
Ping ping to V-Prowl - ::I'm - no need to worry yourself, I'm simply snatching Swoop up. I'll - err, be in touch.::
Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 9:58 PM
@T «Keep me updated. Let me know when you go home, please.» To make sure that Swoop didn't rip his head off in a burst of frustration.
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 9:58 PM
Turning to amica Prowl, now. [[He does not know. He cannot feel it very well.]] Pause. [[That is normal, by the way. Still: it moves. He doubts he will need to replace it.]] Repair it? Yes. Very yes.
20%wurmple Yesterday at 9:59 PM
[snags an emoty cube off the bar and slides a cube of specialty energon hed been hoarding in subspace in Soundwave's general direction] You prooobably need a drink buddy.
Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 9:59 PM
He nods stiffly. "... What about the rest of you?" The arm looked worst, but...
Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica) Yesterday at 9:59 PM
To Swoop: "Don't LICK yourself, you imbecile. Come here." And now there's a spider on him, ready to use web to restrain if need be. "You're coming with me, whether you like it or not."
Windchill Yesterday at 10:00 PM
Now that the movie's over Rebel bounds back out of her seat to grab her dad's hand, still bouncing around (maybe Tigger inspired, maybe not,) but raring to go to any place where there's not so much sitting.
Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus) Yesterday at 10:00 PM
Swoop cocks his head at Tarantulas. But he doesn't argue. Just toddles over and gives the spider an expectant look that said what now?
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 10:01 PM
A thin smile cuts across Soundwave's face. It looks particularly ghastly with the dried energon coming from it. He wiggles a feeler up beneath his chest armor, only struggling for room where Swoop dented it. [[He is not as wide as he lets himself look. Mostly armor damage.]]
And you know what? He's going to take that energon from Swerve and give it a solid look. [[...Yes. Tonight, he thinks he will have one. A small one.]] A victory celebration, like the old days.
Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 10:02 PM
Prowl thought Soundwave doesn't like drinking. THAT kicks his concern back up.
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 10:02 PM
[[...Windchill, feel free to take something expensive from the bar tonight before you leave. He has not repaid your efforts to control Swoop as well as he should have.]]
Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica) Yesterday at 10:02 PM
What now? Getting carefully manhandled by a massive spider is what's happening now, Swoop. As soon as he has the pteranodon securely on his back, Tarantulas is bridging off to the Tor with him in tow.
Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus) Yesterday at 10:03 PM
Swoop makes absolutely no attempt to stop this. Unless bleeding on Tarantulas counts as an attempt to deter him. But probably not. Off we go!
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 10:04 PM
He doesn't. But he has not had a fight that ferocious in a while, and a quarter ration will not do much to him. That's what he meant by small.
Windchill Yesterday at 10:04 PM
Sorry, Chill was a little distracted with indecision and Rebel's bouncing around and jabbering about the movie. He looks up, confused, and frowns.
"That's okay. Floor's clean, dragon took the fingers." Sure, nobody did anything about the chair Swoop dragged out, but it was a start.
Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 10:04 PM
Prowl's still worrying.
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 10:04 PM
((one (1) whole shot))
Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 10:04 PM
((an shot))
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 10:05 PM
[[Oh, the dragon - where is she? Not harmed in the rush to get out, he hopes...]] He's not worried about the fingers. He figured SOMEONE would scavenge them.
Windchill Yesterday at 10:05 PM
(( God you're reminding me of my verbal typo today. ))
(( I only drink weed and miskey. ))
Chaoit Yesterday at 10:05 PM
Well, everything looks like it has been settled. Blaster's just...going to leave now.
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 10:05 PM
((also public stream wrappin up at 10:30 for the record - and lol miskey))
Specs Yesterday at 10:05 PM
The dragon never came back after absconding with the fingers. Probably safest that way.
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 10:05 PM
Soundwave will ping Blaster as he leaves. A better time next time, mech. [[Ah. Yes, probably.]]
Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica) Yesterday at 10:05 PM
(( omg isnt that, uhh, a spoonerism?
Prowl (beautyandthebadge) Yesterday at 10:06 PM
@SW: [[Of course.]] Tired hardly describes it, but it's a polite fiction everyone seems content to believe, so Prowl lets it be. She's relieved, if only because she knew Ratchet would have insisted on coming out her if it had been more serious, regardless of what other medics might have been in the area. Swoop can be left in Tarantulas' care and Prowl can finally go back inside, lingering in the doorway trying to decide if she shouldn't just head back to Praxus anyway.
Windchill Yesterday at 10:06 PM
A wise move on any dragon's part, to be certain.
Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica) Yesterday at 10:06 PM
Specs Yesterday at 10:06 PM
MOTHMAN GF Yesterday at 10:06 PM
Welllll this was certainly eventful. It's about time for Perceptor to uhhhh scoot on out.
Specs Yesterday at 10:06 PM
Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica) Yesterday at 10:06 PM
(( ive cemented the dingers in the chatlong even if you edit, muahah
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 10:06 PM
((i SWEAR it's not usually like this lmao))
20%wurmple Yesterday at 10:06 PM
Swerve slides off his chair. "I'll take Percy home. Don't want him getting lost."
Specs Yesterday at 10:07 PM
((yes, you have, which is why I edited once I noticed))
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 10:07 PM
((much more ridiculous and chatty))
Windchill Yesterday at 10:07 PM
(( Yes it is. I only drink mead and whiskey but I don't need to in order to mess that up lol. ))
MOTHMAN GF Yesterday at 10:07 PM
"Thank you Swerve!"
Specs Yesterday at 10:07 PM
((otherwise I would have had to keep it :C ))
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 10:07 PM
[[Goodnight, Perceptor. Do come back.]]
MOTHMAN GF Yesterday at 10:07 PM
He waves as he heads out.
20%wurmple Yesterday at 10:07 PM
"Sure thing. Night everyone, night Soundwave. Hopefully that lesson sticks."
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 10:07 PM
[[Goodnight, Swerve. He hopes so as well.]]
Windchill Yesterday at 10:07 PM
Windchill shrugged. He's not picking up any dead organic smells, so she's probably fine.
20%wurmple Yesterday at 10:08 PM
A wave and off he goes.
Specs Yesterday at 10:09 PM
((I'm signing off for the night before I pass out))
Windchill Yesterday at 10:09 PM
(( o7 good night! ))
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 10:09 PM
((goodnight and i hope next week is more enjoyable / broadly fun))
Specs Yesterday at 10:09 PM
((ilu all, sorry that dragon bailed due to IRL cat + hoarding instinct that demands she keeps fingers))
Windchill Yesterday at 10:10 PM
(( She deserved them most out of anyone who might have snatched them. ))
Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica) Yesterday at 10:10 PM
(( seconded
Specs Yesterday at 10:10 PM
(( :black_heart: ))
Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus) Yesterday at 10:10 PM
((night night))
Windchill Yesterday at 10:10 PM
(( 'Sides, it saved everyone from having to witness what happens when someone else does, so. ))
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 10:10 PM
Caniko Yesterday at 10:11 PM
((totally missed movie night, sorry))
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 10:11 PM
Soundwave moves to accept a bunt from Ravage, who keeps papping the counter for his attention. Yes, yes, he's fine. You knew he'd be fine. Don't be silly.
And now he's going to plop into a seat and roll the tiny, tiny glass between two fingers of his better hand.
((oh nooooo. next time!!))
Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 10:12 PM
Prowl is sitting with Soundwave and—sort of just radiating worry in his direction. "Where's Frenzy?"
Windchill Yesterday at 10:13 PM
"We're going to go, and check on Swoop later." The last bit was more for Rebel's benefit than anything, but it really was getting late and past Windchill's bedtime. This kind of stress just isn't good for him.
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 10:13 PM
[[All right. He hopes the mech's wing is not too damaged. Goodnight, Windchill, Rebel.]]
He can feel the worry. It's... soothing. To be worried about after a fight, instead of paraded and then put back in a cell. Still, he'd like not to have to do this again.
[[Upstairs.]] And more privately: @P: [[He told Frenzy to wait until the others have gone.]]
Prowl (beautyandthebadge) Yesterday at 10:14 PM
@VProwl: [[Goodnight, Captain.]] Going to dodge out without bothering to come fully back inside the building.
Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 10:14 PM
@P «Evening, alternate.»
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 10:14 PM
Soundwave will send a ping to his own timeline's Prowl. He still is mad at her about That Reveal, but she was ready to call Praxus, and that is something worth being thankful for.
Windchill Yesterday at 10:15 PM
Rebel waves back at the room as they head out, then at a distant Swoop once they're outside.
Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus) Yesterday at 10:16 PM
((is the plan everyone leaving the server again?))
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 10:16 PM
((ye for cleanup purposes))
Prowl (beautyandthebadge) Yesterday at 10:16 PM
That gives Prowl a moment's paused before she drops down into vehicle mode. She pings back just before taking off toward Praxus.
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 10:17 PM
((sometimes i do stuff during the week to tinker and i don't want people to be getting weird boops))
Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus) Yesterday at 10:17 PM
((Cool! I can't wait to get this up on tumblr.))
Windchill Yesterday at 10:17 PM
(( Also means that people who don't attend a given night aren't getting hit with it either, so it makes sense. ))
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 10:17 PM
Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica) Yesterday at 10:17 PM
(( i thought that said EGG instead of gg
(( smh@myself
Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus) Yesterday at 10:17 PM
Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 10:18 PM
((egg stands for extremely good game))
Windchill Yesterday at 10:18 PM
(( o7 ))
Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica) Yesterday at 10:19 PM
(( l8r allig8or
(( i'm off to bed too, tarantulas has swoop in his clutches now and will follow up accordingly!
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 10:19 PM
((gotcha! bye those goin!))
Windchill Yesterday at 10:20 PM
(( Big fat mess to clean up lolololol good job Swoop. ))
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 10:20 PM
Can Soundwave lean into Prowl? He'd like to lean into Prowl.
Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 10:20 PM
He can, but in exchange Prowl is gently taking Soundwave's arm and examining the damage up close.
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 10:23 PM
Soundwave will let him, mostly because a) he figures it will soothe Prowl's worries a smidge if he at least gets to know for sure what's happened to it, and b) it's nice, being fretted over and checked on like that.
Oh so gently, in a way that notes appreciation but also reassurance: [[They were designed for the purpose of taking hits.]] Pause. [[He is surprised he didn't get more flame damage. Too angry, he supposes.]]
And here comes Frenzy to park himself on the opposite side of the couch and get inspecting on that chest armor. He'll keep out of the way as much as possible.
Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 10:25 PM
A jerky nod. "I suppose." He scoots away when Frenzy arrives, giving him more room to work.
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 10:26 PM
He's disappointed when Prowl moves away, but it makes some sense. [[You fell. Were you hurt, yourself...?]] Trying to lean over Frenzy to see Prowl's legs.
Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 10:26 PM
I'm a hologram.
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 10:29 PM
Soundwave sits up and blinks the one optic that is peeking out of the broken visor. [[Oh. Yes, you are.]] Then he smiles, amused at himself. [[He tends to forget that, doesn't he.]]
[[He is glad for that. He did not want you hurt.]]
Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 10:32 PM
"Hm." Soundwave used to be unable to see Prowl's light frame as anything BUT a hologram. In any other situation, he'd be delighted at the change.
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 10:33 PM
[[...Is something wrong?]]
[[Not that. To you.]] A nod to Prowl.
Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 10:35 PM
"Wh—? Yes! Obviously?!" He gestures at Soundwave's nearest battle damage.
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 10:44 PM
Soundwave looks down at it like he's only just seeing it for the first time and tilts his head. What's all the fuss about? [[He's had worse; you've seen that yourself. Besides, he can hardly feel most of it, and it is nothing Frenzy cannot finish repairing by tomorrow night. Swoop merely hit dead surfaces designed to be shields and armor with plenty of denting space beneath it - and not as hard as his brothers. They would have required a different approach. ]]
[[He promises you do not need to worry so, though he appreciates that you are. Your protectiveness is one of many things he values about you.]] Closer lean?
...It abruptly occurs to him that he has not scrubbed the energon off his mouth. He'll just. Stretch a feeler toward the bar for a rag and some cleanser so he can do that. Yes.
Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 10:46 PM
The lean isn't returned. "It wasn't a fight that you should have had in the first place. YOU'RE damaged and HE'S mangled, and ALL of it would have been avoidable if—" HUFF. No. He's cutting himself off there. Change direction. "Why was the bridge off."
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 10:52 PM
Oh. He's - there's an element of being in trouble to this, isn't there? That's another matter altogether. Oops.
Prowl rarely changes the subject of upset arguing like that, though. Soundwave quickly gets the idea it might be better not to mention that it'll be the only fight he'll have to have.
[[The bridge is off because he is finishing some final programming adjustments for a complex new modification and needed to be able to install them without interruptions. He had intended it to be finished before the usual time range in which it tends to be needed. Swoop changed those plans.]]
[[He was not expecting a sneak attack on his mouth.]] As may be worked out by the fact that he severed Swoop's fingers and is presently scrubbing energon off his face while he thinks.
Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 10:55 PM
Prowl's mouth tightens at the mention of Swoop, but he stays focused on the bridge. "What adjustments? Just an upgrade, or new functionality?"
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 10:56 PM
Okay. Okay, don't mention Swoop at all. He can take that hint. He will take it and clutch it and not step on it again. He's in enough hot water tonight.
[[A little of both. He had been hoping to surprise you.]] Vent. So much for that.
Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 10:58 PM
"Well. I was very surprised."
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 11:02 PM
[[Not quite the way he wanted it to go.]]
Leans against the couch and eyes the tiny ration of highgrade. He doesn't know what to do with it now. This feels less like a victory than it did earlier.
[[Though he thinks you would still be stunned out of your plating if you could see the work yourself. And useful, too. He is not as skilled a mathematician; much of his programming and physical upgrading has relied on trial and error. He is not even certain these WILL prove to be the final adjustments.]] And a small huff. [[He's already thought that about this project thrice before.]]
Ravage rumbles something unintelligible but in the vicinity of deeply displeased. Yes, he can attest to that.
Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 11:08 PM
"... So you could use help with it." Well, it was math. And if it would get the space bridge back on faster... "What calculations do you need?"
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 11:14 PM
[[He could.]] Soundwave had felt his tanks twinge when he'd admitted to hacking at the idea with a machete instead of a laser scalpel; tugging on Prowl's arm and outright requesting assistance was out of the question. Roundabout all the way. [[Do you remember the time you used multiple bridges to pinpoint a mech's location in another timeline?]]
Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 11:16 PM
"Of course. You're trying to make a program that does the same thing?"
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 11:25 PM
[[....Not exactly.]] How to explain it without giving the whole game away? [[He has managed to update it to the point of being able to do the necessary calculations without any extra bridges by using a highly specialized process he - by using something he knows how to do. But he is having trouble forcing it to combine that AND the order to move the actual bridge a specific number of meters to one side. As of earlier tonight, it was unable to reliably adjust the position to the right point, let alone a safe side. You have less trouble with tracking the movements of celestial bodies than he does. He was wondering if that might be what keeps interfering - and whether he has got it right this time.]]
Prowl made an effort to determine Unicron's path, once. Soundwave's kind of convinced this would be child's play for him.
Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 11:29 PM
"... Hm." Well, Soundwave's very obvious efforts to try NOT to give the whole game away weren't going to give Prowl much to work with by way of figuring out what the problem was. He's getting the distinct impression that Soundwave doesn't want his help, even now that the "surprise" is ruined.
"Well. If you decide you want help, you know where I am."
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 11:29 PM
[[What? No, he - he already decided that.]]
Oh, ouch.
Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 11:30 PM
"Oh." Prowl grimaces. Good job there, Prowl. Well done. "You're not telling me what you're doing. You want me to help without knowing what end result I'm supposed to be aiming for?"
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 11:34 PM
...Well, it sounded silly when Prowl put it like THAT.
[[It is supposed to - to be capable of identifying and opening a bridge to any given location almost as soon as communications contact is established.]]
[[Yes. But not overhead. Which is what it has been doing, when it isn't sending him Primus-knows-where for reasons he can't fathom. It won't be good for rescue work if it decides twenty-five meters from Dancitron is on the planet Vulcan.]]
Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 11:36 PM
Oh, now he's got Prowl's attention. "Communications contact. I assume you mean comms? Does it require the recipient to respond to pings, the way I did it? Or does it work through another mechanism? ... And can people who AREN'T telepathic use that method?"
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 11:42 PM
[[Yes. Audio comms, at the moment. There is a bug of moderate size in the verbal comm protocols he has yet to fully remove.]] Hand wave. One step at a time. If he can work out one, he can use that to fix the other. Probably. [[The caller and the one creating the bridge must have sent and received one ping each - a hello and a response, let us say; the work is done after that. He is... REASONABLY certain non-telepaths will be able to use it. He is trying to design it that way.]]
=For now, even telepaths cannot.= A rough chuckle.
[[Be helpful or be quiet.]]
Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 11:43 PM
Prowl opens his mouth, shuts his mouth, and frowns. "... Aren't audio comms and verbal comms the same thing?"
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 11:43 PM
[[Written communications. Excuse him.]]
Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 11:45 PM
"Ah. Right. Okay." He nods, considering it. "... And you're having trouble making the endpoint show up where it should. You've tried anchoring it to a relative point from the comm unit being targeted rather than an absolute point in space?"
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 11:50 PM
[[Not at first. It has gotten better since he made that adjustment, but not perfect.]] Something to do with how the comm unit itself is pinpointed, perhaps. He doesn't quite know. He'll have plenty of charts and diagrams on how it works if Prowl wants to take a look at them at some point.
[[We sent Laserbeak on three trips to Earth this weekend. The fourth did not go as planned.]] That may be why she isn't here tonight. Shh. [[She says that its moon is not a terrible place to be, though.]]
Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 11:53 PM
Prowl huffed. "If you're getting results that erratic, it sounds like some error in the calculations rather than a flaw in the methodology itself. It might just be a couple of misplaced digits. Can I see?"
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 11:56 PM
[[Yes. But you cannot tell anyone what you see. Or where you will be. ... Except the Constructicons. He knows they will know everything. But if he finds them down there, they will not like what happens.]]
[[He hopes you are not claustrophobic. There is not much room to move in the basement.]]
He'll open a bridge for them to get into. A safe one, because it's the same coordinates he always uses, not calculated by comm.
Prowl (verdigrisprowl) Yesterday at 11:59 PM
"So, standard operating procedure."
Oh, NOW bridges are back on. "I can shrink if need be." He heads through the bridge down into the basement.
Soundwave (Slenderwave) Yesterday at 11:59 PM
Well, yes. He did say they were supposed to have finished by now. And off they go.
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hello quins!! 😊 my name is kaitlyn and i’m excited to finally reveal myself :D
how was the end of your year? i hope it was wonderful and i am so glad to hear that you got home safely!! ❤️
i will definitely let you know when i continue with 911!!:)
ooh you mentioned you haven’t even mentioned the movies with twilight, were you really into those, too? 👀
oh, okay!! i honestly had never heard much about the city of bones, or the author, but i feel the same with that stuff i don’t really understand the entire thing with people who try to defend the things authors (or like any famous person) have done so as to like justify their consumption of it?? i agree like if i hear they do harm i don’t see why you wouldn’t take it as that but people are very strange with the way they interact with stuff ig (i will stop there bc it is something i could go on about for a bit, but i feel like i understood how you meant it (like re: it being comprehensible) and i 100% agree). and i definitely get what you mean about not having high standards for a genre you like, i feel like if it’s a concept i like (esp when i was younger as well) i would just consume it all haha
in terms of 1d, i definitely listen to harry and louis’ music the most, but probnably more louis’, but my favorite song of harry’s is ‘lights up’ and of louis’ i would say ‘defenceless’ but i like a lot of them :)) also i agree, once in a lifetime is great! now that i am revealing who i am, my favorite song from 1d is called ��end of the day’ and that is where my url comes from :~) i am actually thinking of getting a tattoo inspired by the lyrics!!
i love that you started using that emoji because of me aklfja, i have picked some up from people too haha (for instance the🧍🥴 (hopefully these are the right ones, i am on my computer and i found like a shortcut that pops them up on desktop but sometimes i cannot tell lkajfa). those two and the 👀 are definitely my favorites, they can express emotions i would never be able to tbh <3
omg supernatural i know a ridiculous amount about that show because someone i am very close with and my mom (who is currently on the second to last season for the first time) are very into it and talk to me about it a lot. i have seen like two episodes but i have a lot of knowledge haha. i think it seems very interesting
yeah that’s true they will have a lot of similarities in that genre, and i like them both so it’s fun that there’s two songs that are similar :)). poison is such an unusual song, i agree, and i think that’s part of why it stuck out to me as a favorite!!
thank you for the kind wishes <3 i am trying to learn to be more patient with myself, definitely, but it takes a lot of practice!
i understand the “brain not being your friend” thing so deeply and i’m sorry you feel that way too! i hope that this year we will both exist in better harmony with it, but that’s not always easy :/. i hope you ended up having a lovely holidays and a great reunion with your friends : )).
p.s. i just wanted to apologize for how late this message is, this week was just A Week but i’m really sorry this came so late, but i am so happy to finally reveal myself and i have enjoyed these messages so much. i am so glad i was paired with you, you’re so fun to talk with :))
p.p.s. please let me know if you watch cruel summer!! :D
Hii kaitlyn!
My end of the year was fun and chill, I was finally with my friends again after these last couple of months! Hope you're on the other side of A Week now and still going strong! ✨ Happy new year!!
Yep, the Twilight movies had me as good as the books did lol cannot count the hours I spent in that universe 🤠
good to hear you feel similarly about the defending authors/creators even when they appear to be assholes irl 🙃
oh I'll definitely give your fave songs a listen! Thanks for sharing! my first tattoo was also inspired by music! 🎉 (The red hot chili peppers asterisk)
supernatural knowledge by proxy haha, crazy how that show pops up everywhere!
wishing you all the best as we struggle with ourselves and work on being more patient with how successful that journey is!
no need to apologize at all ♥️ I'm also very thankful for this little event and it was always a joy to read your messages!
see you around!
-- quins ♥️
p.s. I'll def let you know if I start cruel summer!
p.p.s. as you might notice this blog is exclusively 911 so if you get annoyed by that but still wanna stay in touch there's always my main where's there's a lot more diversity content-wise haha otherwise enjoy the 911 craze! 😎
0 notes
Anon asks
So as not to clog any of your dashes, fandom wank under the cut
beka1820 @beka1820 I’m confused how she said that TvLine and Deadline contradicted each other and that they’re crazy or whatever. Didn’t they say the same thing essentially. Especially about the specific 4? That whole post would be so entertaining if it wasn’t so insulting to JMo.
I saw that!! I suppose it exposes her complete lack of reading comprehension? The stories were pretty much identical to me.
However, she is one of those people who posts something, it turns out to be completely wrong, but then she comes back and says “look how right I was.”
Very Trump-esque.
Anonymous said:The one thing I’d love to come true from that dumb post is for Jen to be made a producer.
I’m sure the reason that the producer thing is part of this pretend narrative is because it’s kind of an obvious guess at this stage of the game. Often in contract re-negotiations actors get producer credits and JMo is clearly the actor from the show who is the most collaborative with the creatives and she’s also the one who is most interested in things behind the scenes. It’s not really that bit of a leap.
Also, I think it would be fabulous.
Anonymous said:That post was hilarious! I love how she took Jen’s pics on Instagram as clear signs of her planning to leave. I bet if I had the willpower I could go through Lana’s thousand selfies with her super deep captions and come up with all kinds of “signs” that she’s leaving as well.
Oh that was the best! However, that fandom in general has been reading “coded” messages that their fanon ship would be “endgame” for years, I suppose it’s not a leap for them to read coded messages sent from actors to networks in random photos.
And yes a behavioral psychologist could have a field day going through Lana’s feed. Narcissism anyone…
Anonymous said:I stopped reading the Jen hater post when she said Jen would refuse to do any interview with an smaller outlets. We saw her giving interviews to podcasts, youtubers, small websites. So when you detect something you know is a lie, the rest doesn’t even matter.
Exactly! Totally inaccurate. There are so many instances of that. “My sources say” well your sources (voices in her head) assertions are demonstrably false, so WTF are you even talking about?
Anonymous said So is it possible for a certain news person to come up with a load of crap, like pages and pages of bullshit (like that would take a really dumb long time to bullshit up) because they hate a certain actress/character. If so then I 👏👏👏 their dedication to their craft.
I’s astounding. I wonder if there is a Pulitzer Prize for Fandom Dumbfuckery?
Anonymous said:So the troll believes us Colin fans should be worried about the casting of Andrew as a possible regular next season if Colin stays… according to the trolls logic Andrew being a new pretty white face will be the new writers fav so no time for Colin… Lol I just can’t.. how can her followers still believe her crap
Simple, because they want to believe it. They’ve lost everything. So they cling to preposterous anti rhetoric that tries to spin everything that happens as bad for CS fans, CS, Hook, Emma, Jen and Colin.
It’s simple.
However, if anyone can’t see through every word and buys the nonsense hook, line and sinker, then they are a total fucking moron.
Anonymous said:I think I know who that troll you’ve mentioned is and wow! I read some of their posts and they are so stupid. Apparently JMo’s random innocent Instagram posts are some sort of message to the network! And every single thing Jen does is directly or indirectly meant to pressure the network! Are there people who actually believe this person? Because wow that’s dumb even for a S Qer.
Yep. It also shows how she doesn’t get JMo and doesn’t get how low-profile OUAT is in the “industry.” Like I said in a previous post, her fatal flaw is she projects her own pompous, pedantic, pretentious, over-investment on to her “sources” and the “industry.”
To hilarious and scary results.
Anonymous said:Could the troll make it any more obvious that she’s making everything up? I don’t think so.
No. She might as well asterisk everything with “this is total BS and wishful thinking”
Anonymous said:I think the relatively low amount of notes on that “industry sources” post is indicative of how far out of favor the troll has fallen. She’s been off the deep end since 5a, and doubled down on her “efforts” since the engagement ring showed up on Emma’s finger. I think the anti Jmo angle she’s been working for the last week damaged that posts impact; everyone knows she’s just got an axe to grind. I don’t think as many people believe what she says anymore. People don’t trust her.
No one should trust her. They shouldn’t trust what she says publicly and they sure as hell shouldn’t trust what she says privately. However, at this point if anyone doesn’t have her number… boy I don’t know.
Anonymous said:Oh, is the troll scrambling to save face now that all her assertions that JMO quit appear to be bunk? What is her problem with JMo anyway? She’s been ragging on her for like 3 days now.
JMo doesn’t pander or cater to her sex fantasies by posting selfie’s with Lana so she must be stopped!!!!!!
Anonymous said:I think my favorite part was when she added a point about Lana having auditioned for some pilots. But apparently turned down offers or something? She knew this back in January but didn’t think it was worth mentioning. Does she have a bingo game set up and whatever it lands on, that’s what those insider (voices in her head) sources tell her to say? Does anyone actually still believe her? I’m almost more concerned for the mental health of those people.
I find it hilarious that anyone believes that Lana was getting her door beaten down during pilot season. If you believe that I have some beautiful ocean-side property to sell you in Kansas…
Anonymous said: What is the troll’s beef against JMo anyway? Isn’t she the same one who made up those rumors about Sean?
Yup, said troll was ground zero for the false allegations against Sean.
Anonymous said:Here’s my question about that troll and others like her. There’s actually another fandom I’m in that has a vicious troll spouting off very stupid and even dangerous “insider info” that their followers eat up and take it as gospel. Are these trolls that give out all this bull making it up themselves, or do they actually have someone feeding them this info and they truly believe it is real? I can never tell if they believe it, or just enjoy the lies, attention, and drama they are able to cause.
In this case, I believe this one is making it all up, or with a small cadre of friends. She’s not being fed a line of bull by someone, her track record of lies is too long and deep. I can’t speak to your other fandom, I guess it depends on how gullible the person seems to you. Because it is common for someone to try and find a puppet to actually put the info out there. This troll tried that with the Sean rumors, under the guise of fandom unity, making friends with CSers, O Qers, R Bers and trying to get them to spread it for her.
Also this is not unique to OUAT fandom. It’s happened since the dawn of fandom. People trolling, people pretending to know more than they do. etc. @counttotwenty and I had quite a cabal of false-info and false-spoiler trolls to deal with back in our West Wing fandom days.
Don’t believe them and don’t believe this troll either.
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motivation monday: october finish up
Hi, and delighted Monday! Today I am publishing a recap of my October running, primarily for my own records and to distill what went excellent and where I require some work. Total I satisfied my (incredibly simple) goals. If any of this works to you, then Happy Motivation Monday!! If you have some suggestions for any parts of it, do not hesitate to share. Thanks for reading, friends.
Many Interesting Workout:
Of numerous excellent exercises this month, it was tough to select a preferred. Sunday, Oct 14th is it. That early morning I ran a slightly fasted (I had actually eaten well the day previously, simply no breakfast) and spontaneous half marathon all by myself, at a pretty smooth pace (9:38 average). I didn't set out to run that long, but it felt fantastic! Every mile felt much better and much better, and I had some extra time, so ultimately, I just went for it. It's far from my ultimate time goal for 13.1, however considering I did this with no breakfast and no hydration or calories along the method, I'm delighted. It gets me thinking about what is possible when I am effectively sustained. And I had gobs of energy all the time after that! It's insane. Adaptions are happening.Worst Day: I attempted
operating on the extremely first day of Shark Week * this month, and I paid the rate. My other symptoms had been so mellow leading up to "The first day," I thought undoubtedly a 6 -or 7-mile simple day was possible. I had a hard time through 2.5 then walked another 1.5 while talking myself out of a pity party. Ha. It's great. I went house and poured my minimal physical energy into other things and counted my blessings that a difficult run was the worst of my health difficulties. I moved on with my life.Longest Run: Wednesday, Oct 24th: 15 even at Lake Hefner, with Mickey cyclingbeside me. This
was actually my longest run in numerous months, and I was happily surprised by not only a constant speed (9:46 average)but by the reality that I was not truly tired later. Nor was I the least bit sore the next day. Like, in general, it felt similar to an average 8/easy day. Huge thanks and high fives to my buddy for keeping me business!! The miles passed happily, and I got to hear numerous terrific stories about his life. I hope we do that together more frequently! Fastest General Run: Early on Sunday the 21st I shocked myself by running a little over 8 miles at an average speed of 8:47
. For me, that is quite
stylish. I rode endorphins the whole rest of that fine day, which we spent driving Klaus up Path 66 and doing a little hike, just the three of us. Then we had a very special dinner with our Sperrys, and my heart was so complete. (My trick that day was understanding that I only had about an hour to run, so I just crammed as numerous miles in as possible, then rounded it out to 8, ha! )Unique Meals Worth Sharing Since Food is Fuel: I continue to favor my odd"warm breakfast salad "over cold protein smoothies for post-run nutrition. Chilly early mornings simply beg for something relaxing, you know
? It's oats prepared with spinach and zuchinni, topped with two eggs. Bam. Love it.I am also caring huge, crisp apples and roasted peanuts, chicken breast sandwiches for lunch, and veggie-heavy soups and pasta dishes in the evening. Some roasted veggies with sticky rice is excellent the night eventually runs. Yes to gorgeous buffet, always, and salads at home get topped with warm things like roasted acorn squash and blended with kale for substance. I can not appear to eat enough eggs and peanuts the past few weeks. I do not comprehend why. Oh! And crepes. Jessica invited me over for breakfast one day, and together with the most beautiful salad ever, she made us a huge platter of warm, thick, chewy, eggy crepes.
Best and tasty. We went with savory over sweet that day. I am so proud of her and her cooking self-confidence and artistry.Horrible Error I Will Never Ever Make Once Again: Last Monday evening we were out at a costumed event behind anticipated and simply chose to get some late dinner at Taco Bell. Taco Bell, friends, around 9:45 p.m. This is not my life. I ate among those"power bowls "with steak and some tortilla chips with really hot homemade salsa. It was all tasty, however I had let myself get too hungry. I slept alright then early the next early morningattempted to run with my rapid friend Sheila. It was not fun. My meal was not digested yet. I had to cut the miles short and stroll back to my automobile . Dumb dumb LOL! Fresh Running Lesson: Vertical Oscillation
had currently been on my mind when I ran with Mickey that day at Lake Hefner. While bicycling behind me, he observed that with each stride I circled up excessive(think, Tigger the bouncing tiger, or perhaps an elliptical device instead of straight-forward motion ). Mickey offered a number of kind tips, which I attempted. Immediately my posture structured and my next couple of sprints were at my
max speed without any additional effort
. It just clicked. Fantastic! I practiced the toe-roll for numerous days after that and believe it is helping me waste less energy. Thanks, Mickey!Weather Considerations: From heavy rain all month to a surprise twister one day and constant temperature level swings, our fall weather condition has actually kept local runners thinking. I braved the treadmill just a few times, enough to see that my dullness endurance is abysmal, haha. I have some major mind callousing to do, you guys. Anyway, I am so happy to have actually satisfied my October objective with so numerous days that could have gone really differently. And the season modification has actually been awesome to see. I am not at
all grumbling. Oklahoma
has not seen this much color and such high water levels in lots of years, and the early morning skies, my gosh. I love everything. Simply extremely appreciative that a lot of miles were taken pleasure in outdoors, which is my favorite.Little Extras Still Happening? Yes, mostly. All month I did the dynamic warm-ups faithfully, and I stretched a little
after each run, but possibly inadequate. I got 8 infant weight-lifting days and about as lots of yoga sessions, but I might be more disciplined with that. Some core work and deep stretching at nights are probably in order, too. It's simply a matter of finding sustainable habits. Overall Miles: 223.1 These miles were mostly easy effort, long run rate, extremely relaxing, and delighted! My October objective was 220, just 10%up from September. It felt pretty uncomplicated, so I am thrilled
. Well over half of my miles were past this specific tree. I watched it alter colors each week. So beautiful!What's Next? My goals for November are to: keep my energy method up and my discomforts way down so I can delight in a month of both running and holiday festivity eat more mindfully, not like I remain in a panic all the time, ha!run 180 miles( a little step back)including two tough Hansons
workouts weekly lift rather much heavier
and regularly (perhaps every 3 days )yoga yoga I am incredibly curious just how much progress I'll see from strength training and coordination drills. After that, I will be a stone's toss from my "Run the Year"goal of 2,018. Wahoo !! What's brand-new in your fitness and health universe? * Shark Week, for this blog's purposes, will always describe a woman's natural reproductive regular monthly cycle. And"The first day" is the worst day for me
. I seem like you knew that already. However thanks for
following the asterisk.
0 notes
may: week one
01: it was an interesting morning. i worked out in the yoga studio today because hillary and daniel were sleeping in the living area. i finished my hip hop cardio and when i started my hiit workout, a lady came in to spin and she just watched me suffer LOL. i made it though! then i showered and started my work day. i just needed to mentally prepare myself and write some notes to prepare myself for my customer call. phil was not going to be on it so i was pretty much solo. i think i did alright though. hillary and daniel packed and left before my call and then later, hillary told me that they missed their flight because spirit moved up the flight time and they had to catch tomorrow’s -__-” wtf spirit? i started doing laundry so it’s a good thing i didn’t wash their towels yet! i did start washing the bedsheets and pillowcases though. meh. haha. i think they can sleep with the sofa pillows and without the sheet for one night, right? x__x;
my day was very chill and when they came back, daniel and hillary took my car to fat cat and i got on my standup. they left me some cajun fries, which were sooo delicious. i snacked and talked to hillary while daniel fell asleep on the couch. hillary eventually fell asleep and then i went back to work. kevin came back and then we talked a bit before daniel and hillary woke up. daniel took like a 3 hour nap. damn. bae and i went to the yoga studio and she did cardio kickboxing with me. right after the workout, she downed a ton of water O_O” haha. kevin was cooking oyakodon at this time while daniel was watching dota streams in the apartment. we came back, ate, chatted, and then hillary and daniel did dishes while me and kevin went back on our computers. he gamed and i did a bit of work before showering, making the bed together, and me sleeping at around 11 pm. zzzzz. it was a nice chill day with the bae and phanpy :)))
02: i took it “easy” and did very little jumping during my morning exercise. then i washed up, ate breakfast, and said good bye to hillary and daniel! :) they were awake but still a little sleepy haha. i sat at john’s desk for the morning and was anxious to see when he would come in and felt a tad bit bad that he had to sit at my desk for a bit. i happened to be in a call when he came in and needed to talk to steve. x__X; we went to tenoch and i got a pollo torta. it was better than last time so i think tenoch is a bit better than i had initially thought. steve and haowei really liked it. i was very productive today and cole helped me set up actions in photoshop to fix something very tedious that i had to do. it was luls seeing him use photoshop though. i finished all of my work at around 4:40 pm and then took it easy until 5 pm. i walked to cvs with cole on the way to south station and i introduced him to all-dressed ruffles! apparently, they are a flavor in the east coast that’s here to stay ahha. he really liked them. boo yah!
i took the train home and then ate fruit and decided to gorge myself on snyder’s honey mustard pretzel pieces T_T it was a terrible choice because i ended up with a stomach ache and it was a bit harder to do my ab workout. i showered and then i made dinner. kevin came back, i played some bravely default and finished the episode of reign i watched while daniel and hillary were here, he cooked some veggies, and then we ate dinner without watching tv. it’s been an eventful weekend and start of the week so we needed to reset a bit. it was a fun weekend though with bae and phanpy <3 kevin gamed and i went to sleep at around 11:30 pm. i wasn’t sure if i was going to work from home -- my heart rate has increased these past few days so i might be a bit sick or getting sick? or maybe i’m stressed? i think the true cause is that i’ve been working out a bit too much with not enough rest. so it’s a toss up of whether or not i’m gonna feel up to it in the morning.
03: it was such a nice morning T_T the weather seemed great outside but my body was super sore and my stomach was not feeling too hot. i decided to work from home. i also skipped on my morning workout because everything was sore basically. i’m taking it sort of easy today in terms of working out. i started my morning by watching the latest episode of jane the virgin and then woke up kevin. then he left for work and i did some work~ i spent the day moving around and splitting my 30 minute workout that i was supposed to have in the morning, into 15 minute sessions. it was a pretty chill day again because i’m kind of in between projects but a lot of new things are gonna happen for me in design mainly so i’m excited about that. i did a 25 minute dance routine to keep my exercise pretty light today and then showered and made rice and defrosted shrimp. when kevin came back from work, we went outside to chill in the courtyard. i played bravely default and he read a book on his kindle. it got chilly so we went back inside after finishing the grapes we brought out with us.
then we chilled some more and kevin started cooking. i grinded so hard today. i’m now level 84 and i bought the golden egg and golden whatever it was so i get more job points and exp. we ate dinner while watching some gordon ramsey videos and then we basically wrestled for a bit because he said i made too little rice and was complaining about it and i said he eats too much and then he said i was trying to starve him LOLOL. i got real worked up and then calmed down, gamed, got ready for bed, and went to sleep at around 11 pm. zzzz.
04: i woke up pretty tired today but i did my workout and i wasn’t exhausted from it like i usually am? woot for progress! the video that i followed was one of the ones i had to pause at 3 sets and then continue with the last one, but now i can do it all in one go! after that, i showered, ate cereal and toast and then went on my way to work. i felt pretty dead though so i don’t know if it’s still because i’m not resting? or if it’s something else??? i haven’t been sleeping well again... even though i’m sleeping earlier, waking up earlier, exercising earlier, etc. @_@; it might be kevin’s gaming that’s disturbing my sleep now or maybe i should stop going on my phone right before bed...ahhh, i don’t know -- i’ll test it out. sigh. i thought this was going to be better; i mean, it is in a way but i want this to help balance my life out.
the day was pretty busy and i got a headache because of the new project i’m working on. i forgot how tedious it is to sort through a bunch of unorganized data... well, kind of organized but not organized on a super clean level. i had a bunch of mini chats with mathew about both of our projects -- we helped each other out. i took a walk after eating lunch and then went back to work. cole had to vent a bit so when he was done with his last meeting of the day, we headed to starbucks and he vented and got a venti chai, which he demolished even before we got back to the office o_o he also kindly got me the honey chocolate that’s in starbucks right now. i’m so glad i have a friend like cole :D we finished up the bit of work we had and then headed to south station and took our trains home. i snacked a bit and then did my workout. i also prepped ingredients for dinner and then kevin messaged me saying that he didn’t know his belay class would be so long. so he got back late and i just ate bread for “dinner.” i ended up eating the stir fried noodles anyway but not as late because i wanted to see if that was bothering my sleep. i slept at around 12 am because i was going to wfh tomorrow and i just gamed before sleeping.
05: i was very all over the place today. i managed to do my hiit workout in the morning and then work on my new project the entire day. i took a lot of breaks though to move around, game, and also read! i got my botm in the mail and just started reading it like crazy. now i have a game and a book to read :) my stomach was also just all over the place because i kept feeling nauseous and then gassy and then hungry and the cycle kept repeating. merp i don’t know what’s wrong?! i need to get more fruit for the upcoming week though haha. kevin got back home and we just cuddled and rested after a long week of work. then i did a new 30 minute work out and found out during the workout that one move just hurts my hip like crazy. i don’t know if i like this new video. then i showered while kevin cooked and we had a pretty late dinner while watching supernatural. the characters in supernatural are pissing me off now. @_@; we did a good amount of reading and then gamed for the rest of the night.
06: we got out of bed around 11 am and then i went straight to kickboxing. i was sore from yesterday so i didn’t do my best at it but still got it done ;) then we ate breakfast and chilled for a bit until it was time to get our massages! i got a great deep tissue massage focusing on my legs and then a bit on my back. then we went into the steam room for the first time to try it out! it was basically a shower room with a steam system built in and it was super foggy when we got in. o__o; the temperature rose from 80 to 105 before we rq’d. after getting out of there, we felt so relaxed and refreshed though. we also showered because we thought it would be a bit gross to steam and then leave rather than utilize the shower there too haha. we got boba from oh my tea after; i got the jujube tea and kevin got the mango smoothie! the mango smoothie was the best mango smoothie we’ve ever had... so good. we came back home and chilled. i gamed for a bit; i’m finally getting the vampire asterisk! then i finished reading my book of the month, ‘since we fell’ (it was aiight), and then we took the ‘t’ to back bay to meet up with jenny and her friends.
i met jenny’s friends: effie and monica, and kevin and jenny’s mutual friend from northwestern, derrick. we had to wait 45 minutes get seats at a restaurant called, ‘the salty pig’ so we just talked inside a mall. the service at the restaurant was below average and the wait for the food was too long and not worth it. the food portions were TINY as well. i was excited for their gnocchi but it was super mushy and too sweet. we won’t be coming back here. after dinner, we walked over to ‘the beehive’, a jazz bar/restaurant. there were no available seats and everyone was pretty tired. we did stay there until 12 am though and near the end, we managed to get seats. kevin got poutine and ate at the bar counter while standing lulz. we just talked and then we walked effie and jenny back to effie’s apartment and then derrick went the opposite way to get his bike, and kevin and i took the ‘t’ back home. i drank a pimm’s cup at dinner and by the time we got home, my stomach hurt (it could have also been some of the cheese i ate) and i had a pinching headache. kevin started meal planning with me and i just had to ko on the bed after using the bathroom x_x; i woke up at 2 am, brushed my teeth, and went back to sleep. kevin was finishing up a game and went to sleep at around that time as well.
07: i woke up feeling a lot better! my back was sore from the massage but that means she worked her magic on it. we got out of bed at 10 am. i went to shower, kevin ate breakfast, i ate cereal, started reading ‘ready player one’ while kevin used the washroom, and then we headed to kam man, lucky fortune, and bj’s. apparently, all the produce was fresher this time (maybe because we went there early). then we went to get asian buns from the bakery at lucky fortune as well as some red plums. we stopped by bj’s to get english muffins and then unpacked everything, filled water bottles, and headed out. we stopped by a mcdonald’s because we were craving it. i got 4-pc chicken mcnuggets and an order of small fries and kevin got a mcdouble and mcchicken. both were mcpick 2′s so everything was just $5. <3333 we ate as kevin drove to the hammond pond reservation to meet up with matt and megan (sp?). the boys were outdoor climbing today and we came along to watch, enjoy nature, and take pictures of them ;P
megan used her cool lens attachments for her iphone to take pictures and they were so high quality! it got super chilly but i took a short walk around the place. the reservation is right next to a large movie theater and strip mall so the views weren’t all that great / no hiking trails were defined. i had to pee when we got there but kevin and i got there late so we felt bad for making them wait T_T nearing the end of the climb, i could not hold it in any longer. walking to the car made me want to pee my pants and i felt like i had super bad cramps. kevin rushed to say goodbye to them and then hurriedly drove me over to the strip mall and went outside to ask if there were restrooms i could use. we stopped at a cupcake shop and when i went in, the cashier said someone was in there -__-” then kevin went to the place next door and luckily, no one was in there and i got to finally pee. tmi, but i literally had so much pee, i had to like push it all out @_@ LOL anyway, kevin used the restroom as well and then we drove back home. kevin went to shower and i just chilled, snacked on some snyder’s, and continued reading ‘ready player one.’ then i did laundry and continued reading the book and playing games. the book is really interesting to me so far. it’s very sao-eqsue and log horizon-esque... oh and dot hack-esque ahah.
kevin cooked and i was about to clean the bathroom, but i was talking to winston about staying over at his place when we head to new york for my birthday. winston initiated a video chat with us so we got to catch up :) kevin was still cooking but it was nice to hear from winston <3 we talked while we ate dinner and then winston went back to reading and doing his thang. kevin washed dishes and i folded clothes and then we booked our amtrak tickets (omg thank you, effie for all the tips and tricks for going to ny for cheap!!!) and then i started looking for a hotel (we decided with winston’s encouragement to get a hotel instead) and then i got tired and i went to bed at around 12 am.
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