#ooooooh they're cute
nothankyoudear · 2 years
The first time Merlin and Arthur talk, it's due to a seating chart.
One moment Merlin is sitting with Will and talking about anything that isn't Biology, and the other he's sitting next to the football captain who- if he's being honest with himself - intimidates him just a little bit.
Because Arthur is all blonde hair and blue eyes and arms as thick as Merlin's thighs, and Merlin is just Merlin - some boy in the back of the class who never speaks.
Arthur is surprisingly nice, although a little bit egotistical at times. He's kind, and when he smiles Merlin can see his canines that kind of make him look like an overgrown puppy (Merlin tries not to think about why he's been so focused on Arthur's smile or his teeth because that's a little bit creepy).
They switch seats again once the semester's over, and Merlin figures that that would be the end of that.
Because Arthur is all laughing with friends and doing sports and having girls faint at his feet, and Merlin is just Merlin. Arthur has no real reason to associate with Merlin after this, so Merlin just lifts his bag and sits next to some girl with brown hair as he silently mourns his silly little crush on the football captain.
Only, it doesn't end there.
The second time Merlin and Arthur talk, Merlin is standing in front of his locker.
Merlin is putting away things from his last period when he gets tapped on the shoulder. He expects Gwen or Will, and is ready to complain to them about some random assignment when he is faced with blonde hair and blue eyes instead.
Arthur asks Merlin if he'd like to come to his next football game. Merlin has no idea what's happening, but Arthur is blushing and looking away and running his hands through his hair, and Merlin responds yes before processing anything.
Merlin goes to the game. He has no idea what's happening for the entirety of it, but Arthur smiles at him from the field and Merlin can feel his heart pounding in his ears.
The third time Merlin and Arthur talk, Merlin doesn't quite understand what's going on.
Arthur puts his lunch tray down in front of the seat that is next to Merlin's like he's sat there every day for the past four years. Merlin is a little confused, and wishes that Gwen and Will would stop waggling their eyebrows at him like they're having multiple strokes. When he looks back at the table where Arthur usually sits with his teammates, he can see Gwaine winking at him and making a gesture that should not be made in the school cafeteria.
Merlin is now more than a little bit confused, but he simply eats his soggy slice of pizza and ignores it when Gwen and Will suspiciously has to leave together for some very important business that must be handled together and will take the entirety of the rest of the lunch period.
Arthur is also staring at Merlin weirdly intensely, but Merlin is also staring right back.
Because Arthur is gorgeous and good-looking and built like a Greek god, and you can't really blame Merlin for staring when he's right there.
The next time Merlin and Arthur talk, Merlin is so darn confused he thinks he's losing his mind.
Arthur asks Merlin out for winter formal. Merlin checks behind him for a possible game of truth or dare around the corner, and blinks at Arthur when he doesn't find anything.
When Arthur grows visibly more and more upset at Merlin's silence, Merlin can't stand the kicked puppy expression that he has and straight up asks Arthur if this is a prank. Arthur says no, and Merlin asks why.
Because Arthur is beautiful and handsome and smiles like he's the sun, and Merlin is just Merlin. Arthur could have anyone he'd like in the school, so certainly he would not like the weirdly quiet boy who has holes in his jeans and rips in his sweaters.
Only, he does.
Because Arthur tells Merlin that, to Arthur, Merlin isn't just some boy in the back of the class who never speaks, and he isn't the weirdly quiet boy who has holes in his jeans and rips in his sweaters.
To Arthur, Merlin is the boy whose nose scrunches up adorably when he's focused on a Biology paper. He's the boy that Arthur had been looking at from the other side of the Biology classroom long before they got put together in the seating chart, and the boy that made Arthur's heart drop when he realized that he had no actual reason to talk to anymore after they switched seats.
He's the boy who Arthur is sure that his friends are sick of hearing about. The boy with the sassy remarks that make Arthur wants to kiss him, and the boy who Arthur wants to make smile all the time, whose hands Arthur wants to hold.
Merlin kisses him right there in the hallway, because if he held himself back for one more second he might've actually exploded. Arthur kisses him back.
The next time Merlin and Arthur talk (around half a minute after their kiss), Arthur asks Merlin to be his boyfriend. Merlin says yes, and Arthur smiles so bright that Merlin thinks of the puppy again.
Merlin goes with Arthur to the winter formal, even if the tickets are outrageously expensive. Merlin attends every single one of Arthur's games just to be kissed after them, and as he is laying in bed one day with Arthur's chest pressed up to his back and Arthur's strong arms around his waist, Merlin thinks about writing a thank-you note to his Biology teacher.
And while Arthur is still all blonde hair and blue eyes and arms as thick as Merlin's thighs, and Merlin is still just Merlin, Arthur loves Merlin, and Merlin loves him right back.
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00belle00lovely00 · 7 months
HeadCanons for DogDay x CatNap,
No seriously- PLEASE have mercy on me there are SO MANY COMMISSIONS-
I absolutely adore the Sleepyday ship name.
I think we can all agree on why the fandom took this ship by storm. I mean, come on, it's literally opposites attract. I may not personally like or even come as close to agreeing to the in-game Dogday and Catnap (since it's either fucked up or even more fucked up in every sense) BUT THE CARTOON VERSIONS? OH MY GOSH. CUTIES. ABSOLUTE CUTIES.
Literally extrovert x introvert.
They are like gay without knowing what gay means. They just think that whenever someone brings it up they mean "happy". As in "happy friends".
Call me crazy but I LOVE my headcanon of Catnap knowing ASL either just because of knowledge OR because this man is so quiet people think he is a mute, which for him is good, and saves him a bunch of time. And besides, why talk when you happy go-happy Dogday to come along and talk for you?
They're so boyfriends I LOVE THEM! I'm pretty sure they'd be completely confused if they ever got to hear the myth that "cats and dogs hate each other"
PDA?... EEeeeh.. depends, on whether Catnap is awake at the moment?
I heavily am basing myself off from AO3 fanfic I read and absolutely adore, but CATNAP AS A NOCTORNAL GUY IS THE BEST HEADCANON EVER!!!
They outta have a picnic date someday where Catnap is trying out vanilla cupcakes and Dogday lavender tea.
I'd say that Catnap, on rare occasions, of course, likes to show very subtle and rather gentle affections like holding hands, intertwining fingers, locking arms or wrapping a tail around Dogday's leg. Meanwhile, Dogday is just: "❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️😭❤️😭❤️😭❤️😭❤️😭😭😭" on the inside.
Dogday when asked if he likes Catnap: "W-what? OOOoooh! OH! Uh-.. that! Heheh, well it DEPENDS you know? I mean... As in, like like or like liking like? BECAUSE- don't get me wrong! I LIKE Catnap! I like ALL of you! But I kind of.. like... like... like-" and that just goes on and on for hours.
Catnap when asked if he likes Dogday: "I love him. Why do you wanna know?" ever so casually. No hesitation.
Ngl the way I worded that last headcanon now sounds like that one line of Jessica Rabbit saying "he makes me laugh" LMAO.
OH MY GOSH. HEAR ME OUT YA'LL. HEAR ME OUT ON THIS ONE. WOULDN'T CATNAP LOOK ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS IN A DRESS? Okay. Yeah, no, I changed my mind, he would be all sassy throughout it. Yup... but at least Dogday is content.
They adore astrology, wanna know why? Because that's the one thing they commonly love. While everyone else has no idea what they're talking about.
I'm so normal for them. BUT SERIOUSLY I LOVE THEM AH-
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half-oz-eddie · 1 year
Billy Hargrove wasn't the type to stay with anyone for more than a day. He'd never even stay overnight.
He'd fucked enough of the cute girls in the school for rumors to spread. "Big dick Billy" "Hung Hargrove" "Mr. Fuck and Duck" all kinds of things were said about Billy in the hallways.
Not all of the rumors were flattering though. "Billy's a liar." "He says he'll call but he never does." "He'll make you feel like you're the only one, but you never are."
After the first 3 girls tried to confront him, none ever bothered to do it again. All he would ever do was humiliate them in front of the whole school, anyway, with harsh comments about the sex, or how boring their personalities are.
He even made one of the cheerleaders cry.
Steve thought he was cruel, stringing girls along for a little bit, but letting them down easy because he wasn't serious. Billy, on the other hand, let these girls know they didn't mean a goddamn thing. They were just another notch in his belt.
Maybe Billy's just an asshole, Steve considered at first, but after a whirlwind of weird situations forced Billy and Steve to be around each other (thanks, upside down, and the freaky creatures it unleashes), Steve noticed some things about Billy that a lot of people may not even pay attention to.
Billy's not cruel, and he's not a liar. If he says he's got your back, he's got it. If he says he's going to protect you, he's already got a plan. If he tells you "it scared the shit out of me when we got separated" and his eyes gloss over like a frozen ocean, he's scared to lose you.
Finally, he worked up the nerve to ask. "Why don't you have a girlfriend?"
"Just shopping, Harrington. Haven't found the right girl yet."
"You've been with a lot of the girls at school."
"And? You jealous?"
Steve shook his head. "Not even close. Just thought it was weird that you haven't found a single one that you like."
"Honestly, I'm just trying to appease my dad."
"Whaddya mean?"
"Never mind." Billy dismissed. "I gotta go, Max is coming."
Steve looked on as Billy and Max got into his car and he drove off.
Billy's words rang in Steve's mind for the rest of the day, carrying over to the next morning. He wasn't gonna let this go. He wanted to know what the hell he meant.
"So, what were you talkin' about yesterday?" Steve asked, approaching Billy before going into the school building.
"Yesterday when?"
"When you said you were trying to...'appease your dad' wha—what'd you mean by that?"
"Nothing. I said never mind."
"C'mon. We've fought monsters together, saved each other's lives. You can talk to me."
Billy let out an irritated growl and grabbed Steve by his collar, dragging him to his car.
He rolled up the windows and locked the doors.
"I don't...I don't like girls, Harrington."
"You don't like...oh! ooooooh! So...you're...gay?"
Billy bashfully nodded.
"I can see how that'd be a problem, then. Maybe you should stop sleeping around with people you're not attracted to. How do you even—"
"I just pretend they're you."
"No. Say that again!" Steve exclaimed. "What'd you say?"
"Get out of my car, Steve. I don't wanna talk about this anymore."
"Not gonna happen. You said you're able to hook up with these girls by pretending...you're hooking up with me?" Steve smiled, pointing to himself.
"Why are you so cheeky about it?"
"I dunno, it's just...it's pretty flattering." His smile widened as Billy scowled. "So a guy like me, am I...am I your type?"
"What does that matter? If I'm not your type—"
"I didn't say that."
Billy narrowed his eyes, testing Steve's honesty with an intense glare. "Then what are you saying?"
"I've seen a side of you that's pretty likeable. Maybe you're my type too."
"This isn't funny, Harrington. Actually, it's insulting, and I should break your jaw."
"I can't kiss you if my jaw is broken, Billy."
Billy eyed the smirk curving on Steve's lips, and he still took his words for a joke. "I'm not screwing around, Steve. If you're just doing this to humiliate me..."
"I'm not, okay?" Steve grasped Billy's collar, slowly pulling him toward him. "If it's like this...you don't have to imagine anymore. You can have the real thing."
Billy shoved him away. "I dunno if I'm ready for the real thing."
Steve grabbed Billy's collar again, pulling him in more aggressively. "One kiss, and we'll take it from there."
The closer Steve's lips got to Billy's, the more convinced he was.
This is about to happen.
This is really happening.
This is...
Their lips met, and Billy's mind went blank. When he would sleep with all those girls, he had to fill his mind with thoughts of Steve, but now, Steve was right here, his lips feeling exactly the way he hoped they would. He had to confirm this wasn't one of his fantasies, so he ran his fingers through the back of Steve's hair, messying the crown of his hair on the way up.
They parted, all too soon and Steve looked into Billy's eyes.
"If you tell anyone about this, I'm dead. You understand that?" Billy warned.
"You kidding? I'll do anything to protect you, just like you always do for me. And when the time is right, we'll get the hell out of Hawkins, and we don't have to hide this. Sound good?"
Finally, Billy smiled. "Sounds like exactly what I've wanted."
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td-scenarios · 1 year
Request: Confessional about s/o for Cody, Scott, Justin, Heather, and Lindsey? Have a great day!
(I hope u dont mind if it's pre-relationship! u didn't clarify, but i thought them talking abt their crush on reader would be cute :] )
He looks slightly disturbed being here. A shifty look in his eye, almost as if he was nervous to look directly at the camera. Every time Scott had been in to make a confessional up until this point was to explain whatever he had been planning for the competition, so this was unsettling for him to say the least.
"So, Y/N, am I right?" He started before the camera fizzed out and came back to him in a different position. "Nevermind this is stupid."
It would take a while until Scott would brave the confessional again. This time, he was gripping his head like a madman. Slowly, his head tilted up until he was holding onto his face with his eyes framed by his fingers.
"I can't take it anymore. They're perfect! My schemes can't touch 'em!" His hands had left his face and he was gesturing wildly. "I don't think I even WANT my schemes to affect them. Woah. I never thought I'd say that."
Scott blinked dumbly at the camera before a scowl took over his expression.
"Y/N I'm comin' for ya."
"Oh my gosh!" Lindsay twirled a strand of her hair around her finger as she stared off into the distance past the camera. "Do you guys think that Y/N likes me? 'Cause I toooootally like them. Like, I like-like them." A dreamy smile plastered on her face as she kept talking. "I hope they like me back. Like who wouldn't?"
She thought about what she said for a second, her expression a bit grave as it finally focused on the camera.
"People like me, right? Yeah, they do. That means Y/N has to like me." A pause. "Ooooooh, but what if they don't?" Lindsay tapped her chin in thought at the idea. "Whatever! They're really cute and like smart and amazing!" The blonde finally stopped talking and just sat there with her head resting on her hands as she let out a wistful sigh. This pause continued for about a minute before she finally perked up and tilted her head at the camera.
"Wait, is this still going?"
The model tapped his finger on the vanity as he was thinking about what he should say. He finally looked up and fixed his hair in the mirror as he started talking.
"I never thought I'd meet anyone as gorgeous as me. And I haven't. But Y/N comes pretty close and that's dangerous. They're stunning and their wit is unmatched." His lips puckered in defeat since his hair wasn't falling the way he wanted to. Ultimately, he gave up on it as he kept talking.
"Maybe I should go for an alliance with them. The thought of getting Y/N voted off just...doesn't sit right with me. But I also can't have this sort of competition."
Justin sat there with a frown, not really knowing what his plans would become at this stage. He sighed before he shot a smirk back up at the camera.
"I need to stop with all this thinking, it's making me ugly."
"They're insufferable!" Heather growled, folding her arms across her body while glaring off to the side. "All they do is be stupidly kind and have a dumb face and...and...and well they piss me off!"
"I need Y/N out of this game. Pronto! If I am to keep my game face on then Y/N has to go. They're totally messing everything up!"
Heather huffed and continued stewing in her anger. Eventually, she kept sputtering on some anger fueled words before letting out a frustrated groan.
"I can't believe this is happening..." She grumbled, scrunching in on herself more.
Before the camera fizzed out, a slight smile was seen on Heather's face as she let out a dreamy sigh.
"Wow. Y/N..." Cody sat there, staring at the camera with the most overjoyed look on his face. "They're probably the first person I've ever found attractive that is actually giving me the time of day! This is great!!"
Cody silently cheered, raising his arms in the air with a big smile on his face. Once his tiny little self-contained celebration was over he finally began speaking once more.
"I really really hope they like me back. Wouldn't that be awesome?" He got a bit closer to the camera, a smile on his face.
"I mean, they don't push me away, they're not mean to me, and they actually laugh at my jokes! I think that the Codemeister has finally done it." His ecstatic boy-ish demeanor quickly replaced with a more smug one.
"Or, at least, I hope so."
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steelthroat · 7 months
Can you write a funny little TFA MegOP thing where they're already together. Lets say cuddling in their berth, and suddenly Optimus has a thought.
"How did we even get together?"
"No, I'm being serious. How did it happen? You are.. were? A war criminal. I put you in jail. How are we together right now?"
LIKE. IDK IT WAS FUNNIER IN MY HEAD. SO EITHER 1. Some otherworldly being (a fanfic writer) manipulated them and the world around them. Making them be together. But now the writer is gone after giving them their happily ever after.. But the characters revert back to how they were in cannon. Vaigely knowing what allowed them to get to this point, but not really understanding anymore how or why?
Or 2. Optimus forgot and wants Megatron's pov on how they got together. Either way, I know that even if you write little for this, it will still be hella entertaining :3
Ooooooh that's such a nice and cool idea tho! sadly, I'm not taking requests since I'm an INCREDIBLY slow writer, and life is also getting in the way ahahahah
Believe me, I would have done in other circumstances, and this idea has a LOT of potential! I am a sucker for the "how did we even end up here???" trope too, but you would either have to wait a long(immense) amount of time ahahah.
Hey if you want to write it yourself I could give you a couple ideas or advice if you'd like :3, otherwise I'd say see if there are other writers who take requests or commissions, I could redirect you to a couple of them :)
For now I can at best give you this little drabble for the second idea since it's really cute:
"It just happened"
"Wake up" Megatron felt someone flicking at his nose and then shaking him when the action gave no response.
"Wake up!" This time that someone went for the helm, the bang of the collision rang in the otherwise quiet room.
"What?" Megatron opened one optic and glared at his disturber, Optimus Prime.
"How did we end up together?" He asked with an almost accusing expression
"Huh?" What did he even mean by that
"You heard me" Optimus scoffed
"What like... you don't remember?" He started going back with his own memory banks and backups, He would have been more worried about Optimus apparent amnesia if he weren't struggling to find an answer to that absurd question.
"Do you?" Optimus crossed his arms
Megatron stayed silent for a while... he couldn't pinpoint the exact moment they had become a thing. Centuries, no, millennia of circling around one another after signing the peace treaty, spending more and more time together, fighting, bantering, provoking each other, speaking about personal topics, binding while annoying each other to death had, at some point, led them to fall in berth together.
They had kept falling into each other's berth since then... and now they were here.
So there wasn't really an answer to that question, not a typical one at least.
Megatron cleared his vocalizer "I... I guess it just happened" he answered at last.
Optimus seemed to reflect on this answer before humming "are you happy with this?"
Megatron though about it, he really was, sure there were invisible limits they never actually crossed but at this point they lived like a conjunx couple, minus the status and the spark merging... but Meagtron found the though of Sharing his spark with Optimus not to be as dreaded as he anticipated... he almost- longed for it.
"Yeah..." he said smiling softly and bringing the smaller mech closer to him "a lot" and his servos started shifting over his lover's frame delicately almost in worship.
"Do you want more?" The question could be interpreted in two different ways and Megatron wanted to answer yes to both.
"When it comes to you I always want more" he answered looking at Optimus, his lover's gaze was so bright and full of love he felt like it would melt the metal of his frame.
"I... also want more. Everything." he whispered with his lips ghosting over Megatron's.
Megatron closed the distance between them and kissed him. "And you will receive it"
I hope you like it, it's incredibly short :)
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turtlecleric · 5 months
comes sliding into your inbox with a pant
Okokokokok ok
Not that Luckys tags on your tags about BayLeo have been rotating in my mind like a microwave for the past hour.
Not like that at ALL.
But if perchance they were, Ive got something cooking.
Observe the ramblings of a mad woman who was washing her dishes:
I've seen a handful of people describe Rise Leo as a wolf, and while I can see the resemblance, I'd like to refute those statements and instead offer the idea
Rise Leo = Fox
Bay Leo = Wolf
Now this is coming strictly from my hyper fixation of the Canidae species when I was in grade school, but foxes with part of the canine family actually think and behave more like cats in general. They're sneaky, clever, devious, quick, playful, seeming cute and fluffy (a good boi) till your back is turned and they go for the throat.
Similar to Rise Leo, I believe that he enjoys surprising people, just being a silly little guy in the spotlight, making plans and moving pieces in such seemingly innocent little ways that nobody sees what's going on and then being a complete ninja who works from the shadows when nobody expects it.
BayLeo is a wolf. Solitary creatures despite living in packs An apex predator. A ruthless hunter alone, and force that changes the entire forest when working together. Whole food chains can grow and crumble depending on his decisions. Dependingnom his hunger.
Unlike Rise Leo who wants you to see himneith his flashy red coat, with Bayverse Leo, you won't see him unless he wants you too.
And by then it's already too late.
He's got your scent now, pretty girl, and he's never been one to lose his trail.
Ooooooh I like that, nonnie! Feels spot on!
That last line has me thinking about bay!Leo just... coming across you randomly one day and becoming immediately obsessed. Every night, after he announces that patrol is officially over, he always goes to the roof across from your apartment building to silently watch you as you move about your apartment. This high up, why would you worry about anyone looking in at you through your windows? So he gets to Look and See and Watch with ease. Sometimes he even melts into the shadows of your fire escape to get an even closer look. ...Sometimes he wonders how close he could get without you ever suspecting a thing.
I mean. What.
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magical-wishies · 7 months
To love or not to love, that is the questio-
Ok whoops wrong reference. Happy Valentine's Day everyone! I made a MV of the song "Darling Dance" by Kairiki Bear featuring my favourite little tricksters for the occasion!
I'd rather you go straight to Youtube to watch it because Tumblr always finds a way to cut the quality, lol.
Eng subtitles are available too!
Here it is! Hope you enjoy my pride and joy. Basically like a hopeful child but in video format. Reblogs are specially appreciated because Youtube sucks at promoting new channels!
This also acts as a behind-the-scenes post, so let's get straight into that, shall we?
MV Project 1 "Darling Dance"
Illustration time: 37 hours
Editing time: Approx. 30-35 hours
Total: 70 hours
*Cough* Holy freakin' moly does making an MV take so long. Before you roll off your bed, I'll say that part of the reason making the art took so long was because I have trouble drawing Marx consistently.
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Here's some unused assets! Look at them, they're all salty over not making the cut.
In all seriousness though, a lot of times I don't really see a lot of editors/ MV makers getting appreciation for their efforts. And now that I've personally experienced making an MV for the first time, it's also increased my admiration to the people who dedicate their time to this! All the kudos to them.
Now, I'll go scene by scene then comment along the way! Spoilers ahead!
Verse 1
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Pretty good for what it is. In the first image, you see that heart behind Magolor? I discovered the motion of it on complete accident lol. Capcut is hard to figure out..
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I also really like the color palette of 2nd image. That art of Marx was the last one I did during production (aka I drew it this morning), and just look at him. He's such a bastard he's the best.
Pre Chorus 1
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Mmmm yeah it sure is the pre chorus! I put a bar behind the text in the middle because I didn't want people to stare into their soulless eyes for too long. That probably worked!
1st Chorus
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When I first added in the expression change, I fangirled over it a little on the first rewatch. Like, come on! They suddenly look mischievous, and the color change on the background! I know I drew it but still!
For the rest, I experimented a little with all the "Nah"s! I think it ended up well. Most of the lyric editing in this MV is completely original, so I had a couple of things to try out!
Verse 2
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This song is horrifically outdated because it says Twitter instead of X!! (/sarcasm)
This scene is my second favourite. I'm really proud of the details on the tabs and the editing at the beginning! Wish I could put more images but the app only allows ten. Bummer.
Pre Chorus 2
I think it's cute, and I used it as my pfp on YouTube! That's about it though.. image limit is killing me I can't put anything here :(
Chorus 2
...Not gonna spoil it! I like how I drew them, but there ain't anything notable. Unless you look at the last image I put right before the bridge. :)
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This is where my editing comes in freakin' clutch. Ooooooh it's so satisfying to look at. Chef's kiss. Also those Marxs (Marxes?) are really cute.
The second part of the bridge is nice as well! I tried to make the lyrics snap to the rhythm. Glad I added that tv effect in the bg too!
Chorus 3
This scene is my favourite! Wanna know why?
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This sequence right here. I think I will etch it into my brain forever... I love me some snappy editing. Like a lot. Like a lot a lot!
The second part of the chorus is like the original song's MV! I loved the hearts popping in and out whoever thought of that is a genius. Putting it into the MV was a good decision!
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And that's a wrap! Hope you enjoy the MV as much as I enjoyed making it. And, stay tuned for next time! I have a feeling a certain jester is getting his own solo MV...
Feel free to leave your thoughts either in the Youtube comments section or here. See you around!
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jessaerys · 1 month
the rental crisis is literally insane and the owning class's greed is monstrous and spiteful. i went to see this prewar place today and like they're always kind of a bit dilapidated, right, unless they're well maintained in which case they're expensive as hell. but this place a) has been on the market for like 40 days, b) they're clearly desperate to rent it, you can tell a broker with offers vs a broker with no offers by their fear pheromones and c) it was advertised as having a w&d but it turned out that the thang was c1) not even a real washer but one of those portable ones that drain into the tub or in this case "out the window" and c2) broken, and the broker tried to pass it off as oh you can just go get this small part at home depot (: and i was like can't the owners do it ???? and she was like no (: and i was like alright. red flag. but it's super close to the bestie and like rather cute so i sent them an offer via email that was like "hey if the owner knocks 7% off the monthly rent and fixes the washer as a show of maintenance competency i'll take the place" and they basically in many words told me to fuck off LMAO
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ooooooh ok !!! when the class war comes i will make sure your death is excruciating
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turtlesocksv2 · 1 month
4 Minutes ep 4
lol oh we're just jumping right in to Win finding out Tonkla's a murderer??? Ok! i like it! But anyway Win, you better answer that phone when your murder twink is calling, you promised! I really need clarification on where in the timeline the cold opens are, i know they're in a separate timeline but WHERE in the separate timeline.
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"let's go to the hospital! Where hopefully i can talk to Tyme and ask him What The Fuck?!" LMAO Great you cannot interrupt a surgery just because you want to ask your situationship What The Fuck?!
These flash backwards are getting more and more intense for Great. Yeah, i'm thinking the theory that he's actively dying on the table are true, because it's taking more and more to restart his heart each time.
"i don't have any more family, I feel lost" "You still have me" my GUY, please! he's known you for like a week or two at most! Win is down baaaaaad. Tonkla has him completely dickmatized AND pussywhipped.
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Sammon really does love the "let's move in together to protect each other from the shady guys trying to stop us from Investigating Crime" and you know what? Good for her. I respect it.
Oh shit, here comes Korn. Explosion commencing in 5...4...
Win;s little pantsless shuffle is so funny. If I was Tonkla I would not be letting Korn's trifling ass in my house.
Korn, Tonkla is CLEARLY not feeling it. Read the room. At least when Tonkla manages to tell Korn what happened, Korn does immediately stop and go into Rich Guy I Can Fix This mode. The absolute LEAST he can do after ghosting his sugarbaby for weeks.
Aww, poor Win is so upset about Korn. he really is the nicest character on this show, like, as a person. everyone else is kind of awful in different ways. And I mean, he IS a cop so he's not immune but. He really is a decent human being!
He can also pick Tonkla up and fuck him against a wall which is What Tonkla Deserves. get that Hot Cop Dick, Tonkla.
Ooooooh, Tonkla's cat is dead and that's why he looked so Shook ep 1 when that black cat showed up. and I see why Tonkla's been pining for senpai, Korn is very sweet with him here in the flashback.
Korn broke his promise to go public with their relationship. so disappointing but not surprising.
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Glad we're all being validated about the 4 minutes brain death thing.
the time honored tradition of getting your mark drunk to get him to spill his secrets. good job remembering to delete the evidence that you sent it to yourself, Great!
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But of course Great goes by himself. sheltered little rich boy doesn't realize the danger.
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Adrenaline High Great is very cute, but it makes me worried that his heart is like, gonna explode. the man is Fragile. Bible and characters with heart problems 2/3
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I really don't know what's going to happen once Korn wakes up, hungover, and gets told that Great took Nan. Or once Daddy Sriwatsombat gets told. Like, Great was not thinking ahead.
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Fuaiz and Bible are playing two very different kinds of Babygirl . Tonkla is Femme Fatale version and Great is Girl Next Door. if Next Door is a Gated Community.
Oooooo, I love the reveal of Dome being Tonkla's brother and there being 2 timelines. Like, we all assumed it, but the way they did it with the blur and the text on tonkla's shirt and the camera work, the shadow reveal of the memorial tablet...I loved it.
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this show is so fucking good you guys.
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cinnamon-galaxies · 2 months
What are your top 3 favorite ship dynamics? I was watching “Relationship dynamics from tumblr 2” by tonka joey (give it a watch! It has 7 or maybe more parts and is really fun) on youtube and i got curious.
have a good day!
My favorite relationship dynamics
You literally send me into a rabbit hole with that question. I've been researching relationship dynamics for the last few hours straight and I'm pretty sure I won't stop for the next hours or even days. It's just so much fun and now I really feel the urge to draw Alastor and Mara in as many fitting relationship dynamics as possible. I swear, the ideas are COOKING.
There are so many good dynamics what makes it even harder for me to answer your question because it feels impossible for me to reduce the list to just my top three... So, this response might get a little bit out of hands. But maybe it'll be a helpful inspiration for anyone who reads this!
So, one of my all time favorite tropes is "enemies to lovers". And there are so many possibilities to showcase this trope in different dynamics...
First off, there's the classic "enemies to lovers". Both hate each other or are on different sides but end up falling in love. Oh, the denial and slow burn is just chefs kiss. I just adore a well written push and pull between two characters who are supposedly enemies or rivals but secretly pine for each other.
But what about two characters who despise each other but accidentally end up in bed just to regret their actions the morning after? Ooooooh, the potential... The possibility of creating delicious second hand embarrassment and the possible banter between the character's following afterwards while they continue pretending as if nothing happened even though both of them get constantly haunted by the memory of sharing a night together... Just 😘👌🏻
Or imagine enemies who are ALSO lovers? Like hate-love relationship but take it LITERALLY.
Another category of ship dynamics I ADORE is "villainous couples". Both of them just want to watch the world burn; they're both murderers and horrible people but their relationship is all loving, caring and healthy and just all over wholesome. They're devoted to each other like Gomez and Morticia Addams and support each other's heinous plans. This is definitely a top tier dynamic, in my opinion.
Other villain ship dynamics I like are "evil genius x the supportive". Or "the tough ahh mastermind villain x their annoying simp". (I've thought about this dynamic so often and it sounds hilarious.)
Or what I'm also into (which is also a classic) is "villain x ex hero". Who cares about redeeming the villain when the hero can get corrupted...? Especially if the villain is in the right the whole time or if the villain just loves to create chaos but is still charismatic af. (Dude doesn't need to be changed. He's perfect the way he is 👌🏻)
"The person who doesn't believe in love but then falls in love with the hopeless romantic" will also have my heart forever! The denial, the mutual pining but not wanting to confess because they fear rejection or appearing weak (It's basically every good Alastor x OC/reader romance story I've read and I'm down bad for this trope.)
"Grumpy x Sunshine"? A classic. I like it. But what about "looks evil but is actually sweet x looks sweet but is actually a psychopath"?
Or "looks dangerous but is completely harmless x looks harmless but will actually kill you if you hurt their partner"?
"Big scary demon overlord x their little bean" is also so much fun to read and write. Or just imagine "big scary demon overlord x random dude":
Character A: "ł'₥ ₲ØⱤ₲Ø₮Ⱨ, ĐɆ₴₮ⱤØɎɆⱤ Ø₣ ₩ØⱤⱠĐ₴!!! And this is Steve."
Character B: *casually waves their hand*
Or just "the tough ahh stoic and intimidating character who has a huge soft spot for character B"... It's so cute in my opinion and I just love it when all grumpy melts around their partner... It makes them appear even more special to them...
I also like the idea of "tough and serious x silly and clumsy" (bonus points if they have ADHD).
I just really like polar opposites as a dynamic, especially if everyone else thinks they don't match but it actually works out perfectly for them! They're so much fun and can complement each other in ways that make stories so exciting...
Well, that was already a lot. But since I've already exaggerated this post I can also just round this off by adding a list of other ship dynamics I think are fun:
- autism x ADHD
- wide eyed and curious x the cool one that admires them
- character that get shipped with each other and both of them hate it/find it annoying
- chill tall one x angry short one
- traumatized x traumatized but smug
- two idiots with one brain cell (they share that single brain cell)
- scary eldritch horror x the one who thinks it's kinky (this just sounds so much fun... Imagine character A goes all scary and intimidating but B is just: "Damn, that's hot.")
And well, basically Gomez x Morticia. (I know I already mentioned it but that was in the "villain" context. They don't need to be evil. They're just a wholesome and happy couple that's completely devoted to each other until the end of time.)
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starsoftheeye · 5 months
TMAGP Live Reaction - Ep 13
This probably won't be a regular thing since I usually listen to the new episodes on my way home from school, but I wanted to do it today and no-one can stop me
Aw this dedication is so nice, reminds me of how I used to sign off on social media when I was younger
omg samcelia date samcelia date
they're so cute omg
"she also said that you dont know how cute you are" alice dyer youre not fooling anyone
i wanna hear what this interaction sounded like between alice and celia
"nobody, i'm mysterious" this isnt gonna come back to haunt us im sure
omg samcelia dating reveal already
"wild couple of years after i moved here" does this mean that celias way of coping with being dropped in a different universe was to just fuck... iconic
either that or jack got brought along with her and shes just covering it up. or jack has some mysterious origins that we dont know about
omg a horror protagonists with loving, alive parents wow
i was not expecting sam to be this relatable oh no
sam :(
oh no an "incident"
alice :(
i love celia just being "i know we're on a date and thats great and all but what do you think about the Horrors"
ofc you know theyre real you lived through the apocalypse
ah hello lena and gwen
ah gwen is learning about the consequences of delivering a random address to a living mr blobby knockoff
ooh are we gonna get some exposition
yes we are
these are our Fears i presume
you work in the government responsible for discarding peoples experiences and traumas gwen you werent exactly one of the good guys to begin with
guys i dont think shes gonna sort it
hold music?? hello?? do we recognise this voice?? needles??
i cannot understand what the name of this company is but i do not like them
the autoresponder sounds so cunty who are they i must know
oooh a scottish guy we love a scottish guy
"i pay your wages" sounding ass. telling the autoresponder that youre the highest investor in a gambling app isnt the flex you think it is dude
i think if a website that directly involves the handling of your money does "weird background checks" and has a "janky interface", staying is less of a feat of loyalty and more a feat of stupidity
oh this guy does nfts for sure
are you allowed to blame the warning you didnt listen to for the consequences?
oh his friends suck too
damn all jokes aside i feel bad for this dude
ohhh so is this like the dice where things can only get so good before they go terribly? or is it like a "when your life gets bad your money goes up" thing
ah its the second option
tbf if its not against the law its not against the law
this guy is the definition of "20 pounds is 20 pounds"
suddenly i dont feel as sorry for this guy
i have a sneaking suspicion that this guy did not get his money
oh nevermind
Ooooh he got pished
Alice really out here dissing every kind of date I've ever been on
oh no :(
sam no :(
sam apologise please
shes right tho youre in the wrong place if you don't want weird
alice :(
this is why a polycule would fix everything
alice i love you
sam i love you but you deserved that
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onesidedradiostatic · 6 months
helluva boss s2e7 reaction
FINALLY catching up, let's-a-go
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oh my god???
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more younger fizz and blitzo???
do you think he and adam would get along
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why is he like the only asshole deadly sin we've seen so far, ozzie, beelzebub and lucifer are all goodhearted in some way
MISOGYNY???? oh he and adam would REALLY get along
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aw man
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ah so mammon is the reason we kept seeing fizzarolli merch everywhere, I see
oh. oh boy
oooooh boy
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I see that makes sense
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I assumed before that his fame came from his involvement with ozzie but it was mammon instead huh, being involved with 2 deadly sins as an imp is crazy
oh hey this looks familiar..... almost like it's someone's pfp with an asexual flag behind it.......
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oh boy
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awww, more of them. I'm glad at least ozzie is there for him
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honestly based
LMAOOO I love how they still banter even though they're sorta rekindling now
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AWWWW is that a little deaf kid?
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ooooooh boy
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it's cool blitzo called fizz likable, can really see how they've rekindled
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ngl though their act is pretty damn cool, I'm loving all the changes in colours
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honestly I've been wondering how fizz and ozzie met, was it through mammon?
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caption is killing me but AAAAWWWW
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ooooh good on him for recognising it
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HELP LMAO???????????
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AWWWW the deaf kid
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I'M GONNA CRY???????
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I love how they don't have use the commonly used fizzmodeus LMAOOO. anyways hell denizens are canonically rpf fans thank you for letting me know helluva boss.
BUT YEAH that's it, all pretty cool stuff, of course hazbin hotel is still the Main Attraction for me but helluva definitely has a lot of pretty good stuff, fizzarolli is great, he and ozzie are cute and his dynamic with blitzo is so funny, I love it
no more to stay tuned for for now but hey, now I have helluva knowledge. WOOOO
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This a total Dad Yang move. But which kid in which universe will know the assignment?
@agentayu This is definitely a Baby and the Bees AU move. Tian would be the first to understand the assignment, and Keir would be the second. Yin would be having too much fun being tilted upside down. Kela's too big for this by the time Yang comes around, but that will leave for other shenanigans.
Blake: (secretly recording Yang and Tian) Look at them. They're cuddling.
Yang: (accidentally knocks remote off the couch)
Yang: (picks up Tian and holds her over the couch above the remote)
Tian: (instinctively grabs remote)
Yang: (pulls Tian back over and gives her kisses) Good job, Cub!
Blake: Brothers above!
Yang: (looks at Blake) What?!
Blake: You are so lazy!
Yang: It's a bonding experience! (holds Cubby close and showers with love)
Tian: (collapses on top of Yang in a cuddle pile)
Yang: (dying of cuteness overload) OOOOOOH!!!!
-4 Years Later-
Yang: (sitting on the couch and cuddling the twins while Bluey plays on the TV)
Blake: (reading on the couch with Tian)
Keir: (wiggles in his seat and accidentally knocks the remote to the floor)
Yang: (grabs Keir's feet and dangles him over the back of the couch)
Keir: (giggles and grabs the remote)
Blake: (glances up from the book) Really?
Yang: (pulls Keir back over and cuddles him and Yin) What?
Blake: Cubby outgrew that, so you have to have Keir do it?
Yang: Hey! He got the assignment! Yin just likes being flipped upside down!
Blake: I'm going to pretend I didn't heart that.
Keir & Yin: (wiggle around so they nestle further into Yang's sides in an ultimate twin snuggle attack)
Yang: (dying of cuteness overload part 2) AAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
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evolutionsvoid · 3 months
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(Eucella, I realized there was a section I need to add to my Harpy entry! I knew I was forgetting something! I know you don't like adding more to things, but please! I will keep it short, I promise!)
When it comes to mating for harpies, these birds rely on song and presentation to woo a partner. As the season grows near, the males will go out in search for nest materials, looking to build a fine home that would attract a female. They start with the basics: sticks, grasses, leaves, cloth and other mundane building blocks. They start construction up in the trees, in the higher branches where terrestrial predators cannot reach, while also sticking to some cover so that they remain out of sight of flying carnivores. A flock of harpies tends to stick together when it comes to nesting and raising young, so these nests will be built amongst others, typically staking out a chunk of trees to call their territory. After getting the basic structure of a nest built up, the male will then look for decoration. Colorful objects and shiny trinkets will help make his home eye catching and appealing, so this is when harpies get to their tricks of stealing baubles and other small things. Each male tends to have their own definition of "pretty" so no two nests look alike. It is better that way too, because some times neighbors may like a certain decoration and try to steal it for their own nest!
In time, the mating season will roll in and hopefully the male will have completed his nest by now. At this point, the single females will be on the look out for a potential mate, so the male harpy needs to let them know they are available. They inflate their air sacs and use them to sing out to the females, who will then listen to the song to see if this suitor is up to snuff. From their performance, the females get an idea about size and health, which will let them know if it is worth checking out or passing by. If the female likes what she hears, she will swoop down to the male and be ready for the next step. At this point, the male leads her to his prepared nest and shows it off. He will eagerly hop around it and even pick up special pieces to give her a closer look. She will move in for a close inspection, often pecking parts and testing structural integrity. If the nest fails to impress her, she will fly off and leave the male to try again on another female. But if she likes what she sees, the two will take part in a little song and dance, which is the final part in choosing a mate. They follow one another in singing and playful hopping, which is meant to forge the bond between them. If all goes well here, the two shall mate and it will be for life. Harpies keep the same partner for their entire lives, only ever getting another one if their mate dies. Once this is complete, the united pair than work together to further build up the nest, with the female adding her own touches to it as well.
Then the day comes when she lays her eggs, typically laying two to five of them. Once they are laid in the nest, the male will be the first to incubate them, while she goes out to get food. At this point, the two harpies will switch back and forth, with one going out to gather while the other stays to keep the eggs warm and safe. Partners often bring food back with them to share, even when taking over the nest shift. After enough time passes, the eggs will hatch and out comes the little harplets!
There are many cute things in the world, but harplets have to be near the top of the list. Look at them! They are so round and poofy! All that down makes them such chubby little things! Ooooooh, so cute! Now where are the stuffed animals of these?! I would buy a dozen of them! Ack, Chlora, stay on track! Anyways, the harplets will emerge from their eggs and the time comes for raising the kids. The role switching will continue, with one parent staying at the nest while the other gathers food. But this time, they're hunting to bring back grub for their little ones, and they are quite hungry! Harpy parents work hard for the first few weeks, constantly bringing back food to give to their chicks. But eventually, things start settling down and a good schedule is set. Once the harplets have grown a little bit, it comes time to teach them the ways of the harpy!
While the other parent is out getting food, the other will start to show the young ones some tricks and performing in front of them to watch. It can be simple things like preening or picking up sticks, but then it starts growing more complicated as they pass on all that they have learned. In some cases, the parent that returns home will also bring back "difficult" food, like thick rind fruit, hard shelled nuts and insects with special defenses. They will then show the harplets how to tackle these situations, demonstrating right in front of the nest how to get the good stuff on the inside. And all this time, the harplets will watch with endless curiosity! That is another thing that makes them so cute! They are always watching and wondering, keeping their eyes on anything that draws their interest. I remember when I climbed up a tree to get a closer look at harpy nests for observation, and all the harplets just stared at me for hours! The whole time I was there, they would hardly look at anything else, always following my every move! It got to a point where I think the parents were shooing me away because I was ruining lesson time!
It should be noted that while harpy nests have two parents to raise the young, the entire rookery puts in an effort for every harplet. Harpies that have not gotten mates will often help around other nests, and even take part in training the young. It is pretty much practice for when they raise their own chicks, as they watch the parents and see how it is all done. Harpies will also band together to defend their territory from predators, everyone teaming up to scare away threats from any nest. And if one mated harpy loses their partner, others will step in to help keep their young fed. It is an incredible system of teamwork, and goes to show how intelligent they are! Be warned, though, that this same smarts and working togetherness can be used against those who wrong them. Threaten their nests or kill their young, and the whole flock of harpies will label you an enemy for life. They will attack you on sight and cause all sorts of mayhem if they find your own "nest." Birds of prey who have taken their chicks will have their own nests harassed when their season comes, as the harpies dish out revenge. As cute and wonderful as harpies can be, do know that they can get nasty if you give them reason to! I don't blame them, as I would do anything to protect those precious little harplets!
Chlora Myron
Dryad Natural Historian
"Harpy and Harplets"
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castlebyersafterdark · 4 months
thoughts on will sitting on mike’s lap in his cute little short shorts while watching a movie, cheekily grinding into him and driving him wild? bonus if this is during a party movie night so it’s not like it can go into netflix and chill mode unless they excuse themselves (which would make it obvious) or try to be discrete (which would also be obvious lol)
Ooooooh Will in his short shorts teasing Mike? The best. You know Mike is obsessed with how Will looks in those things. I love anything flirty and teasing and frisky during a good movie night, that's such a great trope for them. Because you know this is a standard hang out for them, and once they get together they... barely manage to watch the actual movies. Scenario: Mike is a classic movie talker. Yapping away during the film, muttering the lines under his breath when they rewatch their favorites. Will usually joins in, but they're hanging out and he wore his cute little shorts and knows he looks good. Baby boy wants attention. Oh, Mike keeps insisting he knows all the dialogue? Go ahead, recite it. Will's just gonna tease the fuck out of him, see if he can keep focus and remember everything as Will touches him or grinds on him, shorts hiked up as Mike's hands inevitably settle on their favorite place.
I like the idea of a flirty little secret tease when the party's over, I see it more of a under a shared blanket moment. There's something really hot about subtly. Really not wanting to get caught, but they know everyone is right there, seeing what they can get away with. Will's cuddled up to Mike and his little shorts are perfect for that sort of teasing flirtation, a lot of thigh, not so much fabric in the way for Mike's big hands to wander. And they're totally obvious about it. Of course. 🤭
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ihavemanyhusbands · 2 years
hello, "threesome" anon at it again 🙈, i'll just change my identity to 🍐 anon (bc it' more proper and bc i love pears and they're a cute fruit) i just had this thought bugging me and I decided to write to you
could u imagine reader being a unit chief somewhere like C.I.A, Police Department or anywhere you like it's fine and Hotch having an off day or something and going to see her at work.... "good morning, i am SSA Aaron Hotchner, i came to see my girlfriend."
"good morning agent, yeah, she's in the middle of an interrogation now and-" you storm out of the room with your hands on your hips and an angry expression on your face. "i swear if this piece of sh*t won't collaborate- what the f*ck are you looking at? go back to work!" you're so deep in your thoughts that you don't notice aaron and your colleague in a corner. "aaron!? oh god what are you doing here i- it is your day off? sorry i forgot, come here, let me greet you properly." just when you're about to kiss him, one of your colleagues comes out of the interrogation room
"sorry boss, the subject won't speak and-"
"for god's sake do something then! i go out for 2 minutes and everything stops working in there, put yourself together guys!" and just seeing you in your element, confident and stern with your team gets him h word instantly.
I bet he just loves to see you like this and would just like to have you as a unit chief instead of doing it himself 🙊 i'll leave you the thoughts for when they get home 😈 (p.s. aaron can't wait to hear that tone again especially when he's needy for u and you don't have time 🤭)
hope it's fine, have a good day,
🍐 anon
Heya 🍐 nice to see ya and happy to have ya join the list!! ❤️
Ooooooh this is hot like i feel like Hotch seeing you all stern and stuff would make him be like
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but like at homeee i can imagine he’s kinda needy and ur kinda in a rush (especially if it’s early morning) but he gives you that look and you just cave in.
“Fine, take your pants off and lay down,” you’d instruct, already pulling your own slacks down. “We’ll make it quick, and if you don’t cum, you’re just going to have to wait until tonight.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he’d say and hastily do your bidding.
AAAAAAA ok never explored the possibility of reader being a lil mean but I think Hotch would loveeeee it from time to time eeeeeeee 🤭🤭😏😏 oh that man would get edged sooo often
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