#oooooo i need to listen to the rest of this album
silverskye13 · 30 days
Hi hi, short time reader (just binge read all of Redstone and Sculk last week) first time asker. I think the song War! by Zach Callison fits the Wels/Hels dynamic very well (if you ignore the romantic undertones, lol)
Seriously I love this au so much. The depth of it blows me away and it's so so good.
So this is war
Isn't that what love is for (na-na-na-na)
Blood and gore
Is all I get for being yours
Two heathens ruled by demons
That sneak through the trenches in our hearts
Oh, no, no, no, no
No surrender from the day we part
I'll be damned if I can't finish what I start
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thefandom-casserole · 8 months
Episode 50 Notes-
Very very excitedddddd
Eeeeeeeeeeee abhhhha ahhansnsnsnsnsndg
This intro 😭 
The dolphinsssssss 
I have no idea what just happened in that intro omg
Taylor is a demon!!!! Taylor hasn’t hit demon puberty yet — how did Nicky get it then???
Taylor Teen Fact: Taylor used to do the chocolate for his baseball team going door to door. But, his mom just bought them all instead
:> he did all the last names!!
Linc Teen Fact: Linc cleans up for his parents every single morning (both of them think the other one did it). Linc wakes up really early in the morning 
Normal Teen Fact: Normal also sold chocolates and offered to sell way too much of them, couldn’t do it (and because it’s not vegan chocolate his family can’t even buy it!) and now is in debt
Scary Larry Fact: Larry is based off of a tweet on a reply to Elon Musk (Larry is not from the school) 
Scary Teen Fact: Before the release of her album she was going to release a musical (a soft boy musical, but then she realized it was just Dear Evans Hansen)
Larry Fact pt.2: Larry’s favorite show is the Big Bang Theory because it deals with an important scientific principle
Anthony Fact: He should’ve come up with a different name than Daddy Master - Like chaperone or whatever (The rest of the cast disagreees)
They’re all still separated!!!!
Of course Normal thinks Larry’s cool 😭 
Omg all the Linc shippers are eating so far
Linc’s adamants towards Taylor, him wanting to find Scary, him actually being with Normal
Chester and Julia gave Linc therapy!!!
“Linc are you happy?” “No of course not, that’s a silly question nobody’s happy” SOBBING SOBJNG OKG OMG GRANT YOU FUCKWD THIS KNE UP SO BAD
(Obviously it was more than just that and that was a gross oversimplification but you understand what I’m getting at)
Lincccc :cccc
“I’m definitely broken” OMG LINC 
That glass analogy was so fucking good holy shit “And probably they’ll just throw it away because who wants to fix a glass” 
Linc likes stickers!!!!!!!!
Matt Arnold is bringing it this episode
He wasn’t joking when he said that he was gonna get through it all
In a sense
Into the papersssss into the papers (to the tune of into the thick of it)
Initiative to fight the Angel!!!!
This whole thing with the paper is reminding me of the fight with book castle when Ron disappeared into the books against Well Actually
I just paused the episode and listened to the trailer because I just realized I never listened to it 
Ahahahahahahahahah the background music in it though it’s lovely
Omg dude I never realized that Lark doesn’t mention Scary in the video because she wasn’t there!!!! Ayyyyy
Okay done with that back to the episode
Beth playing Larry is my new favorite thing now
She should just play Larry season three
I beg
Oooooo the throne’s empty!!!!
Larry should be king of hell
Larry reminds me of if Paeden was evil and annoying
What is it with Linc and Taylor and the sweet prince thing 😭 
I love them so much
The Swiftli shippers are eating this episodeeeee
Fancy Anthony voice
He was a pissomancer 
That’s insane
Piss boy Wilson’s again!!!!!
Heaven photoshopppp
A 22 😭 
Lincccccc linccccc
Angst episode :cccccc
Oooo Angel’s are yummy??
Taylorrrr nooooo
Taylor and his carts 😭I love him so much
Sisyphus just pushing a meatball up the hill 😭 😭 😭 
Nooooo this is one of my favorite bits
Linc loves his friends so much
God I fucking hate Willy
god god god he’s so gross
If they got Willy in the paper sea I wonder what would happen
“I tried to kill my son”
“I will do anything to not be submerged in water ever again”
“I did not have sex with Marilyn Monroe, I could not get it up so I stood there and had her sing things to me for a couple hours so I jerked off”
“I’m scared”
Dood babyyyyyy
Dood babyyyyy nooooooo
“This isn’t your fault Dood”
“No I think it is”
I cannot believe Taylor convinced Vince to change his name
Taylor Swift the piss genius
Freddie’s voice as Taylor was backtracking made me laugh way way too hard way to much that’s insane
It always was gonna be piss between them all
Of course
Of course
She’s a JO crystal witch!!!!
She pulls out a gunnnn
Wowwww they found each other!!!
Wow that was such a good fucking episode 
If Willy isn’t taking girls seeiouslyyyyyyy
I don’t say it enough but On Our Way makes me want to violently sob every time I hear it
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kim-lexie · 6 years
july favorites.
‘you make my day’ by seventeen. this one has it’s own post because i could not contain it all in a rewind. here it is
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here we are by ashley. thank you joan kim for introducing me to this incredible vocalist. this is such a summer bop, and it has been on repeat since it’s release. (p.s. the music video is nothing less than bright summer aesthetics.)
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pentagon. so remember how i was not going to allow myself to fall into the pit of another boy group. well, pentagon happened and i am so glad it did. literally, all of their songs are incredible. i esp love ‘like this’ from the demo_1 album. dang, it deserves so much more. their vocals and choreo always on point. i am so glad that i kept looking into them after listening to ‘shine’. this is a group full of cute dorks and i love them. cannot wait to see where this upcoming year will take them. 
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dance the night away by twice. twice always delivers those insanely cute catchy tunes that i absolutely overplay the crap out of. i also love that i can actually attempt the choreo. they are just so great, and i love all of their title tracks. just look at how cute and soft the mv was. i love them!
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crazy sexy cool by astro. so i just started the new drama ‘my id is gangnam beauty’, and the male lead is in this group. of course, i needed to do some digging to see who this cutie was, and stumbled upon this soft beat. i love this song and it has been on replay. i love the balance of their vocals with the track, and those ‘oooooos’ get me right in the feels. i am about it. i shall keep an eye out for more astro in the future. 
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 dramas & movies. *spoiler alert*
[p.s. i am watching a lot of on-air dramas lately so next rewind will be full of reviews]
koinaka. i rate this drama a 4.5 out of 10. it was a little too extra, and a little too much back and forth for me. i also did not appreciate how they tried to trick me in the last episode. like what the even man?!?
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about time. wow. just wow. i love this drama. i love all the members of the cast in this drama. lee sang-yoon is an incredible actor and i absolutely loved him in ‘twenty again’. and of course, the queen lee sung-kyung absolutely became this character and portrayed it well. there were so many plots and subplots. his hyung’s death and the family relationship was a fascinating way to expand upon how everything came to be. i love the ending line “we hope the moment you’re in right now is the moment you want to pause for a long time.” i rate it 10 out of 10. 
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be with you. i truly don’t know who came up with this concept but it is not okay. why must i always watch films that make me sad? this was beautifully filmed, and i loved how we got to see both of parallels of the same story of how they fell in love. what a plot twist at the end as to how this meeting came to be. i loved the boy that played ji ho he did a fabulous job. i loved that my park seo joon came in to play the adult version of him, i would not have had it any other way. this one requires a box of tissues and water for rehydration. i rate this film a 9 out of 10. i continue to love so ji sub because he is incredible! i absolutely loved son ye jin in “something in the rain” and i have fallen more in love with her acting. she always plays such lovely characters and i need to see all of her dramas. 
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what is wrong with secretary kim? i absolutely loved the easy-go-lucky heart of this production. i absolutely love all of park seo joon’s dramas and this one did not disappoint. i fell in love with all the characters, and subplots. i also appreciated the ‘because this is my first life’ inception that happened in episode 10, i was living my best life. don’t understand how the whole issue of them being kidnapped and the trauma afterward sort of dropped out of the drama, but you know dramaland works differently than the real world. what matters is that the vice chairman grew as a person immensely and mi-so grew to love herself and find her place in this world. the OST was also perfect and i am absolutely in love with the track from jeong sewoon ‘it’s you’. always gets me in a puddle of tears. (i love his voice and everything he does is perfect, but that’s a side note) i can totally see myself watching this hilarious drama again, it had everything that you could want in a drama. funny one-liners, cute moments, romance, childhood flashbacks, everything! i rate it a 10 out of 10. (also i have a love-hate relationship with watching dramas while they are airing like i want to binge watch but my life does not allow for that so it is better to have small doses, but ya know)
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this inception, i ship it so hard.
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other faves.
book crazy rich asians by kevin kwan. THIS BOOK WAS HILARIOUS AND PERFECT AND FUN. i haven't had a chance to read for pleasure in a while since university is great and takes all your pleasure reading in exchange for textbooks. but this was a great way to start my path to pleasure reading again. i picked this one up because the movie is coming out AUGUST 15th. everyone must go out and support this release, i am so excited to see an asian cast killing the game. okay back to the book, it was hilarious and i loved all the plots that we followed. his writing style was just what i needed and i can't wait to read the rest of the trilogy. i am not good at book reviews but i am sure there are some out there to summarize this great read. just go pick it up and read before the movie! 
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youtuber dearnessie. this girl is so cute. i stumbled upon her youtube channel this month. she is studying abroad in seoul and all of her videos are insanely aesthetically pleasing (so is her instagram). her channel consists mainly of vlogs and q&as, which i love! i cannot wait to continue to follow her on all her adventures. here is the link to her channel to go subscribe. and here is her latest video: 
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allthekpopimagines · 7 years
Got7 Reaction (Cont.) - You beat them in the sing/dance/rap off
Prompt: After the previous reaction where their s/o challenged to a sing/dance/rap off on a TV program, so when you finally get to do the challenge against them, they loose…. 
Mark: After pulling Jaebum out to the room so you could do a rap off against Mark, Jaebum began to get so confused as you both just started throwing out lines, “Whoa whoa whoa!” Jaebum yelled stopping both of y’all. You got confused and you both said, “What?” Jaebum sighed and said, “Let’s take this one at a time so I’m not being trampled by rap lines.” You nod and then you said, “Well, ladies first.” Mark’s jaw dropped as you gestured to him and he said, “Fine.” Mark began to rap his part in Never Ever and you smiled and listened to him. Once he was done you began to rap your part in your new recent comeback that happened 3 weeks ago. Once you were done you looked at Jaebum and he just said, “Well, I think I’m going to give Mark a 8/10 just because you stumbled a little on the last word. I’m a leader we have to be specific.” Mark nodded and smirked at you and Jaebum started to speak again, “Now for Y/N, you get a 10/10 just because it was really cool and I liked it.” I smiled and Mark yelled, “What?! Jaebum I’m your hyung!” I looked at Mark and I smirked, “Don’t be mad because he’s being honest.” You then proceeded to hi-five Jaebum and go and begin to go make food for the members since you were over there anyways. 
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Jaebum: Jaebum decided to start a V-live and record with you. You join him while bringing in chicken and he smiles at you, “You brought food.” You smirked and said, “Well I wanted two celebrations today.” He rolled his eyes and smiled, “Cute.” You flipped you hair and then you went and sat next to Jaebum and began to eat the chicken. You read some comments and you said, “So guys, we decided that we’re going to do the sing off on this v-live so you guys can decide who wins the sing off.” You smiled and Jaebum chimed in and he put a hand on your waist and he said, “Yes, but we’re going to finish this chicken first.” You laughed and nodded continuing to eat the chicken. Once you were finished eating you warmed up and Jaebum sang his part in Tomorrow, Today (btw if you haven’t heard that song you really should. I love it personally) and you swayed while listening to his voice. Once he was done you sang your part in your new song tapping your foot during the process. Once you were done Jaebum kissed your nose, “Gorgeous babe.” You blushed and said, “You too.” Then you looked at the comments and you saw people putting your name, but some of Jaebum and you said, “There’s more of my name than yours. Sorry baby.” You smugly smiled and kissed his cheek while saying, “I told you I’d win.” You smile and then you proceeded to say bye to the camera and turn off the camera only to have Jaebum walk with you and say, “Great job baby.” 
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Jackson: Jackson walked onto the TV show and you stood up and Defconn was smiling, always loving a little bit of competition. You sighed and you said, “Go ahead.” He shook his head, “Ladies first. This is your show anyways.” You nodded and smirked, “Alright.” You began to rap Jackson’s part in Out from their most recent album and Jackson’s jaw dropped, “Is that allowed.” Defconn just shrugged and said, “I don’t see why not.” So he just laughed and said, “Alright, let’s play dirty.” He began to rap your part in the most recent comeback. Once he finished you began to rap his part in Hard Carry and you even added choreography and you smirked as you finished. He stopped and he looked at you, “Wow. That was good.” You smirked and said, “Well, I guess I win. Because you didn’t come back with a rap and you said I was good. Besides, you can’t beat a Jackson Wang fan.” You winked at him and he just smiled as Jeong Hyeong-dun declared you the winner of this rap battle. 
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Jinyoung: You got scheduled to be on ASC later on that month, Jinyoung decided to tag along if they asked about the sing off. You warmed up your voice and during the Before School Club vlog they do on v-live a lot of the fans saw that Jinyoung was there and they started to mention the sing off and you just smiled and said, “Looks like we’re doing the sing off.” Jinyoung just looked at you and asked, “Are you scared?” You rolled your eyes and said, “No. Of course not.” and he replied, “Well you should be.” With that he smirked and went off stage behind the cameras as someone called you over to makeup. You proceeded to go to makeup and then you went onto ASC and during the show Jimin asked you, “So Y/N you challenged Jinyoung from Got7 to a sing off. Should we do that now? Cause I can see he’s back there.” She says pointing to where Jinyoung was. You nodded and you said, “Okay. Let’s go.” You stood up and then you began to sing a part of your brand new comeback with your girls. Jinyoung then began to sing his part in Tomorrow, Today and you smiled at his singing face. Once it was done you looked at the judges consisting of Jimin, Kevin, and Jae. Jimin said, “Y/N” you smiled at her and Kevin said, “I liked Jinyoung’s part.” You looked at Jae and you smiled, he nodded and said, “yeah, it’s going to Y/N. Sorry Jinyoung.” You jumped up and down and he smiled at you, you stopped jumping up and down and Jinyoung said, “Good job baby.” he kissed the top of your head and you smiled, “You did good too.” 
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Youngjae: You stood up and Youngjae stood up with you facing you and you decided to go first, you cleared your throat and you began to sing Youngjae’s part in Never Ever. Once you were done Youngjae began to sing your new solo song. Once he was done you smiled at him and you said, “One more?” Defconn nodded, “I think we have time.” You smiled and you began to sing your solo song and show some of the choreography that nobody else had seen before so you were just now showing it to the world. Once you were done Youngjae smiled and began to dance and sing part of My Swagger. You laughed at that song because you loved that song so much. You would listen to it as much as you could. When Youngjae was done you looked at the judges and Defconn said, “I have to go with Youngjae.” You nodded and Jeong Hyeong-dun said, “I have to disagree. I think Y/N. Was really powerful with her vocals.” So you both looked at Jaebum and he looked away and tried to avoid your gaze. But you knew he would be unbiased in this decision while every other member would pick Youngjae, “Jaebum would you like to vote?” You asked staying in your place. He shyly looked up and said, “Well, I did think,” he sighed, “I did think Y/N was pretty powerful.” You smiled as Jaebum closed his mouth considering you the winner. Youngjae’s jaw dropped but he quickly smiled and said, “Well, you deserve it babe, you’re a great singer.” He kissed your nose and you headed off the stage to let Got7 continue to film their episode of Weekly Idol. 
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Bambam: You decided to have a house group dance off. You called all the boys to the sofa the next week and they all sat down and you said, “Will you judge who’s better at dancing? Because Bambam is getting salty.” “Am not!” He says yelling. You laugh and say, “Point proven.” The boys laugh a bit and then they nod agreeing to judge your dancing. You let Bambam go first and he looked at Yugyeom and he nodded. Bambam began to dance to Fly and you just smiled and you ran through your choreography in your head. Once Bambam was done he was breathing hard and you nodded and clapped and he came off to the side where you were standing. You said, “Nice attempt.” before heading up. The boys made their, ‘oooooo’s’ hearing what you had said to Bambam. Once you were up there you nodded at Jackson and he started the music to If You Do. You began to dance to the song and everyone’s eyes were locked on you. You smirked a little while lip-syncing the lyrics to keep you in time. Once you were done you were breathing hard as well. Bambam had regained his breath and you looked at the ‘judges’ of the ‘event’ and they began to converse. Youngjae, Yugyeom, and Jackson raised their hand for Bambam and Mark, Jaebum, and Jinyong raised their hand for you. You sighed and you said, “I guess it’s a tie.” He smiled and said, “Unless you want to do a v-live.” You looked at Bambam, “Get the camera.” He ran to go get the camera as the rest of the boys rolled their eyes and laughed as they went off to go find something else to do. Only Jackson and Mark stayed back to see who won. You won in the end and you smiled and said, “Yes! I knew it!” Bambam just smiled proudly at you and said, “You deserve it.” He kissed your head and you continued with the v-live with less dancing. 
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Yugyeom: You and Yugyeom had a scheduled day on Weekly Idol and on that day you were in makeup with Yugyeom and you said, “Yugyeomie, you over reacted. It was a joke. You didn’t need to go this far.” He just said, “Doesn’t matter. I will prove that I’m the better dancer of this relationship.” You were shocked at Yugyeom’s words and so because of this you began to warm up by stretching when you were done with makeup and hair. Yugyeom laughed at you stretching but your concerned girlfriend came out of you, “Yugyeomie, please stretch. I don’t want you getting hurt.” He shook his head and said, “Only amateurs stretch Y/N, don’t you know this?” He said beginning to get cocky about the whole situation. You rolled your eyes and you shook your head, “Fine. Get hurt. But if you get hurt I automatically win. Deal?” He laughed and smirked, “Okay, deal.” Later on you danced to Hard Carry learning all the moves that you had watched and had to learn yourself. It was crazy hard but you managed to finish it. You were sweating afterwards and Yugyeom began to dance to Fly and in the middle of the dance Yugyeom fell to the ground in pain. You ran to him, “Yugyeom!” They went to commercial and you asked, “Baby are you okay?” He just grabbed his leg in pain and you called out to his manager and he ran to y’all and you explained what had happened. They took Yugyeom out of the show and you closed the show by saying, “Maybe we’ll have another dance off when Yugyeom remembers to listen to his girlfriend and stretch. But thank you guys for tuning in! Yugyeom and I will see you guys, later, possibly.” You giggled and smiled and then they ended the show. You then proceeded to go to your boyfriend and he asked, “Why didn’t you say you won? We made a deal.” You shook your head, “I can’t take that title from the Hit The Stage winner.” he smiled and you kissed his head and you said, “Next time, stretch!”
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A/N: So it’s 12:40 am right now and I still have to feed my puppies….then go to bed. But thank you for requesting this I had so much fun writing this! Hopefully you request more if you feel like it! We like to get the requests up as fast as we can, especially if they’re as fun as this one was! Thank you again for requesting and I hope you have an amazing week! <3   - Admin M
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hellavision · 7 years
liveblogging mama 2017
so here we are again
3rd time's the charm everyone i'm back and i'm better
let sgoooo
day6 are finally at the mamas, three years in the making and three years after me asking for it and they look. so good
wonpil, sweetie, who owns my heart
HANSOL go off babie !!!!
hansol sweetie :(((((
my boy
our boy !!! we love !!
i'm so glad he got to perform with dynamic duo i'm really proud of him !
grasp the mind ,??? artistic legends taemin and sunmi
fatal temptation ???? they didn't come to play
TAEMIN is hooked up and shirtless i don't know what i'm feeling there's just a lot of it
king of being. blindfolded
he's so talented !!!!!!!
he's so ethereal i want to bathe in his mind my guy
oh they lift him !! honey
this gal covering her eyes . me too
the light sticks
the blue lighting !! it's so beautiful
taemin is so beautiful
jongin. !!!
door is such a good song
i'm not ready. i'm not ready for sunmi and taemin to hand my ass to me
she looks so good !!
this wo maaaaaan
can't nobody stop me now nAooo try me
glare into my  soul
this dress oh man
jongdae's lol smile
oooo there's a pause
classy king
k i l l me
the point and shoot at each other and the glare WHO DO I LOOK AT
they're doing it for the bisexuals
what do i do
who am i
who are u
what the FUCK happened to namjoon's head
he looks like a damn fool
i'm so so happy spring day won i love it so much
yes cherry bomb
taeil jaehyun and doyoung look ffffine
taeyong n mark are v festive. nice
RED VELVET i am alive. i am breathing. my sinuses are open
they're so magical !! they're a dream
I WAS VITAMIN D DEFICIent until i heard red flavour
i've been saying heize wrong this whole time
i've been saying high-zz
heize looks so beautiful
first woman in four years to win that category i'm so happy for her !!
taemin !!!!!!
the fistbump awh
move was choreographed so beautifully and executed just as well i'm so happy he has recognition for that
the umbrellas are really really beautiful
come through soyou
the hat pushing chanyeol's ears forward !!!! he has my heart
soyou is a real life angel
ailee is another real life angel
i don't really go there but bolbbalgan4 seem really sweet and their vocal are really unique i'm glad for them
exo ls and army's are fighting ,,, why can't weeee be frieeeeends
guys like. i ult both exo and bts do you know how FUN it is get into it !! ur missing out !! i'm having such a good fucking time have some fun let loose enjoy urself it's just kpop x
i mean don't stan if you don't wanna stan i'm talking about the people who just hate one or the other for no reason
congrats to nct !!!
wow. i didn't know much about hyukoh at all but now listening to them , wow !!!
they're like ,,,, incendiary
definitely am going to listen to their entire discography later this performance was absolutely incredible it wa s so magical and powerful it really struck a chord (eh x) they're so good !!
this medley !!!! play it at my funeral !!
red velvet !!!!!!!!!!!
they've worked so so so hard this year and it's paid off i'm so proud and so happy for them aaaaa
truly what they deserved
i'm not letting bts accept the best asian style award when namjoon's head looks like that
it's peak
the rest of them though 11/10 solid yes x
wai t
i'm. overwhelmasfd
ohhhhh my goooood
baekhyun !!!!! kyungsoo!!!!!
my stream is starting to lag a tiny bit and NOW IS Not the time stay strong
jongin is so naked i'm overwhelmed
minseok !!!!!!!
break it down now
we don't deserve exo or their dabs
when jongin entered the light
he is so talented !!!!! he has total jurisdiction over this ass
:0 taemin !
kim jongin has rocked my world
take my house !! take my car that doesn't exist !!
i'm feeling every single emotion. i have transcended emotions
OH BITCH !!!!! power ?,, It's a party
power makes me so happy when i tell u i have a good fuckin time watching them perform it
‼️‼️ we take shots ‼️‼️
not @ kyungsoo's bolo tie. yeehaw
the exos own my heart
who flexed. who was it
oh nvm it was all of them
got7!!! 2young have my entire heart
jongin hugging sungwoon !!! bear !!
tuned out during wanna one and sujus performances to play tetris i'm sorry
oh bitch. it's time 4 bullet proof boy scouts
water earth fire air long ago the four nations lived together in harmony then everything changed when the fire nation attacked only the avatar
i haven't heard not today in centuries
oooo !!!!!!
look at hoseok go !!!!
pop it lock it and polkadot it king !!
taehyung how daaaare u
now listen. jungkook , has a good face
yoongi's annoying ass is so hype i'm excited for cypher skskjsk
this is so cool
oh mic drop oh boy oh man o boy
big fat yes to these suits HOO
this TUDE from hoseok
namjoon looks like a goddamn clown i love and respect and appreciate you but the glasses and hair are not only ineffective but counterproductive to ur aim x
this .... d ance break
oh BItCH
bitch !!!
i am. exhausted
:0 daesangs
what's happening what day is it
i'm still reeling
jimin taemin and jongin !! awhhhhh
they've had the most incredible year i'm so happy to see them smiling and hear them all talking they deserve it so much
:((( yoongi
last year they were all so emotional and it's really nice this year to see them all so happy and excited and like. content u know
this is such a happy time like !!!
and now we wait to see how long it takes for someone to dig out the 19/03/2013 teamwork makes the dream work tweet
album of the year ! album of the year !
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa the exos !!!!!! our boys !!!!!
the war is SO good i'm so happy for them !!
wait. pcy is crying ???
oh noooooo don't cry :(((
did jongin just whisper in his ear ??? so much is happening
sehun is laughing what is going on
chanyeol tried to talk i :(((((( pls
give him a hug
w ait is minseok crying ?????
he hasn't cried since 2013 i !!!!!
i'm gonna have an aneurysm
i'm so happy and so proud of and so full of love for exo !!!!!
our loud disney prince jongdae skskkskska
sehun is holding that man from suju's hands :(((( a giant babie
today is such a happy day !!!! daesangs for exo and bts i'm so proud of them both trials and tribulations lead to love and celebrations am i right chingus x
honestly they deserve it so much and i'm just so happy and content !!!
last year i said “[shinee] don’t even need to be at mama to end it. bye can u imagine how good kibum would have looked. what stops he would have pulled out. a shame”
this is all still true
until next year everyone , it's been real
(soz if i made no sense, im very deliriously sick lol)
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