#ooooo wanna see how self indulgent i can be ooooo
edamammy · 2 years
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asheiji 🤝 kimi ni todoke au
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bizarre-dollhouse · 7 years
A really really long and meaningless post about the blue cult arc and how crazy it was
Okay so i was pretty behind on the manga bc i usually wait for the paper volumes to come out, but (for obvious reasons) i caught up and i just wanna throw my thoughts out there bc i don’t know reading those chapters was a fuckin wild ride.
Also this post has no coherence or purpose it’s honestly just me saying words.
By far the biggest problem with Kuro as a whole is that it’s really weirdly paced. One of the most obvious examples is the school arc where nothing happens for like 3 volumes and the twist is that undertaker is doing the same thing he was in the last arc except now it’s working slightly better.
and yeah, the boyband thing is the worst example ever of this pacing problem. thank god it was relatively short because, based on what i saw for spoilers, i thought it was gonna be as long as the school arc, but they shoot that plot in the face right away.
But, that’s the weird thing. Like this weird subplot starts that is unbelievably stupid, has nothing to do with anything, isn’t even that funny (although I admit that Ciel telling Edward that he would make a good chick magnet was fucking hilarious), and then it just kind of stops because all of the boys randomly can’t do it anymore.
And then it’s revealed that this whole thing was just a huge fuckin distraction to get the cult to kill more people to prove that they’re doing shady shit. 
What i’m trying to say is that it was a colossal waste of time and I felt like it was either super self-indulgent on Yana’s part or an attempt to grab more money through fan service even though the arc literally pokes fun at fan service.
It’s wouldn’t be...a terrible arc if it were in a different plot and presented in a way that’s less stupid, and it kind of makes sense because ciel’s whole thing is that he’s an economic genius, but it felt out of place in this series.
But then in the background this whole other thing going on where they’re trying to figure out this whole blood transfusion thing and there’s actually a mystery to solve and evidence to take note of and Lizzy’s acting strange which adds drama to the whole plot and holy shit this is actually kind of interesting which is more than i can say for the school arc.
And then after Yana dismantles the band idea, the following stuff is some of the most compelling drama in the whole series. Even though I saw every single major spoiler, I still had like 90 heart attacks while reading it.
My whole view on spoilers is that they really don’t ruin the reading/viewing experience at all, because if the thing being absorbed is good, it’ll still be good even if you know what’s gonna happen. 
and oh man was this stuff good.
The tension and stakes suddenly skyrocket upward. It’s no longer like “yeah, some murders are happening and Lizzy’s fucking awol, but none of that matters because boyband” like no it’s constant life or death tension with the added bonus of the reapers filling us in on foreshadowing and world-building.
It moves from the victims of the cult to home turf with soma and agni right after establishing ciel’s (supposed) opinion about soma’s worthlessness. Then it’s like *BAM* Soma being a good person and having stake in ciel’s life *BAM* Agni discovering something *BAM* Soma being shot *BAM* Agni saving soma’s life *BAM* Agni dying followed by nothing but ciel looking like he is about to lose his shit.
And from that point forward there are like two or so chapters dedicated solely to building suspense. Like “holy shit why is ciel fucking scared? what does this connect to? what did agni see?” and if your privy to the 2ct or have straight up had this spoiled, the whole thing is gut twisting build up to a massive plot reveal.
A plot reveal that happens super slowly, like one panel at a time so instead of just gasping in shock there’s a visceral feeling of “ohmygodohmygodohmygod” with a bunch of reaction shots in between. 
And then all of the drama of the last couple chapters just kind of lands in one place.
I totally understand hating the direction that the story went (in fact one of my best friends dropped the series after she found out the 2ct was canon XD). and yeah, if this is not your thing then by all means, don’t stick with it if it’s just going to annoy you. But, I think after watching the absolute train-wreck of Sherlock season 4 where a secret sibling reveal came out of buttfuck no where, opened a shit ton of plot holes although who knows that might still happen in Kuro, wasn’t hinted to at all, completely shat on the tone and tension of the overall story, and didn’t even involve a real fucking mystery, it’s really hard for me to be like “oh yeah, wasn’t this arc stupid.”
No. The pacing was shitty and the first half was dumb, but I feel like Toboso proved to be a competent writer in the last few chapters and now more so than ever i’m on the edge of my seat wondering where this story is going. Like maybe it’ll totally suck and I’ll eat my words but at least there was pay off to the build up.
After watching that 1 hour and 40 minute video about how shit Sherlock is I’m kind of interested in comparing it to kuro in terms of mystery presentation and character building.
Ok that’s my rant bye now.
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